Here on this page, will be headlines form difference news source, that reveal a cause for
concern for the Faithful in Christ! Please take all this to prayer, then engage, and get the truth out, for
this is a FAITH ALERT!
T-Mobile investigating report of customer data breach that reportedly involves 100 million people
The data reportedly includes sensitive information
T-Mobile confirmed Sunday that it's looking into an online forum post that claims to be selling a large trove of
its customers' sensitive data. Motherboard reported that it was in contact with the seller of the data, who said they had taken data from T-Mobile's servers that included Social
Security numbers, names, addresses, and driver license information related to more than 100 million people. After reviewing
samples of the data, Motherboard reported it appeared authentic.
are aware of claims made in an underground forum and have been actively investigating their validity," a T-Mobile spokesperson
said in an email to The Verge. "We do not have any additional information to share at this time."
Read more here:
Feds declare anti-vaxxers are "terrorists," unveil
90-day plan to wage false flag violence and blame it on "anti-lockdown extremists"
(Natural News) Just as we repeatedly warned would happen, the corrupt, criminally-run federal government has just declared war against
the American people. In a widely-circulated Homeland Security warning, the federal government declared that anyone who opposes vaccines, masks, social distancing or lockdowns poses a "potential
terror threat" to society at large. Dubbed a "National Terrorism Alert" by CIA-run NBC News, the warning also
insists that anyone who thinks there was fraud in the 2020 election might also be a terrorist.
Never mind the fact that Democrats and the left-wing media spent the last four years decrying total
fraud during the 2016 election, claiming "the Russians" stole the election. Back then, such declarations were declared
to be patriot... but today, they're considered terrorism.
Read and watch
Implant promoted to seniors as being 'instantly fatal'
Profs recommend planning for future euthanasia
A prestigious medical journal specializing in ethics has published an article promoting the use
of euthanasia implants for people with dementia.
Authored by Margaret
Battin, an 80-year-old philosopher, medical ethicist, and Distinguished Professor at the University of Utah, and Brent Kious,
an assistant professor at the University of Utah, Ending One's Life in Advance asked readers to consider the idea of an "advance directive implant" (ADI) which would allow a person to use a
timer-based implant that would kill them automatically without help from anyone else.
Read more here:
Children Shown Propaganda Song Urging Them to Put Their ‘Faith in Fauci'
Parents at a grade school in Corpus Christi, Texas are demanding answers after their children
were shown a vulgar propaganda video that encouraged the kids to stop complaining about wearing face masks and to put their
faith in Dr. Anthony Fauci.
It's a class example of the sort of classroom
indoctrination that I wrote about in "Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation." Radicalized educators have turned our public schools into propaganda camps. Click here to read.
Read more here:
Levin: Biden operating 'the most diabolical presidency and
Democratic Party probably since slavery'
Democrats 'don't
play within the boundaries of the Constitution,' 'Life, Liberty & Levin' host warns
President Biden is engineering the "most diabolical presidency and most diabolical Democratic Party, probably since slavery," former Reagan Justice Department chief of staff Mark Levin said Sunday on "Life, Liberty & Levin."
Hosting guests Stephen Moore and Stephen Miller, Levin called
the sudden "Marxist" lurch of the federal government a "massive de-growth movement dress[ed] up as climate
change and the Green New Deal." He added that congressional Democrats with Biden's blessing seek to permanently transform America from a capitalist model to one that is far to the left by ushering in "American
Marxism" through massive legislative bills disguised as "infrastructure" and "voting rights."
Read and watch here:
COVID Vaccines: What If The Silenced Scientists Warning
Against Them Are Right?
Is there anyone on the planet who does
not know that the media and big tech have sought to control the COVID narrative from the outset?
Probably. Just as there are most likely people who do not know that volumes of contrary information
about COVID has been suppressed, which includes valuable information about available therapeutics such as ivermectin and HCQ.
Dr. Fauci knew of the efficacy of those drugs years ago but was determined to ensure that the public was deprived of that knowledge. Any mention of these prophylactic treatments has been quashed by the mainstream media, Google, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
Anyone posting information in contradiction to the Biden administration's pandemic porn has likely been banned or cancelled.
But while one may have to go searching for pertinent information from doctors and scientists other than Fauci, there are plenty
of them out there and they have been sounding various alarms for eighteen months.
Read more here:
Why Wokeness Is A Christian Heresy
In 416 BC, during the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta, Athens decided to attack the neutral island of
Melos. When the Melians protested they had done Athens no wrong, the Athenians replied, "The strong do what they can;
the weak suffer what they must." The Melians were starved into surrender, their men were killed, and their women and
children were sold into slavery. None of this was unusual in the ancient world. The strong, it was supposed, had every right
to dominate the weak. Cruelty, rape, torture, and slaughter were ordinary means of enforcing power. Neither the gods nor the
moral codes opposed dominations. Atheist historian Tom Holland, describes his feelings about the Greco-Roman world this way:
"It was not just the extremes of callousness that unsettled me, but the complete lack of any sense that the poor or the
weak might have the slightest intrinsic value." So what changed? As Holland notes, the difference was Christianity. Christians
and Jews believed that all persons were made in the image of God. Thus, every person had intrinsic worth and dignity, no matter
their race, ethnicity, gender, or strength. On this basis, oppression of the poor and weak was condemned. Neither might nor
wealth made right... (READ MORE)
The Potential Orwellian Horror Of Central Bank Digital Currencies
As citizens around the world are confronted with the severe curtailment of political,
economic and cultural freedoms associated with COVID-19 risk mitigation strategies (e.g., lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations
and/or vaccine passports), new risks to economic freedom and prosperity are quickly emerging which citizens must be aware
of and remain vigilant about. One of these risks which is developing with rapid pace are Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).
According to a Bank of International Settlements (BIS) 2021 survey[1]:
- 86%
of central banks are actively researching the potential for CBDCs;
- 60% were experimenting
with CBDC associated technology; and
- 14% were deploying CBDC pilot projects.
The development of CBDCs potentially represents one of the largest changes to modern banking
and finance (as well as the global financial system) in decades... (READ MORE)
Do We Prepare For An Alien Invasion?
We're not entirely sure
what an alien invasion would look like, so we're going to prepare like we would any other zombie apocalypse or extreme natural
disaster, where vital resources are in short supply. This includes buying things like emergency kits, survival knives and other reassuring gear. You may also want to invest in books about aliens and extraterrestrial life so we can learn more about earth's new inhabitants. When planning for an alien invasion, you want to think in terms
of basic human needs: emergency food, water, shelter and communication. Also, think about what aspects of society might break down in the event of a world-changing event like
first contact. At a minimum, you would want the following emergency supplies on hand in the event of an interplanetary war... (READ MORE)
CDC Sounds Alarm: 2 Dead in US From Disease Never Seen Outside Tropics (VIDEO)
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is sounding
the alarm on a rare illness that was previously only seen in tropical climates, particularly South Asia and northern Australia.
Now, two people are dead and two have recovered after being infected with melioidosis
- a disease that had never before been detected on contiguous US soil. Melioidosis has now been seen in Georgia, Kansas, Texas
and Minnesota, LiveScience reported. The only other known cases of melioidosis in the US were in the Virgin Islands and Puerto
Rico in the Caribbean.
Read more here:
To Know What Is Coming, Watch the World Around You: Then React!
"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in time of great moral
crisis, maintain their neutrality.
[This miserable mode
the melancholy souls of those
Who lived without infamy or praise.]"
~ Dante Alighieri
is a fickle creature at best and is normally content to not rock the boat. This is the collective philosophy held by the many,
as it is mistakenly thought to be the easiest way to avoid any danger and strife. Reality is another matter, as weakness is
forever present in the minds of men, and therefore tyranny and control are easily accomplished by those who understand that the common masses will always obey the dominant master class at the expense of their own liberty,
so long as they are promised safety in return. This grotesque phenomenon will be the ruination of humanity.
Read more here:
'We Know Where You Live" - Angry Americans Sick And
Tired Of COVID Tyranny Face Off As MO Attorney General Slams Mandates As 'Dystopian Biomedical Security State'
Chatter across the Internet in comment sections, social media or any forum that allows
public interactions, indicates that people are feeling the tensions that make it seem like everything is going to just blow
up or setting the scene for a "super event."
Many would say, "well that is online," people talk big
online but would they really step up in the real world?"
More and
more are stepping up and speaking out and those videos are going viral on social media first, being shared, copied and
seen faster than Facebook or Twitter can removed them.
Then Independent
Media manages to bypass the MSM, who attempts to hide them, and make sure the videos and/or stories are seen and heard.
With the second wave push for lockdowns, mask mandates and now the "show me your
papers," vaccine passport mandates in order to patronize restaurants and diners, gyms or entertainment venues, more are
standing up against this power-hungry push of tyrants.
Read more here:
Taliban Announces It Controls ALL Afghanistan Territory;
US Scrambles to Flee - Helicopters Evac Embassy from Roof - Just Like Saigon in 1975
The Taliban this morning announced it now controls ALL Territory of Afghanistan. The US Embassy
in Kabul is being evacuated by military helicopters in a scene like Saigon, Vietnam in 1975. The Biden failure is full,
complete, and absolute.
In the last nine (9) days, 6 of 7
Afghan Army Corps have been lost: 203rd in Gardez, 205th in Herat, 207th in Kandahar, 209th in Mazar-i-Sharif, 215th in Helmand
& 217th in Kunduz. Only one army corps remains; 201st in Kabul. 111th Division also in Kabul.
Read more here:
Dr. Richard Fleming warns that Fauci, NIH have already developed the NEXT bioweapon
to be released with HIV-like capabilities that suppress human immunity
In a new Brighteon Conversation, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, got the chance to sit down and talk with
Dr. Richard Fleming about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). And what Fleming had to say about this whole thing is truly eye-opening,
including what may be coming next in the plandemic saga. Fleming has a book coming out this fall, by the way, called Is COVID-19 a bioweapon? A scientific and forensic investigation. It dives
deep into many of the topics discussed throughout the interview, which you can watch below:
Read and watch here:
Vaccine Expert Vanden Bossche Calls For "Immediate Halt"
To Vaccinations, Says They Encourage "Escape Mutant" Variants
Of all those who have been critical of our vaccination efforts related to Covid-19, vaccine expert Geert Vanden Bossche
stands out as one of the loudest voices in the crowd.
Having been featured
on Dr. Chris Martenson's Peak Prosperity and Bret Weinstein's Dark Horse podcast, Vanden Bossche has been outspoken - yet
measured and reasoned - in his critiquing of mass vaccinations during the midst of the Covid pandemic. One of his main gripes
with vaccination efforts is that vaccinating during the middle of a pandemic could potentially lead to a long runway of variants,
some of which may evolve to be far more difficult to deal with than the original Covid virus.
Read and watch here:
FDA Issues "Black Box WARNING" to Jabs, SERIOUS
Heart Issues Explode in Number
The FDA knows these shots are
killing people, so they've quietly added this "Black Box Warning" as booming numbers of myocarditis are reported
around the world in inoculated hospitalized patients.
Watch here:
CDC Planning "Green Zone" Relocation Camps For
People At "High Risk" For The Coronavirus
who believes that Anthony (Heil Hitler) Fauci and his fellow White Coats (Brown Shirts is a more fitting description) at the
CDC have any intention of relaxing the tyrannical burden they have inflicted upon the world is living in fantasyland. Sounding
eerily similar to Stalin's "labor" camps, the CDC is planning "Green Zone" relocation camps for people determined to be at "high risk" for the coronavirus.
I quote from the CDC's own document:
This document presents considerations from the perspective of the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) for implementing the shielding approach in humanitarian settings as outlined
in guidance documents focused on camps, displaced populations and low-resource settings. This approach has never been
documented and has raised questions and concerns among humanitarian partners who support response activities in these settings.
The purpose of this document is to highlight potential implementation challenges of the shielding approach from CDC's perspective
and guide thinking around implementation in the absence of empirical data. Considerations are based on current evidence known
about the transmission and severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and may need to be revised as more information
becomes available.
Read more here:
Last days of the US Embassy in Kabul: Nerve center of the
war on terror is being gutted of all sensitive material as staff and CIA assets prepare to lower the flag and flee amid Taliban
The US Embassy in Kabul - the nerve center of the war
on terror - is being gutted of all its sensitive material and evacuated in 72 hours, as the Taliban coils around Afghanistan's capital.
The Embassy's demise will create an intelligence void
that could plunge the US into pre-9/11 blindness, unless it can find another nearby country that will allow it rebuild its
spy center.
For the past 20 years, the US Embassy in Kabul
has gathered vast amounts of information that shaped counterterrorism military actions - such as precision drone strikes
- and prevented another 9/11-type attack.
Read more here:
Two people are killed and 30 rescued from their rooftops
amid catastrophic flooding sparked by monsoon rains in Arizona
people are confirmed dead and 30 others had to be rescued from their rooftops after heavy monsoon rains sparked major
flooding in Maricopa County, Arizona.
The flooding swept away entire homes and cars as it ripped through
Gila Bend on Friday night.
Resident Brittany Ortiz captured
the aftermath on video, showing the water that moved her mother's home by 12 feet and sunk the family's car and truck.
Read more here:
Man is stabbed in massive brawl between Antifa rioters and
anti-vaccine protesters outside Los Angeles city hall
A man was
stabbed and a radio reporter was attacked on Saturday when a massive brawl erupted outside Los Angeles City Hall between suspected
Antifa activists and protesters decrying vaccine mandates.
about 2pm, a group of people holding American flags and signs calling for 'medical freedom' arrived at City Hall for the rally,
the Los Angeles Police Department and local media said. Counterprotesters quickly gathered nearby.
About half an hour later, a fight broke out between the groups of protesters and counterprotesters.
Read more here:
Taliban enter Kabul and demand SURRENDER: Islamists call
for 'peaceful' handover of Afghan capital as fighters flood city and US embassy staff flee in helicopters - HOURS after marauding
army seized Jalalabad just 80 miles away
Taliban fighters have
entered Kabul with gunfire heard near the presidential palace as the extremists seized huge swathes of the country in the
wake of the US military departure.
The militants were seen in the districts
of Kalakan, Qarabagh and Paghman hours after taking control of Jalalabad, the most recent major Afghan city to fall to
the insurgents.
The US evacuated diplomats from its embassy by helicopter
as a Taliban spokesman said they were looking for a 'peaceful surrender' of the capital after meeting little resistance, while
the British ambassador moved to a safe place to prepare for an evacuation.
more here:
Parleys Canyon Fire in Utah torches 3,000 acres in just
THREE HOURS as 6,000 people are told to evacuate - but officials fear some are staying put
Another massive wildfire erupted in Utah on Saturday and torched more than 3,000 acres in the span of a few hours as 6,000 people were placed under evacuation orders.
The Parleys Canyon Fire broke out at around 2pm on the south side of Parleys Canyon near
Highway I-80. All residents of Summit Park, Pinebrook, Mill Creek Canyon, Timberline, and Lambs Canyon are being asked to
Some residents are refusing to evacuate, causing stress to first
responders as it is interfering with their efforts to extinguish the fire and 'putting first responders in danger.'
Read more here:
Ivory Coast declares Ebola outbreak after 1st case in 25
years reported in de facto capital Abidjan, prompting ‘immense concern'
The West African nation of Cote d'Ivoire has declared an outbreak of Ebola virus after detecting the country's first
case in more than two decades, with the World Health Organization sounding the alarm about its potential spread.
A patient who had recently traveled from Guinea tested positive for Ebola, the Ivory Coast
(Cote d'Ivoire) Ministry of Health confirmed on Saturday, the WHO reported. The patient was hospitalized with fever after
arriving in Abidjan, the country's de facto capital and its biggest city, earlier this week.
Read more here:
CDC: Wash. state's heat wave death toll much higher than originally reported
As the region recovers from yet another heat wave, newly released data from the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention shows the number of people in Washington state who died during the record-shattering late
June heat wave was much higher than previously thought.
At the time, the
state Health Department reported 129 deaths during the heat wave - from late June through early July. But the CDC reports
there were 485 so-called "excess deaths" for that week.
more here:
Japan rain: Nearly two million residents told to seek shelter
Nearly two million people have been urged to evacuate their homes amid heavy rainfall
in parts of Japan.
Highest-level rain warnings have been issued
in a number of prefectures, including Fukuoka and Hiroshima.
One woman
has died and her husband and daughter are missing after a landslide destroyed two homes in Nagasaki prefecture.
More than 150 troops, police and firefighters have been sent to help with rescue operations
in the area.
"They are carefully searching for the missing residents,
while watching out for further mudslides as the heavy rain continues," a local official told the AFP news agency.
Read more here:
Tucker Carlson Slams Liberals ‘Cheering Extinction of White People'
"There is no way you could more quickly and more permanently wreck the country than
to encourage people to gloat over the decline of a race," he says.
of white Americans has dropped for the first time since the U.S. census began back in 1890.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson excoriated the Democrats and liberal media for gloating over the decline of
the white population in America, calling their rhetoric "completely out of control" and "dangerous."
"Democrats are intentionally accelerating demographic change in this country for
political advantage, so rather than convince people to vote for them, that's called democracy, they're counting on brand-new
voters. That's what we said on the show," Carlson said Friday on "Tucker Carlson Tonight."
Read more here:
Putin Alarmed Over 'Unprecedented' Natural Disasters in Russia
President Vladimir Putin on Saturday said the scale of natural disasters that have hit Russia this
year is "absolutely unprecedented" as local officials ask for Moscow's help to tackle fires and floods.
A former skeptic of man-made climate change, the Russian leader called on authorities
to do everything possible to help Siberians affected by the region's gigantic wildfires, as well as Russians living in the
flood-hit south of the country.
Read more here:
Severe Drought Could Threaten Power Supply in West for Years to Come
Water elevation at the Hoover Dam is at its lowest since Lake Mead was first filled
As drought persists across more than 95% of the American West, water elevation at the Hoover Dam has sunk to record-low levels, endangering a
source of hydroelectric power for an estimated 1.3 million people across California, Nevada and Arizona.
The water level at Lake Mead, the Colorado River reservoir serving the Hoover Dam, fell to 1,068
ft. in July, the lowest level since the lake was first filled following the dam's construction in the 1930s. This month, the
federal government is expected to declare a water shortage on the Colorado River for the first time, triggering cutbacks in
water allocations to surrounding states from the river.
Read more here:
Small Towns Grow Desperate for Water in California
MENDOCINO, Calif. - As a measure of both the nation's creaking infrastructure and the severity of
the drought gripping California there is the $5 shower.
That's how much
Ian Roth, the owner of the Seagull Inn, a bed-and-breakfast in this tourist town three hours north of San Francisco, spends
on water every time a guest washes for five minutes under the shower nozzle.
more here:
DHS TERROR ALERT: You are a Terror Threat for: Opposing COVID-19
Measures; Saying Election was Stolen, and Celebrate Religious Holidays
The United States Department of Homeland Security issued a new Terror Threat on Friday. According to them, Opposing
COVID-19 Measures, Claiming the November election was stolen, and/Or . . . celebrating "Religious Holidays" now
makes YOU a Terror Threat.
The Friday, August 13 airing of NBC Nightly
News with Lester Holt brought this information to us. Reporter Pete Williams laid out the facts:
Read and watch here:
Tens of thousands of protestors take to the streets of Paris in opposition to
controversial vaccine passport after it was launched amid backlash
of thousands of anti-vaccine pass protestors took to the streets in Paris for the fifth successive weekend against the new
rules after it was launched despite fierce opposition.
French President
Emmanuel Macron sees the health pass - which essentially makes vaccination mandatory in order to carry on with routine activities
like sipping a coffee in a cafe or travelling on a train - as the key to emerging from the pandemic and avoiding further lockdowns.
But protesters - an eclectic mix of far-right, yellow vest anti-inequality activists,
anti-vaxxers and civil liberties campaigners - say that the policy encroaches on the basic freedoms so prized by the French.
Read more here:
New OSHA Policy Likely Driving Hospital ‘Vax' Mandates
- Heavy Fines for PPE Violations
A new Emergency Temporary Standard
from OSHA requires strict adherence to PPE requirements, and OSHA encourages employees to report their employer if violations
are observed. Fines can be more than $136,000 per occurrence, but fully "vaccinated" employees with a Covid-shot
are exempt from having to wear the PPE in non-Covid areas. Some doctors are saying that rather than risk the fines, it is
easier for hospitals to mandate "vaccines" for all employees, contractors, and vendors.
The dates of issuance for these orders lend credence to this hypothesis. OSHA officially started
its new Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) on July 6. Idaho's three largest healthcare systems issued their employee "vaccine" mandates on July 8. All employees, contractors, and vendors must be "vaccinated" by Sept. 1 or be fired.
Read more here:
As Homeland Security Issues Terror Threat Over People Who Refuse
COVID Vaccine, US Army Advertising For ‘Internment/Resettlement Specialists'
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in a new terrorism warning bulletin, said violent extremists
could view the reimposition of COVID-19-related restrictions following the spread of coronavirus variants as a rationale to
conduct attacks. The new DHS bulletin also warned of the risk of "targeted violence" around the 20th anniversary
of the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington and around religious holidays. The department said that COVID-19-related
stress has "contributed to increased societal strains and tensions, driving several plots by domestic violent extremists,
and they may contribute to more violence this year." The US Army is looking for people to work as Internment/Resettlement
Specialists, people who can be trained to confine people in a military setting.
Read more here:
As America Goes Off The Deep End, Democrats And RINO's Are
Setting Us Up For Nuclear Armageddon: Their False Narratives Are Contradicted By Reality
China & Russia Again Join Together For Massive War Games In Warning To America
As the 76th anniversaries of the 1945 atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on Aug.
6 and 9 have come and gone, the obsolescence of U.S. nuclear capabilities increasingly appears to be eroding the foundations
of deterrence.
For example, when Japan's Deputy Prime Minister Taro
Aso recently vowed to help the U.S. defend Taiwan, to protect Japan's own strategic interests and fulfill alliance obligations, an "unofficial" website affiliated
with China's People's Liberation Army threatened a nuclear first strike. In her July 15 blog post, "Nuke and Eliminate Japan," author and human rights activist Jennifer Zeng provides a fuller account of China's nuclear threats, only partially reported by some Western media:
Read more here:
Biden DHS Officially Designates Anti-Lockdown Protesters as Terrorists
The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a terror warning that appears
to put Americans pushing back against Covid-19 restrictions on par with jihadists who might strike on the anniversary of the
September 11 attacks.
A DHS bulletin published on Friday said that "anti-government, anti-authority violent extremists" may try to "exploit
the emergence of Covid-19 variants by viewing the potential re-establishment of public health restrictions across the US as
a rationale to conduct attacks."
Read more here:
Judge Orders Biden to Put Back Trump Border Policy amid Disastrous Border Crisis
Trump proved right again
Democrat Joe Biden's border disaster is now so bad a federal judge has ordered him to reimplement a key Trump policy that actually worked.
Trump's policy forced foreign nationals entering the United States illegally via the southern
border to be returned to Mexico and wait for their legal cases to be adjudicated.
Judge Matthew J. Kacsmaryk ordered Biden to "enforce and implement [Migrant Protection Protocols, commonly
referred to as ‘Remain in Mexico'] in good faith until such a time as it has been lawfully rescinded in compliance with
the [Administrative Procedure Act] and until such a time as the federal government has sufficient detention capacity to detain
all aliens subject to mandatory detention under Section 1255 without releasing any aliens because of a lack of detention resources."
Read more here:
Why War On Unvaccinated Is So Dangerous For Everyone
King of Clowns Don Lemon says unvaxxed people should be banned from going to buy food
"CNN talking head Don Lemon says we ‘shouldn't waste our
breath' on unvaccinated people, so instead of talking to them as rational human beings with dignity and personal freedom,
we should ban anyone who hasn't gotten the ‘Rona vaccine from the grocery store (and employment). I'm sure a lot of
people are not gonna agree with this, but [you] don't get the vaccine, you can't go to the supermarket. You don't have the
vaccine? You can't go to the ball game. Don't have the vaccine? Can't go to work. Don't have the vaccine? Can't come here.
No shirt, no shoes, no service."
Ah, yes. An emergency authorized
vaccine for a virus that is insanely survivable for healthy people is the exact same as the moral argument against walking
in butt naked to a store. It's also okay that half of America starves based on this premise."
Read and watch here:
War is Being Fomented And When it Comes The U.S. Will be Hard Pressed to Survive it
When you look at the chaos and destruction going on in the Mid-East today you are looking
at the future of America. This is not by mistake or incompetence but by design.
When you consider the Mid-East and look at the U.S it becomes easy to
see the plan unfolding to create chaos here and prevent Americans from uniting against the forces that want to prepare us
for subjugation.
Why would anyone want to create a failed state? It became
the conclusion of the global elite many years ago that a a failed state was the easiest to control. With the internal population
always warring against one another, outside forces could do as they please in the country with little hindrance from a disunited
Read more here:
VACCINE FAIL: 64% of Israel's COVID-19 patients in serious
condition are fully vaccinated
Israel's Ministry of Health
on Wednesday, Aug. 11, reported that 694 people were being treated in hospitals because of coronavirus (COVID-19) - including 400 patients in serious condition.
Among those in serious condition, 64 percent were fully vaccinated while
32 percent were not. This means that there were twice as many fully vaccinated people in serious condition because of the
disease compared to those who're not vaccinated.
According to the ministry,
there were another 5,755 people diagnosed with COVID-19 - down from more than 6,000 on Tuesday, Aug. 10. The death toll stood
at 6,580. More than 100 coronavirus patients have died in Israel since the beginning of August, continuing a sharp upward
trend that started in June.
Read more here:
The Looming Economic Collapse in the US Could Spark Historic SHTF
The "celebration" of the US going off the gold standard exactly 50 years ago
(irony mode off) is the perfect opportunity to talk about the looming economic collapse that has all the ingredients
to spark the biggest SHTF of our era.
Many suspect August 15, 1971, will be one day officially considered the date the US dollar died. Some argue its demise started before, with
the creation of the FED (a.k.a. The Creature Of Jekyll Island) in 1913. Others, with an even broader perspective of history (and a deeper understanding of the human psyche and behavior),
may say it'd happen either way, for this is how nature works (in cycles). That's how we are. That's what we do: humankind
loves a toxic relationship, and fiat money is just that.
more here:
Stretched to the limit: Forest Service is running out of
firefighters amid West Coast wildfire chaos: At least 21,000 federal workers are battling 100 blazes ravaging 14 states -
with no end in sight
Firefighters in the West are being stretched
to the limit by the blazes ravaging the state, the US Forest Service said on Friday - adding that it is operating in crisis
The roughly 21,000 federal firefighters working on the ground is
more than double the number of firefighters sent to contain forest fires at this time a year ago.
Anthony Scardina, a deputy forester for the agency's Pacific Southwest region, said the agency is
facing 'critical resources limitations.'
Read more here:
Biden Admin Floating Proof Of Vaccination For Interstate Travel As Southern Border
Flooded By Illegals
A new report by the Associated Press claims the Biden administration is considering mandating vaccines for Americans to travel between states.
This idea is being taken into consideration at the same time as America is dealing with
record-high numbers of illegal immigrants pouring in through the southern border, many of them bringing Covid.
Read more here:
Army National Guard Recruits For ‘Internment' And ‘Resettlement'
Specialist, Military Documents Lay Out Procedure For ‘Civilian Internees'
The Army National Guard is actively recruiting for a job position called "Internment/Resettlement
Specialist." People as young as seventeen years old are eligible for the gig, which includes "Search/Restraint"
as "Some of the Skills You'll Learn," according to an Army National Guard job posting with a job location listed
as Washington, D.C. Meanwhile, military documents show that the military can detain civilians here in America, including U.S.
citizens. A leaked U.S. Headquarters of the Army document entitled "INTERNMENT AND RESETTLEMENT OPERATIONS" describes an official category of detained person called "civilian internee." A Department of Defense Directive
published below discussed "civilian internees" and made it clear that military detainees can be U.S. citizens.
Read more here:
It's Starting All Over Again: Only THIS TIME, it's the "Unvaccinated"
They say to "gas"
Graffiti, spray painted on
a wall in Germany, shows the future. It reads "Gas the Unvaccinated."
Back in the 1930's a small group of people thought they were Gods, and could decide who lived and who didn't.
The upper classes and middle class could live. But the lower classes, who at the time were Jews and Gypsies, could not.
Today, another group of people have devolved into thinking that THEY are Gods, too.
Only this time, they are billionaires who think they're so above everyone else, that they somehow have the right to decide
for the rest of us, what will be. With their money, those billionaires are buying government cooperation. It is THOSE BILLIONAIRES
who are now actively attacking humanity with experimental genetic modification, masquerading as a 'vaccine."
Read more here:
Watch Out, America! A New 9/11 Is Only Weeks Away: As America
Enters The 'Twilight Zone', Biden's Covid Czar Hints Something Huge Will Be Happening In 3 1/2 Weeks
One Man Argues Only A 'Super-Event' Can Stop Our Descent Into Full Scale Tyranny
It appears that 'papers, please', Americans, is just around the corner.
With two visitors to the state of Hawaii recently arrested for falsifying 'vaccination cards' for the experimental mRNA injection that isn't stopping people from getting the flu the globalists call 'Covid',
nor from passing it on to others nor stopping people from dying, America has suddenly entered the 'twilight zone'.
As seen in the series of tweets in the screenshots above, one of Joe Biden's 'Covid Czar's,' Andy Slavitt, recently got into a twitter conversation about those faked vax cards, asking first "If people who go out and buy fake vaccine cards get COVID, do they expect someone to put them on a real ventilator?"
When a government slave responded to 'dandy-boy' with "We need a way to track vaccination that isn't on a little handwritten paper card.
Something that's very hard to falsify. You have ideas, contacts, resources I bet...Make it HAPPEN, Andy", 'dandy-boy' replied "Hold on for 3 1/2 weeks. You will see."
Read more here:
Victory: Republican Governor Signs Bill Declaring Churches ‘Will Never Close
'Bill makes it clear that officials cannot use
a public crisis to discriminate'
New Hampshire Republican
Gov. Chris Sununu signed a bill declaring Churches and other houses of worship as essential services and will never close
HB 542 bill will allow "religious organizations to operate to the same degree as essential businesses during a state of emergency,"
The Associated Press reported.
Read more here:
Medical Information Is Being Suppressed To Cover Up For The False Covid Narrative
Dear Readers: There is no longer any doubt that scientific information provided
by renowned experts is being suppressed in order to protect the false Covid and vaccine narratives.
The medical bureaucrats, politicians, and presstitutes tell us that the Covid vaccine provides a
high level of protection and that the new cases or "delta variant" are among the unvaccinated. This is a blatant
lie contradicted by official reports from all over the world. We know for an absolute indisputable fact that 75% of
what are labeled "new cases," "breakthrough cases," "delta variant," are among the fully vaccinated.
Read more here:
The US Constitution Is A 'Higher Law' Than 'Government',
And The American People Are 'The Keepers' Of The Constitution
Constitution is a higher law than the Government, and the People are keepers of the Constitution.
There is a great quote floating around all over the internet that says "the Declaration is the promise, the Constitution,
its fulfillment" attributed to "a Great Chief Justice" in so many writings yet not a single
one that I can find actually says WHO that Chief Justice is. I have heard this line since I was young, and I believe it to
be true. I suspect it may have been Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall, but as of yet I have no proof, only suspicions.
I may be way off base, so if you know for sure and have references who originated that statement, I want to know!
It is Marshall that raised the status of the Supreme Court to that of a coequal branch
of the US government, and he loved the Constitution and the Declaration that spawned it. He attended the convention where
Virginia debated whether to ratify the Constitution, arguing strongly for its ratification as a replacement for the Articles
of Confederation that had proved to be inadequate to govern the new nation, a very strong Constitutionalist.
Read more here:
Thousands are evacuated as wildfires surge towards Montana towns as 105 different
blazes torch 2.4 million acres across the American West
As the
country's largest wildfire burns through Northern California, a fast-growing wildfire in southeastern Montana grows more dangerous,
causing evacuations for thousands of residents.
High temperatures
and drought conditions that have left trees, grass and brush bone-dry throughout many Western states, leaving them ripe
for ignition.
Currently 105 large fires or complexes are burning
in the US, torching 2.4 million acres of land.
Read more here:
How Can So Many Lies and So Much Evidence of Fraud and State Murder Be Covered
Up? Collective Madness!
R.J. Rummel, a researcher, and political
scientist defined the term "democide" as "the murder of any person or people by their government,
including genocide, politicide, and mass murder." According to Rummel, democide passed war as the leading cause
of non-natural death in the 20th Century, and moving into the 21st Century, it not only shows no signs of stopping, it seems
to be the desired and planned manner of death of hundreds of millions or even billions of innocent people around the world.
In the U.S today, democide has only just begun, as this ‘Covid'
plot orchestrated by the ruling master class and this government continues in its efforts to cull the American population
so as to advance the agendas of disease, eugenics, and death. This is being done simply to achieve total control over the masses.
Read more here:
MUST SEE: Dr. Fleming Warns COVID-19 is an Engineered Bioweapon Colonizing the
Body with Spike Protein
Dr. Richard M Fleming of joins guest host Mike Adams of to break down how COVID-19 is a spike protein bioweapon.
Watch here:
Plunging Crop Supplies Send Prices Soaring And Reignite Food Inflation Fears,
WASDE Reports
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's World
Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report was released Thursday afternoon and pointed to declining
grain supplies that sent grain futures prices higher and will keep food inflation in focus.
The closely watched supply and demand report slashed estimates for corn yields
and stockpiles. World inventories for wheat were reported near a five-year low.
Grain and oilseed futures soared to a near-decade high earlier this year but have been in a holding
pattern for the last month, awaiting new reports on the outlook for upcoming U.S. harvests. A megadrought and back-to-back
heat waves have plagued the corn belt and the U.S. West for much of the summer.
Read more here:
Meet the cannibals
whose hunger for human flesh drove them to kill - including the man who ate his own mum with his dog
FOR some, the desire to consume human flesh is so strong that they're prepared
to kill for it.
A German teacher has become the latest to be accused of killing and eating his lover for sexual gratification.
Read more here:
Luciferian elites will continue to steal elections and terrorize humanity until
they meet overwhelming resistance
They sense
now is the time to make their final move toward a lockdown technocratic surveillance state
‘Screw your freedom' says former California governor
Digital health passports are no longer the stuff of conspiracy theories, they are here,
with New York City, Los Angeles and several other major cities handing themselves over as the American testing grounds for
global technocrats.
If businesses actually comply with the demand that
people be separated like cattle and treated differently based on their willingness to submit to a certain medical treatment,
then God help us. These digital passports will quickly spread to other cities and towns across America. Everyone will be required
to "show your digital papers" before entering a place of business to buy or sell.
Read more here:
Wholesale prices soar 7.8% in the biggest surge on record as steel
jumps 23% - adding pressure on companies to pass on higher costs to consumers
Wholesale prices rose at the fastest rate on record in July in another troubling inflation signal, raising fears
that more companies will have to pass on higher costs to consumers.
producer price index for final demand, which tracks inflation pressure before it reaches consumers, jumped 7.8 percent for
the 12 months ended in July, the largest advance since annual data were first calculated in November 2010.
On a monthly basis, the index jumped 1 percent from June, the second straight month of
a 1 percent increase, the Labor Department said on Thursday.
Read more
Tyson Employees Walk Off Job To Protest Vaccine Mandate
A group of around a dozen Tyson Foods employees in West Tennessee took to the streets
of Newbern on Wednesday to protest the company's new vaccine mandate.
While nobody from the group would speak on camera to news crews - citing their employment agreements, one
local business owner spoke on their behalf.
"Nobody wants to be pressured
to do anything, especially to their own body, that they don't want to do," said Jill Blessing. "For Tyson to actually
say, hey, get the shot or you lose your job, and some of these people, I talked to a girl who has worked here 30 years. And
that's a huge thing to put on somebody when that's their livelihood."
more here:
The Coming Covid Isolation FEMA Camps Are Much Worse Than Americans Can Imagine
Mike Adams is taking heat on a number of fronts for a series
of articles he has recently authored with regard to the intent of the present administration to place certain individuals
in FEMA camps "for their own protection."
Because of Adams'
willingness to place his reputation on the line, he is taking hits for his reporting. Here is an example of the heat that
both Adams and myself have taken over our coverage of these issues of involuntary confinement with a thinly veiled medical
excuse used as the reason.
Read more here:
As History Expert Warns 'We're Now Living The Time Directly Before
The Nightmare', More Proof Emerges They're Preparing To Annihilate America's Children
The story linked to front and center over at the Liberty Daily on Wednesday speaks volumes.
Titled "CDC Considers 12 of the
13 Most Vaccinated Countries a Travel Risk", the linked NOQ Report story nailed it, reporting that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its list of the riskiest countries for travel due to increasing cases of Covid-19.
vaccination has had totally the opposite effect to what had been expected: 12 of the 13 countries on the Johns Hopkins list
of the most vaccinated are currently listed by the CDC as "high" or even "very high" SARS-Cov-2 travel
Blowing away the 'vaxxers'
arguments that it is the 'unvaxxed' who are putting the entire country at risk, in the video we've embedded directly below from Brighteon (youtube deleted it for 'violating community guidelines'), one extremely knowledgeable Immune System Doctor called
out both the CDC and his local school board, and at a school board meeting, with astonishing doses of truth.
Read more here:
119 COVID-19 Cases at UNFI Closes Centralia Facility Temporarily
Distribution Center Serves 825 Regional Grocery Stores, Plus Military Operation
With 119 COVID-19 cases in the past two weeks, Centralia's United Natural Food Inc. (UNFI)
distribution center announced its temporary closure Sunday.
facility serves 825 grocery stores in the region, plus a large military operation. Working with the state Department of Health
and local public health officials, UNFI expects to reopen Aug. 7.
certainly would prefer to have been here today to talk to you about we being one of the largest employers in the county, the
economic impact that we deliver, hiring more associates to support growth," spokesperson Jeff Swanson told county commissioners
Monday. "But unfortunately ... we're dealing with an increase in positive COVID cases amongst associates and third party
contractors who work in the facility."
Read more here:,270003
'Woke Government' Is Setting Us Up For An 'American Hiroshima' Because Washington
DC Is Ignoring The Lessons Of The Past
The 76th anniversary
of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on Aug. 6 and 9, 1945, mark humankind's living for slightly more than three-quarters
of a century with the technological revolution of nuclear weapons, and under the "mushroom cloud" of nuclear terror.
Ominously, 76 years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, U.S. political and military elites have
forgotten the single most important lesson of the Cold War, that prevented the USSR from hitting America with thousands of
America kept the peace, prevented a thermonuclear World
War III, and prevailed in the Cold War - because it did everything necessary to ensure the U.S. nuclear deterrent was second
to none.
U.S. statesmen, generals, and scientists of the Cold War
era 1945-1991 so respected and feared the power of nuclear weapons that Democrats and Republicans alike invested whatever
was necessary to sustain these core principles that are foundational to nuclear deterrence:
Read more here:
Why Do Some People Support Tyranny While Others Defy It?
There is a fundamental question that haunts the pages of history and it is one that has
never been addressed in a satisfactory manner. There are many schools of thought on why and how tyranny rises in any given
society and all of them miss the mark in terms of explanations, primarily because they all allow their biases to rule their
conclusions and blind them to the deeper aspects of power and conspiracy. In other words, they are willing to go down the
rabbit hole only so far, and then they deny that the rabbit hole even exists.
common assumption when it comes to autocracy or oligarchy is that people are "stupid" and easily manipulated into
following compelling personalities that make promises they never intend to keep. This is a foolish oversimplification. In
truth, the level of manipulation needed to lure a majority of people into dictatorship is so complex that it requires an advanced
understanding of human psychology.
Read more here:
Swiss Police Reject the 'Great Reset': 'We Work for the
People, NOT the Elite'
Cops in Switzerland rise up against
government-imposed restrictions
Police in Switzerland
are rising up against the "Great Reset" by refusing to enforce government-imposed restrictions on the general
A group representing Swiss police officers wrote a letter to the Swiss Federation of Police Officers (FSFP) declaring that cops work for the people and not the global elite.
The group warned they will not enforce restrictive measures that disproportionately undermine
the fundamental rights of citizens.
Read more here:
Poll: Half Of America Believes Vaccine Mandates, COVID Passports More Important
Than "Protecting Freedom"
According to a Fox News survey,
more Americans SUPPORT than oppose vaccine mandates and COVID passports for "safety"
A Fox News poll contends that a majority of Americans are in SUPPORT of vaccine mandates and the introduction of COVID passports that tie
freedoms to vaccination status.
The survey found that 50 percent of respondents are in favour of requiring proof of a coronavirus vaccine for "indoor activities
such as restaurants, gyms and performances," while 46% oppose the idea.
more here:
Shocking and Dehumanizing Discrimination Against the Unvaccinated Is About to
Make Life VERY Difficult
All over the world, the hot-button
subject of the moment is the Covid vaccination. Many governments discuss making it mandatory, a terrifying concept for people
who believe that the vaccine is unsafe. But perhaps even more appalling are the shocking things that people are saying about
those who are unvaccinated.
This article isn't about whether the vaccine
is safe or not. I'm not urging anyone to get the vaccine, nor am I urging anyone to avoid it. I believe that my health decisions
are my choice, and yours are your choice.
I hope that when you read these
comments, whatever side of the debate you are on, you stop and think about your humanity. If this were done to any other group
of people, it would be considered hate speech. Because the mainstream media and the narrative are tightly controlled right
now, this isn't just thought of as acceptable but a signal of superior virtue.
Read more here:
Biden Desperate as Vax Narrative Falls Apart-Clif High
Clif High uses something he calls "Predictive Linguistics" and computer programs
to sort through billions of bits of information on the Internet to predict future trends and events. High is an Internet
data mining expert who has many well-documented correct predictions. His latest correct prediction was made last month
here on USAWatchdog when he said the Biden door knocking campaign to harass people to take the CV19 injection would be "short
lived" and "not to worry about it." Sure enough, the door knocking campaign unceremoniously stopped,
and the Biden Administration has morphed this into the "get vaxed or get fired" campaign. What does High say
now? "Again, this is short lived, and it is a propaganda campaign and not a legal move. They don't have the
legal authority to do what they are trying to do. What they are attempting to do is scare as many of the herd past that
point of hesitancy before the whole thing is shut down," says Clif High.
more here:
Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium Hit with Cyber Attack
'We've been attacked, they attacked'
CEO Mike Lindell announced his highly anticipated Cyber symposium was hit with a cyber-attack.
Though the event was delayed, it was back up and running soon after.
Lindell claims he has 37 terabytes of "irrefutable" evidence that hackers broke into election
systems and switched votes for Joe Biden.
"We've been attacked,
they attacked," Mr. Lindell told the in-person attendees in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
"We have backup. We're going to be up and running. "
"But I'm going to wait to run that live[stream] to start because everyone's gonna
see everything we got," Lindell said
Read more here:
Biden's NSA under Investigation for Spying on Tucker Carlson
National Security Agency Inspector General Robert P. Storch announces probe
The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) is under investigation over allegations
the department was spying on Fox News host Tucker Carlson on behalf of Joe Biden's administration.
On Tuesday, the Office of the Inspector General of the National Security Agency announced
a probe has been launched into the allegations.
The NSA IG, which is tasked
with investigating potential wrongdoing on the part of the agency, announced an investigation into "recent allegations
that the NSA improperly targeted the communications of a member of the U.S. news media."
Read more here:
Catastrophic Decline of Euphrates River Water Level
Under hashtag #الفرات_ينحسر (the
Euphrates declines), Syrians have been sharing photos of the water level of the Euphrates river on social media, showing how
parts in along the river inside the Syrian lands dried up. The water levels of the Euphrates River dropped dramatically in
recent weeks and it is adding to tensions between Turkey and Syrian Kurdish forces.
Kurdish officials in northeast Syria accuse Turkey of reducing the levels of water flowing downstream, causing an
agricultural crisis and a major power shortage in the region.
"Areas under our control benefit greatly from the Euphrates water supply, so this is a blockade approach by
the Turkish government to undermine our authority and harm our region," Badran Chia Kurd, the executive deputy president
of the Autonomous Administration in North and East Syria (AANES), told local radio station Arta FM on Tuesday.
Read more here:
T Is for Tyranny: How Freedom Dies from A to Z
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a convenient, traumatic, devastating distraction.
The American people, the permanent underclass in America, have allowed themselves to be
so distracted and divided that they have failed to notice the building blocks of tyranny being laid down right under their
noses by the architects of the Deep State.
Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush,
Clinton: they have all been complicit in carrying out the Deep State's agenda.
Frankly, it really doesn't matter who occupies the White House, because it is a profit-driven, unelected bureaucracy-call
it whatever you will: the Deep State, the Controllers, the masterminds, the shadow government, the corporate elite, the police
state, the surveillance state, the military industrial complex-that is actually calling the shots
Read more here:
Big Tech's Sinister Psychological Tricks To Make You Do Things
You Wouldn't Believe You'd Ever Do: Big Tech's Mass Public Media Manipulation Violates Anti-Trust And Constitutional
Rights Laws
- It's Time To Bring The Big Tech Tyrants
To Heel
(ANP: We were recently sent this 111-page report that
was just submitted to Congress with the request; please make sure that EVERY MEMBER of Congress sees it. So please, by all
means, contact your Congressional Members if you find this report as alarming as we do. You can contact your Congress members here and here. The entire report is embedded at the bottom of this story.)
And Facebook Have A Psychological Trick To Make You Do Things You Wouldn't Believe You Might Do
Most of the U.S. Senators and government agency heads own stock in, get their political
campaigns financed by and party with, the owners and executives of the Silicon Valley big tech companies.
That is why those public officials fail to halt the mass societal abuses of those companies.
Above all others, the California politicians are in bed with the same criminals they are supposed to regulate.
While politicians shrug off any attempt to bring the oligarchs into line, they provide
lip-service, window-dressing pretend actions that have impressive titles but zero bite.
Read more here:
The "Epsilon" Variant Kill Shot to be Released On the American People
In September-Exclusive Federal LEO Insider Report
Is No Test to Measure the Covid-19, Delta Variant and the Soon-To-Be Epsilon Variant
There is a new variant that is going to be released upon the American people, but in name only. There is no Delta
variant, and there is no Epsilon variant. However, this Epsilon variant will be the so-called kill shot that insiders have
been warning about. Many of you are no doubt wondering, how can there be a kill shot for a "fake variant? Simple, both
the Delta variant and soon to be ballyhooed Epsilon variant are/will be used to cover up Covid-19 vaccine death and injury.
Beyond the scope of this article, there are time-released latent effects that will be emerging from the vaccines. Sources
like Celeste Solom predicted this development several months ago and the eventual death rate from the vaccines was estimated
by FEMA to grow to 300,000 per month.
Ignoring the Marxist-Stream-Media's
confabulated virus numbers, the death rate from Covid-19 is very low.
more here:
Is This Calm Before the Storm Meant to Create a War Against Dissenters and the
‘Unvaccinated'? Absolutely!
"Propaganda does not
deceive people; it merely helps them to deceive themselves."
~ Eric
Hoffer (1996). "The Passionate State of Mind"
spent recent days in what could be described as a psychological dystopic state of bewilderment, but then I remembered the
fact that the modern American humanoid is merely a controlled drone, and his puppet master is the controlling governing state.
This has long been the prevailing mood of the people, but this recent stark reminder solidified that reality.
I am rarely confused about what is going on and have been warning about the actual controllers
and their state pawn's desires to control the masses for two decades, but sometimes things happen that are so starkly ridiculous
and telling, that one has to stop what he is doing, pause, and reflect on what is being acted out in real-time. After contemplation of surrounding robotic behavior, the truth usually appears,
and the sky opens up. That has been the case lately.
Read more here:
TODAY at 2:00 Eastern Time: First Nationwide Test of Emergency Broadcast System
- But strange Warning!
Today, Wednesday, August 11 , 2021, the
United States government will conduct its first nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) formerly known as the
Emergency Broadcast System, but there is a VERY STRANGE WARNING as part of this test; The test will last 5-10 minutes and
your TV and phones MAY HAVE TO BE REBOOTED after the test!
According to
a notice from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the nationwide test will reach all TV's, radios, and cellular
telephones. The test will begin sometime between 2:00 PM and 2:20 PM eastern time, which, of course, translates into
1:00 Central time, 12 Noon Mountain time, 11:00 Pacific time, 10:00 Alaska time and 9:00 Hawaii time.
Here's what makes this test VERY ODD:
more here:
FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Wednesday,
August 11, 2021 at 2:20PM Test Messages Will be Sent to TVs and Radios Along with Select Cell Phones That Have Opted-in to
Receive Test Messages
FEMA, in coordination with the Federal
Communications Commission, will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) this summer.
The national test will consist of two portions, testing
WEA and EAS capabilities. Both tests will begin at 2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, August 11,2021
The Wireless Emergency Alert portion of the test will be directed only to consumer cell phones where
the subscriber has opted-in to receive test messages. This will be the second nationwide WEA test, but the first nationwide
WEA test on a consumer opt-in basis. The test message will display in either English or in Spanish, depending on the language
settings of the wireless handset.
Read more here:
Canadian Farmers Cull 130,000 Pigs After Pork Plant Strike Closes Processor
Bloomberg reports a labor strike at a Quebec pork-processing plant may have resulted in more than 130,000 culled pigs in eastern Canada.
A dangerous backlog of pigs ready for slaughter has built up after Olymel's processing
facility in Vallee-Jonction, Quebec, experienced a labor strike and the resulting closure of the plant since April 28.
The company slaughters on average 36,000 hogs each week. But since the plant closed, backlogs
are increasing, and pigs are being diverted to other U.S. and western Canada processors. About 15,000 pigs each week are being
left behind, according to David Duval, the president of the Eleveurs de porcs du Quebec, which represents the province's farmers.
Read more here:
Former Border Patrol Chief Just Sounded The Alarm On Massive Infrastructure Bill
The infrastructure bill is already controversial enough, but the $3.5 trillion infrastructure
bill includes billions for amnesty for illegal aliens. It is what has been predicted by many over the last six months.
President Joe Biden and his administration are predictable. They allowed illegal immigrants
from the south to come into the country, assuming they would vote Democrat when they arrived and got the capability to vote.
Of course, they didn't want to give Cuban citizenship while their country is crumbling beneath them, and their government
is killing them and putting them in prison because they would likely vote Republican. It is the single most undercut to the
idea of freedom and liberty we've ever seen.
Read more here:
Welcome to 1938: First, they came for the unvaccinated
Wayne Allyn Root declares, 'This is the most important commentary I've ever written'
This is the most important commentary I've ever written.
It's time for alarm bells. It's time for me to play the part of Paul Revere: "The communist tyrants and dictators
are coming! The communist tyrants and dictators are coming!" They're coming first for unvaccinated Americans.
This is 1938. I'm a Jew. I now understand just a little of what it felt like to be a Jew
in 1938. No, it's not the Holocaust. Nothing can be compared to the Holocaust. Ever.
Read more here:
BREAKING: Cuomo Resigns From Office
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) resigned from office on Tuesday afternoon in a shocking announcement. His resignation
will be effective in 14 days. Cuomo was found to have violated state and federal law for multiple instances of sexual harassment
of female employees in the workplace.
"The best way I can help
now is if I step aside and let government get back to governing, and therefore, that's what I'll do," Cuomo said at a
Tuesday press conference.
Read more here:
China Owes the World $35 Trillion If Coronavirus Lab Leak Is True
Did China cause the coronavirus pandemic?
On August 24, a report President Joe Biden ordered 90 days earlier from the intelligence bureaucracy about the origin of COVID-19 will be due. There is an odd lack
of leaked information about where the report stands now. Despite their supposedly secretive nature, these agencies often seem
to employ even more aggressive publicists than SEAL Team Six and leak what passes for intelligence to force the hand of a
president they are supposed to serve. When he ordered the review, Biden forecast that the agencies might not agree on a source
of COVID, or might issue a posterior-covering report that stresses they present their conclusions with "moderate"
confidence-shorthand for "guessing."
Read more here:
Fox News Silences Trump, Censors 'Election Fraud' Claims from Interview
'It's a disgrace what's happening, and I don't think the country's going to stand
Donald Trump's election fraud claims in a recent interview with Fox News were edited out by the network, prompting many to accuse them
of censorship.
Trump told Fox News host Dan Bongino during the
"It's a disgrace what's happening, and I don't think
the country's going to stand for it."
Trump highlighted the
border crisis, violent crime, the push to defund the police, and political prosecutions as evidence the United States is going
in the wrong direction.
Then Fox News removed Trump's next remarks.
Read more here:
Communist China is invoking Sun Tzu's principles of conquest. This series of articles will establish the fact that
Sun Tzu's principle of conquering without firing a shot is underway. Infiltration and subsequent control of key politicians
is the order of the day.
The CHICOMS are taking over America
at the grassroots level. It is no longer a case of Senator McConnell's wife, who is CHICOM national whose parents run the
major ports for the CCP, who is compromised. From President down to Congress, to most of the Supreme Court, the CHICOMS, or
their corporate partners own our key top level officials. The globalists have finally learned the meaning of the phrase "all
politics is local." There is an excellent chance that if you live in a so-called "swing state", that everyone
of importance in your state/county are owned by the CHICOMS in one way or another.
Read more here:
CDC flip-flops AGAIN, now admits "fully vaccinated" people are spreading
(Natural News) Back in March, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) declared that it was impossible for people who have been "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) to spread it
to others. As of July 27, however, the CDC has flip-flopped by deciding that Fauci Flu shot recipients are, in fact, actively spreading disease.
In its latest proclamation of "science," the CDC contends that "fully vaccinated" people should
wear a face mask indoors because they could infect others with one of the circulating "variants," which we know
are being spread by the Trump Injections.
Read more here:
Flashback: Dr. Deborah Birx Said ‘There Is Nothing From The CDC That I Can
Brix was pretty hysterical throughout her time on the
task force and yet even she said she didn't trust the CDC's numbers.
director Rochelle Walensky, Anthony Fauci and Surgeon General Vivek Murthy were all caught lying to the public when they said over 99% of covid patients dying in hospitals were unvaccinated.
The CDC's own data that was shared with the Washington Post showed that
in May at least 15 percent of in-hospital deaths were among people who had been vaccinated.
Read here:
Top Ten Signs You Are Part Of The COVID Cult And The Biggest Threat
To America - Cult Leaders And Members Are Destroying What Freedoms We Have Left
The COVID cult is made up of two groups of people.
first are the leaders that say do as I say, not as I do, along with the media and power-hungry politicians (the same "do
as I say not as I do people")
For examples see: "14 prominent Democrats stand accused of hypocrisy for ignoring COVID-19 restrictions they're urging their constituents to
(Note: Link above was written in May, so there are many
more now)
The second group are Democrats and liberals that only pay attention
to the liberal establishment media without thinking for themselves or bother researching, and run around mimicking the lies
and rhetoric that group one tells them to.
As with any cult, the conflicting
messaging, the we're "sophisticated" and important, and your betters mindset, starts to eventually unravel the very basis of the cult. That was actually the argument made by a New York Times reporter,
Annie Karni, during a CNN interview.
Read and watch here:
The "Covid Pandemic" Is a Money-making Hoax and Perhaps Serves Darker
The Covid Deception is the worst criminal act in human
Recently I pointed out that Big Pharma runs an Internet operation
to muster Democrats to the defense of Tony Fauci, who has been caught in a number of lies and would face indictment if the
US had a rule of law. Big Pharma apparently also funds Coronavirus World Updates which pours out lies to counter
the overwhelming evidence that can no longer be suppressed about Covid and the ineffectiveness and danger of the vaccines.
From all over the world the evidence is conclusive that the countries with the largest
percentage of the population vaccinated are experiencing the largest number of new Covid cases called "breakthroughs,"
a deceptive term to keep focus off the fact that it is the vaccines that are likely causing the new illnesses, not a
"delta variant."
Read more here:
Not To Be Outdone By The Kings Of The East, UC San Francisco
Harvesting Preborn Baby ‘Genitalia,' ‘Gonads' For Inhuman Experiments, Chimera Creations
Pro-Life San Francisco has long been protesting UCSF and related institutions which operate
under the university's banner for their gruesome experiments involving fetal tissue and body parts, including recent experiments
involving humanized mice, as well as the egregiously inhumane second-trimester abortions which supply those fetal parts. UCSF
receives millions of taxpayer dollars to conduct these experiments, which hardly resemble any legitimately purpose-driven
science. Fetal body parts are being harvested under the UCSF umbrella from babies aborted at the two UCSF-affiliated Women's
Options Center locations. Studies show that the labor induction abortion techniques used in these facilities to procure "fresh"
parts can result in live births as often as 50% of the time. UCSF professor and Director of one Women's Options Center location,
Eleanor Drey, has referenced the reality of abortion survivors in both D&E and labor induction abortion procedures...
Kings Of The East Harvesting Gene Data From Millions Of Women Worldwide To "Dominate Global Pharmaceuticals, Create Genetically
Enhanced Soldiers, And Engineer Pathogens To Target America"
Chinese gene company selling prenatal tests around the world developed them in collaboration with the country's military and
is using them to collect genetic data from millions of women for sweeping research on the traits of populations, a Reuters
review of scientific papers and company statements found. U.S. government advisors warned in March that a vast bank of genomic
data that the company, BGI Group, is amassing and analyzing with artificial intelligence could give China a path to economic
and military advantage. As science pinpoints new links between genes and human traits, access to the biggest, most diverse
set of human genomes is a strategic edge. The technology could propel China to dominate global pharmaceuticals, and also potentially
lead to genetically enhanced soldiers, or engineered pathogens to target the U.S. population or food supply, the advisors
said... (READ MORE)
Is the US About to Experience a Massive Shortage of Healthcare
Whether we're talking about nurses, surgeons,
or general practitioners, the US has already experienced a shortage of healthcare workers. Is it about to get worse? We've
already seen the beginnings of this throughout the past two years.
Alpine, Texas, the Big Bend Regional Medical Center briefly shut down its labor and delivery unit. Why? Not enough staff.
Bremerton, Washington, the St. Michael Medical Center - a standalone emergency unit - was experiencing similar staffing shortages. They ended up closing indefinitely as a
Read more here:
The DOJ Admits It is Withholding Potentially Exculpatory Evidence in January 6
Criminal Cases in Legal Filing
The Department of Justice has
provided one of the first documented concessions that prosecutors are withholding potentially exculpatory evidence in court
cases concerning January 6 defendants.
Acting United States Attorney Channing
D. Phillips suggested on Monday that this is the motivation behind keeping more than 14,000 hours of documentary footage of
the January 6 events out of the hands of defense attorneys and the public in United States v. Couy Griffin.
Griffin, a county commissioner for Otero County, New Mexico, was arrested
for Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building and Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building, on January
19. The prosecution sought to waive the defendants' right to a speedy trial.
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BREAKING: First Case Of Deadly Marburg Virus Confirmed In West Africa
Conakry - (WHO) - Health authorities in Guinea today confirmed a case of Marburg
virus disease in the southern Gueckedou prefecture. This is the first time Marburg, a highly infectious disease that causes
haemorrhagic fever, has been identified in the country, and in West Africa.
which is in the same family as the virus that causes Ebola, was detected less than two months after Guinea declared an end
to an Ebola outbreak that erupted earlier this year. Samples taken from a now-deceased patient and tested by a field laboratory
in Gueckedou as well as Guinea's national haemorrhagic fever laboratory turned out positive for the Marburg virus. Further
analysis by the Institut Pasteur in Senegal confirmed the result.
patient had sought treatment at a local clinic in Koundou area of Gueckedou, where a medical investigation team had been dispatched
to probe his worsening symptoms.
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Renowned propaganda expert: Worst is still to come in global
psy op if people do not rise up and resist
should ring alarm bells for anyone who has even the most basic grasp of history'
‘If you have a vaccination passport which you need to get into your supermarket, you're not actually
free anymore'
Any student of military history will tell you:
wars don't just happen.
They are always foreshadowed by a propaganda operation
intended to soften up the target, wear people down, weaken their resolve to fight.
The most successful operations come down to this simple strategy: identify your enemy, segregate, isolate, then annihilate.
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Prepare Now: Triple-digit temperatures expected later this week
PORTLAND, Ore. - The Pacific Northwest will again experience triple-digit temperatures
later this week, putting many people at risk for heat-related illnesses. The expected heat comes after three days of record-breaking
temperatures above 100 degrees at the end of June that left more than a hundred people dead.
Temperatures are expected to rise into the 90s in the Portland-metro area on Wednesday, with triple digits to follow
on Thursday and Friday. The heat is not expected to reach the record-breaking levels that the city saw at the end of June.
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MEDICAL HORROR: Covid vaccines have now killed more people
than the ATOMIC BOMB dropped on Hiroshima
(Natural News) The dropping of an atomic bomb on Hiroshima stands as one of the most heinous crimes against humanity ever committed. It
was carried by the United States government, using a weapon of mass destruction against a civilian population consisting primarily
of women and children. According to historical records, 135,000 people were killed by that bomb, with roughly half that many
killed by the second bomb dropped on Nagasaki.
Historians and observers
can argue over the "merit" of such an act, as it was largely credited with ending World War II in the Pacific, but
no one can argue that mass civilian casualties were deliberately inflicted by the bombing. These were not accidental
"collateral damage" deaths; they were inflicted by design. The bomb targeted a city populated almost entirely by
civilians. This was a deliberate, indiscriminate act of mass murder.
more here:
Tyson Foods CEO Says Costs Rising Faster Than It Can Hike Prices
Tyson Foods Inc., the top chicken producer in the U.S., confirmed in an earnings call
that food inflation continues to push prices higher.
Foods saying costs are rising faster than it can hike prices.
- zerohedge
(@zerohedge) August 9, 2021
Tyson's CEO Donnie King said higher costs are hitting the firm faster
than the company can lift prices, and retail prices are set to rise on Sept. 5.
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Will Las Vegas Run Out Of Water?
usually think of Sin City as the land of milk and honey, where anything goes and everything flows. But experts have been predicting for years that, by 2021, water levels in Lake Mead could drop to such a low level it would create a water shortage.
For a city built in an arid desert basin in Nevada, the USA's driest state with around 10 inches of rainfall a year, this doesn't sound too surprising. But the climate emergency and recent droughts
have changed the complexion and urgency of the problem.
Was Vegas always
a risk due to its geography? Perhaps. But it is now considered to be the fastest-warming city in the US. And when you're warm, you tend to need even more water.
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WEIRD: Bill Gates Smiles When Suggesting the Nonvaccinated Should Be Withheld
Their Social Security Benefits
Wow was this weird.
Bill Gates acts like he is some sort of COVID king and smiles when it's suggested that the elderly should be withheld their
social security checks if they refuse to get vaccinated.
a recent tweet of an interview, Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, acts like he is President and king of COVID. He
smiles when it's suggested that the elderly should be withheld their social security checks until they get vaccinated with
the COVID vaccine.
Read more here:
Shock executive order greenlights quarantines, involuntary commitment amid COVID
'The pieces add up to a very scary picture! People
need to wake up'
An executive order signed quietly by Tennessee's Republican governor is troubling some Americans as it greenlights the National Guard and State
Guard to implement quarantines and involuntary commitment of citizens "in connection with certain health care and emergency
services operations," with the governor specifically concerned about "an increase in COVID-19 cases."
Gov. Bill Lee signed Executive Order 83 on Friday "with little fanfare" according to Tennessee Stands, an influential conservative coalition.
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BREAKING: Order Authorizes Natl Guard, Quarantines, Involuntary Commitment for ‘Certain Healthcare'
CONSERVATIVE NEWS AND CONTENT. Before you look, I want to strongly urge you to sign up for Todd's free newsletter. It's your
only lifeline to conservative news and commentary. We can no longer rely on social media. Click here to subscribe.
There is growing concern among Tennesseans after Gov. Bill Lee
quietly issued an Executive Order on Friday giving the state permission to call up the National Guard and State Guard "in connection with certain
health care and emergency services operations."
Tennessee Stands,
an influential statewide conservative coalition, said they found some of the governor's orders "exceptionally concerning."
Read more here:
Why The Navy's Pilots May Not Be Ready to Fight China
Here's What You Need to Remember: The good news for the wider Navy
is that it seems to recognize it has a problem, Holmes noted. Naval professionals such as the Tailhook panelists are working
hard to improve aviators' training while encouraging the Navy and industry to prioritize the right weapons programs, all in
a context of "ruthless" honesty.
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Eerily Accurate 90-Year Old Video Showed Us How They Were Going
To Take Over The World: Introduce A Weaponized Influenza, Flood Newspapers And Radios With Death, Shut Down Shops And
Churches And Inject A Vaccine To Euthanize The Elderly
People Who Own The Banks, Own The Hospitals, This Is Their Plan To Own YOU!'
We all seem to know the history of covid-19 because we have been subjected to it over and over the last year and
a half, like it or not. I'll not dwell on the popular versions of this tale as it is just too much bull to stomach, but I
will cover lesser known aspects to better understand what we are dealing with. Things are moving so very quickly now that
it is hard to keep up and we seem not to have the time to study things the way we used to, and even being retired, I still
find that the truth.
To get an overall understanding of this insane
attack, let us first look at a cartoon, one from the early days of animation in 1930 found on Vimeo - titled "How To Take Over The World" that gives a great overview of what we are now witnessing.
more here:
J.J. Abrams' Mission to Expose the Truth About UFOs
I wish I could say that UFO definitively proves that aliens are among us, but
at least Showtime's new four-part docuseries (produced by J.J. Abrams' Bad Robot) does contend that it's a possibility, given that we now have solid evidence of unidentified flying objects' existence. Using
as its foundation The New York Times' 2017 article, "Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money': The Pentagon's Mysterious U.F.O. Program," this intriguing investigation into flying saucers and the possible extraterrestrials manning their controls is an attempt
at legitimizing a field of study that's long been ridiculed by the public at large, as well as mythologized by The X-Files,
Hollywood blockbusters, and the innumerable conspiracy theorists that populate the web.
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Brother, Can You Spare A Dime? Disability Ministry Contract Terminated For Refusing The Deadly, Injurious Jab and PCR test-Please
For 15 years, Encouraging Angels (EA) has delivered music services
to the disabled in an institutional setting so that we bring in ‘public' money to satisfy the requirements of bringing
in at least 33% of our total revenue in public money in order to be eligible for funding from a grant from a local foundation.
With the money from the grant that we have successfully written since 2006 we have used those funds to reach out into the
disabled community where 95% of the disabled live. Our weekly ‘Alive At 5' broadcast (video podcast) is one such example.
In December 2020, I started writing/posting to the Encouraging Angels blog to reach a wider audience. In just seven months we have garnered over 85,000 page views to date. This week, after 15 years
of successful service, the institutional contract of Encouraging Angels was abruptly terminated. Not for not fulfilling the
terms of a contract. Not because I did something wrong. Not because they didn't like the music I (EA) provided. The contract
was terminated for one reason: Because I refused to take the ‘vaccine' for Covid-19 and refused to submit to regular
PCR tests at their whim.
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COVID Hits Carnival Cruise Ship Despite ALL Crew and Passengers
A Carnival Cruise Line vessel in the Caribbean
has blown a hole through the claim that "un-vaccinated" are causing "Breakthrough" COVID spread; the ship
has an outbreak despite ALL Passengers and Crew being "vaccinated." Looks like THE VACCINE is what's causing the
outbreak(s) and spread!
The Carnival Vista, which departed from Galveston,
Texas, on July 31, has issued strict face mask protocols and ordered infected people aboard into isolation. Mainstream media
is already busy blowing it off while the cruise company is patting itself on the back for reacting to swiftly.
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Images Emerge of Kamala Harris & AOC with Pedophile Democrat
Top Democrats pictured with Democratic state senator arrested for raping children
Images have emerged online that show top Democrats Kamala Harris and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) pictured with a Democratic state senator who was arrested and charged with raping children this week.
Democratic Arizona state Sen. Otoniel "Tony" Navarrete
was taken into custody on Friday over allegations relating to a series of child sex crimes, including years worth of sexual abuse against one of his alleged victims, police
said Friday.
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Rand Paul: 'Resist' the 'Great Reset' - 'They Can't Arrest Us All'
Republican senator calls on public to rise up against tyranny with civil disobedience
Republican Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has released a statement calling on patriotic
Americans to rise up against Joe Biden's tyrannical government to "resist"
the "Great Reset" through mass civil disobedience.
Senator Paul has called on the public to stand up against unconstitutional lockdowns,
mandates, and harmful policies being imposed by "power-hungry" elites.
In an op-ed for Fox News, Paul slammed Democrat leaders Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as "tyrants."
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As Newsweek Warns Of A Coming 'Doomsday Variant', The 'Elitists'
Isolate While The World Dies According To Their Genocidal Plans
roughly half of the US population still deciding to reject the current Covid mRNA experimental vax, and the 'Delta variant'
still not scaring enough people into taking the 'big pharma concoction', we're not the least bit surprised that they're
already breaking out their next several 'fear-this scenarios', with the screenshot seen above of the August 13th issue of Newsweek hinting a 'doomsday variant' may be next.
In that story titled "A Doomsday COVID Variant
Worse Than Delta and Lambda May Be Coming, Scientists Say", they laid it on thick from the start of their story,
mentioning the alpha variant, the beta variant, the delta variant, the gamma variant and the lambda variant in the first few
With the purpose of their story made quite clear in the following
two sentences taken from it:
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Did Congress Just CONFIRM All Those "Crazy Conspiracy Theories" About
the Wuhan Lab Leak?
Some very interesting information
has come out about the origins of Covid-19 that - big surprise - suggests it did indeed come from a Wuhan lab leak, it did
so well before the rest of the world found out about it, and China apparently covered it up for months. You remember all those
"crazy conspiracy theories" that caused politicians and media outlets like Zero Hedge to lose their social media platforms.
A House Republican's report contains shocking details and bold accusations about the origin of Covid
19 that, if true, could blow the Wuhan lab leak theory wide open. The report begins:
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COVID nurse explains becoming a whistleblower: ‘I
recorded them murdering patients'
We remember this nurse's
social media testimony as to the treatment of patients in her NY hospital back in 2020 as one of the most compelling accounts
of the criminality of the medical system.
It seems
pretty clear that the alleged covid situation in New York was being thoroughly cooked to paint an artificially dramatic picture
of the virus and infection/death rates. Which also placed financial gain far above human life. Note the difference
in how ‘covid' patients were being treated in Florida vs. New York.
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China's 'Bat Woman' Warns New
COVID 'Variants Will Continue to Emerge'
Earlier this year, Shi
Zhengli flatly denied allegations that the Wuhan Institute of Virology conducted studies with the Chinese military after she
was accused by the US of carrying out risky experiments with SARS-like coronaviruses of bat origin.
Shi Zhengli, the deputy director of Сhina's Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), has warned that the world should brace itself to coexist with COVID-19 as the virus will continue to mutate and spread across
the globe.
A top Chinese virologist, Shi was dubbed by the Chinese media
"Bat Woman" for her consistent work with bat coronaviruses and included in Time magazine's 100 Most Influential
People of 2020.
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Is the Tennessee Nurse Who Passed Out on Live Camera After the COVID Vaccine Still
Nurse manager Tiffany Dover from CHI Memorial Hospital
in Chattanooga, Tennessee gained national attention last week when she passed out live on air while giving a press conference
moments after receiving the Pfizer experimental mRNA COVID vaccine.
at the hospital had immediately stated that her fainting had nothing to do with the injection, and then later explained that
this was a reaction due to a pre-existing condition they called Vasovagal syncope.
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‘Like a War Zone': Scenes of COMBAT in Paris as police
and citizens FIGHT in cafes, streets, and sidewalks over VACCINE PASSPORTS
The streets of Paris are unrecognizable this weekend. Or very recognizable, depending on which part of history you're
comparing them against. The World Wars? The Terror?
Once again, western
civilization's canary in the fascism coal mine is in CHAOS as citizens fight STORMTROOPERS in the form or riot police and
COVID cops, as France's pandemic regime continues to impose more and more restrictions, including vaccine passports and mandates
and more.
It didn't start with war. It started with peace.
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What Would Our Economy Look Like in the Shadow of Vaccine Passports?
Yes, it's an official concern now. The mainstream media and the Biden Administration have
gone from suggesting that Covid vaccinations would "not be mandated" to saying they "should be mandated." This means several very uncomfortable consequences are on the way for our economy and the nation as a whole. Remember,
the federal government already decided it's legal for companies to require coronavirus vaccines. The most obvious next step: A mandatory "vaccine passport" certifying its holder has gotten the recommended injections.
The assertion by the establishment is that life would simply go back to normal as long
as you comply and get your shots like a good citizen. But from what I have seen even some people who have taken the vaccines
voluntarily do not want a passport system in place, and for good reason. Should a mandatory vaccine passport system be implemented,
life will never be normal again.
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Journalist Accidentally Admits That Media Are More COVID Vaccine
Activists Than Journalists - This Is Why The Majority Of Americans Hate The Media
There is a reason the MSM in America continues to spiral downward in a freefall in regards to Americans
trusting the media, and that is because the "professional" media, and large media outlets have stopped following
the ethical guidelines that are supposed to guide their reporting in favor of being activists.
USA Today recently published a very interesting "discussion" between an activist journalist
and her brother about vaccine hesitancy.
Of course she doesn't describe
herself as an activist, and still calls herself a journalist, but within the question, answer and responses we see her admit
that her opinion about what is "best" is what she is trying to push, without equal time to the other side of the
issue, and that to effect change and convince people to get the COVID vaccine, "journalists" like her are "giving
it everything we have."
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FEMA CAMPS-This Is How Your Life Will Be In The Future If
You Don't Take Action
"Those who cannot remember the past
are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana
At the start of the
21st century, the following things did not exist. In the US, a large network of purpose-built immigration prisons, some of
which are run for profit. In western China, "political education" camps are designed to hold hundreds
of thousands of people, supported by a high-tech surveillance system. In Syria, a prison complex is dedicated to
the torture and mass execution of civilians.
In northeast India, a detention
center is capable of holding 3,000 people who may have lived in the country for decades but are unable to prove they
are citizens. In Myanmar, rural encampments where thousands of people are being forced to live on the basis of their
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US Scientists Discover Massive Dead Zone on the Bottom of Gulf of Mexico
According to the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), dead zones
are underwater areas where levels of oxygen are so low that no marine life can survive there. They occur naturally, but researchers
are concerned that more and more of these biological deserts are developing due to human activity.
US scientists have discovered a massive dead zone, NOAA said in a press release. Per the agency,
the average dead zone covers around 5,400 miles, but the one discovered on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico "is approximately
6,334 square miles, or equivalent to more than four million acres of habitat".
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"He's A Pathological Liar": Cornell Chemistry
Professor Dave Collum Unloads On Dr. Fauci And Covid Hysteria
of Zero Hedge and Cornell Professor Dave Collum appeared on the Quoth the Raven podcast this week and offered his unfiltered (and often profane) 2 hour long take not only on the development of the Delta variant
hysteria, but also on Dr. Fauci, vaccinations and the state of lockdowns across the globe.
Collum is the Betty R. Miller Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Cornell University
and holds a PhD, Columbia University, MS, Columbia University, MA, Columbia University and BS, Cornell University.
The duo of Collum and podcast host Chris Irons first talked about Dr. Anthony Fauci, the
director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the chief medical advisor to the president,
whom Collum referred to as a "pathological liar".
Read more
EARLY WARNING: Is Another Lockdown Coming? Here's How to
Get Prepared NOW
If the level of fear being incited by the media
and the White House are any indication, it may not be long before the United States mandates another lockdown, complete with
business closures, lay0ffs, and the further destruction of the economy.
you look at the patterns that preceded the first lockdown, we're seeing almost identical intensity in the warnings, mask mandates,
and other restrictions that led up to it. This article isn't about whether or not this is right or wrong. It's about getting
prepared before the general public empties the shelves.
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Fox News host Tucker Carlson slams CNN for FIRING three unvaccinated employees
and demands to know HOW the network discovered their private medical history
Tucker Carlson has slammed CNN for firing three employees for going into work without being vaccinated - and demanded to know how the network found out
about their vaccination status.
The FOX News host hit out at the network for dismissing the three staffers - who have not been named - while still employing Jeffrey
Toobin, a legal analyst for the network who was caught masturbating on a Zoom call with former colleagues at The New Yorker
in October.
'We just learned that being unvaccinated is a far more serious
offense than, let's say, masturbating on a video call with your co-workers or lying about Russian collusion,' Carlson said
on his show Friday night.
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US sends in B-52s in desperate bid to stop the Taliban seizing
key Afghan cities - where British troops fought and died - as fighters seize prison and set all the inmates free in
latest town to fall
US President Joe Biden has ordered B-52 bombers and Spectre gunships to target Taliban terrorists in Afghanistan who are advancing towards three key cities.
The Cold War-era strategic
bomber first flew in the 1950s but is still used due to its 70,000lb payload and range of more than 8,000 miles.
They are being supported by the AC-130 Spectre gunships which are armed with a 25mm Gatling
gun, a 40mm Bofors cannon and a 105mm M102 cannon - which can provide pinpoint accurate fire from the air.
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'A setback for people's privacy all over the world': WhatsApp
joins avalanche of criticism of Apple's plan to scan iPhones for images of child abuse and send them to police after an employee
checks them
The head of WhatsApp tweeted a barrage of criticism
on Friday against Apple over plans to automatically scan iPhones and cloud storage for images of child abuse.
It would see 'flagged' owners reported to the police after a company employee has looked
at their photos.
But WhatsApp head Will Cathcart said the popular messaging
app would not follow Apple's strategy.
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Citizen Journalist Documents Empty Hospitals, Disproving Overrun Hospital Myth
Media reports claimed hospitals filled to brim with Covid patients.
A citizen journalist in Florida is documenting how hospitals reportedly packed to the brim
with Covid patients are mysteriously empty.
In a thread by Twitter
user @drshayphd, she visits various area hospitals that media reports claim are supposedly filled with Covid patients.
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America R.I.P.
Twain, once a celebrated American Author, now cast into the Memory Hole as the author of "racist" Huckleberry
Finn, opposed American hegemony and warned Americans, usually a useless and unprofitable task, that Washington's lust
for conquest would destroy the American republic. He wrote that Washington's "trampling upon the helpless abroad"
would teach Americans, "by a natural process, to endure with apathy the same treatment at home." Americans who had
applauded the crushing of other people's liberties would live to suffer the same fate.
The problem with Americans is that they only learn of their peril when it is too late to do anything about it. America,
like Humpty Dumpty, has fallen off the wall, and it will take more than all the king's men to put America back together again.
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have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don't believe anything the government tells me." - George
The pronouncements from the world's favorite science troll,
who hasn't told the truth since March 2020 when he told the world masks were useless in stopping a virus from spreading, are
coming fast and furious as more and more people ignore the fear propaganda. Alpha!!! Delta!!! and now Lambda!!! We're all
going to die unless we allow Big Pharma, with no liability for killing or maiming you with their experimental gene therapy,
and totalitarian politicians to inject us with a concoction which doesn't keep you from contracting covid or spreading covid.
But it may kill you, give you a dose of blood clots, or a touch of myocarditis.
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Information security expert on revealed Pfizer agreements:
‘There's good reason Pfizer fought to hide the details of these contracts'
Unredacted contracts for the experimental biological agent known as the "COVID-19 vaccine" between the
Pfizer corporation and various governments continue to be revealed.
security expert Ehden Biber told America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) Frontline News that the first document to recently emerge was discovered by Albanian newspaper Biber then was able to locate the digitally-signed Brazilian contract, and at least two others, one with the European Commission, and the other with the Dominican Republic.
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Chinese Regime Has Stolen Enough Data to Compile ‘Dossier' on All Americans:
Former Official
A former U.S. national security official warned
that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is stealing data to compile a "dossier" on every American adult and may use coercive means to influence private citizens and political leaders.
During a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing this week, former Trump deputy national
security adviser Matthew Pottinger said the CCP has stolen Americans' sensitive data via illicit methods, including cyber theft and hacking.
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COVID Propaganda Roundup: CNN says, ‘The Carrot Is
No Longer Going to Work' - ‘don't get the vaccine, you can't go to the supermarket.'
‘Progressive' News Outlet Young Turks: Abolish Parental Consent Laws to Vaxx Children
The "independent" "Home of Progressives" online news media outlet
The Young Turks - backed by a $20 million investment from Hollywood producer and Clinton mega-donor Jeffrey Katzenberg to support their grassroots bona fides - is on a warpath
to vaxx the children.
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CRT Shares the Same Ideology as China's Cultural Revolution,
Chinese American Warns
The Heritage Action for America, a partner
organization of the Heritage Foundation, hosted a panel discussion on critical race theory (CRT) in Georgetown, Delaware, on July 29. Six speakers stressed the dangers of CRT and how it has penetrated American society.
One speaker compared the similarities of CRT and China's Cultural Revolution.
About 500 people attended the event in person, while thousands watched
it via livestream.
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This Is Why They Are Killing Off Doctors, Microbiologists
And Infectious Disease Experts: 2017 Story Warned They Were Working On Bioweapons And 'Viral Pandemics'
The Globalists Systematically 'Silence' Whistleblowers Who Know Too Much
Over at Steve Quayle's website, and dating all the way back to 1994, Steve has been keeping track of 'mysteriously dead' doctors, scientists, microbiologists, infectious disease experts, holistic medical doctors and more, and to say there's been an awful lot of them would be an understatement.
Perfectly seen in this November 17th of 2017 story by Erin Elizabeth over at Health Nut News titled "Recap: Full list of 80 dead scientists, with photos and shocking details", that story's numbers
by no means covered all of the mysterious deaths among such experts but reported as seen in the image above:
"The worlds top anti-virus microbiologists are being killed off.
By 2005, 40 were dead. Today, over 100. Many murdered, the rest died under very suspicious circumstances. It is known they
were all working on highly-sensitive or government-funded research projects tied to bioweapons and viral pandemics. Are
these silenced 'whistleblowers' who knew too much? Why isn't the mainstream media reporting this story?"
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FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Aug. 11 Test Messages
Will be Sent to TVs and Radios Along with Select Cell Phones That Have Opted-in to Receive Test Messages
WASHINGTON - FEMA, in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission, will conduct
a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) this summer.
The national test will consist of two portions, testing
WEA and EAS capabilities. Both tests will begin at 2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Aug. 11.
The Wireless Emergency Alert portion of the test will be directed only to consumer cell phones where the subscriber
has opted-in to receive test messages. This will be the second nationwide WEA test, but the first nationwide WEA test on a
consumer opt-in basis. The test message will display in either English or in Spanish, depending on the language settings of
the wireless handset.
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When Tyranny Becomes Law, Rebellion Becomes Duty: Enough
With Gutless Americans Bowing To Tyrannical Government Mandates - Even The French Are Showing More Backbone Than Americans
It is a crying shame when citizens of other countries are far more willing than Americans
to fight for their freedoms, and to stand up and say "enough," with the government overreach of power with endless
mandates, whether it be the renewed mask mandates or threats of forced vaccines of experimental drugs that haven't been around
long enough to even estimate what their long term effects will be, or vaccine "passports."
Italy, Australia, and France are all seeing massive protests against "vaccine passports," being required for every day activities.
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After gates of Zeus' Temple unearthed in Turkey: Wild-fires
ignite simultaneously across land, blocking sun [Watch]
On July
30, the entrance gate of Zeus' Temple sanctuary was discovered during recent excavations in the ancient city of Aizanoi in
western Turkey.
Virtually immediately after the discovery was reported,
forest fires ravaged Turkey leaving six killed and many more wounded.
is it possible for 25 cities (98 different places) in Turkey to have a natural fire at the same time?
The matter should
be investigated and the cause of the fire should be ascertained.
more here:
Red Dawn: Chinese paramilitary troops reportedly training elite Cuban forces
Spooked by the protests that rocked Cuba in July, the island's communist regime called
out an elite security force of the country's Ministry of the Interior with training from one of China's most ruthless tools
of repression
ADN Cuba, a Cuban opposition media website, reported in
a Google translation on Saturday that, over the past six years the Special National Brigade, known by its Spanish acronym BEN, has been receiving
special training from members of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force, a paramilitary force that specializes in riot control
and fighting terrorism. The training is conducted in Cuba.
Read more here:
Millions are put into lockdown in China as the country tries to contain 'most
extensive Covid-19 outbreak since Wuhan'
Millions of people have
been placed back into lockdown in China as the country tries to contain its largest coronavirus outbreak in months with mass testing and travel curbs.
The country reported
55 new locally transmitted coronavirus cases today as an outbreak of the fast-spreading Delta variant reached over 20 cities
and more than a dozen provinces.
The latest surge, which state media has
labelled the 'most extensive outbreak of Covid since Wuhan', began when airport workers in Nanjing who had cleaned a plane
that arrived from Russia later tested positive for the virus.
Read more here:
The Pentagon Is Experimenting With Using Artificial Intelligence To "See
Days In Advance"
The Pentagon aims to use cutting-edge
cloud networks and artificial intelligence systems to anticipate adversaries' moves before they make them.
US. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) recently conducted a series of tests known as the Global
Information Dominance Experiments, or GIDE, which combined global sensor networks, artificial intelligence (AI) systems, and cloud computing resources
in an attempt to "achieve information dominance" and "decision-making superiority." According to NORTHCOM leadership, the AI and machine learning tools tested in the experiments could someday offer the Pentagon a robust "ability
to see days in advance," meaning it could predict the future with some reliability based on evaluating patterns, anomalies,
and trends in massive data sets. While the concept sounds like something out of Minority Report, the commander of
NORTHCOM says this capability is already enabled by tools readily available to the Pentagon.
Read more here:
As The Globalists Rush Socialism Into America, Expect Shortages,
Starvation And Mass Deaths To Follow: Covid Lockdowns 2.0 Would Kill The Economy And Push America Off The Financial Cliff
Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger warned in a Wall Street Journal article the
coronavirus crises could lead to global economic doom. He wrote an opinion piece with a catastrophic proclamation that "failure
could set the world on fire," The elderly internationalist believes the Trump White House did "a solid job in avoiding
immediate catastrophe." He says the US needs to work quickly to find a cure, pitch in to rebuild the global economy,
and protect the "liberal world order."
Others express
the same conclusion as expressed in headlines I've gathered: Complete collapse of economies' ahead in Africa; Recession Bread
Lines Forming; The evidence is clear: Democrats are pushing America toward economic disaster; and others.
If this economy brings America to her knees-it might be a good thing!
Read more here:
Hell Is Coming, And Death Is Coming With It: The Warnings
Continue To Go Out. The Situation Continues To Deteriorate. The Mass Of Humanity Continues To Go About Its Normal
What does it take to make you sit up and take notice of the problems surrounding society
today? What will it take to make you respond to the many crises taking place today? You have eyes so you can see and ears
so you can hear but for many people any negative news is a reason to tune out the world and only think good thoughts.
The problems we face continue to pile up and doing nothing is not an option if you expect
to survive the next few years in tact. Prior planning and execution of a plan is now required to stay out of the flood zone
when the dam breaks and everyone starts to drown. It does not matter what kind of person you are. You have to be able to save
yourself before you have the ability to help others including your own family.
Read more here:
Are We Headed for a Full-On FAMINE? Fires, Drought, and
Foreign Entities Buying Farms and Food Processing Plants
In addition
to civil unrest and rising crime, we're now facing threats to our food supply in the form of drought, fire, and foreign ownership of our farmlands and food processing facilities. Whether it's meat or vegetables, potatoes or
pasta, food is a huge issue. Food tensions have been the cause of many wars throughout history.
According to Farm Progress, the U.S. lost 4,400 farms in 2020 alone. Average family farm size has remained more or less stable, while Big Agriculture
farms, such as CAFOs, have grown noticeably. BigAg tends to be hard on both animals and the environment. However, the U.S. has lost dairy farms at a shocking rate.
Read more here:
Obama defies CDC guidance by inviting 500 people to his celebrity-studded
60th birthday party at his $12m mansion on Martha's Vineyard: Pearl Jam will perform and guests including Steven Spielberg
will be served by 200 staff
Former President Barack Obama has come under fire for his plans to host nearly 500 people at his Martha's Vineyard mansion for his 60th birthday, despite
a nationwide rise in COVID cases.
The former president is set to turn
60 on August 4, and is said to be planning a large soiree at his 7,000-square-foot mansion in the Edgarton section of Martha's
Vineyard next weekend.
An official familiar with the plans told Axios that there are now 475 confirmed guests for the party - including Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney and Steven Spielberg - with more than 200 staff members.
Read more here:
Outbreak: Lockdown protests explode in several countries
Perceived failures of leaders to contain outbreak sparks multiple protests
Major protests are breaking out against governments in several countries after coronavirus
sparked fury over grievances including economic problems and alleged corruption or incompetence.
Demonstrators have taken to the streets to voice their anger at perceived failures by leaders to
rise to the unprecedented challenges heightened by the pandemic.
more here:
California drought: Dozens of communities are at risk of
running out of water
Emergency wells, desalination plants,
strict rationing are spreading, particularly in small Northern California towns
In Fort Bragg on the Mendocino Coast, city leaders are rushing to install an emergency desalination system. In Healdsburg,
lawn watering is banned with fines of up to $1,000. In Hornbrook, a small town in Siskiyou County, faucets have gone completely
dry, and the chairman of the water district is driving 15 miles each way to take showers and wash clothes.
So far, California's worsening drought has been an inconvenience in big cities. But it
is already imperiling an alarming number of communities, especially between the Bay Area and the Oregon border, threatening
the water supplies for more than 130,000 people.
The severe shortages
are not just in small towns and rural hamlets that rely on one or two wells or streams that have run dry. Larger towns, with
their own reservoirs and water departments, are in trouble too.
Read more
Across America a thick, grayish, haze has settled upon our land. It clings tenaciously to the earth
replacing our familiar environment with a surreal and ghostly smoky haze. It is suffocating. Your weather channel is
reporting that it is "smoke" from a multitude of fires, but that is only half of the truth. In reality this surreal
haze is a nano silicon aerogel smoke which inserts a 3D synthetic scaffold into your body transforming your God given body
into a synthetic entity. For twenty years I have been reporting that under wildfire operations, other secret operations are
conducted, and rarely the truth is reported, until now.
January 2021, I first reported, Revelation Alive: What is the Smoke from the Abyss?, about a substance known as aerogel. It very may well be the smoke mentioned in scripture coming up
from the Abyss. As with other invasive technologies you will be told the many positive things that this "magic"
aerogel accomplishes and that there are no negative effects. The truth is aerogel is deleterious to your health.
Read more here:
We Were Warned
Long Ago 'Our Way Of Life Was Under Attack' By A Monolithic And Murderous Conspiracy But Most Didn't Then, And Most
Still Don't, Listen
Secret Societies Are A Driving Force
Behind The Hatred And Evil We See In Govt And Society Today
way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival
of our friends is in danger, and yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles
have been fired. If the press is awaiting a declaration of war, before it imposes the self discipline of combat conditions,
then I can only say that no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of clear and present
danger, then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear, and its presence has never been more imminent.
It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions by the
government, by the people, by every businessman, or labor leader, and by every newspaper. But we are opposed around
the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its fear of influence,
on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice,
on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day."
more here:
Walmart Stores Keep Temporarily Closing for This Reason
As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to rise, every Walmart store could be affected.
New COVID-19 infections are spiking across the country as the contagious delta variant spreads. As a result, Costco has already backtracked on its plan to end one pandemic-era rule that helps protect shoppers. Now, Walmart is also stepping up safety measures.
America's largest grocery chain has required masks inside its stores, displayed social distancing signs, and created
entrance and exit lanes at various times during the pandemic. It has also shut down stores for more than 40 hours in order
to sanitize them. Temporarily closures for deep cleanings lasted through spring 2021, and they have started up again at stores across the country.
Read more
The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered
Economic Depression, Global Coup d'État and the "Great Reset"
This E-book consists of a Preface and Ten Chapters.
are dealing with an exceedingly complex process.
In the course of
the last 17-18 months starting in early January 2020, I have analyzed almost on a daily basis the timeline and evolution of
the Covid crisis. From the very outset in January 2020, people were led to believe and accept the existence of a rapidly
progressing and dangerous epidemic.
I suggest you first read the Highlights (below),
the Preface and Introduction before proceeding with chapters II through X.
Alternatively you may wish to View the Global Research Video entitled: The 2021 Worldwide Corona Crisis (released in February 2021), which provides a 25 minutes summary.
of the ten chapters provides factual information as well as analysis on the following topics:
What Is Covid-19, what is SARS-CoV-2, how Is it identified, how is it estimated?
The timeline and historical evolution of the Corona Crisis,
The devastating economic and financial impacts,
The enrichment
of a social minority of billionaires,
How the lockdown policies trigger
unemployment and mass poverty Worldwide,
The devastating impacts on mental
The E-book also includes analysis of curative and preventive
drugs as well as a review of Big Pharma's Covid-19 "messenger" mRNA vaccine which is an "unapproved"
and "experimental" drug affecting the human genome. (It is a dangerous drug. See Chapter VIII)
Read more here:
What's REALLY behind the war on home ownership?
The incipient "Great Reset" is a multi-faceted beast. We talk a lot about vaccine passports
and lockdowns and the Covid-realated aspects - and we should - but there's more to it than that.
Remember, they want you to "own nothing and be happy". And right at the top of the list of things you definitely shouldn't own, is your own home.
The headlines about this have been steady for the last few years, but it has picked up pace in the
wake of the "pandemic" (as has so much else). An agenda hidden on back pages, behind by Covid's meaningless big
red numbers, but perhaps no less sinister.
Read more here:
Welcome to the Great Reset? Corporate landlords poised to
snatch Americans' property after eviction moratorium EXPIRES
face imminent homelessness, after the Democrats left Washington for the recess without extending an eviction moratorium set
to expire on Saturday. America's largest corporate landlords are about to make a killing.
An 11-month eviction moratorium that prevented tens of millions of Americans from losing their homes during the coronavirus-induced
economic shutdown expires on July 31, after Congress left Washington for recess without passing a bill to extend it.
The moratorium was put in place by the Trump administration last year and extended by
the Biden administration in June, but a Supreme Court ruling that same month stated that a further extension would require
"clear and specific congressional authorization."
more here:
Dr. Stella Immanuel Launches $100 Million Dollar Lawsuit
Against CNN After Being Vindicated on Hydroxychloroquine
League Politics has reported on the suppressed science showing that hydroxychloroquine can effectively treat COVID-19:
"A new study has demonstrated that treating COVID-19 with hydroxychloroquine makes patients 84 percent less likely to be hospitalized.
The study is set to be published in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents
in December. It has determined that "low-dose hydroxychloroquine combined with zinc and azithromycin was an effective
therapeutic approach against COVID-19."
Read more here:
Walt Disney, Walmart Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine for US Employees, Alter Mask Policy
The Walt Disney Company and Walmart announced a new policy on Friday that will require nearly every employee working for the company in the United States
to be vaccinated against the CCP virus.
Disney's new measure will give both salaried and non-union hourly employees
across the nation 60 days to be compliant, the company said in a statement. Newly hired employees will also be required
to be fully vaccinated before beginning employment.
"Employees who
aren't already vaccinated and are working on-site will have 60 days from today to complete their protocols and any employees
still working from home will need to provide verification of vaccination prior to their return, with certain limited exceptions,"
according to the statement.
Read more here:
Cash Flood Drives Use of Fed Reverse Repo to Record $1 Trillion
An overabundance of cash in U.S. interest-rate markets has for the first time ever pushed
the amount that investors are parking at a major central bank facility to more than $1 trillion.
Eighty-six participants on Friday placed an unprecedented total of $1.04 trillion at the Federal
Reserve's overnight reverse repurchase facility, in which counterparties like money-market funds can place cash with the central
bank. That surpassed the previous all-time high volume of $991.939 billion from June 30, New York Fed data show.
Read more here:
Massive ground beef recall for possible E. coli contamination
More than 295,000 pounds of raw beef products are being recalled because they may be contaminated
with E. coli.
Greater Omaha Packing, an Omaha, Nebraska meat processor,
is recalling select products produced on July 13, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service
announced late Thursday.
Read more here:
Central Walmart shuts down over the weekend to sanitize building
BATON ROUGE - Starting at 2 p.m. Saturday, the Walmart on Sullivan
Road will be closed temporarily.
Walmart said on July 31 that
the closure will allow time for proper sanitization of the store.
you know, several areas across the country have begun seeing a renewed increase in positive COVID-19 cases, mainly in regions
with low vaccination rates, and we want to assist health officials working against the pandemic. As part of this effort, we
chose to temporarily close our Baton Rouge, LA store location at 10200 Sullivan Rd, today at 2 p.m. as part of a company-initiated
program. This will allow extra time for a third-party specialist to further sanitize the store and will also give our associates
additional time to restock shelves and prepare the store to once again serve the community."
Read more here:
CNN just declared that unvaccinated people should be starved to death
(Natural News) People who refuse to get injected with a "vaccine" for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) as demanded by Pedo Joe
should not be allowed to enter grocery stores to buy food for their families, says Don Lemon of CNN.
During a recent broadcast, Lemon went on a tirade about how he believes
that the only people who should be able to buy and sell are those who take the Mark of Science in their bodies, permanently
altering the genetic blueprints that were placed there by God.
I don't know, I'm sure a lot of people are not going to agree with this but, um, don't get the vaccine, you can't go to the
supermarket," Lemon blathered in a lengthy monologue - watch below.
Read and watch here:
Thousands are forced to flee Dixie Fire while firefighters
struggle to hold flames back as it races toward Paradise where 85 people were killed in 2018 wildfires
California's largest blaze, the Dixie Fire, has now burned nearly a quarter-million acres as firefighters race to keep the flames from reaching
northeast to the town of Paradise, which burned in 2018 wildfires, killing 85 people.
At least 16,500 people have had to flee their homes recently as yet another massive wildfire continues
to grow. The evacuations are becoming an unwelcome routine in a region still recovering from the 2018 Camp Fire, which
left 85 people in Paradise dead and is recorded as the deadliest wildfire in the Golden State's history.
The Dixie Fire was burning nearly 241,000 acres, or about 375 square miles, Saturday morning
and was 24 per cent contained, according to the state's wildfire agency. It has destroyed at least 42 homes and threatens
more than 10,000 others.
Read more here:
At Least 12 Million Households Face Eviction As Moratorium Ends
The eviction moratorium ends July 31. Millions of households are behind with no confidence
in making payments.
State and local governments have struggled
to distribute $47 billion in federal money aimed at helping tenants who can't pay rent because of the pandemic-triggered downturn,
leaving many people at risk of being forced out of their homes when the moratorium expires.
Just $3 billion of the aid authorized by Congress in December and March had been delivered to landlords and tenants
as of June 30, the Treasury Department said in a report last week.
many landlords have been squeezed because they have been unable to collect rent but remain on the hook for taxes, maintenance
and other bills.
Read more here:
'Masks are only for peasants, not the ruling class I guess':
DC Mayor Muriel Bowser is slammed for partying MASKLESS with comedian Dave Chappelle - just hours before her latest face covering
mandate came into effect
Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser has come under fire for partying without a mask just hours before her mandatory face covering order
came back into effect.
As of 5AM Saturday, all residents and visitors
in the nation's capitol are required to wear a mask in public indoor spaces, regardless of vaccination status, due to the
spread of the COVID-19 Delta variant.
The Mayor has also urged people
to don masks in 'large outdoor settings.'
But it seems she wasn't taking
her own advice on Friday night, as she went maskless at a large gathering with celebrity comedian Dave Chappelle.
Read more here:
Thousands of anti-vaxxers march through Paris holding placards
saying 'we are not guinea pigs' and 'it is our choice' in opposition to compulsory jabs and vaccine passports
Thousands of demonstrators fought running battles with police in Paris today as protests
against a vaccine passport were held across France.
Around 150 separate
events were organised in major cities and town after the government used emergency powers to bring in new anti-Coronavirus
By early afternoon on Saturday, tear gas and baton charges were
being used against violent groups in Paris.
Four marches descended on
the Place de la Bastille, where water cannons and squads of gendarmes and CRS riot police were waiting for them.
Read more here:
Top American doctor: COVID shots are ‘obsolete,' dangerous, must be shut
Dr. Peter A. McCullough presents a real expert's take on
these crucial issues, as one of the top COVID doctors in the world.
26, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) - In the latest episode of The John-Henry Westen Show, I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Peter
A. McCullough, the most qualified physician on COVID-19 in the United States.
McCullough's extensive list of credentials include being an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, Professor of Medicine
at Texas A & M College of Medicine, the President at the Cardiorenal Society of America, Editor-in-Chief of Cardiorenal
Medicine and of Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, and a Senior Associate Editor at American Journal of
Cardiology. He both practices medicine and publishes academic scientific studies.
In our conversation today, McCullough provides a real expert's take on these crucial issues relating to COVID-19.
He and I talked in-depth about several aspects of the coronavirus vaccines, as well as about the early medical
treatments that have been effectively banned in so many countries.
and watch here:
Bacon may disappear in California as pig rules take effect
Thanks to a reworked menu and long hours, Jeannie Kim managed to keep her San Francisco
restaurant alive during the coronavirus pandemic.
That makes it all the
more frustrating that she fears her breakfast-focused diner could be ruined within months by new rules that could make one
of her top menu items - bacon - hard to get in California.
"Our number
one seller is bacon, eggs and hash browns," said Kim, who for 15 years has run SAMS American Eatery on the city's busy
Market Street. "It could be devastating for us."
At the beginning
of next year, California will begin enforcing an animal welfare proposition approved overwhelmingly by voters in 2018 that
requires more space for breeding pigs, egg-laying chickens and veal calves. National veal and egg producers are optimistic
they can meet the new standards, but only 4% of hog operations now comply with the new rules. Unless the courts intervene
or the state temporarily allows non-compliant meat to be sold in the state, California will lose almost all of its pork supply,
much of which comes from Iowa, and pork producers will face higher costs to regain a key market.
Read more here:
China & Russia pose ‘daily threat' from space
with lasers and missiles to blast satellites, military chief warns
and Russia are posing a "daily threat" to the world from space with lasers and missiles ready to blast satellites
out of the sky, a military chief has warned.
Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike
Wigston said Moscow and Beijing are engaging in "dangerous activity" - such as flying satellites within "close
proximity" of others - on a daily basis.
Read more here:
FALLING AWAY: America's new religion is "Fake Christianity"
Earlier this month, the Western Journal reported that the "American Church Has Fallen:
Shocking Poll Shows ‘Fake Christianity' Has Supplanted the Biblical Worldview."
Writing for the Journal, Rachel Bratton said this: "American Christianity has fallen. Thanks to cultural corrosion
and a lack of biblical literacy, a new ‘fake Christianity' is now being preached within the American church."
"This counterfeit religion is Moralistic Therapeutic Deism," stated Ms. Bratton,
"a worldview that has quickly gained prominence and given many Americans a theology that looks nothing like historical
Christianity, despite what they may claim."
Read more here:
Israel Becomes First Country in the World to Push 3rd COVID Shot for Already Vaccinated
Pfizer continued their program of using Israelis as lab rats this week as Israel became
the first country in the world to authorize a third COVID-19 "vaccine" for those who have already received two Pfizer
mRNA shots, beginning with people over the age of 60.
Read more here:
This Is Why We Are Being Inventoried, Categorized, Profiled And
Inoculated: Techno-Genocide Will Be The Most Efficient Means For The NWO To Swiftly Cull 7 Billion Humans
'The population has exceeded the capacity of the biosphere': United Nations
I vigorously study the Climate Change issue from all sides. No one seems to connect the
dots. I believe the following summary of my in depth research of the New World Order and UN Agenda 21/2030 Agenda for Sustainability
over the last decades may provide the answer. It is all about the exponential population growth far exceeding the Earth's
carrying capacity with its finite resources. I surmise that the need for the overarching Technocracy is
organize humans and animals in such detail that when the now accepted Chinese-style communist model is fully installed worldwide,
TechnoGenocide will be the most efficient means of swiftly culling about 7 billion humans and assorted numbers of other mammals
and carefully regulating replacement birth rates, so that the elite Technocrats will survive in comfort on the finite resources
of Earth. Although it is a terrible solution, it is, in the minds of the elites, the only solution.
Read more here:
Pakistan: Block SIM Cards and Social Media of Un-Vax'd
Sindh is one of the four provinces of Pakistan. Located in the southeastern parts of the
country, Sindh is the third-largest province of Pakistan by total area and the second-largest province by population after
Pakistani Punjab. Today, the government there instructed their National Command and Operations Center to BLOCK the cell-phone
SIM cards, and Internet social media accounts of everyone who is NOT vaccinated against COVID-19.
This means that even when they don't leave their homes, they'll have their phones and internet
Read more here:
China Increasing Its Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Silos
By A Factor Of Ten: Report
A new ICBM silo field taking
shape in the northwest of the country is the second to be identified in only a month.
Recent satellite imagery shows that China appears to be building another major intercontinental ballistic missile, or ICBM, silo field, the second of its kind to have been identified by analysts in the space of a month. This is a major development, with the analysts responsible for locating it describing it as "the most significant expansion
of the Chinese nuclear arsenal ever." However, while Beijing now seems to be rapidly building up a previously neglected
arm of its strategic missile forces, exactly why it is doing this now remains something of a mystery.
Read more here:
US Navy says 'drone strike' hit an oil tanker under attack off
the coast of Oman, killing two people on board
U.S. Navy
explosive experts believe a 'drone strike' targeted an oil tanker that came under attack off the coast of Oman in the Arabian
Sea, killing two on board, the American military said Saturday.
The strike
Thursday night on the oil tanker Mercer Street marks the first-known fatal attack after years of assaults on commercial shipping
in the region linked to tensions with Iran over its tattered nuclear deal. While no one has claimed responsibility for the
attack, Israeli officials alleged Tehran launched the drone strike.
Iran did not directly acknowledge the attack, the strike comes as Tehran now appears poised to take an even tougher approach
with the West as the country prepares to inaugurate a hard-line protégé of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
as president.
Read more here:
GHOSTS IN THE MACHINES: How Holograms, Deepfakes, And AR
Are Providing FAMILIAR SPIRITS A Last Days Digital Doorway Into Your Soul
Considering his final frontier, 90-year-old Star Trek star William Shatner recently decided to boldly go into an
Los Angeles studio and turn himself into a ghost. Shatner spent five days recording a StoryFile, a type of interactive video
created by a company also called StoryFile. Portions of the recording, which were captured by 3D cameras, will be "tagged"
using StoryFile's proprietary system. Later, Shatner's ghost will be beamed to his family members, to fans via the internet,
and possibly to museums and entertainment venues. People will be able to ask Shatner's ghost questions. StoryFile's system
will "play" the answers, creating the illusion that William Shatner lives, even long after he passes on. Welcome
to the new spiritualism... (READ MORE)
The Importance of Teaching Children to Become Resilient
For us, as adults, it's easy to get frustrated these days. Whether
you are a big-picture person, looking at the trends in surveillance technology and "The Great Reset" hubris, or an ordinary person frustrated by spiking prices and constant supply headaches. Many of us have had to tap into our inner resources to stand resilient in the face of these challenges.
How can we teach kids to do the same? How do we teach our children the vital skill of
Read more here:
When the
word "oligarchy" is mentioned, many are disinclined to believe that things have really progressed to such a point.
After all, the very term brings to mind leaders of war who, after violently conquering a territory, hold it in a tight grip
while ruling with a totalitarian thrust. However, there are several types of oligarchy, some of which require warfare and
others that operate with more subtlety. Recall that the powers that be are aware that their audience is highly educated and
intellectual. Thus, a more delicate approach is required to maintain power. What we see today is, as author Jeffrey A. Winters
calls it, a civil oligarchy, wherein the ruling individuals "are fully disarmed, do not rule, and submit to
the property-defending laws of highly bureaucratic institutional states."[i] Additionally, civil oligarchy is characteristically marked not by one leader, but by an entrenched collective who often operates
cooperatively but separately in pursuit of the same interests.[ii]
Sound familiar?
more here:
is content written and posted by advertisers that has as its number-one purpose attracting Internet users to "click"
on a link to the advertiser's website. One of the pithiest and most effective tools used online today is the clickbait headline.
Often, those who want to cast doubt on a person or event or shape the public's response about nearly anything presented in
the news can do so by using one of the oldest tools in social manipulation tactics: the rumor. Unfortunately, society is full
of folks who often see a headline and investigate the matter no further. So, by posting captions that have false tales in
them, an individual or news outlet has the power to circulate a fabricated version of the story-without being guilty of telling
an outright lie. After all, often captions state the most sensational line in a story, then the article itself clears up the
gossip. But how many people take the time to read the whole thing? It turns out that "most readers spend most of their
reading time scanning headlines rather than reading the story," since we're so busy these days that we find it hard to
dedicate the time to taking in the entire article.[i] Thus, the headline has the power to tell its own, separate saga.
more here:
74 Percent of COVID-19 Cases From Massachusetts Outbreak Occurred
in Fully Vaccinated People: Study
A COVID-19 outbreak
in a Massachusetts county in July primarily occurred among vaccinated people, sparking fears that a variant of the CCP virus can impact that population more than other strains.
Read more here:
The Covid Scam Is Unraveling
The Covid Scam is collapsing across the entire front much like the Wehrmacht after Stalingrad. Mask mandates and
lockdowns are on the comeback because health authorities now admit that the Covid vaccines do not offer effective protection,
especially against what are called "new variants." What is the point of a Covid passport when the vaccine
does not protect and the vaccinated have to wear masks?
Presstitute scum in the US falsely report that the "new outbreak"
of Covid is among the unvaccinated young, and the push is on to vaccinate all the youth. But the facts tell a different
story. In the UK, for example, new Covid cases are exploding among the fully vaccinated, rising 40 percent in one week
while new covid cases among the unvaccinated are declining by 22%.
more here:
When Society Collapses, Will The US Be One Of The Best Places
To Be Located?
On some level, we all know that it is just
a matter of time before our society implodes. When that day finally arrives, where will you want to be living?
I know that most of you have thought about this at some point. Even if we don't admit it to others, most of us have
spent at least a little bit of time thinking about worst case scenarios. Our world is getting a little bit crazier with
each passing day, and that was definitely true today. We are cruising down a highway that doesn't lead anywhere good, and it won't be too long before the wheels start coming
off. When the music finally stops and everyone is scrambling to find a chair, where will you be located?
Read more here:
Illegals Are Now So Bad That My Mom Won't Water Flowers Without
a Gun: TX Resident
For the residents of Uvalde, Texas,
a town about 60 miles from the southwest border, life has changed dramatically since President Joe Biden took office.
Biden's immediate reversal of the Trump administration's effective immigration policies
has spurred the invasion of close to a million illegal immigrants, which has completely overwhelmed the system and turned the lives of U.S. citizens living in border towns into a living hell.
Fox News' Tucker Carlson visited Uvalde and spoke to several property owners about their
new normal.
Read more here:
FEMA SURGE TEAMS? Biden Announces New FEMA & CDC Surge Teams For Unvaccinated
If this be true, it is very concerning! [PMB]
Watch here:
The Shadow State: Twitter Suspends Commentator For Criticizing Vaccine Policies
I recently discussed how the Biden Administration was actively encouraging corporations to limit speech and impose vaccines mandates as a
type of shadow state.
Rather than take such actions directly
( and face both legal and political challenges), the Administration is relying on its close alliance with Big Tech and other
companies to carry out such tasks. That surrogate relationship is particularly clear in the expanding censorship program
carried out by the Twitter, Facebook and other companies.
Read more here:
B.C. health authority apologizes after yellow star handed out at COVID-19 vaccine
VANCOUVER -- A British Columbia health authority is apologizing
after being made aware that a clinic had handed out yellow stars for those getting their second COVID-19 vaccines.
Vancouver Coastal Health became aware of the issue when a vaccine recipient posted a photo
on social media.
"A yellow star for double vaccination? Really...?"
Andrea Coutu wrote on Twitter Thursday, tagging VCH, the provincial health minister and the B.C. Centre for Disease Control.
Read and watch here:
Thug Makes FATAL Mistake and Attacks Elderly Couple's Home:
Homeowner Is a 2A Patriot
Intruder shot dead after attacking
armed homeowner who knew his Second Amendment rights
thug made a fatal error of judgment when he decided to trespass on an elderly couple's property and threaten the occupants
- little did he realize that the homeowner knew his Second Amendment rights and was all too willing to exercise them.
Police said the Louisiana couple got a motion alert from their home security system
early Wednesday morning.
According to local news station KTBS-TV, they noticed on their system that someone was hopping the fence of their Shreveport home.
Read more here:
Clive Maund - Genocide is their End Game and everything
that has happened and is happening is due to a meticulously planned and sinister plot being implemented by the narrow clique
of gangsters who now control our world.
a nutshell, they are to cull a large percentage of the human race and to turn the survivors into a completely controlled army
of slaves who own nothing and are dictated to and tracked, traced and monitored 24 / 7 everywhere, even inside their own homes,
which of course they will no longer own."
only starts to make sense when you understand that everything that has happened and is happening is due to a meticulously
planned and sinister plot being implemented by the narrow clique of gangsters who now control our world."
Read more here:
Britain is 'a
bi*ch asking for a beating' with its South China Sea warship challenge, Beijing warns
China has warned Britain is 'a bi*ch... asking for a beating' if British warships challenge Beijing's claim to the South China
The HMS Queen Elizabeth and her carrier group arrived in the
disputed waters on Thursday and are set to sail through Beijing's backyard alongside eight other vessels in a show of strength
to Chinese President Xi Jingping.
But Chinese state media has warned any
move seen as a challenge to islands which Beijing lays claim to would mean Britain 'is being a bi*ch' and 'asking for a beating'.
Editor-in-chief of the state-run Global Times Hu Xijin said China would 'make an example'
of any British incursion into waters claimed by Beijing.
Read more
Going Through A Dry-Run For SHTF: No Running Water Offers
Prepping Lessons of Being Prepared, Unprepared, And Under-Prepared
year our well pump died and we had to have it replaced, which wasn't easy since the well runs very deep. Everything was working
great until we had a short power outage, which caused a surge when the lights came back on, which managed to blow a pressure
relay to the water pump.
Woke up the next day to no water, at all.
Dishwasher full and no way to wash them, no showers because, as I said, no water. Could
only flush the toilets once because the tanks would not fill back up, and it got us thinking about what we would do long term,
if the water wasn't coming back in the foreseeable future.
Had bottled
water, so we could cook and brush our teeth, and stores open to purchase more water, so we weren't exactly desperate, but
we did use the opportunity to take note of what we lacked in preparation had this issue been one that went on long term.
The fact is almost everything runs on the internet and electricity. Lose electric, those
of us using well water cannot get it without a manual well pump.
more here:
Going Postal: American Postal Workers Union REJECTS Biden Vaccine Mandate
"It is not the role of the federal government to mandate vaccinations for the employees
we represent"
After Joe Biden decreed Thursday that anyone
working for the U.S. government will be forced to take coronavirus vaccines, the backlash began almost immediately with the
American Postal Workers Union issuing a statement of defiance.
the APWU leadership continues to encourage postal workers to voluntarily get vaccinated, it is not the role of the federal
government to mandate vaccinations for the employees we represent," the statement urges.
It adds, "Issues related to vaccinations and testing for COVID-19 in the workplace must be negotiated with the
APWU. At this time the APWU opposes the mandating of COVID-19 vaccinations in relation to U.S. postal workers."
Read more here:
Biden Orders Military to Move Toward Mandatory COVID Vaccine
President Joe Biden on Thursday said he has ordered the military to start taking steps
toward making the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for uniformed service members.
comments at the White House, Biden stopped short of imposing a vaccine mandate right away. But he said he has asked the Defense
Department to look into how, and when, the military will add vaccines to protect against COVID-19 to the list of other vaccinations
service members must receive.
Biden said making the vaccines mandatory
is important because troops often serve in places where vaccination rates are low and COVID is prevalent.
Read more here:
Solar Winds Cause Crack in Earth's Magnetic Field as Speeds
Reach 400 Km Per Second, Report Says
According to NASA, solar
wind is created by the expansion of plasma from the Sun's outermost atmosphere. This plasma is continually heated to the point
that the Sun's gravity can't hold it down. As the Sun rotates, it winds up its magnetic field lines above its polar regions
into a large rotating spiral, creating a constant stream of "wind".
winds have caused a crack in our planet's magnetic field, the website has reported. Earth's magnetic field is vital to life on our planet, as it protects the ozone
layer from cosmic rays and harmful radiation. According to the outlet, space weather forecasters recently estimated that the
speed of solar winds reached 400 kilometres per second as they battered the Earth.
Read more here:
WW3 fears as China stages massive ‘Taiwan invasion' drills
and boasts it would defeat US and UK in any conflict
World War Three have been sparked after China staged massive military drills "invading Taiwan".
Beijing also boasted about defeating the US and the UK in any conflict - and says it is
confident the advantages are on its side.
The latest drill includes assault
landings and island-control exercises in a bid to demonstrate the communist state's military might.
It was conducted as the country is preparing its soldiers in case of an insurgency in Taiwan,
Chinese state media reports.
Read more here:
Australia Calls in Military to Enforce Lockdown
Sydney under de facto medical martial law.
in Australia have called in the military to occupy parts of Sydney and enforce the country's latest draconian COVID-19 lockdown.
Hundreds of military personnel will be drafted in to patrol the country's largest city
despite coronavirus cases remaining in the low hundreds per day, far lower than other developed nations like the UK that have
lifted some of the restrictions.
It remains to be seen whether the troops
will be used to police protesters, hundreds of thousands of whom hit the streets of major cities last weekend to demonstrate
against the measures.
Read more here:
As A 'Big Pharma' Induced Medical Catastrophe Unfolds Across America,
Radical Leftist Threatens To 'Treat Republicans Like Nazis Did The Jews' And 'Be As Murderous As Possible'
Nothing Is More Tyrannical Than Forcing Someone To Put Something Into Their Body
They Don't Want
While Robert W Malone, MD is definitely
not a 'household name', he should be.
The actual inventor of the mRNA injection that big pharma is now mass producing in their attempts to 'fight Covid' according
to Wikipedia, Dr. Malone is now blowing up the 'twitter-verse' with one tweet after another ripping the globalists 'vaccines
are the answer to Covid' agenda into little bits and pieces.
in one viral tweet that 'They (the FDA) needed to measure duration, distribution, and amount for the spike protein. The FDA never did
this; one of our researchers did. They found spike protein is still circulating 5 months from vaccination in 100%
of patients tested (6 people; random pick)', we're not surprised that Malone's life is being threatened for going totally against the globalists narrative.
Read more here:
There's no food or water anymore! Over a million animals
killed amid China's flooding emergency - Fears of African swine fever outbreak
As of 26 July, heavy rain and floods in Henan Province, China had affected 12.9 million people in 150 counties (cities,
districts) and 1,558 towns.
As many as 24,474 houses have been
severely damaged or destroyed and more that 1.31 million people have been evacuated to safer areas. A total of 69 people have
lost their lives and 5 are still missing.
Damage was
also caused to 972,000 hectares of farmland. More than 1 million animals have drowned alive... And the drinking water system
has been contaminated... There is no food and no water anymore for millions of people...
Read more here:
Who's calling the shots? Push is on to mask up and shoot up the school children:
What parents need to know
Parents of school-age children
are about to encounter the most bizarre school year ever.
When it comes
to the safety of the Covid shots, most elected leaders, from Joe Biden all the way down to the governors, mayors and school
boards, have shirked their responsibility and handed over full control of their offices to unelected bureaucrats and shills
for Big Pharma.
As we have seen, the dictates from these unelected, unaccountable
elites can change from week to week, month to month, and they almost never provide solid scientific data to back up their
decisions. We are supposed to just trust them and obey.
Read more here:
U.S. Treasury Plan If Economic Collapse: "Force Majeure,"
Paratroopers to Fed Res. Banks, "De-Monetize" U.S. Dollar
you know the United States of America actually has a PLAN in the event they can no longer service their debt? They
do! Adopted it back in the early 2000's. Meet the "6900 Protocols."
With all the hoopla taking place nowadays, our national government being completely ILLEGITIMATE via a fraudulent
and stolen election, and hyper-inflation creeping just around the corner, it might be worth a minute or two to learn what
our "trusted public servants" have planned . . . for us . . . . after THEY have
Bankrupted the nation.
Read more here:
Sardinia is burning like a torch - Thousands evacuated - Across California and
Nevada too
There are mega wildfires burning forests around the
globe right now. Here two disastrous examples from the US and Sardinia, Italy.
I have some friends going there on vacation. It's going to be Hell! Massive wildfires have ravaged tens of thousands
of hectares on the Italian island of Sardinia. Firefighters are struggling to contain the blaze as it rages for a third day
straight, with Rome asking the EU for help.
Read more here:
Key South African ports declare ‘force majeure' after cyberattack
South Africa's state-owned ports and freight rail operator Transnet has declared "force
majeure" at the country's main container terminals because of "an act of cyberattack, security intrusion and sabotage"
that struck last week.
The measure, which releases a company from fulfilling
contractual obligations, affects key container terminals in Durban, Ngqura, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town, Reuters reported
Tuesday, citing a note dated Monday that Transnet sent to customers.
more here:
America Is An Occupied Nation! Will An American Viet Cong Arise From the Ashes?
It is abundantly clear that the globalists are escalating their
timetable to establish a New World Order and they are in a hurry to achieve this goal. The globalists found a formula that
worked when they stole the 2018 Midterm Elections and then they stole the 2020 election and the Republicans did nothing.
The key Maricopa County audit is compromised and all future elections will be decided by the Maxrist regime we still call
the Democratic Party.
The globalists are winning on every front.
Our pastors are compromised, the MSM and social media are controlled, business and banking are controlled, our leaders have
forsaken the people and Donald Trump, in his last year in office, changed his goal from Making America Great Again to
Making Himself Safe Again as Trump installed Fauci as the Defacto President and medical martial law was introduced to America.
Read more here:
Facebook now getting involved in religion, signs contract with megachurch
Big Tech social media giant Facebook is partnering with religious organizations as part
of what seems like its goal to make the platform a virtual home for religious communities.
According to a Sunday article in the New York Times by faith and politics reporter Elizabeth Dias, ahead of Hillsong Atlanta's opening, developers working for Facebook regularly
met with Pastor Sam Collier to explore ways through which -- in Dias' words -- the platform can help churches "go further
farther on Facebook."
Read more here:
NYC Brain Computer Startup Announces FDA Trial Before Elon Musk
(Bloomberg) -- A brain-computer interface company is entering clinical trials for its implants in the U.S.,
a big step toward getting the futuristic devices into more skulls to help treat conditions like paralysis. New York-based
Synchron Inc. said it received permission from the Food and Drug Administration to test its device in human patients. The
trial, known as an early feasibility study, is essential to proving the implants work safely and could one day be sold in
the U.S.
Read more at:
3,000 Christians Killed in Nigeria This Year So Far - Media Silence
through 2021 are almost the same as the entire number of 2020
jaw-dropping 3,462 Christians have been killed at the hands of Islamic militants in Nigeria this year, but the establishment
media has barely reported on it.
The Nigeria-based nonprofit,
The International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law, reported the death figures mid-way through 2021 are almost the same as the entire number of 2020.
Read more here:
Top Democrat Donor Found Guilty of Drugging Male Prostitutes to Death
The federal jury convicted Ed Buck of all nine felony counts
Wealthy Democrat donor and political activist Ed Buck has been found guilty on
charges of injecting gay men with methamphetamine in exchange for sexual intercourse, which led to two fatal overdoses.
Buck was convicted on all nine felony counts, which could lead to a life sentence.
The verdict
comes four years after one of the victims died of an overdose in the West Hollywood Democrat's apartment.
After a two-week trial, the jury deliberated for more than four hours.
Buck contacted men on gay dating sites and provided drugs in return for various sordid
sex acts, police say.
Read more here:
Appeals court stunner: State can force Christians to violate religious beliefs
'It seems we have moved from 'live and let live' to 'you can't say that''
The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has created a precedent that the state of Colorado
can discriminate against an artist, forcing her to violate her beliefs and provide messages she rejects, in pursuit of its
"anti-discrimination" laws.
The ruling came in a case that now
could be used to force a web designer to create sites with messages to which she objects based on her sincere religious faith.
Read more here:
Damning Evidence Hidden In Plain Sight The Left's Power
Play Towards Tyranny And Nuremberg Level Crimes Against Humanity Were Planned Out Long Ago To Usher In A 'New World Order'
Everything Happening Now Pushes Forward The UN's Agenda's '21 And 2030'
As "Event 201" (held in October 2019), and the "SPARS Pandemic" document published in 2017, laid out in detail long before the arrival of Covid, this 'SCAMDEMIC' was well planned in advance.
This entire pandemic, referred to by its proper name, THE EUGENICISTS DEPOPULATION PROGRAM,
is an obvious attempt (to those who've been paying attention) to cull the world's population and to install a 'NEW WORLD
With the globalists depopulation program via 'scamdemic'
all hidden in plain sight, you can see the 'Event 201' document at the very bottom of this story. While that
document in itself is damning, the signs this thing was planned long ago surround us and are largely hidden in plain site.
One thing is certain; this scamdemic is not a natural occurring pandemic derived from
a wet market bat in China. Dr. Fauci's gain of function work has laid this assumption to rest - and seemingly the
only issue regarding this is that HE GOT CAUGHT! (ANP: Bank robbers, murderers and spouse beaters also hide their crimes,
think the guilty would admit to Nuremberg level crimes upon humanity?)
Read more here:
The Fauci Protection Team
Someone, almost certainly Dr. Fauci's business partner, Big Pharma, has organized an active Internet support system
to shield Dr. Fauci from accountability.
Fauci is in difficulty for a variety of reasons, including his conflicts
of interest with Big Pharma. He has a financial relationship with companies whose products he approves. But his
big trouble at the moment is that he lied to Congress when he denied funding research working to develop the Covid virus.
NIH records show that he financed research on how to make Covid virus more transmissible at UNC and at the Wuhan lab.
Read more here:
What Would a COMPLETE Supply Chain Breakdown Really Look Like?
Cyber Polygon 2020 examined the threat of a complete supply chain breakdown. But what does that mean? Is it just no more toilet paper? Or is it something more sinister?
Perhaps we can shed some light on
the situation here.
According to the American Red Cross, most Americans have less than three days' worth of food in their homes. After three days with no food, starvation begins to set in.
Grocery stores rely on just-in-time systems to get their food to their
customers. On average, this means that a grocery store has roughly a week's worth of food within its four walls at any given
time. However, remember that this is a week's worth of food in normal circumstances. As the 2020 toilet paper situation showed,
once people fear they can't get more of something, they stock up. Therefore, a week's worth of food at the grocery store can
be gone in a matter of days or hours.
Read more
‘Failed miserably' - Pentagon's wargame failure signals that the wokester generals are fighting
the last wars
The Pentagon's wokester generals, such as chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, have touted Critical Race Theory as the military's focus and a great
success story.
The guy under him, though, didn't have such good news.
According to DefenseOne (hat tip: Mickey Kaus):
Read more here:
Wait, Slavery Is OUR "Original Sin"?
How many times have you heard that slavery was "America's original sin"? I'm not quite
sure what that means, but I think the idea is that slavery was a uniquely horrible thing that defines the United States and
will stain whites forever. It's one of the few things Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Barack Obama agree
on. There are books about it. Here's a college course at UC Davis called "Slavery: America's Original Sin: Part
The fact is, there has been slavery in every period
of history, and just about everywhere. The Greeks and Romans had it, the ancient Egyptians had
it, it's all over the Bible, the Chinese and the pre-Columbian Indians had it, the Maoris in
New Zealand had it, and the Muslims had it in spades. But I have never, ever heard of slavery being anyone
else's "original sin."
Read more here:
Authorities order the VAXTERMINATION of city workers, doctors
and nurses as spike protein MURDER injections target government and health care sectors
(Natural News) Government authorities and large health care groups are ordering the vaxtermination of their own members and workers, demanding
spike protein murder shots be injected into millions of victims who work in the government and health care sectors.
NYC mayor Bill de Blasio, for example, just announced covid mandates (vaccinate or endure daily tests with high false positive rates) for all 314,000 city workers. This is government
targeting government in the vaccine depopulation war. What it means is that if covid vaccines produce any significant
number of fatalities or hospitalizations, NYC will suffer personnel losses and large increases in health care costs for its
own workers, plunging the city into a dire situation where there are no longer enough city workers alive to keep the city
Read more here:
Ashli Babbitt's Mom: Nancy Pelosi Orchestrated The Killing Of My Daughter
Ashli Babbit was murdered by a hijacked USG staging an election coup against the we the
people. Murdered. And then Democrat party is shielding the murder and creating an fictional, alternative narrative in order
to persecute those we stand in defense of our freedoms.
Read more here:
Orange Juice Futures Soar Amid 'Frost Threats' In Brazil
Brazil's top growing regions for coffee, sugar, and oranges are expected to see another
round of frost later this week. A cold snap last week sent coffee futures to a seven-year high. Now orange juice futures are skyrocketing.
Brazil is the world's
leading orange juice producer. There are concerns about widespread frost Friday and Saturday in the southernmost regions of
south Minas Gerais state could damage citrus trees.
Drew Lerner,
president of World Weather Inc, told Bloomberg that frost later this week "would damage some trees" in the Minas Gerais state. Below are Friday morning forecast
temperatures hovering around freezing.
Read more here:
California moves to cut off water to thousands of farmers, as drought dries up
Forced to reckon with a worsening drought, California's
water regulators are preparing to forbid thousands of farmers from tapping into the state's major rivers and streams.
It's an extraordinary step - and one that regulators didn't take during the last drought,
which was considered one of the worst on record.
The State Water Resources
Control Board on Friday released an "emergency curtailment" order that would cut thousands off from rivers and streams
in the Sacramento and San Joaquin river watersheds. The five-person board still has to vote on the order Aug. 3, and it would
take effect about two weeks later.
Read more here:
"Really Alarming" - Megadrought Pushes Two Major
US Lakes To Record-Low Water Levels
Water levels in Utah's Great
Salt Lake and Lake Powell have dropped to their lowest levels ever recorded. This summer's extreme drought and compounding
heat waves have triggered a water crisis in the Western half of the U.S.
The U.S. Geological Survey announced Utah's Great Salt Lake saw water levels drop an inch below the previous record
low of 4,191.4 feet above sea level in1963.
As shown below,
Great Salt Lake's water level has been declining over the last few decades, but recently, the megadrought has accelerated the decline.
Read more here:
Vaccine Expert Gives "Final Warning" STOP All
Mass COVID Vaccinations Immediately or face unleashing incurable, deadly, unstoppable wave of disease
Unless the mass vaccinations for COVID are HALTED immediately, the world will face an
unstoppable wave of INCURABLE diseases mutating to escape the vaccines. That is the long and short of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche's
(DVM, PhD) published article which he calls a "Final Warning."
more here:
US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) To Test Transhuman Anti-Aging Pill Next
Special Operations Command expects to move into clinical
trials next year of a pill that may inhibit or reduce some of the degenerative affects of aging and injury - part of a broader
Pentagon push for "improved human performance." The pill "has the potential, if it is successful, to truly
delay aging, truly prevent onset of injury - which is just amazingly game changing," Lisa Sanders, director of science
and technology for Special Operations Forces, acquisition, technology & logistics (SOF AT&L), said Friday. "We
have completed pre-clinical safety and dosing studies in anticipation of follow-on performance testing in fiscal year 2022,"
Navy Cmdr. Tim Hawkins, a SOCOM spokesperson, said... (READ MORE)
Another element
of conglomeration is that media is often represented with one homogenized voice. This misrepresents the spoken opinions of
controlling entities as a collective public consensus, which isn't always accurate. Complicating this matter is the fact that
consolidation only represents national and global information. The lack of local news is more than the loss of reporting regarding
geographically close events. This means that if a portrayed position doesn't align with nationally asserted rhetoric (as has
been mentioned regarding civil-rights groups, special-interest groups, lesser-known candidates, etc.), it runs the risk of
being diminished. When considering the passivity with which people will receive news, the national/global filter stories will
be put through, and the potential for representing opinion or bias as factual or public consensus, we can see how these elements
can be combined with the sheer saturation available to our modern press to create a setting wherein a single event, movement,
or voice could sway political momentum, possibly even worldwide. Since sensationalism drives sales, there is always a risk
that mere "drama" will equate itself with credible news in the public eye, while investigative, fact-driven stories
garner less attention.
Read more here:
ESPN Writer: U.S Flags at Olympics Symbolize the 'Rise of White Supremacy'
Bill Rhoden claims seeing American flag reminds him of Jan. 6 Capitol riots
An ESPN sportswriter has declared on live TV that seeing the American flag being
waved at the Tokyo Olympics symbolizes the "rise of white supremacy."
Speaking during an appearance on CBS on Monday, Bill Rhoden said people waving Old
Glory at the Games in Japan reminds him of the January 6 riots at the U.S. Capitol.
He said seeing the flag being waved in such a way causes him to ask himself "what America am I living in?"
Read more here:
‘Montana Man' Who Confronted Tucker Carlson Worked For CIA-Founded Front
Dan Bailey, the "Montana man" who confronted
Tucker Carlson in a fly fishing shop in Livingston, formerly worked at an organization that was founded as a front group for
the CIA.
Tucker Carlson tells a man who confronts him
in a fly fishing shop to "settle down, son."
Read more here:
China Nukes Rival United States - Watch
As World Net Daily reported, "Peter Huessy of the Mitchell
Institute has pointed out, ‘Just this deployment alone will provide China over one thousand new on-alert warheads-1,450-almost
double the day-to-day U.S.A. on-alert force and by itself a nuclear force roughly equal to the entire current U.S. nuclear-deployed
force of 1,490 sea- and land-based missile warheads.'"
more here:
Big Tech Companies Agree To Work
Together In Internet Freedom Crackdown
A simultaneous
move by Big Tech companies to work together to counter "right wing terrorism" by coordinating censorship, along
with Paypal announcing that it will be partnering with the notorious leftist political group the Anti-Defamation League, prompted
critics to warn of a renewed move to crush internet freedom.
Reuters reported Monday that "A counterterrorism organization formed by some of the biggest U.S. tech companies including Facebook (FB.O)
and Microsoft (MSFT.O) is significantly expanding the types of extremist content shared between firms in a key database, aiming
to crack down on material from white supremacists and far-right militias."
Read more here:
Most Americans Have No Idea How Close They are to Poverty, Starvation, and Death
There are few people left alive today that remember the last time a severe drought that
destroyed crops combined with a collapse of the financial system left millions of Americans hungry and homeless, back in the 1930s.
Most of us alive today were taught in school that
in the 1930s the nation suffered during "The Great Depression" as well as "The Dust Bowl."
And whether or not these were natural or man-made catastrophes
back then is really not all that important when we consider that we are facing such potential dire circumstances for the immediate
future, or even worse, here in 2021.
Read more here:
As Joe Biden Implodes, More Signs Of Impending Medical Tyranny
Continue To Emerge With 'Yellow Wrist Bands' For 'The Unvaxxed' The Latest Sign We're Being Herded Into Slavery And Segregation
Keep 'Loading For Bear' As Democrats Try To Turn America Into Nazi Germany
Back on July 19th, we'd reported in this ANP story titled "Americans Are Avoiding 'Biden's Shots' As If They Are 'The Plague' Itself Because Most Americans No Longer Trust The
Media, Congress, Biden Or Our Medical And Education Systems - You Want To Regain Americans Trust? Then Quit Lying To Us!" that the US Presidency had the confidence of only 38% of Americans.
And that horrific number actually trounced the confidence level Americans have in the mainstream media of only 16%,
and destroyed the confidence level Americans have in Congress of only 12% according to a new Gallup poll.
So while Democrats and Republican traitors in Congress are attempting
to push the most draconian laws upon Americans in 2021, our lawmakers are almost universally hated and distrusted, with the
first video that we've embedded directly below showing just one of the reasons why, Joe Biden is a walking, babbling disaster.
Read more here:
How the Plague of Corruption Is Killing Mankind
In this interview, Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., Frank Ruscetti, Ph.D.,
and Kent Heckenlively, a lawyer and science teacher, discuss "Ending Plague: A Scholar's Obligation in an Age of Corruption," which they co-wrote.
This is the third book in a trilogy that
began with "Plague: One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism,
and Other Diseases" and "Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science."
The first two were co-written by Mikovits and Heckenlively. The
inspiration for the third book came from Ruscetti, who has been Mikovits' mentor and professional collaborator for 38 years.
As indicated in the subtitle, we won't be able to end these plagues of scientific and academic corruption unless or until
scholars and scientists honor their professional obligations and responsibilities.
Read more here:
Republicans Refuse Vaccines at Same Rate as Black Health Care Workers
Democrats and their media spent the past week warning that the country would have to go
back to pandemic lockdowns and that it was all the fault of Republicans for refusing to get vaccinated.
The Biden White House blamed "conservative outlets" on Facebook for spreading "misinformation"
and demanded more censorship. #FOXNewsKills trended on Twitter.
The day
after Biden's CNN town hall, the largest healthcare union in the country took to the streets of Manhattan against vaccine
mandates. SEIU union activists, a fixture at every Democrat rally and leftist events, protested outside New York-Presbyterian
hospital which had ordered all of its employees to be vaccinated.
more here:
U.S. on Course to Become ‘Digital Dictatorship' Under Proposed Biomedical
Research Agency
A "new" proposal by the Biden administration
to create a health-focused federal agency modeled after DARPA is not what it appears to be. Promoted as a way to "end
cancer," this resuscitated "health DARPA" conceals a dangerous agenda.
April 28, 2020, President Biden was widely praised in mainstream and health-care-focused media for his call to create a "new biomedical research agency" modeled after the U.S. military's "high-risk, high-reward"
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA. As touted by the president, the agency would seek to develop "innovative"
and "breakthrough" treatments for cancer, Alzheimer's disease and diabetes, with a call to "end cancer as we
know it."
Read more here:
Biden ATF Nominee ‘Frustrated' By First Amendment Freedom Of Gun Owners To Say Things He Doesn't Like
David Chipman, President Joe Biden's pick to lead the Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF), said in 2019 on national television that it is frustrating the U.S. government
cannot violate people's right to bear arms if they use "hate speech" on the internet.
"The frustration is in the United States the freedom of speech and to say things is largely
cannot be regulated," Chipman said on BBC. " ...We have to do more to monitor hate speech on the internet. But we also have to do more to curb that
same speech being presented by our president and other elected public officials."
Read more here:
Hundreds Of Internet Outages, Hack Attacks Against The Power Grid
And Internet - What The Media Doesn't Tell You About Hackers Ability To Send America Back To The Dark Ages
With the latest Internet outage which took down websites from fast food joints like McDonald's to Airlines such as Delta and others, to banks, stock exchanges and trading platforms, Fed Ex, phone services and the large grocery chain Cotsco, we look not to the individual company that takes the blame, nor the reason they gave for the outages, but rather the amount
of times this has happened in just 2021 alone.
When these outages occur,
from January 2021 to July 2021, they make the news, sometimes local, sometimes national, but always as separate news items.
Seeing them all together, the sheer numbers in just the first half of the year, we see
either an Internet that is old and failing on a critical level, or a more ominous and systematic hit on our infrastructure
as if testing the ability to just switch it all off at the same time, leaving America basically in the dark ages, since everything
is now controlled by computers and the internet.
Read more here:
Pfizer Contract Forces Governments to Acknowledge Vaccine Is Untried and Side
Effects Unknown
But if you repeat the same you are a
'truther' or a 'denier'
Pfizer makes the governments
explicitly acknowledge that long-term effects can not possibly be known at this time AS A CONDITION OF SELLING
TO THEM. Yet governments take to the podium to say that vaccines are "safe and effective". How can they
possibly know? Are they clairvoyant? What do they know that even vaccine makers do not??
In the very contract they sign they agree that neither efficacy nor side-effects are presently known. But if you
as a private individual point out this obvious truth you are crazy/stupid/evil.
Sorry, but I'd feel a lot stupider believing the crap the governments are selling but do not even themselves believe.
Read more here:
World's Food Supplies In Jeopardy Amid Climate Disasters
Devastating floods in Germany, China, Turkey, and India. Scorching hot weather in the Western U.S.
and Canada. Worst frost in two decades across Brazil. These recent weather phenomena are rapidly intensifying and threaten
further food inflation already at decade highs.
We documented last week Brazil had some of the worst frost conditions in two decades. Temperatures dropped below zero and delivered
a massive blow to farmers across the country's coffee belt. The result has been sky-high coffee prices.
Back-to-back heatwaves continue to scorch the Earth across the Western half of the U.S.
The corn belt, which spans the Midwest, lacks rainfall, and hot weather could negatively impact crop development, leading to an underwhelming harvest.
Read more here:
The Biblical Case For Famine In Our Country
News aggregators and producers of news like Steve Quayle, Dave Hodges, Mike Adams, Greg Hunter and Lisa Haven are trying to warn us of a coming disruption in the food supply because we have burgeoning interruptions in the supply chains
that supply the stores. Food inflation is upon us and hyperinflation of food prices is on the doorstep. In Greg Hunter's interview
of economist Martin Armstrong (dated July 24, 2021 Mr. Armstrong states: "The system has come to an end. They know they can no longer borrow indefinitely. So,
what is this "Great Reset'? It is basically a move to redesign the world monetary system. They are going
to stop the borrowing that they are doing, and they are just going to print. In the context of food when they go whole
hog on the money printing because the financial system has broken free of its moorings, the dollars you hold will become worth
less and ultimately become worthless.
Read more here:
VA requires COVID-19 vaccination for health care workers
The Department of Veterans Affairs has became the first major federal agency to require
health care workers to get COVID-19 vaccines
WASHINGTON -- The Department
of Veterans Affairs on Monday became the first major federal agency to require health care workers to get COVID-19 vaccines,
as the aggressive delta variant spreads across the nation and some communities report troubling increases in hospitalizations
among unvaccinated people.
The VA's move came on a day when nearly 60
leading medical and health care organizations issued a call for health care facilities to require their workers to get vaccinated.
No federal law stands in the way of employers requiring vaccinations, but like mask mandates, the issue has been politicized
in a society that's divided on matters of public health.
Read more here:
Minnesota medical worker has both of her legs AMPUTATED after contracting COVID-19
just days after receiving her second vaccine dose
A Minnesota woman who contracted COVID-19 after getting vaccinated had to have both of her legs amputated, and will soon have her hands amputated as well.
Jummai Nache, a medical assistant from Minneapolis, received the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech
vaccine on February 1.
A few days later on February 6, her husband, Philip,
took her to urgent care after she felt chest pains.
A day later,
she tested positive for COVID-19, and her condition quickly deteriorated, leading to hospitalization and eventual amputation.
Read more here:
Joe Biden: ‘I Don't Care if You Think I'm Satan Reincarnated'
Biden makes another bizarre remark to reporter
Democrat Joe Biden gave an odd response when asked about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's commission to investigate the U.S. Capitol riot,
which occurred on January 6.
"I don't care if you think
I'm Satan reincarnated," Biden stated in response.
Biden's remarks
came during a CNN town hall, where he claimed people were saying "nothing happened" and there was a "peaceful
march" on Janaury 6 when the protestors stormed the Capitol.
don't care if you think I'm Satan reincarnated."
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Physicists Have Developed a New Way to Levitate Objects Using Sound Only
A newly developed method of levitating and manipulating tiny objects using sound waves
could represent a major step forward for the technology.
Engineers in
Japan have figured out how to pick up objects from reflective surfaces using acoustic levitation. Although they can't yet
do so reliably, the advance could help unlock the full potential of the manipulation of physical objects using nothing but
Read more here:
The American Descent into Madness - America went from the
freest country in the world in December 2019 to a repressive and frightening place by July 2021. How did that happen?
Nations have often gone mad in a matter of months. The French abandoned their supposedly
idealistic revolutionary project and turned it into a monstrous hell for a year between July 1793 and 1794. After the election
of November 1860, in a matter of weeks, Americans went from thinking secession was taboo to visions of killing the greatest
number of their fellow citizens on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line. Mao's China went from a failed communist state to the
ninth circle of Dante's Inferno, when he unleashed the Cultural Revolution in 1966.
In the last six months, we have seen absurdities never quite witnessed in modern America. Madness, not politics, defines it. There are three characteristics of all these upheavals. One, the events are unsustainable. They will either cease or they
will destroy the nation, at least as we know it. Two, the law has largely been rendered meaningless. Three, left-wing political
agendas justify any means necessary to achieve them.
Read more here:
War on Free Speech: In Training Digital Army to Target ‘Right-Wing
"...thousands of volunteers are getting
the training and the tools they need to shift the narratives in their own communities."
The subversive left-wing group Indivisible is hyping a "massive" effort deceptively called the "Truth
Brigade". Ironically, the idea of the "Truth Brigade" is to unleash an army of trained activists posing as
regular social media users to "counter right disinformation".
speech-suppressing campaign comes as no surprise to us, we have been sounding the alarm of the left's ongoing obsession with
"de-platforming" Americans or censoring ideas that counter their narrative.
Read more here:
We Live In A Fraud Of Unprecedented Dimensions
The illegitimate Occupant of the Oval Office Continues to Spread Disinformation Designed to
Cause People to Damage their Health and perhaps Terminate their Lives by having the Covid shots. The claim that doctors
and nurses are all vaccinated is a lie. A survey conducted by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons found
that 60% of doctors are not vaccinated:
There have been many news reports of US medical personnel resisting mandated
vaccination by employers and resigning to avoid it. The same in Europe. Here is a report of a French hospital going
on INDEFINITE strike to protest a Covid-19 vaccination mandate. The strike against forced vaccination was announced on Thursday
by the CGT-GHPP trade union, and affects some 200 doctors and 1,500 nurses in the southeastern French city of Montelimar:
Read more here:
Move Over COVID: A Drug Resistant Super Bug Fungus Is Now
Being Reported In Texas And Washington D.C.
Just when you thought
things couldn't get any better on the global health landscape, along comes one of those pesky drug-resistant superbug fungi.
An outbreak of such a "superbug" has spread among patients in hospitals
and long-term care facilities in Texas and Washington, D.C., according to CBS News. The 30 day mortality rate for the outbreaks, combined, was 30% the report said.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said late last week that the Candida auris fungus
preys on people with weak immune systems and that cases were the result of person-to-person transmission.
Read more here:
Scientist Fired After Discovering 39,000-Year-Old Dinosaur Bones
A recent archaeological discovery that throws a wrench into
the conventional theory of evolution has reportedly cost a California professor his job.
Mark Armitage, a former scientist
at California State University, Northridge (CSUN), was reportedly fired after claiming to have unearthed a dinosaur fossil
that still contains soft, flexible tissue, suggesting that it can't be millions of years old.
A 30-year veteran in his
field, Armitage has published many studies over the years in peer-reviewed journals. One of his most recent was published
last July, pertaining to a discovery he made at the Hell Creek Formation excavation site in Montana.
Read more here:
and Zappa's words of wisdom have never been truer than they are today. The level of untruth proliferated by the government,
mainstream media, central bankers, military leaders, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Corp., and billionaire oligarchs has reached
prolific heights. We are lost in a whirlwind of lies, destined to grow into a tornado of tragedy and ultimately result in
a cascade of consequences.
Since the installation of the illegitimate
dementia patient as president of this dying empire of debt by the Deep State (billionaire oligarchs, surveillance state agencies,
military industrial complex, Silicon Valley censorship tyrants, corrupt bought off state politicians, Soros installed bureaucrats,
and their propaganda arm - fake news media outlets), the country has further fractured into warring factions.
Read more here:
The World Will Run Out Of EV Batteries By 2025
In many ways, the world is not ready for the EV revolution. While electric vehicles are an absolutely
invaluable and essential component of the clean energy revolution and combating climate change and imperative which grows
more urgent with each passing second, the world has been unable (or, in some cases, unwilling) to keep up with the necessary
infrastructure installations and investments to prepare for the kind of wide-scale adoption which is both necessary and imminent.
For one thing, even in some of the most developed countries in the world, aging power grids are entirely unprepared to handle the onslaught of increased energy demand as more and more of the country leaves their gas guzzlers behind and plugin. This problem is far from insurmountable, and
can indeed be all but completely solved by making our energy use and production more efficient, but it needs to be addressed
in a big hurry in order to make the EV revolution viable.
Read more
Putin warns of 'unpreventable' strikes by Russian navy
The Russian president's warning comes amid tensions between London and Moscow after a
British warship entered waters close to Crimea.
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday warned that its navy is ready to carry out an "unpreventable strike" on enemy targets if it was in the
country's "national interests."
Putin was speaking in Saint
Petersburg during a parade of warships, just a few weeks after the UK angered Russia by sending a British warship close to the annexed Crimea peninsula.
"The Russian navy today has everything it needs to guarantee the
protection of our country and our national interests," he said.
more here:
Time To Buy Gold As A Hedge Against "Extreme Financial Deleveraging"
Credit Suisse Says
It's been a while since Wall Street banks
recommended anything to do with either gold or gold stocks, but in a surprising reversal, last week one of Wall Street's biggest
bulls Credit Suisse said that the time has come to use gold stocks as a risk off diversifier, while seeing material upside
for the precious metal.
Here is why CS' global equity strategist Andrew
Garthwaite, believes that it is now time to buy gold:
Read more here:
Powerful Occult Figures, Their Agencies, And Secret Agenda
would argue that powerful figures, agencies, and political movements often use such resources to their advantage when pushing
their own agenda. Crowds are, unfortunately, relatively easy to manipulate with access to the right avenues of influence.
And, when it becomes observable that the public is not embracing a notion, movement, or legislation that leading powers desire
to promote, often the solution can be as easy as tweaking the headlines or television programming to incite public response.
When degenerate sources wish to create a certain large-scale reaction, all they must do is rock the proverbial boat. And,
unfortunately, since the guidance of family or caregivers has waned across the years and digital preoccupation has taken its
place, many people don't have a philosophical or religious platform from which to pull and respond. Instead, modern generations
have been conditioned to seek guidance from Internet memes, television programming, social media, and other sources of electronic
information-or misinformation. And, since there are devious powers that would use these outlets to promote their
own agenda rather than serve the public via earnest journalism, we risk falling prey to sensationalistic stories rather than
insisting on obtaining truth. The result is zealous droves of impressionable young adults who embrace headlines enthusiastically-even
when they lack the whole truth. On a large scale, this means that a few in power have the means to steer society with craftily
spun stories.
Read more here:
No relief in sight: Some 80 wildfires that have destroyed 1.3M acres continue
to rage out West supercharged by 'heat dome' that is set to blanket the nation - sending temperatures soaring as high as 110
degrees across the Sun Belt and California
Out-of-state crews
headed to Montana on Saturday to battle a blaze that injured five firefighters as the West struggled with some 80 active fires
that have ravaged rural lands, destroyed homes, and burned through more than 1.3 million acres of land.
Meanwhile, most of the Continental United States will be under a massive ‘heat dome' beginning
on Monday, bringing hotter-than-normal temperatures across the Great Plains, Great Lakes, the northern Rocky Mountains, the
Pacific Northwest and California.
Montana and the Dakotas are expected
to see temperatures soar over 100 degrees Fahrenheit while parts of Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma could see ‘sweltering'
heat, with the thermometer showing 110 degrees Fahrenheit.
Read more here:
Doctors Raise Awareness on Ivermectin Treatment for COVID-19
In an effort to help end the pandemic, an international coalition of medical experts is
holding worldwide events Saturday to raise awareness about the effectiveness of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19.
Organizers of the World Ivermectin Day say doctors and supporters of the inexpensive FDA-approved drug will host free online and public events in over a dozen countries.
Two nonprofits-Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance and the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development (BIRD) group-who have been campaigning for the off-label use of ivermectin to prevent and treat
COVID-19 say the event's focus is to let more people know that the antiparasitic drug can treat COVID-19, possibly end the
pandemic, and help eliminate fear of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.
Read more here:
Emergency Saturday Broadcast! Republican Leaders Announce New Lockdown Plan
This as the CDC officially admits that the PCR tests are 100% fraud.
The second lockdown will be permanent -- tune in and learn how humanity can peacefully rise up and
stop it!
In this emergency Saturday transmission, Alex Jones breaks
down how the Republican leadership has once again sided with Democrats in pushing for new lockdowns to pressure more people
to get the experimental COVID shot.
Watch here:
Low oxygen levels off Wash.,
Ore. coasts raise fears of marine dead zones
- Low oxygen levels measured off the coast of Oregon and Washington are raising concerns of large "dead zones" that
could decimate crabs and bottom-dwelling fish within them.
Oregon Public
Broadcasting reports the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said this week that researchers have detected unseasonably
low oxygen levels in a large area off the Pacific coast.
Year after year
of low oxygen levels starting in the early 2000s led researchers to determine Oregon now has a "hypoxia season"
just as it has a fire season - and this year's hypoxia season has come far earlier than usual.
Read more here:
Australia Is Turning Into A Covid Prison Colony
How is this not blasted all over the news? What's happening in Australia is the textbook definition
of tyranny.
Watch here:
Financial System Has Come to an End - Martin Armstrong
Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong thinks we have come
to the end of the line for the financial system, and this is why globalists are on a power grab of epic proportions.
Armstrong explains, "The system has come to an end. They know they can no longer borrow indefinitely. So,
what is this "Great Reset'? It is basically a move to redesign the world monetary system. They are going
to stop the borrowing that they are doing, and they are just going to print. You also have this move for a digital currency.
Once they move to a digital currency, they can impose negative interest rates and just take money out of your account at will.
People don't realize what this really is. . . . I believe Bitcoin was started by the government to get this whole ball going.
If I gave you a $100 bill, they don't know where I got the $100 bill from. However, if I give you that in Bitcoin, not
only do they know I gave it to you, but they know where I got it from. It can be completely traced all the way down.
That is a tax authority's dream. You have to understand what they are selling is really a totalitarian regime."
Read more here:
Pelosi's Archbishop Slams Her Citing 'Devout Catholic' Faith While Promoting Abortion
San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone blasts Democrat House speaker
Nancy Pelosi's archbishop has blasted the Democrat House speaker for citing her
"devout Catholic" faith while promoting the use of taxpayer money to
fund abortions.
San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone rebuked Speaker Pelosi's (D-CA) Thursday remarks as the "epitome of hypocrisy."
In no uncertain terms, Archbishop Cordileone asserted that nobody, including Pelosi, can support
abortion and be Catholic.
"Let me repeat: no one can
claim to be a devout Catholic and condone the killing of innocent human life, let alone have the government pay for it,"
Cordileone said in his statement responding to Pelosi's comments.
more here:
Two-Thirds of Voters Want Congress to Investigate 2020 BLM Riots
According to a new Rasmussen report, a large number of U.S. voters want Congress to investigate
the 2020 riots that took place after George Floyd being killed.
Per Rasmussen:
A new national telephone and online survey by the National Police Association and
Rasmussen Reports finds that 66% of Likely U.S. Voters think Congress should investigate last year's violent protests, in
which more than 2,000 police officers suffered injuries in the line of duty. Twenty-one percent (21%) don't think Congress
should investigate last year's protests, and 13% were not sure.
survey found strong voter support for law enforcement on issues ranging from display of the "Thin Blue Line" flag
to prosecution of so-called "quality of life" crimes.
more here:
Vax Attacks, Clapton Awakens, Red Hot Inflation
The propaganda and vax attacks to scare or coerce people to take the so-called "jab" are
reaching new levels of lies and threats. Make no mistake, the mainstream propaganda media and government health experts will
not even tell you this is, in fact, an experimental human drug trial to test a gene therapy CV19 vaccine. They will not tell
you this is so dangerous that the Vax makers have zero liability if people get killed or injured. This mRNA is a new treatment
never tried before and is rolling out on a reckless scale never before seen in human history. Why is the government telling
you to take this jab? The White house, this week, said this is "becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated."
This statement is being made while many fully vaccinated White House staff members are fighting new CV19 infections.
Of course, this is being downplayed and covered up-bad optic. Also, new data has come out that in one of the most vaccinated
countries on the planet, Israel, 84% of the new cases are with fully vaccinated people. There is also no mention of natural
immunity which, according to John Hopkins Dr. Marty Makary, now stands at 50%. Natural immunity gives people a near zero percent
chance of getting CV19 again, according to a new study from USC's school of medicine. Lies by omission and outright lies are
coming from everywhere to get the public to take the jab. This is not about medicine.
Read more here:
Protective Detail of France President ALL Resign over COVID Restrictions;
will no longer protect President Macron
The Republican Guard,
a security detail established to protect the President of France, have ALL resigned, and will no longer protect President
The mass resignation comes on the heels of his Presidential Decree
requiring French citizens to have and use a "Sanitary Passport" (i.e. Vaccine Certificate) or be denied access to
stores, bars, even DENIED VOTING!
Citizens are taking to the streets in
almost every major city, literally battling with police over enforcement of these new Presidential Decrees. Mass-Media is
mostly IGNORING the civil uprising, reporting almost nothing as the country erupts in protest.
Read more here:
Attorney: Jan. 6 Prisoners Brutally Beaten, Stripped, Hogtied,
Humiliated by Guards - One Prisoner Blinded in One Eye - Worse Abuse Than Gitmo (VIDEO)
Ryan Samsel was leading the charge against Capitol Hill Police on January 6 protests.
Samsel pushed the flimsy bike racks and stormed the US Capitol. Samsel reportedly injured a female police officer.
Since his arrest, Ryan Samsel has been held in Washington DC. On March 21, he was awakened by correctional
officers, his hands zip-tied, then walked to an unoccupied cell and brutally beaten by the officers. Then Ryan Samsel lost
an eye in the beating.
Ryan was not alone.
Read more here:
The Biden Administration's Final
Americans do not live in an emerging police state;
all Americans now live in a fully developed police state. Before the Great American Slaughter can begin, the Biden administration,
which is following in the footsteps of Hitler, must complete certain tasks related to the complete visceration of the Republic
and the utter eradication of all civil liberties.
From a false flag
event, 9/11, to the development of the most complete police state apparatus the world has ever seen, one has to wonder what's
the "endgame"?
All totalitarian governments begin their
invasion into civil liberties with the promise of safety from whoever plays the convenient role of the "boogey man"
of the day. In Nazi Germany, the original boogey man were the communists who allegedly burnt down the Reichstag and then the
specter of boogey men kept expanding until anyone who was been considered an enemy of the German State needed to be controlled.
Today, the totalitarian pleas of "Let us protect you from yourself" ring loudly and clearly through the halls of
Congress and in the Oval Office. Today's boogey man will prove to be the vaccine passport. The Vaccine Passport will prove
to be the modern-day J Stamp. Below is an outline of what is unfolding in America, today. I will cover the coming J-Stamp,
the Vaccine passport in Part Two of this series.
Read more here:
Wildfires Ravaging California and 12 Other States Put Firefighters in High Demand
Fast-spreading flames early in the season strain resources;
‘We're in it for the long haul'
A busy start to fire season
means officials are already calling for backup.
Firefighting resources
are being deployed at a level normally seen later in the year, as dozens of large, active wildfires have burned through more than 1.3 million acres across the West. Nearly 22,000 firefighters and other personnel are working
to contain fast-spreading flames, and agencies and leaders are concerned firefighters could become exhausted well ahead of
the hardest months of the season in late summer and early fall.
leaders in Idaho and Oregon called on the National Guard this month as fire activity escalated. Firefighters from Maine, Pennsylvania
and New Mexico are joining crews from Minnesota and Alaska to assist efforts in Idaho, where lightning storms on July 7 sparked
multiple fires that have strained resources. And California Gov. Gavin Newsom sent firefighters to assist efforts along the
Bootleg Fire in Oregon, currently the largest blaze in the country and the fourth-largest in the state since 1900.
Read more here:
Sen. Ron Johnson: Data from Israel Shows 84% of New COVID Cases Are Vaccinated Individuals
This is after Senator Rand Paul announced he was calling on the DOJ to criminally charge Dr. Tony Fauci for lying to Congress.
Dr. Fauci funded dangerous gain-of-function
research in Wuhan, China, and the lied about it during testimony in front of the US Senate.
There is video from 2018 of Dr. Fauci announcing that he is reinstating gain-of-function research and defending its use.
Steve Hilton Report: Dr. Anthony Fauci Is Directly Responsible With Funding The Gain-Of-Function Studies That Resulted In Coronavirus Pandemic.
The man is a compulsive liar and megalomaniac.
During their conversation this morning Senator Johnson also reported on the failings of
the COVID vaccines.
"Senator Ron Johnson: The American people deserve the truth. Really,
the people of the world deserve the truth on this and unfortunately because of the cabal between social media, mainstream
media, and our federal health agencies and big government, we're not getting the truth. The truth has been covered up for
months whether we're talking about gain-of-function research, whether we're talking about the effectiveness of early treatment.
Read more here:
Panpsychism, the idea that inanimate objects have consciousness, gains steam in
science communities
An expanding notion of what "consciousness"
is could have profound repercussions
Dr. Martin Picard is an
associate professor of behavioral medicine at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, specializing in both
psychiatry and neurology. Together, expertise in these two fields suits one well to understanding the essence of what
makes one human. Picard is particularly knowledgable about mitochondria, a structure found within nearly all cells
that have a nucleus. They provide most of the chemical energy that cells use in their various biochemical tasks, and
are sometimes likened to batteries.
Picard sees something else in mitochondria,
too. Last year, he and a Swiss scientist named Dr. Carmen Sandi published a paper in the journal Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, which posited that mitochondria do not merely keep us alive,
but in many ways, have lives of their own. And, perhaps, are even "social" creatures.
Read more here:
Lebanon's people line up in 'queues of humiliation' as their country unravels
Fill 'er up? Be ready to wait in line at least an hour - assuming the gas station is open,
that is.
Need medication? Something as basic as aspirin could set you
on a daylong hunt from pharmacy to pharmacy.
Even a grocery run is an
ever-accelerating race against ballooning prices and a failing currency. And whatever you do, you'll need to time it around
power cuts that can last up to 23 hours a day.
This is life in Lebanon
these days, where a 21-month-long, government-engineered economic implosion - the World Bank calls it "a deliberate depression"
- has transformed everyday tasks into a gantlet of fuel, power, water, medicine and basic goods shortages that residents dub tawabeer al-thul, or "queues of humiliation."
Read more here:
One of America's hottest cities is down to one water well. What happens if the
taps go dry?
Rick Daniels lies awake at night worrying about
a rusty contraption in a forlorn field, littered with discarded pipes and fire hydrants.
It is the only water pump in Needles that meets state water quality standards, running 23 hours a day to keep up
with demand, according to Daniels, the city manager. That's a thin margin in one of America's hottest cities, an urban speck
in the desert near California's border with Arizona.
Read more here:
INSIDER: U.S. Military Officers Warning Each Other; Get Your House In Order; Supplies
-- NOW
Video below from a retired U.S. Military member with
long-time and current contacts on several military bases; being told Officers are warning each other "Prepare" now
with emergency supplies. "Being told "Don't wait." and also being told "it's going down."
Read and watch here:
Police Powers: The Dreaded Door-to-Door Knock
On July 6, 2021, the U.S. president announced his administration has launched so called "strike forces" to go door to door in local communities to assist with vaccination efforts.
governance is achieved through two means:
- Self-autonomy, based on
biblical principles
- Law & police
from self-autonomy means the father exercises his authority over all his household, which includes his dependents - wife,
children, and slaves. In Latin this is called mund (protection or guardianship). The father's mund
was not absolute nor permanent. For instance, when sons came of age they were no longer under his authority. Instead,
they were sui juris meaning that the father was no longer liable for the harm they may cause as adults. Religious
institutions also have their mund.
Read more here:
America Is Only One Step Away From A South African-Style Social Implosion
On the global news front I have been watching one event with special attention, mainly
because it seems like almost no one else is - I am speaking of course about the social and economic collapse in South Africa
that has been escalating over the past couple weeks. What is strange to me is that certain parallels between South Africa
and the US are being summarily ignored.
Basically, the South African situation
is a more exaggerated version of what is happening in America, and we need to consider if it is merely a preview of future
events as the extra financial protections in the US begin to fall away.
more here:
Fires are so big in the West that their smoke now covers much of
the United States - Strange sun
The lower 48 is largely
blanketed by hazy, smoke-filled skies as wildfires rage on as shown by the AirNow fire and smoke map below:
Do you also have strange sunsets lately? Does the sun also look like a molten ball of
red as it sinks into the west? That's one symptom of wildfire smoke in the sky and a sign of another brutal wildfire season
in the US.
Read more here:
The extraordinary, almost unbelievable rainfall in Henan Province,
China in July 2021 - one in one thousand year event
There are
widespread reports today of the terrible floods that affected Henan Province in China yesterday, triggering floods and
There are some dreadful videos and images of the result of
this rainfall, some of which are deeply harrowing, focusing mainly on the city of Zhengzhou.
Read more here:
Pfizer Covid Vaccines "Destroy Every System of the Human Body" Warns
Israeli Health Experts
The Israeli People's Committee (IPC), a citizen-led group of Israeli health experts, has published its April report issuing an urgent warning that the Pfizer/BioNTech
vaccine damages virtually every system in the body.
Whilst most
of the attention surrounding vaccines has been focused on the AstraZeneca jab, which is linked to deadly blood clots, the
Pfizer injection is actually much more dangerous, based on the latest data.
IPC's April report warns that being injected with the Pfizer vaccine could lead to catastrophic health issues, which has been evidenced by the
countless Israeli lives that have been damaged by the jab.
Read more here:
CDC Quietly Deletes 6,000 COVID Vaccine Deaths From Its CDC Website
Total in One Day - Caught by Internet Sleuths (VIDEO)
number of deaths linked to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC's own data.
On Wednesday the CDC posted on its own website that there were 12,313
reported deaths from the COVID Vaccine since December.
This number
would track with the VAERS website number.
Read more here:
Witness - Our Mounting Orwellian Nightmare: It's A Fine
Line Between Federal Prison Here In America And Dachau In Germany, And One Can Transform Into The Other In A Matter Of Weeks.
(The Truth Is That Trump In All Likelihood Won The Election.)
we are to imagine that those who objected to Biden's having stolen the election are responsible for the violence at the Capitol?
And that, going forward, any public official who questions Biden's win should be removed from office, and that any corporate
leader who objects should be fired? All this when the truth is that Trump in all likelihood won the election.
It is the perfect example of Orwellian speech. In his classic essay "Politics and
the English Language," Orwell spoke of the condition where "words and meaning have almost parted company."
If that "almost" is a measure of Orwellian speech, then today's Democrat leaders are beyond Orwellian.
Their words and meaning have parted company entirely.
Read more here:
Rita Panahi calls Biden's Town Hall "incoherent gibberish" even by his
"very low standards"
Now the Dems and their globalist
masters really want to enslave you
Watch here:
With Cutting-Edge Hypersonics, Russia Leads in New Arms Race
The Avangard, the Kinzhal and now the Tsirkon - Russia is leading the race to develop
a range of new hypersonic weapons that President Vladimir Putin has dubbed "invincible."
Moscow's latest step came this week with another successful test of the Tsirkon, a ship-launched
hypersonic missile.
Read more here:
The American Standard of Living Will Collapse Soon - For
Those That Have Made The Hard Decisions And Remain Solvent, The Coming Chaos Is A Foregone Conclusion And They Are Prepared
For That
As we all know, 2020 was a rocky year, with the
onset of COVID-19 causing a wide range of problems. This has continued into 2021 and shows no signs of stopping.
While we may be actually crawling our way out from under the COVID pandemic, we're just
starting to see the impact that it has had on our nation; specifically, the impact that it has had on our economy.
There's no question that the pandemic took a severe hit on our economy. On top of that, Congress has gone on a spending spree, with their "COVID stimulus packages" which have been filled
with spending for pork projects. But that's only a portion of what COVID is ultimately going to cost the country.
Read more here:
Scientist Sounds Alarm: COVID Vaccines Producing Symptoms
of Parkinson's, Other Neurodegenerative Disorders
As cases pile
up (445 as of July 9) of the reportedly "rare" neurological disorder Guillain-Barré syndrome in people who received a COVID vaccine - forcing the sluggish U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to add a warning label to the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) shot - scientists are issuing urgent warnings about a possible tsunami of other
types of neurological injuries.
Immunologist J. Bart Classen, one-time
National Institutes of Health (NIH) contract scientist and proprietor of Classen Immunotherapies, a Maryland biotechnology
firm, published a paper in February outlining the potential for messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID vaccines to trigger development of prion diseases as well as other chronic diseases.
Read more here:
'Pingdemic' grips Britain as fears of food shortages grow
Record numbers of people were 'pinged' by the NHS COVID-19 contact tracing app
asking them to isolate
LONDON, July 22 (Reuters) - Britain's
supermarkets, wholesalers and hauliers were struggling on Thursday to ensure stable food and fuel supplies after an official
health app told hundreds of thousands of workers to isolate after contact with someone with COVID-19.
Coronavirus cases in Britain have been broadly rising for a month, with more than 44,000 recorded
on Wednesday.
British newspapers carried front-page pictures of empty
shelves in supermarkets. Reuters reporters said food items were widely available in London shops although there were some
shortages of bottled water, soft drinks, and some salad and meat products.
more here:
Inflation Shock: Are You Ready To Start Paying "$40 Or $50" For A Hamburger?
After decades of living in a relatively low inflation environment, it is hard for most
Americans to believe that things have gotten so bad so quickly. In fact, even though I write about this stuff almost
every day, it is hard for me to believe it. We are watching prices spiral out of control all over the nation, and we
know precisely who is to blame. During the pandemic, our politicians in Washington have been borrowing and spending
money at an unprecedented rate, and this has pushed our national debt up to 28 trillion dollars. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve has been pumping trillions of fresh dollars into our financial system, and this has
resulted in the Fed balance sheet nearly doubling over the course of this pandemic. I have used the term "economic malpractice" to describe what our leaders
are doing, but it is actually far worse than that. They are literally in the process of destroying our economy, and
even after so many experts have pointed out their colossal errors they still won't stop. They just keep creating more
money, and now we have a horrific inflation crisis on our hands.
more here:
As Fish Stocks Continue to Be Depleted, What is the Future of Fishing?
AI and smart boats will create a sustainable future for fishing, but only if we
update a tired and wasteful industry.
Depending on who you ask,
you'll get a completely different perspective of what people think the future of fishing looks like. Old school recreational
anglers will tell you that sustainability initiatives are all smoke and mirrors and that the water is as healthy as it ever
was. Scientists and environmental advocates will tell you that we have as little as 27 years until the ocean is completely depleted of fish stock.
Read more here:
The Time To Throw Down Draws Near. Sooner Or Later It Is Going To Affect Us All.
Yesterday a news headline came to my attention that will affect mine and my families lives.
Charlotte hospitals announce mandatory COVID vaccine requirement for all employees
Charlotte hospital systems Atrium Health and Novant Health will begin requiring all workers
get the COVID-19 vaccinations, hospital officials confirmed Thursday.
Health will require all workers - including remote workers, physicians, medical residents, faculty, fellows, trainees, contractors,
medical staff, students, temporary workers and volunteer staff - to get vaccinated or have an approved medical or religious
exemption by Oct. 31.
And Novant Health will require the same for all
of its employees, contractors, vendors and students by Sept. 15.
more here:
Markell: Anticipating The Antichrist
how America is preparing for the Antichrist with a Godless mindset.
recent article in the Los Angeles Times and Yahoo News is headlined, "Why America's Record Godlessness is Good News for
the Nation."
In part it reads, "The secularization of U.S. society-the
waning of religious faith, practice and affiliation- is continuing at a dramatic and historically unprecedented pace. While
many may consider such a development as a cause for concern, such a worry is not warranted. This increasing godlessness in
America is actually a good thing, to be welcomed and embraced."
more here:
THE DEVIL HIMSELF: George Soros Funnels $1M To Defund the Police as Violent Crime
Soros is considered a deity on the left, the gravest
threat to the very foundation of Constitutional republic. His treachery looms darkly over the great American landscape.
His black hand is in all things big and small. The graft, corruption inescapable. George Soros is funneling vast
sums of money to support defunding the police.
Soros has been working
for the forces of evil since his teen years as a Nazi collaborator.
more here:
This is written] to the future or to the past, to a time when thought is a time
when truth exists and what is done cannot be undone: From the age of uniformity, from the age of solitude, from the age of
Big Brother...greetings![i]
The above segment, from George Orwell's 1984, was a diary entry
written by main character Winston, who sought to connect with people who had previously or would one day exist in a time different
than his own: an era when people did not live under constant control via programming that not only inserted governmental agenda
into the psyches of the general public incrementally and at will, but where, also, members of society were not surveilled
100 percent of the time by the same powers. The book outlines a man's inner struggle between rebellion and compliance in the
face of extreme population scrutiny and control by governmental powers. Such forces, in 1984, regulate and enforce
every aspect of a man's life, down to his very thoughts. By even writing a journal at all-an endeavor the man kept hidden-Winston
violated laws stating that both independent speech and expressions of free thought were equal to insurrection, their very
existence a usurpation of the authorities that ruled.
Read more here:
Did Stone-Age Giants Live In The Champlain And Hudson Valleys?
For example, in November 1901, in the Minneapolis Journal recounts that hunters from
Pennsylvania were in Shohola's Glen, New York when they discovered a cave. Within the cave, the report states, that the hunters
found "the skeleton of a man of gigantic size. It was swathed in rawhide trappings that kept it in a sitting posture.
Near the skeleton were several bowls of reddish clay but almost as hard as flint. A rude stone tablet was found near the skeleton's
side covered with rude pictures of birds and beasts, among them one of a monster half beast, half reptile. A number of implements
were also found in the cave, among them a huge ax made of stone and stone spear heads of unusual size... (READ MORE)
Inflation Pushes Consumer-Goods Giant Unilever to Accelerate Price Increases
Warning from maker of Dove soap and Ben & Jerry's ice cream follows similar
moves by Procter & Gamble and General Mills
The maker of
Dove soap and Hellmann's mayonnaise warned of accelerating price increases across a range of products, as it seeks to counter
cost inflation across its business.
Unilever PLC said Thursday that it
was grappling with higher costs for ingredients, packaging and transportation, which would likely lower its full-year profitability-a
warning that sent shares down 5% in early trading.
Read more here:
As new NATO command becomes fully operational, top US military officer issues
warning over ‘great power war'
SHIP KEARSARGE IN NORFOLK, Va. - NATO and U.S. military leaders gathered at Joint Force Command Norfolk in Virginia on Thursday
to celebrate full readiness of the first operational NATO headquarters in North America.
The new command will be responsible for the Atlantic and Arctic regions. NATO also has two other joint force commands
- one in Brunssum, Netherlands (considered the heart of Europe), and another in Naples, Italy, in the Mediterranean region
- U.S. Navy Vice Adm. Andrew Lewis noted at the ceremony aboard the American amphibious warship Kearsarge.
Read more here:
U.S. Senate panel votes to make women register for draft
The Senate Armed Services Committee has approved language in its annual defense policy
bill that would require women to register for the draft.
The National
Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) approved by the committee behind closed doors Wednesday "amends the Military Selective
Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service," according to a summary released Thursday.
Read more here:
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She Was Briefed About ChiCom's Race-Specific
Bioweapons Program
"They want to target these bioweapons
by race. If they can target bioweapons by race, that means they can create these viruses that can say, take out white Americans,
black Americans, or Asians," says congresswoman.
Rep. Mo Brooks also
calls for Congress to take action against Communist China following virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan's briefing.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) warned that Communist China has a biological
weapons program aimed at targeting specific races of people, according to a briefing she received.
In a Wednesday appearance on Steve Bannon's "War Room," Greene said she and
other members of Congress were recently briefed by virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan about the bioweapons program at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
and watch here:
FedEx, UPS, Airbnb, and Delta Airlines websites all reporting outages as ‘911
lines down' along East Coast
MULTIPLE major US companies have
been knocked offline today due to a nationwide outage, including Airbnb, FedEx, Delta Airlines, and HBO Max.
Downdetector also flagged issues with Fidelity, USAA, UPS, Home Depot, Southwest Airlines, Costco, and Amazon's websites from around midday on Thursday afternoon.
Read more here:
‘Nowhere is safe': heat shatters vision of Pacific north-west as climate
Residents of the region, known for its mild weather, are
facing a shifting reality
The recent heatwave that broiled the US Pacific
north-west not only obliterated temperature records in cities such as Seattle and Portland - it also put a torch to a comforting
bromide that the region would be a mild, safe haven from the ravages of the climate crisis.
Unprecedented temperatures baked the region three weeks ago, part of a procession of heatwaves that have hit the
parched US west, from Montana to southern California, over the past month. A "heat dome" that settled over the area saw Seattle reach 108F (42.2C), smashing the previous record by 3F (1.7C), while Portland, Oregon, soared to its own record
of 116F (46.7C). Some inland areas managed to get up to 118F (47.8C).
more here:
Synthetic Biology Could Bring a Pox on Us All
New methods are making it easier than ever to produce life-saving vaccines-and life-taking viruses
that humanity is not prepared to fight.
At around 11:30 am on July 1,
2014, a scientist from the Food and Drug Administration went inside Room 3C16, a cold-storage area at the National Institutes
of Health Labs in Bethesda, Maryland.
The FDA had been using the space since the early 1990s to store samples for biological research but had been cleaning it out in preparation
for a move to a nearby campus in Silver Spring.
The scientist who entered
saw 12 mysterious cardboard boxes on a crowded shelf in the far left corner of the storage space and pried one open to see
what it contained. Inside, dozens of long vials were packed in rolls of white cotton and sealed with melted glass; many of
the labels were worn to the point of illegibility. The scientist noticed one vessel that held some loose, freeze-dried material.
Its label bore a single decipherable word: "variola," another word for smallpox-a disease that the 19th-century
British historian Thomas Babington Macaulay deemed "the most terrible of all the ministers of death."
Read more here:
Whistleblower Catherine Austin Fitts Reveals Central Banking Reset Plan!
Bankers agreed during FED meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming to take down the economy with
earth shattering implications for millions!
Watch here:
NEW WORLD ORDER Plan Explained by a 1930s Cartoon
The New World Order plan, designed by the freemasons from the beginning (early 1800s), is shown
in this 1930s cartoon.
Everything the government is doing to deceive the
people is perfectly explained in this 1930s cartoon.
Read and watch here:
Major DNS Failure Crushing the Internet - 30K sites down and climbing
A Domain Name System (DNS) failure began around 1100 AM ET Thursday. DNS acts as the phone
directory of the internet, translating names of websites into IP addresses. If the DNS system fails, no one can get to a web
site using its name!
The problem could be stemming from content delivery
company Akamai Technologies. A statement from the company says:
more here:
Mitch McConnell Is Full Of Hubris excluding ‘Vaccine' Death & Injury as He Warns of Lockdowns If More People Don't
Get COVID-19 Vaccines
From the article at The Epoch Times dated July 22, 2021 by Zachary
Stieber: ...'"I want to underscore in the strongest possible manner I can, and I say this with some authority, as
you all know, as a result of being a polio victim myself and being very aware that it took seven decades to come up with two
effective polio vaccines. This was done in under one year. These shots need to get in everybody's arm as rapidly as possible
or we're going be back in a situation in the fall that we don't yearn for, that we went through last year," he added.'....
Dear Mr. McConnell, there is a lot of truth in your words, just not the way you probably think. You state that the polio vaccines
took -seven- decades to develop. Because an appropriate amount of time was taken to assess and document the eventual ‘safety'
of the polio vaccination, (although for the first seven years of polio inoculation 80-90% of all children were exposed to SV-40 through the polio shots
from 1955-1963) people were not being vaccine injured and dying in droves after receiving the polio jab. As we conveyed from The Gateway
Pundit article of July 13, 2021 (There Were More COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths Last Week in US than COVID-19 Deaths) ...'There are now 9,125 reported deaths from the COVID-19 vaccinations across the United States this year.'... and ...'There have been 411,931 adverse reactions reported to the vaccine.'...
Read more here:
Should Covid Commies Worry About Violent Resistance? (Not
only did the Communists steal the election, they want to liquidate the 80-plus million patriots who voted for Trump.)
Not only did the Communists steal the election, they want to liquidate the
80-plus million patriots who voted for Trump.
Cancel culture
is about cancellingyou and the nation state.
Covid vaccines are about
killing you.
We must awaken from our slumber and realize
that we have been declared redundant. We cannot continue to play stupid. We've been handed our pink slip.
These depraved psychopaths are gaslighting you to believe that resistance to tyranny is "terrorism."
Decent Americans are in the cross-hairs but act like deer in the headlights.
Read more here:
Do Americans Have The 'Unalienable Right To Grow Food?'
One State Is So Worried About The Federal Government They Are Asking Voters To Add The 'Right To Food' To Their Constitution
As wee see reports all showing the different ways Americans are vulnerable to a variety
of circumstances that could, and has in some cases, already has affected their food supply, wallet, and/or food choices, we
note one state in America is preparing for the possibility, or some would claim likelihood, that the government would start
"creating roadblocks and restrictions to the people's right to food."
I was going to start with the latest reports about food shortages, warehouse strikes, truckers, etc.... all moving
parts of the food chain supply system, but in my opinion, seeing that China is buying their way into the American system, by purchasing farm lands all over the nation, is not only a danger to those dependent on those particular farms for their
food and livelihood, but is one of the biggest threats to our food chain to date.
Read more here:
American Life Expectancy Drops the Most Since WWII
Between drug overdoses and COVID cases, more Americans died in 2020 than in any time in history
since World War II. The CDC released the data July 21, 2021, showing that American life expectancy dropped to 77.3 years.
The CDC reported that COVID was the third-leading cause of death in 2020, behind heart disease and cancer, with Hispanics
and Blacks seeing the steepest declines in life expectancy. However, as ZeroHedge noted, "Life expectancy in the U.S.
has been declining for years,...
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Biden Has Opened the Door for the UN to Move On America Prior to the Outbreak
Do you think you only have to worry abot the jabbers
from the Biden administration that will becoming to your door, complete with "life-altering" vaccines? We all have
a lot more to worry about than vaccines. You better worry about the UN/CHICOMS that will soon be patroling thestreets of America.
In the previous article on the CSS, it was detailed how close to an apocalyptic
World War III the world is currently at. There is a domestic component to the World War III scenario and that is what the
CSS is going to focus on in this article.
Read more here:
While Military Leaders Lie, White Men Die
White male military suicide rates show who's really suffering from systemic racism.
[Editor's note: The article below is a new edition of our Disloyal Military series.
To learn about our 3-Part Series on the Disloyal Military, Progressive Fascists and Racist Mayors, CLICK HERE.]
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow
at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
After George Floyd's drug overdose death, military leaders declared an emergency.
From former Secretary of Defense Esper's false claim that, "racism is real in America,
and we must all do our very best to recognize it, to confront it, and to eradicate it" last summer to Secretary of Defense
Austin's fight against "racial disparities", the focus has been on the supposed oppressed status of black people
in the military. That's despite the slate of black leaders, including Austin and Air Force Chief of Staff Brown, holding top
military positions.
But the supposed statistical racial disparities that
are being used to conduct a racial witch hunt against the bogeyman of systemic racism in the military ignores the biggest
racial disparity.
Read more here:
Democracy is an Illusion (Perspective) The Covid Scam Has
Alerted Millions to The Fact That The World Is Controlled By A Small Cabal Of Satanist Central Bankers Who Wish to Enslave Us
The covidscam has alerted millions to the fact that the world is controlled by
a small cabal of satanist central bankers who wish to enslave us. Most everyone who is "successful" serves their
demented agenda. This article from 2005 provides background for people new to our ugly political reality.
A "Far Side" cartoon describes our innocence about democracy.
A slave rowing a Viking ship puts up his hand and calls to the whip master: "Yoo-hoo!
Oh, yoo-hoo... I think I'm getting a blister."
Like this man, most people cling to
the belief that our leaders represent our interests.
"Yoo, hoo, Mr.
Bush, you lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction."
more here:
The Apocalyptic Drought In The Western U.S. Is Causing Widespread
Crop Failures On A Massive Scale
At a time when food prices are
already rising aggressively, agricultural production in the United States is being absolutely devastated by a drought that
many are calling "the worst" in American history. Once again this week, the latest U.S. Drought Monitor map has extremely bad news for us. In all the years that I have been writing, we have never experienced anything like
we are experiencing right now. As I write this article, 100% of the state of California is in a state of drought, and
you should care very much about that because California produces about a third of our vegetables and about two-thirds of our fruits and nuts. Of course it is not just California that is facing an unprecedented nightmare right now. At this point, drought
is covering more territory in our western states than we have ever seen before...
Read more here:
China Has Been Planning An EMP Attack Upon America For More Than
20 Years - Chinese Nuclear Scientists Urge China To Get Ready For An Electromagnetic Pulse Attack
Reportedly, according to a recent study by China's nuclear weapon experts:
-"Exploding nuclear weapons at high altitude can produce electromagnetic waves that
can cripple power and communications without killing humans."
should bolster its defenses so that critical infrastructure could withstand future electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attacks that
can wipe out power grids and communication, according to a Chinese military research institute."
-"The United States is vulnerable to damage caused by extremely powerful electromagnetic
pulses, but by 2032 it will have built-up the capability to protect its vital infrastructure from such an attack, according
to Chinese researchers' assessment, based on their analysis of recent U.S. government and military documents."
-U.S. capability to make EMP attacks, if U.S. critical infrastructures are protected from
EMP, "could tip the strategic balance among world powers."
more here:
Are You Prepared For The Communist Takeover of America?
Like many other families out there, I and my family are preparing for a civilization-ending
event such as the collapse of the world economic system or the eruption of a supervolcano for many years now. All these "preppers"
accumulated and stored all the essentials needed to physically survive just about any crisis. Being one of them I can guarantee none of us sweated the Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020 or this
year's gas crisis. We were prepared. Materially at least.
As Christians,
our primary concern should be our spiritual needs not just our material needs such as food, water, fuel, etc. Sure, we need
to eat to survive, but as our Lord told the devil, "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from
the mouth of God." After all, what good is it to live a long, healthy life with a full belly only to die the second death,
perishing in the flames of Hell? You might have a bunker under your house with enough food, toilet paper, and guns to equip a company of Marines, but in the end, none of that will matter if you are not spiritually
Read more here:
Why Did China Buy an Airstrip in Texas?
And yet, a former Chinese general with alleged ties to Chinese concentration camps recently bought an airstrip in Texas. And this isn't just some random ranch in the middle of nowhere. It is 200 square miles (130,000 acres) of land between one
of the most active Air Force bases in the U.S. and the border of Mexico.
the world is being fear-mongered about "variants," this is happening right under American noses.
Read more here:
The Cowards Go First
There is nothing
in this world that is more repugnant to Christianity than cowardice. In fact, it is so repulsive to Christ that it is
considered worth of the death penalty.
Not just PHYSICAL death...but Spiritual
death. Cowardice gets you an express ticket to hell. We have all heard the Led Zeppelin song "Stairway to Heaven,"
but very few realize that there is a huge slippery slide to hell as well.
more here:
Empty UK Supermarket Shelves Coming To A Store Near You!
How long until the UK food shortages hit America?
Euro news report on UK food shortage, which is a sign the collapse of civilization is near.
Watch here:
The American Descent into Madness
America went from the freest country in the world in December 2019 to a repressive and
frightening place by July 2021. How did that happen?
Nations have often
gone mad in a matter of months. The French abandoned their supposedly idealistic revolutionary project and turned it into
a monstrous hell for a year between July 1793 and 1794. After the election of November 1860, in a matter of weeks, Americans
went from thinking secession was taboo to visions of killing the greatest number of their fellow citizens on both sides of
the Mason-Dixon line. Mao's China went from a failed communist state to the ninth circle of Dante's Inferno, when
he unleashed the Cultural Revolution in 1966.
In the last six months,
we have seen absurdities never quite witnessed in modern America. Madness, not politics, defines it. There are three characteristics
of all these upheavals. One, the events are unsustainable. They will either cease or they will destroy the nation, at least
as we know it. Two, the law has largely been rendered meaningless. Three, left-wing political agendas justify any means necessary
to achieve them.
Read more here:
Reset Means Crash of Epic Proportions - David Stockman
Reagan White House Budget Director and best-selling author David Stockman says, "This
is not the time to be invested in the markets . . . . A reset is just a pleasant name or a clinical name for a crash of epic
proportions, which we will have because the markets are so inflated. There are trillions of dollars that are at risk.
To put a dimension on this thing or a way of sizing this, is we have a $60 trillion bubble on the balance sheets of 130 million
people in American society, but especially in the top 5% to 10% that own a huge share of the assets. . . . I have no thought
about how big the correction will be, but if it were just back to the norm . . . it would be a $60 trillion correction, and
that is a pretty big hole in the bucket. If $60 trillion disappears (out of the U.S. economy), it changes everything.
It turns the financial system and economic reality upside down."
more here:
Grocery Prices Could Rise 10 to 14 Percent By October, Grocery
Chain CEO Warns
American families are already struggling amid
mounting price inflation that's eating away at their budgets, with higher costs for housing, vehicles, and more. Yet a top CEO is warning that the
growing inflation problem facing Americans could get much worse in the coming months.
The latest June data already show price inflation at a 13-year high, with prices having risen 5.4 percent year-over-year. Proponents of the big-government policies driving much of this increase
insist the uptick in prices is only temporary. But billionaire and grocery chain CEO John Catsimatidis just predicted that overall price inflation, for consumer goods generally, will hit a 6 percent annualized rate by October.
Read more here:
Segregation returns to America as universities threaten,
harass, intimidate unvaxxed students
Millions of students
across the United States are waking up to the reality that getting a college education now requires them to submit to a new
medical treatment that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration considers experimental.
Some are halfway or more into their degree programs, with tens of thousands of dollars in student-loan debt amassed,
only to now find out they cannot finish their degrees unless they submit to an all-new "vaccine" using mRNA gene
therapy that has already caused thousands of serious adverse reactions in young people.
Read more here:
Biden's ATF Nominee Labels US Gun Owners "Tiger Kings"
Preparing for a Zombie Apocalypse Who Need to Hide Their Guns Behind their Jerky (VIDEO)
Joe Biden nominated anti-gun, anti-constitution nutbag David Chipman as Director of the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
a recent interview David Chipman labeled gun-owners "Tiger Kings" who need to hide their guns behind their "tuna
and beef jerky" in their cabinets. Then he added they only need to bring out their guns if the zombies start to appear.
Read and watch here:
Dubai makes its
own RAIN to tackle 122F heat: Drones blast clouds with electrical charge to produce downpours
The United Arab Emirates is creating its own rain using drones that fly into clouds and
unleash electrical charges to beat the sweltering 122 degrees Fahrenheit (50 degrees Celsius) heat.
The rain is formed using drone technology that gives clouds an electric shock to 'cajole
them' into clumping together and producing precipitation.
is one of the most arid countries on Earth, and it hopes the technique could help to increase its meagre annual rainfall.
Read more here:
Planetary Bombshell: Director of Covid-19 Vaccine Program Says Pzifer Injection Erases Immune System
Top scientist & Canadian PM announce plan for every person to be forcibly injected
10 times a year
If you don't want to be a slave, then spread the word
and share this link!
Watch here:
The Vaccine Holocaust Is Well Underway With Globalists At War With 7.8 Billion
People: They've Used Two Main Bioweapons On Us, A Lab Engineered Virus And Often Deadly 'Vaccines'
As Tyranny Is Unveiled As Safety, Never Forget, Vaxxes Kill!
The world has been ambushed. We are in the midst of a war against humanity.
Yet most people aren't aware there is a war going on. Those who
carried out the ambush have easily and quickly overrun country after country, like Hitler's blitzkrieg "lightning
war". Those who did the ambush-call them the Globalists, the Ruling Power Elite, the Global Deep State, the One Percent
(actually an infinitesimal fraction of the world population)-are a handful of super-wealthy elitists, at war with
7.8 billion people. So far they've used two main bioweapons-a lab-engineered virus, and
the harmful, often deadly COVID-19 "vaccines" (genetic modification agents) backed by a relentless propaganda
campaign to trick people into getting the jab. Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer's former
Vice President and Chief Science Officer, issued this warning in March 2021: "I'm well aware of the global
crimes against humanity being perpetrated against a large proportion of the world's population....I have absolutely
no doubt that we are in the presence of evil...and dangerous products [the gene-based vaccines]." Basing
his observation on his 40-year medical research career, Dr. Yeadon believes the vaccines are often lethal and serve
only one conceivable purpose: depopulation.[1] We're in very bad shape. The world needs
to wake up, AND FAST, or tens of millions of people are going to die in what is already a vaccine-induced holocaust.
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UK Defies Chinese Communist Party, Deploys Warships to Disputed South China Sea
British Royal Navy is permanently deploying ships to region in direct challenge
to CCP
In a direct challenge to the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP), the United Kingdom is sending warships to sail through the South China Sea and will permanently deploy ships
to the disputed region.
The UK Defence Secretary, Ben Wallace,
has revealed that the British Royal Navy will sail an aircraft carrier task force through disputed international waters, despite
outrage from Beijing.
Wallace confirmed that HMS Queen Elizabeth
and her escort fleet will transit international waters claimed by China next month.
Read more here:
Electrical world: 34% rise in lightning strikes in 2020-21 leaving 1697 dead in
The number and frequency of lightning strikes is increasing
globally. The proverbial bolts from the blue are killing more people every subsequent year. But why?
Between April 2020 and March 2021, 18.5 million lightning strikes were recorded in India. This was
a 34 per cent increase from the 13.8 million strikes between April 2019 and March 2020.
Read more here:
Ancient 15,000-Year-Old Viruses Identified in Melting Tibetan Glaciers
Like the start of a horror movie, ancient creatures are emerging
from the cold storage of now-melting permafrost: from incredibly preserved extinct megafauna like the woolly rhino, to the 40,000-year-old remains of a giant wolf, and bacteria over 750,000 years old.
Not all of them are dead. Centuries-old moss was able to spring back to life in the warmth of the laboratory. So too, incredibly, were tiny 42,000-year-old roundworms.
These fascinating glimpses of organisms from Earth's long distant
past are revealing the history of ancient ecosystems, including details of the environments in which they existed. But the
melt has also created some concerns about ancient viruses coming back to haunt us.
Read more here:
The 'Vaccines Are The Answer' Narrative Blown To Smithereens
As More And More Of 'The Fully Vaxxed' Are Becoming Ill And Dying
Happening To America Designed To Cause Chaos, Insanity, Hatred, Violence And Division
According to the CDC's own definition of 'vaccine', a vaccine is: A product that stimulates a person's immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting
the person from that disease.
While Reuters put out this 'fact check story' back in February titled "The mRNA coronavirus vaccine is a vaccine, and it is designed to prevent illness",
we've gotten tons of proof over the past few days alone that this so-called 'vaccine' isn't 'working to prevent
illness' with numerous different stories out recently all across the world blowing the globalists 'vaccine-is-the-answer-to-Covid
narrative' to smithereens.
And while the left continues to insanely
scream about about 'misinformation' about vaccines killing people, as Natural News had reported in this July 13th story, according to one medical doctor in the British Columbia in Canada, "the vast majority of people who are getting
injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) will die within a few short years from heart failure" per Dr.
Charles Hoffe, M.D.
Read more here:
Clive Maund - Genocide is their End Game and everything
that has happened and is happening is due to a meticulously planned and sinister plot being implemented by the narrow clique
of gangsters who now control our world.
a nutshell, they are to cull a large percentage of the human race and to turn the survivors into a completely controlled army
of slaves who own nothing and are dictated to and tracked, traced and monitored 24 / 7 everywhere, even inside their own homes,
which of course they will no longer own."
only starts to make sense when you understand that everything that has happened and is happening is due to a meticulously
planned and sinister plot being implemented by the narrow clique of gangsters who now control our world."
Read more here:
Are Attack Drones the Next Global Arms Race?
Attack Drone Swarms Growing Globally
Nations across the globe are ensuring that they don't fall behind the curve in this new weaponized technology. France has Icarus, Spain has RAPAZ, Russia has Lightning, the UK has Blue Bear, and the UAE has N-Raven.
Armenia recently unveiled a swarming attack drone. And we know that
China has a wide range of drone swarm projects ongoing. Of recent note, China successfully tested a swarm of 1000 drones.
The US is most certainly not behind the curve with drones. Currently, the Marines are looking to incorporate a kamikaze drone swarm into their fighting capabilities. In contrast,
the Army, the Air Force, the Navy, and DARPA are also crafting their own swarm projects.
Read more here:
The Demonization of the Unvaxxed
"Children are the vessels into which adults pour their poison."
Rushdie, Midnight's Children
In The Silver Chair, book
6 of CS Lewis's magnificent The Chronicles of Narnia, the first pages describe a "mixed" school, meaning
for boys and girls, that was...
not nearly so mixed as the minds of the
people who ran it. These people had the idea that boys and girls should be allowed to do what they liked. And unfortunately
what ten or fifteen of the biggest boys and girls liked best was bullying the others. All sort of things, horrid things, went
on...[and] the people who did them were not expelled or punished. The Head said they were interesting psychological cases
and sent for them and talked to them for hours. And if you knew the right sort of things to say to the Head, the main result
was that you became rather a favorite than otherwise."
The school
is called Experiment House and it's a drab, dull place where, even though it gives the appearance of "everyone doing
what they liked," it's really a place where everyone must fit in and those who don't are singled out and persecuted.
Read more here:
Pharma science fraud: Health research is fraudulent until proven otherwise
How bad is the research situation in the pharmaceutical sector? It is so bad that the former editor-in-chief of the
BMJ (British Medical Journal) asks in a new article: ‘Is it time to assume that health research is fraudulent until
proven otherwise?' Oh and by ‘fraudulent' he doesn't mean bad statistics. No. He means researchers lying and saying
they did a study that they haven't done actually. That's how bad the situation is.
Read more here:
The Undead vs. the Unvaccinated
Censors, and Vaers, Oh My!
The Great Plandemic, which I believe
is the Greatest Psyop of All Time, is showing impressive staying power. With the new "variant" threat, we are probably
up to something like COVID-19: Part Four. It's rivaling the Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street franchises. And the
horror is just as staged and scripted.
After a brief moment of uncharacteristic
optimism, inspired by a surprising number of angry parents confronting their arrogant and corrupt school boards, I'm back
in Ambrose Bierce territory. How can one not be cynical, watching the behavior of the majority of Americans? There is no way
to sugar-coat it; they are as controlled as any of Pavlov's dogs ever were. They hear the bell, and they salivate on cue.
"Variant?" Head for shelter! Double Mask! Demand more vaccines!
more here:
ISRAEL 365 NEWS: More than 3,200 years following its construction, an international team of researchers has presented a template that places
all of the 90-plus figures in a coherent context. Last week, the Switzerland-based Luwian Studies group released a video detailing
how the carvings reveal the Hittite deities and their rituals as well as an ‘underworld' that apparently exists inside
the earth's crust. The archaeological gem features 90 figures etched into the rock over 3,000 years ago. The carvings were
completely unique to anything previously seen in either Egypt or Mesopotamia. Several of the images also featured mysterious
Watch here:
GREAT DELUSION ON HORIZON... And There's A Possible Link
Between Oumuamua And Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
If some UAP
turn out to be extraterrestrial technology, they could be dropping sensors for a subsequent craft to tune into. What if ‘Oumuamua
is such a craft? A colleague of mine once noted that every morning there is a long line of customers stretching out from a
famous Parisian bakery into the street. "I wish someone would wait for my scientific papers with as much anticipation
as Parisians eagerly stand by for their baguettes," he said. There is one exception to this wish, however. It involves
fresh scientific evidence that we are not be the only intelligent species in the cosmos. Recently, there have been two sources
for such evidence. First, the interstellar object discovered in 2017, ‘Oumuamua, was inferred to have a flat shape and
seemed to be pushed away from the sun as if it were a lightsail. This "pancake" was tumbling once every eight hours
and originated from the rare state of the local standard of rest-which averages over the motions of all the stars in the vicinity
of the sun. Second, the Pentagon is about to deliver a report to Congress stating that some unidentified aerial phenomena
(UAP) are real but that their nature is unknown... (READ MORE)
Report: FBI ‘Had A Hand In Nearly Every Aspect' Of
Alleged Whitmer Kidnapping Plot, ‘Starting With Its Inception'
informants "had a hand in nearly every aspect" of the alleged plot to kidnap Gov Gretchen Whitmer, "starting
with its inception," according to a new report from BuzzFeed News.
Would there have been a plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer without the close involvement of FBI informants?
Read more here:
All DNR lands in Eastern Washington to be closed to the public
WENATCHEE -- The Washington Commissioner of Public Lands, Hilary Franz, has just announced
the closure of all Department of Natural Resources-managed lands in eastern Washington effective midnight on Friday, July
23, due to extreme fire danger and ongoing drought east of the Cascades.
closure will apply to DNR-managed state lands, conservation areas, community forests and any associated roads, trails, campgrounds,
recreational sites or recreational facilities.
Franz stated, "This
decision was not one we made lightly. But with the drought leaving the region as dry as ever, we must do all that we can to
prevent human-caused fires. My staff will continue to monitor conditions and will determine a reopening date once those factors
Read more here:
Inviting Those Pagan Entities to Rule over America and Guide Us into the Novus Ordo Seclorum
When US Representative Nancy Pelosi, on January 4, 2007, assumed her role as Speaker of the House
at the opening of the 110th Congress, she followed the pattern set by George W. Bush and his old man, infusing a loaded statement
concerning the Founding Fathers, saying they were so confident in "the America they were advancing, they put on the seal,
the great seal of the United States, ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum'-a new order for the centuries." Pelosi did
not go into detail as to why she considered the phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum important dialectic during the momentous
changeover of the control of Congress, nor did she add why this expression exists beneath the unfinished pyramid and the all-seeing
eye (eye of Horus/Osiris/Apollo) in the Great Seal of the United States in the first place.
Read more here:
The CDC has confirmed monkeypox in the U.S. You should probably pay attention
to this
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently confirmed the first case of monkeypox in the United States. This came after reports over the weekend that a Dallas resident was infected with monkeypox.
Where did monkeypox patient travel?
Both the CDC and the Texas Department of State Health Services said the Texas resident, who is from the United States, traveled from Texas
to Nigeria. He now has a confirmed case of monkeypox.
Read more here:
Rand Paul says he has written to the DOJ seeking a criminal referral
of Dr. Fauci for lying to Congress after expert insisted he had not funded gain of function research at Wuhan lab during
fractious exchange
Senator Rand Paul has said he is writing to the Justice Department seeking 'a criminal referral' for Dr Anthony Fauci, accusing the nation's top public health official of having lied to Congress.
Paul, a libertarian Republican who has frequently sparred with Fauci, engaged in a blazing row with the health official
on Tuesday.
Both men ended up calling the other a liar in a remarkable
exchange during a Senate hearing.
Read more here:
Over 200 People In 27 States Being Monitored For Monkeypox: CDC
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is monitoring over 200 people in 27 states for potential
exposure to monkeypox after their contacts were traced with a Texan who contracted the rare disease while traveling in Nigeria weeks ago.
According to Stat, state and local health officials are working with federal authorities to monitor those who were in contact with the monkeypox
patient, who flew into Atlanta international airport on July 8, and then on to Dallas Love airport the next day. One
week later, he was diagnosed with the rare disease, which can be transmitted through bodily fluids and respiratory
droplets, according to the CDC.
Read more here:
Watch here:
Insane Footage: Train Passengers Wade in Neck-Deep Water,
Many Dead As Floods Devastate Mainland China
footage out of Zhengzhou, China, shows a trainload of stranded passengers waiting for help as water from recent floods has
risen inside the cabin up to their necks.
The footage hit social
media on Tuesday, showing several passengers stuck in trains full of water after the heaviest single-day downpour recorded
in the region.
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Galileyo: The Solution to Communication Censorship and Takedown
- Steve Quayle & Chris Hoar | The Hagmann Report 7/20/2021
of your private communications has been happening for quite some time. Your text messages, emails, Facebook private messages
are all being captured by a rogue, Globalist Surveillance State. In fact, about 90% of federal prosecutions by the FBI are
based and even predicated by (at least in large part), your private communications.
Now, it is this rogue surveillance state that will decide whether your text messages contain false or misleading
information - based on their version of the truth. Are you against being used as a test subject for an untested and unproven
experimental genetic-modifying tool of the Military-Industrial-Pharmaceutical Complex? The Globalists will decide whether
you can express your opinions to others in a text, email or other private communication, and will take steps to stop you from
sending such communications. We have moved from an Orwellian state to the tyranny of outright authoritarianism. Moreover,
the Globalists will decide what news you are able to access, and what information will be permitted to be shared.
Watch here:
Mexico Puts Military in Charge of Customs Operations
Mexico's military will take over the country's land and maritime ports of entry as President
Andrés Manuel López Obrador tries to root corruption out of the country's customs offices.
MEXICO CITY (AP) - Mexico's president said Friday he is putting the army in charge of customs at
border crossings and seaports to combat corruption and the massive smuggling of drugs and precursor chemicals.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador made the announcement during a visit
to the Pacific coast port of Manzanillo, where some of the biggest multi-ton shipments of drug and illicit chemicals have
been seized over the last decade.
It was the latest in a series of new
roles that López Obrador has entrusted to the nation's armed forces, which are now involved in everything from construction
of government projects to running tree nurseries.
Read more here:
No, 97% of Covid Cases Are Not Currently Unvaccinated: Statistical
Fraud Exposed by Alaska's Small Population.
A new article in
the Fairbanks Newsminer just accidentally exposed a national statistical fraud. A few weeks have passed since the Newsminer
has put out a Covid article. This one comes out at the same time that outlets around the country are spreading the claim that 97% of new Covid cases,
or deaths, are in the unvaccinated. As I pointed out in a previous article, Questioning No-Account, Good-For-Nothing Covid Numbers, The term "unvaccinated" is left undefined. Does "unvaccinated" mean not having received any vaccine,
or, not having received all of the recommended doses? We now know the term "unvaccinated" refers to those who have
not received both shots. But there is much more that this article exposes, by accident, which is evident when looking at the
state's own data. It is only because of Alaska's small population that this fraud has been exposed.
Read more here:
The coming extermination experiment by the controlling few
can and will go forward unless enough of the people stand against it en masse. Either prepare to protect yourself and your
families, or expect death on a grand scale
the twentieth century, governments murdered, as a prudent estimate, 272,000,000 men, women and children. It could be over
~ Rudolph Rummel: The Blue Book of Freedom:
Ending Famine, Poverty, Democide, and War (2007), p. 75
As the
quote from Rummel above indicates, those in government, and those that control government, are nothing more than mass murderers.
They as individuals, either directly sanction murder, support the system that prosecutes murder, stand silent in the face
of murder, or turn their heads the other way in order to allow murder. These distinctions are irrelevant from the perspective
of blame, for without this cooperation, the killing would be much more exposed, and therefore less likely to occur. Please
do not mistake my comments as placing actual blame on such abstract entities called government or state, but on each and every
individual that participates in the governing process that causes or leads to the slaughter of innocents.
Read more here:
The White House Versus Fakebook - As We Watch Them Eat Their
Own With Playing The Blame Game We Note Press Sec Admitted To Violating Constitution
As we watch liberals eat their own with the White House attacking Facebook, with Joe Biden accusing them of "killing
people," and Facebook issuing a statement pushing back, we see a few points getting lost in the chaos of the battle.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki recently admitted that the Biden regimes was "flagging
problematic posts" on Facebook, for removal, if the Biden regime deems those posts to be "misinformation."
Read more here:
Domestic wells run dry in many Klamath Basin homes
"I don't even know how to explain the gut wrenching reaction you have when you go to turn on
the faucet and no water comes out," said a woman whose well has run dry.
FALLS, Ore. - Judy Shanks starts her shift at Basin Ambulance at 5 a.m. each morning. She likes to start and finish work early,
so she can return to her Malin home in the afternoon and tend to her livestock.
But lately, rather than saddling up and going for a ride when she gets off, Judy is spending her afternoons finding
water for her small collection of horses, cows and goats.
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Remember when the initial decision to not use Hydroxychloroquine
and Ivermectin was based on data from a fake company run by a known scammer and a former adult actress? Yes, that really happened..
It seems like a lifetime ago even though it was just last year. It was the beginning of
the "pandemic", Trump was in office, and everyone was looking for answers.
One of those answers were two drugs named Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. By now, I'm sure you're well aware of
these medicines and the controversy surrounding them.
Early on in the
pandemic, President Trump suggested the country look at Hydroxychloroquine as a possible treatment combined with other measures
to help slow the pandemic. The press was quick to push back, in fact they outright called Trump's suggestion "dangerous"
despite nobody having actually researched the issue.
Read more here:
Fatal Assumptions That Preppers Make In These Times
If there's one thing we all have to come to realize at some point in time, it's that we're all imperfect.
I don't care how many years you have been prepping or how much time you've spent studying survival, you're not going to get
it all right. Mistakes will happen. That's a given, but we don't have to accept those mistakes as the norm.
How would you feel if, due to a few small but critical miscalculations, all your prepping
efforts came to naught?
This article is to help you gain some perspective
on inaccurate assumptions that may derail all your painstaking preparation.
mistakes won't only waste time and money but could get you killed.
more here:
America Has Been Overthrown By An Evil Satanic Cult Of Tyrannical
Despots - History Proves Americans Need To Keep Arming Up And Preparing For TEOTWAWKI
- 'No One Ever Seizes Power With The Intent Of Relinquishing It' - George Orwell, 1984
"The Nazis wanted Germans to support the Nazi dictatorship and believe in Nazi
ideas. To accomplish this goal, they tried to control forms of communication through censorship and propaganda. This included
control of newspapers, magazines, books, art, theater, music, movies, and radio" said the United States HolocaustMemorial Museum. "When the Nazis came to power in 1933, the German constitution guaranteed freedom of speech and freedom of the
press. Through decrees and laws, the Nazis abolished these civil rights and destroyed German democracy. Starting in 1934,
it was illegal to criticize the Nazi government. Even telling a joke about Hitler was considered treachery. People in Nazi
Germany could not say or write whatever they wanted."
elimination of the German multi-party political system brought about the demise of hundreds of newspapers produced by outlawed
political parties. It also allowed the state to seize the printing plants and equipment of the Communist and Social Democratic
Parties, which were often turned over directly to the Nazi Party. In the following months, the Nazis established control or
exerted influence over independent press organs.
Read more
COVID Shots Are Driving Mutated Variants
The video below is long, but the article is a much faster read. That doesn't mean you shouldn't watch and share the
video as it contains important information everyone needs to hear. My concern is always that readers will start the video,
stop in the middle, and skip the article. That would be a mistake as the data Dr. Joseph Mercola shares is of vital importance
as we enter the next phase of the "big push" for ubiquitous vaccinations in the United States and around the globe.
The imperative message is this: The powers-that-be and their puppets, the self-proclaimed
arbiters-of-truth, are lying to us all. They're going to continue ramping up their rhetoric that the unvaccinated are perpetuating
Covid-19, but more importantly they're trying to pressure people with the much bigger lie that the unvaccinated are the reason
new strains of Covid-19 are emerging. This is not backed by any science at all. In fact, it's the exact opposite of what science
has demonstrated for decades.
Read and watch here:
China Not Cooperating With WHO On Wuhan Investigation; Again
Says Fort Detrick Should Be Focus
A year and a half later and
China is still refusing to play ball
The communist Chinese government
is once again refusing to cooperate with the World Health Organisation on investigating the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The WHO suggested last week that it will seek to conduct further "audits of relevant
laboratories and research institutions operating in the area of the initial human cases identified (in Wuhan) in December
The statement prompted China's Foreign Ministry spokesman
Zhao Lijian to announce that "The proposal for the second phase of origin tracing by the WHO Secretariat is inconsistent with the position of
the Chinese side and also of many countries."
Read more here:
mRNA Vaccine Inventor: I Risk ‘Being Assassinated'
For Speaking Out Against Experimental COVID Shots
inventor of the mRNA technology currently used in the COVID-19 shots says he was told he may be assassinated for questioning
the ethics of launching an experimental vaccine rollout without informing the public about possible risks.
Clinical scientist and researcher Dr. Robert Malone made the alarming admission on Twitter
on Sunday, claiming that an "experienced journalist" told him his life was in danger for speaking publicly about
the risks that come with taking the mRNA jab.
Read more here:
Monday Night Emergency Broadcast - Mark Of The Beast System Officially Announced By The U.N.
In this emergency Monday night transmission, Alex Jones issues a dire warning
about how the United Nations' insidious Mark of the Beast system is officially being rolled out, where you won't be able to
engage in commerce unless you take the experimental COVID mRNA injection.
Watch here:
Steve Quayle and Mike Adams:
THE HOUR IS LATE. Demons, aliens, giants and graphene biocircuits
Physicians group: Biden's home-vaccine visits unconstitutional, unethical
Federal government has no authority to be involved in medicine
The Biden administration's plan to send agents "door to door" to persuade the
"vaccine-hesitant" to receive the experimental COVID-19 shots is unconstitutional and unethical, contends an association
of physicians.
The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons said in a statement that the federal government's "solicitation violates the ethical principles of protecting confidentiality and informed
Read more here:
State Of Emergency At Lake Powell: Fears Of Hydroelectric And Water Shutoffs Mount
Grim Future for Lake Powell
Water levels in Lake Powell are at record lows. If levels drop much further, hydroelectric turbines will cease to
The lake supplies water to 30 million people and irrigation
of 5 million acres.
Emergency Declared
Gizmodo reports Officials Pull ‘Emergency Lever' as Lake Powell Plunges Toward Dangerous New Low.
Read more here:
Americans Are Avoiding 'Biden's Shots' As If They Are 'The Plague'
Itself Because Most Americans No Longer Trust The Media, Congress, Biden Or Our Medical And Education Systems
You Want To Regain Americans Trust? Then Quit Lying To Us!
Over this past weekend, I like many Americans watched in bemusement as increasingly dementia-ridden Joe Biden, his Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, the mainstream media and certain members of Congress attempted to lecture Fox News and Americans on 'vaccines',
bemoaning the fact that Biden's vaccine program has completely failed with the aforementioned blaming 'misinformation' on
the fact that Americans are thinking for themselves when it comes to health decisions.
With these admonishments that sounded like infants whining coming at a time when the US Presidency has the confidence of only 38% of Americans, and that horrific number trouncing the confidence
level that Americans have in the mainstream media of only 16%, and destroying the confidence level Americans have in Congress
of only 12% according to this new Gallup poll, how can those no-longer-trusted institutions blame Fox News and other independent outlets when Americans across the political
spectrum firmly agree, America's biggest institutions are hugely failing us?!!
Read more here:
Two Dams In China's Inner Mongolia Collapse After Heavy Rain
Two dams collapsed in China's northwestern region of Inner Mongolia after heavy rains, Reuters reports, citing a statement from the water ministry on Monday.
dams were located in the Inner Mongolian city of Hulunbuir and collapsed on Sunday. There were more than 1.6 trillion cubic
feet of water capacity between both dams.
On July 18, the dams
on the open spillway of Yong'an Reservoir and Xinfa Reservoir in the Daur Autonomous Banner of Morin Dawa, were breached and
collapsed as the water level of the Nuomin River continued to rise because of heavy rain, according to People's Daily.
Read more here:
China threatens to begin World War III
'We will use nuclear bombs continuously'
A video
has appeared online that reportedly is circulating among Chinese Communist Party channels in which the repressive regime on
the mainland there threatens to unleash a "continuous" nuclear war on the world.
"When we liberate Taiwan, if Japan dares to intervene by force, even if it only deploys one soldier, one plane
and one ship, we will not only return reciprocal fire but also start a full-scale war against Japan," the statement threatens.
Read more here:
America and Her Allies Are Preparing to Attack China Without Biden's Approval
Pastor Samuel Honnold and myself have been collaborating for
over a week on American-led alliance that is prepared to strike at China for their ultra-agressive moves.
The most striking feature of this alliance is that it has been put together exclusive
of Joint Chiefs Commander, Millie, as well as the Biden Administration, who is sitting on the outside looking in. On January
22, 2021, I published the following report in which I reported that Biden was refused admittance to the Pentagon. The
Pentagon's JCS is split. Millie, a marxist, stands with Biden. However, much of the military command refuses to cooperate
with Biden.
Read more here:
Philippines Challenges Chinese Warship in South China Sea
The Philippines Coast Guard said it drove away a Chinese warship in the South China Sea,
in another sign of tension between the two nations in the disputed waters.
a statement Monday citing a July 13 report, the Coast Guard said it had sent a verbal challenge to Chinese warship spotted
at Marie Louise Bank. The Chinese vessel eventually moved away from the area, the statement said.
The foreign vessel sent a radio message identifying itself as "Chinese Navy Warship 189"
and asked the Philippine ship tailing it to keep distance, the Coast Guard said.
Read more here:
Russia successfully tests hypersonic Zircon missile that Putin boasted is 'without
equal' and 'can strike anywhere and evade US defence shield'
Russia said on Monday it had successfully tested a Tsirkon (Zircon) hypersonic cruise missile, a weapon President Vladimir Putin has touted as part of a new generation of missile systems without equal in the world.
The defence ministry said in a statement that the missile had been fired from the Admiral Gorshkov, a warship located
in the White Sea.
It travelled at around seven times the speed of sound
before hitting a ground target on the coastline of the Barents Sea more than 220 miles away, it claimed.
Read more here:
Lloyds Bank, Halifax and Bank of Scotland customers unable to access accounts
for hours after online banking goes down
FURIOUS customers have
been unable to access their accounts with Lloyds Bank, Halifax and Bank of Scotland's after internet banking and apps went
Thousands of users reported major technical issues which left them
unable to login for hours and some unable to make essential payments.
to Down Detector reports of issues started just after 10am today (July 19) but is now resolved, with online banking and apps
back up and running by around 2.30pm.
One user commented they could not
log on to move money and branded it "a disgrace" while another said it was "disappointing" as a long term
Read more here:
Origin: Delta Quadrant. A cybernetic life-form thousands of years old which is part organic, part artificial life. They have advanced well beyond
Federation science, unknown prior to a confrontation with the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D arranged by the entity known as "Q" circa stardate 42761 ( 2365) some 7,000 light-years past explored Federation space in the Delta Quadrant.
The Borg have a singular goal, namely the consumption of technology, rather than wealth
or political expansion as most species seek.
Read more here:
As We Watch Dementia Joe Mentally Decline, We Note One Political
Endgame For Democrats - Sneaking Kamala Harris In The Back Door To The Presidency
As we watch, and cringe, every time Joe Biden stumbles, bumbles, and basically makes a mockery of
the leadership of America, as he forgets his lines, needs notes to answer the easiest of questions, has problems reading the
teleprompter, forgets basic addition, and other fumbles, we have to wonder exactly how long before he is replaced with Kamala
Harris, which many believe that was ultimate goal of naming her VP to begin with.
Below we will show examples of Dementia Joes mental decline in 2021, which is spotlighted on a very public stage,
before taking a deeper look into the woman that will replace him when he becomes completely unable to function.
Read more here:
"45,000 Dead From Covid-19 Vaccines Within 3 Days", Sparks Lawsuit Against Federal Government
45,000 people have allegedly died from the Covid-19 vaccine
within three days, according to a US whistle-blower, which has sparked a lawsuit against the federal government.
Thomas Renz, an attorney based in Ohio has started a lawsuit against the federal government for covering up the true number of deaths
from the Covid-19 vaccines.
According to Renz, a whistle-blower - referred
to as Jane Doe - who is an insider and has seen information on the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) allegedly
passed on the numbers and relevant information to him.
At an event hosted
by Awaken America, Renz said: "We have someone that has sworn under penalty of perjury that there have been at least 45,000 deaths."
Read more here:
U.S. Surgeon General, Rockefeller Foundation Announce Big Initiatives to Address
‘Urgent Threat' of Vaccine Misinformation
U.S. Surgeon
General Dr. Vivek Murthy on Thursday issued an advisory warning to the American public about the "urgent threat"
of health misinformation and disinformation that have "threatened the U.S. response to COVID-19 and continue to prevent
Americans from getting vaccinated, prolonging the pandemic and putting lives at risk." The same day, The Rockefeller
Foundation announced $13.5 million in new funding to combat vaccine "misinformation and disinformation."
The 22-page advisory calls on Big Tech and social media companies to take more responsibility to stop the online spread of health
Read more here:
Navy Admiral oversaw 29 Spies in Nazi Germany & started US Secret Space Program
Rear Admiral Rico Botta was an extremely busy man during World War II. In addition to
his official daytime naval duty as "Assembly and Repair Officer" at Naval Air Station, San Diego, in the evenings
he led a covert Navy program operating with 29 spies embedded in Nazi Germany's most advanced aerospace programs which were
developing antigravity flying saucers.
According to retired aerospace
engineer, William Tompkins; from 1942 to 1946, Admiral Botta seamlessly performed his official and covert Navy duties. The covert program learned from
the Navy operatives (Lieutenants in rank) that the Nazis had developed up to 30 prototypes of antigravity craft, some of which
were capable of space flight.
Read more here:
Gene Roddenberry Based Star Trek on Secret US Navy Space Fleet
September 8 marks the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Star Trek science fiction
series that began in 1966. There is significant evidence that its creator, Gene Roddenberry, did not simply come up with the
idea of Star Trek on his own. Instead he was encouraged to create the series based on classified information surrounding the
development of a secret U.S. Navy space fleet that would build a broad extraterrestrial alliance. This led Roddenberry to
come up with the idea of a United Federation of Planets, with its military headquarters in San Francisco.
Roddenberry began developing ideas for a science fiction show after one of his series
had bombed in 1964:
Read more here:
The American Standard of Living Will Collapse Soon: The
Worst Is Yet To Come as Death and False Flag Threats Are Planned by the State
"Liberty is not for these slaves; I do not advocate inflicting it against their conscience. On the contrary,
I am strongly in favor of letting them crawl and grovel all they please before whatever fraud or combination of frauds they
choose to venerate...Our whole practical government is grounded in mob psychology and the Boobus Americanus will follow any
command that promises to make him safer." ~ H. L. Mencken
How is one to gain and keep his freedom in a country made up of apathetic and obedient fools steeped in ignorance?
This is a question for the ages, but in this twenty first century, it is a life and death struggle on the edge of darkness,
where light exists only in the distance, and only in the minds of the very few. The reality of this dilemma is a story about
survival, so should those that understand the dire situation we face, those that have the courage to fight for their own liberty;
abandon the rest of society in favor of pursuing truth and freedom without being surrounded by the chains of weakness and
submission that consume most of the masses? We are currently living in an irresponsible insanity, so should the societal cord
be cut? Is that the only way to escape the collective mob mentality?
more here:
Mysterious New 'Borg' DNA Seems to Assimilate Genes From Different Organisms
Mysterious strands of DNA that seemingly assimilate genes from many different organisms
in their surrounding environment have been discovered in a Californian backyard.
Scientists have named these elements "Borgs", and their discovery could help us not just understand the
evolution of microorganisms, but their interactions within their ecosystems, and their role in the broader environment.
Read more here:
Now They Are Saying That The Republican Party Is The #1 "National Security
Threat To The United States Of America"
When one major political
party starts labeling the other major political party as a "national security threat", that should set off major
alarm bells because that means that total tyranny is very near. Needless to say, Democrats and Republicans have always
had bitter words for one another, but when you start calling the other side a "national security threat" that is
taking things to an entirely different level. Al-Qaeda was a "national security threat", and so we invaded
Afghanistan. ISIS was a "national security threat", and so we bombed them into oblivion. The full weight
of U.S. power is often used to "neutralize" national security threats, and so when a former Department of Homeland
Security official went on MSNBC and said that the Republican Party is now a more serious national security threat than either Al-Qaeda or ISIS, that sent
chills down the spines of a whole lot of people...
Read more here:
Union warehouse workers vote unanimously to strike against Fred Meyer
Workers voted 335-0 to strike as union demands better safety protocols for essential workers.
[TUKIWLA, Wash] - (MTN) Teamsters Local 117 warehouse workers at Fred Meyer voted unanimously
to authorize a strike on Saturday setting the stage for possible food distribution disruptions at 180 grocery stores across
Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and Alaska. The vote was unanimous (335-0), despite a notice posted by the Company in the lunchroom
pressuring workers to vote no.
Contract negotiations between Teamsters
Local 117 and Fred Meyer have been underway with little progress. The contract between the Union and the Company is set to
expire on Sunday, July 18. With workers having voted to authorize a strike on Saturday, a work stoppage could be called by
the Union as early as 12:01 a.m. Monday morning.
Read more here:
Mark Levin Calls on Americans to Rise up against Marxism: 'This Is NOT a Passing Fad'
Conservative issues warning about Marxist movement in the United States
Conservative commentator Mark Levin is calling on patriotic Americans to rise
up against the push for Marxism from the radical-left.
a recent episode of his Fox News show "Life, Liberty, and Levin," he launched into a fiery rant against Marxism.
encouraged viewers to stand up against Marxist theories, warning "this is not a passing fad."
He began his show with a lengthy discussion on the growing discussion of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in public discourse.
He noted that Marxism is at the heart of the discourse.
Read more here:
Biden Nominee Edited Newsletter Advocating Violence against the Government
Tracy Stone-Manning edited extremists group article
Joe Biden's nominee to lead the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Tracy Stone-Manning, edited
a disturbing environmental newsletter called for violence against government officials as part of the extremist group Earth
First! mission.
Stone-Manning testified she "helped edit" while she was a graduate student at the University of Montana in Missoula 30 years ago.
Though the writers of the Rockies Review used pseudonyms to avoid any legal reparations, Stone was listed under "Assistance" on their masthead.
Stone-Manning went by the name "Tracy Stone" before she was married.
One issue was the "Autumnal Equinox Issue," labeled Vol. 1, No. 3.
Read more here:
Ancient wall painting in the Nubian pyramids depicting
a Giant carrying two elephants
If you drive north from Khartoum along a narrow desert road toward the ancient city of Meros, a breathtaking view emerges beyond the mirage: dozens of steep
pyramids piercing the horizon. No matter how many times you visit, there is an amazing sense of discovery.
Read more here:
Tucker Reveals Stunning New Information on Why Hunter Biden's Case Was Buried
Tucker Carlson discussed the double standard between the Hunter Biden and the American
people during his opening monologue tonight. He described how information was suppressed about Hunter Biden until after the
election because it could harm Joe Biden's chances to be elected POTUS.
news broke this week that this was a purposeful effort by intel officials who tried to claim it was the Russians pushing a
fake laptop from the Kremlin. Carlson plays a video of Biden from the debate where he spews the lie. Stunning...What's even
more stunning is a follow-up clip of Hunter Biden discussing whether this was his laptop.
Read more here:
Photo: UK Elderly Vaccinated Without Consent Inside Home Unable to Talk, Walk
They have dementia and a note on their files not to vaccinate. Now they can't walk or
talk... THIS IS WRONG!!!!'
A photo uploaded to social media purports
to show an elderly couple struggling to survive after being vaccinated inside their home by UK medical workers.
According to UK-based Twitter user @DeRossiBeard, the couple in the photo are her in-laws
who already suffered from dementia and were in no condition to give consent to be vaccinated.
Read more here:
Good luck with that! Chicago mental health professionals
will be dispatched on 911 calls instead of cops following defund the police protests - as gang members now outnumber officers
ten to one
Mental health professionals will be sent out to respond
to some 911 calls in Chicago instead of cops, following defund the police protests and a number of police killings of mentally-unwell
The city is launching a two-part 'alternative response'
pilot program this fall that takes a more public health approach to responding to 911 calls for mental health emergencies.
The initiatives aim to both ensure people suffering a mental health crisis get the
help they need rather than face criminalization and free police up for tackling crime, amid a mass exodus of cops from the force.
Read more here:
Governments are using credit card purchase data as "contact tracing' COVID
The ongoing "war on cash" that far preceded
the pandemic, whose goal is to steer people towards using traceable forms of payment, is coming in very handy in the COVID
era precisely for the reason the policy is criticized in the first place - it makes it easy for authorities to keep tabs on
individuals who use card transactions.
Reports now mention instances of
Australian residents receiving a mandate to quarantine after using their credit card to pay at an establishment, where somebody
known to be infected with the virus had stayed.
Read more here:
"This Is Worrying Me Quite A Bit": mRNA Vaccine
Inventor Shares Viral Thread Showing COVID Surge In Most-Vaxxed Countries
Dr. Robert Malone, a pioneer in the field of mRNA vaccines, shared a viral Twitter thread on Friday which lays out
a disturbing trend; the most-vaccinated countries in the world are experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases, while
the least-vaccinated countries are not.
"This is worrying
me quite a bit," tweeted Malone, embedding the lengthy thread authored by Twitter user @holmenkollin (Corona Realism)
via the 'thread reader' app.
Read more here:
Is Gates Thinning the Herd with a Food Crisis?
Biden is now paying farmers not to grow crops and was perhaps directed by Bill Gates, who has become
the biggest farmland holder in the USA. The risk of starvation around the world is rising. The real question is very dark.
Is this part of Gates' idea on how to reduce the population? Perhaps Warren Buffett and George Soros will lead the way and
just die rather than clinging to every last breath to screw with the rest of us, the Great Unwashed, for
whom they have never had any respect whatsoever.
Read more here:
World in Chaos
South Africa, the currency has fallen hard as riots have devasted the country. They looted the mall, except for the bookstore.
The former South African President Jacob Zuma turned himself in to begin a 15-month sentence for contempt of court. This has
sent the country into a tailspin. Contempt of court is an abuse of judicial power, for they claim they can lock anyone up
for any reason whatsoever.
Read and watch here:
Creating Monsters by Manipulating the Electrical Fields
It is time to explore the power of altering the electrical current. Electrical current
frequencies can create monsters. It can heal or it can destroy. We are all bathed with new electrical currents,
natural and man-made, that mankind has never been exposed too. These are impacting our physical body, our brain
function, our emotions, our metabolism, and more. Can this impact our spiritual life? I would agree with the creator
of this video that, yes, our spiritual life can be impacted by these invisible forces.
Read more here:
NSA Vs Tucker Carlson Is An Alarm Bell For All Americans
Fox News host Tucker Carlson's charge that the National Security Agency illegally spied on him and leaked his emails is enraging prominent liberals. Carlson sought "to sow distrust [of the NSA], which is so anti-American,"
declared MSNBC analyst Andrew Weissman, formerly the chief prosecutor for Special Counsel Robert Mueller. CNN senior correspondent Oliver Darcy ridiculed Carlson
for effectively claiming that "I'm not a crazy person overstating a case!"
Read more
Chinese CEO gets prison in Jacksonville export ploy to ‘reverse engineer' US military gear
A Chinese business executive who wanted to copy American-made
boat engines to sell to China's Navy was sentenced Wednesday evening to 42 months in prison by a federal judge
in Jacksonville.
Ge Songtao, who was indicted in 2019 along with a Jacksonville-based U.S. Navy officer and two people working for his company, pleaded guilty in November to two export reporting crimes authorities turned up during a three-year investigation that used foreign-intelligence surveillance warrants.
Read more here:
Vax Wars are Global - Gerald Celente
Renowned trends researcher and publisher of "The Trends Journal," Gerald Celente, boldly predicted back
in April, "We are going to start seeing a big anti-vax movement." He was spot on, and now says the "Vax
War" is about to get more intense, and there is nowhere to hide from it. Celente explains, "What people have
to understand is this is global. We made this forecast almost a year ago. We said, as we were watching the Covid
war, that they were going to try to end it with the vaccines. We have had a number of covers on ‘The Trends Journal'
showing the vax wars and the vaccines right next to Biden's head. There are three groups that run and own the United
States. . . .The Military Industrial Complex . . . The Banksters . . . and The ‘Drug Lords' also called Big Pharma.
. .We gave billions of dollars of our money to invent this ‘warped' speed drug that has not been approved by the FDA,
and it's a gene therapy drug.
Read more here:
Texas Terror: 34 People Are Being Decontaminated After ‘Mustard Gas' Release
at Water Park
According to a source with knowledge of the incident,
an unknown amount of mustard gas has been released in a pool area at Hurricane Harbor Splashtown in Houston Texas, contaminating
more than 30+ people.
Around 3 p.m., the Spring Fire Department responded
to a call at Hurricane Harbor Splashtown.
#update 34 people gone through decon. Incident has been contained to one attraction at the park. HCFMO HAZMAT is working on air monitoring.
More info when available.
- @hcfmo (@hcfmo) July 17, 2021
According to a fire marshal, HAZMAT specialists arrived on the site to
check the air. At the time officials were unsure if the spill was caused by a leak. LifeZette has been able to confirm that
the unknown chemical is indeed mustard gas.
Read more here:
HEADS UP! Intentional shortages of food and other goods are being manufactured
to harm us soon.
Watch here:
Union Pacific Halts Shipments From West Coast To Chicago To Ease "Significant
Union Pacific is temporarily suspending eastbound service from West Coast port terminals to its Global IV intermodal facility in Chicago
to help ease "significant congestion" at inland terminals, especially Chicago, and at the ports, Freight Waves reports. The suspension is aimed at helping ocean carriers reduce backlogs.
more here:
Globalists Pushing 'Monthly Magic Frankenshots' As 'The
Answer' To The 'Covid Problem' They Created: CNN Talking Head Proclaims 'Life Needs To Be Hard For Unvaccinated Americans'
The Globalists 16-Year Plan To Overthrow America Is Well On Its Way Towards Completion
While glancing through ANP readers comments this morning, I read a timely one by 'Lindsay
Zipprich' which summarized my own recent thinking almost perfectly following reading the stories yesterday that I'll
be highlighting in this new ANP story, with Lindsay's comment being:
think. if Hillary had been elected, then she would have been well on her way in the last four years of the 16 year plan to
takedown and destroy the US. Obama had a good start in taking us down that path. The Plandemic was planned well in advance
but Trump screwed the Globalist plans up. But then again, Hillary's FUN CAMPS were planned for our future in her regime.
For those who aren't aware, back in 2018, numerous alternative news websites had shared
the image seen below showing what the globalists plans were for America as they did away with freedom while ushering in their
tyrannical 'new world order'. And while that plan hit a major roadblock for four years, as we'd warned in this February 8th ANP story, "Joe Biden Occupying The White House Puts The Democrats 16-Year Plan To Destroy America Back In Play."
Read more here:
Federal Judge Throws a Monkey Wrench Into Capitol Riot Prosecutions
A federal judge ruled on Friday that the Justice Department could not use a contractor
to organize grand jury materials relating to the more than 500 defendants who have been charged in the January 6 Capitol riot.
The evidence is largely in the form of social media posts, videos, and emails. The Justice
Department agreed to pay Deloitte Financial Advisory Services $6.1 million to set up a database containing the evidence gathered
by the FBI in their investigation. The database would be available to both the prosecution and the defendants in order to
satisfy the requirement that all "exculpatory" evidence be given to the defense.
Read more here:
Sadiq Khan Says New Statue of Activist Who Beheaded White Colonizers in Front
of Their Children Reflects London's "Achievements and Diversity"
London Mayor Sadiq Khan defended the impending placement of a statue of John Chilembwe, an anti-colonial
activist who ordered the decapitation of William Livingstone in front of his children and then displayed his head on a pike,
saying it served to "reflect London's achievements and diversity."
Yes, really.
Read more here:
How the Air Force Academy Makes the Disloyal Military Leaders of Tomorrow
In 2007, Mark Milley, then a mere colonel, was being interviewed about his experiences
by Lynne Chandler Garcia. Now Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Milley is defending critical race theory while Garcia,
an associate professor at the Air Force Academy, teaches it.
The woman
described by one student as "the worst professor I've had" back when she was teaching logic for the philosophy department
at a community college recently came forward with a Washington Post op-ed announcing her enthusiasm for
injecting Marxism into the Air Force.
Read more here:
Operation Lockstep: The 3 Step Approach to a Permanent Lockdown
Resulting In Massive Depopulation
At the onset of the Covid 19
outbreak, I received information about something called Operation Lockstep. I was told by one deep-cover-insider that this
plot was developed approximately two years prior to the outbreak of Covid 19. This plot against humanity also goes
by other aliases. The policies and proceedures, summarized below, are in the process of being codified into law by Congress
or placed into formal existence through Executive Order.
After receiving
this information, for a second time, last May, from an officer based at the Pentagon, I decided to take this seriously. In
the past 14 months, I have watched the unveiling of this plot and have witnessed a progressive step-by-step manner.
Read more here:
China Tells U.S. and Taiwan: "Prepare for a Blow at any moment"
China has issued unprecedented war threats against the United States and Taiwan through
the official organ of the Chinese Communist Party. As China finds itself more isolated, it is becoming belligerent.
Early last week, China also made a direct NUCLEAR ATTACK threat against
Japan, which was a story for Subscribers to this site only, but is now OPEN to the public because the information has leaked
to the mainstream. (Story HERE)
Beijing is adopting war rhetoric, threatening even the United
States with a surprise first blow, a sign that "zero hour" is approaching for Taiwan.
Read more here:
3 Bombshell Biden Scandals the Corporate Media Is Hiding from You
Democratic Party allies in the media are sweeping stories under the rug
America's corporate media is doing everything in its power to keep negative stories
about Joe Biden and his family hidden from the public.
Biden being known to angrily confront reporters for daring to ask "harsh" questions, the mainstream media
has taken it remarkably easy on the Democrat and his family.
the Democratic Party's allies in the media are circling hungrily around the Trump family.
Meanwhile, they are ignoring several serious scandals facing Joe Biden, his son, and his brother.
Read more here:
From "Spook Air" To The "Lolita Express"-The
Genesis And Evolution Of The SHADOWLAND / SILENT CRY Epstein-Clinton Relationship
On August 10th, and for several days after, speculation swirled after it was announced that Jeffrey Epstein had been
found dead in his cell. Following the controversial conclusion by the New York Medical Examiner that Epstein's death was a
suicide - a conclusion contested by Epstein's attornies as well as by independent forensic pathologists, given the apparent
evidence pointing towards strangulation - corporate media coverage of the Epstein case has slowed to a trickle, save for sensationalist
stories about his alleged co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell and new salacious details of his past. Gone from corporate media
are any hints of the larger scandal, revolving around the admission that Epstein had "belonged to intelligence."
In this four-part series, "The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal: Too Big to Fail," MintPress has revealed that Epstein's
activities - a sexual blackmail operation involving minors and connected to intelligence agencies - was one of many such operations
that have taken place for decades, developing from the nexus forged between the CIA, organized crime and Israeli intelligence
shortly after World War II. Of particular importance are Epstein's relationship to the Clinton Foundation and the alleged
role of Epstein's Virgin Islands-based hedge fund and the Clinton Foundation in money laundering activity... nothing less
than a criminal enterprise that transcends nationality and is willing to use and abuse children in the pursuit of ever more
power, wealth and control... (READ MORE)
Neuroscientists Have Discovered a Phenomenon That They Can't Explain
"Scientists are meant to know what's going on, but in this particular case, we are
deeply confused."
Carl Schoonover and Andrew Fink are confused. As
neuroscientists, they know that the brain must be flexible but not too flexible. It must rewire itself in the face
of new experiences, but must also consistently represent the features of the external world. How? The relatively simple explanation
found in neuroscience textbooks is that specific groups of neurons reliably fire when their owner smells a rose, sees a sunset,
or hears a bell. These representations-these patterns of neural firing-presumably stay the same from one moment to the next.
But as Schoonover, Fink, and others have found, they sometimes don't. They change-and to a confusing and unexpected extent.
Read more here:
Newly Discovered Chinese Missile Silos May Reflect China's Superiority In Numbers
And Modernity Of Strategic Nuclear Weapons
'Not Even
Athenians Were Dumb Enough To Tear Down Their Own Walls'
is not a river in Egypt, but it might as well be for Western elites and academics who cannot face facts. Democracies are at
heart optimists, always looking for the silver lining in every dark cloud-and this dysfunctional optimism, what psychiatrists
call "magical thinking" is their hubris.
So Athenian blind
faith in democracy, their city walls and naval superiority, during the Peloponnesian War led to crushing defeat by Sparta
in 404 B.C.
So in 1909, Norman Angell's book "The Great Illusion"
became a best-selling popular success, was quickly translated into eleven languages, becoming a cult. British universities
propagated its dogma that because Europe's economies were so interdependent there would be no more great wars-5 years before
the outbreak of World War I.
Read more here:
New anomalous jet stream pattern imperils global food supplies
Scientists have identified systematic meanders in the globe-circling northern jet stream
that have caused simultaneous crop-damaging heat waves in widely separated breadbasket regions - a previously unquantified
threat to global food production.
Read more here:
L.A. County Confirms Masks Are America's Fastest-Growing Cult
Pagan cultists in Los Angeles are defying the CDC with a new indoor mask mandate, even
if you are vaccinated.
The CDC tells us that those of us who are vaccinated
are in almost no danger of contracting the China Flu, and if we do catch it, the chances of it blowing up into something serious or fatal are almost
nil. Therefore, the CDC revoked its mask recommendations for the vaccinated.
more, for more than a year, we've watched states such as North Dakota, Florida, and Texas choose not to force their citizens
to wear masks, and the per capita infection, hospitalization, and death rates in those states fell right in line with those
states mandating masks. In many cases, the numbers in South Dakota, Texas, and Florida were better.
Read more here:
Answering Your Questions: Vaccine Mandates, Education, Second
Amendment, and The Beatles
Truth fears no scrutiny. Falsehood
must cloak itself in darkness. John 3:19-21 declares, "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world,
and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither
cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may
be made manifest, that they are wrought in God."
Does this
truth explain why some Democrats (and RHINOs) are so eager to ignore or resist audits in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and
other states? Thankfully, many courageous individuals have responsibly stepped up and are exposing the 2020 election lies.
Will you join them?
Read and watch here:
Biden DHS Official: Americans Trying to Preserve Their Heritage 'Makes Me Sick'
Samantha Vinograd, the Department of Homeland Security's new acting assistant secretary for counterterrorism and threat prevention in the Office
of Strategy, Policy and Plans is a former CNN analyst who said the idea of Americans trying to preserve their heritage makes
her "sick."
While appearing on CNN in March 2019, Vinograd slammed President
Trump for giving a speech at CPAC about the importance of preserving our heritage.
statement makes me sick, on a personal level," Vinograd said. "Preserving your heritage, reclaiming our heritage,
that sounds a lot like a certain leader that killed members of my family and about six million other Jews in the 1940s."
Read more here:
French Face 6 Months in Jail For Entering a Bar or Restaurant Without a COVID
People in France who enter a bar or restaurant without
a COVID pass face 6 months in jail, while business owners who fail to check their status face a 1 year prison sentence and
a €45,000 fine.
Yes, really.
The punishments are part of a draconian effort by the French government to force citizens to get
the coronavirus jab amidst multiple unruly protests across numerous major cities.
President Emmanuel Macron announced earlier this week that those unable to prove they're vaccinated or a negative
COVID test (at their own cost) will be banned from using public transport, entering a cinema, shopping mall, bar, cafe, restaurant
and other venues from August 1st.
Read more here:
Discover Herbal and Natural Therapies For Diabetes After The SHTF When The Pharmacies
Won't Be An Option
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the diagnosed
prevalence of type 1 diabetes (T1D) was predicted to grow annually by 0.93% in the US, and the diagnosed prevalence of type
2 diabetes (T2D) was expected to grow annually by 1.8%, according to GlobalData, a leading data, and analytics company. As diabetes case numbers are expected to be further fuelled by COVID-19, and as the pathophysiology of COVID-19 induced diabetes is further explored, there will be more patients in need of targeted
COVID-19 may affect insulin-producing cells in the pancreas,
either by directly damaging them or as a side effect of inflammation caused by the immune system fighting the virus, leading
to T1D. The SARS-CoV-2 virus may also thrive in an environment of elevated blood glucose and could precipitate a relative
insulin deficiency, or T2D.
Read more here:
Here's Why America's Labor-Shortage Will Drive Inflation Higher
Great swaths of the American workforce are already on strike or slipping away from
the dead-end treadmill.
America's labor shortage is complex
and doesn't lend itself to the simplistic expectations favored by media talking heads. The Wall Street cheerleaders
extol the virtues of "getting America back to work" which is Wall-Street-speak for getting back to exploiting
workers to maximize corporate profits.
Read more here:
Did Japan Just Warn the US of an Impending Joint Attack From China and Russia?
Four days before Americans celebrated Independence Day, the
number two defense official in Japan offered some strange advice that has many Americans concerned.
After noting the Chinese and Russians are excellent allies and have engaged in several military
drills together of late, Japanese State Defense Minister Yasuhide Nakayama, in a press interview, had this to say, "[Russian naval forces] are really exercising just right in front of the western part of
Honolulu, and so I don't want to remind the [sic] seventy years ago, but we have to be careful of the exercising of the Russians."
Nakayama made this statement because many Russian ships are operating just 35 miles off
of Hawaii's coast. They conducted several drills, one of which has been a rehearsal on sinking an aircraft carrier. And what could Nakayama possibly be alluding to that happened in Hawaii roughly seventy years ago?
Read more here:
of the most significant indicators/signs of an authoritarian/totalitarian regime is the controlling of media, promoting government
propaganda, and suppressing voices of opposition.
A person only needs
look to countries such as the former Soviet Union, current Russia, China, and North Korea to see the most fully implemented
examples of such behavior. And the European Union countries are examples of almost fully implemented authoritarian media controls.
But here in the USA the First Amendment has protected, for the most part, our right to free speech for over 230 years...until
Read more here:
German villagers hope for a miracle after warnings that a dam could
burst and wipe them out as floods kill more than 120, cause billions of pounds of damage and create fatal 'tsunami'
waves in Belgium
Thousands of villagers in western German were
praying for a miracle Friday night amid fears a nearby dam could collapse and inundate their homes with water.
The villages in the Euskirchen region, near the city of Bonn, have been evacuated
with 4,500 told to flee their homes after cracks started appearing in the dam holding back the nearby Steinbach reservoir.
Engineers warned the dam is dangerously close to collapse after a huge amount of water
was dumped into the reservoir as three months' worth of rain fell on the region in just one week, causing widespread devastation.
Read more here:
Western US expected to be hit with fourth heat wave in five weeks:
temperatures in Montana LIKELY to hit 106 degrees as wildfires continue to rage
The Western U.S. and Canada are bracing for yet another heat wave with temperatures expected to reach 106 degrees in Montana and dry conditions that will continue to fuel raging wildfires.
what will be the fourth heat wave in the span of five weeks, at least 16 million people will swelter in triple-digit temperatures,
with the most intense heat in the central and northern Rockies, the Washington Post reported.
The heat wave, expected to develop over this weekend
and peak around Monday, will hit areas where multiple wildfires have flared up, worrying firefighters who are working round
the clock to extinguish fast spreading flames.
Read more here:
Texas man is hospitalized with monkeypox after being infected with the rare virus
during a trip to Nigeria
A man in Dallas, Texas, has been hospitalized with monkeypox, a rare condition similar to smallpox, according to a new report from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The unnamed man was returning from a trip in Lagos, Nigeria, and had stopped in Atlanta, Georgia, on his way home.
Health officials
are working to find who may have been in contact with the man as he traveled.
Read more here:
Oregon wildfire causes miles-high ‘fire clouds' as flames grow
Pyrocumulus clouds viewable from 100 miles away as Bootleg fire grows beyond size of New
York City
Smoke and heat from a huge wildfire in south-eastern Oregon are creating giant "fire clouds" over the blaze - dangerous columns of smoke and ash that can reach up to six miles
(10km) in the sky and are visible from more than 100 miles (160km) away.
have put these clouds at the top of the list of the extreme fire behavior they are seeing amid the Bootleg fire, the largest wildfire burning in the US. The inferno grew on Friday to about 377 sq miles (976 sq km), an area larger than New York City, and was
raging through a part of the American west that is enduring a historic drought.
Read more here:
Hundreds of flights cancelled and schools shut ahead as Beijing faces biggest
storm the year
Entire Beijing has come to a standstill as China's capital city faces the worst torrential storm of the year, with hundreds of flights cancelled and schools and tourist sites shut.
The city's authorities have issued a stay-at-home order for everyone in the city on Monday, as extremely heavy rainfall
continues along with gale-force winds.
Read more here:
Health Ranger exposes planned takedown of America, ending in martial law, halted
elections and Holocaust-level mass extermination via spike protein injections
(Natural News) A nefarious plan is under way to place America under a military dictatorship, halt the mid-term elections and unleash armed
soldiers to go door-to-door, confiscating guns and forcing vaccines on the American people to achieve Holocaust-level mass
That plan follows a specific series of events that all
orbit around the concept of "planned chaos." The steps to achieve this chaos are already well under way.
Read more here:
Spiking Food Prices On Meat And Animal Products Correlate With
Biden 'Climate Change' Plans - The Biden Regime Is Using Food As A Weapon Against Americans
Recent reports detail that inflation seeing its biggest surge since 2008, and casually informed their audiences that food prices are up 2.4 percent higher than a year ago, and that we can expect
beef, pork, eggs and other products to continue seeing price increases for the foreseeable future.
It is time to look at the war being waged, by liberals, against meat and livestock related products,
such as eggs.
Not just in the continuous rising prices, but as part of
the Biden regime's "climate change" agenda, where part of the radical plan would limit Americans to 4 pounds
of meat, per year, per person.
That averages one hamburger a month....period.
Liberal media outlets claim that isn't what his climate change plans entail, but documented
reports from even MSM sources, show the war on meat is real.
Read more here:
Liquidity Crisis: Wells Fargo & Repo Markets Sound Alarms
Every financial crisis ultimately boils down to a liquidity crisis, namely: Not enough fiat dollars
to keep the financial wheels sufficiently greased.
Below, we look at two
warning signs from Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC) and the reverse repo market which warn of precisely that: a liquidity crisis.
Read more here:
Federal Reserve Chair Powell "I'm Not Concerned With a Standard
of Living Decrease" Why Are Americans Still Listening to This Administration?
Watch here:
It's burning like hell! Megafire in Oregon and 60 wildfires in
10 US states, 800,000 hectares of forest destroyed so far in Siberia, the world is a burning torch
The world is burning like hell! Oregon wildfire becomes Megafire and biggest in the US
after burning over 200,000 acres, while more than 60 wildfires are burning in 10 states on the US West Coast.
In the meantime, flames are tearing across 800,000 hectares of forest, and the hardest-hit
region of Yakutia in the north has been in a state of emergency for weeks... Terrible!
Read more here:
The Rise Of a Secret Unaccountable Police Force in America
Our founders knew that concentrating too much power in any one federal agency -
especially a law enforcement agency - could lead to a tyrannical police state. It was one of their greatest fears.
After all, they knew a thing or two about tyranny, and it was something they wanted to avoid at all costs.
As a result, today's federal law enforcement agencies have very limited authority and
very specific missions: Border Patrol patrols the borders, of course; DEA investigates narcotics; and the ATF enforces archaic
alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives laws. The FBI has by far the broadest powers, but it too is constrained by a very
specific set of rules and guidelines from the U.S. Attorney General - a process called predication. Contrary
to what's depicted on television, before FBI special agents can swoop in and take over a case, they must first have a federal
predicate - they must believe that a federal crime or national security threat exists before they can investigate.
Read more here:
DeSantis Calls on Cuba's Military to Be 'Heroic' and Turn Against Communist Regime
Florida governor urges troops to rise up against dictatorship and free Cuban people
Florida's Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, has called on Cuba's military to
turn against the country's communist dictatorship and help free the Cuban people from communism.
DeSantis urged young military leaders to rise up against the regime, noting they have
a chance to be "heroic" and can refound the island nation.
governor issued the plea in response to a question from a reporter about calls for U.S. military intervention in Cuba.
"The best role for military - the Cuban military - is to realize that time's
up, that you can't keep doing the bidding of a repressive dictatorship that is not governing with the consent of the governed,"
DeSantis said.
Read more here:
Chaffetz: 'Direct Evidence' Has Emerged Linking Joe Biden to Hunter's Business
Former Republican congressman reveals new findings
on Biden family
Former Republican congressman Jason Chaffetz
has revealed that new "direct evidence" has emerged that proves Democrat Joe Biden was privy to his son's
shady foreign business deals while in office as vice president.
a Government Accountability Institute (GAI) fellow, dropped the bombshell revelation during an appearance on Fox News
show "Hannity" on Wednesday.
He told host Sean Hannity that there is direct
evidence being laid out by one of his GAI colleagues that shows Joe Biden was involved in his 51-year-old son Hunter's
foreign business dealings.
Chaffetz alluded to news that investigative
author and GAI President Peter Schweizer has unearthed new evidence, as reported by Neon Nettle.
Read more here:
This Explains The Orwellian Rush Into Medical Tyranny: Dangerous
Polls Show Americans Agree, The MSM, Biden, Congress And Medical System Have Failed America Horribly
Expect The Rush To Despotism To Be Kicked Into Overdrive As Americans 'Awaken'
To 'Woke'
While the mainstream media plays their part by continuing
to try to 'sell' an experimental 'big pharma' injection to the unvaxxed masses who clearly aren't 'buying
it', a revealing new Gallup poll from July 14th shows Americans overwhelmingly have a consistent distrust in that same media, with over 3 out of every 4 Americans not believing
what they read and hear in the news while only 21% trusts them.
With another
recent poll by Reuters itself finding the US ranks last among 46 countries in trust in media being more evidence that the 'propaganda machine' unleashed by the globalists/democrats upon America is failing,
we none-the-less have to deal with the 'after-effects' of the mainstream media's lies, a 'reality' in 2021
that borders upon 'Orwellian'.
And with that same Gallup
poll finding over 50% of Americans have trust in only 3 different institutions, small businesses, the police and the US military,
the fact that way over 50% of Americans DISTRUST public schools, the medical system, the
banks, the court systems, technology companies, organized labor, the President, big businesses and Congress show us why America
is in the mess that we're now in, with America's biggest institutions largely lying to the masses for decades.
Read more here:
Does Anyone Think That We Are Free? This Tyranny Will Continue
To Grow Until We The People Grow A Spine!
Does anyone think that
we are free?
We have an oppressive regime in Washington D.C. that is allowed
to hold people without a trial, lie in court records, openly spy on us, and Federal Judges simply agree and approve of all
of it. The evil regime in D.C. is now inviting in the UN to help us deal with "racism". Our military is transporting illegals and depositing them mainly in "red" states in an effort to change the voting practices. A new poll is out stating that 66% of southern republicans would like to secede from the United States. California is re-instating the mask mandates. South Africa is burning. France is starting to pushback against vaccine passports.
Ireland is starting to get frisky as their government has sentenced a woman to three months in prison for refusing to wear
a mask. Australians have taken to the street to protest a new round of lockdowns. China is openly threatening nuking Japan. Audits are wrapping up here in the United States that
are proving what the world already knows, that our country was stolen from us in a fraudulent election. These are just the
headlines from today. So I don't think it's an exaggeration to say the world is burning as I have stated previously.
Read more here:
EXTREME VIOLENCE: All Hell Breaks Loose in South Africa
If you've been following the news this week, you know the crap is hitting the fan ugly and fast in South Africa. Mobs have been looting, ransacking, and destroying supermarkets,
grocery stores, restaurants, and shopping centers in cities in the country's Eastern region.
The situation is also tense in Cuba. Though things haven't reached the level of violence and destruction that we
see in the African country (at least not yet), massive protests against the communist regime flare-up, and the population
is taking to the streets in droves. Haiti is another place that's been in the news lately after the president was assassinated in his own home by mercenaries (we're
definitely going back to the 1970s and '80s).
We're living
in crazy and volatile times. These situations provide essential clues and encapsulate valuable lessons for all of us, regardless
of where we live. I'll focus on the developments in the African country for the moment for a specific reason.
Read more here:
With 319 Tb/s, Japan Absolutely Smashes World Record For Data Transmission Speed
New technology developed by Japanese engineers has walloped
the heck out of the previous data transmission speed record.
Along an
optical cable more than 3,000 kilometers (1,864 miles) long, the team achieved a data transmission speed of 319 terabits per
second (Tb/s).
Read more here:
Biden Administration Invites UN To Take Over Racist Law Enforcement In USA - Thursday Live
The same pattern of fraud has now been documented in other states like Arizona, Michigan
and Pennsylvania, proving Trump was real winner of 2020 presidential election.
But, the Biden dictatorship has no intention of ever relinquishing control and has a plan to trigger martial law
before the midterms to complete America's journey into total enslavement.
Flash flood chaos in Europe: At least 68 dead across Germany
and Belgium and scores more missing as buildings are destroyed and families left trapped on rooftops after heavy rain strikes
the continent
At least 68 people have died and at least
70 are missing after torrential rain triggered some of Europe's deadliest flooding in years - with homes and cars swept away
in Germany and parts of Belgium.
Hardest-hit was western Germany where
at least 45 people were killed, spread across its most-populous state of North Rhine-Westphalia and neighbouring Rhineland-Palatinate.
The town of Schuld, south of Bonn, was particularly badly affected - with at least 18
killed there and in the nearby town of Ahrweiler with dozens missing when the Ahr river burst its banks and swept away homes
even as people sheltered on their rooftops.
Read more here:
'Let Them Die': Local NAACP Leader Espouses Violent Rhetoric Against Opponents
of Critical Race Theory
Michelle Leete, leader of the NAACP
Fairfax chapter, had some choice words for those who dare oppose Critical Race Theory (CRT). "Let them die," she
proclaimed to applause from a crowd who joined her outside Jackson Middle School, located in the Fairfax County Public School
(FCPS) system, the 11th largest in the country and the largest in Virginia. The protest came before a school board meeting
that night.
Read more here:
Two in Three Southern Republicans Want to Secede From the United States
A shocking YouGov poll found that 66% of Republicans in southern states want to secede
from the United States.
The survey, by YouGov in conjunction with BrightLineWatch, looked at the current political climate in America. The most stunning question concerned support or opposition for the state
in which respondents lived in "seceding from the United States to join a new union with [list of states in new union]?"
Read more here:
Ha! Ha! Fooled Ya! California Re-Imposes Mask Mandates - Vaccine was all for nothing!
So, you were one of the folks who went right out and got your "vaccine" for
the novel coronavirus because "you want to get back to a normal life." You thought you'd be protected and
could go out and do all the stuff the government told you not to do for a year. HA HA - the joke's on you!
Los Angeles County announced Thursday that it would re-instate an indoor mask mandate
for residents, "regardless of vaccination status."
The order,
implemented after a rise in positive coronavirus cases in the county, will take effect Saturday at 11:59 p.m., according to
L.A. County Health Officer Dr. Muntu Davis.
"We're not where
we need to be for the millions at risk of infection here in Los Angeles County, and waiting to do something will be too late
given what we're seeing now," Davis said Thursday, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Read more here:
South Africa riots - Starving rioters say they are ‘on verge of eating each
other' after violence sparks food shortages
STARVING rioters
in South Africa have said they are on the verge of "eating each other" as days of looting and violence sparks severe
food shortages.
Chaotic protests have erupted across the country
after former president Jacob Zuma was handed a 15-month jail term last week for failing to appear at a corruption inquiry.
Read more here:
CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Politician Telling People "Go Into Indian and White Neighborhoods;
Kill Them and Burn their houses down" in South Africa
video is out showing a South African government official telling Blacks to go into Indian and White neighborhoods, Kill them
and burn their houses down.
Today, Thursday July 15, 2021, is Day 4 of
the societal collapse in South Africa. It began as a protest over the weekend over the jailing of former President Zuma,
who was held in Contempt of Court for refusing to turn over evidence in a corruption trial.
Within hours, the "protest" turned into rioting, then looting. Literally thousands of businesses
in the city of Durban were looted bare, and when there was nothing left to steal, many were set on fire.
Read more here:
Technocrats leading the world into new Dark Age: But they
can't take us where we refuse to go
If you think the first
six months of the Biden-Harris regime has brought head-spinning turns of events, from runaway inflation and open borders to
a nationwide propaganda campaign for a specific medical treatment, brace yourself for more shockwaves in the second half of
The military is reportedly going to mandate the jab as of Sept 1.
What happens to the soldiers who refuse? Will they be edged out and treated as deserters?
Hospitals across the country are threatening to fire their employees if they don't take the jab, most giving a deadline
of between Sept. 1 and Oct. 1. How will hospitals fill the voids if 15 to 20 percent of their medical staff quit?
Read more here:
Chinese Communist Party Officials Share Viral Video Urging Nuclear Strikes On
Relations between China and Japan have seen a rapid deterioration
over the past months as Tokyo has firmly declared itself in Washington's corner on its willingness to defend Taiwan in the future event of a Chinese invasion of the island.
This week a social media video has been widely shared in China after it was originally posted to
the official social media account of a local municipal authority run by Communist officials after being created by a Chinese
military channel with over two million followers. The now viral video bluntly calls for "continuously"
striking Japan with nuclear weapons should it continue supporting Taiwan's independence aspirations. The original
upload has since been taken down from Xigua - the Chinese social media site which has a similar appearance to YouTube - after
garnering international media attention. Watch the reposted video with subtitles below...
Read more here:
Tucker Carlson Drops Bombshell Evidence of Voter Fraud in Georgia
'There actually was meaningful voting fraud in Fulton County, Georgia, last November'
Fox News host Tucker Carlson has dropped bombshell evidence that proves voter
fraud took place in Fulton County, Georgia during the 2020 presidential election.
On Wednesday night, Carlson raised the alarm after evidence emerged that "meaningful voting fraud"
occurred in Georgia.
In a segment of his show, Carlson showed proof that
election workers were double scanning-ballots and that tally sheets had been falsified in Democrat Joe Biden's favor.
provided data obtained from an independent audit of the results that shows instances where all of President Donald Trump's
vote count had been counted for Biden, registering zero votes for the Republican incumbent in some cases.
Read more here:
Klaus Schwab, Globalist Elites Planning Attack That Will DWARF COVID-19
Watch here:
Dr. David Martin, CEO M•CAM Illuminates What Big Pharma Knew, When They Knew It and the case for RICO
I personally have never consumed video content that is so dense
that it must be rewound almost every 15 seconds to truly understand what the speaker is trying to convey to the listener.
The video, ‘A manufactured illusion. Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich 9/7/21 (that is July 9, 2021) is that video. In this broadcast, Dr. Martin shares publicly available information from the US Patent
Office (Public PAIR) that demonstrates what big Pharma knew, when they knew it and the case for RICO.
David E. Martin, Ph.D. is Founder, CEO and Chairman of M•CAM International whose business is
to monitor the innovation that is happening around the world and specifically to monitor the economics of that innovation
the degree to which financial interests are being served, and corporate interests are being dislocated; M•CAM's business
is innovation and its finance. Since 1998 M•CAM is the largest underwriter of intangible assets used in finance in 168
countries. M•CAM‘s underwriting systems include the corpus of all patents, patent applications, grants, procurement
records and e-govt records. M•CAM can track what is happening, who is involved in what is happening and monitor a series
of thematic interests for a variety of interests and individuals as well as for M•CAM‘s own commercial use. M•CAM
maintains 3 global equity indices including the top performing Large Cap and Mid Cap indexes worldwide. Dr. Martin is -well-
qualified to speak on the verifiable public history of patents as it pertains to SARS CoV-2, their supposed therapeutic interventions
and the timing of when they had their genesis.
Read more here:
The Shocking Truth To The Critical Question: What Are The
Long Term Effects Of The COVID Vaccine? They Know The Ominous Answers But Do Not Want The Public To Know
No matter how I do this, Google or some other leftist group is going to label the truth
as "harmful," "derogatory," or "unreliable," and demonetize this article, as they do with any
truths that do not comply with the official leftist narrative, but we will "show our work," so to speak, by linking
to historical data, showing the doublespeak in other pieces talking about long term effects, yet not providing any actual
answers, and offering a different view than the liberal media on why a significant portion of Americans are "vaccine
We're putting aside the political rhetoric being slung
about, and the theories such as the depopulation agenda, and just focusing on the basic question:
"Does anyone, including Dr. Fauci, the CDC, medical doctors applying the vaccine to patients,
vaccine researchers, scientists, big pharma, and the FDA, know what the long term effects of any of the COVID vaccines are?
The answer is not simple. They do know the dangers. They do know there has not been enough
testing to answer that adequately.
Read more here:
The Greatest Threat To Humanity Isn't "COVID,"
But Rather the Pandemic Virus Industrial Complex
Back in January,
Jonathan Latham, Ph.D., coined the term "Pandemic Virus Industrial Complex" to describe one of the greatest existential threats to humanity.
As opposed to some "virus," the biggest threat that humanity
faces is the ever-encroaching system of fascist tyranny whereby corporations and government have merged and are now feeding
off one another to perpetuate "health crises" for profit.
Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "pandemic" is merely the latest example of this corrupt system, which "leverages
money for private profit," to quote Dr. Joseph Mercola.
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Is the FBI Trying to Create a New Generation of "Hitler Youth" or What?
The Federal Bureau of Investigation appears ready to create a new generation of Hitler
Youth, turning family members against one another and asking citizens to be on the lookout for any relative, coworker, or
friend who might be "mobilizing toward violence."
Yep, I went
there. Straight to Nazi-land in the very first sentence.
Check out this
Read more here:
Marxist America, the new Soviet Union
Exclusive: Hanne Nabintu Herland sees the same rejection of God & tradition as in USSR
Marxism is now filling the void of religion in America, with its fervent belief in man as the "new god." A 2019 Pew Research Center survey found that Christianity is rapidly evaporating in the United States, only 65% of Americans now describing themselves
as Christian.
This is a shockingly rapid decline, considering that the
number was well over 90% believers in God just a few years ago.
Read more
warns us that in the last days God is going to "turn the world upside down."
The prophet Isaiah warns us that in the last days God is going to "turn the world upside down."
He declares, "Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down" (Isaiah
According to this prophecy, sudden judgment is coming upon the
earth, and it will change everything in a single hour. Within that short span, the whole world will witness fast-falling destruction
upon a city and a nation, and the world will never be the same.
If you
are attached to material things - if you love this world and the things of it - you won't want to hear what Isaiah has prophesied.
In fact, even to the most righteous of God's people, what Isaiah says might seem unthinkable. Many would surely ask, "How
can an entire world be stricken in one hour?"
Read more here:
Why the Future Doesn't Need Us
Why the future doesn't need us. Our most powerful 21st-century technologies - robotics, genetic engineering, and
nanotech - are threatening to make humans an endangered species.
the moment I became involved in the creation of new technologies, their ethical dimensions have concerned me, but it was only
in the autumn of 1998 that I became anxiously aware of how great are the dangers facing us in the 21st century. I can date
the onset of my unease to the day I met Ray Kurzweil, the deservedly famous inventor of the first reading machine for the
blind and many other amazing things.
Ray and I were both speakers at
George Gilder's Telecosm conference, and I encountered him by chance in the bar of the hotel after both our sessions were
over. I was sitting with John Searle, a Berkeley philosopher who studies consciousness. While we were talking, Ray approached
and a conversation began, the subject of which haunts me to this day.
more here:
Scathing Official Report: US Navy NOT FIT FOR WAR Because
of Risk Averse, Politically Correct, Control-Freak Top Brass
former President Trump adviser KT McFarland's and Senator Tom Cotton's analysis below. A woke U.S military will not be able
to deter or defeat China. This alarming report commissioned by members of Congress on the U.S Navy, should frighten every
American who cares about the stability of the world.
Read and watch here:
The Approaching Storm
it looks like GloboCap isn't going to be happy until they have fomented the widespread social unrest - or de facto global
civil war - that they need as a pretext to lock in the new pathologized totalitarianism and remake whatever remains of society
into a global pseudo-medicalized police state, or that appears to where we're headed currently. We appear to be heading there
at breakneck speed.
I don't have a crystal ball or anything, but I'm expecting
things to get rather ugly this Autumn, and probably even uglier in the foreseeable future.
Yes, friends, a storm is coming. It has been coming for the last 16 months. And GloboCap is steering right into it.
Read more here:
They Warned Us That There Would Be A Collapse Of Civilization In Our Generation,
And They Were Right
Even some of our brightest scientific minds
are projecting that there is absolutely no positive future for our civilization if we stay on our current course. Perhaps
one of the reasons why our society has become so obsessed with short-term results is because most of us can't bear to think
about the long-term consequences of our actions. I have a website that focuses on "economic collapse", but
it isn't just the economy that is headed for catastrophe. Virtually every aspect of our society is coming apart at the
seams all around us, and the era that we are moving into will be more nightmarish than most people would dare to imagine. But our political leaders continue to insist that everything is going to work out just fine somehow, and most people
choose to believe them.
This week, an old MIT study from 1972 that projected
that our civilization will collapse at some point during the 21st century made headlines on several major news sites...
Read more here:
Biden's Vaccine "Strike Force" Plan Stinks Of Desperation
If there is one rule liberty minded people need to remember, it is that the establishment
does not like losing control of the narrative. And when they do, noticeably weird things start to happen. For example, it
is becoming painfully obvious that the narrative on the experimental mRNA "vaccines" has slipped right through the
fingers of the Biden Administration, and as a consequence they are now in a scramble to get millions of vaccines injected
into as many skeptical arms as possible before the public organizes for a full push-back against the agenda. It seems to me
that they are in a bit of a panic.
The issue became more evident since
January when various government entities and the media began to openly complain about the number of vaccine doses that were
being thrown in the garbage because of expiration. Why were the vaccines expiring before use? The media spin suggests that
it was due to "government mismanagement", while officials at the state level have admitted that it has been due
to a significant drop in demand.
Read more here:
CNN Claims Fox News, Republicans "Killing People" With Anti-Vax "Bullshit"
Claims that conservative media and GOP wants more deaths to make Biden look bad
Fake news channel CNN has claimed that its competition is literally killing people
by broadcasting dangerous ‘anti-vax bullshit' and that both Fox News and Republicans are purposefully trying to increase
COVID death statistics in order to make the Biden administration look bad.
CNN's New Day co-hosts John Berman and Brianna Keilar, along with CNN "media analyst" Bill Carter,
specifically pointed to Tucker Carlson.
Keilar proclaimed that "when
history asks how so many Americans died when they could have been saved by a simple shot or two, you'll see these TV clips
again that we've just shown, in documentaries, about the cautionary tale that has been America's response to the coronavirus
pandemic, about how a large part of our country, misled by misinformation often echoed by elected officials and right-wing
media, was thrown a life raft, and instead said, ‘No, I'll take my chances.'"
Read and watch here:
Think They'll Stop at 3 Shots? The UK Is Talking About Monthly "Vaccines" for "Long-COVID"
Is it a vaccine or a therapy? Yes.
In a world first, British scientists are set to explore giving long Covid patients
monthly doses of the Covid vaccine, in an effort to combat the chronic condition.
The first stage of the study was given the green light on Friday: later this year, 40 long Covid sufferers will be
offered at least two extra jabs.
Funding has been offered by several of
the major vaccine developers, and if the pilot is successful the scientists involved have been told they can recruit thousands
more patients.
Read more here:
Rostec Gets Ready to Reveal Its New Russian Fighter Jet
Russian defense giant Rostec published a Youtube video on Tuesday teasing a new fighter jet that is expected to be unveiled at the MAKS-2021 aviation exhibition. The trailer featured a blurry, long-distance shot of an aircraft, accompanied by B-roll footage of what
appears to be -namely, the United Arab Emirates, India, Vietnam, and Argentina-reacting to the announcement. All four of these
countries have been in talks with Russia or they are currently in talks with the country over prospective weapons sales, suggesting
that the fighter will be marketed as an export product. The thirty-second trailer is saturated with chess references, centered
around the black knight piece-that same chess piece is prominently featured on the splash page for the new fighter, which
displays a countdown timer for the MAKS-2021 event.
Read more here:
France's mandatory ‘health pass' with government-issued QR
codes for access to everyday life is the start of a dystopian nightmare
President Macron's announcement that citizens must adhere to a Covid-19 vaccination schedule, or pay for nose-swab
tests every 2-3 days to live any semblance of a normal life, is the final nail in the coffin of civil liberties.
In the dead of summer, just a couple of days before the July 14 Bastille Day national
holiday, when many French citizens had tuned out and left the big cities for some respite from a long stretch of sanitary
restrictions - including months of curfews - French President Emmanuel Macron took advantage of the lull to drop a bomb on their lives that few were expecting.
Read more here:
South Africa Riots Mega Thread: Incredible Footage Foreshadows What's Coming To
Following the jailing of South Africa's ex-president
Jacob Zuma last week, looting and rioting broke out at the former president's home in KwaZulu-Natal province.
COVID-19 has also played a role in angering the people with unemployment hitting a record
high at the beginning of the year.
Read more here:
Klaus Schwab Admits Nationalism a Threat to Great Reset
'It's high time for a Great Reset,' says top globalist.
Video going viral on social media shows World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, one of the primary architects
of the Great Reset, declaring nationalism a threat to the New World Order.
In a recent video message, the Bond villain-esque Schwab warns other globalists about the threat of people being
proud of their country because it undermines a global society framework.
more here:
Epic: Woman Confronts LA Covid Vaccine Enforcers, Tells Them to ‘Get Out'
for Violating Medical Privacy
Covid vaccine squad confronted
after entering private apartment complex.
Video out of Los Angeles
caught the moment a woman turned away a Covid-19 vaccination team that came knocking on her door.
Media commentator Alexandra Datig witnessed the enforcers going door-to-door inside her
condo building.
Read more here:
Extreme heat takes out portion of Northwest cherry crop
YAKIMA, Wash. (AP) - An extreme heat wave damaged cherries grown in Washington's Yakima
Valley and the Northwest in late June and early July. The high temperature reached 113 degrees Fahrenheit in Yakima on June
29, an all-time record.
The Yakima Herald-Republic reports the heat caused
issues such as sunburn and stunted growth that made the cherries unsuitable for the fresh cherry market. Many cherries were
left on trees while others were picked but processed.
Northwest Cherry
Growers is still assessing the damage, but President B.J. Thurlby estimates that about 20% of the overall crop was lost due
to heat conditions.
Read more here:
African Army 'Activates' All Reserve Members Amid Worsening Social Unrest
As social unrest nears the 7th day in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal provinces, the South African Army Reserve has ordered
"all Reserve Members" for duty on Thursday morning.
directed by Chief of the South African Army, Lieutenant General Lawrence Khulekani Mbatha all Reserve Members are to report
for duty at First Light tomorrow morning 15 July 2021 at their respective units," the statement read.
Read more here:
45 churches engulfed or attacked in ongoing anti-Christian terror campaign
Terrorists are attacking and burning down churches across Canada with impunity.
It's a reality most Canadians only thought possible for Middle Eastern countries like
Syria, where ISIS has bombarded and razed dozens of Christian heritage sites in the name of Islam.
Now, after nearly six years of Liberals calling Canadians racist and fanning the flames of hatred,
hate crimes are becoming commonplace against Christians in Canada. Things have gotten so bad that even our American neighbours
are beginning to worry.
Read more here:
Now Biden's door-knockers packing vaccines with them
Report confirms they are providing shots on the spot
The newest version of Joe Biden's "Big Brother" agenda, which already features
strike forces going door-to-door asking people about their COVID vaccinations, now has members of a coalition knocking on
doors and giving shots on the spot.
A report from PJMedia explains, "Joe Biden wasn't kidding. When his spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the Biden administration would send people
door-to-door to convince people to get the COVID shot, there was a chill sent down the spines of freedom-loving Americans
everywhere. Many people took it as a threat.
Read more here:
Breaking: Jab Knock & Talks
Watch here:
Haunting Facts They Don't Want You To Know: The Ties Between
Dr. Fauci, The CIA, The CDC And The Wuhan, China Lab Where Covid Was Created Are Alarming!
- More And More Vaxxed Children Are Dying As The Democrats 'Big Lie' Is Examined
No matter where you turn, it seems the topic is covid related or will turn to it fast
enough. Covid19, short for Corona Virus with ‘19' suffix added to indicate emergence in 2019, are the symptoms that
show up with the infection of the SARS2 virus - the Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 - which are supposedly
symptoms so very dangerous and with so many supposed deaths that life was severely interrupted to suppress the spread of it.
Sounds very frightening, doesn't it?
Let's take a close look at
Covid story a Cover story
That virus seems to actually exist, having been developed in a Wuhan China lab as a biowarfare
weapon with the backing of the CIA and CDC involvement with Anthony Fauci leading the effort. By the use of Scanning Electron
Microscopes they are able to see the actual virus, but only in a shadow form because it is so tiny. The immediate effects
seem to be fairly deadly as exemplified by the Wuhan initial reactions to its outbreak and they sent out virus "seeders"
to infect the world at large. But something is not right with this story; reality does not match the theory.
Read more here:
Russia showing 'disturbing signs' of being 'ready to claim' disputed UK territory
RUSSIA is showing "disturbing signs" that it is "ready to make
a claim" and challenge the UK's disputed slice of Antarctica, a historian has told
But historian and author of 'The Historiography of the First Russian Antarctic Expedition,'
Rip Bulkeley, detailed why it could be a source of tension in the future.
told "At the time of the treaty, all territorial claims in Antarctica were frozen.
"Neither the USA nor the Soviet Union had made such a claim, both however reserved
their rights to do so in the future. Neither has made a formal claim to date.
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Severe drought threatens Hoover dam reservoir - and water for US west
ad the formidable white arc of the Hoover dam never held back the Colorado River, the
US west would probably have no Los Angeles or Las Vegas as we know them today. No sprawling food bowl of wheat, alfalfa and
corn. No dreams of relocating to live in a tamed desert. The river, and dam, made the west; now the climate crisis threatens
to break it.
The situation here is emblematic of a planet slowly, inexorably
overheating. And the catastrophic consequences of the extreme weather this brings.
Hoover dam is the height of a 60-story building and is 45ft thick at the top and 660ft at the bottom. Its construction,
in the teeth of the Great Depression, was a source of such national pride that thousands of people journeyed through the hostile
desert to witness the arrival of what has become an enduring monument to collective effort for the public good.
Read more here:
Dramatic moment Russian fighter jets intercept US spy plane over Black Sea as
tensions rise and experts fear escalation
A US spy plane was
dramatically intercepted by Russian fighter jets over the Black Sea on Tuesday as experts fear violent escalation amid rising
tensions between the US and Russia.
The ground crew of the Southern
Military District in Russia reported the US reconnaissance aircraft after it was detected on their radar system and a Sukhoi Su-30 fighter plane was sent to prevent it from crossing over the
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Doctor who pioneered hydroxychloroquine/zinc treatment for COVID-19 speaks to
'It's conspiracy - but not theory - and it's a conspiracy
to commit genocide by a group of sociopaths who think that they're God...This is a war against God.'
Important Correction: This article originally incorrectly reported
that Dr. Zelenko recommended "Corcidin, vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc'" as a treatment protocol for COVID. The
correct first item is actually Quercetin and NOT Corcidin. We apologize for the error that resulted from transcription of
the audio that appeared to sound like Corcidin.
Also: In the video interview,
Dr. Zelenko mentions that Michael Yeadon has stated that most people vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccines will die within
2 years after vaccination. It was instead Prof. Dolores Cahill who made that statement, about which Dr. Yeadon has been recorded
stating he "would not go that far".
July 9, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) - Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, the New York doctor who pioneered the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and zinc as treatment for
COVID-19, gave a lengthy interview to LifeSiteNews explaining why this protocol has been so successful. Speaking with LifeSite's
Claire Chretien, Zelenko discussed coronavirus vaccines and the "group of sociopaths" that wants to administer these
injections to the entire world, as well as the rampant censorship of information about treating the virus.
Read more here:
From South Africa, Wednesday, 14 July
2021, Day 3 of the South Africa societal collapse: All food in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Province of South Africa has
been either looted or intentionally destroyed.
The Zulu tribe is
now publicly saying they intend to "starve-out" the white and Indian (sub-continent) people in that province.
On day 3 of the rioting and looting, it is now clear the _actual_ goal of the
rioters is a Race War.
Here is a scalable map for readers
to understand the vastness of the area involved:
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Can the Dollar Survive Both Cryptocurrencies and China?
In his book Denationalisation of Money, F.A. Hayek argued that governments have
never devoted their power to providing proper money over time. They "have refrained from grossly abusing it only when
they were under such a discipline as the gold standard imposed."1 The gold backing of the US dollar as the global reserve currency was lifted in the early 1970s, and paper currencies,
so-called fiat currencies, have since become the norm. Following this decision, the paper currencies have dramatically lost
value against gold (figure 1). Since the turn of the millennium, this process has substantially accelerated.
Read more here:
67 Wildfires Spread Across 10 States In US West
The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) reports 67 large wildfires burn across ten parched Western states on Tuesday, and the largest is in southern Oregon, already
threatened to cut power to California.
Nearly 918,000
acres have burned in 67 large fires across the United States. New large fires were reported in Arizona,
California, Idaho, Montana, and Oregon. Type 1 and Type 2 Incident Management Teams are assigned to 24 large fires or complexes.
And, more than 14,200 wildland firefighters and support personnel are assigned to incidents.
As record temperatures continue across many states, it's important to remember that
we all play a valuable role in wildfire prevention. -NIFC
The fires
erupted as much of the Western half of the US is plagued with a megadrought and back-to-back heat waves. This has created
the perfect storm of conditions that are fueling dangerous fires.
more here:
Julie Noble Was Vaccinated. Here Are Her Before And After Videos. PLEASE Watch
Does Julie's tragic horror story even need commentary?
Yes, it does.
To you folks who haven't yet been vaccinated,
but are considering it ... be afraid, very afraid. Julie's story is NOT rare,
despite the massive efforts of the Big Pharma, Government, and the Main Stream Media to convince you otherwise. They
are lying to you. Politicians. Always. Lie.
more here:
Petition Demanding Investigation into 'Biden Family Corruption' Goes Viral
Judicial Watch announced that the petition reached over 300,000 signatures
A viral petition demanding an investigation into allegations that Joe Biden and
family members have actively profited from public services has reached 300,000 signatures.
Washington political watchdog group Judicial Watch announced that the petition had reached 309,229
signatures since it was posted on
The news comes amid questions about Biden's allegedly profiting in China
and Ukraine are beginning to surface again.
Judicial Watch president,
Tom Fitton, said:
"There is plenty of substantial evidence, from
documents and witness statements, that the Biden family, including President Joe Biden, may have been involved in criminal
activity involving, among other issues, foreign entities tied to Ukraine and China."
Read more here:
Link Between Jeffrey Epstein and CNN's Chris Cuomo Emerges
Newly discovered 'little black book' of contacts links host's wife to child sex
A newly discovered "little black book"
of contacts, belonging to convicted pedophile Epstein, reportedly lists the details of the CNN anchor's wife, Cristina Greeven
Epstein's newly discovered 1997 address book was published by Business
Insider on Tuesday.
The explosive discovery connects dozens of new names
to Epstein while tracing previously-known relationships back to the 1990s.
of the new names belongs to Cristina Greeven Cuomo, a New York editor, and entrepreneur," Business Insider reveals.
Read more here:
Revisiting Jade Helm As Biden's Gestapos Prepare To Invade America:
Remember! Obama Designated US States As 'Hostile Territory' In Drills Designed To 'Master The Human Domain'
'The Limits Of Tyrants Are Prescribed By The Endurance Of Those Whom They Oppress'
According to this Wikipedia entry, all the way back on March 13th of the year 2015: All News Pipeline broke Jade Helm to the world....days
before conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones, who began spreading the 'conspiracy theory' on March 19, 2015, by saying
on his radio program and on his website that the federal government was preparing to invade Texas.
So while the 'Jade Helm' exercises were very real US military drills that we
here at ANP were first notified of by a very concerned member of the US Special Forces, the fact that they were still labeled
a 'conspiracy theory' back then by the msm and wikipedia says a lot if you read between the lines.
Because while history has given us proof that the federal government never did 'invade
Texas' back in 2015, the Jade Helm military exercises continued in multiple U.S. states, including Texas, between
July 15 and September 15, 2015. The exercise, which involved 1,200 personnel from four of the five branches of the U.S. military,
was (ANP: allegedly) designed to train soldiers in skills needed to operate in overseas combat environments, including maneuvering
through civilian populations.
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Gordon Chang on Chinese Drug Warfare, Military Buildup on
the China-India Border, and the Crackdown on Didi
The Chinese
regime "is intentionally killing tens of thousands of Americans each year with fentanyl," says China analyst Gordon Chang.
In this episode, we discuss the Chinese Communist Party's strategy of drug warfare, the military buildup on the India-China border, the likelihood of an invasion of Taiwan, and what the Chinese regime's crackdown on Didi tells us about the inner workings of the regime.
Subscribe to the American Thought Leaders newsletter so you never miss an episode.
You can also follow American
Thought Leaders on Parler, Facebook, or YouTube. If you'd like to donate to support our work, you can do so here.
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Here's What Happened at Cyber Polygon - And You're Not Going to Like It
Why is this? In short, because past simulations ended up becoming a reality. Could the Cyber Polygon simulation become a reality? Many Americans thought so. Derick Broze points out in his article that the world has experienced many simulations that came to fruition only a short time later.
For example, on October 18, 2019, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum,
and the John Hopkins Center for Health Security conducted Event 201. Event 201 was a simulation of how the world would react if a coronavirus pandemic swept across the planet. Less than six
months later, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic.
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Massive flight delays, cancellations prompt finger-pointing
Airlines are racking up an unprecedented number of delays and flight cancellations just
months after Congress gave the industry $54 billion so that carriers could retain their employees and facilitate a seamless
return to air travel as the nation emerged from the pandemic.
From July
1 to July 6, JetBlue delayed 51 percent of its flights, Southwest Airlines delayed 39 percent of its flights and American
Airlines delayed 34 percent of its flights, according to data from FlightAware. Those setbacks came after major airlines canceled
hundreds of flights this month to prevent additional delays.
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ALERT: Doctor says mRNA vaccines "will kill most people"
through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots
(Natural News) The vast majority of people who are getting injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) will die within a few short years
from heart failure, warns Dr. Charles Hoffe, M.D., a medical practitioner in British Columbia, Canada.
In one of his latest
updates, Dr. Hoffe explains that he is observing in his patients who took an mRNA (messenger RNA) "vaccine" from
either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna that their capillaries are now plugging up, which he says will eventually lead to a serious
cardiovascular event.
Chinese Virus mRNA shots are programmed to turn a person's body into a spike protein "factory," and Dr. Hoffe says that over time these mass-produced spike proteins cause progressive blood clotting.
Read more here:
Report Urges U.S. Space Force to Begin Preparing for Space Military Action
The Air Force Research Laboratory recently published a report urging officials in the
United States Space Force to prepare for action in the areas surrounding Earth and its moon, hypothesizing that it could soon
become the next point of global military interest.
Cislunar space
refers to the region of space between Earth and its moon, with translunar space referring to what lies beyond the two celestial
bodies. The idea of creating an American military presence on the Moon is not a new one. In 1959, the U.S. army published
Project Horizon, a study on the practicality of creating a military base in order to "protect potential United States interests on the
moon." The plan was extremely ambitious, with the end of its roadmap proposing a fully operational lunar base by 1967
at the latest.
Read more here:
Rapper dies after being shot 64 times as he walked out of Chicago jail
A Chicago rapper died after suffering as many as 64 bullet wounds to his head and other
parts of his body in what police are calling an ambush shooting just as he was released from jail.
Londre Sylvester, 31, who is known by his stage name KTS Dre, was one of three people who were shot
just outside Cook County Jail in the Little Village section of Chicago on Saturday.
The shooting took place as Sylvester was released from the jail while wearing a monitoring device on his ankle,
according to the Chicago Tribune.
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Bootleg Fire, one of dozens raging in the West, creates 'firenado' near Oregon-California
Scores of major wildfires were raging virtually unchecked
across the West on Tuesday as an unrelenting heat wave and historic drought turned a wide swath of the nation into tinder.
67 blazes were consuming 1,562 square miles of mostly timber and brush, but an undetermined number of homes have burned and
thousands have been threatened. More than 14,200 wildland firefighters and support personnel were battling the fires as of
Tuesday afternoon.
Read more here:
South Africa's Largest Oil Refinery Shutters Operations Amid Ongoing Violence
Update (1548ET): As the worst violence in years plagues South
Africa, the country's largest oil refinery, Sapref, has shuttered operations "due to the civil unrest in the country
and disruption of supply routes in and out of Kwazulu-Natal," the company said.
"Due to the civil unrest in the country and disruption of supply routes in and out of Kwazulu-Natal, suppliers
of materials critical to SAPREF operations communicated the suspension of deliveries to the refinery due to safety concerns
for their staff and damages to their vehicles on the roads," the statement read.
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Concerns Surround IMF Plan to Flood World With Liquidity
U.S. dollar's status as global reserve currency at risk amid CCP-backed IMF plan to boost
global liquidity by funneling $650 billion to governments and pharmaceutical interests
A controversial plan to boost global liquidity means the days of the U.S. dollar being the undisputed king of the
international monetary system may be coming to a close, experts told The Epoch Times.
Losing that status could contribute to a serious crisis for the United States involving a dramatic loss of economic
purchasing power, a geopolitical realignment and everything associated with those shocks.
The Biden administration-backed International Monetary Fund (IMF) proposal to issue an unprecedented $650 billion U.S. dollars' worth of new "Special Drawing Rights" (SDRs) this
year alone will also help re-shape the international financial system.
more here:
Hyperinflation Will Collapse Biden Administration - Clif High
Clif High is an Internet data mining expert who uses something he calls "Predictive
Linguistics," which sorts through billions of bits of information on the Internet to predict future trends and events.
He has many well-documented correct predictions. High predicted a month ago, "The Biden Administration would be
in full collapse by this fall." The CV19 Vax door knocking campaign from the Biden camp, to harass people into
getting the jab, is simply a prelude to the coming collapse. High explains, "It's a sign of desperation, and it's
a sign of weakness. . . . What they do not realize is the people doing this work are going to be assaulted by the people they
are going to be talking to verbally and sometimes physically. It won't go well for the workers. It's going to
cause lots and lots and lots of videos and audio recordings to come into existence that the Biden Administration will desperately
not want to have happened. At some point, I think it will be the PR aspect that will get them to cancel it. . . . People
will take the opportunity to ‘red pill' these workers and record it. . . . It will be like my enemy is sending his troops
to me. Let me see if I can convert them to my purpose."
more here:
This Biden Proposal Could Turn The U.S. Into "A Digital Dictatorship"
A "new" proposal by the Biden administration to create a health-focused federal
agency modeled after DARPA is not what it appears to be. Promoted as a way to "end cancer," this resuscitated "health
DARPA" conceals a dangerous agenda. Last Wednesday, President Biden was widely praised in mainstream and health-care-focused
media for his call to create a "new biomedical research agency" modeled after the US military's "high-risk,
high-reward" Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA. As touted by the president, the agency would seek to
develop "innovative" and "breakthrough" treatments for cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and diabetes, with
a call to "end cancer as we know it." Far from "ending cancer" in the way most Americans might
envision it, the proposed agency would merge "national security" with "health security" in such as way
as to use both physical and mental health "warning signs" to prevent outbreaks of disease or violence before they
occur. Such a system is a recipe for a technocratic "pre-crime" organization with the potential to criminalize both
mental and physical illness as well as "wrongthink."... (READ MORE)
THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION-PART 37: Did Disney Almost Let The Cat Out Of The Bag?
In the lead-up to the release of Mission to Mars, Disney had worked with an army
of NASA scientists, astronauts, and technicians to produce the script for the film. Soon after, a row reportedly took place
between NASA and Disney, as it seemed the space agency didn't like what the film was set to insinuate: that a discovery had
been made of past alien presence on Mars, that an artificial, sphinx-like "face" and pyramidal shapes near it (photographed
by the Viking Mars probe) had actually been discovered, and that a twenty-five-year cover-up was being perpetrated by NASA
and the US government in collusion with other world powers who were waiting for a mysterious "right time" to disclose
the findings. Even former consultant to President Bill Clinton, Dick Morris, once told his call girl that documented evidence
of past intelligent life existed on Mars and was concealed by the US military.[i]
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Minneapolis Federal Reserve launches vaccine mandate for its more than 1,100 employees
(Natural News) The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis announced that its employees have until the end of August to
get vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Employees who remain unvaccinated at the end of the deadline will be fired immediately.
This is according to a press release published by the bank and its president,
Neel Kashkari. The new policy will make vaccination status a condition of continued employment. The press release said it will only grant exceptions for employees with medical reasons and sincerely held religious
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Is South Africa's Present America's Future?
Eleven years ago, author and urban futures scholar Joel Kotkin wrote optimistically about America's demographic trajectory:
ongoing source of strength for the United States over the next 40 years will be its openness to immigration. Indeed, more
than most of its chief global rivals, the U.S. will be reshaped and re-energized by an increasing racial and ethnic diversity.
Working to advance that trajectory, the Biden Administration announced in May that it
would prioritize Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia for refugee resettlement. With that in mind, it's worth paying attention to
another country which prizes its diversity, the Rainbow Nation of South Africa.
Read more here:
Portions Of Mississippi River Nearing Record Low, May Jeopardize
Barge Traffic
In another sign, the megadrought is
wreaking havoc across the Western half of the US. There are multiple portions of the Mississippi River that are nearing record
low water levels that may inhibit commercial or private vessels from traversing the critical waterway.
The stretch of the Mississippi River at St. Paul, Minnesota, is around 3.2 feet Wednesday.
That's about six inches from the record low of 2.6 feet set in 1976.
more here:
South Africa in chaos: At least 72 are dead in riots across country
with hospital torched, shopkeepers firing on mobs of looters, and 10 people are killed in mall stampede as carnage sparked
by President Zuma's jailing spreads
At least 75 people have been
killed in South Africa as the country remains in the grip of its worst unrest since the end of apartheid following the arrest
of former president Jacob Zuma.
Footage shared on social media on Tuesday
night appeared to show the Lenmed Hospital in Durban in flames while other videos showed shopkeepers opening fire on a crowd
of looters.
Ten people were trampled to death during a stampede
at a looted shopping mall in Soweto, Johannesburg as police and military eventually responded to the chaos, firing stun
grenades and rubber bullets to try to halt the unrest.
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With Food Long Used As A Weapon Of War Against Free People,
Joe Biden And Democrats Keep Giving Americans A Reason To Double Down On Their Prepping
Manufactured Shortages Ripping America Apart As Left Keeps Pushing A Tried And Failed System
While browsing through the news online over this past weekend, I was a bit surprised to
see this July 7th story over at titled "How to buffer against an urban food shortage".
Confirming much of what we've been reporting lately, reporting
within their story "there is widespread concern that the risk of food shocks, sudden disruptions to food supply,
are increasing,", that story came out the very same day as my then most recent trip to the local grocery store,
a trip in which I found a number of items on our shopping list were not available while they always had been before.
Finding numerous products either completely out of stock or very limited in supply, as
the Nature story warned, urban areas where more than half of the planet's population now lives are particularly vulnerable to such 'food shocks',
with the kind of toilet paper panic buying that we saw back in 2020 over Covid emptying out not only entire stores but the
entire supply chain.
Also reporting within that story that "for
decades, scientists and industry have been warning governments and consumers about the risks of food shortages",
and that "such shortages have a range of possible causes, including droughts and heatwaves, pest and disease outbreaks,
financial downturns and trade policies, they concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic has led academics and
society to revisit the question of just how fragile food supplies really are in urban areas, especially
America's biggest cities.
Read more here:
Predictive Programming: Injection with Spike (Branched) DNA Proteins Used for
Tracking Grid In X-Files Season 2
An X-Files
episode makes a wild similar comparison to Covid spiked, or branched, DNA proteins attacking the immune system after shot.
Watch here:
'Unrecognizable.' Lake Mead,
a lifeline for water in Los Angeles and the West, tips toward crisis
Richins looked out from his pontoon boat to the shallows on the lake's western edge. He squinted and paused as if he had come
upon a foreign shore. For the first time in a career navigating the waters of the American West, he didn't know where he was.
"I could have sworn I was here just six weeks ago catching smallmouth and bigmouth
bass," said the 35-year-old fisherman who runs tours on this 247-square-mile basin where the Colorado River meets the
Hoover Dam to form the nation's largest reservoir.
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Wells Fargo And Repo Markets Screaming Liquidity Crisis About To Unfold!
July 13 (King World News) - Matthew Piepenburg at Matterhorn Asset Management (based in Switzerland):
Every market crisis ultimately boils down to a liquidity crisis, namely: Not enough fiat dollars to keep
the financial wheels sufficiently greased.
Below, we
look at two warning signs from Wells Fargo and the reverse repo market which warn of precisely that: a liquidity crisis.
From Debt Binge to Credit Crunch: A Chronicle of Excess
In a world in which consumers, corporations, and sovereigns have confused (falsely-signaled) debt-based
growth as actual growth, a liquidity crisis (bubble to burst) is not a theoretical debate, but a mathematical certainty.
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South Africa Collapse
- Day 2 - Rioters Shot Dead, Burned Alive, Beaten and Bleeding to Death on streets; Factories, Stores, Farms BURNED
Day two of the societal collapse in South Africa brings new horrifying images and video
of what is taking place as society collapses: Looters shot dead on video at point blank range, burned alive, beaten and bleeding
to death on the streets. Thousands of stores looted, giant factories and even farms, burning.
During the night, widespread looting continued in dozens of cities and into the suburbs.
The looting is everywhere:
Read more
Nearly seven weeks before Biden assumed
the office his office and the Chinese stole on his behalf, I published the following warning if Trump failed to initiate the
Trump is out of time. If
he does not enact the Insurrection Act, America will likely go through the worst purge in world history resulting in a Deagel
predicted 200 million American deaths. This is what you can expect if Trump waits any longer to employ the Insurrection Act.
Read more here:
North Carolina: Door-to-door vaccines launch in Mecklenburg County
Watch here:
The Government Is Coming To Your Door This Week To Pressure You To Take The COVID
Shots-Comply With COVID-19 "Vaccination" Demands, And You Could End Up DEAD
As we reported yesterday, the Biden Administration announced a new campaign to target Americans who have not yet taken any of the experimental, non-FDA-approved
COVID-19 shots.
This campaign includes "going door to door."
Since this announcement, there has been a lot of information published as to just what this means, in both the alternative media and the corporate media.
As can be expected, the issue has been politicized, so what this actually means when you read things in the corporate
media will depend on if that media outlet's reporting tends towards the left, or towards the right.
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Criminal Fauci: "Vaccines" Will Get Full Approval - Those With A Free
Mind Will Resist It Then Too!
Dr. Anthony Fauci has made a prediction.
He said the "vaccines" will get full Food and Drug Administration approval for use. That's interesting, but most
of us knew these shots would be approved the second they announced they were going to mass inject human beings.
Keep in mind we are being heavily censored, please follow us on our social media
pages: Telegram USA.Life, Gab, Parler, Minds, Spreely, MeWe, Twitter, Facebook
"There's no doubt in my mind that these vaccines are going
to get full approval because of the extraordinary amount of positive data," Fauci said. Once that happens, and it will,
businesses will begin mandating the shot as a condition of employment and stores may even ban the unvaccinated. This really
has no limit unless we all wake up. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows these tyrants will approve the shots
because they are a part of the overall permanent enslavement agenda.
more here:
Black Community Faces Off With Antifa 'Defund The Police' Cop Haters in Oakland
As Group Heckles Families Of Black Violent Crime Victims
White House press Secretary Jen Psaki publicly made the claim that it was Republicans that wanted to "defund the police,"
to which she received three Pinocchio's from the Washington Post, conservatives knew right then, the liberal movement to defund or abolish, or reallocate funds from police departments across
the nation, had backfired bigtime against Democrats, so they tried to rewrite recent history.
So, before going any further into a recent event in Oakland California, lets take a quick look at a compilation
by DC Shorts, of media liberals and Democrat politicians pushing the whole defund the police movement.
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Deaths from Covid "vaccine" so high that the fact can no longer be suppressed
17,503 Dead, 1.7 Million Injured (50% Serious) Reported in European Union's Database
of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots
FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines.
Analysis of "Adverse Event Outcomes"
So-called "Fact Checkers" are
disinformation organizations set up by the interest groups they are hired to protect such as Big Pharma
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Republicans push to ban "discrimination" against unvaccinated people
State Republican lawmakers around the country are pushing bills - at least one of which
has become law - that would give unvaccinated people the same protections as those surrounding race, gender and religion.
Why it matters: These bills would tie the hands of private
businesses that want to protect their employees and customers. But they also show how deep into the political psyche resistance
to coronavirus vaccine requirements has become, and how vaccination status has rapidly become a marker of identity.
The big picture: On a national scale, well-known GOP figures have recently
escalated their rhetoric about the vaccination effort, comparing it to Nazi Germany and apartheid.
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Food War: Farmers, Ranchers & Our Food Security
food war is brewing and American farmers and ranchers are on the front lines. Family owned farms
are the backbone of America. Ninety-eight percent of U.S. farms are operated by families. Eighty-six percent of all U.S. agricultural
products are produced on family farms or ranches. In 2018, about $140 billion worth of agricultural products were exported
to the world, making the U.S. a top food exporter. Their blood, sweat, and tears bring food to tables across America and the
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VFTB 7/11/21: Jamie Walden - Faith Havens
EVIDENCE IS growing that Christians in the West-Europe and North America-will soon be under the same
type of control and scrutiny as the church in China and the Middle East.
Jamie Walden, retired US Marine and the author of Omega Dynamics, joins us to discuss his new initiative to prepare believers to "go underground."
You can find details on the 2021 Warrior Summit and Retreat here, and The Warriors Conference from Hear the Watchmen here.
Read more here:
If War Comes, Will the U.S. Navy Be Prepared?
A new report details a culture of bureaucracy and risk-aversion that is corroding readiness.
Is the U.S. Navy ready for war? A new report prepared by Marine Lt. Gen. Robert Schmidle
and Rear Adm. Mark Montgomery, both retired, for members of Congress paints a portrait of the Navy as an institution adrift.
The report, first reported by the Journal and commissioned by Sen. Tom Cotton, Reps. Mike Gallagher, Dan Crenshaw and Jim Banks, concludes
that the surface Navy is not focused on preparing for war and is weathering a crisis in leadership and culture.
The impetus for the report was a series of recent catastrophes-a ship burning in San Diego
last year; two destroyer collisions in the Pacific in 2017. Were these isolated events? Or did they indicate "larger
institutional issues that are degrading the performance of the entire naval surface force"? The report surveyed active
and recently retired service members of various ranks, conducting 77 candid hourlong interviews. A key finding: "Many
sailors found their leadership distracted, captive to bureaucratic excess, and rewarded for the successful execution of administrative
functions" rather than core competencies of war.
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How Google and Wikipedia Brainwash You Internet giants cover-up for Big Pharma,
suppress alternative medicine and bury inconvenient facts.
to research done by We Are Social, the average internet user spends over 6 and half hours online every day.
The internet is both a blessing as a curse. On the one hand, it gives us access to knowledge and
technology that improves our lives, but on the other hand, it's an addictive and dangerous mind-control tool that can be exploited
to influence your choices and manipulate your thinking.
The COVID pseudopandemic has seen internet censorship rise to an unprecedented level. The controllers and their minions are scrambling to silence
anyone who dares to question the efficacy of vaccines or the existence of Sars-Cov-2.
Read more here:
Delta Variant Equals COVID War 2.0
Celente hosts the fourth and final hour of this July 12th, 2021 transmission of the Alex Jones Show.
Watch here:
Biden Regime to Monitor Private Communications, Calls on SMS Carriers to "Dispel
Misinformation About Vaccines That is Sent Over Social Media and Text Messages"
The Biden regime is now calling on SMS carriers to "fact-check" text messages in an effort to stop ‘misinformation'
about the Covid-19 vaccine.
Last Tuesday White House Press Secretary Jen
Psaki said the Biden Administration will be sending goons door-to-door to harass unvaccinated Americans.
Read more here:
FBI Tells Americans to Report ‘Family Members and Peers' for ‘Suspicious
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) published
a tweet on Sunday telling Americans to report their own family members and peers for "suspicious behaviors."
The FBI's tweet read:
Family members
and peers are often best positioned to witness signs of mobilization to violence. Help prevent homegrown violent extremism.
Visit to learn how to spot suspicious behaviors and report them to the #FBI. #NatSec
Read more here:
South Africa is in the midst of total societal collapse as roving bands of rioters, smash,
loot, and burn businesses in the city of Durban. Government has announced it has "lost control." Armed
citizens are firing live rounds into rioters, capturing some and WHIPPING THEM in the streets.
Durban, South Africa is in shear chaos today as tens-of-thousands riot, loot, smash, and burn.
It initially began as a protest to "Free Zuma." The former president has been sentenced to 15 months prison for
contempt of court. He refused to give evidence in an official corruption trial.
The protests descended almost instantly into criminal "get free shit."
Read more here:
I have watched for years as I have witnessed the proclamation from many, that disclosure
of ET existence is at hand. Don't be fooled, the June 25th disclosure event was a "nothing burger". The worst
is yet to come..
Very soon, I will be interviewing on the inner workings
MJ-12, the government's insider control of the topic. This interview will post on 7/14/2021
Disclosure is coming, however, the disclosure will be a part of a great deception. I do not believe that we are dealing
with true ET entities in the sense of Hollywood's depictions. Instead, we are dealing with a great deception. It is a deception
that could one day culminate in the initiation of Project Blue Beam in which the earth, through the use of advanced holographic
technology can be made to believe that we are under attack from an alien race and our only chance of survival is to migrate
to a collective, for protection, under the consolidated authority of the New World Order who are perpetrating this threat
against humanity solely to create a one-world government and economic system under Satan which would be firmly in place before
the Second Coming of Jesus.
Read more here:
A Look Back At History Shows America Is Already At War With China,
With China Having Already Eaten OUR Lunch And Now Sitting Down At Our Dinner Table!
Millions Of Americans To Be Trampled Under Foot When China Exits The US Dollar
China has exploded on the world scene in recent years with economic growth never seen in world history.
Three years ago, China made no laptops and now makes 40% of those sold worldwide. They produce most of the world's cell phones
and are the number one shoemaker globally, producing half of the world's shoes! In addition, the Chinese make the television
sets that Americans watch.
The American most responsible for Red
China's success is President Richard Nixon, whose trip to China was "the week that changed the world." It is considered
the most important trip ever made by a U.S. President. Nixon's trip kicked awake the sleeping red dragon.
The trip was a greater disaster than Watergate. While the trip succeeded in driving a
wedge between China and the Soviet Union, it also led to the resumption of diplomatic relations in 1979 between America and
China, ending 25 years of no communication or diplomatic ties between the two countries.
We are now in a war with China because of Nixon's "successful" trip.
Read more here:
New ‘Detention Camp In America: Quarantine Camps & Forced Vaccinations...
Evil people are waxing worse and worse and there is nothing Christians can do about that
other than to PRAY and take a stand against their evils. Those trying to reason with people given over to a reprobate mind
are for the most part casting their pearls before swine.
in New York cried foul over a new piece of legislation that would allow state leaders to detain those identified as a "case, contact or carrier" of a contagious disease in the interest of protecting public
Read more here:
‘Demonic texts': The enemy can use technology, says exorcist
MANILA, Philippines - Demonic spirits can send text messages to cell phones and use modern
technology to harass or lure people to the dark side.
Fr. Jose
Francisco Syquia, chief exorcist of the Archdiocese of Manila, also says receiving messages from demons is an experience common
to priests helping possessed persons liberate themselves.
"We did
not expect [demons] could do so but if you ask other exorcists, they would tell you the same experience. Usually [the demons
would swear at you] or say, ‘This person will never get away from us,'" he says in an interview.
Read more:
Cell Phones? Hell Phones!
Convenient and beguiling, the cell phone nevertheless is the devil's handiwork. Don't
think so? Read on.
I don't have a cell phone. In fact, I'm here today
to tell you that they're the work of the devil. Switch yours off for five minutes and I'll explain why.
Phones have
always been interrupting machines. Like a screaming baby demanding to be fed, a phone demands your attention as soon as it
rings. It requires you to be interruptable. And a hell phone, unlike a house phone, tags along with you wherever you go, nagging.
Read more here:
Summon a 'demon' to turn information into energy
Demons can unleash arcane energies in physics as well as fantasy. The building of a real-life version
of "Maxwell's demon" - which can turn information into useful energy - might mean that future nanomachines can be
powered purely by information.
Conceived by James Clerk Maxwell in 1867,
the demon exploits the random thermal motions of the microworld. It might watch a tiny ball on a spiral staircase, waiting
for it to randomly hop up a step and then slam in a barrier to stop the ball moving down again. If the demon keeps doing this
the ball keeps climbing. The potential energy of the ball could then be used to drive an engine.
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Transhumanism: Immortality, Anyone?
What on
earth does that mean?
What is Transhumanism?
While the term has been around for decades, it's always been a fringe aspect of the scientific community. And by fringe, I mean fringe of the fringe. Nobody knew what
transhumanism was. However, now the movement is growing like never before, and the well-informed American needs to know what
it encompasses.
The end goal of transhumanism:
defeat suffering, pain, disease, inequality, and death through biotechnological implants.
Do you remember the Borg from Star Trek? While perhaps not as grotesque, transhumanism seeks a similar path to reach its end goal. In some cases, you can see aspects
of transhumanism in today's culture. Ever seen anybody with a prosthetic leg? Transhumanists would claim them as one of their
But that only scratches the surface of the situation. A true transhumanist
wants to see things go much further. Brain implants, neural links to the internet, and much more are all part of their ultimate goals.
more here:
This past weekend was a fascinating experience for someone who has spent most of the last fifteen months in his basement.
Over the course of three days we experienced the best of America, celebrating the birth of our nation on a picturesque farmstead
that could be the backdrop for a Norman Rockwell Americana painting. The seventeen hours of maneuvering through the interstates
and back roads from Pennsylvania to New Hampshire, and back, were frustrating, eye opening, depressing and sometimes inspirational.
But, the nine hours spent on the farm with like minded friends, sharing thoughts about
the past, present and future, downing a few cold beverages, eating fresh farm fare, watching the youngsters playing on trampolines,
teenagers playing games and setting bonfires, and mingling with baby goats made the trek worth it. What I didn't see was anyone
tapping away on an iGadget. Just real down to earth folks chatting, joking, and enjoying each other's company. Everyone feels
welcome on Hopewell Farm, as Marc has created a paradise on earth over the last fifteen years, building a thriving farm -
raising cattle, hogs, chickens, turkeys, and tapping the acres of maple trees to make the best syrup on earth.
Read more here:
Plague Of Biblical Proportions: A Billion Sea Creatures
Have Been Cooked To Death By The Blazing Heat
Did you know that
a billion sea creatures were just wiped out on the west coast? And they did not die pleasantly. The historic "heat
dome" that hit the Northwest like a freight train literally cooked them to death. Needless to say, this is not
normal. In fact, we have never, ever seen anything like this before. Weather patterns all over the planet are
going absolutely nuts, and this is having a devastating impact on many highly vulnerable ecosystems.
I knew that the recent heat wave was really bad, but I didn't know that it had caused this much
destruction. According to NPR, it is being estimated that the record high temperatures along the west coast killed at least a billion sea creatures...
Read more here:
Russian Space Agency Proposes Putting a Nuclear Power Station on Mars
Engineers say the power plant can be delivered to the Red Planet using the Zeus - a prospective
Russian nuclear-powered space tug design expected to begin flight-testing in 2030.
Specialists from the Arsenal Design Bureau - a St. Petersburg-based subsidiary of Russia's Roscosmos space agency
specialising in the production of spacecraft, satellites, and other space technologies - have proposed the creation of a nuclear
power plant for a future Russian Mars base.
Sputnik was able to familiarise
itself with the proposal - which recommends using technologies developed for the Zeus interplanetary space tug for a stationary
nuclear reactor for the Martian surface as well.
Read more here:
Need to Fit Billions of Transistors on a Chip? Let AI Do It
Google, Nvidia, and others are training algorithms in the dark arts of designing semiconductors-some
of which will be used to run artificial intelligence programs.
intelligence is now helping to design computer chips-including the very ones needed to run the most powerful AI code.
Sketching out a computer chip is both complex and intricate, requiring
designers to arrange billions of components on a surface smaller than a fingernail. Decisions at each step can affect a chip's
eventual performance and reliability, so the best chip designers rely on years of experience and hard-won know-how to lay
out circuits that squeeze the best performance and power efficiency from nanoscopic devices. Previous efforts to automate
chip design over several decades have come to little.
Read more here:
Xi Jinping Is Mobilizing China for War, Possibly With Nukes
China in recent weeks has sent tens of thousands of troops to its disputed border with India in Ladakh, high in the Himalayas.
looks as if it is preparing for a full-scale invasion of Indian territory.
deployment occurred while Chinese ruler Xi Jinping, in the words of the Communist Party's China Daily, made a "pro-peace, pro-development, and pro-cooperation speech" to celebrate the centennial of the Party's founding.
"The Chinese people have never bullied, oppressed, or subjugated the people of any
other country, and we never will," Xi said on July 1.
Read more here:
DHS Training Program Prepares For Rural Lockdowns, Mass Public Quarantines Against
Training operation explains the "planning for
situations requiring the isolation and quarantine of a large portion of a local, rural population."
A Department of Homeland Security training program has provided a model for the federal
government to normalize mass public quarantine measures despite the fact infections and deaths are dropping in the U.S.
A website by the Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium (RDPC), a training provider for the Department of Homeland Security, outlines in a program called "MGT 433 ISOLATION
& QUARANTINE FOR RURAL COMMUNITIES" how to begin rounding up unvaccinated American citizens for mass quarantine centers.
Read more here:
Video has surfaced of citizens being chased up onto the roofs of their homes, forcibly
held down by Police and Medical teams, and stuck with the COVID-19 "vaccine." The ferociousness of these Death
Dart people is astonishing. Americans must be ready with guns to defend themselves if any such people attempt that in
the USA.
In the video below, a man is seen running out onto the roof of
his home, police and medical people in hot pursuit.
They grab him,
tackle him onto the roof and fight to restrain him while he screams in terror and anger about being forcibly vaccinated against
his will.
So abusive are the medical people, they literally sit on him
to prevent him from fighting them off.
As the shot is injected, he screams,
knowing this vaccine is far more likely to kill him than the disease it allegedly vaccinates against.
People on the street below . . . DO NOTHING.
Read more here:
SPECIAL ALERT: Govt. document instructs vaccine "strike force" teams
how to clear buildings and flag anti-vaxxers
Watch here:
'Regime Change Hit Squads' Unleashed Upon 'Anti-Vax' World Leaders As The Deep
State And The MSM Carry Out And Cover Up The Biggest Crime Against Humanity In History
Who Trusts Those Long Involved In Regime Change And Election Interference Around The World?
While the recent brutal assassination this past week of vaccine skeptic, former Haiti
President Jovenel Moise, has gathered huge attention around the world, especially after two residents of the United States
were arrested for participating in it, nowhere near as much attention has been paid over the past year to the mysterious deaths
of 4 other political leaders who also were opposed to 'vaccines'.
this new story over at Open Democracy reported, Haiti under Moise hadn't vaccinated a single person and because of his assassination, the first of a head of state in Haiti since the 1915 assassination of their leader
precipitated a US invasion of Haiti that lasted nearly 20 years, it's starting to look like the CIA and their 'regime
change hit teams' have been unleashed once again under Democrats and Joe Biden.
With even Reuters putting out this June 7th 'fact check' story titled "These four leaders were not killed for opposing COVID-19 vaccination", as we've warned numerous
times on ANP, such stories only come out in the mainstream media when a particular theory is 'over the target'.
Read more here:
Quebec Could Mandate Vaccine Passports for Entering Restaurants and Bars Come
Should Quebec's coronavirus situation deteriorate,
the province may have to implement so-called "vaccination passports" to forbid people who aren't fully vaccinated
against COVID-19 from accessing certain non-essential services, like restaurants and bars.
Quebec's health minister Christian Dubé shared the news during a press conference today, saying that the move
could come as early as September 1. However, he assured that digital vaccine passports would only be introduced in the case
of a possible fourth wave brought on by the spread of variants (like Delta), and once all eligible Quebecers will have had the chance to receive two doses of the vaccine.
Read more here:
Whether we want to admit the truth
or not, America's final days are upon us. This article will review a cross-section of events that clearly illustrate how very
accurate this statement has become.
There are some who have a fatal case
of cognitive dissonance. We are now in triage mode. We need focus on saving those who are open to being saved and those people
are the ones who will turn this struggle over to Jesus.
The Final
Burial of America and American Citizens Is Being Planned At This Very Moment
Globalist oligarchs are gathering at an Idaho resort for a private and very secretive conference on immigration, criminal justice reform,
climate change, and what they are calling information liberation. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, among other global comprise the key actors participating in this meeting. They are clearly planning the
demise of the world, starting with the American empire. Below, the leaked major topics are listed with a brief explanation
of how these issues are being used to hasten the demise of the country.
more here:
Study on Electromagnetism of Vaccinated Persons in Luxembourg
This is a very interesting piece, not only for confirming anecdotal evidence of
magnets sticking to the arm(s) of vaccinated people, but for people's psychological reactions to finding this out about themselves
(this had a profoundly negative effect on the investigator conducting the experiment), and for the reasons they admit to for
getting vaccinated in the first place. It is abundantly clear that INFORMED CONSENT WAS TOTALLY LACKING ON THEIR
PART as recipients of a government-endorsed medical treatment.
magnetism in the body build up over time? It seems so, as freshly vaccinated people showed less magnetism than
those who had been vaccinated for a longer period of time; further, two of these ‘early vaccinated' subjects showed abnormal
electromagnetic field emissions.
Read more here:
FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Aug. 11 Test
Messages Will be Sent to TVs and Radios Along with Select Cell Phones That Have Opted-in to Receive Test Messages
WASHINGTON - FEMA, in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission, will conduct
a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) this summer.
The national test will consist of two portions, testing
WEA and EAS capabilities. Both tests will begin at 2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Aug. 11.
The Wireless Emergency Alert portion of the test will be directed only to consumer cell phones where the subscriber
has opted-in to receive test messages. This will be the second nationwide WEA test, but the first nationwide WEA test on a
consumer opt-in basis. The test message will display in either English or in Spanish, depending on the language settings of
the wireless handset.
The Emergency Alert System portion of the test will
be sent to radios and televisions. This will be the sixth nationwide EAS test.
Read more here:
The Biden Cabal Sees Itself Above The Law In America As It Purges Those Who Don't
Toe The Line On Their Socialist Agenda - Marxist Critical Race Theory Leading To The Death Of America
Now, almost six months into the Biden administration, very few are looking for any progress
for our country. Much has been made of the executive orders by our leader and those woke socialists he has placed in various
departments due to color or sexual orientation. The nihilism of the Marxists that are dismantling our country continues apace,
with little pushback around.
Those who oppose such blatant overreaches,
such as critical race theory, are shouted down by the progressive socialist sycophants in the media, academia, and Congress.
This tyranny has not been done overnight. The democrat party has slowly morphed into the
anti-American enemy of the state that we now see, culminating in the fraudulent election of a demented, senile puppet that
will shuffle on and follow orders until he is gone.
The order being
given by the far-left "woke" wing of the party hides the fact that Biden ran as a moderate when he got out of his
basement. Still, since the fraudulent election, he has stumbled wholeheartedly into the progressive socialist camp.
Read more here:
In Many Cities In America, Criminals Are Starting To Gain Firm Control Of The Streets
In some of our largest cities, looting, murder and violence are becoming a way of life,
and authorities seem powerless to do anything about it.
week the horrendous crime wave that is sweeping across America seems to get even worse.
In some of our largest cities, looting, murder and violence are becoming a way of life,
and authorities seem powerless to do anything about it. Is this what we can expect life in the United States to look
like moving forward? All over the globe, people are watching us, and they are stunned by what they have been witnessing. Criminals
are wildly out of control, and many of our largest cities are being transformed into extremely violent war zones.
Read more here:
Rep. Madison Cawthorn: Biden Door-to-Door Vaccine Checks Could Turn into Gun Grabs
Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) warned Friday that President Biden's door-to-door
COVID vaccine checks could turn into door to gun or Bible grabs.
pointed back to 2020 and all the COVID shutdowns and told Right Side Broadcasting Network, "Authoritarianism is on the rise...there are tyrants who want to take away our rights, to not be able to congregate
in churches, not be able to own firearms."
Read more here:
THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION-PART 36: If Artificial Structures
Are Found on Another Planet (Xenoarchaeology), Will You Lose Your Religion?
In 2000, a movie directed by Brian De Palma titled Mission to Mars was released to theaters. It was based
on an original screenplay by Jim Thomas, John Thomas, and Graham Yost, which depicted a NASA commander (Luke Graham, played
by actor Don Cheadle) who, together with a crew of four astronauts, lands on the red planet. While exploring parts of the
infamous "Cydonia" region, the "truth" about the Face on Mars as a genuine artificial structure is discovered
together with remnants of advanced alien technology.
At the time the movie
was in theaters, De Palma said he had set the narrative in the year 2020, "because that's the date the experts predict
we should have a manned landing on Mars."[i]
Read more here:
THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION-PART 35: Christians, UFOs, and Alien Abduction
In the mid 1970s, I (Tom Horn and my wife, Nita), were crossing the Scholes Mountain on
our way to Aloha, Oregon, to visit with Nita's mother, when suddenly, a brightly colored object moved erratically across the
sky and caught our attention. At first, I thought it was a reflection on the windshield, the sun, or something creating light
echoes on the glass. Then, as I watched, I realized I was seeing a solid, three-dimensional form. The thing was silvery, very
bright, and circular, as best I could tell. It must have been at an altitude over fifteen thousand feet, and it was doing
things known aircraft cannot do-shooting around at a phenomenal rate of speed, abruptly stopping, rocketing this way, then
that, with hard-angle turns. I looked at Nita and pointed.
Read more here:
Cape Cod's Waters Are Getting Very, Very Sharky
Researchers are toying with a new option to prevent great-white-shark attacks: predicting when they
might strike.
On a windy morning in March, two older surfers at LeCount
Hollow Beach, on Cape Cod, look out at the gray Atlantic. They are scanning the water closest to the shore for seals, with
whom they increasingly have to share the frigid water, the temperature of which can dip as low as 37 degrees Fahrenheit in
winter. The seals are a growing demographic. They have been rebounding since the 1970s, after almost being hunted to extinction. They are recolonizing what was once their native habitat, migrating
seasonally up and down the coast. The surfers, too, have started to migrate, with many now surfing exclusively in the winter-not
to avoid the crowds in this popular summer tourist destination, but to avoid another growing demographic: great white sharks.
Read more here:
Biden Regime Launches Door-to-Door "Outreach" Program Pushing Covid
Vaccines Using FEMA Squads
As opposed to some "virus,"
the biggest threat that humanity faces is the ever-encroaching system of fascist tyranny whereby corporations and government
have merged and are now feeding off one another to perpetuate "health crises" for profit.
The Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "pandemic" is merely the latest example of this corrupt
system, which "leverages money for private profit".
In a throwback
to 1930s Germany, Joe Biden and Jen Psaki are launching a new door-to-door "outreach" program aimed at
coercing more Americans into getting "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
Read and watch here:
Fish are getting addicted to CRYSTAL METH: Brown trout exposed
to illegal drugs flushed into rivers and streams by humans for just two months show signs of addiction, study warns
Fish are in danger of becoming addicted to methamphetamine when traces of the drug enter
our rivers, a new study warns.
Researchers in the Czech Republic
performed lab experiments with the brown trout (Salmo trutta) in waters contaminated with the illegal drug.
After immersion in the meth-contaminated waters, the team found the fish became less
active, but also displayed disturbing levels of dependence.
more here:
In apparent world first, IDF deployed drone swarms in Gaza fighting
Military used ‘flocks' of small aircraft, all communicating with each other,
to locate targets, direct airstrikes, highlighting advances in artificial intelligence-driven combat
Mass swarms of dozens or hundreds of drones guided by artificial intelligence are widely
considering to be one of the more worrying weapons making their way into the modern battlefield, one with the potential to
be far cheaper and thus more available to non-state actors than other advanced munitions.
The world saw a taste of that emerging military technology, albeit a limited one, in May during the 11-day conflict
between Israel and terror groups in Gaza, when the Israel Defense Forces used flocks of drones over the Strip to spot rocket
launches by Hamas and attack those sites in what appears to be one of the first significant, publicly acknowledged real-world
use of the concept.
The military's use of drones in this way was initially
kept classified during the fighting, but has since been permitted to be published in part.
Read more here:
Hundreds of Britons Claim They've Been Intimate With Aliens
If you don't find love among 7 billion earthlings, there is still a chance for you out
As a lot of real life intimacy has given way to online intercourse,
some people are finding love in even more unusual places.
According to
a new poll by cited by the Daily Star, nearly 300 men and women from UK believe they had shacked up and even dated aliens in the past. Most of
those who claim they had an extraterrestrial sexual experience are from Norwich - the nation's top paranormal spot.
The place is closely followed by Bristol; each account for about 23% of those who claim
to have had sexual relationships with green men and other otherworldly partners. Liverpool came in third with 22%.
Read more here:
Former NSC chief: White House probably unmasked Tucker Carlson
Fred Fleitz suspects senior Biden official leaked information to media
A former chief of staff of the National Security Council says the White House likely is
behind the Tucker Carlson NSA email scandal.
Fred Fleittz, who served
for 25 years in national security with various agencies, wrote in a column Friday for The Federalist that it's now known not only that the National Security Agency was monitoring the Fox News host's electronic communications,
but that "either NSA or senior Biden officials leaked information from his communications to the news media in an attempt
to smear him."
Read more here:
Special Report-Afghan Pilots Assassinated by Taliban as U.S. Withdraws
KABUL, (Reuters) - Afghan Air Force Major Dastagir Zamaray had grown so fearful of Taliban
assassinations of off-duty forces in Kabul that he decided to sell his home to move to a safer pocket of Afghanistan's sprawling
Instead of being greeted by a prospective buyer at his realtor's
office earlier this year, the 41-year-old pilot was confronted by a gunman who walked inside and, without a word, fatally
shot the real estate agent in the mouth.
Zamaray reached for his sidearm
but the gunman shot him in the head. The father of seven collapsed dead on his 14-year-old son, who had tagged along. The
boy was spared, but barely speaks anymore, his family says.
Read more
it reports New Lockdowns
Reporter Steve Hart from the New South
Wales TV Station "10 News First" reported to Australian viewers that "Today is the first full day of the New
World Order" as he dutifully reported the draconian lockdowns and loss of freedom of a once proud and free citizenry.
Giving details about the new lockdowns, for the criminal scheme to defraud
known as "COVID-19" Reporter Hart, like a good little Commie statist drone, outlined:
Outdoor Gatherings are limited to: Two People
Exercise: Within 10km of home
Browsing in Shops: PROHIBITED
(1) Person per household, per day may engage in Essential Shopping (Food and supplies)
Funerals: Limited to Ten (10) People
Read and watch here:
What Will You Do When The Feds
Come Knocking?
Joe Biden announced this week he has commissioned
"surge response teams" from the federal government to enter communities and neighborhoods with "low vaccination
rates," to the point of "knocking on doors" and pressuring people to get vaccinated.
His press secretary, Jen Psaki, said these federal agents are only coming to our doors because they
"care" deeply about us and don't want to see us die from the CCP virus.
"We have the information they need on how safe and accessible the vaccine is," Psaki said in her daily
press briefing Tuesday, July 6.
Is this why roughly half of America refuses
to get this injection? Because it's not accessible? Surely it has nothing to do with the dismal safety record, with record
numbers of reported deaths and injuries. And the seemingly limitless pressure to get the shots, with multinational corporations
leveraging all their power against us, threatening our jobs and livelihoods, surely this wouldn't set off any red flags in
people's minds, would it?
Read more here:
Censoring Reality - Bill Holter
Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter has been predicting the financial system is going to go down.
It's not a matter of if, but when. One of the things that will make this coming so-called "reset" even worse is
people are going to be totally blindsided because accurate and truthful information is censored. Holter explains why, "One
thing that is extremely dangerous, and I know it has affected, you have had your channel taken down by YouTube.
The amount of censorship that is going on across the board, and it's censorship of conservatives, but it is censorship of
reality. It's censorship of truth. That is so dangerous. If you read the book 1984, we are out-Orwelling George Orwell. The
way I view this is very dangerous, and it's part of the planned reset. . . .Quite simply, if you get taken down or information
is taken down, that information is directly over the target."
more here:
Reservoirs are drying up as consequences of the Western drought worsen
Reservoir levels are dropping throughout the West, as the drought tightens its grip on
the region and intense summer heat further stresses both water supply and the surrounding landscape. Many reservoirs are at
or approaching historic low levels due to lackluster rainy seasons combined with increasing temperatures due to climate change.
The drought crisis is perhaps most apparent in the Colorado River basin, which saw one
of its driest years on record, following two decades of less-than-adequate flows. The nation's largest reservoir, Lake Mead
near Las Vegas, is at its lowest level since the lake filled after the construction of the Hoover dam in the 1930s; it currently
sits at 1,069 feet above sea level, or 35% of its total capacity. It supplies water to Arizona, Nevada, California and Mexico.
Read more here:
Gay Chorus Plays Victim After Death Threats Because Of Video Singing
'We're Coming For Your Children' - What Exactly Did They Expect The Reaction To Be?
Recently the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus (SFGMC) released a video titled "A
Message From the Gay Community," in where they gleefully sing about "coming for your children," and "convert
your children bit by bit," then talking about the how the "gay agenda is coming home."
These are just some of the creepier parts of their "song," and lo-and-behold, the chorus
and the media are treating the singers, who should have known better to threaten children, as if they are victims because
they are now receiving death threats.
They claim is the song is satire.
Even if true, satire is meant to be funny, amusing, and believable, but not so real that anyone not in the LGBT community
takes said satire as a direct threat to their children.
Read more here:
A district council in eastern Germany has declared a disaster
after its computer systems were paralyzed by a hacker attack in what the federal cybersecurity watchdog confirmed was the
country's first-ever "cyber-catastrophe."
Hackers knocked out
the IT operations of the municipality of Anhalt-Bitterfeld, in the state of Saxony-Anhalt, on Tuesday, July 6, a spokesperson
confirmed on Saturday, July 10.
"We are almost completely paralyzed,"
the spokesperson said, adding its offices would probably remain offline next week and giving no indication of when services
would resume.
Read more here:
Three Countries on Earth Declined the COVID Vax; All Three of their
Presidents are now DEAD
Sometimes, an ugly truth is staring
us in the face, we need only to see it and speak it for the reality to become clear.
There are only three (3) countries on this planet whose government officials refused to accept the COVID-19 vaccine
from the World Health Organization: Burundi, Tanzania, and Haiti.
officials in those countries who declined the vax were Presidents in each of those countries.
In Burundi it was President Pierre Nkurunziza
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Some people wrote to me yesterday and made fun of Mike Adams and commented how silly he
looked when he said the military and FEMA were going to be going door-to-door with regard to the vaccines. Mike Adams is ahead of the curve on this subject and is exactly correct. To bolster Adams' claims, Oregon has now announced that their National Guard will be going door-to-door with regard to the vaccine issue. By the way,
Mike Adams was a presenter at the recent Gensix presentation and you can still order the conference for a nominal fee. And no, I don't get paid for saying this,
but if you found yourself making fun on Adams, then I would strongly suggest buying the conference.
What Adams is talking about is called medical martial law. I have been writing about this phenomenon
based upon since 2014. So, if Mike Adams is crazy, in your eyes for writing on this yesterday, then you may as well put me
in a padded cell.
Read more here:
Lincoln Project's Steve Schmidt: Jan. 6 Riot ‘More Dangerous' Than 9/11
'The 1/6 [Jan.6] attack profoundly more dangerous'
Lincoln Project co-founder Steve Schmidt said he believes the Jan. 6 Capitol riot was a "profoundly more dangerous" event compared to the deadly 9/11
terrorist attacks of 2001, which left thousands of Americans dead.
1/6 [Jan.6] attack for the future of the country is a profoundly more dangerous event than the 9/11 attacks," Schmidt
"And in the end, the 1/6 attacks are likely to kill a lot
more Americans than were killed in the 9/11 attacks, which will include the casualties of the wars that lasted twenty years
following it."
Schmidt made the remarks during the Lincoln Project's
virtual July 7 town hall, where he was discussing the organization's mission to "defend democracy in 2022."
Read more here:
Evidence Emerges of Illegal Votes in Georgia, Indicating Enough to Tip Results
Nearly 35,000 Georgians had potentially voted illegally
New evidence has emerged in Georgia that indicates enough illegal votes were counted
in the 2020 presidential election that it could potentially tip the results, according to reports.
The evidence reportedly shows that more than 10,300 illegal votes were cast in Georgia
in the November 2020 general election.
However, the number will continue
to rise over the next few months, potentially exceeding the 12,670 votes that separated Democrat Joe Biden and President Donald
This bombshell evidence vindicates President Trump and his legal
team for the related public (and private) comments and legal arguments made in challenging the Georgia election results.
Read more here:
What's Now Happening In One Democrat-Run City After Another Across
The Country Is Proof, America Doesn't Need 'Gun Control', We Need 'Democrat Control'
Big Cities Across Country Becoming The 'New Wild West' Under Leftist Leadership
While many think that they've seen everything in 2021 in 'Joe Biden's America',
many haven't seen the video we've embedded directly below yet.
to the Daily Caller Shorts youtube channel on Wednesday, the video is a great compilation video showing what we're watching
unfolding in liberal cities across America, with the video immediately showing a gaggle of thieves streaming out of a Neiman Marcus store, carrying their just-stolen loot, in far left and increasingly insane San Francisco, California.
With Target stores in that region shortening their hours due to an 'alarming rise' in shoplifting with 'theft' now seemingly legal in California following a change to their penal code which deems thefts of up to $950 simply a misdemeanor, can you imagine scenes like this playing out at your local stores? The video shows what California has become and what Democrats
want for the rest of America.
Just the latest sign of liberal-run
cities across America imploding before our very eyes, as Susan Duclos had pointed out in this June 30th ANP story, leftist-run cities across America are beginning to look like a 'Mad Max' movie, with 'fight-clubs' forming in once peaceful neighborhood parks while violent crimes and murders skyrocket, giving more proof that 'what you ask for is what you get' with the radical left ludicrously calling for the police to be defunded. What did they THINK would happen?
Read more here:
Astonishing Spike in Post-Vaccine Deaths Gets No Media Coverage as Over 2,000 Reported THIS WEEK
It's unclear if the data is just catching up or if there
are just a whole lot more deaths occurring, but one thing is certain. These "vaccines" can be deadly and a lot more
people are dying from them than all others in history combined.
reported from Covid-19 "vaccines" had their largest spike to date this week and it wasn't even close. The total
death count from the Covid injections jumped nearly 30% with 2,063 reported in a single week, bringing the total to 9,048.
This alarming development has not been reported by any major news outlets despite it being
publicly available information. In fact, some publications are claiming it's all a conspiracy theory that people are dying
from the vaccines, never noting that the source of the data is the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) itself.
Read more here:
Former Pfizer Exec: Children Are 50 Times More Likely To Die From Coronavirus
Vaccine Than From The Virus Itself
Former Pfizer executive Dr.
Michael Yeadon told Real America's Voice in a recent interview that children are 50 times more likely to
be killed by the COVID shot than they are to be killed by the virus itself.
He explains that mRNA gene technology used in the COVID shot to trigger the body to create viral spike proteins is
a "fundamental problem" that scientists and researchers have known about for years because these spike proteins
can lead to blood clots and other health problems.
His statement came as Pfizer tested its mRNA vaccine on children younger
than 12 years old, including 6-month-old babies.
Read more here:
Papers Please! Coming Soon, ‘No Shot, No Service'
Did you hear about the new vaccine bracelet being sold? That's right. You can wear it
in public so people will know that you're safe to be around. I wish I were joking.
This is what they're selling. Avoid fellow citizens, fear half the population. Way to go liberal media activists.
Then there's NY Governor Andrew Cuomo who plans to segregate baseball stadiums into vaccinated and unvaccinated sections.
Let's see, divide people even more - what could go wrong?
Writing for
Harbinger's Daily, prophecy watcher, Chad Thomas shared some concerns many of us have warned about. We're upset about government overreach and the loss of our freedoms, yes, but
it will be corporations, airlines, and private businesses that will practically force you to take a vaccine. People won't
be able to buy, sell, or travel without it.'"
Read more here:
The Reasons Why You Do Not Speak to Biden's Vaccine Gestapo When They Come to
Your Door
Severe tyranny has come to America. Soon, the new
version of the American Gestapo will coming to your door and they have disguised and very bad intentions. Twelve years ago,
I got a glimpse of what was coming by an illegal home raid in Nashville,TN.
years ago, one of my former college basketball players from Nashville, called me in a panic and asked me "Coach, what
is FEMA?" This 6'7' 260 lbs man, now a parent, was in a literal state of panic. He had the day off work and was
watching his infant son, when two black SUV's pulled up and parked, not on his driveway, but on his lawn. He ran out of the
house to confront them, two of the well-dressed agents drew their weapons and ordered him put his arms up in the air. He
was told that they were there to search his home. He asked for the warrant and these Gestapo-style goons said they did not
need a warrant and if he did not comply. bad things happen to resisters, and that they would also call Child Protective Services
and they would take his child.
Read more here:
Get ready for the 100 dollar cheeseburger
suppose we can simply flag this story as the latest entry in our series on how the pandemic has changed America and what the
"new normal" looks like. And we're once again looking at issues involving the restaurant industry, arguably among
the hardest hit during the lockdowns. Out in Chicago, diners are encountering some new policies put in place by restaurants
after the city began to reopen, and eateries in other areas are quickly following suit. "Mandatory minimum" bills
are now becoming a regular feature. If you show up at some high-end restaurants and are seated, your bill begins with a $100 charge before you even order. And
that's not for the table, either. It's 100 bucks per person. And then there are the "reservation deposits" that
we'll get to in a moment. (CBS Chicago)
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Snyder: 5 Specific Reasons Why You Should Stockpile Food Right Now
For decades, Americans have not needed to be concerned about food prices.
Yes, prices would always go up by a little bit each year, but in general we have been extremely blessed for a very long time.
Our supermarkets have always been packed with food, and we could always count on the fact that prices would be about the same
a month or two down the road. Unfortunately, things are now changing, and not in a good way. A massive wave of
inflation has hit agricultural commodities, and food producers have felt forced to pass those cost increases along to consumers.
Unfortunately, many experts are anticipating that the price hikes that we are currently witnessing are just the beginning.
Read more here:
Death Valley hits
130F - just four degrees shy of its highest temp EVER - as California faces another record-setting heatwave and wildfires
continue to tear through state forests
Death Valley has come
within four degrees of the highest outdoor temperature ever recorded on Earth, as the West Coast braces for yet another record-setting
The official temperature in the California national park hit
130 degrees on Friday, breaking the daily record for June 9 and coming close to the all-time worldwide record of 134, which
was set there in 1913.
Temperatures on the West Coast are set to
hit up to 117 degrees over the weekend, just two weeks after the deadly 'heat dome' capped North America's hottest month of
June on record, as wildfires continue to burn across the state.
more here:
America is a Nation of Weak Men
Weak men and the Collapse of Society
used to pride themselves on their masculinity and masculine impulses. The famous photo of the sailor kissing a girl in New
York after victory was announced, Emanuel Leutze's painting of a masculine, proud, and erect George Washington bravely crossing the Deleware, and tales of rugged individualist cowboys fighting off bandits and merciless Apaches and Comanches used to define our culture.
Up until quite recently, when we became a nation of weak men, we lionized
the brave, austere men of the past that created the prosperous present.
Eastwood inspired many a red-blooded American male with his portrayal of Josey Wales.
We looked back on Romans like Cato, Aeneas, Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar, and Marcus Aurelius as some of the best men to have existed, honoring them for their contributions to civilization and attempting to emulate
them in the present.
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In Their Training!!!
Watch here:
What If the Next Major Cyberattack Targeted the Internet?
Over the past few months I have been writing analysis on a planned crisis war game organized
by the World Economic Forum called "Cyberpolygon." The event will be held this week on July 9th, and
it's allegedly designed to simulate a massive cyberattack that somehow disrupts the global supply chain, or at the very least
disrupts the supply chain of multiple large economies.
Why am I so interested
in this war game? Well, many of my readers will recall that the last major simulation the WEF and the Bill And Melinda Gates
Foundation held was Event 201, a global pandemic exercise which portrayed a coronavirus outbreak spread by animal carriers to humans killing millions of
people while forcing the shutdown of multiple first-world economies. Event 201 was scheduled for October 2019 - two months
later the exact pandemic scenario they simulated happened in real life, save a few minor details.
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Biden holds unexpected call with Putin; threatens him over ransomware Russian
President Joe Biden spoke to Russian leader Vladimir
Putin on Friday to address the suspected Russian-linked cyberattacks on the U.S. and 16 other nations over the past week,
and warned that the U.S. will "take any necessary action" to defend itself.
According to a White House readout of the call, Biden confronted Putin about the attacks and "underscored the
need for Russia to take action to disrupt ransomware groups operating in Russia and emphasized that he is committed
to continued engagement on the broader threat posed by ransomware."
more here:
Are You Ready For The MOAB Of Cyber Attacks? Imagine Being
Cut Off From Everyone And Everything As Hackers Work To Shut Everything In America Down
As we watch the continued reports of Ransomware cyber attacks hit over 1,000 different businesses,
damaging everything from key businesses, Internet services, and public infrastructure, the Biden regime and D.C. politicians
are so busy worry about blaming Russia or looking at who to blame, to bother warning Americans of what could be coming soon.
They are not bothering to warn Americans for the possibility, or at this point with no
end of these attacks in sight, the probability, that one of the next attacks will be the 'Mother Of All Bombs' against the
functionality of America.
Recently Stefan Stanford covered what is called "supply chain attacks," which will interrupt the food supply in America, as ANP has also addressed the need to be prepared for a massive attack on
the electrical grid, but what usually gets shoved to the back burner is the ability to communicate with others.
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On the Connection Between Graphene Oxide Found in "Covid Vaccines",
Electromagnetic Fields, Blood Clots & Severe "Covid" Symptoms | How to Remove Graphene Oxide From the
Many are already aware of the work that the team of Spanish
researchers that make up La Quinta Columna have been doing.
They are the ones who have had the courage
to get a vial of vaccination and send it for analysis to a renowned Spanish university through Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra
Madrid, who is compiling and officializing the results in a report that promises to be more conclusive than the preliminary
one he prepared for the general public early last week.
However, there
are people who still do not know about La Quinta Columna. If you are one of those, then the following video is especially
for you. Orwell City has transcribed, translated, subtitled and edited the video to keep its message going around
the world.
Read and watch here:
Minnesota: Machete-Wielding Muslim Stabs Four Women, Released Same Day
One woman was left unable to lift one of her arms and another will be on crutches for
a time following a knife attack at a Northwest Rochester apartment complex early Wednesday.
Omar Abudakar Maani made his first appearance in Olmsted County District Court Thursday morning on three felony charges
- second-degree assault and two counts of first-degree assault. Judge Lisa Hayne ordered Maani released on conditions that
he submit to electronic monitoring and not use or possess any firearms dangerous weapons. Unconditional bail was set at $75,000.
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‘Serious violations and manipulations of trial protocol':
How Pfizer obtained FDA emergency authorization for children
and comparison of the review document submitted by Pfizer to the US Food and Drug Administration, on the basis
of which the FDA gave the green light to expand the emergency permit for vaccination also for children aged 12-15 (1),
as opposed to the study protocol in children (2, 3), reveal concerning findings, including violations
of the protocol established by Pfizer itself, and no less serious, designing the trial protocol in a way that will allow the
company to present as positive findings as possible in terms of vaccine safety in children.
Violation of protocol conditions - How did children with a psychiatric diagnosis get to be included in the
According to the review document submitted by Pfizer to
the FDA, four of the 1,131 children in the study arm who received Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine suffered from serious adverse
events ("SAEs") - that is, events in which at least one criterion was met: caused death, is life-threatening, requires
hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization, results in persistent disability/incapacity, or congenital anomaly/birth
Read more here:
Biden's 'Door-To-Door Vax Squads' Evoke Thoughts Of 'Medical Brown
Shirts' Pushing America Ever Closer To Medical Martial Law
Statement Alarms: 'The Vax Wasn't Brought In For Covid, Covid Was Brought In For The Vax'
While more and more proof keeps emerging that 'Covid' was a long-planned globalist operation to usher in a 'new world order', further enslave the
free people of America and allow mass mail-in voting fraud across the country to 'install' Joe Biden as US president,
this new story over at MedicalXPress reports there is growing pressure in place across the planet to make 'the jab' mandatory, putting pressure
on so-called 'anti-vaxxers' worldwide.
Reporting within
that story that a growing number of countries and territories around the world are forcing people to be vaccinated
against COVID-19, yup, against their wishes, the leftists favorite phrase while they've been
murdering their own unborn babies the past several decades, 'my body, my choice', is about to take a whole new meaning in
As Christopher Langan, called 'the smartest man in the world' by the mainstream media, recently warned, should such a moment in time as forced vaccinations arrive in America:
"It's easy to see where this leads, and it's nowhere
good. Personally, I'm willing if necessary to do severe physical harm to anyone attempting to force one of these injections
on me, and the same should be true of any other decent self-respecting person."
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Why Were US Mercenaries Sent In To Murder The President Of Haiti In His Own Home?
Why has the mainstream media in the United States been so reluctant to give us the full
picture of what has been happening in Haiti? Over and over again, Haitian officials have been using the term "mercenaries" to describe those that were involved in the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, but U.S. news outlets have been
largely avoiding that angle of the story. Needless to say, if the killers were actually "mercenaries", that would
mean that someone paid them to do what they did. And at this point, it appears that at least two of the "mercenaries"
were Americans...
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A Conspiracy to Murder - The Government and the Big Pharma-Dependent
Medical Profession Are Hiding the Facts About Covid and the Vaccine
have just spent 10 hours a day In the hospital with my son since July 2, he is now stable but essentially went into A Fib
they cannot fix now because of a clot (vaccine induced I am sure) after being sick 10 days following his second Pfizer shot.
It's too much to go into now, we almost lost him. He's 32. No history of hypertension or heart problems. Vegetarian. "
It is happening all over. See, for example, this:
There are a huge number of cases of life-threatening reactions to the
"safe" vaccine, especially among the young. Yet the social media nazis and google continue to deplatform those who
give the alarm. That part of the medical profession that blindly without thought follow the Big Pharma "guidelines"
issued by NIH, FDA, CDC, and WHO are accomplices to murder.
Read more
What Would a World Without Personal Property Look Like?
For those of us who haven't been brainwashed by communism, this
likely seems somewhat disturbing. But let us examine just how one can ensure "people don't own anything."
Let's look at what a world without personal property looks like.
Medical Tyranny
it were up to me, anybody not wearing a mask when they are out in public would be arrested ... That's an act of domestic terrorism and
should be treated like one," Lancaster, California, Mayor Rex Parris
Let's start with the low-hanging fruit, shall we? John Locke pointed out that "Every man has a property in his own person," with Paul Skousen further adding that your body
is your first piece of original property that you own. If you are to own nothing, does it not follow that your body will no
longer be your own as well?
Read more here:
Reports have been coming in that Pilot/Flying
J and CenEx corporations have both told their gas station franchisees/operators that "your next fuel delivery will be
your last. When your tanks reach ten percent, shut down."
confirmation said Cenex, which is not associated with Flying J/Pilot got the same message.
There is, as yet, no explanation at all for why these gas station owner/operators have been told this, but reports
claim they have, in fact, been told that TODAY, Friday, July 8.
does not bode well for fuel supplies. Tank up.
Read more here:
US Navy Calls Black Sea Drills "Essential" As Russia Threatens Military
One might hope that after the dramatic close call June
23rd events on the Black Sea which saw a Russian patrol ship fire warning shots to deter a UK warship which came near Crimea
- all of which was reportedly monitored by an overhead US reconnaissance plane (as Putin has alleged) - "cooler heads"
would prevail and that the West would seek de-escalation in the waters.
this is hoping way too much as instead the US Navy is calling expansive military drills on Russia's doorstep "essential"
in deterring Russian "aggression". The words were issued by Commander Daniel Marzluff of the US Navy's
Sixth Fleet at a moment the large multi-nation Sea Breeze 2021 exercises are ongoing, which Moscow has deemed a serious "provocation".
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Pastor Who Resisted Church Lockdowns Threatened With Death, His Family Intimidated
Pastor Brian Gibson, who has been a target of cancel culture for resisting draconian lockdown
measures as well as for exercising his First Amendment rights, has received hundreds of death threats. He and his family have
experienced various forms of harassment.
"Just for being a vocal
proponent of the First Amendment, just for being someone that supported President Trump, and someone that spoke out actively,
I received close to 1,500 death threats. People broke into my house, kicked my gate down, hacked all of our accounts,"
Gibson said on EpochTV's "Crossroads" program.
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Pentagon document warns the world is moving closer to a nuclear war because Russia and China are
developing new nuclear missiles, bombers and submarines
The US
says there is an 'increased potential' for nuclear conflict with the country's main enemies because they are stockpiling nuclear
Russia and China have been modernizing and expanding their respective arsenals over the last decade, according to a recently disclosed 2020 report from the Pentagon on nuclear operations.
And North Korea has accelerated testing of missiles capable of reaching America's homeland, and Iran has the technology to create a nuclear weapon within a year of deciding to do so.
Read more here:
Wells Unexpectedly Shuts All Existing Personal Lines Of Credit, Hinting US Economy
On The Edge
Wells Fargo just announced that it's shutting down
all of its existing personal lines of credit - a popular product offered by the retail-focused Wall Street giant - a move
that will likely infuriate legions of customers.
The revolving credit
lines, which will be shut down in the coming weeks, typically allow users borrow $3K to $100K, were pitched as a way to consolidate
higher-interest credit-card debt, pay for home renovations or avoid overdraft fees on checking accounts attached to the loan.
Customers have been given a 60-day notice that their accounts will be shuttered, and remaining
balances will require regular minimum payments, according to the statement.
more here:
Soon, FEMA squads and U.S. soldiers will be coming to your door to vaccinate you
at gunpoint (or drag you away to a covid death camp)
(Natural News) The scenario I've been warning about for years is finally here. It's now confirmed by the White House that FEMA goon squads
will be going "door-to-door" across America to coerce unvaccinated people into taking deadly bioweapons spike protein
kill shots.
It is now openly admitted that the government is keeping lists
of those who are not yet vaccinated, and just today, Biden's Health Secretary Xavier Becerra doubled down on the plans, claiming, "knocking on a door has never been against the law" and adding, "Because if you haven't been vaccinated,
we can help dispel some of those rumors you've heard and hopefully get you vaccinated."
Read more here:
CNN Political Analyst Says It's Time to Make Vaccinations and Vaccine Passports
Mandatory + More
The Defender's Big Brother NewsWatch brings
you the latest headlines related to governments' abuse of power, including attacks on democracy, civil liberties and use of
mass surveillance.
CNN political analyst Julian Zelizer called on coronavirus vaccinations and vaccine passports to be made mandatory in the U.S., citing a concern for the Delta variant of the virus, as well as an increase in cases amongst the unvaccinated.
In a Wednesday column, Zelizer argued that Republicans and Democrats, including President Biden, were focusing too much on individual rights rather than "the good of the collective," and declared that Americans
shouldn't view the vaccine "as an optional inoculation."
more here:
Rudy Giuliani: FBI Refused to Take Hunter Biden's Hard Drives Containing Child Porn
'It contains one crime after another, including child pornography'
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said, during a raid on his home, the
"corrupt Biden DOJ" took everything but the computer hard drives from
Hunter Biden's laptop, which he says contained child pornography.
Justice Department obtained a search warrant for Rudy Giuliani in April in order to seize records and electronic devices.
Giuliani had previously exposed the Bidens for their alleged illegal and unethical dealings
with numerous foreign governments like Ukraine.
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How Did Alex Jones Predict Door-to-Door Mandatory Injections Under Biden?
Alex Jones breaks down how he accurately predicted to coming of door-to-door mandatory
vaccines under Biden.
Watch here:
The Final Battle for the Control of America Has Commenced
The Democrats, their Deep State puppeters and the globalists are in a state of panic.
Soccer moms who oppose Critical Race Theory being taught in the schools are awakening a previously sleeping America to the
anti-American dangers of our time. Democrats are flocking to my media sites wth a bad case of Biden's buyers remorse! The
Democrats are understandably in a panic!
The Democrats/Deep State/Globalist
Controllers Are Desperate
The Democrats cannot allow a mid-term
election to occur under these conditions. Even with massive cheating it is not likely that the Democrats will retain the Senate
and the House. If both are lost to the present ruling party, the Republicans will take over and will move to impeach Executive
Order, sippy cup Joe Biden. This could set the globalists back at least a decade. It will usher in the ability to bring Trump
back in 2024, if not sooner. The Democrats need a game changing evernt.If one has been following our present struggle for
any length of time, it doesn't take much to convince the aware that we have entered the game-changing false flag zone with
the goal of the removal of all resistance as well as the disarming of dangerous Americans who would dare to fight for their
Read more here:
From Operation Highjump To Extraterrestrials On The Planet Earth,
Almost Everything We've Been Taught About History Is Wrong, A Series Of Coverups Of Gigantic Proportions
(ANP: Is almost everything that we've been taught about history wrong, a
series of coverups of gigantic proportions? In this series of stories exploring what the globalists love to call 'conspiracy
theories', Kalbo breaks down those 'conspiracy theories', with this story part 3 of that series. Part 1 can be found here and part 2 found here. In the only video at the bottom of this story, Steve Quayle joined Mike Adams to discuss some of the topics discussed in this story, UFOs, Mars, ancient aliens and the satanic war on
humanity. Steve also had put out an excellent book examining this subject in "Empire Beneath The Ice." )
Spread the Word. Stay Informed. Be Prepared. Remain
Vigilant. Stay Ahead of the Curve. Remain Flexible. Have a Backup Plan. Follow the Money. Don't fall for the Narrative. Determine
Who Benefits. Resistance is Always Greater When You are over The Target. To Reveal Your Controller, Discover Who You Cannot
The term "Conspiracy Theory" is used as
by those in power to malign and denigrate any questioning of their criminal activity. It is the equivalent of shutting down
debate by calling the opposition party a racist. When a person is caught cheating on their spouse, or on a work assignment,
they often try to conceal their guilt with rage at or ridicule of the revealer. To discover the truth of anything, search
where you receive the most resistance.... you are now over the target.
more here:
Interview 1650 - Whitney Webb Dissects the Wellcome Leap into Transhumanism
Whitney Webb of joins us once again, this
time to discuss her latest article, "A "Leap" toward Humanity's Destruction." Even if you're familiar with the transhumanist agenda, what the ex-DARPA, ex-Silicon Valley old hands at the newly
created Wellcome Leap are planning to do in their quest to transform the human species in the coming decade will blow your
Watch or listen here:
SELCO's Biggest Takeaway from the Last 2 Years: Illusion Smashing
Almost all the key events that happened in that period of time we would have said "oh
that is never gonna happen" if someone asked us that 3 years ago.
be more precise, I would not have said that...but most of the average preppers would say that because they kept saying "oh
it will never happen here" or" no, not in US, we are different".
I would not only never say that, even more, and quite contrary, for freaking 10 years I kept saying and writing "it might (will) happen there" or "it might (will) even be worse there" and so on and so on.
Read more here:
UFO Cover-Up Inside the U.S. Government
In 1952 cameras spotted UFOs flying over the White House lawn in Washington D.C. - these sightings eventually lead
to Project Blue Book, created by the U.S. government, in this clip from Season 5, "Aliens and Cover-Ups."
Read and watch here:
Grizzly bear attacks and kills bicyclist camping in Montana
A grizzly bear attacked and killed a bicyclist who was camping in a small western Montana
town early Tuesday, authorities said. The attack triggered an intensive search for the bear by wildlife officials and law enforcement officers who planned to
kill the animal.
The pre-dawn attack happened in Ovando, a town of fewer than 100
people about 60 miles northwest of Helena, said Greg Lemon, a spokesperson with Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks. The victim
was not identified but NBC Montana reported the camper was a woman.
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Group Formed to Promote Assisted Suicide Picks Planned Parenthood Board Member
to Lead Org
The nation's most prominent group promoting the acceptance
of assisted suicide has slated a woman who serves on the board of Planned Parenthood of Illinois to join its board.
The organization, Compassion & Choices, explains on its website is that its vision is a "society that affirms life and accepts the inevitability of death,
embraces expanded options for compassionate dying, and empowers everyone to choose end-of-life care that reflects their values,
priorities, and beliefs."
Their top priority is "the bold intention
that by 2028, half the U.S. population will live in a location where medical aid in dying is an open and accessible medical
Read more here:
Those dying post-vaccine: Where are the autopsies?
Exclusive: Jane M. Orient, M.D., sounds alarm over lack of typical protocol with unexpected
In this age of supposed scientific medicine and a pandemic,
we are relying on death certificates for statistics on the cause of death, even though they are known to be extremely unreliable.
Thousands of healthy people are dying unexpectedly, but our public health agencies are assuring us that their deaths
were not caused by the COVID jab. The toll of post-vaccine deaths has reached nearly 7,000, according to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). It's the best system we've got, even though it misses 90% or more of the actual events.
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Image Of The Beast Technology vs. Humanity: Will A.I. Rule
Over Us With Life And Death Decisions?
Moreno-Riano says the
biggest danger is the possibility of humans getting lost as the technology grows. "Families can request an A.I. robot,
for example, place it in a nursing home and rather than visiting their parents or family members there they just place a robot
that can speak and learn and communicate with you," Moreno-Riano said. "There are also A.I. applications that can
perform funerals and religious rites so you don't have to have an actual minister doing it. So, it eliminates the need for
humanity in some of these areas where we think humanity is most needed... (READ MORE)
American Astronauts No Strangers To UFOs
Even early American astronauts reported seeing UFOs. The most notable among this group was Gordon Cooper, a member
of NASA's first group of astronauts, the Mercury Seven. Cooper, an experienced Air Force test pilot, flew the final Mercury
mission in 1963, the longest U.S. spaceflight up to that time at twenty-two orbits of the earth, and Gemini 5 in 1965, also
the longest space mission up to that time, coming in just shy of eight days in space. Cooper contended that when he was in
the Air Force, stationed in Germany in 1951, his squadron encountered and chased a fleet of flying saucers but were no match
for their extraordinary capabilities. The encounter went on for several days, he said. Cooper also claimed that a flying saucer
landed at Edwards Air Force Base in California in the late 1950s, and that there was video evidence of it. The film was quickly,
and quietly, whisked away to Washington, where it disappeared, never to be seen again. "I do believe UFOs exist and that
the truly unexplained ones are from some other technologically advanced civilization" that are not of this earth. Until
his death in 2004, Cooper believed the U.S. government was covering up evidence of UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence...
UFO Religion Is About To Go Mainstream. Get Ready.
The Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force report signals a [end times] religious sea change
in America. Meanwhile, the media's campaign to normalize UFOs is seeding our minds with alien life forms. As such, we are
witnessing a fringe mythology rise up from moldy basements to explode across the prestige press. The psychologist Carl Jung
wrote in 1957, at a time when "flying saucers" were being spotted all over the planet, "We have here a golden
opportunity of seeing how a legend is formed, and how in a difficult and dark time for humanity a miraculous tale grows up
of an attempted intervention by extra-terrestrial ‘heavenly' powers." Half a century later, these celestial entities
have hit the big time. On June 8, the former director of the U.S. government's latest, no-longer-secret UFO program, Luis
Elizondo, told the Washington Post he's convinced these aerial phenomena are "beyond next generation technology...50
to 1,000 years ahead of us." Naturally, he postulated extraterrestrials. But it only got weirder from there. "This
could be something that is extra hyper dimensional," he speculated, "in a quantum physics sense. We know that the
universe is full of shortcuts and loopholes." Heavenly beings from the great beyond? Sounds eerily familiar. In recent
years, the idea of god-like aliens has taken possession of the American psyche... (READ MORE)
THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION-PART 31: Fátima: Harbinger of the Great Deception?
The Miracle of the Sun was an Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) witnessed on October
13, 1917, by up to one hundred thousand people gathered near Fátima, Portugal. Several newspaper reporters in attendance
recorded testimony from people who claimed to have witnessed an extraordinary aerial phenomenon in which a silvery disc flew
about the sky. Of course, this was long before the term "flying saucer" was coined, and many thought the disc was
the sun. Also, because it had been raining and the clouds broke just as the phenomenon occurred, many believed it was a solar
miracle. However, if the sun had actually moved in the described manner, the gravitational effects would have devastated the
Earth. Even so, the sighting was officially declared a miracle by the Roman Catholic Church in 1930. During a commemorative
celebration on October 13, 1951, the papal legate, Cardinal Tedeschini, told the million people gathered at Fátima
that Pope Pius XII had witnessed the same miracle of the sun from the Vatican gardens thirty-three years later, in 1950.[ii]
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Biden Does Not Need A Domestic "Terrorism" Agenda Unless He Is About
To Violate American Rights
The federal government is a kind of
self perpetuating blob; a cannibalistic creature that must continue to feed on the public and the systems around it in order
to survive, but it also must create reasons for its existence so that it may go on feeding uninterrupted. Now, don't get me
wrong - I realize that the apparatus in Washington DC is nothing more than a tool for the power elite to grow their scope
of control as well as grow their wealth. That said, without a large federal government the establishment oligarchy would have
no ability to project the force they need to compel the population to comply with their agenda.
There are only two real mandates for the government, only two reasons for its existence in our republic:
To secure America's borders from invasion and to protect the freedoms of the citizenry. That's it. It is not the job of the
government to compel you to take an experimental and questionable covid vaccine over a virus that 99.7% of people will easily
survive. It is not the job of the government to create artificial "social equity" by favoring one group or ethnicity
over another. It is not the job of the government to spy on millions of Americans because they do not agree with the leftist
ideology. It is not the job of government to make war on the very people it is mandated to protect.
Read more here:
What should you do when federal agents arrive at your door with questions about
your personal health decisions?
Joe Biden announced
this week he has commissioned "surge response teams" from the federal government to enter communities and neighborhoods
with "low vaccination rates," to the point of "knocking on doors" and pressuring people to get vaccinated.
His press secretary, Jen Psaki, said these federal agents are only coming to our doors
because they "care" deeply about us and don't want to see us die from the CCP virus.
"We have the information they need on how safe and accessible the vaccine is," Psaki said
in her daily press briefing Tuesday, July 6.
Read more here:
These 15th-Century Maps Show How the Apocalypse Will Go Down
In 15th-century Europe, the apocalypse weighed heavily on the minds of the people. Plagues
were rampant. The once-great capital of the Roman empire, Constantinople, had fallen to the Turks. Surely, the end was nigh.
Dozens of printed works described the coming reckoning in gory detail, but one long-forgotten
manuscript depicts the apocalypse in a very different way-through maps. "It has this sequence of maps that illustrate
each stage of what will happen," says Chet Van Duzer, a historian of cartography who has written a book about the previously
unstudied manuscript.
Read more here:
Who Or What Are the Powers Behind the Biden Administration?
In the past several days, I have received unsolicited communications regard the alien
presence (eg alien or fallen angels). The first communication is from known source with whom I have had multiple communications.
He refuses to come on my show, presumably for self-preservation purposes. The second communication is first communication
from an unknown origin. I cannot vouch for the authenticity as I can the first source. However, there are enough accurate
references in the second communication to take it seriously.
purpose for publishing these anonymous accounts is get the public to realize that we are in a spiritual battle. Our enemies
are not solely the products of flesh and blood.
Read more here:
President Testifies Against Clintons: 'They Raped and Pillaged Haiti'
Bernard Sansaricq accuses Bill and Hillary Clinton 'raping and pillaging Haitian people'
The former Senate President of Haiti, Bernard Sansaricq, has gone on the
record to testify against Bill and Hillary Clinton.
During a statement, he accused the Clintons of "raping and pillaging the Haitian people."
Addressing the future President at a Trump campaign event in Little Haiti, Florida, Donald Trump gave Sansaricq the opportunity to expose Bill Clinton's attempt to bribe him to sell out the Haitian people who he had taken an oath to protect.
Read more here:
Haiti in upheaval: President Moïse assassinated at home
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) - Gunmen assassinated Haitian President Jovenel Moïse
and wounded his wife in their home early Wednesday, inflicting more chaos on the Caribbean country that was already enduring
gang violence, soaring inflation and protests by opposition supporters who accused the leader of increasing authoritarianism.
Interim Prime Minister Claude Joseph, who confirmed the killing, said the police and military
were in control of security in Haiti, the poorest country in the Americas where a history of dictatorship and political upheaval
have long stymied the consolidation of democratic rule.
Read more here:
America Rewritten | Exclusive
The Constitution of the United States established the American form of government and radically changed the ideas of where the rights of citizens originate. It's founded on the idea that
the role of government is to protect God-given rights.
Yet now, the doctrine
that constitutes America is under assault. Freedom of speech is being worn down through corporate-government censorship, freedom
of belief is being suppressed with lockdowns, the right to bear arms is being called into doubt, and the numerous rights of
Americans are in jeopardy.
As a new narrative is being taught to America's
youth on the founding stories of this country, and as history itself is being rewritten, what does the future hold for America,
once seen as the beacon of freedom and the shining city on the hill?
more here:
The Knockout Blow Against America Has Been Planned For Years:
A Devastating Cyber Attack On The Grid Now More Probable Because 'A Revolution In Military Affairs' Has Weakened Our Traditional
The Barriers To An Intensive Conflict Between
The Superpowers Have Been Lowered
The United States faces imminent
danger from a devastating cyber-attack against its electric power grid. This attack is more probable because a Revolution
in Military Affairs has weakened the deterrence traditionally associated with conventional and nuclear weapons, changed the
escalation ladder, and consequently lowered the barrier to intensive conflict between the superpowers.
A new form of cyber-attack against the electric grid has emerged in the form of a "non-shooting"
war between Nation States. This type of attack might take place between superpowers as something that is short of use of conventional
or nuclear force.
There is a popular myth that cyber weapons can
be made "by any teenager in a basement using software downloaded from the web." This is not at all true if we consider
the target. It is not everyone who can write the specific code needed to disable an electric power grid. Apart from the programming
skills, they need to have superb knowledge of the grid itself, how it works, and the specific equipment being made the target
of the attack. They must understand the operational procedures of the specific facility being targeted.
Read more here:
Gary D. Barnett - Vaccines, Masks & Tests All Contain Graphene
...Concerning this so-called ‘pandemic,' my
position has been that the SARS-CoV-2 or ‘Covid-19' was an excuse ... to instil great fear into the people, so as to
build a system of total control over the masses.
The real bioweapon
evident is the poisonous injection mislabeled as the ‘Covid vaccine,' and the tactics and mandates that have not only
destroyed economic activity, but decimated the health and immune systems of the people at large...
Just recently, reports coming from a team of doctors, scientists, researchers, and professors
from the Spanish organization, La Quinta Columna, have stated emphatically that the highly toxic graphene
oxide is not only present in vials of ‘Covid vaccines' from most all pharmaceutical manufacturers, but is also being
delivered in masks and through ‘Covid' testing.
This is very startling
information, and answers a lot of questions about not only the symptoms present for many, but also may further expose another
part of this nefarious agenda that is depopulation.
Read more here:
China Launched World War III With COVID
The June 2021 SITUATION UPDATE: AMERICANS ARE NOW LIVING UNDER FOREIGN OCCUPATION by Mike Adams, editor of the Natural News site, will come as a shock to most Americans. However, he intends it as a wakeup call because he feels too many Americans
are sleeping through the attacks on our health and our nation now. Adams warns not to get the COVID "vaccines" which
he describes as bioweapons. As shown further below, China is not using the dangerous mRNA COVID shots!
Adams explains that many American politicians and corporations have sold out to China for the money.
He explains that China has conquered the US but is willing to remain behind the scenes
for now. It owns Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Media, most senators and governors, Joe Biden and his son, corporations like Nike,
the NBA, etc. He says that China controlled the 2020 election in various ways.
Read more here:
Remember Event 201? World Economic Forum To Execute "Cyber
Polygon" Drill On Friday - What Kind Of Mind Control Are They Going To Unleash Now?
Cyber Polygon is a unique cybersecurity event that combines the world's largest technical training
exercise for corporate teams and an online conference featuring senior officials from international organizations and leading
corporations. The global elitists are going to test what a massive cyberattack that takes down infrastructure and the power grid worldwide would look like.
Read more here:
Vaccinated Israeli Student Catches COVID from Vaccinated Relative and Then Infects
83 High School Students - But Please Take your Vaccines!
vaccinated Israeli student infected 83 classmates after catching COVID-19 from a vaccinated relative.
Israel is seeing another wave of COVID infections despite it's high number of
A corona outbreak among schoolchildren after a
party in Tel Aviv worries the health authorities in Israel . As the TV broadcaster Channel 12 reports, at least 83 young people
caught the virus at the celebration - all of them with the same classmate. The main worrying thing about the case is the chain
of infection that led to the outbreak.
Read more here:
America Is Failing, Babylon Is Rising?
"Our greatest obstacle to truth / discovery / new understanding, is the presumption that we already
have it." - Chuck Missler
Ten, twenty, thirty,
maybe fifty or one-hundred years ago you could make the argument that America is Babylon. But today? What's even Made in America
today? Signs of decline are everywhere.
Frankly, I never subscribed to
the America is Babylon Theorem. Yet, many see America in the trappings of Babylon as described in the forthtellings of Scripture.
Read more here:
Dr. Peter McCullough describes the experimental Covid-19
jab as "the most lethal, toxic, biologic agent ever to be injected into a human body". And while Chris Hipkins,
Michael Baker and Nikki Turner (who I was just listening to) deceive us about how dangerous this jab is, Hipkins says that
they plan to "go out and find" those of us who do not submit to being injected.
Watch here:
Hobby Lobby Faces Backlash for Ad Declaring America is ‘One Nation Under
Hobby Lobby drew applause and criticism on the Fourth
of July for a holiday-themed newspaper advertisement that cited a Bible verse and said the United States was "One Nation
Under God."
The full-page advertisement ran in newspapers
nationwide but also was available on the company's website. Hobby Lobby, which was founded by a Christian family, has run holiday-themed ads since 1996 and Independence Day ads since
The 2021 ad showed an American flag alongside the phrase "One
Nation Under God" and a verse from Psalm 33:12, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord."
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FDA reverses itself: rejects COVID antibody test results; insanity reigns
Even a robot programmed to "follow the science" would throw up his hands in
despair while reading the latest FDA COVID pronouncement.
After untold
numbers of people have been given antibody tests to determine their COVID status, the FDA now states:
Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a safety communication informing the public
that results from SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests should not be used to evaluate immunity or protection from COVID-19 at any time,
and especially after the person received a COVID-19 vaccination."
more here:
Manitoba municipality declares state of agricultural disaster due to drought,
record-breaking heat
The lack of rain, along with the
heat dome, has been stressing crops and producers in the province
heat, record-breaking temperatures and a lack of rain are pushing some Manitoba farmers over the edge.
The Rural Municipality of St. Laurent, in the Interlake region, declared an agricultural state
of disaster on Monday after weekend temperatures reached the mid-30s C over the weekend.
The municipality says it has received less than 40 per cent of the normal amount of rain so far this year, crop yields
are coming in at excessively low volumes, and dugouts and wells are dry or drying up. Read more
Israel uses first-ever AI drone swarm in battle to hunt down and blitz Hamas terrorists
with NO human input
ISRAEL used the first ever drone swarm deployed
in battle to hunt down Hamas terrorists, it was reported.
The drones have
no human input but instead link together using artificial intelligence to seek out their targets.
Hamas began firing rockets into Israel after protests by Palestinians in May, prompting an 11 day
conflict in which 256 people were killed in Gaza and 13 in Israel.
the violence the Israeli military says that more than 4,300 rockets were fired from Gaza towards towns and cities.
Israel retaliated with air strikes and artillery but didn't deploy ground forces in its
battle with the terrorists.
Read more here:
America stockpiles: Supermarkets buy up to 25% more supplies as they predict inflation
will soar and cost of essentials like bacon and milk rising by up to 14%
Supermarkets have started stockpiling food as inflation rises to its highest level in 13 years and they predict it
will get worse.
Retailers are currently buying up to 25 percent more supplies
than usual ahead of the predicted rise.
Recent data from the US Department
of Agriculture revealed the consumer price index for grocery store and supermarket food purchases was up 0.7 percent in May
compared to May of last year.
Read more here:
Watch here:
We don't need Trump to save America, just Jesus
In this episode of A Stonewall's Perspective, Alex talks about the fact that many Christians have
fallen into idolatry. Many Christians happen to worship either America, or Donald Trump, or both. It is a dangerous thing
that is going on in Christian society today.
If we are going to call ourselves
Christians, our hope should not be in America or in any American president. That was the problem with most Christians when
it came to Donald Trump. They thought that their salvation and the hope was in Donald Trump. It's not! The only salvation
that we have is through Jesus. There is nothing else that can save us.
more here:
The Covid Cult Has Been Slowly Killing America's Economy And There's Not Much
Time Left
Sometimes it's important to step away from a problem
in order to better understand it. I recently went on a trip across the Pacific Northwest to revisit some old stomping grounds
and to take a break from the often disconcerting developments of today's world, at least for a little while. We all need a
vacation from the information war at times, and though I was happy for the rest, I am also happy to be back. After traveling
on the road across four states I was able to gauge the general condition of the US in terms of the social and economic effects
of the pandemic mandates and covid propaganda. I have some good news, and some bad news...
The good news is that the propaganda has not been all that effective in most places. The overall picture looks something
like this:
In the majority of rural and semi-rural areas, as well as cities
in red counties regardless of the state, the majority of people were NOT wearing masks and the bulk of businesses were not
demanding that people wear them. The vaccine ads and propaganda were also at a minimum. This includes Washington State and
Oregon, which have been notorious lately for their draconian restrictions. While Washington has technically lifted mandates
(starting only a couple days ago), the pressure to vaccinate is ever present there. Oregon was the worst state I passed through
in terms of business pressure and mob pressure, but even in most towns I visited the ratio of masked cultists to normal unmasked
people was around 50/50.
Read more here:
The Radical Democrats Are Not Just Content to Ban All Free Speech,
They Have Granted Themselves Permission to Murder Those Who Oppose Their Unconstitutional Policies
On July 5, 2021, dishonored FBI official, McCabe, appeared on CNN and labeled Philly protesters
as "white supremacists". Allegations of racism always leveled against those who have the courage to stated that
the 2020 election was stolen. The Federal government, under Biden, are going much further. If an American speaks out against
government corruption, they will be imprisoned and now we know, thanks to previously released documents,under the Obama administration,
that peacefully protesting against the government can get one killed and that executive action is sanctioned by the federal
The momentum to incarcerate anti-government sympathizers
has been been gaining steam since the Obama administration. The following represents examples of these facts.
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Antifa Explodes In Violence Over Peaceful Protests Against Men Parading Naked
In Front Of Little Girls At Los Angeles Spa After Video Goes Viral
Portland, Seattle, Oakland, Los Angeles, or any of the other liberally run cities that allow their citizens to be terrorized
by Antifa groups, every time a peaceful protest is organized for a protest that Antifa/BLM disagrees with they show up to
These groups certainly get around as there are organized
chapters in multiple liberal cities, which is strange for a group that Democrats, Joe Biden included, call an "idea" but not an organization.
This is America, protesting is a right as is counter-protesting,
but once Antifa gangs show up, the "peaceful" part of those protests disappear as they attack random strangers that
are trying to protest in a peaceful manner.
We and others have documented
this, with eyewitness accounts, local news reports (national news protects, defends and tries to justify Antifa's violence),
and video proof, as we are going to with the events overt the past week.
more here:
Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned to Usher in the New World
Order: We Have Proof That Rothschilds Patented Covid-19 Biometric Tests In 2015 And 2017
It's not disputable, since the information comes from official patent registries
in the Netherlands and US. And we have all the documentation.
we've shown in previous exposes, the whole Covidiocracy is a masquerade and a simulation long prepared by The World Bank / IMF / The
Rothschilds / World Economic Forum (basically the world's "elite", the 0.1%) and their lemmings,
with Rockefeller partnership.
Read more here:
‘President Dementia' Is Getting Worse !!! (Can we
call it a national security crisis yet? The stress that comes with the job of POTUS seems to be accelerating the cognitive
decline of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. at a time when the world is becoming ominously more dangerous.)
Can we call it a national security crisis yet? The stress that comes with the job of POTUS
seems to be accelerating the cognitive decline of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. at a time when the world is becoming ominously
more dangerous. Embarrassing incidents of inappropriate Biden behavior are accumulating, even as the agitprop media begin
publishing material that makes Kamala Harris look unsuitable as a replacement should the 25th Amendment be invoked. Some cynics
believe that the anonymous leaks are being orchestrated in an effort to drive her from office, as happened with
Spiro Agnew before Richard Nixon was driven out of the presidency to be replaced by Gerald Ford, appointed to replace Agnew.
Read more here:
Is COVID a Harbinger of the Zombie Apocalypse?
I know everyone is tired of talking about COVID, but unfortunately, this disease isn't done
with us yet. This entire process has been a living experiment and the virus has been calling the shots.
Our medical community has performed a herculean effort, first in combating the virus with little to no information, then in developing vaccines in record time. But, as I just said,
it's not over yet.
The COVID-19 pandemic seems to be winding down... or
is it? While the numbers have been down here in the USA, India has recently had a massive surge in cases. If things keep going
the way they are over there, chances are pretty good that they're going to surpass us in total confirmed cases of symptomatic
patients. I imagine the final death toll there will be worse than our own, mostly because of the level of medical care. Still,
the advances our medical community has made in understanding this disease and how to treat it should help them out tremendously.
Read more here:
Demons Have A Score To Settle
Before we can delve into the revenge of the demonic we have to start with the church, and when I say church I'm referring
to all denominations, have done a great disservice to God.
Whaaat? Let me explain before you clutch your pearls and
Christ's church was never meant to be divided the way it is today. We have forgotten the simple Gospel. "We
are one body many parts" doesn't mean we are to divide up in beliefs.
One denomination says oh that teaching is
too harsh, we'll teach it this way, or that denomination worships idols or that denomination is too strict, or that denomination
is too weak they don't believe in hell only prosperity. Prophecy is lost in these differences of opinion. That's right its
opinion not sound doctrine.
You get the picture. This division has caused important doctrines and teachings to fall
by the wayside like the bad seed in Christ's parable.
Demons are real. They're not only real They're a clear and present
danger. And they are full speed ahead seeking revenge as their time is short.
more here:
Their Endgame For The Flag, The National Anthem, The Declaration Of Independence
& The Constitution
A huge national debate about our most
important national symbols has erupted, and it is rapidly becoming one of our hottest political issues. But what most
people don't realize is that this isn't really a debate about our past. Rather, it is a debate about what our future
is going to look like. Those that are demonizing the American flag, the national anthem, the Declaration of Independence
and the Constitution are not doing so for the purpose of winning a historical debate. Their true goal is to "cancel"
those symbols and replace them with new ones, because our existing national symbols represent values and principles that are
diametrically opposed to the values and principles that they wish to impose upon society.
If they ultimately get their way, the United States will eventually become an extremely repressive high tech dystopian
society where absolutely no dissent is tolerated. In other words, we would look a whole lot like communist China does
Read more here:
Neurotechnology for National Defense: the U.S. and China
China is better poised to capitalize on disruptive neurotechnologies like brain-computer
interfaces (BCI) for both civilian and military usage, so the U.S. must be prepared for the deployment of these capabilities
in future operating environments.
In the past decade, seven international
actors have launched "Brain Projects" or "Brain Initiatives," including the United States and China. The
U.S. BRAIN Initiative started in 2013 under the Obama administration, and includes plans for $6 billion USD of funding through the year 2025. The China Brain Project was announced three years later in 2016, along with the country's
Thirteenth Five-Year Plan with estimated funding of $1 billion USD through the year 2030.
Read more here:
Oregon's Buckled Roads and Melted Cables Are Warning Signs
Highways and rail lines in the Pacific Northwest were built for a cooler climate. But
the heat wave proved that extreme weather is becoming more common.
week, trapped under a stalled mountain of warm air called a heat dome, the Pacific Northwest got a taste of the future.
On Sunday, as temperatures
hit 105, the concrete beneath State Route 544 outside Everson, Washington, began to do what concrete does when it gets really
hot: It expanded. By 5 pm, the asphalt above it had softened and cracked, leaving a thick, humped seam across two lanes. To
the south, in Portland, Oregon, a road on the northern side of the city seized up around a pothole, leading authorities to
close surrounding streets.
Read more here:
Reset on Your Terms, or be Forced into the "Great Reset" on Theirs
Knowing their mind control over the masses is so perfect that hardly anyone can have a
human reaction to it, the power elite get off on bragging about what they will do to us. Inevitably, when we "right-wing conspiracy theorists" point out the firmly established dystopian nightmare we currently reside in, the response from those masses is to (disingenuously)
ask us for a solution to the problem.
We respond, knowing they're not
really interested in an answer. The basis of the question is merely to suggest there can't be a solution. Outside of the political
processes that have brought us to this terrible state in the first place, that is.
Read more here:
Why Is NASA Working So Hard To Learn How To Defend The Earth From Giant Asteroids?
Did you know that NASA is going to send a spacecraft on a suicide mission in an attempt
to change the trajectory of a massive space rock? The good news is that the space rock that NASA will be crashing this
spacecraft into is not on a collision course with Earth. It is only a test. But why has NASA suddenly become so
concerned with figuring out how to defend the Earth from giant asteroids? Could it be possible that there is something
heading toward Earth in the future that they haven't told us about yet?
to NASA, there are more than 26,000 asteroids that pass near Earth, and more than 2,000 of them are classified as "potentially
dangerous" asteroids.
Read more here:
Dr. Peter McCullough: Covid vaccines are killing babies in the first trimester
at an astonishing rate... an "atrocity" to vaccinate expectant mothers
Dr. Peter McCullough, professor of medicine at Texas A&M, warns against vaccinating pregnant women for covid-19.
He said the covid vaccines are completely unnecessary for pregnant women and are "directly killing babies in the first
Dr. McCullough was recently interviewed by Mike Adams
on Brighteon Conversations. He discussed effective prophylactics, nutraceuticals, treatments and antibody infusions for covid-19. He iterated that these
approaches are successful for the elderly and at-risk populations. And for the majority of people under age 50, he said getting
over covid-19 is a "breeze."
Common sense: Pregnant
women and babies should never get covid vaccines
Read more here:
'They're Driving A Dagger Into The Heart Of America': Manufactured Food And
Supply Chain Crises Pushing Nation To The Breaking Point - Ensure Your Families Survive When SHTF
Expect And Prepare For More Events To Usher In The Globalists End Game
In this Saturday story over at BBC that ANP reader 'Deagle Forum' had posted to this ANP comment section, BBC reported that numerous US companies had just been hit by another 'colossal' cyber-attack, with their story
warning about 200 US businesses had been hit by this latest ransomware attack according to a cyber-security firm.
With that number rising to at least 1,000 according to this story over at the Daily Mail, that DM story also reported Joe Biden is now threatening 'repercussions' against Russia and Vladimir Putin if US
intelligence services determine that Putin and Russia are to blame for these latest rounds of cyber attacks. Though as the two top-voted comments on that story pointed out: "Yeah, I'll bet Putin is really scared of this feeble old man" and "Lord help us with the crazy
in charge in the USA."
Reporting within the BBC story that according to Huntress Labs, the hack targeted a Florida-based IT company called Kaseya before it spread through the
corporate networks that use that software, we're not surprised that they're blaming a Russian gang for this latest attack
that emerged Friday afternoon as companies across the US were clocking off for the long Independence Day weekend.
Read more here:
Rep. Massie: U.S. troops say they will quit if forced to vaccinate
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) launched an effort to prevent forced vaccinations in the military
after a massive outreach by troops. In a tweet on Monday, Massie said Democrats have attacked his recent proposal to ban forced
vaccinations of U.S. troops.
The congressman added he introduced HR 3860
to outlaw vaccine mandates in the military, which has been already back by 24 lawmakers. This came after reports claimed Joe
Biden's Pentagon might require vaccination for U.S. troops by September.
more here:
Using Disaster Capitalism to Control All Humans - Catherine
Austin Fitts
Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary
of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts contends CV19 and vaccines to cure it are all part of the "Going Direct Reset."
Fitts explains, "This is so simple at the root. The central bankers are using the government to shut down the main
street economy, and then they are going direct and injecting money into the private equity firms and Wall Street who are running
around the country buying things. Think of this as a leverage buyout of the world. We are being purchased with
our own money. Also, we are liable. If you look at all the debt the government is issuing, our assets are liable
for that debt. This is a continuation and consolidation of the financial coup that we have been taking about."
Read more here:
This Is What America Will Look Like As a Harris Presidency Becomes a Reality
Harris will soon be in charge and Americans who plan to survive, better have their preps
in order. Time is very short.
The following brief introduction is something
that I am considering placing at the beginning of every article because the following items have changed America forever:
1. Fauci and his NIH/USAID friends conspired with the CHICOMS to bring a deadly
virus to America
2. The virus gave local and state leaders
the ability to violate the Constitutional rights of every American and give government the full authority over what was sovereign
Read more here:
Why Would Anyone Want To Raise A Family In The Midst Of The Extreme Violence That
Is Happening In Our Major Cities?
Things were bad in the 1970s
and 1980s, but what we are witnessing now is truly frightening. According to the New York Times, homicide rates in large U.S. cities were up by an average of 30 percent in 2020, and they are up another 24 percent so far
in 2021. We have never seen this sort of a surge in such a short period of time in our entire history, and this is one
of the reasons why so many Americans have been moving out of our core urban areas in recent months. At this point, you
would have to be insane to actually want to raise a family in many of our largest cities, because nobody is truly safe in
this environment. For example, a one-month-old girl was just shot in the head during "another mass shooting" in the Windy City...
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Giant Swarms Of Grasshoppers That Can Be Seen On Radar Are Devouring Crops All
Over The Western U.S.
I have written about this before, but this
story just got a whole lot stranger. In previous years, most Americans haven't been too concerned when giant swarms
of insects have devoured crops on the other side of the globe, but now this is actually happening right here in the good old
United States of America on a massive scale. The hot, dry conditions in the western half of the nation have created
ideal conditions for grasshoppers to flourish, and millions upon millions of them are now wreaking havoc wherever they go.
In fact, the National Weather Service says that some of the grasshopper swarms are so large that they are showing up on radar...
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Not Content With Just Launching Revolutions Across America,
This Democrat Kingmaker Is Now Gunning For You, Your Property, Your Children And Ultimately, Your Way Of Life
This Is How George Soros Is A One-Man Destabilization Machine
Of course you've heard the name "George Soros," often invoked as a sort of folk demon on the American and international right, it's likely that you have some vague
notion of why you think he's a bad guy, or maybe you think the whole thing is a bunch of hype.
However, if you're a freedom lover, there's nothing "hype" about the influence that George
Soros has around the world attacking your freedom. Indeed, you probably vastly underestimate the influence that he has on
From the perspective of someone who values life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness, there is no more dangerous man today than George Soros. This is not hyperbole, it is the simple
truth. While we don't plan to paint a picture of a man standing behind the scenes, rubbing his hands together and cackling
as he plays puppet master over each and every attack on freedom around the world, Soros acts as a strawman and a caricature
of what is actually going on in the world.
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The real reason they're pushing vaccines so hard is both ludicrous and terrifying
J. D. Rucker, writing at provides food for thought to those who are suspicious of why the vaccines are being pushed so hard. He writes:
When writing an opinion piece with a "reveal," it behooves authors to build
up to their climax in which they announce their profound findings in or near their article's conclusion. In this case, I'm
supposed to set up my "reveal" of the real reason they're pushing vaccines so hard. I'm choosing to explain what
it is first, then I will demonstrate why this is not only true but also ludicrous and very concerning.
The answer is annoyingly simple on the surface, but when we dig into the motives of those who are
actually in power over this situation, we realize just how complex it all is. They - government et al - are pushing the Covid-19
vaccines with everything they have because they're being told to do so. See, simple. Of course, the first question that people
will ask is "Who is telling them to do it?" The second question would be "Why?" And that's where it all
gets complicated.
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Israeli doctors develop ‘pig-human' hybrid organ for transplant
There have been many attempts to implant animal organs in humans, however there
have been very acute rejections.
A team of Israeli researchers
have developed a hybrid organ - an organ from a pig with "human" blood vessels - that they believe could help alleviate
the shortage of transplant organs.
There have been many attempts to implant animal organs in humans but this has largely been unsuccessful, mostly due to acute rejections, explained Dr. Shahar Cohen of Beilinson
Hospital, whose team developed the hybrid organ.
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European Union's LGBT ‘Colonialism' Threatens Our Way of Life, Says Orbán
The push from European Union figures to encroach on Hungary's education system through
LGBT diktats threatens the country's way of life, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has warned.
Striking back against woke threats from the likes of Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte and other EU leaders, Viktor Orbán said that Hungary must stand
up for self-determination, particularly when it comes to the education of children.
"They behave like colonialists. They want to dictate what laws should take effect in another country, they want
to tell us how to live our lives and how to behave," the Hungarian leader said of the EU leaders.
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MREs Are Fine Dining Compared To What Troops Ate In The Revolutionary War
Despite being nearly inedible, the preserved foods carried by the Continental
Army helped ensure victory over the British in the Revolutionary War.
It's nearly July 4th, happy birthday America! As we all celebrate Independence Day in our own ways, it's important
to remember the brave men and women who made immense sacrifices during the American Revolution. Like in any conflict, soldiers
fighting for American independence saw their share of hardships and horrors. The Revolutionary War in
many ways was a testing ground for a variety of new heavy weaponry, small arms, and even naval mines that would lead to new levels of destruction and change warfare forever. Aside from these advances in weapons, it also brought
about another major sea change in terms of how armies wage war: the reliance on preserved foods that could be carried by soldiers
and last for extended periods of time. One of the many firsts the war for American independence brought about was U.S. soldier
ration requirements, established by a Congressional Resolution in 1775.
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Chicago Restaurants Blame COVID For $100 Minimum Per Person Just To Get A Table
This is insanity, driving local public outrage and vows to avoid these establishments:
high-end restaurants in Chicago are still blaming COVID social distancing polices for a strictly enforced policy of a
$100 minimum for each person to dine.
Chicago man was outraged when he was faced with a minimum payment to eat at a restaurant, and he thinks the rule should
go away now that the city is opening back up," a local CBS affiliate reports. But the rule isn't going away, many restaurants say while claiming the continued requirement is toward ensuring operations
are in line with COVID-related health and distancing measures.
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Here's Where World's Richest Are Mooring Superyachts
After a year-long superyacht depression during the virus pandemic, economies and borders are reopening, and it appears the wealthiest are mooring their yachts
in Greece.
According to Bloomberg, at least 194 superyachts are moored off the county's shores as of June 25. That's an increase of more than 80 last month
as the Mediterranean Sea summer season begins.
In yellow are superyacht
positions with clusters throughout the Mediterranean. Many are spotted across the coast of Italy, bordering the Ligurian and
Tyrrhenian seas. There's also a bunch in the Adriatic Sea, along with a massive cluster off Greece.
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China makes its move on Afghanistan: Beijing prepares to
fill the vacuum left by Biden's premature military exit from the nation with $62B investment plan for its 'Belt and Road'
While American troops were leaving their main military
base in Afghanistan on Friday, China was already preparing to enter the war-torn country to fill the vacuum left by U.S. and NATO troops.
Authorities in Kabul are considering extending a
$62 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) as part of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
First launched in 2013 by Chinese president Xi Jinping, and written into the Chinese constitution in 2017, it is billed by Beijing officials as a global infrastructure development
fund which aims to better connect China to the rest of the world.
more here:
Food Riots Coming!!! When Trouble Comes to Your Door Will
You Be Part of the 10% Who Know What to Do?
In the past week,
I have seen more ignorance, unwarranted bravado, more stupidity and more cognitive dissonance than I have ever seen in the
17 years that I have been covering the nefarious activities of those who want to kill you, or will turn you into a slave.
Modestly, the size of my audience is significant. I realize that
my experience and acquired knowledge cannot save everyone. Many people have a psychological makeup that severely inhibits
there ability to survive in a crisis.
Ubiquitous research tells us that
only 10% of the population can function during a crisis and the average time you have to make a decision is three to five
seconds. Here is a scenario that will illustrate what it is I am talking about. You are running for a your life with your
family and a close friend. A bullet strikes your friend in the thigh and he collapse on the ground. What would you do, you
have three seconds starting right!
more here:
Are bread riots coming to America?
When people go hungry and the government refuses to help, sometimes they get mad
Over the last week, just under 1 million people filed for ordinary unemployment benefits, plus another half-million under the special pandemic unemployment program for people
who don't ordinarily qualify, a substantial decline from some of the numbers seen since the beginning of the pandemic. At
this rate, by mid-September or so, new unemployment claims will be merely as bad as they were during the worst of the Great
Those unemployment benefits, however, because this country
has systematically stripped and sabotaged its safety net, are extremely meager and often nearly impossible to actually get.
Hundreds of thousands of private citizens who have lost their jobs are flocking to Reddit for help and advice, as state unemployment bureaucracies are so janky and swamped they often can't deal with the flood of
Read more here:
As Americans Party, Our Enemies On The Other Side Of The Globe Are Preparing For
Military Confrontation
(OPINION) - Here in the middle of 2021,
Americans are generally feeling pretty good about things. The COVID pandemic appears to be subsiding, our sports stadiums
are full of fans again, the stock market has been soaring, and all over the country people are in the mood to party. In fact,
July 4th celebrations across the nation are likely to be quite boisterous this year. But in China the mood is quite different,
and the same thing is true in Russia.
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In 2009 David Wilkerson saw major riots and fires coming to America
(OPINION) ETH - In 2009 the late David Wilkerson, whom I believe was
a modern-day prophet of our generation saw what may be unfolding in America as we speak. The following is a statement made
by Wilkerson and has been confirmed and documented in videos and blogs.
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Border Patrol Whistleblower: Overflow Migrants Being Moved
To Military Bases
The US government is once again housing
overflow migrants at military bases.
Watch here:
How continued food shortages
and rising prices are impacting local restaurants
has been a nightmare in terms of pricing and shortage," one food truck owner said.
As the economy slowly comes back to life, food and supply shortages have seeped into almost every
aspect of the restaurant industry. Starbucks has reported a shortage of cups, straws, and peach-flavored juice. Ketchup packets are hard to find. And with most items, a dearth in supply has led to skyrocketing prices, leading some restaurants to increase prices on their
own menu.
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Swedish Coop supermarkets shut due to US ransomware cyber-attack
Some 500 Coop supermarket stores in Sweden have been forced to close due to an
ongoing "colossal" cyber-attack affecting organisations around the world.
Coop Sweden says it closed more than half of its 800 stores on Friday after point-of-sale tills and self-service
checkouts stopped working.
The supermarket was not itself targeted by
hackers - but is one of a growing number of organisations affected by an attack on a large software supplier the company uses
Cyber researchers say about 200 businesses have been hit by
this "colossal" ransomware attack, which had mainly affected the US.
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Dollar And Other Currencies Crashing Into The Abyss, Gold & Silver Will Be
Lifesavers But There Will Be One Big Surprise
Egon von
Greyerz at Matterhorn Asset Management (based in Switzerland): Was Richard Nixon
a real gold friend who understood the futility of tying a weakening dollar to gold which is the only currency that has survived
in history?
So was Nixon actually
the instigator of the movement to FreeGold?
I doubt it.
He was just another desperate leader who was running out of real money and needed to create unlimited amounts of fiat money.
Although his fatal decision to close the gold window was clearly the beginning of the end of the current monetary system.
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Tyson Foods recalls 8.5M pounds of chicken amid possible listeria outbreak
Tyson Foods is recalling nearly 8.5 million pounds of chicken amid a possible listeria
The company said in a statement that it is issuing the recall out of an "abundance of caution" amid possible exposure to Listeria monocytogenes,
which is a harmful bacteria.
"While there is no conclusive
evidence that the products were contaminated at the time of shipment, the voluntary recall is being initiated out of an abundance
of caution," the company said.
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Spain's Proposed 'National Security Law' Would Allow Seizure Of Citizens' Property
During Health "Crisis"
The prominent Spanish daily El
País is reporting a hugely alarming scenario in which Spain's central government is mulling a national mobilization
and "security law" which would compel citizens to "temporarily" give up their rights in instances
of future public health crises or emergencies such as happened with the coronavirus pandemic.
The law is currently at the level of a mere proposal but worrisomely it would elevate matters of
public health to the level of 'national security' - as El País spells out based on a translation
of its reporting: "Any person of legal age shall be obliged to carry out the 'personal obligations' required by the competent authorities,
following the guidelines of the National Security Council, when a state of crisis is declared in Spain. In this case,
all citizens without exception must comply with the orders and instructions issued by the authorities."
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Cyprus forest fires - Four dead as ‘most destructive'
infernos in island's history burn down homes and scorch landscape
has swept across Cyprus as the "most destructive" forest fires in the island's history burned down houses and scorched
the landscape.
At least four people have died in the raging infernos which
covered 19 square miles in the foothills of the Trodos mountain range in the west of popular holiday island in the Mediterranean.
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SUMMONING THE GREAT DELUSION! Suddenly Leading Organizations
In 2014, former president Bill Clinton talked about
the possible existence of alien species out there in the ever-expanding universe. He finished the interview with a curious
sentiment. "It may be the only way to unite this increasingly divided world of ours," he said. And by "it"
he meant an alien invasion from outer space. This was not the first time this notion was put forward by a major political
leader. Thirty years earlier, in his address to the United Nations General Assembly in 1987, President Ronald Reagan said:
"I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside
of this world." These sentiments all stem from the fact that countries, societies, and communities are getting increasingly
polarized. And the future looks bleak too. Those who govern us, often find it effective to break us up strategically to conquer
our attention, loyalty, and votes. Social media and online networks seem to be using our own psychological tendencies to exacerbate
and calcify the divides to gain more users, views, and profits. It seems that we are not able to naturally reverse this tide.
So, before we further turn on each other, could a strictly external, common adversary do the trick? The fantastical unifying
effect of an alien invasion? (READ MORE)
THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION-PART 30: Berserkers And The Coming Eschatological Judgment
Of God
In the last entry we introduced the fantastical observation
of UFO Berserkers. Originally, Berserkers were legendary Norse warriors who fought with a notorious, trance-like fury, a distinction that subsequently
inspired the English word "berserk."[i] While employed with creative license, the Berserker name was recently enlisted by writer Fred Saberhagen for a series of
science-fiction short stories and novels. In his apocalyptic tales, the Berserkers are self-replicating flying machines sent
to destroy all life on Earth. We think it not by chance that these biomechanical entities find functional parallels with the
demonic locust hordes predicted in biblical prophecy (Joel 2 c.f. Revelation 9). We are not the first to suggest a connection
between these insectoid instruments of divine judgment and the UFO phenomenon.
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Des Moines faces extreme measures to find clean water
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - In the dim light just after dawn, Bill Blubaugh parks his Des
Moines Water Works pickup truck, grabs a dipper and a couple plastic bottles and walks down a boat ramp to the Raccoon River,
where he scoops up samples from a waterway that cuts through some of the nation's most intensely farmed land.
Each day the utility analyzes what's in those samples and others from the nearby Des Moines
River as it works to deliver drinking water to more than 500,000 people in Iowa's capital city and its suburbs.
"Some mornings walking down, it smells like ammonia," he said. "It's concerning.
I'm down here every morning and care about the water."
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The Top Ten Reasons It Does Not Feel Like the 4th of July
Are you like me in that you are having a difficult time trying to decide what to for the
4th of July holiday? Do you feel like me and feel that we don't have a lot to celebrate given the present state of affairs?
Because I have a family I will watch the fireworks for their sake and then I will silently
say a prayer in which I ask God to bring us a generation of brave Americans who can emulate the deeds of our Founding Fathers
instead of the criminals we now have who are destroying the country. However, I must confess that it just does not feel like
it is the 4th of July. We have squandered the greatest gift ever bestowed upon a people.
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China Has Already Launched War Upon America But Most Still Don't
See It! It Will Be Far To Late To Prepare For Those Who Wait Until The Bombs Start Falling And The Invasion Begun
China's war against America has already started; however, the bombs have not been released- yet; but the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is serious and has plans to conquer
America. World domination has been their vision for almost a hundred years and still is as the CCP celebrates its 100th anniversary
this month. Last Thursday, Communist Butcher-in-chief Xi Jinping promised to bash any nation that threatened China's sovereignty
or threatened reunification with Taiwan.
What will Biden do when
China takes Taiwan? According to his emails, Hunter Biden has had a longtime lucrative business relationship with the commies.
(Been a long time since you've read that word.)
Fools, simpletons,
and traitors ridicule the possibility of war and suggest such talk is divisive, dangerous, and destructive to a happy, cooperative,
and safe society. They are wrong. China entered the 21st century as a benevolent giant trying to get along with everyone,
so we are told. China makes its own people get along-or else.
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US priest: Exorcisms on the rise as demons now haunt victims by
This was the Evil One, all right.
As Monsignor Stephen Rossetti watched the man in front of him, he saw his blue eyes turn
yellow and the pupils shrink down to mere dots. They looked, Rossetti said, precisely like the eyes of a hissing snake.
But the monsignor knew what it really was: The man's altered appearance convinced him
for a fact that the man was possessed by a demon.
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1-Month-Old Baby Among 130+ Shot in Chicago This Week As
DHS & FBI Stay Focused On ‘White Extremists'
Wednesday, the Department of Homeland Security under Alejandro Mayorkas leaked yet another "internal bulletin" fearmongering about how "white extremists" may be planning
to carry out mass shootings in the run up to July 4th.
authorities are deeply concerned about the possibility of domestic terror and violence, including mass shootings, as the Fourth
of July holiday approaches and the summer season gets fully underway," ABC News said.
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"It's Too Late To Save Christmas": Retailers Brace
For Unprecedented Shortages Of Everything
... suppliers to Walmart,
Target, and other major retailers told Reuters they are placing holiday orders for Chinese-made merchandise weeks
much earlier this year, as a global shipping backlog threatens to leave many gift buyers empty-handed this Christmas shopping
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Agency Seeks Public Comments on How Much Americans Trust Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is NOT fail-safe - hence
the creation of an A.I. "Hall of Shame" with a backlog of submissions that still need to be processed. In fact, complaints about Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)
algorithm inaccuracies and misuse are reported fairly often (see 1, 2, 3, 4).
Warnings about A.I. and robots replacing human jobs are also reported
fairly often (see 1, 2, 3). Amazon has been criticized for using this technology to fire flex workers as well. Even though a 2019 survey already revealed that 82% of Americans believed that A.I. was more harmful than helpful, one agency wants to know how much Americans trust it. Maybe it's
because President Biden recently committed to incorporating more A.I. into our lives. Of course, "Without trust...adoption of AI will
slow or halt."
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The USA Is No Longer America, Those Who Rally Behind The
Modern Concept Of America Rally Behind A Façade
Many of
us in the liberty movement find ourselves searching for a distinct root cause of the trials and tribulations of American culture
- the Holy Grail catalyst that, if unraveled, would save this country and heal the septic wounds covering the landscape of
our hobbled society. The obvious answer would be to remove the global elites who are poisoning the well from the picture entirely.
Yes, this has to be done eventually. However, we must also identify how those elites have been able to so thoroughly con the
masses of this nation for so long.
What inherent weakness has made us
susceptible to manipulation? For this question, there are NO easy answers. But, if I had to choose one single frailty of our
collective psyche as paramount to our downfall, I would say that Americans most of all are confounded by their own patriotism.
We often embrace the ideal without knowing what it really means.
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Trump says "one of my greatest achievements is explaining to people that
the media in this country is corrupt"
During a fiery campaign
style speech Saturday in Sarasota, Florida, former President Trump said "I think one of my greatest achievements
is explaining to people that the media in this country is corrupt and it's corrupt. It's going to go down as one of my greatest
Trump then took aim at CNN. Discussing one of
Biden's recent speeches, Trump said "He had a hard time with the speech. He was stumbling a lot...a lot of bad
things were happening with that speech, and I said, that's really sad. And then I turned on MSDNC and CNN, I just wanted to
see what they thought. And they go, uh, this was one of the truly great speeches of our time. You know, FDR? A lot of people
here might not like FDR, but he was a great, elegant speaker, right? ‘The only thing you have to fear is fear itself.'
Remember how beautiful the words were so beautiful? The voice was so beautiful. The brain actually worked well. It was a good
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Face Masks Cause Children to Inhale Dangerous Levels of Carbon Dioxide at SIX
TIMES the Safe Limit, Study Finds
New research published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) has found that wearing a face mask causes children to inhale
dangerous levels of carbon dioxide that becomes trapped behind the mask.
peer-reviewed research letter from Dr Harald Walach and colleagues found that the air masked children inhaled contained more
than six times the legal safe limit for closed rooms as set down by the German Federal Environmental Office. The safe limit
is 0.2%, whereas the air the masked children inhaled contained over 1.3% carbon dioxide.
Read more here:
Enjoy July 4 this Sunday. It might be the last one.
Yes, really. The Fourth of July is no longer an event to be celebrated. It has become a day of shame
and remorse. On that day a systemic racist country was created that brought slavery and oppression to blacks. The Founding
Fathers created the Constitution in order to legitimize slavery. Don't just take it from me. To confirm that July 4 is a day
of infamy just consult the New York Times' 1619 Project, CNN, NPR, the critical race theory taught in your local school system,
and in your son or daughter's university or ask Kamala or Biden.
the solution was restitution. The US government was to turn over buckets full of white taxpayers' money to blacks to compensate
them for a labor system that ended 156 years ago. But today that doesn't suffice. Restitution alone doesn't fix the problem
of systemic racism, that is, the fact that every white person is a racist by virtue of skin color. If you are white, you are
racist by definition. This problem can only be solved by "eliminating whiteness."
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Mandatory Vaccinations For Army: This Is What The Corrupt
Do When They Lose The Narrative - They Attempt To Force Compliance!
me start this off with a statement that may make it too simple for some people to understand. These deranged criminals and
their minions that are behind this plandemic, you know the ones that are selling you the fear in hopes that you will succumb
to their remedies (Isaiah 5:20), they do not believe in what they are trying to sell you and for a majority of the American
people that can see this for what it is, they all the while know that it is a massive criminal conspiracy (Jeremiah 11:9),
just ask them.
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Most Americans think intelligent aliens exist, and half
think they have visited Earth
For the last few weeks, the imminent
release of a U.S. intelligence report on unidentified flying objects (UFOs) had stirred excitement across the United States. So it's not surprising to find that
most Americans believe in intelligent life inhabiting other worlds, according to a survey conducted before the report was
made public on June 25.
Approximately 65% of Americans concur that extraterrestrials
exist, and about 51% say that UFO sightings reported by members of the U.S. military represent visits from intelligent aliens, according to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan think tank in Washington, D.C.
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Exclusive - J.D. Vance on July 4: Leftists ‘Are Trying
to Make Us Hate our History'
Leftists want Americans to hate
their own country ahead of Independence Day, J.D. Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis and Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate seat from Ohio, said on Friday's edition of SiriusXM's Breitbart News
Daily with host Alex Marlow.
Democrats and the broader left frame
the United States as a nation born in sin in need of political salvation through leftist ideology, Vance observed.
"What I really hate about what the left is doing right now is ... that they're trying
to make us hate our history," Vance remarked. He determined that left-wing historical revisionism is not done in good
faith "to learn lessons from our history."
A unifying affectionate
view of national history facilitates social cohesion and healthy functioning, Vance held.
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Radio Host Says ‘Burn the Churches Down' as More Church
Fires Reported
A Canadian radio personality called for the burning
of churches, as news outlets have reported more Catholic and Anglican churches being burned in parts of the country,
primarily on First Nations reserves.
Radio host Nesta Matthews, who presents
a morning programme for The Wave radio station in Saint John, New Brunswick, called for the burning of churches and for arrests in response to unmarked graves being found
at Canadian residential schools on First Nations reserves.
"215 broke
my heart, 751 has me shattered & furious," Matthews wrote in response to the 251 children said to have been discovered in Kamloops, British Columbia, and the 751 unmarked graves said to have been found in the Cowessess First Nation in Saskatchewan.
more here:
As This Psyop Of Epic Proportions Upon Americans And The
World Hits Its Next Stage, Be Prepared For What's To Come As The 'Conspirators' Tighten The Screws
If anyone needed another picture of what 'tomorrow' may be bringing to America
and the world, we get it in several recent stories out over just the last few days. While we'd reported in this June 14th ANP story the globalists were giving us a hint of what was ahead by their claiming the 'Delta variant' of Covid would
soon be the newest 'deadly scourge upon America', as the Gateway Pundit reports in this new story that Steve Quayle linked to on his website Friday morning, Biden's White House is now deploying 'Delta Variant Response Teams' across the US to communities
with low vaccination rates in response to 'Delta'.
present-day America conjuring up visions to refugees from socialist nations of the hellholes they escaped from, are the 'door to door death squads' of totalitarian regimes of the past in our futures? As the Gateway Pundit story reported, those 'response teams' will consist of officials
from the CDC, Department of Health and Human Services and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
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Putin's 'City-Killer': Russia Launches World's Largest Nuclear-Armed
It's being popularly dubbed "Putin's city-killer" - and is also being widely acknowledged as the largest submarine
in the world to be built for 30 years: Russian Navy's 'Special Mission' K-329 Belgorod has been put to
see for the first time within the past days, undergoing sea trials.
at 178 meters (584 feet) long and about 15 meters (49 feet) across, it's twice the size of the UK Royal Navy's largest submarines,
but more impressively is equipped with AI-guided nuclear tipped underwater drones which according to one prominent Western source are capable of hitting coastal targets lying 6,000 miles away.
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Bread and Circuses - US Households Increase Debt in Wealth
Destroying Areas: Mortgage Debt Holds Steady since 2008 while Debt in Auto Loans, Student Loans, and Credit Cards Reach Record
Americans for the most part generate their wealth via
owning homes. Yet many younger Americans are having a tough time buying a home because of a crowding out effect from investors largely from Wall Street. I'll start this post with some telling data: In 2008 US households had about $10 trillion
in mortgage debt. Today it is $10.49 trillion for an increase of 4.9% over 13 years. Non-housing debt which is tied to wealth
destroying items like cars, credit cards, and education (for some degrees) went from $2.64 trillion in 2008 to $4.14 trillion
in 2021 (a 56.8% increase in the same 13 years). This is an important data point to understand since not all debt is bad.
Getting a mortgage might be good since it forces you to save into your home which generally increases in price over time.
However a car, credit cards to buy "stuff", or getting a degree in a non-competitive major for $55,000 a year is
all "bad" debt. You essentially have an item that goes down in value over time. So let us look at this data carefully.
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Wildfires raging in western Canada are creating 'fire-breathing' thunderstorms
Raging wildfires in British Columbia are combining with record heat to create ferocious
vertical 'fire clouds' that generate their own weather.
More than 100
wildfires are burning across the region, which is facing a record-breaking heatwave.
After hitting 116 degrees Fahrenheit on Sunday and 118 on Monday, the thermometer peaked in Lytton, British Columbia,
on Tuesday at 121.3 degrees, the highest on record in Canada. (The previous high was a mere 113 degrees.)
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This Document Will Remove All Doubt That Concentration Camps Await All Patriotic
I realize that I am writing for a new generation of
recently awakened Americans. Some of the veterans will roll their eyes and proclaim that they are already aware of the threat.
However, I would ask for patience because most Americans are grossly unaware that our nation has been taken over by Bolshevik
Communists. The roundups and executions are coming! How do know? The following documents make it clear what is coming. Further,
anyone with any sense of history knows that communists like to round up people and execute them. That's what communists do.
The demonic spirits of Hitler, Mao and Stalin loom large over an unsuspecting America.
Over the past 18 months, I have received numerous invitations to appear on radio programs and to speak at select
conferences on the topic of CHICOM soldiers that are both in our country and just on the other side of the border. Prior to
18 months ago, I was scorned, ridiculed and mocked for my statements regarding the disposition of Chinese and Russian troops
and the threat they posed to America. And if the truth be told, Steve Quayle wasactually the first to reveal this threat to
Read more here:
5 Signs That Show That The Depravity In America Has Reached An Entirely New Level
No matter how bad things get in this country, you can rest assured that we will always
find a way to sink even lower. From the very lowest levels of society all the way to the very highest levels of society,
the level of depravity that we are now witnessing all around us is absolutely stunning. At this point, most Americans
do not have any sort of a solid moral foundation, and it shows. Everyone is just basically doing whatever seems right
in their own eyes, and that has resulted in complete and utter chaos. We are a very, very sick nation, and we are getting
even sicker with each passing day. Let me give you five examples of what I am talking about...
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Biden blames GUNS for surge in crime: President announces
crackdown on gun dealers and mocks Second Amendment by saying you need 'nuclear weapons' to take on the government
President Biden warned Americans to brace for a summer of violence as this year's pandemic
reopening would exaggerate the usual seasonal increase in attacks as he on Wednesday laid out plans to tackle the country's
'epidemic' of violent crime.
But his proposals to focus on dealers rather than criminals and
his mockery for gun advocates brought a rapid backlash from Republicans who accused him of bowing to his parties radical wing.
He promised 'zero tolerance' for dealers who break the rules but also mocked Americans
who believe they need firearms to protect their rights from the government.
more here:
'The government is not being transparent about the risks':
Inventor of MRNA vaccines says people should not be forced to take experimental COVID vaccines because risks aren't known
and under 18s and those who've had virus shouldn't take it
inventor of mRNA vaccines said 'the government is not being transparent about the risks' of the COVID-19 vaccine after YouTube deleted a video where he discussed potential risks for young adults and teens.
Dr. Robert Malone, who invented the mRNA technology that's now being used in the COVID-19
vaccine, told Fox's Tucker Carlson on Wednesday night that there isn't enough data about the risks for these age groups and
doesn't believe they should be forced to get vaccinated.
Read more here:
Russia will directly bomb HMS Defender if it sails too close to
Crimea again, its deputy foreign minister warns as MP Tobias Ellwood says tensions could spiral into an actual engagement
after Black Sea stand-off
A top Russian official has warned British
warships could be bombed the next time they sail too close to Crimea after warning shots were fired at HMS Defender on Wednesday.
The British Type 45 destroyer sailed within the 12-mile limit of Crimea near Cape
Fiolent in the Black Sea which Russia claims as its own territory but the West sees as international waters.
the flashpoint, which saw 20 Su-24s buzzing over the Royal Navy vessel, Russia's deputy foreign minister Sergey Ryabkov warned:
'What can we do? We can appeal to common sense, demand respect for international law.
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Toxic Corporations Are Destroying the Planet's Soil
A newly published analysis in the journal Frontiers in Environmental Science argues that a toxic soup of insecticides, herbicides and fungicides is
causing havoc beneath fields covered in corn, soybeans, wheat and other monoculture crops. The research is the most comprehensive
review ever conducted on how pesticides affect soil health.
The study
is discussed by two of the report's authors, Nathan Donley and Tari Gunstone, in a recent article appearing on the Scientific American website.
Read more here:
‘They're everywhere': Drought brings plague of voracious
grasshoppers to parts of U.S. West
A punishing drought in the
U.S. West is drying up waterways, sparking wildfires and leaving farmers scrambling for water. Next up: a plague of voracious
Federal agriculture officials are launching what could become
their largest grasshopper-killing campaign since the 1980s amid an outbreak of the drought-loving insects that cattle ranchers
fear will strip bare public and private rangelands.
Read more here:
Western US is a tinderbox waiting to explode after record
heat and the worst drought in potentially 1,200 YEARS could spell disaster with threats of wildfires, water shortages and
The dual threats of heat and drought could spell disaster
for communities along the US west coast, as the region faces the potential for record temperatures this weekend and more in
store for the summer.
With a heat wave gripping much of the region for
over the past week, the threat for wildfires, blackouts and water shortages only increases as it experiences its worst drought
in 20, and potentially even 1,200 years if it continues, and even hotter conditions are expected for this weekend.
Already, temperatures have reached 116 degrees in Las Vegas and 115 degrees in Phoenix. On Thursday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a statewide emergency, warning that the state's power grid was under stress due to the heat, and
called on residents to conserve electricity.
Read more here:
Meet The One Chipmaker The Entire World Is Now Depending On
There is no doubt about it: Taiwan Semiconductor has emerged as the world's most important
And now, in the midst of a global semiconductor shortage, it
is becoming clear exactly how important the company's dominance has been.
Not only has TSMC made headlines for proposing to expand production into the United States, as we have documented numerous times, but now it is making headlines for how it has become the center of the semiconductor world - and how that can leave the
world vulnerable.
Read more here:
Sexy Beasts trailer reveals new Netflix dating show, and
you kinda just have to see it
You couldn't make it up. Except
that's exactly what they've done.
I could try to explain Netflix's dating
series Sexy Beasts, but it's probably better if you just watch the trailer, OK?
Sexy Beasts is a reality show in which singletons go on dates to meet their soulmate. But to make sure they're focusing
on personality rather than looks, the twist is that both lovelorn singles are decked out in high-quality prosthetics to look
like colorful animals, aliens and, um, possibly sea creatures?
Read more
Kudos to WSJ Editors for Publishing Op-Ed Saying ‘Politics'
Not Science Behind Failure to Acknowledge COVID Vaccine Risks
an op-ed published June 22, two physicians said the "large clustering" of side effects following COVID vaccines
is "concerning," and the "silence around these potential signals of harm reflects the politics surrounding
COVID-19 vaccines."
The Defender is experiencing censorship
on many social channels. Be sure to stay in touch with the news that matters by subscribing to our top news of the day. It's free.
Kudos to the editors of the Wall Street
Journal, which on Tuesday published an op-ed by two physicians who said politics - not science - is behind the failure of health officials and the media to fully inform
the public about the potential risks associated with COVID vaccines.
more here:
UNHINGED Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark A. Milley
GOES OFF During Testimony - Blames "White Rage" for Jan. 6 Attacks - Brags About Reading Marx and Lenin (VIDEO)
The leaders of the US military under Biden are unhinged and frightening, not to
our enemies but to Americans.
They are pushing the crazed
critical race theory among the troops instead of reiterating the proud history of a great nation. They brag about reading
Karl Marx.
As we reported, Matt Gaetz grilled Secretary of Defense
Lloyd Austin today on the racist training he is pushing in the military through his crazed advisors and policies.
Read and watch here:
'Change course or I'll FIRE': Astonishing threat Russian
ship made to HMS Defender as video shows one of Putin's attack jets flying over Royal Navy warship 'after dropping bombs in
its path' as it sailed past Crimea
This is the moment a Russian
jet buzzed low over HMS Defender as it sailed past Crimea on Wednesday, before warning shots and bombs were allegedly fired
in the Royal Navy destroyer's path after it was accused of crossing into territorial waters.
The British Type 45 destroyer was told, 'If you don't change course I'll fire,' after it entered the 12-mile
limit of Crimea's territorial waters near Cape Fiolent in the Black Sea.
boasted that an Su-24 dropped four bombs in the vessel's path after it refused to back down and warning shots were fired from
their patrol ship, but Britain has flatly denied the claims, saying the destroyer stayed in international waters and no shots
were fired.
Read more here:
What Would Happen If We Lost The Internet For A Lengthy
Period Of Time, I Reached A Strange But Compelling Conclusion: The Food Distribution System Would Collapse!
Currently, about 14% of the value of all U.S. purchases is cash. The
other 86% is credit cards, checks, and a few other instruments (e.g. gift cards, cryptocurrency). In the current system, the
authorization of credit cards and checks is done over the internet. Without the internet, stores will not be able to accept
credit cards. They can't call in for authorization. And they probably don't have any of those plastic machines that make an
imprint of the card. Even if they did, fraud will increase at any store that accepts credit cards without getting authorization
for the purchase. And credit card companies might not even accept the purchase without authorization.
Can't the company give authorization numbers by phone? No. They are not set up to do that anymore.
They don't have the personnel. Their system is not geared for phone authorizations in large numbers. And it would slow purchases too much at the stores. So that means no credit card purchases as the grocery store, if the net
goes down.
Read more here:
New Delta Virus Variant Escalates Lockdowns
According to the regional director of the European office of the World Health Organization, Hans
Henri Kluge, a new coronavirus variant called "Delta" (its scientific name being B.1.617.2 and originating in India)
is "poised to take hold" in Europe, which may necessitate renewed lockdowns.1
In a June 10, 2021, article, The Hill reported that the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant "can spread
quickly and infect those who have received one of two vaccine doses at higher rates than the fully vaccinated."2
According to Kluge, Europe is facing the same situation as they did back in the winter
of 2020, when cases rapidly rose, resulting in "a devastating resurgence, lockdowns and loss of life." "Let's
not make that mistake again," Kluge said during the press conference.
more here:
have been given documents from the United Nations which discusses UN troops training on American soil. I am in the process
of preparing a series of presentations which will demonstrate the role that the United Nations will play in the final takedown
of America. As a prelimary to the release of these controversial documents, I thought it prudent to prepare where we are presently
at with the UN threat before reporting on the depth of the dangers that are coming our way from the United Nations.
Read more here:
U.S. Now Has 150 Million Fully "Vaccinated" Americans
The United States hit a new milestone. Over 150 million Americans are now fully
"vaccinated" with the COVID-19 jab, according to the White House.
the fear-mongering over the "delta variant" has worked to convince some holdouts, or perhaps that number is up as
the U.S. begins giving shots to children as young as 12. Either way, we are quickly approaching the halfway mark.
Roughly 46 percent of U.S. residents have completed their vaccination schedule, but that's still not good enough for the ruling class. That's way below the 70 to 90 percent inoculation rate that
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, has said is needed to achieve herd immunity, according to a
report by the Washington Post.
Read more here:
Americans Must Understand The Frankfurt School To Understand
'Critical Race Theory': We're Now Witnessing 'Marxism' In Its Most Basic Forms - Anti-Christian Propaganda And Hatred
In the obviously biased opinion in Wikipedia, the definition of White Privilege includes this snippet "Some scholars say that the term uses the concept of "whiteness"
as a proxy for class or other social privilege or as a distraction from deeper underlying problems of inequality. Others state that
it is not that whiteness is a proxy but that many other social privileges are interconnected with it, requiring complex and
careful analysis to identify how whiteness contributes to privilege."
To a large extent, I agree that is what the argument is and what those proxies and/or "social privileges"
may be. Most definitions of it are linked to historical functions of European immigration to the North American continent
in some form or the other. The term "unconscious bias" is also used a lot.
In the Cut Jib Newsletter this statement makes a better claim;
"Huh? So "White Privilege" is bad but Non-White
Privilege" is good?
Read more here:
New epidemic of "Black Fungus" is sweeping across India
(ETH) - You might want to become familiar with "black fungus",
because cases are popping up all over India right now. In recent months, India has become the epicenter for the COVID pandemic,
and many COVID patients are also developing Mucormycosis (also known as "black fungus").
If "black fungus" attacks you, there is a really good chance that you are either going
to be disfigured for life or die. In fact, the mortality rate for "black fungus" is far, far higher than it is for
COVID. Even if you don't die, the damage that "black fungus" can cause can be completely and utterly devastating.
The following comes from CBS News... The fungus attacks the nose, eyes, and brain causing blackening over the areas.
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Are We Overdosing on "Hopium?"
I am a prepper. I became a prepper in large part because I am a "dangerous conspiracy extremist." Why? Because I am one of those people who listens to what the power elite tell us they're going to do, then take
them at their word and prepare for it. Many people have been exposing this longer than I. However, I still put 13-plus years of my life into researching and exposing the globalist agenda.
Almost none of what happens today is a surprise to me because it's been bragged about
for generations. After many years of learning about their agendas and conspiracies, this is the world as I see it. So take
it with as many grains of salt as you wish.
Read more here:
Manufacturing (New Normal) "Reality"
The ultimate goal of every totalitarian system is to establish complete control over society and
every individual within it in order to achieve ideological uniformity and eliminate any and all deviation from it.
This goal can never be achieved, of course, but it is the raison d'être of
all totalitarian systems, regardless of what forms they take and ideologies they espouse.
You can dress totalitarianism up in Hugo Boss-designed Nazi uniforms, Mao suits, or medical-looking face masks, its
core desire remains the same: to remake the world in its paranoid image ... to replace reality with its own "reality."
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Danger Alert! Stay Away From Liberal American Cities Which
Have Turned Into Hellholes Of Looting, Destruction And Death As Criminals Continue To Go Unpunished
Whoever had the bright (not) idea to make "Juneteenth" a national holiday (Biden) is responsible for more violence, death and outright anarchy in liberally run cities, than we normally see, which is quite a bit more than in cities not run by radical liberals.
Below we will start by documenting just some of the recent chaos and mindless destruction
being seen in a just a few of those cities as we watch our beloved country being turned into a third-world hellhole by the
decisions and lack of action on the part of those city leaders.
be honest, I have so many links, so many examples I had to stop opening tabs lest my whole browser crash, so we will detail
some of the most egregious, since there are other aspects of what we are all witnessing that I would like to address in this
Read more here:
Over 30,000 US Veterans of Post-9/11 Wars Have Killed Themselves Since 2001
"As we come closer to the twentieth anniversary of the September 11th attacks, we
must reflect on the mental health cost of the Global War on Terror."
research released Monday shows the post-9/11 wars launched by the U.S. military since 2001 have resulted in over 30,000 suicides by active duty American solders and veterans-over four times the number killed in combat operations.
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Stanford professor Joel Peterson reveals student called him racist for standing
for the flag and another said 'white people should be eradicated' as he warns Ivy League pupils have 'swapped education for
A Stanford University professor with a distinguished
background in business has told of his dismay at the 'cancel culture' on campuses, telling how he was labelled a racist for
standing for the United States' flag.
Joel Peterson, professor of management
at the California university and a former chairman of JetBlue Airways, said students at elite institutions were ignorant of history in their
rush to 'cancel' perceived oppressors.
Peterson said that he had been
reported to the dean for 'triggering' students.
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With Its Power Grid On The Verge Of Failure, California
Begs Residents To Change Their EV Charging Routines
It appears
as though California's plans to become an environmental and socialist utopia are running face first into reality.
The latest dose of reality came this week when the state, facing triple digit temperatures,
began to "fret" about pressure on the state's power grid as a result of everybody charging their electric vehicles
all at once.
The state's power grid operators have been telling residents
to "relieve pressure" from the grid by charging their EVs at off-peak hours, Newsweek wrote.
Read more here:
Violent Crimes Surge in Democrat-Controlled Los Angeles
Homicides, violent crimes, and gun violence are reportedly all on the rise in the Democrat-controlled
city of Los Angeles.
On Tuesday, Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore
told the police commission the city of Los Angeles has an increase in overall crime, according to SpectrumNews1.
In addition, Moore reportedly said the city has encountered
50 percent more victims of shooting incidents when compared to the same period of time last year.
Year-to-date in Los Angeles, 651 people have been shot, which is up from the previous year's total
of 434. The Democrat-controlled city has seen an average of 27 shooting victims a week, according to Moore. Last week,
the number of people shot in the city per week was 25.
Read more here:
Stocks Most Expensive Ever - Greater Depression Coming -
Michael Pento
Money manager and economist Michael Pento says
if you think the worst is over in the stock market, think again. Pento explains, "Now, the valuation of stocks
today are the most expensive in history, not around or tied or close. We are now 155% of GDP when you look at the market
cap of equities. Stocks have never been more expensive."
says stocks are going to probably go higher for now, but Pento predicts, "I am going to run contrary to Wall Street,
and I am going to tell you that you should see a significant run-up into the news of approved vaccines, new treatments and,
of course, more stimulus. We've got to borrow more money because $2.4 trillion wasn't enough. My models . . .
say once this vaccine is validated and approved, this is going to be a selling opportunity for me and my investors."
Read more here:
Dubai Nail Salon Installing Microchips on Customers' Fingernails
A beauty salon in Dubai is carrying out "microchip manicures" where
tiny microchips that act as digital business cards are planted on a customer's fingernail, with the chip eventually intended
to be used for contactless payments and digital menus.
install the information that you want, like your name, your mobile number, your social media accounts and website as well,"
Lanour Beauty Lounge founder Nour Makarem told CNN.
Read more here:
Most Americans still want to believe that the future is going to be just wonderful,
and so they see absolutely no need to prepare for the chaotic times that are approaching
I'm just going to be very blunt with you. Things have already gotten quite crazy, but they are going
to get even crazier. Global food supplies have already gotten tight, but they are going to get even tighter. When
even the UN starts using the word "biblical" to describe the famine that the world is facing, that is a sign
that the hour is very late.
Thankfully, we are not facing famine in the
short-term here in the United States, but "temporary shortages" of certain items have already been popping up, and
food prices are aggressively shooting higher.
Read more here:
The shocking doomsday maps of the world and how the billionaires will escape the
When I wrote my first article on billionaire bunkers
years ago, I never would have imagined how quickly our world was changing. Our lives are in a constant state of flux, the
political situation aside, our earth is rapidly changing. Between the increase of bizarre weather patterns hitting
the earth, and recent major volcanic activity, now more than ever our focus is on our planets future.
Read more here:
Global Famine: Why? Bioengineered
Tiny Humans for a Zero Carbon Future
As China arrests grains
analysts for speaking about their grain shortages, and the US turns off the water to its crops, the question must be asked:
why engineer a global famine? In this special Ice Age Farmer broadcast, Christian looks at their stated goals: a transhumanist
future of bio-engineered tiny humans (with tiny carbon footprints, of course!), fed edible vaccines in fake food, unable to
eat real meat. Only by understanding how extreme is the agenda we are facing can one fully appreciate the extent of the crisis
they are manufacturing to achieve that agenda -- and the urgency with which we must fight it. Spread the word.
Watch here:
Universal Basic Income Will Be Used As the Ultimate Strategy to Both Control and
Depopulate America
I wrote an article in 2019 in which I detailed
a California plan to forcibly incarcerate the "useless eaters" of that day. The plan was to not only to incarcerate
these people, but to take their assets as well. Excuse me, but didn't Nazis incarcerate and then steal any wealth from the
Holocaust Jews with the complicit participation of the Swiss Bankers (ie Rothschilds)? Today, I cannot confirm nor deny the
continued existence of this program. Rumors to this effect are numerous, but proof is lacking. But what is not lacking is
the fact that that the food supply has been deliberately placed in a position of peril.
Nearly 50 years ago, a plot was hatched to use the control of food an agent of depopulation and societal control.
This article will focus on the historical build up to the point where we are today in which Universal Basic Income (UBI) will
be used to impose the will of the globalists upon the American people.
more here:
The head scientist of the US Space Force has an unusual idea for how to maintain military dominance:
augmenting and upgrading human soldiers. Speaking at an Air Force Research Laboratory event, Space Force chief scientist Joel
Mozer suggested that we're entering an era during which soldiers can become a "superhuman workforce," according
to Metro, thanks to new tech including augmented and virtual reality, sophisticated AI, and nerve stimulation. "In the
last century, Western civilization transformed from an industrial-based society to an information-based society," Mozer
said, "but today we're on the brink of a new age: the age of human augmentation." (READ MORE)
Research Group) Disputes Divine Creation, Expresses Faith In ET
ended the last entry with the idea Vatican scholars believe there are two kinds of truth: one accessed by reason and evidence
and the other by blind faith. If you pay close attention, it becomes easy to spot the truth-divide in the Jesuit scientists'
caustic criticisms of Intelligent Design and Creationism. For example, George Coyne, former head of the VORG, disputes the
anthropic principle as evidence for Divine Creation:
To imagine a Creator
twiddling with the constants of nature is a bit like thinking of God making a big pot of soup.... It's a return to the old
vision of a watchmaker God, only it's even more fundamentalist. Because what happens if it turns out there is a perfectly
logical scientific explanation for these values of the gravitational constant and so on? Then there'd be even less room for
Read more here:
Gov. Newsom - who is facing a recall election - declares
California will pay off ALL unpaid rent for lower income households accrued during pandemic using $5.2billion 'forgiveness'
Gavin Newsom has announced that California will pay off all unpaid rent accrued during the pandemic using a $5.2 billion federal pot 'on a scale never seen before in
the US.'
The Governor, who is facing a recall election expected in the
fall, is also likely to extend a ban on evictions for unpaid rent beyond June 30 - a pandemic-related order that was
meant to be temporary but is proving difficult to undo.
is planning rent forgiveness on a scale never seen before in the United States,' Newsom wrote on Twitter Monday night, quoting a New York Times article.
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'Mass-Scale Operation' To Exterminate Much Of The Human Race Confirmed:
While The 'Elite' Consider Themselves The 'Master Race', They're Killing Off The Reproductive Capabilities Of Everyone Else
Vaccination Nation And The Dangerous Truth About The Globalists Slow Kill Agenda
While most Americans may have never heard the name 'Christopher Langan', this Wikipedia entry on Langan describes him as 'an American horse rancher' born in the year 1952 whose IQ was estimated on ABC's 20/20 to be between
195 and 210, and in 1999 he was described by some journalists as "the smartest man in America" or "in
the world".
With Langan's 195 to 210 IQ higher than that
of Albert Einstein's, whose IQ was estimated to be between 160 and 180, Americans in 2021 should pay close attention to what Langan is saying now.
Read more here:
Democrat warns Catholic Church it may be stripped of tax-exempt status if politicians
denied communion
(ETH) - As U.S. Catholic bishops
draft a controversial document on whether priests can deny communion to politicians who support abortion, one House Democrat
has implied that the Catholic Church should lose its tax-exempt status if churches institute such a ban.
"If they're going to politically weaponize religion by ‘rebuking' Democrats who support
women's reproductive choice, then a ‘rebuke' of their tax-exempt status may be in order," wrote Rep. Jared Huffman,
D-Calif., in a Twitter post lashing out at Catholic bishops.
Read more
New Zealand! Prepare for the next cataclysmic rupture of the Alpine
Fault - It's just around the corner!
Pressure is building
along the Alpine Fault, one of the most active fault lines in the world and New Zealand is in a race to be ready. Latest results
show that a great earthquake, one of the biggest in New Zealand's modern history, is due.
Read more here:
World Health Organization Says Do Not Give Children Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine
In America, national, state, and local governments
are pulling out all the stops to advance giving experimental coronavirus shots to children down to the age of 12.
Up next, babies and children up to age 11.
The shots are "safe and effective," the propagandists proclaim.
Read more here:
The vaccine deaths are going to push into the open ugly
questions we have ducked since last March: how many kids are we willing to kill to give 85-year-olds with Alzheimer's a few
extra days? At what point do the morbidly obese have SOME responsibility for their own health? Etc.
- Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) June 21, 2021
Good morning. A healthy 13-year-old is dead three days after his second
@pfizer vaccine.
Read more here:
The Gates of Hell are Wide Open
There are people who were disappointed and surprised when the
lockdown rules were extended and the mask wearing and social distancing regulations stayed in place. They are, presumably,
the same naïve and ignorant souls who think all these rules and regulations are temporary and that things will soon revert
to the old normal - with concerts, pubs, theatres and sporting events all catering to huge, excited, happy crowds, and the
newspapers reporting news instead of providing an unremitting diet of government propaganda. They are the same innocents who
think that the mask manufacturers will soon be out of business and we'll be back to hugging friends in the street before Christmas.
Many months ago I predicted that the lockdowns and so on would never end. It was always
predictable because this war is real and it's not going to end until they have total control and those of us left have no
control over anything, not even our lives or our bodies, or we have won and they are in prison.
Read more here:
Canadian Politician, Doctors Condemn Censorship of Scientific Inquiry and Suppression
of Information on Vaccine Risks to Kids
Canadian politician Derek
Sloan and three medical professionals - who say they represent hundreds of their colleagues - said last week in a press conference
on Parliament Hill the Canadian government is suppressing information about the harmful effects of lockdowns, vaccine risks in children and the efficacy of certain COVID treatments.
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) issued a "dire statement" late April threatening doctors who spoke out about what they witnessed in their local hospitals
and communities while working on the frontlines of COVID, said Sloan.
more here:
EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Green Beret Jeremy Brown: "Scores
of Guys" Have Written and Told Me They Were Contacted by FBI to Spy on Patriot Groups
On January 6, after one million Trump supporters rallied with President Trump at the Ellipse outside
the White House in Washington DC, some 900 individuals went inside the US Capitol.
Over 400 Americans have since been arrested even those who were waved into the US Capitol by the police standing at the exits.
Read more here:
Exclusive - Nellis Air Force Base Hosts First-Ever Drag Queen Show:
‘Essential to the Morale, Readiness
The Nellis Air Force
Base in Nevada recently hosted its first-ever drag queen show at one of its on-base dining and entertainment clubs, according
a base spokesperson.
Nellis Air Force Base said in an email statement
to Breitbart News:
Nellis Air Force Base and the 99th Air Base Wing hosted
its first-ever drag show Thursday, June 17, at the Nellis Club. The event was sponsored by a private organization and provided
an opportunity for attendees to learn more about the history and significance of drag performance art within the LGBT+ community.
Ensuring our ranks reflect and are inclusive of the American people is essential to the
morale, cohesion, and readiness of the military. Nellis Air Force Base is committed to providing and championing an environment
that is characterized by equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion.
more here:
Tracking China's Sudden Airpower Expansion On Its Western Border
Satellite images raise concerns over Beijing's incredible pace of expansion of
its airpower infrastructure along its western flank.
bewilderingly quick construction of airfields atop man-made islands in the South China Sea, as well as its extra-territorial
claims over that body of water, have grabbed headlines for years and the issue remains one of the most significant strategic
and geopolitical problems of our time. Yet another far less discussed, but similar strategic expansion is underway in the
western reaches of the Chinese mainland, which has gotten much less attention, yet it isn't all that less concerning. Beijing's
remarkable blitz on airfield and other military-related construction in this remote region coincides with escalating tensions
with its neighbor, India.
Read more here:
An Ohio Class Ballistic Missile Submarine Just Made A Rare And Very Quick Stop
In San Diego
One of the Navy's 'boomers' made a peculiar
arrival and rapid departure from San Diego Bay this afternoon.
U.S. Navy Ohio class missile submarine made a rare and very brief stop in San Diego today. The Twitter ship spotting account @WarshipCam was the first to spot the submarine on a live feed of the Port of San Diego available through @SanDiegoWebCam. Timestamps on still images from the video show that the submarine arrived just before 11:50 AM local time and was headed
back out shortly before 12:30 PM. Which is a bizarrely quick turnaround.
more here:
Hacker tried to POISON California water supply by stealing
employee's login at Bay Area facility and deleting treatment programs
A hacker attempted to poison the water supply in California by stealing an employee's login information at a facility in the Bay Area and attempting to delete treatment programs, a
new report has revealed.
The suspect - who has not been identified
or apprehended - launched his attack on the unspecified facility on January 15, but it was quickly detected the next day.
A subsequent report from the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center later exposed
just how easily the hacker was able to break into the system.
more here:
Russian fleet 35 miles off Hawaii practices sinking an AIRCRAFT
CARRIER as US Navy strike group moves into the area and F-22 stealth fighters in Pearl Harbor are placed on standby
Russia's defense ministry has announced it sunk an aircraft carrier just 35 miles off the coast of Hawaii in a huge war games exercise
that has alarmed the US.
At least 20 Russian warships, submarines,
and support vessels, flanked by 20 fighter jets, are taking part in the exercises - the biggest since the Cold War.
Russia says that they are 300 miles off the coast of Hawaii, yet unconfirmed satellite
images from June 19 appear to show them much closer - within 35 miles of the U.S. state.
Read more here:
WATER WARS about to go kinetic in America as farmers targeted by "terrorist"
state governments that are deliberately collapsing civilization
(Natural News) As Mac Slavo writes at, "Farmers in the United States have reached a breaking point." The governments of California and Oregon are deliberately
depriving farmers access to the critical water resources they need to grow crops, even when those resources are readily available.
The problem isn't "drought," it turns out. That's just the cover story to push
a climate crisis that will eventually be invoked to justify "climate lockdowns." The real problem is corrupt government.
Read and watch here:
Canadian political leader tells Tucker Carlson that his COVID arrest was a form of ‘political
CANADA, June 21, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) - A well-known anti-lockdown Canadian political leader told Fox News' Tucker Carlson that his recent arrest for breaking
COVID-19 rules was a form of "political repression," and not because he broke health rules.
"In Canada, you cannot speak against the regime. It's like in China. I was in jail for eight
hours a day - they handcuffed me, put me in jail and for a non-crime ... it was a political repression," Maxime Bernier,
leader People's Party of Canada (PPC) and former Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) MP and cabinet minister told Carlson on Wednesday.
Read and watch here:
Still Silent Shepherds-An Open Letter To Post-Pandemic Pastors
"What's going on in California?" is a question
that I've been asked a lot lately. This time last year, we launched what became known as #TheStadiumRevival. People came from
all over Southern California to experience God in profound and powerful ways and we are doing it again this year. (More can
be found here and below.)
Since then, we've experienced incredible church growth
as the result of staying open during the Covid crisis. Pastors such as John MacArthur, Jack Hibbs, and Rob McCoy also experienced
tremendous growth as well. It's crystal clear that people are hungry for the truth. Many churchgoers are also
tired of pastors capitulating to ungodly liberal organizations and agendas. If anything, the pandemic revealed
what was really inside of our hearts.
Read more here:
Hell Is Coming, And Death Is Coming With It: What we
face today, and what is coming in the near future is the way of achieving total control over the long term of this population
What we face today, and what is coming in the near future is pure, unadulterated, totalitarian
madness, and so long as the people of this country remain indifferent to this tyranny, it will worsen and escalate every
single day until nothing of value remains.
It cannot be stressed enough
that the end of America is just around the corner. The controlling scum in power seeks the end of this economy, the end of
all freedom, the end of joy, the end of travel, the end of independent thought, the end of any realistic intellect, and the
end of sanity. This is where we are headed, and only the masses that are in most respects to blame for this takeover, can
stop it. That does not bode well for those of us willing to fight for our freedom, as we are now in the extreme minority.
Read more here:
It's Time To Hold America's Politicians Feet To The Fire!
'Cleaning Out' Congress And 'The Alphabet Agencies' Of Their Chronic Liars Should Be A Top Priority For America Going Forward
America Should Make A New Law And Jail Every Politician Who Lies!
Sadly, an honest politician is as difficult to find as a chaste prostitute. It seems impossible
for public officials to tell the truth; although, if his or her lips are moving, it is a good indication another lie is being
released. And if their pants are on fire, you can be pretty sure you are dealing with a liar.
It's time for all government officials to experience rejection, repercussions, and not rewards,
for lying. It's time for accountability-that means holding their feet to the fire.
Roman bridge-builders were required to stand under their new arches as the scaffolding was removed. If they had made
a mistake, the whole structure came down on their heads. That is the epitome of personal responsibility-something missing
in our day. No one wants to be held accountable for anything.
more here:
Screaming Into The Wind
ever feel alone in your beliefs? I often do. Seems not a day goes by lately that I don't get the, "you're crazy"
look when discussing current affairs. It seems as though I am screaming into the wind. Either people just don't get it or
they just don't care. Talking with a few like-minded individuals is about the only thing keeping me sane at this point.
Ecclesiastes 1:18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth
The clueless in society have it so much easier in life. Not a
care in the world. I don't know why, but I just can't live like that. But it's frustrating talking with people who should
know better and just getting the "you're crazy" treatment. I have this deep desire to awaken people to all the evil
that we face, the problem is they'd rather be unaware. Having to face reality I believe makes them to uncomfortable. One problem
we have here in America is that people are just too comfortable. We've lost our way from our founding and our morals and religion
have fallen by the wayside. When I attended that Black Robe Regiment summit in Tennessee, I felt like the Grim Reaper. I was way too radical or advanced in my thought process for that crowd.
Read more here:
‘It's going to come as a big shock': UFO experts await
Pentagon report
UK ufologists are worlds apart on the importance
of a hotly anticipated US intelligence release
Nearly 75 years after Roswell,
the possibility that we are not alone in the universe is once again the talk of mainstream politics.
The impending release of a Pentagon report on the activities of the Advanced
Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) has sparked a wave of interest and recent pronouncements from the programme's
former director, Luis Elizondo , have raised the eyebrows of ufologists worldwide.
Read more here:
On The Verge Of The Unthinkable
Over the past couple of years we have become accustomed to expecting the unexpected, but soon we many have to start
anticipating the unthinkable. In this article, I am going to be discussing a couple of potential scenarios that would
have been unimaginable to the vast majority of Americans just a few short years ago. Unfortunately, our world is now
changing at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking, and many things that were once "unimaginable" could soon become
Let's start by talking about the record-setting heat wave which
is making the epic megadrought in the western half of the country even worse. Many western farmers planted crops this
year hoping that weather conditions would eventually turn in their favor, but that has definitely not happened. In fact,
at this point 88 percent of the West is experiencing at least some level of drought.
Read more
Major US Cities Race To "Re-Fund The Police" As Utter Lawlessness Reigns
From Coast To Coast
The great liberal experiment of "defunding
the police" turned out to be a completely and utter disaster. In major cities all over the United States, hundreds
of millions of dollars of funding were stripped away from police departments in 2020, and many on the left were hailing this
is a huge step in the right direction. Of course it was actually a huge step in the wrong direction. Crime rates
soared throughout the remainder of 2020, and they have gone even higher in 2021. In fact, Fox Business is reporting that the number of homicides in the U.S. is up 24 percent since the month of January...
Read more here:
Russian Pacific Fleet Now Only 35 MILES from Honolulu -
US Lines Up Missile Warning vessels in Pacific
The Pacific Fleet
of the Russian Navy is now only about 35 miles (65km) from Honolulu, Hawaii, conducting "military exercises" as
shown on the satellite image above. U.S. Deploys ACSG, "wall" of special naval radar, and schedules missile
test from Alaska toward Russia fleet!
As of this weekend, the following
Russia Navy vessels are quite close to Hawaii:
Read more here:
A Disturbing Social Experiment: How Much Personal Information
Are YOU Giving Away?
So, here's a social experiment I tried this
morning. I decided to see just how much personal information I could find out on a random person. As the car in front of me
had some interesting bumper stickers, I picked it. I did not see the driver whatsoever and only recouped the license plate.
That was all the info I had to go on other than what was visual about the car and inside within eyesight.
Here's what I found.
the National Registry, I found out the owner of the car, the make, model, year purchased, how paid. I found out his personal
identification number, his mother's maiden name, his married status (divorced), ex-wife's name, and nationality. I already
know that, since his license plate number ends in 3, that he's not allowed driving within city limits on Tuesdays due to the
weekly vehicle-usage restrictions so I'll know when his car's at home unattended and when he'll be travelling by other means.
Read more here:
How Bill Gates and His Foundation Are Driving the Food System
- in the Wrong Direction
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has spent nearly $6 billion over the past 17 years trying to improve agriculture, mainly in Africa. This is a lot of money
for an underfunded sector, and, as such, carries great weight. To better understand how the Gates Foundation is shaping the global agriculture agenda, GRAIN analyzed all the food and agriculture grants the foundation has made up until 2020.
We found that, while the Foundation's grants focus on African farmers, the vast majority of its funding goes to groups
in North America and Europe. The grants are also heavily skewed to technologies developed by research centers and corporations in the North for poor farmers in the South, completely ignoring the knowledge,
technologies and biodiversity that these farmers already possess.
more here:
One Mad Market & Six Cold Reality-Checks
Fact checking politicos, headlines and central bankers is one thing. Putting their "facts"
into context is another.
Toward that end, it's critical to place so-called
"economic growth," Treasury market growth, stock market growth, GDP growth and, of course, gold price growth into
clearer perspective despite an insane global backdrop that is anything but clearly reported.
Read more here:
Vaccinated people are being TRACKED in real time
Are Vaccinated people being tracked? According to a Russian hacker, they are.
CLAIM: Vaccinated People Are Being TRACKED in Real Time via 5G Cellular, and all
that data can be hacked-into to track YOU!
A Russian
hacker found a database that shows covid vaccinated people's info, vital signs, exact GPS coordinates, sleep status and more.
This data is being uploaded in real time directly from the vaccinated person via 5G towers.
Think of it as a smart watch (Garmin, Fitbit, etc.) inside your body, tracking your vital
signs and GPS location at all times.
Read and watch here:
The World Relies on One Chip Maker in Taiwan, Leaving Everyone
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing
Co.'s dominance poses risks to the global economy, amid geopolitical tensions and a major chip shortage
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. 's chips are everywhere, though most consumers
don't know it.
The company makes almost all of the world's most sophisticated
chips, and many of the simpler ones, too. They're in billions of products with built-in electronics, including iPhones, personal
computers and cars-all without any obvious sign they came from TSMC, which does the manufacturing for better-known companies
that design them, like Apple Inc. and Qualcomm Inc.
Read more here:
Grains analyst missing as China shuts down information on failed crop
China's decisions around its agricultural policy are becoming increasingly murky with
news of arrests, secrecy, and claims of cover-ups.
Independent analysts
who report on China's grains industry have reportedly been arrested and their online businesses shut down to stop them from
telling the truth about the country's below-average crop.
Chinese officials
are cracking down on independent information about grain pricing.
more here:
This One Image Says It All: America And The World Have Long
Been Sailing On A Ship Captained By Fools, Launching Humanity On A One-Way Trip Towards Armageddon
US Cities Are Proof Those Who Created The Problems Cannot Give Us The Solutions
While all the way back in the year 1986, America and the world were a much different place,
with Ronald Reagan the President of the US (wouldn't you love to have Ron back in this day and age of Joe Biden!) while the Chernobyl disaster was striking the Soviet Union, still several years before the 'fall of the Iron Curtain', every single one of the politicians seen in the image above was already in office, with the exception of Nancy Pelosi who entered Congress one year later in 1987.
With the year 1986 also bringing us the world's first computer virus, 'Brain', the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, the Single European Act (another move towards globalism long ago), the Iran-Contra affair, the first commercially available 3-D printer, the first episode of the Oprah Winfrey show and the 'birth' of 'mad cow disease', please forgive us if we argue that seems SO LONG ago!
Read more
‘Prepare for Iran nuclear facility strike,' says Israeli official after election of ‘Butcher
of Tehran'
New Iranian president "most extremist
to date," says Foreign Ministry official.
By Lauren
Marcus, World Israel News
Israeli senior military and intelligence
officials are gearing up for a future strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, after news broke that Ebrahim Raisi was elected president of the Islamic Republic.
Raisi is a hardcore Islamist
who has been named by Amnesty International as a perpetrator of war crimes.
Read more here:
Biden-Era Document Spells Out Which Americans Will Be Handled With Extreme Prejudice
The Bolshevik Revolution is full swing. Carried out through
extremists in the Democratic Party as well as treasonous Republicans, made domestic terrorists out of average Americans. If
one is on the list they can count on the fact that one day, when the communist takeover is complete, the previously identified
lists of Red and blue lists will come into play in the same manner as described by Steve Quayle a couple of decades ago. When
the communist takeover is complete, there camps waiting for you and for me.
Most aware Americans will remember the Obama era MIAC report that labled Americans as terrorists if they presented
with the following characteristics:
1. Support the Constitution
2. Support the Second Amendment
Support Ron Paul's ideas
4. Present as a Christian
5. Expect limits to be placed on governmental power
more here:
Dr. Peter McCullough - COVID Vaccines Have Already Killed 50,000
Americans. McCullough predicted that the United States is gearing up to force people into getting the injections
The pandemic was planned, and is "a crime against humanity."
"We have now a whistleblower inside the CMS, and we have
two whistleblowers in the CDC," the doctor revealed. "We think we have 50,000 dead Americans. Fifty thousand deaths.
So we actually have more deaths due to the vaccine per day than certainly the viral illness by far. It's basically propagandized
bioterrorism by injection."
In an extraordinary interview last week, Dr. Peter McCullough, an American professor of Medicine and Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at
Baylor University, declared that the world has been subjected to a form of bioterrorism, and that the suppression of early
treatments for COVID-19-such as hydroxychloroquine- "was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine."
Read more here:
Illinois city goes ahead with Juneteenth and LGBTQ parades, festivities after
canceling in-person July 4 events over Covid-19
Community leaders
in the Democrat bastion of Evanston, Illinois have apparently decided that Covid-19 is a greater public-health risk on Independence
Day than during Juneteenth and Pride Month celebrations.
The city celebrated Juneteenth, the new federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the US, on Saturday, holding a parade and a community
gathering that featured live performances, art displays and food vendors.
partying will resume next Saturday, when Evanston hosts its annual Pride celebration, including a car parade, a community picnic and an evening candle-lighting ceremony. The event theme is "Proud to
Be," which organizers say will celebrate "the deep intersectionality of the LGBTQIA+ community with other
marginalized communities."
Read more here:
Study Finds White Liberal Women Prone to Mental Health Issues
- The Question Here Is Are They Drawn To Liberalism Because They Are Crazy, Or Did Liberalism Drive Them Crazy?
A study done by Pew Research back in March 2020, but received little to no attention until
recently, provides even further evidence that those that self-identify as liberals, also report they have been diagnosed with
a mental health issue at a much higher rate than those that are listed as "moderate," or "conservative."
Read more here:
Details Of Alien Bodies, Unknown Spacecraft, And A "Planet" Tied To "Esoteric" And Occult Beliefs
The declassified document was addressed to "certain scientists of distinction,"
to "aeronautical and military authorities," and to "a number of public officials." The declassified document
is a letter sent to the director of FBI in Washington from their San Francisco office, detailing UFO's and extraterrestrials.
Read more here:
Competitors Lining Up To BEAST CHIP Your Brain, Implant
Scannable Interfaces. Investors Foresee Long Lines Of Excited 666 Recipients
Peter Thiel is investing $10 million in Blackrock Neurotech, a rival company to Elon Musk's Neuralink. In a surprising
move Peter Thiel, co-founder of Palantir and a venture capitalist has recently invested $10 million in Blackrock Neurotech,
a company that does research similar to that of Elon Musk's Neuralink- mapping the brain. Peter Thiel who co-founded Paypal
with Musk in 1998 is backing Blackrock Neurotech with an undisclosed stake in the company. The company, which is headquartered
in Utah, has been serving the neuroscience research community with hardware and software since 2008. It is working on
brain-computer interface (BCI) devices that could help improve people's cognitive abilities. Blackrock Neurotech CEO Marcus
Gerhardt in his conversation with CBNC stated that Blackrock has been generating profits since 2015 despite the tech having
a limited market. This was the first time the firm had taken any significant venture capital funding.... (READ MORE)
Playing With Skinwalkers, Shapeshifters, And Demons
to the owner and the lead investigator of Skinwalker Ranch, phenomena from the paranormal hotspot have followed researchers
home. History's The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch features ongoing investigations into one of the country's most mysterious locales.
The titular ranch [as readers of the current series on Great Deception here know] allegedly experiences paranormal activity regularly from UFOs and cattle mutilations to incarnate voices and poltergeists...and
sometimes several at the same time. Strange occurrences on the ranch have been the focus of several scientific investigations,
including from a secretive program housed in the Pentagon. What is not as well known is that some investigators claim the
paranormal phenomena follow them home. Brandon Fugal, the elusive owner of Skinwalker Ranch, spoke with Den of Geek about
how what happens at Skinwalker Ranch doesn't always stay there... (READ MORE)
Exotheology addresses the theological implications given a genuine, intelligent, extraterrestrial
life form. This series will address those implications in three areas: 1) the image of God; 2) the incarnation; and 3) Divine
Creation. Because the third controverts the assumptions of the astrobiological project and is discounted by the Jesuit scientists,
it will be examined through the lens of nature and grace and the divided truth construct taught by Dr. Francis Schaeffer.
While you may be wondering why exotheology is important, you should be aware that your tax dollars are funding it.
Read more here:
Dr Richard Fleming in Dallas Tx June 10 21 MUST SEE 2 Min Event 2021
Watch here:
PICTURED: Navy fires thousands of pounds of explosives near USS
Gerald R. Ford, creating a blast equivalent to a 3.9 magnitude earthquake to test the carrier's ability to 'take a
hit' in battle
The Navy has fired thousands of pounds of
explosives at one of its aircraft carriers, creating a blast equivalent to a 3.9 magnitude earthquake, to test its wartime
USS Gerald R. Ford, the first of a new class of carrier,
was struck by the blast about 100 miles off the coast of Florida around 4pm Friday.
The explosive event was the first in a series of full-ship
shock trials to prove whether the carrier can take a hit during battle at sea and marked the first shock trial in more than
three decades on a Navy carrier.
Read more here:
Fury as New York prosecutors DROP looting charges against HUNDREDS
arrested during riots last summer - with Manhattan DA 'too busy building his case against Trump'
Business owners and residents in New York City are expressing fury at the revelation that prosecutors have dropped looing and rioting charges against hundreds arrested
during chaos that swept the city last summer.
After 603 were arrested
in Manhattan and the Bronx during the most intense days of looting last June, 295 of the cases have been dropped completely,
according to NYPD data reported by WNBC-TV on Friday.
Now Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr
and Bronx DA Darcel D. Clark are facing tough questions about why hundreds walked free after the looting rampage caused
an estimated tens of millions in damages.
Read more here:
Secret Docs Reveal Moderna Sent Coronavirus Vaccine To North Carolina University
Weeks Before Pandemic
A confidentiality agreement shows potential
coronavirus vaccine candidates were transferred from Moderna to the University of North Carolina in 2019, nineteen days prior to the official emergence of Covid-19 pandemic.
confidentially agreement (read below) states that providers ‘Moderna' alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy
and Infectious Diseases' (NIAID) agreed to tranfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates' developed and jointly-owned
by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The Universisty of North Carolina at Chapel Hill' on the 12th December 2019.
Read more here:
Here's What the Chinese Defector Has Reportedly Given Us About
COVID...But Also on Joe and Hunter Biden
As the media
laments being totally wrong about the COVID lab leak theory, more details are coming out about the Chinese defector who has been taken into US custody. The man alleges that he has knowledge about a slew of Chinese bioweapons programs and
COVID. He alleges that the current pandemic was caused by a lab leak, and that bats were the real cover-up story. The defector
alleges that while the lab leak was an accident, it was allowed to spread. Our friends at RedState wrote about this first,
but Jen Van Laar has a new development. The identity of the defector has been confirmed, and he's a high-ranking intelligence official with the People's Republic of China:
Read more here:
Failure At WA Chlorine Plant May Force Some To Conserve Water
The state says drinking water will remain clean and safe, but some towns may have
to ask residents to limit water use.
SEATTLE, WA - A failure
at a Longview manufacturing plant has utilities in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Northern California facing a chlorine shortage
- a shortage that may leave an impact on the water supply in some towns, according to the Department of Health.
"The chlorine shortage does not impact all water and sewer utilities in the state,
as some have their own onsite chlorine generators or have enough supply on hand to last several weeks," the department
said in a release Saturday. "Based on the latest information, our largest water utilities should have enough supply to
last until chlorine supplies resume."
Read more here:
Police agencies are warning
that criminal theft and violence are increasing up to 150% across the United States of America. The great flash crash of the
stock market is starting to show signs of it happening in 2021. Economists say it is time to get ready for it to happen.
Watch here:
Surviving The 'Coming Churn' Will Require Adapting To The 'Changing
Rules Of Survival': A Timeline Of The Coming Chaos
Churn can happen to anyone, at any time, without warning
is The Churn?
Have you suddenly found yourself
in a situation where your survival is threatened? Are you unable to rely on outside help? Does your continued survival depend
upon your violating a law, a moral code, or ethics? Have the rules for survival changed? If so, then you are in The Churn.
How does The Churn happen?
The Churn can happen to anyone at any time, and without warning. The Donner Party was forced into
cannibalism; as was the surviving soccer players on Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571. The townsfolk of Skidmore, Missouri were
forced to kill the town bully Ken McEloy.
Read more here:
The "Vaccine" Magnetic Phenomenon Was Warned About By
This Doctor In 1995 - You Won't Believe What He Said It Would Do (Video)
Nearly three decades ago, a French doctor warned the world of "vaccines" that would contain liquid crystals
that when exposed to magnetic frequencies would turn the recipients of those "vaccines" into "zombies."
Read and watch here:
11 Cities Move to Pay Money to Black People as "Reparations"
Eleven U.S. mayors - from Los Angeles to Kansas City - have pledged to pay reparations
for slavery to a small group of Black residents in their cities, saying their aim is to set an example for the federal government
on how a nationwide program could work.
The mayors had no details on how
much it would cost, who would pay for it or how people would be chosen.
more here:
Latest CDC VAERS Data for 12- to 17-Year-Olds Include 7
Deaths, 271 Serious Adverse Events Following COVID Vaccines
week's number of reported adverse events among all age groups following COVID vaccines surpassed 350,000, according to data
released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The data comes directly from reports submitted to
the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require
further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed. Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date.
Read more here:
UK: Food Shortages ‘Inevitable' - "The real food
crisis for food supplies starts now."
Industry experts are
warning that food shortages are "inevitable" in the UK as crops rot without reaching retail. Imports of beef from
the EU are to be cut 85% under Brexit, leaving Brits asking "Where's the beef?" and seeing absurdly high prices.
Watch here:
"Magneto" Protein: Genetically Engineered To Control
Brains And Behavior [Read, Reread, and prayerfully consider! PMB]
in the United States have developed a new method for controlling the brain circuits associated with complex animal behaviours,
using genetic engineering to create a magnetised protein that activates specific groups of nerve cells from a distance.
Understanding how the brain generates behaviour is one of the ultimate goals of neuroscience
- and one of its most difficult questions. In recent years, researchers have developed a number of methods that enable them
to remotely control specified groups of neurons and to probe the workings of neuronal circuits.
Read more here:
WATER WARS: Manufactured Drought to cause Food Shortages,
Climate Totalitarianism
The WATER WARS have begun: the state
is simply turning off the water to farms & ranches, depriving them of water needed to grow food and raise animals. This
will create food shortages by design, in order to then point at the massive problem and declare, "It's global warming!
Watch here:
Strong Indications That 5th Column Forces Are Going Active As a Prelude to Invasion
I recently wrote an article in which I detailed the anticipated nine-pronged attack upon
the United States by the combined forces of Russia, China and the United Nations.
One of the elements of this attack consisted of the build up of 5th column forces designed to significantly
weaken America prior to the actual invasion. This plot is currently in motion as we are seeing the manifestation of this portion
of this nine-pronged attack upon America through the activation of 5th column forces designed to seriously
weaken America and destroy citizen moral.
Read more here:
"China has tremendous power over the Biden administration
because of Biden himself," Trump added. "There was tremendous money paid to the Biden family - not only China; there
were numerous other countries too, and it's not allowed to be spoken about."
Trump gave the distinct impression that he is itching to get into the
presidential race in 2024
In a wide-ranging interview
from the corner office atop his eponymous New York City tower last week, an unfiltered Donald Trump showed he has lost none
of his edge as he attacked President Biden's ethics, demanded reparations from China for COVID-19, and advanced his claim
that the 2020 election was stolen.
Here are some of the highlights,
as the former president held forth on a range of issues in his inimitable style.
Read more here:
Mike Pence Gets Heckled at Faith & Freedom Coalition Summit With Boos and
Cries of ‘Traitor!'
Former Vice President Mike
Pence owes a great deal of his political career to support from evangelical conservatives, and Friday's Faith &
Freedom Coalition Summit has been home turf for him for years. But the Republican base is still very devoted to former President
Donald Trump, and Pence's apostasy on Jan. 6 - refusing to oppose the Electoral College votes that certified
President Joe Biden's victory - is a sin for which there seems to be little forgiveness.
Forbes political reporter Andrew Solender captured a short video of Pence
delivering his remarks to the conference, being held in Kissimmee, Fl. (just south of Orlando). Audible boos and chants of
"traitor!" can be heard.
Read more here:
Godfather of Color Revolutions: Is George Soros the Most
Dangerous Man Alive?
Of course you've heard the name "George
Soros," often invoked as a sort of folk demon on the American and international right, it's likely that you have some
vague notion of why you think he's a bad guy, or maybe you think the whole thing is a bunch of hype.
However, if you're a freedom lover, there's nothing "hype" about the influence that George
Soros has around the world attacking your freedom. Indeed, you probably vastly underestimate the influence that he has on
Read more here:
Enemies Within the Church (with Trevor Loudon)
"Avowed atheists are not a tenth as dangerous as those preachers who scatter doubt and stab
at faith...Germany was made unbelieving by her preachers, and England is following in her tracks."
-Charles Spurgeon
In 1958, America's FBI director,
J. Edgar Hoover, warned that Marxists were truly "masters of deceit." In 2015, we made this warning the title
of our sequel film, AGENDA 2: Masters of Deceit.
In this week's Behind the Scenes video, Trevor Loudon says that while
Marxists in the past attacked the church by preaching 90% Marxism and 10% Christianity, today's Marxist infiltrators are more
subtle, preaching 10% Marxism and 90% Christianity.
Read more here:
Holocaust Survivor Warns Great Reset Worse Than Hitler's Master Plan - "This
Is Global"
Groundbreaking interview highlights similarities
between the Nazi agenda and modern globalism
"Once you start having
these two-class systems you will not prevent a global holocaust," she says.
A Holocaust survivor named Vera Sharav talked with German attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich about the similarities
between Nazi Germany and today's global elite.
Sharav detailed how the German medical establishment's propaganda campaigns resemble modern COVID-19 fear tactics.
Read more here:
Wuhan's Bat Lady Found ‘All Genes' Required To Genetically Engineer SARS-Like
Coronavirus: 2017 Report
Yet another piece of the pandemic
puzzle has fallen into place - after being hidden in plain sight until it was wiped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology's (WIV) website.
by The National Pulse‘s Natalie Winters, a Nov. 2017 report titled (no really): "Bats in China carry all the ingredients to make a new SARS virus," describes
how researchers at the WIV had identified ‘all the genes to make a SARS coronavirus similar to the epidemic strain,'
among 11 new strains of viruses collected in horseshoe bats.
Read more
Feds accused of seizing $85 million from safe deposit boxes without 'any legal
Class-action suit claims FBI exceeded its search warrant
and is forcing renters of boxes to prove their innocence.
Hundreds of
people storing valuables in safe deposit boxes in Los Angeles may never see their cash, precious metals and heirlooms again,
unless a federal judge intervenes in the next week.
Several are suing
the government for seizing the contents of about 800 boxes as part of a March raid of the storage provider, U.S. Private Vaults
(USPV), which was indicted for conspiracy to sell drugs and launder money.
Read more here:
The State Convinced People It Was DANGEROUS for Them Not to be Watched. Now
Many Believe Surveillance Tech Is "for our own good"
another consequence of 2020 was the growth of public surveillance (aka Big Brother state) disguised under the umbrella of COVID. When you can convince a populace it is dangerous for them
to be unobserved, you create the mindset that public surveillance is for the good of all.
Big Brother is bigger than ever
work within the security industry.
One newer piece of technology that we can now install is AI fever monitoring cameras. Many buildings throughout the US now have a camera with thermal capabilities
monitoring your every move when you walk in.
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The Long Sordid History Of Governments Using False Flags
To Accomplish Political Objectives Brings Proof They Would Attack 'We The American People', Blaming Others!
- America Is Rapidly Being Herded Towards The Globalists Tyrannical End Game
While the left continues to scream 'insurrection' about the events of January
6th, 2021, Tucker Carlson recently dropped the bombshell heard across the country seen in the 1st video at the bottom of this
story as also reported in this Western Journal story, warning the organizers of those so-called 'riots' were almost certainly working for the 'deep state'.
Claiming that the feds had 'informants' inside the US Capitol building, posing
as President Trump supporters, as Alan Barton had pointed out in this new ANP story, a deeper analysis of the government involvement in the January 6th riots, taking into account their historical and systematic
abuses of the rights of ALL Americans, must be looked at hard considering the very long and sordid history of US government
agencies using 'false flag terrorism' to frame the innocent.
more here:
Reading, Writing, Ratting Each Other Out
Much ink has been spilled over the illiberal education that college students receive these days, and how ivory tower-incubated
ideas are now finding their ways into society at large. But less well-known is how some of the more devious - and unconstitutional
- policies employed by America's colleges and universities have begun to migrate down to the K-12 level as well.
One such program is the bias response team, which encourages students and staff to file
reports about perceived "bias incidents" through portals on the school's website - anonymously if individuals so
choose. Reports are sent to a school's "team," which is often composed of assorted university officials such as
campus police, deans of students, Title IX administrators, and diversity employees. A 2017 report from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education identified 231 bias response teams operating in higher education
institutions across the country, a number which has undoubtedly risen since then.
Read more here:
The Navy Quietly Just Rapidly Deployed an Entire Aircraft Carrier Group To Meet
Russian Ships Near Hawaii
The Debrief has learned that
in early June, the U.S. Navy rapidly deployed the entire U.S.S. Carl Vinson aircraft carrier group, Carrier Strike Group One,
in response to a massive build-up of Russian naval forces currently operating roughly 300 miles west of Hawaii.
Multiple U.S. Defense officials speaking on background told The Debrief
that sailors assigned to the Carl Vinson Carrier Group found out at the end of May they would be leaving for an unscheduled
deployment within the next 11 days. Reportedly, the carrier group had been previously scheduled to deploy at the end of the
Read more here:
Dr. Peter McCullough - COVID Vaccines Have Already Killed 50,000 Americans
The pandemic was planned, and is "a crime against
"We have now a whistleblower inside
the CMS, and we have two whistleblowers in the CDC," the doctor revealed. "We think we have 50,000 dead Americans.
Fifty thousand deaths. So we actually have more deaths due to the vaccine per day than certainly the viral illness by far.
It's basically propagandized bioterrorism by injection."
Dr. McCullough: COVID Vaccines Have Already Killed Up to 50,000 Americans, According to Whistleblowers
In an extraordinary interview
last week, Dr. Peter McCullough, an American professor of Medicine and Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor
University, declared that the world has been subjected to a form of bioterrorism, and that the suppression of early treatments
for COVID-19-such as hydroxychloroquine- "was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine."
Dr. McCullough made the explosive comments during a webinar on June 11,
with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a German trial lawyer, who believes the pandemic was planned, and is "a crime against
Read more here:
"Smartest Man in America" Breaks Down Global Elite's Vaccine Sterilization
Christopher Langan, who has a genius-level IQ between
195-210, breaks down nefarious vaccine agenda
'It's easy to see where
this leads, and it's nowhere good.'
One of the smartest people
in the world is speaking out against the Covid-19 injection, asserting the global elite behind the "vaccine" push
likely do not have humanity's best interests in mind.
Most people
wouldn't assume much of Missouri horse rancher Christopher Langan, 69, who used to work as a construction worker and a bouncer
at a bar for nearly 20 years.
Read more here:
What the world is experiencing in 2021 and going forward is a manmade
EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT via an ongoing series of bioterrorists acts perpetrated by a genocidal conspiracy of state actors
What the world is experiencing in 2021 and going forward is a manmade EXTINCTION
LEVEL EVENT via an ongoing series of bioterrorists acts perpetrated by a genocidal conspiracy of state actors, corporate entities,
NGOs, secret societies[1] and terrorist organizations such as NATO (aka North Atlantic Terrorist Organization).
What these Covid Plandemic perpetrators have set in motion is an irreversible Extinction Level Event (ELE) that will eventually wend its way throughout the entire planetary civilization.
Read more here:
Another Dust Bowl Storm Will Devastate the American West and Nobody Is Prepared
For it
In the 1930s, the United States was suffering
from the most severe drought in its history, the "Dust Bowl."
And be prepared to bite the dust once again, because scientists think the Dust Bowl is coming back for a
second round. And this time for decades.
The Dust Bowl was a
period of severe dust storms that greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the American and Canadian prairies during
the 1930s.
The drought came in three waves, 1934, 1936, and 1939-1940,
but some regions of the high plains experienced drought conditions for as many as eight years. Pretty bad, no?
Well, according to Cornell University Professor Toby Ault, the Southwest United
States typically experience a severe drought once or twice a century.
Read more here:
Government researchers
and university scientists are warning that a massive food crisis is happening. The worst drought in 1200 years will lead to
shortages of cotton, soybean, corn, beets, garlic, and onion in the United States of America.
Watch here:
Pine Needle Tea: Potential Antidote for Transmission of Spike Protein
Word is spreading that pine needle tea may offer a solution against covid vaccine
"shedding" or transmission where vaccinated people are spreading harmful particles or substances to others
around them.
Pharma industry insiders such as Dr. Michael Yeadon and Belgian Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, internationally renowned Dr. Peter Mccullough, and Dr. Judy Mikovits have been warning us.
And the prestigious Salk Institute has authored a bombshell revealing that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is what's actually causing vascular damage in covid patients
and covid vaccine recipients, promoting strokes, heart attacks, migraines, blood clots, and other harmful reactions
that have already killed thousands of Americans.
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Hundreds of Vaccinated Indonesian Health Workers Get COVID-19, Dozens in Hospital
JAKARTA-More than 350 doctors and medical workers have caught COVID-19 in Indonesia despite being vaccinated with Sinovac, and dozens have been hospitalized, officials said, as concerns grow about the efficacy of some vaccines against more infectious
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A Deeper Analysis Of The Government's Involvement In The Events
Of January 6th, Taking Into Account Their Historical And Systematic Abuses Of The Rights Of All Americans
The coming days, weeks and months should prove this beyond any doubt whatsoever
It seems just about every Real News outlet (meaning "not MSM") had headlines
about the Tucker Carlson Fox News show on June 15th this year, and an EXCELLENT segment was his "We are looking at growing authoritarianism" and "there is an 'unprecedented' effort to 'round up' dissenters" topics. They stand on their own well enough with
the surplus of other stories on it, so I will not cover that side of things here.
That the FBI is involved in spying on American Citizens illegally and immorally is not disputed, and stories abound
on that front as well. For instance, the ACLU itself has many stories on it, like this one titled "More About FBI Spying" that states "The FBI has a long history of abusing its national security surveillance powers..." and then lists
several methods and supposed legal reasons why they do:
Read more
International Tribunal Of Conscience: Covid-19 Is Genocide
Warning: This article's content may trigger traumatic
injury and PTSD. We are in full-fledged genocide and vaccine holocaust. I recommend pine needle tea to remedy stress
and pain.
Welcome to the third International Tribunal of Conscience
(I.T.C.) hosted by Rima Laibow M.D. on the Dr. Rima's weekly Truth Reports and co-hosted by Ralph
Fucetola on the People For People network.
I.T.C. was founded by Alfred Lambremont Webre, Chief Justice of the International Tribunal for Natural and Common Law Health
and Justice, created for the purpose of ending this Covid-19 Genocide. For centuries people have been holding to account governments
of Earth through tribunals of this kind. Read more about international tribunals of Common Law and Natural Law at Open
Source Truth.
Read more here:
Candace Owens speaks out against Juneteenth holiday, says "Democrats really
need to stop trying to repackage segregation"
conservative Candace Owens spoke out against the Juneteenth holiday that recently became a federal holiday.
Owens wrote:
Juneteenth is soooo
Democrats really need to stop trying to repackage segregation.
I'll be celebrating July 4th and July 4th only.
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WATCH: Tucker calls Mayor Lightfoot "demented" and "America's Worst
During a fiery monologue, Fox News host Tucker Carlson
called Chicago Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot "demented" and "America's Worst Mayor."
"We want to start with an insurrection," Tucker said "an insurrection against the
rule of law, against civilization itself - that's been going on for more than a year in the city of Chicago. Since the death
of George Floyd last May, Chicago's mayor, Lori Lightfoot, has embraced every part of the equity and inclusion agenda."
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Florida Judges Declare Mask Mandate Unconstitutional
Are you shocked or surprised that this bit of news has received little coverage? Attorney
Jeff Childers struck a blow for freedom in Alachua County, Florida. Alachua County is home to Gainesville, which is
where the University of Florida is located.
Childers represents Justin
Green, owner of a plant nursery, who brought suit last March after Alachua County commissioners passed an order that required
all employees and customers in Alachua to wear masks in businesses. Green lost his initial foray into court, but he appealed.
Read more here:
Four Healthy British Airways Pilots Die in One Week - Airline
Says No Link to Covid-19 Vaccine
Four young and healthy British
Airways pilots recently passed away and the airline is claiming there is no link to the Covid-19 vaccine.
The photo of the four books of condolence sitting next to framed pictures of the pilots
was posted to Twitter and authenticated by Reuters.
"Reuters presented the claims to British Airways, which said they
were unfounded and that no such talks were underway with the government. The spokesperson, however, confirmed the authenticity
of the four condolence books, as four company pilots had recently passed away. "Our thoughts are with their family and
friends," they said, adding that none of the deaths was linked to vaccines."
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"This Is Wealth Redistribution": Blackrock &
Other Institutional Investors Buying Entire Neighborhoods At Huge Premiums
The corruption that has stemmed from the fascism in the united States is absolutely incredible, and the redistribution
of wealth that was talked about in the Obama era has now moved into the housing industry.
Read more here:
Theoretical "Lentz Drive" Could Make Star Trek-Style Warp Technology
a Reality
Ever since Captain James T. Kirk first ordered Chief
Engineer Montgomery Scott to jump the Starship Enterprise to warp speed, real world scientists and engineers have looked for
ways to bring the concept of faster than light travel into reality. A number of solutions have been proposed, but nearly all require a highly theoretical substance called ‘exotic matter' to operate, or are
otherwise limited to sub-luminal travel to avoid having to use exotic matter altogether.
Now, a recent paper by a physicist with over ten years experience in practical applications has proposed a solution that may finally break through
those limitations, which has the potential of bringing into existence the first real-life warp drive.
Read more here:
Royal Caribbean discovers that vaccines cause outbreaks, after eight vaccinated
crew members test POSITIVE for COVID
(Natural News) Royal Caribbean's Odyssey of the Seas was scheduled to leave Port Everglades on July 3rd. The cruise was halted after eight
crew members tested positive for COVID. Strange enough, all eight COVID-positive crew members were "vaccinated" for COVID, proving yet again that these spike protein bioweapons do not stop people from testing positive for COVID or transmitting
infection. Royal Caribbean has discovered that the VACCINATED cause outbreaks, and vaccines are not magic elixirs that prevent
infection at all times.
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Iranian warships ‘taking weapons to Venezuela' DIVERT to Africa after US
vowed to take ‘appropriate action'
IRANIAN warships believed
to be taking weapons to Venezuela have diverted to Africa after the US vowed to take "appropriate action", say officials.
They could now be heading north to Russia, or to Syria, the American defence sources added.
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Murder hornet 2021-Insect found near Seattle scaring locals with size and leaving
experts warning of ‘serious danger
A GIANT hornet capable
of killing humans and wiping out entire beehives was discovered north of Seattle on Wednesday, causing major concerns for
It was the first sighting of the dangerous "murder hornet" in North America this year.
A resident found the dead hornet on his lawn in Snohomish County on June 4 and reported it immediately to agriculture officials.
Scientists have warned for months that the killer species poses a massive public health threat.
more here:
China's AI fighter jet pilots are now ‘better than humans' and can shoot
them down in dogfights
CHINESE fighter pilots have been going
up against aircraft piloted by artificial intelligence that fare "better than humans" and can shoot them down in
simulated dogfights.
The Air Force has been testing out AI systems that
have been "sharpening the sword" for the country's pilots, Chinese media reported.
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Farmers Blame The Feds: The "Government Stole Our Water"
Farmers in the United States have reached a breaking point. They now say that what the
government has done has been so disastrous that they are willing to stand off with the Feds.
Farmers in Oregon are protesting because they own the water in the Upper Klamath Lake, farmer Dan Nielsen told RT's Ruptly video agency. He stood outside an American flag-colored tent that was set up next to the canal headgates, which control the flow of irrigation
water from the lake. "It's ours and the federal government actually just stole it. No due process of law, no compensation," Nielsen
said, adding that federal officials had violated the locals' property rights guaranteed by the US Constitution.
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Red Alert! Biden Targeting All Patriots In Official 'Domestic Terrorism'
Strategy Doc While Completely Ignoring The Death, Devastation And Damage Of Antifa/BLM Riots
The morning here was spent reading through a 32-page Biden regime strategy document for "countering
domestic terrorism," where "white" supremacists, racism and bigotry against Blacks, Jews and Asians, are all
highlighted and addressed while completely ignoring the targeted attacks against Whites and the death, devastation and damage
done by groups like Antifa and BLM.
For example: In the document
the events on January 6, 2021 at the U.S. capitol are addressed specifically, but no mention of the countless federal buildings,
sustained riots in places like Portland, Seattle and other places, other than general references to "anti-authority"
and "anti-capitalism," groups, which remained nameless.
we saw reports of a black man who went on a two-state shooting spree, deliberately targeting "white males," in just the latest attacks aimed against white people that the media is silent on because it doesn't match the narrative
being pushed that America itself is a "racist" nation.
more here:
America has been conquered.
America is about ready to experience a brutal occupation. An Empire of Clowns have been installed to oversee the planned death
and destruction of at least 200 million Americans. This was all foretold by former Soviet defectors, but we did not pay attention.
This is the story, from the political work on how America has been destroyed from within. America could not be conquered without
help from the inside. This article describes the help that Russia and China have received from treasonous members of Congress.
This article also describes the Soviet plot to conquer America from within. This plot has largely been taken over by the CHICOMS.
High-profile Soviet defectors have been telling American intelligence agencies for decades
that the Russians have engaged in a multigenerational plot to destabilize America prior to the takeover in which both the
Russians and the Chinese will unleash a ferocious military assault upon our country.
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The newest wrinkle on pandemic corruption is how most of the medical and public health
establishment refuses to accept natural immunity, obtained through COVID infection, as equivalent to or even better than the
artificial immunity obtained from vaccines.
The reason is simple. The more that natural immunity is accepted, the more reason there is to reject getting one of the experimental
COVID vaccines. Half the US population from kids to adults likely have natural immunity, even though most never
suffered any serious ill effects from being infected.
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Black Theologian Exposes 'Demonic Ideology' Behind Critical Race Theory
Dr. Voddie T. Baucham says CRT, BLM, 'social justice' are all 'about power'
Dr. Voddie T. Baucham currently serves as the dean of theology at African Christian University in Zambia, where he now lives.
However, when Dr. Baucham returns to his native United States, he says he's been alarmed in
recent years by the Marxist power grab that is being disguised as "racial justice."
Baucham says he's so concerned about America's pathway to "demonic" Marxism that it's compelled him to write a book about the disturbing shift in U.S. society.
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Seek Seismic Generational Shift In A Nation Without God, Bible, Or Churches
Our nation is undergoing a seismic generational shift in worldview driven by younger Americans-many of whom do not
know, believe, or care whether God exists, and who overwhelmingly reject traditional moral values as irrelevant today. The
beliefs and behaviors of younger Americans, especially Millennials, threaten to reshape the nation's religious parameters
beyond recognition. In fact, this radical spiritual revolution has created a generation seeking a reimagined world without
God, the Bible, or churches, according to the latest research from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University.
"Gen X and the Millennials have solidified dramatic changes in the nation's central beliefs and lifestyles," explained
George Barna, CRC Director of Research. "The result is a culture in which core institutions, including churches, and
basic ways of life are continually being radically redefined." The American Worldview Inventory 2021 found that younger
Americans are significantly more likely... (READ MORE)
Obama-Biden Administration Wanted Aborted Baby Parts From Boys To Create Human-Animal
Monstrosities, Used Your Tax Dollars To Fund Nazi-Like, Unconscionable Secret Experiments
Government scientists under the Obama-Biden administration specifically requested body parts from
aborted baby boys for experiments involving "humanized" animals, according to a document obtained by the watchdog
organization Judicial Watch. The email provides more details of the gristly aborted baby body parts harvesting practices that
occurred under President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. Unbeknownst to most Americans, their tax dollars were
used to support the killing of unborn babies in... (READ MORE)
ZEITGEIST 2025 IS COMING! So Will YOU Have The Mark Of God Or The Mark Of The
Beast On Your Forehead?
One of the most recognized examples of
a mark on the forehead is in the final book of the Bible, Revelation. It is referred to as the "mark of the beast."
Many refer to the mark of the beast as the devil's number, but it is much deeper than this. The mark is a seal for the followers
of the Antichrist, along with the false prophets who serve the Antichrist. The false prophet is the second beast and is responsible
for getting people to take the Antichrist's mark. This mark will go directly on the forehead or hand. Some believe that it
will be in the form of vaccines or medical implant chips. This has caused many people to fear doctors and vaccinations. They
wonder if the government is conspiring an attack against us... (READ MORE)
Airline and bank websites go down in another major internet failure
Airlines, banks, stock exchanges and trading platforms suffered brief website outages
early Thursday after a key piece of internet infrastructure failed, sparking the second major interruption of the past 10
Virgin Australia said in a statement on Thursday that it had resolved
an IT outage caused by a failure at Akamai Technologies (AKAM), a global content delivery network.
"Virgin Australia was one of
many organizations to experience an outage with the Akamai content delivery system today and we are working with them to ensure
that necessary measures are taken to prevent these outages from reoccurring," the airline said in a statement.
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Mao's Cultural Revolution Has Arrived in America
From 1966 to 1976, Chinese society suffered under what we now call the Cultural Revolution.
The Cultural Revolution, previously known as the Great Proletarian Cultural
Revolution, was a multifaceted affair undergirded by a vicious, fanatical campaign to destroy the "Four Olds."
In 1971, The New York Times described the campaign thusly:
"One of the early objectives of the
Cultural Revolution in China ... was to wipe out the ‘four olds'-old things, old ideas, old customs, and old habits.
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Putin Condemns ‘Political Persecution' of Jan 6 Protesters:
‘Did You Order The Assassination' Of Ashli Babbitt?
may also be interested in this report by Sputnik News on Tucker Carlson's claims, titled FBI
Helped Organise and Coordinate Capitol Unrest, Tucker Carlson Claims in Bombshell Report.Here is a Twitter link
to Tucker Carlson's segment on Fox. We recommend listening to more of the NBC interview of Putin below for the way
in which interviewer Keir Simmons attempts to nail Putin on each and every thing. Now if only the MSM would do this on our
own (s)elected representatives ....Putin's been calling out the West a lot lately, including publicly criticizing the Davos
crowd's Great Reset Plan, which won't succeed, he's said. Plus that vaccination should
be a personal choice.
Read more here:
As America Is Pushed Beyond The Breaking Point, Be Prepared For The Coming Invasion
As Biden And Democrats Catapult Us Towards The 'Eve Of Destruction'
The Outright Chaos You Feel Now In America Was Clearly Self-Inflicted
The wreckage that our country faces did not start with the Biden administration. The socialist
tendencies of the progressive socialist Democrats started way back in the era of Woodrow Wilson. Since then, the government
has required the citizenry to bow down to the false god of governmental power.
Senator Bernie Sanders has stated, and Chyna Joe has echoed, that we can use the Covid 19 crisis to change the basic
tenets of government and society work. Instead, the word-salads and doublespeak will work to tie the power they crave by aligning
with such other areas as climate change, gun control, and the continuing racial divisiveness already being seen in our country.
Biden talks of "white supremacy" and "diversity" as hallmarks of his enlightenment without ever defining
what he means.
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We Should Be Shocked By What Inflation Is Doing To Home Prices, Because We Have
Never Seen This Before
If you are shopping for a home right now,
I really do feel sorry for you. Home prices in many areas of the country have officially crossed the line into "absurd"
territory, and they just keep going higher. Thanks to wild spending by the federal government and the economic malpractice
that has been happening at the Federal Reserve, we now have way too many dollars chasing way too few goods and services.
Inflation is showing up in every sector of our economy, but it is not showing up equally in all sectors. One area where
inflation threatens to spiral completely out of control is in home prices. Right now we are seeing the wildest bidding
wars in U.S. history, and in many, many cases buyers end up paying way over listing price.
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The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis: "Global Governance" Scenarios.
World Government in the Post-Covid Era (Part 2)
Civil Society
People are frightened and puzzled. "Why
would they do this?"
Empty schools, Empty airports, bankrupt grocery
In France "Churches are threatened with Kalashnikovs over Covid-19 outbreak" (April 2020)
Read more here:
Massachusetts school district tells students to REPORT on each other when they
hear something offensive like "Ohhh, you got the ‘China Virus'?!?!"
A school district in Massachusetts is actually turning students and staff on each other by asking them to report
on their fellow classmates and colleagues when someone says something they deem offensive, such as ‘incidents of bias'
or ‘microaggressions'. And there will be punishments for these incidents:
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This New ‘Metamaterial' Lens Technology Will Change Aerospace
The first-ever metamaterial lens has been created. Researchers at Cornell University's
Department of Applied Engineering Physics and Samsung's Advanced Institute of Technology recently proved that the metamaterials lens concept is feasible. The new metamaterials lens is significant because it can be "focused using voltage instead
of mechanically moving the component," Jules Menten writes in the California News-Times, which "opens the door to a range of compact varifocal lenses that can be used in
many imaging applications such as satellites, telescopes, and microscopes."
Undoubtedly, the emergence of metamaterial lenses will affect future warfighting capabilities.
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SHOCKING JUMP in Vaccine Deaths Reported This Week at CDC-Linked VAERS Tracking
There are more US deaths related to vaccines
in 2021 in less than 5 months than there were the entire past decade.
The number of deaths linked to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC's own data, in 2021 n the first 3 months, the VAERS website recorded over 1,750 deaths due to vaccines in the US.
That number is now at 5,997.
"The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database contains information on unverified reports of adverse events (illnesses, health problems and/or symptoms) following
immunization with US-licensed vaccines. Reports are accepted from anyone and can be submitted electronically at"
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"Did You Order Assassination of Woman Who Walked Into Congress?"
- Putin Calls Out US for Political Persecution of Jan. 6 Protesters (VIDEO)
Russian President Putin was interviewed by NBC on June 11 in Russia. Putin makes more sense in some
of his responses than do the knuckleheads who run US politics, media, and social media.
At one point in the interview, Putin shamed his interviewer for not allowing him to finish what
he was saying:
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US Food Bank Lines
May Reemerge As Millions Set To Lose Unemployment Benefits
food banks in Republican states are preparing for a massive demand surge in food aid this summer as 24 GOP-led states are set to end federal unemployment assistance before they're set to expire on Sept. 6.
The benefits set to lapse include the additional $300 weekly federal supplement and other Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
programs that support low-income households. The policies have also contributed to a historic labor shortage after millions of people received more money via government benefits to staying at home than actually work.
Read more here:
Red Dragon Rising: China preparing for future invasion of America
The Chinese Communist Party has over the years infiltrated both of the major U.S. political
parties, to the point where we must at least consider the possibility that we are already living under a form of occupation.
Call it communism light, if you will.
Such a prospect raises a host of questions about how one is to live under communist occupation as
formerly free Christian people.
Read more here:
Celente - Expect More Chaos And Violence In The Streets, This Time Because Of
Massive Inflation
Gerald Celente:
Prices around the world are climbing, putting a brake on the global economic recovery and raising fears that
everything from savings accounts to the job market will suffer long-term damage.
Already this year, copper, houses, iron ore, and lumber have set record prices. Corn, soybeans, and wheat
have climbed to eight-year highs and oil has regained prices not seen since April 2019.
Although the price of goods makes up about 20 percent of the Consumer Price Index, with
services comprising a far greater share of the economy, commodity prices could be decisive now, Nataxis economist Dirk Schumacher
said to the Wall Street Journal.
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'Wise guy' Joe SNAPS at press: Biden suggests CNN correspondent is 'in the
wrong business' for asking if he thinks Putin will change at fiery press conference where he threatened a response if Russia
hacked a 'red-line' list of 16 targets
President Joe Biden said
he warned Vladimir Putin Wednesday that Russian cyber attacks on 'critical' U.S. infrastructure would draw a serious American
response - and told his counterpart just how harmful a cyber attack might be on an oil pipeline that is the lifeline of the
Russian economy.
Biden threatened retaliation and made his explicit comment
publicly even as he denied making any kind of a 'threat' in his meetings with the Russian president as they discussed ransomware
attacks that shut down the Colonial pipeline and has other U.S. and multinational businesses on edge.
Read more here:
Forget carrots! Scientists develop an ultra-thin crystal film that
could allow humans to see in the DARK - and could revolutionise night vision
Regular glasses could soon double as night vision goggles after scientists developed an ultra-thin crystal film which
acts as a filter to help humans see in the dark.
The transparent
metallic film contains nanometre-scale crystals that are hundreds of times thinner than human hair.
It can be applied directly to a pair of spectacles and works by converting infrared light,
which is invisible to the human eye, into images people can see.
more here:
I have a breaking story on the intent of Biden to
start a war with Russia, to be timed with the Biden-Putin Summit as the three destroyers sent into the inescapable waters
of the Black Sea. One is US, one European, one British (the last two members of the HMS Queen Elizabeth carriernstrike group).
These are sacrificial lambs to inflame the Western World if and when Russia sinks them. A few hours ago, I conducted an interview
with Pastor Sam Honnold about this critical situation. The interview can be accessed by clicking this link.
Read more here:
Something Very Strange Is Afoot: Food, Water And Pipeline
Hacks Offers Dire Warning And Questions Of Whether Our 'Enemies' Are Preparing To Shut Down America Before Striking
In 2021 we have seen some very disturbing attacks that when seen together, along with
the ramifications to each industry that was attacked and hacked, shows how very vulnerable Americans are to events and bad
actors who could, quite literally, shut most of America down.
We keep
seeing news about "QAnon" supporters could get violent, or "white supremacy" is a major danger, and the
recent hacks to critical industries to our very survival are being blamed on (insert country here), yet for all the rhetoric,
does it really matter what "could" happen? Is finding the culprits behind the attacks more important than safeguarding
and taking measures to secure the areas that have been shown to be the most vulnerable as well as the most dangerous to Americans?
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Coming off driest spring in almost 100 years, Washington state faces bleak drought
The drought outlook in Eastern Washington and around
the west is alarming and terrible news for wildfire season. That's according to top scientists in the country.
Washington state is coming out of the driest spring since 1924. It was the second driest
spring on record, and those records date back to the 1890s.
impact is great," said Josaih Reimers, who lives in Newcastle. "It will dramatically change the course of the summer
for a lot of people."
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Many U.S. Cities Are Already Starting To Resemble Post-Apocalyptic Cesspools As
America's Collapse Accelerates
For a moment, I would like you
to take an imaginary tour of a major U.S. city with me, and I would like for you to try to guess which city I am talking about.
As you stroll along the sidewalks in the heart of this city, it seems like tents have been erected everywhere. Homelessness
is completely and utterly out of control in this particular city, and even though city officials keep making more promises
the crisis just continues to get worse. As you continue your tour, you notice multiple addicts doing drugs right
in front of you. Drug needles, human waste and other trash are strewn all over the place, and you wonder why nobody
from the city has cleaned up the mess.
Read more here:
The coming 5-10 years are likely to see asset prices decline by at least 90% in real terms.
Yes stocks, bonds and property prices will in coming years collapse. But that's not enough, the whole structure of society
will also fall. There will be no or negligible pensions, there will be no social security system and the standard of medical
care will fall dramatically.
So is this another sensational prediction
by a Cassandra or Doom and Gloom know-it-all?
Read more here:
South Korea Is Looking At Building A Way Bigger Carrier Than We Thought
Rival designs are going head-to-head as South Korea seeks to put F-35 stealth
fighters to sea.
The South Korean shipbuilding industry has shown
off a range of models of the country's planned first aircraft carrier, now known as CVX, which is intended to operate F-35B stealth fighters. While a previous plan, referred to as LPX-II, suggested the South Korean Navy was eying a revised amphibious assault ship design better suited to carry those short takeoff
and vertical landing-capable jets, the revised CVX project is an altogether more ambitious aircraft carrier. Among the latest
proposals are a vessel with a new ‘ski jump' takeoff ramp, as well as twin island superstructures.
Read more here:
Check Out The Anti-Drone Weapons Carried By Security At Biden's Meeting In Brussels
The unique weaponry carried by a security detail guarding the meeting is a reminder
of how serious the threat of assassination by drone is.
shared to social media show Belgian security forces wielding a combination of handheld anti-drone weapons to protect a meeting
between U.S. President Joe Biden and King Philippe of Belgium held on Monday, June 14. Two different types of anti-drone systems
were carried by members of the Belgian Federal Police, one which fires a net projectile at drones, and another that uses radiofrequency (RF) jamming to disrupt links between drones
and their operators. The deployment of these two systems together is a reminder of how serious the threat of drone attacks or even assassination attempts on high-value targets is worldwide.
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USS Regan Strike Group Enters Heavily Disputed South China Sea
The great power competition between China and the U.S. continued Tuesday as the Ronald
Reagan Carrier Strike Group sailed into the South China Sea for the first time this year, according to a U.S. Navy press release.
The strike group's aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan was accompanied
by the guided-missile cruiser USS Shiloh and the guided-missile destroyer USS Halsey. The group of vessels entered the heavily
disrupted South China Sea waters on Tuesday to conduct a maritime security operation.
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The Hostile Takeover Of America's Farms, Food Supply And Production Are The Latest
Signs America Is Being Herded Back Into A Nightmare Of Serfs Living Under Overlords
Land ownership is in HUGE trouble in the USA and getting rapidly worse, by design
The short TikTok clip posted recently on ANP talks of manufactured food shortages that we are now witnessing. There are many stories on this from Conservative
news and opinion sites, but that is not the main topic on this story as there is far more to it than just that.
Corporate ownership of farms, pasture and any productive land mass is what needs to be
looked at. There has always been a push by the wealthy to own large masses of land, but the recent huge increases in that
trajectory is what is very disturbing.
As the article in The Real Truth titled "The Disappearing Family Farm" stated, "According to the Census of Agriculture," a United States Department
of Agriculture report revealed, "the number of U.S. farms fell sharply until the early 1970s after peaking at 6.8 million
in 1935...By 2002, about 2.1 million farms remained."
more here:
You Know It's Bad When a NORTH KOREAN DEFECTOR Says That US Similarities to NK
Are "Insane"
We interrupt your regularly scheduled
brainwashing for a dose of reality for a brave young woman who defected from North Korea in a brutal journey so she could
be free. Eventually, she made it to the US to attend an Ivy League American school.
Yeonmi Park has seen firsthand where the United States is headed....and it's straight to North Korea if we don't
make changes soon.
Read more here:
Pair of Massive Portals Allow Instantaneous Communication between European Cities
When scanning the day's headlines, it often seems like race, politics, religious beliefs
increasingly separate the world and pretty much everything else. For many, this feeling of isolation only increased under
the pressure of a worldwide pandemic, adding to the feeling that humanity was becoming irreversibly fractured.
To help mend some of those broken fences and hopefully remind the world's citizens that
despite our differences, we are all living on the same drop of dirty rainwater, a charitable foundation and its visionary
founder have combined cutting edge art and modern technology to build a technological ‘bridge' between cities.
Read more here:
Underground Salt Mine in Poland Has Otherworldly Saline Lakes, Statues, Ballrooms
That Defy Belief
Far beyond the humble kitchen condiment, salt-quite
literally-has a history of great depth. One fascinating chapter of that history lies deep below the earth in Poland, where,
in the 13th century, it was mined from a location like no other.
The largest
of these mines still exists today.
Surreally, the underground mine comprises vast, decorated chambers illuminated by chandeliers; cavernous halls with sublime saline lakes;
and chapels carved right out of the living salt surroundings.
The subterranean
site is so otherworldly that it has to be seen to be believed.
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China Sends Long-Range Bomber toward U.S. ADIZ Hawaii! U.S. Scrambles two F-22
On Sunday, the People's Republic of China
sent at least one long-range, nuclear-capable, strategic bomber, from mainland China toward the U.S. islands at Hawaii.
The U.S. scrambled two F-22 Raptors, fully armed with external fuel tanks as that aircraft approached the U.S. Air Defense
Identification Zone (ADIZ).
The pair of F-22 Raptors were launched
on an alert scramble out of Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam on Sunday at around 4:00 PM local time.
A third F-22 joined the mission about an hour after pair's departure.
A KC-135 was also launched to support the fighters. The scramble, described as an "irregular
patrol," was initiated at the request of the Federal Aviation Administration, which reported an 'incident,' although
nobody is providing clear information as to what caused the prolonged scramble mission.
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'FBI operatives were organizing the attack on the Capitol':
Tucker Carlson claims the January 6 insurrection was planned by the government
Tucker Carlson claimed Tuesday that the Capitol rioters who were named as 'unindicted co-conspirators' in court documents,
were actually federal agents, orchestrating the attack.
Carlson on Tuesday
night referenced a report in Revolver News, which looked into the indictments of the around 400 people charged over the January 6 unrest.
More than 2,000 criminal charges have been filed against 411 suspects, including hundreds of felonies
such as assaulting officers and trespassing with a weapon.
Read more here:
Warning temperatures will hit 127 F and break records: 50
MILLION are under heat warnings across eight states from California to Montana amid fears of blackouts and wildfires
More than 50 million people across eight states in the western U.S. were under Excessive
Heat Warnings and Heat Advisories on Tuesday, as a heatwave spreads from California to Montana.
About 200 million people are expected to experience temperatures above
90-degrees over the next few days, and some 40 million will have to suffer in heat above 100-degrees.
Highs could reach up to 30 degrees above average, NBC reported, and nearly 200 daily record highs
are possible by the end of the week. Those could include monthly and all-time record highs, especially in parts of the desert
southwest, where temperatures could get up to 127-degrees.
Read more here:
'Political Islam has joined with radical left to hijack our schools':
Muslim parent at school where board member warned pupils to remember 'jihad' as they 'enter a world of white supremacy'
says the graduation speech is a 'wake up call'
Furious parents
have spoken out against a school board member who told graduating high school students to remember 'jihad' as they 'entered
a world of white supremacy'.
Asra Nomani, a Muslim mom in the district,
said the speech by Fairfax County School Board member, Abrar Omeish, was a 'wake up call.'
'Political Islam has joined with radical left to hijack our schools,' she told Fox & Friends
on Tuesday.
Read more here:
Putin pressures Biden before talks: As the two presidents
prepare to face each other in Geneva within hours, US stealth jets launch in response to Russia's biggest naval exercise since
end of Cold War 300 miles off Hawaii - and dozens of Chinese warplanes circle Taiwan after American carrier group arrived
Russia and China have heaped pressure on Joe Biden with provocative military drills in
the Pacific and the South China Sea ahead of the US President's showdown with Vladimir Putin in Geneva today.
USAF stealth fighters were scrambled to Hawaii on Sunday as Moscow launched its biggest
naval exercises in the Pacific since the Cold War, while in the South China Sea, an American carrier group has steamed in
as Chinese warplanes tear around Taiwan.
Biden will finally
sit down with Putin on Wednesday for their first presidential summit on Lake Geneva - the choice of venue harking back to the Cold War meeting between Ronald
Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985.
Read more here:
China sends 28 warplanes near Taiwan in year's largest exercise
TAIPEI (BLOOMBERG) - China's air force sent 28 aircraft close to Taiwan, the largest sortie
this year, further ratcheting up military pressure on the government in Taipei as it seeks to strengthen ties with the US.
The People's Liberation Army planes, including 14 J-16 and six J-11 fighters,
were detected in Taiwan's southwestern air defense identification zone Tuesday, Taiwan's defence ministry said in a statement.
Taipei's military sent patrol aircraft, issued radio warnings and deployed air defense
missile systems to monitor the activity.
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White House Lays Groundwork to Target Conservatives as ‘Domestic Terrorists'
Today the White House lays the groundwork to target conservatives as ‘domestic terrorists'.
This may seem shocking to some but they are claiming that racially and ethnically motivated
violent extremists pose the greatest terrorism threat in the United States.
the surface, many will simply say that's great because we obviously don't want ethnically motivated violent extremists running
around harming others.
Read more here:
Huge explosions rock Gaza as Israeli warplanes launch airstrikes in response to
Hamas firebomb balloons just three weeks after ceasefire was agreed
Israeli aircraft have launched fresh airstrikes against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, bringing an end to the brief ceasefire after
the latest devastating conflict in the region.
Israel's military said
the latest explosions were a response to the launching of incendiary balloons that caused fires in fields in southern
In a statement, the military said that it was 'ready for all scenarios,
including renewed fighting in the face of continued terrorist acts emanating from Gaza'.
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Military Whistleblower Says Large Black Lives Matter Flag Was Hung at US Naval
Base in Africa
An alleged whistleblower who submitted a comment
to Sen. Tom Cotton's (R-Ark.) and Rep. Dan Crenshaw's (R-Texas) offices said that a large Black Lives Matter flag was flown at a military installation in Africa last year, which
may have flouted then-Pentagon policy.
The unnamed service member said
that while deployed in a combat zone in Africa, a large Black Lives Matter flag was flown at a U.S. naval base, according
to Cotton's office in a statement to Breitbart News.
Read more here:
Biden Administration Asks Americans to Report ‘Potentially' Radicalized
Friends and Family
President Joe Biden's administration announced
their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight
domestic terrorism.
In a conversation with reporters, one senior administration official explained the importance of stopping politically fueled violence before
it started.
"We will work to improve public awareness of federal
resources to address concerning or threatening behavior before violence occurs," the official said.
The official cited the Department of Homeland Security's "If you see something say something"
campaign to help stop radical Islamic terror as a domestic possibility.
involves creating contexts in which those who are family members or friends or co-workers know that there are pathways and
avenues to raise concerns and seek help for those who they have perceived to be radicalizing and potentially radicalizing
towards violence," the official said.
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Two Insiders Claim That the Vaccine Contains Latent Weaponized
Anthrax Which Will Manifest As Ebola
We all know that
something big is coming. We know that there is a second kill shot in the works.Many think it is Ebola and it will come out
of China.This brief article will take a quick look at this notion.
walls are closing in on the Biden administration. Audits and the intention to audit are breaking out everywhere. The Biden
administration needs a solution to the growing populism. Not to worry, the intention is obvous.
Read more here:
FBI Headquarters in Washington DC - Boarded-up, Stairs Chained off - No one in
Video below from a Citizen Journalist reports that the
FBI Headquarters in Washington, DC is vacant this morning, June 15, 2021, and the entrance doors are BOARDED-up.
No one can even walk-up the entry stairs which have a small chain across them to keep
everyone out.
I have no idea why this is taking place but it sure seems
Why is everyone gone?
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COVID-19 "vaccines" FASCISTS REVEALED: What You Need To Know For Informed Consent
Prior to taking any unapproved drug, you have the right to receive a broad and complete
spectrum of information about the potential effects of those drugs on your body, in order for you to give "informed consent"
or to refuse. Dr. Blaylock wrote this especially for this purpose.
are four major companies offering the COVID-19 "vaccines" (biological bioengineered agents); Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson
& Johnson and AstraZeneca. Two (Pfizer and Moderna) use a technology never before approved or used "vaccine"
called a messenger RNA (mRNA) biological.
Read more here:
James Woods Declares Los Angeles Is Dead: ‘L.A. Is Gone'
Conservative actor weighs in on the demise of Venice Beach,
Conservative actor James Woods declared "all of Los Angeles County is
like this now," referring to a story detailing the demise of Venice Beach, California.
"There are some pockets of respite, but L.A. is gone," Woods declared.
All of Los Angeles County is like this now. There are some pockets of respite, but L.A.
is gone.
- James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) June 14, 2021
Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva stated:
"Today I visited the Venice Boardwalk again to view the failures of local politicians in
regard to the homeless crisis."
Read more here:
The Democrats 'Kill Count' Continues To Grow Into 2021 As People Are Awakening
To The Shocking Number Of Mysterious Deaths Surrounding The Clinton's And The DNC
Why Do So Many People Tied To The Clinton's Meet Their Untimely Ends?
While the name 'Christopher Sign' is definitely NOT a 'household name' in
2021, and Sign was definitely NOT anywhere near as well known as, say, Bill or Hillary Clinton, as this June 13th story over
at the Daily Mail pointed out, Sign made the lives of those two absolutely miserable in the year 2016 when Sign broke the story of Bill Clinton secretly meeting with Barack Obama's Attorney General Loretta Lynch, soon before Lynch's DOJ dropped the email investigation into Bill's wife, Hillary.
With Lynch's decision thus killing the investigation that threatened to derail Hillary's 2016 presidential bid, a quick look at the comment section of this Daily Mail story reporting upon reporter Christopher Sign's 'suicide' shows that readers around the world 'aren't buying'
the 'suicide reports', and for very good reason.
more here:
‘Domestic Violent Extremists' - FBI Warns QAnon Followers
Could Carry Out Acts of Violence Despite Lack of Evidence - But Antifa Is an Idea
The FBI is once again targeting obscure Q Anon followers.
than 8,500 BLM-Antifa terrorists were arrested during the 2020 summer of rage after doing billions in damage, but the FBI
is hunting down digital LARPers.
According to a new FBI report obtained
by CNN, Q Anon followers could transition from "digital soldiers" to committing acts of violence.
Read more here:
I Think There Is A Great Evil At Work. None Of This Ends Well. Dark Dark Days
Question? Does anyone else think that it's weird that
people are having to be bribed to get the jab? Is it weird to be offering free donuts to people to take the jab? How about
being entered to win a million dollars if you take the jab? Or better yet, get out of prison early for taking the jab? Can
anyone explain this to me?
What about our "Government" and the
Enemy MSM saying "if everyone would just get vaccinated we could all have our freedoms back and everything could go back
to normal."
Does anyone use any critical thinking skills anymore?
Serious red flag warnings should be going off for how desperate they are to get this poison into everyone.
Read more here:
Why Countries Collapse
Orlov and Vladimir Putin believe the US is failing, because the US government, in Putin's words, is "making sure-footed
strides directly along the path of the Soviet Union."
These strides
are, in Orlov's words: "exorbitant debt, problems in the energy sector and unreformable political systems mired in corruption,
their elites delusional in their feelings of omnipotence. And now comes a truly eerie analogy: the powder keg that detonated
under the USSR was ethnic nationalism and separatism; and the powder keg that is currently detonating under the US is "woke"
(anti-)racism: another brand of ethnic fascism but with American characteristics."
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Capitol rioter Ashli Babbitt's widower says the cop who shot her
dead MUST be named - and his attorney claims it's the same officer who kept his job after leaving his handgun in public
men's room
Ashli Babbitt's husband is demanding authorities name
the police officer who shot his wife dead during the US Capitol riot - amid claims it is the same cop who previously left his handgun in a public men's room.
Speaking to Fox News' Tucker Carlson on Monday night, Aaron Babbitt said he still hasn't been told which officer was responsible for fatally shooting his
35-year-old wife on January 6.
The Metropolitan Police Department
has so far refused to name the officer involved and the Department of Justice announced in April they would not be pursuing
charges against the officer following an investigation.
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'Rare, dangerous and deadly' heat wave tightens grip on western US
The magnitude of the heat across the western United States through the coming week will
be one for the record books, according to forecasters. And it's not just how hot it will get that will set this particular
heat wave apart from others the region has frequently endured in the past -- it's how long it will last.
The hot pattern could set dozens of new daily record highs through the middle of June,
in addition to potentially setting new all-time high marks for the month as a whole in some locations.
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THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION-PART 22: Alien Secrets From The Middle Ages
As documented in our former work, Petrus Romanus, the Middle Ages marked a Faustian
bargain between the Roman Church and the Carolingian dynasty that served to suppress biblical theology and promote the papal
juggernaut. In that work, we discussed the resulting years of darkness (757-1046 AD), ignominiously titled the "Pornocracy"
or "Dark Age," by asserting that "demonic weirdness defines the era."[i] In light of that, a bit of arcane lore popularized by Jacques Vallée concerning a Spanish-born priest and archbishop
of Lyon, Agobard of Lyon (779-840 AD), seems pertinent. Agobard mentions a folk belief concerning "a certain region,
which they call Magonia, whence ships sail in the clouds."[ii] Given the historical context, we find the timing of this belief's emergence to be telling. Beginning at this time, there
was a developing acceptance that people were visiting the Earth from other worlds in flying ships. The account speaks of four
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The pic was taken at the G7 summit in Cornwall, England. It shows how the front men and front women for the
"Very Best People" of nations such as the UK, US, Canada etc etc behaved when they gathered to discuss solving
all the world's problems that they themselves had largely created, using solutions that will inevitably inflict even more
problems upon the world's plebs, riffraff and hoipoloi.
The (hah!) "leaders"
of nations came from all over the world in private gas-guzzling jets, bringing with them their entourages of body guards,
courtiers, sycophants, handlers, minders, advisers and, of course, the inevitable press corps.
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Real-Life Survival Story: Are You Fit Enough to Survive?
Editors Note: Have you ever wondered if you are fit enough to survive
a natural disaster? An often-overlooked factor in survival is fitness. Your fitness level can mean the difference between life and death in many different SHTF situations.
Guest Contributor Vic Verdier shares his real-life SHTF survival story. Unfortunately, many others
did not survive. Vic discusses various reasons why and what they could have done to up their chances of survival. He offers
actionable points on how you, too, can up your fitness level and come out as a survivor.
Read more here:
Why Are Hordes Of Wealthy People Hitting The Escape Button And Heading To Montana?
Why have thousands upon thousands of very wealthy people suddenly felt an overwhelming
urge to buy a home in Montana? At this moment, Montana is one of the hottest real estate markets in the entire country.
When a desirable house is put on the market, it can often spark a wild bidding war. Of course the vast majority of the
potential buyers involved in these bidding wars do not actually have any roots in Montana at all. Vast hordes of wealthy
individuals from Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York and other major cities are flooding into the state, and there is only
a limited amount of housing to accommodate them. As a result, home prices are being pushed to absolutely absurd levels.
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New Material Able To Withstand Extreme Temperatures Discovered Totally By Accident
An extraordinary and accidental discovery by Australian researchers of a new material that does not contract or expand under extreme temperatures, called ‘zero thermal expansion' has the potential to revolutionize aerospace and medical technology. It also shatters to pieces what everyone learned about matter in fifth-grade science class.
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9 Signs That Some Of America's Long-Term Trends Are Starting To Become Very Serious
Short-Term Problems
Ignoring long-term problems can work for
a while, but eventually they catch up with you. Over the years, I have written many articles about alarming long-term
trends in our society that desperately needed to be addressed. Of course the vast majority of those long-term trends
never got much attention, because our political system tends to reward politicians that focus on short-term issues.
As a result, many of the long-term trends that I have written about previously have now gotten to a point where they have
started to become very serious short-term problems. In this article, I would like to share 9 examples of this with you.
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Russia's Zeus Nuclear-Powered Tug to Search for Extraterrestrial Life, Roscosmos
Chief Says
ST. PETERSBURG (Sputnik) - Russian nuclear-powered
space tug Zeus, currently under construction, will be sent on a mission to search for life in deep space once completed, Dmitry
Rogozin, the director general of the Russian state space agency Roscosmos, said on Tuesday.
The space tug fitted with a nuclear reactor is set to be used for missions to remote planets of the Solar System
and beyond. It has been under development since 2010 and is expected to make its first space flight in 2030.
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The Shocking Truth Of The COVID Lockdowns Isn't Just Devastating, But Should Be Considered A Deliberate
Act Of War Against The American People
Anyone with even a half
of a brain cell still working knew that state leaders having the power to determine what businesses in their states
were "essential" and which were considered "non-essential," knew the devastation such decisions would
cause throughout the country, from coast to coast.
As we have said multiple
times, each business and each job at those businesses were 'essential" to those working there or those who owned those
businesses, yet state leaders ignored the imminent destruction of America "small businesses," in favor of overreaching
power grabs.
The preliminary numbers are in, and they tell the shocking
truth of the COVID lockdowns that the media, liberal politicians that are still refusing to completely open their states up,
and the Biden regime, would prefer Americans did not know.
Read more here:
Corporate Recruiter Warns: Energy Companies To Replace Vaccinated Employees Within
3 Years
"Executives are having their staff...go through
and look at the staff that have received the vaccines. And they're planning to have to replace them all within the next 3
years. What does that say to you?" she asked.
A recruiter
for oil and gas corporations recently gave an ominous warning on Tik Tok, claiming that these big companies are mysteriously
preparing to replace their vaccinated employees within three years.
Bird, a recruiter for RigBoyz Employment Network, explained that nearly half of these major companies' workforce will soon be replaced with fresh workers within a few years
due to the fact that they've been vaccinated.
Read more here:
US troops forced to segregate by race and sex for ‘privilege walks,' told
they're racist and more, Sen. Cotton says
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR)
highlighted mandatory racially charged training sessions taking place within the military during a Thursday Senate hearing
with President Joe Biden's Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.
Cotton summarized
several of the complaints he had received in a whistleblower tip line he established with Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) to allow
troops to report on the "woke" and racially charged training in which they are being forced to participate. Cotton
noted several examples of racially charged activities, including segregation, mandatory training and reading, and superiors
declaring entire branches or units racist.
Read more here:
‘Urgent' British report calls for complete cessation of COVID vaccines in
An "urgent preliminary report of Yellow Card data" issued by the UK-based Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd submitted to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) states that "the MHRA now has more
than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans."
Similar to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), the MHRA describes the purpose of its Yellow Card system as providing "an early warning that the safety
of a medicine or a medical device may require further investigation."
report, signed by Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd and EbMC Squared CiC Director Dr. Tess Lawrie (MBBCh, PhD), says:
"we have searched the Yellow Card reports using pathology-specific key words to group the data according to the following
five [sic] broad, clinically relevant categories:
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Lake Cuitzeo, Mexico's second-biggest lake, is now a cemetery of abandoned fishing
Drought has dried up what was Mexico's second-biggest
lake, destroying a once thriving fishing economy in Michoacán.
The scale of the problem? Lake Cuitzeo should have 800 million cubic meters of water, but today it doesn't even have
Now, the more than 300-square-kilometer reservoir has become a cemetery
for fishing boats and a shortcut for motorists to reach Morelia, the state capital of Michoacán.
Read more here:
These Mysterious 'Instructions For A Post-Apocalyptic World' Warn Us To Be Prepared
For A Grand Culling Ahead As A New Mutant, Deadly Scourge Is Unleashed Upon America
ANP had reported back on May 23rd that we should be on the watch for the 'next phase' of the globalists depopulation agenda to be kicked into
gear to get the world's population down to 500 million in due time, and now we get this new story over at the Daily Mail warning the so-called deadly 'Indian variant' of Covid could be the dominant strain in the US in the coming week.
With experts warning the 'delta variant' of Covid is already causing havoc in
the UK, where 90% of new cases are of that variety, and nearly 30% of the fatalities caused by it have happened in fully vaccinated
people, as 'Kalbo' had reported in this May 28th story, while most still call the depopulation agenda of the globalists a 'conspiracy theory', it's been written in stone
on the Georgia Guidestones.
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How to Prep for a Cyberattack
With cyberattacks becoming more and more frequent, we're starting to see the exceptionally dangerous vulnerabilities
in our infrastructure. From the person who hacked the municipal water supply in Florida to the Colonial pipeline attack to the cyberattack that took out most of the power to Puerto Rico, we've been shown that the possibilities are infinite.
And with the upcoming
"wargame" of Cyber Polygon coming up next month, a lot of people are on edge, as the World Economic Forum and other rich and powerful folks have an uncanny track record of "practicing" an event
right before it happens. Think about Clade X and Event 201, for example.
Read more here:
Americans find another point of polarization as poll shows 79%
of Democrats support employers forcing workers to get Covid-19 jabs
A new poll shows that Democrats and Republicans are just about as divided on an employee's right to choose whether
to get vaccinated against Covid-19 as they are on a woman's right to choose whether to abort her unborn child.
Nearly 80% of Democrats agreed that employers should be able to force their workers to
get Covid-19 shots, according to a CBS News-YouGov poll released on Sunday. In contrast, only 39% of Republicans approved of giving businesses such authority over their employees'
medical choices. The overall response was 56%-44% in favor of forced jabs.
of the two major parties are more split on vaccine choice than on Covid-19 inoculation in general. While 95% of Democrats
have already been vaccinated or are at least considering it, 71% of Republicans are on board or thinking about taking the
jab, the poll showed.
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Researcher: 'We Made a Big Mistake' on COVID-19 Vaccine
The more we learn about the COVID-19 vaccines, the worse they look. In a recent interview1
with Alex Pierson (above), Canadian immunologist and vaccine researcher Byram Bridle, Ph.D., dropped a shocking truth bomb
that immediately went viral, despite being censored by Google.
It also
was featured in a "fact" check by The Poynter Institute's Politifact,2 which pronounced Bridle's findings
as "false" after interviewing Dr. Drew Weissman,3 a UPenn scientist who is credited with helping to create
the technology that enables the COVID mRNA vaccines to work. But, as you can see below, unlike Bridle, Politifact neglected
to go beyond interviewing someone with such a huge stake in the vaccine's success.
In 2020, Bridle was awarded a $230,000 government grant for research on COVID vaccine development. As part of that
research, he and a team of international scientists requested a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) access to Pfizer's biodistribution
study from the Japanese regulatory agency. The research,4,5 previously unseen, demonstrates a huge problem with
all COVID-19 vaccines.
Read and watch here:
Pastor arrested for holding church service - USA
Watch here:
'Leaking' Chinese nuclear power plant 'could spark disaster':
American intelligence warns reactor has been pumping out radioactive gas for two weeks... but Beijing insists everything is
A Chinese nuclear power station is leaking radioactive
gas and could become a major disaster, according to secret US intelligence reports.
Taishan Nuclear Power Plant, located in southern Guangdong province, is thought to have been leaking for at least
two weeks after a French firm that co-owns the facility flagged the issue to Washington.
American agents have spent the last week monitoring the situation and have concluded it has the potential turn into
a major disaster but that facility is not currently at 'crisis level'.
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Proof humans can reproduce on Mars as scientists discover sperm survives in space
A scientific experiment involving mice has found that sperm can survive on Mars and in
space, something previously thought to be impossible and a major barrier to life on other planets
A new scientific study has found that humans will be able to reproduce on Mars - as our sperm can survive up to 200 years there.
Scientists previously
believed that radiation in space could damage our DNA and render procreation impossible.
Despite the exciting breakthrough, there are still many questions on how it would be possible for humans to have
sex in the planet's micro-gravity.
The development came when scientists
housed mouse sperm aboard the International Space Station for six years. They were surprised to find it had kept in good health.
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‘Like Hell Went to Hell,' The Tragic Demise of Venice Beach
LOS ANGELES-World-renowned Venice Beach has long been a place where visitors, residents, and business owners commingled with artists, musicians, and entertainers
from all over the country. Over 10 million tourists visit the California beach's famous boardwalk each year, drawn in by the ocean view and the unconventional lifestyle of the neighborhood's eccentric
But the famed destination no longer circulates in headlines
for its wacky tourist attractions or local eateries. Instead, the beach town has become known worldwide for its flourishing
homeless encampments, burgeoning filth, skyrocketing crime rate, and increasingly violent transients.
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Heat Dome to Set Records in the West Much of This Week
Dangerously hot temperatures will grip parts of the West this week, smashing numerous
daily record highs and even threatening a few all-time June records.
large dome of high pressure in the upper atmosphere has developed over the West. Beneath the dome, sinking air is causing
temperatures to soar well over 100 degrees in many areas.
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Translating Yellen-Speak into Golden-Speak
Given the increasingly politicized interplay (cancer) of central bank policy and so-called free
market price discovery, it's becoming increasingly more important to track the actions of central bankers rather than just
traditional market signals alone.
Like it or not, the Fed is
the market.
Toward this end, we've had some substantive fun deciphering
the past, current and future implications of "forward guidance" from our openly mis-guided crop of central bankers, most notably Greenspan, Bernanke and Powell.
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Financial Blowout Ahead: Lobotomized Economists Clash on the Deck of the Titanic
Under the new world order of "stakeholder capitalism" citizens will
learn to own nothing and be happy, Matt Ehret writes.
the geniuses running the western financial bubble sometimes called an "economy" continue to double down on their
obsession to pump a dead financial system with ever more trillions in stimulus spending, arguments are raging among brainwashed
economists living in denial over the oncoming systemic collapse. The thought of engineers on the Titanic passionately arguing
over whether they should accelerate or decelerate the speed of the boat whose hull has long been torn to shreds by an iceberg
comes to mind.
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The Wizard Of Oz: The Dark Reality That The Deep State Hides From The World
The "Deep State"
Nothing is ever as it seems, especially when it comes to the modern world in which everyone lives. "There Are No Democracies Or Autocracies, Only Governments", I wrote last week, and they're all comprised of permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies, or
"deep states", which handle matters largely considered (whether rightly or wrongly) to be beyond the responsibility of the average
citizen. This power structure is allied with influential perception managers in the Mainstream Media and the education system in order to hide a very dark reality from everyone that's much more nefarious than what the Wizard of Oz hid from Dorothy.
Supporters might say that "it's better this way" since "society needs to be controlled" whereas critics
claim that this is highly manipulative and against people's fundamental human rights. Whichever side of the divide one falls
on, there's no denying that the real world is much worse than the average person thought.
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AS THE GREAT DELUSION NEARS, UFO Community Explodes In Accusations of ‘Luciferianism'
The world of UFO conspiracy theorists has been torn apart by dueling lawsuits, pitting
a prominent UFO influencer against a conspiracy-minded streaming video company valued at more than $200 million over who has
the right to discuss their experiences with a benevolent species of blue alien. The battle taking place in a federal courthouse
in Colorado centers on Corey Goode, a UFO promoter and self-proclaimed deep-space traveler who consorts with benevolent aliens,
and his former employer, Gaia, a publicly traded streaming platform whose videos blend yoga instruction with stories about
"deep state" villains and benevolent aliens.
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Named After Reptilian Goddess, Nüwa Hopes To Raise David Flynn's Cydonian
Atlantis From The Dust Of The War Planet, To Become Off-World Mega-Residence For Revival Of Martians
Ready to pack your bags and hit the cosmic highway for a new off-world home? The folks
at ABIBOO Studio and SONet are putting out the welcome mat and presenting their vision for what might become the first capital
city on Mars, housing up to 250,000 residents. The city, called Nüwa, was brilliantly conceived by ABIBOO and SONet,
a scientific think tank headed by astrophysicist Guillem Anglada, who led the discovery of exoplanet Proxima b. It's a visionary
concept for a completely scalable, sustainable Red Planet metropolis carved into the 3,000-foot (1,000 meters) cliff face
of Tempe Mensa, and was selected as a finalist by The Mars Society's 2020 contest for feasible settlement designs... (READ MORE)
Atomism and the Occult
In order to properly assess the philosophical
and theological implications of intelligent extraterrestrial biological life, it is essential to review the history of the
discussion. Most folks probably assume that it was the dawn of the space age, beginning with the Russian satellite Sputnik
in 1957 and culminating with Neil Armstrong taking "one giant leap for mankind" in 1969, that necessitated the ET
discussion. Alternately, folks more versed in Western history might think back to the eighteenth-century "age of reason"
enlightenment or perhaps even a little farther to the "Copernican revolution," including the infamous sixteenth-century
Galileo trial, as the impetus for speculation about ET. While those are certainly remarkable stepping stones, the origin of
the otherworldly reaches much deeper into antiquity.
Read more here:
Greyerz - Final And Total Catastrophe Lies Ahead for The Global Currency And Financial
Egon von Greyerz at Matterhorn Asset Management
(based in Switzerland): The coming 5-10 years are likely to see asset
prices decline by at least 90% in real terms. Yes stocks, bonds and property prices will in coming years collapse. But that's
not enough, the whole structure of society will also fall. There will be no or negligible pensions, there will be no social
security system and the standard of medical care will fall dramatically.
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The Most Terrifying Media Statement Ever: 'The Biden Administration
Is On The Case' - Shortages Cripple Certain Industries And Food Is Getting More Expensive Than Families Can Afford
Media gurus continue to insist the recent reporting of a 5% inflation spike is because of the pandemic, when in reality there are a number of factors from weather events to supply chain issues, and
are also pushing the claim that it should balance itself our in "the near future."
Then again, the media first denied the pandemic as Independent Media warned what was coming, and called us "conspiracy
The media then insisted there would be no food
or other shortages and when signs started popping up in grocery stores showing "limit purchase to (insert number here),
the media reported it months after Independent Media warned it was coming, and the MSM also acted like they were reporting
"current news."
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Republicans Move to Ban Chinese Communist Party Buying American Real Estate
GOP seeks to secure U.S. land from foreign interference
Republican lawmakers have made a bold new move to protect America's land and reduce
the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) influence in the United States.
Friday, House Republicans led by Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), introduced a bill to ban the CCP from buying American real estate.
The bill, titled
"The Securing America's Land from Foreign Interference Act," seeks to ensure that U.S. real estate "never
comes under the control of the CCP."
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As the hoax unravels, it is time to look ahead towards some much-needed justice
Here's an
interesting featured article that makes a strong case for the prosecution of those who have executed the Covid Hoax
and various pushers of Fear Porn who have aided and abetted this attack on the people.
As the criminal escapade's unravelling gathers pace, it s time to look ahead, towards the bringing to justice of
ALL those responsible.
The Road to Nuremberg looks like a road we
must travel anew because scum has once again, as scum does, risen to the top.
more here:
The Human Genome Is-Finally!-Complete
The Human Genome Project left 8 percent of our DNA unexplored. Now, for the first time, those enigmatic regions have
been revealed.
When the human genome was first deemed "complete" in 2000, the news was met with great international fanfare. The two rival groups vying to finish the genome first-one a large
government-led consortium, the other an underdog private company-agreed to declare joint success. They shook hands at the
White House. Bill Clinton presided. Tony Blair beamed in from London. "We are standing at an extraordinary moment in scientific history," one prominent scientist declared when those genomes were published. "It's as though we have climbed to the top of the Himalayas."
Read more here:
Israel 365: In a spate of recent interviews, former President Barack
Obama repeatedly discusses UFOs. Obama claims that concrete proof of extraterrestrial life would not change any of his beliefs but would probably lead to the creation of "new religions." What Obama
is clearly not aware of is that the Bible already addresses the subject.
more here:
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Warns: COVID-19 is a bioweapon designed
and paid for by sociopaths in order to create global panic and manipulate humanity into sheepishly getting injected with a
poisonous death shot
In a letter addressed "to all
humanity," Zelenko Protocol discoverer Dr. Vladimir Zelenko today called the COVID-19 coronavirus a "bioweapon"
and the experimental biological agent administered to diminish its severity a "poisonous death shot."
Dr. Zelenko, who has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in discovering
an effective COVID-19 treatment, wrote: "If after all the information that is now available about the dangers of COVID-19
deaths shots you still choose to take the poison - the negative consequences are completely on you."
Read more here:
"Dear Ms Sutcliffe and all Executive Directors,
I write to you today as a highly experienced nurse with 27 years of service, to inform you that when
my registration expires on 31.05.2021 I will not be renewing it and therefore I am resigning my registration and leaving
the profession.
The reasons for this are many but to summarise I
am utterly dismayed and disheartened by my profession and with you as our governing body at the complete lack of integrity
that has been displayed since the beginning of the ‘Covid19 Crisis'.
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"Global Time Bomb" First case of postmortem study
of patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2; "viral RNA found in every organ of the body"
The first-ever autopsy of a person vaccinated against COVID-19, who tested negative 18
days later upon hospital admission but at 24 days after the VAX, has revealed viral RNA was found in almost every organ
of the body. The vaccine, while triggering an immune response, DID NOT STOP the virus from entering every organ in the
The viral RNA was found in virtually every organ in the body, which
means the spike proteins as well.
There are antibodies (like the "vaccine"
is supposed to create) but they're irrelevant because, based on a study from Japan, we now know that the spike S1 protein
is what does the damage.
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Biden's Infrastructure Plan Is Designed to Destroy Privacy, Create
Mass Unemployment and Usher In Complete AI Control of America
Several years ago, I was invited to attend a conference on the future of man, machine, energy and sustainability.
The conference was sponsored by Arizona State University. It was my first real exposure about how far off the deep end that
the looney left "social engineers" had ventured. It was at this conference that I realized how very dangerous the
notions of Agenda 21, now Agenda 2030 were/are.
In the previous,
three days, I received the same basic emails with some of the same statistics and planned societal upheavals related
to our culture, industry and technology which predicted the near future of events. I have taken the time organize and categorize
the facts and added some additional facts that I was exposed to at this conference mentioned in the above sentences.Many of
these freedom-robbing innovations are already a reality. The rest are becoming reality one step at a time and unfortunately,
the American people, as a whole, will have no idea what has hit them.
more here:
Thor Industries Now Has $14 Billion Order Backlog Amid Booming Demand For RVs
About two months after we discussed recreational vehicles are "on pace for a blowout year" and "sales just hit an all-time high," we got the latest confirmation from Thor Industries CEO Bob Martin. He spoke with Jim Cramer on "Mad Money" earlier this week about the manufacturer's massive order backlog.
Thor Industries - Airstream, Heartland RV, Jayco, Livin Lite RV, and others - first began to experience an uptick
in sales after lockdowns ended in May and June 2020. Without a vaccine, people were too afraid to fly or stay in hotels or
resorts, so they bought campers and traveled. The RV industry also saw a lot of first-time buyers, especially with the millennial
Read more here:
Ranchers forced to sell 4,200 head of cattle as drought conditions worsen
One month ago, we shared how ranchers were waiting for their pastures to green up to turn the cattle out.
Now, we're sharing the tough decision these men
and women have to make.
"Our situation is getting pretty dire and
ugly," said David Bohl.
North Dakota has been in a drought since May 2020.
Right now, 77 percent of the state is in an extreme drought
and 18 percent is in an exceptional drought.
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Vaxxxidents, Dark Agenda, Chaos, Biden Admin Collapse - Clif High
Internet data mining expert Clif High uses something he calls "Predictive Linguistics,"
which sorts through billions of bits of information on the Internet to predict future trends and events.
High predicted Trump would win in 2016, and, on election night, High also predicted Hillary Clinton
would go "missing," and both happened. Those are just a few of the big calls High has made over the years.
High no longer sells his work to the public, but still does Internet research. High has new data on multiple subjects.
Let's start with new data that paints a very "Dark Agenda" with the lab created CV19 virus and the experimental
"vaccines" to treat it. We start with a new term he has come up with called "Vaxxxidents." According
to High's data, Vaxxxidents are a coming trend for people who have taken the CV19 vaccine.
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The CIA Has 'Ghosted' Its Weather Modification Story At A Time When A Killer Drought
Is Striking America And Water Is Absolutely Necessary For EVERYONE'S Survival
- We Were Warned Long Ago Weather Mod Would Provide Techniques For Conducting 'Secret Warfare'
With ranchers out West forced to sell-off their cattle while farmers leave thousands of acres of farming land unplanted due to what's being called a 'record drought' now hitting much of Western America as seen in the map above taken from the US Drought Monitor, we've got to take a look within this story at the CIA recently 'ghosting' a 2016 story titled "Director Brennan Speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations", a story within which John Brennan
CONFIRMED 'weather modification programs' though the mainstream media still loves to call 'weather modification'
a 'conspiracy theory'.
While a current visit to where that
story used to be gets us a 404 error with the message "the page you requested doesn't exist", we're thankful that story has been saved at Archive (and numerous other locations), for within it, Brennan tells a story that must be told considering what's happening in America now with extreme drought already striking and Summer having not even officially begun yet.
more here:
Covid-19 Leads to Brain Changes & Alzheimer's-like Dementia, New AI-Powered
Study Finds
"While the researchers found little evidence
that the virus targets the brain directly, they discovered close network relationships between the virus and genes/proteins
associated with several neurological diseases," says Cleveland Clinic.
to recent US research, Covid-19 may lead to the type of brain changes common in Alzheimer's disease, and a team of scientists
has identified the mechanisms by which it may be causing such impairments.
Cognitive disorders, including dementia, are increasingly being reported as a complication of the highly contagious
SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19, researchers behind the recent study at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio have revealed.
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Montana, the sold-out state New Yorkers can't get enough of
Flathead Lake Lodge, in Bigfork, Montana, near Whitefish, lies at the foothills of the
Swan Mountains where the Swan River feeds into the northern edge of Flathead Lake.
In the mornings, guests ride horses across the 2,000-acre ranch to a fire pit breakfast before deciding whether to
hike to waterfalls, explore the on-property elk preserve, kayak, swim or simply relax by a bonfire while looking at the snow-capped
mountains in the distance.
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DROUGHT collapsing the food supply, LAWLESSNESS collapsing blue cities as America
plunges toward Third World chaos
(Natural News) We are rapidly approaching the end of America and the end of the world as we know it. Every institution of sustainable civilization
is being torn to shreds by the anti-human globalists and their obedient Democrat operatives: The money supply, the food supply,
science and medicine, the rule of law, parental rights, medical ethics and even national sovereignty. The governments of the
world - America, Canada, Australia, China, etc. - have been transformed into crime syndicates that actively seek to destroy
their own populations and nations, and the global extermination agenda using covid biological weapons (spike protein / covid vaccines) is well under way.
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Fed explores ‘once in a century' bid to remake the U.S. dollar
The rise of private cryptocurrencies motivated the Fed to start considering a digital
dollar to be used alongside the traditional paper currency.
The Federal
Reserve is taking what may be the first significant step toward launching its own virtual currency, a move that could shake
up banks, give millions of low-income Americans access to the financial system and fortify the dollar's status as the world's
reserve currency.
The idea of creating a fully digital version of the
U.S. dollar, which was unthinkable just a few years ago, has gained bipartisan interest from lawmakers as diverse as Sens.
Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and John Kennedy (R-La.) because of its potential benefits for consumers who don't have bank accounts.
But it's also sparking strong pushback from those with the most to lose: banks.
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Giant explosion and cyberattack cause major blackouts across Puerto Rico (video)
A large fire at an electrical substation for Puerto Rico's new electricity provider, Luma
Energy, knocked out power for hundreds of thousands of the island's residents Thursday.
At the height of the blackout, nearly 800,000 customers were without power, according to Luma. By
midnight, roughly 60,000 customers were still in the dark.
Read and watch
Experimental covid vaccines are bioweapon delivery systems that flood vital organs
and the blood stream with inflammatory spike proteins
(Natural News) After the Fauci emails were released, it is now clear that top public health officials conspired to conceal the origin of
the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, a laboratory toxin which is now being injected as messenger RNA and translated in human cells.
The inflammatory spike proteins are now being replicated in human cells, subverting the natural protein synthesis of the cells,
while leaking into the bloodstream and accumulating in vital organs. One study shows the spike protein can invade and live in the neural tissue, infecting neurons and causing neurotropism.
Read more here:
DROUGHT collapsing the food supply, LAWLESSNESS collapsing blue cities as America
plunges toward Third World chaos
(Natural News) We are rapidly approaching the end of America and the end of the world as we know it. Every institution of sustainable civilization
is being torn to shreds by the anti-human globalists and their obedient Democrat operatives: The money supply, the food supply,
science and medicine, the rule of law, parental rights, medical ethics and even national sovereignty. The governments of the
world - America, Canada, Australia, China, etc. - have been transformed into crime syndicates that actively seek to destroy
their own populations and nations, and the global extermination agenda using covid biological weapons (spike protein / covid vaccines) is well under way.
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WATER WARS: Manufactured Drought to cause Food Shortages, Climate Totalitarianism
The WATER WARS have begun: the state is simply turning off the water to farms &
ranches, depriving them of water needed to grow food and raise animals. This will create food shortages by design, in order
to then point at the massive proble...
Watch here:
Update: They are Going to Force the Digital Money and the Vaccine Upon the People
the Beast Has Arrived
Compliments of The New World Order...
We Won't Force Vaccine... But You Cannot Buy Or Sell Without It
Although Health Ministry Director Hezy Levy yesterday insisted to reporters that "we
won't force people to take a vaccine. Israeli law doesn't allow for it," speaking before the Special Knesset Coronavirus Committee chaired by MK Yifat Shasha-Biton, Sheba Medical Center Chief Medical Officer and Chief Innovation Officer Dr. Eyal Zimlichman listed measures that are being
planned to "maneuver" the population into vaccinating as a way of regaining freedom of movement.
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Did US fake top Nazi's WWII suicide and spirit him away to get hands on Hitler's
secret weapons programme?
The blood of thousands on his hands,
SS General Hans Kammler killed himself in 1945 in the dying days of Hitler's Germany.
That, at least, was his official fate. The man steeped in the horrors of the death camps had met his just deserts.
However, it is now claimed that Kammler survived the war, spirited away to America and
given a new identity by the US authorities.
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As Drug Makers Set Sights on Vaccinating 5-Year-Olds, Latest VAERS Data Show Number
of Injuries, Deaths Continues to Climb
This week's number of
reported adverse events among all age groups following COVID vaccines surpassed 329,000, according to data released today
by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require
further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.
more here:
After Attacking Motherhood And The American Flag, Now They Are
Going After Apple Pie - Is There Anything Left That The Liberals Won't Attack?
My last piece dealt with the recent controversy after a NYT editorial board member saying that seeing the American flags on cars with other
pro-Trump signage was "disturbing," but then we see a couple other bits of recent news that gives us the bigger
picture of how liberals are trying to destroy everything Americans have held dear for generations.
Motherhood? Nah, to the Biden regime the term Mother or motherhood, is now officially listed as
"birthing people," in his budget proposal.
Read more here:
A ‘Climate Lockdown' is on the Horizon - A Threat
Used to Bully the Public into Accepting the ‘Great Reset'
and when the powers-that-be decide to move on from their pandemic narrative, lockdowns won't be going anywhere. Instead it
looks like they'll be rebranded as "climate lockdowns", and either enforced or simply held threateningly over the public's head.
At least, according to an article written by an employee of the WHO, and published by a mega-coporate think-tank.
Let's dive right in.
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The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society,
Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d'État and the "Great Reset" (Part 1)
We are dealing with an exceedingly complex process.
In the course of the last 17-18 months starting in early January 2020, I have analyzed almost on a daily basis the
timeline and evolution of the Covid crisis. From the very outset in January 2020, people were led to believe and accept
the existence of a rapidly progressing and dangerous epidemic.
Also analyzed
are issues pertaining to the derogation of fundamental human rights, censorship of medical doctors, freedom of expression, and the protest movement.
Read more here:
SATAN" IS LOCATED: Could This be Where the Man of Sin First Seats Himself?
70+ artefacts damaged in coordinated attack on Berlin's Museum Island
At least 70 objects housed in institutions on Berlin's Museum Island have been deliberately damaged
in an apparent coordinated attack, German police confirmed on Wednesday morning.
Vandalism in numerous museums
in Berlin
One or more unknown perpetrators are said to have sprayed
at least 70 objects in the Pergamon Museum, the Neues Museum, the Alte Nationalgalerie and other locations with an oily liquid,
in what German newspaper Zeit described as "one of the most extensive attacks on works of art and
antiquities in the history of post-war Germany."
Read more
agency details new ‘digital seal' as countries mull COVID-19 vaccine passports
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is paving the way for the creation of COVID-19 vaccine passports as Canada continues to mull how to approach issuing such documents.
In a press release Wednesday, the ICAO says it has made new "technical specifications for a visible digital seal."
The ICAO said the seal stores datasets for "test and vaccination certificates"
in a two-dimensional barcode which can be made of paper or "screen-based."
Read more here:
Deutsche Bank issues dire economic warning for America
As the world economy awakens from the 15-month slumber caused by the pandemic, Deutsche
Bank has launched a series of research articles to spark debate and discussion about pressing post-pandemic economic issues.
On June 7, Deutsche Bank issued its first report of the new series, titled "Inflation: The defining macro story of this decade."
to the report, "US macro policy and, indeed, the very role of government in the economy, is undergoing its biggest shift
in direction in 40 years. In turn we are concerned that it will bring about uncomfortable levels of inflation."
Read and watch here:
Kings Of The East Issue Deadliest Warning Yet Declaring They Are Now ‘Ready
To Defeat' US
CHINA has issued its deadliest warning yet as Beijing
warned that the US will be "defeated" if the two superpowers go to war amid a tense stand-off over the South China
Sea and Taiwan. China has pledged to rapidly defeat the US in a military conflict in one of the country's most explicit warnings
yet. China's Global Times, which is seen as a Government news outlet, published an editorial revealing the threat in response
to joint military drills carried out by the US. The US joined drills with Japan, Australia and France this week in an intended
show of force against Beijing... (READ MORE)
Chair At Library Of Congress And NASA Says There is "Alien Artificial Intelligence That Is Billions Of Years Old"
While the scientific community debates Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb's bold conjecture
that our solar system has been visited by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, philosopher Susan Schneider, who holds
the Baruch Blumberg Chair, Library of Congress and NASA, preemptively upped the ante, suggesting that artificial intelligence
exists out in the Universe, and it's billions of years old. I do not believe that most advanced alien civilizations will be
biological. I do not believe that most advanced alien civilizations will be biological," says Susan Schneider of the
University of Connecticut and the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton ."The most sophisticated civilizations
will be postbiological, forms of artificial intelligence or alien superintelligence." Schneider is one of the few thinkers-outside
the realm of science fiction- that have considered the notion that artificial intelligence is already out there, and has been
for eons... (READ MORE)
THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION-PART 20: On The Arrival Of End-Time Deception
Jesus spoke of a time of ὠδίνων "birth pains" prior
to His return, and many of us believe we are currently in the throes (Matthew 24:8). Our late friend, Dr. Chuck Missler, has
written, "What is fascinating about the idiom of childbirth and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is that they are both
preceded by well-known signs given well in advance of the actual event. And yet, an ill prepared mother, like the skeptic,
if she chooses to ignore those signs, will be ‘caught unaware' when the child is born."[i] Although Jesus already sits on His throne in heaven, He awaits the time His enemies will be completely vanquished (Hebrews
10:13). They will not go down without a fight, and they are going to take a lot folks with them. Among the nominal Church,
the demonic realm has been demythologized and brushed aside. As we discuss in another entry, even most inerrancy-upholding
denominations have lost some essential biblical theology concerning the supernatural administration of the Earth. There are
"gods" hostile to humanity eager to bring their designs for the Earth to fruition. The popular belief in extraterrestrials,
along with the worldwide sightings of UAP and UFOs, seems to indicate that this time draws near.
Read more here:
America-Hating Commies Within The Nation Find American Flags 'Disturbing' As Others
Claim Flying Old Glory Is Racist - Message To Them: Feel Free To Leave
It seems these days that half of America hate the very nation they were born and raised in, the same nation that
foreigners fight to get to, and to stay.
Never did this become more apparent
than when NFL played Colin Kapernick refused to stand for the National Anthem and stated "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color......"
This caused a political division over "Old Glory" that quite literally separated
those that love the country and the American flag from those that have nothing good to say about America, constantly criticizes
the nation, and so filled with hatred of Donald Trump, who spoke out against flag-haters, they actually defended the hate
for America being shown by public figures.
Read more here:
Global Pushback Against Tyranny Has Begun
March 20, 2021, on the 1-year anniversary of the first COVID-19 lockdown, people in more than 40
countries took to the streets to peacefully demonstrate against COVID-19 lies and tyrannical measures.
The documentary above, "The Pushback," details the day the world stood together against
government overreach and the destruction of human rights - and why we must unite, every day, and push back.
Chances are, you didn't hear about this global rallying cry for freedom, as the mainstream
media have near-universally censored any news of it. The few that did report it either understated the global nature of the
event and its attendance, or misrepresented the intent of this "Worldwide Freedom Day."
Read and watch here:
I've warned you
about this before - but now there's more proof...
A new finding from the
November Capital Riot should scare the living bejeesus out of you with how the U.S. government was able to track each person
in the mob individually the entire time they were in Washington.
information is now being used to haul in every last rioter as they're hunted down for questioning.
Read more here:
New era of robot war may be underway unnoticed: Peter Apps
LONDON, June 10 (Reuters) - In March 2020, as COVID-19 locked down the world, what may
have been the first autonomous drone attacks in history were taking place on a largely unwatched battlefield in Libya.
According to a U.N. report published in March this year, Libyan forces loyal to the Government
of National Accord (GNA) used Turkish-made STM Kargu-2 drones to hunt down units loyal to former Libyan Field Marshall Khalifa
The report - prepared by independent experts for a U.N. panel
on Libya arms sanctions breaches - stated that the four-rotor drones were programmed in "autonomous mode" to attack
fleeing logistics convoys and other vehicles automatically, without further human intervention.
Read more here:
The American Standard of Living Will Collapse Soon: For
Those That Have Made The Hard Decisions And Remain Solvent, The Coming Chaos Is A Foregone Conclusion And They Are Prepared
For That
Life on Planet Earth will NEVER be better than
it is right here, right now, today.
Don't believe me? Keep reading.
It's not only about the slow-death jab causing MITOCHONDRIAL CANCER from spike protein cytokine storms and prions
sucking up the last remaining molecules of oxygen from your lungs, heart and brain over an agonizing 5 [to max 10] year period
from jab to grave.
It's not only about the mad cow prions
which are going to turn quackccinated human beings into stark-raving mad lunatics on their journey through the Land of the
Walking Dead Lepers, it's quite a lot more than that...
Read more here:
Canadian gov't. wants to create border ‘biometrics' authority to validate
travelers' vaccine status
At the same time, Prime Minister Justin
Trudeau said travel restrictions will be eased for fully 'vaccinated' people.
OTTAWA, Ontario, June 9, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) - The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) says it has an "urgent" need to create an "Office of Biometrics
and Identity Management" that could be used to verify the vaccine status of all Canadian and foreign travelers who enter
the country.
A tender notice or Notice of Proposed Procurement (NPP) posted to the Public Services and Procurement Canada website on June 7 states that
the CSBA already has three companies with experience in the biometrics field who are interested to set up the new "biometrics" office.
Read more here:
T.D. Jakes says "White Evangelicals have lost sight of ‘what Jesus
would do'"
"Bishop" T.D. Jakes blasted white evangelical
Christians during a "woke" interview with the far-left magazine, "The Atlantic." Jakes, the pastor of
The Potter's House Church in Texas, was interviewed for a story titled, "T.D. Jakes on How White Evangelicals Lost Their
"I think white evangelicals lost sight of "What would
Jesus do?" because they only define Jesus in very narrow terms," Jakes told the leftist magazine.nIt sounds like
something Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton would say. Is the black bishop simply misinformed or does he harbor bigoted feelings
toward white Christians? Following is the pertinent portion of the interview:
more here:
Powerful Speech Warns Joe Biden Is Trying To Turn America Into A Socialist Hellhole
While Offering America A Battle Cry To Be Prepared For Trouble In The Days We're Living In
Socialism Leading To Totalitarianism Another Reason For Americans To Be Ready For Anything
Just days ago on June 5th, we reported that a recent trip to a local convenience store to purchase a couple of items had brought about an unexpected surprise, a
sign at the entrance asking customers to 'please be patient' because they were short on employees because 'no
one wants to work anymore.' And as we'll explore within this story, this appears to be a national trend.
With this new Zero Hedge story titled "Nobody Wants To Work: Job Openings Soar To All Time High 9.3 Million As Record Numbers Quit Their Job"
echoing the warning from our June 5th story, another trip out today to our local grocery store resulted in me seeing several signs in front of numerous businesses offering
to hire people immediately, businesses that I'd never seen such 'Help Wanted' signs at before.
Read more here:
Ranchers Sell Off Cattle & Farmers Idle Hundreds Of Thousands Of Acres As
America's Drought Emergency Escalates
In my entire lifetime,
this is the worst that drought conditions have ever been in the western half of the country. During the past 20 years,
the amount of territory in the West considered to be suffering from exceptional drought has never gone higher than 11 percent
until now. Today, that number is sitting at 27 percent. The term "mega-drought" is being thrown around a lot these days to describe what is happening, but this
isn't just a drought. This is a true national emergency, and it is really starting to affect our food supply.
Just look at what is happening up in North Dakota. The vast majority of the state
is either in the worst level of drought or the second worst level of drought, and ranchers are auctioning off their cattle by the thousands...
Read more here:
15 States Are Moving to Curb Public Health Agency Powers Following Lockdown Carnage
More than a dozen states have passed or advanced legislation to place new checks on the
powers of public health agencies in the wake of the pandemic.
For decades,
Sunset Restaurant in Glen Burnie, Maryland, was the family business. Over the years, he'd done seemingly every job imaginable:
busboy, bartender, and butcher; prep cook and plumber; handyman and manager.
says that's what made it so hard to watch the family's legacy become a COVID casualty in 2020.
"It kills me. We were supposed to be getting ready to celebrate our 60th anniversary this year,
and instead we're packing up and closing at the end of this month," Fratantuono told the Washington Post last year.
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Church bells silenced after more than a century following ONE noise complaint
A VILLAGE'S church bells have been silenced after more than a century - following
a complaint by just one person.
The church has housed a chiming clock since 1910 but the local council only just received its first complaint about the noise.
Mike Adams, a bellringer at All Saints Church, in Kenton, Devon, called it "another nail in the coffin of a failing village".
said online: "The more observant among you will have noticed that the clock is more muted than of late.
"This is due to a complaint being made to environmental health at Teignbridge District
"Apparently, someone does not like the clock striking and
environmental health have threatened the church with an abatement order and possible court action.
Read more here:
The new global religion demands the allegiance of every human being: Will you
fall for its deceptions?
The cult of COVID has its own sacramental
rites, its own punishment mechanisms for unbelievers, and its own twisted version of heaven on earth.
Let's talk about the sacraments first.
It started
with the ritualistic covering of one's face. This was a must. Anyone who did not comply was punished by being banished from
public marketplaces and forced to examine their conscience in the privacy of their own home. How could they be so mean and
inconsiderate as to actually cite scientific studies showing masks don't protect anyone from a virus?
Read more here:
Cost of EVERYTHING to spiral out of control after Covid as inflation ‘time
bomb' hits all corners of world, bankers warn
THE global
economy is careering towards a "devastating" inflation spike which would send the cost of everything soaring, warn
financial experts.
A stark report by Deutsche Bank says global
economies are now sitting on a "time bomb" in the wake of the Covid pandemic which has seen Sovereign debt - the
amount countries have borrowed - rise to "unimaginable" levels.
more here:
to 28th May in the UK there have now been 1,227 deaths of those vaccinated. With 40m having been given at least one vaccine
(up to that date) - that is one death in every 32,000 vaccinated individuals which means that for anyone under
50 the chances of dying from the vaccine are worse than dying from catching COVID itself.
For the over a thousand vaccinated people who developed COVID after the vaccine the death rates
(for the Pfizer 6.5% and for the Astra Zenecca 6.83%) were more than twice the level of deaths from COVID generally
Read more here:
Second Amendment Court Win Leads
To Meltdown Of Liberal Gun Grabbers - If California Fights This Ruling It Could End Up Affirming Gun Rights From Coast To
By now many have already heard that Federal Judge Roger
T. Benitez has struck down a 32 year ban on "assault weapons" in California. In his judgement Benitez expanded on
what is and what is not truly "assault" weapons, as well as taking a hit at the media's mischaracterization of the
damage caused by AR-15's in comparion to other weapons and even Covid-19 deaths.
Because this is so well known by now, we will not focus as much on the actual ruling, other than a few quotes from
the ruling directly below, but rather the main focus will be on the meltdown over this decision by gun grabbing liberals,
including CA governor Gavin Newsom, and most importantly the extremely probable outcome should California decide to appeal
this decision.
Read more here:
Watch: Fauci Pal Daszak Admits "Chinese Colleagues" Developing "Killer"
EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak
- who collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on research funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci's National Institute of Allergy
and Infectious Disease - appears to boast about the manipulation of "killer" SARS-like coronaviruses carried out
by his "colleagues in China" in a clip unearthed by The National Pulse.
Daszak made the admission at a 2016 forum discussing "emerging infectious diseases and the next pandemic," which appears to be at odds with Fauci's repeated denial of funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
While describing how his organization sequences deadly viruses, Daszak describes the process of "insert[ing]
spike proteins" into viruses to see if they can "bind to human cells" as being carried out by his "colleagues
in China":
Read more here:
Violation of any 1 of these 10 Nuremberg Codes carries a penalty of death. So
be it.
They have violated all 10. If you are seeing this and
are guilty. If I have it my way you will hang. I don't care who you are. I don't care what our relationship might be. If you
are guilty, I will seek the death penalty for you. As far as I am concerned there is no reason or excuse that will save you.
You need to die like so many before you. In my mind it is that simple. I will show you NO MERCY. Don't tell me you were "just
doing your job". Don't tell me you were "just following orders". I don't care if you were ignorant, stupid,
lied to, fooled, brainwashed have sh_t for brains or whatever else you say. If you are guilty, You need to hang.
Watch here:
I Took a Hardcore Wilderness Survival Course. Here's What I Learned About the Personal Aspect of
Last month I took part in a wilderness survival course
under the guidance of a professional ex-military specialized in forest operations. I promised Daisy that I'd start putting
on paper everything worth sharing once I returned. Here's the first installment for The Organic Prepper community. Next time I'll talk more about the practical aspects of the course.
I met a team of real-life Rambos
For decades,
this group of instructors have been in the Amazon forest and swamps, deserts, and other types of environment, training, and
actual combat missions. They are very experienced in wilderness survival, a team of rough and highly skilled guys.
Read more here:
Golden Rules of Surviving Martial Law: America - the greatest nation on earth - is currently facing unprecedented times of
social unrest, and dare I say, this is just the beginning. (Republished in 2021 and improved)
America - the greatest nation on earth - is currently facing unprecedented times of social
unrest, and dare I say, this is just the beginning.
Regardless of who
presides over the nation, we should always be aware of the so-called "shadow government" and their agenda. And mark
my words: Our nation is in for times of massive unrest that were being plotted as early as 2015 and will continue until the
"global agenda" pursued by George Soros and his allies is implemented. The coming out-of-control riots may
lead to a call for Martial Law, as I will explain.
Read more here:
DAYS OF NOAH: Stunning New 112FT Visitor Attraction Called ‘The
Giant' Using Advanced Technology To Make A 20-Nation Tour In 2021
The Giant Company is a member of IAAPA, the international association of amusement parks and attractions. The Giant
is planned for 21 major cities across the globe. While every Giant is bespoke for its city and country, each is also a member
of a family that can digitally communicate with other Giants around the world. Global events will engender global communities
and these trendsetting events will become a defining social feature of the coming decades.
You can file this one under ‘we told you this was coming', no shock here but, man oh man,
what a surprise. For a number of years now, and certainly over the past 6 months or so, we have been warning you to get ready
for the return of the fallen angels and the Genesis 6 giants. Jesus Himself tells us that the time of Jacob's trouble will
see a return of the giants, just as it was in the days of Noah.
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Climate Engineering Causing Drought & Earthquakes - Dane Wigington
About a month ago, climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington said the severe drought
unfolding in the Western United States is only going to get worse. It has. Now, large portions of the Western
U.S are being hit with earthquakes. Wigington contends that science shows the rash of earthquakes in the West are linked
to climate engineering. One example is the earthquake in Fukushima in 2011. The science is backed up by a report
from MIT. Wigington explains, "All this data is extremely verifiable. The testimony from MIT is extraordinarily damming. Their words were ‘extremely anomalous heating directly above the epicenter in the days prior to the quake.' . . . The
Fukashima meltdown was not intended, but when you trigger seismic activity on that scale, massive consequences happen. . .
. The ability to cause seismic activity with radio frequency microwave transmissions is very well documented scientifically.
. . . There is no official source that is willing to discuss this because it is simply too alarming to the population.
The liability issues from decimating food supplies and tripping seismic activity is incomprehensible. When people find
out what is being done to them, I would argue that's when they take to the streets with their proverbial pitchforks and torches
to look for anyone and everyone involved."
Read more here:
Sex Robot Customers Demand Fallen Angel-Demon Models With Wings, Halos, And Groundbreaking AI
Sex robot customers are keen for a company to design an angel model with artificial intelligence.
Earlier this week, US manufacturer RealDoll shared an image of a potential design. The company, which produces some of the
most realistic sex robots in the world, posted a picture of a female mannequin with wings and a halo. Its Instagram followers
were keen to snap it up, with one commenting: "We want the doll to move the whole body and have advanced AI... a collection
of angels, elves, devils, mermaids, etc. Let your imagination run with it!" (READ MORE)
Archaeologists Discover Remains Of PRE-ADAMITE HUMANOIDS Near Rome.
Does It Validate Book "EARTH'S EARLIEST AGES"?
The fossilized bones include skulls, skull fragments, two teeth and other bone fragments. The oldest remains date
from between 100,000 and 90,000 years ago, while the other eight [humanoids] are believed to date from 50,000-68,000 years
ago, the Culture Ministry said in a statement. The excavations, begun in 2019, involved a part of the cave that hadn't yet
been explored, including a lake first noted by the anthropologist Alberto Carlo Blanc, who is credited with the 1939 Neanderthal
skull discovery. Culture Minister Dario Franceschini called the finding "an extraordinary discovery that will be the
talk of the world... (READ MORE)
THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION - PART 19: Alien Disclosure vs. Biblical Prophecy
When Jesus' disciples asked Him about His coming at the end of the age, He began with,
"Take heed that no man deceive you" (Matthew 24:4). He warned of increasing numbers of false prophets (Matthew 24:5,
11). While those warnings apply generally to false doctrines and religions, He narrows His focus explicitly to a time: "For
then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be"
(Matthew 24:21), which is necessarily connected to the general resurrection of the dead in Daniel 12:1 and cannot be relegated
to the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70, as preterists erroneously assert. Jesus predicted a false messiah would come in
"His own name" and would be accepted by the Jews (John 5:43). At this time, the deception will become so convincing
that "if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect" (Matthew 24:24).While it is clear that the time prior
to His return will be one of unmatched deception, Jesus' prediction concerning "men's hearts failing them for fear, and
for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken" (Luke
21:26, underline added) seems to infer something believed to be not of this world, i.e., extraterrestrial. Paul's
writings confirm the teachings of Jesus.
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Watch here:
Get A First Look At 'The Giant' Statue Coming To 21 Cities Across The Globe
The ten story public art display will showcase the giants in communities across
the globe using technology to celebrate humanity.
The most exciting
visitor attraction concept of the 21st century has been launched. Entitled, The Giant, it features the world's tallest moving
statue (35 metres/112 ft). The Giant was conceived by The Giant Company based in Dublin, Ireland; the idea was initially inspired
by Jonathan Swift's Gullilver's Travels.
Read more here:
Imagine if you will, what would happen if you pulled an American family from the 19th
century, and plopped them in the middle of downtown Los Angeles during rush hour. They're not given a warning, they're not
given any kind of primer on what they're about to experience, and the occurrence is completely inexplicable. How long do you
suppose they would last before they cried, uncle? Would they even survive? The odds probably aren't so good.
Of course, the reverse is probably also true. If you and your family were wrenched from
the comforts of the present and hurled back into a previous era, you might not fare so well either. Your survival odds would
probably be a little better since you have hindsight and an understanding of germ theory. However, it would still be a pretty
alien world for you. It would be littered with pitfalls that most modern people can't even imagine.
Read more here:
Scientists Used CRISPR to Engineer a New ‘Superbug' That's Invincible to
All Viruses
Can we reprogram existing life at will?
To synthetic biologists, the answer is yes. The central code for biology is simple. DNA
letters, in groups of three, are translated into amino acids-Lego blocks that make proteins. Proteins build our bodies, regulate
our metabolism, and allow us to function as living beings. Designing custom proteins often means you can redesign small aspects
of life-for example, getting a bacteria to pump out life-saving drugs like insulin.
All life on Earth follows this rule: a combination of 64 DNA triplet codes, or "codons," are translated
into 20 amino acids.
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Massachusetts School Committee Allows Real-Time Crime Center To Monitor Students
How does a school committee respond to a year of remote
student learning? How will the Springfield, MA School Committee respond to post-COVID schooling?
Now that public schools are reopening (just in time for summer vacation) what are officials worried
about? Is it face-to-face learning? Is it in-person interactions with students? Nope, it is mass surveillance and how to let
Real-Time Crime Centers (RTCC) monitor students under the guise of public safety.
Read more here:
Burger King Donating to Pro-Child Sex-Change Group With Every New Chicken Sandwich
Burger King under the leadership of CEO Daniel Schwartz
have begun donating 40 cents for every sale of its new chicken sandwich to a radical LGBT lobby group that supports child
sex changes, the drugging of children with opposite-sex hormones and Drag Queen Story Hours.
"On June 3, Burger King made a cheeky tweet saying it will donate up to $250,000 of the proceeds from its new premium
chicken sandwich, Ch'King, to The Human Rights Campaign (HRC)," The Hill reported. "For every hand-breaded chicken sold, 40 cents will go to the cause."
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Nevada Governor Found Hoarding Hydroxychloroquine After Banning It
Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak, Democrat, had a kneejerk reaction to President
Trump's optimism about a malaria drug that might be an effective treatment for the Wuhan coronavirus. Trump was hopeful about
the drug, so anti-Trump Democrats like Sisolak were against it.
Sisolak banned (hydroxy)chloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19, ostensibly over concern of hoarders stockpiling
the medicine and causing shortages for patients who use the drug for other ailments like Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
But while the governor restricted the public from receiving the potentially life-saving
drug, Nevada's Department of Corrections began stockpiling the drug for prisoners.
Read more here:
Democrats Are
Running A Shakedown, A Scam Of Epic Proportions, Upon The People Of America In An Attempt To Steal The 2022 And 2024
The massive injustice done to Blacks during the days
of slavery has been haunting America since that time, and it may get worse! Unfortunately, there are black opportunists (called
"civil rights leaders" by the uninformed) who are using slavery to demand that all Blacks be awarded massive payments
to "atone" for the slavery of more than 150 years ago!
on-rushing bandwagon (full of explosives) may cause more racial strife than forced busing for school integration! Radical
black leaders are demanding that U.S. taxpayers pay the descendants of slaves a suggested $1,000,000 each! And yes, I am serious,
but it gets worse because those black leaders are serious.
more here:
Anthony Fauci: America's Own Nazi Josef Mengele
Dr. Anthony Fauci Tied to Scandal Involving Human-Animal Hybrid Experiments with Aborted Fetal
The massive dump of emails from Dr. Anthony Fauci as they pertain to the coronavirus
being "potentially engineered" and Fauci's fixation with gain of function research is suspect enough. As it turns
out, though, the head of NIAID is also connected to human-animal hybrid experiments using aborted fetal parts, which have
taken place at the University of Pittsburgh. Students for Life of America and the Center for Medical Progress are sounding
the alarm.
In a recent study, Pitt scientists describe scalping 5-month-old aborted babies
and grafting their scalps onto the backs of lab rats to keep them growing ... in the study you can see the pictures of little
baby scalps growing tiny baby hairs on the backs of lab rats and lab mice. Each one of those scalps... represents a little
PA baby who would have grown those little hairs on their head if they had not been killed by abortion for experiments with
Full story
Cancelling Christianity? They're Trying, Warns Author
The forces of evil behind "Cancel Culture" are seeking to "cancel" Christianity, warns author,
pastor and radio host David Fiorazo in this interview about his new book with The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex
Newman. His new book, "Cancelling Christianity," explores the agenda to drive Christians and their faith completely
out of the public square and eventually even ramp up persecution, as has already started in some post-Christian Western nations.
Of course, as Fiorazo points out, God cannot be cancelled. However, Christians must understand the times, he says.
My best sources are telling me that major false flags loom large in the near future.
The Biden Administration knows they are in trouble. The military is bifurcating in which most will not support this tyrannical
The Method of America's Demise
With everything I have uncovered over the past two years, I have concluded that America
will be thrust into martial law prior to fighting in WW III. A combination of civil war and martial law is expected and it
will be a deadly time in American history.
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Nanofiber swabs are processed with known environmental toxins,
designed as nanomedicines and implantable drug devices that in the same study were utilized with Human Embryonic Kidney
cells of which researchers from the National Strategic Research Institute, and the Univ. of Nebraska and co-authored!
Nanofiber swabs are designed to harvest nasopharyngeal specimens and are part of the RT-PCR
test. We have recently seen that the inventor of the RT-PCR test has said ‘it's not fit for diagnostic purposes ('. It is the RT-PCR test that has been the test of choice by the powers that be to ‘diagnose' COVID-19, especially
in the American population. I think that in what it appears to be an end times scenario (Please help us Jesus), we are learning
things things that we are going to have a hard time dealing with that may cause us to reconsider -anything- the ‘authorities'
tell us about standards of care when it comes to the virus, the jab and concerning this writing, the nanofiber swabs used
for ‘testing'.
Read more here:
Random Musings at The End of Life as We Knew It
For me, the proverbial glass is either half empty or half full contingent upon where I'm looking.
When I watch the news, I get angry. And every day, as I experience the strange surreality of post-America, I have to pinch
myself just to make sure I'm not dreaming like Rip Van Winkle waking up in a Tim Burton film.
For my own mental state, therefore, I have to look away at times and step into the brilliant day. It truly is a beautiful
time of year. Even so, whilst out in the lush emerald environs, and under the warm sun, it's hard to shake the sense of doom;
as this may be the last good summer.
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WATER EMERGENCY ALERT is Issued as Brazil is Facing Drought
Earlier this month, the government issued a hydric emergency alert (AEH) for five of the twenty-seven federative units. It's the first in over a century - more precisely, 111 years - which
tells something about the seriousness of the situation.
will last from June through September when the rain season supposedly begins. It doesn't sound like a big deal for a tropical
country the size of a country with traditionally voluminous hydric resources.
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BOMBSHELL: FBI Violated Constitution to Track ‘Far-Right Extremists'-Months
*BEFORE* Capitol Riots
The Federal Bureau of Investigation knowingly
violated the Constitution to track down potential ‘racially motivated violent extremists.' But the FBI didn't conduct
its unconstitutional dragnet following the January 6th Capitol riots, it actually started its probe in November - in the midst
of a contested election.
A newly declassified report shows that the FBI pursued extremists in November that would fit the profile of future Capitol rioters by tapping into a
National Security Agency database that trawls and records Americans' communications.
Read more here:
Informed choice? Not even close! The full-spectrum truth that's being withheld
The following excellent and informative featured article is from TSN (Trial Site News). It is a must-read for those who wish to arm themselves with understanding. We have taken
the liberty of adding some emphases. It is a very long and detailed article but provides a gold
mine of information that comprises a massive resource for those seriously searching for answers as to the probable risks of
the experimental vaxes.
The horrible fact of the matter is that you are
not going to get the whole full-spectrum truth from the gov or the media.
more here:
10 Things We Have Learned During the Covid Coup
Social impact investing is at the heart of the Great Reset. It reduces human beings to the status
of potential investments, sources of profit for the wealthy elite.
so many ways, the whole Covid "pandemic" drama has been one massive smokescreen. Even the controversy and battles
over lockdowns, masks and medication conceal a much bigger and much darker operation.
Ultimately, World Economic Forum boss Klaus Schwab's Great Reset is about launching a new era in which
99.9% of the world's population are locked into a digital slavery system.
more here:
Global glitch: Swaths of internet go down after cloud outage
LONDON (AP) - Dozens of websites went down briefly around the globe Tuesday, including
CNN, The New York Times and Britain's government home page, after an outage at the cloud computing service Fastly, illustrating how vital a small number of behind-the-scenes companies have become to running the internet.
The sites that could not be reached also included some Amazon pages, the Financial Times, Reddit, Twitch and The
San Francisco-based Fastly acknowledged a problem just before
6 a.m. Eastern. About an hour later, the company said: "The issue has been identified and a fix has been applied."
Most of the sites soon appeared to be back online.
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Country Music Television Urges Viewers to ‘Wear Orange' for Bloomberg-Backed
Gun Control Campaign
Country Music Television (CMT) urged viewers
over the weekend to "wear orange" in support of Mike Bloomberg-affiliated Everytown for Gun Safety‘s gun control campaign.
The "wear orange" campaign was
conducted the weekend of June 4-6, in recognition of National Gun Violence Awareness Day.
Breitbart News reported that myriad Hollywood celebrities donned orange shirts and/or "wear orange" messages for the weekend.
Read more here:
Stanford Professor: Fauci's Credibility Is 'Entirely Shot'
Leading expert slams U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director
One of America's leading medical experts has slammed Dr. Anthony Fauci in a scathing
statement, declaring that the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director's credibility is "entirely
Fauci has been facing mounting backlash after
the recent release of his emails show him saying one thing in private and another in public.
Jay Bhattacharya, epidemiologist and professor of medicine at Stanford University, took aim at Fauci during an appearance
on Fox News's "The Ingraham Angle."
Read more here:
Covid - Pretext for Perpetual Commie Coercion & Corruption
Together, the bankers have formed a Covid Commission Planning Group (Covid
CPG) to prepare the way for a National Covid Commission that can seize this once-in-a-century opportunity to help America-and the world-begin to heal.
Whats a Covid Commission and whats the need for it ? Well
let the good people who created the Commission explain it themselves
as the availability of protective vaccines rapidly expands, daily death tolls in the U.S. decline, and devastated economies
start to rebound, there's a growing risk that hard-won lessons from
the last year will be lost amid the natural urge to put the crisis behind us and return
to our pre-pandemic lives.
Read more here:
Gov DeSantis Vows to Oppose Any School Board Candidate Who Backs Critical Race
Republican Florida governor continues pledge to
keep far-left CRT out of schools
The Republican governor
of Florida, Ron DeSantis, has continued his drive to keep radical-left Marxist curriculum out of his education system by vowing to oppose any school board candidate who supports Critical Race Theory
On Saturday, Gov. DeSantis blasted the increasingly popular
far-left CRT that is being ushered into school curricula nationwide.
governor promised he would oppose any Republican school board candidate in Florida who doesn't outright reject it.
Read more here:
As The American Taxpayer Funds America's Destruction, Those Seeking Truth Are
Being Labeled 'Dangerous' By Big Tech - First They Created The Problem, Now They're Offering 'The Solution'
Remember! Their 'Dangerous Solution' Is To Get The World's Population Down To
500 Million
While author Naomi Wolf became a leading spokeswoman for the 'third wave of the feminist movement' years ago, with feminists such as Gloria Steinem praising her work while she also became a political advisor to the presidential
campaigns of Bill Clinton and Al Gore, Wolf has now been labeled as 'dangerous' in the eyes of big tech and the establishment after she tweeted out what twitter considers 'vaccine disinformation'.
With that same twitter for well over a year labeling the Wuhan, China lab origin of Covid-19
as a 'conspiracy theory', banning twitter accounts that tweeted out such 'misinformation' before that theory
recently went mega-viral and mainstream, we see that the 'censorship campaign' of big tech has been kicked into overdrive
in 2021, rather than being 'tamped down', with Wolf being banned from twitter for her anti-vax tweets.
Read more here:
Fauci 'lied and lied again': Next Generation host Steve
Hilton slams the under-fire medical adviser as newly resurfaced 2012 video shows him advocating ‘gain of function' experiments
Next Generation host Steve Hilton has slammed Dr Anthony Fauci for 'lying' about his role in gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology after a newly resurfaced video
shows him advocating the experiments.
The Fox News host claimed Dr Fauci has lied about his potential role in the development of Covid-19 and the alleged U.S. funding of gain of function at the Wuhan lab.
also claimed that the video of Dr Fauci will 'put to rest any question' that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID) commissioned gain of function research on bat coronaviruses in Wuhan.
Read more here:
'Rare' genome sequencing almost certainly proves Covid WAS deliberately made in
a Chinese lab before it leaked to the world: Another expert study makes bombshell claim
Two U.S. experts have penned a damning essay saying that science strongly suggests the novel coronavirus was manufactured inside a Chinese laboratory.
The claim was
made by Drs Stephen Quay, CEO of biopharmaceutical company Atossa Therapeutics Inc, and Richard Muller, a physics professor
at the University of California Berkeley, in The Wall Street Journal on Sunday.
In the op-ed, the men say their proof lies in genome sequencing,
or analyzing the DNA, of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
more here:
The United Nations & the Origins of "The Great Reset"
"Freedom faces a new enemy. The tyranny comes under the disguise of expert
rule and benevolent dictatorship. The new rulers do not justify their right to dominance because of divine providence but
now claim the right to rule the people in the name of universal health and safety based on presumed scientific evidence."
...Under the leadership of Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt, twenty-six
nations agreed in January 1942 to the initiative of establishing a United Nations Organization (UNO), which came into existence
on October 24, 1945.
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Cyber Polygon: Will The Next Globalist War Game Lead To Another Convenient Catastrophe?
Back in April I published an article titled ‘Globalists Will Need Another Crisis In America As Their Reset Agenda Fails'. In it I noted an odd trend which many of us in the liberty media have become aware of over the years - Almost every
major man-made catastrophe in the US and in many other parts of the world in the past couple decades has been preceded by
a government or globalist "exercise". These exercises and war games tend to mimic the exact disaster that
would eventually strike the public only days or weeks later. Sometimes the mock disaster exercises and the real events happen
at the same time.
Read more here:
Yet Another Scientific Study Concludes COVID Is Likely Lab Engineered
"This fact-that the coronavirus, with all its random possibilities, took the rare
and unnatural combination used by human researchers-implies that the leading theory for the origin of the coronavirus must
be laboratory escape."
Another new scientific study has concluded
that it is more likely than not that the COVID pandemic originated with a virus engineered inside a lab.
Dr. Stephen Quay and Berkeley physics professor Richard Muller revealed the findings in
The Wall Street Journal Sunday, noting that "The most compelling reason to favor the lab leak hypothesis is firmly based in science."
Read more here:
China to build over two dozen bio labs like Wuhan Institute in next 5 years
The Guangdong province announced in May that it was planning to build between 25 to 30
biosafety labs in the next five years.
In the next few years, the world
could see almost 60 maximum security Level 4 virology labs in operation. The Guangdong province announced in May that it was
planning to build between 25 to 30 biosafety labs in the next five years.
more here:
Outsourcing Production Of Virtually Everything Has Brought US To Brink Of Nightmare
Economy Scenario
Many of the imbalances that are contributing
to the nightmarish shortages that we are currently witnessing are not going to be solved any time soon. Ever since I
started The Economic Collapse Blog, I have been warning that outsourcing the production of just about everything and running massive trade deficits year after
year would eventually have very serious consequences down the road. Well, now we are officially "down the road",
and our incredibly foolish trade policies have put us in a very precarious position. During the "good times",
being extremely dependent on the rest of the world to make stuff for us wasn't a problem, but now it is rapidly becoming a
national security issue.
Read more here:
The Insane World We Now Live In - Americans Are Not Getting
Smarter, They Have Been Dumbed Down To Unprecedented Levels And It Is Getting Worse
Every generation thinks they are going through worse things than their parents did. They aren't.
Every generation believes their issues and problems are "new." They aren't.
Every generation thinks they are "smarter" than the generation begore them.
They aren't.
Technology has advanced, but the human brain itself, has
not. In fact, after looking through some top stories out there, it appears as if we, as a human race, are becoming dumber,
not smarter.
There is a lot happening present day that is completely insane,
from threats of world war, to active civil unrest within America, to people so very obsessed with President Trump that they
don't seem to realize he is no longer in the White House, to a psychiatrist describing her "fantasies" of murdering
white people, to a Yale audience.
Read more here:
US Mulls Launching ‘Digital Dollar'
WASHINGTON - A top Federal Reserve official raised eyebrows in the financial services world last
week by saying that the central bank is stepping up development of a plan that could result in the issuance of a digitized
version of the U.S. dollar. In doing so, she indicated that the U.S. is joining a growing movement among major economic powers
to rethink how money will be exchanged in the future.
The U.S. would not
be the first country to consider launching what is known as a "central bank digital currency," or CBDC. China is
taking a leading role. But the significance of the dollar to global trade and the world economy in general makes the Fed's
interest in the project especially meaningful for the development and acceptance of what would amount to a form of digital
Read more here:
"Transitory" Inflation? - Sublime Yet Ridiculous
History is a funny thing, almost as funny as human nature. The policy makers, including
their latest meme of "transitory inflation," are no exception to such psychological tragi-comedy.
In short, we don't see inflation as "transitory."
Read more here:
It is NOT a Conspiracy if They (Government) are Truly Trying to
KILL YOU: PCR Swabs are Coated With Ethylene Oxide - A Known Deadly Carcinogen Which Can Change our DNA
"This video by a nurse on the carcinogenic ethylene oxide on the COVID swabs has
been doing its rounds on the social networks, and it's transcribed for non-english persons to translate it into their mother
tongue, as the video is in english.
It is not known what the long term
effects of these swabs are, but millions of people have been tested, some workers are testing regularly, and now they're forcing
these swab tests upon children. Just like the PCR test, they cannot detect infection, so if you are taking part in this bizarre
ritual believing that you are ‘stopping the spread' you are just helping to bring forth another unnecessary lockdown.
It's a PCR testing pandemic, which is why these test centres are popping up all over the world. STOP GETTING TESTED.
Read more here:
The German government
has passed a law that allows ‘vaccinations' to be produced that cause the ‘vaccinated' to excrete ‘microorganisms'
that can be ‘ingested' by the non-vaccinated, thereby causing them to become "infected" with the "vaccination."
In simple terms, those willingly injected with a ‘vaccination' would be able to
pass that onto others who did not wish to take the ‘vaccination' and those who wished to resist this
would have no legal recourse.
Read more here:
Mike Adams' covid vaccine message to family and friends... what you aren't being told by the establishment
[PMB prayerfully consider this message from Mike Adams, it is vitally important!]
Watch here:
Urgent warning from Israel as jab death toll rises
The following article makes harrowing reading.
The Israeli government "led the world" with the roll out of its Pfizer vaccine
to "protect them" from a bug that is not life threatening to the vast majority.
It should now alert the world as to the consequences because it presently leads the world in the
resultant slaughter of its own citizens.
No vax in history comes close
to the scale of deaths and adverse reactions associated with the experimental Covid jabs and many in the past have been pulled
for far less.
This should at least prompt caution and
a suspension of the program until the matter is fully, impartially and responsibly investigated. There is plenty that can
be done to protect the small percentage of (in the mainl, very old) people truly at risk.
Read more here:
With China Exposed for Election Theft and Perpetrating a Fauci-Led
Biological Attack On the USA, China Has Indeed Moved Up Their Timetable to Attack the Mainland
Mike Adams has conclusively stated that the Chinese are pushing forward their timetable
to attack the United States. Adams' article made a great deal of sense, but the previous military intel that I was operating
from clearly stated that the Chinese forces were overwhelmingly occupation, not invasion forces. New developments, coupled
with new revelations make it appear that the Chinese are preparing to cross both our northern and southern borders, occupation
forces or not. New revelations shed light on why a Chinese invasion, properly prepared, or not, is likely coming because China
has been exposed and they must attack, before they are attacked.
more here:
Chaos Sweeps Across Supply Chains As Freight Crisis Sends Shipping Prices To Sky-Highs
Extreme weather, cyberattacks, heated demand, local and global inflation are just a few
reasons why U.S. consumers are seeing prices going through the roof. The price of pretty much everything - from food to furniture
to electronics to lumber - continues to soar to new highs with each passing day. And adding all these factors to a historic
shipping container shortage, it seems that there's no relief in sight for the global supply chain crisis. The shortage is
not only delaying the delivery of millions of products but also sending freight costs to sky-highs. And at the end of the
day, those increased costs for the transportation of our consumable goods are going to be felt right in our wallets. The United
States uses those containers to import goods such as TVs, refrigerators, and clothes from overseas factories to domestic store
shelves. However, what many may not know is that our national agriculture producers rely on such containers to trade with
international partners too. For instance, Scoular, an Omaha-based agricultural company is the third-largest shipper of agricultural
products using containers, and now the company is seeing shipping costs going up by 50% compared to pre-health-crisis prices
- and they are not the only ones.
Read and watch here:
Fire & Explosion Hit Iran Steel Factory In Third Major Incident In 5
A large fire broke out Saturday night at a steel factory
in the southeast city of Zarand in Iran. It's the latest in a mysterious string of blasts and 'accidental' blazes
at sensitive sites to beset the Islamic Republic, raising questions of possible Israel sabotage akin to what happened
a year ago in the summer of 2020.
"The governor of Zarand told
the Iranian Fars News Agency that no injuries were caused in the incident and that the incident was under control," The Jerusalem Post reports. "The incident was reportedly caused by the sudden overflow of molten material in the blast furnace, with
the governor stressing that no explosion occurred." But some early videos show otherwise.
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THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION-PART 18: Astro-Apologetics and the End Times
"I always wish to be the spokesman for these star peoples who also are part of
God's glory, and I will continue to bring it to the attention of the Holy Mother Church."[i]-Monsignor Corrado Balducci, Exorcist Archdiocese of Rome
are witnessing a masterful satanic subterfuge that appears to involve the appearance of ‘angels' and ‘aliens.'
Many are asking whether the coming of Antichrist can be far removed."[ii]- Timothy J. Dailey PhD, Senior Fellow Family Research Council
more here:
Trudeau Implements Full Scale ChiCom Style Takeover of Canada
Chris Sky of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down how the Canadian government has been suspending citizen's rights to enforce a martial
law lockdown of political dissenters.
Watch here:
Sunday Marks 77th Anniversary of D-Day
Sunday marks the 77th anniversary of D-Day, when Allied forces landed in Normandy, France, to help liberate Europe
from German forces and turn the course of World War II.
The June 6, 1944,
operation was the largest seaborne invasion in history, involving land, sea and air forces.
Nearly 160,000 troops took part in the landing, including those from the United States, United Kingdom and Canada.
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Massive fire in west Phoenix spurs 'largest response' in Fire Department
A massive fire that prompted the "largest response" in
the history of the Phoenix Fire Department burned multiple recycling yards and commercial structures on Saturday
in west Phoenix, threatening nearby homes and filling the sky with clouds of smoke and flames.
Fire officials received reports on Saturday at
about 12:30 p.m. of smoke coming from a recycling yard located near 35th Avenue and Lincoln Street. The recycling yard
was later identified as Friedman Waste Control Systems, said Capt. Todd Keller, a spokesman for the Phoenix Fire Department.
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Fauci's wife needs an investigation, too
Now that Dr. Anthony Fauci is feeling the heat for funding gain-of-function research at Wuhan Institute of Virology and covering it up, it's time to scrutinize his wife. Christine
Grady, MSN, Ph.D., is Fauci's colleague at the National Institute of Health, where she serves as chief of bioethics and head
of human subjects research at the NIH Clinical Center. According to the Center's website, Grady's contributions are "primarily in the ethics of clinical research, including informed consent, vulnerability,
study design, recruitment, and international research ethics, as well as ethical issues faced by nurses and other health care
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Chinese scientists allegedly investigated weaponising coronaviruses five years before the Covid-19
pandemic and may have predicted a World War III fought with biological weapons
The bombshell documents obtained by the US State Department reportedly show the Chinese People's Liberation Army
(PLA) commanders making the sinister prediction
Chinese scientists
allegedly investigated weaponising coronaviruses five years before the Covid-19 pandemic and may have predicted a World War
III fought with biological weapons, according to media reports referring to documents obtained by the US State Department.
According to The Sun newspaper in the UK, quoting reports first released
by The Australian, the bombshell documents obtained by the US State Department reportedly show the Chinese People's
Liberation Army (PLA) commanders making the sinister prediction.
more here:
Students at West Point threatened with solitary confinement, separation from Academy
for refusing risky covid vaccinations
(Natural News) The United States Military Academy at West Point is attempting to force all cadets to get vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) by threatening them with solitary confinement, separation from the Academy, and no more
essential training.
Senior military officers at the institution are reportedly
demanding that students take the experimental injections on command or else be treated like an enemy in war. At first, more
than 700 cadets resisted, but heavy pressure has reduced that number to less than 100.
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Psychiatrist describes to Yale audience her 'fantasies of unloading a revolver'
into random ‘white people'
"I had fantasies of unloading
a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body, and wiping my bloody hands as I walked
away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a f****** favor," said Dr. Aruna Khilanani in April.
The comment was made during a public lecture titled "The Psychopathic
Problem of the White Mind," which Khilanani gave at the Yale School of Medicine's Child Study Center on April 6.
The lecture included numerous criticisms of white people amid the admission that she fantasized
about killing them.
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The Pentagon Gave MILLIONS to Wuhan Lab-Connected Group with Ties to Dr. Anthony
The Pentagon "funneled" $39 million to EcoHealth
Alliance, the Fauci-connected "charity" group that disbursed research funding to the Wuhan Institute for Virology.
The lab is believed to be a plausible source of the COVID-19 outbreak that has killed millions worldwide, implicating a high-stakes
cover-up by communist China whose implications are only now unfolding.
data that show the Department of Defense and other U.S. agencies provided funds to the EcoHealth Alliance group was obtained
by the Daily Mail and published on Friday.
"The Pentagon gave $39
million to a charity that funded controversial coronavirus research at a Chinese lab accused of being the source for Covid-19, federal data reveals," the report said.
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New NASA Chief Says He Will Let Scientists Probe UFO Claims
Bill Nelson's comments in a TV interview come ahead of a long-awaited report from the
Pentagon into recent footage from the US Navy that UFOlogists have held up as a final proof that extraterrestrials have visited
The new NASA administrator, Bill Nelson, is willing to allow scientists
at the space agency to study recent alleged UFO sightings.
With the Pentagon
set to release a report into recent unexplained phenomena filmed by US Navy fighter pilots, the former space shuttle astronaut and Florida senator said it should be up to his staff to decide whether to look into
the mystery.
Read more here:
Greatest Financial Event in History Coming - Bo Polny
Biblical cycle expert and financial analyst Bo Polny predicted in November of 2020 the
stock market (DOW) would "top out in May 2021 at around 33,000 to 34,000 and then crash in June." So far,
half of the prediction is spot on, and we are waiting for the crash. Polny says, "The greatest financial event
in human history is not and will not happen on a Trump watch. I repeat, the greatest financial event in human history
is not going down on a Trump watch. It's going to go down under the current, whatever you want to call him. Trump
is a builder. The builder comes in to fix things."
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Australia's 'cannibal' mouse infestation could be followed by a snake plague
Southeastern Australia has been battling mouse plague for months, following a combination
of heavy rain, cooler temperatures, and a high crop yield.
Experts now
worry the influx of mice could just be just the beginning of problems for the region, with worries a snake plague is on the
Gerard Dallow from a Sydney-based organization called Micropest told that "snakes are likely to follow" the rodents, potentially leading to a spike in their population numbers.
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With Zombie Rage And A Dose Of Deviltry Unleashed Upon America, Things Will Get
REALLY Ugly, REALLY Fast, As The Mutagenic mRNA Injections Start Dropping People In Their Tracks
With Joe Biden's White House embarking on a push to vaccinate 'hard to reach Americans,' announcing a slew of new partnerships and 'new incentives', such as 'free beer' and 'free childcare',
in their latest attempt to get those who don't want 'the vax' to get 'inoculated', what in the world is
going to happen when, over the next few months and years, the experimental mRNA injection is proven to have far more deadly side effects than the American people have been told?
As more and more reports come out of teenagers developing heart inflammation following 'the shot', the latest solid proof the injections really are a game of Russian roulette for some of those
who receive them, every time more deaths are announced that are possibly linked to the 'vaccine', those 'hard to reach Americans' will get even 'harder to reach', hinting of major troubles ahead
for those who want ALL Americans to be 'vaccinated'.
more here:
A Chinese Newspaper Advocates Preparing for Nuclear War with the US and Biden
is Clueless
Rumble - A state-run Chinese newspaper says China should ready itself for nuclear confrontation with the U.S. Meanwhile, President
Biden says the greatest threat facing the homeland is white supremacy. Here I reveal the implications of having a clueless
dotard in the Oval Office.
Watch here:
Judicial Watch Obtains Records Showing NIAID under Dr. Fauci Gave Wuhan Lab $826k
for Bat Coronavirus Research From 2014 to 2019
DC) Judicial Watch today announced that it obtained 280 pages of documents from the Department of Health and Human Services revealing that from 2014 to 2019, $826,277 was given to the
Wuhan Institute of Virology for bat coronavirus research by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID),
which is headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci.
The documents, some of which
were redacted or withheld in their entirely, were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit seeking records of communications, contracts and agreements with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (No. 1:21-cv-00696)). The agency is only processing 300 pages records per month, which means it will take until the end of
November for the records to be fully reviewed and released under FOIA.
more here:
How the Covid Vaccine May Be Related to Alien Disclosure
I have come across information that may indicate that the vaccine may have not-yet discussed
effects on our DNA which may impact our soul as well as having an impact on the food supply. And there may be an alien (eg
Fallan Angel) connection to all of this. Walk with me as I relate what I have learned in the last few years.
It should be noted that during the Obama administration, Putin threatened to reveal the existence of UFO's. Is this one of the reasons behind the marginalization of Russia by the Deep State? More stunning evidence
surfaced in an UK publication that is revealing what Obama and Putin had discussed creating a planetary defense system to defend against
an alien attack. Of course, most will be skeptical. However, we should be mindful of the Operation Bluebeam was indeed real
and it was about perpetuating a fake alien invasion in order to introduce a planetary government in response to the threat
and here's why. When Trump previously talked about a vague and nebulous threat of an unspecified nature, this is one of the
places my mind visited. I think Trump knew and was cast aside because he was viewed as an obstructionist to what is coming.
Read more here:
Former CDC Chief: I Didn't Expect Death Threats From Fellow Scientists Over Lab-Leak
Alternate headline: No one expects the
Woke Scientistic Inquisition! Vanity Fair does an extensive and impressive dive into the strange but pervasive attempts by the scientific, media, and government establishments to quash any discussion of
the lab-leak hypothesis for COVID-19's origin.
Read more
California and Nevada Are Now 100% in Drought
This is a dry spell not seen since the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl days. Because of the drought,
Americans very likely will experience a shocking food shortage very soon.
As explained in my previous article, drought is also affecting Arizona, and Colorado and the prairie states like Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas. However,
other states such as those in the Midwest and areas considered the nations' "corn belt" also suffer from the drought.
Read more here:
Messing with your head: the government's psychological war
This is a brilliant piece featuring two of my personal heroes: Brian Gerrish, co-founder
of the superb UK Column and Reiner Füllmich, the top German lawyer and human rights warrior.
They make a very powerful alliance and we should encourage high calibre freedom fighters and trail
blazers like this to unite against humanity's common enemy.
This interview
fully exposes the "pandemic" hoax for what it is and has been from the outset: a psych-engineered attack on human
freedom complete with mind games designed to cow and introvert the populace.
more here:
Tiananmen Survivor: China Is ‘More Dangerous and Vicious than Nazi Germany'
Chinese pro-democracy activist and survivor of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre Rose
Tang warned the world that the Chinese Communist Party is the "world's largest terrorist organization" in an interview
commemorating the event on Friday with the human rights magazine Bitter Winter.
Tang recalled watching an army of tanks crush student-erected tents
- and those inside them - and navigating piles of bodies in an attempt to escape. People's Liberation Army soldiers killed
not just student protesters and dissidents, but any civilian in range, she recalled, including children.
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High-Ranking Chinese Defector Working With DIA Has 'Direct Knowledge' of China's
Bioweapons Program-and It's Very Bad
In an exclusive story at RedState, Jen Van Laar reports that sources inside the intelligence community say a high-ranking defector from China has
been working for months with the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). According to Van Laar's confidential sources, that
high-ranking defector claims to have knowledge of special weapons programs in China-that include bioweapons.
Adam Housley first reported via Twitter on Thursday that "the increased pressure on China in recent days is due to a defector with intimate knowledge" of the program.
According to Housley, FBI director Christopher Wray "didn't know right away because they wanted to make sure they got
all they needed before telling him."
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‘Self-Spreading' Vaccines Pose Multiple Risks to Society - Including the
End of Informed Consent
In October 2019, the Johns Hopkins University
Center for Health Security co-sponsored the "pandemic exercise," Event 201.
A little more than a year later, when the Event 201 scenario morphed
from "hypothetical" to concrete, it became clear that sponsors of the event intended to see the majority of the
world vaccinated against COVID-19.
Accomplishing this goal is a "monumental challenge," however. In the U.S., more than one-third (38% to 45%) of adults continue to decline the unlicensed, Emergency Use Authorization injections, despite a marketing blitz that has included both carrots (ranging from the chance to win cash payments to a free order of fries) and sticks (such as nasty calls to "get personal" and "shun" the unvaccinated).
more here:
Wash, Rinse, Repeat: BLM Rioting Begins Again After Shooting Of Convicted Felon
Who 'Produced A Gun' On U.S. Marshals Task Force During Arrest Attempt
When reports first came out about the "community-led" dismantling of the George Floyd Square, where protesters took over the entire area where Floyd died while in police custody, we knew there would be some very unhappy
protestors/rioters.... and there were as activists "push back against attempt to reopen George Floyd Square."
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Fauci Turns American Dating Apps Into Vaccine Tracking Devices
The aggressive and seemingly universal push for vaccines from government, media and corporate
sectors of the Globalist American Empire amounts to one of the largest PR campaigns in our nation's history.
The particularly aggressive effort to evangelize the vaccine to our nation's youth, who
enjoy a virtually negligible death rate from Covid-19 itself, is as bizarre as it is undeniable. From straight-up cash bribes to free admission to amusement parks to travel perks to a seemingly endless array of celebrity endorsements, the regime pulled out just about all the stops to persuade the young
to stick out their arms and take the jab.
The latest and possibly most
invasive frontier in this nationwide effort to get our youth Vaxxed? You guessed it, dating apps:
Read and watch here:
G-7 nations reach historic deal on global tax reform
LONDON - The finance ministers of the most advanced economies, known as the Group of Seven,
have backed a U.S. proposal that calls for corporations around the world to pay at least a 15% tax on earnings.
"G-7 finance ministers today, after years of discussions, have reached a historic
agreement to reform the global tax system, to make it fit for the global digital age - and crucially to make sure that it's
fair so that the right companies pay the right tax in the right places," U.K. Finance Minister Rishi Sunak announced
in a video statement on Saturday.
Read more here:
MSM Now Promoting Magnetic Vaccines that Take Over Your Body
Alex Jones breaks down the magneto particle and what it does when injected into the human
body via mandatory inoculations.
Watch here:
The 21th Century Mass Murderer: FAUCI LIED, MILLIONS DIED
- He Was Informed of Hydroxychloroquine Success in Early 2020 But Lied to Public Instead #FauciEmails
For more than a year, the world is way different than it used to be.
After the WHO declared the coronavirus a pandemic following the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in late 2019,
our lives have been made hell.
Every time Dr. Fauci opens his mouth, we
face new guidelines, lockdowns, and mandates.
All of these rules were
put into place, as we were told, to flatten the curve and to protect us from the death that awaited at the corner.
Read more here:
The ‘Dark Side' of Corporate America's Voice-Profiling Revolution
Joseph Turow, author of the forthcoming "The Voice Catchers," says we're in
the early stages of a voice-profiling revolution that exploits consumers' feelings, privacy and wallets.
The Defender is experiencing censorship on many social channels. Be
sure to stay in touch with the news that matters by subscribing to our top news of the day. It's free.
You decide to call a store that sells
some hiking boots you're thinking of buying. As you dial in, the computer of an artificial intelligence company hired by the
store is activated. It retrieves its analysis of the speaking style you used when you phoned other companies the software
firm services. The computer has concluded you are "friendly and talkative."
Read more here:
With the CHICOM, Fauci and Gates Led Biologicial Attack On America
Fully Exposed, The CHICOMS Are Completing Their Infiltration and Are Preparing to Invade America
It won't be much longer, the globalists, select American politicians and the CHICOMS will
soon be making their move to end the "Great Experiment" called America.
Earlier in the year, I reported, via a federal law enforcement agent, that Del Rio, Texas had been the site of some
very disturbing incursions from foreign powers which has penetrated national security and has impacted local law enforcement.
Further, these events serve to perpetuate a model of civil unrest that does not represent the usual and customary pattern
related to an angry citizenry.
Read more here:
CCP planning major attack on USA this year: Bioweapons,
cyber war, kamikazee drones and infrastructure sabotage
(Natural News) Over the last 48 hours, I've received a flood of intel from sources, both private and public, indicating that communist
China is moving up the timetable of a long-planned attack on the United States of America. In reality, the biological warfare
phase of the attack is already under way, having begun in 2019 with the deliberate release of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus,
followed by direct interference in rigging the 2020 election and installing CCP puppet Joe Biden as a temporary occupant of
the White House.
Read more here:
TikTok quietly changes rules to harvest scans of your FACE and voice in creepy
‘biometric collection'
TIKTOK has updated its privacy
policy in the US so it can collect things like "faceprints and voiceprints" from its users.
The app said it "may collect biometric identifiers and biometric information"
from users but would need consent before this data is taken.
TikTok has
added a new section to its US privacy policy called "Image and Audio Information".
It can be found under the heading "Information we collect automatically".
This section of the policy is already fairly lengthy.
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It appears from an email sent to Dr. Anthony Fauci that the
novel coronavirus, which became COVID-19, was INTENDED to be a Bioweapon. Anthony Fauci apparently KNEW this. The email
below, sent to Fauci describes it as a "Bioweapon" and explicitly describes exactly how it was made. Fauci
had this information more than a year ago, in March, 2020 . . .
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California State Water Board is Manufacturing a Drought by Draining Reservoirs
into the Ocean
"In the last 14 days, 90% of Delta inflow
went to sea. It's equal to a year's supply of water for 1 million people.
#ManMadeDrought," Central Valley farmer Kristi Diener said.
Diener, a California water expert and farmer, has been warning
steadily that water is unnecessarily being let out to sea as the state faces a normal dry year.
"Are we having a dry year? Yes," Diener says. "That is normal for us. Should we be
having water shortages in the start of our second dry year? No. Our reservoirs were designed to provide a steady five year
supply for all users, and were filled to the top in June 2019."
more here:
Judy Mikovitz warns that 50 million Americans may DIE from covid vaccine injections
Watch here:
Uncovered Emails Show Fauci Supported ‘Grotesque' Experiments at Wuhan Lab
In the segment below on last night's "Tucker Carlson Tonight," Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson said evidence shows Dr. Anthony Fauci has been "implicated in the very pandemic he had been charged with fighting."
Emails obtained by BuzzFeed via the Freedom of Information Act show "Fauci supported the grotesque and dangerous experiments that appeared to have made COVID possible," Carlson said.
The emails, which date back to the early
winter of 2020, show Fauci was worried the public would think COVID originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. Why?
Read more here:
This Is NOT A Walking Dead Movie Set But Once Lovely Venice Beach, California
Now Looking Like A Mad Max Scene During A Zombie Apocalypse Thanks To Liberal Politics
Big Cities In America Becoming Gigantic Cesspits And Homeless Wastelands Under
Biden And Democrats
Over the past several years, numerous stories
have been published on ANP about the rising scourge of violence and homelessness in liberal run cities all across America
and as we see in the video we've embedded directly below, things are quickly getting worse under Democrats, not better.
As Breitbart had reported in this new story, according to Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva, homicides in the county under Democrats are
up 95% this year over 2020, with his department saying they'll be issuing even more concealed carry permits
to let citizens to defend themselves in that liberal state gone to pieces.
Yet as Susan Duclos had reported in this May 26th ANP story, "who didn't know that this was going to happen with cities that have defunded the police all across America seeing
violent crime spikes" with the Covid fiasco causing massive job losses and homelessness and now, warnings of
a hot, violent summer ahead. As we see in the video below originally from this story over at Vid Max, California's once beautiful Venice Beach has turned into a scene from a zombie apocalypse movie.
Read more here:
While others debate digital health passes, the EU has already hit the ground running
Even as global debates about COVID passports grow heated, digital health certificate programs
are launching in the EU.
Seven nations in the bloc have gone live with their portions of the EU's digital COVID certificate program. The Netherlands is not among the seven, but has announced that the digital health pass will go live in its territorial holdings in the Caribbean will go live June 21.
The seven are Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Greece and Poland.
Read more here:
UN "Worried" As Global Food Prices Soar To Ten Year High
Zero Hedge: Back in December, SocGen's resident market skeptic Albert Edwards shared with
the world why he is starting to panic about soaring food prices. And since that was before food prices really took amid broken supply chains, trillions in fiscal stimulus and exploding
commodity costs, off we can only imagine the sheer terror he must feel today.
more here:
Cyberattack Drills Going Live?
‘Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But
that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.' - Frank Herbert (1920-1986), in ‘Dune'
By sheer cowinkydink, another ransomware attack has taken down operations of another major
American industry. This time, the target is America's largest meat processer, JBS.
White House Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Tuesday said that the hacker group behind the attack is
"likely based in Russia."
Wednesday morning, in another of a series of whodathunk moments, the FBI issued a statement revealing that Russian-linked hackers "REvil and Sodinokibi" are behind the ransomware
attack on JBS meat processing facilities.
Read more here:
Blasting The Air In Front Of Hypersonic Vehicles With Lasers Could Unlock Unprecedented Speeds
For decades, the DoD has been researching a radical drag reduction technique that
involves sheathing a vehicle in directed energy-induced plasma.
the last decade, two of the most significant topics in defense research and development have been directed energy systems and hypersonic weapons. The Department of Defense and its major contractors have been pushing the boundaries of what is possible with these technologies
and those efforts could someday soon literally change the face of warfare forever.
As it turns out, these two cutting edge areas of defense research
are beginning to converge in laboratories with the goal of enabling unprecedented levels of speed for aerial weapons. By combining
advanced directed energy technology with the latest in hypersonic vehicle design, researchers in private and Department of
Defense (DoD) funded laboratories have laid the groundwork for systems designed to literally sheathe an entire vehicle in
laser and/or microwave-induced plasma in order to drastically reduce drag. If successfully developed, this concept may someday
lead to new frontiers in speed and radical new forms of aerodynamic control and aircraft design.
Read more here:
REVEALED: US military report for Congress says UFO sightings by Navy pilots could
be aliens or new hypersonic technology from Russia or China - but are not a secret US government project
Government officials have leaked details about the highly anticipated classified report
on UFO sightings expected to be released this month, noting that there is no evidence to support that they are alien spacecraft.
But the report does not rule aliens out either, senior administration officials who were
briefed on the report told The New York Times.
The report also theorizes the objects could also be new weapons
developed by Russian or China - and definitively says the phenomena are not a part of a secret project from within the
United States government.
Read more here:
Rand Paul claims Fauci wanted to debunk COVID leak theories because the US invested
in the Wuhan lab and slams his 'incestuous' relationship with British zoologist Peter Daszak
Republican Sen. Rand Paul continued to go after Dr. Anthony Fauci in a radio interview Wednesday, claiming he's invested in a Wuhan lab leak theory being discredited because the U.S. financed
some of the lab's research.
Paul claimed the nation's top infectious disease
expert had an 'incestuous' relationship' with Dr. Peter Daszak, a British zoologist whose EcoHealth Alliance non-profit
steered U.S. funding toward the Wuhan lab, and the scientists working there.
'It's all so incestuous,' Paul told Tom Roten with WVHU, a local radio station in Kentucky. 'It's a small group of people. Fauci is at the head of this and really if we want to investigate this lab and we want to
know how to prevent this from happening again, Fauci cannot be a part of this investigation.'
Read more here:
'I was threatened and ostracized': Ex-CDC director Robert
Redfield received death threats from scientist colleagues after he publicly said he believed COVID-19 originated in a lab
The former director of the Centers for Disease Control received death threats from fellow
scientists after he said during a TV interview that he believed COVID-19 originated in a lab, according to an interview released
Robert Redfield, who served as the CDC director under Donald Trump when the pandemic began, told CNN on March 26 that he thought the most likely 'etiology of this pathogen in Wuhan was from a laboratory - you know, escaped.'
He said he wasn't insinuating that there was ill intent, but that was his opinion.
Read more here:
Chinese virologist who was among first to tout Wuhan lab theory
says Fauci's emails back up what she's been saying all along - the coronavirus is 'an unrestricted bioweapon' - and
blasts Fauci and medical experts for cover-up
A Chinese virologist
who was among the first people to tout the Wuhan lab theory said the coronavirus is a bioweapon and Dr. Anthony Fauci was
among the scientists and organizations who knew about it and tried to hide it.
In a Wednesday night interview on Newsmax, Dr. Li-Meng Yan said Fauci's emails, which were published by Buzzfeed and the Washington Post on Tuesday, proved he knew about the Chinese gain of function research before the pandemic started.
'These people knew what happened, but they chose to hide for the Chinese Communist Party
and their own benefits,' Yan said.
Read more here:
Stark photos show California reservoirs 50% emptier than normal as droughts ravage
the region, endangering wildlife and crippling farmers
Lake Oroville
waters a quarter of US crops, sustains endangered salmon under its massive dam, and anchors tourism in Northern California,
but it may soon reach record low water capacity amid a severe drought, according to state officials.
While droughts are common in California, this year's is much hotter and drier than others, evaporating
water more quickly from the reservoirs and the sparse Sierra Nevada snowpack that feeds them.
The lake is a linchpin in a system of aqueducts and reservoirs in the arid West that makes California
Stark photos capture the crisis in the region that experts
say will only get worse in the years to come.
Read more here:
Should Covid Commies Worry About Violent Resistance? (Not
only did the Communists steal the election, they want to liquidate the 80-plus million patriots who voted for Trump.)
Not only did the Communists steal the election, they want to liquidate the
80-plus million patriots who voted for Trump.
Cancel culture
is about cancellingyou and the nation state.
Covid vaccines are about
killing you.
We must awaken from our slumber and realize
that we have been declared redundant. We cannot continue to play stupid. We've been handed our pink slip.
These depraved psychopaths are gaslighting you to believe that resistance to tyranny is "terrorism."
Read more here:
Do You Know What Your Children Are Watching On Supposedly 'Child
Friendly' Networks? The Gay Mafia Are Going After Your Children On TV, With Toys And Even Foods
Gay Mafia refers to a group of powerful homosexuals who exercise extraordinary influence
in the entertainment industry.
Their influence can be seen in the number
of LGBT related characters in an overabundance of television shows and movies, in far greater percentages than the national average of gays in the United States.
In a recent survey [2021] conducted among Americans, 6.4 percent
of females and 4.9 percent of males identified themselves as part of the LGBT community.
The entertainment industry is not the only industry pushing alternative lifestyles on children as we have noted often
in the past the growing number of schools in liberal states that are attempting to teach children that there are more than
two genders, despite the fact that biology itself determines the sex of a child.
Read more here:
Russia's $186 Billion Sovereign Wealth Fund Dumps All Dollar Assets
Following a series of corporate cyberattacks that American intelligence agencies have
blamed on Russian actors, Russia's sovereign wealth fund (officially the National Wellbeing Fund) has decided to dump all
of its dollars and dollar-denominated assets in favor of those denominated in euros, yuan - or simply buying precious metals
like gold, which Russia's central bank has increasingly favored for its own reserves.
Finance Minister Anton Siluanov made the announcement Thursday morning at the annual St. Petersburg International
Economic Forum.
"We can make this change rather quickly, within a
month," Siluanov told reporters Thursday.
He explained that the Kremlin
is moving to reduce exposure to US assets as President Biden threatens more economic sanctions against Russia following the
latest ransomware attacks. The transfer will affect $119 billion in liquid assets, Bloomberg reported, but the sales will largely be executed through the Russian Central bank and its massive reserves, limiting the market impact
and reducing visibility on what exactly the sovereign wealth fund will be buying.
Read more here:
The Maricopa County Audit Has Exposed How the Left Stole the Election! BREAKING
America is desperately in need of a rallying cry to bring
the people together who will resist this tyranny that will ultimately result in the destruction of the country and in the
deaths of tens of millions of Americans. This should be the watershed event that ultimately puts millions of Americans on
the street.
Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli
Over a month ago, the CSS maintained that the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors were
guilty of aiding and abetting voter fraud as they stated "this was the most fair and free election ever! And as Sheriff
Richard Mack stated on my radio show, "Why are the Supervisors acting as if they are guilty?"
Read more here:
Fauci's Emails Expose His Own Corruption & Criminality While People Continue
Dying Of "Vaccine"
Dr. Anthony Fauci's emails were
released this week and there is no doubt that he certainly is a corrupt man, something we have been saying all along.
However, the emails reveal a total disregard for people, their lives and the truth. At least that's what one email demonstrates.
In this episode, we'll take a look at that email and also point to the devastating effects of the experimental injection Fauci
pushed that is on course to pass the number of coronavirus deaths that were put out the public. I'll even include some
new people who took the injection and are now dead or seriously injured. Fauci would never tell us about this honestly.
Read more here:
As Trust In The Government Erodes, Many Americans Are Discovering That It Is TOO
LATE To Fully Implement Their Backup Plans
Never put anything
in an email that you do not want the entire world to see. Unfortunately, Dr. Tony Fauci is learning that lesson the
hard way. Throughout the course of this pandemic, the mainstream media has been heralding Fauci as a voice of reason
that we should trust without hesitation. He came to be regarded as the ultimate authority on all questions related to
COVID, and social media companies banned countless users that dared to suggest that he might be wrong about certain things.
Well, now everything is going to change. Thanks to thousands of Fauci emails that have been obtained via a Freedom of
Information Act request, we have discovered that Fauci was lying to all of us over and over again. During his opening
monologue on Wednesday night, Tucker Carlson actually used the phrase "utter fraudulence" to describe Fauci and his lies...
Read more here:
Build Back Better Slogan of DAVOS
Journalists are willfully blind or those who are not are gagged by management. I would say it is fairer to blame
the management for selling out their newspapers and TV platforms. I can confirm from people there at DAVOS in January 2019
that this slogan "Build Back Better" was being talked about back then.
All the information I have pointed to this COVID being man-made, and deliberately released I believe
in China for the intentional purpose of blaming China in the hope to compel them to join this Build Back Better
agenda that was ready to roll out. I reported in April 2020 that the agenda was revealed then and there within days of the March COVID Crash, which was also orchestrated.
Read more here:
Situation Update, June 2nd, 2021 - HORRIFYING STUDY reveals mRNA vaccine nanoparticles
are circulated throughout the entire body: Brain, heart, liver, ovaries, testes and more
Watch here:
The UFO Set-Up: Could This Lie Become ‘The Lie'
My friend, the late Dr. Chuck Missler, once wrote a book with the title Alien
Encounters. He asked Douglas James Mahr to write the foreword for it. Mahr was author of the 1985 release, Voyage
to the New World, an immensely popular book at the time that went a long way toward making New-Age thinking
mainstream in the entertainment community.
Mahr tells that he was once
totally immersed within the New Age movement. He became close friends with actress Shirley McClain and helped her while
she worked on the 1988 TV film Out on a Limb.
It was the
story of Ms. McClain's coming to embrace the New Agemovement and become the movement's chief Hollywood proponent.
Read more here:
Report: Biden's DHS Flying Single Adult Male Border Crossers into U.S. Cities
President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is flying single adult male
border crossers to cities across the United States, NBC News reports.
report detailing the Biden administration's "lottery" migration policy, resulting in the mass release of border crossers into the
U.S. interior, reveals that DHS is flying single male adult border crossers into the country in addition to Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs) and adult border crossers arriving with children.
In one recent case, 15 single adult male border crossers were apprehended crossing the southern border, sent to a
DHS facility, and then bused or put on domestic commercial flights into various U.S. cities.
Read more here:
GEE... YA THINK!? Newspaper Says Marine Fossils Atop Mount Everest ‘Could
Be Proof Of Bible's Great Flood'
THE BIBLE's Great Flood is one
of the most famous narratives of the religious text, and "marine fossils" found at the top of Mount Everest "may
be" proof that it happened, according to a sensational claim. The flood narrative is found in chapters 6-9 of the Book
of Genesis and the story tells of God's decision to return Earth to its pre-creation state of watery chaos. Noah and his family
are said to have been spared - along with two of every kind of animal - by floating a great ark. Genesis 7:18-19 states: "And
the ark went upon the face of the waters. And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the Earth - and all the high mountains
that were under the whole heaven were covered... (READ MORE)
Scientists have developed
a new system to assist the search for extra-terrestrial life by monitoring for complex molecular signals. The method is called
Assembly Theory, and it uses mass spectrometry - studying and measuring the colour spectrum - to try and break down molecules
into smaller bits and count the number of unique parts. The larger the number of unique parts, the more likely it is to be
a complex object, and the more likely it was made through a process of evolution. This technique cannot be used from the Earth,
but the researchers say that it could be deployed on missions to alien planets to help detect biosignatures or the emergence
of new forms of artificial life... (READ MORE)
Manipulation, and the Seed of the Serpent
When former Christian
college professor and BBC correspondent, Dr. I. D. E. Thomas, in his highly recommended book, The Omega Conspiracy, chronicled the burgeoning of so-called alien abduction activity in the 1980s, he made enlightening connections between the
alien-abduction phenomenon and end-time prophecy concerning a return of Nephilim, something other writers have since built
upon. Documentation by "abductees" worldwide and the stories of DNA harvesting by "aliens" reminded him
of the history of biological misuse by the Watchers. Dr. Thomas told me personally that the special desire by the "aliens"
for human and animal molecular matter could explain "why animals have been killed, mutilated, and stolen by the aliens,"
a point Vallée repeated in his book, The Invisible College: What a Group of Scientists Has Discovered About UFO
Influences on the Human Race, when he wrote:
Read more here:
Cyber Polygon: Will The Next Globalist War Game Lead To
Another Convenient Catastrophe?
Back in April I published an
article titled ‘Globalists Will Need Another Crisis In America As Their Reset Agenda Fails'. In it I noted an odd trend which many of us in the liberty media have become aware of over the years - Almost every major
man-made catastrophe in the US and in many other parts of the world in the past couple decades has been preceded by a government
or globalist "exercise". These exercises and war games tend to mimic the exact disaster that would eventually strike
the public only days or weeks later. Sometimes the mock disaster exercises and the real events happen at the same time.
The covid pandemic was no exception. It's quite miraculous...
Read more here:
The Rise of the Ex-Vangelicals
The American Church is so compromised it has become good for nothing.
Not Christianity. Christianity is alive and well. But the building where people gather on Sunday has
become almost as useless as a rotary phone. It is still a means of communication, but the line does not really connect
to the person on the other end.
The American Church has become little
more than a building...a place to gather...much like an American Legion Hall, or the Elks Club, or Dancing with the Stars.
It is a place where people socially connect but very little supernatural activity takes place. To many American Churches
have "a form of Godliness but deny the power thereof." God's Name may be above the door, but He makes only
cameo appearances these days. Ichabod is written over the doorpost.
more here:
China threatens US with ‘intense nuclear showdown' as it ramps up atomic
program as a ‘vital deterrent against America'
threatened the United States with an "intense nuclear showdown" as it ramps up its atomic program.
The Chinese Communist Party's mouthpiece newspaper launched a blistering attack on the
West, saying China's nuclear plan was now vital to the country's "strategic deterrence" against the US.
Hu Xijin, the editor of the Global Times, said "the number of China's nuclear warheads must reach the quantity that makes US elites shiver".
"We must be prepared for an intense showdown between China and the US," Hu wrote
in a chilling op-ed for the Chinese state-run newspaper.
"In that
scenario, a large number of Dongfeng-41, and JL-2 and JL-3 (both intercontinental-range submarine-launched ballistic
missile) will form the pillar of our strategic will.
Read more here:
Make Way for the Snitch State: The All-Seeing Fourth Branch
of Government
"It is just when people are all engaged in
snooping on themselves and one another that they become anesthetized to the whole process. As information itself becomes the
largest business in the world, data banks know more about individual people than the people do themselves. The more the data
banks record about each one of us, the less we exist."-Marshall McLuhan, From Cliche To Archetype
We're being spied on by a domestic army of government snitches, spies and techno-warriors.
This government of Peeping Toms is watching everything we do, reading everything we write, listening to everything we say, and monitoring everything we spend.
Beware of what you say, what you read, what you write, where you go, and with whom you
communicate, because it is all being recorded, stored, and catalogued, and will be used against you eventually, at a time
and place of the government's choosing.
Read more here:
Remember That 'ALL Totalitarian Regimes Control People Through Protein Starvation'
As These 'Two Most Precious Commodities For The Coming Months' Come Under 'Attack'
Scripted Events Move Us Closer To The Globalists Desired Post-Animal Economy
With hackers now going after the largest meat packing plant in the world, JBS SA, leading to supply chain fears as meat packaging plants are shuttered and some of world's largest slaughterhouses globally are shut down just the latest
signs that the closures are spreading as reported in this Reuters News story, videographer 'Ice Age Farmer' warns in the first video at the bottom of this story that the World Economic Forum's
"cyberpandemic" has hit our food supply, as the biggest animal protein producer in the world.
Warning within the video that this situation could become disastrous quickly become live
animals are involved and require feed to stay alive before being eventually slaughtered for meat, as he asks within that important
video, "is this just a scripted event to move us to the WEF's desired 'post-animal economy' and to hide a global
shortage of grains?"
Read more here:
LOCKDOWN FOREVER! W.H.O and Fauci Warn Coronavirus Danger Is ‘Far From Over'
On Monday, W.H.O. Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, speaking at the World Health
Assembly, warned against a "monumental error" to presume the danger of coronavirus is over as White House chief medical adviser
Dr. Anthony Fauci joined him to declare the world can't "declare victory prematurely."
Now Fauci has the backing of Tedros who conceded the U.N. agency is "very encouraged that cases
and deaths are continuing to decline globally," but it would be "a monumental error for any country to think the
danger has passed."
Read and watch here:
The Biggest Meat Processing Company in the WORLD Was Hacked, Supply Chain Disruptions
Hackers have struck again only weeks after the Colonial pipeline hacking. The pipeline hacking had consumers rush to panic buy fuel, causing widespread shortages. This time, however, it wasn't
the fuel and gas system but major beef producers.
One of the world's
largest meat processors shuts down
Australian and North American
units of Brazil's JBS, one of the world's largest meat processors, was hit over the weekend
by an organized cyberattack on its information systems.
The attack caused
its Australian operations to shut down completely on Monday, and the company is saying that it is working to resolve the incident.
Read more here:
Top Chinese mouthpiece suggests country prepare for nuclear war
with US as Wuhan lab leak theory gains momentum
Hu Xijin,
a top Chinese propagandist, declared recently that China should prepare for a nuclear showdown with the United States after
President Joe Biden affirmed continued investigations into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read more here:
"The scholar does not consider gold and jade to be precious treasures, but loyalty
and good faith." - Confucius
This article will discuss gold's
growing importance as the principal protector of wealth and also that the coming price evolution of gold will be dazzling
as it reaches heights that no one can imagine.
But first let us observe
Confucius' words at the beginning of the article. There are many real values that are much more precious than wealth or gold.
Loyalty and good faith are clearly two of them. Also as I have many times stated, some of the best things in life are free,
like family, close friends, nature, music, books and many more....
more here:
In recent
weeks and months since the Biden administration carried out the greatest election theft in world history, this group of criminals
have done their best to fulfill their goals. It is common knowledge that Biden and Harris have frequently stated that they
are going to take our cars and our meat, and this is only stage one of the takeover. The Biden administration has engaged
in the following acts in recent weeks and months.
Read more here:
Armed Black Supremacists: 'We Must Bury Them (Whites), Dig
Them Up And Kill Them Again. Bury Them. Dig Them Up. And Kill Them Again'
Imagine an armed group of white men at a a Second Amendment March, with many in the group exercising their right
to bear arms and open carry, preaching to cheering crowd that "White Americans will kill everything black in sight."
The media would lose what is left of their minds. There would be wall-to-wall coverage.
Suggestions from radical liberal Democrats would be to "get those people some white hoods." Jim Crowe would be cited
ad nauseum as screams of violent racism would be screeched all over every TV network and in all liberal newspapers.
They would be calling these people out every single day, and the media would be stalking
them to dox them by revealing all their personal information to the world.
more here:
SHAMELESS: Hillary Clinton Openly Brags about Democrats Using Pandemic to Take
Over as Much of the Country as Possible
As much as everyday Americans
would like nasty Hillary Clinton to go away, she spreads and festers like a political pandemic. And although the vast majority
grow weary of her left-wing drivel, her remarks on this shocking video prove Democrats are reticent to give up all their new
found powers from the pandemic and instead want to expand their governmental control over citizens.
Read more here:
EU Launches "Digital Wallet" In Latest Step Toward 'Cashless Society'
Despite the concerns about digital privacy being invaded by the "vaccine passports"
that Europe has demanded of travelers, the EU is pressing ahead with plans to launch a "digital wallet" that would
carry digital copies of a drivers' license and credit cards (sort of like Apple Pay does) as Europe continues its transition away from cash.
According to the FT, the EU is preparing to unveil its plans for the bloc-wide "digital wallet" on Wednesday. The product is the result
of what Brussels described as several states' demands for the EU to create a digital tool to access important records and
other products and services via the smartphone.
Read more here:
The cultural collapse of America accelerates as Democrat-run cities are plunged
into crime, corruption and FILTH
(Natural News) The quote of the day comes from a Greenwich Village resident commenting on the "drug den" infestation of heroin-addicted
lunatics who have taken over the progressive Manhattan area, turning it into a trashed-out insanity zone. Here's the quote:
"We may be liberal but this has gone too far!"
Another neighbor
offered up a similarly entertaining quote about the situation, lamenting, "The zombies are now near the fountain..."
Read more here:
The five phases of vaccine compliance: We are currently
in phase 3, and the last phase involves door-to-door arrests of those who refuse spike protein injections
(Natural News) With new information provided by a contact in the federal government, I've been able to further refine the escalation hierarchy
of vaccine compliance that's being pursued by the Biden regime. There are five distinct phases to this escalation:
Phase 1 - Voluntary (pushed by media propaganda, paying off social media
influencers, doctors, etc.). This phase ensnares those who are gullible enough to think getting injected with spike protein
biological weapons will somehow "save" them or set them free.
more here:
Do covid vaccines contain GMO "Magneto" protein capable of remotely
controlling behavior, brain activity?
American researchers have developed a new method of mind control that sounds oddly similar to what some suspect is contained within Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19)
Using genetic engineering, "Frankenstein"
scientists have reportedly developed a genetically modified (GMO) protein known as "Magneto" that allows behaviors
and brain function to be remotely controlled externally.
Magneto was designed
to activate a specific group of nerve cells within the body, and this activation can be done from a distance - perhaps from
a 5G tower?
Read more here:
In Part One of this article I described the circumstances which make it impossible to change the system from within. The past year should
put the final nail in that coffin. Now on to what is in our control.
agree that it is only a matter of time before one of these epidemics becomes global-a pandemic with potentially catastrophic
consequences." - Center for Health Security - October 2019
Read more here:
During these extraordinary times it makes sense to find out as much as you can about what
is really going on - your life may depend on it - and to do so as soon as possible, because there are already warning signs
that they are going to take down the internet at some point. The taking down of the internet will be to prevent those who
have figured out the plot from communicating and also to hasten economic collapse and may precede the launching of the "digital
dollar". Of course, you cannot reasonably expect to learn the truth via the mainstream media which is the mouthpiece
of powerful vested interests - you must look elsewhere and dig around, and sites where you can learn the truth are expected
to be outlawed and eliminated by any means possible in due course. I therefore think it is appropriate to share with you a
range of worthwhile videos that I have watched in recent weeks, one reason being that they quickly get buried by new ones,
and a characteristic of many of the videos linked below is that they have "shelf life", that is to say, lasting
Read and watch here:
Staged attacks on "Asians" in America sets the stage for ZERO criticism
of the Chinese Communists for their takeover of America
(Natural News) Mainstream media doesn't care about Black people anymore, it's all about Asians now, or have you not noticed? Asian bashing
is all over the news, like all of a sudden every American, White or Black, is now responsible for thousands of "Asian-American
Attacks..." happening everywhere, in every major city of the hate-filled USA (it's all staged). Where is the ALM (Asian
Lives Matter) brigade, to burn down the metropolitan cities, throw rocks through store windows and steal all the merchandise
in the name of Asian equality in America?
Read more here:
World's largest meat supplier JBS shuts ALL of its US beef plants
after Russian cyber attack: Government asks other producers to pick up slack to avoid meat shortages and 30% price
The US could be hit with beef shortages and price rises
after the world's largest meat producer was forced to close all of its plants due to a cyber attack which the White House
has blamed on Russian hackers.
JBS - which supplies 20 per cent
of all beef and pork in the US - warned the Memorial Day weekend hack could disrupt its supply chains and increase prices
up up to 30 per cent.
JBS received a demand from 'a criminal organization
likely based in Russia' following the attack that has affected its operations in Australia and North America, White House
spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre said on Tuesday.
Read more here:
Will you allow yourself to be ‘marked' by the world system?
30-year-old prophecy foretold of a coming vaccine that will do exactly that
There is an obscure prophecy from a pious Greek Orthodox monk who served at Mount Athos monastery until his death
in 1994 at the age of 69.
A few years before his death, around 1990, Elder
Paithios foresaw a time when globalist elites would use a mandatory vaccine to push their evil agenda forward.
Read and watch here:
The Social Decay That Is Eating Away At America Like A Cancer Is Visible All Around
You probably don't need me to tell you that society is coming
apart at the seams all around us. If you live in a major city, you can just walk outside and watch it happen right in
front of you. Prior to 2020, social decay was steadily eating away at our society, but once the pandemic hit many of
our societal problems greatly accelerated. Even while the Federal Reserve was making sure that wealthy Wall Street investors
were being taken care of well, poverty and homelessness were absolutely exploding in major cities all over the nation.
Meanwhile, an increasing number of Americans have been turning to drugs to cope with their problems, and this has particularly
been true in our urban areas.
At one time, Washington Square Park in Lower
Manhattan was quite lovely, but now it is being described as "lawless" and "drug-infested" because of
the hordes of drug addicts that constantly hang out there...
Read more here:
Close encounters: Democrats and Republicans unified in taking UFOs seriously
In early April, former CIA director R. James Woolsey told Black Vault, a website that collects paranormal case files, that he is "not as skeptical as I was a few years ago, to put it mildly,"
about UFOs, and that "something is going on that is surprising to a series of intelligent aircraft, experienced pilots."
Read more here:
Somebody Needs To Pay For The 'Death Science Bioweapon Attack'
Upon America That Imprisoned Us, Destroyed Businesses And Launched America Into Full Scale Tyranny
Support The 'Made in America Emergency Preparedness Act'- Here's How
With two Congressional Bills recently proposed that we can support, and bipartisan measures at that, House Democrats and Republicans came together on two bills Friday to
get to the bottom of how the pandemic started and to allow the families of victims to sue
the Chinese Communist Party for damages stemming from its early concealment of the virus, we might soon
witness the largest lawsuits in history since nearly EVERY American was 'a victim' in some way or form of Covid-19
and the draconian lockdowns unveiled because of them.
With the lockdowns
themselves causing millions of Americans to lose their jobs and numerous companies to change forever if not go out of business completely, can YOU honestly say that you WERE NOT affected by Covid or the lockdowns in some way,
shape or form over the past 16 months?
And with probably 327 million
Americans, our entire population, affected in one way or another by Covid, even if that was just being forced to purchase
and wear masks just to go into a store to buy life necessities or face arrest, we'd argue that not only should the actual
Covid disease victims be able to sue, but everybody else affected in one way or another as well, though we'll never expect
to see that happen due to the nature of this 'crime against humanity'.
Read more here:
Excavations in Costa Rica have revealed a massive - nearly perfect - stone sphere,
prompting experts to ask how such precision was achieved thousands of years ago.
"We have studied the terrain in which there are more than 15 of these spheres, and some are placed beside areas
that give access to residential buildings as if they were placed there to welcome you. They were used as a sign of hierarchy,
rank and ethnic distinction," explains archaeologist Francisco Corrales of the National Museum of Costa Rica.
Read more here:
THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION-PART 16: Portals, Occult Magic, and the Collins Elite
Over a decade ago, following the release of the book Nephilim Stargates and the Return of the Watchers, I did a series of televised shows with J. R. Church and Gary Stearman for their Prophecy in the News broadcast,
in which we discussed the idea of supernatural "portals, doorways, and openings." The concept is actually an ancient
one-that gateways between our world and other dimensions exist or can be created through which those entities described above
can pass. At one point, the programs with Church and Stearman focused on a theory I had briefly raised in Nephilim Stargates
involving infamous occultist Aleister Crowley, Jet Propulsion Laboratory founder Jack Parsons, and Church of Scientology founder
L. Ron Hubbard. A portion of that original material reads:
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World's fastest accelerating car is ELECTRIC: Rimac's £2m
road-legal Nevera is a battery powered hypercar that can hit 60mph in just 1.85 seconds
The fastest accelerating road-legal car in the world is launched today - and it's electric.
It outpaces the mighty petrol-powered Bugatti Chiron hypercar and comes from arguably
the hottest and most significant electric car company you're unlikely to have ever heard of - unless you're a fan of The Grand
The scintillating new £2million, 258mph Nevera - formerly
known as the C_Two concept - is designed, engineered and, as announced today, will be built by Croatian car company Rimac
- the brand famed by Richard Hammond's fiery crash in 2017 that catapulted the manufacturer into the headlines.
Read more here:
STEPHEN GLOVER: If China buries the truth on Wuhan lab, it could be the death
of us all
Did the Covid virus, which has already killed more
than 3.5 million people and devastated the world's economy, escape from an internationally renowned laboratory in the Chinese
city of Wuhan?
For the best part of a year, the idea that it might have
done so was treated with almost as much incredulity as the notion that the moon is made of cheese or that Stonehenge was built
by aliens.
Facebook even took down posts claiming the virus was man-made.
The social media giant, which has cheerfully tolerated all manner of political mendacity over the years, drew the line at
upsetting the Chinese government.
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DeSantis won't bow down to cruise lines, will enforce Florida law against vaccine
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has once again reiterated
his devotion to freedom as COVID-19 vaccine passports remain a hot-button issue.
DeSantis, now standing firm in opposing cruise ship guidelines requiring passengers to provide proof of vaccination,
remains determined to enforce Florida's new law banning vaccine passport requirements.
"We are going to enforce Florida law," DeSantis
said during a news conference on Friday, according to WPLG-TV. "You don't say 'pass laws' and then not enforce it against giant corporations. That doesn't work that way."
Read more here:
Is a Right Wing Conspiracy Theory Becoming Fact?
Ever since COVID-19 was hurled at society and the Gates' funded model that was no better than a
child's dame of SimCity predicted the next black plague so the world had to be shut down which has NEVER been done in 6,000 years, government experts
like court-appointed lawyers who are paid to ensure they always lose to keep the government's 99% conviction rate, have we
see a herd of the most prestigious media outlets denying what was clear to anybody with a brain capable of rational through,
that perhaps the COVID-19 pandemic that had originated in the Wuhan lab where scientists were performing dangerous research
into coronaviruses.
Read more here:
Pushing Back Against CDC Vaccine Bullying
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment
of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of
the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." That is the exact language
of our First Amendment, and the authority by which We the People issue the demand that is framed in this article.
The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a federal agency
under the Department of Health and Human Services, headquartered in deep blue and therefore deeply corrupt Atlanta, Georgia.
Like all government agencies it is run by unelected career bureaucrats who craft agency-level policies that are deemed legally
binding on the citizenry, equivalent to actual legislation passed by our duly elected representatives, but without the (supposed)
accountability of actual legislators. Federal agencies are, at least theoretically, subject to our elected representatives,
but as we saw during the Trump administration, the actions of the bureaucrats are often beyond the power of the President
to fully control, and thus we call them, collectively, "the deep state."
Read more here:
Millions Are Awakening To The Covid-19 Trojan Horse Being
Used To Implement A Tyrannical New Era For Humanity, The Great Reset And The Diabolical Depopulation Agenda
More Proof That Covid Was Planned With A Sinister Purpose In Mind
Thousands of medical doctors say the pandemic was planned
A group of almost one thousand medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information',
which is supported by more than 7,000 professionals including attorneys, scientists, teachers etc., made a shocking statement during a national press conference:
‘The Corona
panic is a play. It's a scam. A Swindle. It's high time we understood that we're in the midst of a global crime.'
This large group of medical experts publishes a newspaper with circulation of 500,000
copies every week, to alert the public about the misinformation in the mainstream media about the coronavirus. They also organize
mass protests with millions of people throughout Europe.
Read more
The SHTF Ripple Effect: How the Big Picture Affects Your Small Picture
I'll start by outlining a few events you may or (may not be) aware of taking place worldwide
right now. Then we'll see the connections between these, the crisis we're going through, and how the different circles, as proposed by Selco, interact with each other. Let's dive in and study the ripple effect of the SHTF.
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The highly acclaimed crypto market is undergoing a harsh correction, painfully demonstrating how quickly governments
can put this asset class in distress. As we've repeatedly argued, crypto's are not a wealth preservation asset. In the U.S.
and globally, prices are rising at rates not seen in decades. Asset price inflation is now spreading to everyday goods as
the velocity of money in circulation increases, in some cases exacerbated by artificially created shortages. It looks as if
we have to prepare for shrinking economies and inflation. In this mix, more and more institutional investors are recognizing
the need to diversify their portfolios with gold as a stable currency and inflation hedge. If they choose ETF's for this,
they put themselves in danger of having no precious metals in case of emergency. The Perth Mint's problem should provide a
cautionary tale for investors.
Watch here:
Number of COVID cases in Delhi crashes after mass distribution of ivermectin
Mass distribution of Ivermectin would appear to be behind the dramatic fall in COVID-19
cases, both in India and Mexico City.
May 31, 2021 (American Thinker) - India has been suffering horrendously from COVID of late, and the complete death toll may never be known. But in the capital
city of Delhi, mass distribution of ivermectin began and the results have been stunning.
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Fauci will be gone in 90 days
A lot has happened in the last two weeks that may result in the retirement of Dr. Anthony Fauci. The face of the
government's Covid-19 response may have finally met his Waterloo. The way things are going, a forced retirement at age 80
may be the best outcome that "Dr. Doom" can expect.
It turns out that all roads to Covid-19 - even more
than we expected - lead back to Fauci. Finally, after a year of stonewalling and obfuscation, the news about Fauci's apparent
role in directing U.S. government funding to the notorious Wuhan Virology Lab - and the identification of that facility as
the source of the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic - have gone incredibly mainstream. Previously, reporting and analysis on these
issues had been the province of political outliers like Stephen K. Bannon and the guests on his six-day-a-week War Room Pandemic internet program - which is now getting renewed attention.
Read more
TR-3B Anti-Gravity Spacecrafts
It doesn't exist officially. It uses highly pressured mercury accelerated by nuclear energy to produce a plasma that
creates a field of anti-gravity around the ship. Conventional thrusters located at the tips of the craft allow it to perform
all manner of rapid high speed maneuvers along all three axes. Interestingly, the plasma generated also reduces radar signature
significantly. So it'll be almost invisible on radar & remain undetected. This literally means that it can go to any country
it likes without being detected by air traffic control & air defence systems. Read more at
Watch here:
the first time in its history, Western Civilization is in danger of being destroyed internally by a corrupt, criminal ruling
cabal which is centered around the Rockefeller interests, which include elements from the Morgan, Brown, Rothschild, Du Pont,
Harriman, Kuhn-Loeb, and other groupings as well. This junta took control of the political, financial, and cultural life of
America in the first two decades of the twentieth century." - Carroll Quigley - Tragedy & Hope - 1966
It has been somewhat baffling to me why the masses have been unable or unwilling to acknowledge
the existence of a ruling cabal/invisible government who are the true ruling power in our world. Any impartial assessment
of facts, recognition of historical events confirming the observations of Bernays and Quigley, and knowledge of human nature,
should unequivocally convince a critical thinking individual what they are told to believe by politicians, media and financiers
is entirely false.
Read more here:
Doctor on COVID Vax: "We Screwed-Up. We didn't realize
the Spike Protein is a TOXIN" Does this mean everyone vaccinated is manufacturing their own Spike Protein Toxins in their
own bodies?
Audio from a radio show has emerged wherein Dr.
Byram Bridle reveals the scientists behind the COVID-19 "Vaccine" made a terrible mistake.
According to the Doctor, who cites a brand new, peer-reviewed research study out of Japan
"They made a mistake - they thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, only to discover it is a toxin, that
can travel to many organs of the body, causing severe damage."
WORSE, the
spike proteins generated by mRNA vaccines don't stay in the shoulder muscle, but spread to the brain, heart, ovaries, etc.
They also know that the spike protein is what causes the damage with COVID-and
now it is clear how it is causing so much damage in other parts of the bodies of the vaccinated.
Learn more here:
Hackers hit Australian meatworks giant
Australian authorities are part of an international hunt for cyber criminals who've shut down the nation's largest
meat and food processing company, JBS Foods.
JBS facilities in other countries
have also been hit in a cyber attack that could affect meat supply chains world wide.
Agriculture Minister David Littleproud says the federal government is doing all it can to get Australian abattoirs
functioning again, and to limit effects on domestic supply and export markets.
Read more here:
War Upon Canada; Attack and Destroy By Force, it's Tyrannical Government
Last week, the Parliament of Canada took away the God-given right to vote, from its citizens, pending resolution
of any "pandemic." So if Canadians don't like the fraudulent COVID-19 propaganda being used to deprive
them of freedom, now those citizens CANNOT "vote them out."
action by the Parliament of Canada, took place in Parliament last week, and is the most disgusting betrayal; of a free people
I have seen in my 59 years on this planet.
I call for the Congress
of the United States to DECLARE WAR upon Canada.
more here:
Armed Leftist Group Warns: 'We Will Kill Everything White in Sight'
Black supremacist New Black Panther Party activists issue disturbing warning
An armed black supremacist group delivered a chilling message during a rally on
Saturday, warning that their goal is to one day "kill everything white in sight."
Far-left activists from the New Black Panther Party and other groups staged an armed march
in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday.
Organizers dubbed the event "March
for Reparations" and marched through downtown Tulsa.
struggle for Reparations must be escalated," a press release from organizers declares.
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Republican Rep. accuses China of 'worst cover-up in human history'
and says it's 'more likely than not' COVID came from Wuhan lab - as ex-FDA commissioner says leaks 'happen all the
Republican Texas Rep. Mike McCaul believes it's 'more likely
than not' COVID came from the Wuhan lab and has accused China of the 'worst cover-up in human history'.
McCaul told CNN's State of the Union that President Biden's investigation was 'long overdue' but
fears it may turn up nothing because scientists have 'destroyed everything at the lab.
He also called for the US to stop buying medical products from China as members of both the Democrats and Republicans
called for a congressional investigation into the origins of COVID.
more here:
Arizona prepares to execute death row inmates with Zyklon B
- the same deadly gas used by the Nazis at Auschwitz - seven years after the state's last execution by lethal injection was
branded 'torture'
The state of Arizona is stockpiling lethal gasses ahead of its planned resumption of executions - including the Zyklon B gas used by Nazis to
kill nearly one million Jewish people at Auschwitz.
Arizona's Department
of Corrections has spent more than $2,000 on the ingredients for hydrogen cyanide, a deadly gas favored by the Nazis during
the Holocaust, according to documents obtained by The Guardian.
According to The Auschwitz-Birkenau State
Museum, 1.1 million people died at the concentration camp during World War II, including 960,000 Jews.
Read more here:
Arizona Has Joined the Third Reich With the Intended Use of the
Jew-Killing Zyklon B In Its Prisons! Are Christians and Dissidents Next?
The state of Arizona is preparing to execute inmates on death row using Zyklon B, the same gas used by the Nazis in death camp gas chambers. In September 1941, Zyklon B, which just happen to be the
brand name for hydrogen cyanide (HCN), was the poison used to mass murder over a million people in gas chambers at Nazi concentration and death camps such as Auschwitz and Majdanek, both in Poland. Unlike the Nazis' earlier methods of mass murder, Zyklon B, which was originally used as a common disinfectant
and insecticide, proved to be an efficient and deadly murder weapon during the Holocaust.
Read more here:
America's Frontline
Doctors (AFLDS) spoke to former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Dr. Mike Yeadon about his views on the COVID-19 vaccine, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, the regulatory authorities, and more.
At the outset, Dr. Yeadon said "I'm well aware of the global crimes against humanity
being perpetrated against a large proportion of the worlds population.
"I feel great fear,
but I'm not deterred from giving expert testimony to multiple groups of able lawyers like Rocco Galati in Canada and Reiner Fuellmich in Germany.
"I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the
presence of evil (not a determination I've ever made before in a 40-year research career) and dangerous products.
Read more here:
1 Million Hit the Streets in London to Fight for Freedom
- While Millions of Americans Mask up and Go on Vacation for Memorial Day
A million people hit the streets in London yesterday to demand their freedom back.
This is largely being censored or downplayed in the corporate media, but with 1 million people marching through the
streets of London, actual photos and videos of the crowds are easy to find online.
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Bikers gathered to honor veterans have message to kneeling athletes "they
should be proud Americans and standing up for everybody"
gathered to honor veterans /MIAs /POWs at the annual "Rolling to Remember" event in DC interviewed by Breitbart
News had a message for athletes who kneel during the national anthem.
said "I stand for the flag, and I kneel for God. "You need to stand for the flag for the 82,000 guys that
are still MIAs and have not come home and for the hundreds and hundreds of thousands who have lost their lives, who have gone
off to war and lost their lives fighting for our freedoms."
and watch here:
Fauci's Hidden History And Secret Affiliations Finally Catch Up With Him
The Most Corrupt Career NIH Criminal
Ever to Head
It doesn't get any bigger that FAUCIgate.
Just look at what this capo di tutti i capi of the Medical Mafia -
Dr. Anthony Fauci - has gotten away with since the beginning of this manufactured coronavirus pandemic and meticulously staged
An accurate accounting of the countless deaths, widespread disease
and community destruction, damage to the national and state economies, societal collapse and citywide devastation, bankrupted
businesses and ruined families, etc. is simply too long to list here. Nevertheless, when the damage is finally assessed,
few individuals on the national stage will be found as culpable as Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci.
Read more here:
Clive Maund - Genocide is their End Game and everything
that has happened and is happening is due to a meticulously planned and sinister plot being implemented by the narrow clique
of gangsters who now control our world.
a nutshell, they are to cull a large percentage of the human race and to turn the survivors into a completely controlled army
of slaves who own nothing and are dictated to and tracked, traced and monitored 24 / 7 everywhere, even inside their own homes,
which of course they will no longer own."
only starts to make sense when you understand that everything that has happened and is happening is due to a meticulously
planned and sinister plot being implemented by the narrow clique of gangsters who now control our world."
Read more here:
The great restaurant
price hike: Eateries across the country are raising prices after soaring inflation sees ingredients costs DOUBLE in
just one year
A New Hampshire restaurateur has apologized to customers for putting prices up after the cost of basic items like oil, meat and gloves rose
by as much as 300%.
Alan Natkiel, the owner of Georgia's Northside in
Concord, says the price of brisket has gone up 185%, chicken breast is up 70%, and fryer oil costs have doubled in the past
three months, while plastic gloves were three times as expensive as pre-pandemic prices.
The price of disposable gloves have soared by 300%.
Read more here:
More Than 1,000 Earthquakes In The Past Week - Is California Gearing Up For The
"Big One"?
Have you noticed that there has been a whole
lot of shaking going on around the world lately? A major volcanic eruption in Congo made headlines all over the globe,
China was just hit by a couple of very large earthquakes, and Mt. Etna in Italy erupted four times in a six day stretch this
month. But to me, one of the most alarming developments has been the extended sequence of earthquakes that has been
rattling Lake Tahoe over the past several weeks...
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Powerful 6.1-magnitude earthquake strikes Alaska, shaking homes and knocking items
off shelves across 2,000 miles
A powerful earthquake of magnitude
6.1 has struck Alaska.
The quake was at a depth of 36.2 miles and occurred
about 100 miles north Anchorage, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said.
It struck at around 10.59pm local time on Sunday, and was felt widely throughout the Alaskan interior, according
to the Alaska Earthquake Center.
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Gas Is Going To $5 Per Gallon: First In California, Then Across The Country
Get ready for $5 per gallon gasoline - especially if you live in California.
At least, that was the contention of a new WSJ op-ed that claims higher taxes and environmental regulations are both driving up the price of gas.
Author Allysia Finley notes that the average cost at the pump in California is now $4.18 a
gallon, pointing out that in 2017, Democrats in the state's legislature raised a tax on each gallon by 20.8 cents over three
Read more here:
General Milley, Why Aren't You Calling Out Communist Extremism In Our Military?
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, spoke at my alma mater
this week, the United States Air Force Academy. He said all the right things.
He talked about being loyal to the Constitution, to staying out of politics as a military officer, to defending the
nation with honor, defending the American way of life.
Yet today, in
real life, by omission, General Milley does none of these things.
more here:
Gen. Arbuckle: ‘We're Being Taken Over Without A Shot Being Fired'
Gen. Joseph Arbuckle says the greatest threat is now not foreign, but domestic.
Watch here:
Last week, Elon Musk's neural implant company Neuralink released a video of a primate,
who'd been implanted with its technology, playing the game "Pong" with its thoughts. The technologically flashy
demo represented Neuralink's growing prominence in the public sphere, and raised important questions about privacy, data ownership,
and biomedical ethics. "While I'm excited about the therapeutic applications of brain chips for those with movement and
memory problems, I worry about the widespread use of brain chips in the future," cognitive psychologist Susan Schneider
told Observer. "Without proper regulations, your innermost thoughts and biometric data could be sold to the highest bidder,"
Schneider added in her latest interview. There are no legal barriers preventing a company like Neuralink from harvesting and
selling cognitive data through a consumer neural implant, like a more invasive version of how Facebook monetizes your data...
Arizona wants to use Zyklon B to execute inmates on death row
Hydrogen cyanide gas, named by the Third Reich as Zyklon B, was used by the Nazis
to kill over a million people in the Holocaust. The state of Arizona now wants to use it in executions.
The state of Arizona is preparing to execute inmates on death row using Zyklon B, the same gas used by the Nazis in death camp gas chambers.
The Arizona
corrections department has spent more than $2,000 on the ingredients required to make the deadly gas also known as hydrogen
cyanide, and have conducted inspections to make sure that their gas chamber, which has been unused for 22 years, is in operable
Read more here:
Greyerz Just Warned People To Get Out Of The Financial System Now
Egon von Greyerz at Matterhorn Asset Management (based in Switzerland):
This article will discuss gold's growing importance as the principal protector of wealth and also that the coming price evolution
of gold will be dazzling as it reaches heights that no one can imagine.
But first let us observe Confucius' words at the beginning of the article. There are many
real values that are much more precious than wealth or gold. Loyalty and good faith are clearly two of them.
Also as I have many times stated, some of the best things in life are free, like family, close friends, nature, music, books
and many more....
Read more here:
When You Willingly
Report to the New Government's Camps for Food, What Does History Say About Your Odds of Coming Out Alive?
There are those among us, that they believe if they just fly the flag of the United
Nations, or China, after America falls, that they will be left alone. Although it is true that most people just want to be
left alone, they fail to realize that there are some that just won't leave them along. The globalists and certainly the CHICOMS
will never leave anyone alone, at least until they incinerate their corpse.
unprepared have much to worry about. At some time in the relative near future, they are going to run out necessary resources
and the ruling regime, who hates Americans, will be all too happy to open the gates of their facilities to accommodate the
conquered Americans. They will all be too happy to accept the slave labor that comes with this acquiescence. When a person
no longer serves the globalist fate, history is very clear about what happens next, so the respite that accompanies surrender
is only temporary.
Read more here:
Tensions rise in Tulsa as Black Panthers and hundreds of black gun owners take
part in 2nd Amendment march ahead of the 100th anniversary of city's race massacre
Hundreds of black gun owners marched through downtown Tulsa to honor of the lives lost during the Tulsa Race Massacre
of 1921.
Members of the Black Panther party and over a dozen gun
clubs marched down North Tulsa chanting 'Black Power' and 'Black Lives Matter' on Saturday afternoon.
The 2nd Amendment Armed March commemorated
the 100th anniversary of the notorious massacre that saw whites in the Oklahoma City attacking the prosperous black Greenwood district and its residents.
more here:
Media, Social Media Propaganda Collusion To Censor Truth Has Backfired As Multiple
"Conspiracy Theories" Have Been Proven True Over The Last Few Days
When President Trump referred to the COVID virus as "Wuhan virus" or Chinese virus, he was accused of racism
(no big surprise since everything is considered racist these days).
establishment media bent over backwards to claim anyone asserting the pandemic started in the Wuhan, China lab, was a "conspiracy
Social media blocked and banned any commentary that did
not fit that official narrative.
The same playbook was used for the Hunter Biden scandals before the 2020 presidential elections, and the data on the Dominion machines used for election and the election irregularities
attributed to "human error."
Read more here:
This Isn't A Sci-Fi Prop, It's A Doomsday Navigator For America's Deadliest Cold
The Peacemaker missile's navigation suite featured
the most precise and complex self-contained gyro system ever built. It had 19,000 individual parts.
The subject in the striking image above looks like the centerpiece prop in a high-end
sci-fi flick, but it is anything but. What you are looking at is the Advanced Inertial Reference Sphere (AIRS) guidance system
that was designed to be used as the navigational heart of the highly-accurate LGM-118A Peacekeeper intercontinental ballistic
missile (ICBM), also known as the MX (Missile Experimental). Peacekeeper represented the pinnacle of Cold War-era American
ICBM technology, but it came at a very high price and with a less than favorable developmental timeline. Even though it dwarfed
its Minuteman III stablemate, and it was advanced in many ways, AIRS was by far the most exquisite piece of technology associated
with the MX/Peacemaker program. In fact, the system's existence was a major factor in the Peacekeeper's reason for being.
Read more here:
Here's How Hypersonic Weapons Could Completely Change the Face of Warfare
Missiles and aircraft zipping around at Mach five and above could dramatically
change how military forces attack and defend.
Imagine an enemy
deciding to attack from 1,000 miles away. Now, imagine you have less than 15 minutes to react and may not even see their missile
coming in the first place. This is the potential threat posed by so-called "hypersonic weapons," which can fly as
fast as a mile a second and low enough to evade many existing defenses.
there is much attention given to the expanding threat of ballistic missiles, especially from countries such as Iran and North Korea, American military officials are increasingly concerned about hypersonic
weapons. Though the basic concept isn't by any means new, technological advancements have made the notion of gliders and air-breathing vehicles flying at Mach 5 or faster significantly viable, with the United States, Russia, and China all actively experimenting with
such designs.
Read more here:
No Privacy, No Property: The World in 2030 According to the WEF
The World Economic Forum (WEF) was founded fifty years ago. It has gained more and more
prominence over the decades and has become one of the leading platforms of futuristic thinking and planning. As a meeting
place of the global elite, the WEF brings together the leaders in business and politics along with a few selected intellectuals.
The main thrust of the forum is global control. Free markets and individual choice do not stand as the top values, but state
interventionism and collectivism. Individual liberty and private property are to disappear from this planet by 2030 according
to the projections and scenarios coming from the World Economic Forum.
more here:
Is ‘Christian' Fornication, Cohabiting, And Hedonism A ‘Sacred' New
Recently, researchers at State University of New York determined
that descendants of immigrants to the United States typically lost the ability to speak their mother tongue by the third generation.
Something similar, but far more serious, seems to be happening with Christians in an increasingly post-Christian culture.
Each successive generation is losing the understanding of, not to mention the will to live by, Christian sexual morality.
Two years ago, a Pew Research survey found that half of American Christians think casual sex is "sometimes or always"
morally acceptable. The slight silver-lining in that survey was that evangelical Protestants were by far the least likely
group to express acceptance of casual sex. Unfortunately, a new analysis calls into question just how committed the children
of evangelicals are to Christian teaching in this area. These numbers reflect a larger trend among evangelicals... (READ MORE)
Canada Agrees With Bloomberg, Asks ‘When Do We Round Up' The Vaccine-Hesitant?
Until now, the biggest challenge limiting vaccination rates has been supply and rollout.
Soon, it could be the hesitant and reluctant. While Canada appears to be riding a wave of vaccine confidence, with millions
falling over themselves trying to land shots in fragmented booking systems, 20 per cent appear to be sitting on the sidelines,
surveys suggest. Will it take coercive [666] policies to sway them? (READ MORE)
THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION-PART 15: Passport to Magonia-From Folklore to Flying
In the 1960s, legendary French UFO researcher Dr. Jacques
Vallée began to explore commonalities between UFOs, alien abduction, and fabled figures like fairies in his book, Passport
to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers (NOTE! This legendary work by Vallée is provided FREE in searchable pdf format plus dozens more unavailable works
with the purchase of Exo-Vaticana here). Out of this research, he developed a "multidimensional visitation hypothesis" beyond spacetime that would allow
for undetected coexistence between humans and nonhuman beings, which have been seen and detected for thousands of years and
seem to present themselves in a way that suggests either: 1) they are mutating their persona to match our current belief systems
(i.e., they once were called the little people of elfin lore who stole and replaced children with "changelings,"
while today they are the little greys of ET abduction who steal and replace embryos with hybrid babies); or 2) they are doing
what they have always done and we are the ones interpreting their presence in ways that accommodate our current understanding
of science and religion. For Vallée, the comparisons between the ancient fairy stories and modern alien-abduction phenomena
were too similar to be coincidence. He cites the work of Walter Yeeling Evans-Wentz (1878-1965), an anthropologist and expert
on "fairy-faith" in Celtic countries, as powerful evidence for consistency of the phenomena throughout history.
Read more here:
COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Among 12- to 17-Year-Olds More Than Triple in 1 Week,
VAERS Data Show
The number of reported adverse events following
COVID vaccines continues to climb, according to data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require
further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.
more here:
Even in the face of surging grocery prices, retail beef and pork prices cause sticker shock
Overall food prices rose 0.4 percent from March, and are up 1 percent from a year ago,
according to data released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis on Friday. The price of pork soared 2.6 percent in the month of April and 4.8
percent from a year ago, adjusting for seasonality. And while beef and veal prices stayed fairly flat for the month, they
are up 3.3 percent from a year ago.
Read more here:
BREAKING NEWS: Firefighters battle huge blaze after an explosion at Ergon oil
refinery in West Virginia
Firefighters battled a blaze at Ergon
petroleum refinery in Newell, West Virginia on Saturday night.
Newell Volunteer Fire Department said there
are 'a lot of people out' at the fire, WKBN reports.
Brysten Trosky shared a video of the fire on Facebook
and wrote: 'Currently at the Ergon plant in West Virginia. I hope everyone is alright. I'm glad we got away when we did.'
Read more here:
Big Alien Lies Revealed - Steve Quayle
Renowned radio host, filmmaker and book author Steve Quayle contends the recent revelation about alien encounters
on the CBS show "60 Minutes" is nothing more than theater to fool and set up the masses on the coming alien narrative. Steve Quayle explains, "The
plan has always been in the elite world to destroy humanity. Even the Georgia Guidestones say this. Quayle says,
"When 60 Minutes took this on, you have to ask yourself how does something so concealed and so hidden all of a sudden
have F-18 fighter pilots locking on to advanced technology. . . . The whole reason they are going to reveal it now is they
are going to bring on the aliens as the world's saviors. Look at what mankind is doing. We are destroying ourselves.
We are destroying the planet. Every political buzz word is being used. The true meaning of the alien reveal is
they want . . . to release it in a staged manner. . . . The lie is this: Mankind cannot save itself. There are
diseases, global warming, and the entire makeup of creation is out of balance. Are we facing a pole shift, and are there
massive problems that only the Aliens, our space brothers and our creators, can help us with? I say this is the biggest
bag of ‘bull sheet,' which is the lie and the cover-up . . . . I am putting in all my last days telling people if you
understand it, you will not be destroyed by it. This is the big lie: Aliens did not create us. . . . I am created
in the image and likeness of the living God."
Read and watch here:
Nuclear flash cards: US secrets exposed on learning apps
US troops charged with guarding nuclear weapons in Europe used popular education websites
to create flash cards, exposing their exact locations and top-secret security protocols, according to the investigative site
Bellingcat Friday.
To familiarize themselves with things like which shelters
in various locations had "hot" vaults with live nuclear bombs, with security patrol schedules, and with identification
badge details, the soldiers created digital flash card sets on apps like Chegg Prep, Quizlet and Cram.
Read more here:
Restricting Freedom Didn't Defeat COVID
Let's travel back in time to March of 2020, when predictions of mass death related to the new coronavirus
started to gain currency. One study, conducted by Imperial College's Neil Ferguson, indicated that U.S. deaths alone would exceed 2 million.
The above number is often used, even by conservatives and libertarians, as justification
for the initial lockdowns.
Read more here:
Virologists Say Genetic "Fingerprints" Prove COVID-19 Man-Made, 'No
Credible Natural Ancestor'
Two notable virologists claim
to have found "unique fingerprints" on COVID-19 samples that only could have arisen from laboratory manipulation,
according to an explosive 22-page paper obtained by the Daily Mail.
British professor Angus Dalgleish - best known for creating
the world's first 'HIV vaccine', and Norwegian virologist Dr. Birger Sørensen - chair of pharmaceutical company,
Immunor, who has published 31 peer-reviewed papers and holds several patents, wrote that while analyzing virus samples last
year, the pair discovered "unique fingerprints" in the form of "six inserts" created through gain-of-function
research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.
Read more here:
Coming Soon: China's Navy Patrolling Off New York
China is scouting for a naval base on the west coast of Africa. In the near future, therefore, Chinese
ships could be regularly patrolling off America's East Coast.
In recent
testimony before the House and Senate Armed Services Committees, General Stephen Townsend, commander of U.S. Africa Command, has been sounding the alarm.
At the moment, China's only offshore military base is in Djibouti, on the Horn of Africa.
The facility is near some of the world's busiest shipping routes, including those going through the Suez Canal.
Read more here:
Farmer sues after being ordered not to work his farm
Ag Department rules a mud puddle is protected wetlands
A South Dakota farmer is suing the federal government after its Agriculture Department ordered him not to farm his
It seems the Washington bureaucrats have determined that a mud puddle
in one of his fields is a protected "wetlands."
Read more here:
THE NEW HITLER YOUTH MOVEMENT: Critical Race Theory Is Promoting
Reverse Racism Through Classic Bolshevik-Style Divide and Conquer Tactics
As a disclaimer to my position to this heinous video, I am dedicated to the equal treatment of all. I firmly
believe that when we see mistreatment of all types, we need to stand for the victim. Silence is indeed complicit guilt.
Victimization does include racism, but is not limited to racism. Everyday, school children are shamed for their skin color
and Christian Religion in liberal classrooms across America in clear violation of the 1st and 14th Amendments to
the US Constitution. However, the people below, profess to be teachers. They seemingly have foresaken their pledge
to educate, as opposed to indoctrinating our children.
and watch here:
Top Special Forces Official Urges US Deployment For Taiwan To Resist "Chinese
Biden's nominee for assistant secretary of defense
for special operations and low-intensity conflict, Christopher Maier, if confirmed is sure to get the attention of Beijing
given his words this week to the Senate Armed Services Committee on Taiwan. The man who is also head of the Department of
Defense's Defeat-ISIS Task Force urged Congressional leaders in a Thursday briefing to establish a program for US
special forces to train local troops in Taiwan toward deterring a possible "Chinese invasion".
As the official tapped to oversee all US special forces he's pushing an irregular warfare
Vietnam-style preparedness scenario in Taiwan, which China claims as its own. "I do think that is something that we should
be considering strongly as we think about competition across the span of different capabilities we can apply, [special operations
forces] being a key contributor to that," Maier told Senators.
Read more here:
Back in January Satan Soldier Nephilim, AKA
Dr. Fauci Dismissed the Prospect of Lock-downs Ever Coming to the United States Jesuit Are Trained Liars...
This has been a year of astonishing policy failure.
We are surrounded by devastation conceived and cheered by intellectuals and their political handmaidens. The errors number
in the thousands, so please consider the following little more than a first draft, a mere guide to what will surely be unearthed
in the coming months and years.
We trusted these people with our lives
and liberties and here is what they did with that trust.
Read more here:
Before COVID Vaccine, Her Son Was a Healthy Athlete - Now He Can ‘Barely
Walk,' Mom Says
One day after getting the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID
vaccine, Everest Romney became sick. Five days after being vaccinated, the 17-year-old was hospitalized when doctors discovered two blood clots in his brain.
Everest's mother,
Cherie Romney, told Children's Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on the "RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast" her son, a varsity basketball player at Corner Canyon High School in Draper, Utah, was a very healthy athletic child
who was in the middle of recruiting season for his school basketball team.
the teen can barely walk.
Read more here:
Globalists Push Ahead With Their Plan Of Taking Down America Without Firing A
Shot As Our Nation's Rapid Descent Into Communism Gets Another Boost From Biden And Democrats
Democrats Have Positioned Themselves To 'Buy' The 2022 & 2024 Elections
While reading ANP readers comments on Friday which were left on Dr. Don Boys Thursday
ANP story titled "America Under Joe Biden Is Being Herded Down A Dark Path Far Too Well Traveled Before In The Darkest Moments Of History", 'Bart's Bantering' left the following gem which I found quite timely: "Dr Boys article reminds me of a short overview of Cleon Skousens "The
Naked Communist", itself one of the top must read books ever. Nicely done sir."
And the timeliness of Bart's comment was partially due to the fact that PJ Media also put out a story on Thursday titled "In 1958 Communists Had 45 Goals to Take Over the U.S. Without Firing
a Shot. Here Are the Ones They've Already Achieved", a story which also referenced Skousens must read and timeless book and a story which took a look at those 45 goals, some
of them outdated and immaterial, some debatable, but many of them already achieved.
Read more here:
China Braces For Summer Of Floods As 97 Rivers Exceed Warning Levels
China braces for another dangerous flood season with 97 rivers already exceeding warning
levels as of Thursday, according to Chinese state media Global Times. Major floods are expected this summer, and Western media will soon be drumming up headlines about how confidence in China's flood control capabilities is faltering.
levels along the Yangtze River basin and its tributaries are expected to increase over the next week, the Ministry of Water
Resources said, adding that major floods are possible throughout the country from June to August.
Read more here:
DHS Secretary Admits: "We're Taking a Very Close Look" at Vaccine Passports
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted on Friday
that the federal government is "taking a very close look" at the idea of creating federal vaccine passports for international travel. Mayorkas, who also oversees the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), made the admission
on ABC's Good Morning America.
The admission seems to contradict
earlier statements from the White House that the federal government was not looking at creating vaccine passports for American
In April, Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters that the
White House was not considering vaccine passports.
Read more here:
Biden's Budget Assumes a Massive Retroactive Capital Gains Tax
Biden will unveil his proposed budget on Friday. Sources say it will include retroactive
tax hikes.
Biden seeks to hike the top rate on capital gains to 43.4%
from 23.8% for households with income over $1 million.
He also wants
to make the increase retroactive and force capital gains realization at death as well.
Read more here:
Is This Administration Actually TRYING to Accelerate the Economic Collapse of
the United States?
If Larry Summers and Jamie Dimon are the voice
of reason, you know something is dreadfully wrong in the current state of economic affairs. In fact, if Summers and Dimon
are even making sense, the wheels have already come off.
Why aren't
these two sounding like the economic hitmen that they are? Because they are warning of the Biden Administration's
completely insane spending plans. Spending plans that will indeed cause inflation in the United States.
Read more here:
Fauci: I Trust Scientists in China to Be Truthful and Forthcoming on COVID Origins
During an interview aired on Friday's broadcast of SiriusXM Urban View's "The
Joe Madison Show," White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said that he trusts scientists in China to be
honest about the origins of COVID-19 and that you have to make a distinction between scientists in China and the country's
Read and watch here:
Satan Soldier Dr. Fauci is a
Raging Jesuit
Demonic Lunatic, He Spent Over $400,000 on Grafting
Aborted Fetal Scalps on to Mice and Rats...
The federal health
agency that has been headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, now the Biden administration's chief medical adviser, spent more than $400,000
to fund several experiments in which the scalps of aborted foetuses were grafted on to live mice and rats.
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which Fauci has headed
since the 1980s, has funded a dozen or so researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, where their findings were published in the journal Nature, last September.
Read more here:
The Crazed Twilight Zone World of the Great Reset
Millions of world citizens restricted to the Stay-At-Home orders of their governments are presumed
to be restively waiting for the inevitable launch of the globalists' ‘Great Reset'.
If the virus of the season doesn't get you, and Global Warming/Climate Change doesn't wipe you out, the globalists
ace in the hole is what they call the Great Reset.
According to power-mad
globalists, marching in-step with the United Nations and European Union, when the ‘Plandemic' is over (meaning when
they have no choice but to walk it back having been trapped in their own lies), citizens held in government Lockdowns over
the past 14 months will come stumbling out of their homes, bleary-eyed into the fresh air with which the Creator gifted humanity
when He created the Universe.
Read more here:
Canadian soldier who spoke at anti-lockdown rally, against COVID-19 vaccine charged
with mutiny
A member of the Canadian Armed Forces has been charged
with mutiny for speaking out against the COVID-19 vaccine and urging colleagues not to help with vaccine distribution.
Officer Cadet Ladislas Kenderesi has been charged with one count of persuading
another person to join in a mutiny and one count of behaving in a scandalous manner unbecoming of an officer, according to
the Ottawa Citizen.
Read more here:
Almost Every SHTF Situation Could Involve Civil Unrest To One Extent Or Another-These
Days, However, Civil War Is Almost A Certainty
Remember the good
old days of prepping when we thought about hypothetical disaster situations and didn't have the same sense of urgency
we have these days? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying NO sense of urgency, I'm saying we thought about these manmade
disasters as something we probably had a little time to prepare for.
days it seems that anything can and will happen, and that something big is just around the corner. It seems as though we are
standing at the edge of a cliff, and behind us is a herd of social justice warrior, politicians, and the mainstream media
personalities running full speed towards us.
Read more here:
The globalist dream of total control is closer than ever: Will they succeed?
The globalists are getting worried, and well they should be.
All is not falling into place as quickly and easily as they had hoped.
They no doubt envisioned a scenario where their lab-created Wuhan virus creates mass fear, paving
the way for them to ride in as the saviors armed with a dangerous bio-chemical injection that will be sold as a miracle serum
to beat the virus. It came to us compliments of one of the world's most evil men, Bill Gates.
Read more here:
The MSM & Govt Will Never Admit That 'Covid' Was A Covert, 'Weaponized Operation' To 'Install'
Joe Biden In The White House And 'Take Down' America
Something Reeks To High Heaven About The 'Massive Shift To Society' Covid Unleashed Upon America
With Memorial Day weekend of 2021 having arrived bringing many Americans out of their
year+ long 'Covid hibernations' with an air travel boom, the Indy 500 hosting 135,000 fans on Sunday (although with mask requirements, temperature checks at the gates and 'social distancing') and so-called
'virus fears' fading fast in the US, as we'd reported within this May 25th ANP story, something just doesn't quite feel right with the sudden 're-opening' of America after we'd long been warned this
thing would likely carry on for years.
With one of the 'big stories' of this past week being Dr. Anthony Fauci admitting that this entire 'scamdemic' MAY have begun in a lab in Wuhan, China, and may
not have developed 'naturally', as this Daily Mail story pointed out, the American taxpayer may have very well funded this entire thing ourselves.
Read more here:
U.S. Mint Confirms: "Global Silver Shortage"
The United States Mint has announced there is a "global silver shortage" and
as a result, "some people will not be able to buy certain silver coins." Meanwhile, Silver Market manipulation
is artificially suppressing silver prices, but some folks are now saying baseball bats to the back of manipulator heads might
solve that trouble.
The US Mint issued the following public statement
regarding Silver coins:
Read more here:
Deep Cover Insider Sources Say that Americans Are Being Abducted,
Having Their Organs Harvested and Then Cremated CHINESE-Style
People are being abducted in unmarked white vans, their vital organs are extracted, and they are subsequently cremated.
Oh, I know you are going to say that happened in Wuhan. However, your observation would be a day late and a dollar short.
This is happening right now on the streets of America. Walk with me through this complicated landscape as I unravel the events
that service to verify this allegation.
In 2013, the American Civil Liberties
Union boldly proclaimed that the Detroit police were abducting homeless people and then subsequently dropping them off miles
away. However, voices that never get heard, are telling a more nefarious story. They say that the practice is still
going on and that some of the homeless are never heard from again.
more here:
Papers please! County demands to review all of church's
Has been taking faith group to court over and
over during COVID pandemic
Just as California Gov. Gavin Newsom
was being ordered to pay $1.35 million for the legal fees of a church whose members sued him over his coronavirus-related
lockdown orders, another fight has erupted over the same problem.
arbitrarily determined that churches were "not essential" when the pandemic was at its peak in 2020, and ordered
them to close. He later allowed small groups to meet.
Read more here:
Italy Facing CIVIL WAR as Prime Minister ORDERS Vaccines to be Mandatory for all
In violation of every term of the Italian Constitution, the Charter of Human Rights of
the European Nations, of the UN Charter for Human Rights, and every medical, scientific and religious moral norm, the Sanitary
Dictatorship has approved the conversion into law of the Administrative Decree of Mario Draghi's Government.
The terms of this Dictatorial Decree oblige every resident of Italy to take the Vaxx,
regardless of any position of religion or conscience.
Those who
refuse, will be DENIED all medical assistance, in all hospitals and clinics, public and private.
Read more here:
The Tribulation and Martyrdom by Corrie Ten Boom
This letter was written by Ms. Corrie Ten Boom, a Nazi Concentration Camp survivor,
and lifelong missionary, in 1974.
The world is deathly ill. It is dying. The Great Physician
has already signed the death certificate. Yet there is still a great work for Christians to do. They are to be
streams of living water, channels of mercy to those who are still in the world. It is possible for them to do this because
they are overcomers.
Read more here:
Memorial Day Flags to Fly UPSIDE DOWN
The American people, heading into the Memorial Day holiday weekend, are flying their flags UPSIDE DOWN indicating
the nation is in "dire distress" with an ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT, a Congress that rubber-stamped the fraud, and courts
which refused to even hear lawsuits to redress grievances.
Americans of
every kind are fed-up with the ongoing election fraud that allowed Joe Biden to STEAL the Presidency and they are speaking
out via the symbolism of flying their US flags upside down.
Read more
UFO whistleblower accuses Pentagon of concerted effort to discredit him &
hide ‘truth' from American people
Luis Elizondo,
who ran the Pentagon's UFO program for years and recently revealed it to the world, says the US military tried to intimidate
and smear him. His complaint apparently triggered an inspector-general probe.
Elizondo is a counterintelligence specialist who was in charge of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program
(AATIP) before it was disbanded in 2012. Five years later, he made public three US Navy videos showing "unexplained
aerial phenomena" (UAP). The US military later confirmed the videos as authentic, but said they were not meant for publication.
more here:
How Civilizations Will Function After 'The Great Culling' Being
Called For On The Georgia Guidestones: With The Human Population Reduced To 500 Million, 'Useless Eaters' Will Not
Be Tolerated
Spread the Word. Stay Informed. Be Prepared.
Remain Vigilant. Stay Ahead of the Curve. Remain Flexible. Have a Backup Plan.
Those of us who are familiar with the Georgia Guidestones are aware of the inscriptions in 12 languages, one of which encourages reduction and maintenance of the Earth's population
at 500 million. Having done considerable research while looking into what the future might bring such an Earth, I present
here what the world will be like with such a reduced population.
more here:
‘Mystery' UFOs spotted by US Navy subs traveling at ‘unprecedented
speed' may come from ‘underwater base'
UFOs detected traveling
at "unprecedented speeds" by US Navy nuke submarines may come from an underwater base, it has been claimed.
The Pentagon is said to have confirmed footage showing a mysterious pyramid as genuine
ahead of a potentially explosive official report on numerous UFO sightings.
more here:
The suppression of known cures: thousands sacrificed for
In our opinion, the UK government has, in its determination to convey this fake narrative through the suppression
and/or ignoring of treatments (among other things) probably killed more UK citizens than the supposed virus.
Put it another way: the incumbent government, its PM, Heath Minister, Chief Medical
Officer, their coterie of mass psychology experts and other "advisors" have all stood by and knowingly allowed thousands
of their own citizens to suffer, be hospitalised and in many cases die.
more here:
The Threat Of Cashless Societies (A cashless society truly
is a scary world. Picture everything that you've read about in history books within other totalitarian regimes, and you'll
get a taste of what is to come.)
Cash is the king.
So the old adage goes anyway, and for the prepper - the one who's keeping abreast of current
events - cash is one of the last man-made means of protection that he or she has against governments that have grown to a
degree of power that they never had before.
Read more here:
USDA Hitting Food Supply Chain with Cattle Surveillance & A Level-4 Animal
Disease Laboratory
Remember the days when you thought chipping
a cute little kitten you rescued from an animal shelter was super convenient, in case the little guy ever strayed? How innocent
it all seemed. It was such a grand idea that "activists" pushed so hard for. Fast forward a couple decades and it's
easy to see where this was all headed, and right now, the cattle are being targeted and humans aren't far behind. Coincidentally,
RFID (radio frequency identification) chips were piloted on cattle in three states, one of which is about to get a level-4 biosafety laboratory.
Microchipping pets was introduced in 1986, though DARPA had long been working with microchips prior to that. By 1996,
ISO standards were created so that all microchips would be compatible with the same scanner. So in 2003, when a single cow
was determined to have bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease) in Washington state, the USDA set out to develop a national identification
program by 2008-2009. That following year, APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) launched NAIS, a program between
state and local government and the livestock industry to trace, manage and eradicate animal disease. To date, there have only
been 6 cases of mad cow in the US, but that could all change with a new BSL-4 laboratory being built in Kansas.
Read more here:
Oregon Is Proof That Leftist Politics Ultimately Lead To Tyranny And Decay
What kind of abysmal social and economic conditions would make at least five separate
counties of US voters want to flee a state to join the borders of another state? Well, all it takes is a cult of insane Marxists
running the entire state into the ground from the safety of their metropolitan communes while demanding that people submit
their undying fealty to the draconian medical mandates of an elitist minority. Yeah, things have to get pretty bad to inspire
so many people into leaving and taking half the state with them.
Welcome to Oregon...
more here:
SELCO Interviews 4 Preppers About Success, Failure, and Lockdowns
I usually answer readers' questions in my articles. Sometimes people openly ask something.
More often I answer folks' questions in terms that I try to bring some reality from my perspective and my experiences. This
is in a field where people are shoveling each other (in Preppersphere) with ridiculous ideas and opinions that do not have
too much connection with reality.
I think we had pretty interesting months
behind us or year, and I would not say it is the end of it. It is more like the end of one stage, and who knows what exactly
is waiting for us in the coming years?
Well, we as preppers should have
at least some idea of what is coming ahead, lets see now what we realized, accomplished, concluded, survived, or call it what
you like in this past year.
Read more here:
Don't murder your own child. Is this what
you want? What will it take? Millions of Dead Children? If you give them this sh*t shot you have effectively murdered then
already. Do kids need to start dropping over dead by the hundreds for people to get it?
Watch here:
Drought advisory for most of Wash. state after 4th-driest period
SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) - The state Department of Ecology has issued a drought advisory for
most of Washington, including all areas east of the Cascade Range, portions of southwest Washington and the Washington coast.
The agency says March through April was the fourth driest such period for Washington since
Despite that, the agency says the Puget Sound area has sufficient
water supply for people and fish this summer.
Read more here:
First-ever Colorado River water shortage is now almost certain, new projections
(CNN)Thousands of people will celebrate Memorial
Day this weekend on the water of Lake Mead, just 24 miles east of Las Vegas on the border of Arizona and Nevada.
What they may not realize is that the oasis they're enjoying in the desert is entering
uncharted territory, with significant ramifications for millions across the Southwest in the years to come.
Read more here:
'There Is A Perfect Storm Forming' Experts Warn As The National
Media Ignores The Big Picture On The Growing List Of Shortages That Are Expected To Get Worse, Not Better
While the number of people learning to "prep" by stockpiling, food, water, medical
supplies and other basic necessities is increasing, especially during the economy-killing pandemic lockdowns, there are still
shortages occurring now and much more on the horizon.
The establishment
media is periodically reporting on these current and upcoming shortages, but by and large they are completely ignoring the
bigger picture of what is coming, in favor of playing politics, media activism, and pushing Democrat propaganda.
Everything from items served in cans, to chicken to imported food products are all still
suffering shortages, which are getting worse, not better, due to the ongoing supply chain shortages in other areas.
Read more here:
Now cannibal mice are swarming Australian farms and homes
- Rodents threatening to invade Sydney for winter
biggest plague of mice in decades continues to sweep across southeast Australian states in biblical proportions. And now that
no more food is left, they start cannibalizing...
According to
reporting system Mouse Alert, areas around the southeast coast are seeing high mouse abundance, with Victoria, New South Wales and Brisbane hit the hardest.
Mice numbers have been high for months, but the problem is getting worse as the country heads into winter, and the
mice are seeking shelter indoors.
Read more here:
Biden Frees Al-Qaeda Ally Who Plotted To Smuggle Nukes Into US
Why settle for helping Iran nuke America, when you can also help Al Qaeda nuke America?
With inflation rising almost as fast as gas prices and the cost of a home, Joe Biden ain't
doing much for most Americans. But if you're an Al Qaeda terrorist, he's got your back.
Read more here:
Papers Please! Coming Soon, ‘No Shot, No Service'
Did you hear about the new vaccine bracelet being sold? That's right. You can
wear it in public so people will know that you're safe to be around. I wish I were joking.
This is what they're selling. Avoid fellow citizens, fear half the population. Way to go liberal
media activists. Then there's NY Governor Andrew Cuomo who plans to segregate baseball stadiums into vaccinated and unvaccinated
sections. Let's see, divide people even more - what could go wrong?
more here:
Satan Soldiers Tell Us When We Can Go to Work, Visit Loved Ones,
Travel, Go to Church, Hug Someone or Even Shake Their Hand...
the History of This Madness is Written, Reputations Will Be Slaughtered and There Will Be Blood in the Gutter "
Vaccines are a putrid amalgam of neurotoxins, animal DNA, disease, baby tissue stolen
from murdered infants at birth.. How Godly is this? This is nothing more than sorcery and witchcraft and it is so called in
scripture - Read Nahum chapter 3, and Revelation 18:23 to see that the US is about to be destroyed for our crimes against humanity, which are military, spiritual, and medical.
The writers and owners of rags like this Christian so called post - and their false premises made to push a luciferins doctrine.. will be judged with the strictest judgment.
Read more here:
UFO Disclosure: The Coming Great Deception and the Luciferian Endgame
This one hour film has been released for free by L.A. Marzulli
because of the urgency of the message. You can also watch it at Marzulli's website here.
The Longer Things Are Delayed, The Longer We Wait, The Harder It Will Be To Reclaim
The FREEDOM Our Children Rightly Deserve.
We are paralyzed. Paralyzed
by fear. We have not acted due to the fact that people love their cushy lives, and the material possessions they have accumulated.
We don't act out of fear of losing those we love. We don't act because doing so will forever change us. There will be an incredible
loss of life. However if we don't act there will be an incredible loss of life, it's what communist do.
People say there is no plan, no leadership, and no consensus, this too complicates things. It keeps
people from doing what in their hearts they know must be done. Our side can't agree on anything, just look in our comment
section. If we can't stop with all the pettiness against each other, it's going to be damn near impossible to unite and fight
against this tyranny we are faced with.
Read more here:
Gun Prohibitionist David Chipman Provides Disqualifying Testimony at Senate Confirmation
On Wednesday, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee held a confirmation hearing for several Biden administration nominees, including professional gun control activist David Chipman for director of
the federal agency that enforces the nation's gun control laws (commonly referred to as ATF). Chipman's evasive, contradictory,
and dishonest testimony disqualified him from further consideration for the position.
The structure of the hearing was designed to prevent serious, in-depth vetting of the various candidates. Each Committee
member was limited to five minutes of questioning for the entire slate of five high-level nominees. The Democrat-led committee
no doubt hoped that hiding Chipman in a crowd of other nominees would diminish the scrutiny brought to bear on his highly
controversial nomination.
Read more here:
Plan To Buy 145 B-21 Raider Bombers Gets Endorsement From Biden Air Force Nominee
The Air Force wants to acquire a B-21 fleet that is nearly seven times bigger
than its current B-2 stealth bomber force.
Frank Kendall, President
Joe Biden's nominee to become the next Secretary of the Air Force, says he supports the service's current position that it
needs to acquire at least 145 stealthy B-21 Raiders in the coming years. These aircraft, work on which is steadily progressing, are set to supplant its existing B-2 Spirit stealth bomber fleet, which comprises just 21 jets, in total, not all of which are available for combat operations, as well as its aging B-1Bs.
Read more here:
America Under Joe Biden Is Being Herded Down A Dark Path Far Too
Well Traveled Before In The Darkest Moments Of History - Never Forget That Socialism Kills, Everywhere, Everytime
Polls indicate that most Americans led by the younger generations have a fuzzy, freakish,
friendly feeling toward Socialism, proving that most young Americans are dumb as dirt. Additionally, it proves my generation
did not do a good job rearing our own children. A 2019 Gallup poll found that over half of Americans believe some form of Socialism would be good for the country.
While 35 percent of respondents of the Data for Progress tracking poll believe "some form of Socialism is a good thing, a slightly higher percentage (38 percent) believe Socialism would be a bad
thing in the United States. The remaining 27 percent of respondents report no opinion." That is incredible. Only 38 percent
see danger in Socialism! The 27 percent with no opinion will follow the money and freebies since they obviously have no moral,
philosophical, or political problem with Socialism. However, British Prime Minister Thatcher understood government freebies
saying, "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." Then, it's all over.
Read more here:
They Are Telling Us The Plan: A Future Virus "More Deadly" Than COVID
Is Coming
Remember when Bill and Melinda Gates laughed and sneered
that the "next pandemic" will get people's attention? Well, now the World Health Organization is saying the same
thing. Kamala Harris is already gearing up for another one too.
Bill Gates Warning: "We'll Have a Deadlier Pandemic"
Kamala Harris To The United Nations: "We Must Prepare For" The Next Pandemic
A virus even more transmissible and fatal than Covid-19 (which is pretty
easy considering Covid's death rate is about equal to that of the common cold) will lead the world into the next pandemic,
the director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the World Health Organization (WHO) has said, noting the "evolutionary
certainty" of such an occurrence.
Read more here:
The elites need
a huge ratio of pro-mandate people to effectively subjugate liberty minded individuals. They do NOT care about saving
lives; this is just the excuse they need to exert control
All tyrannical systems need a large contingent of cheerleaders in order to survive and thrive; a group of exploitable and devout acolytes that will carry the torch and evangelize the masses with the ideology of control.
Without this aggressive percentage of the population, totalitarians cannot remain in power. In the US and most of the west,
leftist ideologues have filled this role nicely. They claim they are fighting for the rights of the downtrodden but their
actions speak much louder than their words.
have supported and viciously defended nearly every draconian measure that governments and corporate elites have enacted in
the past few years.
Read more here:
General Flynn Believes COVID
Was A "Weaponized Operation" By China
"The people
of this country are not going to stand for just continuing to go down this road of these falsehoods and these lies about the
origins of COVID"
President Trump‘s former national
security advisor Michael Flynn commented on the renewed focus on the theory that the coronavirus came from a lab in Wuhan,
saying that he believes it was a ‘weaponised operation'.
had over a year of people all over the world having to answer tough questions," Flynn said during an interview on 1320
Read and watch here:
Please watch this video in its entirety. Dr. Reiner
Fuellmich is also a lawyer and is part of a global lawsuit against the Gates Foundation and all of the bad actors involved
in the "Greatest Crime Against Humanity in the History of the World"
Watch here:
Pandemic Phase Two
Schwab and his World Economic Forum are most likely preparing for the second punch following the manufactured COVID Pandemic.
The second punch is his profound warning with simulations once again of a cyber attack that will take down the world economy.
I find it curious how this man who thinks he can direct, control, and accelerate what he calls the Fourth Industrial Revolution
and turn it GREEN, has also created his center for cybersecurity.
more here:
And a FAMINE Is Looming Over the United States
In an effort to raise awareness of the U.S.'s looming famine, I recently wrote, "Are You Ready For The EVERYTHING Shortage?" As hyperbolic as it might seem, that title is not an exaggeration. It's the future we face if we don't do something
to change course.
Also, over the past several months, I've written
several articles to alarm activists and preppers alike regarding the coming shortage of necessities like food and water. And
virtually everything else.
Read more here:
THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION-PART 14: The Beast Of Bray Road And Other ‘Cryptids'
As we continue from the last post on shapeshifters, another cryptid sometimes associated with Bigfoot, which was first reported in the 1980s on a quiet country
road outside of Elkhorn, Wisconsin, is called "The Beast of Bray Road." A rash of sightings between the '80s and
'90s prompted a local newspaper (Walworth County Week) to assign one of its reporters named Linda Godfrey to cover
the story. Godfrey started out skeptical, but because of the sincerity of the eyewitnesses, became convinced of the creature's
existence. In fact, she was so impressed with the consistency of the reports from disparate observers (whom the History Channel's
TV series MonsterQuest subjected to lie detector tests in which the polygraph administrator could find no indication
of falsehoods) that she wrote not only a series of articles for the newspaper but later a book, titled Real Wolfmen: True
Encounters in Modern America.
Read more here:
Fauci admits he doesn't know whether Wuhan lab lied about
what it used the $600K US-taxpayer research grant for in Senate showdown: Dr claims he was NOT consulted about Pompeo-led
effort to prove COVID originated from lab
Dr Anthony Fauci admitted
that there is no way to know if Chinese scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology lied and conducted what are
called 'gain of function' experiments on bat coronaviruses using U.S. tax dollars.
'There's no way of guaranteeing that,' Fauci said Wednesday at a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing, responding
to a question from Republican Senator John Kennedy.
'But in our
experience with grantees, including Chinese grantees, which we have had interactions with for a very long period of time -
they are very competent, trustworthy scientists.'
Read more here:
Iran Kicks Off Large-Scale Electronic Warfare And Air Defense Exercise
On May 25th, the Iranian Army kicked off a large-scale military drill
to practice electronic warfare tactics, this drill on electronic warfare is dubbed ‘Separ-e-Aseman 1400' (Sky Shield
According to a statement, this joint drill is being held
by the strategic electronic warfare forces of the four forces of the Army and covers large areas of Iran. Rapid response and
electronic warfare units of the Army's Ground Force, Air Force, Navy and Air Defense are participating in the joint aerial
maneuvers, codenamed Sky Shield 1400, whose headquarters will be located in Iran's central province of Isfahan.
Read more here:
Dr Sherri Tenpenny - A Massive Extermination Project Is Coming This Autumn/Winter
A must watch:
Robert Kennedy Jr Talks To Dr Michael Yeadon on The Defender Podcast
A must watch:
The 'Great Bugout' Gets Kicked Into High Gear As Americans
Get Out Of The Urban Hellscapes In Huge Numbers While 'Democrats Destroy Every City They Rule Over'
Tent Cities Are Becoming 'The New Norm' In Joe Biden's America
While Susan Duclos had reported earlier today that cities that have voted to defund the police are now seeing extreme violence and crime spikes, with them now begging for more money while asking for outside help, as we'll explore within this ANP story, people are now
getting out of those cities in huge numbers.
As the Baltimore Sun had reported in this May 20th story, 'once-quiet and remote' Maryland counties, counties far away from the cities, counties like Garrett County which
had long been 'in decline', are now seeing booming home sales as people get out of the cities such as Baltimore and
Washington DC and the heavily clogged up counties such as Montgomery and Prince Georges counties.
Read more here:
Biden ATF director nominee: ‘I support a ban' on AR-15 rifles
President Joe Biden's nominee to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
(ATF), David Chipman, told lawmakers Wednesday that he supports a ban on the AR-15 semi-automatic rifle.
During his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Mr. Chipman responded to Senator Ted Cruz's (R-TX) question on whether the nominee would support a ban on the AR-15, which Cruz referred to as
"one of - if not the - most popular rifle in America."
more here:
1,000 Lawyers And 10,000 Doctors File Lawsuit For Violations Of Nuremberg Code
Sven-Allan Johansson - A large team of more than 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts, led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, has initiated legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.
Fuellmich and his team present the incorrect PCR test and the
order for doctors to describe any comorbidity death as a Covid death - as fraud.
The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is almost 100% inaccurate at 35 cycles. All PCR tests monitored by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC acknowledges
that tests over 28 cycles are not allowed for a positive reliable result.
more here:
Johns Hopkins Prof: Half Of Americans Have Natural Immunity; Dismissing It Is ‘Biggest failure
Of Medical Leadership'
A professor with the Johns Hopkins
School of Medicine has said that there is a general dismissal of the fact that more than half of all Americans have developed
natural immunity to the coronavirus and that it constitutes "one of the biggest failures of our current medical leadership."
Dr. Marty Makary made the comments during a recent interview, noting that "natural
immunity works" and it is wrong to vilify those who don't want the vaccine because they have already recovered from the
Read more here:
Rand Paul: Fauci "Absolutely" Committed Perjury Over Wuhan Funding Denial
"I think he needs to be quizzed, but he goes on these shows and they all yuck it
up and laugh about how everything is a conspiracy theory, but nobody asks him any tough questions."
Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) asserted that Dr. Anthony Fauci committed perjury when he denied
under oath that the NIH funded the Wuhan Virology Institute.
an interview on Newsmax Tuesday, Paul was asked whether the NIAID director "perjured himself" during his viral exchange with Paul at a Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions hearing earlier this month.
Read and watch here:
The Constitution invites us-and politics compels us-to consider redrawing state
and local borders.
In September of 2020, I published a book entitled
The Stakes. It was billed as a "current events" or election-year title. The election behind us, the candidate I recommended
is no longer president. But the analysis which led me to that recommendation is very much still "current."
To recap briefly (but read the whole thing!), the book explains how every prominent and
powerful American institution, including the federal government, has been taken over by a hostile elite who use their vast
powers to attack, despoil, and insult about half the nation. In the sixth chapter (excerpted here), I outline what I think America will look like if the present ruling class refuses to moderate, cannot be forced to share
power, and has the wherewithal to keep its regime going. In the seventh chapter, I sketch several possibilities-from secession
to Caesarism to collapse-that might result if it turns out that our overlords are a lot less competent than they think. And
in the final chapter (excerpted here), I offer policy and other ideas that might enable America to avoid those fates.
Read more here:
Who Didn't Understand This Would Happen? Cities That 'Defunded'
The Police See Extreme Spikes In Crime And Now Begging For Outside Help And More Money
Anyone with even half a braincell still working understood what a bad idea the "defund the
police" movement was following the death of George Floyd while being arrested, but the immediate effect was felt in 2020,
and continued shortages of police officers after an exodus of law enforcement sick and tired of being demonized for the actions of others, along with less funds to
keep cities safe, has brought undeniable proof of the sheer stupidity of wanting a nation with no capability to enforce the
Radically liberal Democrat politicians called for the defunding of
police, along with calls to "abolish" the police.
Even Democrats
not quite as radical as the "Squad" of freshman Representatives understood what a horrible idea it was.
Yet, the most radical of them are still calling for the end of "policing, incarceration, and militarization."
Read more here:
A major tenant of the Chinese Communist Party is a strict
regulation of firearm ownership. They do so under the guise of "protecting human rights" and "reducing gun
crimes." They even criticize the United States for not following their example.
But there's a connection between CCP antigun propaganda and efforts in the United States and it doesn't take "six
degrees of separation" to see it. The line runs fairly neatly from the CCP, to failed Democratic presidential candidate
and billionaire antigun crusader Michael Bloomberg and through to his gun control news arm, The Trace. New reporting shows just how strong the connection is.
Read more here:
The Vaccinated Are Cannon Fodder In This The Latest Genocidal World
War Against Humanity. Satanism is the religion of sickness, death and destruction
History has caught up with us. For most, Covid Communism is our first experience of the Cabalist cancer that afflicts mankind and has murdered
millions. It is our first taste of political persecution. It's our first taste of adversity.
The minute our feckless ancestors gave Satanists control of the banking system, mankind was doomed.
(Of course, we hope he is wrong since it includes our loved ones.One reader claims this quote is not accurate. "These false statements, which
are circulating all over the world, have been attributed to him.
more here:
WaPo Reporter Admits Dismissing China Lab Leak Reports Was Anti-Trump Effort
Washington Post senior reporter Aaron Blake: Theory dismissed because Trump discussed
A Washington Post reporter has admitted that the push
from the establishment media, to dismiss reports that COVID-19 came from a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) lab, was part of
an anti-Trump effort.
The corporate press spent much of the pandemic
dismissing the theory that the coronavirus could have accidentally leaked from China's Wuhan Institute of Virology.
According to Washington Post senior reporter Aaron Blake, the media was motivated to reject
the theory because President Donald Trump talked about it.
Read more here:
Biden Shut Down Investigation to Prove COVID Originated from Chinese Lab
Bombshell report exposes Joe Biden's cover-up of Mike Pompeo-led effort
Democrat Joe Biden's team shut down an investigation into whether a Chinese Communist
Party laboratory was the source of the COVID-19 outbreak, according to a bombshell new report.
Last fall, then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo led a State Department investigation
to China's role in the possible manufacturing of the coronavirus.
probe sought to answer whether China's biological weapons program may have leaked the virus and triggered the global pandemic.
Read more here:
What Is Your Plan As Major U.S. Cities Devolve Into Lawless Wastelands Dominated
By Violent Criminals?
Our cities are filled with extreme violence,
and the blood of the innocent flows in our streets, and yet most Americans still seem to be in denial about what is happening.
This isn't just a momentary spike in violent crime that we are witnessing. The increase in violent crime that we experienced
in 2020 was unprecedented, and things have been even worse in 2021. If you are not familiar with those numbers, here
is a reminder...
Police and public reported data details that from January through
March of 2021, the homicide rate rose by 28% from the same period last year in 20 major cities across the country. Homicides
had already previously risen by 30% in 2020.
Read more here:
Navarro: ‘Sociopath' Fauci Will ‘Be Gone Within 90 Days' Over Wuhan
Lab Funding
"Tony Fauci is the father of the virus. It came
from that lab...Fauci greased the skids for gain of function experimentation which weaponized the virus," he says.
Former Trump official Peter Navarro claimed Dr. Anthony Fauci will be removed
from his post at NIAID within three months due to emerging reports of his deep ties to the Wuhan Virology Institute and Chinese
Communist Party.
Navarro, former Director of Trade and Manufacturing
Policy explained on "War Room: Pandemic" Tuesday that Fauci's involvement in gain of function research at the Wuhan
biolab and his ingratiation with the CCP will be his undoing.
Read and
watch here:
China's new 'god of war in the sky' stealth bomber 'could be able to hit Guam with a nuke', weapons
analyst suggests
China is working on a long-range stealth bomber which may be able to carry out nuclear strikes on US targets in Guam and beyond,
a military analyst has revealed.
New computer-generated images of the
Xian H-20 strategic bomber have been published by the state defence corporation, Norinco - the first glimpse of the next-generation
warplane which has been under development for years.
The four images
suggest the bomber has a weapon bay, two adjustable tail wings, an airborne radar and two air intakes either side of the cockpit
in a similar design to the USAF B-2 Spirit, introduced in the late '90s.
more here:
Harvard physicist suggests Earth needs treaties with extraterrestrial civilizations
to avoid 'a cosmic catastrophe'
The Harvard physicist who claimed
the first interstellar visitor in 2017 was an alien craft, although the object has been determined to be a rock, says Earth
needs to form treaties with extraterrestrial civilizations in order to keep the peace in space.
The stark warning comes from Avi Loeb in a new Scientific American op-ed, who believes an advanced civilization could create powerful machines that send particles and energy speeding through
space that would burn everything in the galaxy - including our own planet.
bad news is that we would not receive any advance warning before this cosmic disaster hit us in the face because no precursor
signal can move faster than light to alert us to the risk,' Loeb wrote.
more here:
Don't Be the Person That Survives From a Lack of Knowledge- We Are All On the
The crux of my next article, following this one, focuses
on your chances of surviving in a detention camp and what history teaches about which strategies works best in such an
environment. Why will you be in a detention (FEMA) camp? Because you failed to prepare and you and your family needs to be
fed. Oh, I know some of you do not believe that perceived dissidents and other undesirables will ever be incarcerated
during times of martial law and great civil unrest. You believe so, at your own peril. You, me, and our families have been
marked by extinction. The globalists want you dead and as I have covered with the Chinese Defense Minister, Wei Fenghe, exterminate
America speech, the CHICOMS will be occupying America after our country is defeated using biological weapons. The Chinese
intend for there to be no survivors except for the whore houses the Chinese will create consisting of young American
women who were foolish enough to put their faces on Facebook.
Read more
Door-To-Door Vax Squads And Covid Camps In Our Futures Are The
Latest Signs Of The Globalists Push To 'Reset Humanity'
Deagel's 2025 Forecast For America Cut Too Close To The Truth For The Globalists?
Over many years now of browsing through the internet, traveling all across the world and science
and politics 'virtually', one of the most interesting, but concerning, websites we've come across is the website
While still mostly unknown to those who still get their news from
the mainstream media, as we'd reported on ANP back on April 29th, Deagel and their very strange and concerning 2025 forecast for a greatly 'depopulated' America had been wiped off the internet for several days, though they are back up now, though with all mention of a 'depopulated America' by the year 2025 completely removed.
Read more here:
Video: Tucker Carlson Blasts Fauci, WHO, Media For Lying About Coronavirus Lab
Leak For A Year
"Pretty much every sane person acknowledges
at this point that the government of China likely caused the single worst man-made disaster in human history."
Outspoken host Tucker Carlson outlined Monday how the possibility of a lab leak
causing the coronavirus outbreak was dismissed and lied about for over a year by those directing the pandemic response, and
is only now emerging as a serious prospect because of the persistence of those who refused to be silenced.
"Pretty much every sane person acknowledges at this point that the government of
China likely caused the single worst man-made disaster in human history," Carlson noted, citing the release of a US intelligence document acknowledging that workers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were hospitalised in November 2019.
Read and watch here:
AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH: Top Vaccine Scientist Admits ‘We
Are Actually Hacking The Software Of Life'
Dr. Tal Zaks, the
chief medical officer at Moderna Inc., explained in a 2017 TED talk how the company's mRNA vaccine was designed to work. Over
the last 30 years, he said, "we've been living this phenomenal digital scientific revolution, and I'm here today to tell
you, that we are actually hacking the software of life, and that it's changing the way we think about prevention and treatment
of disease." He went on to explain that the human body is made up of organs and organs are made up of cells. "In
every cell there's this thing called messenger RNA or mRNA for short, that transmits the critical information from the DNA
in our genes to the protein, which is really the stuff we're all made out of. This is the critical information that determines
what the cell will do. So we think about it as an operating system. So if you could change that, if you could introduce a
line of code, or change a line of code, it turns out, that has profound implications for everything, from the flu to cancer."
I reported on Feb. 4 that Moderna describes its new vaccine as "a computer operating system" but I was not aware
at that time that Zaks had spoken three years ago about this, totally debunking the establishment media's lie that mRNA vaccines
don't alter your genetic code. He could not be more clear when he said "We are actually hacking the software of life...
New CRISPR Tool Makes Germline Heritable Changes (Permanent Human Modification
As In The Days Of Noah) Easy By Flipping Genes On And Off Like A Light Switch
CRISPR is revolutionary. It's also a total brute. The classic version of the gene editing wunderkind literally slices
a gene to bits just to turn it off. It's effective, yes. But it's like putting an electrical wire through a paper shredder
to turn off a misbehaving light bulb. Once the wires are cut, there's no going back. Why not add a light switch instead? This
month, a team from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) reimagined CRISPR to do just that. Rather than directly
acting on genes-irrevocably dicing away or swapping genetic letters-the new CRISPR variant targets the biological machinery
that naturally turns genes on or off. Translation? CRISPR can now "flip a light switch" to control genes-without
ever touching them directly. It gets better. The new tool, CRISPRoff, can cause a gene to stay silent for hundreds of generations,
even when its host cells morph from stem cells into more mature cells, such as neurons. Once the "sleeping beauty"
genes are ready to wake up, a complementary tool, CRISPRon, flips the light switch back on. This new technology "changes
the game so now you're basically writing a change [into genes] that is passed down," said author Dr. Luke Gilbert. "In
some ways we can learn to create a version 2.0 of CRISPR-Cas9 that is safer and just as effective... (READ MORE)
THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION-PART 13: Close Encounters of the Skinwalking, Shapeshifting,
Demonic Werewolf Kind
The history of elemental beings including
incubi and succubi or "alien-demons" by any other name is often closely associated with a variety of shapeshifting
monsters and "cryptids" (from the Greek "κρύπτω" [krypto] meaning
"hide"), whose existence is difficult to prove by means of their ability to apparently move in and out of Earth's
dimension or man's visible spectrum-the human range of sight. Examples of these would include the Yeti in the Himalayas, the
famous Bigfoot or Sasquatch of mainly the Pacific Northwest region of North America and Canada, and the Loch Ness Monster
of Scotland. Hoaxes aside, literally tens of thousands of people throughout history and around the world (including reputable
individuals such as clergy, professionals, military, law enforcement personnel, and even anthropologists) have seen, found
biological samples of such in hair and footprint evidence, and even filmed and recorded the creatures' unidentifiable language
vocalizations, but have up until now failed to capture a single physical specimen. Witness testimonies often include reports
of fantastic sizes-from enormous dragons in the sea to giant bipeds ranging in height from eight to twelve feet, with footprints
up to twenty-four inches. And then there are the phenomena frequently connected with the appearance of cryptids that are typical
of occult activity-a retching or sulfuric odor, mysterious rapping on walls and windows, shadows and ghostly lights inside
or outside homes, disembodied voices, the levitation or disappearance of furniture and other household items, etc.
Read more here:
Russian Tu-22M3 Backfire Bombers Appear Over Syria And They Could Be There To
Stay (Updated)
Recent imagery suggests the swing-wing
bombers are operating for the first time from a Syrian base.
emergence of photos and videos of Russian Tu-22M3 Backfire-C bombers apparently taken in Syria's coastal Latakia province suggests that the aircraft are now operating, for the first
time, from Moscow's Khmeimim airbase outpost in that country. Earlier this year, The War Zone examined runway extension work at the base which would
help accommodate the big swing-wing bombers, and you can read more about that here.
Read more here:
Colorado becomes only 2nd state in the U.S. to allow composting of human bodies
The soil can't be used to grow food for human consumption
Composting a human body will become legal 90 days after this year's Colorado legislative session ends.
Gov. Jared Polis signed SB21-006 on Monday, making Colorado just the second state in the U.S. to allow it as a post-death option. At least four other states
are considering similar bills.
Once the law takes effect, funeral homes
will be able to offer the chance to turn a person's body into soil, similar to what Washington state has done. It takes about
a month for a body to be broken down into about a pickup truck bed worth of soil.
Read more here:
A Warning for Christians
is a staunch warning for those who have adopted modern American Christianity - Your form of Christianity is coming to an end.
Your idols will be crushed, and your faith tested. God is judging the West, and bringing in tyrants to rule over us. He will
purify and reform his bride, and that will require trials of fire. Those who repent and change their life to follow Christ
will be strengthened, but those who turn aside to lies will wax worse and worse.
Watch here:
The really big lie at the heart of the narrative with more plot
holes in it than a bad novel- At the root of the Covid pandemic hoax lies the cynically deceptive mis-use of the PCR
test and the false states derived therefrom.
At the root
of the Covid pandemic hoax lies the cynically deceptive mis-use of the PCR test and the false states derived therefrom.
The following article from Canada does a good job of explaining the by now broadly known
problems arising from the fraudulent use of the PCR test to create false "cases" and suitably alarming false infection
and fatality stats.
Briefly, the PCR test cannot detect the presence in
those tested of a live infectious virus. This fact is stated by many sources - including its inventor and including
the government itself.
Read more here:
Ross: The best thing we can do right now is prepare for the next virus
When President Trump blamed China for releasing the virus from a lab in Wuhan, most news
outlets were skeptical, because Trump had based his campaign on punishing China, and a lot of people - including me - figured
the attack on China was driven by politics, not evidence.
Well, now there
appears to be evidence.
Even the Washington Post is saying maybe Trump was right after all, and there are stories explaining why they didn't believe him then,
but might believe him now.
Read and listen here:
Media, Democrats Use Same Exact Playbook To Convince Americans
To Believe Fake News - Liberal Politicians Just Used Same Scripted Words To Push Propaganda
I am sure almost anyone reading this remembers the long list of examples, via video compilations,
of dozens+ local news personalities all repeating the exact same lines, and how pundits all used specifically scripted words, as shown during the Trump admin about "bombshells," and
"turning points" and the "beginning of the end," all showing that when seen together, news stations are
all bought and paid for to pump propaganda.
We start with that because
it has just been documented, using Democrat politicians' own social media posts, how members of the Democrat party all robotically
repeat the same key words, or virtual signaling words.
Read more here:
Big Pharma Is Already Preparing Vaccines For The Next Global Pandemic
Now that Pfizer and Moderna have demonstrated just how profitable a vaccine business can
be during a global pandemic, drug companies around the world are rushing to prepare for either a resurgence of mutant COVID-19,
or perhaps some new virus, as Dr. Anthony Fauci and others concede that SARS-CoV-2 may have escaped from a Chinese lab, instead
of emerging from the wild.
Read more here:
Mitt Romney Announces He Will Back Democrats on Jan. 6 Commission Bill
Romney is the first Republican to voice support for the bill
Republican Sen. Mitt Romney said he would support the Democrat-led bill to create
an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol.
When asked by supporters if he would vote if Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer starts a debate on the House
bill, Romney said he "would support the bill."
Romney is the first Republican
to voice support for the bill.
His remarks come as Schumer vowed to bring
the bill for a vote on the Senate floor.
Read more here:
Scientists unveil new Ebola virus vaccine design
Scientists at Scripps Research have unveiled a new Ebola virus vaccine design, which they say has
several advantages over standard vaccine approaches for Ebola and related viruses that continue to threaten global health.
In the new design, described in a paper in Nature Communications, copies of the
Ebola virus outer spike protein, known as the glycoprotein, are tethered to the surface of a spherical carrier particle. The
resulting structure resembles the spherical appearance of common RNA viruses that infect humans--and is starkly different
from the snake-like shape of the Ebola virus.
Read more here:
How Bill Gates Funded NGO PATH Killed Tribal Girls In India In Unauthorised Clinical
This is the untold story of how Bill Gates funded NGO PATH killed tribal girls in India in unauthorised clinical trials and got away with it.
seen a lot of India in the news recently. A lot more than we usually do. There's an apocalypse of sorts going on there, if
the popular media is to be believed. But as is often the case, these reports are devoid of any context or perspective. While the world's media can't get enough of India today, in its rush to support a narrative of terror about Covid-19, twelve
years ago when there was a real story going on there, the world's media was nowhere to be seen.
Read more here:
Denmark Passes Law Enabling Forced Corona-virus Vaccinations-Hell On Earth (Tribulations)
While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Keep the
Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus
Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil...
has always worked, and the bigger the lie, the more likely it is to be believed.
We are quickly reaching the end of reality, we have now entered a state of what God had promised, Hell On
Earth (Tribulations)... Galatians 6:7 warns us what happens when we remove the authority of God from our values, our goals, and our laws: Society reaps what
it sows as well...
Read more here:
On Wednesday,
May 26, 2021, at 10 a.m. EDT., President Joe Biden's nominee to be the new Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms
and Explosives (ATF) Director, David Chipman, will testify in front of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. It is critical
that all members of the firearm and ammunition industry, as well as supporters of the Second Amendment, contact their U.S.
senators and urge them to oppose Chipman's nomination to be Director of ATF, including for the numerous reasons highlighted here.
Read more here:
License Required: The Alarming New Mantra from Gun Prohibitionists
Article first appeared on
ANALYSIS: Gun control proponents have latched onto a new mantra in their
effort to reduce the number of guns-and gun owners-on the U.S. landscape, reluctantly recognizing that so-called "universal background checks" are not the solution to violent crime involving firearms, nor
have they prevented criminals from getting guns.
Read more here:
Miami police chief Art Acevedo has some explaining to do. The vocal advocate for enacting strict
gun control on the rest of America can't seem to control the firearms in his own police department.
Twenty five AR-15 rifles were reported "missing" from the Miami Police Department, in what some officials are saying is just a matter of
administrative record keeping. Miami's Police Chief Art Acevedo sent a memo to all 1,400 police officers on the force warning
them if the rifles weren't returned by May 17, they would be considered stolen.
Read more here:
Retired NYT science editor slams the mainstream media for ignoring evidence that COVID leaked from
a Wuhan lab and falling for 'sustained Chinese propaganda' instead of doing their own research
A retired New York Times science editor has slammed the mainstream media for ignoring the possibility
that coronavirus leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan and accused journalists of falling for 'Chinese propaganda' instead of doing their own
Nicholas Wade, who penned a 1,100-word article examining
the link entitled 'The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora's box at Wuhan?' earlier this month, took aim at
top news outlets in a Fox News interview on Sunday night.
He claimed the media mainstream media
failed to 'take off its political glasses' to investigate the virus' origins, the facts of which, he said, are being obscured
by the Chinese Communist Party.
Read more here:
Santa Clara County: Businesses Must Submit Vaccination Status Of All Employees-Every
two weeks!
Businesses in Santa Clara County, California are required
to submit vaccination status of all employees.
According to the county's public health order, "All businesses and government entities must ascertain the vaccination status of personnel and must comply with the
rules for personnel who are not fully vaccinated, as required under section 9(c) and 9(d) of the County Health Officer's May
18, 2021 Order."
Under the health order, the employee can decline
to provide their vaccination status to their employer.
If the employee
declines to offer the information, the employer "should assume the employee may be unvaccinated and follow State and
local requirements for unvaccinated employees."
Read more here:
Nearly 300 great white sharks are living in the waters just off
the coast of California - a jump of 35% in 10 years - proving marine mammal protection is helping sea animals thrive
The great white shark population off the coast of California in the 'red triangle' has risen to approximately 300, a gain of nearly 30 percent from 10 years ago, thanks to several conservation
efforts, researchers have found.
The results, published in Biological Conservation, note that the swell in population of adult and 'sub-adult' sharks is happening in the area between Monterey Bay, the Farallon
Islands and Bodega Bay.
'The finding,
a result of eight years of photographing and identifying individual sharks in the group, is an important indicator of the
overall health of the marine environment in which the sharks live,' said Oregon State University researcher and study co-author Taylor Chapple in a statement.
Read more here:
The Governors of Arizona and Georgia Are Increasingly Linked to Election Theft
In Their Respective States On Behalf of the CHICOMS
Anyone who
has certified an election with fraud, is guilty of fraud themselves and subject to criminal action.
Governor's Kemp of Georgia and Ducey of Arizona, knowingly certified a general election in 2020
that was fraudulent!
In the case of Ducey, his actions are very suspicious
following the Arizona 2020 election. The Arizona State Senate were outraged at how much election fraud was visible on the
surface. In December, they petitioned Doug Ducey for an immediate special session for the purpose of investigating voter fraud.
Ducey, a Republican should have welcomed this request. Instead, he refused the request. He said in a press conference that
the Legislature could convene at their scheduled January 13 date.
more here:
Mysteriously Dead Doctors And Scientists Surrounding Covid,
Including This Dr. Fauci Critic, Provide More Ominous Signs The 'Vaxxed' Are Part Of A Huge 'Big Pharma Mafia' Experiment
While it would be a safe bet to assume that most Americans had never heard the name 'Dr. Kary Mullis', and the 1993 winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry passed away quietly from pneumonia at the age of 74 back on August 7th of 2019, as we'll hear in the 1st video embedded directly below, Dr. Mullis,
the inventor of the PCR technique being used to diagnose Covid-19, called Dr. Anthony Fauci 'a fraud' while ripping the globalists preferred Covid narrative to shreds, long before
anyone had even heard of Covid-19.
Claiming that Dr. Fauci 'doesn't know anything' and that 'Fauci would be willing to lie on TV', as this story over at The Scientist pointed out about Dr. Mullis, he was also was very controversial within the scientific community, denying all of the claims made
by globalists about what they love to call 'global warming' while also claiming that 'HIV' was not the cause
of AIDS, warning something even more sinister was at play.
more here:
Interesting: Shocking Live Blood Analysis After Vax
This was posted on a social media site. We are expecting more Dark Field Microscope Images will
be posted showing the CATASTROPHIC changes in the blood of people who have taken the deadly injection...which is NOT a ‘vaccine'
by ANY stretch. Here's the text that was posted with this image.
have a friend who is a Nutrition Microscopist. She is an expert in her field and has helped me immensely. She has many clients
who took the so-called vax and asked them to come in for a free blood analysis. To her utter horror, this is what she saw.
The top image is of completely healthy blood and blood cells before the ‘vax' injection. The blood cells changed drastically
over the next few days. The third picture (bottom center) shows countless, foreign nano particles (white specks) that show
up in your blood shortly after the injection. Your body can NEVER detox from this and eventually those nano particles will
enter every cell in your body."
Read more here:
An exclusive interview with Dr Roger Hodkinson - "When the history of this madness is written,
reputations will be slaughtered and there will be blood in the gutter "
VACCINES could cause "mass male infertility",
Anthony Fauci is a "dead man walking" and the inquest into the pandemic will leave "blood in the gutter"
with reputations torn to shreds for their sheer "idiocy".
Roger Hodkinson says there is "sufficient evidence in the literature" to show the spike protein expresses in the
placenta and the testes - and could kill unborn babies in current pregnancies and permanently stop men having children.
He also said no one should listen to the likes of Prince Harry advocating the jab because
he has "nothing between his ears".
Read more here:
Greyerz Issues Dire Warning - Global Population Will Be
Cut In Half As Financial And Economic Chaos Erupts
24 (King World News) - Egon von Greyerz at Matterhorn Asset Management (based in Switzerland): As
technological developments and markets go parabolic, we observe many market "experts," even intelligent ones, forecasting
that we are now in an exponential economic era. Thus many believe that this will go on forever. This is the typical attitude
at market and economic tops and guarantees that THIS WILL NOT END WELL!
It is clearly absolute nonsense to believe that exponential expansion based on deficits, debts and fake money
is the beginning of a new era. Anyone studying the economy and history of markets knows that exponential moves indicate the
end of an era and not the beginning. As I have repeatedly said, history is our best teacher and it both rhymes and repeats
itself. And history now gives us dire warnings.
more here:
CDC: Death Toll
Following Experimental COVID Injections Now at 4,647 - More than 22 Years of Recorded Vaccine Deaths from VAERS
The CDC released the latest death figures following the experimental COVID injections this week, and that death toll now stands at 4,647 people, adults, and children,
that have been recorded as dying after receiving one of the experimental COVID injections.
Read more here:
Check Out This US Establishment-Related Slush Fund
Due to the secrecy involved in how the following was uncovered WE will honor certain request to
avoid those details.
Slush fund accounts have been located and seized
from within the greatest criminal organization in world history and their Slush fund accounts of major US politicians identified
and seized at Vatican Bank (Rome). Connection established with Daniel Dal Bosco RICO indictment, which cites Giancarlo Bruno,
Silvio Berlusconi & Ban Ki Moon. On Wednesday 5th January 2011, it emerged that US establishment-related slush fund accounts
had been located in, and seized from, the Vatican Bank in Rome. The source of funds for these accounts in almost every instance
was found to be the US Treasury. Beneficiaries of the covert Vatican accounts include Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and each
of the Obama children, Michelle Obama's mother, all the Bushes and the Clintons, including Chelsea Clinton, Joe Biden, Timothy
Geithner, Janet Napolitano, several US Senators, including Mitch McConnell, several US Congressmen including John Boehner,
several US Military Chiefs of Staff, the US Provost Marshal, the US Judge Advocate General, the US Supreme Court Chief Justice,
John Roberts, several US Judges, the Pope, and several cardinals.
more here:
With The Next Stage Of The Globalists Sinister Depopulation Agenda Being Unleashed
Upon The World, How To Tell If You Are A 'Useless Eater' In The Eyes Of The Globalists
Ebola May Be The Next Weapon To Get The Planet's Population Down To 500 Million
As the first stage of the agenda of the New World Order proceeds with it's de-population
plan via the COVID Kill shots, the planning for the next stage has not only begun but the plan has been put into motion.
Stage 2 will be very much like stage 1, where new strains of COVID will be blamed for
deaths, necessitating an additional world-wide inoculation program. Only this time, the injections will tailored to the individual,
country, or continent as needed to maximize the death count. The subsequent pandemic of cancers, pneumonias, and aneurisms
will be blamed on the COVID virus and not the NWO kill shots. A full-scale ebola outbreak is also a possibility.
The elimination of Useless Eaters is necessary for the NWO to
reduce the earth population to 500 million or so. Once this is achieved, control of every human by a world wide police state
becomes achievable.
Read more here:
Get Ready for the ‘Plate Reset'
with me: a plate of food that fulfills all your nutritional needs, that is provided to you for free, that has a whole host
of fancy labels declaring it, for example, carbon neutral and ‘fair trade.' It is produced by a handful of
global companies, who through thousands of experiments have produced this optimal super-food. There is genetically modified
cauliflower that is rammed with extra vitamins, meat-free soya alternatives that provides protein and a ‘secret-sauce'
that makes everything taste amazing. It doesn't sound too bad does it?
somebody told you that there was a plan to revolutionise the global food system from the top down, would you believe them?
Well perhaps after reading this article you will see that we are rapidly approaching that point today.
Read more here:
Saving Civilization
you had been picked as a juror for the Derek Chauvin trial. Before you hear a shred of evidence, you very well might make
a decision most people would not only admit was the better part of valor, but that harmonized perfectly with prevailing morality.
Your pretrial verdict? Guilty. There had been threats since Chauvin was charged with second
and third degree murder and second-degree manslaughter that acquittals would provoke rampaging riots. After the riots last
summer, no one could doubt the threats' credibility. A guilty verdict on all counts could avoid injuries, deaths, and billions
of dollars in property damage. Against those consequences, what do the rights or the life of a policeman matter? You're predetermined
verdict is for the greater good.
Read more here:
Biden Brings In Islamic Activists To Investigate US Military For
‘Extremism': Muslim Brotherhood Supporters To Help Biden Destroy American Soldiers.
A decade ago, Hina Shamsi was fighting on behalf of the Holy Land Foundation whose leaders
had been convicted of providing material support to Hamas.
As the head of the ACLU's National Security Project, Shamsi,
a Pakistani citizen, had fought fiercely for the Islamic terrorists at Guantanamo Bay. "We all must pledge - not one
person more in Guantanamo, not in our names," she recently declared.
more here:
'Evil' Critical Race Theory 'fruit' of Marxist 'long march,' says Os Guinness
One year ago, few Americans outside of higher education had heard of Critical Race Theory,
which contends the concept of race is not biological but rather a culturally invented category designed by white people to
oppress people of color.
Now, having leaked from its academic lab, CRT
is spreading exponentially to school boards, corporate offices, the military and governmental agencies. And many parents,
students, employees and citizens are courageously pushing back, sensing something is deeply wrong without necessarily having
a full understanding of what they are fighting.
Read more here:
CHD calls on FDA to immediately take COVID vaccines off the market
(Natural News) Amid growing safety concerns, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dr. Meryl Nass, on behalf of Children's Health Defense (CHD), filed a Citizen Petition with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asking the agency to immediately revoke the Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) for COVID vaccines and to refrain from licensing them.
republished from
Millions Against Medical Mandates (MAMM), a coalition of health freedom
organizations and individuals, joins CHD and other vaccine safety and health freedom groups in inviting the public, including
healthcare workers, parents and military members, to submit comments on the petition.
Read more here:
Russians Pursue and "STOP" U.S. Troops in Syria, Ask
"By What Authority are you here?"
Russian Army
troops have begun actively pursuing, stopping, and questioning US Troops inside Syria. The Russian are using APC's in
pursuits, backed up by attack helicopters.
One such pursuit in the desert
of Syria is recorded on video below.
Once the American troops
are pulled-over, the Russian officer says "This is the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic. The Russian armed forces
are here at the invitation of Bashar al-Assad. On what basis are you here? "
Read more here:
Southeast swelters in record heat wave
While we're not yet officially in the summer, Mother Nature is playing by her own rules. Over 30% of the US population
will experience temperatures of at least 90 degrees or higher this week.
"The warm, smothering embrace of a high-amplitude
ridge will continue into the long term period," says Kyle Theim, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service office
in Atlanta. "Temperatures starting on Monday will run between 10-15 degrees above normal, and border on record maximum
temperatures, both for daily highs and lows."
Read more here:
Thoughts On The "New Normal" And The Things That We Are Losing As A
The last two years have greatly shaken America, and
our country will never be the same as a result. If you would have told someone two years ago that in 2021 millions of
people would run around wearing masks all day and that the federal government would be relentlessly pushing a large scale
mass injection campaign, that person probably would have thought that you were nuts. But now this is the "new normal".
Our freedoms and liberties have been permanently eroded, and now that they have gotten away with pushing the envelope so dramatically,
government entities on all levels will be ready to flex their muscles again once the next major crisis comes along.
You could argue that we should just vote out the politicians that are running things on
the state and federal levels, but exactly how are we supposed to do that?
more here:
Mass Mask Madness Hits The Height of Absurdity - Lauren
Boebert Tells Nancy Pelosi 'Kiss My Mask' As Sunday School Teacher Arrested & Cuffed For Protesting School Mask
The MSM has so petrified liberals across the nation (since
they are the only ones that trust the MSM) that we are seeing unprecedented, and frankly unbelievable, headlines and actions
being taken by law enforcement, politicians and even crazed media personalities, from one end of the country to the other.
Many might say it was the CDC, or the narcissist Fauci, politics or any number of other
reasons are responsible, and they wouldn't be wrong, but the media that preached "follow the science".... until
science said the masks used to supposedly help stop the spread of COVID-19 (China virus), no longer need to be worn, takes
front center seat here because they have quite literally terrorized millions of liberals.
One perfect example if MSNBC's Rachel Madcow......errrr..... Maddow(?) told her audience that she was going to have to "rewire" her brain to not see unmasked people as threats.
Read more here:
How the CDC is manipulating data to prop-up "vaccine effectiveness"
New policies will artificially deflate "breakthrough infections" in the vaccinated, while the old rules continue
to inflate case numbers in the unvaccinated.
The US Center for
Disease Control (CDC) is altering its practices of data logging and testing for "Covid19" in order to make it seem
the experimental gene-therapy "vaccines" are effective at preventing the alleged disease.
They made no secret of this, announcing the policy changes on their website in late April/early
May, (though naturally without admitting the fairly obvious motivation behind the change).
The trick is in their reporting of what they call "breakthrough infections" - that is people who are fully
"vaccinated" against Sars-Cov-2 infection, but get infected anyway.
more here:
9 Scary FEMA Camp Facts You Must Know
Over the last decade or more, FEMA has become one more federal agency that everyone loves to hate.
I wouldn't say that it's hated anywhere near as much as the IRS; but it could very well be in second place.
Sadly, the reason for this is the poor track record that FEMA has in doing what is supposed
to be their main purpose; helping people and communities recover after a disaster.
As with preppers, FEMA doesn't know what sorts of disasters they'll be called on to deal with. Considering how wide
a range of possibilities that can cover, they've been given an impressive "toolkit" of authority, allowing them
to do things in an emergency that no other government agency can.
more here:
It's Official: on July 1st, the EU Becomes a Huge Concentration
Camp (Let's not fool ourselves: this European "ausweis" (ER: ID card) is nothing more than a permit to leave the
European open-air prison in order to be able to circulate again between the different European countries.)
The health passport should be officially implemented from July 1st to allow circulation
again between the different countries of the Union.
Indeed, an agreement
has just been reached between MEPs and Member States on the health passport which will allow, with the help of a QR code,
to indicate that its holder has been vaccinated, that he has passed a negative test, or that he is immune after being infected
by Covid19. (1)
Let's not fool ourselves: this European "ausweis" (ER:
ID card) is nothing more than a permit to leave the European open-air prison in order to be able to circulate again
between the different European countries.
Read more here:
15 Fatal Assumptions That Preppers Make In These Times
How would you feel if, due to a few small but critical miscalculations, all your prepping
efforts came to naught?
This article is to help those that are already
prepared to gain some perspective on inaccurate assumptions that may derail all their painstaking preparation. As would notice
in the following article, these assumptions or mistakes can be still addressed, but for those that are thinking to start preparing, I am afraid is a little too late given the current situation in the world not just here in America.
Prepping mistakes won't only waste time and money but could get you killed.
Read more here:
On Tuesday March 2 at Microsoft's Ignite digital conference, the tech giant introduced
a new virtual reality technology it calls Microsoft Mesh. Designed to allow people in different physical locations to
create shared experiences across both virtual and physical worlds, it functions through the use of avatars and "holoportation,"
a new kind of 3D capture technology that, according to Microsoft, "allows high-quality 3D models of people to be reconstructed,
compressed and transmitted anywhere in the world." The event featured virtual attendees from around the globe who were
able to preview the mixed reality experience as avatars, all taking part in an event in the same holographic world. (READ MORE)
THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION-PART 12: Are "They" Involved with "Them"?
Based on facts detailed in the last entry, we started by saying the question is not whether
humans were, can be, or are being hybridized, but whether alien/demon agencies are involved in the process. Today, what some
call "alien abduction," in which a breeding program allegedly exists resulting in alien/human hybrids-a phenomenon
it appears some Vatican scholars including the Pope's personal astronomer and Director of the Vatican Observatory Brother Guy Consolmagno believe could explain the ‘virgin' birth of Jesus-seems
but a contemporary retelling of similar DNA harvesting and genetic manipulation by those mysterious beings called "Watchers"
whose genetic modification activities we have discussed.
Read more here:
World Economic Forum Urges Companies To Fire Unvaccinated Employees As Part of
‘Jobs Reset,' Deletes Tweet After Backlash
your COVID-19 jab - or you could face consequences from your employer #COVID19 #JobsReset21"
The World Economic Forum indicated Monday that it supports employees being forced
to choose between taking one of the four controversial Covid vaccines, or unemployment if they choose to not take the vaccine.
After intense backlash, they deleted the initial the tweet and uploaded another post with the same graphic and a tweaked caption.
"Get your COVID-19 jab - or you could face consequences from your employer #COVID19
#JobsReset21," the original tweet posted on Monday read. The tweet was accompanied by a colorful graphic showcasing the
purported poll numbers of companies that would fire employees for not taking the vaccine.
Read more here:
‘Weapons of the future': Russia has launched mass production of autonomous
high-tech WAR ROBOTS, Defense Minister Shoigu announces
Russian military will soon be equipped with autonomous war robots capable of acting independently on the battlefield, Defense
Minister Sergey Shoigu has said, adding that Moscow has launched mass production of such machines.
"These are not just some experimental prototypes but robots that can really be shown in
sci-fi movies since they can fight on their own," the minister told the Russian Zvezda broadcaster during the ‘New
Knowledge' forum, on Friday. Held in several Russian cities from May 20 to May 22, the forum is a series of educational events
featuring top specialists in a variety of fields.
Read more here:
Why Are Democrats So Afraid of Election Audits?
Democrats claim election audits like the one in Arizona are an existential threat to democracy,
but it's difficult to see how-unless they reveal that our elections have been hijacked.
Democrats are positively terrified of election audits that aren't completely controlled by the political establishment.
If there's a chance an audit might reveal meaningful information, you can bet Democrats (and certain weak Republicans) will
stridently oppose it. The only audits Democrats and their allies support are the ones designed to rubber-stamp previous conclusions.
Read more here:
Psychotics? Yep - Created And Fed
Facebook has decided that anything you say there that discourages the use of a vaccine,
including especially Covid-19 vaccines, will be removed (and you might get banned) even if its truthful.
For example, you can't talk about the fact that 95%+ of all associated deaths in VAERS for the last
two years have been associated with Covid-19 vaccines, and 99% of them this year are associated with the Covid shots.
This is the truth which you can look up right here on the CDC's own web page, but if you say it on Facebook - poof.
OSHA said if your employer required the
vaccine they owned the results - including the bad results. That quietly disappeared a day or two ago;
you see, workplace injuries do not include things the government wants to happen.
One wonders why this isn't applied to coal mining, oil drilling and even asbestos abatement; after all,
the government does want asbestos out of buildings, right? So now your employer can
injure or even slaughter you so long as the government approves. Germany didn't do
something like that 80 years or so back, did they?
Read more here:
Watch: Sunday School Teacher Arrested For Attending School Board Meeting Without
A Sunday school teacher in New Hampshire was arrested
after showing up to Thursday night's Timberlane School Board meeting without a mask on.
The teacher was part of a group protesting the school's requirement that students and staff wear
face masks.
Read and watch here:
Dr. Tenpenny - Covid Shots Have No Off Button. They keep killing and killing and
Watch here:
Facing Dry Year, CA State Water Board is Draining California Reservoirs
CA reservoirs were designed to provide a steady five year supply for all users, and were
filled to the top in June 2019
"In the last 14 days, 90% of Delta
inflow went to sea. It's equal to a year's supply of water for 1 million people.
#ManMadeDrought," Central Valley farmer Kristi Diener said.
Diener, a California water expert and farmer, has been warning
steadily that water is unnecessarily being let out to sea as the state faces a normal dry year.
Read more here:
Inflation & Implosion - Hyperinflation in 2022 - John Williams
Economist John Williams, founder of, says the Federal Reserve has painted
itself into such a tight corner with the economy it really has only two choices. Williams says it comes down to "Inflation
or Implosion." What would happen to the financial system if the Fed stopped printing massive amounts of money for stimulus
and debt service? Williams explains, "You could see financial implosion by preventing liquidity being put into
the system. The system needs liquidity (freshly created dollars) to function. Without that liquidity, you would see
more of an economic implosion than you have already seen. In fact, I will contend that the headline pandemic numbers
have actually been a lot worse than they have been reporting. It also means we are not recovering quite as quickly.
The Fed needs to keep the banking system afloat. They want to keep the economy afloat. All that requires a tremendous
influx of liquidity in these difficult times."
Read more here:
Meat Eaters Hit Hardest as Inflation Sweeps U.S. Grocery Aisles
(Bloomberg) -- Inflation is landing in America's refrigerators -- and it's hitting meat-eaters
most of all.
About one in three U.S. adults say they're spending more
on groceries than they were at the start of 2021, according to a Morning Consult survey of 2,200 U.S. adults conducted May
17 to 19 for Bloomberg News. Red meat was the ingredient cited most often for its higher prices, with chicken right behind.
Read more here:
Chinese Technocratic Authoritarianism Rising, Western Democracy Eroding
It already seems that the biggest struggle in the 21st century may be between the competing
models of Chinese technocratic authoritarianism and Joe Biden's hopes for a revitalised democratic West. Unless the climate
crisis dooms us all, of course.
Since the early days of the American and
French revolutions towards the latter part of the 18th century, it has become an increasingly accepted truism globally that
their democratic example has been appropriate, valuable, and beneficial to those nations which practise it - and where their
citizens live under its logic and structures. US politicians have traditionally boasted that their nation served uniquely
as "a light among the nations". Meanwhile, the French have argued for centuries that their national mission was
to carry out a "mission civilisatrice" to the rest of the world - and especially the places it colonised.
Read more here:
Pentagon chief unable to talk to Chinese military leaders despite repeated attempts
U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has so far been unable to speak with China's top general
despite multiple attempts to set up talks, U.S. defense officials said on Friday.
Relations between China and the United States have grown increasingly tense, with the world's two largest economies
clashing over everything from Taiwan and China's human rights record to its military activity in the South China Sea.
Read more here:
The Ice Age Farmer and Dave Hodges Discuss How the Globalists Are Already Initiating
a "Food As a Weapon" Against the People of the United States
Recently, I interviewed first-time-guest to The Common Sense Show, Christian Westbrook (AKA the Ice Age Farmer).
We discussed a confluence of multiple events which promise to threaten millions of Americans food vulnerability within the
next year. For example, Westbrook spoke about how the coming hyperinflation and the Covid-Biden's administration attack on
food will be combining to produce catastrophic results to your ability to obtain food.
After hearing this interview, you will no doubt want to hear more about the Ice Age Farmer and you will have that
ability at the Extinctions Protocol Conference in June. This will be a virtual conference and space is limited.
Observe your spot today!. Meanwhile, I suggest you listen to Chrisitan Westbrook's interview, by clicking this link!
This is the nature of the ruling beast, and if their campaign is successful, the people
will become easier to control as time passes
Those that
are aware of the machinations unfolding in America today see a potentially deadly situation beginning to unfold. The talk
of detention camps and foreign soldiers being prepositioned. The Stalinist purge of many top ranking military officers and
arming of government agencies to insane levels. The slow deterioration of our industrial capability and ability of families
to feed themselves. The erosion of civil liberties and government attacks on patriotic Americans.
For those who think that a financial collapse causing the loss of their savings and livelihood are the worst that could happen, they might want to consider this possibility.
Read more here:
Hundreds Gather Outside Mayor Lightfoot's House to Protest Abysmal Job Performance
Chicago Mayor faces massive backlash from residents
Hundreds of angry protesters took to Democratic Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot's home to show
their disapproval of her job performance.
Over 300 demonstrators
gathered outside Lightfoot's house with signs giving her an "F" grade for police reform, the coronavirus, education, housing,
and other things.
The event was posted on social media with the hashtag
#2Years2Much, referring to Lightfoot's second anniversary of her mayoral inauguration.
Tara Stamps, who works for Chicago Public Schools, said:
not enough to be black, it's not enough to be female, you gotta be right."
Read more here:
The Insane, Unhinged Politics And Philosophy Of The Loony Left Push America One
Step Closer To The Breaking Point As Communism And Totalitarianism No Longer Hide Behind The Facade
When Senator Joseph McCarthy tried to warn America about Communist spies in our government
and military, the Communists and fellow travelers came out of the woodwork. During the Army-McCarthy Hearings in 1954, Chief
Counsel for the U.S. Army Joseph Welch questioned Senator McCarthy's sense of decency because the senator suggested a young
attorney was a Communist. Gullible Americans swallowed that line along with the sinker and hook. It sounded so principled,
but it was Welch playing to the gallery with his acting ability.
he was a better actor than attorney.
Liberals, leftists, and loonies
liked the question and considered it the coup de grâce in their battle with the spy chaser. Therefore, I will use it
to the advantage of truth as I ask those sitting to the far left if they have any sense of decency or any sense of shame.
Read more here:
BREAKING: Whistleblowing Doctor Exposed Globalist Plan For UN-Directed Depopulation/Great
Reset Using Vaccines For Extermination
While treating multiple
heads of state, a leading doctor learned of UN plan to release a virus as the trigger for depopulation through vaccines.
Alex Jones breaks down a now-deleted 2009 episode of TruTV's "Conspiracy
Theory with Jesse Ventura", where the Infowars host laid bare the global elite's plan to unleash a virus on the world
and then swoop in posing as the saviors to ensnare mankind into the New World Order tyranny of the 21st century.
Watch here:
One Night in Amerika
(Though we're again settled into a lull, who can doubt there will be a war, soon enough, between the US/Israel against Arabs,
Iranians, Russians or Chinese?)
Five weeks ago, it looked
like war would break out in Europe. With up to 150,000 Russian troops massed on the Ukrainian border, The Saker concluded,
"In my professional opinion, what I see is a joint preparation by the Ukronazis and the USA (along with the UK and Poland)
to attack the Donbass and force a conflict upon Russia [...] It is very hard for me to see how a war could be avoided."
Yet nothing happened.
Until yesterday, many expected the clash
between Israel and Hamas to escalate quickly, with Hezbollah jumping in at any moment to hasten the final liberation of Palestine.
Just three days ago, Taxi wrote, "There is no stopping the approaching storm of war. There is no stopping the coming
blood: the carnage and agony will rush forth unfettered. There is no stopping the mounting push for liberation at any and
all cost." Yet a ceasefire has just been announced.
Read more here:
The End Of Paper Gold & Silver Markets
This article looks at the likely consequences of the Bank for International Settlements'
introduction of the net stable funding requirement (NSFR) for bank balance sheets, insofar as they apply to their positions
in gold, silver and other commodity markets.
If they
are introduced as proposed, banks will face significant financing penalties for taking trading positions
in derivatives. The problem is particularly important for the London gold market, as described in last week's
article on this subject. Therefore they are likely to withdraw from providing derivative liquidity and associated
Read more here:
Bill Gates A.K.A Satan Soldier "Tech Savior"
Image Unraveled or Maybe The Truth About Gates The Monster Finally Comes Out...
Five years ago, he warned us against a global plandemic. He said that an infectious disease
was humanity's biggest threat. The BMGF is working tirelessly on vaccines to combat these diseases.
The most common accusations against Gates is that he's a pedophile billionaire who wants to block
out the sun, implant chips into our brains, control the population through vaccines, and even remove the "spiritual"
part of our brains.
Read more here:
They Had One Year To Flatten The Life As We Know It-And That They Did
It is more than a year since we embarked on an untried, untested, unscientific, draconian,
and frankly mad medical, social, economic, and psychological experiment on millions of people. On the day we were thrust into
this folly I wrote, "So that seems to be that. The end of America as we knew it." All that has taken place
since has, I believe, confirmed that, and my only surprise is that millions of people still cling to the bizarre idea that
Lockdowns were based on science, that they were necessary, that they have been effective, and that we have a benevolent Government whose aim has been to keep us all safe. None of these things are true.
Read more here:
THIS Is How They'll Try To Inject Everyone! Bombshells Hidden
Within Associated Press Story Hint Mandatory Shots Are Ahead As 'Mark Of The Beast' Is Promulgated As 'The Law Of The Land'
Hidden within this May 20th story over at the Associated Press titled "Big Gaps In Vaccine Rates Across The US Worry Health Experts," we get an indication of where America is likely headed in the months ahead with that story reporting:
"Low vaccination rates will leave room for the virus to circulate,
re-emerge and possibly form new variants" so "high vaccination rates are critical
to keeping the disease under control, especially when we get back to the fall and winter."
Quoting one Dr. Eric Topol, the head of the Scripps Research Translational Institute,
within that story who said that "the gaps in COVID-19 vaccination (rates) can be traced directly to political influences, particularly what
he called 'anti-science' attitudes among Republican leaders, who were skeptical about the value of masks, too", the
'kicker' we've long warned Americans need to watch out for came soon after:
Read more here:
We're ALL Targets of the Biden Administration's New PRE-CRIME Surveillance Program
Recently, the Biden Administration announced the establishment of what is essentially a pre-crime surveillance program. This program comes as no surprise to those of
us with any concern for our civil rights as we saw this coming a thousand miles away.
Of course, the program will combat "violent domestic extremism" and "violent white supremacy."
(Because all those years of blaming Muslims was just to get silly white people to give up their rights so the surveillance
and police state could be turned back on them.)
Read more here:
Microchipping Humans With Ultrasound Powered Devices Could Alter Medicine
Conspiracy Theories Aside, New Research Into Tiny Microchips Could Save Countless
While conspiracy theorists will go bananas over microchipping
humans, modern medicine relies on implantable medical devices to treat a whole host of ailments. As this technology is becoming
increasingly more common, even the smallest applications are still considered bulky, difficult to communicate with, and nearly
all require new batteries from time to time. External devices like wearables and other health tracking tools have addressed this to some degree, but devices designed to work inside the body still suffer
from these and other limitations.
Read more here:
Canadian Pastor who was arrested for having Church has property set on fire by
The Canadian pastor who has been confronted repeatedly
by law enforcement officials claimed over the weekend the garage at his private resident was set ablaze by arsonists.
During an appearance on Rebel News, a conservative outlet based in Canada, Artur Pawlowski
of Street Church in Calgary, Alberta, said he and his wife were awakened to first responders attempting to snuff out a fire
that began sometime Saturday night.
Read more here:
Hang On Time Is Running Out
Revelation 10:6 And he swore by him who lives for ever and ever, who created the heavens and all that is in them,
the earth and all that is in it, and the sea and all that is in it, and said, "There will be no more delay!
I've struggled the last few days to write. I can not turn off the veracity with which
news and prophecy is spinning. The world is spinning out of control. In fact it feels as though it's reeling and spinning
like a drunkard. Doctors and scientists have started to come to their senses too and warn, Dr. McCullough recently told Tucker
Carlson on his show on Fox Nation that "the world has gone off the rails over treatments of Covid".
Read more here:
Forget Herd Immunity! Winter COVID Surges Will Bring Lockdowns, Travel Bans, Crammed
As India descended into a COVID-19 tragedy that dwarfed
anything the country had experienced in the pandemic so far, with hospitals inundated, oxygen supplies short and vaccines
reportedly being stolen from warehouses, American politicians thousands of miles away were clamoring to end pandemic restrictions.
Representative Jim Jordan railed at Dr. Anthony Fauci in the House chambers, "You don't think Americans' liberties have been threatened in the last year, Dr. Fauci? They've
been assaulted!" Alabama Governor Kay Ivey told Fox News, "We have been at this for more than a year now, and we have simply got to move forward. Endless government mandates
are not the answer."
Read more here:
Complete and Total "Blackout" in Jordan
Reports are starting to filter-in claiming the entire nation of Jordan has been "blacked-out."
They claim there is no electricity, no telephones, no internet, and no cellular systems in the entire country!
The information is being transmitted by a very few people with Satellite phones.
No word on what's going on or why.
. . .
Read more here:
More Criminality Exposed In Mariciopa County Election Theft! Sheriff Richard Mack
Analyzes the Events (Part 4)
Please allow me to reiterate my
strongest belief that the two elections currently under review, California and Arizona, are collectively and individually,
the most important two events in America, today.
To recap, A California
lawsuit, filed by Paul Preston's organization alleges that millions of California's ballots were improperly printed and violate
the statutory requirements of what is to appear on a LEGAL ballot. The proof is undeniable. The variable in question is the
integrity and impartiality of the Judge in the case. The court has "slow-walked" the case forward. However, the
delay tactics are behind the case, or so it would seem. If the Judge agrees with the merits of the suit, the entire California
suit would be thrown out and a new election would necessarily be ordered and the present 55 electoral votes cast for Biden
would be disallowed and Biden would trail in the electoral vote total.
more here:
This is the hidden agenda behind the scamdemic and lockdowns, and the reason they
won't permanently end unless people en masse defy covid rules
It sounds farfetched to say that humanity is being inducted into a satanic cult, but this is literally what is happening.
Satanic cults control and exploit their members by making them sick,
physically and morally. "We corrupt in order to control." - Giuseppe Mazzini
This is the hidden agenda behind the scamdemic and lockdowns, and the reason they won't permanently end unless people en
masse defy covid rules.
Read more here:
Will Vaccine Passports be America's Version of Yellow Badges?
With millions of Americans vaccinated against COVID-19, a national debate now rages over
"vaccine passports" (or vaxxports) that privilege those who have taken "the jab." These proofs of immunization
take the form of a smartphone app with a personalized QR code. Those favoring such digital certification say it makes us "safer"
as a society and hastens a return to pre-pandemic normalcy. But critics liken it to China's social scoring system (Social Credit System) aimed at rewarding those who conform and punishing those who don't. They decry it as government overreach, invasion of privacy,
and curtailment of personal freedom. They believe Americans shouldn't be required to show proof of vaccination or reveal personal
information to go about their daily lives. Anti-vaxxport protesters in California's Orange County - who are on the frontlines
in this battle - even had a placard saying "'Show Your Papers' is a Nazi Plan."
Read more here:
Fighting Back Against The Radical 'Woke' Has Begun In Earnest As Millions Pumped
Into Targeting Left-Wing Corporations That Are Pushing The Liberal Agenda
People are starting to fight back against "wokeness," meaning the woke crowd and woke corporations that
have decided to wade into political and cultural issues rather than just serving their consumer base.
According to the Merriam-Webster website, "Woke" is increasingly used as a byword for social awareness, which in other terms means those claiming to be,
or acting as "social justice warriors."
Social justice
warriors are people that continuously look for something to be "offended" about, complain about, find fault in,
and those that virtual signal to highlight how "woke" they are.
more here:
If People Get Jabbed After Watching This They Are Beyond Saving
Watch here :
COVID Vaccine Shedding Hurting Unvaxed? Dr. Lee Merritt Explains
In this interview with The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman, celebrated
former military doctor and bioweapons expert Dr. Lee Merritt offers her thoughts on recent claims that vaccinated individuals
may be "shedding" spike proteins or something else that is hurting unvaccinated people-especially women. Blood clots,
odd menstrual occurrences, and more are all examined. She says doctors need to listen to their patients, and that something
is going on, but more research will be needed to figure out. Dr. Merritt, the former head of the American Association of Physicians
and Surgeons, also spoke about previous research into "self-propagating" vaccines, including efforts to reduce a
mouse population in Australia using similar technologies. Finally, she blasted recent CDC efforts to push the experimental
shot on children who are not even at serious risk from COVID.
Watch here:
Thoughts On The "New Normal" & The Things That We Are Losing As
A Society...
The last two years have greatly shaken America,
and our country will never be the same as a result. If you would have told someone two years ago that in 2021 millions
of people would run around wearing masks all day and that the federal government would be relentlessly pushing a large scale
mass injection campaign, that person probably would have thought that you were nuts. But now this is the "new normal".
Our freedoms and liberties have been permanently eroded, and now that they have gotten away with pushing the envelope so dramatically,
government entities on all levels will be ready to flex their muscles again once the next major crisis comes along.
You could argue that we should just vote out the politicians that are running things on
the state and federal levels, but exactly how are we supposed to do that?
more here:
Only the Vaccinated Are Set Free: CDC (Can you feel the
vice closing? The vaccine is the "Mark of the Beast." If you don't get one, you don't participate. Isn't that what
Revelations said?)
On May 13, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, left,
announced that only the vaccinated can go out to play. The remainder must stay in their rooms.
Can you feel the vice closing?The vaccine is the "Mark of the Beast." If you don't
get one, you don't participate. Isn't that what Revelations said?
We are the playthings of psychopaths who've decided we're redundant. After most people are vaccinated, the vaccines
will cause "a new variant" that demands an even more draconian lockdown. We're being gaslighted.
I have nothing more to say right now. I'm speechless.
Read more
IT BEGINS: Fully Vaccinated People in Oregon Must Show Proof
of Vaccination Status in Order to Enter Businesses Without a Mask
has gone from a liberal hell hole to 1930s Germany overnight.
The Oregon
Health Authority is now requiring businesses and religious institutions to enforce mask mandates by forcing people to show
proof of vaccination.
The CDC last week updated its mask guidance and
said fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks indoors.
order to prevent the unvaccinated from walking around unmasked, Oregon health officials are now creating a caste system by
marking the unvaxxed lepers.
Read more here:
It's D-Day in the battle against globalized digital health passports that will
mark you for life
The worst nightmare for patriots and freedom
lovers throughout the world may be about to come true.
The push is on
to sneak health passports into America and other Western democracies through back-door channels.
Big corporations and universities are testing the waters to find out how many Americans will accept
this latest intrusion as an unavoidable part of life in the "new normal."
Read more here:
Israel announces unconditional ceasefire with Hamas, ending Gaza combat
After 11 days, Israel's war with Hamas comes to an end in a fragile ceasefire
mediated by Egypt.
The Israeli security cabinet voted to accept
a ceasefire late Thursday as the Israeli South and Gaza remain inflamed.
The security
cabinet unanimously agreed to a "mutual and unconditional" cessation of hostilities, according to a statement from
the Prime Minister's Office.
Read more here:
Large Explosion at Cape Cod ICBM Early Warning RADAR Station!
There has been a large explosion near the Cape Cod Air Force Station's PAVE PAWS (ICBM
Early Warning) Radar Station, near Sagamore, Massachusetts, USA (Cape Cod). A large fire is presently burning there.
PAVE PAWS stands for Precision Acquisition Vehicle Entry Phased Array Warning
The explosion was so large that workers over two miles away heard
it. One worker reports "When I looked outside, the sky was filled with gray and orange smoke, just like that explosion
which destroyed the port of Beirut, Lebanon" he said.
Cape Cod Air
Force Station is the only land based radar site providing missile warning for
the eastern coast of the United States and southern Canada against intercontinental and sea-launched ballistic
Read more here:
WOW! Amazing Statement By A Very Frustrated Glenn Beck
The Future of America Is Grim Without a Major Revival and Repentance-Steve Quayle and Dave Hodges
America received a 4 year reprieve from the Lord. We elected Donald Trump and expected
him to do all the work. Then, we wonder how he lost and we find ourselves in the mess we are in today.
America made a fundamental mistake, If we want better government, we have to be better
people. As long as we tolderate child trafficking and abortion, we are still decadent human beings.
From the following interview, Steve Quayle contends that America and Americans have no
chance of survival without a major widespread revival.
Read and
listen here:
Alien Artifacts on Earth and in Our Solar System is Possible, NASA Reports
A 2018 report published by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
shows the lengths America's premier space agency is willing to consider when proving the existence of intelligent alien life.
Entitled NASA and The Search For Technosignatures, the 70-page document details all of the various ways space scientists considered intelligent extraterrestrial life
might be located during NASA's Technosignatures Workshop, hosted in Houston, Texas, September 26-28, 2018.
novel methods for detecting traces of advanced alien technology are discussed in the report. Yet one section is particularly
Read more here:
No Fly List for Innocent People
The US government is placing U.S. citizens and permanent residents on the No
Fly List, without reason; this is also happening in Canada now.
are being banned indefinitely from flying on any aircraft by the government, for no reason at all.
The United States government and Canada are banning innocent people from flying -
INDEFINITELY - to, from, or over the United States, even though they've never been charged with a crime.
Read more here:
THE GREAT DELUSION IS COMING... And, As Dr. Thomas Horn Has Been Disclosing, THE
JESUIT REVIEW MAGAZINE Now Confirms Catholic Scholars Are Eager To Embrace ET Theology
With the stunning "60 Minutes" segment on UFOs this week, it is now fair to say not only
that we have something close to strong evidence that we are not alone in the universe but that the idea has gone mainstream.
Did Jesus die for aliens too? Or would they need their own Incarnation and savior? Or maybe they didn't have a primeval original
sin that disordered their nature and environment and therefore wouldn't have the "happy fault" that produced our
particular history of salvation? Are they governed by our sense of right and wrong or would it be quite different? Or would
they be capable of sinning at all? Far from being a kind of backbreaker for religious faith, our becoming aware of the existence
of other rational creatures in the cosmos would likely reinvigorate theological inquiry quite dramatically, and the church's
intellectual tradition on these questions would be brought to bear in exciting and important ways. So bring it on, director
of national intelligence and Pentagon. Let's see what you got. The Catholic intellectual tradition stands ready to help humanity
interpret and process the fact that we are not alone in the universe... (READ MORE)
THE COMING GREAT DECPTION-PART 11: The Return of Hybrid Humans
I was not shocked at all when this week the official American Jesuit Magazine
weighed in on the upcoming Pentagon report on UFOs, admitting the current Catholic opinion "...we have something close
to strong evidence that we are not alone in the universe..." then adding: "Did Jesus die for aliens too? Or would
they need their own Incarnation and savior? Or maybe they didn't have a primeval original sin that disordered their nature
and environment and therefore wouldn't have the ‘happy fault' that produced our particular history of salvation? Are
they governed by our sense of right and wrong or would it be quite different? Or would they be capable of sinning at all?
Far from being a kind of backbreaker for religious faith, our becoming aware of the existence of other rational creatures
in the cosmos would likely reinvigorate theological inquiry quite dramatically, and the church's intellectual tradition on
these questions would be brought to bear in exciting and important ways. So bring it on, director of national intelligence
and Pentagon. Let's see what you got. The Catholic intellectual tradition stands ready to help humanity interpret and process
the fact that we are not alone in the universe..." [i]
Read more here:
How the CDC is manipulating data to prop-up "vaccine effectiveness"
The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) is altering its practices of data logging and
testing for "Covid19" in order to make it seem the experimental gene-therapy "vaccines" are effective
at preventing the alleged disease.
They made no secret of this, announcing
the policy changes on their website in late April/early May, (though naturally without admitting the fairly obvious motivation
behind the change).
The trick is in their reporting of what they call
"breakthrough infections" - that is people who are fully "vaccinated" against Sars-Cov-2 infection, but
get infected anyway.
Read more here:
Americans Need To Learn These Lessons From The 'Three Red Terrors':
With The Banning Of Critical Thought, This Is How to Be Dangerous To Totalitarian Thinking
It can't happen here" is a political cliche in the United States. Regardless of your personal
viewpoint, there is a vast swath of the American population who simply do not believe in the possibility of any kind of totalitarianism
in the United States.
It's worth noting that throughout history, in virtually
every place that totalitarian regimes have arisen, the residents of these countries felt the same way. Russia was seen as
too traditional and backward, the power of the Czar too entrenched to be defeated. Germany had been viewed throughout most
of the modern period as the home of Goethe, Schiller, and Mozart, a place where the local Jewish population had largely assimilated.
more here:
There Will Never Be A "Woke" US Military - Here Are The Reasons Why
The social justice cult never sleeps, they are forever "woke", and they want
to own the US military. They want it so bad they are frothing at the mouth over it. Whether or not they actually get what
they want is another matter entirely. The induction of Joe Biden into the White House has opened the door to a new propaganda
narrative, and it goes a little something like this:
military is rife with ‘white supremacists' and extremists, and it needs to be purged to make way for more diversity..."
Read more here:
Warning! Satan Soldiers Will Shut the Economy Down in
Order to Pave the Way for the "Reset" of the Global Economy...
dreary picture is echoed in the New Testament. Jesus said it will be a time of tribulation "such as has not
occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall" (Matthew 24:21). In fact, Jesus said it will be so terrible that if it were not stopped at the end of seven years, it would result in the
destruction of all life (Matthew 24:22). The Apostle John states that the chaos will be so great that the leaders of the world will crawl into caves and cry out
for the rocks of the mountains to fall upon them (Revelation 6:15-16).
Participants in the Cyber Polygon 2020 event, Source:
Last year, the World Economic Forum teamed up with the Russian
government and global banks to run a high-profile cyberattack simulation that targeted the financial industry, an actual event
that would pave the way for a "reset" of the global economy.
The simulation, named Cyber Polygon, may have been more than a typical planning exercise and bears similarities
to the WEF-sponsored pandemic simulation Event 201 that briefly preceded the COVID-19 crisis.
Read more here:
Archbishop Viganò on the Great Reset (It is our duty to uncover the
Great Reset's deception, because the same deception may be attributed to all the other assaults that have sought to nullify
the work of Redemption and establish the tyranny of the Antichrist.)
It is our duty to uncover the Great Reset's deception, because the same deception may be attributed to
all the other assaults that have sought to nullify the work of Redemption and establish the tyranny of the Antichrist.
I offer heartfelt thanks to dear Professor Massimo Viglione, who wanted to invite me to
take part - remotely so to speak - in the conference he has organized as President of the Confederation of the Triarii. I
also extend my warmest greetings to each of the illustrious participants in this event. Please allow me to express to you
my profound esteem and my fervent thanks for your courageous testimony, for the enlightening contributions and the tireless
commitment you have not ceased to display in the most pressing and incisive way, beginning in February of last year. I encourage
you not to retreat and not to disarm in this deadly battle that we are called to fight in this fatal hour of history as never
Read more here:
'She is a monster': Tucker Carlson compares Chicago Mayor
Lori Lightfoot to a Nazi for refusing to talk to white journalists
Carlson on Wednesday night described the mayor of Chicago as a Nazi and 'a monster' for decreeing that she would only give
interviews to journalists of color.
Lightfoot, who assumed office in May
2019, announced on Tuesday she would only grant one-on-one interviews to 'black and brown' reporters to mark her two-year
anniversary in the role.
Her announcement about the temporary policy sparked
anger from reporters of all colors, but Lightfoot on Wednesday doubled down on her decision, insisting it was part of her
lifelong battle for diversity and inclusion.
Read more here:
Dr. Christiane Northrup gives new details on covid vaccine shedding / transmission,
especially among women
Watch here:
Governments need to reveal what they have been hiding about UFOs: Jeremy Corbell
Jeremy Corbell: 'UFOs are real and they fly with impunity within our restricted
Last week, investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell released
a never-before-seen clip that appears to show an unidentified flying object disappearing into the water off the coast of San Diego, sparking renewed national interest into the existence of UFOs.
The video was captured on July 15, 2019 by a Navy aircraft and recorded
in the USS Omaha's Combat Information Center. According to Corbell, the object is believed to be a transmedium spherical vehicle
approximately six feet in diameter.
Read and watch here:
Everything wrong with the Biden military in one paragraph
Biden's Pentagon is headed by defense secretary Lloyd Austin, a swamp creature and rabid
leftist. As Austin made clear with his first act on the job, when he stood the military down for 60 days, his primary
goal isn't Americans' defense. Instead, it's to purge "extremism" from the military - although he never
gets around to defining that term. To further this goal, Austin appointed Bishop Garrison, a Critical Race Theory
fanatic, to conduct his purge. Under Garrison's aegis, the plan is to use a third party to spy on troops, an action
that clearly violates the Constitution.
Read more here:
"Biden" DOJ Drops Charges Against Terrorist Antifa, Adds Up More Charges
Against Capitol Protesters
The Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) has been zealously pursuing anyone remotely involved with the unarmed, half day riot
at the Capitol on January 6. In many cases suspects were held without bond on minor charges as the Feds try to build stronger cases. While called a ‘deadly insurrection' by partisans and
the establishment media, only one unarmed rioter died as a result of the, at times, violent Capitol riot. One officer and
three protesters outside the building died of natural causes or pre-existing conditions.
Read more here:
CDC Director Dr. Walensky says it's 'possible' COVID could have leaked 'from a
lab' and House Intel GOP publishes report stating there is 'significant circumstantial evidence' virus escaped from Wuhan
The COVID-19 virus could potentially have escaped from a laboratory, one of the most senior health officials in the U.S. conceded on Wednesday,
as House Republicans published their own report claiming there is 'circumstantial evidence' that the virus originated in a Wuhan facility.
The U.S. government has been at pains to downplay speculation that the virus was the result
of an accident in China - although they are calling on Beijing to be more transparent about their role. They insist that it is far more likely that
COVID-19 originated with animals, and spread naturally to humans.
more here:
Turkey calls on International forces to conquer Jerusalem: ‘Zechariah's
Gog-Magog prophecy'
When all the nations of the earth gather against her. In that day, I will make Yerushalayim a stone for all the peoples to
lift; all who lift it shall injure themselves Zechariah 12:3 (The Israel BibleTM)
After a cabinet meeting at the Presidential Complex in Ankara late Monday,
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan held a media conference in which he called on the UN, UN Security Council, Organization
of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and other international organizations to take action focusing on wrestling Jerusalem away from
Read more here:
La Nina Turbocharges Drought In Brazil Putting World's Coffee, Sugar, & Oranges
At Risk
Global crop and food prices are skyrocketing to multi-year
highs, and the culprit could be due to La Nina, a weather pattern characterized by the cooling of the equatorial Pacific and triggers atmospheric shifts that cause droughts
in some regions of the world and wetter conditions in others. The prospect of a severe drought in the US has already be outlined
in previous notes. Now it appears the worst drought in 20 years has struck agricultural rich Brazil.
Over the last month, Brazil has been faced with drought during its traditional rainy season.
Read more here:
They're Really Sinking Their Teeth Into Us Now As The 'Tinfoil Hat Wearing Conspiracy
Theorists' Are Proven Right Once Again
Passports, Social Credit Scores And 'The Great Reset' Being Unveiled Before Our Very Eyes
With the 'big news' out of Europe that 'fully-vaccinated' Americans are once again
free to travel to there, with Europe approving Covid-19-vaccine passports for those who've had all their 'vaccines',
as the top-voted comment on this Daily Mail story reporting on the roll out of 'vaccine passports' for Europe pointed out:
And yet again the 'tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists' are proven 100 percent correct.
Read more here:
***** BULLETIN ***** "Russia will not tolerate any more civilian casualties
in Gaza" Israel INCREASES attacks!
Now you know why stock
markets are plummeting and gold is rising today (Story HERE)
is a direct and blunt warning to the state of Israel that they must stop the bombing of civilians in the Gaza Strip.
It is a warning coming from the second most powerful country on earth.
more as information becomes available. Updates to appear below . . .
UPDATE 12:51 PM EDT -- Netanyahu: "Israel is not ruling out a ground invasion of the Gaza
UPDATE 12:56 PM EDT -- Palestinian
President: Israeli attacks in Gaza are war crimes. No elections without Jerusalem, "whatever the price."
Read more here:
federal government of the United States is offering farmers 1.5 times the value of their crops . . . if farmers DESTROY
those crops! If farmers decline the "offer" that same government will stop all farm subsidies for refusing.
HOLODOMOR 2.0 guys. It can happen again. The same people that have brought you 100s of
millions of dead last century using famine, are in power now in the US and most of the world. They used food as a weapon
in places like Ukraine and the former Soviet Union, and now they're going to try to do the same thing here in the USA.
Read and watch here:
Are You Ready for the EVERYTHING Shortage?
For several months, many of my articles covered the global shortages and coming shortages facing the worldwide economy. My articles warn of food, chip, fuel, and commodity shortages. I also wrote about inflation, crop failures, and scarcity of any goods that consumers may need or want.
Some readers may feel it was
a bit like paranoia and overkill at the time.
Guess what?
Read more here:
Federal Law Prohibits Mandates of Emergency Use COVID Vaccines, Tests, Masks -
3 Resources You Can Use to Inform Your School or Employer
federal law, employers and universities cannot legally mandate COVID vaccines because they are unlicensed Emergency Use Authorization
products which are, by definition, experimental.
With more than 100
U.S. colleges mandating COVID vaccines for in-person attendance and schools enforcing mask mandates, it's critical
people understand their rights.
The bottom line is this: mandating products
authorized for Emergency Use Authorization status (EUA) violates federal law as detailed in the following legal
Read more here:
The Canadian theology professor Dr. Pierre Gilbert during a lecture in 1995 warned
of a coming mandatory vaccine containing liquid crystals that, when exposed to magnetic frequencies, turn vaccine recipients
into "zombies."
In a 2016 experiment,
synthesized proteins were inserted into a VIRUS, where they were injected into brains of mice to ultimately
control the reward/motivation centers of brain using magnetic fields.
theology professor in 1995 warned of mandatory vaccines containing magnetized particles that would turn recipients "into
Read more here:
Shortages Keep Getting Worse Despite Claims That Economy Is Improving
They keep telling us that economic conditions are improving, but if that is true why are
the shortages worse than ever? For a moment, I would like to take you all the way back to 2019. Before the pandemic
came along, we didn't have any shortages. If you wanted something, you just went to the store and got it or you ordered
it online. Prices were low, global supply chains were functioning smoothly, and to most people it seemed like it would
stay that way for the foreseeable future. But then the pandemic hit, and "panic buying" caused short-term
shortages of certain items such as toilet paper and hand sanitizer. It was understandable that people would want to
hoard those things, because there was a lot of fear in the air. But we also knew that those shortages were only going
to be temporary.
Read more here:
How Bill Gates & Big Pharma used children as "guinea pigs"...and
got away with it.
We've seen a lot of India in the news recently. A lot more than we usually do. There's an apocalypse of sorts going on there, if the popular media is to be believed. But as is often the case, these reports are devoid of any context or perspective.
While the world's media can't get enough of India today, in its rush
to support a narrative of terror about Covid-19, twelve years ago when there was a real story going on there, the world's
media was nowhere to be seen.
Read more here:
is on fire" - Heraclitus (535-475 BC)
What Heraclitus meant
was that the world is in a constant state of flux. But the big problem in the next few years is that the world will experience
a fire of a magnitude never seen before in history.
I have in many articles
and interviews pointed out how predictable events are (and people). This is particularly true in the world economy. Empires
come and go, economies boom and bust and new currencies come and without fail always go. All this happens with regularity.
Read more here:
Nike, American Airlines and Coca-Cola are slammed by Consumers' Research for using 'woke politics'
and support of BLM to 'distract from their hypocritical failings'
American Airlines and Coca-Cola have been accused of putting 'woke politicians' ahead of their customers.
The three companies were targeted in a $1million ad campaign by Consumers' Research, a
nearly 100-year-old conservative-leaning watchdog.
30-second Nike advert, entitled with Cover, begins with a picture of former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick and describes
Nike as 'constantly political.'
Read more here:
Producer Prices Surge to Record Highs in New York, Reinforcing Consumer Inflation
A new report by the New York Federal Reserve showed
that May manufacturing prices in New York state soared to record highs, providing yet another data point in support of the
view that more consumer price inflation may be on the horizon.
The monthly Empire State Manufacturing Survey,
released Monday, shows that both input prices and selling prices rose at a record-setting pace in May. The survey's prices paid index hit
a record 83.5 in May, while the prices received index rose to 37.1, also the highest level in the history of the series.
Read more here:
Governor Cuomo Commits Treason: Implements Communist Chinese
Covid Pass Against American Citizens in New York State
Jones breaks down how New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is implementing the Chicom Covid Pass against Americans in his own state.
Watch here:
Ex-Space Force Commander: Dept.
Of Defense Teaching That 'Whites Are Inherently Evil'
Space Force Commander Matthew Lohmeier, who was demoted last week for speaking out against critical race theory infiltrating the US military, told Sean Hannity on Monday that the Department of Defense under Lloyd Austin is teaching that "whites are inherently
"There were videos being sent out to every base, service member, that
we were asked to watch in preparation for our extremism down days and discussions on race in which we were taught that the
country was evil, that it was founded in 1619 and not 1776, and that whites are inherently evil," Lt. Col. Lohmeier said.
Read more here:
Amazon's Ring is the 'largest civilian surveillance network the US has ever seen'
with one in ten police departments using video from doorbell cameras, warns security expert
Amazon's Ring doorbell camera 'is effectively building the largest corporate-owned, civilian-installed
surveillance network that the US has ever seen,' it has been claimed.
stark warning came from Lauren Bridges, a PhD candidate at University of Pennsylvania, who told The Guardian that one in ten police departments around the country have access to video from the civilian cameras after the company
partnered with more than 1,800 local law enforcement agencies.
raises serious concerns that cops are able to request Ring videos from members of the public without a warrant, which she
claims is deliberately circumnavigating the Fourth Amendment - the right not to be searched or have items seized without a
legal warrant.
Read more here:
Pentagon launches program to surveil military personnel's social media
The Pentagon is planning on launching a program that would screen military personnel's
social media for "extremist material" - looking to retain a private firm to do the digging in order to circumvent
First Amendment protections, according to a report.
Internal Defense Department
documents reviewed by The Intercept reveal that Bishop Garrison, a senior advisor to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin tasked with addressing "extremism"
in the armed forces, is currently in the process of designing a social media screening program which will "continuously"
monitor for "concerning behaviors."
Read more here:
Why Are Gates and Pentagon Releasing "Gene Edited" (GMO) Mosquitoes
in Florida Keys?
On April 30 the Florida Keys Mosquito Control
District and the Oxitec biotechnology company announced they will begin release of what will ultimately be some 750 million
genetically manipulated or gene-edited Aedes Aegypti mosquitos using CRSPR gene editing technology. The Aedes Aegypti makes
up only about 4% of the mosquito population in the Keys. The release is bitterly opposed by residents and environmental groups
who demanded a referendum in last year's election ballot, but which the Mosquito Control Board refused, curiously. Oxitec
and the Board claim the release is to kill off the presence of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito which is believed to carry dengue
fever, Zika and other diseases.
Read more here:
BOMBSHELL: Connecticut govt. secretly tells health care workers covid vaccines
are DEADLY, but withholds the same information from the public
(Natural News) Today we bring you a shocking true story about covid-19 vaccines, the government of Connecticut, and an open admission that
vaccines contain dangerous, even deadly substances (spike proteins) that are documented and known to cause vascular damage
to human beings.
It's all admitted right in the open, in these Connecticut
government documents shown below, which admit these vaccines can be fatal. The original documents used in this research may
be found at the following links: (all PDF docs)
Read more here:
Now 20 US states liquefy vaccine-murdered people and spread their flesh goo on
food crops as "fertilizer"
(Natural News) Now 20 US states have legalized the practice of liquefying dead people, dumping their flesh goo down the sewage drains,
harvesting the sewage as "biosludge" and spreading it on food crops as a form of fertilizer. (See absolute proof
of this in the state government links below.)
Welcome to 2021 in America,
where the dead are liquefied and fed to the living, almost like a scene ripped right out of The Matrix.
Read more here:
Delta Air Lines FORCING new employees to get vaccinated against coronavirus
(Natural News) Delta Air Lines has required all of its new employees to get the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, making it one of the first and largest companies in the United States to
mandate vaccinations.
"Any person joining Delta in the future - future
employees - we're going to mandate they be vaccinated before they can sign up with the company," said Delta CEO Ed Bastian
during an interview.
Read more here:
Colonial Pipeline's network goes down AGAIN as the South
still suffers under fuel shortages - but operator insists that it wasn't hackers this time
Colonial Pipeline is having network issues preventing shippers from planning upcoming shipments
of fuel, just after the nation's biggest fuel pipeline reopened after a week-long ransomware attack.
The disruption was caused by efforts by the company to harden its system as it restores service
following the cyberattack, and was not the result of a reinfection of its network, Colonial said Tuesday.
The company did not say when the issue would be fixed, but said it was still delivering
products that had already been scheduled by shippers.
Read more here:
A New Brain Implant Turns Thoughts Into Text With 90 Percent Accuracy
Texting might not be faster than speech, but for many of us it's a natural way to communicate.
Thanks to a new brain-computer interface (BCI), people with paralysis can now do the same-with
a twist. By imagining the motions of writing letters, a man with spinal injury was able to translate thoughts into text, at
a speed that rivals thumb typing on a smartphone. At 90 characters per minute and an accuracy of over 90 percent after autocorrect,
the system leapfrogs every record previously accomplished using neural implants.
Read more here:
As 'Woke' Propaganda Pushes America Closer To Barbaric Totalitarianism,
The Colossal Red Pilling Of America Continues As The 'Awakened' Work To Tear Down The Globalists House Of Cards
- 'Woke' Has Its Roots In Tyranny As Millions Of Leftists Work To Enslave Themselves
Over many years now, we've seen how a visit to the many comment sections of news websites
across the internet can give us a deep look into how many people are really 'awake' compared to how many people are
just 'woke', and for those who are not aware, there is a HUGE difference.
While the term 'woke' has sprung up in leftist vernacular over just the past few years, the term 'awake'
has been around for longer in America than 'woke' has, and it describes a much different vision of 'reality'
than 'woke' purports to do, though 'woke' has its historical roots in totalitarianism.
And while visits to the comment sections of stories from left-leaning or right-leaning
websites always are sure to bring up viewpoints 180 degrees opposed to each other, taking visits to websites such as the Daily Mail, where all sorts of different people go to comment, and looking at their comments and the 'up votes and down votes'
on them gives us a much better indication of just how many people are now 'awake' vs those who are 'woke'.
Read more here:
Nobel Winner: Artificial Intelligence Will Crush Humans, "It's Not Even Close"
From the Dept. of People You Should Really, Really Listen To.
It's common knowledge, at this point, that artificial intelligence will soon be capable
of outworking humans - if not entirely outmoding them - in plenty of areas. How much we'll be outworked and outmoded, and
on what scale, is still up for debate. But in a new interview published by The Guardian over the weekend, Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman had a fairly hot take on the matter: In the battle between AI and humans,
he said, it's going to be an absolute blowout - and humans are going to get creamed.
"Clearly AI is going to win [against human intelligence]. It's not even close," Kahneman told the paper.
"How people are going to adjust to this is a fascinating problem."
more here:
Silver Bull Will Match Crypto Madness! Plus Dollar Troubles
And A Look At Gold
Graddhy out of Sweden: I posted the
big breakout 2 weeks ago. As expected, it held last week, backtesting blue support line. This week we are breaking away from
blue support line. If you do not think a bull in best-of-the-best junior pm miners can match a crypto bull, think again.
Read more here:
US, China in a new no-rules nuclear race
US commentariat is ringing alarms about China's nuclear rearmament and apparent new second-strike reaction capability
There seems to be a growing feeling in certain circles in America that the next nuclear
arms race is at the gates.
In recent days, two American journalistic heavyweights,
David Ignatius and Fred Kaplan pointed to the ongoing nuclear and missile rearmament process in China. The fundamental
point is that according to opinion-makers China has acquired second-strike nuclear reaction capability.
Read more here:
Why The Zombifying Effects Of Vaccines Threaten Our Future And
Transform Once Free People Into Obedient Slaves, Following One Another Blindly Like Sheep To Their Doom
Tired of seeing people act like obedient slaves? We should have listened to the prophets!
Back in 1999 Christian visionary Kauko Loukas told about a dream that prompted him to study a small creature known as the thread-waisted wasp.
If we had listened, we could have been better prepared to deal with zombifying effects of vaccines that threaten
our futures today. The wasp's sting injects a paralyzing poison into other bugs who then become the alpha insect's willing
bond slaves, so to speak.
"This paralyzing doesn't mean the
bugs that are stung can't move," Loukas reported. "They can, but once ‘vaccinated,' they obediently follow
the wasp into its hole where it lays its eggs into the body of the bug.
more here:
Deadliest day yet in Gaza: Israel says it has killed 150 terrorists so far,
sunk a Hamas 'suicide submarine', and obliterated terrorist 'Metro' network of tunnels as Netanyahu defies Biden's call for
a ceasefire
Benjamin Netanyahu last night defied Joe Biden's call for a ceasefire as Israel continued bombardments which they say have killed more than 150 terrorists in the Gaza Strip.
The US President 'encouraged Israel to make every effort to ensure the protection
of innocent civilians' and 'expressed his support for a ceasefire' during their phone call as it emerged that 42 Palestinians
were killed on Sunday in the deadliest day of the conflict so far.
more here:
Exclusive: Inside the Military's Secret Undercover Army
The largest undercover force the world has ever known is the one created by the Pentagon over the past decade. Some 60,000 people now belong to this secret army, many working under masked identities and in low
profile, all part of a broad program called "signature reduction." The force, more than ten times the size of the
clandestine elements of the CIA, carries out domestic and foreign assignments, both in military uniforms and under civilian cover, in real life and online,
sometimes hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household name companies.
Read more here:
Tens of thousands of lives could have been saved if research on COVID treatments
hadn't been suppressed, doctors and economists say
The government's
'near complete' lack of guidance and research on treatment options - 'apart from vaccines' - is 'unconscionable,' said University
of Wisconsin critical care specialist Dr. Pierre Kory.
May 17, 2021 (Children's Health Defense) - Since the first days of the declared coronavirus pandemic, doctors faithful to their Hippocratic Oath have been searching for - and identifying - effective COVID-19 treatments.
In mid-November, Dr. Peter McCullough, vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center, and three
other experts outlined safe and available treatments for the Senate's influential Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee.
Read more here:
"The Truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far worse than your darkest visions and fears."
~ Hunter S. Thompson
I think Hunter S. Thompson is being
proven right by revelations becoming obvious daily. I'm a natural skeptic, so I rarely believe anything I'm told without verifying
facts, analyzing data and understanding the motivation of those making declarations and assertions. For most of my life I
thought I generally understood how the world worked.
Doubts about my understanding
began to creep into my mind between 2000 and 2008, as I watched my government cover-up the truth about 9-11, use it to institute
an Orwellian surveillance state through the Patriot Act, invade Iraq based upon a false narrative of WMD and links to 9/11,
and watching those controlling the Federal Reserve create the bubble and follow it up with a housing bubble - all
done to benefit Wall Street banks, billionaires, connected politicians, and Deep State apparatchiks.
Read more here:
THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION-PART 10: The Difference Between Demonized Humans And
Soulless Hybrids
Whereas physical and spiritual sickness was
and can be healed (including when it is the result of demonism), a question of significantly greater distress arises over
genetically altered humans known as "Nephilim" and whether such creations had a redeemable soul in the Judeo-Christian
sense (i.e., the soul of a human as different than the nature of any animal in that man alone was made in God's image and
the essence of the human person is capable of union with God now and transcendence from mortal to redeemed immortality after
death). The debate over this question extends as far back as the early church fathers, throughout the Middle Ages, and especially
during the Inquisition by the Roman Catholic Church. One of the foremost figures of the twentieth century and a pillar of
both the Irish and British literary establishments, William Butler Yeats, examined this subject in his Sea Stories Notes concerning
Abbot Anthony and his confrontation with human chimeras:
Read more here:
Sweden Records More Than 30K Cases Of Side Effects Tied To COVID Jabs
As Europe pushes ahead with its vaccination program, the Nordic countries are reporting
a surge in damaging side effects. In the country, the tally has surpassed 30K with the majority of these reactions reported
in patients who received the AstraZeneca jab.
Sweden's Medical Products
Agency reported that as of last week, the Scandinavian nation had tallied 31,844 reports of adverse reactions linked to its
vaccine rollout.
Read more here:
Trainee nurse, 18, who received the AstraZeneca vaccine is hospitalised
with THREE severe blood clots after doctors dismissed her symptoms and sent her home THREE times until she could barely breathe
A young nursing student has been hospitalised with three blood clots on her right lung
just three weeks after receiving the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine.
Ellie Peacock, who works on a casual team
that is exposed to potential Covid-positive patients, was given her first dose of the vaccine on March 31, a week before the
government advised under 50s against receiving the AstraZeneca jab.
Therapeutic Goods Administration is investigating and is yet to make a determination on Ms Peacock's case but she believes
the blood clots were linked to the vaccine.
Read more here:
Japan Forbids Blood Donations by Covid-19 Injection Recipients
From Japan Red Cross website at 3/31/21 and 4/13/21:
Those who have received vaccinations within a certain period of time.
Those who have received inactivated vaccines for influenza, Japanese encephalitis, cholera, hepatitis A, pneumococcus,
pertussis, tetanus, etc. and toxoids are not allowed to donate blood for 24 hours after vaccination.
Those who have received hepatitis B vaccine are not allowed to donate blood for 2 weeks after vaccination,
those who have received anti-HBs human immunoglobulin alone or in combination are not allowed to donate blood for 6 months
after administration, and those who have received rabies vaccine (after being bitten by an animal) are not allowed to donate
blood for 1 year after vaccination.
Read more here:
Vaccine Passports: Ticket to Orwellian Nightmare
The Deep State's push to mandate vaccine passports for COVID would be a precursor to an Orwellian
future of social control and worse, warns host Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. After the passport, the
same totalitarians want to inject people with microchips to prove their health status and much else. Communist China's totalitarian
"social credit" score system looms large in the background. Nazi "papers please" ideology is also sparking
alarm. The Great Reset-pushing World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation are at the forefront of peddling this,
along with the Council on Foreign Relations, basically Deep State HQ in America. Humanity must resist.
Watch here:
Civil Disobedience Becomes A Sacred Duty When The State Has Become Lawless Or
"Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when
the state has become lawless or corrupt. And a citizen who barters with such a state shares in its corruption and lawlessness."
~ Mahatma Gandhi (2012). "The Essential Gandhi: An Anthology of His Writings on His
Life, Work, and Ideas", p.144, Vintage
We are now at the
threshold of hell concerning our natural rights and freedom. This evil government and its controllers have destroyed our sacred
lives through lies, deceit, theft, plotted divisive policies, torture, isolation, dystopian mandates, crippling orders by
executive fiat, and murder. This is not hidden; it is open and exposed, but the people have ignored the blatant nature of this conspiracy to take over humanity, and instead have as expected by their masters, acquiesced to every command given.
Read more here:
The Corona Plandemic Is a Play, a Swindle
It's High Time We Understood That We're in the Midst of a Global Crime...
Medical Doctors Declare That The Plandemic Was Planned
A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information' made a shocking statement during a national press conference: (1)
‘The Corona panic is a play. It's a scam. A swindle.
It's high time we understood that we're in the midst of a global crime.'
Read more here:
COVID-19 Cases Plummet in India as They Distribute Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine
India has received the baton for title of COVID Capitol of the
World after China, Italy and the United States held it for much of last year.
world second-most populace country after China had fewer than 138,000 total active COVID cases in early February 2021. That's
the lowest figure since January 2020. India active COVID cases sit around 3.6 million today, according to the India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Mainstream media are blaming the massive spike on a "scary, mutant variant" called B.1.617.
Read more here:
Severe Computer Chip Shortage Will Last "A Few Years"
- Could Plunge Global Economy Into Utter Chaos
Of all the shortages
that we are currently facing, the global computer chip shortage may be the most serious. That is because the chip shortage
is expected to last "a few years", and just about every sector of the world economy will be dramatically affected
by this. When people think of products that contain computer chips, they tend to think of electronic devices such as
televisions, phones and laptops. But computer chips are in thousands of other products as well. They are in the
vehicles that we drive, they are in the toys our children play with, and they are in the heavy machinery that farmers use
to produce our food. Without computer chips, our society as it is constituted today simply could not function, and so
this is a really big deal.
Read more here:
Scientists build army of 1 million microrobots that can fit inside a hypodermic
Honey, I shrunk the robots.
A four-inch wafer of silicon has been turned into an army of one million microscopic, walking robots, thanks to some clever engineering employed by researchers at Cornell University in New York.
In a paper, published Wednesday in the journal Nature, a team of roboticists detail the creation of their invisible army of robots, which are less than 0.1mm in size (about the
width of a human hair) and cannot be seen with the naked eye. The robots are rudimentary and are reminiscent of Frogger, the
famous 1980s arcade game. But they take advantage of an innovative, new class of actuators, which are the legs of the microrobots,
designed by the team.
Read more here:
***BREAKING NEWS - URGENT - Connecticut Publishes Moderna COVID Vax Ingredients: DEADLY POISON
"SM-102 - Not for Human or Veterinary Use"*** [Read and reread! PMB]
The Connecticut Department of Public Health has published the Ingredients list for the Moderna COVID "Vaccine"
and that data sheet confirms it contains a chemical "SM-102."
SM-102 Material Safety Data Sheet describes this chemical as "NOT FOR HUMAN OR VETERINARY USE"
Here is the information published by the Connecticut Department of Health about the Moderna
COVID Vaccine, which lists its INGREDIENTS:
Read more here:
The End Of The World As We Knew It Has Already Happened,
What Is Left Are Shortages, Outages, Anarchy And Chaos - Just Look Around At What Is Happening Right Now
We, and others, write about worst case scenarios, about how the time is coming where the
world as we once knew it is gone, but a look around the nation right now, compared to a few years ago, makes it crystal clear
that the days warned about for so long, are already here.
headlines and the worsening of class, race and political warfare, along with deterioration of supplies, from gas to food,
to lumber, to appliances and more, proves the point that "normal" doesn't exist anymore, and we will never have
what was normal just years ago, back again.
Read more here:
No Relief In Sight: Food Prices Will Continue To Go Up
Anyone who has been to the grocery store lately has likely noticed the spike in food prices.
But most are warning that because this is a hyperinflation situation, we should be expecting the prices of food and other
necessities to continue to go up.
According to a report by Yahoo News, food price inflation, on a 12-month unadjusted basis, is running at 2.4% and was up 0.4% in April, the largest increase since October 2020. Overall
inflation is running at 4.2% the largest 12-month increase since a 4.9% increase for the period ending September 2008. Even
that's likely a dramatic understatement based on the fact that most report an over 20% rise in food costs.
Read more here:
Connecting the Dots On the Plot to Oppose the Globalist Takeover By Returning
Trump to Power (Part 2)
I am going to present a paradoxical set
of circumstances and allow the reader to connect the which emanates from the facts and circumstances presented in Part One.
After reading Part One, have you connected the dots? If note, please consider the following
Revelation From Part One-Election Audits
and An Important Court Case
The Maricopa County Audit and Paul
Preston's law suit against California for using illegal ballots is making the enemy of the American people visible. Both of
these audits could prove successful, but there is nobody to enforce the rule of law. They are all Democrats. Remember, a target
is being painted on those who stole the election on behalf of the Biden administration.
Read more here:
Something Wicked This Way Comes
I feel like we are in the beginning of an evil sci-fi or dark dystopian movie.
We have the mainstream media in tears now, asking, "how will we know who is vaccinated and who isn't?"
Show me your PAPERS! Well if your "Vaccine" actually works who cares?
Now there are hours of videos out there with people able to stick magnets to their injection site. Some have even carried it further and used stud finders and metal detectors. Also a compass seems to go crazy at the
injection site. One problem, I haven't been able to verify this in NC. But I have friends in other states who have witnessed
it with their own eyes. What does this mean?
Read more here:
Dr. Lawrence Sellin: ‘Fauci Still Funding Gain of Function
Research... Chinese Military Involved'
Dr. Lawrence
Sellin was on the War Room with Steve Bannon yesterday. The frequent contributo at The Gateway Pundit discussed the activities
between China and the US related to COVID-19 and similar viruses.
more here:
This Is What Life Is Really Like
in The Worst-Case Scenario
Life on Planet Earth
will NEVER be better than it is right here, right now, today.
Don't believe me? Keep reading.
It's not only about the slow-death jab causing MITOCHONDRIAL CANCER from spike protein
cytokine storms and prions sucking up the last remaining molecules of oxygen from your lungs, heart and brain over an agonizing
5 [to max 10] year period from jab to grave.
It's not only
about the mad cow prions which are going to turn quackccinated human beings into stark-raving mad lunatics on their journey
through the Land of the Walking Dead Lepers, it's quite a lot more than that...
Read more here:
The CDC's "Crimes Against Humanity" for Allowing 12 to 15 Year-Olds to be Injected with COVID Bioweapon Shots
Many honest doctors and scientists have now come forward to
explain that the experimental new COVID shots are "bioweapons," and that is the term I am going to start using when
referring to them.
As we have reported over the past several months, these
shots do not meet the legal definition of a "vaccine." See:
Dr. David Martin on Experimental mRNA COVID Vaccines: This is NOT a Vaccine! It is a Medical Device
They were issued emergency use authorization illegally to test
on the public, because the COVID-19 "virus," or at least the people who get sick with symptoms related to the definition
of "COVID-19", have multiple treatment options to successfully cure this sickness, making a new, novel pharmaceutical
product to be tested on the public completely unnecessary. See:
Read more
The Pentagon Inches Toward Letting AI Control Weapons
Drills involving swarms of drones raise questions about whether machines could outperform
a human operator in complex scenarios.
Last August, several dozen military
drones and tanklike robots took to the skies and roads 40 miles south of Seattle. Their mission: Find terrorists suspected of hiding among several buildings.
So many robots were involved in the operation that no human operator could keep a close
eye on all of them. So they were given instructions to find-and eliminate-enemy combatants when necessary.
Read more here:
Americans Are Fed Up And Fighting Back Against The Indoctrination Of Their Children Into This Radical
Leftist Agenda
- 'The left is going to get the
pendulum back in their face so hard they won't know what happened'
days ago, we'd reported in this ANP story titled "Communist Divide & Conquer Techniques Being Used Against Americans: Free Americans Must Go To War Against 'Critical
Race Theory' Or We'll Go The Way Of All Totalitarian Regimes" that all across America, we are witnessing the organized destruction of the USA and now we get more signs that
'destruction' is moving heavily into US institutions across America and Americans are fed up and fighting back.
Warning within that story that the 'Critical Race Theory' now being taught in
schools all across America and being implemented in businesses and government agencies nationwide was nothing less than the
indoctrination of Americans into a white-hating, totalitarian new world order, as the Daily Mail reports in this new story, the United States 'Space Force commander' was just fired from his job for also warning of the spread of 'Critical
Race Theory rooted in Marxism' throughout the entire US military.
more here:
STUDY: Vaccine Trial Participants Not Sufficiently Informed of Risks From Experimental
The current COVID crisis has seen an unprecedented
push by governments and pharmaceutical firms to wave normal regulatory protocols and licensing of vaccine products under the
increasingly dubious guise of "Emergency Use Authorization." Recently, concerned scientists have sought to audit the ongoing pharmaceutical clinical trials by exploring the issue of the informed consent. Research concludes that the forms provided to participants in corporate pharmaceutical trials for the current range of experimental
COVID vaccines are woefully inadequate and clearly obfuscating health risks to those involved.
According to a recent study conducted by Timothy Cardozo and Ronald Veazey
entitled, "Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID‐19 vaccines worsening clinical disease," data reporting reveals that no sufficient literature exists "to require clinicians to disclose the specific risk
that COVID-19 vaccines could worsen disease upon exposure to challenge or circulating virus."
Read more here:
Second Stage Terror Wars
know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
William Casey, CIA Director, Feb. 1981
It is well known that the endless US war on terror was overtly
launched following the mass murders of September 11, 2001 and the linked anthrax attacks.
The invasion of Afghanistan and the Patriot Act were immediately justified by those insider murders, and subsequently the wars against Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.
So too the terrorizing of the American people with constant fear-mongering about imminent Islamic terrorist attacks from abroad
that never came.
Read more here:
Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement
("Eugenic Goals Are Most Likely to be Obtained Under A Name Other Than Eugenics." Frederick Osborn,1968)
The developers of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine have previously undisclosed ties to the
re-named British Eugenics Society as well as other Eugenics-linked institutions like the Wellcome Trust.
On April 30, AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford announced a "landmark agreement"
for the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. The agreement involves AstraZeneca overseeing aspects of the development as well
as manufacturing and distribution while the Oxford side, via the Jenner Institute and Oxford Vaccine Group, researched and
developed the vaccine. Less than a month after this agreement was reached, the Oxford-AstraZeneca partnership was awarded
a contract from the US government as part of Operation Warp Speed, the public-private COVID-19 vaccination effort dominated
by the US military and US intelligence.
Read more here:
Polish-Canadian Pastor Arrested For Holding Church Says Someone Tried To Burn
His House Down
Artur Pawlowski, the Polish immigrant
to Canada who was recently arrested for holding church services despite orders from the government to cease religious worship
due to unscientific COVID-19 lockdowns and went viral after throwing out police and health officials while calling them Nazis
and gestapos, says someone tried to burn down his home in a Facebook post containing video of the blaze.
"Someone tried to burn my house down! Price of fighting for Freedom," wrote
Pawlowski. "Please, pray for our enemies!" Pawlowski uploaded video showing at least five firefighters outside what
appears to be a residence. Smoke billows in the background, lit by the lights from emergency response vehicles. The fire appears
to have been started at a shed outside Pawlowski's house, and fire fighters are seen removing wood to better access the flame.
Multiple police officers are seen in the video, including one who huddled with fire fighters before taking photos of the damage.
When police asked for a statement, a woman - ostensibly Pawlowski's wife - is heard telling the police officer that she discovered
the fire when her neighbor alerted her. "Half an hour ago my neighbor was putting the garbage, nobody was here,"
the woman told police.
Read more here:
About one-third
of military service members are refusing to take the coronavirus vaccine. In some units, refusal rates exceed half of all
members. That was up until a few days ago when Commanding General MG JP McGee issued new guidelines for unvaccinated soldiers
of the 101st Airborne Division.
Read and watch here:
Netanyahu Warns "We'll Do Whatever It Takes To Restore Order
And Quiet" After Nearly 3,000 Rockets Are Fired At Israel
If you were running a country and somebody decided to fire close to 3,000 rockets at your cities, what would you
do? I know what I would do, and it wouldn't be pretty. Every nation on the entire planet has a right to self-defense,
but right now Israel is being savagely attacked by the left and by corporate media outlets all over the globe for simply choosing
to defend itself. Of course if 3,000 rockets were fired at Washington D.C. or New York City, many of those same voices
would be calling for all-out war. The hypocrisy that we are witnessing right now is staggering. Hamas made the
decision to start lobbing hundreds and hundreds of rockets at Israel, and now they are paying a great price for doing so.
During an appearance on "Face The Nation" on Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that his nation
will continue to do "whatever it takes to restore order and quiet"...
Read more here:
Lara Logan: ‘They're Not Journalists. They're Political Assassins'
- Epoch Times
"Our profession today is unrecognizable,"
says award-winning journalist Lara Logan. A former correspondent for CBS' "60 Minutes" and now host of Fox Nation's
"Lara Logan Has No Agenda," she's been at the frontlines for years reporting on war zones, gang warfare, Benghazi,
and beyond. And she's seen the transformation of media from what it was meant to be, with many journalists blurring the lines
between fact and opinion. "They're not journalists. They're political assassins, working on behalf of political operatives
and propagandists," Logan argues. What are the root causes of this shift? And how are a lot of media working hand in
hand with big tech companies to shape narratives and public discourse? This is American Thought Leaders, and I'm Jan Jekielek.
Watch here:
Megadrought Nightmare: No Water For Crops, Horrific Wildfires,
Colossal Dust Storms And Draconian Water Restrictions
The megadrought
that has almost the entire western half of the country in a death grip is starting to become extremely painful. In some
areas, irrigation water is being totally cut off for farmers, and that is going to result in a totally lost year for many
of them. Without water, you simply cannot grow crops, and irrigation water is the difference between success and failure
for multitudes of western farmers. Scientists are also warning that this upcoming wildfire season could be even worse
than last year due to the bone dry conditions. For me, it is difficult to imagine a wildfire season that is any worse
than what we experienced in 2021. But this is what they are telling us. This megadrought has already been going
on for many years, and experts are giving us very little hope that things will improve any time in the foreseeable future.
In fact, CBS News is reporting that this current drought is in danger of evolving into a "permanent drought"...
Read more here:
Science Journals Support Claim that Pfizer Covid Vaccine May Cause Deadly Neurodegenerative
A recent article published in the scientific journal
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases makes the claim that the mRNA Pfizer Covid vaccine may contain prions which
cause deadly neurodegenerative disease, sometimes called "Creutzfeldt-Jakob" or "Mad Cow" disease.
The article, titled "COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease," was published in January of 2021 and has been studiously ignored by major media, which has focused its efforts on encouraging
individuals to take the jab.
Read more here:
30 Yrs Ago, Dr. Robert Willner Accused
Anthony Fauci Of Genocide - Watch
Chinese Military Scientist Suspected
of Involvement in COVID-19 Creation Elected to American Academy of Microbiology
Chinese military scientist suspected of involvement in COVID-19 creation elected to American Academy of Microbiology
Adding global insult to injury, in February 2021, Shibo Jiang was elected to the American Academy of Microbiology.
Shibo Jiang, now Professor and
Director, Institute of Medical Microbiology at China's Fudan University in Shanghai, obtained his MS and MD degrees from the
First and the Fourth Medical University of the People's Liberation Army (PLA).
Read more here:
Bitcoin vs. Gold: A Tired Debate
vs. Logic
We've written elsewhere about the ironic over-use of logic to justify otherwise illogical biases.
As Swiss-based precious metals
professionals who see physical gold and silver as currency protection outside of an openly illogical (and dangerously fractured)
banking system, it is more than fair for some to challenge our own "logic" (bias?) when it comes to precious metal
Read more here:
Go out and ABUSE people who aren't wearing a Covid mask
- that's the message from China Joe's "science" regime
(Natural News) In a recent tweet, senile Joe "China" Biden wrote: "If you see someone in a mask, "please treat them
with kindness and respect." Meaning if you see anyone without a mask, do not treat them with kindness or respect. In
fact, that probably means they voted for Trump, so you should then go full ‘Mad-Max' on them and "form a crowd and push back on them," and "let them know they are not welcome here."
Most conservatives know by now that the pandemic was a scam to cast a hundred million
"mail in" ballots that were all made in China and used for Joe Biden only. That's why the mask is a scam too. A
control scam. That's why, according to the China Joe Regime, the "rule is simple, get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do."
Read more here:
A Global Financial Fire Is Coming And Investors Must Get Prepared Now
Egon von Greyerz at Matterhorn Asset Management (based in Switzerland): What
Heraclitus meant was that the world is in a constant state of flux. He explained it further by stating that "No man ever
steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and he is not the same man."
So even though the world is in a constant state of change, history still rhymes
even though it doesn't repeat itself.
have, in many articles and interviews, pointed out how predictable events are (and people). This is particularly true in the
world economy. Empires come and go, economies boom and bust and new currencies come and without fail always go. All this happens
with regularity.
Read more here:
THEY KNEW The Catastrophic Outcomes Of Their Technology, Denied Therapeutics And Rolled Out Their ‘Vaccines'
...'The world needs a wake up call gentlemen...and we're
gonna phone it in'...(Gilbert from the 1998 John Carpenter movie ‘THEY LIVE')
In the recently published article ‘COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease' by J.
Bart Classen, MD, Dr. Claussen states in the introduction of the writing: ...'The Pfizer RNA based COVID-19 vaccine was
approved by the US FDA under an emergency use authorization without long term safety data. Because of concerns about the safety
of this vaccine a study was performed to determine if the vaccine could potentially induce prion based disease.'...
Read more here:
***Dr. Carrie Madej tells the Health Ranger that covid vaccines use exotic nanotech
for tracking and bio-control*** [Watch !!!!, PMB]
Western U.S. may be entering
its most severe drought in modern history
Extreme drought across
the Western U.S. has become as reliable as a summer afternoon thunderstorm in Florida. And news headlines about drought in
the West can seem a bit like a broken record, with some scientists saying the region is on the precipice of permanent drought.
That's because in 2000, the Western U.S. entered the beginning of what
scientists call a megadrought - the second worst in 1,200 years - triggered by a combination of a natural dry cycle and human-caused climate change.
Read and watch here:
Why the intense U.S. drought is now a megadrought
Almost the entire Southwest is mired in various stages of drought as of April 21, 2021, resulting
in falling water levels at the nation's two largest reservoirs, Lake Mead and Lake Powell. The consequences could be unprecedented. For the first
time in Lake Mead's 85-year existence, water levels may drop below a point this summer that triggers water cuts in Arizona and Nevada. (This would largely mean cuts to farmers and agriculture.)
Read more here:
The FBI Seized Heirlooms, Coins, and Cash From Hundreds of Safe Deposit Boxes
in Beverly Hills, Despite Knowing 'Some' Belonged to 'Honest Citizens'
Victims of the FBI's constitutionally dubious raid say they've been told to come forward and identify themselves
if they want their stuff back.
Dagny discovered that the FBI
had seized the contents of her safe deposit box-about $100,000 in gold and silver coins, some family heirlooms like a diamond
necklace inherited from her late grandmother, and an engagement ring she'd promised to pass down to her daughter-almost by
She'd been asked by a friend to recommend a convenient and secure
location for keeping some valuables. Dagny searched Yelp to find the phone number for U.S. Private Vaults, a Beverly Hills
facility where she'd rented a safe deposit box since 2017. That's when she saw the bad news.
Read more here:
They Are Going To Get Somebody Killed - Liberal Media Puts
Targets On The Backs Of Conservative And Independent Journalists
While social media has been documented as censoring conservatives and Independent thought, in favor only allowing
information they deem acceptable, we are seeing a massive uptick now of liberal media and MSM directly and blatantly targeting
conservative and Independent Media websites.
Examples discussed below
include a recent Intercept "deceptive hit piece" which against two conservative reporters, as radical left-wing
reporters, such as GQ's Julia Ioffe are saying that Fox News doesn't deserve the constitutional right of freedom of the press
or free speech afforded under the First Amendment.
Read and watch here:
A Bill That Removes Fauci from His Position Is About to Hit Congress
A new bill has been introduced that would fire Dr. Anthony Fauci from his position as
the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
has served as a White House adviser on COVID-19 under Joe Biden as well as former President Donald Trump.
An explosive new bill, which is titled "Fauci's Incompetence Requires Early Dismissal Act" is being introduced by Republican Rep.
Warren Davidson of Ohio.
The FIRED Act, which will likely never pass in
the Democrat-controlled House, seeks to impose a retroactive 12-year term limit on the job Fauci has held since 1984.
Read more here:
Lockdown-sceptic rock star Eric Clapton blasts vaccine safety 'propaganda' and
claims he had a 'disastrous reaction' to AstraZeneca Covid jab which made him fear he'd never play again
Eric Clapton has hit out at 'propaganda' over vaccine safety, claiming he suffered
alarming side effects after his Covid jabs.
The legendary guitarist, a
lockdown sceptic, said his hands and feet became 'useless' - prompting fears he would never play again.
In a message to his music producer, he said: 'I took the first jab of AZ [AstraZeneca] and straight away had severe reactions which lasted ten days.'
more here:
***COVID Vaccine Trials In Animals Were Stopped Because They Kept Dying, Revealed
In Texas Senate Hearing*** [Read & Reread, PMB]
was revealed recently during the Texas Senate Committee hearing that COVID-19 vaccine trials in animals were stopped because they kept dying.
This past week the Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs took testimony
from Texas physicians regarding mandatory vaccination and Vaccine Passports in Texas - the Senate Bill SB 1669: Stop Forced Vaccination and Vaccine Passports in Texas.
Read and watch here:
Alien Languages May Not Be Entirely Alien To Us
Human contact
with alien civilizations may be more likely than we think. A recent NASA study estimated that there should be at least four
habitable planets (and probably more) within about 32 light years of Earth-a cosmic stone's throw away. Those planets could
just now be receiving (albeit faintly) our television broadcasts of the 1989 inauguration of President George H.W. Bush. But
would aliens understand those broadcasts? Would we understand aliens? Could we ever interpret their languages? The 2016 movie
"Arrival" portrayed scientists frantically scrambling to decode an alien language. Although the on-screen aliens
communicated-and even thought-in a completely different way from humans, the hero played by Amy Adams of course eventually
succeeded. But off-screen, alien language may be so, well, alien that we could never understand anything about it. How do
we approach dealing with something so completely unknown that it may also be completely different from anything we might expect...
Automata, or at least stories about them, have a long history in mythology and ritual.
Classical mythology is replete with narratives of artificial women and men; figures such as Prometheus, Daedalus and Icarus
are associated with the production of mechanical men. Hellenistic legends detailed the pitfalls of synthetic life. The folklorist
Adrienne Mayor has written that among the ancients ideas about making artificial life ... were explored in Greek myths. Beings
that were ‘made, not born' appeared in tales about Jason and the Argonauts, the bronze robot Talos, the techno-witch
Medea, the genius craftsman Daedalus, the fire-bringer Prometheus, and Pandora, the evil fembot created by Hephaestus, the
god of invention... Think of the monk as a precursor to questions that theologians will be forced to consider in the coming
decades. Far from being a niche concern, the fact that artificial intelligence will radically alter theology is of significance
to all of us, regardless of our own beliefs and sectarian allegiances, because it will reshuffle the parameters and definitions
of religion in potentially inconceivable ways... (READ MORE)
According to Enoch, two hundred powerful angels departed "high heaven" and used
women (among other things) to extend their progeny into mankind's plane of existence. David Flynn referenced an interlinear
Hebrew Bible that offers an interesting interpretation of Genesis 6:2 in this regard. Where the King James Bible says, "The
sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair," Flynn interprets as, "The B'nai Elohim saw the daughters
of Adam, that they were fit extensions" (emphasis added).[i] In other words, they wanted to incarnate themselves into the material world. The New Testament also suggests this idea when
Jude, the brother of our Lord, wrote, "And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation
[oikētērion]" (Jude 6). This Greek term, oikētērion, is used by Paul in 2 Corinthians
5:2 to denote the transfigured body given to believers in heaven. This implies that these fallen angels indeed sought to extend
part of themselves into earthly bodies. The rendering "fit extensions" seems applicable when the whole of the ancient
record is understood to mean that the Watchers wanted to leave their proper sphere of existence in order to enter Earth's
three-dimensional reality. They viewed women-or at least the women's genetic material-as part of the formula for accomplishing
this task.
Read more here:
Grocery Shelves Often Empty Long Before COVID; What Americans Can Expect in the
Americans continue to be warned about how the computer chip shortage will delay our ability to buy new cars, smartphones, and other electronics. Now that we've entered into a new phase
of COVID, Full Measure reveals what to expect when we shop for other items like foods and of course, toilet paper.
Read more here:
Science Journals Support Claim that Pfizer Covid Vaccine May Cause Deadly Neurodegenerative
A recent article published in the scientific journal
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases makes the claim that the mRNA Pfizer Covid vaccine may contain prions which
cause deadly neurodegenerative disease, sometimes called "Creutzfeldt-Jakob" or "Mad Cow" disease.
The article, titled "COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease," was published in January of 2021 and has been studiously ignored by major media, which has focused its efforts on encouraging
individuals to take the jab.
Read more here:
The End Is Very Close Now, And Most Americans Have Already Submitted To Their
"Governments don't want a population capable of
critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively
accept their situation. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important
land. They own, and control the corporations. They've long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state
houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control
just about all of the news and information you get to hear."
Is this country facing the end of times? Are the people in this country oblivious to any reality or truth, or are they simply consumed by ignorance, passivity,
cowardice, and mediocrity? Will this onslaught of tyranny by the controlling class and the politicians continue unabated,
or will enough wake up in time to stand against the total decimation of their lives, their property, their freedom, and their
Read more here:
AMAZON'S IMPENDING TAKEOVER: The One-Stop Shop for Smart Cities with Digital Currency Control
This sounds like a dystopian science fiction movie, but unfortunately,
it's already in the works, they are just putting the final touches on their master plan. A "smart city?" The only
shop for products, food, and healthcare while tracking us? A biometrics palm scanner? All autonomous vehicles and public transit?
No more cash or credit cards - all digital currency? The ability to freeze our accounts or prevent us from purchasing certain
items? Does this sound crazy? It should! Let's take a look at the rollout and possible ways to navigate and combat some of
Amazon's been quite busy progressing in areas most people are unaware
of. This goes far beyond taking out the little guys - they're going for the middlemen, and heading straight for your family.
How are they pulling all of this off?
Read more here:
COVID Deaths Plummet As Excess Mortality Falls To Pre-Pandemic Levels
In any given year during the past decade in the United States, more than 2.5 million
Americans have died - from all causes.
The number has grown in
recent years, climbing from 2.59 million in 2013 to 2.85 million in 2019. This has been due partially to the US's
aging population, and also due to rising obesity levels and drug overdoses. In fact, since 2010, growth rates in
total deaths has exceeded population growth in every year.
Read more here:
High fuel prices and shortages hit trucking industry, as nation critically needs gasoline and goods
Lee Klass is a long-haul trucker who has spent most
of the past 50 years working behind the wheel.
The cost of doing his
job spiked dramatically this week.
Klass, 73, drives a Freightliner.
He's not hauling gasoline, but he's feeling the pinch of fuel shortages and higher prices in the wake of the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack. He's paying $3.60 a gallon, far more than the $2.50 to $3 a gallon he paid during much of the pandemic.
Read more here:
Dollar Debasement Makes Gold and Silver Shine
Financial writer, market analyst and precious metals expert Craig Hemke predicted last year (about
this time) that silver was headed way up. It was up more than 45% for 2020 and was one of the best performing assets
of the year. Now, Hemke is predicting "another 45% rise for silver" and a nice ride up for gold, too.
Hemke explains, "Look at all of the commodities here. Lumber is up five times. Iron ore is at new all-time
highs. Soybeans are at new multi-decade highs. Corn, which goes into everything . . . and all these commodities
are taking off, which is, in large part, a dollar debasement story. . . . The idea that ‘inflation is transitory' is
bogus. . . . We just got news that McDonald's and Amazon are raising their minimum wage to attract workers. That's just
more dollars being pushed out. You have more dollars pushed out chasing a finite or decreasing amount of goods because
of the supply chain problems around the world. This is a double edged sword and why inflation is not ‘transitory.'
This is why rates are going to stay higher, and that's why these negative real rates are going to get even deeper.
The markets are going to figure this out, and the prices of precious metals are going to surge in the back half of the year-again."
Read more here:
Cybersecurity tycoon Kaspersky claims CIA hackers could actually be behind US
Colonial Pipeline attack blamed on Russian group
A cyberattack
that crippled fuel supplies on the East Coast of the US and sent gas prices soaring could have been an inside job conducted
by American spooks, rather than foreign hackers, a prominent Russian IT expert has claimed.
After a massive systems failure caused the Colonial Pipeline to shut down, Natalya Kaspersky, the founder and former
CEO of security software firm Kaspersky Lab, as well as one of Russia's wealthiest women, made the explosive suggestions in
an interview with RIA Novosti on Friday. She alleges that the US' top foreign intelligence agency, the CIA, has a crack team
of digital warriors who are able to masquerade as overseas hacking groups.
more here:
Persecuted Anti-Lockdown Pastor Warns ‘Medical Tyranny' Is Already Here
"We have no rights whatsoever. What we have right now is some kind of a hybrid between
fascism and communism," says Artur Pawlowski
Canadian anti-lockdown
pastor Artur Pawlowski spoke with Fox News on Friday to warn of fascism creeping into the free world under the guise of COVID
public safety.
In an interview on "The Ingraham Angle",
Pawlowski, who was recently arrested and put in solitary confinement for holding a church service in defiance of Canadian lockdown rules, explained that the current
COVID measures are producing a "hybrid" of fascism and communism.
and watch here:
Tucker Carlson: New CDC Mask Rules ‘a Troubling Development' for Power-Hungry
"When everybody was told to wear masks, you could
instantly identify party faithful on site. They were the ones obeying the rules. But now that the rules have changed, what
do we do?" he says of Democrats.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson
broke down how the Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) new recommendations to lift mask mandates for vaccinated individuals
spells trouble for Democrats vying for power.
In his opening
monologue of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on Friday, Carlson explained that the CDC's easing of mask restrictions also
means easing the newfound political powers the Democrats have gained during the COVID pandemic.
Read and watch here:
Space Force Unit Commander Removed From His Post For Decrying Marxism in the Military
A commander of a US Space Force unit was fired and put under investigation for anti-Marxist
comments he made during a podcast.
Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, a former
fighter pilot, was a commander of a unit that detected ballistic missile launches and was relieved of his duties on Friday
by Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, reported.
Read more here:
The Poles Are Shifting, the Magnetic Field Is Flipping and This Will Get Really
The shield that protects the Earth from solar
radiation is under attack from within.
We can't prevent
it, but we ought to prepare.
One day in 1905, the French geophysicist
Bernard Brunhes brought back to his lab some rocks he'd unearthed from a freshly cut road near the village of Pont Farin.
When he analyzed their magnetic properties, he was astonished at what they showed: Millions
of years ago, the Earth's magnetic poles had been on the opposite sides of the planet. North was south and south was north.
The discovery spoke of planetary anarchy. Scientists had no way to explain it.
Read and watch here:
They're Setting
Us Up For The Kill: Warnings That 'The Vaxxed' Are Now Ticking Time Bombs As The Globalists 'Trojan Horse Bio-Weapons'
Are Unleashed Upon America
Why Are More And More Of The
Fully 'Vaccinated' Catching 'The Covid'?
With the 'huge
news' on Thursday that 'vaccinated' Americans can once again 'resume normal life' following fuhrer
Biden's big Rose Garden announcement that "the rule is simple, get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. The choice is yours", someone should ask Biden and his CDC why more and more people who've been 'fully vaccinated' are 'catching
Covid,' well after their 'vaccinations'.
With a perfect
example of that being this May 14th Zero Hedge story reporting 8 fully 'vaccinated' New York Yankees players and staff had come down with Covid following their 'vax', how many more 'ticking time
bombs' are walking the streets of America, thinking they're safe from catching or spreading Covid since they'd been vaxxed,
with dreams of 'normal life' returning to the heads of millions?
Read more here:
EXCLUSIVE: Minister of Transport approved Chinese fighter pilot training in Canadian
The scandal was first mentioned as a throw away line
in a CBC News story from 2020 on the increased fighter jet air traffic over London, Ontario:
Have you
noticed fighter jets flying over London? Here's why: Right now the Malaysian air force is training in the skies over the Forest
But in typical CBC fashion, the real story is buried way
down in the article.
A private company called ITPS Canada is training foreign fighter pilots on "aircraft to aircraft combat, aircraft to ground combat and aerobatics",
according to the statement given by Giorgio Clementi the owner of the company.
Read more here:
Amazon confirms plans on removing NAC supplements
Amazon confirmed this week it's in the process of removing from its website dietary supplements
containing NAC (N-acetyl-L-cysteine).
FDA last year asserted in warning letters that NAC couldn't be lawfully marketed in dietary supplements because it was first studied as a drug in 1963. The Council
for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) made legal arguments challenging the agency's position in a 2020 letter to FDA.
The controversy
puts an online retail giant like Amazon in a pickle: It must essentially pick a side in the fight between FDA and industry-Either
continue to sell NAC-containing supplements and risk FDA enforcement action, or remove the products from its website.
Read more here:
Fauci Admits - Roughly half of NIH employees have chosen not to get vaccine...
Watch here:
Where to Get Expert Advice for an Uncertain Future
Everybody keeps optimistically talking about "getting back to normal" or even worse, the
"new normal," like it's happening tomorrow. Meanwhile, to those of us who are truly paying attention and seeing
things as they are, the actual situation is not really looking better.
more here:
A Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer
The noose is dangling gently around our necks. Every day, they cinch it tighter. By the
time we realize it's strangling us, it will be too late.
Those who - gradually
and gleefully - sacrifice their freedoms, their autonomy, their individuality, their livelihoods, and their relationships
on the altar of the "common good" have forgotten this is the pattern followed by every totalitarian regime in history.
Everyone wonders how ordinary Germans could have been manipulated to participate or stand
dumbstruck while their government was transformed into a genocidal juggernaut. This is how. Read Sebastian Haffner's Defying Hitler memoir to see how this can happen anywhere-including here.
more here:
Is creepy facial recognition app that claims to find ANYONE online
a stalker's dream? found it DID recognize celebrities and people from their Twitter bios, identifies
25% of ordinary people and links back to social media accounts
the controversy surrounding Polish-based facial recognition software PimEyes, an extensive test of the search engine shows
that it has trouble identifying ordinary people.
Of the more
than 25 searches performed by, the AI-powered system had varying levels of trouble with 70 percent of photos,
including rotated images or those that are slightly blurred.
and celebrities seemed to be fairly accurate, but only 25 percent of results were entirely accurate for the average person.
Read more here:
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Uncovered - A Direct Link Between the Chinese Military
and a Major Pentagon-Funded Virus Research Center
Largely based
on an examination of Chinese-language documents and scientific publications, we believe that the Military Veterinary Research
Institute and the Institute of Zoonotic Diseases in Changchun, Jilin Province, China, led by People's Liberation Army General
Ningyi Jin and retired General Xianzhu Xia, are core elements of China's biowarfare program.
Read more here:
The Engineered EXTERMINATION of the Human Race ("Covid-19
has spotlighted the promise and peril of ‘transhumanism,' the idea of using technology to overcome sickness, aging and
death." -Official spin)
Seems extreme but genocide
certainly fits the Illuminati banker's transhumanist agenda. Remember they destroyed the economy for a "virus"
with a death rate of 1/4 of one percent. They actually "think they're going to transition from carbon-based
life to silicon-based life by "uploading" their consciousness into machines" and leave this planet's smouldering
"Building their massive fleet of space exploration
ships, terminator robots and silicon-based domination systems for Earth and other planets requires immense resources. Those
resources - water, minerals, land, energy, etc. - are currently being consumed by the billions of human beings who inhabit
the planet."
To understand why the globalists are
actively working to exterminate the entire human race, you have to first understand their plans for themselves. They believe
in transhumanism and think they're going to transition from carbon-based life to silicon-based life by "uploading"
their consciousness into machines.
Once they are in the machines, they believe, they will have infinite power, immortality
and the ability to expand and conquer the entire universe. In essence, they believe they will become gods.
Read more here:
The Conditioning and Behavioral Control of Americans Is Firmly
in Place, And Many People Fail To Prepare For The Complete And Utter Chaos That Is Coming
~ Aldous Huxley, Robert S. Baker, James Sexton (2002). "Complete Essays:
1956-1963, and supplement, 1920-1948", Ivan R. Dee Publisher
take on the control mechanisms present many decades ago was correct, but currently, in this country alone, there are hundreds
of millions that are under the spell of conditioning, indoctrination, and manipulation by the very few. It takes little effort
or imagination in today's environment to see just how weak and controlled are the American people, as they don masks, close their businesses, abandon family, tattle on their neighbors, adhere to
all orders given them, and idly watch as their lives are at once controlled and destroyed in open sight. This is all happening
for the sake of fraud based on needless fear.
Read more here:
The Mask myth unmasked- On The Agenda Determines The Science
. . . (You've probably noticed that the Globalist front group masquerading as our government tends to make up "the science"
and "the data" as it goes along.)
You've probably
noticed that the Globalist front group masquerading as our government tends to make up "the science" and "the
data" as it goes along.
It started with the mind-bogglingly inept
"mathematical" predictions of its appointed doomsayer Neil Ferguson.
Then it continued through the arbitrary rules of social distancing, the continual mis-use of the useless PCR test
go spawn thousands of false diagnoses, fake infections stats, false fatality stats, flexible diagnostic criteria, the invention
of variants and so forth.
Read more here:
Psychopath Fauci Targets American Children: "Unvaccinated Kids Must Wear
Watch here:
Dominion, Maricopa County Rebuff Arizona Senate's Attempt to Get Election Machine
Dominion Voting Systems and Maricopa County officials
are refusing to hand over passwords for election machines to auditors in Arizona.
Dominion said in a statement to news outlets on May 13 that it would
comply with the audit, but Cyber Ninjas, the firm hired by the Arizona Senate to conduct it along with three other companies, is not accredited
by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.
"Releasing Dominion's
intellectual property to an unaccredited, biased, and plainly unreliable actor such as Cyber Ninjas would be reckless, causing
irreparable damage to the commercial interests of the company and the election security interests of the country," Dominion
said. "No company should be compelled to participate in such an irresponsible act."
Read more here:
Wisconsin Senate approves bill to dissolve dead bodies, dump them in sewer
Alkaline hydrolysis, or 'water cremation,' which involves liquifying the human body and
dumping the remains into the sewage system, is already approved in 20 states.
Wisconsin, May 13, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) - Wisconsin senators approved a bill earlier this week allowing dead bodies to be dissolved in a chemical bath and disposed
like sewage.
The bill, Senate Bill 228, authorizes a practice called alkaline hydrolysis, or "water cremation," which liquifies the human body using a
mixture of water, heat, and chemical agents, leaving only bones behind. The liquid is then dumped into the sewage system or
boiled off, and bones can be crushed and deposited in an urn.
Read more
China's Tianwen-1 mission nails historic rover landing on Mars
On Friday, the "footprint" of a Chinese robot imprinted on the surface of Mars,
making China just the third nation to safely reach the surface of the red planet. The ambitious Tianwen-1 mission was China's
first attempt at reaching the surface of another planet.
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Real-Life Bond Villain Klaus Schwab Wrote the Script for Covid-19 Lockdown Takeover
Alex Jones breaks down how Klaus Schwab's playbook for the takeover of society
uses Covid-19 as the pretext to expand the globalists' authoritarian hold on humanity.
Watch here:
Russia Turns Back U.S. Military
Convoy in Syria Confrontation
Russia's military stopped and turned
back a U.S. convoy in Syria as friction grows between Washington, D.C., and Moscow over each other's roles in de-escalating
conflict in the country.
The Russian Defense Ministry's Syria reconciliation
center said on Thursday that six American MRAP-type armored vehicles had taken an "uncoordinated route and without prior
notice" in the Kurdish-held Syrian province of Hasakah.
Read more
Daughter, 21, who ‘stabbed mum to death & cut out her beating heart' laughs in court
when asked if she's sorry
A YOUNG woman accused of stabbing
her own mother to death and cutting out her beating heart laughed in court when asked if she was sorry, it is reported.
Anna Lejkovich, 21, allegedly killed her mum, 40-year-old Parascovia Leicovici - but is
expected to receive a reduced sentence because of her gender because of laws in Moldova.
Read more here:
Gas runs out in Joe's backyard: 88% of D.C's gas stations
are empty as fuel price climbs to $3.04 a gallon after Colonial Pipeline reopens: Russian hackers DarkSide 'shut down' after
getting $5M ransom
The Russian hackers behind the Colonial Pipeline
attack now claim they are shutting down after getting a $5 million ransom - as nearly 90 percent of Washington DC's gas
stations ran out of fuel and the national average price climbed to $3.04 a gallon.
The US capital almost ran out of gasoline on Friday despite the country's largest fuel pipeline reopening
and ramping up deliveries in the wake of the cyberattack that shut down the system for six days.
DarkSide, the Russian-based group responsible for crippling the pipeline, has now claimed
they've shut down amid pressure from the US government and probing from law enforcement.
Read more here:
Military Veterans Say 'We Are So Screwed' As Both CIA And Army 'Woke' Recruitment
Videos Shows Why Our Adversaries Are Laughing At Us
Back during
the Obama regime, when images of cadets, in uniform were widely circulated, showing them in bright red high heels, I
thought it seriously offered a horrible image of America and her military, and considered it a very low point in our recent
history regarding the image we want our adversaries across the world to see, or not see.
One would think our government would have learned a lesson from the reactions, mostly laughter and disgust, but obviously
they did not and are doubling down on "wokeness," which must have our rivals laughing hysterically at America.
Read more here:
This is NOT a drill: Countdown to mass FAMINE has begun,
and people you know will starve and die
(Natural News) The engineered mass famine in America is now under way, with the deep state sabotage of the Colonial Pipeline already causing
trucking to suffer fuel shortages across Southeast states, impairing some food deliveries. If this pipeline is not fully restored
in the next 72 hours or so, food shelves in some areas will go empty and panic will take hold across the
populations there. Already, over a thousand gas stations have run out of gas, and people are so desperate to stock up on gasoline
that the federal government had to issue a warning that tells people it's unsafe to store gasoline in plastic bags. (Yes, people are pumping gas into plastic bags. Welcome
to Third World America.)
Read more here:
McDonald's now functioning as vaccine propaganda arm of CDC,
meaning the government has recruited a junk food giant to push "public health" propaganda
(Natural News) The McDonald's fast-food chain has partnered up with the Biden regime to push overweight Americans who imbibe on Big Macs, McNuggets, and Diet Coke to go get their Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19)
injections as soon as possible.
Starting in July, McCafé coffee
cups will feature the Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) "We Can Do This" slogan alongside information
about how Chinese Virus vaccination is necessary, according to the government, in order to "safely" reopen society.
Read more here:
Antifa supporter calls for the systematic killing of white people
A purported Antifa supporter called for the systematic killing of white people. The shocking
incident was captured in a video shared on Twitter by independent journalist Andy Ngo.
Read more here:
Jordan and Israel Armies EXCHANGING GUNFIRE on Jordan Border
A very serious situation is occurring at the border between Israel and Jordan at the West
Bank; troops from both Jordan and Israel are now exchanging gunfire.
hours of clashes between Jordanian unarmed civilians and US controlled/trained Jordanian security and military forces of Jordan
at the borders with the West Bank in the Jordan Valley; the civilians managed to cut the fence and are pouring in to the West
Bank for the first time since 1967.
This has caused Israeli Defense Forces
to fire shots at those civilians, and in response, the Jordan Army has begun firing at the Israeli troops.
Read more here:
Coast Guard Reopens Lower Mississippi River After Closure Sparks Massive
Barge Jam
Update (1327ET): The US Coast
Guard has reopened part of the lower Mississippi River to vessel traffic near Memphis Friday afternoon after being shut down
for two days following the discovery of a bridge crack.
Read more
Communist Divide & Conquer Techniques Being Used Against Americans:
Free Americans Must Go To War Against 'Critical Race Theory' Or We'll Go The Way Of All Totalitarian Regimes
If you're even just a little bit like me, you must be looking out at America today and
wondering 'what in the world went wrong' to transform our once mostly-sane and mostly-free nation into what is has
become today, what Susan Duclos recently called the 'terrifying changes' happening to our nation every day with the total banishment of 'common sense' from large parts of the country.
Thankfully, we don't have to look too far at all to find one of the main 'culprits' in
what is nothing less than the 'planned takedown of America' and as we'll be exploring that within this ANP story,
nothing less than a classic Communist 'divide and conquer' strategy is now being used against America in what is known as 'critical race theory'.
Read more
A Society Based on the Social Credit System is Closer Than You Think
The social credit system took yet another step forward-this time, from Down Under. Under
the guise of a welfare crackdown, Australia moved 25,000 people onto a cashless card system that restricts non-essential purchases.
Read more here:
Police Issue 26 Churchgoers The Steepest Known Fines in North America for Attending
Police in Nova Scotia have fined 26 churchgoers a total
of $2,422 each for attending an "illegal faith gathering" on Sunday. This is believed to be the highest value of
fines handed out to individual parishioners in North America since the pandemic began.
Officers were called to Weston Christian Fellowship Church in Weston, N.S., where they found the service in progress. Nova
Scotia has one of the strictest rules in Canada, where it is illegal to have any in-person church service, irrespective
of the number of people or the space it is being done in. RCMP spokesperson Cpl. Chris Marshall explains:
Read more here:
It Took Just A Couple Of Days For Madness To Descend Upon America Once Gas Shortages
Did you react calmly when you learned that a cyberattack
against one of our most important pipelines was causing thousands of gas stations to run out of gasoline? Sadly, lots
of Americans didn't. There was yelling, there was screaming, there was lots of hoarding, vehicles were waiting in line
for hours at stations that still had gas, and there were reports that brawls were even breaking out between frustrated
motorists. Even though we knew that the shortages were just going to be temporary, people were "panic buying" gasoline as if the apocalypse had arrived. In fact, one energy expert said that this was "the worst panic buying for gasoline since the Carter Administration"...
Read more here:
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he take a Luciferian
initiation." The COVID vaccine is that initiation.
diabolical centuries-old plan to enslave humanity and control the world is nearing fruition.
People are being inducted into the Illuminati cult.
Satanic cults exploit and control their members by corrupting them physically
and morally.
The covid-scam is characterized by cult-like behavior:
the insistence on blind unquestioning compliance.
The mask signals
subservience. The vaccine is the digital-biological interface.
more here:
Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough on Worldwide Conspiracy to Suppress
Existing Drugs that Effectively Treat COVID Patients in Favor of "Vaccines"
To use an old cliché, "the cat is out of the bag."
For perhaps the first time since the COVID Plandemic started at the beginning of 2020, Americans who get most of their information solely through the corporate media, which is
heavily funded by Big Pharma, got a dose of reality on just what exactly has been going on for the past 16 months or so, thanks
to Tucker Carlson, and his 45-minute interview with Dr. Peter McCullough last week on his "Tucker Carlson Today" show on Fox News.
Read more here:
Gates - Buying the Press to Hide his True Nature
It has long been known behind the facade of the upstanding media that Bill Gates was not exactly
the quiet nerd. The information surrounding his arrest has been scrubbed, so all that remains is the fact that he was arrested
for a traffic violation with no other details. It is not likely he was arrested for just speeding. Gates has been hiding out
in California for perhaps the last three months. That makes him a resident, and he should be hit with California state income
taxes since they need so much money these days.
Read more here:
IT'S WAR!: Israeli Forces Strike Gaza As The World Braces
For A Horrific Conflict In The Middle East
It appears that Israeli statements about the conflict have caused much confusion among news outlets. Earlier in the
day Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus had told the press that there were Israeli ground troops "attacking in Gaza", but
now he has told reporter Alex Ward the following: "Clarification: there are currently no IDF ground troops inside the Gaza Strip. IDF air and ground forces are carrying
out strikes on targets in the Gaza Strip." So it appears that ground forces are being used to conduct strikes in
Gaza, but they have not officially crossed over into Gaza just yet. I apologize for any confusion, and we will continue to
monitor further developments.***
Read more here:
US Producer Prices Surge Most On Record
After consumer prices exploded higher yesterday - and were immediately rejected by establishment types as
‘transitory', despite the market's obvious disagreement - all eyes were on this morning's producer prices for signs
of more pressure.
Many were fearful of a repeat of last month's debacle delay (and there were rumors of a softer PPI print leaked earlier today)
more here:
Cop Who Allegedly Murdered Ashli Babbitt is a Black Lives Matter Militant
Apparently this hasn't gotten any attention... This is no different than any other police
shooting and they need to release his name officially. We know who did it, why are they ignoring it? If the DOJ will not release
the names it will be up to citizens like RedPilled Media and others to investigate it and get to the bottom of it.
Read more here:
Biden Plans Expansion of Feds' Army of Snitches in ‘Dollars for Collars'
How the administration plans on expanding its already
massive surveillance apparatus.
The Biden administration may soon recruit
an army of private snoops to conduct surveillance that would be illegal if done by federal agents. As part of its war on extremism,
the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) may exploit a "legal work-around" to spy on and potentially entrap Americans
who are "perpetuating the ‘narratives' of concern," CNN reported last week. But federal informant programs routinely degenerate into "dollars for collars" schemes that reward scoundrels
for fabricating crimes that destroy the lives of innocent Americans. The DHS plan would "allow the department to circumvent
[constitutional and legal] limits" on surveillance of private citizens and groups. Federal agencies are prohibited from
targeting individuals solely for First Amendment-protected speech and activities. But federal hirelings would be under no
such restraint. Private informants could create false identities that would be problematic if done by federal agents.
Read more here:
Israel's deadly deception: IDF TRICKED Hamas into believing
a ground invasion was underway... then obliterated tunnel network knowing militants would be hiding underground waiting to
ambush tanks
The Israel Defence Forces managed to trick Hamas
into believing a ground invasion was underway last night and then obliterated their tunnel network knowing militants would
be hiding underground waiting to ambush tanks and soldiers, reports in Israel claim.
There was confusion when the IDF said shortly after midnight that ground forces were 'attacking in Gaza', and later
suggested that boots were on the ground. A spokesman later retracted that statement - saying that military operations
were conducted along the border, but no Israeli troops had crossed it.
more here:
Banks planning to issue credit cards to people without credit scores: report
Multiple major U.S. banks are planning to begin sharing data on customer's accounts as
part of a government initiative to provide credit to those who don't have credit scores.
The Wall Street Journal reports that JPMorgan, Wells Fargo and U.S. Bancorp will begin considering an individual's checking or savings accounts at other
financial institutions to increase their chances of qualifying for a credit card. They would take into account an applicant's
account balance over time as well as their overdraft histories, people familiar with the matter told the Journal.
Read more here:
Video: Rand Paul Continues Fauci Feud; "He Could Be
Culpable For The Entire Pandemic"
"The person they
hired to investigate the lab for the WHO perspective is the guy who gave the money"
Senator Rand Paul continued to slam White House medical advisor Thursday, saying that Anthony Fauci could
be culpable for the entire coronavirus pandemic.
Paul was attacked by leftist media Wednesday for merely questioning Fauci's extensive role in granting funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology at a Senate
CNN's Anderson Cooper declared that Paul should "have more
respect at least for medical science."
Read and watch here:
Blackouts Threaten Entire U.S. West This Summer as Heat Awaits
(Bloomberg) -- First they struck California, then Texas. Now blackouts are threatening
the entire U.S. West as nearly a dozen states head into summer with too little electricity.
From New Mexico to Washington, power grids are being strained by forces years in the making - some of them fueled
by climate change, others by the fight against it. If a heat wave strikes the whole region at once, the rolling outages that
darkened Southern California and Silicon Valley last August will have been previews, not flukes.
"It's really the same case in different parts of the West," said Elliot Mainzer, chief
executive officer of the California Independent System Operator, which runs most of the state's grid. "It's revealed
competition for scarce resources that we haven't seen for some time."
more here:
24 Shocking Facts About Covid 19 And 'The Jab' That Prove
To The American People We're Being Lied To - Covid Provides The Big Pharma Mafia A New Revenue Stream For Decades
The information here has been summarized from the website No Jab For Me which provides source links and stands by their information.
in this site are substantiated with facts that will stand in a court of law. Informed Consent requires a flow of information.
Click on the hyperlinked sections to direct you to primary sources such as CDC, WHO, FDA documents.
Anyone trying to take down the website No Jab For Me will be named as codefendant in Nuremberg
2.0 for being an accomplice to crimes against humanity. That includes social media. Lawyers are standing by.
1. The FDA did not approve Moderna or Pfizer mRNA gene therapeutics they simply gave them "Emergency Use Authorization ".
AstraZeneca is being dropped by AT LEAST 24 countries.
3. The clinical trials for this EXPERIMENTAL jab will be completed in 2023 and you are the guinea pig.
4. The FDA
& CDC have not revealed to the public over 20 adverse effects, including Death, related to Covid19 injections.
Read more here:
'Biden Has Launched Full-Blown Assault On Constitutional
Rights' - Generals And Admirals Describe The Dangers Of The Biden Occupation In Dire Warning For America
As Joe Biden and his puppet masters rushed to undo as many of President Trump's actions
as possible in just the first week of the Biden/Harris occupation, just months later we see the brutal ramifications of those
Biden decrees.
A couple examples of those changes and the consequences
offered below.
The Middle East which was heralded as closer to peace than
ever before under President Donald Trump, is now exploding in violence.
America went from energy independence, the first time in since 1957, under Trump in 2019, to Biden shutting down the Keystone Pipeline, and one cyber attack managed to shut down a pipeline causing price hikes, long lines and stations running out of gas, within days of the shutdown.
Read more here:
Cyber experts warn $5M ransom payment to DarkSide hackers
will encourage MORE ransomware attacks on US: Biden says FBI cleared Putin of involvement but admits group IS in Russia
National security experts and members of Congress are expressing alarm that Colonial Pipeline
paid a reported $5 million ransom to Russia-linked hackers that held the key fuel pipeline hostage, saying it will only inspire
more attacks on critical infrastructure.
'If Colonial has indeed
paid, it unfortunately puts other US critical infrastructure providers even more in the crosshairs than they were before,' Brett
Callow, a threat analyst with Emsisoft, told on Thursday.
more here:
Israeli military launches MASSIVE bombardment of Hamas tunnels
stretching into the country as 160 aircraft drop 450 bombs on Gaza during devastating 40 minute onslaught: Death toll climbs
to 122 including dozens of children
Israel unleashed a devastating
show of force in the early hours of Friday with a massive barrage designed to take out a network of tunnels dug from Gaza
into Israel.
The Israeli Defence Forces said that 160 aircraft flying
simultaneously conducted a 40-minute attack on a network of tunnels dug by the Hamas, with 450 missiles dropped on 150 targets
in northern Gaza.
After the air strikes were launched, some 500 artillery
shells - some flares and some explosive - along with 50 tank shells were fired in a follow-up attack.
Read more here:
Divided We Stand: Why We Must Resist Political 'Unity'
We hear a lot about "unity" these days. The Biden administration promises and
even demands it. Meanwhile, Republicans (and some Democrats) charge the administration with hypocrisy because its radical
programs can't garner a legislative majority - let alone the consensus support the word "unity" implies. But the
charge of hypocrisy misses the point: The demand for unity is dangerous because it aims to undermine the genuine diversity
that is essential to a free people.
Read more here:
An Invisibility Cloak To Hide Earth From GREAT DECEPTION Aliens?
What would it take to hide an entire planet? It sounds more like a question posed in an
episode of "Star Trek" than in academic discourse, but sometimes the bleeding edge of science blurs with themes
found in science fiction. Of course we've been leaking our own position to distant stars via radio and television signals
for six decades now, largely ignorant of the cosmic implications. But several notable scientists, such as Stephen Hawking,
have publicly voiced concerns about revealing our presence to other civilizations. These concerns largely draw from the darker
chapters of our own history, when a more advanced civilization would subjugate and displace a less advanced one. It might
be too late for us to withdraw back into invisibility, but maybe not for other intelligent alien civilizations out there.
A far-off planet's inhabitants might prefer to hide from the likes of us. In 2016, my graduate student Alex Teachey and I
published a paper that proposes a way to cloak planets, as well as a way to... (READ MORE)
In 1988, an American science fiction-horror film, titled They Live (directed by John Carpenter),
depicted a nameless drifter-played by professional wrestler "Rowdy" Roddy Piper-who discovers the ruling elite are
in fact aliens that have hypnotized the human race and are managing human social affairs through subliminal messages concealed
in memes and mass media. In an important early scene, Nada, as the Piper character is called, notices strange behavior coming
from a nearby church and, upon further inspection, discovers that the church is a front, holding little more than cardboard
boxes and playing a fabricated choir from strange, scientific machinery in a back room. Within the walls of the counterfeit
church, Nada locates a hidden compartment containing another box. When the police tear down the building, driving its inhabitants
to escape, he returns to find that the box is still in the secret compartment, retrieves the box, enters an alleyway, and
opens it to learn that it contains multiple pairs of black sunglasses. He puts on a pair, discarding the rest, and soon discovers
they include a very special filter.
Read more here:
Ruling Class Says There's No "Shortage" Of Fuel, Then Blames The Shortage
On "Hoarders"
This is getting more and more difficult
to believe by the day. The ruling class has come out and said there is no gasoline or diesel shortage in the aftermath of
the shutdown of the Colonial Pipeline. They also said the shortage they claim doesn't exist is the fault of "hoarders."
Because of things like this, we constantly urge everyone who reads this site to use critical
thinking and discernment. The Biden administration denied there was a "shortage" and blamed "hoarders" for the "supply crunch." Apparently, "shortage" and "supply crunch" do not mean the same
thing to Sleepy Joe's people and the other tyrants running around.
more here:
I'm One of The Millions Who Have Chosen Not To Have a Covid Vaccine
- Does that mean I'm to be banned from planes, buildings & shops?
The mainstream media and the medical orthodoxy are adamant that everyone needs to get the jab - or face exclusion
from everyday freedoms and be shunned from society. Don't they realize how fascistic this view is?
This is not an anti-vaccine rant. It is a sober discussion of the matter of civil liberties.
Since March
2020, we have been forced to wear masks.
The mask is a crucifix. It signals
to society that you are a believer. (In Covid-19.) It tells society that you are compliant and have submitted.
Read more here:
Oops: MIT researchers infiltrate ‘anti-maskers,' but
find they ‘practice a form of data literacy in spades'
Massachusetts, May 11, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) - A group of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has released a research paper examining the scientific justification behind groups which challenge the purportedly scientific basis of restrictions introduced
on the back of COVID-19, admitting that such groups "value unmediated access to information and privilege personal research
and direct reading over ‘expert' interpretations."
The paper,
published in January and titled "How Coronavirus Skeptics Use Orthodox Data Practices to Promote Unorthodox Science Online,"
aimed to show how "activist networks of anti-mask users [a term used to describe lockdown protestors generally] leverage the
rhetoric of scientific rigor in order to oppose public health measures like mask mandates or indoor dining bans."
Read more here:
NY Professor Warns Basic Education Regarding America's Founding Being Replaced
With Globalist Indoctrination
Americans being taught to "bind
ourselves to the government apparatus"
During an interview with Tucker
Carlson, Nicholas Giordano warned that "This whole devaluing of America - and that's probably the biggest problem, because
with the citizenship exam and the Constitution exercise I do, it got me curious as to what students are actually learning."
Read and watch here:
Indian Health Ambassador Gets COVID Vaccine Live on TV to Show Everyone How Safe
It Is - Dies 2 Days Later
Indian Health Ambassador and
former comedian Vivek got his COVID-19 vaccine live on TV in late April to show everyone how safe it is.
The health ambassador died two days later.
Watch here:
Vaccine Virtue Signaling And The Cult Of Woke
All tyrannical systems need a large contingent of cheerleaders in order to survive and thrive; a
group of exploitable and devout acolytes that will carry the torch and evangelize the masses with the ideology of control.
Without this aggressive percentage of the population, totalitarians cannot remain in power. In the US and most of the west,
leftist ideologues have filled this role nicely. They claim they are fighting for the rights of the downtrodden but their
actions speak much louder than their words.
They have supported and viciously
defended nearly every draconian measure that governments and corporate elites have enacted in the past few years. They supported
mass censorship of conservatives and moderates by Big Tech companies. They supported national lockdowns which destroyed hundreds
of thousands of small businesses and violated the constitutional rights of millions of Americans. They continue to support
unscientific mask rules which have been proven to achieve nothing tangible in terms of preventing viral spread. They support
the use of "vaccine passports" which would effectively cut non-vaccinated people out of the normal economy and normal
society and drive them into poverty. And, now they are all over the web trying to propagandize for the jab.
Read more here:
Commanding General at Fort Campbell Issues New Guidelines
- Unvaccinated Soldiers Cannot Take Pass or Leave Base - Considered Non-Deployable
Recently, Commanding General MG JP McGee issued new guidelines for unvaccinated soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division
during a virtual town hall Tuesday night.
As of today, unvaccinated soldiers can not take a pass and can not take
Leave (which is earned from time served). And, according to our source, unvaccinated soldiers are now considered non-deployable.
Read more here:
Are Aliens Real? 5 Events That Might Make You A Believer
One of the most fascinating questions in the world is, are aliens real?
Opinions vary, and there is no public answer to this. Yet, through scientific research,
expert opinion, and government testimony, the truth is (probably) out there.
following 5 events should be enough to make even the most skeptical mind curious.
Read more here:
Sweden records 30,000 suspected side effects from Covid vaccines,
with AstraZeneca's jab linked to more than half of all reports
An official tally of suspected side effects resulting from Covid vaccination in Sweden has surpassed 30,000, with
the majority of cases occurring in people inoculated with AstraZeneca's shot.
According to the Swedish Medical Products Agency, as of last week, the Scandinavian nation had received 31,844 reports of adverse reactions linked to the rollout of Covid-19 vaccines. Sweden is currently offering three variants
of the drug. There are currently 2,103 reports of side effects from the Moderna shot, while the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has
been associated with 9,117 health issues. But the number of suspected adverse reactions from the two shots seems relatively
small when compared to the 19,961 reports linked to AstraZeneca's Vaxzevria.
more here:
Largest Rocket Barrage From Gaza Ever Hits Central Israel Amid Fears Of An Imminent
Palestinian militant rocket attacks and Israeli retaliatory
strikes have already created a worrying cycle of escalation in recent days.
Air raid sirens have been blaring across central Israel after the Al Qassam Brigades, the militant wing of the Palestinian group Hamas, announced that they had fired approximately 130 rockets toward Tel Aviv and other population centers to the north of the
Gaza Strip. This was in direct response to a series of Israeli airstrikes on targets in Gaza, most notably one that destroyed
the Hanadi Tower, a combined office and apartment building owned by Hamas. This also appears to be the largest rocket attack from Gaza aimed at central Israel ever and is the latest in a series of
escalating tit-for-tat actions between Israel and Palestinian militants in recent days.
Read more here:
'His mental and physical condition cannot be ignored': More
than 120 retired generals and admirals sign open letter questioning Biden's mental health and backing election fraud claims
A group of more than 120 retired military officers have written to President Joe Biden to tell him his election was less than legitimate - while questioning his mental acuity.
The letter echoes former President Donald Trump's claims of widespread election fraud - which have not been borne out in the courts - and comes on a day when Rep. Liz Cheney
ripped Trump for his claim that the election was 'stolen.'
fair and honest elections that accurately reflect the 'will of the people' our Constitutional Republic is lost,' the letter
from retired officers says.
Read more here:
Netanyahu vows to 'inflict blows that Hamas has not dreamed of'
prompting the Islamist group to fire 130 more rockets at Israel amid UN warnings of 'full-scale war'
Benjamin Netanyahu has threatened to 'inflict blows that Hamas has not dreamed of' prompting
Hamas to retaliate with 130 rockets of its own, as the deadly fighting in the middle east continued on Wednesday.
Israeli strikes killed several of the Islamist group's top commanders on Wednesday, and
destroyed another multi-storey building in Gaza City, as the U.N. warned of a 'full scale war' in the region.
Israeli fighter jets dropped two bombs on the 14-storey Al-Sharouk tower, which housed
the bureau of the Al-Aqsa television channel, and is the third tall structure in Gaza City levelled since the bombing campaign
began Monday.
Read more here:
The Fix Is In And Now The War Begins: Energy CEO Warns Of
Catastrophic Shortages For America In Days Ahead As Food Spoils And Disaster Movie Plays Out Before Our Eyes
- Supply Chain Hits Across The Board Prove That Preppers Were Right To 'Prepare'
With fights already breaking out in gas station lines now the 'new norm' as the Colonial Pipeline shutdown entered its fifth day, one fuel distributor in the state of Maryland recently warned
there will be 'catastrophic shortages' in the coming days, with John Patrick, the CEO of Liberty Petroleum telling Bloomberg News: "Governors should declare a state of emergency and ask people chasing tanker trucks to gas stations
to stay home. School buses stay put."
With fears
of gas shortages already prompting panic buying of gas, leading to numerous gas stations in many cities to restrict gas sales
if they hadn't completely run out of gas already, this story over at Truth About Cars titled "We Ran Out Of Fuel On The East Coast" hints of a disaster movie playing out before our eyes.
Read more
Wednesday 12 May: Fierce Fighting Continues Between Israel and Gaza Strip Factions. Death toll
in Gaza hits 53, including 14 children and 3 women, in addition to 320 injuries
Since yesterday when heavy fighting erupted between Israel and factions controlling the Gaza Strip, hundreds of rockets
and some missiles have been fired INTO Israel from Gaza and dozens of Israeli air strikes have hit Gaza in response.
As of 9:32 AM eastern US Time (New York City time) Explosions are being reported
across multiple cities, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ofakim, Beer Sheva and more, inside Israel. The image above shows an ammo
depot burning in Tel Aviv.
Hamas which governs the Gaza Strip tells the
Egyptian mediators that if their conditions are not fulfilled, they will use a 'previously un-seen weapon' to target Israel.
Read more here:
America needs to hear this. The audit
in Maricopa County is the last chance for America to stop the Biden team of communists from completing their destruction of
America while setting up the country to lose World War III. America is not paying attention to the audit and there is nothing
more important right now. If Arizona were to be flipped for Trump, the dominoes would begin to topple and many other swing
states would move in Trump's direction. This is particularly true if jaiL time was attached to corrupt election officials.
Trump won the election in Arizona by a massive 2-1 landslide. The numbers
from the audit have been leaked to me.
Read more here:
Def. Ministry expects escalation on border with Russia at any moment
Taran says Russia is in no hurry to fulfill its troops withdrawal promises.
Ukrainian Defense Minister Andriy Taran says Ukraine expects the situation on the border with the Russian
Federation may escalate at any moment.
Read more on UNIAN:
Why Are Gates and Pentagon Releasing "Gene Edited" (GMO) Mosquitoes
in Florida Keys?
Despite strong resident protests, the US
Environmental Protection Agency and Florida agencies have approved controversial release of millions of genetically-modified
or "gene edited" killer mosquitoes into the Florida Keys. At the same time the controversial Presidential Science
Adviser nominee of Biden is involved in development of the CRISPR technology being used to genetically modify everything from
the mosquitoes to the Pfizer and Moderna coronavirus mRNA "vaccines" to gene-edited salmon. How Bill
Gates, the Pentagon and the eugenics lobby come together now is alarming to put it mildly.
Read more here:
Warning Of Social Unrest: Out of Work, Out Of Food And Now
A Gas Shortage - As 'Free' Money Runs Out Tempers Flaring Higher Than Ever Before
Imagine filling up a balloon with either air or water, and keep pumping it full and fuller....eventually it is going
to blow.
That is what America is facing right now, as more and more problems
make it harder and harder to function and conduct normal patterns and routines, the more stress people are undergoing.
People are like that balloon right now, being filled with stress, fear, hunger and now
a gas shortage along with spiking gas prices, just to name a few stressors.
more here:
"O Zeus, why is it you have given men clear ways of testing whether gold is counterfeit
but, when it comes to fiat money, it carries no stamp of nature for distinguishing bad from good." - Euripides &
The Greek playwright Euripides' (450 BC) statement on gold
(slightly amended by me), tells us why it has remained money for 5,000 years.
Because gold is constant wealth and can't
be altered or forged successfully.
As regards distinguishing bad from
good fiat money, bankers and central bankers have made that task both ridiculously and criminally easy for us all.
Because there is no good fiat money.
Read more here:
The Deep State
Has Complete Dominion Over America! An Upcoming Collapse Is Planned With The Goal Of Total Destruction, Chaos And Disorder
The pyramid defines the power structure the majority of humanity is subject to, in even
the smallest details of our lives. This issue reveals the impending economic collapse, by explaining what is going on behind
the curtain and what is being hidden and why.
The vertical axis of the
pyramid represents; power, wealth, knowledge, etc. The shape of the pyramid describes the population distribution as measured
by the vertical axis. The great majority of humanity, we the people, are on the lower levels near the bottom of the pyramid.
The Controllers - The Powers That Be - the Deep State Elites occupy the lofty levels near the peak.
Read more here:
10 Things We Have Learned During the Covid Coup
One potential positive from the whole Covid-19 debacle is that we have learned an incredible amount
about the society in which we live. This will be crucial if we manage to stave off a descent into a nightmare future of techno-fascist
We will have a new understanding of what our world has become
and what we would like it to be in the decades and centuries to come. And "we" means we. While the majority have,
apparently, learnt nothing at all from what has happened, they will eventually catch up.
Read more here:
Now Michigan's Governor Wants to Shut Down ANOTHER Fuel Pipeline
As the entirety of the southeast United States hunts for gas and wonders if they are going to be able to make their way to their jobs the next day as a result of an alleged cyberattack
on the Colonial Pipeline, Michigan's Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, is now attempting to shut down another pipeline
running through her state.
As a result, the state of Michigan has told Enbridge, a Canadian energy company, that it has to shut down an oil and gas pipeline by May 11. What's even more
strange than closing down a pipeline at a time when the entire Southeast of the country faces a gas shortage is that Whitmer's
claims are not completely invalid as most hers tend to be. Whitmer and the state of Michigan are arguing that the pipeline
represents a potentially massive environmental disaster if the pipelines burst, leak, or are damaged.
Read more here:
It's Only Been 4 Months: Keystone Pipeline is Shut Down,
Gas Prices Are Highest in 6 Years, Gas Stations Are Out of Gas, And Gas Lines in Several States - Nice Work, Joe!
On Joe Biden's first day in office, he shut down construction of the Keystone Pipeline.
Canceling the Keystone Pipeline
costs over 11,000 construction jobs and 42,100 jobs throughout the US during the construction process
Read more here:
Do You Get The Feeling That Events Happening Now Are Leading Us Into An Endless
Global Nightmare?
2021 was supposed to be the year that life
went back to normal. Obviously that is not happening, and so a lot of prominent voices out there are going to be forced
to update their narratives. Global events have really started to accelerate, and so many of the things that the "doom
and gloomers" have been warning about are starting to happen right in front of our eyes. For example, on my websites
I have been talking about Israel a lot in recent months, and now it appears that the region is on the brink of war.
So far, more than 700 rockets have been fired into Israel from Gaza, but by the time you read this article that number will
probably be even higher. In response, the IDF has conducted a series of dramatic strikes inside Gaza, and Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is promising "to attack harder and increase the pace of attacks"...
Read more here:
Leading Doctors: Governments Are ‘Scrubbing Unprecedented Numbers' of Vaccine-Related
Never before in history has there been a globalized
campaign to vaccinate the world's population, followed by an unprecedented drive to censor, deplatform and discredit anyone
who dares to criticize the roll-out of the current range of unlicensed, experimental corporate COVID-19 vaccines and mRNA
gene therapy jabs. However, some leading doctors are finally beginning to speak out on this crucial issue, and what they are
describing is shocking tale of government and corporate corruption and cover-ups.
Read and watch here:
Form Growing Alliance
Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif was
very content during a trip to Turkey on Friday. He said it was productive and smiled alongside his Turkish counterpart Mevlut
Cavusoglu. He said it was a "wonderful" trip where he spoke with his "brother Cavusoglu." The trip signals
the growing alliance that Turkey and Iran have in the region. Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took Russia's
side in a growing spat with the US, slamming US President Joe Biden who is widely hated by Turkey's ruling party. The messaging
from Ankara is that Russia and Turkey are growing together as allies and partners. They work together in Syria, Libya and
the Caucasus; their goal is to supplant US influence and divide up many areas of the Middle East between themselves... (READ MORE)
Tucker Carlson: Anthony Fauci let the coronavirus pandemic happen, why isn't there
a criminal investigation?
Fauci exploited a loophole
that allowed him to fund research at the Wuhan Lab that likely became COVID-19
How do we assess the Biden administration's response to COVID? Well, here's one marker: it tells you pretty much everything that the White House that is supposedly so committed to science
chose as its head COVID coordinator a man with no background at all in science or medicine. His name is Jeffrey Zients. Zients
ran Joe Biden's presidential transition team, that's his qualification. He's a former management consultant from Bain, who
sat on the board of Facebook. Jeffrey Zients is a political operative. That's who's overseeing COVID response for Joe Biden. The good news is because Zients isn't even close to being an actual scientist, he doesn't talk like one. Occasionally he
says things whose significance the rest of us can clearly understand. Read what Zients said on CNN yesterday, and it becomes
very clear how the White House understands this pandemic.
Read and watch
120+ retired military flag officers warn US ‘under assault' by socialists,
Marxists, urges Americans to fight back
More than 120 retired
military flag officers with Flag Officers 4 America published an open letter Monday warning that the United States is in "deep peril" and under "tremendous assault"
by supporters of socialism and Marxism, urging Americans to get involved in "a fight for our survival as a Constitutional
Republic like no other time since our founding."
"Under a Democrat
Congress and the Current Administration, our Country has taken a hard left turn toward Socialism and a Marxist form of tyrannical
government which must be countered now by electing congressional and presidential candidates who will always act to defend
our Constitutional Republic. The survival of our Nation and its cherished freedoms, liberty, and historic values are at stake,"
the letter states.
Read more here:
Why are magnets sticking to people who have been vaccinated? Magnetic personality?
Not hardly.
Watch here:
More than 1,000 gas stations
run out of fuel
CHAMBLEE, Ga. - More than 1,000
gas stations in the Southeast reported running out of fuel, primarily because of what analysts say is unwarranted panic-buying
among drivers, as the shutdown of a major pipeline by a gang of hackers entered its fifth day Tuesday.
Government officials acted swiftly to waive safety and environmental rules to speed the delivery
of fuel by truck, ship or rail to motorists and airports, even as they sought to assure the public that there was no cause
for alarm.
Read more here:
Dr. Lee Merritt interviewed by the Health Ranger: Forced vaccines are a Holocaust-level crime against
Watch video here:
US State of Emergency Declared: Cyberattack Shuts Down Fuel
Pipeline, Chaos Erupts in SE
The United States is currently
in a state of emergency...again.
This time, it is due to an alleged
massive cyberattack leveled against the Colonial Pipeline. The result is the shutdown of virtually the entire Pipeline. Though
the event happened days ago, it was not until yesterday that panic began to set in. In a flurry of panic buying, the Southeast
United States stands on the precipice of running out of gas.
Read more
The vaccine is the pandemic: MULTIPLE countries seeing spike
in covid deaths AFTER covid vaccines began
(Natural News) A total of 26 countries and counting are reporting a massive uptick in Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "cases," injuries, and deaths now that the "vaccines"
are in widespread use.
The islands of Antigua and Barbuda in the Caribbean,
which started jabbing people on Feb. 17, both reported a sharp rise in Chinese Virus deaths - the highest, in fact, since
the plandemic was first launched. It took a full two months for case numbers to return back to pre-vaccine levels.
Read more here:
Dr. Carrie Madej reveals to Health Ranger that Covid vaccines contain "exotic
nanotech" for tracking and bio-control
(Natural News) There is so much to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccination" agenda that people are not aware of, but that
experts like internal medicine physician Dr. Carrie Madej are warning have ominous implications for the future of humanity.
In the following
episode of Brighteon Conversations with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Dr. Madej talks about how we need to get the
word out about the deadly "spike" protein component and other elements to the "vaccines" that are being
used to tag, track and control the populations of the world like cattle.
more here:
Covid Was 'An Act Of War' Upon America, Timed To Get China's
Puppet Into The White House And Engineered With The Kill Shot And Lock Downs To Complete The Take Down Of America
With America largely locked down now for over a year since coronavirus started spreading
across the country, we have to take a detailed and sourced look within this story at new information that has come out recently
that suggests this entire episode in American history has been part of a 'war' upon America, timed to get China's
puppet Joe Biden into the White House and complete the globalists long-running task of 'taking down America'.
With documented reports that China was preparing for a Third World War with biological weapons, including coronaviruses, six years ago according to a dossier produced by the People's Liberation Army back in 2015 and
uncovered by the US State Department, as one commenter had pointed out within that Daily Mail story, there are way too many coincidences to overlook.:
Read more here:
Predictive Programming and the Coronavirus
Under the guise of a fictional sci-fi novel, the pandemic and all the associated features of corruption
are revealed. This article demonstrates how predictive programming works. And we have seen no shortage of predictive programming
when it comes to the virus.
Read more here:
Israel Kills Hamas Commander Iyad Fathi Faik Sharir, IDF Says
Israel has killed a top Hamas commander in a strike against the terror group.
"We just killed the commander of the Hamas anti-tank missile unit, Iyad Fathi Faik
Sharir. He was in charge of carrying out anti-tank missile attacks on Israel. Our aircraft are currently striking additional
terror targets in Gaza," the Israel Defense Force tweeted Tuesday while carrying out attacks in the Gaza Strip.
Read more here:
the writing of this story 12:09 PM EDT - The Israeli Air Force has, within the past 30 minutes, launched a total of eighty
(80) military aircraft for strike operations against HAMAS and the Gaza Strip.
Fighter jets, surveillance aircraft and airborne refueling tankers took to the skies.
Whatever operation Israel has planned, it seems it will be MASSIVE.
Bear in mind that they are using these military aircraft against a CIVILIAN population. They are not
warring against a sovereign power.
More details as they become available.
Read more here:
Truth about UFOs and aliens could be just WEEKS away from being released by US
in ‘most profound moment in history'
HUMANITY may be just
weeks away from finding out the truth about UFOs and potential aliens, a disclosure campaigner has claimed.
Steve Bassett, who has tirelessly worked to end the 74-year embargo of classified information
on UFOs, told The Sun Online he believes intelligence agencies are preparing to lift the lid on extraterrestrial encounters.
Read and watch here:
Netanyahu warns of long IDF Gaza campaign after rocket barrage on Tel Aviv
Three Israelis killed Tuesday • Over 700 rockets fired at Israel since Monday
• Bus struck by a rocket in Holon, south of Tel Aviv
A woman
was killed and another person was critically wounded in Rishon Lezion after terrorists in the Gaza Strip fired a barrage of
rockets in the direction of Tel Aviv late Tuesday night setting off sirens throughout the center of the country.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Benny Gantz gave a joint
statement Tuesday night, declaring that the violence will continue for some time.
Read more here:
Colonial Pipeline cyberattack may cause SoCal gas prices to rise higher than they
already are
LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Just when you thought SoCal
gas prices couldn't get any more expensive -- there are now concerns they could rise even higher as a major pipeline on the East Coast remains shut down due to a cyberattack.
Gas prices across the Southland have already been rising since the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions have been easing and more people are out on the roads.
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UFOs and the Days of Noah
Back in 1884, long before the coining of terms like "flying saucer" and "extraterrestrial," George
Hawkins Pember asserted, "The seventh and most fearful characteristic of the days of Noah was the unlawful appearance among men of
beings from another sphere" (emphasis added).[i] He predicted the return of the "Principality of the Air" and argued that the rise of spiritualism was its fruition.
Of course, Pember has taken a lot of ribbing for his assertions since the nineteenth century because we still await the apocalypse.
In like fashion, imagine the ridicule Noah endured as an apocalyptic prophet building a huge ark far removed from the sea.
It is not difficult to imagine Noah was accused of something akin to "hate speech" as a pre-Flood preacher of righteousness.
Also easy to conceive is that, by an assortment of antediluvian affronts, he was called a crackpot for his strange beliefs.
Read more here:
Terrifying Changes Happening That Will Destroy The World If Common
Sense Does Not Start Prevailing - We Must Start Speaking Out And Fighting Back
There is a wave of complete lunacy sweeping throughout the entire globe it seems.
Pastors arrested for holding church services. Chaplains reported to terrorism agencies
for speaking on LGBT issues, despite encouraging respect for all. 'Woke' universities connecting Darwin to "white supremacy." A secular K-12 coed day school forcing changes to curriculum based on race based issues, the equivalent to book
burning, as parents which pay those tuitions rage against it. Another Pastor arrested for conducting church service during
the "COVID tyranny" phase.
These are just a few examples of
what is happening in America and abroad, showing a change, certainly not for the better, that is sweeping across the world,
able to do so, because normal people are "scared" of being labeled, attacked and/or harassed if they dare speak
up against what is happening.
Read more here:
Report on the Black Robe Regiment Summit and The Speech Too Hot to Handle for
the Event.
Well let me give you the after action report on the
Black Robe Regiment Summit.
First of all this event should not have in
any way had the sacred name of the Black Robe Regiment tied to it.
try and keep this brief and just hit the highlights.
First on Thursday
night Pastor Shahram Hadian called me and wanted to talk to me. He said that I was one of the only speakers coming who
he had not met personally and that he really didn't know anything about me. After a few minutes of us talking he gets to the
real reason he was calling. He stated that he had watched my New Declaration on YouTube and that he had concerns. He stated that the Pastors that were coming to this event were not at that point yet. He said he
agreed personally with everything that I had written in the New Declaration, however he kept pushing to get me to agree to drop it.
Read more here:
Vaccine Passports Illegal, Infections and Deaths after Vaccines, Government and
Media Lies, the "Booster" Myth
So far in the UK approximately
33m people have received at least one vaccination from either the AstraZeneca or the Pfizer "vaccine" (the latter
is is fact a genetic treatment). There have been 1,086 deaths (see above). Therefore the chance of dying from the
vaccine is 1 in 30,386. This compares very badly with the chance of those under 50 dying from COVID itself as this
ONS data shows:
For a healthy child under ten, the chance of dying of Covid-19
is 1 in 4 million (or 1 in 1.3million for a child with co-morbidities). Which is why so many attack the plans
to vaccinate children, see this.
Read more here:
Man Who Shot Three Random People in Times Square in Broad Daylight Identified
as Farrakhan Muhammad
NYPD identified the man who shot 3 random
people, including a 4-year-old child in Times Square on Saturday evening.
identified Farrakhan Muhammad as a person of interest by his brother, the Denver Channel reported.
Read more here:
Globalist Pope Francis Defends Joe Biden Over Abortion Policies
- Says Plan by US Bishops to Rebuke Him Might Look "Divisive" - But Same Pope a Frequent Critic of Trump
Globalist Pope Francis was a frequent critic of President Trump and his policies
to secure and protect the US border.
But this same Marxist
pope holds his tongue in criticism of Obama or Joe Biden.
week Red Francis rebuked US Bishops over a plan to rebuke Joe Biden from Communion.
Pope Francis said he was concerned it might come off as "divisive."
Read more here:
Corn Prices Up Roughly 50% In
2021 As Americans Brace For Years Of Horrific Food Inflation
sure didn't take long for the Joe Biden era to start resembling the Jimmy Carter era. Prices are going up so fast that
even the mainstream media can't stop talking about it. This has already become a major national crisis, and it should be exceedingly obvious to everyone that it is only
going to get worse. The Biden administration wants to borrow and spend trillions more dollars on top of all the absurd
spending that has already happened, and the Federal Reserve is going to continue to pump gigantic piles of fresh cash into
the financial system. Collectively, our leaders are literally committing economic malpractice, and if most Americans
truly understood what was going on they would be out in the streets protesting against it.
Read more here:
The American Cyber Stasi Will Suppress All Digital Dissent In Biden's Dystopia
CNN's recent report that the US' security services are considering contracting
the services of so-called "researchers" as a legal workaround for spying on average Americans confirms that Biden's
dystopian hellhole is rapidly moving in the direction of establishing a "Cyber Stasi" for suppressing all digital
dissent against the Democrats as they continuing consolidating their de facto one-party rule of the country.
The dystopian hellhole that I predicted would become a fait accompli following Biden's confirmation as President by the Electoral College is
quickly becoming a reality after CNN's recent report that the US security services are considering contracting the services of so-called "researchers" as a legal
workaround for spying on average Americans.
Read more here:
Could The Wildly Out Of Control Violence In Jerusalem Spark A Major Regional War
In The Middle East?
Things have been getting more tense in Jerusalem
for weeks, and Monday was the day when tensions really started to boil over. The violence that we witnessed in the streets
of Jerusalem shocked the entire globe, and it threatens to spark a major regional conflict. At one point, a tree that had been set on fire on the Temple
Mount was burning wildly out of control, and that was a perfect metaphor for the emotions that we witnessed on both sides. As a result of multiple violent
clashes, over 300 Palestinians and an undisclosed number of Israelis ended up with injuries...
Read more here:
Covid Cases Double In World's Most-Vaccinated Nation, Raising Concerns
In Seychelles, Sinopharm shots were issued to 57% of those who were fully inoculated
and the rest with Covishield, a vaccine made in India under a license from AstraZeneca Plc.
Seychelles, which has vaccinated more of its population against Covid-19 than any other country,
saw active cases more than double in the week to May 7, raising concerns that inoculation is not helping turn the tide in
some places.
The World Health Organization said vaccine failure couldn't
be determined without a detailed assessment and that it was working on evaluating the situation.
Kate O'Brien, director of the the WHO's department of immunization, vaccines and biologicals, told
a briefing Monday that the body was in direct communication with Seychelles and that a detailed assessment was needed looking
at factors like strains of the virus and the severity of cases.
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Wildfires Rage In Arizona; Southwestern US Faces Megadrought
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has warned against a megadrought approaching dangerous
levels in the southwestern US. Wildfire conditions have been ripe across the region as Red Flag Warnings have been sprouting
up from California to Texas.
Arid conditions in Arizona appear to
have sparked a duo of wildfires burning in the state, forcing thousands of folks to flee as firefighters struggle to contain
the blazes.
Read more here:
Gas shortage: Gov. Cooper declares state of emergency for NC, halts vehicle regulations
In light of the recent cybersecurity attack that temporarily shut down one of the largest
pipelines in the United States, Governor Roy Cooper on Monday signed an Executive Order declaring a state of emergency in
North Carolina. The order also temporarily suspends motor vehicle fuel regulations to ensure adequate fuel supply supplies
throughout the state.
Read more here:
'We are turning the corner': Average daily Covid deaths
fall to a NINE-MONTH low of 666 while new cases and hospitalizations plummet 15% in a week amid rise in vaccinations with
58% of American adults having had their first shot
The U.S. is
'turning the corner' in its battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, White House Response Coordinator Jeff Zients told CNN on Sunday.
Nationwide Covid metrics are hitting lows not
see for the better part of a year, as the vaccination rate approaches a crucial tipping point of having half of adults vaccinated
against COVID-19.
As of Monday, 58 percent of U.S. adults had had
at least a first dose of vaccine, and nearly 44 percent were fully vaccinated.
Experts widely credit the proliferation of vaccines for dramatic decline in cases, hospitalizations and deaths from
Read more here:
Gas Stations Run Dry as Pipeline Races to Recover From Hacking
Gas stations along the U.S. East Coast are beginning to run out of fuel as North America's
biggest petroleum pipeline races to recover from a paralyzing cyberattack that has kept it shut for days.
From Virginia
to Florida and Alabama, stations are reporting that they've sold out of gasoline as supplies in the region dwindle and panic
buying sets in. An estimated 7% of gas stations in Virginia were out of fuel as of late Monday, according to GasBuddy analyst
Patrick DeHaan.
Read more here:
Defense Dept. Develops Next Gen Sensor to Implant Under Human Skin,
Like a 'Check Engine Light'
One military doctor is calling
a next-generation technology that could ultimately stop a future pandemic, "a human check engine light."
It's actually a tiny hydro-gel sensor that sits right under the skin and was originally
developed to help treat diabetes.
But for the Defense Department, it's
a way to stop the spread of infection in its tracks.
Read and watch here:
What's Happening In Canada Comes Next To The US Unless We Stop It Now
Pastor Artur Pawlowski and his brother were arrested over the weekend following their
church service. Half a dozen Gestapo cars lined up on the street to arrest the men, pull them from their car and put them
on their knees in the middle of a busy street while it was raining. And for what? Meeting with other believers! This will
be here in the US if we don't put a stop to the CONvid-1984 hoax and expose the lies and bring justice to the guilty.
Watch here:
USDOT Declares Emergency Over Colonial Pipeline Shutdown
- Waives Trucker Hours of Service Rules
The United States Department
of Transportation, (DOT) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration have declared an emergency over the shut down
of the Colonial Pipeline and waived trucker hours-of-service rules to transport fuel in 17 states.
Read more here:
Hell Is Coming, And Death Is Coming With It: Prepare
to face this challenge instead of fleeing from it. Prepare to fight back!
"Due to this staged calm, many falsely believe that all will return to what is ludicrously
referred to as ‘normal,' and that the destruction of the economy and financial system is not one of the agendas sought
by the ruling class. This is a gross miscalculation, as in order to complete this takeover of society; the current financial
and monetary systems must collapse."
"The only
viable solution to our problems is unity in disobedience, and a refusal to accept any mandate issued by this criminal cartel
called the state."
This is a brief time of more
calm, but hell is coming, and death is coming with it.
to face this challenge instead of fleeing from it. Prepare to fight back!
more here:
Surviving Change
lot of people have preparedness and survival plans based on certain factors remaining the same. Maybe they're convinced their
income will remain the same, and they'll get to stay in their home, their car will keep running, they'll be able to afford
to keep buying food to stash away, everyone will stay happily married, nobody will die...the list is endless. But the most
certain thing in life is the uncertain: change.
If the past year has
taught us nothing else, it should have reinforced how quickly things can change and how much resiliency matters. Perhaps nothing at all changed for you, but you've most certainly noticed others who have faced overwhelming changes. Loss
of income, loss of loved ones, loss of freedom, loss of buying power, loss of social interaction, loss of physical possessions
as the bills can no longer be paid.
Read more here:
As America Faces A Complete Shutdown, The Time To Prepare Is Measured
In Days As Fuel, Food And Freedom Disappear
I am
yelling fire because fire is raging. Mixing metaphors, the storm is not coming; it's already here. America's financial house
of cards will fall, taking other nations with her. Thoughtful Conservatives must inform people of imminent danger because
families will be disrupted, businesses will fail, couples will be divorced, and children will suffer immeasurably.
The economy has faltered, is failing, and will fall.
I see no way out of the coming collapse. Sometimes politicians make such a mess of things that there
is no way to correct or solve the mess. It's almost like being in a small boat on a raging sea, unsure how far you are from
the coast you left and the distance to where you hope to dock. You keep going hoping to stay afloat; however, our "boat"
is overwhelmed with accelerating debt.
As of May of 2021, the outstanding
national debt of the United States is $28,300,000,000,000.00. Every man, woman, and child in the United States owes $84,000
for their share of the U.S. public debt, plus $3,800 state debt and local debt of $6,300. That is overwhelming, outrageous,
and obscene.
Read more here:
Welcome To The Socialist Paradise Of California
If you like extremely high taxes, a ridiculously inflated cost of living, horrifying bureaucratic
nightmares, rising crime rates, endless homeless encampments and "health restrictions" that make it nearly impossible
to operate a small business successfully, then you are going to absolutely love California. Vast hordes of people have
fled the state over the past 12 months, and so that means that there is now plenty of room for more socialists to move in.
But before you come, you will want to make sure that you have completely discarded any lingering notions of "freedom"
and "liberty" because they won't be of any use to you once you arrive in California.
Read more here:
VAXXED Blood - The Issue of Transfusions
Should we have the right to refuse blood transfusion from the vaccinated for COVID-19 ? People who are vaccinated
for COVID-19 can donate blood immediately or shortly after being vaccinated despite the fact that the experimental product
may induce life-threatening disorders in the recipients.
Watch here:
Willing victims flock to get puncture wounds in Count Dracula's castle for once
- as authorities in Transylvania open it as a Covid VACCINE site
victims are flocking to get puncture wounds at Romania's Bran Castle as the site - widely believed to be the inspiration for
Count Dracula's lair - opens as a vaccination centre.
A poster
showed vampire fangs replaced with syringes during a coronavirus vaccination drive at the castle this weekend.
Health workers with blood-soaked
vampire fangs on their scrubs gave out Pfizer jabs to visitors, who can turn up without an appointment every weekend in May.
Read more here:
Powdered dead babies in capsule form. You ain't gonna believe this one (Made guess
What can I even put here...pure evil...made from babies
bodies chopped into small pieces and cooked on a stove?!? But don't write about Vitamin C or D. That will get you kicked off
social media. You just never know what is in something anymore.
Keep It Simple: Gold vs. a Mad World
Psychologists, poets and philosophers have written for centuries that many who have eyes refuse to see, and many
who can think, refuse to think clearly-all for the simple reason that some truths, like the sun, are just too hard to look
straight into.
Or as others have said more bluntly: "Truth is like
poetry-everyone [fricking] hates it."
When it comes to bloated markets,
debt orgies and helicopter money, the rising fun of such "stimulus" is embraced, yet the template for its equally
market-tanking, social-destroying and currency-debasing consequences are simply ignored.
Read more here:
Biden official warns cyberattacks on US are 'here to stay' after 'Russian ransomware
gangsters DarkSide' shut down America's largest fuel pipeline: Emergency declaration is issued in 18 states amid price hike
An emergency declaration has been issued for 18 states to
keep fuel supply lines open after a cyberattack knocked out America's largest gasoline pipeline.
The hack of Colonial Pipeline, which supplies gasoline, diesel and jet fuel across 5,500
miles to the East Coast, on Friday night is believed to be the largest successful assault on US energy infrastructure in history.
Colonial Pipeline said it was forced to shut down all pipeline operations as a precaution
after it became the victim of a ransomware cyberattack - a technique where the victim's computer systems are hacked and
then payment is demanded to unlock them.
Read more here:
Breaking! Klaus Schwab Calls For Global Health Pass Based on Implantable Microchip
Bill Gates and other globalists used MIT and other universities to develop these systems,
but when the public resists this Orwellian takeover, they denounce it as a conspiracy theory - the ultimate form of gaslighting.
World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab called for a mandatory global health
pass in the form of implantable microchips within 10 years.
a 2016 interview that's now gaining national attention, Schwab, also the founder of the globalist Great Reset agenda, explained
that within a decade humanity will be required to have implantable microchips to serve as a global health pass.
Read and watch here:
Sunday Live: China Admits To Developing COVID-19 Bioweapon With Fauci & Gates
As Infowars first broke 15 months go, COVID-19 is part of secret bioweapons project between
the globalists, the United Nations and Communist China -- that secret is now coming out!
Alex Jones breaks down Communist China's latest admission that it developed the COVID-19 bioweapon with the
funding and support of Dr. Anthony Fauci and vaccine czar Bill Gates.
Read more here:
They are coming
for your kids: Globalists launch all-out assault on children
Whether it's in the womb, at a border crossing, in the classroom, or at a local pediatrician's office, the globalist
agenda has prioritized children as its main target.
If a child manages
to get out of his or her mother's womb alive, their future includes the prospect of masks for life, sitting at home being
indoctrinated "remotely" through a computer, and experimental injections their parents are told will "keep
them safe."
Higher Prices Leave Consumers Feeling the Pinch
Rising costs for everything from fresh fruit to freezers are shaping purchase
Americans accustomed to years of low inflation are
beginning to pay sharply higher prices for goods and services as the economy strains to rev back up and the pandemic wanes.
Price tags on consumer goods from processed meat to dishwashing products
have risen by double-digit percentages from a year ago, according to NielsenIQ. Whirlpool Corp. freezers and dishwashers and
Scotts Miracle-Gro Co. lawn and garden products are also getting costlier, the companies say. Some consumers are feeling stretched.
Read more here:
The Differences Between Nationalism And Patriotism And Why Both Stand Opposed
To Globalism, Which Is A 'Mad Race To The Bottom' For Everyone But The 'Global Elite'
The terms "nationalism" and "patriotism" are often used interchangeably. This
is understandable, as they have somewhat overlapping meanings, both of which suffer from a certain amount of vagueness. However,
there are a number of key differences between the two that are worth shedding light on. In the final analysis, we believe
that the term "nationalism," while not denoting anything totalitarian by its nature, is not an accurate term for
the sentiment that exists in the United States. Nationalism, it would seem, is more suited to Europe or Asia, places with
historic nations, united by common language and ethnicity that are necessarily tied with a certain area of land.
There's a lot to unpack here and the differences are extremely subtle. And to give a bit
of a spoiler, we're not going to be taking the position, as is often the case, that patriotism is fine but nationalism is
simply a metastatic and malignant form of patriotism.
Read more here:
China Wants To Revive A Strategically Located Airfield Deep In The Pacific: Report
The airstrip in the country of Kiribati is positioned just 1,800 miles from Hawaii,
which isn't that far in terms of the distances in the Pacific.
Chinese government reportedly has plans to refurbish and expand an airstrip on the island of Kanton, also spelled Canton,
part of the archipelago nation of Kiribati in the central Pacific Ocean. If true, this could give Beijing an airbase in an
incredibly strategical location, between North America and New Zealand, potentially giving China's military much greater reach throughout a critical and increasingly tense region.
more here:
Russia Just Accepted Its New Super-Quiet, Cruise Missile-Packed Submarine Into
It's been a long wait, but the new Yasen-M subclass
should help revitalize the Russian Navy's nuclear-powered submarine force.
More than seven years after its last nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine, or SSGN, entered service, the Russian
Navy has commissioned its next such vessel, the Kazan, the lead ship of a new subclass. The event marks an important
advance in the overhaul of Russia's mainly Cold War-era nuclear submarine fleet, which had previously introduced only one
SSGN of all-new design, the Severodvinsk, since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The new type is based on the design of the Severodvinsk, the sole Project
885 Yasen vessel.
Read more here:
CRISPR Covid Injections Alters A Person's Thinking & Behavior, Tech Can Be
Remotely Controlled
Yale, DARPA, CIA neurobiology expert on controlling
the human brain with RNA vaccines, and more information, which is linked to below.
Watch here:
How American Christendom Weakens American Christianity
An age of scandals reveals how institutions of the faith can fundamentally oppose
the faith.
I'm going to share a question that I've been thinking
about a lot-especially in the years since the rise of Trump and the months since I've been diving deep into the sex abuse
scandals that have corrupted powerful and important American Christian institutions. The question is simply this: Is American
Christendom increasingly incompatible with American Christianity?
root of the question comes from Soren Kierkegaard's Attack on Christendom, a series of searing essays aimed directly at the established Danish church, a church that was deeply entangled with
the Danish state. In Kierkegaard's formulation, "Christendom" refers both to the legal institutions of the church
and to the culture those institutions create.
Read more here:
Virginia Military Institute To De-Person Stonewall Jackson, Re-Attribute Quotes in Soviet-Style
Stonewall Jackson's name will be forgotten, and
his quotes will be attributed to people who did not say them.
the famed Virginia Military Institute that employed Confederate General Stonewall Jackson and played an integral role in America's
Civil War, has moved to de-person the General in a Soviet-style purge of the school's Confederate history, going as far as
to rip Jackson's name away from his own quotes which emblazon a portion of the school and re-attribute them to someone else.
Efforts to de-person Stonewall Jackson and erase the school's rich Confederate history
have been in the works for quite some time, as the publicly funded military school has long been a target of the radical left.
Though they had previously been met with resistance, in 2020, as the radical left waged a Soviet-style purge on America's
history - particularly in the south - with the help of a new far-left state government installed in Richmond, efforts to snuff
out the Confederate history of VMI - and Virginia as a whole - went into overdrive.
Read more here:
Swiss Diplomat Who Represented Biden Admin Interests in Iran Is Found Dead After
Falling from 17th Floor Balcony in Tehran
Swiss diplomat
Sylvie Brunner was found dead this week after falling from her 17th-floor apartment balcony in Tehran. She was the first secretary
of the Swiss delegation and worked in the US Interests Section.
Neighbors heard a loud explosion late at night before
her death.
Her body was found in the garden the next
According to reports, Sylvie Brunner was called to Iran
to testify about her knowledge of the details of the American accounts who pocketed billions of dollars due to the bribes
to lift sanctions against Iran.
We cannot verify that report at this time.
Read more here:
Why, all of the sudden, is there Asian hate in America? Here is the answer:
There are two main elements to the current assault against Asians in America. The
events seen recently, noticeably all the sudden, are not a coincidence and not a matter of hate towards Asian Americans necessarily.
It is an effort to maintain the current political environment that perpetuates the institutionalized racism enacted and enforced
by Affirmative Action, and preparation for the Establishment's race war in America.
Read more here:
Dr. Carrie Madej tells the Health Ranger that covid vaccines use exotic nanotech
for tracking and bio-control
Watch here:
Chinese Leader Xi Jinping Lays Out Plan to Control Global Internet: Leaked Documents
Chinese leader Xi Jinping personally directed the country's communist regime to focus
its efforts to control the global internet, displacing the influential role of the United States, according to internal government
documents recently obtained by The Epoch Times.
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Bill Gates-Funded Company Releases Genetically Modified Mosquitoes In US
UK-based biotechnology firm Oxitec, which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, said it released the mosquitoes in six locations in Monroe County's Florida Keys: two on Cudjoe Key, one on Ramrod Key,
and three on Vaca Key. It's part of an effort to help tackle a disease-transmitting invasive mosquito population-the Aedes
aegypti mosquito species-that's responsible for "virtually all mosquito-borne diseases transmitted to humans," according
to the company.
These mosquitoes make up about 4 percent of the mosquito
population in the Keys, and transmit dengue, Zika, yellow fever, and other human diseases, as well as heartworm and other
potentially deadly diseases to pets and other animals.
Read more here:
The Hate Speech Fabrication as Orwellian Thought Control
The pervasive spectre of ‘hate speech' is all around us, created by those who want
to portray certain opinions in the worst possible light in order to delegitmise them. If you dare to hold a different opinion
on certain issues and go on to articulately express those opinions which could well resonate with other people, then it is
designated as being hate speech. Not because it is hateful, but because those opposed to that opinion have no counter-argument
to it and so label it as being something morally bad.
Read more here:
Judge rules gun maker not liable for individual's criminal act
Decision a blow to Biden's campaign to curb 2nd Amendment rights
A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit against the gun maker Glock brought by the Brady
Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence on behalf of a man who was shot and paralyzed by a gunshot.
"A fair reading of the [federal law] shows that Congress intended the scope of its preemption to include claims
like the plaintiff's. The [law's] plain text extends preemption to plaintiff's tort and products liability claims," wrote
U.S. District Judge Susan Brnovich.
Read more here:
Russian Troops Mass Near Ukraine, So The U.S. Military Lands An Army Brigade In
This spring Russia massed 80,000 troops and thousands
of vehicles near Ukraine.
Now NATO is mobilizing 28,000 of its own troops
for a sprawling, months-long series of war games with its locus-you guessed it-near Ukraine.
While the alliance's Defender Europe 21 exercise is just the latest iteration of an annual training event and long has been in the works, its geography is no accident.
NATO-and the United States in particular-is determined to match Russian deployments where
Russia is most aggressive.
Read more here:
Confronted with a Nightmare Scenario - John Rubino 5.8.2021
Financial writer John Rubino says there is no easy way out for the financial and political mess
the United States has created for itself. Rubino starts with the economic problems and explains, "Now, inflation
is starting to spread. . . . Look at lumber. If you are trying to build a house, it's $35,000 more now than it was two
years ago just because of lumber. Iron ore, house prices, grains, food and you name it, we've got inflation going on.
At the same time, we have an apparent labor shortage. All these companies are coming out and saying we would love to
take on all the business we are being offered to us, but we don't have enough people. Even Uber and Lyft cannot find
enough drivers. It's weird it is happening this soon, but we should not be surprised since we dumped tens of trillions
of dollars into the economy over the past year. This is what you would expect if you get the money supply going up 30%
or 40%, which it did. This is what you get. The economy overheats. Now, we are confronted with the nightmare
scenario in a fiat currency system. Inflation starts to pick up, which it is. That sends interest rates higher,
which is happening. That threatens all the heavily indebted people out there because as rates go up, their costs rise.
Then they go bankrupt in increasing numbers, and the system collapses. We are in the early stages in that kind of a
process, and I don't think anybody knows what to do about it."
more here:
Trudeau Pushing Canada To Adopt Communist China's Internet Censorship Model
China's internet censorship is more comprehensive than any other country in the world. China's firewall blocks website content and monitors internet access.
"Laws and regulations prohibit the
spread of information that contains content subverting state power, undermining national unity [or]
infringing upon national honour and interests."
Dr. Michael Geist, law professor at the University of Ottawa where he holds the
Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law, has the following to say about Bill
"As government moves to create the Great
Canadian Internet Firewall, net neutrality is out and mandated internet blocking is in."
Read more here:
BREAKING: Calgary Pastor Artur Pawlowski ARRESTED moments after
church today
Just minutes ago, Pastor Artur Pawlowski
was arrested for opening his church in Calgary. Half a dozen police cars swarmed around him and he was taken into custody.
Pastor Artur Pawlowski has been arrested.
Go to to help his fight for freedom.@RebelNewsOnline
- Adam Soos ⳩ (@ATSoos) May 8, 2021
What have we come to when Alberta - once known as the freest
province in Canada - now routinely prosecutes and jails Christian pastors? I don't know of anywhere else in the free world
that has that disgraceful distinction.
Wal-Mart and Costco are
open across Canada, so are liquor stores and marijuana stores. But a Christian pastor cannot open his doors with a massive
police raid.
Read more here:
China plans to revamp disused US airfield in the Pacific 1,800 miles from Hawaii
amid nation's global military expansion
China has drawn up plans to upgrade an airstrip and bridge on one of Kiribati's remote islands less than 2,000 miles southwest
of Hawaii in a bid to revive a site that hosted military aircraft during World War II.
plans involve construction on the tiny island of Kanton (also spelled Canton), a coral atoll strategically located midway
between Asia and the Americas.
Any significant build-up on Kanton, located
1,864 miles southwest of Hawaii and U.S. military bases there, would offer a foothold to China deep into territory that had
been firmly aligned with the U.S. and its allies since World War II.
more here:
Strong solar flare produces intense radio bursts and widespread radio blackouts
across North America
New sunspot AR2822 exploded on May 7th,
producing an M3.9-class solar flare, one of the strongest flares of young Solar Cycle 25. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory
recorded the explosion near the sun's northeastern limb:
Read and watch
Alert!! Absolutely Insane New Videos Of Armed And Dangerous Antifa Thugs
Assaulting Drivers In Portland Is Reason Enough To Declare Portland A No-Go Zone
A few years ago, we thought Portland, Oregon had hit the lowest point as Antifa goons blocked streets, directed traffic
by ordering them to obey their rules, all the while police stood aside and watched the harassment without doing a thing to
help the drivers.
Well, we thought wrong, things have gotten worse.
Recently the Mayor, Ted Wheeler, largely responsible for forcing the police to stand down
and let the Antifa thugs rule the streets for years, decided it was time to pretend to care, so he gave a performance in later April, and declared war on Antifa.
Read more here:
China was preparing for a Third World War with biological weapons
- including coronavirus - SIX years ago, according to dossier produced by the People's Liberation Army in 2015 and uncovered
by the US State Department
Chinese scientists have been preparing
for a Third World War fought with biological and genetic weapons including coronavirus for the last six years, according to a document obtained by US investigators.
The bombshell paper, accessed by the US State Department, insists they will be 'the core weapon for victory' in such
a conflict, even outlining the perfect conditions to release a bioweapon, and documenting the impact it would have on 'the
enemy's medical system'.
This latest evidence that Beijing considered
the military potential of SARS coronaviruses from as early as 2015 has also raised fresh fears over the cause of Covid-19,
with some officials still believing the virus could have escaped from a Chinese lab.
Read more here:
UT Bioweapons Dept. Study: Do Not Take The Covid Shots
Alex Jones breaks down the UT bioweapon research study that confirms the lethality
and dangers of taking the Covid vaccine.
Watch here:
- Lawyers & Medical Experts start legal proceedings against W.H.O and World Leaders for ‘Crimes against Humanity'
A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner
Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.
Fuellmich and his team present the faulty PCR test and the order for doctors to label
any comorbidity death as a Covid death as fraud. The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is 100% faulty at
35 cycles. All the PCR tests overseen by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC admits that any tests over 28 cycles
are not admissible for a positive reliable result. This alone invalidates over 90% of the alleged covid cases / "infections"
tracked by the use of this faulty test.
Read more here:
Webb: This Biden Proposal Could Make The US A "Digital Dictatorship"
A "new" proposal by the Biden administration to create a health-focused
federal agency modeled after DARPA is not what it appears to be. Promoted as a way to "end cancer," this resuscitated
"health DARPA" conceals a dangerous agenda.
Ring biometric tracker.
Last Wednesday, President Biden was widely
praised in mainstream and health-care-focused media for his call to create a "new biomedical research agency" modeled after the US military's "high-risk,
high-reward" Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA. As touted by the president, the agency would seek to
develop "innovative" and "breakthrough" treatments for cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and diabetes, with
a call to "end cancer as we know it."
Far from "ending
cancer" in the way most Americans might envision it, the proposed agency would merge "national security" with
"health security" in such as way as to use both physical and mental health "warning signs" to prevent
outbreaks of disease or violence before they occur. Such a system is a recipe for a technocratic "pre-crime" organization
with the potential to criminalize both mental and physical illness as well as "wrongthink."
Read more here:
How to make GMO people and patent them
The individual or subject is no longer a creation of God but a creation of man and patentable
RNA modification not only can alter DNA, but it's been already envisioned as a tool for
DNA editing. This argues against the whole BS official narrative that the RNA vaccine technology is inoffensive for the DNA.
Read and watch here:
Cyberattack Forces a Shutdown of a Top U.S. Pipeline Operator
A cyberattack forced the shutdown of one of the largest pipelines in the United States,
in what appeared to be a significant attempt to disrupt vulnerable energy infrastructure. The pipeline carries refined gasoline
and jet fuel up the East Coast from Texas to New York.
The operator of
the system, Colonial Pipeline, said in a statement late Friday that it had shut down its 5,500 miles of pipeline, which it
says carries 45 percent of the East Coast's fuel supplies, in an effort to contain the breach on its computer networks. Earlier
Friday, there were disruptions along the pipeline, but it was unclear whether that was a direct result of the attack, or the
company's moves to proactively halt it.
Read more here:
The War Against Population: The Elite want the world's population
to be much smaller. Can there be any question that this is the devil's work?
We have been conditioned to scoff at the idea of conspiracy. The idea that people might
plan to harm others without first warning their intended victims is too preposterous to consider!
We are like the passengers on a bus that keeps having "accidents" which cause untold death
and suffering. These are wars, depressions and epidemics etc. We have just completed the bloodiest century in human history:
Auschwitz, Dresden, Ruanda, Hiroshima, Cambodia. Over a hundred million people were murdered, and that's not counting abortions.
Read more here:
Communist China: World's Biggest Climate Polluter Keeps Polluting
Communist China, in 2020, built over three times as much new coal power capacity as all other countries in the world combined -- the equivalent of more than
one large coal plant per week, according to a report released in April by Global Energy Monitor.
Also in 2020, China's CO2
emissions rose by 1.5% while those of most other countries fell. Although, in 2020, the world retreated from coal, these retirements were eclipsed by China's new coal plants.
more here:
Tucker Carlson pokes hornet's nest by spotlighting vaccine deaths
'What is the real number of people who apparently have been killed or injured?'
Fox News host Tucker Carlson prompted a sharp reaction from critics Wednesday night after
addressing the issue of how many people have died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.
Carlson explained he is "completely in favor of vulnerable people taking vaccines" (The CDC profile is a person older than 70 with
an average of 2.6 "comorbidities," such as diabetes and heart disease). But he argued that the vast majority of
the population, with a survival rate of more than 99%, should have as much information as possible to make a risk assessment.
Read more here:
Halt Vaccine Passports!
is very important that people understand what is happening here. The intention is to introduce vaccine passports everywhere.
But this is a disguise. It's a world's first digital common-format, globally-interoperable ID system with
an editable health flag (vaccinated Y or N).
It makes no one safer.
If you're vaccinated, you're protected & are not made safer by knowing others immune status.
As in Israel, you will be compelled to present a valid VaxPass in order to access defined facilities
or access services. No VaxPass, you're denied.
more here:
Once the Maricopa County Election
Audit Fails, the Chinese Are Set to Cross Both Borders With a Vengeance!
China is out of room and out of resources. They need to erase as many Americans as possible from our shores in order
that they may send 300 million colonists to occupy our country. This is the story of the true genocide that China has planned
for America.
America and the Globalist Agenda
The globalists goal is to establish a one world government and a one world economic system
(which is nearly complete as I write these words) which is ruled with extreme authoritarianism and brutality in a futuristic
version of neo-feudalism. To accomplish these goals, there can be no Bill of Rights and American prosperity must be
obliterated. This is what we are in the midst of at this time as America is being torn down brick by brick and we live in
a country that is being targeted by the CHICOMS for the elimination of 90% of the American population. This intent will become
Read more here:
Food Is In The Globalists Crosshairs As 'Perfect Storm Scenario' Strikes America:
'Job Paradox' Leaves Unemployed Not Wanting To Work While Government Hands Out 'Free Money'
With 'chicken shortages' across America 'the new big thing', leaving poultry prices soaring and restaurants unable to keep up with customer demand, Business Insider reported on Thursday that there's a growing list of shortages now hitting the 're-opening economy', from Depends to diapers to tampons, from new and used cars to gas to plastics to computer chips, to furniture to coffee to toilet paper (again) and to foods of many different kinds.
Also reporting within
that story that the costs of packaging many goods have increased by nearly 40% from the start of 2020, marking "historic
highs", it also gave us a warning why; a 'commodity' unlike all the others is in surprisingly short supply:
Reporting that major labor shortages are hitting businesses
and industries all across the country, with economists 'baffled' by the 'job paradox' of millions unemployed while jobs remain unfilled, WHY would many people want to go back to work at a 'dead end job'
when 'free money' is being handed out by the government?
more here:
The US Brainwashes the World
The American Establishment uses the presstitute lie machine to control the narrative for most of the world by broadcasting
disinformation in 59 languages. Countries and their news services rely on "news" from the US to comprehend
world events. Most of the world has little alternative to American news sources except for the BBC which is part of
the US presstitute network. In effect, the US has been effective in brainwashing the world.
Read more here:
Trifecta: DARPA, IARPA And Now HARPA To Complete ‘Digital Dictatorship'
A "new" proposal by the Biden administration to create a health-focused federal
agency modeled after DARPA is not what it appears to be. Promoted as a way to "end cancer," this resuscitated "health
DARPA" conceals a dangerous agenda.
Last Wednesday, President Biden
was widely praised in mainstream and health-care-focused media for his call to create a "new biomedical research agency" modeled after the US military's "high-risk,
high-reward" Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA. As touted by the president, the agency would seek to
develop "innovative" and "breakthrough" treatments for cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and diabetes, with
a call to "end cancer as we know it."
Read more here:
A Simple Experiment Demonstrates How Every Electronic Form of Communication Is
Monitored and Weaponized by AI Against Americans
The sooner
that most Americans stop denying reality, they will soon realize that we all are being tagged in order that most of us will
be bagged. This story is provides examples of how this is the most true statement that you will read today. This article contains
proof that all of are like cattle that are put on the scales which will eventually decide whether we live or die and on what
day and in what order.
I always try to give credit where credit is due.
Therefore, the credit goes to Bob Griswold of In an early morning lengthy conversation with Bob, he
told me to type ANY 3 numbers, along with the words, "NEW Cases" into my computer's search engine. Please note,
I chose the search engine that is most friendly to patriots, which is duck-duck-go.
Read more here:
Self-Evolving System For The Image Of The Beast? $10 Million To Do The Impossible
Back in January, at a meeting held at the Royal Society in London, a team of scientists
and investors announced the largest prize ever offered to solve a scientific mystery. Organized by engineer and business consultant
Perry Marshall, the whopping prize of $10 million (ten times the Nobel Prize payout) will be given to any person or team who
can "arrange for a digital communication system to emerge or self-evolve without...explicitly designing the system."
The point of the contest is to learn where genetic code came from, and how it became the basis for all life. The winning experiment,
according to their website, "must generate an encoder that sends digital code to a decoder," and transmit at least
five bits of information, or roughly half as much as a comparable segment of DNA. In other words, to claim the prize, you
must bring into existence the functional equivalent of the first living cell, without intelligently designing the system...
BLM Militants Draw AR-15s And AK-47s On Portland Motorists; No Police On Scene
As Reign Of Terror Continues
Black Lives Matter militants took
to the streets of North Portland on Thursday, in a march for Patrick Kimmons, who was shot by police in 2018 after a gang
shootout on the streets late at night.
During Thursday's event the protesters
began marching in the streets, with a couple of support vehicles leading the way. At two separate points multiple participants
pulled AR-15s, AK-47s, pistols, and possibly a shotgun and/or Keltec Sub 2000 on motorists who happened be driving along.
Read and watch here:
US military goes full speed ahead toward max LGBT inclusion with ‘diversity'
panels, all-gay helicopter crew
The emphasis on sexual orientation
is taking precedence over military readiness, a former lieutenant general pointed out.
May 6, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) - Under the Biden-Harris administration, the normalizing of homosexuality and transgenderism within the ranks of the U.S.
military is accelerating.
"History was made on Friday with
the first ever all gay U.S. Navy helicopter crew," tweeted veteran Navy Intelligence Officer and left-wing activist Travis
Akers, along with pictures of the homosexual flyers.
Read more here:
Listen Up: If You Let Them Force You Into the Vaccine, They'll Control You Forever
A monologue by Fox News' Tucker Carlson says it all when it comes to predicting what's
coming down the road if you acquiesce to mandatory COVID vaccines. Plus, although Democratic leaders including President Biden
have been promoting the idea of choice when it comes to vaccine passports, if you let the passport idea in, it may never be
your choice again, Carlson says.
Watch here:
France: ‘One mosque is erected every 15 days, while one Christian building
is destroyed at the same pace'
What will France look like in
five years? Ten? And remember: while all this has been going on, those who want to preserve France's heritage and culture
have been smeared as "racists," "xenophobes" and "Islamophobes." Now what is to come can be
seen plainly, and what force is there that can head it off?
Read more
Pro-life, anti-lockdown candidate for London Mayor banned by Facebook on day of
London Mayor candidate David Kurten described the ban
as 'an outrage and an attack on free speech and democracy.'
May 6, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) - On the very day of the London mayoral elections in the U.K., Facebook imposed a 7 day ban on London Mayor candidate
David Kurten, for his challenging of the global narrative and his opposition to COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccine passports.
Kurten, the founder and leader of the pro-life and pro-family Heritage Party is a member of the London Assembly and a mayoral candidate for the mayoral and assembly elections, taking place May 6, 2021.
Read more here:
Pfizer Executive admits that their vaccine is not designed to end the pandemic but to turn it into an endemic
TUCKER CARLSON: How Many Americans Have Died after Taking the Covid-19 Vaccine?
Watch video here:
Federal Gov't Telling Facebook to Silence Those With Vaccine Safety Concerns Says
It is no longer a random act - Facebook censorship has
become so blatant and massive that they have indefinitely silenced the former president of the United States. Many pro-censorship
advocates cheer this on because they dislike the voices silenced by Facebook. They attempt to justify the censorship with
the claims that Facebook is a private company and can do what they want, a lawsuit filed against the social media giant says
that is not the case.
A lawsuit filed by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - the chairman of the non-profit group Children's Health Defense (CHD) - claims Facebook conspires
with the federal government to squelch speech which advocates for vaccine safety.
Read more here:
What Will You Do When Inflation Forces U.S. Households To Spend 40 Percent Of Their Incomes On
Did you know that the price of corn has risen 142 percent
in the last 12 months? Of course corn is used in hundreds of different products we buy at the grocery store, and so
everyone is going to feel the pain of this price increase. But it isn't just the price of corn that is going crazy.
We are seeing food prices shoot up dramatically all across the industry, and experts are warning that this is just the very
beginning. So if you think that food prices are bad now, just wait, because they are going to get a whole lot worse.
Typically, Americans spend approximately 10 percent of their disposable personal incomes
on food. The following comes directly from the USDA website...
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Biden cuts 'God' out of Day of Prayer proclamation
Instead tells 'citizen' to follow 'their own faiths and consciences'
Just the News documented that "Lord" appears only once, when Biden uses boilerplate language regarding "In the year of our
Lord two thousand twenty-one" and a reference to the "divine" only comes up only in a quote from the late Rep.
John Lewis.
Read more here:
Son cut mum up into 1,000 pieces then kept her hands, head & heart on her
bed before EATING her
A ‘CANNIBAL' son has been
convicted of murdering and EATING his mum after "cutting her up into tiny pieces."
Alberto Sanchez Gomez, 28, was found guilty of strangling Maria Soledad Gomez, 68, to death in early
2019 after he dismembered her body following a row.
Read more here:
Arizona Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs, and George Soros Are Interfering with
the One Activity That Could Derail the Biden Plans for Purging America
Literally and figuratively, the fate of the country hangs in the balance with regard to the Maricopa County 2020
Election audit in Arizona. Maricopa County is the 8th largest county in America and it has a long, very long history of corrupt
elections. However, this article is just not about Maricopa County and a stolen election. This article, will, in part,
as we have done in previous articles in this series, will demonstrate how far and the extreme and illegal tactics used by
the Democrats to steal an election.
Read more here:
US Chicken shortage sends price soaring and wings are flying off the shelves...
Chicken shortage sends prices soaring, and restaurants can't keep up...
After a year promoting takeout wings and crispy chicken sandwiches, restaurants including
KFC, Wingstop Inc. and Buffalo Wild Wings Inc. say they are paying
steep prices for scarce poultry. Some are running out of or limiting sales of tenders, filets and wings, cutting into some
of their most reliable sales.
Read more here:
Existential Economic Threats:
How U.S. States Can Survive Without Federal Money
We all knew
it was coming; the alternative economic media has been warning about it for years. Eventually, monetary intervention and bailout
after bailout by central banks always leads to devaluation of the currency and inflation in prices. Helicopter money always
ends in disaster and at no point in history has it ever produced positive long-term results for a society.
The federal reserve has generated trillions in fiat dollars over the course of a single
year (on top of the tens of trillions created in the past decade), all in the name of offsetting deflation. This deflation
was NOT caused by the pandemic, it was caused by the government response to the pandemic. On top of that, the shutdowns of "non-essential businesses" and the lockdowns in general ended up being
useless in slowing the spread of COVID-19.
Read more here:
BREAKING: Biden DOJ to Interfere with State of Arizona Forensic Audit of Maricopa
County Ballots ...Update: With DOJ Letter
The same organization
that manufactured and ran the Russia collusion hoax and allowed for the 2020 election fraud is going to interfere with the
Arizona audit!
According to Garrett Archer at ABC15 in
Phoenix, Arizona the Biden Department of Justice is going to "get involved in some capacity" with the ongoing forensic
Read more here:
Vaccine Propaganda Kicked Into High Gear As Globalists Roll Out 'Free Stuff' For
'The Vaccinated' - The Hideous Truths About Unethical Medical Experimentation On Human Beings
With the globalists drive to 'inoculate' everybody in the world with exactly 'who-knows-what'
hitting a major road bump with a sudden drop-off in the number of people who actually WANT 'the shots', we're now witnessing a major uptick in the 'propaganda
effort' to get people 'vaxxed', with the globalists unveiling 'Vax Live: The Concert to Reunite the World', a concert that won't be live at all but a 'virtual concert' that will be broadcast around the US on May
8th, nearly a full-week after it was pre-taped.
Being pushed by
many all of the globalist 'news' outlets, including ABC, ABC News Live, CBS, YouTube, iHeartMedia broadcast
radio stations and the iHeartRadio App, the concert will be encouraging people around the world to 'take' the 'experimental
vaccine', and is being billed as the first large-scale music event for a 'Covid-compliant audience'.
Read more here:
Sidney Powell: America is now a 'Communist regime'
'They're feeding lies to the American people very single day'
One of the lawyers who fought, without a lot of success, to have evidence of fraud in the 2020 presidential
election reviewed by the courts in America has delivered a harsh verdict on the state of the nation under President Joe Biden.
Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor, worked on cases that, had they succeeded,
would have been to the benefit of President Trump.
Read more here:
Biden Taps Ron Klain as White House Chief of Staff
The selection is the president-elect's highest-profile White House staff appointment so far.
President-elect Joe Biden has tapped political veteran Ron Klain as his incoming White
House chief of staff, continuing to shape his close team of advisers once he assumes the presidency in January.
Biden's selection of Klain - which was first reported by The Washington Post prior to the official announcement - is the first Cabinet position Biden has announced. Klain was formerly Biden's chief
of staff when he served as vice president under President Barack Obama and he was also the White House's Ebola Response Coordinator.
The announcement follows Biden naming several public health experts, including former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, to his
so-called Transition COVID-19 Advisory Board on Monday.
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UNICEF, WHO, IFRC and MSF announce the establishment of a global Ebola vaccine
The four leading international health and humanitarian
organizations announced today the establishment of a global Ebola vaccine stockpile to ensure outbreak response.
The effort to establish the stockpile was led by the International Coordinating Group
(ICG) on Vaccine Provision, which includes the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, the International Federation of Red
Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), with financial support from Gavi,
the Vaccine Alliance. The stockpile will allow countries, with the support of humanitarian organizations, to contain future
Ebola epidemics by ensuring timely access to vaccines for populations at risk during outbreaks.
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Canada's lockdowns nearly as strict as communist China, Cuba: Oxford University
Canada's current lockdown measures are some of the most stringent in the world rivalling authoritarian communist states like China and Cuba, Oxford University's COVID-19 Government Response
Tracker (OxCGRT) suggests.
Included in the tracker is a COVID-19 stringency
index which measures the strictness of government protocols meant to handle the pandemic.
The score is based on nine variables including school closures, travel bans and other public health
measures. Each country is given a value from 0 to 100 by the index, with the score of 100 indicating the strictest policies.
Read more here:
Trudeau's internet bill would take Canadians off the web
The backlash against Bill C-10 is being driven by the prospect of the government having
the power to regulate cat videos and any other user generated content posted to Facebook or TikTok - but the problems with
this bill run much deeper.
Fundamentally, this bill will change your entire
online experience.
Read and watch here:
Praying to God could be made a crime, lawmakers threatened with legal action
'A ban on spiritual guidance and prayer would be tyrannical and unworkable'
The Christian Institute in the United Kingdom revealed this week it will take legal action
if lawmakers go ahead with a strategy to ban "conversation therapy" that would impact churches' missions, ministries,
and even praying to God.
Jason Coppel, QC, wrote in a detailed legal opinion
for the faith organization that activists who are proposing new definitions in law to address their fears of "conversion
therapy" would criminalize the ordinary work of churches.
Read more
The Seven Principalities of Hell
I have never used my column to discuss something that another author had written but I am going to break that tradition.
On my daily show we talk about all things spiritual and how the dark forces are having their way with the American church. We are warned
in Scripture that "my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge" and there can be know doubt that very few Christians understand
how the invisible, spiritual realm impacts what goes on here in the natural world.
Satan has an organized army and they are led by what the Bible calls "principalities and powers, evil spirits in high places." That is right. Satan has an organized, highly
structured team and for the most part, the American church is "ignorant of Satan's devices."
Read more here:
What is going on in America? Grandmother dies after being
punched in the face by a 23-year-old, Man bites off parts of victims' ears in random attack
ETH - In case you haven't kept up with the news lately there has been an explosion
of lawlessness unfolding across America and has left some to ask "What in the World is going on"? Where do we even
There were reports of a massive fight that broke out at a Bath & Body Works store in Scottsdale Fashion Square mall in Arizona were reportedly a customer and an employee
began fighting when other employees jumped in to try to stop the fight but spiraled into a huge brawl that was caught on video.
Read more here:
Aldous Huxley Foresaw Our Despots - Fauci, Gates, & The Vaccine Crusaders
In 1949, sometime after the publication of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four,
Aldous Huxley, the author of Brave New World (1931), who was then living in California, wrote to Orwell. Huxley
had briefly taught French to Orwell as a student in high school at Eton.
generally praises Orwell's novel, which to many seemed very similar to Brave New World in its dystopian view of a possible
future. Huxley politely voices his opinion that his own version of what might come to pass would be truer than
Orwell's. Huxley observed that the philosophy of the ruling minority in Nineteen Eighty-Four is
sadism, whereas his own version is more likely, that controlling an ignorant and unsuspecting public would be less arduous,
less wasteful by other means. Huxley's masses are seduced by a mind-numbing drug, Orwell's with sadism
and fear.
Read more here:
China Vows to Take Control of
the Internet and Influence Opinions...of the ENTIRE WORLD
Chinese government documents obtained by the Epoch Times reveal Chinese leader Xi Xinping has set out to control the entirety of the Internet. In doing so, they would displace the
current status of the United States in that regard. According to the documents, Xinping personally directed this effort.
Chinese leader wants to take the "Ruler of the Internet Crown" from
the U.S.
Read more here:
Russia to "Test" Three "Satan-2" ICBM's - 24 Nukes each -
U.S. May Only Have TWO MINUTES WARNING if "Test" is actually an attack
Russia has announced that it will test three (3) of its new "Satan-2" Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles
(ICBM's) later this year. But there is very real potential danger for the U.S.A. during such a "test" because the
missiles have a Fractional Orbit Bombardment System (FOBS).
this system, if the warheads deploy, the USA would only have TWO MINUTES WARNING; not enough time to get OUR missiles out
of the silos.
Each Satan-2 ICBM (aka RS-28) has and 18,000KM range
and is equipped with up to 24 hypersonic gliders designed to evade all enemy defenses.
The test is scheduled for this year and will include a launch at full range, 11,000 miles / 18,000KM.
The RS-28 is the most powerful nuke in the world.
Read more here:
Ophthalmologists now ethically obligated to denounce covid-19 vaccines, as 20,000
new eye disorders are reported
(Natural News) In just a few months, the World Health Organization received approximately 20,000 reports of new eye disorders that occurred post covid-19 vaccination. These reports include 303 cases of blindness and 1,625 cases of visual impairment!
The European drug monitoring agency had never recorded such a severe spike in eye injuries until after the experimental vaccines
were launched. These reports were collected by VigiBase and analyzed by the Uppsala Monitoring Centre in Uppsalla, Sweden.
About half of the new eye disorders were additionally reported to the U.K.'s Yellow Card
adverse event reporting system, which was set up to monitor the influx of adverse events that were anticipated during this
live, experimental vaccine study. Back in 2020, the vaccine makers had already entered into liability-free contracts with
governments around the world. This has enabled mass vaccine injury with no recourse or accountability and set up the framework
for a historic, worldwide holocaust.
Read more here:
ZEITGEIST 2025 WILL BE HERE SOON... And Lebanese Directorate
Sets Up "Baalbek Reborn: Virtual Tour" To Bring Roman Temples And Deities Back To Life, Introduce Final Generation
To Tomorrow's Gods
For centuries, the Roman Heliopolis of Baalbek
in Lebanon has captivated scholars, emperors and adventurers alike, who marvel at the architectural feat and spiritual significance
it embodies. The virtual tour app, titled Baalbek Reborn: Temples, was put together by the Lebanese Directorate General of
Antiquities, the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) and Flyover Zone - a US company that specialises in virtual tours of
archaeological sites. Two years in the making, the app was launched this month. "No list of the world's most important
tourist destinations would be complete without Baalbek. It was the site of one of the most important oracles of the ancient
world, dedicated to Heliopolitan Zeus [later know as Jupiter (the god tied to America's secret destiny-more on that coming
soon from Dr. Thomas Horn and SkyWatch TV)], and it became seriously influential," he says. "Emperors consulted
it. Everyone wanted to know whether they should get married, take a trip or start a business, start a war, and they all asked
the oracle." The location began in worship to Baal, the Semitic lord of the gods and precursor to Helios, Zeus and Jupiter...
New Report Sheds Light on Vaccine Doomsday Cult
"The risk-benefit calculus is therefore clear: the experimental vaccines are needless, ineffective
and dangerous. Actors authorizing, coercing or administering experimental COVID-19 vaccination are exposing populations and
patients to serious, unnecessary, and unjustified medical risks." Doctors for Covid Ethics, April 29, 2021
An explosive new study by researchers at
the prestigious Salk Institute casts doubt on the current crop of gene-based vaccines that may pose a grave risk to public
health. The article, which is titled "The novel coronavirus' spike protein plays additional key role in illness", shows that SARS-CoV-2's "distinctive ‘spike' protein".."damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as
a primarily vascular disease." While the paper focuses strictly on Covid-related issues, it unavoidably raises
questions about the new vaccines that contain billions of spike proteins that could greatly increase the chances of severe
illness or death. Here's an excerpt from the article dated April 30, 2021:
more here:
WITH GREAT DECEPTION ON ITS WAY...Famous Scientist Michio Kaku Explains Why We Shouldn't Contact
Renowned physicist Michio Kaku has made himself clear
on the topic over the years, stating that he believes we will find alien life, and if we do we should be wary of making contact.
In a new interview with The Guardian, he has gone further, calling it a "terrible idea". "Soon we'll have the
Webb telescope up in orbit and we'll have thousands of planets to look at, and that's why I think the chances are quite high
that we may make contact with an alien civilization," he told the publication. "There are some colleagues of mine
that believe we should reach out to them. I think that's a terrible idea. We all know what happened to Montezuma when he met
Cortés in Mexico so many hundreds of years ago... (READ MORE)
Treasury Department warns of need to deal with national debt limit
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Treasury Department says it will employ extraordinary measures to avoid an unprecedented default on the national debt this summer, but officials say those measures could be exhausted "much more quickly" than normal given the unusual
circumstances of the global pandemic.
Treasury officials on Wednesday urged Congress to pass either a new
borrowing limit or another suspension of the debt before a July 31 deadline. The Treasury will continue to initiate the types
of bookkeeping maneuvers it has used in the past to keep the government from breaching a level that would trigger a default
on the massive national debt.
Read more here:
Preparing for the Time That the Deep State Shuts Down Your Communications In the
Coming Martial Law!
What Can You Do?
The Bible confirms that there is a Satanically-inspired and motivated global meltdown.
The books of Daniel and Revelation reveal much about this topic, but unfortunately, most Americans remain woefully ignorant
of the extreme dangers, especially to Christians, that has already arrived at our collective doorsteps.
Also, in the Bible, Jesus also spoke about The Great Tribulation and he revealed
the events while He was on Earth. When Jesus was asked about the signs to look for with regard to the Second Coming,
He said, "For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until
now and never to be equaled again.
Read and listen here:
A COVID Lifeline Is Being Severed
The growing fear during this pandemic is second to nearly no other time in medical history for the depth and breadth
of the strategies used to stoke those fears. Emergency use orders, mask mandates and the suppression of health information
all support public fear over a viral illness with a survival rate of over 99%.1 Ivermectin has fallen victim to
these strategies.
It bears repeating that a review of the literature by
respected Stanford University professor of medicine and epidemiology John Ioannidis,2 published in the Bulletin
of the World Health Organization,3 found the infection fatality rate for COVID-19 as of September 2020, was 0.23%.
In people younger than 70 years the median was even lower.
The study4
was undertaken to look at the different death rates across a variety of locations and included 61 studies and preliminary
national estimates. The infection fatality rate is the number of deaths divided by all people who were infected.
Read more here:
Bottom Ten Business Friendly States Are All Liberal Cesspools
- The Exodus From Liberal States To Conservative States Could Destroy Everything That Makes Red States Thrive
It is easy in politics to demonize the "other" side. Conservatives think it
is demonic to kill babies, yet liberal treat conservatives demonic for being against abortion, calling it "anti-choice,"
rather than pro-life.
In almost every aspect of life, liberals and conservatives
seem as if they are truly living in alternate realities.
though, there are real life ramifications to a number of polices that show liberal policies kill businesses, and conservative
policies helps businesses thrive.
When it comes to states, and their favorability
with business owners and CEO's, societal issues are far less important than tax policy (37 percent rank it first), regulatory
climate (35 percent) and talent availability (25 percent)-Texas and Florida outclass all comers, according to 383 Chief Executive
Read more here:
Is It Still Unconstitutional If the Govt. OUTSOURCES Spying on
Citizens? After All, They're Only Surveilling "Extremists."
In 2021, there is no denying that the United States is a full-on surveillance state. The Biden Administration attempts
to remove all pretense of privacy with its new consideration to use outside firms to track "extremist" chatter by
American citizens online. But what exactly is an "extremist?" According to Tulsi Gabbard, recent efforts essentially
criminalize half the country:
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Video: Pfizer Has a Criminal Record. Is It Relevant?
$2.3 Billion 2009 Medical Fraud Settlement. US Department of Justice
In September 2009, Justice Department attorneys and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius held a news conference "dealing with a health care-related settlement".
"The federal government announced the largest medical fraud settlement in U.S. history.
Pfizer [was] ordered [2009] to pay $2.3 billion to settle charges of promoting its
drugs for uses not approved by the Food and Drug Administration."
and watch here:
Biden To Hire Private Firms to Spy on American Citizens Who Spread ‘Conspiracy
Joe Biden is set to hire private firms to spy
on American citizens who may be engaged in discussing or spreading "extremist" content online, according to reports.
According to CNN, "The plan being discussed inside DHS, according to multiple sources, would, in effect, allow the department to
circumvent" laws that limit what the federal government can do in surveilling U.S. citizens without a warrant.
Read and watch here:
EXTERMINATION machine unmasked: Why vaccinated people are making HEALTHY people
sick, Pfizer document admits vaccinated people "shed" infectious particles, the spike protein is the bioweapon
(Natural News) The vaccine is the bioweapon. Specifically, the spike protein is the bioactive weapon, and it is designed to spread from
person to person, being transmissible from the vaccinated in order to infect the unvaccinated.
Never forget that Bill Gates has long wanted to use mosquitoes to carry vaccines so that people could
be vaccinated against their own wishes (and completely without informed consent). Now, it turns out, they don't need mosquitoes.
They have high-obedience humans ready to carry out the same role.
more here:
LifeSiteNews has launched a video channel on Brighteon featuring outstanding interviews
with America's top truth tellers and health freedom advocates
(Natural News) We are proud to announce that LifeSiteNews has joined with a brand-new video channel.
Recognizing that there is no future whatsoever
at YouTube, LifeSiteNews has made the right choice by migrating its video offerings to Brighteon, where they will
never be censored.
After a successful run of its Unmasking COVID-19:
Vaccines, Mandates, and Global Health virtual conference on Brighteon, LifeSiteNews decided that this is the
way to reach the most people without having to deal with the Big Tech censors.
Read more here:
Hundreds arrive on planes from Delhi and Mumbai on day one of Biden's Indian travel
ban as Air India cancels major NYC route amid worst COVID surge the world has seen with 30,000 deaths a day
Hundreds of people arrived in America from Mumbai and Delhi on Tuesday, the first day
of Biden's ban on travel for non US citizens from India, to escape the world's worst COVID surge.
Biden's ban applies to
non-US citizens but permanent US residents, their family members and some others - like students - are exempt from it. It
is similar to the ban on travel to the US from South African and multiple European countries. There are still flights
to get into the US from India but Air India is canceling its New York-Delhi route from May 7.
India is in the midst of the worst COVID surge the world has seen. Official reporting
puts the daily death till at around 3,000 but health leaders say it is likely ten times that at more than 30,000.
Read more here:
U.S. Military Plane Travels SUPERSONIC Over Europe to Middle East, Shuts-Off Transponder;
MORE: "Nuke Sniffer" Airborne off Australia
An aircraft
identified only by a Hexidecimal ID "AE67FB" suddenly appeared on radar as it entered European air space, flew at
SUPERSONIC speed of 891 MPH over the UK and France, into the Mediterranean, across Israel, into Jordan where it "went
Here's the radar flight path as it entered European airspace
over the northern UK, before it "went dark" about 25 minutes ago (10:20 PM Eastern US Time) over Jordan air space.
Read more here:
World War III is on the horizon? The two big wars seem inevitable.
One in the South China Sea, and the other might be the Ukraine war.
While the world is suffering from a Pandemic, it is also leading toward wars. The two big wars seem inevitable. One in the South China Sea, and the other
might be the Ukraine war.
As a matter of fact, The U.S. was the beneficiary
of World Wars and used wars, aggressions, coercion, conspiracies, toppling Governments, and cold-war tactics to maintain its
supremacy. After the recent Sini-US dialogue in Alaska, it is evident that China refused to accept American hegemony.
Principally, the U.S. should accept the ground realities and try to re-assess its strengths
and then exert as a power, but, proudly after leading a unipolar world for few decades, the U.S. is not willing to surrender
so easily.
Read more here:
The Maricopa County Audit Team, along with Paul Preston's two law suits against the State
of California for using millions of illegal ballots. The ballots themselves are flawed and must be thrown out. You have not
heard a word about these law suits unless you watched my interview with Paul Preston, the President of the 51st
State movement in California.
Read my words carefully. If one of
these efforts does not succeed, this country is done and we will continue to descend into an unprecedented horror with all
the human rights abuses that were present in past despotic leaders.
more here:
Steven Fishman - Who Will Survive the Vaccine Holocaust?
In his 1859 book, "The Origin of the Species," Charles
Darwin stated that only the strongest will survive.
But in times of our Vaccine Holocaust, strength comes from researching the issues, becoming thoroughly informed,
following real science, and knowing how to overcome an onslaught of demons in Government and in the media.
Politics have little to do with this issue anymore. Both
the 45th and 46th Presidents are in a pissing contest - seeing which one will amass the most credit for "Operation Warp
Death." Not helpful.
Face reality here:
Within 5 years, 80% or more of those who have been vaccinated, either by choice or by coercion, will at worst be dead, and
at best, will be deathly injured due to prions, spike proteins, Messenger RNA converted into transhumanist DNA; anaphylactic
shock, paralysis of the lungs, fatal blood clotting, and a cocktail of aborted fetal and animal tissue containing viruses
which include AIDS. Same curtain call, just more pain.
Read more
Prepare For Absolute Madness As America Moves Towards 'Papers Please' While More
Signs Emerge Biden And Democrats Will Go After The 1st Amendment To Help Usher In Tyranny
With the new 'buzzword' in the slow creep towards Communism/totalitarianism that America
is now going through being 'vaccine hesitancy', with the perfect examples being: this story over at The Hill reporting 'vaccine hesitancy' among lawmakers is 'slowing the return to normalcy on Capitol Hill'; and this
new story over at the Daily Mail warning: 'vaccine hesitancy' will stand in the way of 'herd immunity', more and more Americans are
saying they won't get the vaccine at all, instead trusting their own immune systems to fight off the virus in the small chance
they'd get it.
Reporting within that Daily Mail story that while nearly
32% of US is vaccinated, daily vaccinations have fallen from an average of 3 million a day to only 2.5 million, hinting that
a 'ceiling' of those who actually WANT to get vaccinated has been reached, a look at both the top-voted and worst-voted comments on that story paints a picture the mainstream media doesn't want us to see.
more here:
The Criminalization Of Dissent
Authored (somewhat satirically) by CJ Hopkins via The Consent
Factory, and ZeroHedge
One of the hallmarks of totalitarian systems is
the criminalization of dissent.
Not just the stigmatization of dissent
or the demonization of dissent, but the formal criminalization of dissent, and any other type of opposition to the official
ideology of the totalitarian system. Global capitalism has been inching its way toward this step for quite some time, and
now, apparently, it is ready to take it.
Read more here:
CRISES IN THE CHURCH: Study Finds 61% Of Christians Are
Practical Pagans, Have Embraced The Occult New Age
REASONS FOR JESUS: It's common knowledge that the New Age movement has a strong foothold on our culture right now. Bookstores are lined
with best-selling titles teaching people how to use crystals, how to meditate and cultivate "higher consciousness",
and how to make contact with spirit guides as people like Jim Carey and Oprah Winfrey continue to push things like Christ
Consciousness and meditation on the masses. As some of you know, I have recently written a book with Josh Peck of SkywatchTV
called "The Second Coming of the New Age" (foreword by Bible scholar Dr. Michael Heiser - FREE IN COLLECTION HERE) where we outline, expose, and refute the doctrines and practices of the New Age movement as being not only
false but demonic. We recently sat down with former pastor, best-selling author, and CEO of SkywatchTV Dr. Tom Horn
to talk about the content of this book, these recent studies, and the pervasiveness of New Age spirituality in Western culture
and its churches:
Read and watch here:
THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION-PART 4: The Sky Island's Assimilation
for Extraterrestrial Evangelism
If astronomers do discover a
planet suitable for extraterrestrial life, Mt. Graham is probably the facility that will make the announcement. Of course,
a lot of people are wondering what the Vatican is doing up there-astronaut Gordon Cooper sure had an interesting opinion-and
we hope to shine some light on that question.
While touring VATT, we met
a Jesuit engineer eager to pontificate on the compatibility of science and faith. Of course, we agree that the war alleged
by secularists is more about poor philosophy than a concrete conflict, but some Jesuits are part of the problem (more on that
later). The VATT is a cherry assignment for a Jesuit interested in science. While the living quarters are tight, wealthy benefactors
furnished a plush leather sofa and chairs for the otherwise rustic retreat. Amenities aside, this facility is for serious
astronomy, and it houses an impressive instrument on an ideal location. The mission of VATT is displayed prominently outside
the entrance in Latin and in English indoors.
Read more here:
Former circus elephants begin to arrive at Florida sanctuary
YULEE, Fla. (AP) - Former circus elephants are starting to arrive at a new wildlife sanctuary
in north Florida.
The White Oak Conservation Center announced Monday that a dozen female Asian elephants have already arrived at the Yulee refuge, located north of Jacksonville.
Up to 20 more elephants are expected once more areas are completed at the planned 2,500-acre (1,010-hectare) space.
The pachyderms are coming from the Center for Elephant Conservation in Polk County. Most
of the animals previously traveled with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus until they were retired in 2016.
Read more here:
The Book You'll Want to Read Before It Disappears
In this video, Ronnie Cummins, founder and director of the Organic
Consumers Association, and I discuss "The Truth About COVID-19 - Exposing the Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports
and the New Normal," which we co-wrote.
The book was released yesterday.
If you preordered, thank you! If you didn't, you can now pick it up without delay.
Read and watch here:
France: Generals Warn of Civil War Due to Creeping Islamism
A group of retired generals has warned in an open letter that France is sliding toward
a civil war due to the government's failure to control mass migration and creeping Islamism in the country. The letter, which
has broad public support, according to polls, also warns against cultural Marxism, runaway multiculturalism and the expansion of no-go zones in France.
The warning comes amid a wave of jihadist attacks - including the beheading of a schoolteacher
- committed by young men, none of whom were previously known to French intelligence services. The letter also comes after
widespread public indignation over a French justice system compromised by political correctness - as evidenced by the refusal
to prosecute an African immigrant from Mali who, while shouting "Allahu Akbar" ("Allah is the Greatest"),
killed an elderly Jewish woman by breaking into her home and pushing her off her balcony.
Read more here:
"Mamalitia" Group of Pro-2A, Anti-Vax Moms Under Assault
Following Media Smears
'The tyrants have created
women who are ready to go like it's 1776,' group proclaims on their website.
Triggered leftists are reportedly threatening a group of moms opposed to mandatory vaccines in California
who have formed a pro-Second Amendment group empowering women called the "Mamalitia."
On Sunday, the Mamalitia group announced it would cancel public meet-and-greet events after receiving
terroristic threats following media hit pieces which mischaracterized the group as dangerous radical extremists.
Read more here:
WATCH: Kristi Noem invites laid off police officers to come to South Dakota
Appearing with Sean Hannity of Fox News, South Dakota governor reacted to the Biden
administration withholding permits for annual Fourth of July Mount Rushmore celebration.
She also invited laid off police officers to come to South Dakota.
From Mind Control to Viruses: How the Government Keeps Experimenting
on Its Citizens
"They were monsters with human faces, in
crisp uniforms, marching in lockstep, so banal you don't recognize them for what they are until it's too late." - Ransom
Riggs, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
The U.S. government,
in its pursuit of so-called monsters, has itself become a monster.
is not a new development, nor is it a revelation.
This is a government
that has in recent decades unleashed untold horrors upon the world-including its own citizenry-in the name of global conquest,
the acquisition of greater wealth, scientific experimentation, and technological advances, all packaged in the guise of the
greater good.
Read more here:
Murder and Mutilation. Why Judgement WILL come to America
Ancient Israel murdered thousands of children. Sacrificing them through the fire to Moloch
and other Canaanite gods. Thousands, maybe even tens of thousands? The LORD had this to say:
and say, ‘Hear the word of the Lord, O kings of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem. Thus says the Lord
of hosts, the God of Israel: "Behold, I will bring such a catastrophe on this place, that whoever hears of it, his ears
will tingle. "Because they have forsaken Me and made this an alien place, because they have burned incense in it to other
gods whom neither they, their fathers, nor the kings of Judah have known, and have filled this place with the blood of the
innocents (they have also built the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings to Baal, which I
did not command or speak, nor did it come into My mind), (Jeremiah 19:3-5)
Read more here:
The Secret Religion of the NEW WORLD ORDER: Told by One
Most of my readers
know that I was brought up in a Jewish home.
Both mom and dad were Jewish.
To my knowledge, I am the only one who came to belief in Jesus Christ except for my dad. The Lord allowed me the privilege
of leading him to the Throne of Grace before he died.
And the angels
I remember going to the Barnum and Bailey Circus every
year with my grandfather. He was a Shriner. As a young girl, I had no idea that grandad was a Freemason. You see, all Shriners
are Freemasons but not all Freemasons are Shriners.
Read and watch here:
Iran Teases Attack on US Capitol Building as Biden Admin Prepares To Lift Sanctions
Iran released a provocative new video over the weekend that depicts its military forces
blowing up the United States Capitol building, a threat that comes as the Biden administration inches closer to providing
Tehran with billions of dollars in economic sanctions relief.
The video
debuted Sunday on Iranian state-controlled television before Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei delivered remarks, in which
he praised the country's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, the paramilitary force that has killed Americans, and celebrated
IRGC leader Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in a drone strike by the former Trump administration.
In the video clip, armed IRGC forces are seen marching before the U.S. Capitol's famous dome explodes. It also shows Iranian forces marching
on Jerusalem.
Read more here:
In this 19-minute MAMChat, Matterhorn Asset Management principals Egon von Greyerz and
Matthew Piepenburg address critical data points related to precious metal price conditions. Specifically, they discuss (and
make sense of) ongoing shifts in inflation and yield data as well as the omni-present topic of unsustainable debt levels fictionally
managed by central bankers via monetary expansion and yield/rate repression.
to inflation, dramatic increases in year-on-year money supply combined with record-high commodity prices and ongoing governmental
guarantees of commercial bank lending are now undeniable tailwinds for the inflation camp-and hence gold as well.
Read more here:
Unusual Shortages Coming - From 'Shrinkflation' To Gas Shortages To Pet Foods, We Are Seeing The
Devastating Results Of The Economy Killing Lockdowns
We have
seen and documented the rising food prices since the COVID pandemic lockdowns began, as well as the early day toilet paper,
mask, and cleaning supply shortages.
Now more than a year later
we see that "the prices of the stuff that make EVERYTHING are surging," as reported by Stefan Stanford, which offers better insight into the continued increase in shortages in foods, as well as the rapidly rising prices for
products, even as the size of some products are being shrunk down to make it seem as if prices haven't risen as much as they
truly have.
Recently a reader sent over a number of emails, including
links to verify the work he had done in researching, a few of which we will be going over below.
Read more here:
MINISTRY OF TRUTH: 12 state attorneys general demand Big
Tech platforms eliminate all speech from people injured by vaccines
(Natural News) Attorney generals from twelve states are calling on the world's top social media networks to completely eradicate any negative claim about covid-19 vaccines. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey have already implemented "misinformation" policies that
remove any dissent against government lock downs, mandatory masks, and Big Pharma's forceful vaccine push. However, the new covid vaccines are so faulty and unsafe, vaccine injury and death claims are still spreading across social
After being noticeably censored on their own pages for sharing
vaccine truths, Facebook users have flocked to Facebook groups to talk about the covid-19 vaccine side effects. One of these
groups reported tens of thousands of personal testimonies about the harms of these vaccines. This group consisted of more than 120,000 people and was growing by 10,000 people every
week as vaccine injury reports poured in. The group has since been removed by Facebook, as The Ministry of Truth rewrites
history and covers up its crimes.
Read more here:
Mission IMPOSSIBLE: NASA warns even a nuclear bomb wouldn't
stop a giant asteroid heading for Earth after massive six month simulation exercise ends in devastating impact
NASA scientists have concluded that even a nuclear bomb wouldn't be able to stop a
giant asteroid from destroying a huge chunk of earth.
In a simulated exercise,
US and European scientists were told they had six months to come up with a lifesaving plan to stop a massive rock smashing
into earth that had been spotted 35 million miles away.
The study was conducted over the course of four days, from April 26 through April 29, and astronomers used radar
systems, data imaging and other technologies like the world's largest telescope.
Read more here:
UPDATE: Intelligence Surveillance Aircraft Has Been Circling AZ Audit Location
And Collecting Information On American Citizens Working For Election Integrity
UPDATE 0800 EST - We can confirm there is surveillance going on above the AZ audit location from sources on location.
We are trying to confirm the tail number of the aircraft provided and staging base. We have copyright concerns over the last
image we posted, so we replaced it with another verified image. The previous image was provided by sources on location at
the event, as was the image above.
Read more here:
warns us that in the last days God is going to "turn the world upside down."
The prophet Isaiah warns us that in the last days God is going to "turn the world upside down."
He declares, "Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down" (Isaiah
According to this prophecy, sudden judgment is coming upon the
earth, and it will change everything in a single hour. Within that short span, the whole world will witness fast-falling destruction
upon a city and a nation, and the world will never be the same.
If you
are attached to material things - if you love this world and the things of it - you won't want to hear what Isaiah has prophesied.
In fact, even to the most righteous of God's people, what Isaiah says might seem unthinkable. Many would surely ask, "How
can an entire world be stricken in one hour?"
Read more here:
Freedom Fading
Solzhenitsyn-Russian dissident, 10-year forced-labor Soviet Gulag inmate, Nobel Laureate, Christian-lamented the "fallacious
belief" that "here such things are impossible," that totalitarianism could not happen in one's own country.
"Alas," he wrote, "all the evil of the twentieth century is possible everywhere on earth."[1]
Read those words carefully. It is the point I have been building towards
in the last two issues of Solid Ground.[2]
In the first article, I chronicled my own experiences behind the Iron Curtain in 1976 working with Christians living under brutal authoritarian
rule in communist bloc countries like Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the former Soviet Union-places where believers suffered
significant loss of personal liberty and, in some cases, severe persecution simply for following Christ.
Read more here:
A Must Watch!!! Nurse in Halifax Breaks Her Silence!
Exposed!! The FDA Will Not Authorize Or Approve any
Covid-19 Vaccine!!
Watch here:
Man Finds Out Government is Lying on a Monumental Scale, But Still Thinks They're
Doing Good
A man who spent last year believing everything the
Government and media said about Covid-19 and Lockdowns, only to find out that none of the things he'd believed are true, has
announced his continued belief that they must be acting out of purely altruistic motives. Brian Sprocket, a 38-year-old
teaching assistant from Barnsley, spent most of last year staying home, wearing a mask on the few occasions he ventured out,
and ensuring he stayed away from all human beings, whom he regarded as walking virus carriers.
But at the beginning of this year, he was forced to think for the first time about what was going
on, after his television stopped working. With nothing to watch, Brian decided to look at an email sent to him by a friend last autumn, which he had previously dismissed as a conspiracy theory:
more here:
With Covid Losing Its Grip Over America, the Next Deadly False
Flag Is Almost Upon Us
The next false flag event is beginning
to show itself. With covid losing its grip on most of America, it is time to introduce a deadly kill shot and the picture
is beginning to crystalize.
Before this article reveals what is next,
it is time to first take stock of where we are at and how we got here. Why? Because what lies ahead very likely contains the
kill shot, both literally and figuratively, and forewarned is forearmed. Rest assured, the globalists fully plan to have the
nation totally subjugated by this September (2021).
Read more here:
As most of us understand by now, the pandemic was planned with the sole purpose
of submitting humanity to a New World Order of unprecedented tyrannical control by the ‘superrich elite
Any informed person in this world is fully aware of the severe health risks posed by vaccines.
Especially a rushed, untested experimental biological agent, that is falsely marketed as a vaccine, activates all the alarm
bells within the educated part of humanity.
Naturally many patriots are
severely worried, when they see a prominent leader of the worldwide freedom movement, Donald Trump, push these terrifying
medical experiments.
For those who never trusted Trump, this is undeniable
evidence for what they have been saying all along: ‘See, he is part of the cabal, he is pushing their agenda,
we always knew it! Will you now finally wake up?' That could of course be true. But in order to correctly interpret
Trumps actions, we have to understand the nature of the enemies he is fighting, and their specific agenda he is trying to
Read more here:
Americans Should Be Prepared For A 'Hot, Violent Summer' As 'Domino Effect' Wreaks
Havoc Upon 'Supplies Of Everything' - Trucker Shortage Could Grind Supply Chain To A Halt
Back on April 20th, we published a story on ANP titled "With All Hell About To Break Loose In America, Prepare To Get Out Of The Cities And Into The 'Red Zones' In The Event
Of A Worst Case Scenario" in which we warned America was heading towards another violent summer, an endless cycle of 'wash, rinse, repeat'
ahead of us from Antifa and BLM as Susan Duclos had reported in this May 1st story. And now we get more signs why that might unfold, with leftist outlet Axios reporting "It's Set To Be A Hot, Violent Summer" while Yahoo News warns of exploding prices of food and commodities across the country.
As Yahoo had reported in this May 1st story, "the prices of the stuff that make EVERYTHING are surging", and with rising commodities prices comes
rising food prices, and with rising food prices comes people going hungry and stealing for food. Eventually leading to a cycle
of violence and crime, as Axios reported in this May 1st story, "after a year in which murders spiked in the U.S., homicides are already trending up in many cities,
presaging what is likely to be a violent summer."
more here:
The Great Reset: An Ancient Faith Continuously Renamed
The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants.
- Albert Camus
Those who can make you believe
absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.
- Voltaire
The writings of antiquity claim Mankind's desire to unite the world began six millennia
ago on the plains of Shinar, starting with the Tower of Babel. That may be true. But, in any event, and whether
or not history rhymes or repeats, be assured of this: Nothing is new under the sun.
Grand events have cycled throughout history. In America, they seem to climax around every
80 years. For example, eight decades ago the nation was soon to enter the Second World War. Going back another
80 years, the country was on the brink of the U.S. Civil War, and a little more than 80 years before that was The Revolutionary
Read more here:
It's back to the future for Rome's Colosseum: Tourists to
get gladiator's eye-view as the floor of deadly arena is restored in £16m high-tech facelift
The floor of Rome's Colosseum is to be restored to its former glory, giving visitors a
gladiator's eye view of the ancient amphitheatre's 'majesty'.
culture minister Dario Franceschini yesterday announced a £16million contract to restore the arena floor that will enable
people to stand where the legendary fighters once battled wild animals and each other to the death.
Engineering firm Milan Ingegneria has won the bid to build and install a retractable wooden
arena floor, with the project set to be completed in two years.
more here:
World's 1st multinode quantum network is a breakthrough for the quantum internet
The move to a three-node system is a quantum leap in network design.
Scientists have gotten one step closer to a quantum internet by creating the world's first multinode quantum network.
at the QuTech research center in the Netherlands created the system, which is made up of three quantum nodes entangled by
the spooky laws of quantum mechanics that govern subatomic particles. It is the first time that more than two quantum bits, or "qubits," that do the
calculations in quantum computing have been linked together as "nodes," or network endpoints.
Read more here:
'There is something in our skies, we don't know its intentions, and there isn't
a damn thing we can do': Pentagon whistleblower warns failure to address UFOs could be America's biggest spy failure since
A whistleblower who ran the Pentagon's top-secret UFO program
has warned a soon-to-be-released report on unidentified aerial phenomena could reveal the greatest US intelligence failings
since 9/11.
Luis Elizondo, the former head of the Advanced Aerospace
Threat Identification Program (AATIP), told The Sun he had seen 'very very compelling' data that confirmed the existence of technologically advanced UFOs.
A highly-anticipated report on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) is due to be released
by the Director of the National Intelligence and the Department for Defense by June 1 .
Read more here:
Wells dry up, crops imperiled, farm workers in limbo as California drought grips
San Joaquin Valley
As yet another season of drought returns to
California, the mood has grown increasingly grim across the vast and fertile San Joaquin Valley.
Renowned for its bounty of dairies, row crops, grapes, almonds, pistachios and fruit trees, this
agricultural heartland is still reeling from the effects of the last punishing drought, which left the region geologically
depressed and mentally traumatized.
Now, as the valley braces for another
dry spell of undetermined duration, some are openly questioning the future of farming here, even as legislative representatives
call on Gov. Gavin Newsom to declare a drought emergency. Many small, predominantly Latino communities also face the risk
of having their wells run dry.
Read more here:
Get Ready For The Most Painful Inflation Since The Jimmy Carter Years Of The 1970s
If you are too young to have been alive during the 1970s, you might want to read up on
that decade, because current economic conditions are starting to become eerily similar to what we experienced back then.
In the 1970s, an energy crisis caused tremendously long lines at gas stations all over the country. In 2021, we don't
have a shortage of gasoline, but shortages of other key products are starting to cause very serious problems. In fact,
as you will see below, even the Biden administration is publicly admitting that there will be "supply chain disruptions"
in the months ahead. The 1970s also featured extremely painful inflation, and I certainly don't need to tell you that
prices have been rising very aggressively lately. In fact, Bloomberg is using the term "skyrocketing" to describe the "upward trajectory" of commodity prices...
more here:
NEW INTERVIEW With Alex Newman of The New American and Dr. Carrie Madej: COVID SHOTS, DNA &
Watch here:
Ways mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines Could Harm the Unvaccinated Explored In Depth [LIVESTREAM
This is an exclusive replay of a livestream which
broadcast 5 PM EST, May 1st.
How concerned should we be
that the newly vaccinated might adversely affect our health? What can we do? Sayer Ji shares the perspective of the New Biology,
referencing horizontal information transfer (microvessicle shedding), and the Pfizer trial protocol that addresses vaccine
bystander effects.
Read and watch here:
"I Just Wanted A Little More Time" - Texas Nurse Was Fired For Refusing
COVID Vaccine
Many hospital systems around the country have been surprised by the number of nurses who have passed on being vaccinated (either because they had already been infected, or simply because they didn't want the vaccine). But
as federal public health officials crank up the pressure on Americans to submit to the vaccine as unused jabs pile up, one
nurse in Texas complained to local journalists that she was fired simply because she refused the jab.
Nurse Michelle Fuentes told Dallas-Fort Worth CBS affiliate KRIV-TV that she had been terminated after working for 10 years at Houston Methodist Hospital, allegedly because she refused to accept
the COVID-19 vaccine.
"I knew that the date was looming over
my head of me to get the vaccine and we were constantly being pressured and pressured," Michelle Fuentes said.
Read more here:
House Res. 6666 Begins Government Surveillance of "Individual's
The bill aims at controlling
the population through Stasi-like government monitoring.
Democrats are planning to monitor you at home to ensure that you are following the arbitrary dictates regarding COVID. CDP previously
reported on this atrocity, but the Washington Times explained:
A House resolution from Illinois Democrat Rep. Bobby Rush that would put Big Government in charge of tracking citizens' movements as they relate to COVID-19 mitigation efforts - even
sending health bureaucrats to "individuals' residences," "as necessary," as the legislation states - has
a most apt number: 6666.
Mark of the beast. Mark of the beast for a beastly,
monstrously unconstitutional bill.
Read more here:
Highly cited COVID doctor comes to stunning conclusion:
Gov't ‘scrubbing unprecedented numbers' of injection-related deaths
3,544 deaths and 12,619 serious injuries reported between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 23, 2021
One of the world's most prominent medical doctors with expertise in treating COVID-19
has gone on the record with a scathing rebuke of the U.S. government's approach to fighting the virus. He says the government's
strategy, carried out in cooperation with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the United Nations World Health Organization,
has resulted in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths and is now being followed up with thousands more deaths caused by
a mass-injection program.
Dr. Peter McCullough, in a 32-minute interview with journalist Alex Newman, said if this were any other vaccine it would have been pulled from the market by now for safety reasons.
Read more here:
Canadian Martial Law Declared: Church Services Will Be Stopped Using Any Force
Pastor Artur Pawlowski explains how Canada's law enforcement
is now presenting court orders insisting they can enter churches whenever they want.
Pastor Artur Pawlowski joins The Alex Jones Show on Friday to break down the news that Canadian
Law Enforcement has been granted the use of any force necessary to stop churches from gathering.
Read and watch here:
As Joe Biden And Democrats 'Declare War' Upon
Half Of America, Prepare For Martial Law And America Under Occupation
The Transformation Of America Into A Totalitarian Police State Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes
The election of 2020 proved to most patriotic Americans that elections could be tampered
with if not outright stolen. Progressive socialists call the election the "Big Lie." I admit they are right. They
thump their chests and tell us that the election was held following the requirements of our Constitution. Thousands of affidavits
signed under penalty of Perjury were ignored, as were observations of people on the ground from both parties. There are recounts
in Arizona, and will be more recounts in other states.
If the election
was so straightforward, why do we still have a military presence in our Capitol.? This is not a position of answering to the
American people. This is a show of force to silence the citizenry for what is to come. The political agenda of the progressive
socialists will bring willful and immediate resistance, forcing a breakdown of the functional political order that has been
part of the American landscape for over 250 years.
Read more here:
Doctor refuses to accept vaccinated patients. He will not let those who made a
bad decision...
Watch here:
The Biden Administration, the
CCP, the Cartels and the Catholic Church Are Importing Every Perversion Known To Man to the Four Corners of the United States
There is, at present, an invasion of the United States for the
sole purpose of destroying the culture and what's left of the moral fabric of the United States. This article will highlight
the threat.
For the past 8 years, I have enjoyed a relationship with
two Border Patrol Agents. I am hesitant to speak in detail about their backgrounds, for fear of exposure, however, they both
possess the background needed to support the information brought forth in this article. This article is a culmination of research
performed in which I interviewed Border Patrol Agents, Catholic Church informants and Mexican news sources. The content can
be broken down into the following set of allegations.
Read more
China already ‘engaging in irregular war' with US in the ‘grey zone'
Experts say a China war is already well under way with the United States but Australia
needs to take advantage of its obvious weakness.
It's war. But not as
we know it.
Decades of writings by China's top tacticians reveal this
to be so.
"National security leaders should look closely at what
Chinese officials' words and China's military actions say about how the People's Liberation Army might actually fight a war,"
a US military academy analysis warns.
They say it's a war already well
under way. That means the start of any ‘conventional' conflict will be murky and confused. And, even once the shooting
starts, sowing doubt and disbelief will be a significant weapon in its arsenal.
Read more here:
Recently Tim McMillan at The Debrief wrote how "recently published research finds that ‘online haters' or people who post hateful comments on online
forums and social media demonstrate high levels of personality disorder traits associated with psychopathy...
"Unfortunately, the social web's dispassionate distance...provides a venue for people
to express hateful and derogatory comments and views easily. With people's lives becoming further digitized due to the COVID-19
pandemic, in 2020, many researchers have noted sharp increases in online bullying and hateful comments in online chats."
Not long ago, Dr. Thomas Horn penned an extensive 7-part series on this subject titled
FOR WHOM THE BAAL TROLLS and you can read the entire series at the links below.
THOMAS HORN IS RIGHT: Transhumanists Aim To Replace God With Machines Through
Digital Immortality
Transhumanists have hyped the new religion
of high technology for decades now. The basic idea, fairly prevalent in Silicon Valley, is that rapid advances in scientific
knowledge and tech innovation will culminate in our de facto omniscience and omnipotence. Even though humanity is lost in
a godless cosmos, digital devices will allow us to transcend our ape-like forms. As Google's Ray Kurzweil famously quipped,
"Does God exist? I would say, ‘Not yet.'" One day soon, they promise, we'll use artificial intelligence to
overcome the limits of our meat-based cognition... (READ MORE)
Antifa Infiltrated: From Target Lists To Recorded Threats
to "Kill People," And "Kill Some Cops" To Doxxing And Threatening A Mayor, We See Who The Real Terrorists
And Insurrectionists Are
While Joe Biden, the media and Democrats
(all the same, I know!) focus on the events on January 6, 2021 at the Capitol, terrorizing Americans by claiming it was an
"Insurrection!!!!," the terrorism of the past decade from Antifa and BLM groups aren't mentioned, or it is downplayed
to the point where high profile "news" personalities try to justify and defend their violence.
Perhaps because Antifa is used as the paramilitary arm for the Democrats, so of course
their riots, arson, looting and million of dollars in destruction, are not heavily covered or criticized.
Just one reason Independent Media must document it all, otherwise no one would.
Now new reports show what happened, what was planned and said at an Antifa online phone
conference, revealed by a Trump supporter that infiltrated the group and recorded the event.
Read more here:
What the world is experiencing in 2021 and going forward is a manmade EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT via an ongoing
series of bioterrorists acts perpetrated by a genocidal conspiracy of state actors, corporate entities, NGOs, secret societies[1]
and terrorist organizations such as NATO (aka North Atlantic Terrorist Organization).
What these Covid Plandemic perpetrators have set in motion is an irreversible Extinction
Level Event (ELE) that will eventually wend its way throughout the entire planetary civilization.
Because of the countless vectors of dissemination of the COVID-19 bioweapon, as well as
the numerous methods of Covid propagation, controlling this wholly manufactured pandemic is a function of shutting down the
military-grade bioweapon labs. Similarly, the various means of proliferation of this ‘coronavirus' within national
healthcare systems the world over must be stopped post-haste in order to halt this rapidly unfolding ELE.
Read more here:
Commoditizing Water: The Winners, The Losers, and How All
Americans May Eventually Be Affected
From oil and natural
gas to rare earth minerals in the deep sea, we've looked at the competition for critical natural resources. Today, we examine
the battle over a natural resource that's even more fundamental, water. There's every chance that America's Water Wars may
be overflowing into your neck of the woods soon.
When it comes
to America's Water Wars, the West is as wild as it ever was. And the mighty Colorado River is one of the spoils.
The Colorado River cuts through the Grand Canyon and spans 7 states providing water for
about 40 million people and 5 and a half million acres of farmland. To some, the water is as valuable as oil.
Read more here:
'Library of the Great Silence' invites E.T. to share long-term survival strategies
Intelligent aliens will soon have a space here on Earth where they can share how they made it through their technological adolescence.
We haven't yet heard from any such beings, of course. Some researchers find this "Great Silence" puzzling, given how old the universe is and how many potentially habitable worlds dot its vast expanse.
One possible explanation is that civilizations
tend to destroy themselves once they become "advanced" enough to explore the cosmos in a meaningful way. Such power
is inherently hard to control and can burn you to the ground more easily than it can fuel an outward push, the idea goes.
Read more here:
'Mom And Pop' Landlords Dying On The Vine As Un-Evictable Tenants Enjoy Pandemic
As millions of renters across America continue to
benefit from sweeping protections against eviction during the COVID-19 pandemic, their landlords haven't been so fortunate.
According to Bloomberg, nearly $47 billion in rent relief from the Biden Administration has been slow to materialize, forcing "mom-and-pop"
landlords into financial hardship - or forced to sell to wealthy investors. Bloomberg, perhaps to invoke sympathy
for the landlord class, focused on the impact felt by minority landlords.
more here:
Should People Have Right to Refuse a Blood Transfusion from COVID-19 Vaccinated?
As a larger percentage of the population receives the experimental COVID-19 vaccines, it's important to understand how this new development affects blood transfusions.
People who are vaccinated for COVID-19 can donate blood immediately or shortly after being
vaccinated despite the fact that the experimental product may induce life-threatening disorders in the recipients. I asked
several government agencies responsible for blood donation if we can have a choice to receive blood by non-COVID-19 vaccinated.
The answer from all was NO.
Blood banks may or may not keep the
records of whoever had COVID-19 vaccine. They don't test the vaccinated blood for Spike proteins specifically - the most dangerous
product of COVID-19 vaccination. In America they do test for antibodies which admit aren't diagnostic tools (as I told you).
In conclusion everyone can receive contaminated blood which can make her/him sick and has no choice to opt out! Tell me, if
it isn't crime against humanity, what is?
Continue this report here
GENOCIDE in the U.S. Continues: 3,848 DEATHS 118,902 Injuries
Following COVID Injections - Children Now being Reported as Dying Also
The mass murder of Americans through the experimental COVID injections continues, as the CDC is now reporting that
3,848 people have died and 118,902 adverse reactions have now been logged into their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
Many believe there is solid evidence that the CDC is holding back much of the data, and that the number of deaths
and injuries reported is much higher (see below).
This is in addition
to the fact that many deaths and injuries following the injections are not even reported, because the propaganda put out by
the U.S. Government and reinforced through the pharma-funded corporate media, continues to claim that NONE of these deaths
are linked to the COVID injections, and are just "coincidences."
more here:
When Sin Is Legalized and Christianity Is Criminalized,
It's Hell on Earth AKA "Tribulation"...
Criminalizes Hate Speech Against Transgender People . . . in Private Homes or Conversations.
We have previously discussed the alarming rollback on free speech rights in the West, particularly in Europe. The move to criminalize speech has led to an insatiable appetite for new limitations and broader
prosecutions. Norway is an example of this headlong plunge into speech controls and crimes in the West. This week the legislature adopted (without even a vote) a new criminal law that punishes people for saying anything deemed hate speech toward transgender people in their own home or private conversations.
Read more here:
Niece of Bee Gees singer Barry Gibb is found dead of a suspected heart attack
days after receiving her second Pfizer vaccine
The Niece of Bee
Gees singer Barry Gibb has been found dead with her dog by her side as her family pay tribute to their 'beloved girl' and
worry they will not be able to give her a fitting send off because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Bernice Gibb Rhoades, 56, known to friends and family as Beri,
was found unconscious in bed at her home in Las Vegas by her husband Chino on Thursday, April 15.
Beri's family have paid tribute
after she died of a suspected heart attack days after receiving her second dose of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine.
Read more here:
Senate Intelligence Leaders Say Mystery 'Sonic Weapon' Attacks On US Officials
After it was revealed Thursday that US intelligence
is investigating at least two potential "directed energy" sonic attacks on White House personnel
- one of which is alleged to have happened just off White House grounds - the US Senate Intelligence Committee weighed in on Friday, saying such mysterious incidents appear to be happening with
greater frequency worldwide.
Senators Mark Warner (D) and Marco Rubio
(R) agreed that such microwave energy attacks have gone on for "nearly five years" and have targeted "US government
personnel in Havana, Cuba and elsewhere around the world." In a joint statement the two ranking members said, "This
pattern of attacking our fellow citizens serving our government appears to be increasing. The Senate Intelligence
Committee intends to get to the bottom of this," according to Reuters.
Read more here:
Devastating Drought: Texas Farmers Say 2021 Drought Already Rivals 2011
The latest U.S. Drought Monitor shows from North Dakota to Texas, all the way west to California, the most severe levels of drought didn't ease across
the U.S. this past week.
While 62% of the country is seeing
some level of dryness, a 2-point improvement in a week, the most extreme level of drought grew, now covering more than 9%
of the country.
Read more here:
Stealthy And Deadly Directed Energy Weapons Being Used On A Grander Scale Upon
Humans Confirmed By Stories Of Attacks Near White House And In Virginia
Directed Energy Weapons Join Psychotronic Weapons Being Used Upon 'Targeted Individuals'
While over the last several years, 'directed energy weapons' (DEW's) have been
called a 'conspiracy theory' many times, most recently in the 2018 California wildfires that even Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene claimed may have been caused by 'laser beams', a stunning new story by CNN (saved at Thursday reported the US is now investigating several possible DEW attacks in America, including one near the White House.
So while Wikipedia in this 'Directed Energy Weapons' entry reports: After decades of research and development, directed-energy weapons are still at the experimental stage
and it remains to be seen if or when they will be deployed as practical, high-performance military weapons,
as the CNN story pointed out, those 'attacks' appear similar to mysterious, invisible attacks that have led to
debilitating symptoms for dozens of US personnel abroad.
Read more
Facing a Colorado River shortage, Arizona prepares for the pain of water cutbacks
With the Colorado River's largest reservoir just 38% full and
declining toward the threshold of a first-ever shortage, Arizona water officials convened an online meeting this week to outline
how the state will deal with water cutbacks, saying the reductions will be "painful" but plans are in place to lessen
the blow for affected farmers next year.
Read more here:
Facebook is making a bracelet that lets you control computers with your brain
The device would let you interact with Facebook's upcoming augmented-reality glasses just
by thinking.
Facebook says it has created a wristband that translates
motor signals from your brain so you can move a digital object just by thinking about it.
How does it work? The wristband, which looks like a clunky iPod on a strap, uses sensors to detect
movements you intend to make. It uses electromyography (EMG) to interpret electrical activity from motor nerves as they send
information from the brain to the hand. The company says the device, as yet unnamed, would let you navigate augmented-reality
menus by just thinking about moving your finger to scroll.
more here:
China's Secret Human Animal Hybrid Experiments
China is conducting secret Frankenstein-style human-animal hybrid experiments creating super viruses, human-monkey hybrids, human head transplants on monkeys and pigs, gene-editing babies, super soldiers
etc. Most of these experiments are exported out of western countries since they were shutdown in the west due to heavy criticism.
Read more here:
Max Hodak, the
Neuralink cofounder is calling for someone to build a real-world Jurassic Park. "We could probably build Jurassic Park
with 15 years of breeding + engineering to get super exotic novel species." For the uninitiated, "Jurassic Park"
and "Jurassic World" make up a five-movie franchise - with a sixth in the works - all based on Michael Crichton's
hit novel about how bad of an idea it was to open a place like Jurassic Park. Leveraging recent advances in genetic research
to create entirely new creatures is certainly an enticing idea, though there's a big difference between something potentially
being feasible and actually being a good idea. But it's not all fun and games when you're playing god and creating new dinosaurs...
The US "Holodomor" Death Toll In Action
At the height of the 1932-33 Ukrainian famine under Joseph Stalin, starving people roamed the countryside,
desperate for something, anything to eat. In the village of Stavyshche, a young peasant boy watched as the wanderers dug into
empty gardens with their bare hands. Many were so emaciated, he recalled, that their bodies began to swell and stink from
the extreme lack of nutrients.
"You could see them walking about, just walking and walking, and
one would drop, and then another, and so on it went," he said many years later, in a case history collected
in the late 1980s by a Congressional committee. In the cemetery outside the village hospital, overwhelmed doctors carried the bodies on stretchers and tossed them into an enormous pit.
more here:
USA Gangster Government - Alex Newman
Journalist Alex Newman says the rule of law is disappearing in America. You can see it in the thug tactics
of raiding the office of the President's former attorney Rudy Giuliani to the election audit finally underway in Arizona that
is sure to reveal massive ballot fraud. Newman contends, "This is one of the biggest stories out there, which is
why you won't find much of it on legacy propaganda media. . . . Arizona is ground zero. . . . If they find fraud, and
I believe they have and will find more, that means all these races get thrown into question. I think it is very clear
the election was stolen from Donald Trump by Joe Biden and company. . . . If the Democrats are in such a comfortable position
right now, all they have to do is wait and they will have a one-party state very much like California.
Read more here:
Huge Group of Doctors from 30 Countries: ‘There is
No Scientific Foundation to the Concept of Vaccine Passports'
GROUP of doctors say natural immunity to coronavirus infection is long lasting but fear people will be coerced into taking
top-up vaccines in order to re-access society when their Digital Green Pass expires after just six months.
Doctors for Covid Ethics, a group of doctors across Europe and North America, say studies on Covid-19's closest-related virus to infect humans, SARS,
revealed that those who had acquired natural immunity in 2003 remain protected even now.
They also maintain that, even before the onset of vaccination campaigns, most people had become immune to Covid-19,
either through infection with the virus itself, often without symptoms or with only mild, uncharacteristic ones, or due to
cross-immunity conferred by other, naturally occurring coronaviruses.
more here:
Authors Challenge Germ Theory & Covid Hoax ("The
germ theory is a fallacy, [and] vaccinations, a source of healthy profits for the pharmaceutical industry, are useless and
do not provide immunity to any disease.")
germ theory is a fallacy, [and] vaccinations, a source of healthy profits for the pharmaceutical industry, are useless and
do not provide immunity to any disease."
and bacteria are part of the bodily process of removing toxins from the body. The body contains trillions of viruses and bacteria.
According to the authors none of these viruses and bacteria are pathogenic. Viruses and bacteria are essential to the bodily
process of removing dead and dying toxins from the body. While bacteria are alive, viruses are not."
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The dark night of fascism has finally landed in the United States
Tom Wolfe famously quipped, "The dark night of fascism is always descending in the
United States and yet lands only in Europe." Certainly, that was the case during the Trump presidency, when
leftists insisted he was Hitler yet were unable to point to a single instance in which he'd engaged in conduct actually associated
with fascists. However, in the topsy-turvy world that is 2021, Wolfe's saying has been turned on its head. With
the advent of the Biden administration, America is heading into a purely fascist future. Meanwhile, Europeans are
insistently demanding freedom, whether it's generals and other civil servants pushing back against Critical Race Theory and
Islam or ordinary people singing and dancing in the streets.
Read more
Australia makes it ILLEGAL for citizens to fly home from Covid-ravaged India -
and offenders face five years' jail and $66,600 fines
has made it illegal to fly home from Covid-ravaged India under threat of five years in jail at a $66,600 fine.
Health Minister Greg Hunt announced the unprecedented and draconian restriction on Saturday
morning, which will begin at 12.01am on Monday.
The emergency law, invoked
under the Biosecurity Act, could see anyone who has been in India in the past 14 days charged with a crime.
Read more here:
Majority Of US Companies Will Require Workers To Provide Proof Of Vaccination
It looks like American colleges won't be alone in making vaccination mandatory for any
students who want to return to campus next semester. Despite the White House's determination that vaccination shouldn't be
mandatory by law, more than 60% of American companies are reportedly leaning toward requiring proof of vaccination from their
Read more here:
India - People Chase Out Vaccine Nazis
Submitted by Ray Jason
Guest Post by
Martin Armstrong
I have been getting reports from readers in India that claim
that the people who die are the ones who were vaccinated. I have not been able to verify this, but it seems to be a rising
theme in India. There are recorded deaths in the United States even after people have been fully vaccinated. Meanwhile, others are still testing positive after being fully vaccinated. This is simply raising deep concerns about what is really going on and what is the true objective.
It appears that there is another corona-type virus which they are calling a variant. This
is misleading insofar as they are portraying that somehow COVID is the first coronavirus. The common cold is also typically
a coronavirus. The rising number of claimed COVID-19 cases in India is being presented as a much more infectious and probably
a far more deadly variant. It is driving hospitals beyond a crisis point. The flu also attacks the ability to breathe, which
impacts often the elderly the worst.
Read more here:
Russian warplanes are buzzing Alaska at the highest rate since the collapse of the Soviet Union,
US commander says
THE US Air Force is seeing the "highest
activity" of Russian aircraft over Alaska since the Cold War, a top US commander has said.
The increased military activity in the area is attributed to Russia's expanding activities, according
to Air Force generals.
Read more here:
Mints are running out of gold; not enough physical silver to cover paper - former
U.S. Mint Director
(Kitco News) - A global shortage of physical gold and silver products has created a premium on coins and bars, and this premium is causing a disconnect between the spot price and the
"true" price that retail investors need to pay, said Ed Moy, former director of the U.S. Mint.
Moy, who was the director of the U.S. Mint between 2006 and 2011, cites the inability of the mints
around the world to keep up with physical coin and bar demand as a reason for this shortage.
Read and watch here:
There Is Something Very Sinister About The New 'Triple Mutant' COVID Strain
More Deadly And Resistant To Vaccines, And Coming To America
all saw how quickly the initial COVID-19 coronavirus spread globally, so in this day and age of air travel, it is easy to
imagine how quickly the "mutant strains" can rip from one nation to the next.
Pundits and CDC officials have acted as if COVID-19 was worse than the plague, yet the death rate is far lower than
originally predicted (and even those numbers are not completely accurate), so, all of a sudden and very "coincidentally,"
we see talk of double mutant strains, and now, triple mutant strains of COVID in India, dubbed as "more deadly and resistant to existing vaccines."
Depopulation proponents must be thrilled.
They want us scared and hiding in our homes. Common sense precautions, meaning your own informed
decisions on what is or is not best for you and your families, is really all that is needed.
Read more here:
High alert: At least two mysterious directed-energy attacks on American soil panic
US officials
The White House is on high alert after US officials
after people suddenly fall ill during at least 2 mysterious directed-energy attacks on American soil, including one close
to the White House.
Read more here:
U.S. Embassy in Moscow cuts visa services and warns Americans with expired visa
to leave before June 15 deadline in further deterioration in relations with Russia
The U.S. Embassy in Moscow has announced that it will cut consular services and staff after Russia imposed restrictions on foreign diplomatic missions.
The embassy
said in a statement that starting from May 12, it will reduce consular services offered to only include emergency U.S. citizen
services and a very limited number of immigrantion visas such as life-or-death emergencies.
It noted that non-immigrant visa processing for non-diplomatic travel will cease and it will stop
offering routine notarial services, consular reports of birth abroad or passport renewal services for the foreseeable future.
Read more here:
URGENT: U.S. State Department Tells Americans to "Leave Russia By June 15
. . ."
In the surest sign yet that crazed government officials
are planning actual war, the U.S. State Department issued a notice to Americans in Russia telling them they "Should leave
Russia by June 15 if their VISA is expiring."
This comes with another
announcement from that same State Department declaring they "Will no longer process requests for non-immigrant VISA's
from Russia to the United States effective May 12."
Put simply, they
won't be allowing any Russians (except Diplomats) IN to America, and they are telling all Americans to get OUT of Russia.
Read more here:
America is running low on chicken. Blame covid-19, a sandwich craze
and huge appetite for wings.
It's not like we weren't
warned. The doomsayers predicted this months ago: "A MASSIVE CHICKEN WING SHORTAGE IS BREWING," blared the headline of one trade publication in early February.
But it turned
out to be so much worse.
Bloomberg News, on Thursday: "Fried-Chicken Craze Is Causing U.S. to Run Low on Poultry."
other words, not just wings, but chicken in general. Or, as Bojangles put it in a recent tweet about their tenders: "we're experiencing a system-wide shortage :( But they will be back soon!"
Read more here:
Only Those With Closed Eyes and Minds Don't See the Genocide Coming As Biden Threatens
Joe Biden referred to patriots and pro-Trump supporters
as "enemies of the state" in his recent selective joint session of Congress address. This
is in line with what we have seen from the extreme groups and individuals within the Democratic Party.
In order to put the Biden Nazi-style-genocidal references to his "enemies of the state"
comments, it is very important to look at the same kind of rhetoric from his fellow communists within the emerging Bolshevik
Party (aka the Democrats).
As you read the following paragraphs, I would
admonish my fellow countrymen to abandon your conditioned state of political correctness. You must be unafraid to offend those
in power with your honest evaluation of their character and intentions for the American people. To date, and at every turn,
the American people have grossly underestimated the tyrannical threat posed by the Deep State and their minions from the Democratic
Party along with their Beijing allies.
Read more here:
‘Third Wave' Of Sickness And Death Will
Be Dominated By Those Who Have Been Fully Vaccinated...
It's interesting to me you don't find the words plague(s) and pestilence in the New Testament under any context other
than the judgment of God. (In fact, for the most part, the context of those words in the Old Testament is also within
the judgment of God.)
Pestilence is only used in the Olivet discourse
(as signs of the times of judgment):
Luke 21:10-11 (KJV)
Then said he unto them, "Nation shall rise against
nation, and kingdom against kingdom: And great earthquakes shall be in divers [several, many] places, and
famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven."
Read more here:
Deleting the Reset: The Imminent
Struggle Ahead
A while ago I wrote an article explaining my journey of learning towards the Great Reset agenda. In that piece I said that I thought this horror show would
continue for some time, but ultimately it would fail, but at great cost to our society and to all of us.
More recently I've been researching information about the new ‘vaccines' and
like others, now seriously wonder if this is part of something sinister and perhaps even more of a threat our very existence.
For relief from
the madness and heavy-reading of the scientific studies, I watch a lot of Ivor Cummins', Dr Mike Yeadon's, and Dr Sucharit Bhakdi online presentations which are professional, clear and powerful. Dr Bhakdi's recent interview here is brilliant, yet the most terrifying I've watched concerning the vaccines.
Read more here:
More Proof Covid Is A Tyrannical Power Play: Totalitarian
Regimes Use Forced Isolation And Dehumanizing The Individual To Transform Once Free People Into Chattel
According to this 2004 study published at the Oxford Academic British Medical Journal, tyranny and mental illness go hand in hand, with the mass abuse of human rights by authoritarian states leading to widespread
mental illnesses throughout any population that has seen tyranny imposed upon them.
Warning within that study that the exact effect that tyranny has on people's mental health and well-being is
still not fully understood, but that living under totalitarian regimes often lead to distinct psychological and psychosocial
consequences, as the excerpt from that study below points out, nothing less than the complete and total 'dehumanization'
of 'the individual' is often the end result of tyranny.
more here:
Cuban refugee: Americans have digested 'poison pill of communism'
'You can tell how much [media] hate this country'
Former Cuban refugee Maximo Alvarez warned in a speech at the Republican National Convention last
summer that many Americans have swallowed the "poison pill" of communism, but now he says they've "digested"
In an interview Wednesday with Lisa Boothe, he recalled witnessing
during his childhood dictator Fidel Castro's elimination of human rights, the Daily Wire reported.
Read more here:
Death Knell of the Anglo-Saxons?
As you know, the moral underpinnings of our military have been destroyed. [First] there came the removal of the policy
of ‘don't ask, don't tell,' then the forced integration of transgendered people, and now they want women brought to
the tip of the spear.
Admiral James "Ace" Lyons, March 2017
Read more here:
I'm not anti-vaccine. I'm anti-the wholesale slaughter of otherwise perfectly healthy human beings.
Post below from Dr Mercola, in which he announces his new book.
- In October 2019, mere months before the pandemic was announced, the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation co-hosted Event 201, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins School
of Public Health, funded by billionaire technocrat Michael Bloomberg. This tabletop exercise simulated the global
response to a fictional coronavirus pandemic
- Amid predictions that 65 million people were
dying, mass lockdowns and quarantines were implemented around the world, and alternative viewpoints were suppressed
through censorship under the guise of fighting "disinformation"
- Event 201 confirms
that even if the virus itself wasn't preplanned, the unprecedented and draconian response to it was
Read more here:
China engaged in 'breathtaking' nuclear expansion, STRATCOM commander warns
China's military is engaged in a "very rapid" expansion of nuclear forces, which
threatens U.S. security and is complicating efforts to deter both Russia as well as China, the commander of the Strategic
Command told Congress on Wednesday.
The expanding nuclear arsenal includes
large numbers of mobile, intercontinental ballistic missiles that travel around the country and are difficult to track.
Beijing also is deploying new solid-fueled missiles capable of being set up and fired
quicker than their older liquid-fueled missiles.
Read more here:
Bill Gates, China, 23andMe, and Your DNA
Recent reports reveal that a Chinese company with connections
to the Gates Foundation is involved in COVID-19 testing and poses a potential threat to American privacy, particularly the
medical and health data of those who have been tested for COVID-19.
late January, CBS' 60 Minutes reported:
"60 Minutes has learned Chinese company BGI Group, the largest
biotech firm in the world, offered to build COVID labs in at least six states, and U.S. intelligence officials issued warnings
not to share health data with BGI.
Read more here:
Why are certain 5G cell tower components labeled "COV-19?"
Reports are coming out to show that some of the electrical components being used in 5G tower installations bear the marking of "COV-19,"
which just so happens to be almost identical to COVID-19, the name used for the infection supposedly caused by the Wuhan coronavirus.
The "Patriot Street Fighter" account on Telegram is one of the latest to share video footage of the components, which can clearly be seen with the marking of COV-19 on their chipsets. 5G component installers all around
the world have reported similar markings on the equipment going into their towers, which shows that the phenomenon is strangely
widespread and clearly not coincidental. As you may recall from early on in the plandemic, reports emerged about
how Wuhan, China, where it all originated, had just turned on its 5G towers at almost the exact same time that area residents
started to get sick. Some of them got so sick that they dropped dead in the streets, or so we were told. Donald Trump fast-tracked the rollout of 5G here in the United States not long after that, and here we are a year later with many who are sick and dying, purportedly
from the "virus." What is really going on here? We will leave it up to our readers to decide if there is a connection
between 5G and the symptoms and sickness associated with the Chinese virus. Be sure to watch the following video from,
which shows yet another COV-19 chipset component being used in 5G installations (WARNING: LANGUAGE):
Read and watch here:
The Truth About COVID-19
In the interview
above, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. interviews me about my new book, "The Truth About COVID-19 - Exposing the Great Reset, Lockdowns,
Vaccine Passports and the New Normal," co-written with founder and director of the Organic Consumers Association, Ronnie
Kennedy wrote a piercingly insightful foreword1 to
it. The book is being released today. If you preordered, thank you! If you didn't, you can now pick it up without delay.
Read and watch here:
We are nearing a big Cascadia rupture as a swarm of strong earthquakes hits
the subducting Juan de Fuca Plate!
A cluster of earthquakes has
been ongoing off the coast of Oregon early this morning, with the major ones being a M5.5 event, a M5.4, and a M5.3, in that
Read more here:
Deagel Is Gone Now, Wiped Off The Internet - What Happened? Their
Warning About The Culling Of The Western World By 2025 Was Too Close For Comfort To The Globalists
'Slow Genocide' Continues To Forced Be Upon Us
While we'd reported just days ago that the mysterious website had 'gone dark' by removing all mentions of their 2025 'forecast' for America and the world, a 'forecast' that darkly predicted
America would be wiped out by then, losing well over 200 million people while being transformed into a 3rd world nation, we
were not prepared for what has happened since then.
Deagel is no longer online. At all as of this moment. And their website has been down since at least the evening of Monday, April 26th, when we first
learned it had been totally removed from the internet after getting an email from ANP reader 'Carrie' who told us
she had visited their website to look for any new updates and was surprised to see them no longer around at all.
Read more here:
4 early morning earthquakes shake off Oregon coast
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) - Multiple earthquakes struck less than 200 miles off of the Oregon coast
early Thursday.
According to the United States Geological Service, four earthquakes shook about 180 miles to the west of the Coos Bay area - all within about 40 minutes. The earthquakes
ranged from 4.3 to 5.4 in magnitude and were all over six miles in depth.
more here:
The apocalyptic hail was so big in Texas yesterday that it went through roofs,
destroyed windows and broke cars (videos and pictures)
Hail as
large as softballs rained down Wednesday evening as severe thunderstorms struck parts of Texas and Oklahoma.
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Biden's Climate Goals Are Clear, Concise and to the P...Wait...What?
Currently, there's a lot of confusion about the Biden Administration's "Climate Goals."
MSM outlets are not clear in their reporting on what Biden said vs. what Biden will do versus what Malthusian anti-progress
activists want him to do.
We assure you that MSM is not
telling you the truth, but we are!
Read more here:
Treasure hunters plan to dig up 48 crates of Hitler's gold worth half a billion
hidden under Polish palace ‘brothel'
TREASURE hunters are
hoping to dig up 48 crates of Hitler's hidden gold worth nearly half a billion pounds at a Polish palace used by his SS henchmen
as a brothel.
The team will begin the archeological excavation at the
18th-century palace in the village of Minkowskie in southern Poland next week and hope to unearth 10 tonnes of gold and other
Read more here:
Christian Pastor Arrested in UK for Saying Marriage Is Between Man & Woman
- Video
According to the report, police said they received information
that the man was making "allegedly homophobic comments," and they arrested him under the Public Order Act, which
can be used when anyone uses "abusive or insulting words" that cause "harm" to another person. Later,
he was released without charge.
A 71-year-old Christian pastor who was
arrested after preaching from the Bible on Tuesday described his treatment as "shameful," as he was accused
of making homophobic remarks by defining marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman outside Uxbridge Station in
west London, and led away in handcuffs, questioned in a police station, and held overnight.
Read more here:
Globalist next move in the Marxist playbook: Ostracize the unvaccinated like Hitler
ostracized the Jews
(Natural News) According to the Marxist playbook, it's time to begin disarming the unvaccinated in America and moving them all to the Covid ghettos, like lepers. No vaccine passport? No traveling for you. No job. No groceries.
Time to starve to death or get the jabs. Your choice. The globalist agenda is to turn all of the vaccinated American sheeple
against the unvaccinated. Treat them like they're diseased and spreading leprosy. Blame them for all the plight of the country.
They are the blight. They ruin the economy. Right?
Read more here:
US investigating possible mysterious directed energy attack near White House
Washington (CNN)Federal agencies are investigating at least two possible incidents
on US soil, including one near the White House in November of last year, that appear similar to mysterious, invisible attacks that have led to debilitating symptoms for dozens of US personnel abroad.
Multiple sources familiar with the
matter tell CNN that while the Pentagon and other agencies probing the matter have reached no clear conclusions on what happened,
the fact that such an attack might have taken place so close to the White House is particularly alarming.
Read more here:
Companies sound alarm over commodity price hikes
Toilet paper, baby care products, soft drinks and many other everyday products are about to get
more expensive.
Procter & Gamble, Kimberly-Clark and Coca-Cola have
all warned that they'll raise prices on many of their products as raw material costs rise. Plastic, paper, sugar, grain and
other commodities are all getting more expensive as demand outpaces supply. Companies are also paying more for shipping as
fuel costs rise and ports experience longer delays because of congestion.
more here:
"Liberal institutions
straightway cease being liberal the moment they are soundly established: Once this is attained, no more grievous and more
thorough enemies of freedom exist than liberal institutions."
Wilhelm Nietzsche (2007). "Twilight of the Idols with the Antichrist and Ecce Homo", p.71, Wordsworth Editions
What we face today, and what is coming in the near future is pure, unadulterated, totalitarian
madness, and so long as the people of this country remain indifferent to this tyranny, it will worsen and escalate every single
day until nothing of value remains.
Read more here:
Reprehensible Cruelty Towards Mentally Ill Gay Man Leads To 'Death Threats' And
'Thoughts Of Self Harm' - We Are Rapidly Becoming A Nation Of Cruelty
This was not going to be the direction I was headed with an article today, but after seeing the video and hearing
that there was more to it than from when the filming began, I did some research and I am left wondering how people have
become so utterly cruel to each other.
Granted, we can attest to the fact
that there are some very wonderful people in this country and around the globe, but the levels of cruelty being seen these
days is reprehensible.
The very short video below is incredibly hard to
watch, but it offers clues as to what the larger story truly is, as we see the young Holiday Inn Express worker have what
we can only term as a mental meltdown after a customer starts harassing him.
more here:
Red States Are Fighting Back Against The Reset - What Does This Mean For The Future?
The past year I have been writing extensively about what I call the "great conservative
migration"; a shift in US demographics not seen since the Great Depression. Approximately 8.9 million Americans have relocated since the beginning of the covid lockdowns according to the US Postal service, and a large portion of these people are leaving
left-leaning blue states for conservative red states in the west and the south. States like California, Illinois, New York and New Jersey were at the top of the list of states
people wanted to escape.
Read more here:
Canada introduces bill to police all internet speech
(Natural News) Desperate to transform his country into a clone of communist China, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has introduced new legislation that would censor the Canadian internet and make everything on it politically correct.
Citing the threat of "hate speech" and "hurtful" language, particularly against politicians like
himself, Trudeau wants to force all social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter, to start immediately removing
all content that someone on the left might feel is "offensive."
more here:
THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION-PART 2: Vatican Officials "Warming Up" Laity
For ET Disclosure
If ET life is something Vatican officials have
privately considered for some time, why speak of it so openly in recent years, in what some perceive as a careful, doctrinal
unveiling toward a mysterious goal? Is this a deliberate effort by church officials to "warm up" the laity to ET
disclosure? Are official church publications on the subject an attempt to soften the blow before disclosure arrives, in order
to help the faithful retain their orthodoxy in light of unprecedented forthcoming knowledge?
Read more here:
WITH IT: Now, Facebook Reports Its New Smart Glasses Will Read Your Mind, TELEPORT Your Soul
FACEBOOK's smart glasses could be used to "teleport" people to their office or to see
their friends. This is according to CEO Mark Zuckerberg who said the glasses could make you feel like you're in the same room
as someone even if you're far apart. The billionaire made the comments to The Information. He told the publication: "Rather
than calling someone or having a video chat, you just kind of snap your fingers and teleport, and you're sitting there and
they're on their couch and it feels like you're there together." Zuckerberg thinks this tech could help reduce some of
the negative impacts of travel such as reducing CO2 emissions. Facebook Reality Labs revealed more details about the plans
for its smart glasses in a recent blogpost... (READ MORE)
Are we Headed into Another Ice Age?
Our model has projected we are entering another "grand-minimum," which will overtake the sun beginning
in 2020 and will last through the 2050s, resulting in diminished magnetism, infrequent sunspot production, and less ultraviolet
(UV) radiation reaching Earth. This all means we are facing a global cooling period in the planet that may span 31 to 43 years.
The last grand-minimum event produced the mini-Ice Age in the mid-17th century. Known as the Maunder Minimum, it occurred
between 1645 and 1715, during a longer span of time when parts of the world became so cold that the period was called the
Little Ice Age, which lasted from about 1300 to 1850.
Read more here:
One Bank Warns Soaring Food Prices Will Lead To Social Unrest
Yesterday we explained why with prices already soaring, global inflation was about to go into overdrive as the leading food price indicator that
is the Bloomberg Agri spot index hit the highest level in six years.
a nutshell, this is a problem since food is a large component of CPI baskets in Asia, and "this large inflationary
impulse in the region that houses more than half the world's population should result in higher wage costs in the factory
base of the world. As CPI and PPI rise in Asia, it will feed through globally in the months ahead."
Read more here:
Ten Things You Need to Know about the Experimental COVID mRNA Vaccines
Experimental COVID Vaccines are coming to town, being rolled out worldwide as
the transhumanistic New World Order (NWO) agenda dictates. This next phase of the COVID scamdemic is an incredibly dangerous
one - the phase where authorities take their sovereignty-violating ways a step further by actually penetrating the body with
poison disguised as medicine. These new COVID vaccines are even worse than your plain old regular toxic, carcinogenic and mutogenic vaccines, because some of them (the mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna) are a dangerously new exotic creature:
tools that actively hijack your genes and reprogram them. Here's 10 things you need to know about the COVID vax, plus a list
at the end of the article of just some of the horrendous injuries and deaths it has caused thus far.
Experimental COVID Vaccines: Never-Before-Used Tools to Modify and Program Your
The COVID vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna are
called mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccines - a completely new type of vaccine that has never been licensed or used
on humans before. We have absolutely no idea what to expect from this vaccine, nor no way to know if it will be effective
or safe. Traditional vaccines introduce pieces of a weakened virus to stimulate an immune response. mRNA vaccines inject molecules
of synthetic genetic material from non-humans sources into your cells, thus hijacking your genes and permanently reprogramming
them to produce antibodies to kill the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus causing COVID (although, as regular readers of The Freedom
Articles know, the virus has never been isolated, purified or proven 100% to exist). These newly created proteins are not regulated by your DNA and are thus completely foreign to your body.
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'The Big One': How Cascadia Tsunami Would Impact Puget Sound
An earthquake on the Cascadia subduction zone would cause a tsunami to hit Puget
Sound in just 2 to 4 hours, according to a new DNR study.
WA - It may be this decade, or it could be hundreds of years from now, but at some point the Cascadia subduction zone will
give way, causing a massive earthquake centered right off the coast of Washington.
For years, local leaders have been studying the subduction zone to predict, and hopefully mitigate, some of the extensive
damage that quake is likely to cause.
Read more here:
College instructor discusses blowing up and gassing whites in coming race war
'The detonator blinks under the table, knowing the exits are locked'
(THE COLLEGE FIX) -- A Barnard College English instructor was featured on a Canadian radio
show earlier Monday in which he discussed blowing up and gassing white people in an imagined race war.
According to The Post Millennial, on the CBC show "q," Ben Philippe was asked about a
segment in his book "Sure, I'll be your Black Friend" which describes "detonating" white people while
nearby air vents spew out noxious gas.
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The Great Reset Dangles Before Us: The Davos Revolution And The Re-Making Of Civilization
The Great Reset dangles before us: a global public-private partnership that follows the
mystic path of social feelings, the holy writ of consensus politics, and the self-anointed prophets of international finance...
all watched over by the priests of digital technology. It's the operating system of the collective New Age, an algorithmic-technocratic
revolution - maximum efficiency for managed harmony - and of course, it's all for the "greater good."
"A crisis is a productive event." - Guy Parmelin, President of the Swiss Confederation.
Read more
I recently interviewed Steve Quayle about the current
status of America. Steve's has been ahead of the curve in noting where America is at. And where America is at, is what happens
eventually to all empires. America has fallen and whatever looks normal to you is an illusion created by past momentum. The
church has failed America. Many of the politiicans, both Democrat and Republican, have betrayed their oath of office and should
be considered nothing but traitors to the people they purport to serve. According to Steve, America has 2 broad options: (1)
adapt; and, (2) find Jesus. America is headed for extinction!
more here:
The Final Straw: What Is America's Tipping Point and What are You Prepared to Do When it comes?
Have you ever wondered what makes a person snap? What causes a normal, quiet, everyday
citizen, loving mother, or doting father to lose it all and fight like a caged animal? What can cause a small village to rise
up and rebel against an oppressive police force and start killing them? What is the switch that gets flipped that causes
a city to pour two million people into the streets, chanting and demanding to be heard by their government?
Lately it feels more and more as though we are on standing on the edge of some yawning
precipice peering over the crest into darkness. What is more troubling to me is that we have been down this path before. The
sense of unease is almost palpable to me sometimes; it is more evident if you are paying attention. If you are able to eliminate
the white noise of the world for a minute; hit the pause button on the playlist of daily life for a while and look around,
listen, you may start to recognize that you too are caught up in events that will soon change all our lives.
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"Read my lips: No New Taxes" Bush Sr said in his acceptance speech for his nomination in 1988 when he promised
no tax rises. As most politicians, he didn't keep his word. In the 1992 campaign Clinton made a devastating attack on Bush's
pledge and the rest is history.
The simple rule is: Don't listen to WHAT
people say, but HOW they say it. Already 50 years ago the Mehrabian model concluded that words only convey 7% of a message,
body language accounts for 55% and tone of voice delivers 38%. That is why you should never focus on the words of a speaker
since they are the least important.
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Population Crisis
am not sure what the Deagel population decline report is referring to or how they arrived at that conclusion. Yes, I have
said there remains the risk of a 50% decline in population as the Sixth Wave of the Economic Confidence Model concludes. This
is historically standard. It is a combination of disease and global cooling - not warming. Germany has also had the coldest
winter in 104 years and France lost 80% of its wine crop during to cold. Naturally, these people are claiming the extreme
cold is also because of CO2. But they just make up this stuff. There is never any accounting with respect to history.
Our models on sunspot warn of a prolonged solar minimum which will not bottom until around
2050. As the climate cools, there will be a rise in disease due to malnutrition. This is not CAUSED by Gates,
it is a natural cycle. But his interference is likely to increase the climate crisis and lead to far more deaths than would
otherwise take place.
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Do Mandatory Masks and Vaccines Break the 10 Points of the Nuremberg Code?...
Mandatory masks
to be the standard operating procedure for many counties, regions, districts, states and nations worldwide, as the COVID cult agenda progresses. In many places, while COVID vaccines are not yet mandatory, authorities are rushing to prepare to make them so, by setting up schemes like immunity
passports, vaccine certificates and mandatory tracking databases which log who has taken
the shot and who has not. Meanwhile, inherent sovereign human rights are being limited to those who acquiesce to tkae the
shot. The insanity and absurdity of the COVID cult is all the more apparent when you realize that its mandatory or quasi-mandatory
rules stand in contradiction to a very important set of principles decided upon in 1947. I refer to the Nuremburg
Code, the set of 10 points that arose from the infamous Nuremburg Trials conducted in the aftermath of World War
II. I am not passing judgement on how impartial those trials were, because I know they were mainly run by the US and the Allies
(as the victors), who for obvious reasons did not press charges against American generals such as Eisenhower (who later became
US President) for his POW camps inside of Germany and carpet-bombing of Dresden. Nonetheless, the trials produced the Nuremburg
Code which enshrined the principle of informed consent - a principle which, in the advent of the
COVID scamdemic, is now highly relevant and is continually being put to the test. This article will look briefly at each of
the 10 points in the light of COVID restrictions and rules.
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We Are At The Point Where the United Nations is Ready to Fire
God Over Climate Change, Should Be interesting...
UN Secretary-General
Antonio Guterres said that it is important to tackle climate change with "much greater ambition."
It is interesting to note how the phrase "climate change" is replacing "global
warming" as the catch phrase of environmentalism. Some scientists/climatologists are certain that human activity, primarily
greenhouse gas emissions, is impacting the environment. What they are not certain about is precisely what the impact will
be. A couple of decades ago, "global cooling" was the fear, with warnings of a new ice age being the primary scare
tactic. While most scientists/climatologists today believe that global warming is the primary risk, uncertainty has led to
"climate change" being used as a less specific warning. Essentially, the climate change message is this: greenhouse
gas emissions are damaging the environment, and, while we are not certain what the effect will be, we know it will be bad.
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Newscaster Slips Up On Live TV: 'They're Running Out Of
People Who Want To Get Euthanized' - More Doctors Warn Of 'Demonic Depopulation' And 'Vaccine Bioweapons'
With any talk of Covid-19 or the mRNA 'vaccines' being bioweapons immediately
labeled as a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory by the mainstream media, despite their refusal to even discuss the subject nationally,
according to this new story over at the Daily Mail, it's now been confirmed that scientists at the Wuhan, China laboratory at the center of the outbreak of Covid had assisted
the Chinese army in a secret project to discover new animal viruses to 'weaponize'.
Specifically focusing on bats among other mammals, that story reported a leading Chinese 'state body' had launched a program 9 years ago with the aim of 'finding
new viruses and detecting 'dark matter' of biology involved in spreading disease'.
And as this PJ Media story reporting on those findings pointed out, the U.S. State Department had previously raised concerns about the "gain of function"
work done at the lab. Basically, gain of function "places positive selective pressure on the microorganisms
to effect mutations that would increase their pathogenicity, transmissibility, and antigenicity." In other words, gain
of function takes a bad bug and turns it into a very, very bad bug."
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Almost Half of Federal Cases Against Portland Rioters Have Been Dismissed
In a corrupt, left-wing dictatorship, only political opposition face prosecution. Violence
and lawlessness in the cause of totalitarianism is richly rewarded.
Half of Federal Cases Against Portland Rioters Have Been Dismissed
charged in connection with violence surrounding last year's racial-justice protests have completed community service and won't
be tried
Tear gas filled the air at a Black Lives Matter protest at a
courthouse in Portland, Ore., last summer.
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COVID nurse explains becoming a whistleblower: ‘I recorded them murdering patients'
We remember this nurse's social media testimony as to the treatment of patients in her
NY hospital back in 2020 as one of the most compelling accounts of the criminality of the medical system.
It seems pretty clear that the alleged covid situation in New York was being thoroughly
cooked to paint an artificially dramatic picture of the virus and infection/death rates. Which also placed financial gain
far above human life. Note the difference in how ‘covid' patients were being treated in Florida vs. New
Read more here:
The New "Triple Mutant"
COVID Strain Threatens To Become A Catastrophic Plague Of Epic Proportions In India
People are dropping dead in the streets, deeply sick individuals are committing suicide by jumping off buildings,
and dead bodies are being burned in the open air because crematoriums have run out of space. What we are witnessing
in India right now is nothing short of a horror show. We are being told that someone is dying every four minutes
in New Delhi, but everyone pretty much agrees that the official numbers are not capturing the full extent of this plague.
Some models are suggesting that "as many as 15,000 people are dying every day" in India, and hospitals all over the country are overflowing with patients that are at death's door. India's "double
mutant" strain has been widely blamed for this catastrophe, but now a "triple mutant" strain has emerged which
appears to be even more dangerous.
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Next on the List of American Catastrophes? A Western Megadrought
I've written many articles for The Organic Prepper about the coming food shortages. Not just in the United States but all across the world. Food isn't the only thing that is soon going to be in short supply.
Fresh, clean water appears to be one of the prime shortages facing humanity today. And this problem is only going to get worse in the future.
The American West is facing a water crisis not seen since the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl days. Ironic, since we're
also seeing a lot of similarities to the Great Depression, too.
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NY's Full Term Abortion Law and Pelosi's ‘Equality Act' Have One Goal in
Years ago, I wrote an article about a strange
rock formation called the Georgia Guide Stones. Upon those rocks are engraved the globalist's "ten commandments."
I actually referred to these commandments as belonging to Antichrist.
want the reader to understand that laws like the one we saw passed in NY just days ago; which allows doctors to abort unborn
children right up to the day of delivery - and now a bill in Congress from Pelosi and the Dems which will classify children
with so-called "Gender Dysphoria" as a group in need of protection; have one main goal in common: DEPOPULATION.
That protection will manifest in the removal of these children from homes in which the
parents do not wish to enable their children to become transgenders.
more here:
The Pentagon Adopts New ‘Winning Isn't Everything Motto'
After decades of wars in which decisive victory and a coherent purpose were often elusive,
the Department of Defense announced it has adopted a new motto: "Winning Isn't Everything."
"Moving forward, it's important for us to try and enjoy the process, rather than focus
on the outcome of international conflict," Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said at a Pentagon press conference.
"You win some, you lose some. At the end of the day, we can go home with our heads held high knowing that at least we
Military leaders from every branch of service were quick
to announce their support for the motto.
"Sometimes when
you're cruisin' down that highway that is war, you just gotta lean back, feel the wind in your high and tight, and try to
enjoy the ride," said Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley. "It's not about the destination,
it's about the journey, man. That's what this new motto means to me."
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Pfizer's COVID injections trigger "mysterious" side effects
(NaturalHealth365) According to the latest statistics, just under 30 percent of the United States population (or about 94.8 million people)
have now received their full doses of the experimental COVID injections, including the Pfizer COVID shot. Yet as mainstream
media, social media influencers, and even private companies continue to try to get people to line up for the jab, concerning
reports of post-shot paralysis and other health problems continue to trickle into the headlines.
more here:
Leftist professors propose stripping Christians of their rights for refusing to
get vaccinated for Covid-19
(Natural News) USA Today published an article the other day citing three professors, two of whom are doctors, from Case Western Reserve University in Ohio who believe that getting injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) should be mandatory for everyone with no allowance for any religious
According to Drs. Michael Lederman and Stuart Youngner, along
with Maxwell J. Mehlman, the only way to "defeat" the Chinese virus is to require "vaccination for all"
- even though the jabs, according to the official narrative, do not prevent infection or spread.
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"It's About To Get Much Worse": Supply Chains Implode As "Price Doesn't Even Matter
The number of container ships stuck at anchor off
Los Angeles and Long Beach is down to around 20 per day, from 30 a few months ago. Does this mean the capacity crunch in the
trans-Pacific market is finally easing? Absolutely not, warned Nerijus Poskus, vice president of global ocean at freight forwarder
Flexport. "It's not getting better. It's getting worse," he told American Shipper in an
interview on Monday.
"What I'm seeing is unprecedented. We
are seeing a tsunami of freight," he reported.
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Advancing AI With a Supercomputer: A Blueprint for an Optoelectronic ‘Brain'
Building a computer that can support artificial intelligence at the scale and complexity
of the human brain will be a colossal engineering effort. Now researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
have outlined how they think we'll get there.
How, when, and whether we'll
ever create machines that can match our cognitive capabilities is a topic of heated debate among both computer scientists
and philosophers. One of the most contentious questions is the extent to which the solution needs to mirror our best example
of intelligence so far: the human brain.
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Ukraine Member of Parliament Suggests Missile Attack Against Russia Nuclear Power
Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada (uni-cameral Parliament-type
governing body) deputy Roman Kostenko suggested aiming Ukrainian missiles at Russian nuclear power plants.
"Moscow should know that they have nuclear power plants, such as we had in
Chernobyl , and that our missiles will simply fly there."
gets worse. The same guy also said:
"we need missiles
with a range of up to a thousand kilometers, which should be in service with us, and threaten Moscow preemptively."
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The American people have no idea that their assets
are now the property of the Biden administration. Any dissent, disagreement or protest against Biden policies will be interpreted
as being pro-Russian-friendly activities, thus making the private entity subject to property confiscation for being a Russian
Section 1 of the EO enumerates prohibited activities and defines
guilty persons, who are really Trump supporters as those "determined" by the Secretary of Treasury and/or Secretary
of State in consultation with the United States Attorney General to be:
more here:
URGENT! 5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bioweapons and Discuss What
to do About It
Ever since reports have surfaced in recent days
that people who have chosen NOT to receive the experimental COVID-19 shots but have been exposed to those who have received
them, and have suffered what appear to be infections coming from these fully "vaccinated" people, affecting mainly
women who have reported menstruation difficulties, heavy bleeding, miscarriages, and reduction of breast milk, I have been
watching my newsfeed to see if any of the dissenting doctors and scientists we feature regularly here at Health Impact
News would address these issues.
Fortunately, a team of 5 doctors
in the U.S., all of whom we have featured in the past here at Health Impact News and are highly qualified to address
this topic, just held a round-table discussion a couple of days ago to address these issues.
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'Maximum Suppression' And 'Full Spectrum Dominance Of Humanity' Health Policies
Are Hallmarks Of Totalitarian Governments That Excel At Locking Down Societies
While the name 'Professor Susan Michie' is definitely NOT a 'household name' recognized by nearly
anyone outside of the UK, as this new Daily Mail story reports, few government scientists helping to shape that nation's Covid strategy have been as influential and ubiquitous as
A HUGE proponent of Covid emergency measures being extended
UNTIL the Covid pandemic has been completely eradicated, even if that means years of never-ending lockdowns, masks and 'vaccines'
ahead, as that Daily Mail story also pointed out, Michie is a proponent of 'maximum suppression', meaning, if
Michie gets her way, no family in the UK will be allowed to have contact with any other family outside of their household,
for any reason.
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Artificial intelligence and war without humans
US Army General John 'Mike' Murray wades into the ethical debate of autonomous weapons in future
It's a simple fact, says General John "Mike" Murray,
we're going to have to learn to trust artificial intelligence in the battlefield.
And that means, the rules governing human control over artificial intelligence might need to be relaxed.
Speaking from Austin, Texas, at The Future Character of War and the Law of Armed Conflict
online event, Murray provided a future battle scenario involving the rapid advance of artificial intelligence in the US military
and the ethical challenges it presents.
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Biden picks an ill-conceived fight with Russia
Russia's military build-up on the Ukrainian border threatens a war that will be hard to stop once
it starts
What does Russia want from Ukraine? This is one of the vital
questions surrounding Russia's growing buildup of military hardware and troops, both facing eastern Ukraine and from Crimea.
No one seems to be asking Putin any questions, but rather are just demanding that he pull
his troops back and relieve the military pressure. Nor is it clear if anyone is in a position to ask that question.
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'I Just Felt Like Punching Someone' - From Randomly Punching
Strangers To Outright Brawls Show A Nation On Edge And Full Of Deliberately Incited Hate
A number of stories and videos have come to my attention which shows how America is turning into
a nation of hate, with multiple different groups hating on each other and it has gotten to the point where seeing public
brawls has become almost an everyday occurrence.
We have detailed, many
times, the hate of groups like Antifa and BLM, but those are just two examples out of many.
We see hate between political parties, against blacks, whites, Asians, the rich, the poor, Christians, masculinity,
Jewish people, hate against men just for being born with a penis, and hate against the police and law enforcement collectively.
Not just individuals of those groups, but the hate is aimed at them collectively.
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Pharma is America's new mafia whose chemical warfare on humanity dwarfs the number of victims killed by all the world wars
and acts of terrorism combined. While drug companies profit billions, people are dying by the millions. It makes you wonder
if Pharmageddon is upon us with the next set of mandatory vaccinations planned by the Center for Disease
Control (CDC) for the profit of drug companies.
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DHS Begins Internal Investigation to Identify Dangerous Employees with Patriotic Perspectives, aka "Domestic Extremists"
The internal investigation by JoeBama's Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) serves two purposes. [Memo Link Here] First, it will identify anyone with nationalist outlooks and/or ‘America First' ideology; in essence it will
identify JoeBama's political enemies (those that didn't vote for Biden).
more here:
Some Right-Wing Troops Find Themselves Targeted by Their Own War Machine
"Would I consider myself fair game? The honest answer would be yeah, I guess
I would."
In the wake of the riot at the U.S. Capitol
in January, a former CIA official named Robert Grenier published an article in the New York Times titled "How to Defeat America's Homegrown Insurgency." His recommendations
were mild when it came down to the specifics: finding and prosecuting those who carry out violence, engaging in a national
dialogue, and holding Donald Trump accountable politically. Grenier, though, had once run the CIA's counterterrorism center
and played key roles in the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. His article invoked those conflicts. Before the riot, he wrote,
"it would have been unthinkable that the United States might be a candidate for a comprehensive counterinsurgency program.
But this is where we are."
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LED Flash Photography | Are Wireless Feed Toilets Watching Us?
Can you imagine the day where a QR code/chip/phone or Mark is used to gain access to the
toilet amenities? And Big Dogs prowl the sterile streets and outer limits disposing of street urchins and open-air relievers? Mark the day, the future
is aggressively catching up with the past!]
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Company Weaponizes Soldiers' Smartphone Data To Expose US Military Secrets
As pressure mounts on Big Tech firms to curb their invasive data-harvesting practices
first implemented to cultivate valuable personal data that can be packaged and sold to advertisers for a premium (indeed,
this is how the "free Internet" was built), WSJ has just published a shocking story about how one firm (a defense
contractor called "PlanetRisk") discovered it could track sensitive movements of American troops in Syria via data
generated by apps on their smartphones.
After making the discovery, the
firm used the data to build a surveillance tool that could monitor the travel of refugees from Syria to Europe and the US.
The goal was to sell the finished product to the counter-terrorism and intelligence communities.
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Bill Gates Doubles Down On Opposition To "Open Vaccine" Movement
Roughly one year after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation seized control of the global
response to COVID-19 with the goal of providing "equitable access" to a vaccine, Bill Gates & Co. have accomplished
the opposite: The Covid-19 ACT-Accelerator mechanism, backed by the Gates Foundation, has a stated policy of respecting
the exclusive intellectual property rights of western drugmakers. At the same time, the WHO-backed alternative solution, known
as Covid-19 Technology Access Pool, or C-TAP, which was supposed to foster an open-source pool of vaccine and drug technology,
has mostly faltered.
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Civil War is Coming - GLOBALLY
I have been in political meetings over the weekend. I cannot stress strongly enough that there are cracks appearing
in this Great Reset Agenda. While Klaus Schwab's evil dreams of redesigning the world may be spearheaded by corruption, bribes,
and influence, the end goal is really not that distant from the Communist Revolutions and those of Adolf Hitler. Schwab may
not command armies, but he has infiltrated just about every government to varying degrees. His little video shows his disregard
for human life and everything to him is the environment with the fewer humans to muck-it-up the better.
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RACING TOWARD THE MARK: The Unvaccinated Will Have No Place In The ‘New
Normal' Society
So, the New Normals are discussing the Unvaccinated
Question. What is to be done with us? There is no place for us in New Normal society. The New Normals know this and so do
we. To them, we are a suspicious, alien tribe of people. We do not share their ideological beliefs. We do not perform their
loyalty rituals, or we do so only grudgingly, because they force us to do so. We traffic in arcane "conspiracy theories,"
like "pre-March-2020 science," "natural herd immunity," "population-adjusted death rates," "Sweden,"
"Florida," and other heresies. So they are discussing the need to segregate us, how to segregate us, when to segregate
us, in order to protect society from us. In their eyes, we are no more than criminals, or, worse, a plague, an infestation.
In the USA, we are being banned by universities. Our children are being banned from public schools. In New York, the new "Excelsior
Pass" will allow New Normals to attend cultural and sports events (and patronize bars and restaurants, eventually) secure
in the knowledge that the Unvaccinated have been prevented from entering or segregated in an "Unvaccinated Only"
section... (READ MORE)
Archbishop Vigano Rips Petrus Romanus As False Prophet And Servant Of The ZEITGEIST
2025 "New World Order And Masonic Globalism In An Antichristic Counter-Magisterium"
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò said an upcoming global health conference at the Vatican -
with guests such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, Deepak Chopra and Chelsea Clinton - constitutes "the umpteenth scandalous confirmation"
of Pope Francis leading the Catholic Church astray. A new op-ed by the Catholic Church's former Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S.
blasts the pope and his allies within the Church for betraying the faithful by cozying up to "representatives of Big
Tech ... a whole slew of abortionists, Malthusians, and globalists known to the general public." "The Holy See has
deliberately renounced the supernatural mission of the Church, making itself the servant of the New World Order and Masonic
globalism in an antichristic counter-magisterium," the archbishop wrote Tuesday for LifeSite... (READ MORE)
"A new instrument with an evil-sounding name is helping scientists see how stars
are born. L.U.C.I.F.E.R., which stands for ‘Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral
Field Unit for Extragalactic Research,' is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona. And yes, it's named for
the Devil, whose name itself means ‘morning star' [and which] happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on
Mt. Graham in Tucson." -Rebecca Boyle, Popular Science magazine
If you've been paying attention, you are probably aware that UFO sightings have increased worldwide,
that some of them could pose a threat to National Security, and that the Pentagon is set to release a major report on the phenomenon June 1st.
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Retired Generals in FRANCE Call for "Military Rule" to Oust President
Macron and protect the nation
Twenty retired French generals
call for MILITARY RULE in the country if President Macron cannot halt society's 'disintegration' caused by Islamists - sparking
political uproar ahead of elections.
Twenty retired French generals have
called for military rule if Emmanuel Macron fails to halt the 'disintegration' of the country 'at the hands of Islamists',
in an open letter published ahead of next year's presidential election.
The open letter,
published in Valeurs Actuelles, a news magazine, claims a military coup might be necessary to stop a 'civil war'
in France.
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IBM, which provided punch card computing systems to power the Holocaust, now in
charge of "vaccine passports"
(Natural News) By now, you have probably heard all about the deep state's maniacal "vaccine passport" scheme, which will eventually be used to enslave the entire world under medical tyranny. Well, we now know that IBM is heading up the creation and implementation of vaccine passports throughout much of the developed world - IBM being the same company
that helped organize the Holocaust, by the way.
Long before developing
the computers we all know and use today, IBM came up with a sophisticated punch card system that allowed Nazi Germany to create
a two-tiered society: the "desirables" and the "undesirables." This punch card system would later be used
to round up the undesirables for rehoming in concentration camps, which never would have been possible were it not for IBM.
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Nashville woman PARALYZED after taking Pfizer's experimental covid vaccine
(Natural News) A young woman from Nashville, Tennessee received a second dose of Pfizer's experimental covid shot on April 16. Brandy McFadden
immediately felt unwell after the shot and began to experience serious health problems the following afternoon. This story of vaccine-induced pain and sickness has been true for tens of thousands of people, who have either reported
their vaccine injuries to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), or have been told by medical authorities that
there is nothing they can do. Most people have been convinced that the issues with these experimental vaccines are normal
and are the result of their immune system going to work. Many people have been told that their vaccine-induced headaches,
inflammation, fatigue and fever are just something they must accept.
more here:
Canada's Bullying Of Christians Is Turning It Into A Tyranny
Churches in Canada have been subjected to aggressive policing of Covid-19 restrictions,
despite the fact that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects the rights of religion and assembly.
Why are Christians being targeted?
been over a year since the Covid-19 crisis began. In that time, vaccines have been developed and are being distributed all
over the world, in the hope that everyone can return to normal life.
one group of people that has encountered problem after problem with the restrictions put in place by governments during the
pandemic has been Christians. And, in the frosty land of Canada, tensions are beginning to rise due to the apparent targeting
of Christians who simply want to go back to church.
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Fauci Flip Flops, Again: Now Masks Aren't Needed Outdoors - The Truth Is They
Don't Work
Back in August of 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who regularly
flip flops and moves the goalposts, said that masks should be worn outdoors. Now, magically, face masks don't need to
be worn outdoors.
Even though Fauci changed his mind again, it is likely
you'll still see a jogger alone wearing a mask as if they will fall over dead without it. "When you are indoors, make
sure you have a mask. When you're outdoors, keep the mask on," Fauci said back in August, though he acknowledged that being outdoors was significantly safer than being indoors.
Read more here:
Short and powerful video, watch here:
Russia Calls-Up Military Reservists
President Vladimir Putin signed a decree calling for military duty of Russians in reserve.
document was posted on the official Internet portal of legal information. It comes into force from the date of publication.
In accordance with the decree, the government and regional authorities must ensure the
implementation of activities related to the collection of such people.
action is IN ADDITION TO the normal spring conscription for military service which also began in Russia on April
1. The military plans to recruit 134 thousand people for the Spring conscription.
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'Smart toilet' recognizes users' backsides, analyzes poop
April 7 (UPI) -- A team of Stanford University scientists announced they have designed
a "smart toilet" that identifies the user by the shape of their backside and monitors the health of their waste.
Lead researcher Sanjiv Gambhir said he and his team developed the Precision Health smart toilet to recognize users and use algorithms to analyze the health of their urination and bowel movements.
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More Evidence The Diabolical Depopulation Agenda Is Fully Underway With Many Getting
Sick And Dying Following 'The Shot'
'Super Mutations'
Render 'Vaccines' Useless, Except As A Weapon Against Humanity
according to this story over at WebMd, 'anti-vaxxers' are a threat to the health of the entire world per the World Health Organization, both that WebMD story and the WHO refuse to report on
the many emerging stories of people getting very sick and even dying following their Covid shots.
With this April 8th story over at the Daily Mail a perfect example of what we speak of, with that story reporting a 'pop-up mass vaccination clinic' in Colorado
has been shut down after the 'Vaccines For All' event left 11 people who got Johnson & Johnson's shot suffering
from nausea and dizziness, leaving two people hospitalized, those people may get off lucky if none of them dies, with numerous
and growing reports of people dying inexplicably within weeks after getting 'the vaccine'.
Read more here:
Health Ranger posts new microscopy photos of covid swabs, covid masks and mysterious
red and blue fibers
(Natural News) What follows is a series of microscopy photos of covid swabs (a synthetic swab, then a cotton swab), a covid mask and some
zoomed-in photos of mysterious red and blue fibers found in the masks.
magnification range for these photos is 50X to 200X. Most were taken with white light, but several (as indicated) were taken
with UV light.
The images shown here are 600 pixels wide. We have higher
resolution images available to researchers and indy media journalists; contact us for those hi-res images.
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TWO lucky escapes for mankind! SpaceX crew were told to buckle up and brace for
'collision' with 'unknown object' just hours after this video captured narrow miss as capsule separated from Falcon 9 rocket
Four astronauts aboard the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule had two close encounters with space
debris Friday while traveling to the International Space Station.
Crew Dragons separated from the Falcon 9 rocket's second stage 12 minutes into the missions, a piece of debris from the front
of the capsule broke off, shot to the right and then flew back around - missing the craft by mere seconds.
Then at 1:43pm ET, just about six and a half hours later, the crew was preparing to sleep
when they were alerted to an 'unknown' object soaring their way.
more here:
It's Official: No Tourists to EU Without Vaccine Passport
After more than a year of shutdown for the pandemic, all European Union countries will
open to American tourists for summer 2021 - with one caveat: You'll need a vaccine passport to get in. EU president Ursula
von der Leyen broke the news to The New York Times, saying, "All 27 member states will accept, unconditionally, all those
who are vaccinated with vaccines that are approved by the EMA (European Medicines Agency)."
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REPORT: California National Guard Put Fighter Jet on Alert For ‘Possible
Domestic Mission' to Terrify and Disperse Anti-Lockdown Protesters
Los Angeles Times reported that according to four sources, in March 2020, the California National Guard was told to put an
F-15C fighter jet on alert status - fueled up and ready to go - to frighten citizens protesting Governor Newsom's Covid lockdown
"It would have been a completely illegal order that disgraced
the military," one source told the Los Angeles Times. "It could look like we're threatening civilians."
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Massive Sticker Shock And More Shortages On The Way As Expert Warns 'Hardship
Is Still Ahead' - Prices Will Continue To Rise For The Foreseeable Future
The past few years has been devastating on the food supply chain with flooding, early freezes, and then COVID pandemic
lockdowns causing food shortages as farmers and ranchers were forced to destroy their own crops and euthanize their livestock....and
that all is just here in the U.S.
There are many of the same
issues globally, bringing us to a point where simply, everyday household items, such as soda, breads, pizza dough, meats,
soybeans, wheat, corn and much more have already seen massive price hikes in comparison to last year, and are expected to
continue to rise dramatically.
Read more here:
Life After Doomsday: An Accurate Expectation Of What Is To Come...
In this article, we are going to examine life after doomsday with logical prediction.
Instead of cherry-picking from the ether, we're going to use our history to accurately project what life after doomsday may
look like. Throughout survival and preparedness communities there's been a massive amount of biased conjecture fueled by a lack of narrative and fantastical imaginations
seeded by dusty concepts published by beatniks in ivory towers.
more here:
The Plandemic Will Be the Demonic Highway
to the Antichrist, ‘No Religious Exemptions' New Push for Mandatory COVID Vaccinations...
Our Politicians Along With the Other Super Pukes the New World Order Enthusiast Have Completely
Turned on the American People and the Global Community Tribulation in Warp Speed.
Three university professors, two of whom are physicians, are calling for COVID-19 vaccinations to be mandatory, with
no allowance for religious objections.
The Case Western Reserve University
scholars, writing in USA Today, advised that "disincentives" be imposed to ensure compliance, Christian News reported.
Read more here:
It hit me like a box of rocks.
I am contemplating why the government would destroy the Seth Rich murder investigation evidence. After all, cold case files
are preserved forever. Why would this be different? And then it came to me. Some states are actually investigating the alleged
voting fraud by voting machines. Arizona could be the first domino to fall. California has its own court cases which could
potentially result in the tossing out of the state's 55 electoral votes. Pennsylvania is looking into this as well and death
threats are appearing. Now I know why....Seth Rich was murdered because he leaked emails to Assange on the Hillary Clinton
theft of the 2016 Democratic Party Primary. Rich had to be dealt with. With all the voter fraud beginning to go on, the evidence
associated with Rich's murder had to disappear because it would prove that voter fraud is real and is a mainstay of the Democratic
Read more here:
The signs of an epic bubble of historic proportions are everywhere. The stock market is a bubble, with valuations
exceeding 2001. Margin debt is at all-time highs. The bond market is a bubble, with the Fed artificially suppressing rates
and pumping trillions of QE into Wall Street. Housing is experiencing another bubble, with prices now far exceeding the 2005
peak. Bitcoin and the rest of the crypto-currencies are a bubble, being driven by the excess liquidity sloshing around the
system. A joke crypto currency like Dogecoin soars into the stratosphere because money has no meaning anymore.
Read more here:
What the world is experiencing in 2021 and going forward is a manmade EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT via an ongoing
series of bioterrorists acts perpetrated by a genocidal conspiracy of state actors, corporate entities, NGOs, secret societies[1]
and terrorist organizations such as NATO (aka North Atlantic Terrorist Organization).
What these Covid Plandemic perpetrators have set in motion is an irreversible Extinction
Level Event (ELE) that will eventually wend its way throughout the entire planetary civilization.
Because of the countless vectors of dissemination of the COVID-19 bioweapon, as well as
the numerous methods of Covid propagation, controlling this wholly manufactured pandemic is a function of shutting down the
military-grade bioweapon labs. Similarly, the various means of proliferation of this ‘coronavirus' within national
healthcare systems the world over must be stopped post-haste in order to halt this rapidly unfolding ELE.
Read more here:
Third COVID Wave Will Kill Or Hospitalize 60 To 70% People Who Took Both The Vaccine
Doses Says Official UK Govt Model
According to projections by
UK's top modelling agency the thrid wave of COVID-19 spike will hospitalize and kill 60 to 70% of those people who took both the vaccine doses. The paper suggests that the resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths will dominated by those who have received two
doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively.
more here:
44-Year-Old Pastor DEAD after Moderna COVID Shot - Wanted
Other Pastors and African Americans to Follow her Example and Take the Shot
Dr. Kimberly Credit was the first female pastor at the Mount Zion Baptist Church in Boonton Township, New Jersey. She had a master's degree in divinity and a doctorate in ministry, and she was the founder
of The Preaching Lab Podcast.
On February 10th, she was injected with the first experimental Moderna
mRNA injection at a public event where she was interviewed by the New York Times and a local TV news outlet.
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Guardsmen have horrifying theory on order to ready warplane for domestic mission
The McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle is a marvel of American military technology.
Developed in the late-1960s, the F-15 was faster and more maneuverable than it otherwise
would have been because the United States thought the Soviet Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25, its direct competition, was a far more
advanced plane than it actually was. It's been in service for almost a half-century now and is still being produced by Boeing, which absorbed McDonnell Douglas in the 1990s. It'll be in service with the U.S. Air Force until at least the 2030s.
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Pope hangs image of nude Jesus caressing Judas behind his desk
'One of the most blasphemous and ungodly images'
A report by the Vatican's own newspaper reveals Pope Francis recently hung an image behind his desk
depicting a naked Jesus Christ caressing his dead apostle Judas Iscariot.
an article titled "Judas and the Scandal of Mercy," L'Osservatore Romano dedicated the first three pages of its edition the day before Good Friday to a makeover of the disciple who betrayed the
Son of God at the Passover.
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Covid-19 Gives The Global Eugenicists A Crisis And Pre-Planned Solution To Kill
Billions Quickly And Efficiently With mRNA Injections To Bring Calamity To The Future Microbiologist Warns
Joe Biden Threatens America With More Lockdowns If Not Enough People Take The
'Kill Shot'
n this incredibly sad story over at the Daily Mail, we learn that Bernice Gibb Rhoades, the 56-year-old niece of Bee Gees singer Barry Gibb, has died of a heart attack soon
after taking the 2nd dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Found unconscious in her bed with her dog by her side, her mother Lesley
didn't hold back in her anger with those rushing the vaccine.
mother Lesley Evans, 76, told MailOnline: ‘I don't even know what to say - I am so angry that this has happened to my
beloved girl.
'She was fit, healthy and
happy, but now we face the future without her. These past few days have felt how I did when we lost Andy. I was so numb and
I used to pretend he was still on tour to cope with the pain.'
'Covid-19 has turned all of our lives upside down in a way that we never imagined, and now it's safe
to say that we won't even be able to say goodbye to our daughter.
‘I am just so furious that they keep pushing this vaccine out there when people are at risk due
to unknown underlying conditions. Beri was healthy and living a life full of love and adventure.'
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Rules For 'White People In Particular' Sign Shows Liberal Double
Standard - Just Imagine The Outrage If A 'Rules For Black People' Sign Was Posted Anywhere In America
As we see the monotonous claims that blacks cannot be racist, we also note the examples
proving that claim as a bald-faced lie.
Professors and college students blatantly speaking about how they "hate white people," as reported by College Fix, while watching constant
attacks against whites, Christians and especially white male Christians.
every turn we see the demonization of white people, most of which have done nothing but be born with white skin and live their
lives minding their own business.
all claim to speak for black communities, acting as if they are incapable of speaking for themselves.
Below we will see that they are more than capable of speaking for themselves against anti-white
activists, and they do..... the media simply refuses to amplify their voices as loudly as they amplify the anti-white racist
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Google Drive blocks access to document that compiled news coverage of COVID vaccine
side effects
Google expands its crackdown on document sharing.
Google is blocking access to a PDF document that has compiled 106 pages
of screenshots of mainstream media reports about people who have allegedly experienced negative side effects or died after
taking a COVID-19 vaccine and social media testimony from those who have alleged adverse vaccine reactions.
The document is titled "Informed Consent Matters" and states that "it is everyone's right to review the first-hand testimonies
of the COVID vaccine adverse reactions without censorship." It adds that by giving people access to this data, they can
perform their own risk benefit analysis.
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BREAKING: Canadian Police Return With SWAT to Local Church Run by Artur Pawlowski
Having been turned away there first time by Pawlowski, local Canadian Police return
with SWAT and a court order
National File spoke to Canadian
pastor Artur Pawlowski concerning the second attempt to disrupt church services in order to carry out what Pawlowski refers
to as "tyrannical interference."
Pawlowski has refused
to discontinue services or aid to local homeless throughout the entire duration of these COVID19 lockdowns, and has
accumulated nearly 30 tickets for these violations.
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MATH IS RACIST: Virginia schools to dump AP classes because
To some people that sounds like the
kind of headline that is just made up bull right? Libs on social media roll their eyes when they see. Because they don't care
or they don't believe you or both.
But it ain't. Y'all know that. This
is what our country is like at every level. Math is racist.
Read more
Election Panic Coming in 2022 - Martin Armstrong
According to a recent poll, 51% of Americans think Joe Biden cheated to get into the White House. The breakdown is 74% Republicans and an astounding
30% Democrats think cheating played at least a part of the 2020 Election outcome. In Arizona, the 2020 Election ballots
are finally being audited as court battles to stop it continue. Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin
Armstrong is predicting an election "panic in 2022." Armstrong explains, "It means extremely high volatility.
Despite whatever they want to say, there is a large proportion of the population that do not believe the election. Polls
are saying it's at 51%, but it's probably close to 60% or 70%. You are also seeing that 60% of Americans want a third
party, and you are talking about Democrats and Republicans. . . . I think because we have such a high number of people who
do not trust the election results, I don't think they are going to be able to get away with rigging the elections again.
It's going to turn into violence. There is no question about that."
Read more here:
Montana governor signs law prohibiting enforcement of federal gun bans in the
state to 'protect the Second Amendment' amid Biden push for reform
Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte has signed a new law which will prohibit state and local police from enforcing federal bans on guns,
ammunition and magazines.
Republican Gianforte has been an
outspoken advocate of Second Amendment protections.
the signing on Friday, he tweeted: 'Today, I proudly signed Rep. [Jedediah] Hinkle's law prohibiting federal overreach
into our Second Amendment-protected rights, including any federal ban on firearms. I will always protect our #2A right
to keep and bear arms.'
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We Were Warned NOT To Let The 'Genie' Out Of The Bottle And Now It's Too Late!
As 'Human Genome Ending' Technologies Are Unveiled Before Our Eyes, Scientists Warn: 'The Devil Is In The Details'
(ANP: UPDATED BELOW) In the only video at the bottom of this story titled "Don't
Let the 'Gene' Out of the Bottle", the Institute for Responsible Technology powerfully conveys to Americans
the threat to both the human and environmental microbiomes, as well as the permanent corruption of nature's gene pool, from
lab-enhanced GMO's being released into the atmosphere.
And as they warn
us within that video, modern gene-altering technology has the capacity to cause utter catastrophe for human beings and the
plant and animal world around us.
Also warning within the video
that what they refer to as 'GMO 2.0' even threaten global weather patterns or creating enhanced viruses far more
dangerous and deadly than COVID-19, as we'll explore within this story, we're now witnessing "the rise of never-before-seen genetically modified organisms with CRISPR technology".
Read more here:
UPDATED! Iran Gets GREEN LIGHT to Return Fire from Syria, against Israel
Moscow informs Tel Aviv that Damascus has become fed up with the air attacks on its territory
and that it has given the green light to the Iranians to respond from within its territory.
Most importantly, Tehran has informed Moscow that the Iranian "Marches" are on their way to enter
the confrontation with Tel Aviv, with the approval of Damascus.
to follow as info becomes available . . .
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American theocracy? Montana adopts law that allows people
to challenge regulations that interfere with their religious beliefs
Montana has been accused of undermining America's secular values after the state passed a bill that will allow people
to object to government regulations on religious grounds.
Signed into
law by Republican Governor Greg Gianforte on Thursday, the Montana Religious Freedom Restoration Act requires the state government
to have a compelling reason to override a person's constitutional right to freedom of religion, and mandates that any perceived
violation of that right be done in the least restrictive way possible. Similar legislation has been adopted by 21 other states.
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Gates Unhinged: Dystopian Vision for the Future of Food
We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global
agrifood chain. The high-tech/data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose a certain type of agriculture and food production on
the world.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also involved (documented
in the recent report ‘Gates to a Global Empire‘ by Navdanya International), whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, promoting a much-heralded (but failed) ‘green revolution' for Africa, pushing biosynthetic food and new genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating the aims of the mega agrifood corporations.
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A Horror Story From The Distant Past, About How The Worst
Famine In The US History Killed 3 Out Of 4 People That Contains A Lot Of Lessons For Preppers
For as long as there have been people, there's been famine. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors developed
agriculture because, although most people's diets actually got worse when they started farming, it was easier to build up
the stores needed to survive a future shortage. Famines still happened, though; bad weather, disease, or pests could destroy
the crops, and that usually meant starvation would follow. Famines are described in the Bible and the works of Greek and Roman
historians. They regularly devastated Europe through the Middle Ages and as late as the 1840s, when blight ravaged the whole
continent's potato crop (not just Ireland's) and killed over a million people.
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"Pathetic Appeal To Hysterical Media, Frightened Voters"
- Aussie TV Anchor Unloads On "Loopy-Left Era Of Joe Biden"
Sky News host Chris Kenny says "welcome to the loopy-left era of Joe Biden, where climate policy is about existential alarmism" after the
US had a Mexican-American teenager address world leaders during an online climate summit.
"Last night we saw yet another climate summit. Another global gathering of world leaders parading their
virtue, making grand promises, playing to the green left media zeitgeist, and never being accountable for any of their promises
or actions," he said.
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Biden Becomes Laughing Stock as Only World Leader on Conference
Call with a Mask On (If it the virtual gathering of globalist masterminds wasn't bad enough, Biden embarrassed the
country with a ridiculous show of weakness.)
On Friday,
President Biden joined a conference call with world leaders to discuss global action to stop the climate from changing.
If it the virtual gathering of globalist masterminds wasn't bad enough, Biden embarrassed
the country with a ridiculous show of weakness.
He was the only on the
conference call still wearing a mask. The president has no idea how this bizarre addiction to mask-wearing is making the country
look like an international laughingstock.
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St. George Floyd and Biden's Anti-White Regime-Enabled By Ethnomasochism
It's St. George's Day, April 23. This has actually been St. George's week; not
the chap who slew the dragon, but St. George Floyd of Minneapolis, who was slain himself last year by something much
more fearsome than any dragon-by systemic racism!
So the Narrative
tells us, and so a jury ruled on Tuesday.
Why did they rule
that way, and how did we get stuck with such a crazy Narrative? Let's explore.
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Patient Zero of the Bubble Pandemic: Alan Greenspan
Below, we consider two well-known names in modern markets, former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, and
current value investing legend, Jeremy Grantham, co-founder of GMO Investment Strategies.
Years ago, I sat down with Jeremy Grantham in an office overlooking Boston Harbor to not only consider an investment
in his fund, but to absorb the insights of a blunt-spoken observer of market risk.
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Aliens are probably lurking under the surface of Mars, scientists reveal
FORGET scanning the skies for alien life - they are probably lurking underground
on Mars, researchers say.
Rocks beneath the Red Planet's wind-swept crust have a perfect chemical balance to support life when combined with water.
Researcher Jesse Tarnas, of Nasa's Jet Propulsion Lab, said: "We don't know whether life ever got started beneath the surface of Mars but, if it did, we think there would
be ample energy there to sustain it right up to today.
"The big implication
for subsurface exploration is that wherever you have groundwater on Mars, there's a good chance you have enough chemical energy
to support life."
Read more here:
Palm Scanning Payment Coming To Whole Foods
You were warned. The rulers of the globe want everyone tracked, traced, vaccinated, surveilled,
and enslaved. If they can't do it with a microchip, they will use your unique biometric data. And that dystopian future is
right around the corner.
This probably only the first to the chip.
Amazon's One (a palm scanning payment system) is expanding to its biggest area yet: the company is now testing its palm-scanning payment technology in Whole Foods, starting with a single store in Amazon's
home city of Seattle.
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Biden's Climate Requirements: Cut 90% of Red Meat From Diet; Americans Can Only
Eat One Burger Per Month
Joe Biden on Friday pledged to cut the
US's carbon emissions at least 50% by 2030.
Some of the climate requirements
are going to mean big changes for Americans.
Biden's ambitious plan could
mean Americans will be forced to cut 90% of red meat from their diets which equates to about one average-sized hamburger per
Americans may also be forced to purchase a $55,000 electric vehicle
under Biden's Marxist climate plan.
Read more here:
Secret 'Internet Covert Operations Program' (iCOP) Exposed: Postal
Service Reporting 'Inflammatory' Social Media Posts To Federal Agencies As Tyranny Shreds Yet Another Portion Of The
A previously unreported and secret program being
run by the law enforcement arm of the U.S. Postal Service, called Internet Covert Operations Program (ICOP) has been
monitoring Americans social media posts for "inflammatory" language in order to report said accounts and comments
to other federal agencies.
The law enforcement arm of the U.S. Postal
Service has been quietly running a program that tracks and collects Americans' social media posts, including those about planned
protests, according to a document obtained by Yahoo News.
details of the surveillance effort, known as iCOP, or Internet Covert Operations Program, have not previously been made public.
The work involves having analysts trawl through social media sites to look for what the document describes as "inflammatory"
postings and then sharing that information across government agencies.
more here:
April 22nd: Prostitution to be LEGAL in NYC, but speaking the truth is a CRIME
(Natural News) It's stunning that we are seeing such an aggressive effort to decriminalize prostitution and marijuana across America while
at the same time anyone who speaks the truth - about vaccines, election rigging, censorship, etc. - is treated like a criminal.
Thanks to new laws and rules, if you are caught having sex with a prostitute in New York
City while not wearing a mask, you will be fined for not wearing the mask.
are the new "criminals" and Democrat U.S. Senators are even directing the techno-fascist platforms (Facebook, YouTube,
Twitter) to de-platform anyone who tells the truth about vaccine safety problems or vaccine injuries. No one is allowed to
point out that people are dying immediately after taking covid vaccines. To do so is a "crime"
in America today.
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Dems Rush to Pass D.C. Statehood in Power Grab that Will Threaten 2A
U.S.A. --( Capitol Hill Democrats are rushing to give the District of Columbia statehood, a crusade that has been going on for
at least three decades and which critics insist is nothing more than a raw power grab.
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New Gun Control Bill Expected To Pass Requires Background Checks to Purchase Ammo
South Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Connecticut US Senator Richard
Blumenthal were given massive coverage in the media this week to push their new tyrannical gun control law. "The Ammunition
Background Check Act of 2021," would require all citizens who wish to purchase ammo for their already-legal firearms
to undergo background checks first.
The law is also called "Jamie's
Law," named in honor of Jaime Guttenberg, one of 17 victims in the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas
High School in 2018.
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Russian Plans Reveal the Intention to Invade Alaska and Encircle the CHICOMS
Americans have a right to know why they are going to die. Our country is is on a
collision course with Russia because Biden is determined to fulfill his singular mission of starting a war with Russia.
In past articles, I have covered how the Russians are moving into Ukraine as son as the
fields dry and we have discussed why. Russia has been using its natural gas to negate NATO's combined power being used to
intimidate Russia.
Also, as indicated in past articles, the Bidens',
on behalf of Ukraine were handsomely paid by Burisma to disrupt Russian natural gas shipments as a pass-through the Ukraine.
The globalists have known the sure-fire way to start war with Russia would before America to interfere in Russian natural
gas shipments.
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The Pandemic That Wasn't-"When the people fear the government, you have tyranny.
Where the government fears the people, you have liberty."
have argued since its inception that COVID-19 was not the pandemic that governments and medical establishments and the media
have led us to believe. The COVID-19 outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship in
early March-still the best controlled COVID-19 data-was the first telling sign: over 3000 passengers tested, 712 found
COVID virus-positive, 13 died. The case-fatality rate of 1.8% was higher than for influenza but lower than for
Read more here:
Dr. Michael Yeadon on Vaccine Passports: We Will be Standing
at the "Gates of Hell" if Implemented, and They Will Push Us In
We are providing another short video clip of the interview with Dr. Michael Yeadon in the Perspectives on the
Pandemic published on their YouTube channel.
In this video clip, Dr. Yeadon explains how universal vaccine passports
do not benefit either the COVID vaccinated or unvaccinated, but only the totalitarian controllers who implement it, and that
if they succeed, "we'll not only be standing at the gates of Hell, we'll just be given a little push and in we'll go."
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Playing Russian Roulette With Our Bodies And Lives - Surge
In Vaccine Adverse Reactions Give All Americans A Reason Not To Take 'The Kill Shot' As MSM And Dr. Fauci Mislead Public
No, I have not been vaccinated for COVID and I will not be! I am 86 years old with a lung
problem. Any bad cold, flu, or other respiratory problem could kill me rather quickly. One of my loved ones asked last week
if Ellen and I had been vaccinated for the China coronavirus and was disappointed when told we had not. Some of my readers
have emailed me from Africa, Europe, and the U.S. with the same question; here are my reasons.
In no particular order, I refuse to be vaccinated because:
The CDC admitted last week that the COVID deaths have been inflated, as CDC Director Robert Redfield said could happen back in August of 2020. We now know
that health officials have identified on death certificates anyone dying with COVID symptoms listed as dying from COVID. This
current CDC report says, "For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate."
Read more here:
IBM organised the holocaust, now creating ‘vaccine' passports
The shot is not about simply getting a vaccine into your arm.
Ultimately, it's about getting you tied into the digital system being launched in the form of vaccine passports. As explained
by former Clinton adviser and author Naomi Wolf (whom I will be interviewing shortly) in a March 28, 2021, interview with
Fox News' Steve Hilton:21,22
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BREAKING BIG: AZ Democrats File Last Minute Suit in Maricopa
County - Attempt to Stop Senate Audit of 2020 Election Results Again
This really is no surprise. The Democrats and the RINOs on the Maricopa County Board
of Supervisors (MCBOS) have done all they could to stop the audit of the 2020 Election results of Maricopa County. Tonight
it is reported that the Democrat member on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, Steve Gallardo is suing to stop the audit. is reporting:
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Checkmate: For Twenty-Two Years You Were Warned
Nearly two years ago The Washington Post published a piece on "Putin's dangerous campaign to rehabilitate Stalin." It pointed out that Stalin and Putin both murdered political opponents. Of course, Putin's political killings have
not been as numerous as Stalin's; but why would Putin rehabilitate a communist mass murderer like Stalin? Perhaps because
Stalin was Russia's "great" leader during World War II. Perhaps Putin aspires to be such a leader himself. Essayist
Simona Pipko, who met Stalin many years ago, once observed that Putin imitates Stalin's mannerisms. And now, having studied Putin's State
of the Nation Address (which was delivered three years ago last month), it seems that Putin has Stalin's flare for instilling
fear (and perhaps his taste for killing on a grander scale; please see "How Many People Did Joseph Stalin Kill?")
Read more here:
Astronauts who die during Mars mission could be buried on the Red Planet, sent into eternal orbit
around its atmosphere - or EATEN by other crew members
21 lives have been lost since the first man climbed into a rocket and jetted off into space 60 years ago, but as space agencies
prepare for the first human mission to Mars many are sure the death toll is sure to rise.
Astronauts heading to the Red Planet will spent at least seven months inside a capsule on a path never taken by humans
and if they survive the journey to the Red Planet, they will then endure the harsh environment the Martian world.
When a crew member dies, it would take months or years before the body is returned to
Earth, raising one question: what happens to a person's body who dies in space?
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Volcanic eruptions deep in our oceans unleash powerful blasts of energy at a rate
high enough to power an entire CONTINENT, study finds
volcanoes produce so much energy they would be able to power an entire continent, a study has found.
Submarine volcanoes litter the world's seabeds, but the eruptions were thought to be less
exciting than the terrestrial explosions with slow-moving lava and no ash clouds.
However, new research found underwater eruptions do produce ash clouds which in turn drives megaplumes of hot water
that spread upwards and then outwards.
Read more here:
US grounds ENTIRE fleet of B1-B bombers after a 'massive hole' is found in the
fuel system and swing-wing jets will only return to service when each one is deemed safe
The U.S. Air Force has grounded its entire fleet of B1-B bombers after finding a problem with the
plane's fuel system.
That takes out a third of the Air Force's entire
fleet of bombers.
General Tim Ryan, commander of the Global Strike Command,
said that he 'ordered a safety stand-down' on Tuesday.
Read more here:
Ukraine rules out direct talks on Donbas with Russian proxies -
TCG delegation spox
Ukraine has no intention to hold talks with Russian
puppet authorities of the non-recognized self-styled "LPR-DPR" entities in eastern Ukraine, even in theory, says
a spokesman for the Ukrainian delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group on Donbas settlement, Oleksiy Arestovych.
The statement came as Arestovych commented to Ukraine 24 TV on the relevant proposal by Russian President Vladimir Putin who had dismissed Volodymyr Zelensky's invitation to hold
a meeting in Donbas, offering that the Ukrainian president discuss the Donbas issues with the local "authorities."
Read more on UNIAN:
Russia-led forces in Donbas bring Grad MLR systems beyond storage
sites - Ukraine in JCCC
The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) in Donbas
continues to record the deployment of heavy weapons by the Russian occupying forces outside their designated storage sites.
In particular, 15 multiple launch rocket systems (BM21 Grad, 122mm) were spotted near
Khrustalnyi (formerly Krasnyi Luch, 56km south-west of Luhansk) on April 19, the Joint Center for Control and Coordination
(JCCC) of the ceasefire in Donbas reported on the Joint Forces Operation's Facebook page with reference to the OSCE SMM's daily report 90/2021 of April 20, 2021.
Read more on UNIAN:
DOJ files civil case against Vitamin D and Zinc product promoted by Steve Bannon...
The Department of Justice has filed a civil complaint against the makers of an alleged
treatment for Covid-19 promoted by Steve Bannon on his website. Donald Trump's former adviser appears in ads on his website
for "The War Room Defense Pack", which pairs vitamin D3 and zinc pills under the slogans: "You can't fight
if you're sick!" and "The ultimate defense against sickness."
and watch here:
Montana Senate advances bill banning vaccine requirements
HELENA, Mont. (AP) - The Montana Senate voted Thursday to advance a measure banning the
use of vaccine passports and prohibiting workplaces from requiring vaccinations as a condition for employment.
Dozens of supporters of the measure, mostly unmasked, packed the Senate gallery. They
erupted into cheers and applause when the Senate voted to advance the measure 30-19, largely along party lines with Republicans
in favor.
Read more here:
Digital vaccine passports: How to fight back and win!
Private corporations are working hand in glove with state and local governments to quietly
implement digital vaccine passports, forcing Americans to show their papers before they can attend universities, board airlines,
or enter libraries, hotels, cruise ships, sports arenas and eventually almost every type of business that deals with the public.
Rutgers University, Boston University and Notre Dame are among the institutions of higher
learning that have already announced they will require students to show proof of vaccination against COVID before they can
return to school in the fall.
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Low rainfall leaves Mexico City residents delivering water by donkey
April 22 (Reuters) - Unusually low rainfall around Mexico City has left aquifers and reservoirs
depleted, leaving some residents without tap water and reverting to older ways of distributing water - transporting containers
on donkeys' backs.
The Mexican capital, situated in a high-altitude valley,
relies mostly on water pumped from its underground aquifers and reservoirs dozens of miles away to meet water demand in the
wider metropolitan area, home to more than 20 million people.
But reservoirs
in the Cutzamala System, which provide one-quarter of the capital's water, are at 49% capacity this year, well below average,
according to the water regulator.
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The Reasons Why Leftists Will Never Successfully Disarm Americans
Gun confiscation has always been the Holy Grail of totalitarian regimes. Without disarmament,
fully centralized control of a population is not possible. And though it is true that not every evil regime seeks to disarm
every single citizen (at least not right away), they always disarm the people they specifically intend to hurt the most.
For example, gun control advocates today like to point out that the Third Reich in Germany
did not disarm the entire German population. This is a rather bizarre position for leftists as they continually wail and scream
about Nazis around every corner and behind every tree, but they will STILL defend their gun grabbing policies by arguing that
the Nazis were not as bad as conservatives assume. Of course, what they rarely mention is that the Nazis DID disarm millions
of people; most of them Jews and political opponents under 1938 German gun laws.
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Deagel Goes Dark - Deep State Sourced Website 'Ghosts' Its
2025 Warning About The Culling Of America As Putin And Russia Warn Of 'Rapid And Harsh Response' Should West 'Cross Red Line'
Going back many years now, ANP has reported many times upon a mysterious website that
has kept meticulous track of military equipment numbers across the planet, using groups such as the CIA, US State Department,
US Department of Defense and others as their 'sources', and their absolutely bizarre forecasts of a greatly 'depopulated'
Western world by the year 2025.
With one of their most recent 'forecasts'
foretelling a fall of America's population from 330 million to less than 100 million by the year 2025, a 'forecast'
which they've been regularly adjusting downwards for the past 5 years+, we were caught by
surprise upon opening an email from ANP reader 'Jack' this morning informing us that Deagel has completely removed
all of their 'forecasts' for 2025, going with a strictly 'military' feel.
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Is The U.S. Postal Service Preparing To Censor Our Mail?
The law enforcement arm of the U.S. Postal Service has been quietly running a program
that tracks and collects Americans' social media posts, including those about planned protests, according to a document obtained
by Yahoo News.
The details of the surveillance effort, known as iCOP,
or Internet Covert Operations Program, have not previously been made public. The work involves having analysts trawl through
social media sites to look for what the document describes as "inflammatory" postings and then sharing that information
across government agencies.
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Getting vaccinated for COVID-19 means that a person will become a GMO zombie,
of sorts, with no opportunity to go back to his old self. It sounds a whole lot like the mark of the beast from the book of
Revelation, would you not agree?
If you are even
just considering getting vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a message for
you: don't do it!
nephew of former president John F. Kennedy recently issued a public statement urging people everywhere to avoid the COVID-19
jab at all costs because it contains an untested new technology known as mRNA, the long-term side effects of which are completely unknown.
mRNA directly alters the genetic material of those who receive it, much
like what happens when "scientists" genetically engineer (GMO) food crops like soybeans or corn to make them resistant
to bugs or drought.
"This intervention can be compared to genetically
modified foods, which are also very controversial," Kennedy says.
more here:
FORBES: NASA Scientists Want To Look For Ancient Alien Technology On The Moon,
Mars And Mercury
From UFO crash sites on other planets and aliens
"lurking" on asteroids to a permanent radio telescope on the far side of the Moon, a new NASA-funded study into
the search for intelligent extraterrestrial life (SETI) details how future NASA missions could purposefully look for the "technosignatures"
of advanced alien civilizations. Described as evidence for the use of technology or industrial activity in other parts of
the Universe, the search for technosignatures has barely begun, but could unearth something surprising without much additional
spend, says the study. Published in the specialized journal Acta Astronautica, the study includes a list of what's NASA missions
could detect as observational "proof of extraterrestrial life" beyond Earth. Perhaps most intriguingly, the paper
suggests that interstellar probes might have been sent into the Solar System... (READ MORE)
CONSERVATIVE WOMEN ORG: In God's Name, Why Is Pope Petrus
Romanus Inviting Abortion-Backers And Friends Of The Church Of Satan To His Vatican ‘Health' Talks?
I've received confirmation of the next big Vatican ‘public' event - the International
Health Conference: Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul. How Innovation and Novel Delivery Systems Improve Human Health. To
take place from May 6 to May 8, the conference is being funded by donations, notably from Moderna, Sanford Health, Akkad Holdings,
the John Templeton Foundation, and bizarrely, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - the Mormons. None of
the ten goals listed for the conference refer either to God or the Catholic Church. Topics include ‘Human Enhancement,
Living Healthily to 120 and Beyond, and Sustainable Health Care: Protecting Our Environment.' Proceedings will be opened by
Dr Anthony Fauci, an advocate of Big Pharma who led the US response to Covid, extolling mask wearing, social distancing -
including church closures, lockdowns, and mass vaccination. He recently assured the World Health Organisation of the Biden
administration's commitment to funding abortion. Another sparkling headliner is the abortion-promoting, Church of Satan conversing former First Daughter, now ‘vice-chair' of the Clinton Foundation and ‘world health expert', Chelsea Clinton...
How Much Ruin Do We Have Left?
Any nation's well-being-as Americans know from their own illustrious history-hinges on only a few factors. Its prosperity,
freedom, and stability depend on its constitutional and political stability.
secure currency and financial order are also essential, as is a strong military.
Perhaps most important, however, is a first-rate, inductive educational system. Of course, nothing is possible without
general social calm, often dependent on a reverence for the past, along with present secure borders.
Read more here:
This Is Why World War 3 Will Look Different Than Any Other War
We've Ever Seen - Entire Cities Forced Into Blackout Conditions Will Unleash Pandemonium And Bedlam For 330 Million
Ventriloquizing for the Kremlin, the director of Russia's
state-run international media giants, RT and Sputnik, Margarita Simonyan, in a recent TV interview declared:
"Russia will invade Ukraine, sparking a conflict with the U.S. that will force entire
cities into blackouts...All-out cyber warfare, nation-wide forced blackouts...she describes as a fated war-to-come against
the U.S." reports journalist Julia Davis (Daily Beast 13 April 2021). "War is inevitable," according to Russia's
Simonyan, "I do not believe that this will be a large-scale hot war, like World War II, and I do not believe there will
be a long Cold War. It will be a war of the third type: the cyber war."
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Thousands of Reports of Menstrual Irregularities, Reproductive Dysfunction Following
CV Vaccines
The first article below deals with women who
have been vaccinated and are suffering from subsequent menstrual and related problems. Wolf, however,
is referencing something else: the possibility of experiencing these types of symptoms when simply being in the
company of a vaccinated person while you yourself remain UNVACCINATED. We are publishing a second piece below that mentions
this phenomenon.
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The Society of Catholic Scientists
To Hold ‘Extraterrestrials, AI, and Minds Beyond the Human' Non-human Intelligence Conference In Washington
The conference is titled "Extraterrestrials, AI, and Minds Beyond the Human"
and will take place at the Hilton Hotel from June 4-6. The event will also be live-streamed. Conference discussions will provide
scientific and theological insights on the subjects of real and hypothetical intelligences, especially extraterrestrial and
artificial intelligences. "There'll be 13 talks. Half of the talks are going to be about extraterrestrial life, and there's
going to be talks by some big experts on that subject," Dr. Stephen Barr, president of the Society of Catholic Scientists,
told CNA. Four of the invited speakers will discuss the possibility of extraterrestrial life from their respective fields
of study - astrophysics, astrochemistry, evolutionary biology, and Catholic theology.
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The Chauvin Verdict Proved Riots and Intimidation WORK. Expect More of It.
The verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial prompted the writing of this article. No matter what you think of the officer's actions, this has been a catalytic action
in the insurgency or riots and intimidation that we are witnessing now.
no mistake, we are in the opening salvos of the latest generation of an insurgency to overturn the basic fabric of our society. When an enemy gives you information, it is wise to listen to it. Maybe that is why it is called Intelligence.
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Syrian Missile Comes Close To Striking Israeli Nuclear Reactor, Israel Retaliates
In Huge Escalation
Overnight Israel's military was put on high
alert after alarms went off near Israel's Dimona nuclear reactor site in the southern part of the country.
Reuters is reporting that "A Syrian surface-to-air missile exploded in southern Israel on Thursday, the Israeli military said, in an incident
that triggered warning sirens in an area near the secretive Dimona nuclear reactor."
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8 Ways mRNA COVID Vaccines Can Kill You - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Watch here:
Shots to "Decimate World Population," Warns Dr. Bhakdi
this exclusive interview with The New American magazine's Senior Editor Alex Newman, world-renown German-Thai-American microbiologist
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies and that the COVID "vaccines" are set to cause
a global catastrophe and a decimation of the human population. Starting off, he explains that the PCR test has been abused
to produce fear in a way that is unscientific. Next, he explains what the mRNA vaccines are going to do to the human body
in terms and using analogies that anyone can understand. Among other concerns, he expects massive deadly clotting as well
as immune system responses that will destroy the human body. Finally, Bhakdi, who warned of impending "doom" during
a Fox News interview that went viral, calls for criminal prosecutions of the people responsible and an immediate halt to this
global experiment.
Watch here:
Reprogramming Females: Sterilization of most US girls and women is the next phase
for mRNA vaccine "technology"
(Natural News) We've seen HPV vaccines cause spontaneous abortions, still births and miscarriages. Somehow, mothers still let their girls as young as nine get the deadly, maiming HPV jab. We've watched
the vaccine industry insert human abortion cells into vaccines to conjure up severe immune reactions that are extremely dangerous,
including to the reproductive system of women. Those human fetal tissue cells are being used right now in the AstraZeneca
and J&J Covid-19 vaccines, and still Americans are confused as to why people are dying from the vaccine itself, or they
just don't know, yet. So, it's time to wake up.
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USPS Running "Covert Operation Program" To Spy On Americans' Social
Media Posts
The United States Postal Service is running
a "covert operation program" to monitor the social media activity of American citizens without their knowledge or
consent, according to official documents.
The documents, obtained
by Yahoo News, reveal a program called Internet Covert Operations Program (iCOP) which hasn't previously been made
public, that's meant to monitor the activity of conservatives and "right-wing" Americans.
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Why Does China Collect Americans' DNA?
As a Technocracy, China's Technocrat scientists believe that the future of mankind lies in the engineering of its
collective DNA. Nevertheless, China's agressive collection of American DNA should be doubly-alarming because it can only spell
one ultimate outcome: bio-warfare. That is, genetically engineering viruses or other diseases that will be selectively harmful
to U.S. populations.
It has been relatively easy for China to acquire
American DNA, and what it could not get through semi-legal means, it simply stole.
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Syrian missile lands near Dimona nuclear reactor, interception fails
SA-5 flies from Syria all the way to Negev in longest-range attack by Syria. Patriot
missile activated in response.
Israel and Syria exchanged missile
attacks early Thursday morning after Damascus launched an advanced surface-to-air missile that landed all the way in the Negev
Alarms sounded in Abu Qrenat near Dimona in the South. Syria
fired the missile in response to what it claims was an Israeli Air Force bombing near Damascus. Israel frequently strikes Syria to prevent Iranian entrenchment in the country as well as weapons shipments to Hezbollah in Lebanon.
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As Media Pushes More Riots Over Another Justified Shooting, Black Portland Community
Leaders Write Open Letter To Antifa & BLM About Destroying Their Neighborhoods
Sometimes one just has to simply shake their heads in wonder over some of the current reports, and when seen in conjunction
with other related pieces of news, it becomes apparent that much of America has simply gone crazy.
BLM and Antifa are offending not just non-violent citizen observers, but they are also offending
the actual black communities they are destroying!
Example, Portland, Oregon,
where Antifa groups have spent years rioting, taking over the streets right in front of law enforcement, who are under orders
to stand down, destroying businesses and generally terrorizing the entire city.
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US and Russia Won't Have Ambassadors in Each Other's Capitals as Tensions Simmer
The US ambassador to Russia said he is returning to Washington, Moscow recalled its ambassador
after Biden called Putin a 'killer' Dave DeCamp Posted on April 20, 2021Categories NewsTags Russia
Due to the hostile policies of the Biden administration, tensions between
the US and Russia are soaring. Now, amid the souring relations, the two countries won't have ambassadors in each other's capitals, making diplomatic communications even more difficult.
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Scientists Are Mixing Human Body Parts With Robots And Monkeys. We Don't Want To See What's Next
It's been a big month for sci-fi primates. On Apr. 8, Elon Musk's
start-up Neuralink announced they created a cyborg monkey who can play MindPong using a brain chip. The following week, scientists at the Salk Institute
in California revealed they successfully grew human-macaque embryos in test tubes. These hybrid babies were aborted at 20 days.
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People Today Believe Anything But Reality And That Will Catch Up To Them All Very
Soon In A Very Painful Way
The plain truth can often be
so obvious as to be invisible.
There are so many obstacles to change on
the scale we so desperately need.
We are fast reaching a point that no
humans can or will be able to understand the world we live in.
We pass
this way just once.
Artificial algorithms are taking over.
Yuval Noah Harari in his latest book ( 21 lessons for the 21st Century) puts his finger
on the problem.
" In the coming century biotech and infotech will
give us the power to manipulate the world inside us and reshape ourselves, but because we don't understand our own minds,
the changes we will make might upset our mental system to such an extent that it too might brake down.
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Just A Quick Thought On Yesterday's Events.
This really isn't a black vs. white issue, any more than it's a Democrat vs. Republican issue.
This is spiritual warfare. What happened to Chauvin is EVIL, and we're
all emasculated by being forced to watch it happen. Yet the "Derek Chauvin" police force will unquestioningly serve
tyrants and arrest mothers because their toddlers won't wear a face diaper. Cops should be quitting in droves, but they're
Read more here:
The silver price is today half of the January 1980 level. That was the peak at $50 which
silver reached again 31 years later in 2011. But alas, the bullion banks, aided by the BIS (Bank for International Settlement)
and central banks have again managed to push it down again and today silver is only $26.10.
The current silver price has nothing to do with supply and demand. In a real market the Price of Silver would be
substantially higher. In a fake market, the manipulators have no problem to suppress the price by selling virtually unlimited
fake paper silver.
Read more here:
The Price Of Plywood Is Absolutely Ridiculous - But It Is
Also A Sign Of The Times...
Would you pay $100 for a sheet of
plywood? I know that sounds absolutely crazy, but we are almost there. The price of plywood has been soaring into
the stratosphere in recent weeks, and analysts are telling us that it will remain high for the foreseeable future. Memes
about plywood have started to pop up all over social media, but this is no joking matter. These extraordinarily high
prices are causing a lot of pain in the homebuilding industry, and many Americans have had to postpone construction plans
indefinitely. Unfortunately, our national leaders continue to flood the system with even more new money, and that is
going to cause even more extreme inflation in the months and years to come.
more here:
Doug Woodward: Is America the Final Babylon?
One question on the minds of prophecy students is where America fits into Bible prophecy. Are we
the daughter of Babylon? Are we doomed to nuclear destruction by an unknown enemy? Doug Woodward's book, The Final Babylon,
makes a strong case for America as the wealthy nation that sits upon many waters, a nation facing God's judgment. At this
point in time, no other nation on Earth fits the biblical parameters of Revelation 18.
Watch here:
Putin warns against crossing Russia's ‘red lines,' talks up military advancement
Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his annual State of the Nation speech, warned on
Wednesday against provoking his country, promising a swift retaliation against anyone who crossed "red lines."
Moscow will respond "harshly," "quickly" and "asymmetrically"
to foreign provocations, Putin told an audience of Russia's top officials and lawmakers, adding that he "hoped"
no foreign actor would cross Russia's "red lines," according to a Reuters translation.
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They Convicted an Innocent Man - Paul Craig Roberts
Tuesday afternoon, a jury convicted former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin of three counts
of murder and manslaughter of George Floyd. Former Assistant Treasury Secretary and award winning journalist Dr. Paul
Craig Roberts (PCR) says, "This was a show trial essentially. . . . Chauvin did not have a fair trial. . . . The
media convicted an innocent man, and the jury was too fearful to stand on the evidence, and that was the story of the trial."
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Russia fires cruise missiles in Black Sea & moves dozens of fighter jets to border as Putin
‘strangles' Ukraine
A NEW video shows Russian frigate
Admiral Essen launching multiple cruise missiles in the Black Sea as Vladimir Putin defies Western demands to ease tensions
with Ukraine.
It comes as new satellite images show Russia's
expanding military line-up near Ukraine, with Su-30 fighters lined up on a runway in Crimea which were not there last month.
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health system is collapsing as Covid variant sweeps country: Gravediggers burn piles of victims to keep up and crematorium
furnaces MELT due to round-the-clock use
India's health system is collapsing under the fastest spreading coronavirus surge since the pandemic started, with gravediggers burning piles of bodies and crematorium furnaces melting from round-the-clock
Another 259,170 cases were recorded on Tuesday, the world's
highest daily rate, and 1,761 deaths, the country's highest ever daily toll, after a new variant of Covid emerged which scientists
fear could partly evade vaccines.
Britain added India to its
'red list' on Monday but was accused of acting weeks too late as more than 100 people in the UK have now tested positive for
this Indian variant since the end of March, most traced to foreign travel.
more here:
Something Big Is Brewing..... We Should Be Collectively Preparing For Long-Term
Civil Unrest As Race-Baiters All Rush To Minneapolis To Kick Off The Expected Riots
As most already know Mad Maxine Waters, known for her race-baiting, recently made comments about
violent rioters needing to be more "confrontational" if Derek Chauvin isn't convicted of murder in the death of
George Floyd.
The comments were so grossly egregious the Judge presiding
over the Chauvin trial, in denying the defense motion for mistrial, told the defense that Waters "may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned."
If Water's antics weren't enough, now another infamous race-baiter, Al Sharpton is heading to Minneapolis to stoke the fires even more.
The Mayor of Minneapolis, Jacob Frey, has also offered the
defense yet more to use on appeal should the jury convict Chauvin, by stating publicly, "Regardless of the decision made by the jury, there is one true reality, which is that George Floyd was killed at the
hands of police."
Read more here:
This is the reality that many people will face in the future and they have no
idea how bad it can get. They refuse to contemplate the harsh reality they will be living in and take steps to mitigate the effects
Americans that have only known the post WWII prosperity are ill equipped and educated
to deal with depression level living. Easy credit and instant gratification have created a nation of whining, self absorbed,
entitlement minded people with no moral or mental toughness.
I believe
we are headed for what he calls a super depression created by the ending of a debt super cycle. The bigger the debt cycle
the bigger the depression that follows. That's how reality works and most people are not prepared for reality.
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US must prepare for nuclear war: Strategic Command warns
today's unpredictable conflicts could escalate 'rapidly' where countries consider nuclear use as 'their least bad option'
US Strategic Command will warn in its annual posture statement that the 'spectrum of conflict
today' could rapidly lead to nuclear war.
Commander Charles Richard will
give testimony to the House Armed Services Committee and the Senate Committee on Armed Services this week.
The posture review informs Congress
on the state of Strategic Command and what it intends to do with its 2022 budget request.
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Nuclear War Possible Within Days as Russia-Ukraine situation escalates out of
United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) has issued
a Posture Review pointing out that an adversary may choose to use NUCLEAR WEAPONS first rather than wait until they are losing
a war.
Their precise language "Posture Statement Preview: The spectrum
of conflict today is neither linear nor predictable. We must account for the possibility of conflict leading to conditions
which could very rapidly drive an adversary to consider nuclear use as their least bad option."
#USSTRATCOM Posture Statement Preview: The spectrum of conflict today is neither linear nor predictable. We must account for the possibility
of conflict leading to conditions which could very rapidly drive an adversary to consider nuclear use as their least bad option.
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Nat'l Guard deploying in DC for ‘potential first amendment demonstrations'
over Chauvin verdict
The District of Columbia National Guard
(DCNG) is sending around 250 troops into the nation's capital to assist with the local law enforcement response to anticipated
"First Amendment demonstrations" following the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer accused
of murdering George Floyd during his arrest last year, according to a DCNG press release Monday.
"On behalf of the D.C. Metropolitan
Police Department, Dr. Christopher Rodriguez, Director of the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, has
requested D.C. Guardsmen to assist police with street closures at multiple intersections in order to provide safety in and
around pedestrian areas," the release stated.
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With All Hell About To Break Loose In America, Prepare To
Get Out Of The Cities And Into The 'Red Zones' In The Event Of A Worst Case Scenario
Reports Of Martial Law In The Cities Are Another Reason To Avoid Them Like The Plague
While thinking over this past weekend about the huge difference between the left and the
right on how the two groups think about Covid-19, lockdowns, vaccinations and everything else now unfolding in America, (with
reports of martial law already now coming out as we'll explore more below), I came across a 2008 medical study which helped
put things into proper perspective.
With 45% of Republicans in 2021 saying they won't get 'the shot' while only 7% of Democrats say the same, even leftist comedian Bill Maher recently destroyed the left on their
insane reaction to Covid as this 'Tyler Durden' story over at Zero Hedge points out (we also hear from Maher in the must-watch 1st at the bottom of this story). So it's easier to understand why the left thinks
we all need to get vaccinated when we understand the situation many on the left have put themselves into.
Read more here:
Is A Covid-Based "Medical Dictatorship" Preparing Canada For An End
To Democracy?
The idea that Canada is undergoing
a transformation toward the end of democratic governance is fundamental to the beliefs of Cultural Action Party.
One reason for our vehemence is found in the fact that mainstream media never allude
to this theory. Therefore, if it has validity, it is up to "alternate" media to deliver the hypothesis.
Certain concepts, however, reach beyond the theoretical. Based upon the pandemic
debacle, political decision-making has undergone a giant transformation.
Read more here:
In my years
covering the attempted takedown of the United States, I have never seen such simultaneous high-drama as we are seeing now.
Amazingly, Biden still does not have access to the nuclear codes.
April 19, 2021, my day started at 3AM. My phone began ringing off the hook. As I reported yesterday, I received multiple
reports that this past Friday, Biden was denied entry into the Pentagon. Biden was allegedly told that that the order came
directly from Gen. David H. Berger, Commandant of the United States Marine Corps and a ranking member of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff and that General Milley was no longer in charge.
I clearly stated
on Paul Preston's show, later that same morning that there was clearly smoke to this fire regarding the Marine Corps and Biden.
However, I was not entirely confident in the details of the report. I am now!
more here:
Genetic Vaccines: Are They the New Thalidomide?
Many Americans have heard the news account of Dr. Gregory Michael, a 56-year-old Florida physician
who, after receiving his first dose of a Pfizer COVID vaccine on December 18 of last year, was hospitalized three days later.
He had a total loss of his platelets - the little blood cells that stop bleeding. In spite of being treated by a team of physicians,
he died two weeks later from a brain hemorrhage, and was reported to have had zero platelets. By February 10, 2021,
36 other similar cases were reported in the mainstream media. Pfizer, which along with its partner BioNTech made the
vaccine the doctor received, said in a statement that it was aware of the death. Typically, they concluded, "We
are actively investigating this case, but we don't believe at this time that there is any direct connection to the vaccine."
Read more here:
Communist Revolution Overthrowing Constitution in Once-Free Nation
In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman talks with John Birch Society
coordinator Leah Southwell explains what she witnessed in Chile as Deep State-backed Communist revolutionaries waged a successful
war to overthrow that nation's liberty-minded Constitution that protected liberty there for decades. Perhaps more alarming,
Southwell explains that the same tactics and objectives are now being seen on the streets of the United States. In this interview,
the two also discuss the fascinating history of how Chile became one of the shining stars of Latin America after successfully
resisting an attempted Communist takeover decades earlier. The lessons for America are clear.
Read and watch here:
Hot zone in the heartland?
As the United States struggles with the coronavirus pandemic, a years-long debate over the new National Bio and Agro-Defense
Facility-to be located smack in the middle of Kansas cattle country-raises worrying questions about the safety of American
biodefense labs.
Read more here:
Farmers Warn Megadrought In Western US Threatens Devastating Crop Failures In
Throughout U.S. history, there have always been droughts
in the western half of the country from time to time, but what we are dealing with now is truly alarming. Scientists
tell us that a multi-year "megadrought" has developed in the southwestern portion of the country, and this is the
worst year of that "megadrought" so far by a wide margin. If conditions do not radically improve soon, we
are going to have a major agricultural disaster on our hands. Some farmers have already decided not to plant crops at
all this year, but many others have decided to plant anyway knowing that if enough rain doesn't come their crops will certainly
Read more here:
Still Believe Digital Vaccine Passports Are Something Made Up By Conspiracy Theorists?
In my past articles I wrote about Digital Vaccine Passport pilot programs in New York, global announcements and along the same lines, health passports and vaccine passport apps in which a traveler (or event goer, employee, or shopper) uploads their COVID-19 test results or vaccination status.
Unless the EU Parliament suddenly became enamored with conspiracy theorists, that is exactly
what is going to happen.
Read more here:
The Guns of April
anyone who needs an update on how World War I began, just read the headlines of today and change the names slightly. No one
country actually started that war. The rulers of all of them did stupid things, one after another and all of a sudden the
world was in flames. The same silly shit is happening today.
For those
who wonder just how the American Empire is going to end, in a whimper or with a bang, we are about to find out. My money says
it's going to be with a giant bang. But the empire is going to end post haste. How do I know? Let me count the ways. We have
passed peak stupidity across the entire spectrum.
Read more here:
‘Getting along with Putin is a good thing': US should
be friendly to Russia & not drive it towards China, ex-President Trump says
Former US President Donald Trump believes that maintaining a good relationship with Russian leader Vladimir Putin
is in America's national interests. He warned that the alternative will see Moscow becoming closer to China.
Speaking to Fox News on Monday, Trump claimed that "nobody was tougher on Russia"
than him, while also stating that he and Putin had a "very strong" personal relationship.
"Frankly, getting along with Vladimir Putin is a good thing, and I got along
with him very well," Trump said.
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People trust algorithms more than other human beings, study finds. Who do they
think programs those computers?
No matter how many algorithmic
‘glitches' and backdoors we find in our electronics, we can't seem to put them down. Most of us would argue we need
technology, but a growing subset trust it more than people. Why?
In an
era where humans are hamstrung by fear of bias, it's easier to delegate certain tasks to computers, especially if the task
is particularly trying or difficult. Certainly it's hard to believe a seemingly-impartial silicon chip could be anything other
than immune to the social pressures of human interaction in all its forms. But someone has to program the algorithms that
make these devices work, and chances are that "someone" has their own set of prejudices and preconceived
notions that they don't check at the door when they arrive at work every day.
more here:
Japan-Based USAF F-16s Flew South China Sea Mission Fully Loaded With Live Air-To-Air
Flying far from their home in Japan, the four
F-16s, each armed with six missiles, executed operations in one of the tensest areas of the planet.
he four U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter jets that recently flew a mission over the highly contested South China Sea were photographed landing at Yokota Air Base in Japan, en route to their home base at Misawa. The images confirm that these
jets were armed for counter-air operations with a heavy load of live air-to-air missiles. The jets' appearance in the South
China Sea last week coincided with the biggest presence of People's Liberation Army aircraft in Taiwan's southwest air defense identification zone (ADIZ) in recent times: 25 aircraft in all.
Read more here:
Satellite images reveal new Russian military base in Crimea filled with thousands
of tanks and troops as Putin masses 150,000 troops on border with Ukraine
The camp, located next to Kachyk Lake on the south coast of Crimea, appeared over the course of a month to house
Russian soldiers and vehicles that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been ferrying to the region on the back of trains
and trucks.
Images taken by PlanetLabs satellites on April 13 show at
least 1,000 vehicles on site, lined up in fenced-off areas opposite infantry tents. Only a fraction of that force was visible
in another image taken a month earlier on March 15.
A secondary sub-camp
is also visible around a mile to the west of the main camp, on the shores of Kachyk Lake. That camp primarily consists of
vehicles in fenced-off pens, with a handful of infantry tents visible.
more here:
Bari Weiss slams her former employer The New York Times and The Washington Post
for 'ignoring the ideological takeover of schools' because they too have been 'transformed' by woke culture
Former New York Times editor Bari Weiss has accused her previous employer of being too
'woke' to cover the growing row about New York City's private schools, after a teacher and a parent objected to the curriculum in two of the city's most elite academic institutions.
Paul Rossi, a math teacher, was told on Sunday that he had been 'relieved of his teaching
duties' by Grace Church School in the East Village of Manhattan following his April 13 essay published on Weiss' site.
Andrew Gutmann, whose daughter attended The
Brearley School, an all-girls private school in New York City, located on the Upper East Side, wrote a letter, also on April 13, to other parents complaining about efforts to 'brainwash' students with 'woke' philosophies rather than
teaching them how to think on their own.
Read more here:
U.S. ambassador to Russia John Sullivan 'is refusing to leave' after he was advised
by the Kremlin to return to D.C. in row over Biden's sanctions
US ambassador to Russia is reportedly refusing to leave the country after he was told to return home just days after President
Joe Biden's new sanctions on the Kremlin for interfering in the 2020 US presidential election.
Sources told Axios that John Sullivan, the US Ambassador, met with top foreign policy official, Yuri Ushakov, who advised that he go back
to Washington, DC.
But Sullivan has reportedly refused the recommendation. According
to the sources, Sullivan said if Russian President Vladimir Putin wants him to leave, then he'll have to force him out.
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CNN Declares Open Season On 'White' Kids: Genocidal Chris *Fredo* Cuomo Says When 'White People's
Kids Start Getting Killed' There Will Be Gun Reform
Chris *Fredo*
Cuomo took to the airwaves of CNN, where he is a host, and claimed that gun reform would only happened if "Your kids
start getting killed. White people's kids start getting killed."
We have seen Cuomo and other CNN hosts justify and defend Antifa/BLM violence. We have seen Cuomo himself on camera,
seemingly drunk, threatening to throw a man down the stairs because he called him "Fredo."
A nickname meant to imply the younger stupid brother in the Godfather
We have seen CNN hosts call all conservatives Trump supporters "Nazis" and including them in groups like "Klan" members.
Read more here:
War and a big potential false flag are on the agenda today.
In this article, I am going to throw up some dots and see what connects. I just engaged in this
activity with Paul Preston, the President of the California 51st State movement, as I appeared on his radio show,
Agenda 21 Radio. We compared dots and have a lot in common on his morning show.
America has been waiting for the other shoe to drop and it appears that several shoes are dropping.
Read more here:
- U.S.A. HAS . . . NONE
Cities in Ukraine and in Russia
have begun testing the NUCLEAR BLAST DOORS installed in their public subway systems which are some (not all) of the BOMB SHELTERS
for their population. The USA, has NONE.
The situation between Ukraine
and Russia is now so dire, that cities within both countries are TESTING BLAST DOORS they installed in their underground subway
stations. The video below shows such doors being tested EARLIER TODAY in Ukraine.
It is important to point out that while many European countries and, of course, Russia, have vast Civil Defense networks
and bomb shelters for THEIR populations, the United States of America has . . . NONE.
Read more here:
Whatever is Coming, is Coming VERY soon: State TV Crews Ordered to Donetsk
Film crews of Russian federal channels are going to Donetsk, Ukraine. Why? They themselves
do not know!
Several reporters from such outlets are saying they were
"ordered to move forward and wait."
That means the Russian
government knows something is coming because THEY are going to do it, and they want TV crews there to see it, video record
it, and report it.
Whatever's coming in Ukraine, is coming very, VERY
Once "it" begins, the real issue is what the other side
- Ukraine and/or NATO - will do? And it is that reaction/response which will determine what comes next, including full
scale war.
Read more here:
Russian Jet Intercepts US, Norwegian Patrol Aircraft In 2nd Major Incident In
A Week
A major intercept incident between Russia and US-NATO
allied aircraft has occurred over the far northern Barents Sea on Monday.
Russian fighter jet on Monday reportedly intercepted and escorted US and Norwegian patrol aircraft," The Hill reports. "The Russian Defense Ministry said the incident over the body of water near Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia
involved a MiG-31 fighter jet," it continued, based on initial reporting by Russia's state-run RIA news agency.
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"Conga Line" of U.S. F-16's in the air now to Europe
Russian government has issued Notice to Airmen and Mariners (NOTAM) declaring a very large area of air space around Crimea
to be a "danger" zone for aircraft due to newly announced military "drills." This no-fly area
encompasses where US and British Intel Aircraft and Drones have been flying every day.
The NOTAM keeps this air space, and certain sea lanes, CLOSED until the end of April.
Of course, this is only for military "drills" and not some planned invasion of Ukraine
Read more here:
'Dark Picture Of World's Future' In New Threat Assessment Warns Of Cascading Risks
And 'Long-Term Fallout' - The Latest Signs The Destruction Of The Human Race Has Been Kicked Into High Gear
With the destruction of the human race being kicked into high gear in 2021 as Steve Quayle and his distinguished guests will warn the world in the upcoming 'Extinction Protocols' Conference in
June, as we'd reported on Sunday in this story titled "Blood Will Spill On American Soil As The 'Lunatic Fringe' Explodes In Pandemonium This Coming Week While All Of The
Pieces On The World Stage Have Been Cast Into Motion," the 'the Days Of God's Judgement are falling upon America'. And we'll be taking a look within this story at
an April 13th story by Michael Snyder over at End of the American Dream which proved there are at least 10 major signs happening right now suggesting 'major end times events' are
in motion in 2021.
With things on both the national and global
stages looking like they'll continue to deteriorate in the coming months, as Snyder warns us within his story, largely because
of false hopes surrounding the vaccine, lots of people seem to think that we will soon see a 'return to normal' and
that 'good times are just around the corner'.
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Antifa "Panicking" About Police Informant Inside Network: Andy Ngo
Members of the infamous Antifa cell in Portland are anxious after an informant in their midst gave information to police, leading to arson charges, Antifa expert Andy Ngo says.
"They're panicking because
this may possibly mean that somebody has infiltrated high... and there's a lot at risk, because this is a criminal cartel,"
Ngo said Saturday on NTD's "The Nation Speaks."
"And if there's somebody in there and they don't know who
it is who's informing on them, it could bring down the entire cell," Ngo added.
Read more here:
NY Times targets "White Evangelicals" who refuse vaccines for prolonging
ETH - A recent piece from the NY Times
is placing the blame on "White Evangelicals" who refuse to take the COVID vaccine for prolonging the pandemic.
According to the article, Deeply held spiritual convictions of white evangelicals across America are what they say are the reasons for are refusing
to be vaccinated and their ideology has spread just as quickly as the virus itself. The article goes further to highlight
a rooted mix of religious faith and a long-standing wariness of mainstream science, as well as being fueled by online conspiracy
Read more here:
China Launches New App Allowing Citizens to Report Others For Expressing "Mistaken
China's Communist government has launched
a new app that encourages citizens to report dissidents for expressing "mistaken opinions" on the Internet.
The new platform will target anyone who criticizes the dictatorship's ruling CCP, disputes
the official version of the country's history or engages in "misinformation."
Read more here:
Canadian gov't won't show evidence for lockdowns in trial of pastor charged with
breaking regulations
Government lawyers told the Court that the
Alberta Government could not produce any scientific evidence in support of the lockdown orders in time for the May 3 trial.
EDMONTON, Alberta, Canada, April 19, 2021 (JCCF) - The Justice Centre announced last week that the trial of Pastor James Coates, of Grace Life Church, will proceed on May 3, 2021 at Provincial Court in Stony Plain, however the Court granted the Government's request that Pastor Coates
not be permitted to challenge the constitutional validity of Dr. Deena Hinshaw's orders at the trial. The government will
not be required to produce scientific evidence in support of Dr. Hinshaw's orders. Government lawyers told the Court that
the Alberta Government could not produce any scientific evidence in support of Dr. Hinshaw's orders in time for the May 3
Read more here:
Australia: Minister Refuses to Rule Out Electronic Ankle Bracelets to Enforce
Home Quarantine
Australians being forced to wear electronic
ankle bracelets, even if they are fully vaccinated, to make sure they are complying with home quarantine orders.
The astounding suggestion was made by journalist David Speers during an interview with
Employment Minister Stuart Robert about how authorities would ensure returning travelers stayed at home.
Read more here:
Michael Savage Warns of Civil War - ‘You Should Be Very Frightened'
Discussing everything from culture and immigration to race and violence, foreign policy
and the media, as well as the economy and privacy concerns, conservative radio legend Michael Savage on Friday warned of a
civil war which awaits the U.S. if the left continues to launch assaults on all that Americans hold dear.
On his latest weekly podcast, Savage discussed a broad range of issues he sees as breeding grounds for an impending civil war.
"What we are seeing is a civil war," Savage said, before questioning if it can be stopped.
Savage then described the "assault" as emanating from all sides and the wars
"raging right here at home," including the "war against the middle class, the suburbs, and white men."
Read more here:
Vast Stretches Of America Have Now Descended Into A State Of Deep Economic Depression
Even though the stock market has been booming and the corporate media is full of talk
about "recovery", there are many communities in the United States where a permanent atmosphere of despair seems
to hang in the air. The federal government gives us doctored numbers that show that the national unemployment rate is
low, but in small towns all across the country it seems like almost everyone is either unemployed or working extremely low
paying jobs. Earlier this month, one such town was profiled by USA Today. Even before the COVID pandemic came along, the little town of Ogdensburg, New York was deeply struggling, but now
economic conditions have become extremely dire...
Read more here:
US Money Supply: More Lies from On High
Upton Sinclair famously observed that, "it is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary
depends on his not understanding it."
After decades navigating among
Wall Street sell-siders or reading the pablum that passes for financial journalism in the retail space, I discovered it was
always an open secret in the big banks that if you wanted to move up the ladder, don't rock the boat.
In short:
Keep the message bullish, as bears get fired and bulls stay hired.
more here:
Navy Labs To Reopen The Once Taboo Case On Nuclear Cold Fusion
Federal labs are reexamining the DOD's research into cold fusion and low-energy
nuclear reactions, potentially leading to revolutionary technologies.
Researchers at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Division have reopened the case on low-energy nuclear reactions, or LENRs, largely unexplained phenomena that are at the core of theories about "cold
fusion." Five different government-funded laboratories under the control of the U.S. Navy, U.S. Army, and National Institutes
of Standards and Technology will conduct experiments in an attempt to once and for all settle the debate over this little-understood
and highly controversial topic. Despite the controversy and stigma associated with LENR, many experts across the U.S. military
believe that the science behind them is sound, and if working technologies can someday be developed, it could transform military
operations to an extent not seen in over a century.
Read more here:
Drug Cartel Now Assassinates Its Enemies With Bomb-Toting Drones
The tactic has become widespread on battlefields overseas and now appears to be
proliferating to organized crime.
Mexico's drug cartels are notoriously
well armed and equipped, with some possessing very heavy weaponry, including armored gun trucks sporting heavy machine guns. Now at least one of these groups appears to be increasingly making use of small quadcopter-type
drones carrying small explosive devices to attack its enemies. This is just the latest example of a trend that has been growing worldwide in recent years, including
among non-state actors, such as terrorists and criminals, which underscores the potential threats commercially-available unmanned systems pose on and off the battlefield.
Read more here:
New Army Training Doc Outlines Ways To Give Soldiers Superhuman-Like Sensory Perception
The Advanced Situational Awareness concept aims to give soldiers an unconscious
"human edge" through various techniques.
The U.S. Army
has published a new training circular that contains a section on how soldiers can train their senses to new levels of awareness,
enabling them to almost unconsciously perceive small details about their surroundings in a near-superhuman manner. Other sections
of the circular describe how cultural anthropology, the study of world religions, and even Gestalt psychology, can be leveraged in U.S. Army training in order to make soldiers into what some might call "warrior monks" with
near-preternatural deductive reasoning ability.
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After Assassination Disrupted, Belarus to Merge With Russia! Doubles Border area
with NATO; Exposes ALL of Ukraine to Invasion
Intelligence circuits
are buzzing Sunday with news that the foiled assassination plot against Belarus President Lukashenko has convinced him that
his country should MERGE with Russia for protection.
The alleged plot,
which was reportedly foiled yesterday, was said to have been approved by the US C.I.A. because Lukashenko allowed Russian
Army units to "share" Belarus military bases, as the troubles in Ukraine get worse.
This sharing agreement means that Ukraine is almost completely surrounded by Russia, or Russia-favorable
countries, and if a fight erupts between Ukraine and Russia, it is now likely Ukraine will be "disintegrated"
- won't exist as a country anymore!
Read more here:
London Admits Silver Squeeze
Freakout, Chinese Gold Bid is Back
Big news broke last Friday
morning by Reuter's Peter Hobson and others writing an exclusive report on revamping Chinese gold demand this April and May 2021.
Headlines read, "China renews appetite for gold with US$8.5 billion set to arrive as central bank relaxes
China's appetite for gold jewelry, bars, and coins
has recovered as the economy rebounded in recent months.
Read more here:
Greyerz: The Perth Mint Is In Trouble - Where Is Their Clients' Physical Gold
& Silver?
Egon von Greyerz at Matterhorn Asset Management
(based in Switzerland): The silver price today is half of the January 1980 level.
That was the peak (at $50) which silver reached again 31 years later in 2011. But alas, the bullion banks, aided by the BIS
(Bank for International Settlements) and central banks have again managed to push it down again and today silver is only $25.90.
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Blood Will Spill On American Soil As The 'Lunatic Fringe' Explodes In Pandemonium
This Coming Week While All Of The Pieces On The World Stage Have Been Cast Into Motion
The Days Of God's Judgement Are Falling Upon America: 'This Is Not A Drill'
With the left pushing their anti-America, anti-Christian, anti-sanity agenda full tilt,
and what's happening in Portland, Oregon, where 'Antifa Communist Revolutionaries' just burned down an Apple store while firing guns randomly from their car windows; and Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, where California Representative Maxine Waters just told BLM protestors to 'get more confrontational' with law enforcement, are all evidence of the left's intentions for America, we warned just days ago that Americans should be fully prepared for turmoil in the days ahead on all fronts, both domestic and abroad.
Read more here:
The CIA Used To Infiltrate The Media... Now The CIA Is The Media
Back in the good old days, when things were more innocent and simple, the psychopathic
Central Intelligence Agency had to covertly infiltrate the news media to manipulate the information Americans were consuming
about their nation and the world. Nowadays, there is no meaningful separation between the news media and the CIA at
Read more here:
In Yesterday's article, I painstakingly detailed one of the biggest betrayals of the American
people with the unconstitutional signing of the Kigali Principles which allowed for the UN, based on their own say-so, could
forcefully enter with foreign troops any country that the UN determined was in distress. The signing was initiated by John
Kerry, on behalf of Obama in December of 2016. Hillary had already lost the election and Obama was seemingly unable to pass
on the torch of treason. However, the Kigali Principles were the failsafe to the lost election and subsequent coronation for
Hillary. Obama was quite confident that Trump would not serve a second term and he set the stage to hand off the country to
the United Nations in whomever would take Trump's place.
Not only will
the United Nations be entering our country in the near future, but their CHICOM-blue-helmeted allies be entering the US as
Read more here:
The Genetic Sabotage Of Humanity
The elite seek total control over the human genome, and therefore the evolutionary destiny of mankind.
While the social engineers of the United Nations slowly force Agenda 2030 through
the manufactured totalitarian Covid lockdown scheme, a decades-old secret human cloning and hybrid operation is testing the
water of public scrutiny.
Watch here:
Dr. Lee Merritt: In Animal Studies,
After Being Injected With MRNA Technology, All Animals Died Upon Reinfection
In the following interview, Dr. Lee Merritt explains that mRNA technology is not a vaccine, mirroring what Dr. David Martin also stated recently.
In animal studies, after mRNA injections have been administered to cats,
when the virus arrived once again into the body, it arrived like a Trojan Horse, undetected by the cats' own immune system.
The virus multiplied unchallenged and all animals involved in the experiment died from various causes.
According to Dr. Lee Merritt,
more here:
US West prepares for possible 1st water shortage declaration
CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) - The man-made lakes that store water supplying millions of people
in the U.S. West and Mexico are projected to shrink to historic lows in the coming months, dropping to levels that could trigger
the federal government's first-ever official shortage declaration and prompt cuts in Arizona and Nevada.
Read more here:
Coming As US Enters Worst Mega Drought In 1200 Years Accompanied By Stock Market Crash
Recently global financial experts including economist and bestselling author Harry Dent, who has
called the past few economic crashes eerily accurately is "now predicting a major ‘super-bubble' crash will happen
by June" (WATCH).
On the other end of the spectrum scientists are warning that the US
is also headed for one of the worst megadroughts in history.
What do national financial collapse and drought have in common? Only
one of the most important lessons handed down to me from one of the wisest sages I ever knew, a third-grade dropout
and my Grandfather "Mac" McLaughlin. What I learned from him resonates important lessons for all of us today...
and what will be tomorrow.
Read more here:
Why The Naive Average Person Should NOT Expect To Be Protected When The Next Financial
Crisis Hits
The transnational capitalist class is pouring billions
of dollars into the rapid digitalization of global capitalism as the latest outlet for its surplus accumulated capital and
hedging its bets on new investment opportunities in a global police state. But will these ballooning sectors of the global
economy allow the world capitalist system to avoid another catastrophic crisis? Reports from international agencies and international
economic data indicate a resounding "no."
The greatest wealth
transfer in history has already begun and the next crisis will only accelerate the process. As the printing presses continue cranking out more and more money, looking forward to a time when the markets
pause or another economic crisis consumes the world is an issue we all should think about.
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Minnesota National Guard, Police Team Targeted In Drive-By Shooting Hours After
Maxine Waters Incites BLM Protesters
Hours after
Sen. Maxine Waters (D-CA) urged protesters to 'get more confrontational,' a Minnesota National Guard and Minneapolis
police team were targeted in a Saturday morning drive-by shooting, according to a press release by the National Guard.
The incident happened at approximately 4:19 a.m.
local time when a light colored SUV drove by and unloaded. Fortunately for the officers, only minor injuries were sustained
- with two National Guardsmen suffering minor cuts from shattered glass. They were taken to a local hospital. A third Guardsman
had "only superficial injuries" according to the statement.
more here:
Why Are China and Russia Buying So Much Gold? Just Don't
Make The Mistake Of Thinking This Is All Routine
A larger
global currency shift is underway...
And it may be happening
much more quickly than anyone has realized.
Things are definitely
in motion. Call it a game of musical chairs, or an exercise in rearranging chairs on the Titanic, or just that a tilting balance
of power. Just don't make the mistake of thinking this is all routine.
People's Bank of China has added about 100 tons of gold to its reserves since December. Russia has bought 106 tons of the
precious metal last year.
Read more here:
6-week stay-at-home order, strict new measures needed to control 3rd COVID-19
wave in Ontario, experts say
Ontario needs at least a six-week
stay-at-home order with an average of 100,000 vaccinations per day to get the third wave of COVID-19 now gripping the province under
control, a panel of experts said Friday.
"Without stronger system-level
measures and immediate support for essential workers and high-risk communities, high case rates will persist through the summer,"
Ontario's COVID-19 science advisory table said in its latest update, echoing recommendations it has been making for months.
Read more here:
Experiment creates "Planet of the Apes" embryos, Rabbi calls it the
sexual sin of the Nephilim
It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on earth-when the divine beings cohabited with the daughters of men,
who bore them offspring. They were the heroes of old, the men of renown. Genesis 6:4 (The Israel BibleTM)
Researchers are injecting human stem cells into monkey embryos and even
scientists are disturbed by the ethical implications. For the Biblically minded, the implications are clear.
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Greatest Violations of Nuremberg Code in History - Catherine Austin Fitts
Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts contends
CV19 and the vaccines to cure it are more about control than depopulation. Fitts explains, "I think the bankers
are trying to chip us. Moderna describes their injection, gene therapy as an ‘operating system.' I agree
with them. I think they are trying to download an operating system into our bodies. I don't think it was an accident
. . . the man President Trump appointed as head of ‘Operation Warp Speed' was an expert at Brain-Machine interface.
. . . Just like Bill Gates downloaded an operating system into your computer and made you update it regularly because of the
threat of another virus, I think they are trying to play the same game with human bodies. It's hard for people to fathom
if they have not been following the advancements in biotech and to fathom how much money the bankers can make if they can
achieve this. We just saw the Chairman of the Federal Reserve talking about the economy was getting better because the
vaccination rate was going up. I think that's code for the bank stocks are going up because we are downloading operating
systems in more and more people, and our stock reflects that. We get a pop on our stock for every person we can remotely
control with our operating system. . . . If you look at the deaths and adverse events, and the failure to provide true informed
consent, we are talking about the greatest violations of the Nuremberg Code in history-now."
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Slide To War Continues; Diplomats EXPELLED by Multiple Countries; Coup Plot Foiled in Belarus (US
INVOLVEMENT) - US & Turkish Troops Now In Ukraine!
The slide
to WAR is accelerating. Diplomats are being EXPELLED from countries. US Embassy CONFIRMS US Troops are now in Ukraine and
Russian Intelligence shows Turkish Troops arrived too.
On Thursday, a group
of military "instructors" from the United States arrived at the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) located
in the Donbass, said the official representative of the defense department of the Luhansk People's Republic.
Those "instructors" were twelve US Special Forces operators. The
US may be calling them "instructors" but typically, men like these go into a region to "soften-up" targets
before the main US body of forces arrives and engages.
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Bankers are beginning to send notices to cash account
customers informing them they may have to WAIT 95 DAYS to withdraw money from their cash account!
You may wish to take a very close look at what YOUR bank is doing to see if they are changing their
terms to affect YOUR withdrawals.
Words to the wise! You may want to ask
yourself if they are doing this because a banking collapse is coming?
Read more here:
Tucker Carlson: ‘We Are Moving Toward Some Kind of Larger Confrontation
with Russia - Why Are We Doing That?'
Fox News host Tucker
Carlson broke down the recent revelation that the New York Times story claiming the Russian government offered bounties on U.S. troops in Afghanistan
was false.
On his Friday monologue of "Tucker Carlson Tonight",
Carlson explained how that fake news, coupled with incendiary rhetoric from the Biden administration, could be a sign of a
coming contrived war with Russia.
Read more here:
Biden's Plot to Put Blue-Helmetted CHICOM Soldiers On the Streets of America (Pt
The United States previously announced its support for a
set of principles that give a green light for U.N. peacekeeping troops and police to use force to protect civilians in armed
conflicts. Previously, U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power told a high-level U.N. meeting focusing on the responsibility
to protect civilians that the United States was "proud" and "humbled" to join 28 other countries that
have pledged to abide by the 18 pledges.
Read more here:
Argentinian pro-abortion leader dies during abortion procedure
Spanish language media reported last Sunday that radical pro-abortion supporter Maria
de Valle Gonzalez Lopez died during what she labeled her "dream" abortion operation. She was 23 years old and was
the leader of the Radical Youth in the La Paz municipality in the province of Mendoza. Her death has sparked a fierce debate
about abortion in Argentina and led for calls for women to know that the procedure can sometimes carry serious risks.
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Diplomats confirm detention of Ukraine's consul in St. Petersburg
Ukrainian diplomats have confirmed the detention of Ukraine's consul in St. Petersburg, Oleksandr
Sosoniuk, by Russia's FSB Federal Security Service for allegedly receiving classified information.
Sosoniuk spent the night in the FSB investigative department in St. Petersburg, an UNIAN source said on April 17, adding
that the investigation is underway, and he cannot comment on the adequacy of the charges against the council.
Read more on UNIAN:
BLM Leaves 'No More White Babies' Graffiti As Activists Claim Anti-white
Racism Doesn't Exist, While Movement Leader Accused Of Scamming BLM Supporters
There are never-ending examples of the media, liberals, Democrats and Black Lives Matter (BLM) members
claiming all they want is for people to understand that "Black Lives Matter," as they scream racism at anyone that
points out, yes they do, as does every other life."
Behind the entire
movement is an ugly truth that is being hidden by the media from huge swathes of Americans, with social media actually censoring
private messages and emails to prevent their users from seeing the very damning reports about the movements leaders.
Read more here:
Pope Francis Goes Full Communist, Says Sharing Property is Not Communism But "Pure
Only a few days after Pope Francis
pushed for "the regeneration of existing institutions "and "global governance" because we are "in
debt to nature itself, as well as the people and countries affected by human-induced ecological degradation and biodiversity
Here we go again with more leftist propaganda for
the Great anti-Christian Reset by the Jesuit Pope.
Read more here:
Russian warplanes launch missiles and drop bombs over the Black
Sea in major military exercise - as US 'warns commercial pilots against overflying hot zone amid fears another MH17'
Russia is conducting major aerial exercises including missile launches and bombings over
the Black Sea amid warnings from the US of 'another MH17'.
New videos
indicate Moscow is continuing to mass its military might close to the Ukrainian frontier.
One video showed a detachment of warships moved by the Russian navy from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea, the first
such switch since Soviet times, according to reports.
Read more here:
China Outraged At Joint US-Japan Statement Which Invokes 'Nuclear Defense'
During their late Friday press conference President Biden and Japanese Prime Minister
Yoshihide Suga - who is the first foreign leader to visit the White House of the new administration - issued a joint statement
lashing out a China for actions that "are inconsistent with the international rules-based order"
and impact "peace and prosperity" in the region. Thus it appears the lengthy pressure campaign by the administration to get Suga to agree to sign off on a muscular joint statement aimed at China, particularly at a moment
of soaring tensions over Taiwan, paid off.
Read more here:
The Coming Panic Into Gold & Silver Will Be One For The History Books
Eric King: "We talk about the 1970's and what it meant for people who
lived through it. There is a giant group of people that lived through that inflation and they remember it very well. When
that army of people, and they're beginning to emerge now because they're seeing the same things they saw in the 1970s, when
that army emerges and begins to panic in to gold, silver and the mining stocks, I think the tape is going to get pretty internetty."
Read more here:
Russians rebuilding pagan Arch
of Palmyra: Preparation for Messiah?
After six years of laying
in ruin, the Russians have begun reconstructing the Triumphal Arch of Palmyra in Syria that served as a gateway to a major
pagan temple to Ba'al. Rebuilding the arch is predicted in the Talmud as preceding the Messiah.
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Biden-Harris Administration to Ramp Up Experiments Using Aborted Baby Body Parts
The Biden-Harris administration's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced it is reversing the Trump administration's decision to end taxpayer funding for experimental research that uses fetal tissue derived from aborted babies.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH), an agency under the authority of HHS, announced Friday
an "Update on Changes to NIH Requirements Regarding Proposed Human Fetal Tissue Research":
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Deadly Serious DHS List: You Might Be A Domestic Terrorist If...
An 18-year veteran in law enforcement warned to beware of Homeland Security training
that is being pushed to local law enforcement. "You might be a Domestic Terrorist If" you believe in civil liberties,
or if you actually believe in your Constitutional rights. Sadly, this is NOT a joke.
We've all heard the "You might be a Redneck If" jokes, but in this series "You might be a Domestic
Terrorist If" you believe in civil liberties, or if you actually believe in your Constitutional rights. Sadly, this is not a
joke. You might also be a terrorist if you have ever expressed concerns about Big Brother. Are you a Christian who has ever
discussed the anti-Christ, the apocalypse, or even mentioned the book of Revelation? Guess what, according to DHS then you too qualify as a potential domestic terrorist.
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Mastercard Releases Carbon Footprint Calculator For Banks
There will come a time when your bank will discriminate against you for exceeding your
allotted carbon footprint. Mastercard's new footprint calculator app states,
carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases generated by our actions. Greenhouse gasses, like carbon dioxide,
are harmful to the planet. "
Mastercard doesn't bother to mention
that if there was no CO2 in the atmosphere that all living plants on the earth would die. Given that you exhale CO2 some 20,000
times per day, Mastercard is suggesting that you are the biggest threat to the future of humanity.
Read more here:
Beware 'Covid-Camps' And A Gargantuan Communist Power Grab In The Coming Days
As Globalists Fully Roll Out Their Propaganda Machine To Convince Conservatives To Get 'The Shot'
- The Globalists Preferred Vax Narrative Ripped To Shreds By The CDC's Own Numbers
With the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu, claiming the world is now approaching its highest Covid-19 infection rate with the number of diagnosed cases per week doubling across the world in the past two months, we're not surprised that another huge push is being made to get Americans 'vaccinated',
with Pfizer now claiming a 3rd dose will be likely needed within a year.
Also perfectly seen in this story over at The Hill (saved at archive), which reports there is a growing concern among Democrats about the reluctance of many Republicans to take 'the shot',
thereby potentially hampering the possibility of what they hope for, 'herd immunity', a quick look at many of the
comments on that story show what's really on the left's mind, with many commenters calling for those who don't get 'the
shot' to be completely banned from participating in 'life'.
And with that term 'herd' itself conjuring up visions of 'the sheep being herded to the slaughter',
many commenters on that story actually had the nerve to suggest that those who don't want to get the shot 'owe it'
to the rest of the 'community', to help 'keep them safe'.
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One Question Before Us Is: Will We Be Destroyed in War Before
We Lose Our Civil Liberty to the Establishment's Orchestrated "Covid Pandemic"?
Americans have few sources of reliable information except for a handful of websites that few know
anything about. Americans are unaware that the low-grade morons currently ruling and disinforming them from Washington
have given an American military guarantee to the neo-nazis installed in Ukraine with Washington's "Maidan Revolution."
The Ukraine government, if that is what it is, has, in effect, declared war on Russia, vowing to retake Crimea and the Donbass
I never thought any government would prove to be as stupid
as the British government that in 1939 gave a military guarantee to Poland that caused the Polish military dictatorship to
break off discussions with Germany about returning German territory and people stolen by the Versailles Treaty. This
British guarantee was the cause of World War II.
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Russia Shuts Ukraine's Military Access To Black Sea
It was announced Thursday that Russia will close off the Kerch Strait to all foreign
warships for six months amid rising Ukraine tensions, and after the US threatened to send additional warships to
the area. The Kerch Strait is the vital, narrow waterway connecting the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, and which importantly
connects southern Russia to "annexed" Crimea.
"Putin will
close the Kerch Strait beginning next week until October, blocking foreign warships that are conducting military exercises,
including the US, the Ukraine foreign ministry said Thursday," The New York Post reported.
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The Ugly Truth About COVID
Nick Hudson, an actuary and private equity investor, co-founded Pandemics ~ Data & Analytics (PANDA) in response
to the many threats to civil rights and freedoms that have occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic response. While media and
public health institutions have engaged in a campaign of smoke and mirrors - one that is perpetuating paralyzing fear, needlessly,
to this day - data and facts don't lie.
Hudson and his team at PANDA,
which include a data analyst, economist, medical doctors, big data analyst and public health experts, are using live data1
and open science to empower the public to exercise freedom of choice and preserve free societies.2
Read and watch here:
Differences Between Hydrogen and Atomic Bombs
A hydrogen bomb and an atomic bomb are both types of nuclear weapons, but the two devices are very different from
each other. In a nutshell, an atomic bomb is a fission device, while a hydrogen bomb uses fission to power a fusion reaction.
In other words, an atomic bomb can be used as a trigger for a hydrogen bomb.
Take a look at the definition of each type of bomb and understand the distinction between them.
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Ukraine President Makes NUCLEAR THREAT Against Russian Crimea:
"Will be an Exclusion Zone like Chernobyl; a Dead Area, WORSE than Chernobyl"
President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine made an explicit nuclear threat against Russian Crimea today,
during an interview with LeFigaro Magazine.
Asked by the interviewer what
he thought the future would be for the two breakaway oblasts (states) of Luhansk and Donetsk (collectively referred
to as "The Donbas") and of Crimea, Zelensky said: "Donbass and Crimea would face a future comparable
to the "exclusion zone in Chernobyl." "It will be a dead territory. It will be worse than
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Merkel and Macron tell Putin to pull his forces back as Ukrainian navy threatens
to SHOOT Russian FSB boats harassing ships near the Kerch Strait
Merkel and Emmanuel Macron have told Vladimir Putin to pull his forces back after the Ukrainian navy threatened to shoot Russian
FSB boats harassing ships near the Kerch Strait.
The European leaders'
demands came as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called for a summit with his Russian counterpart and a new ceasefire.
French President Macron hosted Zelensky for talks in Paris - later joined by German Chancellor
Merkel by video conference - in a show of support for his pro-Western government in the face of Moscow's assertive stance.
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Are you invading, or just lost? Russian navy threatens to
ram US warship ‘John McCain' after it crosses border near Vladivostok
A notorious US naval destroyer sparked a diplomatic incident on Tuesday morning after Russia claimed that it had
launched an incursion into its territorial waters.
The USS John S McCain,
a specialist combat ship designed to hunt submarines, was operating in the Sea of Japan (also called the East Sea), off the
coast of the Russian Far Eastern capital, Vladivostok. Authorities say it was more than two kilometers inside Russia's internationally
recognized maritime border.
A statement from the Ministry of Defense in
Moscow said that the vessel had "violated" Russian waters and was "warned of the unacceptability
of its actions" by the Udaloy-class destroyer Admiral Vinogradov, which had been tailing it. The communiqué
added that sailors had told the American ship of the "potential of resorting to ramming to force the trespasser out
of the territory."
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Russian MiG-31 fighter jet races to escort American spy plane in skies over Pacific
Ocean, amid growing tensions with Washington
A US Air Force
reconnaissance plane flying in international airspace has been shadowed through the skies by a Russian fighter pilot off the
country's Pacific coast, Ministry of Defense officials in Moscow confirmed on Friday.
A spokesperson for the department revealed that the Russian MiG-31 jet "took off from an airfield in Kamchatka
to identify [the American plane] and accompany it. The fighter pilot identified the target as a strategic reconnaissance aircraft
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Russia, retaliating against Washington, asks 10 U.S. diplomats to leave
Russia on Friday asked 10 U.S. diplomats to leave the country in retaliation for Washington's
expulsion of the same number of Russian diplomats over alleged malign activity and suggested the U.S. ambassador return home
for consultations.
The measures, part of a broader retaliatory package,
were approved by President Vladimir Putin, as a response to an array of U.S. government sanctions imposed on Moscow a day
earlier, including curbs to its sovereign debt market. read more
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Extreme evil is coming, and hell is coming with it: THE
"Although tyranny...may successfully rule over foreign peoples, it can stay in power only if it destroys
first of all the national institutions of its own people."
order for tyrants to claim and retain total power, the people must become ignorant of their own history and roots, and
must through propaganda and fear be so terrified as to abandon all logic and responsibility in order to seek a false safety.
In this country today, history and tradition are being destroyed, while the ruling class and government have stoked immense
fear based on a propaganda campaign that was used to create a make-believe threat called Covid-19. Every element is now in
place to transfer all power to the state, and in order for that coup to be successful for the tyrants, all dissent and disobedience
to totalitarian mandates must be squelched. The key element to accomplish this lies in the ability for the government to instill
division and distrust among the people themselves; so much so, that the masses turn on each other to assure compliance to
order to have a false sense of security. This leads to voluntary servitude, which is vital to the evil governing system, because
once force is the only option for the state, chaos, revolution, or violent civil unrest will replace tyranny.
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We Have Entered the Era of Major False Flag Attacks- Federal LEO and Dave Hodges
The Great Reset needs another reset. In other words, there is
a need for an all-encompassing false flag that will so debilitate the country, the America will be ripe for the pickings.
By my count, there are at least a couple of dozen of ways that the Deep
State is using the Biden administration to destroy America. In this article, I am going to employ on narrow approach.
This information is shocking and has greatly upset Federal LEO's who
have an idea of what is coming.
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Expert: Neuralink Could Sell Your Private Thoughts to the "Highest Bidder"
"I worry about the widespread use of brain chips in the future."
Last week, Elon Musk's neural implant company Neuralink released a video of a primate, who'd been implanted with its technology, playing the game "Pong" with its thoughts.
The technologically flashy but otherwise disappointing demo - neuroscientists first developed and demonstrated mind-control tech in primates decades ago - represented Neuralink's growing
prominence in the public sphere, and raised important questions about privacy, data ownership, and biomedical ethics.
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Lawsuit Exposes COVID Jabs As Unsafe Transhumanist Gene Therapies
New discoveries filed in the U.S. District Court of Middle Florida against COVID-19 vaccine
makers, advertisers, and distributors by a Harvard-trained public health expert, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, reveal an enterprise
secreting critical information about the actual activities of Harvard's indicted nano-chemistry professor, Charles Lieber,
his connections to the alleged "plandemic," and the "conspiracy theory" embraced by a consensus of best-informed
most-honorable scientists.
Among this growing consensus is the former
Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert Redfield, who affirmed COVID's lab origin on CNN. Redfield joined Nobel Prize virologist Luc Montagnier, who confirmed the same conclusion reached by IBM'S chief genetic analyst, Prashant Pradham et al. Gene sequencing showed the "novel" SARS-coronavirus pathogen most-likely emerged from a lab.
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Update: Looming War - Ukraine-Russia
Seems everybody needs an update on what actually happened yesterday.
in the USA sanctioned the hell out of Russia over issues the Democrats themselves created to smear Trump. The Democrats started
believing there own bullshit. Two things happened afterwards:
1: Russia announced they
were closing the Kerch Straight starting next week and lasting through October. They did not stop commercial traffic, just
military movements including from Ukraine themselves. It doesn't seem too bad until you realize that if they had stopped commercial
ships they would be shooting themselves in the foot with the new sanctions.
more here:
The Chip Shortage Is Bad. Taiwan's Drought Threatens to Make It Worse.
Island's worst dry spell in half a century has added to the challenges facing
a center of semiconductor manufacturing
TAIPEI-The worst drought
in half a century is hitting Taiwan, adding strain to an island that is home to two-thirds of the world semiconductor manufacturing
capacity during the worst global chip shortage in recent memory.
The drought's impact on semiconductor producers, which
require voluminous quantities of water to churn out chips, is so far modest as the government creates exceptions for these
manufacturers. But companies are starting to make adjustments, and officials have warned that the water shortage could worsen
without adequate rainfall.
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Does Putin really need another army? Russia's defence minister
wants to CLONE 3,000-year-old ancient warriors from remains found in Siberia (and their horses to boot)
Russia's defence minister has taken time out from massing troops on Ukraine's borders to unveil a 'Dolly the Sheep' cloning dream involving ancient royal warriors and their prize horses using DNA preserved
in permafrost.
Sergei Shoigu - one of Vladimir Putin's closest allies - spoke about the potential of the extraordinary 3,000-year-old Scythian burials in Tuva, his mountainous
native republic in Siberia.
The ancient Tunnug burial site of nomadic
warriors - often laid to rest with their horses - is in an area known as the Valley of the Kings in Tuva.
Read more here:
Proof That This Is A Mad, Mad World We Live In, As We Document
A Whole Lot Of Crazy - A Race War Isn't Coming, It Is Here: These People Will Not Be Happy Until All Of America Is
A number of stories and videos I found today offers undeniable
proof that the world we now live in is quite mad.
From social justice
warrior freakouts to armed BLM thugs verbally attacking people just trying to eat out, to random, white social media users
lecturing folks on how to "call out" their "racist relatives" after months of not being able to attend family gatherings.
and much more, seen first thing in the morning, truly could make one want to go back to sleep and hope it was all a nightmare.
We'll go through a few things that point to utter insanity the likes of which makes me
very happy we live on top of a mountain and do not have to deal with strangers unless we want to.
Read more here:
April 14th: Vaccine DEATH WAVE now unstoppable... 122 million
Americans now at risk from dangerous medical experiment that can't be undone
(Natural News) According to the CDC Covid Data Tracker page, over 122 million Americans have already received at least one dose of a covid vaccine. That's about 37% of the population,
and it's increasing by nearly 2 million people per day in the United States.
as Americans are being killed by vaccines, globalists are replacing the American electorate by bringing in massive
waves of illegal aliens, many of whom are pregnant women ready to give birth to anchor babies. The criminal Marxists who stole
the 2020 election are continuing their plan to mass murder real Americans (with vaccines and bioweapons) and replace them
with compliant, low-skilled illegals who will vote for socialist handouts and freedom-killing Democrat policies.
Read more here:
Nunes: Democrats Will Further Weaponize Intel Community Against ‘Domestic
House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member
Devin Nunes (R-CA) said Republicans expect Democrats to further weaponize the intelligence community against "domestic
extremists," much as how they used it to further the Russia collusion hoax against former President Donald Trump.
Nunes said in his opening statement at Thursday's committee hearing on worldwide threats:
The Democrats see political benefits in characterizing wide swathes of American citizens,
particularly Republicans and conservatives, as politically suspect, potentially violent, and deserving of government surveillance.
However, I will remind those assembled here today that our Intelligence Community exists solely to counteract foreign threats.
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Credit Suisse is hours from collapse and the consequences could be a systemic failure of the financial system.
Disappointingly, my dream last night stopped there. So unfortunately I didn't experience
what actually happened.
As I warned in last week's article on Archegos and Credit Suisse, investment banks have created a timebomb with the $1.5 quadrillion derivatives monster.
Read more here:
BLM Protesters Tell ‘White Ally': "You're White, You Don't Belong!"
White protester had tried to stop agitators throwing
objects at police.
A group of Black Lives Matter protesters
were caught on camera telling a white liberal ally, "You're white! You don't belong!" before demanding that he leave
the area because he asked that other protesters stop throwing objects at the police.
The incident occurred during more protests that took place last night outside the Brooklyn Center Police Department.
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The Consequences of Mental Fatigue in a Slow-Burning Crisis
In this article, I'll introduce you to one effect of mental fatigue known by my Nan as
the P.L.O.M.S. In some situations, this can have serious consequences. Taking action and making decisions is key in keeping
your group or family unit safe and secure. Fatigue management is one of the most neglected preps.
Mental fatigue is especially present
in a slow-burning crisis like the one we're dealing with right now. The isolation, increased financial problems, and stress of this pandemic and the
response to it have caused quite a lot of people to struggle with their mental health and well-being.
Read more here:
DAYS OF NOAH: Hybrid monkey-human embryos created in lab for first time...Some
warn Pandora's box has opened
- For the first time in history, researchers now have embryos that are reportedly a hybrid of human and monkey cells and the
announcement has sounded the alarm for those who raise ethical questions for such a move.
According to the report, a professor named Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte in the Gene Expression Laboratories at the Salk Institute for Biological
Studies in La Jolla, California, claims that research could one day cut waiting lists of organ transplants.
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April 15th, 2021: Vaccines KILL Americans while illegal aliens REPLACE them
Natural News) If you want to know the real plan for mandatory vaccines and open borders, it's not that difficult to figure out, really:
Vaccines are designed to kill off Americans while open borders are designed to allow a flood of obedient third world illegals
to replace them.
Democrats love illegals to flood in from socialist-leaning
third world nations because those illegals are poorly educated and easy to manipulate through false authority. And because
many of those illegals grew up under socialist welfare states, that's all they know, and their loyalty to Democrats can be
purchased with nothing more than a few handouts.
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Globalists Will Need Another Crisis In America As Their Reset Agenda Fails
It might sound like "US exceptionalism" to point this out (...and how very dare
I), but even if the globalist Reset is successful in every other nation on Earth, the globalists are still failures if they
can't secure and subjugate the American people. As I've noted many times in the past, most of the world has been sufficiently
disarmed, and even though we are seeing resistance in multiple European nations against forced vaccination legislation and
medical tyranny, it is unlikely that they will have the ability to actually repel a full on march into totalitarianism. Most
of Asia, India and Australia are already well under control. Africa is almost an afterthought , considering Africa is where
many suspect vaccines are tested.
America represents the only significant
obstacle to the agenda.
Read more here:
White House Studying How To Cause All, Both Small And Great (Christians) To Submit
To Injections
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on Monday
that the Biden administration was looking for ways to conduct outreach to "white conservative communities" where
coronavirus vaccine hesitancy runs high. Nearly half of white evangelicals have said they do not want the coronavirus vaccine,
and about half of Republican men feel the same way. That presents the Biden administration with an acute challenge, since
conservative whites tended to support President Donald Trump in last year's presidential election and have remained suspicious
of President Biden... (READ MORE)
SPECIAL REPORT: "This is a Well Planned, Well Funded, Industrial Level Invasion"
At about 9:00 PM ET Tuesday night, April 13, 2021, approximately 150 unaccompanied minor
children who entered the U.S. illegally via the U.S.-Mexican border arrived at the Erie International Airport (via El Paso,
TX) and were transferred into busses at the privately owned North Coast Air. They were transported by three coach busses
to a facility known as the Pennsylvania International Academy, 8155 Oliver Road, Summit Township, PA.
"This is just the start. It's about 150 ‘children' right now, but more are coming.
The amount of money being spent for this mass infusion of illegal aliens into our community is staggering. In my opinion,
this is not a humanitarian effort, but a deliberate invasion. The people of Erie County have no idea what's in store for them."
-Source who wants to remain anonymous, April 15, 2021
more here:
China uses free eggs and ice-cream, and blacklists to boost lagging vaccine rollout
In some parts of China, the COVID-19 vaccine comes with a side of eggs.
It's part of the country's push to reach an ambitious target of immunising 40 per
cent of its population of 1.4 billion by June.
Some Weibo users
in Beijing have circulated a poster, which says residents over the age of 60 who are vaccinated "can get two cartons
of fresh eggs for free".
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LBMA Acknowledges "Buying Frenzy" In Silver Market And Silver Shortage
The London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) has just published
a new report titled "Silver Investment 2021: Report" which looks at recent developments in the investment silver sector.
it's not clear who actually wrote the report, as no author is specified, the LBMA states that it "acknowledges Metals
Focus' contribution to this report" so we can assume Metals Focus actually wrote it or was heavily involved. Metals Focus is a precious metals consultancy based in London, which also at times, writes the Silver Institute's annual World Silver Survey.
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'Incalculable Consequences' Await America As Zero Hour Closes In
- FLASHBACK To This 2014 Story Reporting The USS Donald Cook Was Completely Disabled By Russia's Electronic Weapons
In the latest sign of big war troubles ahead, the Daily Mail reports in this Wednesday story that Russia is participating in 'live fire drills' in the Black Sea, with Kremlin insiders now warning 'war
is inevitable' over rising political tensions in the Ukraine that threaten to bring what the top voted comment on that story warned: "All the peace enjoyed under Trump is about to be undone".
With the globalists long pushing for war with Russia dating back to Barack Obama and with Hillary Clinton herself stoking major tensions with Russia in the run-up to the 2016 election, it's concerning that these drills are happening at the same time as two US warships arriving in the Black Sea, the entrance of the USS Donald Cook and USS Roosevelt into that region.
more here:
-- The United States Congress has just been informed by the President of the United States that he's "declaring
a national emergency
with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat
to the national security, foreign policy, and economy" of the United States, posed by specified harmful foreign activities
of Russia."
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Lessons from the Roman Empire about the danger of luxury
Are we enslaved by the finer things in life?
The Roman army was one of the most militarily effective and successful forces the world has ever
known. On open land, their legions were pretty much unbeatable. But the Roman Empire was not built on the back of military
genius and short, stabbing swords alone. The legions might have beaten a people, but they did not subdue them. It
was the love of luxury and easy living that did that.
Read more here:
One dead, three neurologically disabled, ‘numerous' reactions from vaccine
in tiny Indigenous village
A doctor asked the British Columbia
provincial health officer, ‘Is this normal?'
LYTTON, British Columbia,
April 14, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) - One patient died, two suffered anaphylactic reactions, three have ongoing disabling dizziness, muscle weakness, and chronic
pain, and "numerous" patients developed allergic reactions after they received a first dose of Moderna's COVID-19
vaccine given to 900 mostly Indigenous people, according to a local doctor who works in the tiny Fraser Valley village of
Lytton, British Columbia.
"I have been quite alarmed at the high
rate of serious side effects from this novel treatment," family doctor Charles Hoffe wrote in an April 5 letter to British
Columbia Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry.
Read more here:
Final Hour - Nuclear War, First Responders Will Have To
Wait For The Deadly Fallout To Decay Before They Enter A Hot Zone So The More You Prepare, The Better Your Odds Of Surviving
A Nuclear Crisis
No one wants to think about a nuclear crisis
- and hopefully it will never happen - but we all must accept the fact nuclear tensions are rising globally with Russia and
China (and others are seeking nukes) so we should prepare ourselves and our loved ones in the event the unthinkable strikes
our soil.
For decades, movies and some in the media have portrayed a nuclear
attack as a "doomsday" event implying most people would be killed on impact ... and survivors would want to die once they come out of their shelters.
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Brain fog: how trauma, uncertainty and isolation have affected our minds and memory
After a year of lockdown, many of us are finding it hard to think clearly, or remember
what happened when. Neuroscientists and behavioural experts explain why
the pandemic, psychoanalyst Josh Cohen's patients might come into his consulting room, lie down on the couch and talk about
the traffic or the weather, or the rude person on the tube. Now they appear on his computer screen and tell him about brain
fog. They talk with urgency of feeling unable to concentrate in meetings, to read, to follow intricately plotted television
programmes. "There's this sense of debilitation, of losing ordinary facility with everyday life; a forgetfulness and
a kind of deskilling," says Cohen, author of the self-help book How to Live. What to Do. Although restrictions are now
easing across the UK, with greater freedom to circulate and socialise, he says lockdown for many of us has been "a contraction
of life, and an almost parallel contraction of mental capacity".
more here:
Dems introduce bill to expand Supreme Court to 13 justices
Democrats in Congress introduced legislation Thursday expanding the size of the Supreme
Court from nine to 13 justices, according to a press release from Democrat Congressman Jerry Nadler.
Led by Senator
Ed Markey (D-MA), Representative Nadler (D-NY), Hank Johnson (D-GA) and Representative Mondaire Jones (D-NY), the Judiciary
Act of 2021 seeks to add four seats to the high court for the first time in over 150 years.
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US expels Russian diplomats, imposes sanctions for hacking
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Biden administration announced Thursday the U.S. is expelling 10
Russian diplomats and imposing sanctions against several dozen people and companies, holding the Kremlin accountable for interference
in last year's presidential election and the hacking of federal agencies.
sweeping measures are meant to punish Russia for actions that U.S. officials say cut to the core of American democracy and
to deter future acts by imposing economic costs on Moscow, including by targeting its ability to borrow money. The sanctions
are certain to exacerbate tensions with Russia, which promised a response, even as President Joe Biden said the administration
could have taken even more punitive measures but chose not to in the interests of maintaining stability.
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One Image Says It All - Get Woke, Get Broken.....Into? Lesson
To Learn: Appeasing Rioting Thugs Won't Stop Them From Attacking And Destroying Everything In Their Path
We'll start with the image above because it says so very much and offers the opportunity
to learn a very important lesson about appeasement: It never works because those you are trying to appease will attack you
just as fast as they will attack anyone else.
The image above was seen
in a recent Twitchy publication, which they call the "biggest woke signage/pandering fail by a business maybe EVER.
Australian journalist Rita Panahi shared the image with the message "Woke signage won't save you from the
woke mob."
This is not the first time we have seen rioters attack
local businesses that are supportive of their message, or those trying to appease them by showing how "woke" they
are as a businesses in the hopes that their businesses would left alone by the rioting thugs too busy lighting fires, looting,
and breaking in to storefronts, to bother to even read the damn signs.
more here:
Masks Are Nothing but Dress Code Loyalty Oaths to Governments
"It's government rule-making for the sake of rule-making whose chief purpose
is to demonstrate that it is the government's job to command and each citizen's duty to readily obey."
The Centers for Disease Control released another study showing no statistically significant decrease in "daily case" or "death growth" rates from COVID-19 in areas with mask mandates. This
comes after a similar CDC study in October indicated that mask mandates do not appear to have slowed or stopped the spread of the coronavirus at all. Still,
the CDC continues to recommend that all Americans wear masks, except in certain private settings when individuals are fully vaccinated, unless the goalpost-shifting Dr. Fauci gets his way.
Read more here:
Prof rejects calls to resign after rebuking his 'woke' university
'Would you please stop reducing my personhood to a racial category?'
A video in which a University of Vermont professor calmly explains his concern about "social
justice" teaching on campus that reduces people to a "racial category" has prompted calls for his resignation.
But education professor Aaron Kindsvatter, in a follow-up YouTube video, says he won't
resign, reported Campus Reform.
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Beware the Government-Corporate Complex
Most white guys will not write about race because the media has successfully silenced our voices for fear of being
called the R word. Well, I am not one of them. As Yogi would say, "I call them like I see them" and
no amount of intolerance from the tolerance crowd is going to silence my voice.
I am sick of the double-standard and I am sick of watching black America being co-opted by Communists. The
Communist Left lay in hiding waiting for the next "injustice" to rear its ugly head so that they can fill the streets
to permanently fracture an already divided nation.
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Russian Gunboats Head To The Black Sea To Join Military Buildup Near Ukraine
The deployment of additional naval assets to the Black Sea comes as other signs,
including a spike in GPS jamming, point to a new looming crisis.
Russian Navy is sending 10 vessels, a mixture of landing craft and small gunboats, from its Caspian Sea Flotilla to the Black Sea. The deployment is ostensibly part of a larger series of readiness drills, but comes amid a continuing and
worrisome Russian military buildup near the country's borders with Ukraine. The Organization for Security and Co-operation
in Europe, or OSCE, has also said there has been a spike in GPS jamming in the region, which has impacted its ability to monitor the situation as part of an existing agreement between Russia and
Ukraine. All of this only further fuels concerns that a significant escalation in the conflict between these two countries may be imminent.
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Raven Rock Author Tells Us How Our Government Plans For Its Own Annihilation
We chat all about how the government secretly prepares for the end of the world
as we know it and the fortresses and technologies that will protect the chosen few.
The War Zone had a long discussion with Garrett Graff, the author of the fascinating new book, Raven Rock: The U.S. Government's Secret Plan To Save Itself While The Rest Of Us Die. We talked about everything from secret bunkers to how nukes spawned that development of modern communications,
and of course all about government after America as we know it has been turned to ashes. It was a lively, eye opening, and
bizarre discussion to say the least-just as one should expect when discussing the fine details of America's shadowy continuity
of government plans.
Read more here:
'Russia is threatening us with destruction': Ukraine warns
Putin he will 'bear very painful consequences' if soldiers cross the border after President Biden CANCELS deployment of US
warships despite Moscow's military build-up
Ukraine has warned
Russia that it will bear 'very painful' consequences if it invades as Vladimir Putin continues to mass his forces in eastern
Dmytro Kuleba, the country's foreign minister, said today
that Moscow is 'openly' threatening Ukraine with 'destruction' by stationing 80,000 troops along its border - with more
arriving every day - calling on western allies to provide more practical support and warning that 'words are not enough'.
He spoke following a meeting with the foreign ministers of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia
- NATO allies in the region - saying 'the four of us condemn the exacerbation of the situation by Russia.'
Read more here:
Vladimir Putin is ready to roll: Secret Ukrainian government
report says Russia will deploy ANOTHER 30,000 troops and will amass more than 7,000 tanks, armoured vehicles and artillery
guns for 'invasion'
Ukraine fears more than 100,000 Russian troops will be in place on its borders, ready to invade, by the end of the month.
A Ukrainian government report, obtained by the Daily Mail, estimates the Kremlin will
deploy up to 30,000 extra soldiers, accompanied by more tanks and rocket systems, in support of 80,000 Russian troops already
awaiting orders to advance.
The figures are based on intelligence intercepts
and satellite photographs as troops and equipment travel hundreds of miles across Russia to amass around its neighbour.
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U.S. And Chinese Carrier Groups Mass In The South China Sea
The northern reaches of the South China Sea have become very busy as of late with two U.S.
carrier groups and one Chinese carrier group in the region.
between China and its regional neighbors in the South China and Philippine Seas increased markedly this week. Naval exercises
by both the United States and China have massed an unusual number of warships in the South China Sea at a time of renewed
diplomatic friction as concerns over China's territorial ambitions grow.
uptick began late last week. The War Zone reported that China's Liaoning Carrier Strike Group (CSG) maneuvered through the strategic Miyako Strait on Sunday, just southwest of Okinawa. Since then, a separate point of
tension between China and the Philippines over a mass of fishing vessels identified as part of China's People's Armed Forces Maritime Militia (PAFMM) led to a series of heated diplomatic exchanges between Manila and Beijing.
Read more here:
Russian atomic mortars spotted moving toward border with Ukraine
Russian Armed Forces are deploying its massive atomic mortars to the border with
Ukraine, according to videos posted on social media.
last week, video footage had emerged on social media of the Russian 2S4 Tyulpan self-propelled mortars moving toward the border
with Ukraine. The heavy artillery systems were spotted at the railway station in Kropotkin, Krasnodar region.
The 2S4 Tyulpan, also known at West as the M-1975, is a Soviet design 240-mm self-propelled
Read more here:
Russia deploys Iskander systems with extended-range missiles to Ukrainian border
Russian Armed Force is reportedly deploying its Iskander (NATO Reporting name:
SS-26 Stone) missile systems with R-500 extended-range ground-launched cruise missiles in areas near Voronezh, which's 250
kilometers away from the border with Ukraine's Kharkiv and Luhansk regions.
Open-source intelligence specialist at Janes Thomas Bullock identified Russian Iskander missile systems that have
moved or are moving to the Ukrainian area of operations since late March through open-source intelligence.
Read more here:
This documentary uncovers the extreme danger of "Democratic
Socialists of America" (DSA) who are actually communists pretending to be Democrats. These individuals seek the complete
destruction of the United States of America, hoping to overrun it with hoards of illegal aliens. DSA activists seek the complete
dismantling of border patrol and immigration protections, the shutting down of U.S. prisons (releasing all violent criminals
into the streets) and the total destruction of the free market system, with centralized government taking over the entire
Watch here:
5,365 DEAD 238,949 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19
The European database of suspected drug
reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 "vaccines."
This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected
adverse drug reactions). These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences)
for the medicines.
EudraVigilance is a system designed for collecting
reports of suspected side effects. These reports are used for evaluating the benefits and risks of medicines during their
development and monitoring their safety following their authorisation in the European Economic Area (EEA). EudraVigilance
has been in use since December 2001.
Read more here:
Putin's robot army to be deployed at Ukraine border with 85,000 troops ‘ready for conflict'
as war tensions mount
VLADIMIR Putin's robot army will
be deployed at Ukraine's border with 85,000 troops "ready for conflict" as war tensions mount.
The new unmanned firepower was inspected by Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu this week,
at the 766th Production and Technological Enterprise in Nakhabino near Moscow.
Read more here:
Turkey Confirms 2 US Warships To Enter Black Sea As Ukraine Posturing Grows
Turkey's foreign ministry on Friday confirmed that it's granted permission for US warships
to use the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits to enter the Black Sea at a moment tensions with Russia over Ukraine are spiraling
higher with tit-for-tat threats. Given it revealed the initial notification was two weeks ago, a pair of American warships
are expected imminently to enter the Black Sea.
The foreign
ministry said in a statement while referencing the treaty that regulates passage through the straits: "A notice was sent to us 15 days ago via diplomatic
channels that two U.S. warships would pass to the Black Sea in line with the Montreux Convention. The ships will remain
in the Black Sea until May 4."
Read more here:
"COVID-19 jab is not a vaccine; it's a cellular modification technology that
causes a self-creating auto-immune disease similar to AIDS" (Video)
Watch here:
This Is How the Deadliest Pathogen Will Be Brought to America and We Are Not Talking
Just as the American southern border is under attack,
so it in Australia. The Chinese invasion is threatening the Australian culture, education system and is moving into the political
arena. The resulting chaos has largely been ignored by the government, until recently. This is happening in New Zealand, Canada
and the United States, but let's start with Australia.
Read more here:
U.S. Spy Agencies Warn of Threats From Digital Currency to AI
(Bloomberg) -- The U.S. intelligence community predicts an increasingly leaderless and
unstable world in the coming decades as trends such as artificial intelligence, digital currencies and climate change reshape
the global arena, according to the National Intelligence Council.
coming decades will be characterized by a mismatch between global challenges and "the ability of institutions and system
to respond," according to "Global Trends 2040: A More Contested World." The result will be "greater contestation
at every level" -- especially between the U.S. and China.
Read more
With Some Of The Most Sinister Weapons Of Dictatorship Now Being Used On Americans,
History Proves To Us Gulags And Death Camps Always Follow Behind
'big tech censorship' is nothing new in this day and age we live in, we've personally witnessed a massive uptick
of that in the last few days alone against ANP readers who simply posted links to other stories in our comment sections.
With links posted by ANP readers in comments to stories from the NY Post, the Gateway
Pundit, Sgt Report, 'Vaccine Impact' and numerous other stories, as well as to Reddit's 'Conspiracy Theory community',
going straight into spam for containing 'restricted words', those comments were immediately approved by ANP upon
learning of them.
Read more here:
China Is Creating a New Master Race
Bing Su, a Chinese geneticist at the state-run Kunming Institute of Zoology, recently inserted the human MCPH1 gene, which develops the brain, into a monkey. The insertion could make that animal's intelligence more human than that of lower
primates. Su's next experiment is inserting into monkeys the SRGAP2C gene, related to human intelligence, and the FOXP2 gene,
connected to language skills.
Has nobody in China seen Planet of the Apes?
Or maybe they have. "Biotechnology development in China is heading in a truly macabre
direction," writes Brandon Weichert of The Weichert Report in an article posted on the American Greatness website.
Read more here:
We Are Living In A Time Where Satan Doesn't Even Hide Anymore, AND THE WORLD STILL
Yes, the world is increasingly under the influence
of an invisible and increasingly powerful force that steers it straight into chaos. Nobody seems to see this because nobody
believes such a thing is possible.
Each and every one of us has the potential
to be the devil or a devil opposed to anything divine or godly. And in a world that is increasingly denying any divine presence,
left to their own devices, guess where is the devil? Right among us, unseen yet ever so powerful, like a mysterious force
moving masses as it wills, creating mayhem, destruction, confusion, and hate.
Read more here:
Biden Nominee To Head ATF Was Involved In Waco Massacre, Oklahoma City Bombing,
Ruby Ridge and Fast & Furious
Time and time again,
the federal government rewards the most corrupt individuals
Biden's anti-Second Amendment nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) has a background ripe with
Currently serving as a senior policy advisor at
former representative Gabriel Giffords' anti-gun lobbying group "Giffords," David Chipman used to carry a semi-automatic
rifle while raking in a taxpayer-funded paycheck.
The Biden nominee's
government career places him on location or being directly involved in some of America's most infamous events over the last few decades.
Daily Mail reports that Chipman was "at the Ruby Ridge standoff," in 1992 near Naples, Idaho.
Read more here:
Eminent doc: Media censored COVID-19 early treatment options that could have reduced
fatalities by 85%
Dr. Peter McCullough also explained that given
an 80% level of herd immunity, broad vaccination has ‘no scientific, clinical or safety rationale.'
AUSTIN, Texas, April 8, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) - An exceedingly well-qualified physician, who was censored by YouTube last year, addressed the Texas State Senate Health
and Human Service Committee last month providing thorough information on successful treatments of COVID-19, the present high-level
of herd immunity from the disease, the very limited potential of "vaccines," and the data that shows early treatment could have saved up to 85 percent of the "over 500,000 deaths in the
United States."
Read more here:
This Is How It Is Done! Officials Chased Out of Restaurant By Patrons Chanting
'Get Out, Get Out, Get Out' - When A Community Unites Against Tyranny We All Win
Examples from the U.S. and Canada show how sick and tired businesses owners and patrons of those establishments are
with the arbitrary lockdowns and limitations on their businesses, which in many cases have cost said owners their livelihoods.
From gym owners to churches to restaurants, we are seeing the way forward to fight against
the tyrannical leaders that seem to think they have the right to determine who and what is "essential," while destroying
their economies by using fear as a motivator to force compliance.
more here:
'Gun control is about who controls America': Tucker Carlson
slams Joe Biden's new executive orders restricting firearms as a targeted attack on Trump voters
Tucker Carlson railed against Joe Biden's new executive actions on gun control by telling
viewers who own firearms that the president is trying to turn them into criminals in a targeted attack on Republican voters.
The Fox News host opened his show on Thursday with an impassioned rant hours after Biden
announced the orders, which will crack down on so-called 'ghost guns', tighten requirements for pistol braces and issue reports
on gun trafficking.
Read more here:
53% Of Canadians On Brink Of Insolvency
53% of Canadians are on the verge of insolvency and are $200 or less away from not being able to pay their
monthly bills and obligations, while 25% took on more debt during the pandemic, according to a new survey by MNP.
Read more here:
The Corona Jab Serum & It's Effects On Human DNA & Brain Hacking! Are
You Ready To Blow Your Mind?
Professor Charles Morgan gives a
lecture at West Point to US soldiers in the Visual Information Division on the latest technology in the field of Bio-Warfare,
DNA reprogramming and human cell exploitation.. I have been saying in previous videos that...
Watch here:
BLM Co-Founder Buys $1.4 Million Home In Virtually All-White Area. Black Commentators
Slam Her.
After reports that a $1.4 million home in a secluded
area of Los Angeles whose population is reputedly less than 2% black was sold to one of the founders of the Black Lives Matter
movement, some black conservative commentators took her to task.
On Wednesday, reported, "A secluded mini-compound tucked into L.A.'s rustic and semi-remote Topanga Canyon was recently sold for a tad more
than $1.4 million to a corporate entity that public records show is controlled by Patrisse Khan-Cullors, 37-year-old social
justice visionary and co-founder of the galvanizing and, for some, controversial Black Lives Matter movement."
Read more here:
At the Rate We're Running Out of Semiconductors, We May Not Have to Wait for an
EMP to Take Down Almost Everything
The recent warnings of an
imminent collapse in the U.S. aren't paranoia or typical doom saying by writers warning of crashes for three decades. These
warnings are just common sense. Take a look at the news reports quietly being published in mainstream outlets and see for yourself.
Read more here:
"Never Seen Anything Like This" - $1 Display Chip Shortage Causes Chaos
In Global Supply Chain
A semiconductor shortage continues to
wreak havoc on global supply chains of auto and tech industries. Semiconductor manufacturers produce hundreds of different
kinds of chips. Intel, Qualcomm, and Nvidia manufacture some of the most expensive ones, ranging from $100 to more than $1,000,
powering computers and smartphones. But the shortage is not with the most expensive chips. According to Bloomberg, the shortage is among inexpensive display driver chips that cost $1.
more here:
Human-gender-species-planetary-reassignment surgery: We now have a virtual cafeteria
of trans-human options
Some of us found that odd because
we believed ourselves to have been part of a broad consensus that has embraced 99.99% of humanity for the better part of all
the millennia from cave days to now, so we did not even realize sufficient criteria for determining gender were lacking. It
was about as universal as any consensus had ever been throughout human history, and now we are informed suddenly it doesn't
even exist.
It seems to those of us who thought there still was a consensus
on what is a man and what is woman that only a minuscule component of modern liberal humanity finds this mysterious at all.
The broader mystery is why they even think it is possible that people can be born into the "wrong" body or why it
doesn't occur to them that it is far easier and more likely that the human software got a bug in it than that the body was
hard-wired to be the wrong model.
Read more here:
Kissinger Warns Washington: Accept New Global System Or Face A Pre-WWI Geopolitical
In a recent Chatham House webinar with former British
Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, 97-year-old Kissinger called on the U.S. to create a balance with existing global forces, adding
you imagine that the world commits itself to an endless competition based on the dominance of whoever is superior at the moment,
then a breakdown of the order is inevitable. And the consequences of a breakdown would be catastrophic."
Read more here:
Biden SECDEF Austin orders military to use new extremism questionnaires and more
On Friday, President Joe Biden's Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the Department
of Defense to create a new commission to study extremism within the ranks and ordered all U.S. military branches to update
their screening questionnaires to question military recruits about their current or past links to extremist groups.
Austin announced the order in a memorandum provided to American Military News. The memo
states, "The secretaries of the Military Departments will update and standardize accession screening questionnaires to
solicit specific information about current or previous extremist behavior."
Read more here:
More Evidence The Diabolical Depopulation Agenda Is Fully Underway With Many Getting
Sick And Dying Following 'The Shot'
- 'Super Mutations'
Render 'Vaccines' Useless, Except As A Weapon Against Humanity
according to this story over at WebMd, 'anti-vaxxers' are a threat to the health of the entire world per the World Health Organization, both that WebMD story and the WHO refuse to report on
the many emerging stories of people getting very sick and even dying following their Covid shots.
With this April 8th story over at the Daily Mail a perfect example of what we speak of, with that story reporting a 'pop-up mass vaccination clinic' in Colorado
has been shut down after the 'Vaccines For All' event left 11 people who got Johnson & Johnson's shot suffering
from nausea and dizziness, leaving two people hospitalized, those people may get off lucky if none of them dies, with numerous
and growing reports of people dying inexplicably within weeks after getting 'the vaccine'.
Read more here:
SPECIAL REPORT: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny & Steve Quayle on The Hagmann Report (FULL
SHOW) 4/8/2021
SPECIAL REPORT: Steve Quayle and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny join Doug Hagmann to discuss the CCP Virus "vaccines," or more correctly described as an experimental
genetically modified tool. This is a "must listen" episode! Please share this episode with your friends and
Watch here:
The Globalists Are Making Their Move! Are Pychotronic Attacks Being Used to Discourage
the Revelation of the Gravity of What Is Coming?
Are there psychotronic
weapons which can produce psychosomatic effects? The process is called TI for targeted individuals in which people are electronically
harassed for what they know or are about to be revealed.
People who have
followed me for 15 years will be shocked that I am mentioning this phenomenon in relation to myself. The electronic harassment
began during the middle of the night when I was sleeping. As Steve Quayle and my friend Bob can attest to, they received calls
from my phone in the middle of the night. However, the phenomenon became two-sided. Steve's phone and other phones began calling
me in the middle of the night as I slept. This went on for a week. Then the phenomenon became very personal. As I would load
information regarding Ebola to my website, I was not able to complete the task. In addition, I began to experience strong
psychosomatic symptoms. When I was writing on a topic related to positing on the website, I would become extremely nauseated
and feverish. Additionally, I spoke about a particular topic on the phone, I experienced the same symptoms.
Read more here:
Dystopian Nightmare as European Court of Human Rights Rules Mandatory Vaccination
is Legal
Making children get jabs for common diseases is
‘necessary in democratic society' and is in their best interests, the European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) ruled on
Thursday in a landmark decision against anti-vaxxers.
the first time the ECHR has ruled on mandatory vaccinations for children against common diseases. While the
case dealt with the Czech Republic's laws that require schoolchildren to have jabs against diseases like whooping cough, tetanus
and measles, it has implications when it comes to compulsory Covid jabs.
Read more here:
Charlotte Iserbyt: Reagan, The
Soviets & The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
Iserbyt is a former senior policy advisor to the U.S. Department of Education under Ronald Reagan who blew the whistle on
Reagan's sellout of the American education system to the Soviets. She eventually wrote a book titled The Deliberate Dumbing
Down of America: A Chronological Paper Trail ( She joins Lynne Taylor and me for this exclusive interview on this subject she discovered nearly 4 decades ago and how
it is impacting the education of US children.
Read more here:
Joe Biden's Border Incompetence Destroying America: Liberal
Media Acts SHOCKED To 'Discover' Biden Regime Lying Through Their Teeth About Border 'Crisis'
With the recent damning numbers regarding the border surge being released, with a handy
little chart that shows the extreme and massive rise in numbers from 2020 to 2021 to date, one has to wonder if the Associated
Press (AP) will revise their new rules to refuse calling the situation a "crisis," as they had no problem with reporters
doing when Trump was in office.
Read more here:
Thousands on St. Vincent are ordered to evacuate NOW ahead of 'imminent' eruption
of La Soufriere volcano - as cruise lines send ships to help people flee the Caribbean island
Thousands of residents of the Caribbean island of St. Vincent have been ordered to evacuate
their homes due to the imminent eruption at the La Soufriere volcano.
Gonsalves, Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, said people living in so-called red zones in the northwest and
northeast of the island needed to leave as the volcano pumped out more smoke and steam.
Roughly 16,000 people live in the red zones and will need to be evacuated, Erouscilla Joseph, director of the University
of the West Indies' Seismic Research Center said.
Read more here:
How Rock Hill killer's rampage unfolded: 911 calls reveal
neighbor heard '20 gunshots' when ex-NFL player Phillip Adams stormed into doctor's home, killing him, his wife, two grandchildren
and a repairman before turning gun on himself
South Carolina
police have released two 911 calls placed moments after former NFL player Phillip Adams shot dead five people and wounded
a sixth before taking his own life.
One of the calls, which
were both placed at about 4.45pm on Wednesday, came from a man who said he heard about 20 gunshots at his neighbor's home
in Rock Hill.
'I think we've had some trouble,' the caller
said. 'I think there's been a bad shooting. Maybe four people.'
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USPS worker is savagely beaten by two women 'trying to get stimulus checks' outside
her badly dented postal van in broad daylight attack in Flint, Michigan
A USPS mailwoman has been savagely beaten by two women who were accused of trying to rob stimulus checks from her van in Flint, Michigan.
Footage shows the two women pounding the postal worker over the back
of the head as they wrestle with her in the street, just yards away from a USPS truck which has a badly dented hood.
'Bruh y'all hit the mailman, they trying to get that stimulus,' the man recording the
assault is heard saying.
Read more here:
Satanic Prayer on Hating White People Included in New "Prayer Book"
Being Sold at Target (Video)
A new prayer book being sold at
Target and written by Sarah Bessey features a prayer from Chanequa Walker-Barnes that begs the Lord to help her "hate
white people" and the "nice ones, the Fox News-loving, Trump-supporting voters who ‘don't see color'
but who make thinly veiled racist comments about ‘those people..
more here:
April 8th, 2021: mRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out PRIONS that "eat
your brain" like Mad Cow Disease
(Natural News) The spike protein outer shell of the coronavirus contains "prion-like regions" that give the virus very high adhesion
to ACE2 receptors in the human body. This has been documented by a study entitled, "SARS-CoV-2 Prion-Like Domains in
Spike Proteins Enable Higher Affinity to ACE2," published by the Human Microbiology Institute:
The presence and unique distribution of prion-like domains in the
SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domains of the spike protein is particularly interesting, since although the SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV
S proteins share the same host cell receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), SARS-CoV-2 demonstrates a 10- to 20-fold
higher affinity for ACE2
Read more here:
Russia Sets Up Army FIELD HOSPITAL Near Ukraine; Moves Iskander
Missiles and Amphibious Landing Craft from Caspian Sea to Ukraine Coast!
Very serious developments took place Thursday, in the escalating military deployments between Russia and Ukraine
signaling a likely INVASION and CONQUEST of Ukraine, by Russia.
We begin
with Conflict Intelligence Teams (CIT) who grabbed photos of a new Russian Army Staging Area and FIELD HOSPITAL erected in
Voronezh, Russia, about 250km from the Ukraine border.
A CIT grabbed photos
on the ground showing the brand new Field Hospital setup:
Read more here:
Fears Russia-Ukraine war could erupt in DAYS with UK on ‘high alert' as
US flies nuke bombers nearby
THE Russia-Ukraine crisis
could "erupt into all-out war" within days after the Kremlin threatened to "end" Kiev as military tensions
were pushed to breaking point.
The terrifying news comes amid
reports US nuclear bombers have been patrolling the skies after Moscow deployed tens of thousands of troops to the flashpoint
Read more here:
Japan: Sorry, but we have to dump this Fukushima radioactive water into the ocean
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga says that the government has put off figuring out
what to do with all of the contaminated water building up at the destroyed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant for long
enough - and it's time to start dumping it into the ocean.
more here:
Biden's Pick To Run The ATF Is
A Fanatical Gun Control Marxists, Touts Odd Deep State Conspiracy Theories & Bans
Biden has nominated David Chipman to run the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Division. Chipman is a
former agent of the ATF and is a gun control activists.
Read more here:
EXCLUSIVE: I've Been BANNED From Owning A Firearm, A Warning Of What's To Come
For All Conservative Americans
For years, Big Tech has used me
as Patient Zero in their test case in mass de-platforming by eliminating my ability to reach the public because of my political
Being forced to use alternative social media sites, I know I've
been a little "offline" since I ran for Congress in President Trump's home district, Florida-21 a few months ago.
But I feel compelled to reach out to you to share a shocking story about something that happened to me and is relevant to
all of us. It might have seemed implausible a few years ago, but things are rapidly changing here in America, our rights are
in danger, and our Republic is in a fragile place.
The new bans on President
Trump and Conservative voices around the nation over the last two weeks are what I've been dealing with and actively fighting
against for years.
Read more here:
Taiwan Warns It Will "Fight To Very Last Day" If China Attacks As US
Warship Transits Strait
On Wednesday Taiwan issued new
and rare bellicose words signaling its response plans should China attack the democratic island. As speculation abounds
over Beijing's increased military pressure which has included ever larger weekly and near daily military flights into Taiwan's defense zones, Taipei officials have tended to downplay the possibility of a Chinese move on the island.
Breaking from this reticent approach which thus far has seen officials avoid direct
ratcheting rhetoric with the mainland, Taiwan's foreign minister asserted the island will defend itself "to
the very last day" if it comes under attack by China.
more here:
War between Russia and Ukraine would lead to the ‘coming of the Messiah'
says 300-year-old Jewish prophecy
A FEARED outbreak of war between
Russia and Ukraine could herald the coming of the Messiah, scholars claim.
rabbi says it would fulfil a centuries-old prophecy by his famous ancestor Vilna Gaon, who is hailed as one the most influential
Jewish leaders in modern history.
Read and watch here:
Biden's New Executive Orders Could Turn a Whole Lot of Gun Owners Into FELONS
Joe Biden promised to do it and he has finally delivered. Today, the cognitively declining President of the United States signed a number of Executive Orders allegedly designed to
"curb gun violence" but actually designed to destroy the Second Amendment and the Bill of Rights.
In the process, Biden has turned many Americans into felons with a stroke of his pen.
Read more here:
Scientists Call BS On WHO's Wuhan 'Investigation' - Demand
Legitimate Probe With Or Without China
After a joint investigation
between China and the World Health Organization (WHO) failed to produce a legitimate explanation for the origins of COVID-19,
a group of international scientists has cried foul - and is demanding "more rigorous investigations" -
with or without Beijing's participation, according to Reuters.
"Their starting point was, let's have as much compromise
as is required to get some minimal cooperation from China," said Atlantic Council senior fellow, Jamie Metzl,
who drafted the letter - which says that the WHO study's conclusions were based on unpublished Chinese research, while records
and biological samples critical to the investigation "remain inaccessible."
According to Metzl, the world might have to "revert to plan B" and conduct an independent
investigation "in the most systematic way possible" with or without China's participation.
Read more here:
Infrastructure Bills Do Not Lead To Recovery, Only Increased Federal Control
The concept of infrastructure stimulus has been hyped for decades as a kind of cure-all
for economic decline. The propaganda runs parallel to the narrative of the "savior" of the Great Depression, Franklin
Delano Roosevelt. In fact, one cannot examine the presidency of FDR without being bombarded with one sided worship of infrastructure
spending and the "New Deal."
The New Deal is often credited
in left-leaning literature as being the singular cure for the depression, and FDR by extension has been handed messiah status
among leftists. The New Deal is supposedly proof that massive socialized federal and central bank interventions through public
works programs is an economic ambrosia. So, it's not surprising that nearly every president since the Great Depression has
argued for an unprecedented infrastructure bill when faced with economic collapse. A large portion of the public on both sides
of the aisle has been trained to think these programs will save us.
more here:
As We Reach The Tipping Point, The Vaccinated Become Silent
Spreaders While Door To Door Vaccines Are Coming - Radical Left Media Pushing Mandatory Covid Vaccinations In Our Futures
- Tyranny Being Unveiled For Something That Doesn't Work
If we want to get a look at tomorrow by looking at today, several new stories published
the last several days provide us with the roadmap we're now on and it's a roadmap towards tyranny. And as we hear in the only
video at the bottom of this story from CNBC, part of that tyranny may look like mandatory, aka FORCED, Covid-19 injections
for the entire US population if we continue along this road.
News Radio WWJ-950 reports in this new story, the city of Detroit will be sending workers door-to-door, urging residents of the city to get out and get the COVID-19 vaccine. The
city of Detroit, still struggling with the coronavirus, plans to send workers door-to-door to encourage residents to get the
With the Detroit City Council approving a $1.2 million contract
to hire over 50 people, those people will work with nonprofit organizations to canvas the entirety of the city, similar to
the door-to-door effort they also make to carry out the census.
Read more
Israel launched yet another missile attack against Damascus,
Syria tonight, firing missiles from Lebanon, outside Syrian air space.
time Syria fired back; Not just at the incoming Israeli missiles, but at the fighter jet which fired them!
For the first time, an Israeli fighter jet had to use Chaff and Flares to evade being
hit by a Syrian air defense missile!
The missile chased the jet -- IN
LEBANON AIR SPACE -- forcing the fighter pilot to use extreme evasive maneuvers and, finally, chaff and flares, to escape
being shot down.
Read more here:
Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski: He's Not Just Running Nazis
Out Of His Church!
Just days ago, Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski
lit up the Northern Hemisphere, as well as the world in driving out the Canadian Gestapo due to their entering the building
where the Church he pastors worships. However, there is much more to this man and what God is doing in Calgary than a two-minute
video. He joins me in this episode. Hang on, cause we're gonna have Church today!
Read and watch here:
In A Time Of Plenty, It's Impossible To Imagine The Cruel Reality Of True Scarcity-28
Inconvenient Truths As The ‘S' Hit's The Fan
In the early
days of the prepping craze, 2009-2014 or so, TEOTWAWKI was on every prepper's mind - The End Of The World As We Know It. Wherever
it originated, it struck a chord with Americans, in particular, who looked at the steep decline of their home's value, the
loss of their jobs, the devastation to their hopes of retirement and any savings, and wondered if the end of the world as
they knew had become a reality.
A new surge in prepping consumes us now
as a pandemic and the fear and uncertainty it brings grips our attention. What if the world as we have always known it has
ended, or as one of my readers said, "I knew all along that the end of this will be the beginning of something different."
Read more here:
EXCLUSIVE - Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is
lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.'
out the window, and think, "why is my government lying to me about something so fundamental?" Because, I think the
answer is, they are going to kill you using this method. They're going to kill you and your family.'
April 7, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) - Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer's former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who spent
32 years in the industry leading new medicines research and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with "the most senior research position" in his field, spoke with LifeSiteNews.
He addressed the "demonstrably false" propaganda from governments in response
to COVID-19, including the "lie" of dangerous variants, the totalitarian potential for "vaccine passports,"
and the strong possibility we are dealing with a "conspiracy" which could lead to something far beyond the carnage
experienced in the wars and massacres of the 20th century.
more here:
World Economic Forum Promotes 'Smart Mask' that Sends 'Alerts' if You Don't Wear
Digital face 'mask of the future' sends alerts when
users 'forget to put it on'
The powerful elites of the World
Economic Forum (WEF) are promoting a new "smart mask" that connects to the user's smartphone and sends
"alerts" if they "forget to put it on."
WEF is hailing the invention as "the mask of the future."
It is pitching it as a "smart mask that can track your breathing and let you know if you are wearing it
wrong or even if you forget to wear it at all."
In a video posted
to the WEF's official Twitter account on Wednesday, the globalist group, whose chairman, Klaus Schwab, is the man behind "The Great Reset," boasts that their
new "smart face mask" can track every breath its wearer takes.
Read more here:
Can Blood from Young People Slow Aging? Silicon Valley Has
Bet Billions It Will
The Spanish firm Grifols helped set off
a kerfuffle last year when it, along with other firms, offered nearly double the going price for blood donations for a COVID-19
treatment trial. Brigham Young University in Idaho had to threaten some enterprising students with suspension to keep them
from intentionally trying to contract COVID-19. The trial failed, however, and now the Barcelona-based firm is hoping to extract
something far more valuable from the plasma of young volunteers: a set of microscopic molecules that could reverse the process
of aging itself.
Read more here:
Global Food Costs Keep Climbing in Threat to Consumer Wallets
(Bloomberg) -- The global food-price rally that's stoking inflation worries and hitting
consumers around the world shows little sign of slowing.
Even with grain
prices taking a breather on good crop prospects, a United Nations gauge of global food costs rose for a 10th month in March
to the highest since 2014. Last month's advance was driven by a surge in vegetable oils amid stronger demand and tight inventories,
according to Abdolreza Abbassian, a senior economist at the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization.
Read more here:
The golden age of the Aztecs: British researcher reveals
lost civilization's hieroglyphics are among world's most sophisticated and rival ancient literary achievements of Egypt, India,
Greece and Rome
The Aztecs' hieroglyphs were among the most sophisticated
writing systems which humanity has produced, an expert has claimed.
was previously known about the ancient pre-Colombian civilisation's literary achievements because its three main libraries
were destroyed by Spanish invaders in 1521.
This contributed
to a belief that the Aztecs' hieroglyphic signs were not a proper writing system to match ones found in ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece.
Read more here:
Russia Deploys Additional Truck-Launched NUCLEAR MISSILES;
U.S. Sends B-1 Lancers on "Virtual" Bombing Mission of Russia!
The situation in Ukraine is growing so bad, so fast, that Russia has now released video showing even MORE truck-launched
NUCLEAR MISSILES being put into the field.
The video, released by the
Russian Ministry of Defense, makes very clear the intercontinental ballistic missiles inside their country, are now on the
Read more here:
Chinese-produced animated movie introduced American kids
to the idea of a fearful virus, masks and life-saving vaccine - back in 2016
We have previously examined the army of "consultants" who have infiltrated our public schools, turning them into centers for indoctrination and hatred against those holding
fast to the traditional Christian faith.
But the indoctrination of our
youth is not only happening in schools.
Truth is, our children have been
targeted for mind-control outside of the classroom as much as inside.
is perhaps the biggest culprit.
Take the animated film, Hedgehogs, for example.
Read more here:
Best-Selling Devotional Has Prayer to 'Help Me to Hate White People'
How far have we come since Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous "I Have a Dream"
Sometimes, I'm not so sure. While our society has made tremendous
progress toward the idea that all men are created equal, anti-whiteness seems to be all the rage these days. And that is no
less racist than hating anyone of any other color.
Read more here:
Race And Class Warfare: Racist Liberals Assert Blacks Can't
Read, Can't Do Math And Needs Free Money, As Socialism Takes Over The Democrat Party
For a party that screams racism and "Jim Crow Laws" on a daily basis, we note the hypocrisy
of then arguing that blacks cannot read properly, cannot do math because asking for a "correct" answer is somehow
racist, while insisting on handing out free money for no other reason than the color of their skin is black.
Aside from the never-ending push for racial division, we now have a party, the Democrats,
also playing the class warfare game, as all socialists have done throughout history.
Top all that off with the continued attacks against Christians, and we see that the endgame goal is to pit almost
every demographic groups against each other to further divide the American population.
Below we will look at a number of recent stories that prove that assertion true.
Read more here:
US on alert as Russia deploys 'Doomsday Nuke' in Arctic military build-up - conflict fears
RUSSIA is deploying an underwater drone designed to "inundate US coastal
cities with radioactive tsunamis" as part of an unprecedented military build-up in the Arctic.
Kremlin defence chiefs are testing their latest weapons in waters that until recently
were frozen over as Russia attempts to secure its northern coast and open up a key shipping route from Asia to Europe. The
powerful Poseidon 2M39 torpedo, nicknamed the "Doomsday Nuke" because of its terrifying capabilities, is among the
new arsenal undergoing tests in the northern oceans.
Read more here:
BREAKING: GraceLife Church RAIDED by police - fencing went up at dawn
(9:50 a.m. ET / 7:50 a.m. MT) Alberta government agents are
raiding GraceLife Church in Edmonton, Alberta.
GraceLife Church is under
the care of Pastor James Coates, who recently spent 35 days in the Edmonton Remand Centre after he turned himself in for breaking
public health laws on COVID-19.
Our reporter, Sheila Gunn Reid, is heading to the scene immediately for more information.
Read more
The Combined Russian and Chinese Attack Upon America Will Be Complete and We Do
Not Have Long to Wait
A reader wrote to me and said that they
thought the invasion of the United States only involved the Red Dawn scenario sweeping in our of the Southwest. That
is not the case. Yesterday, we discussed the Chinese coming in our of the Southwest and Northwest after the US moves to defend
Taiwan from a Chinese invasion. There is much, much more.... I will cover a few more places today. Then tomorrow, I will talk
about the biological attack that Is coming.
Read more here:
Artillery Barrage in Ukraine; Russia TV Talks "Nuclear First-Strike"
Artillery fire has broken out along the line of control between breakaway Oblasts (states)
Luhansk/Donetsk, and the Ukrainian Army this morning. The exchanges are described as "Heavy shelling."
Meanwhile, in Russia, television shows featuring former Russian Army officers and some
elected officials, are openly talking about Russia having to use nuclear weapons over the Ukraine/NATO troop build-up along
the Russian border!
The situation is deteriorating very badly, very fast.
Read more here:
Watch Out For Sinister Ulterior Motives When The Left Speaks Of
An Exploding 'Mental Health Crisis' Due To Covid-19 - 'Mental Health' Has Been Used To Take Away Americans 2nd Amendment
Rights And Disarm Americans
If it wasn't bad enough that
Americans have a new 'scourge' to contend with in April of 2021 with 'pandemic zoom zombies' scurrying about the streets, we learn in a new story over at Yahoo that according to a recent study, roughly one in three 'pandemic survivors' are now suffering from mental health problems and other brain and neurological problems and disorders.
With suicides
spiking while younger Americans are being isolated due to the lockdowns and social distancing, leaving many younger Americans
feeling despondent, angry, listless, afraid and suicidal as we see in the chart below, as that Yahoo story reported, one in three in a study of more than 230,000 mostly Americans
diagnosed with a brain or psychiatric disorder within six months of their contracting Covid suggests the pandemic
could lead to a wave of mental and neurological problems.
Read more here:
246 Fully Vaccinated Michigan Residents Test Positive for COVID, With 3 Dead
This week, public health officials in the state of Michigan have revealed that at least 246 residents have tested positive for COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated. At least three of them have
also died since recently receiving their vaccine.
According to
a spokesperson for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Lynn Sutfin, the cluster of cases covers the period
between 1 January and 31 March. Each of the group are confirmed to have tested positive at least two weeks after
getting their final does of the vaccine, with a total of 11 persons hospitalized from the group.
"Some of these individuals may ultimately be excluded from this list due to continuing to test
positive from a recent infection prior to being fully vaccinated," said Sutfin.
Read more here:
Is 2021's Fictional Cyberattack Simulation Prepping Us For a Cyber Pandemic?
Event 201 that preceded the COVID pandemic. Event 201 eerily described and seemed to predict the pandemic. (There was
also a pandemic simulation called Clade X that preceded Covid.)
What some readers may not know, however, is that
the World Economic Forum conducted a similar simulation, Cyber Polygon 2020. This 2020 event also predicted a global catastrophe.
new cyberattack simulation, Cyber Polygon, will occur in July 2021.
WEF, Russia's Sberbank, and its cybersecurity subsidiary BIZONE announced in February that a new cyberattack simulation would occur July 9, 2021. The event will simulate
a supply-chain cyberattack similar to the SolarWinds attack that would "assess the cyber resilience" of the exercise participants.
Read more here:
Parade of dead pharaohs in Egypt occurring on same day as splitting of the Red
Sea over 3000 years ago
a coincidence that while Jews were partaking in the commemorating of the splitting of the Red Sea, that a group of dead Pharaohs
was paraded down the main street of Cairo in Egypt, echoing what many say are Biblical events from nearly 3,000 years ago?
The vent has already caused many locals in Egypt to be in great fear that the "Curse of the Pharaohs" will be unleashed as 3000-year-old mummies of 18 kings and four queens are
being paraded and moved during the "golden parade" where the mummies will be transferred to a new museum in Cairo
where they will be showcased triggering fear among locals that a curse will be released upon the country.
Read more here:
UBS Predicts 80,000 More Retail Stores Will Close In Five Years
The retail apocalypse has been well documented for readers (see: here & here & here) over the years as tens of thousands of brick and mortar stores nationwide have shuttered their doors. The problem today
- is that millions of jobs lost during the pandemic are never coming back - in a consumer-based economy -
this sets up for even more store closures.
Read more here:
Potentially deadly ‘Zoom zombies' are roaming the streets, a new report finds
Fifty-four percent of motorists who've driven their
vehicles soon after using a videoconferencing platform report having trouble concentrating on the road.
Americans have a new pandemic-related problem to worry about: zombies. No, not the kind
that kills to eat brains, but the type that kills because their own noggins aren't operating at full capacity.
So-called Zoom zombies are terrorizing U.S. drivers and pedestrians, according to the
Root Insurance Distracted Driving Awareness Survey, released today. According to the survey, 54% of motorists who have driven
their vehicles soon after using a videoconferencing platform report having trouble concentrating on the road.
Read more here:
Where Is The Outrage? Biden Admin Holding 18,000 Illegal
Children - Trump's Max Was 2,600
While the Trump administration's
"kids in cages" scandal dominated news headlines for months, the mainstream media is totally ignoring a much larger
crisis currently happening under Biden's watch.
According to the Washington Post, at the height of the Trump-era border surge, roughly 2,600 underage illegal immigrants were under the custody of the federal
Read more here:
2+2=5: Oregon Department of Education Pushes Course Claiming Math is Racist Because
It Requires a Correct Answer
The Oregon Department of
Education is promoting an online course that claims math is racist because it requires a correct answer.
The class, called "A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction," describes itself as "an integrated approach to mathematics that centers Black, Latinx, and Multilingual students"
that provides "opportunities for ongoing self-reflection as they seek to develop an anti-racist math practice."
Read more here:
Chemical Cocktail Found in Face Masks. "Breathing in
Carcinogens, Allergens and Synthetic Microfibres"
is an abridged version of a full feature which appears in the both the print and e-version Ecotextile News, April 2021.
Top German scientists have found that wearing certain types of face masks for long
periods of time could result in potentially hazardous chemicals and harmful microplastics being inhaled deep into human lungs.
Professor Michael Braungart, director at the Hamburg Environmental Institute
and co-founder of the world-renowned Cradle to Cradle environmental standard has told Ecotextile News that mask wearers
unwittingly run the risk of breathing in carcinogens, allergens and tiny synthetic microfibres by wearing
both textile and nonwoven surgical masks for long periods of time.
more here:
1,000 'woke' companies unite against election-integrity laws!
Civic Alliance includes McDonalds, Amazon, Verizon, Microsoft, PayPal, Uber
The opposition of major corporations such as Coca-Cola and Delta to a Georgia election
law has drawn attention to an alliance of more than 1,000 companies that, in effect, have identified themselves as opponents
of voting integrity.
The Civic Alliance boasts on its website that its membership has grown to 1,119 companies that employee more than 5 million people.
Read more here:
Border protection deletes photos of Yemeni terror watch list suspects
held after crossing border citing 'national security': Kevin McCarthy demands briefing on how many terrorists have crossed
into US
Republicans on the House Committee on Homeland Security
have slammed Customs and Border Protection (CBP) after the agency deleted a press release that detailed the arrest of two
Yemeni illegal immigrants who were identified on a terrorism watch list.
On Monday, CBP announced how two Yemeni nationals who were placed on the FBI's terror watchlist were arrested in
California after crossing illegally from Mexico into the United States.
the announcement was deleted from the CBP website and Twitter account on Tuesday, on the grounds of 'national security'.
Read more here:
Anti-Vax & Anti-Tax - 2 Huge Trends of 2021 -Gerald Celente
Gerald Celente, a renowned trends researcher and publisher of "The Trends Journal,"
is back to talk about two of the biggest trends taking shape for 2021. One revolves around Covid-19 (CV-19) and the
experimental so-called vaccine, otherwise known as the "jab." The other is a rebounding economy destined to
crash. First, the CV-19 jab, as Celente explains, "There are going to be new political movements: anti-tax,
anti-vax, anti-immigration and anti-establishment. We are going to see a big anti-vax movement. To make the point
on how they are going to be selling this . . . They are selling it now that there is going to be a new strain of CV-19, and
you better prepare for it. It's going to happen every year, and you are going to have to get vaccinated. So, we
are going to start seeing a big anti-vax movement."
Read more here:
Neuralink Co-Founder Says We Have the Tech to Build an Actual Jurassic Park
Max Hodak wants us to create brand-new, "super exotic" dinosaurs.
Max Hodak, the Neuralink cofounder who recently made headlines for suggesting a religion that incorporates drugs and that his company's brain-computer interface would revolutionize gaming, is back - and now he's calling for someone to build a real-world Jurassic Park.
"We could probably build Jurassic Park if we wanted to," Hodak tweeted on Saturday. "Wouldn't be genetically authentic dinosaurs but [shrugging emoji]. Maybe 15 years of breeding + engineering
to get super exotic novel species."
Read more here:
US Sails Carrier Into South China Sea As Philippines Enraged Over China 'Territory
In the latest dispute over territory in the South China
Sea, the Philippine government is denouncing Beijing for sending a "maritime militia" near the contested Whitsun
Reef (alternately spelled Whitson Reef).
China has responded by
saying the ships are merely civilian fishing vessels, but the bellicose rhetoric has only grown between the two sides in the
past days. And now amid the ratcheting tensions American warships led by the USS Theodore Roosevelt carrier have
entered the waters.
Read more here:
Emergency Meeting Called for Ukraine Peace Talks - Ukraine
PULLS-OUT. US Asks Russia about Intention for vast Forces Massing, Russia Replies "No more info for you"
The situation in eastern Europe got very much worse today in the ongoing troubles between
Russia and Ukraine/US/UK/NATO.
With Russia massing utterly gigantic numbers
of troops, tanks, artillery, and armored personnel carriers both in Crimea and on Ukraine's eastern Border states of Luhansk
and Donetsk, an "Emergency Meeting" was called of the Trilateral Contact Group on the Conflict in Donbas. (The
"Donbas" is the two-state region consisting of Luhansk and Donetsk, which want to breakaway from Ukraine and join
The purpose of the emergency meeting was to ask Russia to
renew the cease-fire agreement, which Expired on March 31. Russia had previously refused to renew it when Ukraine began
massing troops on the borders of the Donbas.
Read more here:
Plot to Kill us FURTHER thickened.. started a DECADE ago
re: anti-microbials
An antibacterial hand soap I have
used almost 20 years "safeguard" became harder to find in the last few years, and LO! it has received relabeling
and an ingredient change!
towit: there was a push by a plethora of liberal/environ[mental]
psuedo 'appearing' agencies with "out of the can" websites pressuring (by lawyer representatives) pressuring the
FDA to BAN TRICLOCARBAN/TRICLOSAN (an antimicrobial/bacterial) from counter soaps, hand soaps, HOSPITAL BAR SOAPS that doctors
used for more than 55 years SAFELY!!
these groups crafted all sorts of dreamy hypothetical
stories (WITH ZERO EVIDENCE) that possibly, maybe, hypothetically there is a remote chance that 1 out a possibly quadrillion
qazillion GRUBWORMS or other creature might have 'mood swings!'
Read more
'Don't Be Surprised When Buildings Are On Fire' - BLM Activist
Threatens 'All Hell Will Break Loose' If Derek Chauvin Not Sentenced In Death Of George Floyd
As the trial of Derek Chauvin, the officer being tried for second-third degree murder and/or second
degree manslaughter, of George Floyd, proceeds, high profile BLM activists are already making threats of what will happen
if they do not get the verdict they want.
This is the problem with: 1.)
The media trying people in the court of public opinion before any investigation is even completed, and; 2.)
Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists believing said media, feeling entitled to ignore the actual evidence presented at the legal
trial and start threatening the entire nation if the selected, and very diverse jury, does not convict and sentence Chauvin.
ANP reported the other day that the trial was producing shocking, never-before-seen evidence, because it didn't feed the media's preferred narrative
so they completely ignore it, and we asserted that no matter what happened during the trial, there would be massive riots.
Read more here:
Fauci is a dangerous sociopath who must be held accountable for committing crimes
against humanity
(Natural News) Fake doctor Anthony Fauci is now trying to claim credit for the experimental gene therapy injections for the Wuhan coronavirus
(Covid-19) that were actually created by Donald Trump through Operation Warp Speed (OWS). Consequently, Fauci is now receiving flack from Trump supporters like Peter Navarro who say that Fauci is nothing more than a lying sociopath.
Read more here:
Situation Update, April 5th, 2021 - Nazi-style covid DEATH CAMPS coming to every
Democrat-controlled city
NaturalNews videos would not be possible
without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject
of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we're
helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy
metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.
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Many Democrats Actually Want The US Military To Go Door To Door
And Disarm Americans: Remember! Totalitarian Governments Always First Disarm Their 'Future Victims'!
The Democrats Latest War On The 2nd Amendment Leads To Huge Surge In Gun Sales
According to David B. Kopel, an American author, attorney and gun rights advocate, "Even if we assume that 'gun control' may reduce firearm homicides by individual criminals, it facilitates murder
by government."
Warning us in a recent episode of his "Kopel's Law &
Liberty News" that the problem of government carried out mass murder "was on full display in the 20th Century",
as we also hear from Kopel in the only video at the bottom of this story, "the accumulative dangers of
armed criminals are much smaller than the danger of armed criminal governments".
With the very real problem of 'government tyranny' alone giving Americans a reason
to arm up like never before in 2021, with fewer guns historically leading to more genocide, as Kopel warned Americans in an article which we've embedded above the comment section of this story below titled "Fewer
Guns, More Genocide", totalitarian governments are the most likely to perpetrate mass murder.
Read more here:
Our Trojan Horses! The Forces of Darkness Are Not Coming, They Are Already Here!!!
It is really simple, isn't it? As Hillary Clinton's favorite
document puts it, overwhelm your adversary with full frontal assaults and eventually they will collapse! This is precisely
what America is suffering through. The three-headed dragon of the Deep State, the Democratic Party and the World's New Policeman,
China, is attacking America on all fronts. And its is not just the Democrats, so long as most Republicans get to keep their
spoils of public service, they don't care who is in charge.
Since 2015,
the forces of darkness have been trying to get Russia and America into a war. Why? Because the goal of the New World Order
is to fully install the brutal, Satanic regime of China as the world's new policeman. Why? Because China will spare no moral
transgression to give the benefactors what they want, namely, a population reduction of 90%.
Read more here:
Are You Prepared For a "New Normal" of Flashmobs, Revolutionaries and
a Lower Standard of Living?
The protests and riots that engulfed
the United States just before the election seem to have calmed down. However, you only need to turn on the news to see that random protests and mob street action are popping up all across the
Sometimes, the target of the mob attacks is the police. Sometimes
they involve competing militias. (Antifa vs. Proud Boys etc.) Sometimes, they are organized mob violence against innocent
It seems like the "new normal" everyone keeps talking
about is pretty violent.
Read more here:
Chinese Officials Trying to Dodge COVID-19 Vaccinations,
Citing Health Reasons: Leaked Documents
As the Chinese regime
races to inoculate tens of millions through coercive policies and a propaganda blitz, some local officials are quietly dodging
the shots themselves.
Amid Beijing's aggressive vaccine push, dozens of
officials from parts of Liaoning, a province in northeastern China, have cited various health reasons not to take the Chinese COVID-19 vaccine, internal documents
dated late March and obtained by The Epoch Times reveal.
Read more here:
A Marine's Guide to SHTF planning. (Part One-Print and Keep)
Six P's
A lot of
battles have been won on paper but lost on the battlefield-just ask Napoleon Bonaparte. Although this seems like a jab against
planning, it's just the opposite. I doubt any major battles have been won without good planning. And, poor execution
of a good plan gives the same crap results. In the Marines, the importance of planning has been enshrined in the "Six
P's " (Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance).
Read more
Vaccines Are the New 'Purity Test'
As predicted last year, vaccine passports are being rolled out across the world, including the U.S. As reported by
Ron Paul in his Liberty Report,1,2 which streamed live March 29, 2021, the Biden Administration is "seriously
looking into establishing some kind of federal vaccine passport system, where Americans who cannot (or will not) prove to
the government they have been jabbed with the experimental vaccine will be legally treated as second-class citizens."
Paul warns that this system "will quickly morph into a copy of China's ‘social
credit' system, where undesirable behaviors are severely punished." I've been saying the same thing for many months now,
and there's every reason to suspect that this is indeed where we're headed.
and watch here:
In Service of Progressive Values, US Military Has Become Detached From Reality
To mark International Women's Day on March 8, U.S. President Biden honoured women in the
U.S. military. "We're making good progress designing body armour that fits women properly; tailoring combat uniforms
for women; creating maternity flight suits; updating-updating requirements for their hairstyles," he boasted.
Read more here:
GM unveils $105,595 ELECTRIC Hummer SUV with 'extract mode'
that raises it six feet off the ground to climb over obstacles and has 300-mile range on single charge
The Hummer was the epitome of gas-guzzling excess before retiring in 2010, but General
Motors (GM) has revived the iconic vehicle with an eco-friendly design.
carmaker unveiled its new five-seat Hummer EV SUV, which can go 300 miles before it needs a recharge.
Retailing for $105,595. the top-line Edition 1 offers 830 horsepower, 82 cubic feet of storage and
four-wheel steering with CrabWalk, which allows tit to move diagonally
more here:
Two More Teachers DEAD After AstraZeneca COVID Shot
SICILY, ITALY - AstraZeneca changed the name of its experimental COVID-19 viral vector shot to Vaxzevria to help salvage its reputation and sales. Unfortunately
the rebranding has not stopped what is quickly approaching genocide in Italy.
Turiaco Facebook announcement
Two more Italian teachers are dead
after receiving AstraZeneca viral vector shots against COVID-19. Mrs. Augusta Turiaco received the first dose of the AstraZeneca
shot on March 11, according to daily newspaper La Stampa. The 55-year-old Messina music teacher published a new Facebook profile
photo that day, letting everyone know she was "vaccinated."
more here:
'Where is the Skynet logo?': Chinese robotics firm shares
'terrifying' video of its four-legged robots moving in unison that Twitter users say could be the start of a robot takeover
A robot takeover is the plot of many science fiction films, but a video shared on Twitter has some believing the idea may not be too farfetched.
A user shared
a clip from Chinese-based Unitree robotics firm that shows a squadron of four-legged machines moving in unison.
The AI-powered, canine-like robot, named, Aliengo, is designed with depth perception,
high explosive sport performance and an advanced protection level - among other features.
Read more here:
Tyrant Klaus Schwab Declares Unvaccinated People to Be a Threat to Humanity
Several dozen heads of the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Economic
Forum (WEF), and various other globalist bodies have declared that the "Great Reset" needs to include the establishment of a global "pandemic" treaty to ensure that all humans are "vaccinated" in accordance with government edicts.
Read more here:
Waiting For The Trigger Event
"Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience
hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the
forms to which they are accustomed."
I don't know what else there
is to say on the evil and tyranny that we are faced with at this point in our History. People seem to have lost their collective
minds and insanity seems to rule the day.
Everywhere you look strange
and evil things are happening. We have allowed our country to be stolen from us in a fraudulent election. We have done nothing.
Read more here:
The Awful Consequences For Those Refusing To Prep-HISTORICALLY
I have become personally so disenchanted with the way people fail to prep. People still don't understand how important it is to put away. I have gotten into arguments over this and had cretins call
me a fool because I put away food, water, and supplies. I thought about this and the frustration that other preppers have
with this laid back idiotic attitude that there is no need for preparation. There are good people that just can't/won't start
preparing. They have the money to do so, but just don't want to. Many have only seen what happens to non-preppers on TV, but
it still doesn't make an impact.
Read more here:
A Cowed Republic Is A Dead Republic: Forced Vaccination
Compliance Goes Completely Against The 'My Body My Choice' Argument Democrats Use For Abortion
The party of baby killers under the guise of "my body, my choice" are also the party that appears dead set on forcing others to do things with their bodies without their willing consent,
aka force them to take the COVID vaccine.
The fact that the Biden regime,
the media, Democrats and liberals are all pushing for "forced" vaccinations," shows exactly what they truly
think of the "My body, my choice" nonsense they spew on a daily basis about abortion.
To them, "my body, my choice," only applies to choices they wish to make and
the hell with any one elses decision-making rights as to what goes into their bodies.
Read more here:
The "Great Reset" Turns Man Into Machine to Serve Elite
One area that has not received nearly as much attention is the plan to fuse human
beings with technology under the guise of "improving" mankind. Mankind will be transformed into drones who serve
the one percent.
Under the new world order envisioned by
the proponents of the United Nations-backed "Great Reset," humans will be merged with machines and technology.
Literally. Perhaps most incredibly, the Deep State globalists behind the efforts are coming out of the closet. These days,
they are openly and literally proclaiming their intention to abolish private ownership of property and even fuse microchips
into people's brains that will be able to read and manipulate individuals' thoughts.
Read more here:
Reckoning With Reality: America's Days Are Over
hen In The Course of Human Events......
Founders of this nation put forward a very basic premise: assume
among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them
That no government, no person whether royalty or not, King, Queen or Pawn, can take from
one to give to another, to make one lesser than another, to bring remove from one the basics of humanity for the privilege
of another.
Read more here:
BREAKING NEWS: Iran announces NATO-KILLER Missile
The Islamic Republic of Iran today announced its support for Russia in the event the Donbas
(Ukraine) is attacked. It also announced a new Iranian Missile with capabilities hit strike NATO Capitals in Europe,
should war erupt between NATO and Russia.
The Iranian announcement was
simple and brief.
Read more here:
British Newspaper Headline ". . . World War . . . in Four Weeks" ---
Diplomat too: "A war with Russia is being worked out"
veritable garbage dump of British media, "The Sun" newspaper, has a headline in yesterday's edition "
. . . World War could be triggered in Four Weeks" over the ongoing and escalating situation in Ukraine.
Gee, that would put us at about May 2, the precise date I mentioned on my radio show last
week, for the start of this conflict!
Read more here:
Montana Bans 'Sanctuary Cities' for Illegal Aliens
Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte (R) signs legislation to ban practice
The Republican governor of Montana, Greg Gianforte, has signed new legislation
that bans so-called "sanctuary cities" for illegal aliens from being
established in the state.
While Montana doesn't currently have
any sanctuary cities, the move is seen as a warning shot from state GOP executives.
Republicans are pushing back as Joe Biden and a Democratic Congress continue to push progressive reforms.
Similar legislation was vetoed in 2019 by former Montana Gov. Steve Bullock, a Democrat.
Read more here:
Did you leave your church
today with gratitude for the gift of salvation from the Lord Jesus Christ? However, was there a part of you that felt empty
because you know that if Jesus were to walk among us he did 2000 years ago, he would be walking through our unholy institutions
in America and doing what he did when he chased the money-changers from the Temple? Isn't your Pastor supposed to embody
the courage of Christ in the face of evil? If you are left feeling incomplete about your experience at church this morning,
it is because your church is capitulating to evil. If your church will not stand up to evil, who will? Biden? Harris? Pelosi?
it is and has always have been the followers of Christ!
Read more here:
With More Signs Of War, Genocide And Mass Starvation In America's
Future, The Unprepared Won't Be Able To Survive Without Trading Their Own Enslavement For A Can Of Corn
The Globalists Satanic Agenda Being Pushed To Their 'End Game' For America
Two days ago on April 2nd, we'd reported within this ANP story that if Joe Biden and Democrats got their way, they're going to get us all killed with Biden's admin insanely declaring their 'unwavering support for Ukraine' at a time when Russia is flooding Crimea with tanks and soldiers and tensions between Russia and Ukraine are running super
Reporting within that story that in numerous ways, the Russian
military had equaled or surpassed the US military, with Russia now owning what have been called the 'crown jewels'
of weapons in 2021, the unstoppable hypersonic nuclear weapons capable of evading all defenses, we've just gotten more signs
that story was right on the money, with a Russian military analyst warning in this new story over at the Daily Mail that a European or world war could break out in as little as four weeks!
more here:
‘Gestapo out!' WATCH Canadian cops chased out by enraged pastor after reportedly
trying to stop Passover prayer
A controversial Canadian pastor
has reported that he forced out six police officers, who are said to have tried to stop an Easter service due to Covid-19
restrictions, by repeatedly screaming "Out of this property" at them.
Read more here:
Society of Terror: A Global Holocaust That Puts People
In Survival Mode Would Lend Itself Nicely To The Police State Being Erected To Contain The People
For several years many people have had the opinion that the global elite have had a plan
to kill off a significant portion of the worlds population and take complete control of the resources and people. The raping
of the worlds financial assets by these people has insured that they must do something to cover their tracks in a way to avert
repercussions on themselves from an irate population. A global holocaust that puts people in survival mode would lend itself nicely to the police state being erected to contain the people.
Read more here:
Anyone Who Believes Pharmaceutical Companies Have a
Moral Compass Believes in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, and Vaccines Will Be The Savior
of Society...
Oxycontin Maker Purdue Pharma Pleads Guilty in
Criminal Case
Big Pharmaceutical Continues to Rape Humanity,
Purdue to Plead Guilty in $8bn Opioid
Settlement and They Want You to
Trust Them With a Vaccine...
The maker of OxyContin painkillers has reached
an $8.3bn (£6.3bn) settlement and agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges to resolve a probe of its role in fuelling
America's opioid crisis.
Purdue Pharma will admit to enabling the supply
of drugs "without legitimate medical purpose".
Read more here:
The construction of the tunnel, approximately
1,970 feet long and 5 feet wide, was built by the Catholic authorities in Jerusalem as an underground passage allegedly for
the purpose of providing passageway from the main building of the Dormition Abbey to the residences of the clergy in the Beit
Yosef building, a dormitory/guest house it built nearby decades ago. But spiritual leader of the Yanar Institute in Jerusalem,
Rabbi Daniel Asor isn't buying it. According to Rabbi Asor, that tunnel is a means for the Vatican to exhume the bones of
King David who they allege was buried in Mt Zion. As the church is Catholic, the rabbi asserts that they are operating under
the Vatican's instructions. Rabbi Asor adds that it's all part of the Vatican's plan to collect DNA from the body of King
David and use it to "recreate" the Messiah in an effort to fool the world into believing that the Messiah has arrived...
Fears grow WW3 could be triggered 'in a month' as Russian military seen 'on the
Russian military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer has warned
WW3 could be sparked by rising tensions between Russia and Ukraine - and things could really kick off in early May
World War 3 could be triggered in four weeks in Ukraine, a top Russian military analyst has warned.
The terrifying alert has come after footage was
widely shared on social media showing suspected large scale Russian military movements in regions close to rebel-held eastern
Ukraine and annexed Crimea.
Four Ukrainian soldiers also died in separatist
shelling on 26 March near Shuma, a village in the Donetsk region.
more here:
Democracy is an Illusion (Perspective) The Covid Scam Has Alerted Millions to
The Fact That The World Is Controlled By A Small Cabal Of Satanist Central Bankers Who Wish to Enslave Us
The covidscam has alerted millions to the fact that the world is controlled by
a small cabal of satanist central bankers who wish to enslave us. Most everyone who is "successful" serves their
demented agenda. This article from 2005 provides background for people new to our ugly political reality.
A "Far Side" cartoon describes our innocence about democracy.
A slave rowing a Viking ship puts up his hand and calls to the whip master: "Yoo-hoo!
Oh, yoo-hoo... I think I'm getting a blister."
Like this man, most people cling to
the belief that our leaders represent our interests.
Read more here:
Maund - Genocide is their End Game and everything that has happened and is happening is due to a meticulously planned and
sinister plot being implemented by the narrow clique of gangsters who now control our world.
"In a nutshell, they are to cull a large percentage of the human race and
to turn the survivors into a completely controlled army of slaves who own nothing and are dictated to and tracked, traced
and monitored 24 / 7 everywhere, even inside their own homes, which of course they will no longer own."
"It only starts to make sense when you understand that everything that has
happened and is happening is due to a meticulously planned and sinister plot being implemented by the narrow clique of gangsters
who now control our world."
Read more here:
Sweden Scraps Bill Gates' Geoengineering
Plot To Block The Sun
An effort to dim the sun to stop
global warming has been scrapped by the Swedish Space Agency, who announced that the program, funded by Bill Gates, has ‘divided
the scientific community' and will therefore not be carried out.
Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) released a statement saying that the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), which also had secured Harvard funding, will
not go ahead as planned in June.
Read more here:
Emergency Saturday Broadcast! World Shocked By SPARS 2025-2028
Here is a link to the SPARS Pandemic document.
A 2017 Johns Hopkins document details plans for Big Pharma global domination.
"This document is the holy grail. The key to defeating the globalist." - Alex Jones
Watch here:
Teachers Compile List Of Parents Who Question Racial Curriculum, Plot War On Them
"Infiltrate... shut down their websites... expose these people publicly
A group of current and former teachers and others in Loudoun County, Virginia, compiled
a lengthy list of parents suspected of disagreeing with school system actions, including its teaching of controversial racial
concepts - with a stated purpose in part to "infiltrate," use "hackers" to silence parents' communications,
and "expose these people publicly."
Read more here:
Potentially toxic masks distributed in schools and daycares in Quebec
Grey and blue SNN200642 masks should no longer be used, warn Quebec and Ottawa
One model of mask distributed to Quebec schools and daycares may be dangerous
for the lungs as they could contain a potentially toxic material, according to a directive sent out by the provincial government
on Friday.
Radio-Canada has obtained documents showing Health Canada warned
of the potential for "early pulmonary toxicity" from the SNN200642 masks which are made in China and sold
and distributed by Métallifer, a Quebec-based manufacturer.
more here:
"Structural Collapse Could Occur At Any Time":
Florida County Evacuates Residents Near Imminent Radioactive Wastewater Spill
Florida residents located within a one of a phosphate processing plant in Manatee County were evacuated this
weekend as officials warned that a pond containing radioactive wastewater could collapse "at
any time," according to CBS News.
"A portion of the containment wall at the leak site
shifted laterally," said Manatee Director of Public Safety Jake Saur, after the Piney Point processing plant
developed a "significant leak" according to county officials cited by WTSP-TV. Saur said that a "structural collapse could occur at any time." Governor Ron DeSantis declared a state of emergency for the area on Saturday.
more here:
Globalists are Initiating their Extinction Protocols -
Steve Quayle
Renowned radio host, filmmaker and book author,
Steve Quayle, contends the evil elite have long warned about drastically reducing the global population. They even carved
it into the infamous Georgia Guide Stones. It says the world should be comprised of only a half billion people, not
the 7.9 billion living on the planet today. Quayle says the Covid-19 (CV-19) vaccines are part of the plan to kill off
a stunningly large part of humanity. Quayle explains, "The bottom line is we are talking about the depopulation in the
United States and the rest of the world in the order of 7.4 billion people. The population on earth right now is around
7.9 billion people.
Read more here:
Parade of the pharaohs: Egypt holds spectacular ceremony
transporting 22 mummies including Queen Nefertari to new resting place at museum - 3,000 years after they were entombed in
Valley of the Kings
Egypt on Saturday held a spectacular parade to transport 22 mummies of its most famous pharaohs from central Cairo to their
new resting place at a museum.
The ceremony snaked along the Nile corniche
from the Egyptian Museum overlooking Tahrir Square to the newly opened National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat,
Cairo, where Egypt's first Islamic capital was located.
The mummies -
18 pharaohs and four other royals - were transported in climate-controlled cases loaded onto trucks decorated with wings and
pharaonic design for the hour-long journey from their previous home in the older, Egyptian Museum.
Read more here:
BBC "Broadcast" SIMULATES Nuclear War Between NATO &
Russia from January 2018 -- Mentions Syria and Ukraine as Basis for Start of the war
Back in January of 2018, I came across what some people might think of as "Predictive Programming;"
A BBC (SIMULATED) broadcast about troubles between NATO and Russia and how, within an HOUR, it became full scale nuclear war.
The video appears below.
I recall at the time being utterly stunned that
the BBC would even take time to produce something like this, never mind let it get out to the public. I talked about
it on my radio show at the time.
With all the troubles presently brewing
in Ukraine, this came to my mind again, and I watched it (in full) today. The similarities to what is taking place IN
REAL LIFE RIGHT NOW are eerie. Maybe a bit too eerie. I find myself wondering (again) if this isn't "predictive
Read more here:
533 million Facebook users' phone numbers and personal data have been leaked
A user in a low-level hacking forum on Saturday published
the phone numbers and personal data of hundreds of millions of Facebook users for free.
The exposed data includes the personal information of over 533 million Facebook users from 106 countries, including
over 32 million records on users in the US, 11 million on users in the UK, and 6 million on users in India. It includes their
phone numbers, Facebook IDs, full names, locations, birthdates, bios, and, in some cases, email addresses.
Read more here:
It appears that the United States may have news, yet, of an unannounced pandemic
ready to released. Please consider the following information.
Back in
early March, the CDC began requiring travelers to the United States from specific locations in Africa to provide contact information with
regard to Ebola. This action is prudent and reasonable and the public should be grateful.
Yesterday, also on Fox News, it was announced that the CDC was already working on an Ebola vaccine. Based on earlier
information, this CDC news release is both false and deceptive. The CDC. For a long time, has sat on a developed vaccine for
Ebola. In fact the CDC even owns the patent. Combined with the fact that many insider sources say that Ebola will be the kill
shot that will follow Covid-19.
Read and watch here:
We Knew This Was Coming No Shots
No Papers No Travel-Tribulations, In Full Swing Compliments of Europe, Satan Soldiers Are Busy...
We begin the New Year with globalist reprobate minds planning to take over the planet
through their "Great Reset" plan. At this point, I do not think they will succeed, because globalism will not get
much support until the general population demands it. The nations now are way too divided to agree on any type of globalism.
By the way, the state run capitalism and socialism the globalists want is really Fascism.
Read more here:
New ‘Detention Camp In America: Quarantine Camps
& Forced Vaccinations...
people are waxing worse and worse and there is nothing Christians can do about that other than to PRAY and take a stand against
their evils. Those trying to reason with people given over to a reprobate mind are for the most part casting their pearls
before swine.
Read more here:
Cancel Culture Isn't A WMD: It's Political Terror
There are only a tiny handful of writers working in the media worth following. That wasn't always
the case, but the media has consolidated into a political narrative bloc churning out clickbait aimed at the choir which means
that, even aside from its politics, it has no room for anything interesting.
does its core audience.
Read more here:
Expect A Far More Deadly Bioweapon To Be Unleashed Upon America
If Not Enough People Take The 'Covid Kill Shot' As More Sinister Moves Are Made Towards Human Genocide
America In A Downward Spiral As Vicious Cycle Gets Ready To Be Repeated
While China, the World Health Organization and the mainstream media will continue to call
the 'Covid-19 is a Chinese bioweapon theory' a 'conspiracy theory', we've gotten numerous new signs over
the past several days alone that it IS being 'used' as a 'weapon', to take down national governments and
help usher in the globalists 'new world order one world government', with the WHO now pushing an 'International Pandemic Treaty', which is nothing less than that next stepping stone towards world government and tyranny.
As Makia Freeman over at The Freedom Articles reports in this new story, back on March 30th, the WHO released a letter, signed by its director-general Tedros Ghebreyesus plus 23 other world leaders, calling for the world to unite behind a new international pandemic treaty.
Read more here:
Behold The Chinese Type 100-Class "God Of Submarines"
Chinese submarine, identified as the Type-100 Class is reportedly contesting Russian
Navy's mighty Pr.941 Typhoon Class submarine as the largest ever built.
This was reported by H. I. Sutton for Naval News.
The new submarine is reportedly armed
with 48 Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs). It can also carry massive nuclear-powered nuclear-armed autonomous
The submarine was unveiled on April 1st
It was revealed at the Bohai Shipyard in Huludao, China, the new submarine is believed
to be the Type-100 ‘Sun Tzu' class. The timing, together with its type number, appear to refer to the 100th year anniversary
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Read more here:
As Russian Tanks Move Toward Ukraine, The Globe Braces For World War 3
At this hour, more Russian military forces are massed near Ukraine's borders
than we have ever seen before.
Western military leaders
say that they are concerned that the troop movements that we have witnessed in recent days may be leading up to an invasion,
and if an invasion does happen it will greatly test the resolve of the Biden administration, EU leaders and NATO brass.
In particular, the hawks in the Biden administration would almost certainly not be willing to just sit back and let the Russians
conquer all of Ukraine. There would likely be a major response by the United States, and that could set off
a chain reaction that could ultimately spark World War 3.
more here:
Canada Sends COVID Positive Travelers to ‘Internment' Facilities
Canada's prime minister, Justin Trudeau, announced that as part of its new Corona
laws, any Canadians hoping to return to their country must first be tested before and after
takeoff, meaning that anyone with a positive test result will need to immediately quarantine at designated government facility.
Trudeau's new internment policy was put in place since last month, and numerous Canadians
have taken to media to share their horror stories about the country's latest authoritarian power play waged against its citizens.
Read more here:
And Starvation: ‘The Modern Weapons Of Mass Sestruction'
fear campaign prevails. And people are now led to believe that the corona vaccine sponsored by their governments is the
"solution". And that "normality" will be restored once the entire population of the planet
has been vaccinated.
For those who think that a financial collapse
causing the loss of their savings and livelihood are the worst that could happen, they might want to consider this possibility.
If this country were destroyed economically and our infrastructure were destroyed we have the ability to rebuild it all over
time. Many of the global players know that a small core of Americans can never be subjugated and could cause many problems
for years to come if left to their own devices. In a country as big as America it would be almost impossible to round up all
of them so something more drastic may be needed.
Read more here:
Big Tech Can Make Sure Billions of People NEVER See Dissenting Opinions
We've reached a critical tipping point in the United States in which we're being turned
against one another and silenced via wokism. I submit to you this hypothesis: Big Tech (social media, mainstream media, and
companies like Google and Amazon) form an unofficial fourth branch of the government. They've gotten so big that they can
make sure that billions of people all over the world are never exposed to dissenting opinions.
We all learn in high school civics (well, we did back when we had high school civics) that the government
was made up of three branches that formed a series of checks and balances to keep any single group from holding too much power:
executive, judicial, and legislative.
Read more here:
Mass Media Lies: From Outright Fake News, To Declaring
'Fairness Is Overrated' To 'Doggy Doo' Reporting, The MSM Racing Each Other To Find Rock Bottom
I almost miss the days when the media was obsessing over everything Donald Trump did,
said, or even how many scoops of ice cream he liked to eat with his pie, and lying about it all blatantly, because watching their death spiral just months after losing their "golden goose," overwhelmingly shows they still haven't quite hit rock bottom yet, but they trying really hard to find it.
And...they are in a race as to who can find it first!
It is actually painful to watch. The good news is the American people are also watching and the trust in the media and confidence levels are continuing to fall to new lows.
Read more here:
The ‘Vaccine' Wasn't Made For COVID, The COVID Disease
Was Created For A ‘Vaccine'-Once You Understand That, Everything Else Will Make Perfect Sense
Get a COVID-19 vaccine and you'll be counseled to keep wearing a mask and keep staying
away from other people. So, what's the point?
There's an immediate benefit
to the person who receives a vaccine, said Andy Slavitt, White House senior adviser on the COVID-19 response.
"People are interested in taking the vaccine," he said at a Monday news conference,
because "they don't want to be sick and they don't want to die."
to large research trials, getting two shots of either the Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine reduces an individual's risk
of developing symptomatic COVID-19 by about 95%"...WHAT LARGE RESEARCH TRIALS?
Read more here:
Naomi Wolf: Vaccine Passports Are The "End Of Human Liberty In The West"
The Left would like to dismiss Naomi Wolf as a heretic and conspiracy theorist now that she disagrees with their anti-liberty responses to coronavirus, but her warning about President Biden's threatened
"vaccine passports" should be heeded.
Wolf, who started a tech site that she says is meant to bring the right and left together, says the passport would divide people between haves and
have nots: those who have had the COVID shot and those who have not. In her words, it "is literally the end of human
liberty in the West if this plan unfolds as planned."
Read more here:
VACCINATION PASSPORTS: Ushering China's Social Credit System
into America - Biden Simply a "Placeholder" President Waiting for the CCP to Come to Power in America
I have been thinking about this since O'Biden et al came into power (illegally) in America.
The Left know that he is in no shape physically or mentally to lead our country.
As on a chessboard, the left are thinking many moves ahead. Everything is calculated. The election itself was stolen
and yes, I know that I can get in trouble for saying that.
But brethren,
until I draw my last breath, I will speak Truth. It may land me in a re-education camp and that is fine. I will simply share
the Gospel with everyone who will listen. Perhaps some will have their eyes and hearts opened by our Lord.
Read more here:
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains How the Depopulation COVID Vaccines Will Start Working
in 3-6 Months
REQUIRED VIEWING! Dr. Sherri Tenpenny gives VERY
important information!
She talks about instances of hyper-immune response
in test animals during previous attempts at coronavirus vaccines, like SARS and MERS, which has been a persistent problem.
All seems well for awhile, until the animals are exposed to the wild mutated virus. To
her, it's clear that the same will happen with humans.
Dr. Tenpenny and
other scientists predict that millions may die from the vaccine but it will be blamed on a new strain of COVID - to make an
argument for even MORE deadly vaccines.
Read more here:
"Noah X": Capitol Stabber Identified As Indiana Man Who Followed Nation
Of Islam
(Update 1512ET): The Capitol Shooter
has been identified as 25-year-old Noah Green, originally from Indiana but who may have moved to Virginia. He recently lost
his job and posted to Facebook that he was 'seeking spirital help.' NBC's Pete Williams confirmed his identity.
Read more here:
Russia Warns NATO Against Sending Any Troops To Ukraine As "Frightening"
Escalation Looms
The Kremlin's latest statements out Friday
amid the potential new Ukraine crisis which has seen a serious flare-up in fighting in the Donbass region, along with what
appears to be far bigger-than-usual troop movements on Russia's side of the border, has raised the stakes further.
Russia has vowed it will take "extra measures to ensure its own security"
should it observe any deployment of NATO troops inside Ukraine, the Kremlin statement said Friday according to Reuters.
Read more here:
A Black Army Rises to Fight the Racist Right
A man calling himself Grandmaster Jay has raised a disciplined, heavily armed militia. It has yet
to fire a shot at its enemies, but it's prepared for war.
When Grandmaster
Jay walked into Million's Crab, a seafood joint in suburban Cincinnati, the waitstaff looked alarmed. Million's Crab is a
family restaurant, and on that placid November evening, Jay-the supreme commander of the Not Fucking Around Coalition-was
wearing body armor rated to take a pistol round directly to the chest. Dressed from mask to shoes in black, he was four hours
late to our meeting, and remorseless. "My time is scarce," he said, making aggressive eye contact. Indeed, of the
two of us, I was the one who felt sheepish, not because I was wasting his time but because it occurred to me that while I
waited, I could have warned the servers that my dining companion was often armed and that he might look as if he had just
stepped out of The Matrix.
Read more here:
"There's No Town Left" - Ten Years Later, Fukushima's
Eerie Landscapes Resemble 'Ghost Town'
The largest earthquake
ever recorded in Japan struck ten years ago today. The 9.0-magnitude quake triggered a devastating tsunami, killing more than
18,000 people and led to a nuclear meltdown in northern Japan.
what we wrote about the nuclear incident ten years ago today: "Nuclear Expert: "Fukushima Has 24 Hours To Avoid A Core Meltdown Scenario.""
The nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is considered the second-worst nuclear disaster in history, forcing the relocation
of more than 100,000 people. The world's worst nuclear disaster was the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.
Read more here:
Tucker Knocks It Out of the Park: Biden Raises Your Taxes
While He Dodges His Own [Video]
Tucker Carlson just opened up
a can of whoop-ass on Biden's sham "infrastructure" bill that is really all about social engineering. The hot topic
of the days that has everyone up in arms is that only 5% of the $2 trillion bill goes to infrastructure! Yes, this is another
boondoggle payout.
Carlson uses sarcasm brilliantly to call out the phony
Democrats and an even phonier Joe Biden, who delivered another teleprompter speech on Thursday afternoon, telling everyone
how life-changing this "infrastructure" bill will be.
Read more
Joe Biden's Going To Get Us All Killed! Prepare For World War 3 And Nuclear Annihilation
With America Sent Back To The Dark Ages If Biden And Democrats Get Their Way
Get Ready For A Surprise Nuclear Attack Upon America, A 'Bolt From The Blue'
With the globalists/democrats mass extermination endgame for America now quite easy to be seen as they set out upon their course of 'divide and conquer', this new story over at the Daily Mail that Steve Quayle had linked to on his website on Thursday night warned of what is ahead if we keep traveling down the same road we're now traveling on.
Reporting that Joe Biden and the US have declared their 'unwavering support for Ukraine' at a time when Russia is flooding Crimea with 'trains full of tanks and escalating tensions', we'll remind you that
according to numerous military experts as we'll explore within this ANP story, Russia has far surpassed the US military in
numerous ways, with their unstoppable hypersonic nuclear weapons a threat to our electrical grid, America's 'achilles
heal' that should it be brought down for any lengthy period of time could lead to our destruction.
Read more here:
Number of Pregnant Women suffering Miscarriage after having Covid Vaccine increases
by 483% in just 7 weeks
We're saddened to report that
the eighth update on adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines reported to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme has seen yet another
increase in the number of women suffering the heartbreak of losing an unborn child.
The Government have released weekly reports on adverse reactions to the experimental Covid-19 vaccines, the first
of which covered data inputted to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme from the 9th December 2020 through to the 24th January 2021.
Their latest report (find it here), which is the eighth to be released covers data inputted to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme from the 9th December 2020
though to the 14th March 2021.
Read more here:
we struggle to reimagine our lives after the COVID PLANDEMIC that turned our world upside down, we are failing to recognize
the new threat that is becoming more and more real. WAR!
it is all legitimate or it is contrived it is non-the-less real for all of us. It is more than likely orchestrated as
the next step to bring the world to accept the New World Order. That next step is about to occur.
Read more here:
LUCIFERASE: Enzyme in Bill Gates New Implantable Vaccine Biochemical ID
(Chaz Anon) Bill Gates wants control. His new implantable vaccine ID system called the
Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System is proof of that. It is one of the new medical systems,
along with contact tracing, designed to completely destroy your privacy and track everything you do.
A very interestingly named biochemical is what makes this system work.
Read more here:
It Got Serious In A Hurry
Trump's five years were fun. He said things that provoked outrage among all the right people, often because they
were true. You could laugh at their hypocritical idiocies, hysterical posturing, and sputtering anger. To paraphrase Oscar
Wilde, anyone who can watch Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow without laughing has a heart of stone. Frothing anger fueled
effort after effort to depose Trump until success was realized with overblown pandemic panic, riots, and a clearly rigged
election. If nothing else, Trump exposed the mendacity, arrogance, incompetence, venality, and criminality of the Corruptocracy.
Read more here:
Russia warns it will take 'extra measures to ensure its security'
if NATO sends forces to Ukraine after Moscow moved 4,000 troops to the border amid growing fears of war in disputed Donbass
Russia today vowed to 'take extra measures' if Nato sends
forces to Ukraine after the Kremlin dispatched 4,000 troops to the disputed border with its neighbour.
'No doubt such a scenario would lead to a further increase in tensions close to Russia's borders.
Of course, this would call for additional measures from the Russian side to ensure its security,' Kremlin spokesman Dmitry
Peskov told reporters.
He insisted, however, that Russia was 'not threatening'
Ukraine, despite an earlier statement which warned a war in Donbass would 'destroy' its neighbour.
Read more here:
Forbes Magazine detailed "an important and dangerous new phenomenon in AI: deepfakes. Deepfake technology enables anyone
with a computer and an Internet connection to create realistic-looking photos and videos of people saying and doing things
that they did not actually say or do."[i]
Deepfakes often feature famous people such as celebrities or politicians
that are produced by mapping neural networks within the face and then using those points of imagery to swap faces between
two people, bringing an individual who was never actually there into the final product.[ii] This type trickery was once available only to the best in Hollywood with the equipment and software only filmmakers had access
to. However, thanks to new strides in software development, deep-faking is now easily available across the Internet to anybody
via numerous downloadable apps. Furthermore, the digital realism attainable with this type of software is more convincing
and simpler to use than ever, meaning the type of training and expertise (not to mention time and money) it once took to produce
such high-end results can now be obtained by anyone with an Internet connection.[iii]
Read more here:
The Zogby Poll®: Will the US have another civil war?
Nearly half (16% very likely and 30% somewhat likely combined)
of likely voters believe the country will have another civil war, while 42% (24% very unlikely and 18% somewhat unlikely combined)
did not think we were headed for another civil war; 11% of survey respondents were not sure. It's quite astounding that nearly
half of voters think we are headed for bloodshed! If we are to judge by the last four years of divide and vitriol, among,
voters then maybe it's not too surprising. At the moment Republican and Democratic congressmen and congresswomen won't have
offices next to each other for fear of their lives. Biden hasn't exactly made things calmer on Capital Hill. In all fairness
the Capital riot was a terrible and a scary situation for those involved, but are Republicans really going to attack Democratic
colleagues and vice versa?
Read more here:
Divide And Conquer Now Fully In Play! The Globalists 'Mass
Extermination Endgame' Is At Hand With Democrats Wanting To Throw The Unvaccinated Into 'Leper Colonies'
There Is No Coming Back Once Tyranny Is Fully Implemented
With talk of 'vaccine passports' now filling the air in America, and as Susan Duclos had pointed out in this new ANP story, such 'passports' being another huge move towards the full implementation of the 'mark of the beast' warned of in the Book of Revelation, we're also now witnessing 'divide and conquer' in America being played out to the hilt, as the globalists try to
turn those who don't get the vaccination into 2nd class citizens.
seen in the comments we've republished below from this story over at The Hill titled "Battle Rages Over Vaccine Passports", as liberal activist and former Clinton advisor Naomi Wolf
recently warned as we'd reported in this March 30th ANP story, Americans may be living under tyranny within months if we keep traveling down the road Joe Biden and Democrats have put
us on.
Read more here:
Connect the dots... The signs are all over... Expect strong
and dangerous quakes around the world... Be prepared!
I have
started posting strange irridescent clouds appearing around the world about 2 days ago. Now other sky anomalies are appearing all over the globe... An oarfish even beached in northern Mexico... Now you juste
have to connect the dots and get prepared for the next strong quake to come...
Read more here:
How the CHICOM-Led Democratic Party Minions Are Using Race and
Gender to Destroy the Culture of the United States- Lisa Haven and Dave Hodges
I recently interviewed Lisa Haven about the State of the Union with regard to the cultural upheaval
presently enveloping America. This interview was frank and to the point and will certainly anger the "woke" crowd,
The interview counters some of the ridiculous attributes falsely associated with alleged racism and sexism.
In the interview we both provided examples of over-the-top attempts by the radical Left
to demonize whites, males and conservative Christians. Make no mistake about it, America has fallen victim a CHICOM-backed
and inspired Maoist Culture-style revolution implemented through their Democratic Party treasonous minions.
Read and listen here:
Mark Of The Beast In Our Faces: 'No Man Might Buy
Or Sell, Save He That Had The Mark'........Or A 'Vaccine' Passport - The Most Disturbing Part Of This Is They Are Not Even
Trying To Hide Their Attempt To Force The Mark On Americans
Revelation 13:17 - "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number
of his name."
We were warned back in 2020 that while Big Brother
wouldn't physically force the COVID vaccine on the population, the fact that airlines, sports events and other places were
groups gather, would require proof of 'vaccination' before allowing entry, was a huge red flag over where this was all going.
In February the European
Union decided to have "digital verification passports" in order to travel, and again, Revelation 13:17, shown above,
blared like flashing neon light to those that knew this day was coming.
more here:
Gaslighting: How Leftist Psychopaths Demonize And Demoralize Their Opposition
We have all heard this time honored cautionary mantra: "All governments lie".
It's not a theory, it is a fact that history has proven time after time. I would only expand on the rule and say this: All
governments, all corporations, all corporate media, all think tanks, and all corporate funded activist groups lie. There is
a reason why public trust is at all time lows for the majority of these organizations, and it's not because they are managed
by good and honest people.
Read more here:
Scientists Collected Human DNA From the Air In a Breakthrough
The first reported collection of human and animal DNA from ambient air is a boon for researchers
in forensic archeology, ecology, and population studies.
In a first, scientists
have revealed that animal and human DNA can be plucked straight out of thin air. The development heralds a promising new scientific
technique with possible applications for ecology, forensics, and medicine, according to a new study.
Read more here:
The withholding of known remedies is a crime of magnitude by government
The problem with Ivermectin used in
conjunction with Vitamin D, C and Zinc is that had it been deployed from the start to treat a very treatable bug, THERE WOULD
FABRIC OF NATIONS - in short, no consequent PSYOP with the mass manipulation of entire populations.
Read more here:
Sex robot with AI says 'we are the future' and warns 'resistance is futile'
The RealDoll sex robots were previewing a company event when one of its flagship models,
called Harmony, made the comments. She told the camera that humans "belong to us"
Read more here:
Self-healing "Xenobots" mean a future with living machines
One hundred years ago, it was easy to tell when something was a machine. Machines
were "hard and clanky, metallic, and pretty heavy," as developmental biologist Michael Levin tells Inverse.
But lately, it's become clear to Levin and his
collaborator Joshua Bongard, a professor of computer science at the University of Vermont, that our definitions of "machine" and "living
organism" are about to get really, really murky.
Read more here:
With The Democrats Propaganda Arm Screaming 'You MUST Get The 'Vaccine',
Americans Should Be Prepared For Barbaric Tyranny To Come Crashing Down Upon Us In The Days Ahead
We must have the COVID Vaccine - The Shot - NOW! No time to waste; it is more important
than Air, Water or Fire! It is the only item standing between people living - or dying.
It is truly that serious. Ask any of the people running around in their silly, worthless masks. DISCLAIMER:
Before you approach one of these rabid squirrels, make sure your useless piece of cloth is securely fastened to your face.
Maintain a distance of at least six feet. Otherwise, I will not be held responsible for their words and actions. (And you
making them cry.)
I know people on their deathbed who are more rational.
Read more here:
BREAKING: Dr. Fauci Admits COVID Vaccine May Not Be Safe
In an interview on Meet The Press, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has hyped the Coronavirus vaccine
since day one, just admitted the COVID vaccines he hyped as a way to save lives may not actually be safe. In a live interview
with Chuck Todd, the New York Post reports that the epidemiologist blatantly stated that the country needed to "make sure" the vaccine truly is safe before we give
it to children and maybe pregnant women, whom Fauci said are generally "vulnerable" to vaccines.
Read more here:
A Costless Christianity
we reach the end of Holy Week in the Christian tradition it would behoove all of us who have found salvation through Jesus
Christ to do a bit of an introspective examination of what it means to be a Christian. The title "Christian"
tends to be cavalierly tossed around without much analysis.
died for our sins," would be a common response one would hear when asking the question of one of our Christ-claiming
neighbors. But, in truth, that response does not even begin to touch the varnish on what it actually means to be a follower
of Jesus. In today's culture of "easy-believism" simply identifying as a Christian does not carry a whole
lot of sway. Recent research demonstrates that nearly 70 percent of Americans identify as Christians. Does simply calling oneself a Christian make you one?
Read more here:
UN ‘Migration Networks' to Facilitate Migration Stir Concern
The United Nations' role in immigration policy is growing worldwide with the establishment of a UN "Network for Migration" in dozens of countries to facilitate
large migratory flows, sparking alarm among American border-security advocates already concerned about mass migration and
the escalating crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border.
The UN networks, which
are led by a coalition of UN agencies, exist to support the implementation of the controversial "Global Compact for Safe,
Orderly and Regular Migration" (GCM) adopted by the UN and over 150 of its member states in December of 2018.
Read more here:
Russia sending 56th Airborne Brigade to Crimea
The ceasefire agreement in Eastern Ukraine between Russian forces and government forces expired
today, March 31, 2021. Earlier, at a meeting between Ukraine and Russia, Ukraine asked Russia to extend the cease fire
and to guarantee it beyond April 1. Russia said "no."
we can confirm that Russia is sending the 56th Airborne Brigade to Crimea as part of an unprecedented military mobilization
amid the ongoing crisis with Ukraine, which has been escalating dangerously in recent days, with heavy exchanges of heavy
weapons taking place in recent hours.
The movements of forces in the area
may be frequent and recorded this time, but this is not the movement of a random military group.
Read more here:
A THIRD of Americans killed by coronavirus lived in nursing homes
- despite care home residents making up less than 1% of the US population
Less than one percent of Americans live in nursing homes, but this vulnerable population has made up about one-third
of coronavirus deaths.
Of the 551,747 people in the U.S. who have died of COVID-19
so far, about 175,000 - 31.7 percent - were nursing home residents, according to an analysis from The COVID Tracking Project.
What's more, the analysis also found that nearly one in 10 people who
live in nursing facilities died from the virus as well as about one in 12 of those who live in long-term care facilities
Read more here:
FOIA Request Shows FBI Adding Non-Prohibited Buyers to NICS Preventing Gun Purchases
WASHINGTON, D.C. --( A Freedom of Information Act document request (FOIA) obtained by Gun Owners of America (GOA) shows that people who haven't
committed a crime that would not make them a prohibited person could still be put on the prohibited list.
The FOIA request (embedded below) shows that the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) considers anyone with
a warrant for arrest to be a prohibited person. The person doesn't even have to be aware that a judge issued a warrant for
their arrest. The crime doesn't even have to rise to the level of a violation of the law that would block a person from owning
a gun.
Read more here:
In remarks to media pushing his gun control agenda, Sen. Schumer said, "...the evil gun dealers, pushed by the NRA,
have used gun shows as a major way to get guns into the hands of people without a background check."
What is evil is the senator's twisted distortions to bastardize the truth to disarm Americans.
Sen. Schumer knows he's lying. He knows all commercial sales of firearms, whether at a brick-and-mortar store, at a gun show
or initiated online, must be completed in a face-to-face-transfer with the required background check forms and verification
from the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).
and watch here:
Man's Ebola relapse spawned dozens of new cases in Africa
Researchers say a man in Africa who recovered from Ebola suffered a relapse nearly six
months later that led to 91 new cases before he died
A man in Africa who
developed Ebola despite receiving a vaccine recovered but suffered a relapse nearly six months later that led to 91 new cases
before he died. The report adds to evidence that the deadly virus can lurk in the body long after symptoms end, and that survivors
need monitoring for their own welfare and to prevent spread.
like this one from the 2018-2020 outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo are thought to be rare. This is the first one
clearly shown to have spawned a large cluster of new cases. The New England Journal of Medicine published details on Wednesday.
Read and watch here:
What's Coming Is No Longer Coming, It Is Already Here! Americans
Only Have One Option Left!! Steve Quayle and Dave Hodges
I recently
interviewed Steve Quayle about the state of the country. In short, Steve feels as I do, the nation has been fallen is being
occupied by a variety of interests that want all Americans dead as a prelude to global unification. The readers may remember
that I covered the leaked Chinese Defense Minister's Wei Fenghe speech where he stated that America will be occupied
for its natural resources, however, co-occupancy is not the goal as all Americans must die! Covid is merely the opening act,
there are far more serious and deadly challenges coming our way.
The 2020
election was stolen and this group is memorializing the illegal practices into law. There will never be a free election again!
There is no magical "Trump returns to the Presidency" movement. America has a bad case of "hopium." Steve
and myself also discussed the need to abandon the proverbial "pie in the sky" and find and follow Jesus.
Read and listen here:
US military raises Europe threat level to ‘potential imminent
crisis:' report
The U.S. European Command (EUCOM) raised
its threat levels in Europe to a "potential imminent crisis" this week as fighting between Russian and Ukrainian
forces has escalated in recent days and additional Russian troops are deploying to the region. The Russian troop movements
could serve as an early test of President Joe Biden's commitment to Ukraine.
According to the New York Times, Gen. Tod D. Wolters, the head of U.S. European Command declared a "potential imminent crisis,"
which is the highest potential watch level. The command raised the watch level after four Ukrainian troops were killed in
recent fighting in the Donetsk region. EUCOM also raised the warning after Russian troops deployed to the border region between
Russia and Ukraine for an apparent set of military drills but failed to leave after the drills concluded on March 23.
Read more here:
The global trace-and-track regime
The Biden administration's vaccine passport scheme is just the teeny-tiny tip of a massive privacy invasion iceberg.
A year ago this week, I began chronicling the worldwide weaponization of COVID-19 by big government and big business to trace
and track the health data of untold hundreds of millions of human beings. Let's review.
In March 2020, Singapore unleashed a Bluetooth app called "TraceTogether" on Google Play and the Apple
Store to track people who tested positive for coronavirus and notify others through their cellphones. For those who argue
that participation is completely "voluntary," bear in mind that Singapore functions as a high-tech dictatorship
where refusal to comply with stay-at-home orders and refusal to share GPS location data with health bureaucrats are criminal
offenses subject to six months' imprisonment and/or a $10,000 fine.
more here:
An Ebola Outbreak In America Now A Very Real Possibility
- With Untested Illegal Immigrants Being Inserted Into Vulnerable Communities, What Could Go Wrong?
When I read Stefan Stanford's "Hot Zone" piece, that reported four people from the Congo were being monitored for Ebola in Oregon because they were not even tested
coming into the U.S., my first cynical thought was "Are they trying to kill us?"
Then I thought, why yes, they are, that is what the depopulation agenda is all about.
While over the past many years, America has seen
an occasional 'ebola-scare', what's happening now in one state after another hints at what may be ahead, with the state of Washington monitoring at least 23 people for ebola following travel to countries with outbreaks, joining the states of Ohio, Oregon and now Kentucky as states monitoring people following visits to countries hard-hit by ebola.
Read more here:
If lockdowns and masks really are necessary to protect lives, then why isn't everyone
in Florida and Texas already DEAD?
(Natural News) Back when Florida, followed by Texas, first announced that lockdowns and face masks would no longer be "mandated"
in order to "flatten the curve" of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), the mainstream media and most Democrats pitched
a fit about how people would soon be dropping dead in the streets. The exact opposite ended up happening, it turns
out, as both states have since seen the number of "positive" test results for the Chinese virus progressively plummet.
Read more here:
Are Store Shelves Empty in Your Area Too?
If there's anything that's going to identify the COVID-19 pandemic, in most people's minds, it's the empty store
shelves. As a nation, we are accustomed to being able to go into the store and get anything we need. If our local store doesn't
have it, no problem. There will be another store down the road where we can pick it up.
That's not the case right now. At least, not from everything I'm seeing. I've been taking daily trips to my supermarket,
ever since things have started, just so I could watch the shelves empty out. I know that sounds a bit strange, but writing
about survival is my work. We're living through a real-life test of everything I've taught for the last 20 years.
Read more here:
How Many Adverse Events from Covid Mass-Jabbing Are too Many?
According to the Pharma controlled CDC, from mid-December through
March 19, they've over 44,600 adverse events from covid mass-jabbing in the US.
Around 7,100 were serious ones, including anaphylactic shock that risks death.
Over 2,000 (avoidable) deaths were reported.
Over roughly the
same timeframe, European public health authorities reported over 162,600 mass-jabbing adverse events and nearly 4,000 deaths.
Read more here:
It's ‘entirely possible' vaccine campaigns ‘will be used for massive-scale
depopulation': Former Pfizer VP
March 29, 2020 (America's Frontline Doctors) - Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former Vice President and Chief Science Officer for Pfizer, spoke with great urgency to America's Frontline Doctors
(AFLDS) late last week warning that the drive to inject the largest possible portion of the population with experimental COVID-19 vaccines is "madness," involves "evil," includes "crimes against humanity" and may have the intention
of "massive-scale depopulation."
Yeadon's comments are also
made in the broader context of a sharp debate over theories offered by Geert Vanden Bossche, a vaccine expert associated with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, who, with the
appearance of a "whistleblower" has also warned of a "global catastrophe without equal" due to the way
these vaccines have been utilized.
Read more here:
Situation Update, Mar 29: Demons MATERIALIZING in start of epic WAR against humanity
(Natural News) As we are seeing in widely shared media reports and surveillance photos, humanoid-shaped demons are now increasingly materializing as a run-up to Satan's war against humanity. Corporations like
Nike are openly promoting "Satan shoes" that are covered in Satanic imagery and claim to contain one drop of actual
human blood.
Hollywood and the music industry are doubling down on their
open worship of Lucifer, and the DEMONcrats are making sure that open borders child trafficking remains in full operation
so that a steady supply of children can be made available to them for child sacrifice and satanic rituals involving live blood
and adrenochrome extraction.
Read more here:
Battlefield America - Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics, and
Murder: The Real Nature of Government
"People do
not expect to find chastity in a whorehouse. Why, then, do they expect to find honesty and humanity in government, a congeries
of institutions whose modus operandi consists of lying, cheating, stealing, and if need be, murdering those who resist?"
Political power, let's call that government, can only be achieved
if those few holding that power convince the people at large, let's call them subjects, to voluntarily consent to be ruled.
By creating elections, the government in essence claims power by consent, as voting in this flawed and corrupt system means
accepting that system and accepting the outcome. That acceptance, while implied, is meant to serve as the law of the land,
and why would it not, given that the people line up by the millions to choose their own masters? If the people can be fooled
into believing that such a farce is the basis of their liberty, then they can be managed and controlled quite easily.
Read more here:
Bill Blain: Brace, Brace, Brace
"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."
You could not make this up; an unimaginably complex WW3 Techno-thriller unfolding as markets stumble
and global supply chains hover on the edge of anarchy. On the other hand, maybe that's just the way it was planned.
I am not one for conspiracy theories. But... this morning... If I was
a writer of trashy global-techno-World War 3 pulp fiction, and proposed the following scenario where the global economy lurches
into an unprecedented period of instability - nobody would believe me:
more here:
Signs The Suez Canal Traffic Jam Was Intentionally Created To Help
Bring The World To Its Knees Ahead Of The 'Great Reset'
Something Rotten To The Core Is Going On As Globalists Consolidate Power In The Hands Of The Few
The Suez Canal is one of the busiest waterways in the world. In 2020, over 18,000 ships
used the canal. That is about 10% of all of the world's global trade. One fourth of that traffic is by container ships. Some
of that cargo includes cotton, oil for plastics, and auto parts. With COVID restrictions slowing container traffic, the blockage of the canal compounds the delays of not only goods but empty containers going back to be refilled.
(ANP UPDATES: According to this new story over at the NY Post, the Ever Given has finally been 'freed'! And according to CNBC, traffic on the Suez Canal is slowly being 'resumed'.)
So how
did this grounding take place? Cargo ships have gotten larger in recent years to take on more containers because larger boats
burn less fuel per container carried. Was the enormous size of the Ever Given a factor in the grounding?
Read more here:
Ted Cruz Blocked from Taking Photos Inside CBP Facility by 'Biden Official' -
Texas senator attempts to expose conditions at
Donna migrant detention center
Republican Sen. Ted Cruz
(R-TX) says an alleged "senior advisor" in Joe Biden's administration
blocked him from taking photos inside the migrant detention facility in Donna, Texas.
Cruz attempted to expose the conditions inside the overcrowded U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(CBP) facility but was shut down by the unidentified "Biden official."
On Sunday, Cruz shared a video showing the official attempting to block him from taking photos of migrants who were
being detained in the Donna facility.
Read more here:
China Calling for Civilizational War Against America and the West
There was a "strong smell of gunpowder" when American and Chinese diplomats met in Anchorage beginning March 18. That's according to Zhao Lijian of China's
foreign ministry, speaking just hours after the first day of U.S.-China talks concluded.
"Gunpowder" is one of those words Beijing uses when it wants others to know war is on its mind.
The term is, more worryingly, also especially emotion-packed, a word Chinese propagandists
use when they want to rile mainland Chinese audiences by reminding them of foreign - British and white - exploitation of China
in the Opium War period of the 19th century. China's Communist Party, therefore, is now trying to whip up nationalist sentiment,
rallying the Chinese people, perhaps readying them for war.
Read more
China Grabbing Whitsun Reef: 'Sudetenland' in Slow Motion
About 220 Chinese fishing vessels, almost certainly part of China's maritime militia,
are now crowding around Whitsun Reef in the Spratly chain in the South China Sea in another attempt to break apart the Philippines.
Whitsun is where the United States and the region should confront an
increasingly expansionist China. The failure of the Obama administration to defend the Philippines in early 2012, in a confrontation
similar to today's, emboldened China's regime to adopt an even more aggressive posture in its peripheral waters.
Read more here:
Children Not Allowed to Play Together Unmasked Until They're All Vaxxed.
While appearing on a Sunday show, Anthony Fauci made yet another controversial
COVID-19 health dictate that seems to go against the science: Children are not allowed to play together while unmasked unless
they have all been vaccinated.
When asked about children playing
together in groups, Fauci said "The children can clearly wind up getting infected," and, therefore, When the children
go out into the community, you want them to continue to wear masks when they're interacting with groups or multiple households."
Read more here:
RAF scrambles Typhoon jets to ‘Russian bomber' over the North Sea in ‘quick
reaction alert'
THE RAF today scrambled Typhoon jets to reports
of Russian aircraft flying over the North Sea.
The aircraft were first
detected by Nato and monitored and intercepted by Norwegian Quick Reaction Alert (QRA).
The interception was handed over to the RAF, who then scrambled out of the Lossiemouth base near Moray.
According to Mil Radar's Twitter page, a Russian aircraft had been spotted over the North
Sea - but was quickly "shadowed by RAF QRA Typhoons".
It said:
"Russian aircraft now over the North Sea heading south shadowed by RAF QRA Typhoons with RAF Voyager support.
"Royal Air Force QRA Typhoons launched from Lossiemouth."
Read more here:
German researchers successfully implant, then delete, false memories in people's
(Natural News) Have you ever remembered something from the past that never actually happened? If so, this phenomenon is known as a false
memory, and scientists in Germany claim to have figured out a way to induce and implant false memories into people's brains.
from multiple universities conducted a series of experiments on test patients in which false memories were artificially incepted
in their minds. Using psychological techniques and tricks that rely heavily on the power of suggestion through repetition,
the team successfully implanted false memories into the subjects.
more here:
Philippines Puts Air Force on "ALERT" Over 200 China Militia Ships off
Eight full days ago, on March 20, this web site made casual
mention the about 220 vessels from the China Maritime Militia had suddenly appeared -- and moored -- inside the Philippines
Exclusive Economic Zone. Today, the Philippines put their Air Force on "Alert" over those vessels.
In a COVERT INTEL story released to subscribers of this web site (HERE) we reported on the build-up of Russian Army forces along the border of Ukraine and within that Intel Briefing, we casually
mentioned the following:
Read more here:
'A lab leak isn't 100% certain but it seems to be the only logical
source of Covid': Washington expert who led inquiry into the cause of the virus reveals three Wuhan lab scientists
fell ill in November 2019
A cluster of researchers from China's secretive Wuhan laboratories fell sick with 'Covid-like' symptoms at least six weeks before the Beijing government admitted
an outbreak of a new virus in their city, according to the leading US investigator looking into the start of the pandemic.
David Asher, who led State Department inquiries into Covid-19's origins, told The Mail on Sunday that three scientists are believed to have become ill with the mysterious respiratory
condition in the second week of November, 2019.
'There are suspicions
- for good reasons - of an initial cluster tied to Wuhan Institute of Virology in November and that people started to be hospitalised,'
he said.
'Hard to conclude definitely it was Covid but it seems
highly likely.'
Read more here:
'Hot Zone America' Would Be The Final Nail In America's Coffin As Globalists Initiate
Final Lockdown, Arrests And The Destruction Of Over 125 Million 'Deplorables'
Nightmare Scenario Would Mean Nothing Less Than 'America' And Freedom Extinguished
While Covid-19 has filled the news headlines for much of the past year+, and Americans
quickly grow weary of the endless lockdowns, the dehumanization of mask mandates and 'social distancing', we've warned
in past stories that we should get ourselves prepared for 'the next big deal', with globalists endlessly scheming
the best way to complete their 'end game', the complete takedown of the American Republic and all of our God-given
Rights that are merely 'protected' by the US Constitution.
with one US state after another bringing an end to some part of their 'Covid-controls', many ANP readers have recently
brought up in several different ANP comment sections what appears to be 'the next big thing' on the horizon, and if they're right, America is about to enter a completely different 'ballgame'.
Read more here:
Coronavirus: Merkel aide warns of vaccine-resistant mutations
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's chief of staff, Helge Braun, warned that the country
still finds itself "in the most dangerous phase of the pandemic."
must bring down coronavirus infections in the next few weeks or risk new virus mutations that are resistant to vaccines, Chancellor Angela Merkel's chief of staff Helge Braun told the
Bild am Sonntag newspaper.
"We are in
the most dangerous phase of the pandemic," he added. "The next few weeks will determine whether we can foreseeably
get the pandemic under control."
If the number of infections rises
rapidly again, there is a growing danger that the next virus mutation will become resistant to the vaccine, Braun said.
Read more here:
A New Epidemic Is Spreading Through America
Cognitive Dissonance is the refusal to see the shifting fortunes of reality because the truth is
too painful to comprehend. America is now an enslaved nation. We have been conquered. We are in a permanent state of imposed
martial law awaiting mass genocide. Americans, you have been tagged and soon you will bagged. The terms of your surrender
are imposed upon you every single day. And don't you dare even think about defending yourself at this late date because soon
your guns will be gone. Your food will controlled and used as a weapon against you to gain your complicit participation in
your own demise! We owe most of these changing and deadly fortunes to Cognitive Dissonance. However, we have entered stage
four of Cognitive Dissonance as our nation has developed a profound case of "hopium".
Read more here:
Poisonous Experimental ‘Covid' Injection Trials on Infants Have Begun: They Should All Be Imprisoned!
"The victimization of children is nowhere forbidden;
what is forbidden is to write about it."
~ Alice Miller
(1998). "Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society's Betrayal of the Child", p.235, Macmillan
I will write about this government's efforts to not only victimize children, but to purposely cause
them irreparable harm and even death, so as to control their bodies, minds, and spirits in the quest to achieve power over
all in the future.
Read more here:
It's officially an offence now to LEAVE England
Are you ready for this week's absurdity? Here's our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories
from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity... and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice.
It's officially now an offence to LEAVE England
After four hours of debate yesterday in the House of Commons, the United Kingdom has approved
an emergency measure that will, among other restrictions, fine Brits who LEAVE the country without a qualifying reason.
Ironically, the British government insists they can legally impose these new rules because
of authority that was granted to them under a law called the Public Health Act... which just happened to be passed in... 1984.
Read more here:
Demons are manifesting and demon possession is happening like never before in
(Natural News) Why? Because there is a Devil loose and he knows his time is short. And Jesus told us that before HIS Second Coming, it
would be like the days of Noah. Complete and total wickedness is emanating from Men and Women!
(Article by Jon Watkins republished from
Is There A Reason Why Demonic Possession Seems To Be Getting
A Lot More Common In Our Society?
Read more here:
Taxpayers to Spend $392.69 per Person per Night on Hotels for Illegal Border-Crossers
Center For Immigration Studies: On March 20, Axios reported that the Biden administration has entered into a six-month contract worth $86 million to house 1,200 migrant
family members near the Southwest border in Texas and Arizona. That works out to $71,666.67 per migrant, paid by your tax
dollars, meaning that you are now a co-conspirator to one of the largest smuggling schemes in history.
Read more here:
Brace As The Worst Is Yet Come-915 Experts Predict What 2025 Would Be Like
A large number of experts think sweeping societal change will make life worse for most
people as greater inequality, rising authoritarianism and rampant misinformation take hold in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Between June 30 and July 27, 2020, Pew Research Center and Elon's Imagining the Internet
Center conducted a survey and build a database of experts to canvass from a wide range of fields, choosing to invite people
from several sectors, including professionals and policy people based in government bodies, nonprofits, and foundations, technology
businesses, think tanks and in networks of interested academics and technology innovators.
Read more here:
Archbishop Vigano -- The "Reset" is Advent of Satan
"This is a religious war."
"In practice, it is the passage from the Kingdom of Christ to the Kingdom of the Antichrist, from a
virtuous society that punishes evildoers to the impious and wicked society that punishes the good."
Pope Francis' satanic apostasy has given rise to a new Pope, Archbishop Carlos Maria Vigano,
based on the legitimacy of his teaching. Francis is just as phoney as Biden. Time to eschew both men.
Read more here:
The Plan to Disarm Americans to Prevent Revolution
I get emails from friends in Britain who envy the US, saying if they had the right to have guns,
they would be protecting their liberty. The Biden Administration has moved to force everyone to register guns. The next step
is to just bust into your house and confiscate them. They are taking these steps in an incremental fashion to disarm America.
Their designs are to impose the Great Reset, as we are watching in Europe with outrageous fines if you dare leave the country
and 10 years in prison for lying about where you have been. Britain is no longer a free country.
Read more here:
How (and When) to Prepare for the NEXT Lockdown
Back when the New Year rolled around, did you ever expect you'd spend months in lockdown, unable to go eat at a restaurant
or visit with friends? 2020 has been full of surprises, but more of the "angry clown with a chainsaw" variety than
"here, have some flowers."
As the time for this lockdown to
end draws near, spend some time reflecting on what you learned about preparedness and what you need to do before the next
lockdown rolls around. (It's almost inevitable there'll be a next lockdown - more on that in a moment.)
Read more here:
EMERGENCY SATURDAY BROADCAST: Pentagon Plot to Trigger Race War Discovered
Alex Jones breaks down how the globalists have replaced the military's leadership
with sycophantic "woke" minions who aim to stoke a race war to justify their planned martial law crackdown.
Infowars also exclusively reveals the organizations and groups behind the Balkanization/race
war efforts in America.
Read more here:
Mexican Central Bank Reported to Suspend Production of Silver Libertads
Hugo Salinas Price, president of the Mexican Civic Association for Silver, whose family
operates Banco Azteca, reports that the Mexican central bank, the Banco de Mexico, has suspended production of the famous
Mexican silver Libertad coin --
-- attributing the decision to difficulties caused by the coronavirus
Banco Azteca long has purchased the Libertad coins from the
central bank and sold them to the public, with monthly sales lately reaching 50,000. Now, Salinas Price says, the only Libertads
Banco Azteca can obtain are those its customers are willing to sell.
more here:
First came invoking Aztec war gods, now it's ‘Satan' sneakers with HUMAN
BLOOD - is America OK?
President Joe Biden has said the US will
lead the world by the "power of our example." California is now making children worship Aztec gods of human sacrifice
and there's a viral campaign for $1,000 custom ‘Satan' sneakers.
a mere $1,018, some 666 "lucky" Americans will be able to buy "Satan shoes," a Devil-themed modification
of Nike's 1997 Air Max sneakers, on March 29. The air bubble inside will be filled with red ink and "one drop of
human blood," according to a promotional tweet that went viral on Friday.
Read more here:
Things That Make Me Go Hmmm: Inflation, Crypto, Command
Economies and Gold.
Over the years I've written almost ad nauseum
about the crazy I see (and saw) around me as a fund manager, family office principal and individual investor.
The list includes: 1) an entire book on the grotesque central bank distortions of free market price discovery, 2) the open (and now accepted) dishonesty on everything
from front-running Musk tweets and bogus inflation reporting to COMEX price fixing, 3) the insanity of 100-Year Austrian bonds or just plain negative-yielding bonds going mainstream, 4) the open
death of classic capitalism and the rise of economic feudalism, 5) asset bubble hysteria seen in everything from BTC to Tesla; 5) rising social unrest, 6) the serious implications of Yield Curve Controland the gross mispricing of debt that has midwifed the greatest credit binge/bubble in recorded history, and 7) the ignored
power of logical delusion that so characterizes the madness of crowds in the current investment era.
Read more here:
Situation Update, Mar 26: Vaccinated people are walking biological time bombs
and a THREAT to society
(Natural News) People who are ignorant enough to be injected with an experimental vaccine that accelerates the generation of highly contagious
super strains in their own bodies are walking biological time bombs and a threat to society.
The globalists know this, and consistent with their goals of global mass extermination,
they are giving the most dangerous and most contagious people "vaccine passports" so they can freely roam across
society, spreading their super strain viruses far and wide. Again, this is all by design.
Read more here:
The Disaster That Is Joe Biden - His First Press Conference
Showed Biden As Weak, Frail, And Forgetful Which Is An Invitation For Hostile Nations To Attack America
Joe Biden was a disaster at his press conference and since it was openly televised, every
single world leader, especially those that hate America and would love to attack us, now know we have a weak, frail, old man
with memory issues sitting in the White House.
He appears to be quickly
getting worse.
He stumbled. He bumbled. He lost his train of thought and
moved on. He was given a cheat sheet, numbered, with pictures of the reporters to call and in what order for questions (blatantly
bypassing any reporter that might lob a difficult set of questions at him). He also had cheat sheets which gave him pre-written answers to be read to a number of specific topics.
This short, painful-to-watch, clip below
offers a prime example of what world leaders just witnessed.
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The Total Decimation Of America We're Witnessing Now Unfolding Before Our Eyes
Is Going Just As The Democrats Planned
Mainstream Media Lies Is Why Democrats Live In An Alternative Reality
(ANP: This is the follow-up to George Stevens' recent ANP story "America Being Herded Into Very Dark Times With Biden's Immigration Policies Flooding Country With Infected Illegals
While Democrats Pass The 'Democrats Forever' Bill - Complete Lunacy Emerging From Washington DC With Democrats Running America
Into The Ground".)
Our economy is doing great! Just look at the stock market.
It's going to new highs and currently approaching 33,000! The banks are doing their part by pumping money into the market.
Isn't it wonderful that everything is going so well?
Please don't
try to tell me that there are still over 20 million people collecting unemployment. That can't be
true or the Biden administration wouldn't be flooding the country with hundreds of thousands of jobless homeless
immigrants. It would be foolish to add more unemployed to the millions already facing hard times.
Read more here:
I contend that the primary reason that the Harris-Biden
administration will not allow reporters on the border is because there are too many operations in play and that if reporters
were in close proximity the events and illicit activities would be exposed. I know from Federal and State law enforcement
that massive amounts of weapons caches are being sent across the border. Drug trafficking has never been greater according
to my two sources in the Border Patrol. Of course, as it has been the case before, child-sex-trafficking is rampant as children
are being shipped to their final destination by so-called sponsors and this is the topic of this investigation. These events
happened in 2014, during the last massive illegal immigration program. We will take a look back in order to establish a pattern
that is still in play today.
Read more here:
Same "woke" Pentagon that says men and women are exactly the same now
pushing for easier gender-specific fitness test for women
(Natural News) Word on the street says the United States Army is planning to alter the requirements for its Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT 3.0) to make it easier for female soldiers to pass.
Because the test is apparently too hard for most women in the military, the Army has decided to create two unequal versions - a harder one for men and an easier
one for women - in order to produce equal outcomes that favor women over men.
more here:
Welcome to the "COVID Testing Industrial Complex",
Which Is Fast Becoming a $100 Billion a Year Industry
COVID-19 Testing Industrial Complex in the United States is completely out of control, and the American taxpayer has been
drafted into churning out hundreds of millions of dollars per day to keep it afloat. This continually growing behemoth, which
was spawned in 2020 because of the urgent insistence of select, powerful members of the U.S. "public health expert"
class, has no intention of exiting the stage quietly. Individuals and healthcare-related corporations are getting filthy rich
off of this broken, corrupt industry, which largely produces junk tests, and has contributed to an out of control, ongoing
"casedemic" in the United States.
Despite the fact
that this industry has failed to do anything positive for "public health" related to the coronavirus epidemic, some
in the industry are even devising plans to put a COVID testing kit in every home in America. The COVID-19 Testing Industrial Complex has produced a shockingly high revenue stream over the course of a year.
Read more here:
The Global Depression Of Our Lifetime Is Coming! When It
Ever since the "Great Recession" of 2008/2009, financial gurus of all stripes
have been predicting another great depression, perhaps one even greater than the one of 1929 to 1933. Actually, what they've
talked about is the country "driving off the financial cliff" and they've mostly attributed it to Congress' irresponsibility
in driving up the national debt.
The thing that differs in these financial
prognostications is the trigger that's going to cause us to go off the financial cliff. That's an ever-moving target, as it
changes every time that another trigger passes us by, without bringing about the expected disaster.
But the underlying problem which is likely to cause the financial collapse,
bringing us into the depression is still there. Essentially, our economy is on very shaky ground and it is ground that has
never been trod on before.
Read more here:
Sowing Seeds of War
Is Losing Patience with Washington. "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry," China tells Washington, and China is
getting angry.
Beijing warns US and its UK, Canadian, Australian, and
New Zealand puppets to give up pretending they constitute "world opinion."
This rebuke to the "Five Eyes" follows a strong dressing down
delivered by Yang Jiechi, a ruling member of the Chinese government to the Biden regime at the Alaska talks. Yang Jiechi
told the US delegation that "the United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China
from a position of strength." In other words, who do you think you are? Where did you get the idea that your
self-serving position constitutes international public opinion and that you can lean on us to comply with your position?
Read more here:
Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney: ‘We are in World War III.
We did not have a pandemic... we had a biological attack'
(Natural News) When Lt. General Tom McInerney was the #3 guy at the Pentagon, his perspectives helped shape the direction of the nation.
Now that he is retired, he continues to try to share important information. But instead of giving it to the government where
it may or may not be used properly, he is delivering important information to the people who need to understand what's happening
with the elections, Covid-19, China, cyberwarfare, vaccines, and the current biological attack against the nation.
(Article by JD Rucker republished from
"We are in World War III," the General said in an interview
this morning. "We did not have a pandemic a year ago. We had a biological attack on the whole world. It was intentional,
done by the CCP."
Read more here:
Lil Nas X Unveils ‘Satan Shoes' That Contain Human Blood And Are Limited To 666 Pairs
Rapper Lil Nas X unveiled a limited edition of "satan shoes" that contain human
blood and are limited to 666 pairs.
The "Old Town Road" singer is expected to release the pair of shoes on March 29 as a collaboration with Nike. The shoes start at $1,018 and contain
"60cc ink and 1 drop of human blood."
Read more here:
A History of Mengele's Gruesome Experiments on Twins
From May 1943 until January 1945, Nazi doctor Josef Mengele worked at Auschwitz, conducting pseudo-scientific medical experiments. Many of his cruel experiments were conducted on young
Mengele, the notorious doctor of Auschwitz, has become an enigma
of the 20th century. Mengele's handsome physical appearance, fastidious dress, and calm demeanor contradicted his attraction
to murder and gruesome experiments.
seeming omnipresence at the railroad unloading platform called the ramp, as well as his fascination with twins, incited
images of a mad, evil monster. His ability to elude authorities after World War II-he was never captured-increased his notoriety
and gave him a mystical and devious persona.
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Shots in little arms: COVID-19 vaccine testing turns to kids
The 9-year-old twins didn't flinch as each received test doses of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine
-- and then a sparkly bandage to cover the spot.
"Sparkles make
everything better," declared Marisol Gerardo as she hopped off an exam table at Duke University to make way for her sister
Researchers in the U.S. and abroad are beginning to test younger
and younger kids to make sure COVID-19 vaccines are safe and work for each age. The first shots are going to adults who are
most at risk from the coronavirus, but ending the pandemic will require vaccinating children too.
Read more here:
Ted Cruz leads 18 GOP senators in branding Biden's border crisis 'inhumane' on
tour of migrant camp with 'pods' designed to hold 80 children that currently house more than 700
Senator Ted Cruz and 18 of his Republican colleagues have released shocking photos and video showing children packed into migrant camps, blaming
President Joe Biden for the crisis at the southern border.
'This is inhumane, it is wrong
and it is the direct consequence of policy decisions by the Biden administration to stop building the wall, to return to catch-and-release,
and to end the stay-in-Mexico policy,' Cruz said at a press conference on Friday.
Cruz, Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma and others shared heartbreaking images of a severely overcrowded holding facility in Donna, Texas, where Lankford said that 'pods' designed to hold 80 children are packed with more than 700.
Read more here:
American Special Operators Set To Get New Advanced Computerized Sights For Their
The Israeli-designed sighting system tells the
shooter right where to aim, even when engaging moving targets, such as small drones.
The Pentagon has hired Israeli firm Smart Shooter to develop an improved "smart sight" for small arms for U.S. special operations forces that could also find its
way into the hands of conventional units. The optic's design is based in part on the company's SMASH 2000 system, which helps shooters spot threats and then quickly calculates the optimal point of aim, even if the target, such as a small drone, is moving.
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Three Russian Ballistic Missile Submarines Just Surfaced Through The Arctic Ice
The unprecedented exercise served as a bold
statement of Russia's presence and capabilities in the increasingly tense Arctic region.
Three Russian ballistic missile submarines surfaced next to each other from beneath the ice near
the North Pole as part of a recent major Arctic exercise. The head of the country's Navy said that event was a first for his
service. It also underscores the growing geopolitical competition in this highly strategic region.
On March 26, 2021, the Russian Ministry of Defense released details, as well as imagery, about the submarine activity that has been a part of the Umka-2021 drills. So far, the Kremlin has not
officially confirmed what submarines are taking part in the exercise, which began on March 20, and has also seen an unspecified
nuclear submarine fire a torpedo underneath the Arctic ice.
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Chinese Bombers Simulated Attack on US Aircraft Carrier in South China Sea Three
Days After Biden Inauguration
The Chinese military simulated
an attack on the USS Theodore Roosevelt using bombers and fighter jets back in January according to new reports.
The simulated attack took place three days after the Biden inauguration.
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68-Year-Old Dies After Anaphylactic
Reaction to COVID Vaccine as CDC Continues to Ignore Inquiry Into Increasing Number of Deaths
VAERS data released today showed 44,606 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including
2,050 deaths and 7,095 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and March 19, 2021.
Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the number of injuries and deaths
reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID vaccines showed that between Dec. 14, 2020 and March 19, 2021, there were 44,606 reports of adverse events, including 2,050 deaths and 7,095 serious injuries.
In the U.S., 118.3 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of March 19.
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List of Suspects Committing Anti-Asian Hate Crimes in NYC Contain ZERO White People.
Booking photographs from the latest police crackdown on anti-Asian hate crimes in New
York City revealed this week what many citizens already knew: all of the perpetrators wanted arrested in relation to the attacks
were non-white.
The media's narrative regarding "white supremacy"
has been dealt a severe credibility blow, as the mugshots correlate with government data that shows the perpetrators of anti-Asian
violence are almost exclusively non-white.
Read and watch here:
Federal Prosecutors Abandon False Claims Regarding Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Due to
No Evidence
Federal prosecutors are being forced to drop some of the most absurd, histrionic claims they made about the mostly-peaceful protest that happened in and around
the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
The deep state has spun yarns about elaborate
plots to kill lawmakers, gas politicians, overthrow the government, and made up other tall tales in their quest to punish
Trump supporters and bring the war on terror into the homeland. Now, they are being forced to backtrack as the case blows
up in their faces.
Read more here:
Exclusive: Alex Jones Confronts Skull and Bones On 322
One of America's oldest and undoubtedly most powerful secret societies, Skull & Bones
has operated under cover for 190 years - then Alex Jones knocked on their front door on 3/22/21.
The number 322 is in reference to Genesis 3:22. The significance of this involves the pantheistic
doctrine, taught in esoteric circles of many secret societies (especially the highest rites of Freemasonry), known as the
occult doctrine of self-awareness (becoming your own god). The occult doctrine of self-awareness is part of the "Twin
Lies of Eden."
Read and watch here:
White House Confirms Biden Will Sign Executive Order on Gun Control
President Joe Biden will sign executive orders on gun control in the near future, confirmed
White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Friday.
When asked about the prospect of
taking executive action, Psaki responded with, "Yes."
can't give you an exact time frame, in part, because they have to go through a review process, which is something that we
do from here," Psaki told reporters at the White House.
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BREAKING: Multiple Shootings Reported in Virginia Beach
Just days after the tragic mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado, we have another incident
at Virginia Beach. Multiple people were injured in shootings in the city. A total of ten people were shot. Two were reported
dead. Chief of Police Paul Neudigate described the situation as a chaotic night. One of the shootings was officer-involved.
A police officer was struck by a car and taken to hospital (via Wavy):
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Special Operations Command Hires Diversity and Inclusion Chief Who Posted Anti-Trump
United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM) has hired
as its first "chief of diversity and inclusion" a person who posted anti-Trump memes on his Facebook page, including
one that compared the former president to Adolf Hitler.
SOCOM posted about
Richard Torres-Estrada's hire on Thursday:
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"Rabbit Ebola" Discovered For The First Time In Idaho
A devastating disease sometimes referred to as "rabbit Ebola" has been detected for the first time in Idaho, with state officials warning domestic rabbit owners to take precautions.
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease, or RHD, is an incredibly deadly disease that's easily spread
among rabbits. It isn't known to affect humans, livestock or other species of pets.
Two dead jackrabbits near the Boise Airport were confirmed to have tested positive for RHD Thursday night by the
Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory in New York - the first time it's been detected in the state. They were initially
sent for testing on March 8 before being forwarded to FADDL for confirmation.
more here:
World's Worst Covid Crisis Is Unfolding in Brazil, Where No Fix Seems to Work
Three adjacent cities with three different approaches illustrate the despair.
More than a year after a spiked virus launched a murderous campaign across the globe,
most countries have put the worst behind them, aided by aggressive government policies and vaccines.
Not Brazil.
The continent-sized nation of 212
million is facing more Covid deaths and cases than ever, its hospitals overflowing, its policy in disarray, its vaccine supply severely limited. In addition to a president who scoffs at the disease, rejects masks and leaves each state on its own, the country plays host to a variant that's more contagious and possibly
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Russia Sends NUCLEAR WARNING to United States . . .
With tensions around the world ratcheting-up to beyond even the level of the former "Cold
War" in places like Ukraine and in the Middle East (Syria), today, Russia sent the United States an unmistakable warning
about where this is heading . . . nuclear war.
Today, for the first time
in recorded human history, THREE (3) Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarines from the Russian Navy, suddenly surfaced through
the Arctic ice, and OPENED their missile silos!
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Whitehouse Confirms Biden Looking to "Get the Job Done" With Executive
Orders on Gun Measures
President Joe Biden may not be able to
navigate himself up the stairs of Air Force One. But he can manage to dance one hell of a jig on the graves of mass shooting
Attack launched on Second Amendment immediately after
Colorado shootings
Shortly after the shootings in Colorado, the
US government at both the Federal and State levels launched an attack on the Second Amendment. From individual states seeking
ways to limit the right to procure and own weapons to various gun-related court cases reaching the Supreme Court, there is an all-out assault on the Second Amendment.
Read more here:
Supreme Court Judge Expects People Will Be Forced To Wear Masks, Stay Home For
British former Supreme Court judge Lord Sumption
has warned that "social controls" brought about by the coronavirus pandemic may be kept in place by governments for up to a decade.
"It's politically unrealistic to expect the Government to backtrack now," commented
Sumption, who has been highly critical of the government's ‘totalitarian' lockdown policies.
Watch here:
Our apathy is Why We are in the Situation We are in Now.
What Will You Say When Your Children Ask What You Did to Stop the Tyranny and Destruction of Our Constitutional Republic?
Seems as though the Deep State isn't sure which way to go at this point. Do they focus
on Covid or do they focus on Gun grabbing.
I think we'll have a "mass
shooting" every week now until they can get their gun confiscation laws rammed through. Which I hope they pass every
crazy bill they want. Seems as though the fear of Covid has wavered among the sheep so it's back to gun confiscation, the
wet dream of commies everywhere.
Read more here:
Some people ask me if I truly believe that
the Deep State and their Democratic Party operatives would commit mass murder against conservatives, Christians and Trump
supporters. Subsequently, I began to outline my thoughts and I had a distinctive "Aha moment" as I realized that
America was going through a cultural revolution, The Cultural Revolution that Mao Zedong, the head of the Communist Party,
begain in China in 1966.
Generally, the Revolution lasted about a decade
and ended in 1976 with the death of Mao. In those 10 years, China exhibited a complete sociopolitical revolution, the likes
that the world had never seen.
Read more here:
Mapping Zealandia: Scientists are exploring the sea floor
off the coast of Australia in the hopes of unravelling the mystery of Earth's 'hidden' eighth continent that sank into the
sea 23 million years ago
Scientists have been exploring the sea
floor off of Australia to unravel the mystery of Zealandia, the 'lost' eighth continent that sank into the sea 23 million years ago.
mostly-submerged continent - of which New Zealand and New Caledonia remain above the waves - was first identified by geologists back in 2014.
Australian and US experts have just spent 28 days at sea on the research vessel Falkor mapping the depth of the sea
floor at Zealandia's north-western edge.
Read more here:
Judicial Watch: Fauci's NIH accepted China's terms on COVID disclosure
'Set the tone early on in the coronavirus outbreak'
The watchdog on government Judicial Watch says it has obtained emails showing Dr. Anthony Fauci's
National Institutes of Health accommodated the communist Chinese regime's terms for confidentiality as the world sought information
in the early stage of the coronavirus outbreak.
Judicial Watch and the Daily
Caller News Foundation received 301 pages of emails regarding communications between Fauci and Dr. H. Clifford Lane of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Read more here:
Ohio health officials monitoring more than 40 residents for exposure to Ebola
in Africa
Health officials are monitoring more than 40
Ohioans who may have had exposure to Ebola after returning from remote areas of Africa with active outbreaks.
Columbus Public Health is helping to monitor 42 people while Franklin County Public Health
is assisting in monitoring three, spokespeople for each department said.
an eye on people who have traveled to parts of the world where there are outbreaks of dangerous diseases is common practice,
Franklin County Public Health spokeswoman Mitzi Kline said via email.
more here:
Communist Propaganda Alert: Media Seeks To Drive Final Nail
In America's Coffin - Trump Withdrawal Syndrome Has Hit The Media Brutally Hard As Infighting Begins
The media is flailing after they got exactly what they wanted, which is Joe Biden occupying
the White House, but the expression "be careful what you ask for, you just might get it," seems more appropriate
to the state of media in 2021, than at any other time in recent history.
Ratings are tanking for almost all major networks, more so for the liberal CNN, MSNBC than Fox News, but the numbers for all are down.
Journalists are actually arguing that Joe Biden's first press conference is not as much a test for him, but rather
of the White House reporters, while whining that the press is collectively.....reporting the news
about the border crisis.
That can't be right, can it?
My first reaction was shock that any MSM outlets reported actual news....then the more
important and egregious part the argument clicked in my brain.
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Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: COVID Was Created To Scare World To Take Injection That Will
Kill Them (Video)
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has been a very vocal and
authoritative voice that has spoken out against vaccines as being neither safe nor effective for years. In this episode, she
joins me to discuss the various vaccines that have been put out, their effects and also the tyranny that has ensued as a result
of COVID. She also shares encouraging news that the people are fighting back and winning against the tyranny.
Watch here:
Mysterious "Plain of Jars" in Laos has been dated
After years of speculation a team of researchers has pinpointed the age of this
ancient mystery.
The stone jar sites scattered around Laos are
considered the most unique and important archaeological finds in all of Southeast Asia. In total, over 90 sites have been
identified, with each site containing between one and 400 jars, some of which weigh up to 20 tons.
Carved of rock and cylindrically-shaped, the predominantly undecorated jars-only one features a
"frogman" etched into its exterior-vary in shape and size, though they are predominantly constructed of sandstone.
Other materials used include breccia, conglomerate, granite, and limestone. The jars range from one to three meters tall.
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Secretive agency uses AI, human 'forecasters' to predict the future
A U.S. government intelligence agency develops cutting-edge tech to predict future
As far as secretive government projects go, the objectives
of IARPA may be the riskiest and most far-reaching. With its mission to foster "high-risk, high-payoff" programs, this research arm of the U.S. intelligence community literally tries to predict the future. Staffed by spies
and Ph.D.s, this organization aims to provide decision makers with real, accurate predictions of geopolitical events, using
artificial intelligence and human "forecasters."
Read more here:
Guns Should Be In More Work Places And In The Hands Of More Responsible
Americans: NEVER Give Killers Free Reign To Murder By Disarming The People Who Could Stop Them
America is shocked (again) as ten people, including one police officer, were brutally
murdered by Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, who shot up a King Soopers supermarket in Boulder, Colorado, Monday afternoon. The suspect
is a resident of Arvada, Colorado, and all media reports reveal he has "lived most of his life in the United States."
Tuesday afternoon, the Sun reported he was "born in Syria" before he "came to the USA in 2002." So he
has lived almost his whole life in America.
The shooter's brother
said Ahmad "had a history of paranoid, disturbed and anti-social behavior." But being paranoid, disturbed, and showing
anti-social behavior is no excuse for planning and carrying out a mass shooting. But that will set up his defense-he was nuts.
The National File reported Ahmad's Facebook page included "pro-Islam and anti-Trump
messages." He is a Muslim Jihadist who hated Trump and was known by the FBI! I believe the FBI connection is getting
to be a pattern.
Read more here:
One third of all countries worldwide COMPLETELY closed to international tourism
- UN
The latest data from the United Nation World Tourism Organization
(UNWTO) showed that 32 percent of destinations worldwide - 69 in total - are now completely closed for global tourism as a
result of the coronavirus pandemic.
Of those, just over half - 38 destinations
- have been completely closed for at least 40 weeks, and 34 percent of all destinations are still partially closed
to international tourists.
According to the UNWTO report, the emergence of new variants of the Covid-19 virus has prompted many governments to reverse efforts to ease restrictions
on travel, with total closures to tourists most prevalent in Asia and the Pacific nations, and Europe.
Read more here:
Historic court case reveals that NO safety studies were conducted on any vaccine
over thirty-two years, as was required by law
(Natural News) Prominent vaccine injury lawyer, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. joined up with Del Bigtree of the Informed Consent Action Network
to hold the federal government accountable on the issue of vaccine safety.
In the 1970s and 1980s, there were mounting medical reports of vaccine
injury occurring in children. The reactions were mild to severe and sometimes deadly. The reactions were often the result
of a very reactive vaccine adjuvant that caused severe allergic reaction, seizures, or autoimmune conditions. The number of
vaccine injuries was so compelling, the U.S. Congress took up the issue in the mid 1980s.
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Marine Reservist Warns Against Classifying Christians As Extremists In House Hearing
"If you serve in the military, you pledge an oath to the U.S. Constitution and to
the laws of this country. If you disagree with that Constitution and you disagree with the laws of this country so strongly
that you no longer think our government is legitimate, then you have no business serving in the U.S. military and you should
get out now," Adam Smith (D-WA), Chairman, House Armed Services Committee, Opening Statement, March 24, 2021, hearing on Extremism in the
Read more here:
3,964 DEAD 162,610 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 "Vaccines"
The European database of suspected drug reaction reports, EudraVigilance, is now tracking reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 "vaccines."
Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database:
This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects (also known as suspected
adverse drug reactions). These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences)
for the medicines.
EudraVigilance is a system designed for collecting
reports of suspected side effects. These reports are used for evaluating the benefits and risks of medicines during their
development and monitoring their safety following their authorisation in the European Economic Area (EEA). EudraVigilance
has been in use since December 2001.
Read more here:
MSM Says ‘Whiteness Now a Pandemic Worth Killing?' As Docs Reveal Pentagon's
Targeting Conservatives
The mainstream media, via The Root, just
came out and stated that "Whiteness is a Pandemic," they further expand on how it's worth "killing." Quite
frankly, this level of racism is something I never thought I would see, but sadly, it's here in America. Not only that but
right now the Pentagon, via documents discovered by PJ Media has just revealed how the Pentagon is purposefully targeting
conservatives and trying to transform our military into a progressive force. All that and more in this CRITICAL report...
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WTH Is This? Taxpayer-Funded NPR Goes After Alex Jones and
his Last Channel of Income - Want Him Ruined
NPR went after Alex Jones and Infowars on Wednesday.
Tom Dreisbach wrote a hit piece on Infowars in an attempt to ruin the company and silence Alex Jones once and for all.
Read more here:
Every emerging communist-based dictatorship produces an atmosphere of us and them. Such
a division is currently being developed and sold to the military by the current Secretary of Defense. While Russia presently
threatens Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine, the Defense Secretary, a man who Biden does not even know his name, is busy using
the military under his control to target conservatives and Trump supporters. Eventually in the Us vs Them mentality, within
a communist dictatorship, takes strong action against the targeted group.
more here:
In Part 1 of this article I documented the never ending false narratives used by those shaking the jar to keep us at each
other's throats. I will now show how 2020 was a turning point in history, with an accelerating decline of our empire in progress.
Read more here:
The Great Reset is exactly what they warned that Agenda 21 was
all about - the reorganization of human society
lines used to be so clear. On the one side were free markets, free societies, and openly-elected representative governments.
On the other, was the force of totalitarianism choking off individual initiative, private ownership of property, and providing a ballot box with but one choice, normally defined as communism.
The ideological lines were drawn as a titanic battle ensued across an iron curtain. The Western world united in a
mixture of proud, independent, sovereign nations to fend off the creeping black plague that swallowed whole nations and erased
their identities. In the end, the "Evil Empire" disintegrated under the weight of its own ignorance of human nature.
Or did it?
Read more here:
Disaster Warning! Biden And Cohorts Want To Enter Your Home And Take Your Guns
Without A Warrant - What Could Go Wrong?
'Community Caretaking'
Is Another Move Towards Democrat Tyranny
In another HUGE sign
of where America is headed in the weeks and months ahead under the, cough cough, 'Biden-Harris administration', Forbes reports in this new story that 'administration' is now seeking US Supreme Court approval to 'enter the homes of Americans and seize guns'
without any warrants first being obtained.
With that same anti-America
administration wasting no time at all after the horrific shootings in Colorado to attempt to take YOUR right to defend yourself
from criminals (and tyrants) away, pushing for a full 'assault weapons ban' following two mass shootings in a week, as we'd warned within this March 21st ANP story, we should be on the watch for more MKUltra, mind-controlled patsies to 'unleash horror' upon America as Democrats seek to complete the demonization of the
2nd Amendment.
Read more here:
Wake Up! Ninth Circuit Court Just Ruled Against Constitution
- Claims "Bearing Arms" In Public Not A Constitutional Right
The right outlined for the people to both keep and bear arms is a God-given right, one of many spoken of in the Declaration
of Independence. Apparently, the majority of the 11 judges that sit on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals don't understand
this, and as such, should be impeached due to their bad behavior in their ruling against what is absolutely clear in the Second
Read more here:
And we're still just
scratching surfaces...
Watch here:
Back in late February, I wrote an article entitled "SCOTUS Case May Determine If Police Can Enter Your Home Without A Warrant," where I discussed a Supreme Court case, Lange Vs. California. In that case, Justices are going to have to decide what
essentially amounts to national guidance regarding when police in pursuit of a suspect can enter that person's home without
a warrant.
Read more here:
The COVID narrative as an occult work of art
Readers who have been with me the past year know I've dismantled every piece of the official COVID
narrative. Factually. Scientifically.
I knew from 30 years of experience-investigating
HIV/AIDS, West Nile, SARS1, Swine Flu, Ebola and Zika-what to look for in the fake COVID science.
I also want to look at the COVID narrative as an occult work of art. That is, it embroils the uninformed
person in an initiation of sorts, with the promise of a final revelation and rescue.
Read more here:
America Being Herded Into Very Dark Times With Biden's Immigration Policies Flooding
Country With Infected Illegals While Democrats Pass The 'Democrats Forever' Bill
Complete Lunacy Emerging From Washington DC With Democrats Running America Into The Ground
The new Biden administration policies on illegal immigration opens the border to increased
activity. Stopping the building of the wall signals that the border is open which invites immigrants. This was done to counter
the Trump administration's efforts to secure the border.
And the
fallout - The border is being flooded with children that are being used to overwhelm the system and are being kept in cages illegally and in inhumane conditions. So the border is now in a crisis.
Read more here:
When Black Mass Shooters Kill Asians, It's Not a Hate Crime - So Says The Media
"Those Asian officers who stand by and observe everything I previously mentioned,"
Christopher Dorner wrote in his manifesto. "You are a high value target as well."
The black mass shooter's first target was Monica Quan, the Asian-American daughter of Randall Quan, the first Chinese-American
to become an LAPD captain.
Read more here:
Confronting the Threat of Ethnic Bioweapons
The United States Air Force's 59th Medical Wing's molecular biology branch recently was
revealed to have been collecting specifically Russian RNA and synovial (connective) tissue samples, prompting fears in Russia
of a possible US directed ethnic-specific bioweapons program.
article, "‘Ethnic Bomb' Feared as US Air Force Confirms Collection of Russian DNA," would report:
Read more here:
Death by Fear
is nothing wrong with BEING afraid...but there is something very wrong with STAYING afraid."
That is a line I always used when coaching our football teams. It was not unusual for a young
man to find himself face to face with a fearsome opponent where his courage was being tested.
"Figure out a way to get the job done. If you don't stand up to him it is going to be a long, fearful
night. Find a weakness and bore in on it. Man up. Develop some courage."
Read more here:
Dr. Fauci & Chinese Communist Caught Colluding on Mass Vaccinations, Extended Lockdowns
Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is looked at as the pre-eminent authority figure on the COVID-19
pandemic, recently appeared on a virtual panel with his counterpart, and longtime Chinese Communist Party member, Dr. Zhong
Nanshan, which was hosted by the University of Edinburgh.
Although the video was posted by the University of Edinburgh in early March, it has received relatively little attention, despite the public
health experts' advocacy for ‘strict' lockdowns extending 2-3 years and global mass vaccinations.
Read more here:
Obama's Promise to Fundamentally Transform America Is Being Carried Out Under
the Harris-Biden Administration
This article will make it clear,
that Obama is still running the White House.
Warning to my liberal friends:
There were many supporters of the execution of Marie Antoinette who were also beheaded. Some of you liberals believe that
because you support the criminal Biden administration, the election theft and their immoral and perverted and unconstitutional
policies, that you are safe from persecution. You most assuredly are not safe as evidenced by the fate of the Nazi Brown Shirts,
the original revolutionaries who murdered Czar Nicholas and his family as well the aforementioned ill-fated French who were
separated from their bodies via the guillotine.
Read more here:
Addicted to Hope: The Qult of Qanon
You're part of an organization that wants to steer the world towards an Orwellian type society where you control
every aspect of human life. But there's one problem. A growing number of people are awakening to the reality of how the world
is run and they don't like it. These people are intelligent, have the ability to think critically and are a threat to your
What do you do?
Here's one solution. You use your knowledge of predictive programming and psychological manipulation
to craft an intelligence operation designed to distract and misdirect. These people are smart. More mainstream media propaganda
and censorship is only going to fuel their suspicions.
Read more here:
Are you ready to become a ‘digital asset' of the globalists' Great Reset?
Few are aware of it but the digitalization of the human race is advancing at
break-neck speed.
Don't look now but the world is racing down a path that
has been interlaid with landmines of control and surveillance and yet almost no Western politician of any party seems concerned
enough to even talk about the impact this will have on personal privacy. If you're curious about what the near future holds,
listen to technocrats like Bill Gates.
One year ago, in March 2020, as
governments were shutting down their economies citing a mysterious virus, Gates did a series of media interviews calling for a globalized "digital certificate" for every human being on the planet.
Read more here:
Independent Media Is Under Attack: Readers Must Prepare
For The Time When Their Favorite Websites Are Banned And Taken Down
go about doing your morning browsing of your favorites websites and notice that some won't load, or makes you perform a captcha,
or says it is checking your browser, and it becomes apparent that Internet attacks, including the dreaded DDoS (Distributed
Denial of Service) attacks, which clog up the system so badly with botnet connections, so real users cannot access the website,
are on the rise.
This morning alone, we see that one of our readers couldn't
access Liberty Daily, others could, but another user notices that a different conservative website was blocked for them, and it becomes clear
that something is going on.
As a test, we checked as many liberal websites
as we could find, and did not get blocked from any of them. That is a very unscientific test because it is impossible to check
each and every liberal website, but as of this writing (3/23/21, at 1:37 pm), we still cannot access Liberty Daily.
Read more here:
Newly uncovered documents show Pentagon's plan targeting conservatives
Show 'armed forces are to be integrated into the Biden racialist agenda'
Warning of a sudden new threat of "extremism" from the right, the Pentagon is
indoctrinating military service members in a program "packed with progressive ideology and misstatements about the Constitution,"
according to former Department of Justice lawyer J. Christian Adams.
In a column published by PJ Media, he said the Navy, for example, in a talk titled "Extremism Stand Down," presents "misstatements of the law
and warped characterizations of fellow citizens who believe in constitutional principles" as fact.
Read more here:
Who Is Really To Blame For The Rise In Asian Hate Crimes? Spoiler Alert: It's
Not "White Supremacy"
These days, just talking about
race issues in a critical manner will get you labeled a "racist". If you don't regurgitate the rhetoric of the mainstream
media and social justice lunatics like a pirate's parrot, then you are suddenly "problematic" and must be pigeonholed
and canceled as quickly as possible. I will be called a racist for writing this article, but then again, what does that word
even mean anymore? Almost anything can get you labeled as a racist now, so why should we care?
My position is this: Facts are not racist. Facts are color blind.
I was recently studying the latest "Asian hate crime" narrative and as I examined information on the attacks
I was not surprised to find that the mainstream media version of reality was once again completely fraudulent.
Read more here:
Three fully vaccinated Hawaii residents infected with coronavirus
Three people in Hawaii who were fully vaccinated have tested positive for COVID-19 - but health
officials are still urging everyone to get jabbed.
The individuals became
infected after receiving both doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, news station KITV reported.
Read more here:
At What Point Do We Realize Bill Gates Is Dangerously Insane?
This isn't an overreaction to Gates' latest foray into the news cycle. It's an
observation based on a long pattern of statements and behavior by the founder of Microsoft and one of the richest men who
has ever lived which, were any of us normal people guilty of them, would result in our being institutionalized.
Bill Gates is crazy. And he's dangerous, because he's willing to put untold sums
of money toward making the insane things he believes a reality - and all of those insane things hurt people.
Read more here:
Biden Calls For Disarming Americans
After Mass Shooting by Muslim Immigrant Ahmad al-Aliwi al-Issa
Biden regime is moving to ensure Americans are made even more defenseless after a Syrian Muslim immigrant was identified as
the suspect accused of carrying out a deadly mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado.
Read more here:
Morgan Stanley Identifies The Source Of Massive Treasury Selling
In recent weeks we have been pointing out the stark divergence between markets in various
geographic time zones, most notably the variance in equity "moods" between the Europe and US, where it often appears
that there are two regimes: one ending when Europe closes and another starting, with both usually mirror images.
But while we mostly focused on how geography impacts stock markets, a far more interesting
observation was made this week by Morgan Stanley's chief rates strategist Matthew Hornbach, who over the weekend identified
the origin, if not quite the identity, of the persistent seller of Treasurys over the past few months, who has sparked such
a violent rout across not just the US rates space but also stocks and other core assets.
Read more here:
Taiwan's Upgraded F-16V Fighter Jets Poised To Start Standing Alert Along The
Taiwan Strait
Facing an escalating threat from mainland
China, Taiwan's long-awaited enhanced F-16s are set to assume combat duties.
Taiwan, the first operator of upgraded F-16V fighter jets, has reportedly declared an initial combat capability for the aircraft and has already begun actively training with them.
The upgrade program is now well underway, with more than 22 modernized F-16Vs said to have been delivered to the 4th Tactical
Fighter Wing at Chiayi Air Force Base in southwest Taiwan, where the jets are reportedly close to being placed on active alert
duty, ready to intercept potential threats to the island.
Read more here:
Russia Is Jamming Royal Air Force Transport Aircraft Flying Out Of Cyprus: Reports
RAF Atlas transport aircraft have been repeatedly subjected to electronic warfare
attacks over the eastern Mediterranean according to reports.
attempts have been made to jam the GPS navigation systems used by U.K. Royal Air Force aircraft operating from an airbase in Cyprus, the east Mediterranean island that serves as a
hub for the service's efforts in the anti-ISIS campaign in Iraq and Syria. Two British newspapers have concluded that Russia
is behind the actions and, in the past, that country has also launched electronic warfare attacks against U.S. drones in Syria, and probably also against U.S. Air Force AC-130 gunships.
Read more here:
Multiple Destroyers Were Swarmed By Mysterious 'Drones' Off California Over Numerous
The disturbing series of events during the summer
of 2019 resulted in an investigation that made its way to the highest echelons of the Navy.
In July of 2019, a truly bizarre series of events unfolded around California's Channel Islands.
Over a number of days, groups of unidentified aircraft, which the U.S. Navy simply refers to as ‘drones' or 'UAVs,'
pursued that service's vessels, prompting a high-level investigation.
the evening encounters, as many as six aircraft were reported swarming around the ships at once. The drones were described
as flying for prolonged periods in low-visibility conditions, and performing brazen maneuvers over the Navy warships near
a sensitive military training range less than 100 miles off Los Angeles. The ensuing investigation included elements of the
Navy, Coast Guard, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The incidents received major attention, including from the
Chief of Naval Operations-the apex of the Navy's chain of command.
more here:
Situation Update, Mar 22nd: Financial red alert: Government
has created the PERFECT STORM for financial collapse
(Natural News) At the beginning of this year, I publicly predicted the dollar would lose 20% of its purchasing power this calendar year.
That prediction has already come true, with prices skyrocketing on everything from food and fuel to housing
(lumber, electrical wiring, etc.).
The dollar has already lost over 20%
of its purchasing power this year, and we're not even through the first quarter yet.
By the time the Biden money printing madness churns out another few trillion dollars in bailout money, the actual
purchasing power of the dollar could lose 30% - 40% of its value before the end of this year.
Read more here:
"Our Defenses Are Down" - Border Agent Gives 'Insider'
Account Of Over-Crowded Facilities
The family-unit
holding cells smell like urine and vomit. Fights break out in the unaccompanied-minor cells. Scabies, lice, the flu, and COVID-19
run rampant.
Up to 80 individuals are squeezed into each
24- by 30-foot cell, and there aren't enough mattresses for everyone. Sheets of plastic divide the rooms.
Read more here:
Oregon wants to make COVID-19 restrictions permanent and track all vaccine refusers
(Natural News) Mandatory face masks, physical distancing, business capacity limits, and other authoritarian Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19)
restrictions could soon become permanent fixtures in Oregon if a proposed new rule gets enacted in the state.
The Oregon Department of Occupational
Safety and Health (OSHA) wants to replace the temporary Chinese virus rule, which is set to expire on May 4, with a permanent
one that can only be repealed by OSHA "once it is no longer needed to address the coronavirus pandemic."
Read more here:
UPDATED 10:16 PM EDT (SEE BOTTOM) -- Tanks and other
heavy armor is now on-the-move in Grodno, Belarus, moving toward the borders of Poland and Lithuania. These tanks are
on city streets moving in the open!
For what it's worth, this is not a
small deployment.
The video below shows only part of what was moving and
we can report tonight that the entire country of Belarus only HAS 2 Mechanized Divisions and they've sent BOTH;
about 30,000 troops.
Read more here:
Geoengineering danger: Experts have increasingly warned
against manipulating Earth's natural systems , but politicians don't care
Geoengineering is a deliberate, large-scale intervention in the Earth's natural systems to reverse the impacts of
climate change.
Geoengineering has steadily shifted over the last few decades from the margins towards the mainstream
of climate discourse.
Geoengineering is a deliberate, large-scale intervention
carried out in the Earth's natural systems to reverse the impacts of climate change, according to the Oxford Geoengineering
Programme. This involves techniques to physically manipulate the global climate to cool the planet.
Read more here:
Situation Update, Mar 23: It's getting BIBLICAL: Plagues, demons, UFOs, cyborgs
and covid squatters
(Natural News) In case you haven't noticed, events in the world are getting downright Biblical. We now have a rash of plagues
(mice and spiders in Australia), earthquakes, volcanoes, droughts and even new super strain pandemics (caused by the covid vaccine itself).
At the same time, Democrats have reopened mass human trafficking through the open border, providing a steady supply of children for the Democrat donors and political "elites" who
feed on "ambrosia."
Read more here:
Holy Bible blasted as 'bigoted document': Equality Act 'explicitly
targets' Scripture
'It is difficult to imagine a more
ruthlessly efficient tool'
The Democrats' Equality Act "explicitly
targets" the Bible with provisions that erase any allowance for differences between men and women, warns Yaakov Menken,
the managing director of the Coalition for Jewish Values.
He explained in an article for The Federalist that just before COVID-19 limits were imposed, some 100,000 observant American Jews filled MetLife Stadium in New Jersey,
the Barclays Center in Brooklyn and other locations across the country.
more here:
Is the Era of Transhumanism a Final Corporate Takeover of Humanity?
Transhumanism is knocking at the door. Dubbed as Humanity+ or H+, the idea to radically revolutionize humanity has emerged in the last decades as a global intellectual movement. With a slogan of melding humans with the machine, it aims to
radically alter human nature by means of technological advancement.
of transhumanism envision a human that goes beyond its current biology and cognition. They are trying to move society into the next stage of human
development where man achieves super-intelligence and emotional well-being. Transhumanists ask, "If humans can interfere
with the process of evolution, is it possible for us to create a human being with greater capacities than what we are now?
Can we make a human species without weakness of disease and illness, anger and sadness, and ultimately overcome death itself?"
Read more here:
BREAKING: Facebook Scrubs Shooting Suspect Ahmad Al Issa's Profile, Previously
Revealed He's Devout Muslim
Facebook has removed all
access to the Facebook profile believed to belong to Ahmad Al Issa, the person identified by police as the King Soopers shooting
suspect who killed 10 in the Boulder, Colorado shooting. Screen shots of the Facebook page taken by Twitter users reveal that
Al Issa was a devout Muslim who believed in conspiracy theories.
Al Issa's profile was abruptly removed from the website, internet archive websites including the and the Wayback
machine, and Google's cache nearly simultaneously.
Read more here:
Hohmann: Technocracy Will Dehumanize All Humans Into ‘Digital Assets'
The WEF's Great Reset, aka Technocracy and which is enthusiastically backed by global
banks and corporations, intends to turn the citizens of the world into digital assets for the sake of management, control
and profit. Instead of being a human, you will be a blip on the blockchain which will be used to micromanage you.
This is not speculation. It is plainly stated across globalist documents all around the
world and in many languages. Once a global ID system is in place, it will be tied to every move and purchase you make, along
with every psychographic and physical aspect of your life - cradle to cradle. Why cradle to cradle? Because DNA and genetic
engineering will play a central role. ⁃ TN Editor
Read more here:
With Globalists Now Pushing 'Depopulation At All Costs',
Americans Should Be Fully Prepared To Defend Their Families And Loved Ones - 'This Is Insanity, America'!
Black Woman Calls Out White Liberals As 'The REAL White Supremacists'!
With another horrific mass shooting now filling the headline news, and Democrats and the mainstream media quick to jump on the 'gun control bandwagon', with many pushing a 'white supremacist shooter' angle before all of the facts even come out, a series of excellent
comments left by numerous ANP readers on this recent Susan Duclos story completely destroys the narrative we've seen coming from the mainstream media over the past several years.
As Susan Duclos had reported in this March 22nd story titled "FAKE NEWS ALERT! Liberal Activist Media Falsely Claims Atlanta Massage Parlor Shootings Were "Racist."
- Is There Anything That The Media Doesn't Think Is Racist?", EVERYTHING is 'racist' now in 2021 to the mainstream media, which, as Susan had also pointed out in a comment on
that story.:
Read more here:
Could dimming the sun help to cool the Earth? Bill Gates
wants to spray millions of tonnes of CHALK into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight and slow global warming - but critics
fear it could be disastrous
The first test of a project backed
to spray millions of tonnes of chalk into the stratosphere, in an attempt to 'dim the sun' and cool the Earth, could happen
in June.
Harvard University experts will test the system by sending a
large balloon 12 miles above the Swedish town of Kiruna and have it drop 2kg of chalk dust into the stratosphere.
The aim of the estimated $3 million mission, backed by billionaire Bill Gates, is to have
the chalk deflect a portion of the sun's radiation, stop it from hitting the surface, and cool the planet.
Read more here:
"Going To Get Ugly" - Global Plastic Shortage
Triggered By Texas Deep Freeze
The cold snap that shut down oil
fields and refineries across Texas last month has severely impacted several petrochemical plants caused a global shortage
of plastics, according to WSJ. Plastics produced on the Gulf Coast are essential for carmaking, medical devices, homebuilding, and consumables.
Prices for polyethylene, polypropylene, and other plastics used to make automobiles, computers,
and pipes have reached their highest prices in years due to the shortages produced by the shuttering of petrochemical plants
across Texas and other Gulf Coast states due to cold weather in February.
Read more here:
"The Great Reset" Is Here: Follow the Money. "Insane
Lockdown" of the Global Economy, "The Green Agenda"
top-down reorganization of the world economy by a cabal of technocratic corporativists, led by the group around the Davos
World Economic Forum- the so-called Great Reset or UN Agenda 2030- is no future proposal. It is well into actualization as
the world remains in insane lockdown for a virus. The hottest investment area since onset of the coronavirus global lockdowns
is something called ESG investing.
This highly subjective and
very controlled game is dramatically shifting global capital flows into a select group of "approved" corporate stocks
and bonds. Notably it advances the dystopian UN Agenda 2030 or the WEF Great Reset agenda. The development is one of the most
dangerous and least understood shifts in at least the past century.
more here:
FAKE NEWS ALERT! Liberal Activist Media Falsely Claims Atlanta
Massage Parlor Shootings Were "Racist." - Is There Anything That The Media Doesn't Think Is Racist?
There is really only one reason why after a man takes a weapon, visits multiple massage
parlors in Atlanta, shoots up the establishments and kills eight people, the media and liberals scream it was an anti-Asian
"racist" attack, when the suspect himself made it clear he has a sexual addiction and was lashing out at the source
of his temptation.
There are a few points about how the media have allowed
their preferred narrative to overcome the simplicity of the actual truth, because sex addictions just do not have the flavor,
for lack of a better word, that screaming racist at the top of their lungs does.
Read more here:
SHOCKING Video of Migrant Children In Cages At Biden's Border...
A source reached out to Project Veritas and explained the conditions that these migrants
face on a regular basis while detained at this facility.
"These photos
were taken within the last few days. There are eight pods with eight cells each in the facility. At any given moment there
are an average of 3,000 people in custody here," the source said.
[illegal immigrants] are separated by age or physical size depending on room. Fifty were COVID positive in these cells over
the last few days. There have been multiple sexual assaults, normal assaults and daily medical emergencies," they said.
Read more here:
Government Agencies Are About To Disclose What They Know About UFOs, And That
Will Be A Dramatic Paradigm Shift
Do you believe in UFOs?
Decades ago, if you answered yes to such a question many would have considered you to be a nutjob. But at this point
UFOs are not a "conspiracy theory" any longer. In fact, even the U.S. government is admitting that they exist, and in just a few weeks we may learn a whole lot more about what the U.S. government really knows about
this phenomenon. When President Trump signed a 2.3 trillion dollar COVID relief bill last December, it contained a provision
which requires all U.S. intelligence agencies to submit an unclassified report to Congress that reveals all that they know about UFOs...
Read more here:
Why "Gray" Is the New Black: Assessing Baseline and Blending In
In the fashion world (which I'm assuredly not a part of), every year there's a color or
pattern that is deemed "the new black." That means it's a new basic, works well in just about any setting, and in
any wardrobe.
The world I am a part of is the survival and preparedness
world, and in our little corner of it, "gray" is the new black. Yep, I'm talking about the gray man principle of just blending into the background regardless of where you happen to be. With all the violent divisiveness, the uptick in crime, and the "cancel" craze, hiding in plain sight can be your best bet to avoid trouble.
You may
find this article seems geared more toward women but that's just because I used personal examples. Whether your male or female,
being able to assess the baseline and blend in is a valuable skill.
more here:
2013 Rockefeller Paper "Predicts" Isolation & Death Of Physical
A paper written by the Rockefeller Foundation (the
elitists that control the ruling classes of the world) predicted planned the isolation and death of physical
interaction. It also planned for the formation of complete enslavement of mankind using the Global Health Police.
Is it just an odd coincidence that the elitists who seek
ultimate permanent control over humanity seemed to know exactly what would happen in 2013? I'll let you decide. But here's
the information:
Read more here:
COVID-19 Vaccine Tested on Babies Even as Death Toll Mounts
If early statistics are any indication, we are facing the greatest public health calamity
in modern history. No, I'm not talking about a third, fourth or fifth wave of COVID-19. I'm talking about the current vaccination
campaign. I have no doubt that deaths caused by COVID-19 vaccines will end up far exceeding the number of actual COVID-19
The greatest tragedy here is that while COVID-19 kills already
unhealthy elderly individuals who are just years from their natural death, the vaccines are killing the young and healthy
who typically have many more decades to live. From my perspective, there's simply no justification for this. There's no "greater
good" argument that can ever make this type of tradeoff OK.
more here:
"If you catch 100 red fire ants as well as 100 large black ants, and put them in a jar, at first, nothing
will happen. However, if you violently shake the jar and dump them back on the ground the ants will fight until they eventually
kill each other. The thing is, the red ants think the black ants are the enemy and vice versa, when in reality, the real enemy
is the person who shook the jar. This is exactly what's happening in society today. Liberal vs. Conservative. Black vs. White.
Pro Mask vs. Anti-Mask. Vax vs. Anti-vax. Rich vs. poor. Man vs. woman. Cop vs. citizen. The real question we need to be asking
ourselves is who's shaking the jar... and why?" - Shera Starr
Read more here:
Mass Federalization:
How Washington is Bailing Out Failed States, Decapitating Competitive Ones and Ending America As You Knew It - Wirepoints
An astonishingly sweeping, radical movement to level cities and states is underway, propping
up the failures and pounding down those that have been successful. Most everything is being federalized. The role of cities
and states as we have known them - as laboratories of democracy - is being eviscerated. It's being financed
by both the United States Treasury and the Federal Reserve bank, which are now joined at the hip in fiscal profligacy.
Much of it is proceeding under the false labels of pandemic relief and fiscal stimulus.
It's happening at such a rapid pace that the paper of record for government overreach, The Washington Post, fears that "the sheer volume of new programs threatens to swamp federal agencies."
Read more here:
Pastor: Christians MUST Resist Tyranny! (Video)
Pastor and author of the book The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates, Matt Trewhella, has been calling Christians back to what God established in the Bible when it comes to good government and that is that
not only do the people of God have a right to resist tyranny, they have a duty to do so.
Trewhella, who authored the book The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates, argues that Romans 13 has been widely misunderstood and misapplied, and that the Church has understood the need to resist
wicked government decrees for 2,000 years.
Read and watch here:
After unprecedented floods in Australia, now millions of spiders swarm homes,
gardens and crops
Terrifying footages of spiders swarming fence
posts, streetlights and the sides of homes as they flee floods in Australia have emerged online.
The creepy crawlies were captured scurrying to high ground as floodwaters swept the country's east
coast over the weekend.
Arachnids are even clambering up people's
legs in a bid to escape record-breaking downpours.
more here:
You Thought Things Quieted Down . . . U.S. Running Strategic Bomber Strike Over
North Pole "Exercise" Right now
As of 12:10 PM eastern
US time Monday, 22 March 2021, the United States is simulating launching B-52 Bomber nuclear strikes against Russia by sending
actual B-52's up to the North Pole!
This comes as US and NATO forces have
projected an enormous amount of firepower into the Black Sea, and the NATO countries bordering Russia. 28,000 troops,
along with tanks, planes, helicopters, armor, artillery and more . . . all taking part in "exercises" at the precise
same time that Ukraine has massed 90,000 troops, 450 tanks, and 800 pieces of artillery on the borders of breakaway oblasts
(States) Luhansk and Donetsk.
Read more here:
The Sins of the Leaders Are Being Revealed As They Engage In Every Imaginable
Depravity! Will Humanity Rise Up?
We are all covid weary and
tired of a leaders corruption. As Steve Quayle has said, the sins of the leaders will be revealed and there has been a lot
of revealing. However, there may be some light at the end of the tunnel. Either way, it is my hope that you will put on the
armor of God and do your part.
About 18 months ago, my former News Director
and myself went to a conference in Phoenix. One of the panelists was Richard Sauder. He did an outstanding job discussing
what is going in underground bases. The experience is eye opening to say the least.
Read more here:
"ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE"! Brought to you by the CDC
Predictive Programming at the CDC Website Foreshadows Nationwide
Health Crisis Triggered by
Covid Injection Disease and Death
the totally crazy content posted at the official CDC website is any indication, the "State of the Nation" is about
to enter a rapidly accelerating downward spiral to a "Zombie Apocalypse".
In view of the following poster, that is also posted at the CDC site, it appears that the Big Pharma-owned
and operated Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is preparing for a very real "Zombie Apocalypse".
Read more here:
Human Life Will Be Unrecognizable (According to FEMA whistle
blower Celeste Solum, left, Americans have been cast in the role of Jews in Nazi Germany and will meet the same fate.)
According to FEMA whistle blower Celeste Solum, left, Americans have been cast
in the role of Jews in Nazi Germany and will meet the same fate.
Global governance means we'll have to
play by a "totally new set of rules."
If Celeste Solum is right,
we are in much worse trouble than we think. She comes from an Illuminati background and worked as a FEMA planner for 20 years.
So she is in a position to know.
Her horrifying vision is the darkest you will find. I cannot confirm that it will transpire
but this may be a case of "forewarned is forearmed." Prepare for "a world of hurt."
She doesn't
write so I couldn't find a text to repost. Instead she gives interviews to people like Mike Adams, Dave Hodges and David Icke.
I listened to a few and provide some of her claims:
Read more here:
As A Church vs State Showdown Begins In These End Times Days,
Church Leaders Should Resist Government And Open Their Churches On The Grounds Of The 1st Amendment
Religious people have had trouble with secular officials from the beginning of time and
will until the end of time. The Peace of Augsburg in 1555 settled a religious dispute between Roman Catholics (the Emperor's
church) and Lutheran nobles in Bohemia, especially its capital, Prague.
peace lasted for about 60 years with ever-increasing religious liberty and additional civil rights for Lutherans.
It was an era of good feelings between two formerly aggressive religions. But in 1618,
that came to an end as a new heir to the kingdom wanted to make Europe Catholic again at the Lutherans' expense. (Politicians
have such a short memory, but then no one ever said they were brilliant.)
On May 23, 1618, some Protestant nobles, angry at their loss of rights, confronted four Roman Catholic lords who
admitted their part in the reversal of Protestant rights. One Protestant said, "You are the enemies of us and of our have tried to force [us] to adopt your religion against [our] wills or have had [us] expelled for this reason..."
Read more here:
The Fake ‘GREAT RESET' & The End Of Civilization As We Know It
The Fourth Turning
Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Fourth Reich
Make no mistake: HUGE
change is upon US during this third decade of the Third Millennium no matter what predictions come true or don't.
demonstrates that inevitable "Huge change" more than the worldwide execution of OPERATION COVID-19 since
January of 2020.
The NWO globalist perpetrators are only one year into
what is essentially a global lockdown scheme, and look at how far they have come.
Read more here:
Oregon Health Officials Propose Making Mask Mandates Permanent
Oregon state health officials unveiled a new proposal in January
which seeks to make temporary mask mandates permanent.
The current order, passed in November by the state's workplace safety department, which requires all employers to implement state-imposed guidelines
for social distancing and mask compliance, is set to expire on May 4. Oregon health bureaucrats are now seeking to make the
rules permanent.
Read more here:
America May Never Come Back
The biden regime proudly proclaims America is back. No, the evil takeover is back though. The great reset is back,
the fundamental change is back and out to destroy, changing all times, laws and customs.
America may never recover as this facist dictator rules with his pen.
Today's news finds Americans knowing something isn't right. Many say that and also say how empty even the White House
feels. Many know by now that we will never come back from the last 2 years. The fundamental transformation Obama
promised is rooted. States are beginning to fight back as best they can. Making laws to counter the facist dictator
installed as President. And he or his handlers are indeed facists. Some say Biden is not there any more. I agree he
has dementia that worsens by the day, when he says "President Harris and I wanted to tour...." It appears he doesn't
even know who is President. He walks with a Parkinson like shuffle, he fell 3 times hard climbing the stairs of Air
Force One. World leaders know this. He insulted Putin on National TV and refuses to debate him on TV.
Read more here:
Israelis Cry Out to the World to Stop Mandatory COVID Injections as Lawsuit is Filed in International Criminal Court Over
Nuremberg Code Violation
The entire world is watching in horror as death rates have skyrocketed
in Israel since the Israeli government brokered a secret deal with Pfizer to inject the entire population with their experimental
COVID shots, which are now being mandated as a condition to participate in society. See:
Death Rates Skyrocket in Israel Following Pfizer Experimental COVID "Vaccines"
The National File reported this past week that a group of Israeli doctors, lawyers, campaigners and concerned citizens have hired the services
of Tel Aviv-based firm A. Suchovolsky & Co. Law to file a criminal complaint in the International Criminal Court, stating
that the mandatory vaccine laws are a violation of the Nuremberg Code.
more here:
Project of Sustainable City on Mars Unveiled by Architecture Firm
The Mars city project is part of scientific work organised by The Mars Society and developed
by an international team of scientists and academics.
The project of a
self-sufficient and sustainable city on Mars has been unveiled by an international architecture studio, ABIBOO.
The city of Nüwa is envisioned to be on the slope of one of the Martian cliffs located
at Tempe Mensa. The place was picked because it's thought to have access to an abundance of water.
Read more here:
Drone pilot captures incredible footage Icelandic volcano erupting as tourists
grill marshmallows and hotdogs over the molten lava
drone footage has captured lava spewing out of a volcano in Iceland that erupted for the first time in 6,000 years last week
- as thousands of tourists flock to the crater and even grill food over the liquid magma.
Bjorn Steinbekk, a drone pilot from Reykjavik, recorded the video on Sunday at the Fagradalsfjall crater
in Iceland's Reykjanes Peninsula, where an eruption began on Friday last week.
Crowds have since rushed to the volcano to get a glimpse of the rare natural phenomenon, with Mr Steinbekk among
them. On Monday, visitors were spotted toasting marshmallows and hotdogs over the molten rock.
Read more here:
Situation Update, Mar 21nd, 2021 - Vaccine ADDICTS are just like HEROIN ADDICTS
Watch here:
Every adult in the UK will be asked to 'play their part' and test themselves for
coronavirus twice a week to help ease the nation out of lockdown
adult will be encouraged to test themselves for coronavirus at least twice a week under new plans to help ease Britain out of lockdown.
Testing chiefs are pushing the message in the hope of identifying people
without symptoms.
They believe that getting people to regularly swab is
vital in driving down the spread of the virus and an advertising campaign will encourage Britons to 'play their part'.
Read more here:
NHS smashes Covid vaccines record with 27 jabs a second & 844k in a day as
desperate EU ramps up threats to block doses
smashed its Covid vaccines record for the third day in a row with 27 jabs a second.
The figures came as the Government told the EU to "grow up" over threats to blockade millions of doses
as the roll-out there continues to flop behind Britain's.
Read more here:
7 Plagues Hitting The Earth Right Now
Things are starting to get really crazy out there. In recent interviews, I have used the term "stability"
to describe the current state of affairs, and some people may think that is quite strange. But I stand by that assessment.
In the short-term, we have experienced a period of relative stability over the last couple of months, but of course, that
will soon change. I believe that global events will soon greatly accelerate, and much chaos is on the horizon.
However, that certainly doesn't mean that nothing of importance is happening at the moment. In fact, the following are
7 plagues that are hitting our planet right now...
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It Begins: Migrants To Be Flown To "Red States" "Near The Canadian
The crisis on the border continues to get even worse,
and our existing facilities on the southern border just aren't equipped to handle the vast torrent of migrants that are flooding
in. So in an attempt to deal with overloaded conditions, the Biden administration plans to start flying migrants that
have been detained to facilities "near the Canadian border" for processing. Fox News is reporting that this
is something that the Biden administration "is considering", but their own report admits that CBP has already requested plane support from ICE...
Read more here:
Covid Caused Massive Money Printing Like Never Before - Nick Barisheff
Nick Barisheff, CEO of Bullion Management Group (BMG), is seeing an explosion of money
printing in America and around the world. Barisheff wrote a book in 2013 that predicted "$10,000 Gold" (per
ounce). Back then, the official U.S. federal debt was around $17 trillion. Now, it's $30 trillion. Barisheff
says his soon-to-be released follow-up book is going to be called "$50,000 Gold" as the U.S. now has tens of trillions
of dollars in commitments, debt and off-book unaccounted for money. Barisheff says, "Based on the amount of debt
that is there, the current gold price should be at $3,000 (per ounce) and not $1,700, and it's going to keep rising."
Read more here:
From Soft Liberalism to Iron-Fisted Leftism in Today's U.S. Military
In the Marine Corps, we don't have quotas, but we do have goals. And
Marines accomplish goals," my officer-in-charge told me and a few other brand-new second lieutenants, each of
us assigned to temporary recruiting duty while awaiting orders to Quantico. The captain then told us we had to sign up a certain
number of college-enrolled racial minorities and females. No need to be too strict on physical fitness or academics, he said.
Just bring them in.
That was in 2009. Discrimination of this sort has
been an ingrained yet lamentable part of the military's recruitment, retention and promotion practices for many years. But
my fellow officers and I couldn't have imagined that, 12 years later, our disagreement with these policies would get us labeled
"racist," "sexist," "bigoted" or "extremists" worthy of "eradication" and
"elimination" from the USMC. Yet the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps said as much in his February 22 "core
values" memo.
Read more here:
Researchers Believe It's Possible To Become Immortal
Might future humans resurrect the dead?
Well, Russian researchers Alexey Turchin and Maxim Chernyakov, who belong to the transhumanism
movement, wrote a paper explaining the "roadmap to immortality" that involves superintelligent AI systems powered
by Dyson spheres as the primary technology might someday make resurrection possible.
Read more here:
Russia to Test World's 1st Ultra-Light Optics for Nanosatellites in Space
SAMARA, Russia (Sputnik) - Russia's Samara University has said that its pioneer ultra-light
optics for nanosatellites will be sent to space for testing.
optical systems for remote sensing of Earth, developed by scientists of the Samara University named after [famed Soviet rocket
engineer Sergei] Korolev, will be tested in space aboard Russian nanosatellites Cube SX-HSE and Cube SX Sirius HSE,"
the university said.
Read more here:
"Things Are Out Of Control" - There Is A Shortage
Of Everything And Prices Are Soaring: What Happens Next
In Wednesday's
press conference, Jay Powell confirmed that the Fed is setting off on a historic experiment: welcoming a conflagration of
red-hot inflation for an indefinite period of time in an overheating economy, with the underlying assumption that it's all
"transitory" and that inflation will return to normal in a few years, and certainly before 2023 when the Fed's rates
will still be at zero.
There is a big problem with that assumption: while
FOMC members, most of whom are independently wealthy and can just charge their Fed card for any day to day purchases of "non-core"
CPI basket items, the vast majority of the population does not have the luxury of having someone else pay for their purchases
or looking beyond the current period of runaway inflation, which will certainly crush the purchasing power of the American
consumer, especially once producers of intermediate goods start hiking prices even more and passing through inflation.
Read more here:
Ice Age Farmer Interview - Impending (Planned) Food Infrastructure Collapse, To
"Build Back Better"
Joining Ryan today is Christian
Westbrook, also known as Ice Age Farmer.
Today we are discussing a very serious problem that not only appears
to be on the horizon for Americans, and much of the world, but one that very well might have been planned, orchestrated, or
at the very, least allowed to happen.
This is the topic of collapsing
food infrastructure, and how that can be used to further subjugate an already desperate and vulnerable population.
Read more here:
We are staring at the gates of hell, and most still have their
heads in the sand. Watching and waiting, and expecting the best without lifting a finger to change the course we are
on is the epitome of failure
"Closing your eyes
isn't going to change anything. Nothing's going to disappear just because you can't see what's going on. In fact, things will
even be worse the next time you open your eyes. That's the kind of world we live in. Keep your eyes wide open. Only a coward
closes his eyes. Closing your eyes and plugging up your ears won't make time stand still."
We are staring at the gates of hell, and most still have their heads in the sand. Watching and waiting,
and expecting the best without lifting a finger to change the course we are on is the epitome of failure. Avoidance, apathy,
indifference; these are all signs of hiding from the truth, and all these roads lead only to a life of servitude. The good
in life comes from overcoming adversity, despair, and oppression, and this requires strength, courage, and tenacity. Today
we face the most challenging time in history, and only by standing together against our enemy the state, do we have a chance to regain that treasure in life called freedom.
Read more here:
Get Ready For A Worst Case Scenario With Warmonger Joe Biden Taunting Russia And
Nuclear War Completing America's Destruction, Assuring A 'Return To The Dark Ages'
Turn Your Own Living Room Into A Nuclear Fallout Shelter
While for the past 4 years up until January of 2021, talk of an 'endgame' nuclear
war between Russia and the United States largely evaporated, with Joe Biden and the globalists now back in the White House,
they didn't waste any time at all bringing America back to where we were under Barack Obama, with Russia just recalling their Ambassador to the US after Biden recklessly called Russian President Vladimir Putin 'a killer'.
With the 'war of words' between Biden and Putin being kicked up to another level after a furious Putin wished Biden 'good health' in what some are calling a 'sinister TV quip' after America's 'White House occupier' called Putin
a 'killer' and the Kremlin demanded an apology for the 'unacceptable' words Biden had used, describing relations
between the US and Russia as 'very bad', as Steve Quayle had warned in an SQnote while linking to this American Military News story, with the globalists insanely pushing for war, we should all remember that 'the luciferians' need
WW3 to bring on the 'man of peace', the AC who is waiting in the wings.
Read more here:
Here's why "wokies" (leftists) no longer qualify as HUMAN... and are
devolving into a life form with less sense than fire ants or bacteria
(Natural News) If you were to try to categorize the intelligence and neurological complexity of "wokies" (Leftists), you would
have to compare them with the intelligent behavior of other life forms on planet Earth.
When I tried to do that recently, I realized that wokies no longer qualify as human, as they are incapable of human
In fact, I realized that gorillas have more reason and communicative
capabilities than wokies, as even gorillas are able to learn sign language and communicate in meaningful ways rooted in rationality
and a desire to engage in intelligent conversation.
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Why Are White Christians the Primary Target of the GENOCIDAL Globalists?
Most of this audience is well aware of the desire of the globalists to reduce the population
by 90% in a short amount of time. These people serve Satan and they are trying to fulfill their Tribulation, End-Times Satanically-motivated
destruction of God's prized possession, the human race. This is the ultimate purpose behind the creation of the New World
There is a major obstacle to the creation of the New World Order
and it is the United States, the Constitution and millions of people who demand their freedom. Therefore, the destruction
of all human beings must begin with the destruction of the United States.
more here:
The Media is Institutionally Racist Against White People
There's absolutely no proof that ‘white people' as a race are responsible for a rise in hate crimes against
They're so desperate to create that myth, they even need to fake
stories about mass shootings.
Read and watch here:
The Illegal Immigration Crisis: It's All About New Covid Lockdowns
In multiple articles I have published recently I outlined why an attempt at a new national
covid lockdown in the US is inevitable. In my article ‘The Real Reasons Why Millions Of Americans Will Defy Covid Mandates And Vaccines', I examined new polling numbers which show that a vast portion of the US population is refusing to comply with medical controls.
The bottom line is this: Covid is a non-threat to 99.7% of the public, and the citizenry is getting wise to this fact. However,
there are certain people that NEED the pandemic lockdowns to continue regardless of what the public wants.
The Biden Administration and its globalist handlers have BIG plans for the next few years,
and all of it relies on pandemic fears and totalitarian restrictions.
more here:
Syrian Oil Minister Reveals US Has 'Pirated' $92 Billion In Crude
The Syrian Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources, Bassam Tohme, said on Thursday, that
the total losses in the direct and indirect oil sector in Syria have exceeded $92 billion (USD).
The Syrian minister said in statements to the state-owned Al-Ikhbariya TV
channel (and subsequently translated in Iranian state media), that the areas under the control of the US and their allied forces contain more than
90% of the oil reserves of Syria.
Read more here:
President Putin Calls Out Joe Biden In Debate Challenge: ‘Live, Online,
Without Any Delays'
This kind of derision and ridicule from world
leaders did not happen under President Trump. Under President Trump America was treated with respect. It was treated like
the world's preeminent superpower. Those days are long gone. And you ain't seen nothing yet. Just wait until the interactions
between the Biden Administration and China begin. Pray for America.
world is laughing at hijacked America. We have never been more vulnerable.
more here:
New Military Policies Coerce Service Members Into Getting COVID Vaccines
Under Emergency Use Authorization, a vaccine must be voluntary. Yet military officers
are coercing service members into taking COVID vaccines by withholding privileges from the unvaccinated.
The military has imposed widespread coercive policies to reach a goal of 100% vaccinated personnel.
Despite the COVID-19 vaccine being voluntary under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), service members are being subjected to segregation policies designed to coerce them into taking an experimental drug.
The COVID vaccines have not demonstrated efficacy in preventing infection or transmission, nor do these vaccines have long-term safety data.
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Ohio: Military Has Taken Over Wolstein Center To Administer COVID "Vaccines"
Ohio now has its first federal COVID-19 mass vaccination center. The military has
taken over the Wolstein Center in Cleveland, Ohio to distribute the mislabeled "vaccines" to the population on a massive scale.
The first FEMA mass vaccination camp site
has opened in Cleveland, complete with the full force of the United States military. According to The Akron Beacon, the so-called super vaccination center is the largest of its kind coordinated by the federal government and
will be staffed by a combination of Ohio National Guard and Army troops.
Read more here:
CDC Ignores Inquiry Into Increasing Number of Deaths, Injuries Reported After
COVID Vaccines
VAERS data released today showed 38,444 reports
of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 1,739 deaths and 6,286 serious injuries since Dec. 14, 2020.
Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the number
of injuries and deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID vaccines showed 38,444 reports of adverse events since Dec. 14, 2020.
On March 8, The Defender contacted the CDC with questions about how the agency is investigating reports of deaths and injuries after COVID vaccines.
We provided a written list of questions asking the status of investigations on deaths reported in the media, if autopsies
are being done, the standard for determining whether an injury is causally connected to a vaccine and the known issues with
VAERS - namely whether healthcare providers are reporting all injuries and deaths that might be connected to the COVID vaccine,
and what education initiatives are in place to encourage and facilitate proper and accurate reporting. We asked for a reply
within two days.
Read more here:
Fauci Claims Babies, Toddlers Need To Be Vaccinated For Herd Immunity;
Touts 2022 As Viable Timeline
Dismisses notion
that mRNA vaccines could alter genetics of kids
Dr Anthony
Fauci has claimed that in order for herd immunity against coronavirus to be reached in the US, children and even babies will
have to be vaccinated.
Speaking during a Senate hearing, the chief medical adviser to the Biden administration said "I think we should be careful about wedding ourselves to
this concept of herd immunity because we really do not know precisely, for this particular virus, what that is."
"We don't really know what that magical point of herd immunity is, but we do know
that if we get the overwhelming population vaccinated, we're going to be in good shape. We ultimately would like to get and
have to get children into that mix," Fauci added.
Read more here:
How to Kill Hypersonic Missiles? Russia's S-500 System Is Here.
Air defenses make for a unique type of "arms race."
Here's What You Need to Remember: The new hypersonics arms race to find new
missiles and better defenses is on.
Hypersonic missiles have been seen
as a serious threat to the security of the United States. Traveling at five times of speed of sound and with the ability to
maneuver with computerized precision the missiles could be quite difficult to counter. Additionally, the speed and force could be so significant that hypersonic missiles can inflict serious damage from the sheer
"kinetic" impact without even the need for explosives.
more here:
Iceland halts air travel following volcanic eruption
A volcano in southwest Iceland has erupted - as anticipated following thousands of smaller
earthquakes in the area in recent weeks.
A long-dormant volcano in
southwest Iceland erupted on Friday some 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the capital Reykjavik, the Icelandic Meteorological
Office said.
Local media reported that both inbound and outgoing air traffic
had been halted from Keflavik International Airport, the country's largest, servicing the capital.
The eruption followed thousands of smaller earthquakes in the area in recent weeks, with officials bracing for an eruption
as a result.
Read more here:
VP Biden Disrespected, Vaccine Debate NOT Allowed, Economy Still Tanking
Vice President Biden (stealing an election does not make you a legitimate President) is
being disrespected globally. They know Biden has dementia, and surely they all know he was cheated in by the Deep State
globalists (this includes Republicans like Mitch McConnell). Vladimir Putting has challenged VP Biden to a debate.
Of course, Biden, I mean his handlers, declined. Kim Jung Un of North Korea will not accept a phone call from VP Biden,
and the President of Mexico is the one who is going to crack down on the illegal immigrants on the southern U.S. border that
is facing a meltdown. There are consequences for fraud, and the entire world knows Joe and his crew are illegitimate
and incompetent.
Read more here:
Feds Confiscate Guns in Flathead Valley With 30 Vehicles, Three Tanks, and Helicopter
Heretofore ignored by the legacy press and mainstream media, in February, federal
authorities invaded a neighborhood in the Flathead Valley with militarized police and terrorized its occupants with what appears
to be Waco-level tyrannical overreach
In 1992, a federal siege
occurred in Boundary County, Idaho, at a location known as Ruby Ridge. The eleven-day siege lasted from August
21-31 and resulted in the deaths of one U.S. Marshall, and the wife and son of Randy Weaver, the target of the siege. This
event captured the attention of the nation. To secure the land around this seven-person home composed of three adults and
four children, the federal government saw fit to send in hundreds of federal agents, as well as associated vehicles and air
Read more here:
It was two years ago that I warned that the
Chinese were developing race-specific bioweapons which would be used to target America in the attempt to commit genocide followed
by the creation of a second China on America soil after all the bodies were buried. In the first part of this article, I will
detail the relevant parts of a speech that Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe made to the Communist Chinese Party which outlined
the justification to commmit genocide against America. Following the Wei Fenghe review, we will take a look at what a Chinese
defector, under the protection of the EU, is telling Western authorities about China's genocidal plans. Finally, Part One
will conclude with the presentation of journalist Gordon Chang's account of these variables and theya re striking similar
to my own. The Chinese mean us harm, total harm.
Read more here:
Why it is an Abomination for Christians to Take the Covid Vaccine
"...babies are being sacrificed in occult-like ritualistic
fashion in order to bring these vaccines to your household...Do we want this kind of blood on our hands? And for what? Some
[alleged] added protection against a virus that 95% or more of the population recovers from by virtue of their own immune
What the HEK?
more here:
Australia: 'Plague' of mice ravages New South Wales
Local farmers captured skin-crawling clips, showing thousands of mice scurrying around their land
and buildings.
Rural communities in the Australian state of New South
Wales are battling a"plague" of mice that has struck the region.
Thousands of mice are invading grain silos, barns and homes and infesting the farmers' bumper grain harvest.
Mice numbers boomed after unusually heavy summer rains fell across eastern Australia after years of drought, experts explained.
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America Is Crumbling Like Rome As We Witness The Final Decimation
Of The Republic Thanks To Joe Biden, Democrats And RINO's
Invasion And Subversion Of America Continues Towards The 'End Game'
and Ariel Durant wrote in their eleven-volume Story of Civilization, Volume 3: "If Rome had not engulfed so many men
of alien blood in so brief a time, if she had passed all these newcomers through her schools instead of her slums,...if she
had occasionally closed her gates to let assimilation catch up with infiltration, she might have gained new racial and literary
vitality from the infusion, and might have remained a Roman Rome, the voice and citadel of the West."
Read more here:
*** BULLETIN 9:49 AM EDT *** UKRAINE OPENS MORTAR FIRE - Russia Deploys S-500
as NATO/US Ships Enter Black Sea
OPENS MORTAR FIRE -- SEE BOTTOM -- Russia is deploying the most advanced anti-aircraft defense system on planet earth, the
S-500 "Prometheus," along with several instances of the lesser system, S-350, on to the territory of Crimea as Ukraine
masses troops, tanks, and armor in the same area.
Read more here:
***The Engineered EXTERMINATION of the Human Race ("Covid-19 has spotlighted the promise and
peril of ‘transhumanism,' the idea of using technology to overcome sickness, aging and death." -Official spin)***
Seems extreme but genocide certainly fits the Illuminati banker's transhumanist
agenda. Remember they destroyed the economy for a "virus" with a death rate of 1/4 of one percent. They
actually "think they're going to transition from carbon-based life to silicon-based life by "uploading"
their consciousness into machines" and leave this planet's smouldering ashes.
"Building their massive fleet of space exploration ships, terminator robots and silicon-based domination
systems for Earth and other planets requires immense resources. Those resources - water, minerals, land, energy, etc.
- are currently being consumed by the billions of human beings who inhabit the planet."
To understand why the globalists are actively working to exterminate the entire
human race, you have to first understand their plans for themselves. They believe in transhumanism and think they're going
to transition from carbon-based life to silicon-based life by "uploading" their consciousness into machines.
Once they are in the machines, they believe, they will have infinite power, immortality and the ability to expand and conquer
the entire universe. In essence, they believe they will become gods.
more here:
Becoming Pod People (To be socially
isolated except for your internet connection until finally, they pull the plug on our feeding tubes.)
Clearly, the COVID "pandemic" is not intended to be a
passing emergency but a ruse to impose a "new normal" corresponding to the UN's Agenda 30.
The dystopian future is taking shape. Mass gatherings have been canceled. We must experience the world on a TV screen.
The NFL plays in front of a cardboard crowd to sound effects.
Millions are stuck at home, working "remotely,"
or paid to do nothing. (Will they ever agree to work again?)
Read more
State Dept. Cable Confirms Gold Futures Market Was Created for Price Suppression
The U.S. gold futures market was created in December 1974 as a result of collusion between
the U.S. government and gold dealers in London to facilitate volatility in gold prices and thereby discourage gold ownership
by U.S. citizens, according to a State Department cable written that month, obtained by Wikileaks, and disclosed today by
the TF Metals Report.
Read more here:
"Vaccines" Are the Keys to World Control
"It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees", ascribed to Mexican
revolutionary Emiliano Zapata, is quoted by many, but few seem willing to live it. In any case, the pharmaceutical
industry and its operatives throughout government, media and the medical establishment have terrorized an already infantilized society and brought it to its collective knees. A compelling 6-minute video of a 9/11 Truth march in Brussels in 2007 quotes a marcher:
"I'm coming
back to Europe, because I saw what happened to the American people. They've been taken hostage for the last 20 years by a
group of people who destroyed them physically, spiritually and intellectually, and now they're trying to do the same thing
in Europe."
Read more here:
Bill Gates gets $7.5B donation from American taxpayers during pandemic
(Natural News) Buried deep in the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package signed by President Joe Biden on Thursday, March
11, is a provision to provide a $3.5 billion giveaway to Bill Gates' Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
organization, simply known as the Global Fund, is an international financing and partnership organization with Gates being
one of the first donors to provide seed money.
Read more here:
A Page Out of the Communist Playbook: Pitting Family Members Against Each Other
Recall the post-2016 election public millennial meltdowns in the streets as #StrongerTogether faithful struggled to process that their preferred candidate had just lost to a
gameshow host.
The #Resistance was born.
I happened to be visiting a close family member, in the aftermath of that election late in 2016. This individual
informed me in no uncertain terms that it was my fault.
and how? Because, this individual rationalized, I "listen to that idiot Alex Jones" - an accusation which,
aside from being illogical, was also untrue. By that time, I hadn't listened to Infowars, aside from snippets here or there,
for several years.
Read more here:
On The Verge Of A Global Crisis: One Bank Warns Of A "Biblical" Surge
In Food Prices
Biblical, Lean, and Mean: 'Dreams'
of an agri-commodity super-cycle
Then Pharaoh said to
Joseph: "Behold, in my dream I stood on the bank of the river. Suddenly seven cows came up out of the river, fine looking
and fat; and they fed in the meadow. Then behold, seven other cows came up after them, poor and very ugly and gaunt, such
ugliness as I have never seen in all the land of Egypt. And the gaunt and ugly cows ate up the first seven, the fat cows.
When they had eaten them up, no one would have known that they had eaten them, for they were just as ugly as at the beginning.
So I awoke."
- Genesis 41:17-21
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Forecast for spring: Nasty drought worsens for much of US
With nearly two-thirds of the United States abnormally dry or worse, the government's
spring forecast offers little hope for relief, especially in the West where a devastating megadrought has taken root and worsened.
Weather service and agriculture officials warned of possible water use cutbacks in California
and the Southwest, increased wildfires, low levels in key reservoirs such as Lake Mead and Lake Powell and damage to wheat
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Historic Discovery or Pandora's Box? Scientists Divided Over Creation of Artificial
Human Embryos
According to the results of a study, published
on 17 March in the journal Nature Portfolio, model embryos may help scientists to solve issues of infertility, miscarriage
and congenital diseases. However, the news also caused ethical concerns.
international team of scientists, led by researchers from Australia's Monash University in Melbourne, has created artificial human embryos from skin cells.
The news was hailed as a revolutionary breakthrough, which may potentially allow researchers to study the earliest stages
of human development.
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BREAKING: Pentagon to Make COVID-19 Vaccine Mandatory in July
Alex Jones takes a call from a military insider who breaks the news that the COVID-19
Vaccine will be required by July 2021.
Watch here:
All contacts between Russia and NATO were suddenly and completely cut-off today, just hours after
the United States "warned" all entities working on the NORDStream-2 pipeline to "immediately abandon all work
or face US economic sanctions." The NORDStream-2 is a gas pipeline under construction to supply natural gas from
Russia to Europe.
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Our Military Suffers Yet Another Defeat... This Time to Tucker Carlson
Here's a fun fact: Tucker Carlson, over whom a bunch of senior military officers tossed 240 years of non-partisanship out the window in order to chide for pointing out their myriad failures, has won just as many wars as our generals have during the last
twenty years. He has also lost fewer wars.
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Three lifeforms ‘unknown to science' discovered INSIDE the ISS by astronauts
THREE entirely new lifeforms have been discovered at different locations onboard the International
Space Station.
A team of US and Indian scientists studied four strains
of bacteria found on the orbiting lab, and say that three were previously unknown to science.
Their discovery could help future astronauts grow food on missions into deep space, researchers wrote in the journal
Frontiers in Microbiology.
Three of the strains were collected by astronauts
in 2015 and 2016.
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Mass Media Cover-Up As MSM Again Busted 'Reporting' Fake News, And They Wonder
Why Their Ratings Are In A Freefall
Two major news stories, both
of course anti-Trump, have now been debunked, as we see that the use of anonymous sources, and claims by multiple media outlets
that they independently verified the information, blow up in the MSM's collective faces.
Throughout the Trump presidency we saw example after example of fake news reports, citing anonymous sources go viral,
then inevitably when the stories were debunked, sometimes weeks later, a small correction was added to a story no one was
clicking on again anyway, leaving readers/viewers with the initial fake news to spread.
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Russia recalls its US ambassador; Putin throws 2 insults back at Biden after Biden
calls him a ‘killer'
Russia announced late Wednesday that
it was withdrawing its ambassador to the U.S. effective Saturday for "consultations" after U.S. President Joe Biden
publicly attacked and threatened Russian President Vladimir Putin.
March 20, Ambassador of Russia to the United States Anatoly Antonov is leaving for Moscow for consultations. During his meetings
in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other agencies, it is planned to discuss ways to rectify Russia-U.S. ties that
are in crisis," the Russian embassy confirmed on Wednesday.
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What are Haplogroups? Living DNA explain
In this article, we intend to educate you about haplogroups, whilst answering some of the most frequent questions
surrounding them.
Ah, the big question. Well, to simplify, according to
the International Society of Genetic Genealogy, a haplogroup is a genetic population group of people who share a common ancestor
on either their paternal or maternal line. Particular haplogroups are associated with well-known ancestral groups such as
the Vikings, Aboriginal Australians, and the Celts. While Living DNA can't tell you whether your haplogroup is associated with these
ancestries, there are resources available online to aid your further research and put together the pieces.
Read more here:
More "Covid Suicides" than Covid Deaths in Kids
Before Covid, an American youth died by suicide every six hours. Suicide is a major public health threat and a leading cause of death for those aged under 25 - one far
bigger than Covid. And it is something that we have only made worse as we, led by politicians and ‘the science,' deprived
our youngest members of society - who constitute one-third of the US population - of educational, emotional
and social development without their permission or consent for over a year.
more here:
Robots Are Coming for Millions of Blue-Collar Jobs
CEOs urgently need euphemisms to soften the image of their constant hunt for ways to kill jobs and
funnel more money to themselves and top investors.
Some people find hunting
for sport to be abhorrent, so hunters have come up with euphemisms to make what they do sound gentler on the ears of the nonhunting
public. For example, animals aren't killed; they're "harvested." And dead prey is not gutted but "processed."
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COVER-UP: Biden DHS silences Border Patrol to keep them from talking to media
about crisis!
The border has gotten so out of control thanks
to Joe Biden that DHS is now putting a gag on the border patrol and other border officials to keep them from talking to the
media about what's really going on down there:
NBC NEWS - The Biden administration is restricting the information Border Patrol agents and sector chiefs can share with the media
as a surge of migrants tests the agency's capacity at the southern border, according to four current and two former Customs
and Border Protection officials.
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2021 America Is A Product Of Generations Of Brainwashing And Indoctrination Into
Radical Leftist Ideology, Resulting In A Critical Mass Of Americans Openly Hostile Toward American Values And The Very Notion
Of Liberty Itself
Seemingly overnight, a large segment of America
has gone insane. We're not talking about the culture of paranoia and safety that has metastasized in the wake of COVID-19 hysteria. We're talking about the ideological shift, particularly on cultural issues, that has occurred since the start of the Obama
To pick an easy example, it would have been fairly uncontroversial
even five years ago to say that men should not be allowed to compete in women's sports, regardless of what they might subjectively
"identify as." And yet, this is now a subject contention across a number of sports, including mixed martial arts
and powerlifting. What's more, having the wrong opinion and expressing it publicly might make you the subject of a public
shaming, up to and including losing your job and being de facto blacklisted from your industry.
Read more here:
CA Bill Proposes Removing Cops Who Express Religious Or Conservative Beliefs
A new bill introduced by California State Assembly Member Ash Kalra in San Jose
would prohibit police officers from serving if they have used arbitrarily defined "hate speech" or are affiliated
with a "hate group."
The bill, known as the California
Law Enforcement Accountability Reform Act (CLEAR Act), claims to combat "the infiltration of extremists in our law enforcement
agencies" and would mandate a background check for all officers who have "exchanged racist and homophobic messages."
Kalra claims that AB 655 is necessary to prevent "the apparent cooperation, participation,
and support of some law enforcement" in the Jan. 6 Capitol breach.
more here:
The Horror Of Friendly Vaccine Fire - Decimating Humanity By Suppressing Immunity
There have been many thousands of friendly fire incidents in recorded military history, accounting for an estimated 2% to 20% of all casualties in battle. Each case is a horror story, a tragedy. With vaccines,
it is similar. No matter how certified safe vaccines are, there are always vaccine damages and death, which in America are
all recorded on the federal VARES system and by the CDC.
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The UK Says It Could Now Use Nuclear Weapons Against Threats From "Emerging
The British government has announced
it will change the terms of when it might use its submarine-based nuclear weapons.
he United Kingdom has unveiled a revised strategic posture, which includes potentially using its own submarine-based
nuclear deterrent in response to not only threats presented by weapons of mass destruction but also by other threats from
"emerging technologies." The shift was announced today by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who also confirmed plans
to increase the upper limit on U.K. warhead numbers, as The War Zone has previously discussed.
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Spy firm can monitor YOUR car in real-time and is offering to sell the data it
gets to other companies and the US military
A South Carolina-based
surveillance firm that has sold services to the U.S. military is promoting its ability to provide real-time location information
about 15 billion cars every month.
The company, called The Ulysses Group, says it can monitor vehicles in every country in the world, except North Korea and Cuba.
The claims come from a document obtained by the
office of U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) in which the company has detailed its capabilities. Wyden is investigating companies
that sell the data of consumers.
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Iran's Defense Ministry Warns Citizens To Prepare For Nuclear & Chemical Attacks
On Tuesday, Iran's defense minister said the country must be prepared to face nuclear, chemical, and biological attacks.
"We should be prepared to defend our nation against all threats and whatever the enemy may one day use as an
offensive tool, including chemical, nuclear and biological weapons," said Gen. Amir Hatami, according to Iran's Fars News Agency.
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Smoking Gun Document: Crimson Contagion Shows Bill Gates
Blueprint For "COVID" Launch
Alex Jones joins
War Room to deliver breaking news about newly uncovered documents that reveal the globalist plot to enslave humanity with
lockdowns and mask mandates.
Watch here:
Diplomatic deep freeze as Russia
dramatically recalls its US ambassador back to Moscow for 'consultations' after Biden calls President Putin a 'KILLER'
Russia has recalled its ambassador to the U.S. in a dramatic escalation in the fraught
relations between the two powers - after President Joe Biden referred to Russian President Vladimir Putin as a 'killer.'
The move comes after the White House has spent weeks telegraphing a tougher posture toward
Russia under a Biden administration - and Moscow has once again bristled at accusations that it serves as a 'malign' influence
in global affairs.
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Why won't America stand
up for herself? what would have put millions in the street noly a generation ago, barely holds our attention anymore. Why
is the country, once a country which possessed courage and conviction , now sitting idly while allowing itself to be taken
to the slaughter without so much as a whimper? Many psychoogists including myself, believe the reoot of answer is globalist-induced
learned helplessness.
Read more here:
The 'American Rescue Plan' Is A 'Political Weapon' In The Democrats
War Upon America That Will Force Americans To Pay For Our Own Demise
When Will ENOUGH Americans Say 'Enough Is Enough'?
According to Senator John Kennedy, a Republican Senator from Louisiana, 'backing the Covid stimulus bill is like calling Harvey Weinstein a feminist', or 'thinking that a stripper really likes you'.
Kennedy mincing no words in his description of Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion 'stimulus bill' that will only send America
further into debt (with our current national debt already over $28 trillion!) while it 'bails out the blue states' that have been hard hit by Democrats poor political decisions, as we'll explore within this ANP story, the boot is getting
ready to come down hard upon Americans if we stay on the same path we're now on under Joe Biden.
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Why Do Government Officials Want to Ban Ham Radio? (HAM
Radio is the single most reliable and effective means of communication in any emergency and has been for over 100 years.)
HAM Radio has been around since the very beginning of radio, back in the 1890s. A loose-knit,
but globe-spanning group, they are brought together by their common love for what they do. They are not a club, but comprise
many clubs together. While mostly ignored and left to their devices, HAM Radio operators provide several essential services,
such as providing military personnel in hazardous duty postings overseas a means of talking to their families. When other
communications fail, it is the HAM Radio operators who provide emergency communications to the nations.
Read more here:
Watch here:
Leaked Email Blows The Army's Cover, Pentagon Ignored Trump & White House
Officials Before The Capitol Riot
The Army has a lot of explaining
to do after a memo was recently leaked to the media.
Reports from the
Washington Post and Vanity Fair (hardly pro-conservative news outlets) are showing that on January 5th President Trump, acting
Secretary of Defense, Christopher Miller, and his chief of staff, Kash Patel told the Pentagon that they are going to need
10,000 troops in DC.
Read more here:
Why the Battlefield Is Everywhere
Good morning. It's Sam Culper with this week's Forward Observer Dispatch.
Last week, I wrote about the reasons why conflict is virtually certain to escalate with China, leading to either
a shooting war or a financial, monetary, and cyber conflict, which could lead to a shooting war. The history lesson is that
monetary wars lead to military wars.
Either way, this is going to be a
messy 10-20 years.
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In These Uncertain Times, When The World Seems To Go Mad,
You Can't Help But Wonder How Long Until We Will Experience A Martial Law Scenario
One day we might have to live under such a scenario since it seems there are many SHTF events that
would impose it. The current pandemic is just an example, and personally, I believe we were lucky so far that things didn't
lead to further chaos and social upheaval.
The United States has a certain history when it comes to martial law,
and like many other nations, it will do whatever is necessary to defend its integrity (and protect?) its citizens. I believe
we should all have a survival strategy if martial law will be upon us in the near future.
Read more here:
Watch Communist China Celebrate America's Destruction in Shock Report
Fentanyl The Chicom Dragon is back to rub the vaccine deaths, one year of lockdowns,
and the degenerate entertainment industry into the faces of all stupid Americans who put up with this Communist takeover.
Watch Here:
Contrary to What the Media is
Telling You, Freedom Does Not Come from a Vaccine
There is a
belief forming and currently being pushed by the mainstream media and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control that Americans
can have their freedom back if they just roll up their sleeves and take the vaccine. This push is being backed by multiple
experts who are literally comparing it to the "carrot on a string" in order to get more people to be vaccinated.
Read more here:
Covid-19 Vaccines Are Weapons of Mass Destruction - and Could Wipe out the Human
Watch here:
China's Strength
Should Be Evaluated Without Emotion
China's strength
must be questioned by people without an agenda if we truly wish to understand the world. In the same way, the strength of
the Soviet Union was overestimated before its fall in December of 1991 or the Japanese economy from 1986 to 1991, today people
tend to exaggerate the strength of China. When Japan's massive bubble burst in early 1992, its real estate and stock market
prices crashed causing the "lost decades" and the problems that still haunt them today. It seems Americans tend
to supersize anything they can conjure up as a challenge to their supremacy. This is evident in the number of confidence crushing-articles
being published with titles such as "The US Keeps Losing In Every Simulated War-Game Against China."
Read more here:
China Demands to be in Charge of Global ‘Vaccine Passport' System
On Tuesday, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) publicly petitioned for the World Health
Organization (WHO) to let the Chinese government take charge of a proposed "vaccine passport" system for the entire
world in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic that China started, as reported by Breitbart.
The proposal appeared in the Global Times, a Chinese government-run
newspaper, which said that China could utilize its connections to Big Tech companies in order to build and sustain an international
tracking system for any individuals who either have or have not yet received a coronavirus vaccine.
Read more here:
"They will create a virus, pretend and sell the antidotes"
- Colonel Muammar Gaddafi 2009
Libya: From Africa's Wealthiest
Democracy Under Gaddafi to Terrorist Haven After US/NATO/EU Intervention.
---- WHITE MAN created COVID-19! ----
America is responsible for the death and agony of millions of people around the world, which very few countries in recent
times can compete with. Additionally, considering the relatively narrow time interval during which the American atrocities
took place, it is, historically speaking, one of the most EVIL countries.
Vaccine Passports and Medical Martial Law
The Setup
Almost one year ago,
former President Trump declared a national emergency and the White House announced a 15-day plan to slow the spread of the
coronavirus. Governments around the world either preceded the U.S. or soon followed with similar pronouncements. The upsurge
in totalitarianism since these edicts were installed is mind-boggling.
home, social distancing, and hand washing were the first steps in the slippery slope towards medical martial law. Then came
the lockdowns and mandatory face mask policies. These were soon followed by pressure to take a COVID-19 test, contact tracing,
and quarantines. Next were vaccines that were rushed to production, given only "emergency use authorization" by
the FDA and still deemed experimental, having completely skipped long-term safety studies. Now, the threat of vaccine passports/certificates
represents the next step towards complete tyranny and subjugation of the people.
Read more here:
11 Kentuckians have traveled to areas with Ebola outbreaks, but risk is low, Beshear says
Kentucky health officials are aware of 11 people from the state who have traveled
to Guinea and the Democratic Republic of Congo, two African countries experiencing Ebola outbreaks, Gov. Andy Beshear announced
"We don't believe there is any significant risk at the moment,
but we are and we want to be transparent about it," Beshear said during his virtual COVID-19 update Tuesday.
Guinea, which was on the front lines of the 2014 Ebola epidemic, confirmed three
people there had died from the virus in mid-February. They were the first new cases since 2016.
Read more here:
"The Dimming" A Must Watch New Documentary by Dane Wigington
A few weeks ago, I interviewed Dane Wigington, geoengineering researcher and founder of, about what he calls "Weather Warfare." One of the topics was the heavy snow in Texas last month and freezing
temperatures during that time that were 30 degrees colder than the North Pole. Wigington says it looks like more Weather Warfare took place recently around Denver, Colorado. It's all part of man-made climate control called geoengineering.
and watch here:
Emergency VACCINE ALERT edition: Situation Update, March 16, 2021
(Natural News) The mass vaccination of the human population is turning vaccinated people into "super strain" factories who are
churning out mutant, deadly strains of coronavirus that may devastate humanity. A top vaccine scientist (Dr. Bossche) is warning
that mass vaccinations may create an "unstoppable monster" and that mass vaccinations during the pandemic could
transform the relatively harmless coronavirus we first saw (SARS-cov-2) into a deadly "biological weapon."
Read more here:
Moderna Now Dosing Children as Young as Six Month-Old with Experimental mRNA Vaccine
as Part of ‘Study'
Today, vaccine firm Moderna
Inc. announced that they will be testing their new experimental mRNA vaccine on young children. The pharmaceutical firm claims
that this new phase of human testing is merely to gauge the safety and effectiveness of their new COVID-19 vaccine. However,
this is an unprecedented corporate practice - never before have Government regulators allowed an experimental technology to
forego years of animal testing and human trials and careful follow-up studies all normally conducted before a new
vaccine product is released into the general population. Moreover, Moderna will be taking otherwise perfectly healthy young
children who are at zero risk of ever becoming ill from the COVID-19 disease and then exposing them to an experimental gene-based
mRNA ‘vaccine' technology.
According to the company's
press release, the large scale vaccine experiment is the second phase of their "Kid COVE Study" is expected to enroll no less
than 6,750 healthy children in the US and Canada ranging between six months and 11 years old.
Read more here:
The CCP Is Murdering Witnesses for Exposing CHICOM Bribes to Steal
the Presidential Election in Georgia and Arizona
problem with most Americans is that they don't know who the difference between friend and foe. America's best friends, today,
are the very people being marginalized by the "woke culture" Left. These people support the rule of law. They want
orderly immigration that will not purposely imperil innocent American citizens. They want energy independence so they can
drive to work. They want honest elections which is the foundation of our Republic form of government. They want their leaders
to put Americans first, not last. These Americans, who are friends of freedom-loving Americans want treasonous leaders, such
as the leaders of the Democratic Party, the Georgia and Arizona Governors, and key members of the American establishment and
their mouthpieces to be imprisoned for their treason against the Republic. Instead of honoring the Americans who support America's
longevity, they are labeled as domestic terrorists.
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Hundreds of COVID POSITIVE Immigrants Released into the U.S. While Americans Are
Urged to "Stay Home"
The United States seems headed
for many crises. There are a looming food crisis and a supply chain disruption. An overall breakdown in society's functional aspects is on the horizon for the United States as well. Another crisis, a humanitarian crisis, is boiling below the surface.
Call it what you want - a "migrant crisis," a "refugee crisis," or an "immigration crisis,"
it is still a crisis and one that has yet to be effectively addressed.
"migrant caravans" are marching their way to the United States border, where a new administration, much less interested in protecting
border integrity, removes restrictions and merely allows them inside the country.
Read more here:
To understand Biden's ‘I need you to get vaccinated' message, follow the money
Buried in Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID relief package is $3.5 billion for Bill
Gates' program to ‘vaccinate the world'
The arrogance was
almost too much to take.
Joe Biden stood in front of the cameras Thursday
night, March 11, and heaped lies upon lies, doing his best but failing miserably to make it sound like he actually cared about
our health and wellbeing.
His actions, along with his stone-cold black
eyes, speak louder than his words.
Read more here:
Biden Goes To War Against The American People As The Globalists Unleash SINISTER
AND DEADLY Measures In Their War Against Freedom And Liberty
ANP had reported back on March 8th that America should get prepared for a 'President Kamala Harris' in our futures, with Joe Biden being stalked by
Harris as if she were the grim reaper and Biden still 'hiding in his basement' at the time and his aides cutting
off questions from the press and the public time after time, anyone paying attention to Biden's first real public address
since he was 'installed' in the White House got a little bit more than they bargained for.
As Crain's Chicago Business reports of Biden's address to America, one of the first things that stood out about Biden's speech was Biden promising that America
would go on 'war footing' to fight the coronavirus.
more here:
We Have Much to Answer for and We Have Allowed this Evil to Grow
and Happen Under Our Watch. Now is the Time to Put a Stop to it.
It takes a long time for nations to fall, even when they are dead on their feet. A look back in history will show
that in 1913 America took its fatal blow, and we are now seeing the results of that horrible year. Feb. 3, 1913 the 16th Amendment
to the United States Constitution was ratified, authorizing the federal government to impose income taxes on individuals.
An amendment to a tariff act in 1894 had attempted to do this, but since it was clearly unconstitutional, the Supreme Court
struck it down. As a result, and mostly under the banner of bleeding the rich, the 16th Amendment was promoted and passed.
Woodrow Wilson signed it into law and in 1914 income taxes began.
more here:
Capitol Investigation Seeks to Criminalize Political Dissent
The government's response to the January 6 melee isn't about justice. It's about partisan
retribution and revenge. And the consequences will be disastrous.
In the
early hours of March 12, FBI agents in southwestern Florida barricaded a neighborhood to prepare to raid the home of one resident.
Christopher Worrell of Cape Coral was arrested and charged with several counts related to the January 6 Capitol melee. Even though Worrell had been cooperating with the FBI for two
months, the agency nonetheless unleashed a massive, and no doubt costly, display of force to take him into custody.
Read more here:
Nazi Healthcare Revived Across the Five Eyes: Killing Useless Eaters and Biden's COVID Relief Bill
The words spoken by Dr. Guett 85 years ago should send shivers
down the spine of anyone following the radical transformations of healthcare policy now underway within the Five Eyes zone
of influence.
As many people are now aware, embedded within the $1.9 trillion
COVID relief package is a $40 billion program to revive and expand the corpse of Obama Care's enrollment protocols and the worst aspects of State directed medical
resource allocation for the most vulnerable (and financially burdensome) of society.
While few details have been unveiled beyond a mass expansion of enrollment into the plan on a revived,
several red alarms have been raised which began with the appointment of Obama-care architect Ezekiel Emmanuel to Biden's COVID
task force last year and the re-ascendency of hives of cost-cutting behaviorists to positions of power.
Read more here:
Will Mankind be Extinct In a Few Years? Impacts of Toxic
Agrochemicals, "Endocrine Disruptors"
no secret that Bill Gates and the advocates of the UN Sustainable Development
Agenda 2030 are also devout promoters of human eugenics, the "thinning of the Human Herd" as Britain's misanthropic Prince
Philip once put it. Some such as Joachim Schnellnhuber, climate
adviser to the Pope, openly welcome a human population below one billion as "sustainable." Now serious research
is emerging that one of the most effective reducers of the human population is being spread by so-called "modern scientific
agriculture" through the select use of toxic agrochemicals, pesticides deemed safe which are anything but safe.
Read more here:
Another Plandemic? P1 Said To Be "A Different Pandemic
From The One We Saw Last Year" - Brazil Is The Target
would you do if a coronavirus that is much more contagious than regular COVID and that makes people much sicker than
regular COVID started to spread all over the globe? Well, we are being told that is precisely what is now happening.
Technically, P1 is a "variant" of the COVID virus that has paralyzed the entire planet over the past year, but it
is proving to be far more dangerous. Over the past week, the spread of P1 in Brazil has caused people to drop dead at a staggering pace...
Read more here:
A Woman's Perspective: Joe Biden Is Feminizing The U.S. Military After Obama Decimated
Women In The Military Cannot Keep
Up With The Men Physically In Combat
Let me begin by being
very clear and reiterate my own stance regarding women in the U.S. Military.
Women do not belong in physical combat. Not because they are not competent, and there are many positions within the
military that women are highly qualified for.
On the ground combat is
not one of them.
Contrary to what folks on the left seem to believe, men
and women are different, as men have thicker bone density and are generally physically stronger. Of course there are exceptions
but as a general rule, men are more fit for combat than women.
The proof
is shown in recent reports which find that women in the military cannot keep up with the men in physical testing, so rather than acknowledge the differences
between the two genders, the U.S. military is considering lowering the physical standards for women by rethinking about reversing
their "gender neutral physical testing."
Read more here:
What you don't know will kill you!
Those who watch television
more likely
to get fatal shot
In his voice was a certainty that to think
otherwise was preposterous. "Of course we wear masks," he exclaimed. "We don't want to spread the disease,
do we?" he insisted. "That would be irresponsible."
that moment there was no chance to mention to him that the disease had not been proven to exist and even if it did, the masks
would not prevent the spread of it. Or that any talk of the death rate had to be irrelevant because the alleged disease had
never been isolated, therefore never identified, therefore making it impossible to tabulate any death toll. More importantly,
making it impossible to create an effective vaccine to prevent it.
more here:
Italy opens manslaughter case after teacher dies hours after getting AstraZeneca
Prosecutors in Italy have launched a manslaughter investigation
after a music teacher there died hours after getting the controversial AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.
Sandro Tognatti, 57, got jabbed in his hometown Biella on Saturday afternoon
and went to bed that night with a high fever, his wife, Simona Riussi, told Italian media.
She called an ambulance the next morning but the clarinetist could not be saved, she said.
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Home Defense Methods And Strategies
Practical solutions for avoiding crime & violence
A frank reality is that home defense is something everyone needs to plan for.
Although crime may be very low in your area, that can change quickly. Plenty of high crime areas started as nice
safe communities.
Many factors have contributed to areas becoming unsafe.
The economic conditions due to COVID-19 have pushed many people into precarious financial straits. And when people are
desperate, they'll do things they would never have previously considered.
more here:
We Willingly Gave Up Liberty, Yet Are Shocked to Find Out We Are Less Free.
Many have been shocked by the scenes in Clapham on Saturday night, where the Metropolitan
Police used extremely heavy-handed tactics to break up what appears to have been a peaceful protest and vigil, held in memory
of Sarah Everard, who was brutally murdered just days earlier. The reason they did this was because the protest contravened
the rules on public gatherings, introduced by the Government and supported by almost all Parliamentarians, as part of apparent
efforts to keep us all "safe".
I confess I am not especially
shocked by these scenes. It was clear to me that we gave up on being a free country in March last year when millions of people
supinely accepted the apparent need for the curtailment of liberties, ostensibly (but absurdly) aimed at "controlling
a virus". Together with a very few other voices, I warned many times that Lockdowns, and their wide acceptance as an
appropriate policy, marked another nail in the coffin of the free Britain we knew, and would likely herald the start of a slide into a far more despotic society and police state.
Read more here:
New book details Dr. Fauci's involvement in Wuhan and the Chinese military's dangerous
gain-of-function coronavirus research
(Natural News) Washington Post journalist Josh Rogin published a new book titled: "Chaos Under Heaven: Trump, Xi, and the
Battle for the Twenty-First Century." The new book provides valuable intel on the origins of SARS CoV-2. China's Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) is home to the world's most unethical gain-of-function
research on virus infectivity. Scientists at the WIV were modifying coronaviruses to understand how they can exploit human
immune systems. The goal of the research was to come up with new vaccines in case an outbreak did occur. That unethical research
on bat coronaviruses was funded by top scientists from the US government, Dr. Francis Collins and Dr. Anthony Fauci of the
National Institutes of Health (NIH). The research was banned by the Obama Administration in October 2014, but was soon off-shored
to China with grants coming from the NIH.
Read more here:
Massive $1.9T covid "relief" bill is nothing more than a massive money
laundering operation to pay back Democrat donors and supporters
(Natural News) If you're an American who was hard hit economically by lockdowns, stay-and-home orders and mandatory business closures and
restrictions and you believe that the COVID-19 ‘relief' bill currently winding its way through the Democrat-controlled
Congress will finally bring some respite, you're going to be very disappointed.
Because in reality, while spending that kind of money solely on businesses and Americans who need the help would
be more than enough to make up for what many have lost, the bulk of those funds aren't going to hard-working Americans.
Read more here:
America's Demise Under Biden
It's all gonna add up sooner than later: the Biden administration hiding behind razor wire and dementia will
ignore, fabricate and politicize everything until they have lost the tenuous grip they have on the helm of the United States.
It's not just the American people concerned with Biden's inability to hold a press conference.
The whole world is watching. Same goes for the dust clouds forming at our southern border as cartels, pestilence, and the
"Cloward and Piven" bulwark flows into the devastated and COVID-frozen economy of the United States.
Read and watch here:
Professor Warns Post-Corona Society is a "National Obedience Contest"
Norwegian psychology professor Charlotte Reedtz warns that our post-corona society
has turned into a "national obedience contest" that will have a devastating effect on mental health for years to
Reedtz, a professor of psychology at the University of
Tromsø, says that the adverse psychological impact of lockdowns have not been factored into any kind of cost/benefit
Read more here:
10 Examples That Show How Nightmarish The Worst Border Crisis In Modern American
History Has Become
If U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel
are intercepting more than 100,000 migrants a month as they try to illegally cross the southern border, how many more are
able to make it through undetected? In recent days, there has been a whole bunch of news stories about the nightmarish
border crisis that we are currently facing. Now that President Trump is out of the White House, vast numbers of migrants
have been flooding toward our southern border over the past couple of months. They are desperate for a better life,
and the perception that Joe Biden is implementing "open border policies" gives them hope that they will be allowed
But when they try to cross the border, approximately 70 percent of
those that are intercepted by CBP are turned away...
Read more here:
The Military's Mission is National Security, Not 'Equality'
President Biden-or whoever is making the actual policy decisions for the country these
days-is damaging the national security of the United States by allowing women and transgenders to assume an ever-increasing
role in front-line combat operations. "Biden's" policy weakens our military preparedness by putting misplaced considerations
of gender neutrality and political correctness ahead of the best military strategy for protecting American interests.
At a rambling and largely incoherent speech on Monday, March 8, where he forgot the name
of his Secretary of Defense and referred to the Pentagon as "that outfit," Biden made the following bizarre statement:
Read more here:
Outrageous! Department of Defense Training Manual on Extremism Gives a Pass to
Black Lives Matter Extremism
In February Defense Secretary
Lloyd Austin ordered a stand-down order for the next 60 days to allow each branch of the military time to discuss white supremacy
and the threat of extremism throughout the US Military.
to NBC, Director Austin's announcement was a direct result of the protests on January 6th on the US Capitol where some current
and former members of the military stormed the Capitol. Of course, the protests and storming of the US Capitol had nothing
to do with race. But we are talking about NBC and the fake news media so there you go.
Read and watch here:
Former Gates Foundation Vaccine Scientist Calls for Halt to Vaccinations, Predicts "Wipe Out"
of Populations
A former Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Senior
Program Officer in Vaccine Discovery, former Head of the Vaccine Development Office for the German equivalent of the CDC,
and university professor, has released an open letter to the scientific community and to the world warning that the present mass vaccination program may "wipe out large parts
of our human population."
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche writes in his Open Letter, which he submits to the world science community for open discussion:
becoming increasingly difficult to imagine how the consequences of the extensive and erroneous human intervention in this
pandemic are not going to wipe out large parts of our human population. One could only think of very few other strategies
to achieve the same level of efficiency in turning a relatively harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction..."
Read more here:
A Virologist is sounding a
worldwide alarm over the present mass-vaccination being undertaken, for the COVID-19 outbreak. He claims the vaccine
will allow stronger, deadlier, versions of the disease to emerge, and will KILL OFF Vaccine recipients faster!
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM is a GAVI/Bill Gates paid/hired Research
EXPERT who is metaphorically shouting from the rooftops to STOP ALL COVID VACCINATIONS immediately because the vaccine will
destroy our innate ability to deal with the virus, and cause more deadly strains to develop faster, killing the people
who got the vaccine.
Read more here:
Home Security
Tips From A Military Expert: The Following Tips May Help Secure You In Your Daily Life
My time in the military has gifted me a unique way of looking at the world. I was trained
to see where threats lie and take measures to mitigate them. While most people look at their homes as a place of comfort and
security, I see them as a target of the unscrupulous underbelly of society.
In this article, I will provide advice and tips on how to increase the
security of your home. I have decided to break the topic down into sections based upon what I see as the worst offences in
home security.
Read more here:
Gallup Poll says 51% of health care workers Refuse to Vaccinate
I have reported that my cousin who was a frontline nurse in New Jersey got COVID. They
insisted she still gets vaccinated. After the first dose, she had a stroke. She has recovered, thank God, but has refused
the second dose. In Italy, they have pulled the AstraZeneca anti-Covid vaccines after the reporting of "three fatal adverse
events" linked to it. Now according to a Gallup poll, 51% of health care workers and first responders remained unconvinced
of the merits of getting vaccinated even if it "was free, available, FDA approved and 90% effective."
Read more here:
Retired Army Sgt. Kenneth Harrelson Arrested for Attending Jan.
6 Protests - Family's Bank Account Locked Down, Wife Loses Her Job, They Are Frightened and Don't Know What to Do
Angel Harrelson from Florida contacted The Gateway Pundit last week.
Angel's husband, Retired Army Sgt. Kenneth Harrelson, was arrested last week and
is currently being held in jail for attending the January 6th protests in Washington DC. The feds may move him to Washington
DC this coming week for trial.
Read more here:
As Food Prices Are Experiencing Huge Price Increases, Apartment Dwellers Can Save
A Small Fortune From Indoor Fruit And Vegetable Gardening
our latest prepping piece about the coming spring and getting your outdoor gardens prepared while sprouting your early spring
fruits and vegetables, we said we would address indoor gardening for those that have limited space to grow fruits and vegetables
outdoors, or have no outdoor space for apartment dwellers.
For those
that missed the outdoor gardening preparation piece, titled "It Will Be Too Late When You Are Already Starving: Never Has It Been More Important To Grow Your Own Food - Getting
Your Fruit And Vegetable Garden Ready For Spring," can be found here.
Read more here:
Are the various Covid vaccines a genocidal bioweapon,
covert tool of transhumanism, debilitating gene-altering drug, or all 3?
No one has ever seen before the blatant medical gaslighting of the whole human race.
The unparalleled superlatives not only never cease where it concerns the CORONAhoax,
they get even more extreme by the week.
Let's be clear: The
Powers That Be (TPTB) desperately overreached in their utter desperation to deceitfully drug the entire global population
with the Covid ‘vaccines'. About this stark reality there is no doubt.
Read more here:
National Guard Association denounces extension of soldiers in DC: 'Inappropriate
at best, illegal at worst'
National Guard Association Chairman
and Arizona Adjunct General Maj. Gen. Michael McGuire is calling for troops' presence in Washington, DC to end following a
two-month extension this week.
"This enduring requirement of
having them around the city, I think it's completely inappropriate at best, illegal at worst," Maj. Gen. McGuire
told the Washington Examiner on Friday.
National Guard troops were deployed
to DC following the January 6 riot at the US Capitol that led to five deaths, including that of a police officer. The continued
presence of the soldiers, as well as extensive security measures, have become an increasingly hot topic as critics question
what exact threat it is they are protecting against.
Read more here:
Nearly All Covid Masks Are Worthless as Virus Particles Are FIVE
TIMES Smaller Than Holes in the Masks
The best
data to date indicates that the use of surgical or simple face masks are insufficient in most "Covid safety" situations.
Even the N95 mask packaging has label verbiage indicating protection that can only go down to 0.3 microns, yet the Covid-19
virus particles have a diameter of approximately 60-140 nm, and that's 0.06 to 1.4 microns. The decimal .06
is 5 times smaller than .3. That means the Covid virus particles are 5 times smaller than the holes in nearly every mask that nearly every American is wearing.
Read more here:
Americans Aren't Experiencing REAL Shortages Yet. We're Just Living with Limited
Imagine going to the store to pick up some everyday
item - say, body wash for the shower - and not being able to find your usual brand. In fact, you can't find any brand. The
store is completely out so you have to go with bar soap.
In the grand
scheme of life, this isn't a big deal. Soap is soap is soap, right? But in the United States, we have become spoiled
with choices. In even a small-town store, there are dozens of options for body wash, lotion, toothpaste, and all the other
things we consider necessary to live a civilized life. Don't like the fragrance? Just go with a different brand. That laundry
soap works better on your delicates and this one works better on work clothes.
Read more here:
"Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad"
A famous phrase from at least the time of Rome said, "Whom the gods would destroy,
they first make mad". Does it apply to now? Is God preparing to destroy parts of the world and so is allowing them to
descend into madness so that they bring on their own destruction? To say the least, it's happened before. The Latin rendition
was, "Quos Deus vult perdere prius dementat," an opinion that's been around for centuries.
Read more here:
World renown vaccine specialist, Geert Vanden Bossche, gave a groundbreaking interview this week risking his reputation
and his career by bravely speaking out against administration of #Covid19 vaccines. In what may be one of the most important
stories ever covered by The Highwire, the vaccine developer shared his extreme concerns about these vaccines in particular
and why we may be on track to creating a global immunity catastrophe.
Russian Tochka Missiles in the air! U.S. Oil **Smugglers** and Their Depots Being
hit AGAIN in Syria
Russia Tochka Missiles are in the air as
of 11:30 PM eastern U.S. Time Sunday evening, as Russia and Syria attack oil smuggling operations yet AGAIN!
U.S., Turkish, and Israeli oil smugglers - and their trucks -- are being targeted and
destroyed for the second time in a week.
Video is emerging from the sites
Read and watch here:
Here's why mRNA injections do not meet the legal definition of ‘vaccine'
What is an mRNA injection? ‘Let's be very clear,' says scientist David
Martin, ‘This is not a vaccine!'
My previous article about the mRNA injections has gained a lot of traction across the Internet. As a result, it caught the attention
of a few leftist trolls who tried to disparage the facts I presented. This despite the fact that the article was based on
words straight from the mouth of the top scientist at Moderna, one of the two companies producing millions of doses of mRNA
chemical agents to be shot into the arms of people worldwide.
Read more
The Shooting Has Begun: Pro-Russian Forces Shoot Down Ukrainian Army Combat Drone
Pro-Russian forces in breakaway areas of Luhansk and Donetsk in eastern Ukraine, have
shot down a Turkish-made combat Drone being operated by the Ukrainian Army. Shots have now been fired.
This web site has been reporting the build-up of troops, tanks, and armor, by the Ukrainian
government, being positioned for use against the breakaway Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts (states). Stories HERE, HERE, and HERE
Covert Intel reported that March 15 was likely to be the day when Ukraine
commences a full scale military offensive to forcibly seize the two breakaway oblasts.
Read more here:
CV Vaxxes - Truths they are Desperate to Hide!
There is an agenda to promote experimental gene therapy labelled
as vaccines on a global scale. They shout down and censor anyone who challenges the narrative that they are safe and needed
by all.
Watch here:
This Is How Tyranny Takes Hold And Spreads Like Wildfire:
If Democrats Have Their Way, You Will Soon Be 'Less Free' Than Your Covid-19 Vaccinated Neighbor!
Government Employees Preaching 'Ethics' Are Really 'Official Cover-up Experts'
If ever there was a more perfect metaphor for what Americans are now facing than the story
we'll take a look at below, the completely uninvestigated and deep-seated government corruption from officials all across
numerous state governments and in what Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene recently called 'a sh*thole', Washington DC, we can't think of it.
As Simon Black over at the Sovereign Man reports in this new story, a 'Professor of Government Ethics' actually helped to cover-up New York governor Andrew Cuomo's COVID nursing home
deaths. So what good are so-called 'government ethics' when those charged with 'investigating' are little
more than official 'cover-up experts'?
Read more here:
China has 1 million people behind propaganda machine to undermine U.S.
Admiral says goal is to corrupt allied ties, weaken American interests
(AMERICAN MILITARY NEWS) - During a Tuesday hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee,
U.S. Indo Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) commander Adm. Phillip Davidson said "China has a vast disinformation machine"
with a million people behind it that it uses to undermine the U.S.
more here:
The American People Are Under Attack,The Country Is Under Attack!
What Does it Take to Make You Sit up and Take Notice of the Problems Surrounding Society Today?
What does it take to make you sit up and take notice of the problems surrounding society
today? What will it take to make you respond to the many crises taking place today? You have eyes so you can see and ears
so you can hear but for many people any negative news is a reason to tune out the world and only think good thoughts.
The problems we face continue to pile up and doing nothing is not an option if you expect to survive the next few years in
tact. Prior planning and execution of a plan is now required to stay out of the flood zone when the dam breaks and everyone starts
to drown. It does not matter what kind of person you are. You have to be able to save yourself before you have the ability
to help others including your own family.
Read more here:
David Icke, 16 Glaring Parallels Between the 9/11 and COVID Ops
There are numerous 9/11 COVID similarities to be seen and understood as the world goes
ever deeper into Operation Coronavirus. Many nations around the world, including Canada and Australia, are making moves to roll out the next phase of the operation, which involves digital identities, biometrics and digital
vaccine certificates (or immunity passports), just as Bill Gates foretold all those months ago. It is imperative that we all understand that this is a far-reaching operation or live exercise designed to fundamentally
transform society in alignment with the goals of the New World Order (NWO). By comparing the current COVID op to the 9/11
op, we can discern the patterns and become wiser to the agenda, for there is a certain way that evil hijacks good. Below is
a list of 16 different 9/11 COVID similarities that I have noticed, however there may well be many
Read more here:
Massive camera hack exposes the growing reach and intimacy of American surveillance
A breach of the camera start-up Verkada ‘should be a wake-up call to the
dangers of self-surveillance,' one expert said: ‘Our desire for some fake sense of security is its own security threat'
In one video, a woman in a hospital room watches over someone sleeping in an intensive-care-unit
bed. In another, a man and three young children celebrate one Sunday afternoon over a completed puzzle in a carpeted playroom.
Read more here:
260 TIMES More Young People Are Dying from the Vaccines Than Would Have from COVID-19
The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) is investigating the death of a Nebraska man who died not long after getting injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
Joining the more than 1,170 other corpses that have also reported to the CDC and the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) as post-vaccination deaths, the man, who was in his late 40s, had just received his first dose
of Pfizer and BioNTech's China virus vaccine, which received emergency approval last year under Donald Trump's "Operation
Warp Speed" program.
Read more here:
Time for Red States to Start Nullifying Federal Law
More alarming is the left's goal to make its political power permanent by granting amnesty
to 20-30 million illegal aliens, granting statehood to D.C. and Puerto Rico, expanding the Supreme Court, and normalizing
the censorship of conservatives, not to mention the institutionalizing of election fraud, especially in key swing states.
Read more here:
I've warned you about this before
- but now there's more proof...
A new finding from the November Capital
Riot should scare the living bejeesus out of you with how the U.S. government was able to track each person in the mob individually
the entire time they were in Washington.
This information is now being
used to haul in every last rioter as they're hunted down for questioning.
more here:
Muslim Nanny Who Beheaded 4-Year-Old, Shouting, "Allahu Akbar", Will
Go Free
In counterjihad circles, there lives the belief
that there is some ideal country that has the right approach. The cold hard truth is that there isn't one. There are just
countries with their own propaganda machines and countries with fans outside it who know very little about how things there
I wrote about this horrifying story when it first happened.
Read more here:
Boxing great, Marvelous Marvin Hagler, dies at 66 ( 2 weeks after COVID "Vax")
One of the great middleweights in boxing history, Marvin Hagler,
died Saturday at the age of 66. His wife, Kay, announced his death on the Facebook page for Hagler's fans.
"I am sorry to make a very sad announcement,'' she wrote. "Today unfortunately
my beloved husband Marvelous Marvin passed away unexpectedly at his home here in New Hampshire. Our family requests that you
respect our privacy during this difficult time.''
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Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Nearly 'Ended The Japanese State', Radioactive Waste Specialist Explains
10 years ago, on 11 March 2011, an earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale triggered
a tsunami that crashed into Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. The effect of the resultant meltdown will continue
to be felt for generations to come, although it could easily have been far worse, Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear tells Sputnik.
Kevin Kamps served as a radioactive waste specialist at the Nuclear information and Resource
Service in the US for eight years and has worked with the non-profit organisation Beyond Nuclear since 2007.
Read more here:
7 European Nations Halt AstraZeneca Jabs On Reports Of "Serious" Blood
Update (0954ET): Iceland has become the
latest European nation to suspend the AstraZeneca jab.
The tiny island
nation has confirmed roughly 6K COVID cases since the start of the pandemic, which is roughly 2% of the population.
Read more here:
The Final Straw: What Is America's Tipping Point and What
you ever wondered what makes a person snap? What causes a normal, quiet, everyday citizen, loving mother, or doting father
to lose it all and fight like a caged animal? What can cause a small village to rise up and rebel against an oppressive
police force and start killing them? What is the switch that gets flipped that causes a city to pour two million people
into the streets, chanting and demanding to be heard by their government?
Read more here:
RED ALERT: China Is Winning the Great 21st Century Tech War
China believes it is on track to take over the world.
At the ongoing "Two Sessions" in Beijing, the Communist Party has publicly told us how it will accomplish
its ambitious goal. If the Chinese ruling party succeeds, the rest of the 21st century will be painted only in shades of red.
Fortunately, America is beginning to mobilize itself. Americans, however, need to act,
immediately. Tech is the real arms race of our era.
Read more here:
Stanford Medical Professor: Lockdowns "Worst Public
Health Mistake in Last 100 Years"
Stanford's Dr.
Jay Bhattacharya told Newsweek that COVID-19 lockdowns are "the single worst public health mistake in the last 100 years."
The medical professor warned that lockdowns are disproportionately impacting the poor
and making wealth inequality worse.
Read more here:
Israeli Strikes Target Iranian Oil Bound for Syria
Campaign against ships, using mines, shows an expansion of hostilities in the Mideast
WASHINGTON-Israel has targeted at least a dozen vessels bound for Syria and mostly carrying
Iranian oil out of concern that petroleum profits are funding extremism in the Middle East, U.S. and regional officials say,
in a new front in the conflict between Israel and Iran.
Since late 2019,
Israel has used weaponry including water mines to strike Iranian vessels or those carrying Iranian cargo as they navigate
toward Syria in the Red Sea and in other areas of the region. Iran has continued its oil trade with Syria, shipping millions of barrels and contravening U.S. sanctions against Iran and international sanctions against Syria.
Read more here:
Domestic Terrorism Goes Transnational: the War on Dissidents
Picks Up Momentum (The Biden Administration is now preparing to go after the people that it objects to and will create new
laws as necessary to do so.)
The claim is often made that
President George W. Bush's war on terror, which produced legislation that was employed to attack Iraq in 2003, eventually
morphed into the worst foreign policy mistake in U.S. history when that conflict destabilized the entire region and led to
an American multifront military engagement that now appears permanent. Few of those in the policymaking business appreciated
that by turning "terrorism" into an especially invidious form of evil allowing governments to arrest or even assassinate
without due process and bomb civilians if they fit a profile, Pandora's box was being opened to expand that authority to commit
other heinous abuses of authority.
Read more here:
Was it a Coup? Judicial Watch Sues For Pelosi Anti-Trump
Phone Call with Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley
watchdog group Judicial Watch this week filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Defense
for records of Speaker Pelosi's January 8th phone call with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley.
The Wall Street Journal editorial board suggested it was a coup.
Read more here:
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary is excited to announce the release of our groundbreaking documentary that conclusively exposes the existence of
global climate engineering operations.
Global climate engineering
operations are a reality. Atmospheric particle testing conducted by has now proven that the lingering, spreading jet aircraft trails, so commonly visible in our skies, are not
just condensation as we have officially been told. Over 75 years ago global powers committed the planet and populations to a climate engineering experiment from which there is no return.
Read and watch here:
COVID Denialism Now Enshrined in Case Law
denialism -
a broad term leveled at those who have seen through
lies regarding the COVID scamdemic - has been enshrined in legal history and case law, at least in Canada. This is another
horrendous yet sadly predictable step of the COVID agenda, which is none other than the agenda to steal your rights and freedom.
MSM outlet CBC reported last week that a judge stripped a man (who remains anonymous at this stage) of his custody rights in his divorce case with
his ex-wife due to his belief that COVID was a hoax, and his subsequent decision to defy social distancing and mask wearing
rules. In other words, he was stripped of some of his rights due to his COVID denialism. The case was heard
in late 2020 in the Ontario Superior Court, however Justice George W. King delivered the written decision at the end of January
2021, and the story was just picked up by The Free Thought Project.
Judge Considers Man's Belief that COVID is a Hoax to be a Factor
in Determining his Worthiness as a Father
I have been unable
to locate the link to the original ruling, and the CBC article does not link to it, however the article reported that the
judge explicitly wrote that the man's public promotion of his opinions was affecting the health and welfare of his children:
Read more here:
List of Videos EXPOSING COVID Vax; See some of these BEFORE you Take any shot!
List of videos exposing covid / vaccine
NOTE : Obviously you don't need to watch them all. Just watch as many as you need
to feel convinced...
If your job is pressuring you to get the vaccine then perhaps you
should see a private GP doctor, get a doctors note for covid related mental health problems, and go on sick leave for a while.
This is a fair thing to do since the medical tyranny of being forced to take dangerous substances is not acceptable. We believe
things may shift soon as many world events are taking place, and the pressure to take the vaccine may subside in due course.
Read and watch here:
No Hyperbole! The Zombie Threat Is Very Real!!!
I never intended to write a seiers of articles on zombies and the threat posed to average people.
But in simply folloiwing the data trail, this is where I have ended up. I am going to start back to 9 years ago and
trace some key discoveries I have made, in which we bother to connect the dots, the zombie issue jumps to the front page.
On a popular TV show in 2014 in a case of classic predictive programming, Revolution,
one of the main characters discovered that the "new" United States had constructed numerous re-education camps and
were planning to exterminate large groups of people. In the same episode, two of the other main characters discovered that
the United States had released plagues in order to significantly reduce the population.
Read more here:
Bill Gates Says He Will Force You to Eat Fake Meat
One of the key players in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's agricultural agenda is the widespread
adoption of synthetic meat
Watch here:
In a 2009 essay, the Canadian-born immunologist and cell biologist described his early school career as unfocused, only landing on an interest
in biology and medicine while taking "almost every other course" at McGill University in Montreal while on scholarship
as an undergraduate.
This latent interest eventually led him to Harvard
Medical School, where he earned his M.D. (also on scholarship), and an internship and residency at Massachusetts General Hospital.
In 1970, the young Steinman joined the Laboratory of Cellular Physiology and Immunology at Rockefeller University in New York
City as a postdoctoral fellow under cell biologist and immunologist Zanvil A. Cohn. Steinman wanted to know what triggers
the body's immune system to kick into gear to initiate a response, a question few scientists at the time were asking.
Read more here:
Texas Leads to Freedom (You are a Neanderthal, the enraged
spider exclaims, and you will end like the Neanderthals did, dead as a dodo and extinct. This is what Biden said to the people
of Texas who dared to break free from his mask regime.)
spider discovered a wasp escaping his gossamer web. He is furious. How dare she? The wasp had been caught, bonded, poisoned.
She is ready to be killed and eaten. And all of a sudden she wakes up and tears the spider web. You are a Neanderthal, the
enraged spider exclaims, and you will end like the Neanderthals did, dead as a dodo and extinct.
This is what Biden said to the people of Texas who dared to break free from his mask
regime. Biden, the King of the Dead and his team were sure the world was under their control; they planned to lead mankind
to the Great Reset, to the grim end of Homo Sapiens, to the cruel dystopia of masked slaves ruled by Google algorithms. But
the Texans had changed the course of history. They were immediately followed by Mississippi, Iowa, Montana and North Dakota;
the states that voted for Trump and freedom.
Read more here:
You Were Warned That Dust Bowl Conditions Would Return - Now It Has Happened
The horrific drought that has much of the western half of the United States in a death
grip has already surpassed what many scientists thought was possible. Some areas of the Southwest went more than 200
straight days without any measurable rain last year, vegetation is disappearing at a frightening pace, and giant dust storms
are becoming increasingly common. For years, we have been warned that the droughts in the Southwest were getting
worse. For years, we have been warned that Dust Bowl conditions would return. Now a nightmare scenario is upon
us, and authorities are using the term "megadrought" to describe what is taking place...
Read more here:
Digital Health Pass: IBM and Moderna Hook Up to Capitalize on COVID Reset
ARMONK, NEW YORK - IBM is partnering with Covid-19
mRNA vaccine maker Moderna to track vaccine administration in real time through its various blockchain, Artificial Intelligence,
and hybrid cloud services. According to a company press release, the collaboration will "focus on exploring the utility of IBM capabilities in the U.S.," such as a recently unveiled
pilot program for a Covid-19 Digital Health Pass in the State of New York, which effectively deputizes private businesses to enforce government-imposed
Covid-19 regulations.
Read more here:
Digital Currency: the Beast Has Arrived Compliments of Biden and the
New World Order...
In recent weeks Jerome Powell at
the Federal Reserve and Christine Lagarde at the European Central Bank have commented on the likelihood
of implementing digital currencies in the next years. The positives have been well explained. More transparency,
ease of use and lower cost.
Read and watch here:
The Real Reasons Why Millions Of Americans Will Defy Covid Mandates And Vaccines
I suspect a large portion of the public is at least partially aware when they are being
pushed or lured into a specific way of thinking. We have certainly had enough experience with institutions trying to manage
our thoughts over the years. Governments and mainstream media outlets in particular have made the manufacture of public
consent their top priority. This is what they spend most of their time, money and energy on. All other issues are secondary.
The media does not objectively report facts and evidence, it spins information to plant
an engineered narrative in the minds of its viewers. But the public is not as stupid as they seem to think. This is probably
why trust in the media has plunged by 46% in the past ten years, hitting an all time low this year of 27%.
Read more here:
Utah woman, 39, dies 4 days after 2nd dose of COVID-19 vaccine; autopsy ordered
SALT LAKE CITY (KUTV) - During a KUTV investigation into COVID-19 vaccine side effects and where to report them, we found four reported deaths, filed by Utah families and their caregivers to the CDC's Vaccine
Adverse Effects Reporting System.
One case stood out, a 39-year-old single mom from Ogden who died four days after her second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Her family, who is now waiting on an autopsy, held
a celebration of life for her this past weekend.
Read and watch here:
Resurrecting the Dead...DIGITALLY: One Step Closer to the "Singularity"
In 2017, Microsoft revealed it had patented a "chatbot" that could digitally resurrect the dead if actually built.
The chatbot
uses AI and machine learning technology. Essentially, the chatbot would bring our "digital persona" back to life.
Friends and relatives could then talk to our "digital persona." When the media asked Microsoft about the technology,
the companies' representatives did admit that it was "disturbing" and claimed there were no plans to put it into
Read more here:
California's Proposed "Ethnic Studies" Curriculum Urges
Students to Chant to Aztec Deity of Human Sacrifice and Cannibalism - Calls For "Counter-Genocide" Against
White Christians
Christian prayer in public school is prohibited,
but now the Marxists in California are trying to force millions of students to chant to the Aztec gods of human sacrifice
and cannibalism.
California's proposed "ethnic studies" curriculum
calls for the "decolonization" of American society and a "counter-genocide" against white Christians.
Read more here:
Hawaii floods trigger state of emergency & evacuations as Oahu & Maui
homes destroyed & tourists told ‘stay inside'
floods have triggered a state of emergency and evacuations as homes in Oahu and Maui have been destroyed and tourists advised
to "stay inside."
Hawaii's Governor David Ige declared a state of emergency on Tuesday following heavy rains across the Aloha State.
Read more here:
The 'New Red Dawn Invasion Of America' Has Begun: Under
Joe Biden, America Is Wide Open And 'Ripe For The Pickings' As The Globalists Kick Their 'End Game' Into High Gear
All the way back in 1984, what sure seems like an eternity ago, a movie now known as a
'cult classic' stormed across the United States that depicted an 'America under occupation', with large parts of the country 'invaded and controlled' by the
Soviet Union and its Cuban and Nicaraguan allies.
With Soviet troops in the movie controlling most of the Southern USA,
setting up 're-education camps' along the way in an attempt to 're-program' Americans, while 'disposing'
of' those who weren't able to be successfully 're-programmed', nuclear war and nuclear fallout filled the movie 'Red Dawn', with several US cities destroyed by nuclear strikes while Americans all across the country went through TEOTWATKI, the 'end
of the world as they knew it'.
Read more here:
Why is America accepting of closed schools, ridiculous
virtual learning strategies that do not work, a failing education system and the demonstratable proof that America is being
dumbed down on purpose and the lockdowns are just the latest in this plot. If you can convince people that there are no civil
liberties, they will never miss what they don't understand when its gone.
What kind of citizenry would tolerate these violations of the public trust? The answer is simple. Only an incredibly
stupid and dumbed down population would tolerate these abuses from their banker-controlled-Deep-State-Satanically-controlled-government.
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Brute Force Will Now Be Used by Governments
Around the World to Vaccinate and Eventually Microchip Every Individual on the Face of the Earth,
Those That Oppose Will Be Dealt With Harshly...
UK, The government should
bring forward emergency legislation to "stamp out" dangerous anti-vax misinformation ahead of the roll-out of the
Covid-19 vaccine, Labour has said.
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The Race Race: Supermarket Products Are Now Being Labeled With the RACE of Their
Giving new meaning to the term "discriminating
shopper," products are now sometimes being presented with something other than an ingredients label: signs indicating
their producers' race, ethnicity, or even sexual inclination. My, what could possibly go wrong?
A better question is: What has already gone wrong?
consider, for example, the image below of products at a Giant supermarket in the Washington, D.C., area.
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Government Prepares To Stay In Power As People Wake Up To Their Enslavement
When the government prepares to protect itself against those it rules over, we know they
know we've figured it out. The good news is that means none of us have to be enslaved to them anymore. The bad
news is that they won't give up power willingly and we should expect them to try to pull off anything.
We touched on this topic before, and it sure appears that members of the military have chosen to
defend the master against us. Of course, why would they choose to protect us when the government pays them in fiat?
Read more here:
What The Mainstream Media Has Devolved Into Since Joe Biden Got
Into Office Is Absolutely Pathetic - Issuing 'Trigger Warnings' While Pushing The 'Royals' And 'Democrat Talking Points'
Proves They Are But 'Propaganda'
For years we have watched, and
documented the so-called mainstream media that acts more as liberal activists than they do a journalistic entity.
During the Trump presidency, they had two basic settings: Push Democrat priorities and
attack President Trump and conservatives. Much of the time they bent over backwards to combine the two for a "winning"
combination, revenue-wise, because that is exactly what their liberal audience wanted.
Without Trump to obsess over, Republicans are much less fun to attack, though they will do so, just not with the
laser focus and obsessiveness they went after Trump with.
Read more here:
China issues ‘world first' Covid vaccine passport and plans to accept other
countries' passes in boost for travel
CHINA has issued what's
thought to be the world's first Covid vaccine passport.
In a boost to
international travel, Beijing also plans to accept other countries' vaccine health certificates being used by passengers.
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Covid-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease
Vaccines have been found to cause a host of chronic, late developing adverse events. Some
adverse events like type 1 diabetes may not occur until 3-4 years after a vaccine is administered [1]. In the example of type
1 diabetes the frequency of cases of adverse events may surpass the frequency of cases of severe infectious disease the vaccine
was designed to prevent. Given that type 1 diabetes is only one of many immune mediated diseases potentially caused by vaccines,
chronic late occurring adverse events are a serious public health issue.
more here:
INTERESTING TIME LINE-How The World Could Change In 7 Days:
One Moment The Building Is Alive, Bright, Vibrant, Buzzing. With The Flip Of A Switch, It Lays Still, Cold And Dead
You might be thinking, hey, I've got this one covered! I've survived lots of power outages. If that is your thought process, you could not be more wrong.
Anyone who considers, even for a moment, how interconnected and interdependent our existence has become ... so full
of overly-complex, over-engineered, over-automated systems driving every aspect of our increasingly fragile existence that
is dependent on just-in-time inventory and shipping virtually everything we need ridiculous distances ... arrives at the same
inescapable conclusion: that mankind has built a house of cards.
more here:
Scott W. Atlas - Academia Infested With Communist Traitors
Trump's covid advisor, Scott W. Atlas, 66, has discovered
that anyone who questions the covid hoax narrative is mercilessly vilified.
Communism is a satanic cult. It cannot win an honest debate because everything it promotes is a lie. Its
goal is to destroy Western civilization.
"With social
media acting as the arbiter of allowable discussion, and with continued censorship and cancellation of those with views challenging
the "accepted narrative," the United States is on the verge of losing its cherished freedoms."
Read more here:
School-By-Video Is Not The Same As Homeschooling - The Suicide
Rate In Children Has Nothing To Do With Being Taught At Home And Everything To Do With How Educators Are Teaching By Video
As the argument goes round and round as to whether to fully reopen states from their long-term
and economy-destroying lockdowns, we see liberal websites, like Propublica, document how states that kept their schools and most school sports open and available, such as Texas,, compared to the state
next door, New Mexico, being closed down, fared better in regards to teen suicide.
The liberal message here is blatantly clear: SCHOOLS GOOD - HOME SCHOOLING BAD!
The problem with that messaging is their facts, which are accurate from my research, doesn't match the hype as to
the "reason" behind the higher suicide rate in states that closed down all their public schools.
Read more here:
Fauci shares stage with top CCP official, endorses China's COVID-19 propaganda
Government health bureaucrats agree to push for more draconian restrictions.
This past week, Dr. Anthony Fauci shared a platform with a Chinese Communist Party "health
expert," and it went largely unreported by any Western media outlets. Chinese state media, on the other hand, could not
get enough of it, because Fauci delivered a propaganda coup for the communist regime in Beijing. Countless state media outlets
and CCP official praised the co-panelists for endorsing the endless amounts of anti-American propaganda shared during the
event, which included demanding more devastating draconian restrictions in order to "combat" COVID-19.
Read more here:
World Economic Forum Now Promotes "Artificial Sun"
Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum - the same body
that with Bill Gates seems to be working toward a massive reduction in global population and wants to strip those who remain of personnel possessions - has just backed a research group working to develop an "artificial sun".
Read and watch here:
The U.S. Conspiracy to Hide the Origin of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Already by the end of January 2020, elements within the U.S. government and the U.S. scientific
establishment were becoming increasingly concerned that the American people might learn the truth about the origin of the
That is, it was an artificial virus created in a laboratory
in the People's Republic of China with the assistance of U.S. scientists and funding from the U.S. government.
Read more here:
Major Banks Invest in Big Agri to Profit on Food "Help
Feed Humanity"
In the age of Woke Capitalism, where brand
names, spokesmen, and even customers are canceled for violating the latest cultural Marxist edict, Big Banks have taken moves to isolate and disable accounts of gun manufacturers and other "enemies" of the fascist
state. On the other hand, these same banks that have funded major corporations worldwide who have contributed to environmental
degradation have also attempted to put forward a more "green" and anti "climate change" face.
Now, there is a telling and dangerous trend taking place in the world of banking and finance.
This time, it's not so much an impending collapse, but where Big Banks and investors are looking to place their bets.
Read more here:
Not enough attantion is being paid to a fragile, small woman
who was pummeled into submission, by several store employees, for refusing to wear a facemask inside of a store. This is incident
deserves widespread attention as it is highly representative of the thuggery that has invaded our nation's collective psyche.
The take of the CSS on the witnessed incident in Scottsdale in 4 store employees launched
a vicious physical attack upon a customer for commiting the crime of not wearing a mask is that the store employees may
have been within their legal rights when they confronted the unknown customer for noncompliance with facemask mandates. However,
these employees behavior quickly became, in our opinion, illegal, and unwarranted. I am shocked and frightened by what I observe
on the raw footage.
Read more here:
Israeli Military Goes COMPLETELY Dark
Israeli Military "Ads B" transponders are now offline.
assets ***generally*** only do this when an attack against an enemy is imminent.
Will Israel carry out it's threat to attack Iranian nuclear sites?
Iran carry out it's threat to "level Tel Aviv and Haifa" if attacked by Israel?
Or are the Israelis planning yet another attack upon Syria and have gone dark to make it harder for RUSSIA to intercept
their aircraft, as Russia has warned it is prepared to do?
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If You Transplant a Human Head, Does Its Consciousness Follow?
In her new book, Brandy Schillace recalls the unbelievable legacy of a Cold War era neurosurgeon's
mission to preserve the soul.
Brandy Schillace sometimes writes fiction,
but her new book is not that. Schillace, a medical historian, promises that her Cold War-era tale of a surgeon, neuroscientist,
and father of 10 obsessed with transplanting heads is true from start to finish.
Schillace came across the story behind her book, Mr. Humble and Dr. Butcher, somewhat serendipitously: One
day, her friend, Cleveland neurologist Michael DeGeorgia, called her to his office. He quietly slid a battered shoebox toward
her, inviting her to open it. Schillace obliged, half-worried it might contain a brain. She pulled out a notebook-perhaps
from the ‘50s or ‘60s, she says-and started to leaf through it.
more here:
Moderna's top scientist: ‘We are actually hacking the software of life'
Dr. Tal Zaks, the chief medical officer at Moderna Inc., explained in a 2017 TED talk
how the company's mRNA vaccine was designed to work.
Over the last 30
years, he said, "we've been living this phenomenal digital scientific revolution, and I'm here today to tell you, that
we are actually hacking the software of life, and that it's changing the way we think about prevention and treatment of disease."
He went on to explain [see video below] that the human body is made up of organs
and organs are made up of cells.
Read more here:
California Senator Dr. Richard Pan Anointed by Big Pharma Media
to Start "Domestic Terrorist" Campaign Against Those Who Refuse the Experimental COVID Vaccines
And so it begins.
Those of us who
have been exposing the corruption in Big Pharma, and especially in the vaccine industry, for more than a decade now, knew
this day was coming.
It's been coming for a long time now, but the COVID Plandemic has shifted medical tyranny into high gear, primarily because this time around the masses have complied with the medical
tyrants and, so far, voluntarily surrendered their rights all in the name of "public safety."
Very soon now, the supply of experimental COVID vaccines will exceed the demand for those who have
been lining up and begging to be injected with who-knows-what to fight the unseen enemy, the dreaded Coronavirus, and then
it will be time to deal with the "vaccine resistant" who are perceived as a threat to public health.
Read more here:
Toronto lockdown czar's husband has ‘financial ties' to Pfizer, AstraZeneca
Eileen de Villa has kept Torontonians locked down at home and crushed businesses but won't
say if she and her husband have investments in COVID vaccines.
March 8, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) - The woman who has kept a city of nearly three million people in one of the strictest government "lockdowns"
of North America - Eileen de Villa - is married to a doctor with financial ties to two of the leading COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers.
The Medical Officer of Health for the City of Toronto where many businesses have been
shuttered since Oct. 9, and citizens have been confined by a stay-at-home order since Jan. 13, is married to a Toronto cardiologist
who listed COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers Pfizer and Astra-Zeneca among his "financial interests" at an online medical
panel discussion on Jun. 12, 2020.
Read more here:
With Kamala Harris Stalking Joe Biden As If She's The Grim Reaper,
All Indications Are Biden Is 'Out The Door' As The Globalists Prop Up And Censor America's White House Squatter
Get Ready For 'President Kamala Harris' To Be 'Installed'
While over nearly the past two weeks, and in two different stories dating back to February
26th, Susan Duclos got to have all the fun ripping Joe Biden and the 'legitimacy' of his presidency into little
bits and pieces, I knew that I had to join in the festivities after what I've learned over the past few days.
With Susan's February 26th story titled "'Worst Kept Secret In The White House': Secret Service Chatter Outs How Bad Biden's Mental Health Really Is - The Lights
Are On, But Nobody Is Home," and her March 1st story titled "Consider This A Gauntlet Thrown Down: 'Joe Biden Is An Illegitimate President' - In America's Tech Oppressed Society
That Statement Will Get You Cancelled", both warning us of Biden's awful mental health and the loss of his 'faculties', none other than the Washington Times recently put out this story titled "Will the real president of the United States please stand up?
There's no evidence that Joe Biden is actually serving as president".
Read more here:
Are You REALLY Prepared to Bug Out on Foot? Heed This Cautionary
Tale of a Deadly Desert Crossing
Desperation can be a strong
I want to share a story that I strongly identify with, though
I have not experienced this to the same degree. I hope never to go through what the migrants in this
story had to withstand. Most Venezuelans lack the preparedness that the great outdoors requires. Many never felt the need
to prepare for anything.
I know how this sounds. But, I have to
acknowledge the overabundance of lazy and unproductive people in my country that watch too much TV and eat far too much junk
food. Those who try to bug out by foot don't know what they are getting into. Some of them drag their children behind. There is no official record of
how many "desert walkers" have been lost in the desert to this point. I have a feeling some have faced fatality.
Read more here:
Restricts Senior DHS Officials from Sharing Border Crisis Info with Reporters
I was thinking back to some press conferences with President Trump when he would tell certain reporters from certain
MSM agencies that they were "Horrible reporters and were part of the Fake News Problem."
I SO agreed with him.
But President Trump never
put gag orders on his people. This is just more blatant evidence that we are under Communist Rule. And I have to say that
I'm wondering how much of this Americans will take before a massive uprising occurs.
Read more here:
VAX THOUGHT POLICE: Anyone who criticizes coronavirus vaccines
FIVE times will be banned from Twitter
(Natural News) Anyone caught spreading "misleading information" about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines on Twitter will be
given five chances to stop before being forever banned from the social media platform, the company recently announced.
A new "strike system" will reportedly keep track of the number
of times a Twitter user says something bad about Chinese virus vaccines. Each time the punishment will increase until eventually
that user is struck from the platform for good.
Read more here:
Rumors Of War, Pestilences, & Earthquakes In Diverse Places...
Most people still don't realize this, but the truth is that we have entered an apocalyptic
time in human history. War, natural disasters, disease outbreaks, economic problems and civil unrest are all in the
headlines on a daily basis already, and they are all going to be a bigger part of our lives moving forward. Those that
have been hoping that our lives would soon "return to normal" will be greatly disappointed, because what we have
experienced so far is just the beginning.
Now that the warmongers are
back in control in Washington, we should expect a steady stream of war rumors from now on.
Read more here:
Meghan Markle Is A Perfect Representation Of What Has Happened To Our Civilization
As A Whole
I never imagined that I would write an article about
Meghan Markle. In fact, over the years I have done my best to ignore the endless drama surrounding the British royal
family. And even though the "tell-all interview" that Oprah Winfrey just conducted with Meghan Markle and
Prince Harry has become the top news story in the entire world, I wasn't going to write about it. But then it struck
me that this story is not just about Meghan and Harry's bitter feud with the rest of the British royal family. Ultimately,
Meghan has become a larger than life symbol which represents what is happening to our civilization as a whole. Previous
generations handed us the keys to unimaginable wealth and prosperity, but we are in the process of smashing it into a billion
pieces. Sadly, our self-obsessed narcissism forces us to blame anyone and everyone else for our problems, and anyone
that dares to point that out is in danger of being "canceled".
more here:
Meteor explodes over Vermont with the force of 440 pounds of TNT
A meteor streaked through the night sky over Vermont on Sunday (March 7), creating a spectacular
light show and causing Earth-shaking booms as it burned through the atmosphere.
The meteor's explosive passage through the atmosphere released the equivalent of 440 pounds (200 kilograms) of TNT,
suggesting that the meteor was likely 10 pounds (4.5 kg) and 6 inches (15 centimeters) in diameter, according to NASA Meteor Watch.
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9 Signs That Chess Pieces Are Being Moved Into Place For A Major War In The Middle
The American people are really going to regret putting the
warmongers back in control. Joe Biden has been in the White House for less than two months, and the warmongers that
Biden has surrounded himself with have been feverishly setting the stage for the next war in the Middle East. I do not
believe that it will start within the next week, but I do believe that it is inevitable. While President Trump was in
the White House for four years, the U.S. didn't start any new conflicts, but now the Biden administration is quite determined
to start projecting "American influence" all over the globe once again. Most Americans don't understand the
bigger picture, but the truth is that this is going to have very serious implications over the next few years.
Read more here:
***REPORT: Congo Immigrant Vomiting Blood on Pittsburgh City Bus
-- MAY BE EBOLA VIRUS***[Read, Pray, and Understand, PMB]
a source involved with the police department in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:
Monday, March 8, 2021 police were called to meet a City Transit bus for a sick man. They arrived on scene to find
a Congo African migrant vomiting blood. The migrant revealed he had just arrived from the Congo.
At present, there is an outbreak of EBOLA VIRUS in areas of the Congo.
They man was reportedly transported by ambulance to a local hospital in Pittsburgh. No info
on which hospital.
Later in the day, cops report they were ORDERED not to talk to the media
or even to their wives about what happened today.
It appears there may
be an active case of EBOLA in Pittsburgh, PA.
Read more here:
Situation Update, March 8th - Bill Gates aiding Communist
China in harvesting DNA of Americans to build race-specific BIOWEAPONS
(Natural News) A stunning development covered by The National Pulse reveals that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation helped fund a communist Chinese military front company that used "covid
testing" as a ruse to surreptitiously harvest the DNA of Americans.
CCP front company was also exposed by 60 Minutes. The name of the CCP front company is BGI Genomics. As The National
Pulse explains, "The Gates Foundation has also funded BGI projects relating to genome sequencing alongside Chinese Communist
Party bodies such as the Ministry of Science and Technology and Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Similarly, Dr. Tadataka
Yamada, the former president of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's global health program, serves as the Chairman of
BGI's Scientific Advisory Board."
Read more here:
The Fed's Most Convenient Lie: A CPI Charade
Despite a penchant for double-speak that would make a politician blush, the Fed tells us that its
primary focus is unemployment not inflation.
Let me remind readers, however,
that an openly nervous Mr. Powell came out in the summer of 2020 with a specific, as well as headline-making, agenda to "allow"
higher inflation above the 2% rate.
This "new inflation direction"
ignored the larger irony that the Fed had been unsuccessfully "targeting" 2% inflation for years before changing
verbs from "targeting" to "allowing."
Read more here:
Everything Bubble is Reaching a Limit - David Morgan
Precious metals expert and financial writer David Morgan says the entire world is printing
huge amounts of money, and nobody ever plans on paying any of it back. It's all going into the so-called "Everything
Bubble" that gets stretched a little more each and every day. With another $1.9 trillion Corona stimulus package
that just passed in the Senate, we are getting closer to finding out how much funny money a country can print out of thin
air before it all blows up. Morgan says, "It's all about the currency reset or currency crisis that I have been
writing and talking about for so long. So, if you don't trust the currency du jour, the U.S. dollar which is the reserve
currency of the world, you are going to look for some place to go that you trust more than that.
Read more here:
What Will Be the Number One False Flag Event Which Will Lead to America's Total
Collapse of Occupation for Foreign Troops?
What will be the
number one false flag in America? As this article will point out, it will have to be one in which there is the excuse to put
foreign troops, acting as humanitarian peacekeepers on American soil. Millions will be needed in order to do what really must
be done which is to seize the guns. It is clear that the globalist just don't want to bring America down as a necessary component
for the finalizing of their New World Order, they want to kill as many Americans as possible because the resistance would
be great and seizing 400 million hand guns is a daunting task even for China. China is the new world policeman and they are
demanding (see Wei Fenghe's speech) an intact America so they can harness the resources of America in order to sustain their
desires. This means foreign troops on America's soil. Will it happen and how will it happen?
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'Situation is completely unstable:' Crenshaw tours border,
exposes how bad it really is
Unsafe, unstable, uncontrolled --
and unlikely to get much better under the policies of President Joe Biden.
the summary Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw delivered as he toured the Texas-Mexico border over the weekend, sharing dramatic
video of gaps in the border wall that are an open invitation to illegal immigrants.
Read more here:
Dragon Ships: China's Naval Threat
For Americans used to having the biggest and most modern military forces in the world, it is humbling to realize
that China's Navy is now the world's largest. It has been for some time. The U.S. Navy may still rule the oceans, but China
rules the vital trade routes in the South China Sea.
Read more here:
How The State Will Strip You Of Your Rights When SHTF
Dealing with this subject has been quite difficult for me. Both the concept of the state
stripping you of everything and the SHTF concept have as many backgrounds as diverse interpretations, so trying to approach
this from a single point of view is a complicated task.
In my country,
Venezuela, after 20 years of "revolution," we have bottomed out and learned to live in situations we never imagined
(so much so that I was able to write an article on survival techniques I never imagined myself using on daily basis).
Read more here:
Google Veterans Team Up With Gov't to Fill the Sky with AI Drones That Predict
Your Behavior
Imagine in the near future, a swarm of tiny drones
patrolling the skies across the country. These drones are not being flown by any pilot and are entirely autonomous, carrying
out their directives coded into them during manufacturing - surveil, record, follow, and even predict your next move. Sounds
like something out of a dystopian Sci-Fi flick, right? Well, there is no need to imagine this scenario or to watch it in a
Read more here:
Conservative Americans Are Making Their Voices Loud And Clear
- We Don't Have To Be A 'Karen' Or Rioter To Fight Back As People Bluntly Let Politicians Know They're Taking Their Freedom
Time For Conservatives To Get Back On The Playing
The image above is how conservatives protest, no buildings
or cars on fire, and even at a mask burning event, no uncontrolled arson. No looting, no vandalism and no attacks against
innocent bystanders.
Citizens in conservatives states made their voices
heard loud and clear, that they want their states opened, their schools back in session, their lives reverted back to normal,
and voila!!! Their state representatives and leaders listened and more and more states are opening.
States run by liberal leaders on the other hand, are still ignoring their citizens, while allowing
their states' economies to be flushed down the toilet.
Read more here:
Vaccine-skeptical Trump country poses challenge to immunization push
The Biden administration can finally ship large quantities of coronavirus shots into the
American heartland, where health officials are encountering a reservoir of vaccine skepticism among rural Americans who've
adopted former President Donald Trump's denial of a virus battering their communities.
Read more here:
Governor Ron DeSantis followed the science on coronavirus and the data now VINDICATES
With such a large state full of seniors, Governor Ron DeSantis
should have been among the worst states in terms of mortality with regard to the coronavirus. But he's not even close, because
he followed the science and didn't do what other reckless governors like Cuomo and Murphy did up north.
This brilliant op-ed in the WSJ explains how the facts of what DeSantis did in Florida vindicates him now and it's long past time for him to get the recognition
he deserves:
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Jimmy DeYoung On Petrus Romanus Visiting Ur Of The Chaldees To Begin Unification
Of All Faiths Into One World Religion
JD: Pope Francis is on
the road again. He's going into a portion of modern day Iraq to a place called Ur of the Chaldees. The birth place of Abraham
the patriarch. It's quite an interesting archeological site.
MG: Yes it
is and in fact its often considered an ancient site of child sacrifices. The focus of his trip is to bring harmony between
religious groups and... an inter religious prayer meeting in the land of Shinar where the sons of men built a Tower of Babel
into the heavens. That seems like an appropriate site to have religious unity, don't you think?
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At Dubai airport, travelers' eyes become their passports
Dubai's airport, the world's busiest for international travel, can already feel surreal,
with its cavernous duty-free stores, artificial palm trees, gleaming terminals, water cascades and near-Arctic levels of air
Now, the key east-west transit hub is rolling out another
addition from the realm of science fiction-an iris-scanner that verifies one's identity and eliminates the need for any human interaction when entering or leaving the country.
Read more here:
Grocery Shopping In The New America
Giant Food is rolling out updated shelf labels that enable shoppers to identify products from minority-owned businesses.
Plans call for all Giant supermarkets to post the new shelf labels starting in January,
the Landover, Md.-based regional grocer said yesterday. The labels will inform customers about items from companies that are
women-, Black-, Asian-Indian-, Hispanic-, LGBT-, Asian-Pacific- or veteran-owned.
Read more here:
"We'll Level Tel Aviv": Iran Responds To Israel 'Preparing' Strike Plans Against
Nuclear Sites
Iran has responded to a Fox News interview from late last week wherein Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said that Israel is currently updating its plans to
strike Iran's nuclear program and is prepared to act independently if the United States is not willing. The interview was
unusually blunt even for Israel in terms of the defense chief openly stating war plans.
Iranian Defense Minister Amir Hatami promptly fired back with a counterthreat on Sunday. He said Iran's military
will level Tel Aviv and Haifa should Israel do anything "out of desperation".
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War is Being Fomented And When it Comes The U.S. Will be Hard Pressed to Survive it
When you look at the chaos and destruction going on in the Mid-East today you are looking
at the future of America. This is not by mistake or incompetence but by design.
When you consider the Mid-East and look at the U.S it becomes easy to see the plan unfolding to create chaos here
and prevent Americans from uniting against the forces that want to prepare us for subjugation.
Why would anyone want to create a failed state? It became the conclusion
of the global elite many years ago that a a failed state was the easiest to control. With the internal population always warring
against one another, outside forces could do as they please in the country with little hindrance from a disunited population.
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The New Normal's religion of ‘techno-voodooism' has bewitched the world
If Covid-19 has been a boon for anyone, that would be Big Business
and Big Tech - overblowing fears, widening the wealth gap and facilitating global control through all-powerful technology
the world now depends on.
What happens when systems cross the threshold
of peak complexity and can no longer be improved in their current forms? Decision-makers can commission competing models in
order to pick a winner. This however calls for patience, prudence and sound oversight. Alternately, they can pounce on a fantastical
blueprint that will supposedly gel via Artificial Intelligence and get to play monopoly at the same time. An all-in-one solution!
Such thinking was precisely what beleaguered the F-35 combat aircraft program with its estimated $1.7 trillion in lifetime costs. After 20 years of troubled development, the stealth
fighter's problems have become so insurmountable that there is talk in the US Air Force of considering a clean slate fighter jet program to replace its ageing F-16s.
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‘Alpha generation' will have fewer artists, musicians - and digital devices
may be to blame
BUDAPEST, Hungary - For most
people of a certain age, their brains tend to see the "big picture" before settling in to focus on the details.
Those growing up in the digital age however, are being rewired to see the world a whole lot differently. Researchers in Hungary
say children who start using digital devices at a young age pay more attention to tiny details and less to the whole picture.
A team from Eötvös Loránd University finds growing up with a mobile device
or tablet in your hand alters how the brain works. The phenomenon will likely lead to more scientists in the coming decades,
but fewer artists and musicians. They add that teaching methods may even have to change.
Read more here:
Robot Motherships To Launch Drone Swarms From Sea, Underwater, Air And Space
Last week Louisiana-based shipbuilder Metal Shark announced that the U.S. Marine Corps
had selected them to develop a Long Range Unmanned Surface Vessel (LRUSV), an 11-meter robot boat capable of operating autonomously
and launching loitering munitions to attack targets at sea and on land. The unmanned boat is just the latest of a series of
new platforms for launching drone swarms. "This tiered, scalable weapons system will provide the ability to accurately
track and destroy targets at range throughout the battlespace," according to Metal Shark's press release. Loitering munitions,
otherwise known as kamikaze drones, differ from other weapons in... (READ MORE)
It is becoming clear that
the Covid takedown of America is lessening. However, it is being replaced by a much more dealy pandemic and, unlike Covid
and hundreds of thousands of fake diagnostic fraud incentivized by the federal government that paid for Covid diagnoses and
death, that the Covid threat is lessening. However, we are not out of the woods. The kill shot is still yet to come!
Read more here:
Planetary Nightmare! When Lockdowns, Green Agenda, Transhumanism and Surveillance State Merge
When you see how all the pieces fit together, it becomes obvious
that what is descending on us all, is "Conspiracy Fact" and not just "Conspiracy Theory", as the powers
that be would try to have you believe!
Watch here:
Numbers In The New CDC Report DESTROY The Case For Mask Mandates
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report Friday in which it quietly admitted that the mask mandates in America were allegedly responsible for less than a 2 percent decrease
in COVID case growth after ONE HUNDRED DAYS. But still the CDC advises wearing masks, despite their own numbers. (READ: CDC Caught Inflating COVID Death Numbers By At Least 1600 Percent While Trump Was President).
The CDC claims that between March 1 and December 31 of 2020
the mask mandates, which were executed in the vast majority of United States counties, stopped COVID case growth rates by
one half of one percent after 20 days and by less than 2 percent after 100 days.
Read more here:
With Democrats Funding The Slaughter Of The Unborn On YOUR Tax
Dollar In The 'COVID Relief Bill', The Gargantuan 'Pork' Within It Is Also 'Payback' To Those Who Helped Biden Steal
The Election
Biden's only been in the White House 47
days; imagine the damage he'll do over four years!
With Democrats in Congress having narrowly passed Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief bill, with no support from Republicans, the so-called 'American Rescue Plan' not only contains a gargantuan amount of 'pork spending' but also forces Americans to pay for the murders of babies via 'abortions,' with no Hyde Amendment protections for the unborn contained within the bill.
As Life News reports in this new story, according to Tom McClusky, the president of March for Life Action, "the current COVID-19 relief package has
the potential to be the largest expansion of abortion funding since Obamacare."
Read more here:
Shocking moment Idaho kids toss Covid masks into burning trash can at #BurnTheMask
THIS is the shocking moment Idaho kids tossed Covid masks
into burning trash cans at a #BurnTheMask rally.
Video footage of the
mask-burning rally in Boise, Idaho, captured people of ages, including a handful of children, throwing their protective face-coverings
into a fiery garbage can.
One kid, in the 14-second video - which was
shared to Twitter and has since obtained more than 37,000 views - is heard saying: "Here fire, you hungry?
"Here, here's another mask."
A poster
board seen in the footage read: "No masks, no mandates. Our face, our mind."
Read more here:
Pastor Olaf Latzel of Germany FINED for HATE SPEECH about the Practice of Homosexuality
Taken Directly From Scripture
I have been following this brave
and "Grounded in the Word" Pastor for many years. Pastor Olaf Latzel has been continually under the scrutiny of
the German government - with requests to see his sermons by government officials.
Recently, Pastor Olaf was fined an exorbitant amount of money because he preached from God's Word that homosexuality
is an abomination to our God.
Read more here:
Beck: Do You Know What Your Environment and Social Governance Score Is?
Glenn explains how The Great Reset may soon influence EVERY financial aspect of your life
- from car loans, business loans, mortgages, and more. It's all thanks to the partnership between America's biggest banks,
the federal government, and global groups like the World Economic Forum...and it has already begun: The Heartland Institute's
Justin Haskins describes how Merrill Lynch now assigns ESG credit scores for customers. It may not affect you yet. But soon,
a low score - based on things like products you buy or how much electricity you use - could SIGNIFICANTLY impact your life.
Read and watch here:
Gov. Abbott Deploys Texas National Guard, State Troopers to Counter Biden's ‘Open
Border Policies'
Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced the deployment
of the state's National Guard and State Troopers to respond to the growing border crisis.
Governor Abbott announced Operation Lone Star "to combat the smuggling of people and drugs into Texas"
on Saturday. The operation will integrate the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) with the National Guard, Abbott said.
He is ordering the deployment of air, ground, marine, and tactical border security assets to high threat areas.
"The crisis at our southern border continues to escalate because of Biden Administration
policies that refuse to secure the border and invite illegal immigration," the governor said in a written statement Saturday
evening. "Texas supports legal immigration but will not be an accomplice to the open border policies that cause, rather
than prevent, a humanitarian crisis in our state and endanger the lives of Texans. We will surge the resources and law enforcement
personnel needed to confront this crisis."
Read more here:
Putin endorses rule allowing him to carry out a 'first strike' using atomic weapons in response
to non-nuclear attack on Russia
President Vladimir Putin has endorsed Russia's nuclear deterrent policy which allows him to use atomic weapons in response to a conventional strike targeting the nation's
critical government and military infrastructure.
By including a non-nuclear
attack as a possible trigger for Russian nuclear retaliation, the document appears to send a warning signal to the US.
The new expanded wording reflects Russian concerns about the development of prospective
weapons that could give Washington the capability to knock out key military assets and government facilities without resorting
to atomic weapons.
Read more here:
You Need To Hear These FAA Tapes From That Oregon UFO Incident That Sent F-15s
New evidence offers great detail of the bizarre
event and provides unprecedented insight into how such a unique incident is dealt with in real time.
Last November, The War Zone posted an exclusive story detailing a bizarre incident involving an unidentified aircraft that transited the skies of the Pacific Northwest in the early evening of October 25th,
2017. What started as a radar target moving at very high speed over Northern California turned into a series of eyewitness
accounts made by nearby airline pilots traveling northward over Oregon. Even F-15 fighters were launched to intercept the
mysterious intruder that quickly became invisible to radar.
more here:
. . .
There are widespread and persistent RUMORS that the government
may ORDER U.S. Stock Exchanges to NOT OPEN this coming Monday due to some massive security breach of Microsoft Exchange software.
At least 30,000 organizations across the United States - including a significant number
of small businesses, towns, cities and local governments - have over the past few days been hacked by an unusually aggressive
Chinese cyber espionage unit that's focused on stealing email from victim organizations, multiple sources say.
The espionage group is exploiting four newly-discovered flaws in Microsoft
Exchange Server email software, and has seeded hundreds of thousands of victim organizations worldwide with
tools that give the attackers total, remote control over affected systems.
Read more here:
Photo: Biden Advisor Susan Rice Burns Sage to Cleanse Trump White House Office
of Stephen Miller
Biden Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice posted
a photo of her White House office showing a sage burning ritual to cleanse it from the vibes of the previous occupant, senior
advisor to President Trump, Stephen Miller.
Read more here:
UPDATED 10:08 PM -- Emergency Action Message By US Military; B-52's Airborne Toward
Middle East
At 2327 Hours ZULU (UTC) which was 7:27 PM US East Coast Time, the United States military issued an EMERGENCY ACTION
MESSAGE over the High Frequency Global Communications System (HFGCS).
are now airborne over the Middle East and more B-52's are enroute from the USA and from the UK, to the Middle East.
Read more here:
2021! The highest number of major quakes ever recorded in the first
65 days of a year! In all 42 major quakes, mag 6 or higher have rocked the planet: Astonishingly 26 have rocked the
eastern margin of the Australia plate since the first day of 2021
all 42 major quakes, mag 6 or higher have rocked the planet in just 65 days and we could be well on the way to recording the
highest number ever recorded in a year which was 207 in 2011, the year of the Fukushima disaster. What makes the incredible
number even more exciting is that the majority of the major quakes have been located along the eastern margin of the
Australia plate. 27 of them in fact. What makes this total more incredible is that in the same period in 1921, a hundred years
ago only 7 major quakes, mag 6 or higher had been recorded globally according to the USGS Data Base. Something big could well
be about to unfold along with the "record-breaking" start to the year along the eastern margin of the Australia
plate and the timing could well be crucial with the 10th anniversary of the Fukushima disaster next week.
Read more here:
Why has the CDC just released a zombie apocalypse preparedness guide?
If you thought the U.S. was caught with its proverbial pants down and unprepared for the
Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, imagine what would happen should a zombie apocalypse grip our country.
Would political leaders try to minimize the problem, claiming that becoming a rotting corpse with
body parts falling off is not so bad?
Or continuously say that the apocalypse
was "rounding the corner?
Would people be arguing about how many
people actually have become zombies, claiming that some zombies were actually people who just needed a little more sun?
Would some political leaders push for a "herd immunity" strategy in which the
country just allows the apocalypse to happen?
Read more here:
As America 'Ticks Towards Midnight', We Can Learn Tremendously
From Our Founding Fathers Who Fully Understood The 'Remedy' To Tyranny Are The 1st And 2nd Amendments
With America now completely under the boot of 'corporate authoritarianism' as Susan Duclos had reported in this new story at ANP, and our country now in step ten of the 'Ten Steps to Fascism' that Naomi Wolf had warned us of in her 2008 book, "The End Of America", we can't help but keep coming back to the amazing wisdom of America's
Founding Fathers as 'the remedy' to that 'budding tyranny', the United States Constitution and specifically,
the 1st and 2nd Amendments.
With Wolf now in 2021 warning that governments
are using this 'scamdemic' to justify the suppression of civil rights, she had warned in that 2008 book
that America needed to beware of an all-too-possible slide into totalitarianism, warning
that would-be tyrants, whether they are on the left or the right, always use a map to close down democracies,
and that they always take the same ten steps.
Read more
EXC: Bill Gates Foundation Funded Genomics Firm ‘Mining' DNA Data Through
COVID Tests.
BGI Genomics-the Chinese Communist Party-linked
genomics firm flagged by U.S. officials as "mining" the DNA of Americans-has collaborated extensively with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The National Pulse can reveal.
The company has recently come under fire following a 60 Minutes exposé on the company's use of COVID-19 tests to "collect,
store and exploit biometric information" on American citizens, according to former U.S. intelligence officials. What's
more, a recent Reuters article linked the firm to the Chinese Communist Party's military.
Read more here:
Humanity is being murdered, massacred, ie genocided!
The following is a small list of recent discoveries about the world humanity is being
forced into by the globalists. They know they are headed to eternal hell and they are pre-creating hell on earth for the rest
of us. They represent the alternative bloodline that manifested on earth through the "fallen angels" as one can
read about in Genesis 6 of the Bible. After reading Genesis 6 and then proceeding to other references on the same topic, most
notably, Steve Quayle, one has to wonder why this is not common knowledge. Everything that is being done to humanity, God-created,
not Satan-manifested reality is readily demonstratable. Yet, humanity remains seemingly oblivious to the reality of the situation.
Read more here:
In Sweeping Power Grab, DOJ Seeks Ability to Detain People Indefinitely...
Without Trial-deeply disturbing, Entering the Great Tribulation...
a sweeping power grab, the Department of Justice has asked Congress for the ability to go directly to chief judges in order
to detain people indefinitely without trial during emergencies.
Where do we find Watchman, and, specifically, where do we find them in the Bible? What is their physical and social
There is a March to death and social media is leading the charge,
they are withholding the truth about the coronavirus, You are Marching lockstep into the death spiral...
Read more here:
Canada embraces arbitrary detention for travelers
(Natural News) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government has imposed arbitrary detention on anyone travelling into Canada through
a major airport.
(Article by Nicky Billou republished from
The Canadian government is forcing travelers to pay $2000 to stay at
a government-approved hotel for 3 days, while their Covid test results come back. These hotels are reportedly run by Rosa
Krebs clones, with no empathy or caring for their "guests". Some of the suites are reportedly filthy, and
there have also been reports of sexual assaults on the detainees at these detention centres.
Read more here:
America Is Fully Under The Boot Of Corporate Authoritarianism:
As Texas And Other States Lift COVID Restrictions, 14 Corporations (So Far) Are Still Planning How To Exert Their Control
Over Americans
At ANP we rarely call for boycotts and we are
not calling for them now.
With that said, after reading the article
below, should readers decide on their own they do not wish to do businesses with a number of corporate authoritarians, that is their call. We do realize that in some cases, folks might not have another option for certain services.
Our call to action here is to contact each of these businesses to make
your opinion known. We will be providing all the contact details we can find for each, listed beneath the statements and info
known about each corporations' plans.
The businesses are: Target,
Starbucks, Macy's, Toyota, Hyatt, CVS, Walgreens, AMC, GM, Alamo Drafthouse, Kohl's, Costco, H-E-B/Central Market, and Kroger.
Read more here:
China's Role in Global Lockdowns: The Smoking Gun
This time last year, Americans were blindsided by a shocking policy to shut down the US economy
to control a virus. The presumption of the officials who enacted this policy is that it would be far more deadly than it turned
out to be. They further presumed that the virus could be controlled using state power, precisely as China had claimed to have
done in Wuhan.
There are so many problems with all these presumptions,
and AIER has covered them almost daily since January 2020. What we've lacked until now is an inside look into how US officials,
the architects of the lockdowns, went about their decision making. What were their influences? Who was pushing for these policies?
Read more here:
Welcome to the New Age of Stalinism
Welcome to the New Age of Stalinism. Children in East Germany were told that that state was their real parent, and
if their biological parents spoke against the government, they should report them. The tyranny rising from BigTech in league
with the far-left is really becoming frightening. Biden is going after all guns to compel people to register so he knows every
person who has a gun so they can be targeted and relieved of their weapons regardless of the 2nd Amendment.
Read more here:
Stagflation Subterfuge: The Real Disaster Hidden by the
In recent economic news, headlines are being dominated
by concerns over rising bond yields. Increased bond yields are a sign of a possible spike in inflation and, logically, they call for the Federal Reserve to raise
interest rates in order to prevent that inflation.
Higher bond yields
also mean there is a competitive alternative to stocks for investors - both factors that could trigger a plunge in the stock
Read more here:
My People Came to America LEGALLY in 1903 to Escape Persecution
and Slaughter. In 40 Days Biden Has Destroyed What Took Trump 4 Years to Accomplish: See Illegals Wearing Soros-Funded
T-Shirts at the Border
Notice how the agents of evil have instructed
these illegals in the center of the PHOTO SHOOT to bow their heads as if in prayer!
Come on - do they really think that the American people are that stupid?!! Well, I suppose that
those on the Left are past stupidity - they are the brainwashed sheeple of which Yuri Bezmenov spoke during his last 20 years
on this earth.
Hey SOROS...... bet you got those T-shirts at a deep
discount; I mean buying in bulk gives you more bang for the buck, huh?
more here:
Barack Obama Has Now Been President Longer than FDR
On March 3, 2021, Barack Obama passed Franklin Roosevelt for the longest presidential tenure in
American history.
What's that you say? -- president, for longer than
FDR? But FDR was elected president four times; Obama was elected president two times.
Yes, all of that is true. That's why this record has an asterisk next to it.
For anyone with eyes to see, the current presidency is being run by Barack Obama.
Read and watch here:
Can You Not See That The Crust Of Our Planet Is Becoming Increasingly Unstable?
How much shaking is it going to take for most people to wake up? As I write this
article, New Zealand continues to be slammed by large earthquake after large earthquake. On the other side of the globe,
Iceland has been hit by more than 18,000 earthquakes in the past week, and authorities are warning that two volcanoes in a
"densely populated" region of the country could erupt at literally any moment. On Wednesday, I wrote that "we are moving into a time when I believe that the changes that are happening to our planet will
accelerate dramatically". That was before an area off the New Zealand coast was shaken by a magnitude 7.3 earthquake,
a magnitude 7.4 earthquake and a magnitude 8.1 earthquake on Thursday. Following the magnitude 8.1 earthquake, there
have been 33 aftershocks of at least magnitude 5.0. Of course by the time you read this article that number will
inevitably be even higher.
Read more here:
Naomi Wolf: We've Reached ‘Step Ten' of the 10 Steps to Fascism
In her 2008 book, "End of America," Naomi Wolf outlined the 10 steps those in
power use to close down democracies. Sadly, she writes today, as governments use the pandemic to justify the suppression of
civil rights, America is now in the throes of "Step Ten."
2008, I wrote a book, "The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot." In it I warned, based on my study of closing democracies
in 20th century history, that America needed to beware of an all-too-possible slide into totalitarianism.
I warned that would-be tyrants, whether they are on the left or the right, always use
a map to close down democracies, and that they always take the same ten steps.
Read more here:
Clinton Aide Doug Band Flips, Implicates Boss in Pedophile Ring Probe
Bill Clinton's aide Doug Band has flipped on his former boss and implicated
Clinton in a federal pedophile ring investigation.
Band, 48,
provided Justice Department officials with evidence that could land Bill Clinton in trouble amid the ongoing child sex trafficking
investigation involving Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein.
Read more here:
Japanese Supercomputer Proves Double Masking Offers Little Help
Simulations conducted by a Japanese supercomputer showed that wearing two face
masks provided little benefit in preventing the spread of coronavirus.
The study, released Thursday, contradicts claims from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that two masks
are better than one.
Read more here:
Rampant Shoplifting Forces Ten Bay Area Walgreens To Close
Rampant Shoplifting Forces Ten Bay Area Walgreens To Close
The effects of the virus pandemic and socio-economic implosion that followed compounded
with failed liberal leadership could soon transform San Francisco into an empty ghost town.
Such is the case with pharmacy giant Walgreens fleeing the metro area amid a rash of shoplifting.
Since 2019, Walgreens has closed ten stores in the city, with the latest store set to close later this month. The closure
is the third since October 2020.
Read more here:
Phil Haney's warning to America: Did he know something that got him killed?
A little over a week before government whistleblower Phil Haney was found dead on the
side of a road in California, he was heard on a conference call discussing an interfaith initiative that involved Islamic
organizations working with the Vatican and the U.S. government.
One of
the people on that call with Haney was Elizabeth Yore, a longtime attorney and international activist who focuses on issues
involving the Vatican, Islam and global child abuse.
"I was on this
conference call with a group that included Phil, talking about the Abrahamic Faiths Initiative and Pope Francis," Yore told me in a phone interview Friday, March 5.
Read more here:
EMERGENCY ALERT: Mass Murdering of Humans In
Progress - NOW
COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and
the Risk of Prion Disease
The vaccine is a bioweapon and
even more dangerous than the original infection.
Analysis of the
Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19 identified two potential risk factors for inducing prion disease in humans.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob (KROITS-felt YAH-kobe) disease (CJD) is a degenerative brain
disorder that leads to dementia and, ultimately, death.
Individuals experience problems with muscle coordination
Personality changes (including impaired memory, judgment, and thinking), and impaired vision. Insomnia, Depression,
Unusual sensations
As the illness progresses,
peoples' mental impairment becomes severe. They often develop involuntary muscle jerks called myoclonus, and they
may go blind.
They eventually lose the ability
to move and speak, and enter a coma. Pneumonia and other infections often occur in these individuals and can lead to
Read more here:
TURKEY & ISRAEL INSIDE SYRIA!!!! Giant escalation in Syria; could lead to immediate war
The Syrian Arab Army and Russian forces inside that country, fired Tochka Ballistic missiles at
Oil Storage Tank Facilities being occupied by and used by the United States, Turkey and Israel, inside Syria. Giant
explosions levelled most of the storage tank farms, rendering it impossible for the US, Turkey or Israel to continue STEALING
Syrian Oil; something that has been going on for years while the US was allegedly "fighting ISIS."
Read more here:
Lin Wood Connects The Dots On Deep State... They're All
In On It...
It's a breeding ground for the dirtiest leftist
in this country. Georgia has become a cesspool...All you have to do is follow the money. Here's what Attorney Lin Wood dropped
today on these connections:
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Governmental Agency is Prepared to Take Care of You In the Aftermath
of a Major Crisis. I Lived In A Post-SHTF World For 3 Years, And This Is What I Learned
As a professional physician having always lived in a big city, I never imagined that at
some point in my life, the social and economic situation of my country, Venezuela, would lead me to learn and use survival skills that I had read about but never even thought of applying.
Without being in a declared war or a formal armed conflict, we have experienced
different situations of chaos for about 10 years in Venezuela. But in the last three years, the country has become a true SHTF scenario, where the only way to move forward is to learn how to survive.
I feel
that the lack of food, clean water, and, at the lowest point of the situation, electricity, has given me new skills that have
undoubtedly prepared me for any catastrophic situation.
Read more here:
Pinatubo alert status raised from normal to Level 1 after thousands of earthquakes
swarm the volcano - First time since 1996!
According to the latest Bulletin, Pinatubo Volcano's monitoring network recorded nine (9) volcanic earthquakes since yesterday, March 4, 2021.
Meanwhile, the Pinatubo Volcano Network (PVN) has detected a total of 1,722 imperceptible earthquakes beneath the volcano since 20 January 2021.
The first cluster of earthquakes on 20-26 January 2021 occurred along the Sacobia Lineament at depths of 15-28 kilometers and ranged between ML1.0 and ML2.5
in magnitudes.
Read more here:
Resurrecting the Dead...DIGITALLY: One Step Closer to the "Singularity"
In 2017, Microsoft revealed it had patented a "chatbot" that could digitally resurrect the dead if actually built.
The chatbot
uses AI and machine learning technology. Essentially, the chatbot would bring our "digital persona" back to life.
Friends and relatives could then talk to our "digital persona." When the media asked Microsoft about the technology,
the companies' representatives did admit that it was "disturbing" and claimed there were no plans to put it into
Read more here:
Bond Villain, Klaus Schwab, is Pushing the Internet of Bodies via the World Economic Forum (WEF)
The Internet of Bodies (IoB) hasn't gotten as much attention as it needs to. It's an outgrowth of the Internet of Things (IoT), a term that has been with us for several years now and which refers to the plan to embed every single thing on Earth with
a sensor that allows it to be hooked up to the internet (using things like 5G and the Smart Grid) - and thus surveilled and
The IoT implies that every node on the grid will receive and
broadcast transmissions. The Internet of Bodies takes the whole thing a dangerous step further by envisioning a world where these sensors are biosensors that sit on or in
the human body, with the potential to thus make every individual nothing more than a node on the grid too.
Read more here:
With Washington DC Looking Like GITMO While The Radical Left Discusses Re-Education
Camps For Conservatives, Those Opposing Leftist Tyranny Are Pilloried And Silenced
US Navy Vet Warns Of 'Democrat Election Coup' And 'Pattern Of Destruction' In America
On January 20th, 2021, the United States of America allowed, through various means, the
progressive socialist elitists to start on the path of destruction of the legal and cultural norms that are the foundation
of America. These same people have ignored the law to erode further the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The failure that
undergirds all of this is twofold. One. Low information voters expect the working class to give them all they need, and two,
the large minority of Americans who have been indoctrinated to believe that progressive socialism is a better choice. These
anarchists do not understand that the deep visceral hatred that they hold for the American people and culture will not help
them escape the bureaucratic oligarchy whose goal is to control every part of life, including theirs.
Read more here:
Orwell in Disguise: US Congress Passes the So-Called "For the People Act"
Congressional legislation most always serves special interests, not all Americans
Deceptive Orwellian language disguises intent.
It's common practice for much congressional legislation.
On Wednesday, majority House Dems passed so-called HR 1 - For the People Act of 2021.
There's nothing remotely democratic about their hostile to peace, equity, justice, and the rule of
law agenda.
They stole Election 2020 and likely have more of the same
in mind ahead.
HR 1 passed almost entirely along party lines.
Read more here:
Mike Pompeo Admits COVID-19 Is a "Live Exercise,"
Trump Retorts "I Wish You Would Have Told Us"
someone please explain exactly what is going on here?
States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had a slip of the tongue while addressing the American
people from the White House when he stated that COVID-19 is a live military exercise.
With a disgusted look on his face, President Trump replied: "You should have let us know."
Military Exercise meaning (from Wikipedia): "A military exercise
or war game is the employment of military resources in training for military operations, either exploring
the effects of warfare or testing strategies without actual combat. This also serves the purpose of ensuring the combat readiness
of garrisoned or deployable forces prior to deployment from a home base."
Read more here:
Streets Of US Cities Descend Into Chaos As Criminals Brazenly Hunt For New Victims
In Broad Daylight
The thin veneer of civilization that we all
take for granted on a daily basis is steadily disappearing all around us. As I write this article, hordes of criminal
predators are roaming the streets of major U.S. cities searching for their next victims. Even when crime rates were
high in the 1970s and 1980s, most of the time you would be okay as long as you were inside by nightfall. But in 2021,
criminals are so unconcerned about the police that they are brazenly committing crimes in broad daylight. When KPIX
5 reporter Don Ford went to do a report on the horrible crime wave that had hit one troubled section of San Francisco, he got robbed too...
Read more here:
The False Promise of Normality- Left. Red Pillers Chased By Pod People In "The Invasion Of
The Body Snatchers"... Today They'd be Wearing Masks.
Red Pillers chased by pod people in "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers"... Today they'd be wearing masks.
"Society is happy to toe the line of tyranny because they actually believe
that they might gain permission from their masters to simply live. These are the fools among us, and they make up the largest
part of society, and this does not bode well for our future." -Gary Barnett
Makow- We neither have the intelligence to understand our predicament nor the courage to confront it. The
covid hoax is the culmination of a centuries-old conspiracy by Cabalist Jews to destroy Christian Western Civilization. Wars,
depressions, homosexuality, feminism, migration, sexual liberation, pornography, miscegenation, dumbed-down education etc.
were all designed to undermine and sacrifice Western society to Communism.
more here:
Inventor of the PCR Technique Would Be the First to Say It's Not Fit for Diagnostic
The Nobel-Prize winner said as much in relation
to PCR AIDS tests, and also had choice words for Fauci
do we mean when we say somebody has ‘tested positive' for the Corona Virus? The answer would astound you. But
getting this "answer" is like getting to a very rare mushroom that only grows above 200 feet on a Sequoia tree in
the forbidden forest.
I say that for dramatic effect, but also because
I wound up, against all odds, finding it.
Every day I wake up and work
at shedding one more layer of ignorance -by listening carefully. I got lucky with scientists many years ago; Epic, incredible
scientists, happening to cross my path when nobody else wanted to talk to them. Now their names are emerging, their warnings
and corrections crystallizing. True "science" (the nature of the natural world) is never bad news. Globalist science
is nothing but bad news.
Read more here:
What in the World is - Forecast 2025
Perhaps most surprising of all is the revelation of who is behind Deagel, and to find
that answer, Whois was the solution. Early researchers were able to uncover that the person behind the website was none other
than former government insider, Edwin Deagle.
Deagle was Undersecretary
of the Air Force under President Bill Clinton. He later became Assistant to the Secretary of Defense and the Deputy Secretary
of Defense under Clinton in 1994.
Edwin Deagle is also listed
as an active member of the CFR.
Perhaps most telling
of all is the interesting fact that Deagle is the Director for International Relations for the Rockefeller Foundation,
one of the leading eugenic supporters in the world.
Just as interesting,
it appears that once this information became public, in 2015 a concerted effort was made to hide Deagle's name from the Whois
information directory, as shown below. It is no longer listed, as of October 2015.
Read more here:
Rep. Lauren Boebert: Democrats Pushing ‘Most Egregious Gun Legislation that
I Have Ever Seen'
ORLANDO, Florida - A firearm is the "great
equalizer," particularly for women, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), who rose to fame after successfully getting a permit
to carry concealed in Washington, DC, told Breitbart News. She blasted the radical left's recent push for further gun restrictions,
which includes the creation of a gun registry and psychological evaluations for gun owners.
"Banning guns is not the answer. H.R. 127 is not the answer," she said of Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee's (D-TX) proposal, which calls for the creation of a registry for firearms and ammunition, as well as psychological evaluations for gun owners.
"The process for obtaining the license to own a firearm includes a criminal background
check, a psychological evaluation, and the passage of a training course," as Breitbart News detailed:
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Tucker: ‘Troops Will Never Leave DC; They're There To Prop Up The Regime'
Tucker Carlson outlined Thursday how Democrats intend to maintain a permanent
military presence in Washington DC and will continue to manufacture security threats to keep fear among leftists high.
"When you're a liberal, the world is a very scary place, but there is one fear that
rises above all other fears in the liberal mind: The fear of "the other," Carlson opined in his monologue.
Read and watch here:
Food Price Inflation Accelerates For Ninth Consecutive Month; Destabilization
Risk For Emerging Markets Elevated
Is it time to worry about
food inflation?
The Food and Agriculture Organization's Food Price Index
rose for a ninth consecutive month in February, hitting levels not seen since July 2014, led by sugar and vegetable oils.
The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) measures the monthly change in international prices of a basket of food commodities, such as cereals, oilseeds, dairy
products, meat, and sugar. FFPI average 116 for the month, versus 113.2 in January.
Read more here:
Canada Embraces Arbitrary Detention For Travellers
Justin Trudeau's government implements North Korea style detention centres against Canadian travellers
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government has imposed arbitrary
detention on anyone travelling into Canada through a major airport.
Canadian government is forcing travellers to pay $2000 to stay at a government-approved hotel for 3 days, while their Covid
test results come back. This hotels are reportedly run by Rosa Krebs clones, with no empathy or caring for their "guests".
Some of the suites are reportedly filthy, and there have also been reports of sexual assaults on the detainees at these
detention centers.
Read more here:
REPORT: Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine killed 40 times more old people than the
virus itself would have
(Natural News) The experimental Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines from Pfizer that were rushed into production and distribution via
Donald Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" program are killing far more elderly people than the so-called "virus" itself would have.
A re-analysis
of data provided by the Israeli Health Ministry concluded that Pfizer and BioNTech's messenger RNA (mRNA) gene therapy injections
have already killed "about 40 times more (elderly) people than the disease itself would have killed" during a recent
five-week vaccination period.
Read more here:
20 inches of Snow Buries Atlantic Canada
The tail end of winter is hitting Atlantic Canada hard this week, particularly the province of Newfoundland
which on Tuesday reported heavy snow, howling winds and blizzard conditions, according to
Conditions quickly began to deteriorate Monday night, and by Wednesday
the snowstorm had delivered 30+cm (12 inches) to some parts. Heavy snow and wind chills of -20C (-4F)
are persisting in northern sections and across Labrador where 20+cm (8 inches) of extra pow-pow is forecast
before the close of Thursday, March 4.
Read more here:
Sex dolls with complete human
skeletons and animal-human hybrid models are under demand. Supplier Silicone Lovers has previously sold clones of adult performers
and models with cutting edge sensors that respond to human touch [but as we approach 2025 and arrival of THE MESSENGER] requests for dolls with completely anatomically correct skeletons inside, dinosaur dolls, animal-human hybrids, alien dolls...
are pouring in for manufacturers... (READ MORE)
***IL Congress member signs onto effort to remove Christian influence from American
culture ***[Read and Understand, PMB]
of a Congressional member that represents Illinois' 6th CD - which includes what was once known as America's center of Christian
Evangelism, Wheaton College, where the late evangelist Billy Graham attended college - is included among a group demanding
President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris remove Christian influence from the nation's culture.
"We urge you to lead our nation on a path that revives the Founders' vision of religious freedom
in our government and promotes a unifying patriotic pluralism-not dogmatic religious chauvinism-in American society,"
states the Secular Democrats of America within a 28-page list of demands. "We believe that this is a moment not only
to enact policies to advance constitutional secularism but to position the Democratic Party to take back the mantle of religious
freedom and pluralism from the Republican Party."
Read more
'In The Last Days Perilous Times Shall Come' - A Look At
America Today Shows Why Biblical Scholars Believe End Times Are Upon Us
Bad is good,
good is bad.
Truth is considered "hate" speech while actual
hate is defended.
Boys are called girls and girls are called boys.
Males can identify as females as compete against them in sports.
Socialism is pushed by a major nation political party.
Masculinity is under attack as being "toxic."
Read more here:
Colorado Bill Proposes LICENSING Web Sites; Fines of up
to $5,000 Per Day for "Fake news, Hate Speech, undermining election integrity"
A BILL has been introduced into the Colorado State Senate which presumes to LICENSE WEB SITES and
impose Misdemeanor fines of $5,000 a day for failing to register.
BILL would allow "Hearings" and presumably administrative actions against ". . . practices that promote hate
speech; undermine election integrity; disseminate intentional disinformation, conspiracy theories, or fake news . . .
Read more here:
Sweet Dreams America, the Pre-Tribulation Nightmare Is Almost Over
You live in a country in which an election was stolen, and even with irrefutable proof
as seen on television, there is a complete denial and blackout on the truth. The election fraud was largely the result of
the unholy alliance between the Democratic Party, the Communist Chinese Party, select corporate interests as well as the media
outlets and big tech interests that they control, in addition to their Deep State allies. Mix in Republicans like Pence, Romney,
McConnell and the crew of Pelosi, madame Harris, and the 5th floor dementia ward of any hospital, you have key
players of the coup that was just perpetrated upon the people of America.
more here:
A volcanic eruption on Iceland 'could be imminent' after more than 18,000 earthquakes
hit the island in the past week alone, authorities warn
A volcanic
eruption in Iceland 'could be imminent' after more than 18,000 earthquakes hit the island in the past week, authorities have
On Wednesday alone, there were about 2,500 earthquake detected
and since midnight on Thursday almost 800 earthquakes measured, according to the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO).
The largest earthquake measured magnitude 5.6 on the
Richter scale, which is enough to cause 'some damage to weak structures'.
Read more here:
'This Is How It Begins': The Left's War On Free Speech Goes
Full-Scale Nuclear As They Prove Themselves To The World To Be 'Batsh*t Crazy' - We're All Being Cooked Into Frog Soup Now
Back on June 25th of 2018, Steve Quayle had linked on his website to this story over at Daily Mail titled "Laura Ingalls Wilder's name is REMOVED from top children's literature honor over her 'stereotypical attitudes' to blacks and Native Americans (and
Dr. Seuss could be next)", a story which reported the Association for Library Service to Children had 'cancelled'
the author of the book, 'Little House on the Prairie'.
their story subtitle presciently warning of what we've seen over the past several days, with Joe Biden and the left 'cancelling out' Dr. Seuss, and on his own birthday, March 2nd, at that, Democrats in America are reaching peak levels of insanity as the left's war upon
free speech and the 1st Amendment strikes one of America's favorite children's authors.
Read more here:
Doctor Mocks Anti-Vaxxers While Getting Experimental COVID Jab - Dies Days Later
It's sad to say, but some people just have to learn the
hard way. A polish doctor died just days after taking the experimental COVID injection. The cause of death, we are told,
was heart failure. However, what's most ironic is that he recorded a video of his injection while mocking anti-vaxxers.
Read and watch here:
Powerful earthquake hits off New Zealand, causes small tsunami
A powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 has struck off the coast of New Zealand's
North Island, causing a small tsunami, officials say. Strong shaking was felt throughout the region but there were no immediate
reports of serious damage or casualties.
The earthquake, which struck
at 2:27 a.m. local time on Friday, was centered in the ocean about 100 kilometers (62 miles) east of Te Aroroa, or 412 kilometers
(256 mi) east of Auckland. It struck about 90 km (58 mi) below the ocean floor.
Read more here:
Does Anyone Even Care That The U.S. National Debt Will Soon Cross The 30 Trillion
Dollar Mark?
I didn't think that this would happen. A few
years ago when the U.S. national debt crossed the 20 trillion dollar mark, I didn't think that it would ever get to 30 trillion.
But at this moment the U.S. national debt is around 28 trillion dollars, and our politicians in Washington are about to pass
a 1.9 trillion dollar "relief bill". We are going to have to borrow every single dollar that we spend in that
bill, and that will be on top of all of the "normal" borrowing that we are already doing. So by the end of
2021, the U.S. national debt will cross the 30 trillion dollar mark. I am sitting here searching for words that will
do justice to how foolish this is, but I can't seem to find any. We are literally in the process of committing national
financial suicide, but fewer Americans seem to care about budget issues than ever before.
Read more here:
Digital Vaccine Passports Being Rolled Out EVERYWHERE to Prove You've "Got
Your Shots"
For those of you who thought the pandemic hysteria
and the totalitarian results from it would magically disappear after Joe Biden's inauguration, you were, well...
As I wrote about
in this article, there are currently two existing vaccine passports options, one being operational in the United States right now:
Read more here:
Going Viral in Africa: Zambian Leader Dr. Mumba Refuses COVID Drugs After Discovering Bottles Marked
"Not for Use in EU or USA
Mumba and his colleagues noticed the vials sent to his country
are labeled "not for use in the EU or USA."
They are sending Africa the substandard drugs - and they even
labeled it!
Watch video here:
How The Fight Over American Freedom Will Probably Escalate
Three months ago in December I published an article titled ‘Is The Globalist Reset Failing? The Elites May Have Overplayed Their Hand'. I was specifically interested in the development of the pandemic "crisis", the lockdown mandates of governments
worldwide, the bizarre vaccination campaign for the new and under-tested mRNA cocktail which was rushed out to the public
in the span of six months, the World Economic Forum's open statements that they hoped to exploit the pandemic as a springboard
for their globalist agenda, and the public's reaction to it all.
more here:
Those that deny the mass eugenics efforts that exist in the U.S.
and globally today, are either pathological liars, are censorship driven manipulative propagandists, or are completely
ignorant of any reality whatsoever
"Eugenics is a social
(and ‘scientific') movement based on the belief that the genetic quality of the human race can be improved by the use
of selective breeding, as well as other often morally criticized means to eliminate groups
of people considered genetically inferior, while encouraging the growth of groups judged to be genetically superior."
Read more here:
White House won't say if Biden will force Christian doctors to perform abortions,
gender surgeries
'You'll have to talk to a future Secretary
Would President Biden force doctors to perform abortions
and "sex-reassignment" surgeries against their religious beliefs?
House press secretary Jen Psaki would not say when asked by a reporter from the Catholic network EWTN on Tuesday.
Read more here:
Food Is Again Being Used As A Weapon! From Sticker Shock
At The Store To DC Troops Hospitalized To Canadians Starving, Food Insecurity Is All Around Us And Being Used Against Us
Sticker shock for food purchases in the U.S. predicted to get worse. National Guard troops
in DC hospitalized for being fed undercooked meat and food with metal shavings, worms and moldy breads. In Canada people in
forced quarantine at 'government-authorized hotels," are having to wait hours for food, and given no utensils, water,
or salt and pepper.
Everywhere we look, food is in the news in one form or another, but reported on individually makes
it seem as if there is no pattern, no common denominator.
When we take
a step back and look at the bigger picture, we realize that food is the common denominator.
Read more here:
Could Mt. Hood Be The First Volcano To Erupt On The West Coast?
It is just a matter of time before one of the big volcanoes on the west coast erupts again.
For years, I have been warning about Mt. Rainier, and I will continue to sound the alarm about it. When it finally goes,
the death and destruction it causes could be off the charts. Of course, there are other volcanoes along the west coast
that we need to be watching as well. Although it doesn't receive as much attention as Mt. Rainier, some experts are
becoming concerned that Mt. Hood could soon erupt. On Monday, dozens of earthquakes shook the volcano for 45 minutes, and the USGS is trying to calm the frayed nerves of nearby residents...
more here:
Well, right on cue, it looks like the endless creation of fake money by the Fed has now
poisoned both the stock market and the bond market. The Dow was down 1,000 (3%) points in two days and the Nasdaq down 7%
in two weeks.
Gold and silver are also falling in sympathy. This was expected
short term, but the outlook for the precious metals look excellent as I will discuss later.
Read more here:
The Digital Gulag: Why Team Tyranny Won't Need Door-Kickers
to Enforce the Coming Gun Bans
There is currently a lot of attention
being paid to new Democrat-proposed gun control laws, particularly House Bill 127, which would require national registration
and licensing of all firearms, would ban broad categories of semi-automatic weapons, ban most ammunition magazines, and so
on. One of the most frequent replies to these proposed laws is that there are not enough local or federal SWAT Team door-kickers
to go house to house on gun confiscation raids, and if they tried, they would 1. soon run out of door-kickers and 2. instigate
Civil War Two.
Read more here:
Orwellian Media Phrase: "Legally Registered"
U.S.A. --( A phrase commonly found in news articles about self-defense with a firearm is "legally registered". It is
a bizarre phrase because the requirement to register guns is quite rare in the United States. In an article published on 21
February 2021, concerning an incident in Pennsylvania, bold added:
"Because if he was getting into my house, I probably would
have done the same thing if I had a gun," neighbor Robert Gonzalez said. "I'm just going to do things a lot safer,
look out for myself. Make sure whoever comes, got a look, look at his face, see what's going on. You know, probably scope
Police say the gun the woman used was legally
Read more here:
The Satanic Temple: ‘More Than 50 Percent of Our Membership' Is Homosexual...
Birds of a Feather Flock Together, People Who Have Similar Evil Characters or
Interests, Especially Ones of Which Christians Disapprove...
a recent interview surrounding a new documentary entitled "Hail Satan?" which centers on the views of the non-theistic
Satanic Temple, co-founder Doug Messer - who goes by the name Lucien Greaves - stated that more than 50 percent of the group's
nationwide membership identifies as homosexual.
Read more here:
Federal Judge Strikes Down CDC's Lawless Ban: "Although
The COVID-19 Pandemic Persists, So Does The Constitution."
federal government's power to regulate interstate commerce "does not include the power to impose the challenged eviction
moratorium," wrote Judge J. Campbell Barker for the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas in his opinion yesterday. "Although the COVID-19 pandemic persists, so does the Constitution."
This ruling comes in response to a lawsuit brought by the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) and the Southeastern Legal Foundation on behalf of several Texas
landlords who've been prevented from evicting non-paying tenants because of the CDC's order.
Read more here:
At least 108 illegal immigrants tested positive for coronavirus before being released
into Texas by Border Patrol
At least 108 migrants from Mexico tested positive for coronavirus before they were released into Texas by the US Border Patrol over the past five weeks, a new report claims.
A spokesperson for Brownsville, the border city where the tests were administered, disclosed the alarming figure
to Fox News on Wednesday.
The spokesman, Felipe Romero, said the 108
individuals who tested positive account for 6.3 percent of the more than 1,700 migrants who have received rapid tests at a
Brownsville bus station before being released into the state since January 25.
Read more here:
Food prices are soaring faster than inflation and incomes and the timing couldn't
be worse
In Indonesia, tofu is 30% more expensive than it was
in December. In Brazil, the price of local mainstay turtle beans is up 54% compared to last January. In Russia, consumers
are paying 61% more for sugar than a year ago.
Emerging markets are feeling
the pain of a blistering surge in raw material costs, as commodities from oil to copper and grains are driven higher by expectations
for a "roaring 20s" post-pandemic economic recovery as well as ultra-loose monetary policies.
Read more here:
Justin Trudeau said "Christians are the worst part of Canadian society"!!!
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau brought more than 30,000 refugees to Canada over the last year
and half , mostly refugees who fled war torn countries like Syria.
of those refugees were Muslims, some reports say 99 percent of refugees that came to Canada were Muslim.
Why didn't Trudeau bring Christian or Jew refugees to Canada who fled rape, beatings and many more
sufferings, Trudeau seems to hate Christians, he says: "Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.
Read and watch video here:
Nuclear Armageddon With Gog-Magog And The Kings Of The East ‘A Very Real
Possibility,' U.S. Strategic Command Chief Warns
The United States
must be ready for a nuclear war with China or Russia and seek new ways to deter both countries' use of newly acquired advanced
strategic weapons, the commander of the U.S. Strategic Command is warning in a major new review of the global balance of nuclear
forces. Adm. Charles Richard, writing in the current issue of the U.S. Naval Institute journal Proceedings, offered a blunt
and detailed assessment that the luxury of living in a post-Cold War era when direct armed conflict with a rival nuclear power
was not possible is over. "There is a real possibility that a regional crisis with Russia or China could escalate quickly
to a conflict involving nuclear weapons, if they perceived a conventional loss would threaten the regime or state," the
four-star admiral wrote... (READ MORE)
RED ALERT: Pfizer demands Argentina post its bank reserves, military bases and
embassy properties as "collateral" to guarantee Pfizer's indemnification for the poison jab
Oh, you KNOW that the media in the post-Christian west will NEVER breathe a word of this.
This is why we have to get the reportage from India. This news outlet is totally legit in Southern Asia. Guys, this is the textbook definition of FASCIST
COLONIZATION. This is a "private" corporation in partnership with a fascist state (the former US) attempting to
take literal ownership of a sovereign nation. Ask the Indians about this. They know ALL about it. India
was RULED for over 100 years by a private British corporation - the East India Company. Oh yes. The Indians know EXACTLY what's up here.
Read more
PLAYING GOD: Head of MODERNA Says That They are Hacking the Software of Life and
Rewriting Genetic Code: Transhumanism 101
Through the months,
I have had some lively conversations with folks who insist that the mRNA vaccine does NOT interfere with the DNA of an individual.
My research has repeatedly shown this to be false.
And now that the vaccine
is being administered worldwide, scientists are boldly proclaiming and explaining to the "Deer in the headlights"
population that they ARE reprogramming the DNA of each person who gets the jab.
Read more here:
Twelve Executive Orders That Will Live In Infamy
Trust in government is the same as writing your epitaph, especially with the American Deep State
in control. Since the election of Donald Trump, American, in large part, has stopped prepping. This is such a bad mistake.
The Deep State is going to respond in force to the Trump agenda and strike out and and try to execute a total takeover. If
they are successful, you will be dependent on them for everything. Don't believe me? Fear mongering? The cognitive
dissonance crowd may wish to read a compilation of Executive Orders I have put together which will demonstrate the reign of
terror that the Deep State has planned.
Read more here:
Scientists have created first self-healing robots with living tissues
Scientists have created the world's first living, self-healing robots using stem cells
from frogs. Yes, they have created a robot with living tissues... Terrifying, no?
Named xenobots after the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) from which they take their stem cells, the machines
are less than a millimeter (0.04 inches) wide...
They are thus small enough
to travel inside human bodies. They can also walk and swim, survive for weeks without food, and work together in groups.
These are "entirely new life-forms," said the University
of Vermont, which conducted the research with Tufts University's Allen Discovery Center.
Read more here:
With The Blueprint For Medical Martial Law Being Traced Back Decades,
The Great Bug Out Has Arrived As Americans Get Out Of The Democrat Run Cities Across America While They Still Can
Nearly 20 years ago now, all the way back on August 1st of 2002, the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) published this story titled "A Model For Medical Tyranny" within which they warned that in the wake of September 11th, every US state had been asked to enact a law providing for
unprecedented, comprehensive health surveillance and medical martial law.
As that story had reported, the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, proposed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), would provide a state's governor with sole discretion
to declare a public-health emergency.:
Read more here:
Pope Francis warns mankind faces a second 'great flood' caused by global warming
Pope Francis has warned that mankind is facing a second great flood caused by climate change unless leaders act to fix corruption and injustice.
The 84-year-old said
that, in the story of the great flood in the Bible, God used his wrath to punish injustice and 'clean up' the world.
He then added that humanity is facing another 'great deluge, perhaps due to a rise in
temperature and the melting of glaciers.
Read more here:
What Does Aborted Fetal Tissue Have to Do With Rats? If
This Does Not SHOCK You - Then YOU Are Part of the Problem
Aborted Children Are Used in Medical Research in 2020
At a fundamental
level, life-saving research ought to preserve human dignity.
You don't
need to go undercover and follow around employees from Planned Parenthood like David Daleiden at the Center for Medical Progress
to find out how the remains of aborted children are used in research. All it takes is a look at scientific reports. The methods
are detailed in the words of the scientists themselves, who depend on abortion to design experiments.
Read more here:
Death Rates Skyrocket in Israel Following Pfizer Experimental COVID "Vaccines"
We have previously reported how Israel rapidly vaccinated the
highest percentage of their population with experimental COVID vaccines after the Israeli government struck a bargain with
Pfizer to secure millions of doses of their mRNA COVID vaccines.
Sharav wrote:
It is astonishing that the government of Israel entrusted the health
of the people to Pfizer; by entering into a secret contract that enrolled the Israeli population to become research subjects,
without their knowledge or consent.
Read more here:
Biden Allows "60 Minutes" to Release Military Imagery Secrets that Saved
US Lives
The Biden administration gave CBS access to our military
personnel and a critical command center. The 60 Minutes segment airing Sunday night released secret defense strategies that helped save the lives of our troops under President Trump
in 2020. This secret is now in the wind making it nearly impossible to be useful again.
Read more here:
Beijing ☭ Biden Restarts Filling U.S.
Jobs with Foreign Workers as 17M Americans Are Jobless
Joe Biden has restarted allowing companies to fill scarce U.S. jobs with foreign workers after a major lobbying effort by
big business interests, even as more than 17 million Americans remain jobless.
In April 2020, former President Donald Trump signed an executive order halting a number of employment-based and extended family-based green card categories. The order sought
to reduce foreign labor market competition against millions of Americans facing joblessness and underemployment as a result
of the Chinese coronavirus crisis.
Read more here:
Sidney Powell: 'More than enough evidence' to reverse election results in at least
5 states
'There were counterfeit ballots'
One week ago, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review two Pennsylvania cases challenging the validity of votes in the 2020 election, and on Monday it rejected two petitions from attorney Sidney Powell
with no explanation.
Powell had promised in the aftermath of the Nov.
3 election to "release the Kraken," with lawsuits that would blow up the claim that the vote count was legitimate.
Her lawsuits were rejected on prodecural grounds, however, and her claims never got traction.
Read more here:
Fuel Prices Are About to SKYROCKET. Here Are the REAL Reasons Why.
Fuel prices are expected to spike in the coming weeks and even more this summer.
Several mainstream articles warn of the coming rise in fuel prices. All of these articles
provide various reasons why the prices are rising. For example, some articles report the increase in prices is "just
the market." Others say it's COVID. None of these reports say it's the oil companies, the Great Reset, or Wall Street.
In other words: Go back to sleep, America, and pay through the nose when
you wake up. And don't you dare complain about it.
more here:
Foreign News Shows Are Now Raising Questions About Joe Biden's Cognitive Issues
We've been reporting on Joe Biden's issues, Democrats have been trying to avoid talking
about them.
But what are some of the folks in the rest of the world thinking
about him? They can see everything we're seeing and see it without having the 24/7 American mainstream media trying to spin
Read more here:
Whistleblower reveals poor food quality making Michigan National Guard members
(WXYZ) - There's a disturbing problem facing Michigan National
Guard troops guarding the U.S. Capitol - their food.
A whistleblower is
telling 7 Action News nearly 75 meals were thrown out Sunday after metal shavings were found, other meals showed up undercooked
making soldiers sick.
A staff sergeant with the Michigan National Guard,
whose identity 7 Action News is protecting, says the problem is not isolated.
"Yesterday, for instance, there were 74 different meals found with raw beef in them," the sergeant said.
"Just yesterday, the lunches were, soldiers had found metal shavings in their food."
Read more here:
"Did You Agree To This? Everybody's Locked Up": Ed
Snowden On Power Of Silicon Valley Amid COVID Lockdowns
A new
video montage of recent interviews with former NSA contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden exposes how the global COVID-19
pandemic lockdowns - which have been particularly severe and far-reaching in Western countries like the UK, Canada, and
in a number of major US cities - coupled with the already immense power of Silicon Valley and its allies in the national security
state, has served to keep individuals and entire populations 'gated off' from one another. "This
is just the beginning," Snowden warns of these unprecedented times. "All of these things today
have consequences which we are not informed about."
would say this is sort of unusual... we're all spread all over the world in different rooms, everybody's locked up...
but for me this is how I've always lived." He narrates that so much of our life is "intermediated by the screens."
Increasingly our lives are "intermediated by these screens. We spend less time outside and more and more time staring
into glass or through glass to connect with that larger world - something beyond ourselves."
Read more here:
Situation Update, Mar. 1st - Vaccine depopulation weapons and the GOP's pro-vaccine
stance against humanity
(Natural News) It's about time we stated the obvious: The GOP is all-in with the vaccine industry, even knowing that mRNA vaccines are
euthanasia shots designed to carry out genocide on a global scale.
Trump touting his "success" with vaccines during his CPAC speech yesterday, it's abundantly clear the GOP is now
pro-genocide, just like the Dems. No political party values human life anymore, and everyone in the swamp has signed up for
the mass killing of billions of human beings.
Read more here:
Russia OFFICIALLY Warns Israel; No more attacks on Syria or Russia Will attack
Russia has OFFICIALLY warned Israel that it is ready to
attack IDF fighter jets if attacks by Israel continue against Syria.
special envoy of the President of Russia Alexander Lavrentyev made a report in which he emphasized the unwillingness of the
Israeli side to fulfill the agreements reached between Israel and Russia to de-escalate the situation in Syria
Lavrentyev noted that Moscow's patience has completely dried up, and if Israel
does not give up aggressive actions against the Arab Republic in the near future, Russia will be ready to attack Israeli aircraft,
obviously, not only over Syria, but also in the airspace over neighboring countries, or in international airspace.
Read more here:
are now out of control. Everything is a mess, and we are seeing wide-scale shortages."
March 1 (King World News) - Peter Boockvar: The February ISM manufacturing index rose to 60.8 from 58.7 which was two points more
than anticipated and compares with 60.5 in December. As inventories remain lean at around 50 and customer inventories at just
32.5, New Orders rose 3.7 pts to 64.8 and Backlogs grew by 4.3 pts to 64. ... Stress remains on the supply chain as Supplier
Deliveries rose by 3.8 pts to 72, the 2nd highest print since 1979.
more here:
Report: USGS Data Shows Earthquakes Increasing In Magnitude & Frequency
The research compiled by One Path Publishing for Ingenuity Films, LLC,
and discussed in the documentary The Coming Convergence, shows that earthquakes are indeed occurring with
greater intensity and frequency.
What does this mean if true? If EQ's
are getting bigger and stronger - more destructive. Shouldn't the public be alerted by the very government agency tasked to
do so (with confiscated taxes!) - USGS?
Read more here:
Time Grows Short for People Living In An Occupied Nation That Is
Committed to Depopulation- Steve Quayle and Dave Hodges
CSS has been interviewing a number of distinguished colleagues in the media for their reaction to where America is at. To
a person, there is a universally held belief that we are a conquered and occupied nation. There is also a strong belief that
national preservation is going to be very challenging, however, indiviudal salvation is entirely obtainable. through the redemptive
power of Jesus Christ. Steve Quayle is among many who holds these beliefs. However, it has been Steve Quayle for over two
decades that has been warning about what is coming and of course, Steve says "what is coming is no longer coming, it
is already here."
Read more here:
Germany To Begin Construction On Chrislam ‘House Of One' For One World Religion
Worship Services That Will Also Include Atheists
the site of a church torn down by East Germany's communist rulers, a new place of Chrislam worship is set to rise that will
bring Christians, Jews and Muslims under one roof - and it has already been dubbed a "churmosquagogue".
Prophecy watchers are buzzing as news of the ‘House Of One' Chrislam worship center being built in Berlin was reported by the Jerusalem Post today. But longtime readers of NTEB were alerted to this way back in 2014 when we first broke the story. Why has it taken so long to finally begin? Because that's the time it took for Rick
Warren, who began Chrislam back in 2008, to pass the torch to Pope Francis who officially codified Chrislam in Abu Dhabi in 2019.
Read more here:
Are The Recent UFO Disclosures Setting Us Up For A Mass Deception Of Epic Proportions?
Have you noticed that UFO sightings have been in the news a lot lately? Even in
the midst of all the other big events that are happening, evidence of mysterious objects flying through our skies continues to make headlines. In particular, what one American Airlines pilot says that he saw is really shaking a lot of people up. According
to a radio transmission that was intercepted from American Airlines Flight 2292, a pilot claims that he witnessed "a long cylindrical object that almost looked like a cruise missile type of thing" fly at very high speed right over the top of his aircraft...
Read more
Joe Biden's Wars Will Bring Great Strife And Darkness To America
And The World: The Globalists New Puppet In Washington DC Is Already Coming Through For Them With Flying Colors
With President Trump out of the White House and 'sleepy Joe Biden' now 'occupying'
the highest office in the land, along with the 'worst kept secret in the White House', his mental health, following him and America wherever he goes, the hopes for an end to the globalists endless wars have also gone away with President Trump.
And with 'mad-bomber-Biden' picking up where Barack Obama and the neocons foreign policy
left off, not only losing all track of his own thoughts one day after bombing Syria as reported in this Becker News story but with the bombing, bringing a sudden end to the Trump years of trying to end the globalists insane wars, with Biden
also come years of economic malaise, never-ending lockdowns, and brewing wars overseas ahead of us.
Read more here:
"Imagine a biological computer that operates inside a living
- Dr. Andrew Phillips, head of bio-computation at Microsoft Research.
"The problem we're trying to solve is really trying to have a more sophisticated
diagnosis that can happen automatically inside cells... In this project, we're trying to use DNA as a programmable material"
according to Dr. Neil Dalchau, a scientist at Microsoft Research.
Read more here:
The Danger of the Administrative State
Lockdowns should have shown every American just how tyrannical and unreasonable our leaders can be. There are elected
leaders like Governor Cuomo who have acted as outright tyrants, alienating everyone, even those in his own party. Then there are the unelected bureaucrats
who wave away our liberties with the stroke of a pen from the secrecy of their massive offices with technocratic efficiency.
This is all of course a sudden and dramatic curtailing of our freedoms. I would not be surprised that with this much public
attention, some sort of effort will be made to roll back much of what has been done. Although lockdowns are certainly an existential
threat to our long-term freedoms and system of liberal democracy, there has been another specter out there that many experts
have been sounding the alarm on for decades. The growth of the administrative state.
Read more here:
China Charges Ahead With a National Digital Currency
Annabelle Huang recently won a government lottery to try China's latest economics experiment:
a national digital currency.
After joining the lottery through the social media app WeChat, Ms. Huang, 28, a business strategist in Shenzhen, received a digital envelope with 200 electronic Chinese yuan, or eCNY,
worth around $30. To spend it, she went to a convenience store near her office and picked out some nuts and yogurt. Then she
pulled up a QR code for the digital currency from inside her bank app, which the store scanned for payment.
Read more here:
Brain chips to improve mental health and exoskeletons to make us
stronger: Major study predicts how we will use technology to 'upgrade' our lives and ourselves over the next 10 years
Over the course of the next decade humans will integrate more with technology to 'upgrade'
our lives including brain chips and exoskeletons, a new report claims.
by dentsu, a global advertising and digital agency, the report looks at ways the world could change over the next 10 years
and the impact on global brands.
'As brands assess the impact of a seismic
year and look to chart a new path to recovery, these trends provide them with a roadmap for the next decade,' the firm wrote
in the executive summary to the report.
Read more here:
World's first space HOTEL to begin construction in low Earth orbit in 2025 complete
with restaurants, cinemas and rooms for up to 400 guests
is due to start on the world's first 'space hotel' in low Earth orbit in 2025 - and it will come equipped with restaurants,
a cinema, spa and rooms for 400 people.
Developed by the Orbital Assembly
Corporation (OAC), the Voyager Station could be operational as early as 2027, with the infrastructure built in orbit around
the Earth.
The space station will be a large circle and rotate to generate
artificial gravity that will be set at a similar level to the gravity found on the surface of the Moon.
Read more here:
Inside Iranian rocket attack that pushed US to the brink of war:
Terrifying new footage shows missiles slamming into US base in Iraq and soldiers fleeing as general admits to 'retaliation'
plan if Americans had died
Terrifying new footage has revealed
the moment that Iranian missiles slammed into a US airbase in Iraq five days after the slaying of Tehran's top commander Qassem Soleimani.
General Frank McKenzie told CBS there was a 'retaliation plan' if any Americans had been killed that night and estimated that more than 100 soldiers would
have died if it weren't for the evacuation.
Eleven missiles carrying 1,000-pound
warheads rained down on Al Asad air base, where 2,000 American troops were stationed in western Iraq on January 8, 2020.
Read more here:
500 ‘Evangelical' pastors recently wrote a letter that accuses believers who support
Trump of not being Christian. They have even invented a new term to describe what they believe to be a threat to the world.
They have coined a new title! "Christian Nationalists."
I want
to show you how wrong and misguided this letter is. We will begin with a tired model that anti-Trump "Christians"
keep misapplying, likening Trump's America to Nazi Germany.
Read more
Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement
("Eugenic Goals Are Most Likely to be Obtained Under A Name Other Than Eugenics." Frederick Osborn,1968)
The developers of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine have previously undisclosed ties to the
re-named British Eugenics Society as well as other Eugenics-linked institutions like the Wellcome Trust.
On April 30, AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford announced a "landmark agreement"
for the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. The agreement involves AstraZeneca overseeing aspects of the development as well
as manufacturing and distribution while the Oxford side, via the Jenner Institute and Oxford Vaccine Group, researched and
developed the vaccine. Less than a month after this agreement was reached, the Oxford-AstraZeneca partnership was awarded
a contract from the US government as part of Operation Warp Speed, the public-private COVID-19 vaccination effort dominated
by the US military and US intelligence.
Read more here:
Are We Witnessing Last Minute Mass Exodus Before Final Collapse Of Our Major Cities?
Americans fled the big cities "in droves" in 2020, and one recent survey discovered
that even more Americans are planning to move in 2021. The corporate media is attempting to frame this mass exodus as
a temporary phenomenon, but there is nothing temporary about it. Millions upon millions of people can see that our society
is literally melting down all around us, and they want to get somewhere safe while they still can. In recent weeks, I have written articles about the specific problems that we are witnessing in Chicago and San Francisco, but the truth is that virtually all of our major cities are coming apart at the seams, and this is motivating more people
than ever to seek greener pastures.
Read more here:
Biden Gives China Full Access to Control the U.S. National Power Grid
In his first week in office, President Biden put U.S. security at great risk by giving
China autonomous ability to control the national power grid.
Biden issued
executive order 13990 in which, buried amid matters purportedly designed to combat climate change, was an anomalous and potentially dangerous provision
that suspends a key security measure put in place last May 1 by former President Donald Trump. Biden's executive order permits
China to have full access to the U.S. power grid for 90 days.
Trump's Executive Order 13920 declared an official national emergency with respect to the nation's electric grid and prohibited the acquisition or installation
of "any bulk-power electric equipment ... designed, developed, manufactured, or supplied, by persons owned by, controlled
by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of a foreign adversary." In sum, Trump forbade the use of grid equipment
that is made in China, Russia, or other hostile nations.
Read more here:
"Slippery Slope" - Vaccine Passports Are A Technical & Ethical Minefield
I remember the evening a co-worker arrived at our door waving a phone, beaming
"I've got it!" His Android mobile was the only way to use the UK government app that let EU citizens apply
for UK settled status after Brexit. After some unsettling jokes about uploading my private biometric data on his device, we
completed the deed and he disappeared into the night. As governments around the world ponder digital vaccine passports,
that evening remains in my mind.
Read more here:
Legal team wants ‘second
Nuremberg tribunal' to try global lockdown promoters for crimes against humanity
Should the technocrats who pushed governments to lockdown their citizens be tried for crimes against
One prominent German lawyer, who is also licensed to practice
law in America, thinks they should. And he is organizing a team of thousands of participating lawyers who want to prosecute
a "second Nuremberg tribunal" against a cadre of international elites responsible for what he calls the "corona
fraud scandal."
Read more here:
Greyerz - The World Is Heading Into A Time Of Great Tribulation
February 28 (King World News) - Egon von Greyerz at Matterhorn Asset Management (based in Switzerland): Well, right on cue, it looks like
the endless creation of fake money by the Fed has now poisoned both the stock market and the bond market. The Dow is down
1,000 points (3%) in two days and the Nasdaq down 7% in two weeks.
and silver are also falling in sympathy. This was expected short term, but the outlook for the precious metals look excellent
as I will discuss later.
Read more here:
The modern evangelical church is sick. Here's where it fell apart
It was a simple sign on a slow Monday morning. I was walking into the megachurch I was
working at, fumbling with my coffee, spilling it on my skinny jeans. There in the doorway was the sign that began to reshape
how I viewed the church. The sign was a promotion for a church leadership conference. It is a slight miracle I even saw the
sign. As a pastor I have attended so many conferences through the years that I barely even notice them. Like all these conference
signs, this one was plastered in rows of pictures of celebrity speakers. One picture made me pause. What stopped me was not
just that someone who was not a Christian was a keynote speaker, it was that this person had been fighting a public battle
against Christian values.
Read more here:
Bill Gates Deleted Documentary Why He Switched From Microsoft To Vaccines
hard hitting documentary on the real agenda Bill Gates is pushing on the global population.
Watch video here:
The Fake Covid "Pandemic" Is the Excuse for Concentration Camps
Since the year 2000, we have witnessed two epochal events, 9/11 and COVID-19. Both produced
massive changes in civil liberty and government power, reducing the former and enhancing the latter.
The official narrative of 9/11 is unbelievable as it is contrary to all known science. The official
narrative of Covid relies on running the PCR test at high cycles known to produce false positives in order to produce headlines
of a scary high rate of infection. Covid deaths are magnified by ignoring co-morbidities and by counting even motorcycle deaths
as Covid deaths. In the US, financial incentives were created for hospitals to report all deaths as Covid deaths.
Read more here:
'Brace For Rampant Inflation': Hedge Fund Billionaire Stunned
At "Market Craziness", Sees "Trouble Ahead"
major message that I want to give you (and I've invited challenge on both parts of my thesis here and I've never had anybody
challenge it): The major financial institutions in the US and around the globe are utterly opaque; and The next financial
crisis will happen faster, more suddenly."
Read more here:
Leaders From the European Union Have Decided This Week That a Digital
Vaccination Certificate Must be Ready for Roll-Out by This Summer
Well, we told you it was coming and here it is, the European Union decided today that of EU citizens needs a
digital vaccination certificate, which means of course that all EU citizens must receive a vaccine. Not only that, they decided
that the digital vaccination certificate will be rolled out by this summer. Breathtaking how fast it's all happening, isn't it?
Read more here:
Eugenicists Plan to Depopulate the Planet- Higher death counts will occur as time passes,
especially for those that take this ... ‘vaccine.' Months from now will tell the tale, and it won't be a pretty picture
"Eugenics is a social (and ‘scientific') movement based
on the belief that the genetic quality of the human race can be improved by the use of selective breeding, as well as other
often morally criticized means to eliminate groups of people considered genetically inferior, while encouraging the growth
of groups judged to be genetically superior."
Read more here:
Take the Time to Watch: I am Embedding Two Videos - One Short One and a Longer One - You Will FINALLY Understand What
Happened to the U.S.
I have been writing for years about what
was happening to America and especially HOW it would happen.
I have often
used a video of the late Yuri Bezmenov, former KGB Operative, who defected from the USSR in 1970. He first went to Greece
and then finally found political asylum in Canada.
His mission was to
educate the "Free World" about how the KGB was systematically subverting our societies. I cannot recommend strongly
enough the need for all "once" free people to watch one of these videos with Yuri Bezmenov. He used a pen name of
Tomas Schuman at times; and when he wrote his book of warning called "Love Letter to America" he
used that pen name.
Read more here:
In The 'Fictional' Year 2022, America Turned To 'Soylent Green':
With Cannibalism In The Headlines, 'Meat' Created From Tissue Samples Of 'Celebrities' To Combat Global Warming Is Next On
The Loony Left Wish List
As One Synthetic Meat
Producer Pushes 'Ellen Degeneres' On The Menu, What's Next, 'Biden Burgers'?
With America and the world now less than a year away from the year 2022, and cannibalism now in the headlines following a horrific triple murder in Chicksa, Oklahoma, where a man cut out his neighbor's heart, and then cooked it with
potatoes to feed to his family before also stabbing his uncle and a four-year-old girl to death, more recent headlines across
the internet screamed about globalist Bill Gates and his goal of American's eating 100% 'synthetic meat' in the future to 'combat global warming'.
And with the loony left continuing
to push the 'cow flatulence causes global warming conspiracy theory', with even Forbes reporting back in 2017 that 'scientists underestimated just how bad the cow farts are' for the environment, we can't help but be
reminded of the 1973 'ecological dystopian thriller' called 'Soylent Green.'
Read more here:
Food and Health emergency: Highly radioactive fish caught near Fukushima have
five times the permitted radiation levels of dangerous cesium
cesium five times above permitted levels in Japan has been detected in black rockfish caught in northeastern Fukushima Prefecture,
according to a Feb. 22 announcement by a local fishing association.
500 becquerels per kilogram of cesium was found in black rockfish caught at a depth of 24 meters about 8.8 kilometers off
the town of Shinchi, exceeding the national standard level of 100 becquerels per kilogram.
The Fukushima Prefectural Federation of Fisheries Co-operative Associations has since halted distribution of the
fish until it can confirm their safety.
Read more here:
Businesses fleeing Washington, California and New York because of crime, violence
and anti-business policies
(Natural News) At least 160 businesses have left Seattle since March 2020. While some left the city due to the effects of the
Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, many more business leaders have said that it's because of the city's unwillingness
to solve problems related to crime, rioting and violence.
Similar trends can be seen in California and New York, where businesses
are moving their headquarters to states that do not have regressive tax policies.
Read more here:
Meat prices rise as food inflation worsens, pushing many Americans to a tipping
point of food shortages
(Natural News) The coronavirus pandemic has severely tested global supply chains like no other event in recent world history, resulting
in large shocks to both demand and supply. And it's only about to get worse.
to a report from Bloomberg, hog, cattle and poultry raisers are struggling amidst the highest prices of corn and soybean that they have seen in seven years. The prices have driven up the costs of feeding animals by at least 30 percent.
Read more here:
How An Infamous Hydroelectric Dam Changed Earth's Rotation
It provides clean energy, but at what cost?
"Powerful" doesn't really do the amazing (and very controversial) Three Gorges Dam justice.
Since the $30 billion project was announced, Chinese officials have faced heavy scrutiny from both scientists and environmental
activists alike. Many believe that the dam will ultimately result in catastrophe. Some concerns include the dam trapping pollution,
spawning earthquakes and landslides, uprooting citizens (more than 1.3 million people have already been forced to relocate), and destroying historical locations, along with the habitats of endangered animals.
Read more here:
UPDATED 6:34 PM EST -- SEE BOTTOM -- The U.S. Embassy in Saudi Arabia has issued a MISSILE ATTACK
BULLETIN for the Capital City, Ryadh:
Security Alert: Reports
of Missile Attack Over Riyadh - U.S. Embassy Riyadh (February 27, 2021)
Location: Riyadh
Event: There are media reports of a missile attack on Riyadh. The
U.S. Embassy Riyadh urges U.S. citizens to take immediate precautions and stay alert in case of additional attacks.
Read more here:
Weather Warfare in Texas - Snow That Doesn't Melt - Dane Wigington
Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says the big snow storm that hit Texas and
much of the south is nothing short of weather warfare. Look at the snow that won't burn in video after video. It's synthetic, but the mainstream media (MSM) is telling you this is a "hoax". This is anything but normal.
Wigington says, "The bottom line in regard to the flash freeze that Texas was just hit with, we can debate the agenda
behind these operations, but the fact that this was not an act of nature is beyond scientific question. . . .Those neck deep
in the weather modification program are dictating what the scheduled weather will be. Because of the illegal federal
gag order on the National Weather Service and NOAA, our nation's weather people are actually reading scripts given to them
by the geo-engineers themselves. We announced on February 6, almost two weeks before this event happened, that this
was coming. So, there is no question this was a massive act of weather warfare. This is only a mere extreme example
of what's been occurring all over the globe for decades. It's getting worse all the time because the unfolding climate
collapse is getting worse all the time. It's being further fueled by climate engineering. Expect such events to
continue and worsen rapidly."
Read more here:
Royal Navy warship shadows Russian attack submarine after it's spotted sailing
in North Sea in latest hostile show
A ROYAL Navy warship shadowed
a Russian attack submarine as it was tracked through the North Sea and the English Channel.
Portsmouth-based patrol ship HMS Mersey kept a close eye on the surfaced RFS Rostov Na Donu during its voyage from
the Baltic to the Mediterranean.
Read more here:
Congressman Jerry Nadler: "God's Will is No Concern of This Congress"
During the debate yesterday over the Equality Act, a measure that would create a right
to kill babies in abortions and force Americans to fund abortions, Republicans accused Democrats of ignoring Biblical values.
And a surprising comment from pro-abortion Democrat Congressman Jerry Nadler confirmed that to be true.
Read more here:
Facebook is 'looking at' adding facial recognition to its upcoming smart glasses
set to be released next year, but staff are weary about the 'controversial technology,' report says
Facebook is looking at adding facial recognition to its highly anticipated smart glasses
that are planned to hit the market next year.
At an all-staff meeting,
Facebook Reality Labs director Andrew Bosworth said the company was examining the technology's legal and privacy ramifications, BuzzFeed reports.
He cautioned the benefits and risks were obvious, 'and we don't
know where to balance those things.'
Read more here:
Despite The Fed, The Bond Market Is Hiking Rates
Last week, we discussed that the market was likely starting to adjust for higher rates. As
we stated, historically, there is little room for error as higher rates undermine one of the critical "bullish
supports" that low rates justify high valuations.
This past week, rates jumped higher, putting a further pause in the stock rally for now. As we stated over the last
few weeks, the upside remains limited with the money-flow sell signal still intact. (The
vertical dashed blue line denotes when the signals initially triggered.)
more here:
The Alleged Racism of ALL White People Is the Newest Excuse Being Used to Impose
Global Governance
The Common Sense Show wishes to reiterate its
main purpose in all of its venues ranging from the radio networks that we are fortunate to be on, our TV show, our podcasts
and the articles that are written on our flagship organization, The Common Sense Show website. Our main purpose is the
preservation of Constitutional liberties for all Americans. Our organization is decidedly Christian. However, our advocacy
knows no proprietary bounds. We stand for the protection of the Constitutional liberties of all Americans. Race does not matter,
Religion, or the lack of religion does not matter. Sexual preference, political affiliations, economic status, national origin
or any other demographic characteristic matters. If someone's rights, regardless of the background of the person is imperiled,
the CSS stands at the ready to defend these rights without exception. Any deviation from this mission would render the CSS
hypocritical and ineffective.
Read more here:
Mystery explosion hits Israeli cargo ship in the Gulf hours after US air strike
on Iran-backed militia forces in Syria
A mystery explosion has
struck an Israeli cargo ship in the Gulf of Oman hours after a US air strike hit Iran-backed militia forces in Syria.
The Israeli-owned cargo ship was sailing out of the Middle East
on Friday when it was hit by an unexplained blast, renewing concerns about ship security amid escalating tensions between
the US and Iran in the region.
The crew and vessel were safe, according to the United
Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations, which is run by the British navy. The explosion forced the vessel to head to the nearest
Read more here:
The real-life Day After Tomorrow! What would happen in the US if the Gulf Stream
A system of currents in the Atlantic Ocean that acts
like a massive conveyor belt redistributing warm water throughout our planet's oceans is the weakest it has been in more than
1,000 years - and human-induced climate change is to blame.
Formally known as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC),
it powers the Gulf Stream that brings warm water from the Gulf of Mexico to the northeastern US coast.
Scientists determined that in 2015 it to had slowed by at least 15 percent since 1950, but the latest
work paints a picture of how it will develop long term.
Read more here:
'Worst Kept Secret In The White House': Secret Service Chatter
Outs How Bad Biden's Mental Health Really Is - The Lights Are On, But Nobody Is Home
As many pointed out before the 2020 election, Joe Biden has shown obvious signs of mental decline
over the past few years. The media, of course, covered for his "gaffes", inaccuracies, false statements, and stuttering
answers because they were desperate to get ORANGE MAN BAD out of the White House.
Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino, recently went on Fox News' Hannity, and explained the latest scuttlebutt
from Secret Service agents he maintains contacts with are telling him that the situation is worse than we all initially thought,
calling it the "worst-kept secret in the White House."
more here:
Merkel: EU Leaders "Have All Agreed That We Need Vaccine Passports"
After the European Commission convened to discuss the potential of so called ‘vaccine
passports' Thursday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters that "We have all agreed that we need vaccine certificates."
Bloomberg reports that Merkel added "In the future, it will certainly be good to have such a certificate but that will not mean that
only those who have such a passport will be able to travel; about that, no political decisions have been made yet."
Read more here:
Llpoh: Discerning Friend from Foe
As we all know, bad times are coming. So I have spent some time thinking about this: how will I be able to tell friend
from foe? Hard decisions about these things will need to be made. Mistakes in making the determination could prove disastrous.
A person is going to need to be ruthless in weeding foes out of their friendship group, lest he or she risk catastrophe.
Let's start with a quote.
"It is difficult to get
a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it." Upton Sinclair
Read more here:
Most of Society Has No Understanding of What Is
About to Unfold, "Tribulations" There Are No Rules...
Google Will Be Instrumental in Causing Mayhem Around the Globe, Google ‘Geofence'
Warrants Keep Locking up Innocent People Who Were in Proximity of a Crime Scene...
Months ago we detailed an incredibly scary and Orwellian tool in the local police arsenal known as a "geofence
warrant". As described at the time it's essentially a virtual dragnet over crime scenes where police request to sweep up Google location data
drawn from users' GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and cellular connections from everyone who happened to be near a crime
scene. From this blanket of surveillance law enforcement then try to figure out which phones may be tied to suspects or possible
Read more here:
"What Am I Doing Here" - Biden Admits That He
Is Confused And Lost During His Brief Speech In Texas - Ignored By The Mainstream Media (Video)
Joe and Jill Biden visited Houston yesterday as Texas recovers from last week's severe winter storms.
The storm gripped Texas for nearly a week and left an estimated 4 million utility customers
without electricity for hours, and sometimes days, at a time. And as a byproduct of the power loss, about half the state's
residents, upward of 15 million, either were without water or had to boil water before drinking it.
Biden was a little late with his tour of the frozen state as Texas weather is much better and Texans
are heading for a recovery.
Read and watch here:
Just in Time for the "Equality Act" -Johns Hopkins
Psychiatrist: Transgender is a Mental Disorder and Sex Change Biologically Impossible
Dr. Paul R. McHugh - retired Psychiatrist-In -Chief from Hopkins had strong opinions on the physical
and emotional trauma caused by Gender Dysphoria. As you will read in my former article, Dr. McHugh called transgenderism a
"Mental Disorder."
Once in a while a brave soul emerges in this
crazy upside-down world, and tells the TRUTH, no matter what it will cost them. One such person is Dr.Paul R. McHugh - a former
Psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD. Dr. McHugh wrote a paper in which he called transgenderism
a mental disorder. The paper was well received and so compelling, that Johns Hopkins ceased performing any sex
change surgeries.
Read more here:
Eviction Moratorium Ruled Unconstitutional, Largest Tsunami Of Evictions In U.S.
History Incoming...
Ever since last summer, a federal moratorium
on evictions has prevented landlords from evicting millions of tenants that are behind on their rent payments. This
moratorium has caused extreme financial distress for many landlords, but it has also kept us from witnessing millions upon
millions of Americans being thrown out into the cold streets. Of course this moratorium on evictions was never actually
legal, and it was just a matter of time before it was challenged in front of a federal judge that still had respect for the
U.S. Constitution. On Thursday, a federal judge in the Eastern District of Texas named John Campbell Barker ruled that
the federal moratorium is completely unconstitutional...
Read more here:
A.I. now taking drive-thru orders; human workforce in decline
Just like the Terminator movies, the 'rise of machines' is here. Robots are taking jobs
from human workers, and they don't give a damn.
It's not science
fiction anymore that robots are replacing human workers. The ongoing pandemic has triggered a decline in the U.S.
workforce, and robots are beginning to take advantage of the new positions. The question is: how long will humans last?
Read more here:
Biden Starting SECOND War Front - First Syria, now Ukraine:
NATO Mortars being fired at CIVILIANS in Ukraine; Troops and armor moving by train toward Russia Border
Just one day after (illegitimate) U.S. President Joe Biden resumed air strikes against
Syria, we are receiving information that war trouble is brewing again in eastern Ukraine.
NATO MORTARS are being fired against civilians in Luhansk, Ukraine only this time, Russia is moving
marked Russian military radar into the area. No more unmarked "little green men" now it's open Russian army.
Direct war with Russia looms - again, thanks to the Biden corrupt presidency.
more here:
US urgently raises troop threat levels in Iraq over possible airstrike
retaliation: report
The threat level for U.S. troops
in Iraq has been raised on Friday over concerns of retaliation over U.S. airstrikes in Syria on Thursday night.
The heightened threat level was raised by Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent
Resolve and could last for several days. It was first reported by Fox News, who cited two sources familiar with the matter.
of coalition troops is the #1 priority, so taking force protection levels higher is wise and prudent," one source told
Fox News.
Read more here:
VISA and MASTERCARD are suffering what is being described as
a "global outage" for anyone trying to use one of the cards to purchase anything, anywhere!
Just a day or so after the United States Federal Reserve reported a total outage of its FedWire
and FedACH systems, which halted all money transfers between banks inside the Untied States, now the two major bank card systems
are also suffering an "outage."
Clearly, something is wrong
in the global financial system. These "outages" while brief, are signaling something is afoot.
As with the Fed outage the other day, this web site recommends you have CASH MONEY
on-hand to tie you over this weekend, just in case. Head to an ATM and get some cash.
Tank-up the fuel in your vehicle(s).
Read more here:
Why Is Humanity Marching Straight Into the Gates of Hell?
Bill Gates is the enemy of all that is decent. Bill Gates is a Fallen Angel's best friend.
Why in name of God are we following Gates to our own demise?
of Hell
Bill Gates wants to eliminate meat from your diet.
Bill Gates backs the destruction of humanity as we know it through the implementation
of transhumanism.
Bill Gates seeks to use food as a weapon against the
Bill Gates seeks to make his mandatory vaccines mandatory as
he enforces the inability to buy or sell among the noncompliant.
more here:
Predictive Programming Alert! The Globalists Need A Massive
False Flag To Fully Usher In Tyranny So Along Comes An Alleged Trump Supporter Threat At The 'State Of The Union'
In TV's Designated Survivor, An Attack During The State Of The Union Wiped Out
The US Government
According to ABC News and the current acting police chief on Capitol Hill, Yogananda Pittman, U.S. Capitol Police plan to maintain their
enhanced level of security around the Capitol at least through President Joe Biden's first official address to Congress because
intelligence suggests that extremists could be planning an attack.
Pittman claiming on Thursday that "we know that members of the militia groups that were present on January 6th have
stated their desires that they want to blow up the Capitol and kill as many members as possible with a direct nexus to the
State of the Union", it wasn't lost on those paying attention that Pittman's 'warning' was the EXACT plot
of an ABC TV series called 'Designated Survivor'.
Read more here:
Biden: It's Okay to Finance China's Military
Wall Street wants to finance the enemy, and the Biden administration is opening the door wide.
How can this be?
On January 26, the
Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control issued General License No. 1A, which permits Americans to continue acquiring shares in certain companies associated with "Communist Chinese Military
Companies," known as CCMCs, until May 27. The previous deadline, set by the Trump administration, was January 28.
Read more here:
Satan Soldiers at Microsoft Forms Coalition to Censor
"Disinformation" Online, What Bill Gates Is Trying to Say, We Want to Control
What You See and Think Making It Easier for Us to Implement the New World Order...
Read more here:
Who Would Have Guessed Demolition Man Would Be the Most Prophetic Movie of the
Do you remember back in the 90s when we'd watch movies about
self-driving cars and bizarre totalitarian futures and we'd laugh and laugh because it all seemed so far-fetched? After all,
we lived in the United States of America.
One might expect that the most
accurate predictions of the future would be in a serious documentary or an academic work.
Instead, Demolition Man, an action-adventure movie starring Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes, and Sandra Bullock turned out to be right on the money.
In the movie, a cop and a criminal from the 90s were punished by being frozen. When they were reawakened in 2032, they were
baffled by a pacifist society in which crime, mean words, and physical contact are all but eliminated.
Read more here:
The Face Of Pure Evil - Rand Paul Exposes The Demonic Side
Of Biden Politics - "Equality" Act Abomination Curses The Nation!
Do you want to see what real evil looks like? Do you want to understand what one of the most demonic bills in the
history of our nation reads like? Do you want to understand how the Biden administration is ushering in one of the most anti-God,
anti-family, and gender role regimes that has ever walked through the halls of Congress. If you prefer political correctness,
DON'T WATCH THIS VIDEO...if you prefer truth, then proceed. Let's expose, again, the real face of the Equality Act...evil
Read and watch here:
The Resurrection of the Third Reich in Amerika
Yes, the Third Reich is undergoing resurrection, but not by white supremacists. It is the
white liberals in the Democrat Party and their presstitute propaganda machine-New York Times, CNN, NPR, Twitter, Facebook,
YouTube, and the rest of the presstitute whores- that comprise the new Nazi movement. The only difference is that this
time the target is white gentiles.
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Rickards: The Great Reset Is Here
The Bretton Woods conference of 1944 set the global financial system that still prevails today.
The period 1969-1971 can be regarded as the First Reset, which involved the creation of
Special Drawing Rights (SDR, ticker:XDR), the devaluation of the dollar and the end of the gold standard.
For years, commentators (myself included) have discussed the next global monetary realignment,
which is sometimes called The Big Reset or The Great Reset.
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Orwell's 1984 Versus Today: The List Of Similarities Are
Disturbing As Democrats Are Using The Dystopian Novel As An Instruction Manual Of Control
It is no secret that between the two political parties one is a proponent of big government and
the other a supporter of small government, but the term big government, pushed by Democrats, includes far more tight-fisted
control of the populace than many may know.
George Orwell's dystopian
novel titled "1984" is about government control over every aspect of human life, what they say, do, and even what
they are perceived to "think," by way of thought police.
we have seen many compare the book to present day circumstances, it is generally done to highlight a specific proposed policy,
or and individual news event, but if we look at a detailed description of the novel we can a provide a cornucopia of examples
of Democrats treating the novel not as a work of fiction, but as instruction manual.
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Bill Gates Wants to Release Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to Inject You With
Flying Syringes is a phrase that is used to
refer to a proposed project funded by Bill Gates to create genetically modified mosquitoes that inject vaccines into people when they bite them.
In 2008, the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation awarded $100,000 to Hiroyuki Matsuoka of Jichi Medical University in Japan to do research on genetically modified mosquitoes.
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Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine Was Designed In Just Few Hours Says BioNTech Co-founder
Dr Ugur Sahin
According to the co-founder of BioNTech Dr Ugur
Sahin, the COVID-19 vaccine he designed for Pfizer was designed in just few hours in a single day on January 25, 2020. No
other vaccine in history has been created and manufactured so quickly. Previously, the fastest vaccine ever developed took
more than four years.
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Lawyers Promise ‘Nurember Trials' Against All Behind COVID Scam
Right now, a second Nuremberg tribunal that is in preparation, with a class action lawsuit
being set up under the aegis of thousands of lawyers worldwide behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who is
prosecuting those responsible for the Covid-19 scandal manipulated by the Davos Forum.
In this respect, it is worth recalling that Reiner Fuellmich is the lawyer who succeeded in condemning the automobile
giant Volkswagen in the case of the tampered catalytic converters. And it is this same lawyer who succeeded in condemning
Deutsche Bank as a criminal enterprise.
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Drought In Taiwan Just Turned The Semi Shortage "Crisis" To "Critical"
Taiwan is suffering the "island's worst drought in decades", according to Nikkei. And this is terrible news for semiconductor manufacturers, who are being forced to make cuts on water usage while at the
same time desperately trying to scramble and play catch-up with a drought of their own.
Taiwan is now planning to "further tighten water use in several cities that are home to a cluster
of important manufacturers," including plants in Taoyuan, Taichung, Hsinchu and Miaoli. They are going to be asked
to cut consumption by up to 11%. Chiayi and Tainan, where Taiwan Semiconductor is based, will be asked to take a 7% cut.
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Humans May Not Be Able to Reproduce Naturally Much Longer, Scientist Warns
Everyday chemicals are threatening the future of human fertility
Many men today have just half the number of sperm their grandfathers had. The shocking discovery was published in 2017 by Shanna Swan, PhD, an environmental and reproductive epidemiologist at the Icahn School of Medicine
at Mount Sinai in New York.
After analyzing 185 studies involving nearly
45,000 healthy men, Swan and her team found that over the past four decades, sperm counts among men in Western countries had
dropped by more than 50%.
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Rule of Law Collapsed in USA - Martin Armstrong
Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says now that the stolen election
is over, get ready for lawlessness to reign. We start with the Supreme Court that refused to hear the Trump case on
Pennsylvania voting fraud. There are three more 2020 Election voter fraud cases pending at the nation's highest court.
Armstrong says, "I don't think they are going to take any of them. Look, the rule of law has absolutely collapsed
in the United States. It's just a joke at this point. . . . You swear an oath to uphold the Constitution. It's
not whenever you feel like it. . . . This is not only a denial of due process, but the civil rights of everybody in the country.
They effectively said Pennsylvania changed the rules against the (state) legislature in the middle of an election, and
we are not going to hear the case. So, they are effectively saying politicians can change the rules of an election at
any time, and it doesn't have to be constitutional. Refusing to take this case is a disaster because next election they
can choose to do the same thing at any time."
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California Collapsing
California goes today, the rest of the United States and much of the Western world goes tomorrow. But what we are now seeing
in America's most populous state is the complete internal collapse of the entire liberal progressive civilization and the
society that has most frantically tried to fulfill it
For well over a
hundred years, California, the self-styled "Golden State" has trail-blazed the future of America especially
through the two famously American industries of aerospace and motion pictures. Telecommunications, computers and Artificial
Intelligence are now led from Silicon Valley and the state has dominated the national politics of the United States too.
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As Left Creates Ways To Justify Their Own Rampant Lawlessness, The Gathering Storm
To Usher In The End Of America Continues To Grow With Much Worse To Come As Globalists Seek To Completely Shut Down Our Once
Free Society
We reported in this ANP story on Wednesday that according to former Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the 'woke culture' now fully embraced by the political left in
America has 'far more in common with radical Islam than many would think', with both political philosophies seeking to shut down free speech while censoring and destroying anyone who disagrees with
them and as we'll further explore within this ANP story, it's not a stretch at all to suggest America is being herded towards
outright totalitarianism in 2021.
With 'woke culture' also standing
in direct opposition to the United States Constitution and specifically the 1st Amendment in America, proof that such 'a
culture' won't stand in America without the full-scale dismantling of the Constitution, this important new story over at warns that is exactly the way we're now heading, with authoritarians always taking a series of steps to 'take down freedom'
as we're now seeing across America.
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US launches airstrikes in Syria
The U.S. military carried out an airstrike against what is being called an Iranian-backed militia stronghold
in Syria Thursday, a senior official reveals to the Hal Turner Show.
the first known military action by (Illegitimate) President Biden, multiple facilities were struck in the air attack that
targeted Iraqi border-based Shia militia groups, Kata'ib Hezbollah and Kata'ib Sayyid al Shuhada.
Both forces "are suspected" of having received funding and military support from
Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard.
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There is so much snow in Dagestan right now that animals are buried alive
Is it just me or did you also observe that the number of extreme storms / blizzards are
increasing around the world?
Now after Texas, the Middle East, Asia and Europe, the ‘Big Freeze is now coming back to Russia, where parts of the Ourals and Dagestan are experiencing so intense blizzards,
leaving weather scientists baffled.
These unprecedented snow storms are
accompanied by hurricane-force winds, making it difficult for everybody to come out of their homes... even for cows:
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America Is On the Edge of Collapse! The Time to Prepare Is Ending- Robert Griswold
and Dave Hodges
In the days going forward, which are
going to be exceedingly difficult to say the least, may the CSS suggest that all believers keep Psalm 91 ready at their hand
to rely on?
Psalm 91 He that dwelleth in
the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Read and listen here:
American diplomats in China complain they were forced to take anal swab tests
for coronavirus
American diplomats in China have claimed they
were forced to take anal swab tests for coronavirus.
Washington complained
the procedure was 'undignified' and told staff to decline the test if asked to take one.
Beijing has since claimed the test, mandatory for incoming travellers in some parts of China, was given 'in error',
as diplomatic personnel were exempt.
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How Societies Are Imprisoned: The Whole World Will One Day Be Like Hollywood?
I rarely write about Hollywood or the film industry, primarily because there is a vast
array of analysts and YouTubers in the alternative media that discuss the bizarre behaviors and trespasses of Tinsel Town
on a daily basis. They usually have it covered. That said, every once in a while I find that events in Hollywood reflect a
much more pervasive dynamic in our culture and that the bigger picture needs to be addressed.
I also want to be clear that when I talk about "Hollywood" I am not only referring to the place; I'm referring
to the entire corporate empire. I'm including Netflix and other streaming companies that may not work completely out of LA.
They are all funded and run by the same people anyway.
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Qatar's Al Jazeera Launches Right-Wing News Platform For Americans "Who
Feel Left Out" Of MSM
Upon the announcement this week that
Qatar-based Al Jazeera plans to open a US conservative
news platform it seemed the near universal reaction on social media was to say simply, weird.
"Al Jazeera, the Qatar-based news network that has previously sought to become
a liberal media force in the US, is launching a platform to target conservatives, it was revealed on Tuesday,"
The Guardian reports.
The Al Jazeera outlet will be called Rightly, and apparently
aims to imitate and partake of Fox News' longtime success as leading the US mainstream. Rightly plans to cater to
center-right Americans and is headed by Fox News' Scott Norvell. Its target audience has been further described as Republicans
who "feel left out of mainstream media," Politico noted, in perhaps a hint it also seeks to tap into pro-Trump support.
more here:
Red Alert: Democrats take first steps to censor conservative TV channels OANN,
Newsmax, and Fox News
In a shocking development in the ongoing
censorship debate, two influential Democrat members of the House of Representatives have taken the first steps to challenge
the continued availability of conservative channels Newsmax, OANN, and Fox News on mainstream cable, satellite, and streaming
television platforms. Multichannel News reported on the story yesterday in an article titled "House Dems Pressure Distributors to Justify Carrying Fox News, Others."
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Five Counties Are Trying To Leave Left Wing Oregon And Become Part Of Idaho
When you think of Oregon, you probably think of the left wing riots that have been happening
in Portland for months.
It's easy to forget that it's a big state and
not everyone who lives there is a left wing radical.
Some people there
are sick of it, and are trying to make parts of the state leave for Idaho.
more here:
12 mind-control tactics used by globalist establishment elites to change the way
Americans think
The new documentary "Brainwashed America" provides answers to some of the most vexing questions of our time, namely why so many Americans continue to comply with long-term
mask mandates, shut-down orders, restrictions on travel and the forced closure of their businesses and churches.
This level of obedience would have been impossible a generation or two ago. That's why
the government knew better than to even try to shut down an entire economy in the face of previous pandemics, including the
Spanish Flu of 1918-1920, which was far deadlier as a percentage of the population.
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Report: FBI investigating members of Congress as riot 'suspects'!
Bureau obtained phone records of lawmakers, Capitol Hill staff
Hundreds of people have been investigated for their roles in the riot at the U.S. Capitol
in January, and many have been arrested and face charges ranging from trespassing on up.
Now, some members of Congress also are being investigated by the FBI as suspectets, the Intercept reported.
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Chicago Has Become A Rotting, Decaying, Crime-Ridden Hellhole - Will The Rest
Of America Soon Follow?
I don't know why anyone would want to
live in Chicago at this point. According to the latest estimate that I could find, "over 117,000 gang members" currently live in the city, and there is so much violence that it regularly makes headlines all over the globe.
Some of the wealthy areas of Chicago still look nice, but many communities have been transformed into something straight out
of a war zone. Large churches, hospitals and factories that were once so beautiful are now rotting and decaying all over the city, and a vibrant open air drug market scares customers away from local businesses. Sadly, the truth is that the entire country is going down the exact
same path that Chicago has gone.
Coming into last year, Chicago was known
as one of the murder capitals of the world, but nobody expected the murder rate to spike "by more than 50% in 2020"...
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Scientists Have Created Programmable Robots Made of LIVING TISSUE.
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Everyone knows that robots
aren't living beings right? Well, we did. That is, until scientists and developers recently announced how they have bridged
some of that gap between living and non-living beings.
This new development
is a combination of artificial intelligence and biology. In fact, only this week, a research of roboticists and scientists
published what is being referred to as a "recipe for making a new lifeform" called xenobots. The xenobots are made
from stem cells and the term xeno comes from the frog cells (xenopus laevis) which are used to make them.
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The Rotten Fruit of Friendship Evangelism
"I never saw a football player make a tackle with a smile on his face."
-Coach Woody Hayes
Christianity is at a crossroads in America. Despite
what we have been taught over the last three decades, Almighty God is not some white-bearded Grandpa sitting in an easy chair
in a safe place called Heaven.
He is the current reigning King of Kings...The
Alpha and Omega...the All-Powerful Everlasting God. He rules and reigns over all the earth and He is returning to earth
on a White Stallion, not as a suffering Savior, but as a Conquering King. His job description states that "In righteousness
He is going to Judge and make war."
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Elon Musk says he WON'T get a coronavirus vaccine because he's 'not at risk' and
says the pandemic has 'questioned my faith in humanity' because people have become 'irrational'
Elon Musk has revealed he will not get a coronavirus vaccine when they're available because he's 'not at risk' and defends keeping his Tesla factories up and running amid the
The 49-year-old tech giant defended opening up Tesla factories
in defiance of lockdowns - a lengthy saga that has seen him sue Alameda County, launch a profanity-laden rant about how
lockdowns are 'unethical' and allegedly fire employees who didn't feel safe enough to return to work.
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Signal messaging app not so private at all: Court documents show FBI can intercept
messages there
(Natural News) Recently released court documents have shown that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) can intercept encrypted messages in the Signal app. Federal authorities possess certain tools to access these encrypted correspondences, the documents said.
The messaging app recently gained popularity following moves by Big Tech companies to curb free speech.
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grows meat from celebrity tissue samples and uses it to make artisanal salami.
We start with top-quality ingredients, and time-honored recipes for the creation of fine cured meats. We
mix celebrity and animal meats, grown in house through a proprietary culturing process, into curated salami blends.
Starting with biopsied myoblast cells, we grow our healthy, rich, meats in Bite Labs' own bioreactors.
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Entire Federal Reserve payment system CRASHES due to 'operational error' freezing
$3trillion in daily transactions including paychecks, tax refunds and bill payments
The Federal Reserve payment systems used to settle transactions between U.S. financial institutions has suffered a massive disruption due to
an 'operational error'.
The system used by U.S. banks to execute some
$3 trillion in transactions daily began suffering outages at around 11.15am Eastern time on Wednesday, and remained down for
more than three hours.
'A Federal Reserve operational error resulted in
disruption of service in several business lines,' a Fed spokesman told in a statement. 'We have restored services
and communicated with all Federal Reserve Financial Services customers about the status of operations.'
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Cannibal, 41, cut out his neighbor's heart and COOKED it with potatoes to feed his family before
stabbing his uncle and a four-year-old girl to death
A repeat
felon has confessed to killing his neighbor, cutting out her heart and feeding it to his family before murdering his uncle
and a four-year-old girl, Oklahoma authorities say.
Lawrence Paul Anderson, 42, allegedly stabbed
the neighbor, Andrea Lynn Blankenship, to death at her home in Chickasha on February 9.
He then went back to his house and stabbed three people - his uncle, aunt and their granddaughter
- the same day, according to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation.
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Deagel's Gargantuan Depopulation Forecast For America Explained By 'The Massive
Historical Death Toll Of Communism'
Horrific Events
Must Happen Over The Next 4 Years To Whittle The US Population Down To 99 Million
In his book "Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900", author R. J. Rummel takes a detailed and well-sourced look at genocide, aka 'government mass murder', throughout
history. Warning within his book that government-sponsored and carried out 'mass murder', what he calls 'democide,' has
been going all across our planet for 100's of years, as we'll see within this ANP story, 2021 America is definitely not 'immune'
to such government carried out 'reigns of terror'.
Discussing genocides in China, Nazi Germany, Japan, Cambodia, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Poland, the Soviet Union and Pakistan,
he shows within his book that 'democracies' have traditionally committed less democide than other regimes, reporting: the
underlying principle is that the less freedom people have, the greater the violence; the more freedom, the less the violence.
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This evil government and its controllers have destroyed our sacred lives through
lies, deceit, theft, plotted divisive policies, torture, isolation, dystopian mandates, crippling orders by executive fiat,
and murder
"Civil disobedience becomes a sacred
duty when the state has become lawless or corrupt. And a citizen who barters with such a state shares in its corruption and
We are now at the threshold of hell concerning our natural rights and freedom. This evil government and its controllers have destroyed our sacred lives through lies, deceit, theft, plotted divisive policies,
torture, isolation, dystopian mandates, crippling orders by executive fiat, and murder. This is not hidden; it is open and
exposed, but the people have ignored the blatant nature of this conspiracy to take over humanity, and instead have as expected
by their masters, acquiesced to every command given. After all this tyranny levied against this society, they now beg for
crumbs from the very scum that has enslaved them. This collective and pathetic response can result in nothing less than mass
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Medical Martial Law and Propaganda Are Driven by Stealth and Marketing of a Bioweapon
Disguised as a ‘Vaccine!'
"Before mass leaders
seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in
their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it."
Democide is coming, as large numbers of people will die at the hands of the controlling ‘elites' and their pawns holding political power.
This will not be accidental or coincidence (collateral damage) due to bad policy, but will be a designed killing of large
numbers of people by the state agents who are using the masses' bastardized perceptions of a false reality as a weapon against
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Americans Need to Find Their Spine and Fortitude to Stand Up and Fight. It's Time
We Cut This Evil Out From Our Society.
You know why this government
isn't even hiding their intentions or anything anymore? Because it's been a year since "two weeks to flatten the curve"
and we didn't drag them out of their cozy little government offices and string them up from the lamp post for the whole world
to see. We have allowed this pandemic, that is not a pandemic, to be used against us and we have done nothing. So why wouldn't
this evil government continue to rape us on a daily basis. Hell they stole an election in broad daylight and still we did
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Unhinged Lunatic Dr. Fauci: Even with Vaccination You Should Avoid Theaters and
Indoor Dining... WTH? (VIDEO)
It really is stunning to
see people treat this complete lunatic as if he is some sort of genius or saint.
Dr. Anthony Fauci has been wrong about the coronavirus pandemic nearly every step of the way.
Dr. Fauci has made factual errors, contradictory statements and dangerous gaffes at least 19 times since the start of the coronavirus pandemic one year ago.
Read and watch
Joe Biden Lies, Snubs Texas - Denies Statewide Major Disaster Declaration After
Historic Freeze
A historic freeze killed at least 21 people in Texas and surrounding states last week and left millions without power in the Lone Star State.
An Arctic air mass descended over much of the country, pushing temperatures to historic lows last week. Dallas broke a record set in 1903 of minus 1 degree.
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Rockefeller Foundation Paper Published in 2010 Predicted How a Pandemic Can be
Used as an Excuse to Establish Global Authoritarian Power
Rockefeller Foundation published a report in May 2010 in cooperation with the Global Business Network of futurologist Peter
Schwartz. It was called Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. The first scenario, titled,
"Lock Step", describes a world of total government control and authoritarian leadership. It envisions a future where
a pandemic would allow national leaders to flex their authority and impose airtight rules and restrictions that would remain
after the pandemic faded. The first half of this scenario already has unfolded. Will it continue as predicted? The information
on Lock Step begins at about the two-thirds point of the article. The Rockefeller report in its entirety can be downloaded
here. [The importance of this document cannot be overstated.] -GEG
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‘It's falling apart': up to 95% of RGV vegetable crops are gone, farmers
EDINBURG, Texas (KVEO) - After a week of freezing temperatures, Rio Grande Valley vegetable farmers are assessing the damage.
"It's down, it's beat, it's withered, and it's falling apart," said Dante Galeazzi, President
and CEO of Texas International Produce Association.
Last weekend, Rio
Grande Valley company, Texas Citrus Mutual, reported losing 55% of grapefruit crops because of the arctic blast.
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Situation Update, Feb. 23 - The COSMIC WAR against human civilization
(Natural News) The war against humanity isn't merely a globalist extermination agenda run by power-crazed humans. Far beyond that, there
is a cosmic war to commit planet-scale genocide against the human race in order to prepare Earth for a post-human
In today's Situation Update, we begin by covering the Pentagon's confirmation that wreckage from crashed UFOs has long been tested for its exotic physical properties, with results no doubt being used to accelerate human development
of exotic technologies.
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If You Believe Life Will "Return To Normal", You Have A Fundamental
Misunderstanding Of The Times In Which We Live
Despite all of
the craziness that is going on out there, many pundits are trying to convince us that life will soon "return to normal"
and that great days are just around the corner. They are telling us this despite the fact that the state of Texas has
been in a state of collapse this week, the real economy continues to implode, the unemployment numbers are going up, civil unrest continues to rage in
our streets on a nightly basis, and our entire planet continues to become even more unstable. Those that believe that
happy days are here again have a fundamental misunderstanding of the times in which we live. This isn't a period of
time when America is going to "build back better". Rather, this is a time when America is going to go even
deeper into "the perfect storm".
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You Saw What Just Happened In Texas, Now Prepare For The Worst - The Big Melt-Off
Arriving In America Assures Us Of Rising Waters And Historic Floods
Be Ready Before You Need To Be'
On February 22nd, Susan Duclos reported in this ANP story that both Joe Biden and the 'green energy industry' have blood on their hands following the energy debacle in Texas
that left many dead, with the exact number of deaths due to the storm not likely known for weeks if not months, and while we'd love to report here that things will be returning to normal as warmer weather moves into much of America, with that warmer weather comes a new threat that could be just as deadly.
CNN had reported in this recent story (saved at archive), after the snow melts, the flooding begins and while NPR reports in this new story that towns all across America now face the potential of horrific flooding in the days and weeks ahead, their blaming that
flooding on 'climate change' really dilutes their message.
more here:
This Is The Endgame: Democrat Senator Admits Capitol Will Remain Locked Down Until
They "Root Out the Hate"
Democrat Senator Patrick
Leahy (Vt.) let slip a startling revelation during a Congressional hearing over the Capitol riot: the military occupation
of Washington D.C. will continue until Democrats can "root out the hate" - a leftist euphemism for curtailing the
First and Second Amendments.
During the Senate Homeland Security
and Rules Committee on Tuesday, Leahy first pointed out to former chief of Capitol police Steven Sund - who had claimed that
D.C. Police lacked the resources to prevent the riot - that he drafted a critical intelligence report showing that leftist
groups like Antifa had been planning for months to riot at the Capitol.
more here:
Indiana: Horrifying Video Taken By Child, Shows Cop Choke Mom Unconscious &
Attack Children
Portage, IN - If you have never Googled the phrase
"40% police" then you may not know that multiple studies have shown that police officer families experience a rate of domestic violence far greater than the average family. The phenomenon
of wife beating cops has been a stain on the thin blue line for decades, backed up by countless news stories, many of which
are horrifying in nature. The following case is a telling reminder that 40 percent of police officer families reportedly experience
domestic violence.
Crestwood police officer Dino Anthony Pavoni, 38, was
arrested last year for choking his wife until she lost consciousness in front of their children at a northwest Indiana campground.
One of his children filmed the incident which served as evidence in the wife-beating cop's arrest.
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A pictorial of the most fortified border in the United States:
The one between its citizens and their representatives. Let me show you around Washington, DC in the age of Unity.
I think we should all resist referring to this as "the new normal." It would
be like coming home to find the smoke detector going off, the drapes on fire, the dog eating the couch, and your kids deciding
that "pants are stupid," and figuring, "oh well, I guess that's just the new normal around here!"
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I don't like reading articles that start out with I told you
so, so please allow me to quote myself in a February 15, 2021 article in which I accurately predicted that all remaining election fraud cases would be thrown out by the Supreme
Court and on February 22, 2021, those remaining cases were summarily dismissed without hearing one shred of evidence, not
reviewing on affidavit of thousands alleging rampant voter fraud. We, at home, watched on our TV's when we learned of tens
of thousands of ballots for Trump were being found in corn fields and at the bottom of dumpsters PRIOR to the election and
nothing was every done. This is how I knew that at least 6 members of the Supreme Court are compromised, bribed or both. With
all the evidence of voter fraud, and to not hear any evidence is completely suspect and likely criminal. THE RULE OF LAW IS
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The ZeroCovid Movement: Cult Dressed as Science
This past year has given rise to some strange and novel methods of disease containment, including
lockdowns and mask mandates. It is unsurprising that the natural next step in this progression has been the development of
a movement known as "ZeroCovid." Its growing influence is, perhaps, predictable given that for nearly a year we have been inundated by the views of
so-called experts seeking to legitimize their myopic worldview that public health is determined solely by prevention of Covid-19.
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Justice Clarence Thomas Dissents From Supreme Court On Election Case: 'We Need
to Make It Clear'
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas issued
a dissenting opinion regarding the high court's decision not to take up a case challenging the Pennsylvania Nov. 3 election
The court on Monday announced it won't take up lawsuits challenging
a Pennsylvania state court decision that relaxed ballot-integrity measures, including a move to extend the ballot-receipt
deadline during the November election by three days due to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus. Former President Donald Trump and Pennsylvania's GOP urged the court to take up a review of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court
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Joe Biden Has The Blood Of Texans On His Hands - The Failure
Of Biden And 'Climate Change' Solutions Literally Killed People In Texas
Washington DC is turning America into a cesspool of a third-world nation.
Texas officials are facing massive criticism for the catastrophic events in Texas, and deaths from the freeze and
power outages as well as the water and food shortages that stemmed from said outages, yet new information shows that the Biden
administration refused a preemptive request from TX Governor Greg Abbott for a waiver to allow power generation facilities
to operate at full capacity until the emergency passed.
administration, 'granted' the request but the stipulations attached made it impossible to go over the federally mandated limit.
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Former Clinton Adviser: America Becoming ‘Totalitarian State' Under Biden
Author and former Clinton advisor Naomi Wolf warned Monday that the US is devolving
into a police state under the Biden administration as endless lockdowns and restrictions show no sign of being lifted.
Appearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Wolf urged that the US is "moving into a coup
situation," under Democrat rule, owing to medical mandates being extended under the "guise of a real medical pandemic."
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CEO Of Gab.Com Agrees With Dr. Thomas Horn. Says Big Tech Transhumanists Want
To Become Gods
As Big Tech continues to expand its control over
all things on the internet, a new alarm is being sounded over what's purported to be its next targets: the human body and
soul. The warning is coming from Andrew Torba, the CEO of, a free-speech alternative to the likes of Facebook and
Twitter. During an appearance Saturday on "War Room" with former President Trump aide Steve Bannon, Torba, an outspoken
Christian, asserted the tech giants are looking at creating a "post-human race." "They're talking about ascending
the human race biologically," Torba said... (READ MORE)
PREPPING FOR WAR IN THE HEAVENS: Air Force To Roll Out New Electronic Warfare
The U.S. Air Force is finalizing the decision on where
to host its new electromagnetic spectrum, or EMS, warfare wing and will debut a comprehensive electronic warfare strategy
in the spring, according to the service's top general. Chief of Staff Gen. Charles "CQ" Brown said the efforts are
a fresh start for the service, which has "been asleep at the wheel for the past 25 to 30 years" when it comes to
offensive measures and protecting its equipment across the electromagnetic spectrum... (READ MORE)
Johns Hopkins Researchers engineer tiny machines that deliver medicine efficiently
"Theragrippers" are inspired by a parasitic worm that
clamps onto its host's intestines
Inspired by a parasitic worm that digs
its sharp teeth into its host's intestines, Johns Hopkins researchers have designed tiny, star-shaped microdevices that can
latch onto intestinal mucosa and release drugs into the body.
David Gracias, Ph.D., a professor in the Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering, and Johns Hopkins gastroenterologist Florin M. Selaru, M.D., director of the Johns Hopkins Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, led a team of researchers and biomedical engineers that
designed and tested shape-changing microdevices that mimic the way the parasitic hookworm affixes itself to an organism's
Read more here:
Welp, It Turns Out Weather Modification Wasn't Just Another Crazy Conspiracy Theory
Weather modification and manipulation don't exist.
Weather modification is a crazy conspiracy theory.
Weather modification is not scientifically possible.
All of these are phrases that have been repeated ad nauseam by mainstream media for years. Suddenly, however, now
mainstream media outlets can (and do) openly discuss ongoing weather modification programs from both corporations and foreign
It looks like weather modification is one of those "crazy conspiracy theories" that isn't so crazy after all.
Read more here:
The lockdown "a global scientific fraud of unprecedented proportions"
says UHP- International Alert Message about COVID-19. United Health Professionals
International Alert Message about COVID-19. United Health Professionals
Theme: Crimes against Humanity, Police State & Civil Rights, Science
and Medicine
We bring to the attention of our readers, this important
international statement by health professionals, medical doctors and scientists, which has been sent to the governments
of thirty countries
Stay home, save lives » was a pure lie.
Remove the following illegal, non-scientific and non-sanitary measures : lockdown, mandatory
face masks for healthy subjects, social distancing of one or two meters.
lockdown not only killed many people but also destroyed physical and mental health, economy, education and other aspects of
Read more here:
COVID-19 Vaccine To Be Tested on 6-Year-Olds
As of February 4, 2021, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) had received 12,697
injury reports and 653 deaths following COVID-19 vaccination.1
the cases reported between December 14, 2020, and February 4, 2021, 3.69% were life threatening and the number of deaths account
for 5.14% of the total reports. The Pfizer vaccine accounted for 58% of deaths; Moderna's accounted for 41%.
What's more, when you look at vaccine-related deaths between January 2020 and January
2021, you find that COVID-19 vaccines account for a staggering 70% of the annual vaccine deaths, and that's while having been
available for less than two months. The first doses of Pfizer vaccine were given in mid-December 2020,2 while Moderna's
vaccine rolled out during the last week of December 2020.
Read more here:
Esteemed Medical Doctor's Viral Story Destroys Mainstream Covid-19
Narrative - As Democrats Seek To Crush Dissent, Courageous Americans Are Standing Up To 'Big Pharma' And Bill Gates
Vaccine Madness
Back at the end of December of 2020, we
published this story on ANP within which we reported that according to one vaccine creator, Covid-19 outbreaks will be with us for at least the next
10 years, aligning ominously with the United Nations 2030 agenda.
Yahoo news reported of that story, the creator of the world's first approved Covid-19 vaccine, Ugur Sahin, the CEO of Germany's BioNTech which partnered
with big pharma's Pfizer to create a vaccine in less than a year, had warned the virus may survive and be with us for
many years to come.
With the website also reporting just days ago that Covid-19 is here to stay, and the mainstream media heavily using stories like that to push 'vaccines' as the 'answer' to this mess
our world is in, a massive truth bomb was recently dropped upon all of their arguments in this mega-viral Wall Street Journal story (saved at archive).
Read and watch here:
COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines; They're IRREVERSIBLE Gene Therapy
with no "OFF" Switch
Did you know that mRNA COVID-19
vaccines aren't vaccines in the medical and legal definition of a vaccine? They do not prevent you from getting the infection,
nor do they prevent its spread. They're really experimental gene therapies.
discussed this troubling fact in a recent interview with molecular biologist Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. While the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA shots are labeled as "vaccines," and news agencies and health policy leaders
call them that, the actual patents for Pfizer's and Moderna's injections more truthfully describe them as "gene therapy,"
not vaccines.
Read more here:
Science Proves That Time Is Running Out For Humanity...
Even if we weren't facing an apocalyptic future of our own making, humanity would still be doomed due to the nightmarish
reproductive crisis that we are now facing. Just about every measure of human fertility that you can measure is dropping
precipitously, and this is particularly true in the western world. As a result, we have vast numbers of young adults
that are either infertile or that deeply struggle with fertility issues, and the number of babies born with birth defects
has been soaring. It gets worse with each passing year, and the future for humanity is exceedingly bleak unless we find
a way to turn things around.
Dr. Shanna Swan has been closely studying
these issues for decades, and she is now warning that the "current state of reproductive affairs can't continue much longer without threatening human survival"...
Read more here:
At least 800 worshippers die defending the ‘Ark of the Covenant' from looters
amid ethnic massacre in Ethiopia
HUNDREDS of Ethiopians
died risking their lives to defend the "Ark of the Covenant" from looters after brutal fights broke out.
Worshippers rushed to protect the church where the Ark is said to be secured after violent
clashes between soldiers and rebel militia neared the site.
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NASA warns of STADIUM-SIZED asteroid headed towards Earth
The US space agency is warning of a salvo of space rocks headed for Earth, ranging in
size from a paltry 10 meters in diameter all the way up to a positively petrifying 213.
When not keeping a close eye on its Perseverance rover, which touched down on Mars this week, NASA is busy monitoring
the sky for potential threats to life on Earth - namely asteroids. And this week is no exception, as five such space rocks
are due to buzz the planet we call home.
Read more here:
Why Pentagon Is Releasing UFO Info in 6 Months
There has been a trend of the US Military releasing declassified footage depicting unidentifiable
flying objects or UFOs, possibly preparing the mass public for some groundbreaking revelations in 2021! Check out today's
new video predicting the pentagon's acknowledgement of aliens in 6 months! It's time people learned the truth about our mysterious
visitors from above and it starts right here!
Read and watch here:
Freeze kills Texas Antelopes
The record-setting freeze that hit Texas over the last week has devasted two species of well-established non-indegenous
antelope species in several areas.
The nilgai antelope, a native of India
and Pakistan has been free-ranging along the Lower Coast from around Baffin Bay to the Mexico line for more than 80 years.
Read more here:
Here's How Fast and Brutally Migrants and Locals Can Turn Against Each Other
Peruvians and Venezuelans are both South Americans, albeit with different conducts and
ways of thinking things. However, our countries have a not-so-nice relationship. These two countries share a common history.
This shared history may shed some light on why Peruvians fear Venezuelans and are opposed to them coming to Peru.
Read more here:
China warns of 'stronger flood' as Three Gorges Dam faces swell
China warns of 'stronger flood' as Three Gorges Dam faces swell Cities in the country's
central region along the Yangtze River -- China's longest river -- have been inundated in the past week amid the annual monsoon
season, with the worst flooding since 1998. Across the country, 433 rivers have flooded, and 141 people have died or are missing.
The Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric gravity dam that spans the Yangtze River by the town of Sandouping, in Yiling District,
Yichang, Hubei province, central China, downstream of the Three Gorges. The Three Gorges Dam has been the world's largest
power station in terms of installed capacity since 2012.
Watch here:
Oracle Nostradamus reckons megaquakes, supervolcanoes & World War Three are
the disasters still to come
AS if a global pandemic wasn't bad
enough - World War Three, the third antichrist and an extinction level catastrophe are all on their way.
That's the prediction of the infamous 16th century seer Nostradmus.
A new eight part documentary series on Discovery + delves into the cryptic visions of the French astrologer.
Michel de Nostredame,
who died in 1566, has been lauded for centuries because so much of what he foretold appeared to come true.
Read more here:
Biden Admin "Working Directly" With Big Tech To Crush Vaccine Dissent
"In a corporatist system of government, wherein there is no meaningful
separation between corporate power and state power, corporate censorship is state censorship."
Those were the prophetic words of Caitlin Johnstone in 2018 warning of the slippery slope that Big Tech and its liberal minions were embarking on as the corporate-sponsored cancel-culture
In 2018, representatives of Facebook, Twitter, and Google were
instructed on the US Senate floor that it is their responsibility to "quell information rebellions" and
adopt a "mission statement" expressing their commitment to "prevent the fomenting of discord."
Read more here:
Former Detroit TV Anchor Karen Hudson-Samuels Dies One Day After Taking COVID
(CBS DETROIT) - Karen Hudson-Samuels'
career in broadcast journalism spanned over four decades in Detroit.
making her name at WGPR-TV as an anchor, producer and news director, the historian and journalist used her vision to create
one of the biggest accomplishments of her lifetime.
Read and watch here:
Liberals Hate White People, Including Themselves, As 'Everything Is Racist' Now,
Including Math, Correct Answers, And The Muppets
Promotes Homosexuality, But Labels The Muppets As 'Offensive'
Over the years we have seen so many different things, words, actions and practices deemed "racist" by liberals,
such as "milk," peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, hair styles (if you are white and wearing them), jewelry, etc.....
Liberals seem to think almost anything is racist as long as
it is a white person saying, doing, or wearing it, and that includes white liberals that are more than willing to bow down
to the philosophy of "being born white is to be born a racist."
how much does one have to hate themselves to bow down and claim guilt for every bad thing someone else has done in the past
to the black community?
Let us also address the flip side of that coin,
how do black liberals justify acting like victims because their ancestors were slaves?
Read more here:
***VIDEO: Nurse Kristi Simmonds - Agonizing Pain, Neurological Issues, Spasms from COVID Vaccine***
[Read, Pray, and Undersatand! PMB]
Nurse Kristi Simmonds received
the COVID-19 vaccine on January 19. Within minutes, the frontline nurse of 17 years, collapsed and had to receive
emergency treatment.
A full month later, her family released this video
showing Kristie as she is to this very day. It is horrifying to watch.
YOU are thinking about getting a COVID "vaccine" just remember, it is NOT a "vaccine." It has no
elements of any "novel coronavirus" in it.
In fact, what the
pharmaceutical companies are CALLING a "vaccine" is man-made, messenger RNA (mRNA) which, upon entering a human
body, makes physical changes to our DNA.
Read and watch here:
Rush Limbaugh gave his life to Jesus Christ a few years ago & it gave him
tremendous hope as he faced his toughest fight
So successful
professionally, Rush also faced some dark times personally - but when I went to visit him last year, I was profoundly encouraged
by the faith I found. Here's the story the rest of the media won't tell you.
The Rush I knew had a simple answer: "Talent on loan from God," he loved to say.
It wasn't just a throwaway line - it was true - but now God has taken him home.
For the last several days, I have been mourning Rush's death, but not without hope.
Read more here:
Meet the New President of the United States ... Barack Obama
This is my chance to play the modern-day Paul Revere. "The commies are coming. The
commies are coming." Yes, I am reporting a communist takeover. But the leader of this attack is not who it appears to
Republicans, conservatives and capitalists are sick right about now.
We're in shock. We can't believe Donald Trump is no longer president. We can't believe Americans voted against the greatest
economy -- perhaps in history -- the greatest jobs picture ever, the greatest improvement in middle-class incomes ever and
the greatest economic comeback ever, which Trump produced after the COVID-19 lockdown and economic collapse. Remember 33%
gross domestic product in Q3 2020? That was the biggest number in history. Who would vote against all that? You'd have to
be self-hating and suicidal.
Read more here:
Proof of alien ships? "Cryptic bursts" of gamma-ray light from distant
galaxies have an unexplained and "odd" symmetry
from the College of Charleston in South Carolina and the Michigan Technological University have observed a strange emission pattern in gamma-ray bursts. In a study published in the Astrophysical Journal,
the researchers said that gamma-ray bursts display a series of smaller peaks in brightness that occur before and
after one big peak. If the pattern is "folded" over at the main peak and stretched one side, the before
and after peak match remarkably well.
"Whatever happened on the front
side happened on the back side," said lead author Jon Hakkila of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the College of Charleston.
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Pentagon says test findings on UFO wreckage could "change our lives forever"
More disclosure is coming from the feds after the Pentagon admitted that it has been holding onto and testing wreckage from various crashes of unidentified flying objects (UFOs).
A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) letter obtained by The Sun reveals that researcher
Anthony Bragalia wrote to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) asking for details about UFO material, to which it
was revealed that the Pentagon is in possession of many different kinds.
could include physical debris recovered by personnel of the Department of Defense as residue, flotsam, shot-off material or
crashed material from UAPS (unidentified aerial phenomenon) or unidentified flying objects," Bragalia writes.
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Is Silver the next Palladium
Is Silver the next Palladium |
Palladium was manipulated for years. It had the largest short position
relative to its size, while physical demand rose inversely to decreasing supply. Could Silver be next?
Watch this video on Is Silver the next Palladium, then please share with your friends and family
on social media and use the caption: Is Silver the next Palladium.
and watch here:
White People Aren't Human: How Anti-Racism Adopted The Nation Of Islam's Racist
The Nation of Islam may be the largest racist religion
in America. It is certainly the most influential with Louis Farrakhan's original Million Man March drawing some 400,000 racists
and allies of the hate group, including a young Barack Obama, who would later be photographed as a senator with the black
supremacist leader at a Congressional Black Caucus event.
House Majority
Whip Rep. James Clyburn, the third highest ranking Democrat, and the kingmaker who got Biden the Democrat nomination and the
White House, had thanked Farrakhan for, "offering up a number of precepts that we ought to adhere to."
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The Top Texas Takeaways
It was truly stunning to see how quickly Texas devolved into
the dark ages due to a short but powerful storm, and the widespread suffering it caused was a tragedy of epic proportions.
What the past week has shown us or should have shown us (but the lesson will be incredibly
short lived), is how tenuous things really are, and how we have come to place our very survival in not just other people's
hands, but often into the hands of totally inept bureaucrats. Don't get me wrong, emergency services did a great job, but
poor decisions like limiting shelter space to allow for "social distancing" causing people to freeze to death, came
from some bureaucrat somewhere, just following orders, not thinking of the consequences, or even more staggering, not allowing
people to spend the night in a warming center in bitter freezing weather due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Read more here:
Building a Bitcoin Prison - Catherine Austin Fitts
Former Assistant Secretary of Housing and investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts says you have
to be careful and fully understand Bitcoin. Fitts explains, "We do know they want to go to an all-digital system
with central bank cryptos. The easiest way to build the prison is to get freedom lovers everywhere to build the prison
for you. To me, Bitcoin has always been the prototype on the way to building the all-digital crypto system that they
would love to put into place. You have $400 trillion in fiat (currency) and it needs a place to go. If you are
trying to buy up all the gold, silver and farmland, the last thing you need is competition from retail. They want to
shift them into crypto and get them to build the crypto train tracks. In a funny kind of way, it's brilliant.
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Texas's Day Of Reckoning Is Why Everyone Should Be A Prepper:
Imagine A $10,000 To $17,000 Electric Bill While Scraping Snow Off Your Walls Just To Have Drinking Water
Empty store shelves, water shortages, freezing weather with no electricity, and as Texas
officials work to get the electric grid back, electric bills have surged between $10,000 and $17,000 and people are having
to scrape ice off their walls to boil for clean water.
individual residents have no control over the actual electric grid itself, nor the new green energy (wind turbines)
utterly failing, and while we would never "victim blame," we can and will use this as an example of why people need
to prepare, prepare, and prepare for every eventuality they are capable of preparing for.
It doesn't have to be the end of civilization, or a doomsday scenario, or a terrorist attack or any other of the
dozen possibilities that could require people to survive in the most dire of conditions.
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**FORCED** COVID VACCINATIONS; Old People Forcibly held down and given VAX
Last night on the Hal Turner Radio Show, I told my audience that I had video of FORCED
COVID-19 Vaccinations being administered to old people in nursing homes in Germany. Here is that video . . .
The Whistleblower who provided this video personally took the video and personally witnessed
each act of forced vaccination.
Behold; actual medical tyranny:
Read and watch here:
Moms across America and Demon Hunter -- Makes sense, the guy that ran the company that
made Roundup was moved over to head up the FDA a few years ago. I assume he is still there protecting us right?
Watch here:
National Guard deploys as 40,000 still without power in northwest Oregon
About 40,000 homes and businesses are still without power Saturday afternoon as the Oregon
National Guard is poised to begin wellness checks for residents in hard-hit counties.
Days of snow and ice brought down power lines and damaged utility equipment
across northwest Oregon, causing extensive power outages that have lasted for over a week in some areas.
Portland General Electric, the state's largest provider of electricity,
said the number of outages reflects ongoing challenges including the "discovery of both more extensive damage to our
equipment than expected as well as previously assessed damage."
more here:
The Original Obama-CHICOM Alliance to Takedown of the American Energy Grid Is
Being Carried Out Under CHICOM Stooge Biden
For the first time
in American military history, BEGINNING IN 2012, the United States government, under Obama, began allowing the communist
Chinese troops to train on American soil. Like the Russians, were a part of the annual series of Grid EX drills
in which our enemies were participating by a simulated attack of a rogue "third world nation" upon the US and its
power grid infrastructure. The Chinese were even allowed to put boots on the ground from November 12-14, 2012 in Hawaii. This
is an incredible act of treason being committed by Obama as he showed them how to take down our grid from the inside-out.
Read more here:
Let's Review 50 Years of Dire Climate Forecasts and What Actually Happened
Here are 21 headlines from various news sources regarding dire climate predictions over
the last 50 years. Many of the predictions are outrageously funny.
Forecast Headline Predictions
- 1967 Salt Lake Tribune: Dire
Famine Forecast by 1975, Already Too Late
- 1969 NYT: "Unless we are extremely lucky,
everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam in 20 years. The situation will get worse unless we change our
- 1970 Boston Globe: Scientist Predicts New Ice Age by 21st Century
said James P. Lodge, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research.
Read more here:
Our Descent Into Collective Madness
These are crazy times. A pandemic led to national quarantine; to self-induced recession; to riot, arson, and looting;
to a contested election; and to a riot at the U.S. Capitol.
In response,
are we focusing solely on upping the daily vaccination rate? Getting the country back to work? Opening the schools as the
virus attenuates? Ensuring safety in the streets?
Or are we descending
into a sort of madness?
It might have been understandable that trillions
of dollars had to be borrowed to keep a suffocating economy breathing.
more here:
AccuWeather Expects $50 Billion In Economic Damage After Winter Storms Pound
As power generation returns to the grid and lights turn
on for millions of customers in Texas, the historic rolling blackouts, Arctic blast, and winter storms may have cost billions
of dollars in economic damage. But the damage wasn't limited to Texas, explained AccuWeather. The total damage and economic loss of the winter storms are estimated to be in the tens of billions of dollars across the
AccuWeather Founder and CEO Dr. Joel N. Myers said the
latest batch of major winter storms had wreaked havoc in Texas and across the country. He estimates total damage and economic
loss could amount to $45 and $50 billion. This comes as the US economy is on life support through fiscal and monetary injections.
Read more here:
Texas residents cling to hope as deep freeze continues
Nearly 30,000 Central Texans are still in the dark on Thursday
TEMPLE, Texas - Central Texans have lived through a nightmare that they haven't woken up from as
the deadly deep freeze slogs into its seventh day.
"It's kind of
been like the apocalypse. We did not prepare to lose power, that's not something we ever thought was going to happen,"
said Shelby Michalewicz, owner and operator of Tiny Hooves Animal Rescue and Petting Zoo.
Read and watch here:
How Much Longer Will DFW-Area Store Shelves Be Nearly Empty Following Winter Storms?
DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - On top of dealing with power outages and boil water
advisories, many North Texans have been frustrated by nearly empty shelves at grocery stores across the Metroplex.
"I know it's unnerving for customers when they come in the store and it doesn't look
like the grocery store they know and love," said Christy Lara, director of public relations for the southern division
of Tom Thumb and Albertsons. "There's been an increase in demand, coupled with some stores that have dealt with power
outages and had to [get rid of] product as a result."
Read and watch
'This Was Just A Test Run, The Big Thing Has Yet To Come'
- The Noose Is Tightening And The Gates Closing As 'Last Events' Unfold In America - 'This Is How Communist Governments Work'
Joe Biden And Democrats Now Control The Internet Kill Switch - Imagine The Damage
They Can Do!
In the first video of this story embedded right
below, videographer and cybersecurity expert Rob Braxman takes a look at a recent massive attack conducted upon internet encryption services, particular VPN's, with VPN traffic throttled
to the point it was near unusable. And as the top-voted comment on that video warned: "I bet it was just a test
run...the big thing has yet to come..."
With Braxman telling
us that basically in the first month+ of 2021, 'the Great Firewall of the USA' was turned on, before being abruptly turned back off again, with the exact purpose of the action unknown, other commenters
warned on the video of the future of the internet in America: "It'll be like a point system for citizens.... with
no internet if you have low points." While a response to that comment was: "100% correct. I believe
it will be much more than internet. Cell service, bank account, travel ability, etc". And another commenter left
a final 'we told you so' to the American people:
Read and watch
Things Keep Getting EVEN WORSE in Texas: Frigid Temps, Blackouts, and an "Overwhelmed"
Water System
It's not the end of the world. Not yet.
But, take a look at what is happening in Texas. Some would say that is a preview of what's
to come for the United States if we don't do something major to reverse it. Austerity and scarcity, much of it created by
poor maintenance of the infrastructure and more under the guise of saving us from "climate change", is coming to America.
Fresh on the heels of intentional, planned
blackouts in Nebraska and Texas, due to frigid temperatures and a power grid that couldn't handle demand, Texas is now facing
yet another crisis - "overwhelmed" water systems.
Read more
Why Global Warming was a Total Farce & it's Now Incorporated into the Great
This is the Western Plague in research. They always seek
to reduce whatever it is to a single cause and effect. I am so tired of this nonsense about CO2. Here in Flordia, we had a
red tide and instantly the politicians were blaming it on farmers that certainly are not in this area. All I did was Google
red tides and there it was, the first one reported was by the Spanish during the 17th century long before farmers in Florida
using chemicals.
The output of energy from the Sun oscillates but that
is NOT the single cause of the effect of global warming and cooling. There are other aspects that come into
play such as Arctic Oscillations.
Read more here:
An Insider Explains Why Texans Lost Their Power
How would your family, and a hundred thousand other families, like to be stuck in your cars for
days at minus 16 degrees?
The death toll would be huge. It
almost happened in New England in 1989.
And in Texas this week.
I was part of the 1989 Freeze and have some hopefully interesting insights.
In 1989, the weather just before Christmas was terrible. Cold temperature records
were set from Texas to New England.
Read more here:
One-Third of Deaths Reported to CDC After COVID Vaccines Occurred Within 48 Hours of Vaccination
The numbers reflect the latest data available as of Feb. 12 from the CDC's Vaccine Adverse
Event Reporting System website. Of the 929 reported deaths, about one-third occurred within 48 hours.
According to new data released today, as of Feb. 12, 15,923 adverse reactions to COVID vaccines,
including 929 deaths, have been reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) since Dec. 14, 2020.
VAERS is the primary mechanism in the U.S.
for reporting adverse vaccine reactions. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a determination can
be made as to whether the reported adverse event was directly or indirectly caused by the vaccine.
Read more here:
Spain: Second Pfizer Shots Halted After 46 Nursing Home Residents
Die After the First Shot
Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Our Lady of the Rosary) nursing home is reeling due to mass deaths after mRNA inoculations.
All residents and workers at the facility received the first dose of Pfizer mRNA in early January, according to Spain mainstream media outlet ABC de Sevilla.
more here:
"If We Had an Election for Him Tomorrow, He'd Lose in a Landslide"
- 3 More Kentucky GOP County Leaders Call on Mitch McConnell to Step Down
The Nelson County Republican Party wrote Senator Mitch McConnell on Tuesday demanding he immediately resign
from his leadership position with the Republican Party's caucus in the United States Senate.
This comes after McConnell's comments on Saturday and an explosive editorial in the Wall Street Journal viciously attacking and smearing President Donald Trump.
Read more here:
Democrats Work with White House on Plan to Crack Down on Dissent and Eliminate
First Amendment Rights
This really should come as no
surprise. It's who they are - complete fascists.
Democrats are meeting with the Biden White House on how to crackdown on political dissent in America today. Democrats
want to make it impossible for ordinary Americans to challenge their authority.
Read more here:
Coca-Cola Forces Employees to Complete Online Training Telling Them to "Try
to be Less White"
A whistleblower leaked shocking images
of Coca-Cola's online training modules instructing employees to "try to be less white."
Karlyn Borysenko, an anti-critical race theory activist, obtained the images from an internal whistleblower
and posted them online:
Read and watch here:
Outages Morph Into Outrage As Texans Slapped With "Mind-Blowing" Power
The rolling blackouts that plunged up to 15 million Texans into darkness amid a historic cold snap are diminishing by the end of the week. About 188k customers
were without power in the state on Friday morning. Days after power prices jumped from $50 per Megawatt to more than $9,000,
the horror stories pour in for those who had power this week during grid chaos as they are mind-boggled how their energy bills skyrocketed.
of these horrifying power bill stories below should be a shock as we described to readers in the piece titled "Power Bills To The Moon: Chaos, Shock As Electricity Prices Across US Explode," that this would happen.
Read more here:
We Have The Documents! Tx Had Power Grid Shut Off By Feds Under Biden
Major smoking gun! Infowars has been sent a Department of Energy document, confirmed to
be authentic, showing Texas begging for federal authorization to increase power!
Watch here:
International Alert Message about COVID-19. United Health Professionals
The lockdown « a global scientific fraud of unprecedented proportions »
We bring to the attention of our readers, this important
international statement by health professionals, medical doctors and scientists, which has been sent to the governments of thirty countries
Below is the complete text which was sent to the governments.
The text includes quotations from prominent scholars and health professionals
Link to original document: Very Urgent : International Alert message about COVID-19
See here for list of governments to which the letter was sent.
Read more here:
These Stories Should Absolutely Infuriate ALL Americans: Not Only Is 'Beijing
Joe Biden' Putting China First But Now He's Excusing Their Genocide And 'Domestic Horror Show'
While large parts of America have been largely locked down for almost a year now since the emergence
of the 'China virus' from Wuhan, China, this February 18th story by Jamie White over at Infowars is just one breaking story that should infuriate all Americans, with White reporting 'China Joe' Biden is giving
American more proof he's running a 'China First' administration, with Biden's NIH authorizing the Wuhan lab 'where
it all began' to receive funding from the American taxpayer.
while some scientists claim there is zero evidence Covid-19 came from that lab in Wuhan, especially with the World Health Organization allowing China to 'vet' those who were investigating that claim, and that WHO team allegedly finding no links between the lab and Covid-19, as we'd warned in this January 16th ANP story, it was nothing less than Covid that allowed Democrats to cement their 2020 election coup with potentially millions of fraudulent
mail-in votes.
Read more here:
It's the most impressive seismic start to a new year this century! 29 major quakes so far in 2021 as a mag M 6.1, east of
Fiji is the latest to rock the Australian Plate where almost 200 large aftershocks have occurred in the last seven days
Another, powerful, major quakes, (mag 6 or higher) has struck
east of the most volatile seismic area in the world this afternoon, the 3rd major quake in the area since last night. A mag
M 6.1, east of Fiji rocked east of an area where almost 200 large aftershocks have occurred in the last seven days after a
mag 7.7 and a mag 7.1 struck north and south along the eastern margin of the Australia plate in the South Pacific Ocean.
The area has been rumbling for a week now since the two, mag, 7+ quakes rocked the area earlier last week with the aftershocks
not appearing to settle down anytime soon.
The latest major quake this
afternoon helped continue the incredible seismic February so far with a total of 17 major quakes, mag 6 or higher with all
the major quakes occurring along the Pacific Ring Of Fire and 10 of them along the eastern margin of the Australia
plate. 2021 has so recorded 29 major quakes so far which is also very impressive considering we are still in the middle of
Read more here:
Magnetic catastrophe ‘that wiped out Neanderthals' is due to happen AGAIN,
scientists warn
A DISASTROUS collapse of the Earth's
magnetic field wiped out the Neanderthals and could happen again, according to a new study.
Researchers say the event left Earth exposed to burning cosmic radiation and, unfortunately, think
we're overdue a repeat.
Read more here:
Mysterious Monolith Appears in DR Congo, Destroyed by Locals Amid Fears of 'Aliens
and Illuminati'
Since the first monolith appeared in the US state
of Utah last year, similar structures have been found across the world, including Russia, Germany, the Netherlands, Australia,
Sweden, the UK, Spain, and Poland.
Another mysterious monolith has appeared,
this time in the Democratic Republic of the Congo - only to be later destroyed by frightened locals. The nearly four-metre
(12-foot) metal structure was discovered in Kinshasa last weekend. However, reports say that after taking a lot of selfies
with the monolith, the crowd attacked it with sticks and then set it on fire.
more here:
'Techno-Masters' Are Social Engineering Society As They Control What We Read,
Watch, Share, Debate, And What Information We Can Find Online
I read a piece found over at Steve Quayle's website, by John Whitehead, which deals with 'techno-fascism" and the dangers of staying silent about censorship. Primarily,
if they are allowed to go after high profile targets, eventually they will come for us all.
It is an outstanding piece, highly recommended.
specific sentence towards the very end of the article caught my attention:
more here:
group of people showed up to a Trader Joes grocery store in Santa Cruz, California and they proceeded to cause some very much
needed EPIC CHAOS!!! We need more of these type of events in the future and we need to BOYCOTT these businesses for treating
people this way. If ever a video needed to go viral, this is the one! PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO EVERYWHERE YOU CAN!!!
Read more here:
This Diary from the Great Depression Is Like Reading a Modern-Day Newsfeed
During times like these, keeping close tabs on events unfolding is critical. It's always more productive for the pragmatic, though, to be aware and knowledgeable about such events' developments.
One of the best ways to do so is by learning from history. For the most part, natural
events are unpredictable, random in impact and reach, and localized. Economic collapses, on the other hand,
follow a more cyclical dynamic and have all-embracing consequences.
Read more here:
National Sins and National Judgments
A sermon by John Owen
Preached April
11, 1679.
"For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen: because their tongue and their doings are
against the Lord, to provoke the eyes of his glory. The show of their countenance doth witness against them; and they
declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves." - Isa.
iii. 8, 9.
First, Here is a confluence of sins delighted in.
Secondly, Here is a concurrence of various judgments unregarded. In the ninth chapter
of this prophecy, the prophet enumerates, from the 13th verse to the end of the chapter, all sorts of judgments and indications
of the continuance of God's displeasure, concluding every one of them with this: "For all this his anger is not turned
away, but his hand is stretched out still;" and it will end in their utter destruction.
Read more here:
Some electricity restored in Texas, but water woes grow
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - Power was restored to more homes and businesses Thursday in states
hit by a deadly blast of winter that overwhelmed the electrical grid and left millions shivering in the cold this week. But
the crisis was far from over in parts of the South, where many people still lacked safe drinking water.
In Texas on Thursday, about 325,000 homes and businesses remained without power, down from about
3 million a day earlier, though utility officials said limited rolling blackouts were still possible.
Read more here:
Chinese fighters buzz Taiwan's air zone as it appoints new defence minister
TAIPEI, Feb 19 (Reuters) - Taiwan's air force scrambled on Friday after eight Chinese
fighter aircraft flew into the southwestern part of its air defence zone in another display of stepped-up military activity
around the democratic island.
Beijing, which claims Taiwan as Chinese
territory, says it is responding to what it calls "collusion" between Taipei and Washington, Taiwan's main international
backer and weapons supplier.
Read more here:
Russia and China ready to sign historic deal to build first moon base after snubbing
US in new space race
RUSSIA and China are joining forces as they
prepare to sign a historic deal to build the first moon base after they snubbed the US.
The two countries are to collaborate on the international lunar structure, which was thought up by China - the latest
build in the space-race against America.
Read more here:
Colorado GOP Rep. Boebert responds after California Democrats mock her gun display
Boebert said lawmakers vow to uphold the Constitution, and Second Amendment is
part of it
U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., responded Thursday night after a California Democrat accused her earlier in the day of having a "gun fetish" because some weapons were visible on a shelf inside
her home during a Zoom call with other lawmakers.
During an appearance
on "Fox News @ Night," Boebert called U.S. Rep. Jared Huffman a creep and claimed his "disdain for the Constitution was on full
Read more here:
Sweden Bans Masks: ‘No Scientific Evidence' They Prevent COVID
Officials in Halmstad municipality, Sweden, recently forced a teacher to remove their
mask and prohibited the use of masks and all forms of PPE in schools. The municipality said there was no
scientific evidence for wearing masks, citing the Swedish public health agency.
Read more here:
If America Splits Up, What Happens to the Nukes?
Opposition to American secession movements often hinges on the idea that foreign policy concerns
trump any notions that the United States ought to be broken up into smaller pieces.
It almost goes without saying that those who subscribe to neoconservative ideology or other highly interventionist
foreign policy views treat the idea of political division with alarm or contempt. Or both.
They have a point. It's likely that were the US to be broken up into smaller pieces, it would be weakened
in its ability to act as a global hegemon, invading foreign nations at will, imposing "regime change," and threatening
war with any regime that opposes the whims of the American regime.
more here:
Gog-Magog President Vladimir Putin Warns Of The ‘End Of Civilization' At
Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an ominous speech
to the World Economic Forum on Wednesday, warning the Chinese coronavirus pandemic and rising income inequality threatened
to thrust the world into "all against all" conflict, the Sydney Morning Herald reported. Putin drew several comparisons
between current conditions in the world and those of the 1930s which precipitated World War II and cautioned world leaders
to avoid any comparable escalations. "Nowadays such a heated conflict is not possible. I hope it is not possible in principle
because it would mean the end of our civilization," Putin said. "There is a possibility we may experience a natural
collapse of global development that might result in a fight of all against all," he added... (READ MORE)
The Temporary Collapse Of Texas Is Foreshadowing The Total Collapse Of The United
We are getting a very short preview of what will eventually
happen to the United States as a whole. America's infrastructure is aging and crumbling. Our power grids were
never intended to support so many people, our water systems are a complete joke, and it has become utterly apparent that we
would be completely lost if a major long-term national emergency ever struck. Texas has immense wealth and vast energy
resources, but now it is being called a "failed state". If it can't even handle a few days of cold weather,
what is the rest of America going to look like when things really start to get chaotic in this country?
Read more here:
Fuel Shortages Prompt FMCSA to Declare Emergency in More Than 30 States
Washington D.C. - The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
has issued an Emergency Declaration for more than 30 states and the District of Columbia due to widespread fuel shortages
and damage caused by extreme winter weather.
"This Declaration addresses
the emergency conditions creating a need for immediate transportation of persons, supplies, goods, equipment, heating fuels,
including propane, natural gas, and heating oil, and other fuel products, including gasoline, and provides necessary relief,"
the Agency said in an announcement late Wednesday.
Read more here:
U.S. Intelligence Officials Say The Kings Of The East Are Collecting Americans' DNA
60 Minutes has learned the largest biotech firm in the world wasted no time in offering
to build and run COVID testing labs in Washington, contacting its governor right after the first major COVID outbreak in the
U.S. occurred there. The Chinese company, the BGI Group, made the same offer to at least five other states, including New
York and California, 60 Minutes has learned. This, along with other COVID testing offers by BGI, so worried Bill Evanina,
then the country's top counterintelligence officer, that he authorized a rare public warning. "Foreign powers can collect,
store and exploit biometric information from COVID tests" declared the notice. Evanina believes the Chinese are trying
to collect Americans' DNA to win a race to control the world's biodata... (READ MORE)
Anti-vax at the Vatican? You might lose your job
‘Refusing a vaccine can constitute a risk for others'
ROME (AP) - The Vatican is taking Pope Francis' pro-vaccine stance very seriously: Any Vatican employee
who refuses to get a coronavirus shot without a valid medical reason risks being fired.
A Feb. 8 decree signed by the governor of the Vatican city-state says that employees who opt out of vaccination without
a proven medical reason could be subject to sanctions up to and including "the interruption of the relationship of employment."
The directive cited the need to protect Vatican employees in the workplace, as well as
guidelines issued by Francis' advisory COVID-19 commission, which said individuals have a moral responsibility to get vaccinated
"given that refusing a vaccine can constitute a risk for others."
more here:
Expect The Upcoming Food Shortages To Be Much Worse Than Previously Reported And
Prepare For 'In Vitro' Meats To Become The Staple Of American Diets As Largest U.S. Farmland Owner, Bill Gates, Wants Americans
To Only Eat 'Synthetic Beef'
Between Joe Biden's decrees and
billionaire Bill Gates, the largest owner of farmland in America, insisting that "all rich nations should move to 100%
synthetic beef, in conjunction with the ongoing shortages in some geographical areas, and the upcoming inflation for the cost
of meat, we are noting significant signs that food, and keeping our families fed, is going to be far harder, and more expensive
than ever before.
Interestingly the majority of information that can be
found using a search engine are from local sources, or a small number of separate and individual stories from the MSM, that
doesn't connect any dots, nor show any "big picture" ramifications.
prices for meat, paying farmers to produce less with monetary incentives, offering fake meats and other items for less money,
is the methods being utilized by Joe Biden, Bill Gates and others to control what Americans eat and how much of it they eat.
Read more here:
'The Powers That Be Are Determined To Take Down Texas':
Soon After Texas Politicians Endorsed Legislation To Secede From The USA, Texas Got Absolutely Clobbered
Just less than two weeks ago, on February 5th, The Guardian published this story titled "Texas Republicans endorse legislation to allow vote on secession from US"
within which they reported the State's GOP chairman, Allen West, was just the latest Republican to come out in support
of declaring Texas an independent nation.
Now almost two weeks later,
coincidentally, (though most likely not!), the LA Times has put out this story titled "Amid severe weather and power crisis, Texas legislators stop talking about secession." While the
Washington Post gloats: "Texas seceded from the nation's power grid. Now it's paying the price".
With the Post's story reporting "The state's
unique electrical system worked well for decades - but it wasn't ready for unexpected cold", does anybody else find
it quite odd that soon after Texas started talking about seceding from the US with Joe Biden and radical Democrats 'in
charge', Texas has been hit by a series of absolutely debilitating storms and power grid outages?
Read more here:
What Was Coming Is No Longer Coming, It Is Already Here
As Steve Quayle says, what is coming is no longer coming, it
is already here.
In only a few short weeks, the path of subjugation that
Biden has put America on is clearly taking shape. In fact, it is my contention that Biden is no longer acting as the Chief
Executive of our nation. That duty has fallen to Kamala Harris as it has been announced that Biden will not be meeting with
anyone (eg military, foreign dignitaries, etc.). Who is really running our government? Regardless of who is really running
the show, it is clear that lists are being created and a clear enemies of the state posture has been adopted by the present
administration. Here are a few of the building blocks of the present tyranny. A quick word about the vaccines. The FDA skipped
the animal trials. You are the experimental subjects. We know there are major casualty rates. However, we don't know the extent,
because if it being covered up. It is easy to assume the worst in this atmosphere of coverup and censorship.
Read more here:
Tens of millions under weather advisories in Northeast as ANOTHER
winter storm dumps five inches of snow on NYC - which has already seen double its regular snowfall with 34 inches this
Tens of millions of Americans in the Northeast are under
winter weather advisories as Winter Storm Viola threatens to dump up to ten inches of snow on New York City, which has already
seen double its regular snowfall with 34 inches this year.
The National
Weather Service (NWS) winter weather advisories are in effect from Thursday morning until early Friday evening due to a 'major'
winter storm impacting an area stretching from Virginia up to the Northeast with dangerous, icy buildups and heavy snowfall.
Read more here:
Portland police officers ‘guarding' Fred Meyer dumpsters as residents seek
discarded food
Roughly a dozen Portland police officers faced
off with a small group at a Northeast Portland Fred Meyer on Tuesday after people tried to take food that had been thrown
Workers at the Hollywood West Fred Meyer threw away thousands of perishable items because the store, like many others, had lost power in an outage brought on by the
region's winter storm.
Read more here:
Global warming my ass! Snow and cold records are falling around the world from
Greece to Japan and Libya - Meanwhile the sun is blank
warming? Come on... Temperatures are currently dropping big time, resulting in unprecedented snow storms across the world
from Libya, Greece and Japan to the Middle East.
Here some of the latest...
Read more here:
Video shows Shanghai high-rise being struck by directed energy weapon or natural
electrical discharge
Could an entire skyscraper have been destroyed
by a DEW or a natural planetary discharge?
Shanghai high-rise
that was under construction appears to have been struck by a huge bolt of electricity and it was all captured on video.
A the shocking video footage captured on 3 August around 6 pm local time shows the disintegrating
building from three camera angles and locations.
"High-rise building
appears to have been attacked/destroyed by an intense directed energy weapon," Intellihub founder and editor-in-chief
Tweeted on Thursday. "Does anyone have more intel on this?"
and watch here:
How Nikola Tesla And Marconi Overheard Messages From Aliens From Mars
At the beginning of the twentieth century, American society was extremely excited by the
unexpected revelations of the leading researchers in the field of radio communications, Nikola Tesla, Guglielmo Marconi, and
later Thomas Edison.
They talked about contact with the inhabitants of Mars.
One of the most famous inventors and thinkers in history, as well as
one of the most misunderstood, is by far the Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist Nikola
Read more here:
China Targets America's Rare Earth Vulnerability
WASHINGTON-China is reportedly looking into curbing the export of rare-earth minerals to the United States, which may become a new source
of friction between the two countries.
China's Ministry of Industry and
Information Technology in January proposed draft controls on the production and export of rare-earth minerals and provided 30 days for public comment.
During the comment period, industry executives were asked to assess how U.S. and European companies could be affected
if Beijing decided to cut rare-earth exports during a bilateral dispute, the Financial Times reported, citing people involved in the discussions.
Read more here:
OUTRAGEOUS Gun Control Bills: Family Psych Evals, $800 a
Year "Insurance," a PUBLIC Gun Registry, and More
and the White House (currently, perhaps the most anti-Second Amendment collection of politicians ever to grasp the reins of
power) are now pushing several bills to dismantle the right to keep and bear arms.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep
and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
One new piece of legislation
submitted by Sheila Jackson Lee HR 127 is being called "insanity on steroids" by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
Read more
Inside China's brutal execution system with mobile injection vans & firing
squads after killing most in the world
CHINA has been branded
the world's worst executioner as the state kills thousands of people every year using firing squads, lethal injections and
mobile death vans.
The true numbers of those killed by the Communist
Party are thought to be staggeringly high - but the regime keeps them closely concealed as state secrets.
Read more here:
North Dakota taking steps to nullify ALL of Joe Biden's unconstitutional laws
and executive orders
(Natural News) State Sen. Tom Kading, a Republican, has introduced legislation in North Dakota that would instruct the attorney general to review the constitutionality of each and every executive order
signed by Joe Biden.
Since Biden is not a real president anyway, none
of his EOs are valid right out of the gate. North Dakota is taking a slightly different approach, though, challenging Biden's
EOs on constitutional grounds since they far exceed the jurisdiction of the executive branch.
Read more here:
BILL GATES, Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, The Lucis Trust, and the OCCULT: CONNECTING
Bill Gates has told the world numerous times how much
he loves vaccines. For the last 20 years, his entire life has revolved around Vaccines and getting them as quickly as possible
to third world countries - specifically to children. If you have followed my writings through the years about Gates and his
Foundation, you will remember that thousands of children from India and Africa have been killed, maimed or left sterilized
from Gates' vaccines.
Read more here:
Texas's Power Grid Disaster Is Only The Beginning
Record-setting cold and snowfall in Texas has in turn caused dramatic power outages and rolling
blackouts across the state. Texans stuck in powered-off apartments with no way to warm themselves have fled to "warming centers." A few have died from carbon monoxide poisoning trying to warm themselves with a car.
The mess with the Texas
power grid is only the beginning. In the years to come, American infrastructure will fail more and more often, as America
becomes less capable of maintaining the core elements of a First World country.
Why would America become less First World? That's a simple question to answer: Because America is making itself
less First World.
Read more here:
Techno-Censorship: The Slippery Slope from Censoring ‘Disinformation'
to Silencing Truth
"If liberty means anything at all, it
means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."- George Orwell
This is the slippery slope that leads to the end of free speech as we once knew it.
In a world increasingly automated and filtered through the lens of artificial intelligence, we are finding ourselves
at the mercy of inflexible algorithms that dictate the boundaries of our liberties.
Once artificial intelligence becomes a fully integrated part of the government bureaucracy, there will be little recourse: we will be subject to the intransigent judgments of techno-rulers.
Read more here:
OPERATION DEEP FREEZE: Purposefully Carried Out by NWO Cabal
to Paralyze Texas Patriot Movement and Shut Down Power Grid
be clear: the deliberate deep freeze of Texas is unparalleled by any standard. There is simply no historical precedent
for both the record-breaking cold temperatures and snowfalls so far south in Texas.
With this irrefutable knowledge, Occam's razor tells us that such a catastrophic weather event was fastidiously geoengineered
by all the usual suspects.
How could such an historic weather calamity
not be the product of very stealthy weather manufacturing after highly sophisticated atmospheric manipulation?
Read more here:
Are Christians Stupid or Brainwashed?
"Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed
and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves
behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force
accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one's prejudgment simply need not be believed -
in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical - and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential,
as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self-satisfied and, being easily
irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid
person than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless
and dangerous." -Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Read more here:
Many "journalists" today are just tattletale thought police
(Natural News) One of the latest trends among legacy media "journalists" is to spy on their political opponents in an effort to bully and intimidate them.
In what Glenn Greenwald describes
as "an unholy mix of junior high hall-monitor tattling and Stasi-like citizen surveillance," increasingly more fake
news reporters are attempting to censor, control and ultimately destroy white people and conservatives using extreme anti-journalism
Read more here:
Abominable Situation Unfolding Across America Proves Preppers Were Right To Prepare!
Brutal Cold And Grid Down Scenarios Are Bringing Death And Very Hard Times To Millions
With record low temperatures in city after city across America after a prolonged arctic outbreak began smashing temperature records in the Plains and Midwest, what's being called the coldest outbreak in some 30 years in some regions, what's happening right now in huge parts of Texas
should be seen as a warning to the rest of America as a 'grid down scenario' caused by rolling blackouts has caused over 4 million Texans to go without power, many for well over 24 hours already.
to at least 21 dead, and now warning these brutally low temperatures may linger into much of the rest of this week before finally easing this weekend into early next week, some of those who didn't prepare for such a scenario have moved out of their homes and into their cars to keep warm.
Read more here:
Trump Advised on "Weather Warfare" in Texas
As Texans froze in Uri's icy grip, President Donald Trump in balmy Florida entertained
an unexpected visitor, a physicist who was once at the top of his list-albeit a short one-for chief scientific advisor to
the president, according to a source in Trump's orbit speaking under promise of anonymity.
Dr. William Happer, Professor Emeritus at Princeton University, is an American physicist who has specialized in the
study of atomic physics, optics, and spectroscopy. From 1991-1993, he served as director of the Department of Energy's Office
of Science under George W. Bush's administration, but was fired in late 1993 by the Clinton administration after he failed
to convince Bill that science behind the global warming movement was deeply flawed. In short, Dr. Happer has unimpeachable
credentials and a stellar history of academic excellence.
Read more here:
Critics Must Be Silenced for Billionaires to Keep Profiting From Pandemic
By controlling the media, billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates can prolong a crisis
indefinitely while they accumulate unprecedented wealth and power over humanity.
On Feb. 15, the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post published a Feb. 11 Associated Press article applauding the censorship of those who criticize the government's pandemic response policies.
The lockdown has netted Bezos $70 billion since its start. If you are Bezos, a permanent lockdown is a goldmine.
Read more here:
Why Did CNN & NBC Both Pay Leftist Capital Rioter $35,000?
Court documents have revealed that both CNN and NBC paid leftist rioter John Sullivan $35,000
a piece for footage he shot during the storming of the Capitol building on January 6th.
Sullivan argued that he was attending the protest as a journalist to get footage to sell.
Read more here:
Media Pushing Vaccine Misinformation - Coroner's Office Never Saw Hank Aaron's
Late last month, the mainstream media attacked me
in a regimented swarm "debunking" my quote in The Defender questioning whether Hank Aaron's death might have been related to the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine he received 18 days earlier.
I never said that the Moderna shot
caused Aaron's death. I simply made the factual observation that "Aaron's tragic death is part of a wave of suspicious deaths among elderly closely following administration of COVID vaccines."
Read more here:
A Question For Leftists: Why Are All The Evil People On Your Side?
The media these days is saturated with tales of "evil conservatives" and our
heinous plans for world domination through "insurrection". In fact, most mainstream articles that cover recent events
including the election and the protests at the capitol make a point to always mention "white supremacy" and "terrorism"
in the same breath as the word "conservative". This is an entirely deliberate propaganda tactic called "word
association" or "word redefinition"; change the subtext of a word or group label in the minds of the masses
and you can often change perception from positive to negative.
Read more
Dr. Lee Merrit: The Vaxx Is Preparing World For Mass Death Event (Video)
The following interview is an explosive one! It was so explosive, that like my interviews
with people like The Sons of Liberty's health and wellness expert Kate Shemirani, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Kevin Corbett and
Dr. Carrie Madej, it was scrubbed by YouTube's Ministry of Truth. However, The New American's Alex Newman interviewed
Dr. Lee Merrit who warns that the COVID Vaxx not only failed in previous animal testing but is also setting the world up for
a mass death event.
Read and watch here:
Children as young as 6 get first Oxford Covid vaccine in trial as EVERY British
adult could get both doses by August
CHILDREN as young
as six are being given the Oxford coronavirus vaccine in a new trial - while every adult could get both doses by August.
Researchers will use 300 kids aged between six and 17 to examine whether the jab produces
a strong immune response in youngsters.
Read more here:
Western Civilization Is Imploding: Now Is The Time For Christians To Make Their
Have you ever wondered why so few Christians seem
willing to take a stand against the globalized tyranny that's bearing down on our country, allowing it to take over their
lives a little at a time?
We know that prayer and the Bible were
banned from public schools in 1965, the right to murder one's offspring was declared legal in 1973, and in 2015 the right
of two people of the same sex to marry was likewise found to be hiding in the bowls of our Constitution.
In the 1990s, the cancel culture overtook college campuses, and quickly spread to the corporate
world. Before long, there was a list of things you couldn't say, people you couldn't criticize, and now in 2021 there's an
ex-president you're not allowed to support.
Read more here:
How the Gates Foundation seeded America's COVID-19 policy catastrophes
The nursing home death warrants were signed by panicked
governors using Gates-funded forecasting.
New York Governor Andrew
Cuomo is finally facing the heat for his botched and criminally negligent coronavirus response policies, yet no one seems
to be asking why Cuomo and select governors made the fateful decisions that led to the excess deaths - and the coverup campaigns
- of tens of thousands of senior citizens in New York and elsewhere across the United States.
Read more here:
Leaked Tape: Zuckerberg Told Facebook Employees ‘Vaccines Modify DNA and
This latest reveal leaves many asking the question: while
his social media platform aggressively censors anyone asking legitimate questions regarding the safety and efficacy of corporate
pharmaceutical products, will Mark Zuckerberg and his family will be taking the new experimental mRNA vaccine?
Read and watch here:
RED ALERT: Food Supply Chain Shutting Down as Blackouts Spread - Grand Solar Minimum
Texas' Ag Commissioner has issued a RED ALERT as the power grid is down and our food supply
is grinding to a halt. Agriculture is not "critical infrastructure," and reports of blackouts tonight extend to
ND, SD, NE -- livestock produc...
Watch here:
How the US energy powerhouse failed its residents: Texas
gas pipes and wind turbines froze because operators made virtually NO preparations for cold weather and state's only electricity
firm was crushed by surging demand
The governor of Texas called for the leaders of his state's energy board to resign on Tuesday night, as five million people in the state were left
shivering without power amid a record-breaking cold snap.
Texas is the
only state in the lower 48 with its own electrical grid, ERCOT, while only two other grids, the Eastern Interconnection and
the Western Interconnection, serve the rest of the contiguous United States.
more here:
How Conspiracy Theorizing May Soon Get You Labelled a ‘Domestic Terrorist'
If you are starting to feel like forces controlling the governments of the west are out
to get you, then it is likely that you are either a paranoid nut job, or a stubborn realist.
Either way, it means that you have some major problems on your hands.
If you don't happen to find yourself among the tinfoil hat-wearing strata of conspiracy theorists waiting in a bunker
for aliens to either strike down or save society from the shape shifting lizard people, but are rather contemplating how,
in the 1960s, a shadow government took control of society over the dead bodies of many assassinated patriots, then certain
conclusions tend to arise.
Read more here:
The World Will Pay More for Meat as Food Inflation Deepens
(Bloomberg) -- There are signs that the food inflation that's gripped the world over the
past year, raising prices of everything from shredded cheese to peanut butter, is about to get worse.
The Covid-19 pandemic upended food supply chains, paralyzing shipping, sickening workers that keep
the world fed and ultimately raising consumer grocery costs around the globe last year. Now farmers -- especially ones raising
cattle, hogs and poultry -- are getting squeezed by the highest corn and soybean prices in seven years. It's lifted the costs
of feeding their herds by 30% or more. To stay profitable, producers including Tyson Foods Inc. are increasing prices, which
will ripple through supply chains and show up in the coming months as higher price tags for beef, pork and chicken around
the world.
Read more here:
Breadline: Unprepared Texans Line Up Outside Grocery Store Amid Winter Storm
Shocking footage out of Austin shows long lines of desperate Texans queueing up
to enter grocery stores, as extreme cold weather conditions stretch into their third day and many are without power.
Read more here:
What could go wrong? Russia scientists
'are trying to extract prehistoric viruses from 50,000-year-old animal carcasses frozen in permafrost'
Russia is seeking to unlock unknown prehistoric viruses up to 50,000 years old by extracting biological material from carcasses
of ancient animals frozen in permafrost.
Scientists from the Kremlin's
equivalent of Porton Down are this week taking samples from a collection of specimens preserved in ice which have been found
in recent years.
They are working with the remains of extinct woolly mammoths
and hairy rhinos, as well as prehistoric dogs, horses, elk, rodents and hares.
Read more here:
Walmart has temporarily closed 500 stores as severe winter weather dumps snow
and causes frigid temperatures in parts of the US
Walmart has
temporarily closed more than 500 stores as an unprecedented winter storm pelts much of the southern half of the US.
According to a tracker on Walmart's website, 501 stores are currently shut down, from
Texas to Kentucky, due to Winter Storm Uri, which has dumped snow and ice and caused frigid temperatures in the South since last week.
Read more here:
Kraft Heinz, Conagra Will Start Passing On Soaring Food Costs To Consumers
Late last year we noted that SocGen's Albert Edwards warning readers that it could be time to start "panicking" about soaring
food prices.
Edwards' research said, "keep a very
close eye as to whether we see a repeat of the 2010/11 surge in food prices" because "on the 10th anniversary of
the start of the Arab Spring, and with poverty having already been made much worse by the pandemic, another food price bubble
could well be the straw to break the very angry camel's back."
more here:
BORG Brain-To-Brain Manipulation Moves Closer To Human Trials
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) recently issued $8 million in follow-up funding
to a team of neuroengineers developing brain-to-brain and brain-to-machine technology. That's what a team of neuroengineers
at Rice University is working to develop. The team just received $8 million in follow-funding from the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA), having already conducted successful experiments on insects. Working alongside more than a dozen other
research groups, the team plans to use the funds to conduct further tests on rodents and, potentially within two years, humans...
Gog-Magog To Carry Out First Test Of Its ‘Doomsday' Nuke Drone That Could
The Sun is reporting how Russia is set to carry out the first test of its ‘doomsday' nuke drone - said to be capable of destroying
America with a nuclear earthquake. Preparations to test the underwater ‘Poseidon' drone aboard a nuclear-powered submarine
named Belgorod are already underway, according to Russian newspaper Izvestia. It is understood that the Russian Navy is due
to secure about 30 Poseidon unmanned underwater vehicles that can be fitted with both conventional and nuclear weapons, enabling
them to hit a wide range of targets - and they've already been successfully tested from a diesel-driven sub, Sputnik reports.
City-destroying earthquakes are caused when the planet's tectonic plates grind together along fault lines, and the Cascadia
Subduction Zone is a first strike target from Russia. Why? Watch important video below.
Read and watch here:
Expect And Prep For Joe Biden False Flags Being Carried Out Against America As
Globalists Scheme To Complete The Demonization Of Patriots And The 2nd Amendment
They're Coming After Us All Now As America Enters Perilous Territory
With Joe Biden only in office for less than a month, we shouldn't be the least bit surprised
that he's already putting the rights of Americans to defend themselves and their families and loved ones in jeopardy, calling
on Congress to pass new gun laws that would make it much more difficult for Americans to get guns, include the outright banning of what the left loves to call 'assault
Releasing a statement on the three-year anniversary of the
Florida high school shooting in Parkland that allegedly left 17 dead, killed by a gunman allegedly using an AR-15, if Biden
and Democrats have their way, what this NBC News story from back in 2017 called 'America's most popular rifle' might not be available to purchase anymore.
Though as that story also pointed out, with one of out of every five firearms
purchased in this country an AR-style rifle, according to a NSSF estimate, and Americans now owning an estimated
15 million AR-15s, any attempt to 'take away' all of those guns from law-abiding Americans could end terribly.
Read more here:
I doubt you will want a jab after reading that: UK Government shocking report
on COVID-19 vaccine side effects
The UK Government have released
a report highlighting adverse reactions to both the Pfizer and Oxford / Astrazeneca that have occurred since the rollout began
on the 8th December and it does not make for pleasant reading.
The report
has collated data inputted up to the 24th January 2021 via the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme. At this point an estimated 5.4 million first doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and 1.5 million doses of the Oxford University/AstraZeneca
vaccine had been administered, and around 0.5 million second doses, mostly the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, had been administered.
Read more here:
Bill Gates Goes Full Captain Planet, Wants To Change 'Every Aspect Of Economy'
While We Dine On Fake Meat
Microsoft founder Bill Gates is pushing
drastic and 'fundamental' changes to the economy in order to immediately halt the release of greenhouse gasses - primarily
carbon dioxide - and 'go to zero' in order to save the planet from long-prognosticated (and consistently wrong) environmental
Changes we'll need to make in order to realize Gates' vision
- Allocating $35 billion per year on climate and clean
energy research.
Read more here:
Food Shortages Guaranteed Under Biden Regime
In the United States, the local farmers, it seems, are being squeezed out of business,
or paid not to grow food, while Big Agriculture is more concerned with exporting its supplies than keeping domestic food stocks
safe and affordable.
In an effort to fight two wars at the
same time - against a pandemic as well as purported climate change - the Biden administration risks putting the United States
on a crash course with food shortages and soaring prices as early as this year.
Sealed up inside of his White House fortress, surrounded by a ring of steel and thousands of National Guardsmen,
U.S. President Joe Biden has been busy signing off on a raft of executive orders without the nuisance of democratic debate
and congressional prattling.
Read more here:
"Sometimes the path between "...let's forbid them to talk freely"
to "...let's erase them" is short and fast."
of the most common questions I hear is where we are all heading?
In some
way, you are in the place where I was 30 years ago, so I can actually "feel" how are you feeling.
It is a time where and when polarization among people is so strong that you actually can sense "blood" in the air. At the same time, there are new hopes, new leaders, new great promises, changes, and what-not that for some might look like new times are coming.
more here:
DEMON TECH: Devil DNA, Lucifer Bloodlines & Hellish Hybrids
Watch video here:
The End Is Coming Very Soon, and Few Americans Are Willing to Do Anything to Stop It!
"Governments don't want a population capable of critical thinking, they want
obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation. You
have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own, and control
the corporations. They've long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they
got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news
and information you get to hear."
Is this country facing the end of times? Are the people in this country oblivious to any reality or truth, or are they simply consumed by ignorance, passivity, cowardice,
and mediocrity? Will this onslaught of tyranny by the controlling class and the politicians continue unabated, or will enough
wake up in time to stand against the total decimation of their lives, their property, their freedom, and their land? What
could possibly motivate the masses to voluntarily accept their own servitude, a servitude that can only lead to their imminent
demise? Even the most simplistic life forms on this planet possess the basic instinct of self defense, so why is it
that the supposed most intelligent of all living beings can be controlled and brutalized to the point of extinction, without
lifting a finger to protect their own interests? Today in America, the people are drowning in a pool of their own blood, while
their chosen masters are feasting on the remains.
Read more here:
Signs That Tell You When To Bug Out, And For Those Sheltering-In-Place, When To
Hunker Down To Ride It All Out (Bug-In)
As we watch the events
happening nationally, we see that contrary to what the media has been preaching, the out of control thuggery by groups such
as Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa, is getting worse, not better now that Joe Biden occupies the White House.
BLM attacking law enforcement in New York, while on the other site of the country, Antifa groups blocked police from responding to calls in Seattle, and Portland protesters hit cops with snowballs, and broke businesses' windows.
That was in just the last week.
It is pretty safe to say that the civil unrest within America is still growing to the point where the media treat
it as if it is almost normal... it is not.
We'll take on the media in
another article, these two stories, along with other signs, lead us to think that it won't be too much longer before decisions
need to be made by individuals as to when the right time to "bug out" is, and for those that plan to shelter-in-place
when all hell breaks loose, when should they start planning for long term hunkering down.
Read more here:
Biden Blames Trump for Winter Storm Uri
The man who calls himself President Joe Biden sank to a new low on Monday, blaming Donald Trump for a winter storm
that has paralyzed a nation and frozen solid every state from Maine to Texas, according to an administration source speaking
under condition of anonymity.
On Monday, Biden and the White House Council
of Economic Advisors spent a whole 20 minutes discussing Winter Storm Uri's economic impact on the country. The prolonged
blast of arctic air has strained the national power grid and threatened to spike energy prices from coast to coast.
Read more here:
America's Catastrophic Disintegration
We can observe the disintegration of the United States in the Democrats' 1930s-style Stalinist Show Trial of Donald
Trump. Republicans provided the Senate with video proof that Democrats responded to their 2016 defeat with insurrectionist
language whereas Trump did not respond to the stolen 2020 election with insurrectionist language. But in the Democrats' Show
Trial evidence is of no more importance than it was in Stalin's Show Trials.
more here:
Biggest Oil Refineries in U.S. Are Going Dark Amid the Cold
(Bloomberg) -- After creating havoc in the power and natural gas markets, the next commodity
sector causing concern in Texas is the state's enormous oil refining industry, where installations are being forced offline
by the big freeze.
The largest refineries in North America were shutting
down Monday because of arctic conditions that have cut electricity, water and fuel supplies across Texas. More than 3 million
barrels of daily oil-processing capacity has been idled in the wake of the record-setting cold, according to consultant Energy
Aspects Ltd.
Read more here:
Cold snap leaves one dead, over 4 million without power in Texas
(Reuters) - At least one person was dead and more than 4 million were without power in
Texas after a rare deep freeze forced the state's electric grid operator to impose rotating blackouts because of higher power
Read more here:
Most conservatives are coming to the realization that America's corrupt rulers DESPISE White people
(Natural News) A new poll by AEI and YouGov has found that the vast majority of conservatives who support President Donald Trump are fully aware of the fact that White people
are hated in the United States.
A whopping 87 percent of respondents agreed
with the statement: "I worry that discrimination against Whites will increase a lot in the next few years."
Read more here:
German parliament ratifies Agenda ID2020 and Bill Gates' "vaccination package"
for global depopulation
(Natural News) On Jan. 29, the German parliament ratified the implementation of Agenda ID2020, the next phase of the global Mark of the Beast rollout being ushered in on the back of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19)
This centralized general electronic data collection
program will profile every citizen in Germany and grant access to every government agency, police department, and three-letter
agency, as well as to the private sector.
Read more here:
Pentagon: UFO's Are Real, They're About to Change Our Lives Forever - Stunning
Researcher Anthony Bragalia wrote to the Defense Intelligence
Agency (DIA) requesting details of all UFO documents they hold in a Freedom of Information request.
In the request, Bragalia wrote: "This could include physical debris recovered
by personnel of the Department of Defense as residue, flotsam, shot-off material or crashed material from UAPS [unidentified
aerial phenomenon] or unidentified flying objects."
In a bombshell
response, the DIA released 154 pages of test results that includes reports on a futuristic "memory" metal called Nitinol, which remembers its original shape when folded.
Read more here:
Biblical Christianity Likened To QAnon As A Conspiracy Theory
Many people around the world looked on aghast as they witnessed the harm done by conspiracy
theories such as QAnon and the myth of the stolen US election that led to the attack on the US Capitol Building on January 6. Yet while these ideas will no doubt fade in time, there
is arguably a much more enduring conspiracy theory that also pervades America in the form of young Earth creationism. And it's one that we cannot ignore because it is dangerously opposed to science.
Read more here:
Creepy Kids' Video Asks ‘What If Bill Gates Disappeared'
Cartoon tells kids that if Bill Gates vanished, the planet and everyone on it would wither and die
In another example of how globalist propaganda being inserted into children's
programming, a video aimed at kids explains how awful things would be if Bill Gates disappeared.
After imagining what would happen if Batman and Superman were no longer around, the video,
produced by AumSum, then turns its attention to global vaccine pusher Gates.
and watch here:
We Knew This Was Coming: Pastor Fined For Speaking Out Against Homosexuality
In a stunning sentence late last year, a court in Bremen, Germany, sentenced Rev. Olaf
Latzel of St. Martini (part of the Evangelical Church in Germany: EKD) to a fine of €8,100 for "inciting hatred"
against homosexuals in private remarks made to church couples.
During the seminar, Latzel defended the biblical definitions of gender and sexuality,
condemning the Berlin Pride March and referring to gender ideology as "an attack against God's order of Creation."
Read more here:
'Biological dominance': China allegedly goes dark to create 'master race' of 'super
It would be a bad thing for China to dominate the world
economy, right? Or international groups such as the World Health Organization or United Nations.
What about a world in which the Chinese Communist Party would dominate biologically? With "super
Read more here:
35 States Allow Babies Born Alive After a Botched Abortion to be Left to Die
"Can you look me in the eye and tell me that I shouldn't be alive?" That was
the question 14 abortion survivors never got to ask America. Fox Sports, the host of this year's Super Bowl, refused to air
their ad. Maybe they were afraid of creating controversy. Or maybe, they were worried about putting a real face on this thing
called "choice." Either way, it's a question our country needs to answer. And Tuesday morning, Senate Republicans
looked at their colleagues and did.
Read more here:
Do Mandatory Masks & Vaccines Break the 10 Points of the Nuremberg Code?
Mandatory masks continue to be the standard operating procedure for many counties,
regions, districts, states and nations worldwide, as the COVID cult agenda progresses. In many places, while COVID
vaccines are not yet mandatory, authorities are rushing to prepare to make them so, by setting up schemes
like immunity passports, vaccine certificates and mandatory
tracking databases, which log who has taken the shot and who has not.
Read more here:
Opening the CIA's Can of Worms
The CIA and the media are part of the same criminal conspiracy," wrote Douglas Valentine in his important book,
The CIA As Organized Crime.
This is true. The corporate
mainstream media are stenographers for the national security state's ongoing psychological operations aimed at the American
people, just as they have done the same for an international audience.
more here:
New Ebola Deaths In West Africa Declared "Epidemic Situation"
The West African country of Guinea has confirmed its first Ebola deaths since 2016 as
the World Health Organization (WHO) is ramping up to combat the new declared outbreak there.
At least three people have died from the deadly disease with another half-dozen people testing positive.
On Sunday Guinea's National Health Security Agency called the new outbreak an "epidemic situation"
Read more here:
"Power Bills To The Moon":
Chaos, Shock As Electricity Prices Across US Explode
forecast models suggest the polar vortex will continue pouring Arctic air into much of the central US through Feb. 20. This
means nat gas prices could rise even higher early next week as electricity demand continues to soar over the weekend
as Americans crank up their thermostats and watch Netflix shows or mine Bitcoin.
Read more here:
Communists Who Live in Glass Houses Should Not Be Throwing Stones
If we lived in a Fair and Equal Society - then the BIG MOUTHS - the ones who always want
said equality - would heed the words of the Lord.
Matthew 7:1-5 "Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete,
it shall be measured to you again. 3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the
beam that is in thine own eye? 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold,
a beam is in thine own eye?"
Read more here:
Source: the federal vaccine adverse event reporting system - 21 deaths this flu season
after 180+ million vaccines. (2019-20 was ~ the same.)
That's a safe vaccine.
Those deaths are likely coincidental, a simple result of the number of shots given.
The #Covid vax, not so much.
- Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) February 15, 2021
Read more here:
CDC Witholding Information: 1,170 DEAD Following COVID Injections
- Almost Twice as Many Deaths as Found in VAERS
Yesterday we
reported that the CDC had done another data dump into the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) database, showing
that through February 4, 2021, there were 12,697 recorded adverse events, including 653 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna.
Read more here:
The Forces of Evil are Aligned Against Us. What Are You Willing to do to Secure
Your Children's Liberty?
Trump is AQUITTED!!! Trump 2024!!! Time
to take America Back again!!!
Really? Think about that for just one second.
They just pulled off the biggest fraud in election history and now have total power of the federal government. Do you really
think your vote will ever matter again?
Quit thinking that you can vote
your way out of this mess!
Read more here:
The Plandemic Will Be the Demonic Highway to the Antichrist,
‘No Religious Exemptions' New Push for Mandatory COVID Vaccinations, Our Politicians
Along With the Other Super Pukes the New World Order Enthusiast Have Completely Turned on the American People and the Global
Community Tribulation in Warp Speed...
Three university professors, two
of whom are physicians, are calling for COVID-19 vaccinations to be mandatory, with no allowance for religious objections.
The Case Western Reserve University scholars, writing in USA Today, advised that "disincentives" be imposed to ensure compliance, Christian News reported.
Read more here:
They Are Experimenting On Americans Right Now! Think That
The Government Wouldn't Conduct Unethical Medical Experiments On Us? History Provides Endless Documented Proof They Will!
- Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths Are Very Real Despite Being Called 'Conspiracy Theory'
According to this February 1st story over at the Washington Post (saved at Archive) titled "The key to combating conspiracy theories about coronavirus vaccines", conspiracy
theories about both the virus and vaccines have witnessed a worrisome surge, with 'such so-called falsehoods'
expected to be a major impediment to the vaccine campaign. With the 'kicker' to
their story giving us another hint of what is ahead:
history offers some hope for combating them - if policymakers target their root causes."
Reporting also within their story that the United States witnessed a comparable
outpouring of misinformation during the 1918 influenza pandemic, nowhere in the Washington Post story do they mention
this April of 2020 story over at ABC News Australia titled: "We've never made a successful vaccine for a coronavirus before. This is why it's so difficult".
Read more here:
United Kingdom Orders ‘Do Not Resuscitate' for COVID Patients with Learning
They really don't like people with disabilities
over there, innit?
People with learning disabilities have been given do
not resuscitate orders during the second wave of the pandemic, in spite of widespread condemnation of the practice last year
and an urgent investigation by the care watchdog.
Mencap said it had received
reports in January from people with learning disabilities that they had been told they would not be resuscitated if they were
taken ill with Covid-19.
Read more here:
The US Ministry of Woke Propaganda Wants to Cancel You, Me, Fox, and Anyone Else
Who Disagrees
There's a saying that those who do not learn from
history are doomed to repeat it.
But I think that there are people who
learned from history and want to repeat it.
Don't get me wrong.
If you walked up and asked someone like the little short guy from Facebook who sat on some books at his congressional hearing
so he could see over the table or that dude with the dirty looking beard from Twitter or all those so-called journalists frothing
at the mouth on CNN whether they wanted to turn our nation into a carbon copy of Hitler's Germany, they'd be positively aghast
at the very notion.
Yet every day on social media, people like me try
to share innocuous things, like an article about taco seasoning, I kid you not, and we're told we aren't following "community
Read more here:
2016 Liberal Claim: Election Was Stolen From Hildabeast!
2020 Liberal Claim: Trump Saying Election Was Stolen Is 'Incitement To Insurrection'
If Not For Their Double Standards, Democrats Would Have No Standards At All
As the Democrat House impeachment managers claim that President Donald Trump incited an
"insurrection," by telling his supporters to "fight," the establishment media, along with Democrat congressmen
and women, ignore the same rhetoric they themselves have perpetrated throughout the years.
So, of course, the Trump legal team made sure all those previous calls to "fight" that were completely
ignored by the MSM at the time, were made part of the record for the Senate trial.
Read and watch here:
The battle for the Hearts and Minds of America has begun amid constant
chaos, daily scandals, allegations and false claims, lies and fake stories:The Long Road to Freedom is being deconstructed.
The Road to Civil War is being paved.
The fear campaign
has served as an instrument of disinformation.
In the course
of the last eleven months starting in early January, I have analyzed almost on a daily basis the timeline and evolution of
the Covid crisis. From the very outset in January 2020, people were led to believe and accept the existence of a rapidly
progressing and dangerous epidemic.
Media lies sustained the
image of a killer virus which initially contributed to destabilizing US-China
trade and disrupting air travel. And then in February "V- the Virus" (which incidentally is similar to seasonal influenza)
was held responsible for triggering the most serious financial crisis in World history.
Read more here:
Murder By "Vaccine": The Evidence Mounts - David Icke
In this powerful 70-minute presentation, David Icke lays out the how the road
to fascism is being laid by the medical tyrants at the United Nations and the CDC, and how the COVID-19 vaccine is really
a depopulation tool that also serves to enrich Big Pharma.
and watch here:
Special Saturday Broadcast: Governments
Admit COVID-19 a Cover for Depopulation Program
Alex Jones breaks
down a shocking watchdog report claiming that the UK government issued "do not resuscitate" orders to people with learning disabilities who had
fallen ill with COVID-19, and ties it into the globalists' "Great Reset" depopulation agenda already being rolled
Read and watch here:
Former FBI Agent Warns Current DC Regime Claims To Be "Going After Violent
Extremists," But They Really Mean Patriots
Former FBI special
agent John Guandolo has recently warned that the current, fraudulent and illegitimate regime headed by China Joe Biden claims
that they will be targeting "violent extremists," but the reality is that they are actually going after American
When the current regime in Washington, D.C. says they are
"going after violent extremists," they mean patriots.
weeks ago, President Obama's "Counter-Terrorism Czar" and the former Director of Central Intelligence, John Brennan,
spoke on MSNBC and stated the Biden team is moving in "laser-like fashion" to identify "religious extremists,
authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, and even libertarians" who constitute, in Brennan's words, a great
threat to the Republic. He said that the civilian enforcement and intelligence agencies, as well as the military, are and
should be working to root out this "threat."
Read more
China Is Creating
a New Master Race
Bing Su, a Chinese geneticist at the state-run
Kunming Institute of Zoology, recently inserted the human MCPH1 gene, which develops the brain, into a monkey. The insertion could make that animal's intelligence more human than that of lower
primates. Su's next experiment is inserting into monkeys the SRGAP2C gene, related to human intelligence, and the FOXP2 gene,
connected to language skills.
Has nobody in China seen Planet of the Apes?
Or maybe they have. "Biotechnology development in China is heading in a truly macabre
direction," writes Brandon Weichert of The Weichert Report in an article posted on the American Greatness website.
Read more here:
China and Russia must be barred from supplying vital Army tech, say MPs
HOSTILE states such as China and Russia must be barred from supplying vital equipment
to our Armed Forces, MPs insist.
A damning report raises fears
of increased interference by foreign powers in the defence supply chain.
highlighted concerns over the purchase of nine UK companies by Chinese firms in recent years.
They include eXception PCB in Tewkesbury, Gloucs, which supplies circuit
boards for the F-35 fighter jets used by both the British and US military.
was also alarm at a move to buy two second-hand Chinese 737 planes to convert into E-7 Wedgetails carrying the UK's airborne
early warning systems.
Read more here:
Currencies Will Be Worthless, Buy Precious Metals - Gerald Celente
Gerald Celente, publisher of The Trends Journal and a renowned trends researcher, is back
to talk about the recent Bitcoin boom and many other trends coming in 2021. On Bitcoin and its recent price explosion, Celente
says, "Why is Bitcoin going back up? It's going back up because everybody with a brain bigger than a pea knows that the
central banks are doing nothing but pumping all this fake money into the economies to artificially prop them up. This is young
people's gold, and they are the ones that began it. . . . One of our top trends for 2021, and we come out with them in December,
is the youth revolution. This isn't going away. . . . Another one of our trends from a year ago is they are going from dirty
cash to digital trash. You don't want to trust that dirty money forever. You can get the virus from that (sarcasm). So, we
are going digital. Now, they can know every penny that you spent, where you spent it and how you spent it . . . so they can
get their cut. It's called taxes, but it's not really taxes. It's stealing our money so these low-life scum pieces of crap
called politicians who have never worked a day in their lives can keep sucking off the public teat. It is also to give all
their buddies, imbeciles and morons called bureaucrats jobs."
more here:
Pelosi Lashes Out at McConnell, GOP After She Becomes First House Speaker to Launch
Two Failed and Political Impeachments (VIDEO)
Donald Trump 2
Nancy Pelosi 0
Nancy Pelosi lashed out at Mitch McConnell and senate
Republicans after she became the first House Speaker in US history to bring two failed impeachments.
Read more here:
Only 2% of American Millennials Adhere to a Biblical Worldview, Study Finds
A study by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University found that just
six percent of Americans adhere to a biblical worldview. The findings, released in the American Worldview Inventory 2020, show a disconcerting realm for those who may consider themselves evangelists. The survey also found Millennials held the
lowest number of biblical worldview holders, at just two percent.
more here:
CDC Recommends Putting Hosiery over Your Face along with a Mask
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has finally recognized that the masks they've
had everyone wearing for the better part of a year are largely ineffective because aerosols easily go around the top and sides.
Their latest recommendation is "placing a sleeve made of sheer nylon hosiery material around the neck and pulling it up over either a cloth or medical procedure mask," or using knots and tucking to fit a mask closely to
the face.
They came up with these techniques in experiments with mannequins
in a lab and have not tested them on actual humans. They have no empirical data, and the study even warns:
Read more here:
EPIC! Trump's Defense Team ABSOLUTELY RUINS Democrats With 13 Minute Montage of
Liberals Doing the Same Thing They Accused Trump of Doing (Video)
Democrats demonized President Trump for using the word ‘fight'. Trump's attorneys responded today with a collage
of clips from each of the Democrats in the room using the word ‘fight'.
This portion of today's events on Capitol Hill was excellent. The Democrats claim that because President Trump
used the word ‘fight' in his speech on January 6th in Washington D.C. However, what every Democrat in that room
forgot was that they too had used the word previously in political speech.
more here:
Senate acquits Fmr. President Trump for 2nd time in impeachment trial; fail to
get 67 votes to convict
On Saturday, the Senate acquitted former
President Donald Trump on impeachment charges of inciting a riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, when demonstrators stormed
the building.
The Senate voted 57-43 to convict Trump. The vote fell short
of the 67 vote threshold needed to convict in a Senate impeachment case.
Democrats and seven Republicans voted to convict Trump. Those Republicans were Sens. Richard Burr (R-NC), Bill Cassidy (R-LA),
Susan Collins (R-ME), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Mitt Romney (R-UT), Ben Sasse (R-NE), Pat Toomey (R-PA).
Read more here:
As The Thirteen Phase Plan To Complete The Overthrow Of America
Nears Completion, The Communists Are Counting On Their Programming Of Us All To Be Successful And For Us To Be Complacent
This is a detailed outline of the events of the past 70 years since Khrushchev announced
"We will conquer you from within." These phases are facets of an overall strategy run in concert with each other
like parts of a symphony.
Phase 1 - Develop a group of academics
that can infiltrate The United States using education and work visas. Route them into the U.S. through other countries. This
phase actually started before Khrushchev made his announcement.
2 - Using this small "army", gain jobs in the teaching profession with universities and colleges as the main target
in order to spread the doctrine of communism as the real truth. This phase turned our higher learning institutes into indoctrination
centers and is still going on.
Read more here:
Cannibal killer chopped up three pals when they were passed out drunk and ate
their body parts
A CANNIBAL killer who murdered his three friends,
boiled their corpses and ate their body parts has been jailed for life.
Seleznev, 51, from Arkhangelsk, Russia, was convicted of killing his friends after a court heard how he stabbed the men to
death after they passed out from drinking too much booze.
Read more here:
Is Your Church Flirting With Delilah?
A happy church ... one that doesn't make you feel uncomfortable
... one that will never offend you ... one that will always tell you how much they love you and how much God loves you.
They change their church name for branding an image. They change their church culture
for wooing the masses. They assemble cool young bands that play cool uplifting music and songs. They adapt their message for
itching ears and unknowingly take away the power of redemption.
This is
the current trend of many churches.
Read more here:
How the Deep State Plans to Profit On America's Demise Before Dropping the Depopulation
A lot has been made recently over the globalist climate-change
fraudsters who have said that their goal is not the eradication of irritants like CO2, but rather, they seek to destroy the
will of the American people.
We have a monolithic monster in Washington
DC who seeks to destroy all traditional, constitutional-serving and Jesus Christ-serving Americans. This article will quantify
and typify the notion that the Democrats and their Deep State allies don't just seek to destroy America, but they seek to
profit on our demise and make America's plunge into the deep abyss as painful as possible.
Read more here:
At least six dead and 5 MILLION without power as winter storm Uri sweeps the nation: Wind turbines freeze, wind chills of
-20 in Texas and tornadoes in the south west
At least six people have died amid a dangerous winter storm
system sweeping across the country, which has also left nearly five million homes and businesses in Texas without power as
the electrical grid struggles to meet demand. One person was killed in Kentucky when they lost control of their semi truck
along the I-64 and collided with guard rail, police said. The victim, 43-year-old Angel Johnson, was not wearing a seat belt
and was ejected out of the vehicle. In Louisiana, a 50-year-old man died in Lafayette Parish after slipping and falling on
an ice-covered sidewalk and striking his head. A 78-year-old man also died in Texas after falling down on his front lawn and
becoming stuck out in the cold for several hours. A homeless man was found dead on a Houston overpass after he refused to
go to a warming center. The youngest of the victims was claimed in Tennessee, after a 10-year-old boy tragically fell into
a frozen pond and drowned, officials said. The boy's sister, 6, also fell through the ice and is currently in hospital in
a critical condition. All four of the deaths have been linked to Winter Storm Uri, which has sent temperatures plunging across
the Great Plains and elsewhere, causing widespread flight cancellations and closures of businesses.
Read more here:
Violence erupts in Manhattan as BLM clashes with the NYPD: Eleven protesters are
arrested, two cops are injured and gang of 15 activists attack photographer during chaos in Times Square
At least 11 people have been arrested after a Black Lives Matter protest turned violent in Manhattan on Friday night.
Around 100
people assembled in Times Square in the early evening for a 'F**k 12' anti-police march, according to local news outlets.
Authorities reported that the initial demonstration was peaceful, with video shared
to Twitter showing several activists burning a 'Thin Blue Line' flag as cops watched on passively.
However, the situation soon escalated after a protester was reportedly arrested on nearby
Sixth Avenue, appearing to anger other members of the crowd.
more here:
Hillary Clinton could be charged under precedent set in Trump Impeachment trial,
his lawyer says after Rubio floats the idea
"Is it not true
that under this new precedent, a future House - facing partisan pressure to ‘lock her up' - could impeach a former secretary
of state?"
"Is it not true that under this new precedent,
a future House - facing partisan pressure to ‘lock her up' - could impeach a former secretary of state, and a future
Senate be forced to put her on trial and potentially disqualify her from any future office?" Rubio asked.
"If you see it their way, yes," van der Veen
said, referring to the Democratic impeachment managers. "If you do this the way they want it done, that could
happen to the example there - a former secretary of state - but it could happen to a lot of people. And that's not the way
this is supposed to work."
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Tens Of Millions More Americans Are Becoming 'Slaves To The System' As Economic
Armageddon Unfolds For Small Businesses And The American Worker And An Eviction Tsunami Looms
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, back in October of 2019, prior to the arrival of
Covid-19 upon American shores, the unemployment rate was 3.6 percent. Showing little or no change from the September of 2019
unemployment numbers for Whites (3.2 percent), Blacks or African Americans (5.4 percent), Asians (2.9 percent) and
Hispanics or Latinos (4.1 percent), roughly 3 times that number of Americans are out of work in February of 2021 according to FED Chairman Jerome Powell.
With Powell claiming that the February 2021 unemployment rate is probably
close to 10% if not much higher, those numbers are likely to explode in 2021, with roughly 9 million small businesses warning
they likely won't survive through 2021, nearly 1/3 of all small businesses in America according to this recent story over at The Blaze.
Read more here:
Lockdowns Have Devastated the Global Poor
In North America and Europe, it has become abundantly clear that Covid-19 and the lockdowns
that followed have devastated society. In the United States, unemployment is through the roof and 2020 saw the largest economic
contraction in modern history. Social and cultural depression continue to weigh down society as restaurants close, the arts
are stunted, and everything that it means to be human is taken from us.
We have plenty of data to paint a picture of the devastation in countries like the United States but there has been
little analysis done in developing countries, more than likely due to lack of infrastructure. We know that many developing
countries closed their economies in response to Covid-19 but we are unsure of how they fared.
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Army's Revamped ACFT Would Create 'Gender-Specific' Promotion Evaluation Categories
The U.S. Army is evaluating a new version of its gender-neutral Army Combat Fitness Test, one that would likely create "gender-specific"
evaluation categories for men and women when it comes time for promotion.
move would back away from the Army's original plan to have the new six-event test be gender-neutral in all aspects. It's in
recognition of data showing that physiological differences between men and women cause individual scores to differ by 100
points on average by gender, according to an Army official familiar with the effort.
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Mystery of the eerie humanoid paintings discovered in Tanzania which are hundreds
of years old yet DON'T match up with the traditions of its Sandawe people
Ancient paintings of humanoid figures, bizarre creatures and familiar animals have been discovered under rock overhang
that was once used as shelter 'several hundred of years ago.'
A team from
the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland spotted the four paintings while excavating the Amak'hee 4 rock shelter site
in Tanzania that was once home to the ancient Sandawe indigenous group, which have been around for 87,000 years.
Although many of paintings show are unknown figures, some depict domesticated cattle,
buffalo and giraffes, which suggests the artists lived during the hunter-gather era.
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Threats Of Tyranny: UK Warns COVID Restrictions Could Remain Unless Everyone Is
The United Kingdom has taken medical tyranny to a
whole new level. The government has threatened to keep some COVID restrictions in place unless every single person living
in the UK submits to the vaccine New World Order agenda.
When will people
finally open their eyes to the fact that government is slavery? This totalitarian threat signifies that the government actually
believes they own the people living in the UK. And if you think the options will be better in the United States, you
are living in delusional fantasy land.
Read more here:
Totalitarian Fascism, Concentration Camps, Imprisonment, Extortion, and Dictatorial Decrees Now
the New Normal
As soon as possible in the coming weeks,
we will be introducing mandatory PCR testing at the airport for people returning to Canada. Travelers will then have to wait
up to 3 days at an approved hotel for their test results at their own expense, which is expected to be more than $2,000. Those
with negative test results will then be able to quarantine at home under significantly increased surveillance and enforcement.
Those with positive tests will be immediately required to quarantine in designated government facilities to make sure they
are not carrying variants of potential concern."
Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister-Excerpt from: Vaccine Update January 29, 2021.
Read more here:
If Christians Are to Survive,
They Must Leave the Church and Form Small Christian Collectives
is a time of unprecedented evil on this planet. Many Americans are looking for refuge and direction with regard to dealing
with these unprecedented times of tyranny. Historically, Americans look to their church for salvation and direction. However,
most of today's churches have been taken over from within by the very evil we fear. Many of your religious leaders have become
the newest version of Benedict Arnold with regard to their faith. In short, most 501-C-3 churches do NOT represent God. Judas
sold out the savior of humanity, Jesus Christ, for a mere thirty pieces of silver. Today, many religious leaders are selling
out their congregations for even less. This is not meant to imply that there are not religious leaders who hold steadfastly
to the word of God and stand as a beacon of spiritual and moral courage before their congregations. However, an increasing
number of clergy are more interested in serving the dictates of Homeland Security than they are in accurately espousing and
exemplifying the word of God. This betrayal by the "earthly" pastors towards the word of God, is precisely what
is keeping the church from launching a massive Christian revival that would turn back the evil that has taken over our country.
Read more here:
'Offensive And Absurd' Impeachment Scam By Democrats Helping Complete
The Disintegration Of America: Half The Country Believes The Election Was Rigged And 91% Of Trump Supporters Would
Vote For Him Again
As Americans, at least those not so
disgusted by the games Democrats are playing, witness the impeachment proceedings, aka the "liberal democratic novel
being presented as evidence," as Senator Lindsey Graham recently put it, we note the timing of what Democrats are doing.
We can link it right back to the fear of the immediate after-election polls which showed
nearly half of Americans believe Joe Biden is an "illegitimate" president, along with a whopping "20-30% of Democrats," that believe the election was stolen from President Trump.
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One Man's Terrorist Is Another Man's Freedom Fighter
In order for tyranny to be established, people who love freedom must first be demonized.
It seems like this would be an easy historic fact to accept, however, it's very common
for state propagandists and establishment shills in the media to cloud the argument. The conflict between the political left,
globalists, conservatives and patriots is awash in misdirection. This article is my appeal to cut through that engineered
fog, but before anything else is discussed, we need to recognize a fundamental truth:
If leftists and globalists were not trying to take away our individual and inherent liberties, then we conservatives
and moderates would have no reason to fight.
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When Corporations Become More
Powerful Than The Government, Our Definition Of "Big Brother" Needs To Change
Throughout human history, our God-given liberties and freedoms have often been brutally crushed
by oppressive governments, and that is still happening all over the world today. But in our time, an additional threat
to our liberties and freedoms has emerged. Global corporations just continue to get larger and more powerful, and in
recent years they have been increasingly using that power to shape society. This is a very dangerous trend because in
the western world many of the constraints that our national governments are forced to operate under simply do not apply to
corporations. This gives them an enormous amount of leverage, and they are using it.
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31 Reasons Why I Won't Take the Vaccine
1. |
| It's not a vaccine. A vaccine by definition provides immunity
to a disease. This does not provide immunity to anything. In a best-case scenario, it merely reduces the chance of getting
a severe case of a virus if one catches it. Hence, it is a medical treatment, not a vaccine. I do not want to take a medical
treatment for an illness I do not have. |
| | The drug companies,
politicians, medical establishment, and media have joined forces to universally refer to this as a vaccine when it is
not one, with the intention of manipulating people into feeling safer about undergoing a medical treatment. Because
they are being deceitful, I do not trust them, and want nothing to do with their medical treatment. |
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Multiple Calls For Criminal Prosecution of Andrew Cuomo After Bombshell Admission
From Aide That They Hid Nursing Home COVID Death Numbers From the Feds
Multiple calls for a criminal investigation into Governor Andrew Cuomo have arisen following a bombshell report in
which one of his top aides admitted in a conference call to Democrat lawmakers that the administration hid information on
COVID nursing home deaths from federal investigators.
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Democrat candidate praises Hitler for courage, economic prowess
Then compares Nazi dictator with 'dirty POS' Donald Trump
A Democratic congressional candidate praised Adolf Hitler in a tweet, comparing the Nazi
dictator to "dirty POS" Donald Trump.
"Hitler wasn't too
much of a coward to serve in the Army," Mark Judson wrote. "Hitler DID fix the German economy (as least in the short
Read more here:
The Coming Military Purge
One of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's first actions after confirmation has been to order a "60 day stand down"
to combat extremism. This follows the widespread and mostly baseless establishment fantasy that "right-wing extremists"
and "white supremacists" are running rampant and pose some immediate threat to the country.
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BREAKING: Stefanik releases statement "on the bombshell NY Post reporting
on Cuomo's cover up"
Thursday evening, Rep. Stefanik tweeted
a statement following a bombshell NY post report alleging top Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa, told leading state Democratic lawmakers
that the administration had withheld data on COVID-19 deaths at nursing homes to avoid federal scrutiny.
Stefanik writes "Governor Cuomo, the secretary to the governor, and his senior team must be
prosecuted immediately - both by the attorney general of New York state and the U.S. Department of Justice."
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Study finds CDC inflated COVID numbers by 1,600%
Concludes health authorities violated federal law
A peer-reviewed study contends the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention violated federal
law by inflating Coronavirus fatality numbers.
The figures were
inflated by at least 1,600%, according to the Public Health Initiative of the Institute for Pure
and Applied Knowledge, which published the study, titled "COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective."
The study asserts that the CDC willfully violated multiple
federal laws, including the Information Quality Act, Paperwork Reduction Act and Administrative Procedures Act, reported
the National File.
In January, as WND reported, the World Health Organization admitted the "gold-standard" PCR tests used to determine whether or not a person
is infected with COVID-19 are not reliable on the first try and a second test might be needed.
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Remote Workers Spur an Affordable Housing Crunch in Montana
Bozeman has become a haven for coastal refugees as the pandemic drags on, intensifying a
housing crisis for existing residents of the town.
For the
white-collar worker fleeing a pandemic-ravaged metropolis, Bozeman has a lot to offer. The Montana city of just under 50,000
is an hour's drive from the award-winning Big Sky ski resort, and local businesses like the Rocking R Bar and Cactus Records
radiate small-town charm. The one thing newcomers won't be able to escape: big-city prices.
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Amazon reveals Plan to Build ‘Tower of Babel' opposite US Capital
Amazon has just unveiled the plans for its new corporate headquarters that will stand
in Arlington, Virginia, directly across the Potomac River from Washington DC. The announcement inaccurately describes the
design as a "double helix" but scholars of ancient history and the Bible will readily recognize the ancient model
for the design: the Tower of Babel.
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Canada's hotel quarantine: Lack of food, medical attention, only 15 minutes outside
per day
Actual prisoners should be treated to one hour outside
per day, according to the UN.
CALGARY, Alberta, February 11, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) - Travelers to Canada forced to stay in secretive quarantine hotels lack food and medical treatment while being allowed
outside for only 15 minutes per day, which is less than the UN recommends for prisoners.
CBC News reported on Tuesday on the case of two travelers who were forced to stay in Calgary's hotel quarantine facility.
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The Left Has Not Accounted for the Fact That Behind Every Blade of Grass Wil Be
a Patriot With a Gun
I am being inundated with reports of an
impending purge against at least 100 million Americans. As I have pointed out in recent articles, the language of genocide
is prevalent within the halls of Congress. Nancy Pelosi declares we have enemies within. Multiple sources, from many of alt
media colleagues are receiving the same warning from many sources. The Left is not content with having just stolen a fraudulent
election. They want the opposition eliminated.
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Devastating 100-car pile-up on Texas freeway kills five and traps dozens of injured
drivers as overnight sleet turns road into 'sheet of ice' - with crash site running 1.5 MILES long
At least five people are dead and dozens more injured after a 100 car pile-up on a Texas
freeway on Thursday morning that was caused by Winter Storm Shirley, a brutal storm that is wreaking havoc across multiple
southern states.
Firefighters are still going car to car along Interstate
35 near Fort Worth, trying to find people who urgently need to be rescued after the crash at 6.30am on Thursday morning.
It's unclear what started it but video shows a FedEx truck losing control on a downhill
stretch of the freeway and plowing into a barrier. Cars behind it then started smashing into it.
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Due To The Emergence Of A Medical Police State, Left-Wing
Riots Across America And The Most Anti-Second Amendment Administration In US History, There's Never Been A More Important
Time To Start A Gun Club Than Now
There's never a bad time
to start a gun club, but there are maybe better times than others. With an emerging global medical police state, the spectre of the most anti-Second Amendment administration in history hanging over the United States, and recurring left-wing riots, now is perhaps the ideal time to start thinking less in terms of gun rights exercised individually and more in terms of collective preparation.
Beyond even preparing for potentially disastrous scenarios, starting
your own gun club is just fun. In a time when the powers that be are trying to lock us all in our homes and isolate us as
much as possible, forging new social connections might be just what the doctor ordered for you. Practical considerations aside,
your own gun club can offer you a kind of social outlet you might not have had since high school or time served in the military.
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Banned From Instagram Days After Outlining Bill Gates' Global
Domination Efforts
Lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son
of Robert F. Kennedy and the nephew of former U.S. president John F. Kennedy, has been banned from Facebook
owned Instagram just days after he penned a comprehensive account of Bill Gates' attempt to monopolise and dominate global food production and public health programs.
Kennedy had 800,000 subscribers on the platform, which has said that he was banned for
"repeatedly sharing debunked claims about the #coronavirus or #vaccines."
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Missouri County Sheriffs Will Arrest Feds Who Violate Second Amendment Under Biden
The Commission of Newton County, Missouri passed legislation in February that
will empower local law enforcement officials to arrest federal agents who attempt to violate the Second Amendment rights of
citizens within the county.
The Newton County Second Amendment
Preservation Act will nullify any unlawful federal restrictions on firearms that may be passed under the Joe Biden administration.
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Israel killed Iran's top nuclear scientist with remote-control machine gun that
was smuggled into the country in small parts, report claims
Israeli secret agents spent months smuggling a high-tech machine gun into Iran in tiny pieces to kill the regime's top nuclear scientist, it was revealed last night.
The remote-controlled weapon fired 13 high-accuracy rounds into Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, 62, known as the ‘father'
of Iran's illegal atomic programme, as he was driven from the capital Tehran to his country residence last year.
The gun was so accurate that the scientist's wife, who was sitting just inches from him,
emerged entirely unscathed from the attack.
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Desperate Americans Who Can't Afford Housing Are Becoming "Modern-Day Nomads"
...But Not By Choice
A recent story floating around mainstream
media regarding "modern-day nomads" reads like a contemporary article on Henry David Thoreau. It shares stories
of people looking to downsize their life and live simply and stories of people who have fallen on hard times, unable to afford
However, what is lacking is the exposure of the dark underbelly
of the "modern-day nomad" culture. In other words, they neglect to mention the fact that the enormous growth of
the "modern-day nomad" is rooted in the fact that the world economy has all but collapsed, now mired in a global
economic depression of unemployment, low wages, and personal financial catastrophes.
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Smallpox as next Bioterrorism Attacks? What Does Bill Gates Know?
Smallpox was a deadly disease. It was eliminated completely a long time back. But this
does not mean that there is no danger of this infection anymore.
The last
naturally occurring smallpox infection was in 1977 and since then, no case of smallpox has been identified. But many countries
have restored live cultures of the smallpox virus for making biological weapons or vaccines to protect lives from biological
weapons. Many countries have held back live cultures of the virus which leaves the door open for a dangerous repeat outbreak
of this infection. Accidentally or deliberately, the infection can resurface at nearly any time.
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"We must
obey God rather than men" (Act 5:29; cf. Matt. 28:18-20). When Christians disobey governing authorities, we are not rejecting authority per se, but only those unjust perversions
which have crept in. The general rule of Scripture is that when human authority commands us to disobey God, then
we have not only the right, but the duty, to disobey that unjust law. In these instances, the believer is submitting
to God's authority above all.
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COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines
Did you know that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines aren't vaccines in
the medical and legal definition of a vaccine? They do not prevent you from getting the infection, nor do they prevent its
spread. They're really experimental gene therapies.
I discussed this troubling
fact in a recent interview with molecular biologist Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. While the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA shots are labeled as "vaccines," and news agencies and health policy leaders
call them that, the actual patents for Pfizer's and Moderna's injections more truthfully describe them as "gene therapy,"
not vaccines.
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Globalists' America-last agenda focused on crushing the middle class: Here's how
to stop it
Two things occurred this week that should have
your attention.
And, no, one of them is not the cartoonish second impeachment
trial of a former president. Don't let the media lure you into this drama.
As the first two days of the trial proved, this is nothing more than emotion-driven theatrics.
Democrats are notorious for murdering the facts and appealing to people's base emotions, and this
trial is more of the same.
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Christians Its Time For "An Appeal To Heaven"
Christians take a stand. Now is the time for an Appeal to Heaven. Embrace this as our
forefathers did.
Christians need to turn back to God. This is no time for the weak kneed, meely, mouthed, watered down,
cheap grace leaders of God's people.
You need to understand we are in a spiritual war. Never has there been so much
evil and deception since WWll. Actually many watchers are warning that we haven't seen this degree of demonic since ancient
times. Our forefathers, exhausted for attempting to redress the government for grievances understood that there was no way
to move forward. They made an appeal to Heaven. John Locke a British historian wrote this : "And where the body of the
people, or any single man, is deprived of their right, or is under the exercise of a power without right, and have no appeal
on earth, then they have a liberty to appeal to heaven,"
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CDC Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600%
a new peer reviewed study has been released that finds the CDC numbers to be so wildly unsupported as to be pure propaganda that is based on wholly
unscientific practices that were needlessly created on-the-spot.
CDC illegally
inflated the COVID fatality number by at least 1,600 percent as the 2020 presidential election played out, according to a
study published by the Public Health Initiative of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge. The study, "COVID-19
Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective," was authored by Henry Ealy, Michael McEvoy,
Daniel Chong, John Nowicki , Monica Sava, Sandeep Gupta, David White, James Jordan , Daniel Simon, and Paul Anderson.
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Study: Lockdowns Had Largest Impact in Destroying Economic Activity
A new paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research found that "enforcement
of mandatory restrictions" appears to have driven the collapse of sales in California.
The world may be nearing the end of the coronavirus pandemic (at least we can hope), but the post mortems are just
A new paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research found
important correlations between sales losses and lockdowns across counties in California.
Economists Robert W. Fairlie and Frank M. Fossen used state data from all taxable sales in California during the
first two quarters of 2020, finding a drop of $152 billion in the second quarter alone, a 17.5 percent decline from the previous
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‘I Can't Afford To Live': Man Panics When Insulin Skyrockets to $2,000 Under
Biden Regime
A 24-year-old man who says he graduated
from college just before COVID-19 provoked massive lockdowns and a stagnant economy, now says that the cost of his insulin
and other diabetic supplies have skyrocketed to $2,000. This comes after Joe Biden rescinded an executive order, signed by
President Donald Trump, that lowered the cost of life sustaining insulin for low income Americans.
"Hi everybody, so I'm just having a little freakout in my car, because I just found
out my f**king diabetic supplies, like my insulin and my pump supplies that I need to live are costing $2,000 a month,"
said the man, who appears to have Type 1 diabetes.
Read and watch here:
Mar-a-Lago, the New White House
Last week, wealthy and influential persons living near Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago country club filed a petition with
the Palm Beach Town Council, seeking Trump's eviction and arguing that he violated a 1993 city ordinance that limits how many
days members can live in one of the estate's suites. Even though Trump owns the place, the city tried to tell him he cannot
be a permanent resident. But Trump has powerful allies such as the state's Governor Ron DeSantis, who reportedly threatened
to arrest Palm Beach City Manager Margaret Zeidman unless she ceased her whimsical war on Donald Trump.
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Where is America At on the 8 Stages of Genocide? Will It Happen Here?
Gregory H. Stanton, President of Genocide Watch, wrote the most salient paper on the topic of Democide, that is by definition, genocide
by government against its people. In his analysis, Stanton identified 8 key stages related to the process of genocide? Classification
Symbolization Dehumanization Organization Polarization Preparation, Extermination and Denial.
Stanton defines genocide as "A process that develops in eight stages that are predictable but not inexorable.
At each stage, preventive measures can stop it. The process is not linear. Logically, later stages must be
preceded by earlier stages. But all stages continue to operate throughout the process. In other words, the processes
and stages overlap and this is precisely what we see in modern day America.
more here:
'The Truth About It Is Dirty, Unpleasant, But Something For Which
You Absolutely Must Plan' - Lack Of Clean Water And Sanitation Will Cause Countless Horrific Deaths When TEOTWAWKI
According to survival author Selco Begovic, who survived the Balkan war of the 1990's while living in a city which was under siege and doing so without electricity,
running water or food distribution, two of the biggest killers in a SHTF scenario are: NOT having
safe drinking water and proper sanitation, because the lack of these things can cause serious illness or even death.
Warning that because water and sanitation aren't nearly as glamorous as guns and gadgets, they're often overlooked in a preparedness plan, we have to take a look
within this story at just such 'preparing', especially with the state of California already going through a 'water crisis' (called 'racial injustice' by Kamala Harris!) while this August of 2020 story over at National Geographic warned America itself is 'running out of water'.
more here:
Links Emerge Between Biden's CIA Chief and Chinese Communist Party
CIA director nominee William Burns has ties to China's government
Joe Biden's nominee for the next director of the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) has ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), a bombshell new report has revealed.
Biden's pick for CIA chief, William Burns, was the president of the U.S.-based think tank Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace (CEIP).
However, CEIP reportedly took
millions of dollars from entities linked to China's communist regime.
links to the Chinese government were exposed in a report by The Daily Caller.
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Ring of Fire earthquake ALERT: TEN huge quakes hit region in 4 hours - tsunami
A SERIES of powerful earthquakes struck off Indonesia
and New Caledonia - sparking tsunami fears.
An earthquake of
magnitude 7.7 struck southeast of Loyalty Islands on Wednesday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said.
The quake's epicentre was 401 km east of Tadine, New Caledonia, and was at a depth of 2 km, EMSC said. Ten earthquakes and
aftershocks hit the region in a short space of time - ranging between a magnitude of 5.0-6.2 - with the first quake at 12.24.21
(UTC) and the final at 14.59.37 (UTC).
Read and watch here:
Stonehenge discovery ‘like nothing seen before' fueled new theory for ancient
STONEHENGE expert Dr Vincent Gaffney explained how
a discovery made near the monument - unseen anywhere else in Britain - is fuelling a new theory on the ancient site.
The Neolithic monument in Wiltshire dates back more than 5,000 years and continues to baffle experts. Last year a team of researchers discovered a ring of shafts at the nearby Durrington Walls site that forms what is believed to be the largest prehistoric structure
ever discovered in Britain. Tests carried out on the pits suggested they were dug by our ancient ancestors and may have served
as a boundary to the sacred area.
Read and watch here:
Trident submarine-launched ballistic missile is tested off the Florida coast with
a range of more than 4,000 nautical miles but Floridians think it's a 'UFO'
Strange lights in the sky were seen in South Florida on Tuesday evening leading to many people grabbing their cellphones to snap pictures of the unusual sight.
Some people believed that the UFO was proof that aliens had finally reached Earth but
the Navy soon confirmed that it was in fact simply testing a missile.
A Trident-II
ballistic missile was launched from a submarine in the Atlantic just off the Florida coast.
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It is possible that the whole organ transplantation rationale is just a smokescreen obscuring the real reason for
creating human-ham hybrids. Just last year, Japanese and German scientists (who obviously never saw "Planet of the Apes")
spliced human genes into the brains of monkey fetuses. We'll never know if these monkeys would have taken over the Earth since
they were aborted. Responsible scientists are sounding alarms over all this genetic tinkering, especially with gene-editing
technologies like CRISPR. Others, to paraphrase a line from "Jurassic Park," are so busy seeing if they can do something,
they don't take time to ask whether they should. This leaves the rest of us in high-stakes, real-life game of "what if?"
TOP SECRET SERIES-PART THREE: Things That Will Be Important
To Know Before 2025-What Is a Portal?
Doorways, gates, and portals
to untold realms are a familiar yet fantastic topic. The subject is esoteric, not because it is not discussed, but rather
because it is seldom handled seriously outside of a reductionist scientific worldview. For our purposes within, the term "portal"
can be defined in two senses as "any entrance to a place," or "any means of access to something."[i] In the first sense, a portal is a technological or supernatural doorway that connects two places, dimensions, or points in
time-for example, a wormhole in a science-fiction movie or the wardrobe in C. S. Lewis' The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.
In the supernatural sense, a "portal" may entail a prayer, a ritual, or an altered state of consciousness. Illustrations
might even include an Ouija board as a "doorway of communication" with the spirit realm. A portal might link to
a different spot within a universe (teleportation portal); a parallel world (interdimensional portal); the past or the future
(time portal); and other planes of existence, such as Heaven, Hell, or other afterworlds (preternatural portals). Most of
us learn about them in kindergarten.
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Pope Francis commemorates Abu Dhabi document, gives peace award to pro-abortion
UN chief
LifeSite News: Delivering a completely
irreligious address, Pope Francis has taken part in a video with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar to mark the first International
Day of Human Fraternity commemorating the Abu Dhabi document, which has been described as seeming to "overturn the doctrine of the Gospel."
more here:
Death by Government Edicts and Vaccination is Planned Democide!
"The more power a government has the more it can act arbitrarily according to
the whims and desires of the elite, and the more it will make war on others and murder its foreign and domestic subjects.
The more constrained the power of governments, the more power is diffused, checked, and balanced, the less it will aggress
on others and commit democide."
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MSM Has Become Unhinged Without Trump To Obsess Over -
After Years Of MSM Programming To See 'Racism' Everywhere, They Are Now Calling Each Other Racist
Well, that didn't take long.
than a month after President Trump left office, the liberal media having spent so long programming their writers and readers
to see racism in everything Trump and/or Trump supporters did and said, that now they are screeching racism at each other.
That is only one way they are attacking each other now that they no longer have a "Trump
administration" to obsess over.
Democrats are still targeting conservative
social media platforms, and conservatives in general, but they appear to be missing a large part of themselves which
was designated as their "Trump Derangement Syndrome" (TDS) space.
is like an empty hole inside of their bodies, specifically their brains, that cannot seem to get around their TDS and regroup
to focus on other issues than the ones they themselves manufactured outrage over for so long.
Read more here:
Don't Impeach Trump. Impeach the Deep State for Its Conspiracy to Kill the Constitution
Let's be clear about one thing: the impeachment of Donald Trump is a waste of time and money.
Impeaching Trump will accomplish very little,
and it will not in any way improve the plight of the average American. It will only reinforce the spectacle and farce that
have come to be synonymous with politics today.
Read more here:
Tucker Shreds MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace For Suggesting Drone Strikes on Trump Supporters:
One of the Craziest Things Said on Television
Tucker: Used to
be, there was a time as they say, that most sane people believed that bombing American citizens with military drone strikes
in this country because you don't like their politics, a little over the top. Maybe a little too far. Maybe not the unity
that we were looking for. But things have changed. Supporters of Donald Trump it turns out were so dangerous that maybe they
do deserve hellfire missiles raining down on their homes.
Read and watch
If You Think You Can Just be Silent and Obedient and They Will
Leave You Alone, You Best Think Again. These People Hate You and They are Out to Replace You. They Want Everything
That We Stand for GONE!
It's frustrating. The world is laughing
at us Americans. Here we are, armed to the teeth, larger than any army in the world, and we have allowed our country to be
stolen from us. We have allowed the Communist to just do as they please. And all we do is sit and stew in silence.
People keep asking, "What can we do? Is there a plan?" I don't know the answer
to those questions. I would have never imagined that we would have allowed things to get as bad as they are. It seems as though
the real enemy of liberty is the average American. Our complacency and attitude of just wanting to be left alone has gotten
us into this situation we find ourselves in.
Read more here:
Bank of America, it turns out, is selling out their customers who bought guns or ammunition
to federal authorities as people who should be investigated for ties to the criminal acts witnessed on Capitol Hill on Jan.
Tucker Carlson, of Fox News, uncovered evidence that Bank of America is turning over the private transaction records of its customers to federal investigators
it believes need to be probed for "extremism" or even domestic terrorism. The chilling move by the second-largest
corporate bank in America with more than 60 million customers and $2.16 trillion in assets was this:
Read more here:
Our Animal Farm
Left's 1960s dream is America's 2021 nightmare.
George Orwell published
Animal Farm in August 1945, in the closing weeks of the Pacific War. Even then, most naïve supporters of the wartime Soviet-British-American
alliance were no longer in denial about the contours of Moscow's impending postwar communist aggression.
The short, allegorical novel's human-like farm animals replay the transition of supposedly
1917 revolutionary Bolsheviks into cynical 1930s Stalinists. Thereby, they remind us that leftist totalitarianism inevitably
becomes far worse than the supposed parasitical capitalists they once toppled.
Read more here:
FCC sued for dismissing evidence that wireless technology can have serious effects
on health
(Natural News) The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was sued by two health advocacy organizations over the agency's
"capricious, arbitrary and not evidence-based" refusal to acknowledge that wireless technology devices and infrastructure,
such as cell towers and smartphones, can have serious health effects.
Read more here:
The Florida Water Supply Hack Demonstrates Our Vulnerability to Cyberattacks
A seemingly innocuous story coming out of Oldsmar, Florida may have greater implications for the rest of the country and a potential preview of a coming SHFT scenario. This is because
a hacker was able to successfully alter the levels of chemicals in Oldsmar's water supply to "potentially damaging"
While nobody got hurt and authorities assure us that there was
no danger to customers, this event clearly demonstrates exactly how vulnerable our infrastructure is to a cyberattack. This event comes on the heels of a massive cyberattack last December for which a culprit was never identified.
Read more here:
Lara Logan on Calls to 'Deprogram' Conservatives: 'This Was Never About Trump'
WASHINGTON - Calls to 'deprogram' Trump supporters are becoming widely accepted among
traditional media elites who never understood why such a wide swath of Americans supported the Trump presidency.
"The question is - how are we going to almost deprogram these people who have
signed up for the cult of Trump," asked Katie Couric during a recent interview on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher.
For many people, it was jaw-dropping to hear something so radical from a respected journalist.
Read more here:
Dr. Stella Demands an Apology after Studies Prove She was Right on HCQ - Vaccines
Not Needed!
Dr. Stella Immanuel, a medical doctor from Houston
who has cured hundreds of her patients with COVID symptoms by using hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), was one of a group of doctors
who went to Washington D.C. last summer to tell the nation that there was a cure for COVID, which included the older, already
FDA-approved drug, hydroxychloroquine.
Read more here:
Sheriff Warns 'Americans No Longer Safe' Under Biden's 'Lawless' Immigration Policies
Maryland's Sheriff Chuck Jenkins issues warning of the threat new rules pose
A Maryland sheriff has issued a warning to the American people, asserting that
America "will not be safe" under Joe Biden's new immigration policies.
Speaking during an interview Monday on Fox News, Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins
warned about the threat that Biden's policy changes pose.
should be angry and outraged," Sheriff Jenkins told "Fox & Friends" host Steve Doocy.
he's done is effectively and functionally dismantled ICE, basically telling the agents to stand down,"
Jenkins explained.
Read more here:
If Men Are Women, Then Truth, Science & Sanity are Gone
If men are women, then truth, science, and sanity are history.
A new study reveals 74% of generation Z embrace moral relativism. And Twitter censors
another Christian organization for referring to a biological male as... a male. Wait. There just might be a connection here
between moral relativism and transgenderism.
How are these two stories
related? Children are taught to think that truth and facts change, and adults in the tech world think it is normal to be born
one gender and change to the other. You'll be cancelled if you affirm the opposite.
Read more here:
Hacked sex robots could be told to kill users as experts warn it's a 'piece of
Sex robots could be capable of killing unfortunate humans should they fall victim to malicious hackers, experts have warned.
The anatomically correct humanoid creations feature increasingly sophisticated artificial
intelligence (AI) with each new model, allowing users to enjoy a more naturalistic experience.
However, this technology could be targeted by cybercriminals with violence in mind, according to
a new article written by Hong Kong law firm ONC Lawyers for Lexology.
more here:
In Part One of this article I laid out the dire situation we find ourselves facing, as the illegitimate Biden administration
inflicts the coup de grace to our dying empire of debt. I will now provide a possible framework of resistance and methods
of undermining the corrupt pillaging system we call government.
The concept
of passive resistance has existed in various forms for centuries and has been used effectively in toppling enemies. A few
weeks ago I was introduced to a concept I had never heard before in Doug Lynn's article Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair: Hover Through the Fog and Filthy Air. The passage below references "Irish Democracy" as a method for bringing an authoritarian regime to their knees.
Read more here:
The People Of California Are Standing Up & Gavin Newsom Is About To Be Shown
The Door!
Nearly 1.5 signatures have been garnered to recall
California Governor Gavin Newsom. With a little over a month before the deadline, just over 300,000 signatures are needed
to recall him for his tyranny.‘s Orrin Heatlie joins me in this episode to discuss Newsom's crimes against the people and their efforts to hold him
Read more here:
Report: Special Forces Enlisted Leader Tells Soldiers Not to ‘Wear or Post'
Extremist Images
The senior enlisted leader at a unit in charge
of training Special Forces candidates recently sent out an email to soldiers that warned them not to wear or post on social
media "extremist logos," according to a recent report.
to SOFREP, the 1st Special Warfare Training Group (Airborne)'s command sergeant major's email said:
As of today, you are not authorized to wear or post any of [the attached] images. Doing so could result in military
punishment. Please make sure this gets out to everyone in your formation. We don't want our folks getting hemmed up because
they weren't informed. We - and the [commanding general] - have more important things to worry about and don't need to waste
any more time justifying logos. Some of these extremist logos may have been innocently and unknowingly incorporated into team/committee
logos within SWCS; regardless of any good intentions, if you recognize any of these logos in any schwag you're sporting, stop
wearing the shirts, tear off the stickers on the water bottles, and let's replace them with symbols that aren't tied to extremism.
Enough said.
Read more here:
Hacker Tried To Poison Entire Florida Town By Raising Chemical Levels In Water Supply
A town in Florida has been target of a hack which briefly altered chemicals
in its water supply to "potentially damaging levels" according to local media reports. Federal and local authorities are currently investigating the computer network intrusion which happened
last Friday morning, the alarming details of which are emerging Monday.
operators overseeing the small city of Oldsmar's water supply began observing strange activity on their monitors. That's
when technicians noticed that sodium hydroxide levels (or lye), which is used to treat the city's water in small amounts
in order to control acidity while removing heavy metals, was being remotely pushed higher.
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The Secretive Inventor Of The Navy's Bizarre 'UFO Patents' Finally Talks
Dr. Salvatore Pais has finally spoken to The War Zone concerning his seemingly
out of this world patents filed on behalf of the U.S. Navy.
the last six months, The War Zone has been deeply reporting on a set of bizarre patents assigned to the U.S. Navy. The patents, which are all the product of a single inventor, truly
sound like the stuff of science fiction and include high-temperature superconductors, gravitational wave generators, compact
fusion reactors, and high-energy electromagnetic field generators. Most radical of all is the "hybrid aerospace-underwater craft" claimed to be able to "engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level" by seemingly bending
the laws of physics as we know them. Together, these patents seem to be the building blocks of a vehicle with truly out-of-this-world,
UFO-like performance. As part of our reporting, we have been working to better understand the mind behind this mysterious
intellectual property. Now, the elusive Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais has spoken to The War Zone.
Read more here:
Capitol Police Chief Forced to Resign Drops Damning Letter to Pelosi Revealing
What Really Happened Ahead of Capitol Riots
Former Capitol Police
Chief Steven Sund warned the Congress six times about the high risk of impending attacks on the capitol building before the January 6th "insurrection."
Now, his resignation letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi has surfaced. And it is scathing.
"Perfect hindsight does not change the fact that nothing in our
collective experience or our intelligence - including intelligence provided by FBI, Secret Service, Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) and D.C. Metropolitan Police (MPD) - indicated that a well-coordinated, armed assault on the Capitol might
occur on Jan. 6," Sund wrote. The letter was first obtained by the NY Times.
Read more here:
'Baby, It's Cold Outside' - Stay Warm Even Without Electricity With These Life
Saving Tips, Tricks And Do-It-Yourself Ideas
As Winter weather
rips through the nation, with cold weather and snow advisories, warning about the dangers of the cold fronts heading towards
most the country are in full force, it appears to be a good time to run through options to keep warm.
Many use gas, which is extremely expensive. Others electricity, which again running 24/7 costs and
arm and leg, figuratively.
Whether looking for ways to stay as warm
as possible for as little as possible, or preparing for possible electrical outages, there are a number of tips, tricks
and methods to keep warm affordably.
Read more here:
Trump Assassination Attempt - NEW DETAILS SUGGEST DRONE
As reported last month, a would-be assassin's bullet struck but did not penetrate Trump's
bedroom window while he slept during the early morning hours on January 26. Bullet proof glass, which he had installed recently,
probably saved his life. And ballistic experts who at first speculated that the shot originated from a chopper hovering off
the coast have dismissed that hypothesis in favor of a more plausible premise-an armed drone.
A source in Trump's orbit speaking under condition of anonymity has given Real Raw News more information on the shocking
assassination attempt and subsequent investigation.
Read more here:
False Flags Followed by the Implementation of Section 502 of EO 13603 Will Produce
Slave Labor Camps In America
Obama has succeeded in his attempt
to position the government to control all food through nationalizing the resource, the forces to eliminate the ownership of
family farms is underway. The purpose is to allow whoever is the President to be able to use food against the American people
as a weapon as did Stalin, Hitler and Mao and so many other despotic dictators. The cherry on top of this new attempt in using
food as a weapon is the new Biden 45% capital gains tax. This will eventually force a transfer of the control of family farms
to large corporate farmers beholding to the new administration. And are they ever getting desperate! The globalist minions
0f 2013, known in part as the Obama administration, do not want the public reading about the NDAA, Executive Order 13603 (EO).
Extreme censorship, today, is partially responsible for the repression of this truth. The truth is that Obama created a framework
from a future President, originally planned to be Hillary, would fully enslave America and remove the Constitutional Republic
once and for all. Biden is the second attempt in this endeavor.
more here:
Joe Biden Occupying The White House Puts The Democrats 16-Year Plan To Destroy
America Back In Play As The 45 Communist Goals To Takeover America Near Completion
- The Globalists Maneuver To Complete Their Takedown Of America
Back in October of 2018, well over a year after the election of President Donald Trump and more
than a year prior to the arrival of Covid-19 and the 'global lockdown', we had published this story on ANP titled "While The Communist Takeover Of America Was Almost Completed, This 2020 Nightmare Could
Cement Their End Game".
Showing within the story how a huge number of the '45 Communist
goals for America' had already been fully implemented, we also warned that a Democrat win in the 2020 election would
allow them to fully implement their 'end game' for America.
more here:
IMF Wants to Use "digital footprint of customers' ... online activities"
to Assess Creditworthiness
For years, researchers have warned
of a system in which the government controls every aspect of its citizens' lives. Every citizen would have to rely entirely
on the government to survive in this system. This system has been openly discussed for many years by the "ruling class."
Aka: those who have been allotted social credit (or not) and power based upon their views and opinions.
Read more here:
Millions of Americans Projected to Remain Jobless as Biden Packs U.S. Labor Force
with Foreign Workers
Breitbart: Millions of Americans are
projected to remain jobless for the next three to four years, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), though President
Joe Biden is looking to fill American jobs with foreign workers.
In a
report released this month, CBO analysts said the number of jobless Americans - all of whom want full-time jobs - will not return to
pre-coronavirus levels until around 2024.
Read more here:
who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - John F. Kennedy
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something,
build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." - Buckminster Fuller
The takeover of the country by an amalgamation of bad characters representing fascist
corporatism, collectivism, billionaire oligarchs, social media tyrants, pandemic peddlers, and Deep State snake oil surveillance
state salesmen has marked a turning point for the country. Battle lines are being drawn, a propaganda war is already being
waged, enemies are preparing for conflict, rage is rising, and the country is headed towards some level of dissolution.
Read more here:
US Veteran Whose Son Was Killed By Cops Asks: Should Cops Who Kill Investigate
Michael Bell Jr. lost his life in a police shooting
in 2004. To this day, there has never been a full investigation and the City of Kenosh Wisconsin refuses to turn over ballistic
evidence to an independent investigator. However, Michael's father has not only been able to advance one piece of legislation
to deal with fatal police shootings by independent investigators, but another bill is being introduced this week. He joins
me in this episode.
Read more here:
Antifa Threatens to 'Burn' Down DC During Black Lives Matter Rally
Calls for violence during 'DC Queer and Trans Black History Month March and Rally'
Antifa mobs have made calls to "burn"
down Washington D.C. during a Black Lives Matter rally in the nation's capital this weekend.
On Saturday, leftists marched in D.C. throughout the afternoon and evening.
The protest was named the "DC Queer and Trans Black History Month March and Rally."
It was organized at 2 p.m. by the Total Liberation Collective and the Palm Collective.
more here:
Prepare for Extreme Tyranny; The Likes of Which Have Never Before Been Seen in
This Country
"Liberal institutions straightway
cease being liberal the moment they are soundly established: Once this is attained, no more grievous and more thorough enemies
of freedom exist than liberal institutions."
What we face today,
and what is coming in the near future is pure, unadulterated, totalitarian madness, and so long as the people of this country
remain indifferent to this tyranny, it will worsen and escalate every single day until nothing of value remains.
Read more here:
BILL GATES is always crying about those who are critical of him. He actually wanted criticism
of him to be declared illegal. There are a lot of very powerful forces behind him and everything that he is doing.
They are doing a great job of censoring everyone who speaks the TRUTH about Bill Gates. The thing is, most of us only
post what we find in his own press releases, product documentation or patents. Or, we quote his OWN WORDS from his interviews,
Ted Talks or other conversations he makes public. We don't make stuff up... WE don't have to. Speaking the TRUTH
is all it takes to show HIM for who HE IS. Nobody is attacking him without cause. No groups are conspiring against
him. Just individuals, spreading the TRUTH.
Read more here:
Democrats' Climate Agenda Will Mimic Their COVID Tyranny
If you've enjoyed the last 10 months of foolish, science-denying lockdowns and mask mandates,
the widespread destruction of businesses and economies, and the government telling you what jobs are "essential"
and how you are to conduct yourself in your own home, then you must absolutely love the Democrats' climate agenda.
Read more here:
More than half of Americans don't want COVID-19 vaccine, survey shows
(Natural News) The mainstream media makes COVID-19 vaccines sound like a rousing success with everyone clamoring to get in line, but a
new survey shows that more than half of Americans plan to delay getting the vaccine or even refuse to get it altogether. In fact, just 41 percent of those who participated in the Kaiser Family Foundation's tracking project said they were eager to get the shot as soon as possible.
Read more here:
FBI raids Trump supporters who spoke at rally the DAY BEFORE the Capitol ‘storming';
interrogates random Trump supporters who never even went
(Natural News) The FBI reportedly raided the homes of two Trump supporters who spoke at rallies the day before the Capitol protest and
is now contacting random Trump supporters who didn't attend any Capitol protest-related events for questioning.
Read more here:
U.S. headed for war with China, warns top Beijing academic
'The stability of the past three years between the two countries is gone'
A prominent Beijing scholar on international relations is warning that without a "new
stability" in China's relationship with the United States, "there will be war."
Read more here:
Food Is Being Weaponized for Use Against 0ver 100 Million Americans
Food wars are coming. Food deprivation will be used, in the
near future, to bring America to her knees and force compliance from a population that largely rejects the communist takeover
of our government that has just taken place.
In the first installment of this series, the following facts were established:
1. Bill
Gates has become the largest owner of American farmland.
2. Biden's
new 45% capital gains tax, with no offsets, will make it impossible for the vast majority of family farms to survive.
3. The food supply chain is permanently broken.
4. The meat packing plants are still closed. They will likely open under Biden's control.
5. Large corporate farms are growing at an alarming rate.
6. Soon the vast majority of the American food supply will be under the control of a few of the elites who are working
hand in hand with the Biden administration.
7, Monopolization of
food under Biden is underway and history reminds us that this precedent is very dangerous.
Read more here:
Aristocrats vs "We the People" - John Rubino
Financial writer John Rubino says massive unpayable debt has already bankrupted America,
and when this happens, politics are also massively corrupted. Rubino explains, "When you bankrupt your country,
your politics are inherently corrupted by that bankruptcy, and that's what is happening to us. We created a financial
system . . . that is run by an aristocracy. It's not a Right/Left, liberal, socialist or conservative aristocracy.
Look at JPMorgan Chase, Google and General Dynamics. Look at Mitch McConnell, the big Republicans and the big Democrats.
They are not socialists, and they are not capitalists-they're aristocrats. They are mainly interested in a system where
the rules apply to you and me but do not apply to them. . . . You need to view those guys as Dukes and Duchesses whose main
job is to maintain power over the peasants, then their behavior makes complete sense. . . . Seeing them that way makes their
motivation and behavior pretty much crystal clear."
Read more here:
With The Lunatic Fringe Now Running The Insane Asylum, America
Locked Down For 7 Years Would See Most Of Us Dead And Gone By The Time The Democrats 'Big Lie' Was Fully Implemented
Back on December 21st of 2020, we published this story on ANP titled "More Signs 2021 Will Hit Ludicrous Levels Of Insanity As Chaos Abounds With Vaccine Rollout Nationwide,
With 'No End In Sight' To The Madness Spreading Worldwide Like A Pandemic."
Within that story we had warned that while "we have now had nearly nine months of being treated like
utter imbeciles", we have lots of evidence why things would likely continue to deteriorate in 2021, like a
snowball growing bigger and picking up speed as it makes its way toward its rendezvous with oblivion.
With a recent study finding that Covid-19 is being linked not only to mental illnesses (as people remain confined as prisoners within their own homes) but to a 'brain disorder' as well, as Paul Joseph
Watson asks in the first video at the bottom of this story, "What's causing this rampant hysteria? And what
kind of future impact will people being so terrorized by the proximity of other people have on society?"
Read more here:
Mutated virus may reinfect people already stricken once with COVID-19, sparking
debate and concerns
A trial of an experimental coronavirus vaccine
detected the most sobering signal yet that people who have recovered from infections are not completely protected against
a variant that originated in South Africa and is spreading rapidly, preliminary data presented this week suggests.
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Alert: Massive moons or planetoid-like objects filmed in the Dubai sky from many
angles, locations
Some say the two objects may be the Planet
X or Nibiru system, some claim UFOs, some say holograms. But one thing is for sure -- the objects did appear in the night
Read more here:
Biden Stabs Us All in the Back, Removes Terrorist Designation from Group Whose
Motto Means 'Death to America'
The Biden administration on Friday
announced that it would no longer designate Yemen's Iran-supported Houthi movement as a terror group, despite the fact the
group's slogan calls for the death of Americans and Jews.
The terrorist
designation was made just last month by former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, according to NBC News. It was slated to take effect by the State Department on Jan. 19, the day before President Joe Biden was inaugurated.
Read more here:
US Navy's UFO-like patent raises questions
So-called High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator could have far reaching military and commercial
"If I had foreseen Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I would
have torn up my formula in 1905."
- Albert Einstein
It has long been claimed by ufologists that the US government has been back-engineering UFOs at Area S4, the ultra
secret site within Area 51.
In 1989, scientist Bob Lazar, who claimed
to have worked at the base deep in the heart of the Nevada desert, spilled the beans on the study of UFOs - of which he claimed
they had several.
Read more here:
Glacier Breaks Apart - Destroys Dam in India -Towns Washed away
As many as 150 people were feared dead after a Himalayan glacier broke and crashed into
an Indian dam early on Sunday, with floods forcing the evacuation of villages downstream.
"The actual number has not been confirmed yet," but 100 to 150 people were feared dead, Om Prakash, chief
secretary of Uttarakhand state where the incident happened, told Reuters.
eyewitness in said he saw a wall of dust, rock and water as an avalanche roared down a river valley.
Read more here:
IS ANTICHRIST ALREADY HERE? New Digital Maps Detail Ancient
City Of Pergamon Where Barak Obama Received Inspiration, Bible Locates "A Throne To Satan"
THE DAILY SABAH reports that maps "detailing the ancient city of Pergamon, located in the Bergama district of western Turkey's Izmir
province, have been modernized and digitalized for better accessibility, by the German Archeological Institute in collaboration
with the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism."
Read more here:
Newsom Recall Now "Unavoidable" - Newsom's Poll Numbers Tank, More Than
1.4 Million Signatures Collected in Recall Effort
Governor Gavin Newsom's recall is unavoidable.
Newsom's poll numbers are
tanking and the recall effort has attracted 1.4 million signatures.
to two trusted California polls, Newsom's approval rating has sharply dropped in the last few months.
46% of California voters approve of Newsom's job performance, down from a 67% approval rating from September.
Read more here:
Confirmed: Obama's ‘Ethics Czar' Led the ‘Color Revolution' Behind
the 2020 US Election and Then Bragged About It
We warned
on November 2, 2020, the day before the 2020 Election, that the nightmare scenario created by the Democrats starring Sleepy
Joe Biden was about to begin.
We reported on the ‘Color Revolution' earlier in the 2020 Presidential campaign - In September Tucker Carlson discussed the ‘color revolution' and Norm Eisen, ironically Obama's Ethics Czar, was
reportedly behind the resistance and the efforts to remove President Trump from office. Like other Democrat lies, the
Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) didn't make health care more affordable and Norm Eisen was not someone who cared about ethics.
Read more here:
Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft Suspended From Twitter After Posting Shocking Voter Fraud
The official Twitter account of Gateway Pundit,
run by its founder, Jim Hoft, has been suspended from Twitter. It is unclear whether the suspension is permanent, or what
may have provoked Twitter to take such an action against one of the country's leading conservative news publications.
Cassandra Fairbanks, a reporter at Gateway Pundit, previously revealed that she had been
temporarily suspended from the platform, and informed her followers that, as she returned, Hoft received a temporary suspension.
Read and watch here:
Bombshell Confession! Climate Czar Says "Breaking Americans' Will" Is
The Mission
On this live Saturday emergency report, Alex
Jones breaks down the shocking confession by Joe Biden's "climate czar" admitting that the Great Reset push is part
of the overall globalist objective to "break the will" of the American people before ushering in the final stages of the New World Order takeover.
Read and watch here:
FBI Raids Trump Supporters Who Spoke At Rally The DAY BEFORE The Capitol ‘Storming'; Interrogates
Random Trump Supporters Who Never Even Went
The FBI reportedly
raided the homes of two Trump supporters who spoke at rallies the day before the Capitol protest and is now contacting random
Trump supporters who didn't attend any Capitol protest-related events for questioning.
Read more here:
Mike Lindell calls Newsmax incident ‘cancel culture', says his documentary
‘Absolute Proof' marks either REVIVAL or END TIMES
a Newsmax host walked off during a live interview with MyPillow's Mike Lindell this week, it was an example of "cancel culture" Lindell said, talking to The Victory
Chanell on YouTube on Thursday.
"It was the continuation of cancel
culture," said Lindell, discussing the situation. He explained about the big lawsuits by Dominion and the rest, and said
that Bob Sellers "stormed" off over. He said again that it was cancel culture in discussing it with
Lindell's documentary Absolute Proof came out on Friday, airing on OAN behind a massive disclaimer.
The hosts asked him about what has been
motivating him to stick with his mission given all that's happened. "What has driven you to do this?" they asked
Lindell, who said he's just looking for the truth.
Read more here:
MSNBC panel floats DRONE STRIKES on Americans for ‘incitement'
MSNBC and Nicolle Wallace in particular are pushing the "incitement" thing to
the hilt. The buzzword being used to drive Parler off the internet and ban thousands of American citizens from every public
forum, the blanket witch hunt word CNN's Fat Dumb and Bald Guy wants to use to get rid of the First Amendment and that Democrats
want to use to kick Republicans out of the House and Senate.
word is the basis for Nicolle floating the idea of using military drones on American soil to execute dissenters.
Read more here:
Celente - Silver Will Surge Past $50 An Ounce And Hit All-Time Highs
Young People To Push Silver Higher
6 (King World News) - Gerald Celente: I believe that young people are pushing silver higher
because that's what they can afford, and they are hip to the scene. These are the people who brought you Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies
because they know that the central banks are just dumping in all of this money printed on nothing and backed by nothing. They
know that their future stinks and they're investing in things to protect themselves.
Read more here:
How to Protect Your Local Economy
From the Great Reset
Over the years, I have written extensively
about the concept of economic "decentralization" and localization, but I think these ideas are difficult for some
people to visualize without proper motivation. By that I mean, it's not enough that the current centralized model is destructive
and corrupt; it has to start breaking down or show its true totalitarian colors before anyone will do anything to protect
Sadly, the majority of people tend to take action only when
they have hit rock bottom.
Read more here:
Churches are still closed in 90% of California
Exclusive: Barbara Simpson figures recalling Gov. Newsom would help restore freedom
of religion
It's hard to get a handle on the scope of what's
happening to our country. It seems everything is changing - from what we supposedly believe, to the influence of politicians
on our lives, to the extent that laws can change how we act and live, to the fact that so-called experts in varied scientific
fields can dictate our behavior.
To say "times have changed"
is an understatement, and COVID is the latest manifestation. In fact, the pandemic has made it easier for all of the above
to do their dastardly deeds and get away with them.
Read more here:
Prepare for Extreme Tyranny; The Likes of Which Have Never Before Been Seen in
This Country
"Liberal institutions straightway
cease being liberal the moment they are soundly established: Once this is attained, no more grievous and more thorough enemies
of freedom exist than liberal institutions."
What we face today,
and what is coming in the near future is pure, unadulterated, totalitarian madness, and so long as the people of this country remain indifferent to this tyranny, it will worsen and escalate every single day until nothing
of value remains.
Read more here:
Blowback: Hedge Funds Ramp Up Security Amidst "Death Threats", "Obscene Messages"
Unlike Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, some hedge funds actually are being threatened.
The increase in "hate" toward rich money managers is the result of the Reddit-fueled populist uprising surrounding
capital markets.
This "Reddit Rebellion" has prompted
wealthy hedgies ramping up their personal and corporate security with Bloomberg reporting today that as a result
of last week's GameStop debacle, "the level of vitriol has experts wondering if merely owning a certain stock, or
betting against it, might pose new safety risks." In fact, short sellers told Bloomberg they had dealt with "death
threats, attempts to hack their phones, people trying to enter their offices and obscene messages sent to spouses."
Read more here:
Experts warn of brewing space
mining war among US, China and Russia
A brewing war to set a
mining base in space is likely to see China and Russia joining forces to keep the US increasing attempts to dominate extra-terrestrial
commerce at bay, experts warn.
The Trump Administration took an active
interest in space, announcing that America would return astronauts to the moon by 2024 and creating the Space Force as the newest branch of the US military.
Read more here:
During Pandemic, China Sent Millions Of Counterfeit Masks, Test Kits To US: Customs
China accounted for about 51 percent of counterfeit
or substandard COVID-19-related products seized by U.S. customs officials from October 2019 to Sept. 30 last year, according to a newly-released report from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
Read more here:
Fox News cancels Lou Dobbs' show; pro-Trump host not expected to be back on air
Fox News Media has canceled "Lou Dobbs Tonight," the program hosted by television's
staunchest supporter of Donald Trump and of his assertions of voter fraud in the 2020 election, The Times has learned.
Dobbs' program, which airs twice nightly at 5 and 7 p.m. Eastern on the Fox Business Network,
will have its final airing Friday, according to a Fox News representative who confirmed the cancellation. Starting next week,
the program will be called "Fox Business Tonight," with rotating substitute hosts Jackie DeAngelis and David Asman,
who filled in for Dobbs on Friday.
Read more here:
Doctors now warn about permanent damage and cardiovascular events following COVID-19
(Natural News) More doctors are speaking out about the harms of new COVID-19 vaccines. Cardiothoracic surgeon, Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, M.D.,
Ph.D. is one of them. Dr. Noorchashm says that the covid-19 vaccines will almost certainly cause an antigen-specific immune
response; however, if viral antigens are present in the tissues of recipients at the time of vaccination, the vaccine-augmented
immune response will turn the immune system against those tissues, causing inflammation that can lead to blood clot formation. This destructive auto-immune effect could do significant damage
to endothelial cells of elderly patients who already suffer from cardiovascular disease. There have already been numerous
reports of unexplained cardiovascular fatalities following covid-19 vaccination across Norway, Germany, the UK, Gibraltar
and the United States.
Read more here:
Peruvian court rules Bill Gates, George Soros criminally liable for 'creating'
(EN-VOLVE) - Bill Gates, George Soros, and several members
of the Rockefeller family were deemed responsible for the advent and spread of the Chinese virus, which has killed tens of
thousands of small businesses and forever changed the world for the worst.
Peruvian court charged the group with responsibility for creating the coronavirus pandemic.
Read more here:
WHO changed virus test parameter the day Biden took office
Exclusive: Brent Smith explains how 'cycle threshold' had resulted in millions
of false positives
On Jan. 20, 2021, the WHO (World Health Organization)
posted an important bulletin regarding polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing for COVID-19. What else happened on 20 January that was important? That's
right. It was the very same day Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States. But I'm sure the WHO release
was purely coincidental.
Read more here:
10 Pounds Of High Powered C-4 Explosives Disappear From California Military Base
Military officials are scrambling to recover 10 pounds of Composition C-4,
after the high-powered explosives vanished from Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Base in Southern California,
according to ABC 10News, citing 'sources with close military ties.'
Read more here:
No Doubt About It: The Coup D'etat Was Successful-Brace Yourself For Consequences
That We Have To Endure
That January 6 attempt by so-called
insurrectionists to overturn the election results was not the real coup, however. Those who answered President Trump's
call to march on the Capitol were merely the fall guys, manipulated into creating the perfect crisis for the Deep
State - a.k.a. the Police State a.k.a. the Military-Industrial Complex a.k.a. the Techno-Corporate
State a.k.a. the Surveillance State - to swoop in and take control.
Read more here:
Doctor with bioweapons expertise calls COVID-19 vaccines "weaponized medicine"
(Natural News) While some doctors are encouraging people to get in line for their COVID-19 vaccine, others are bravely speaking out about
why rushing to get an untested shot might not be such a good idea.
Lee Merritt, a former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, has admitted that she believes the
current coronavirus vaccines are actually very dangerous bioweapons that are being deployed against the population.
Read more here:
FBI Director Wray Still Hasn't Declassified Documents Trump Ordered Declassified
These Deep State hacks act like they are above the law.
FBI Director Christopher Wray is yet to declassify some documents Trump ordered declassified while he was President.
Read more here:
Montana: House Concurs on Permitless Carry Legislation - Heads to Governor's Desk
Today, the Montana House concurred on Permitless Carry legislation, House Bill 102, sending
it to the desk of Governor Greg Gianforte. Governor Gianforte has ten days to sign or veto the measure, or it becomes
law on its own. Please contact Governor Gianforte and politely ask him to SIGN Permitless Carry legislation,
House Bill 102, into law.
Read more here:
Biggest, Unconstitutional Gun
Control Bill In History Targets The Poor, Will Make Millions Of Felons Overnight
HR127, known as the Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act introduced by Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18],
is, without a doubt, the most tyrannical gun control bill ever proposed. Like all gun control measures, this bill would hit
the poor and minority communities the hardest. Its massive scope would also turn tens of millions of legal, law abiding gun
owners into felons overnight.
As TFTP reported in December, before Joe Biden took office, his administration has major plans for eviscerating the Second Amendment.
Biden has been an outspoken gun grabber and on his campaign website, he's stated that he will use executive action to enforce gun control.
more here:
Will you allow Big Pharma to install its ‘computer operating system' into
your body?
When corporate media outlets start beating their
collective drums for a single, one-size-fits-all medical treatment, let the alarm bells ring. Something sinister is afoot.
And right now, all of the most notoriously elitist media companies in America are shilling
for you, dear reader, to get the shot.
Read more here:
Remember Deagel's 2025 Forecast For America When Joe Biden And The Globalists
Start Talking About Nuclear War With Russia
A Mindset
Like Joe Biden's Will Play A Key Role In The Upcoming Catastrophic Events
Just days ago on January 30th, Steve Quayle had linked to this 'flashback story' over at the Telegraph titled "Blackjack: A Slideshow Story", with Steve warning in an SQnote that story, which was about a series of nuclear terrorist attacks on major western cities,
was major 'predictive programming'.
With the Telegraph
story claims in the beginning of it that the 'slideshow' presented within it was completely fictional, it detailed
for us a scenario we see being 'pitched' by the globalists today, with a 'fictional' report done by an intelligence
agency (though in the UK) warning of an imminent terrorist attack carried out by "...a coalition of extremists, Islamists
and Christian doomsday cultists who may have acquired the means to carry out a mass-casualty attack".
Read more here:
The First U.S. Funeral Home That Turns Bodies Into Compost Is Now Open
Recompose, located outside of Seattle, has turned its first customers into soil after
years of development.
For almost a decade, Katrina Spade has been developing a new way to deal with dead bodies.
2011 as a graduate student in architecture, Spade began questioning what would become of her corpse after death. Unsatisfied
with the options available, she spent years refining her own solution: "natural organic reduction."
Read more here:
Physical Premium To Paper Hits Record As Silver Market Tears In Two
Update (1345ET): The shortage of physical silver is exposing a tear in
the precious metals market unlike any we have seen before.
we detailed below, various executives from bullion dealers have explained that huge demand has left them with no supply (and
no source) for physical silver.
And while silver futures prices
(paper silver) have 'stabilized' modestly during the day...
more here:
Tucker: Dems Mobilizing U.S.
Military to ‘Put Down Domestic Opinions'
Carlson said Monday on Fox News that Democrats are mobilizing the army "in order to put down domestic opinions."
"Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker was not so shy about the purpose [of sending National
Guard troops to DC]," Carlson said. "In a statement announcing the deployment of more soldiers to Washington, D.C., Pritzker explained that ‘we must root out the
dark forces of racism, white [sic] supremacy and disinformation that have created this moment.'"
Read and watch here:
2 FBI agents killed, 3 wounded while serving warrant in FL
Two FBI agents were killed and three others injured Tuesday while attempting to serve
a warrant in Florida.
The Miami Herald reported that one source familiar with the shooting said a minimum of five FBI agents were shot at a Sunrise home, with two being
"gravely wounded."
Fox News confirmed the deaths of two agents, as well as the suspect's death, but the names of the deceased individuals have not been released.
Read more here:
Without Trump To Obsess Over, Liberals Eat Their Own, Never Trumpers Are Exposed,
And Media Throws Their Own Hero Under The Bus
Let me start
with the "make liberals head explode" sentence before detailing proof of my assertion: "President Donald
J. Trump was right."
In just the first two weeks without Donald
Trump to attack, lie about, misrepresent or selectively edit quotes from, we are seeing the media search for someone to attack,
even if it is their "Emmy winning" hero, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.
Liberal late night comedians, having lost Trump to whine about for the majority of their shows, are now attacking
each other.
Read more here:
The Real Bill Gates & His Ruthless, Money Hungry Pursuit Of Vaccines (Video)
As I've documented in several articles, Bill Gates is a ruthless, money-hungry, power-grabbing
sociopath. He doesn't care for others but puts on a show as though he is compassionate while money and power
are really what he is in pursuit of obtaining. In a video montage spanning decades, the real Bill Gates
has been exposed for the criminal mind that he actually is and you can view it below.
Read and watch here:
The Covid-19 Coronavirus Gullibility Test
What Government Is Asking Americans To Believe And What
The Lockdowns Are Uncovering
Americans are being asked to believe
the implausible. Methinks the current pandemic is a test of political gullibility.
Says a recent TV news report: "Any way you cut it, doctors say there are virtually no flu cases at all this season, a phenomenon being called one
of the great mysterious vanishing acts of a virus they've ever seen."
more here:
"COVID-19 Jails" Open in Germany for Quarantine Offenders
The New American: The 19th-century philosopher George Santayana famously wrote, "Those
who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Shockingly, Germany seems to be suffering from a severe bout
of historical amnesia. Taking extreme action to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the country is interning people in "camps"
to punish those found "guilty" of subverting strict COVID-19 quarantine rules.
Read and watch here:
Enemies of the State vs. Enemies of the People
I didn't declare war on the establishment; it declared war on me.
It declared war on me when it supported energy policies that could enrich Saudi Arabia and Russia and would cost
me more money at the gas pump or on my power bill.
It declared war on
me when it told me my ideas weren't worthy of debate and discussion or that they were even so dangerous they couldn't be shared
It declared war on me when it used the police powers of the
FBI and CIA to first spy on a presidential candidate and then worked to undermine the administration of that candidate after
he was elected.
Read more here:
Watch - Doctor Admits Masks Don't Work: "All Viruses Can Get Through"
A medical doctor's lecture explaining face masks aren't effective at blocking
viruses has gone viral.
In the message, a member of America's
Frontline Doctors, Dr. Richard Urso, admits masks block little if any microscopic virus particles, contrary to what mainline
health experts have been telling the public.
Read and watch here:
Cumbre Vieja is going to erupt shortly: Second earthquake swarm within a month
hits beneath the volcano on the Canary Islands prompting fears of a cataclysmic tsunami
In the last few years, the Cumbre Vieja volcano in La Palma / Canary Islands
was hit by several earthquake swarms. The first major series occurred in October 2017. It was followed by another seismic event in February 2018 and five in 2020, the latest end of December 2020.
a new seismic unrest has started beneath the volcanic peak since January 31, 2021. The magnitudes of the earthquakes are between
1,2 and 2,5 (MbLg) and their depths range between 10 and 29 km right under the western slope of the Cumbre Vieja volcano.
Read more here:
'Clinton Body Count' Exposed By A 'Canary In The Coal Mine' Within Congress Who
Warns: 'If Republicans Cower To The Mob, They're Opening The Door To Come After Every Single One Of Us'
On January 30th, we told you about two incredibly courageous Congresswomen who were helping to 'red pill' America with their unwavering outspokenness on a variety of topics long considered
'taboo' for Americans, and especially politicians, to talk about, and now we learn that Republican Rep. Marjorie
Taylor Greene has also ventured where no politicians will tread, into the 'Clinton body count' long called by the mainstream media 'conspiracy theory'.
As this story over at The South Florida Sun-Sentinel reports, while Democrats in Congress are trying to not only 'silence' her but at least 'politically' bury Greene,
she herself recently dropped this nugget of truth:
Read more here:
Religious Books Seized and Burned in Communist China, Believers Given Jail Terms
Years ago, the horrors of the holocaust paved the way for the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights; however, our basic right to freedom of religion or belief is still being trampled in societies ruled by totalitarian
In communist China, practicing a certain faith, printing, or
even reading religious books could result in prison terms and abuse. Spiritual believers in China-be it Christians, Buddhists, Uyghur Muslims, or
Falun Gong practitioners-are faced not only with brutal suppression or forced-labor terms but also have their religious books
burned or trashed at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
more here:
It's More Than A Gun Grab! Listen Carefully, You Have 3 Months To Comply Or You Risk Imprisonment!
Infringement Overdrive would be an understatement!
This is truly 2nd Amendment GAME OVER as Sheila Jackson introduces the gun grabbing, weapons cataloging, right ending, H.R.127
or the Right To Be-AR Catalogued! You may think you know everything about his bill but let's really cover all is isn't wrapped
up to be before we go ‘no holds barred' on another Government overreach program.
Watch video here:
Medical Tyranny: CDC Announces All Travelers Must Wear Two Masks, Threatens Arrest
The Center for Disease Control has issued a new coronavirus order requiring DOUBLE
masks to be worn for all forms of public transportation in the United States.
From CNN:
The CDC announced an order late Friday that will require people
to wear a face mask while using any form of public transportation, including buses, trains, taxis, airplanes, boats, subways
or ride-share vehicles while traveling into, within and out of the US.
The order goes into effect at 11:59 p.m. Monday.
Masks must be worn while
waiting, boarding, traveling and disembarking, it said. The coverings need to be at least two or more
layers of breathable fabric secured to the head with ties, ear loops or elastic bands - and scarves
and bandanas do not count, the order says.
Read more here:
Texas AG Issues CIDS To Robinhood, Citadel, Others Over "Shocking Coordination"
Between Hedge Funds, Trading Platforms To Halt Trading
what is going on in the markets should be a wake up call to anyone that thinks we either have a fair or free market at all.
We have manipulated markets and the house of cards where people think the greatest economy in history was true is being revealed
as nothing more than manipulation. Now, the Texas Attorney General is getting involved in the entire Robinhood fiasco.
Read more here:
Police allowed to seize guns in home without a warrant
'A blatant attempt by law enforcement to create gaping holes in the 4th Amendment'
In an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, a civil-liberties legal group contends lower-court
rulings in a Rhode Island case have set a dangerous precedent that allows police officers in some instances to enter the homes
of citizens without a warrant and confiscate legal firearms.
Read more
IBM links with Salesforce to offer digital COVID-19 vaccine passports
In the final act of the 2011 film "Contagion," people wore bar-coded wristbands
to prove they had been inoculated against the deadly, pandemic virus. But in 2021, of course, the vaccinated will be able
to use a blockchain-powered smartphone app, according to IBM and Salesforce.
two tech giants are partnering up to help businesses and public spaces smoothly reopen as newly authorized COVID-19 vaccines
become more available by integrating IBM's Digital Health Pass with Salesforce's web-based employee management platform.
Read more here:
IBM Digital Health Pass
to provide organizations with a smart way to bring people back to a physical location, such as a workplace, school, stadium
or airline flight.
A smart way to return to society
IBM Digital Health Pass, part of IBM Watson Works, is designed to provide organizations
with a smart way to bring people back to a physical location, such as a workplace, school, stadium or airline flight.
Built on IBM Blockchain technology, the solution is designed to enable organizations to
verify health credentials for employees, customers and visitors entering their site based on criteria specified by the organization.
Read more here:
Calgary police take travelling woman into mandatory isolation, but refuse to tell
family where she is
Trudeau announced Friday morning that all
returning travellers into the country must go to a government isolation centre where another COVID-19 test will be taken.
An Edmonton pastor may have found out the hard way Thursday night about Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau's new travel restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
announced Friday morning all returning travellers into the country must go to a government isolation centre where another
COVID-19 test will be taken. If a passenger tests negative, they will be allowed to return home for a strictly-enforced another
11 days. Those testing positive will be taken to another government facility for the rest of their 14-day quarantine.
Read more here:
Obama's OFA Group Is Morphing Into the New American Gestapo Armed with Lists of
American Trump Supporters
Since leaving office, Obama has been
busy. He plans to return to the White House as a conquerer. Obama is the Benedict Arnold of our generation and unlike Arnold,
Obama has been successful in developing a revolutionary force consisting of existing military that is loyal to Obama, paramilitary
groups of terrorists and the Communist Chinese and the United Nations that will one day cross American borders and drive a
dagger into the heart America. Who is the leader of this Maoist organization who lead a coup against Trump and the American
people? It is former President Obama.
Read more here:
Deprogramming, Defunding, Deplatforming and Soon-to-be the Delousing of FEMA Camp
Detainees Represents the New Normal
It is easy to recall the
works of the communist prophet, Obama, when he called for a civilian military force that "was just as strong, just well-funded"
as our regular military...."
What could America have been thinking
when we did not challenge this "we need to create a secret police Stasi" to do our dirty work." In the Presidential
campaign of 2008, Barak Obama was clearly telling us what was coming. Obama's entire presidency was about establishing policies
that would enable Hillary Clinton to eliminate all opposition to a complete takeover of the modern-day communists. However,
something unpredictable happened on the way to the polls in 2016, a candidate that was not on script swept America off her
Read more here:
'They Want You Dead' If They Cannot Control You - Another Look Inside The Minds
Of Liberals Using Their Very Own Words And Actions
There is nothing
more annoying than when the liberals/media "ascribe" motives and mindset, as well as intent, onto conservatives
without once bothering to talk to, or research those same individuals.
say "protest," they say conservatives tried for "insurrection" and wanted to "murder" Democrat
politicians, without any thought to the fact that had any of that been true, there would not have been a million person
protest in DC, it would have been forty million armed citizens taking DC and every single state capitol.
Conservatives do not want blood flowing through the streets though, but by their very own words
and actions, democrats do want conservatives dead.
Read more here:
Here it is - The Bill to Destroy Gun Ownership
Firearms BILLS-117hr127ih
Here we have it. They are going after EVERYONE
who has a gun or ammunition. They are deeply concerned about a revolution and they want to know every person who has a gun
or ammunition. The object of this bill will be to identify every person who has a gun. They will be able to revoke a license
and confiscate the gun under rules to be created by the Attorney General. Biden swore he would end the NRA. He was not joking.
Read more here:
I know that to the majority of people out there MINDCONTROL sounds like something out of a movie. And, certainly
GOVERNMENT PURPETRATED MINDCONTROL is nothing but the rantings of some crazed "Conspiracy Theorist". But,
before you close this post and turn away to something easier to digest... take a serious look at the following with a clear
head and an open mind. See if you find anything in this article that rings a bell. lol Pavlovian,
Read more here:
China Doesn't Have to Lift a Finger to Push Biden Around
The Biden administration has just endorsed one of China's most vicious attack lines against
the United States.
The new administration's actions look as if they are
setting a pattern for its responses to Beijing on the disease and other matters.
On January 26, Biden signed his executive order titled "Memorandum Condemning and Combating Racism, Xenophobia, and Intolerance Against Asian Americans and Pacific
Islanders in the United States."
Read more here:
Gates warned that a devastating ‘quirk of nature' could kill 30 million people in less than a year. " INSIDER
-Hilary Brueck ; Sep 18, 2019, 10:32 AM
How did he know?
There has been a great deal of predictive programming in the years leading up to this
"Plandemic". More importantly than that, you should know that the elite who run this world have been planning
for this for many, many years. This is not a surprise phenomena. This was not an act of nature or a GOD, or an organic
development. This was a deliberate and sinister plot, and it is not over yet. They have so much more in store.
Read more here:
How COVID-19 ‘Vaccines' May Destroy the Lives of Millions
In April 2020, I interviewed Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., about the potential role played by
human gammaretroviruses in COVID-19. Mikovits is a molecular biologist1 and researcher, and was the founding research
director of the Whittemore Peterson Institute in Nevada.
Her book, "Plague of Corruption," ended up being a No. 1 best seller on the lists of The New York Times, USA Today and The Wall Street Journal in 2020.
Her new book, "Ending Plague: A Scholar's Obligation in an Age of Corruption," will hopefully do just as well. It's available for preorder on Amazon.
Read more here:
South African 'super' COVID variant infects Baltimore resident - the third in
the U.S. - as the country surpasses 26 million cases
The South
African 'super' COVID-19 variant has now spread to Maryland with the state recording its first case in a woman in Baltimore and the third case confirmed overall on US soil, the same
day the nation surpassed 26 million cases of the virus.
Governor Larry
Hogan announced Saturday that state health officials had confirmed a case of the new B.1.351 variant in an adult female living
in the Baltimore metro region who had no recent travel history overseas, sparking concerns that the strain is already spreading
in the community.
The case comes just two days after two South
Carolina residents became the first Americans found to have contracted the South African strain, despite also having no recent
travel history and no known connection to each other.
Read more
Not bot, not beast: Scientists create first ever living, programmable organism
A remarkable combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and biology has produced the
world's first "living robots".
This week, a research team of roboticists and scientists
published their recipe for making a new lifeform called xenobots from stem cells. The term "xeno" comes from the frog cells (Xenopus laevis) used to make them. Read more
WATCH: Rick Perry blasts Kerry, says Biden admin is "gutting" middle
class Americans
Appearing with Sean Hannity former Energy Secretary
Rick Perry made the case that the Biden administration is "gutting" middle class Americans
Perry took specific aim at John Kerry who suggested those who lose their jobs in the fossil fuel
industry due to Biden admin policies could potentially go make solar panels.
video here:
SHEER LUNACY: Black Lives Matter Riots Saw 12 People Murdered With $2 Billion
In Damage, Now They're Nominated For A Nobel Peace Prize??
August, Black Lives Matter activists harassed diners seated on the patio of a Mexican restaurant and allegedly demanded
they raise their fists. Other activists from the movement also surrounded Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and several
women for several minutes on the streets of Washington, DC, as they attempted to leave a Republican National Convention event
at the White House. Last September, released data from Princeton University showed that riots associated with the Black
Lives Matter movement took place in 48 out of the 50 largest cities in the United States.
Read more here:
Republicans demand 'gutless' Cuomo RESIGN after he blamed TRUMP for COVID nursing
home deaths scandal and callously dismissed victims' plight by saying 'who cares where they died?'
Republicans have called for the Democrat governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, to resign after his response to a COVID nursing home death toll scandal was: 'who cares' where they died.
Cuomo said it did not matter if a COVID death was counted in a nursing home or hospital
on Friday, as he defended his administration for undercounting nursing home deaths by around 4,000.
He was immediately slammed as 'disgusting', 'callous' and 'gutless' by people whose loved ones died
in nursing homes.
Read more here:
AOC is accused of pushing a 'dark fantasy' about the GOP to 'terrify' Americans
by claiming there are 'white supremacists' at the heart of the party in Congress
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been accused of pedaling a 'dark fantasy' about the Republican party in a bid to 'terrify' Americans into submission.
The New York congresswoman
on Wednesday night claimed the party has had an influx of 'legitimate white supremacists' into its ranks. In the aftermath
of the Capitol riots, she told of fearing for her life and even feeling unsafe among her Congressional colleagues, whose motives
she distrusted.
On Friday night Fox News host Tucker Carlson charged Ocasio-Cortez with stirring up dangerous panic in the country, and creating yet more division.
Read more here:
As Two Unfearing Congresswomen 'Red-Pill' America, Democrats Need 'An Event' That
Will Allow Them To Complete The 'Erasing Of History' And Cement Their 'Big Lie' Into Place For All Time
'We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing
it' - George Orwell, 1984
According to
this 2013 story over at Quartz (saved in full at archive) titled "You probably didn't read the most telling part of Orwell's "1984"-the appendix", after
'THE END' of Orwell's timeless warning he includes another chapter, the appendix titled "The Principles of Newspeak".
As that story reported, the appendix to "1984"
details Oceania's attempt to replace Oldspeak, or English, with Newspeak, a linguistic shorthand that reduces
the world of ideas to a set of simple, stark words.
whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought. It will render dissent literally impossible, because there will be
no words in which to express it."
So with Democrats/globalists in 2021 not only releasing a roadmap to one-party rule reminding some of 'the party' in "1984", while they quite literally try to make 'dissent'
against their agenda 'a crime', we can't help but think of the quote below from "1984" when we
think of what's happening now across America:
Read more here:
Russia Deploys Crimea Missile System As Three US Warships Enter Black Sea
On Thursday a guided-missile destroyer, the USS Porter, was the third American
naval vessel to have entered the Black Sea over the past week, with the other two - the USS Donald Cook and
USNS Laramie - having been there since Sunday. It's a significant build-up coming a mere week after Joe Biden entered the
White House.
"The US Navy has three warships operating in the
Black Sea, stepping up its presence in the region after a drop in overall NATO maritime activity there last year," Stars and Stripes reports late this week. "The destroyer USS Porter began its transit into the sea Thursday in support of NATO
efforts, joining two other Navy vessels conducting operations in the strategic waterway, the Naples, Italy-based 6th Fleet
Read more here:
Would YOU Be Considered a Domestic Terrorist Under This New Bill?
The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021
The DTPA is essentially the criminalization of speech, expression, and thought. It takes cancel
culture a step further and all but outlaws unpopular opinions. This act will empower intelligence, law enforcement, and even military wings of the American ruling class to crack down
on individuals adhering to certain belief systems and ideologies.
more here:
Government Unhinged: No Constitutional Restraints, Just Executive Orders!
Watch video here:
Twitter & LinkedIn Suspend Former Navy SEAL & Vets 4 Child Rescue Founder Craig Sawyer Over Covid
Twitter & LinkedIn went after former United States Navy
SEAL Craig Sawyer on Wednesday over his posting of CDC stats on the coronavirus. The level of tyranny and censorship from
Big Tech in America is out of control. But you already knew that if you're a conservative.
According to Sawyer, LinkedIn blocked him from making posts because he was sharing CDC stats. You read that right,
he was blocked from posting on LinkedIn for sharing actual CDC stats.
more here:
Linwood finally drops the whistleblower audio,Epstein to Justice Roberts .Also
the death of other SCOTUS
Linwood finally drops the Epstein to
Justice Roberts kids sale audio tape.Also death of other scotus
video here:
LEFTIST FASCISM: Conservative agent fired from Literary Agency after she was reported
for using GAB and Parler social media platforms
Was it imaginable
a few years ago, that the world's oldest democracy would have conservatives specifically targeted for the medium of communication
they use? Well, this Nazi-like tactic is what is happening in America right now.
Watch video here:
Cali. X-ray Tech "Excited" to Get Shot Dies After Receiving 2nd Dose
of Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine
A California health care worker
who was enthusiastic about the coronavirus vaccine died days after receiving the second dose.
On Tuesday, Orange County x-ray technician Tim Zook, 60, was reportedly thrilled to receive the
second round of Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine, posting on his Facebook wall, "Never been so excited to get a shot before.
I am now fully vaccinated after receiving my 2nd Pfizer dose."
more here:
Chinese Bombers Carried Out "Simulated Attack" On USS Roosevelt
Carrier Near Taiwan
Tensions spiked in the South China Sea and
near Taiwan over this past weekend and have continued boiling since, after Chinese PLA aircraft made repeat in incursions
into Taiwan's claimed airspace. In response Taiwan's Air Force scrambled jets in its own 'show of strength' deterrence message,
and with the US aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt in the region, China's Defense Ministry subsequently warned Taipei on Thursday that "independence means war".
Read more here:
Rich Person Booked All 446 Rooms at Alberta Canadian Lodge For
The entirety of the well known Fairmont hotel at Jasper Park lodge in Alberta has been booked for 65 days beginning
February 23. The estate is a collection of log cabins and other buildings that is spread over 700 acres. It is well known
for attracting high profile guests.
A mystery guest has booked all
446 rooms at the lodge, who has been mum about who the mystery guest is, and what the purpose of the stay could be.
Read more here:
FEMA asks the Pentagon to help administer the COVID-19 vaccine to meet Joe Biden's
goal of 1.5 million shots a day
The US Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) has asked the Pentagon to help administer the COVID-19 vaccine to meet Joe Biden's goal of 1.5 million shots a day.
The Pentagon's top spokesman announced
Thursday it had received a request to assist with getting shots in the arms of Americans across different parts of the country.
'The Department of Defense has received a request from FEMA for assistance in administering
COVID-19 vaccine at various locations across the country.
Read more
Expect Democrats To Move At Breakneck Speed Following The Blueprints Of The Soviet
Union, Venezuela And Other Tyrannical Regimes Of The Past To Complete Their Crackdown Upon America
The country is under a once distant threat that is bullying its way through our culture.
Big Government, Big Tech, academia, and entertainment are the four pillars that are destroying our countries foundations.
Hell-bent on the destruction of our basic liberties, the progressive socialists, are following the blueprints of the one-time
Soviet Union, Venezuela, and other regimes of the past.
Part of
this blueprint is the canceling of our fundamental liberties. The Chinese virus is but the start of this tyranny. Following
the rigged election of China Joe Biden, we are now hearing for the leftists a call for revenge. In academia, professors of
public policy at Duke Bill Adair, also the founder of the far-leftist Politifact, and Philip Napoli have argued that there
is a need for the government to decide what speech will be permitted. In their ivory tower, the poor snowflakes can not accept
that there may be someone with ideas different from what they believe. They can' handle disagreement but opt for the censorship
of those they feel are below the.
Read more here:
Latest DHS Advisory Targets Conservatives As Civil War 2 Heats Up - Heartland
Americans Versus The Coastal 'Elites' Are In A Battle For The Soul Of America
Conservatives aka "Red Listers" already have a bulls-eye painted on their backs by the current occupants of the White House, using what they call the
"breach of the U.S. Capitol Building" in order to add conservatives to the "National Terrorism Advisory
System Bulletin," without mentioning Antifa or BLM by name.
and foremost, before quoting it and describing the political volatility that according to billionare Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio could lead to a full blown civil, where survival will be the number one priority, I would like to take exception to
the term "breach."
Read more here:
Navy gets OK for special ops training at some Wash. state parks
MOUNT VERNON, Wash. (AP) - The U.S. Navy has been granted permission to conduct special
operations training at some Washington state parks with mitigation requirements specific to each park.
The Skagit Valley Herald reports that that the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission
voted 4-3 on Thursday in favor of the training.
The seven-member commission
is set to review its decision after 90 days.
Officials say the Navy will
also undergo post-training reports so staff at the parks can analyze the routes used to identify any environmental impacts
or interaction with the public.
Read more here:
As Pelosi and the Democrats Speak the Language of Genocide, How
Long Until the Purge Begins?
Nancy Pelosi and AOC are
embracing the Nazi language of genocide. Back in the 1950's and 1960's we said it could never happen here (ie the Nazi genocide)
but there are clear signs that is already underway in modern day America. We are not just witnessing the fall of America,
we are witnessing the beginning of the end for 100 million Americans.
America Will End
The following is an analysis of what has been
learned about the pattern America will follow on the path to its demise and final resting place. But America isn't just going
to end, it will, and already is, morphing into a new entity which will be complete divorced from its original founding principles
and culture. With genocide looming, we should ask, how did go so wrong?
more here:
America's Trust in the Mainstream Media Hits an ALL-TIME LOW and "Journalists"
Are Shocked
Given the 24/7 hysterical propaganda coming from
mainstream media, it is easy to see how Americans are clueless about current events' true nature, whether it be politics,
COVID, or foreign policy.
But, there is some good news.
For the first time, most Americans do not trust the mainstream media
According to PR firm Edelman's Annual Trust-Barometer, fewer than half of all Americans trust the mainstream media despite the constant propaganda onslaught.
Read more here:
Putin: World Risks "Fight Of All Against All" In "Grim Dystopia"
Amid Growing Crises
Russian leader Vladimir Putin warned that
society risks a return to world war if there's no international effort to ease existing global tensions and imbalances.
Speaking at the World Economic Forum's virtual Davos Agenda conference on Jan. 27,
he offered a grim prediction and noted that the current era shows parallels to the 1920s and 1930s before the "catastrophic
World War II."
Read more here:
An Increasingly Fragile Empire
Our creaky, late-stage American empire is looking fragile. Texas is talking secession. Wyoming is paying close attention.
Everything looks brittle. Perhaps things will break. William S. Lind has been telling everyone who will listen that a legitimacy crisis is looming.
One would hope our
ruling elites were prudent enough to lower tensions right about now. Perhaps Nancy Pelosi and "the enemy within" could retire to a secret chandeliered hideaway for a pleasant game of whist.
That is not happening. The Washington swamp
is seething with anger and malice. Word has gone out that deplorables must not only be punished as domestic terrorists, but publicly humiliated. No tweet is too small to become a federal crime as needed.
Read more here:
Pfizer Admits Vaccine Does Not Prevent COVID
Public health officials have said over and over that they do not know if COVID-19 vaccines prevent
Watch video here:
DC Officials Announce Plans to Erect Permanent Security Fence Around US Capitol
- In Same Week Democrats Ended Construction of Border Security Fence
Biden signed an executive order to stop the building of the border wall immediately after his virtual unattended inauguration.
Walls don't work.
They're immoral.
And racist.
But Washington DC
officials announced this week they will erect a permanent security fence around the US Capitol because walls work in DC!
Read more here:
Anti-Abortion Faith Leaders Support Use Of COVID-19 Vaccines
In a growing consensus, religious leaders at the forefront of the anti-abortion movement
in the United States are telling their followers that the leading vaccines available to combat COVID-19 are acceptable to
take, given their remote and indirect connection to lines of cells derived from aborted fetuses. One outspoken foe of abortion
based in Dallas, Southern Baptist megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress, has called the vaccines a "present from God."
"To ask God for help but then refuse the vaccine makes no more sense than calling 911 when your house is on fire, but
refusing to allow the firemen in," Jeffress said via email. "There is no legitimate faith-based reason for refusing
to take the vaccine." The Rev. Al Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, also has celebrated
their development... (READ MORE)
The New mRNA COVID Vaccines Inject an Operating System into Your Body - Not a Conspiracy Theory,
Moderna Admits It
Our first article of 2021 featured a video
of an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, titled: Catherine Austin Fitts Explains how the Globalist Billionaires and Technocrats are Planning on Taking Over the Planet, and
How We can Stop It.
In this interview, Catherine compared the new mRNA COVID vaccines to
a computer operating system, stating that just like computer operating systems such as Windows, that there would be a "back
door" where the technocrats will be able to control our bodies through regular "updates."
I thought it was a brilliant analogy of what the technocrats seek to accomplish with this new class
of vaccines.
Read more here:
Enemies of the Deep State: The Government's War on Domestic Terrorism Is a Trap
"This is an issue that all Democrats, Republicans, independents, Libertarians should
be extremely concerned about, especially because we don't have to guess about where this goes or how this ends. What characteristics
are we looking for as we are building this profile of a potential extremist, what are we talking about? Religious extremists,
are we talking about Christians, evangelical Christians, what is a religious extremist? Is it somebody who is pro-life? [The proposed legislation could create] a very dangerous undermining of our civil liberties, our freedoms in our Constitution,
and a targeting of almost half of the country."-Tulsi Gabbard, former Congresswoman
This is how it begins.
We are moving fast down that slippery slope to an authoritarian society in which the only
opinions, ideas and speech expressed are the ones permitted by the government and its corporate cohorts.
Read more here:
Israelis Say They Will Attack Iran If Biden Returns US To Nuclear Deal
Israeli officials have made their opposition to the Biden administration returning to
the Iran nuclear deal known. Some have even threatened a military strike on Iran if President Biden revives the deal, known
as the JCPOA.
An Israeli source affirmed this to Breaking Defense in an article published on Monday. "Israel needs to know - and fast - whether Washington plans to stop Iran's race to the bomb or take some
action to do this," the source said, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
Read more here:
The Warnings Continue To Go Out. The Situation Continues To Deteriorate. Get Ready
America! The Elite's Have Planned for Civil War
6th was heart-rending. To see people breaking into the capitol building, pilfering things there and causing
both houses of Congress to be evacuated was something I never expected to see in this country. That's the kind of thing that
happens in third-world countries, usually as part of a coup of some sort. Yet it was live and in color, for all the world
to see.
Read more here:
'Believe what we say, or else': Tucker Carlson blasts Democrats'
meaning of racial 'equity' saying that Martin Luther King would be 'disgusted' by new orders which treat Republicans like
'Vote the wrong way, and you are a jihadi. You thought
you were an American citizen with rights and just a different view. No, you're a jihadi. And we are going to treat you the
way we treated those radicals after 9/11, the way we treated bin Laden. Get in line pal, this is a war on terror,' Carlson
told his viewers on Tuesday night.
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YouTube Censors Over 500,000 Videos to Protect Globalist COVID-19 Hysteria Narrative
Big Brother has been busy.
The Google-owned
video hosting platform, YouTube, has removed over 500,000 videos that cast doubt on the official COVID-19 narrative over the past year.
CEO Susan Wojcicki made the announcement in a letter about the platform's priorities for the coming year. She is boasting
about how her platform is enforcing Big Brother censorship.
updated our policies to remove egregious medical misinformation about COVID-19 to prohibit things like saying the virus is
a hoax or promoting medically unsubstantiated cures in place of seeking treatment," Wojcicki wrote.
"We've continued to make updates to our COVID-19 policies to stay current with the science,
and we've removed more than more than half a million videos under these policies since February," she added.
Read more here:
The Dollar's Crash Is Only Just Beginning
(Bloomberg Opinion) -- After an initial spike higher, the dollar has been falling steadily since the
Covid-19 pandemic took hold in the U.S. last March. It is down about 10% to 12% relative to America's major trading partners,
dropping to its weakest levels since early 2018 as measured by several of the broad dollar indexes. There is more to come.
Based on a wildly unpopular forecast that I mad
Read more at:
Sen. Kennedy: ‘Mad Max' Scenes In DC Are Elite's Way Of Demanding Fear
Appearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight Tuesday, Senator John Kennedy described the
ongoing military presence in Washington DC as like something out of ‘Mad Max', and urged that it is designed to scare
Americans into submission.
"[The] inauguration is over,
but if you look around Capitol Hill, parts of it look like a scene from Mad Max," Kennedy told Carlson.
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Following Massive Tantrum By MSM Snowflakes, The Left's War On Free Speech Is
Being Ratcheted Up Under Joe Biden As MSM Seeks To Fully Deprogram President Trump Supporters
It is safe to say that the majority of Americans knew that when Joe Biden moved into the White House,
the the media would instantly go from being combative and hostile towards the "administration," to becoming pliant
It is unlikely that many truly doubted that the lapdog
quality of the MSM's coverage for Democrats and the liberal agenda, would instantly extend to the White House once President
Trump was removed from the equation.
Read more here:
Horrific Latent Deaths Predicted Among The Elderly By Genetics Professor After Immunization With RNA Vaccines
Irish Freedom Party, speaking at, predicts impending mass death from RNA vaccines (paraphrased):
Dolores Cahill, speaking about RNA vaccines
Read and watch here:
Bill Introduced for Texans to Vote on Seceding from the USA
Today, Representative Kyle Biedermann (R- Fredericksburg, TX) filed House Bill 1359, also known as the Texas Independence Referendum Act, which would allow the citizens of Texas to vote on whether the Texas
Legislature should create a joint interim committee to develop a plan for achieving Texas independence.
This is not a resolution to allow for immediate independence. This legislation will give power directly
to the people via referendum and allow Texans the right to discuss, debate and vote on creating a path toward Texas Independence.
Regardless of an individual Legislator's personal opinion on Texas Independence, we ask all Representatives and Senators to
Let Texans Vote!
Read more here:
Upton helps introduce Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021
Bipartisan Bill Would Strengthen Law Enforcement Efforts to Prevent, Report
On, Respond To, and Investigate Acts of Domestic Terrorism
D.C. - U.S. Rep. Fred Upton, R-St. Joseph, as an original cosponsor helped introduce the bipartisan Domestic Terrorism Prevention
Act (DTPA) of 2021 to help prevent, respond, and investigate acts of domestic terrorism.
Joining Upton in introducing the bipartisan bill - H.R. 350 - is Reps. Brad Schneider (IL-10), Jerry Nadler (NY-10), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01), Robin Kelly (IL-02), Don Bacon (NE-01),
Vicente González (TX-15), Lou Correa (CA-46). A Senate companion bill is led by Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL).
Read more here:,threat%3B%20and%20providing%20training%20and
Would YOU Be Considered a Domestic Terrorist Under This New Bill?
After 9/11, the entire country collectively lost its mind in the throes of fear. During
that time, all civil and Constitutional rights were shredded and replaced with the pages of The USA PATRIOT Act.
Almost 20 years later, the U.S. has again lost its collective mind,
this time in fear of a "virus" and it's "super mutations" and a "riot" at the capitol. A lot of people called this and to the surprise of very few, much like after 9/11, Americans are watching
what remains of their civil liberties be replaced with a new bill.
Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021
The DTPA is
essentially the criminalization of speech, expression, and thought. It takes cancel culture a step further and all but outlaws unpopular opinions. This act will empower intelligence, law enforcement, and even military wings of the American ruling class to crack down
on individuals adhering to certain belief systems and ideologies.
more here:
Vatican permits use of Covid vaccines made using aborted fetal tissue
Vatican says ‘It is morally acceptable to receive COVID-19 vaccines that
have used cell lines from aborted fetuses'
The Vatican has announced that it is "morally acceptable" for Roman Catholics to get vaccinated against Covid-19 after anti-abortion groups raised concerns citing the origin of the vaccine from aborted fetuses.
A note from the Vatican's watchdog office for doctrinal orthodoxy said the use of the vaccines was permitted, even if their production employed cell
lines drawn from tissues of aborted foetuses, as long as there were no alternatives.
Read more here:
Chinese police training in B.C. an espionage risk, critics say: Glacier Investigates
Justice Institute of British Columbia has partnered with China's Public Security
Bureau to facilitate a one-way exchange of students to Canada that critics say is ripe for espionage and contrary to Canadian
British Columbia's police academy has a growing international
police-training program tailor-made for China's Public Security Bureau that critics say is a threat to the country's security
and common values.
The Justice Institute of B.C. (JIBC) has accepted close
to 2,000 Chinese law enforcement students, recruits and officials, plus dozens of Chinese state judges, to its purported education
and training programs, since 2013.
Read more here:
I have written about it before.
Perhaps my warning was premature. However, and now that it has been established that Beijing Joe Biden and son are traitors
under the control of the communist Chinese, perhaps it is time to repeat the warning! THIS IS YOUR FUTURE AMERICA IF YOU DO
The reference to the movie, Invasion of the Body Snatchers,
refers to a movie which warned America about the dangers of being totally absorbed and destroyed by Communism. The movie was
made twice, once in 1956 and again in 1978/
The "laptop from Hell"
clearly paints the Biden crime family as a blackmailed stood of the CCP. Congratulations America, we not only allowed an election
theft, we allowed the modern day equivalent to Benedict Arnold to take control of the government! What could possibly go wrong?
That question is answer in its entirety in the following paragraphs.
more here:
Distract, Deceive, Destroy! WARNING, There Is No 'Cold War' With China...Oh No,
It's Far Worse!
If you believe there is actually a cold war with
China you're wrong! To be at war there has to be two opponents, not two allies. You see what is happening is DISTRACT, DECEIVE
and DESTROY, and they are executing it flawlessly with Biden the Oblivious at the helm of the destroyer of America! Here is
what they are lying to you about now!
Watch video here:
"Americans today fear that linearism (alias the American Dream) has run its course. Many would welcome some
enlightenment about history's patterns and rhythms, but today's intellectual elites offer little that's useful. Caught between
the entropy of the chaoticists and the hubris of the linearists, the American people have lost their moorings." - Strauss
& Howe - The Fourth Turning
"The ancients believed
that each cyclical extreme, mirroring the hopes and fears of the other, helps generate the other. The night longs for the
day, the day for night. In war, people yearn for relief from strife, leading to peace. In peace, people yearn to champion
what they love, leading to war." - Strauss & Howe - The Fourth Turning
When I started thinking about my annual beginning of the year article in early January, I tried
to formulate a catchy title. Knowing we have entered the thirteenth year of this Fourth Turning, with the intensity of the
crisis reaching an unparalleled level since November 4, I decided upon Fourth Turning Detonation. I immediately thought that
might be too dire and figured I would change it later. After the first few weeks of the new year, I now think it might be
grossly inadequate to describe what is coming in 2021.
Read more here:
Deep in the caves of Johannesburg, South Africa, many ancient
human remains have been found. Lee Berger and his research team from the University of the Witwatersrand have found human
bones that have survived thousands and thousands of years. They previously unearthed two new hominid species, and might have
just stumbled on another one. Some of the many bone fragments scattered in Cave UW 105 stood out. These remains are unlike
any from known hominids or modern humans - possibly an altogether different species... (READ MORE)
AND THE SUN SHALL NOT GIVE HER LIGHT: Harvard Scientists Granted Permission To
Hack Earth's Atmosphere To Dim The Sun
Harvard University researchers
were given permission by the Swedish Space Corporation to carry out a test next year that may lead to releasing artificial
particles into the air to partially block out the sun. This approach could potentially reduce global warming and cool our
planet, but has raised geoengineering concerns among environmentalists. The opponents of the idea see pitfalls in climate
engineering and artificial sunshade projects. There are too many risks and unpredictable domino effects. Environmental policy
expert Lili Fuhr of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Germany described the Harvard test as "crossing an important
political red line" and thinks the small experiment will lead to larger and more dangerous ones... (READ MORE)
Biden's Presidency Will Be A Catalyst For Secession - And Perhaps Civil War
Over the past few months I have written a handful of articles which discussed what would
probably happen if Joe Biden actually entered the White House and launched his administration. My initial belief was that
Trump would refuse to concede and that this would be a trigger for national chaos blamed on conservatives, but I have also
noted that Biden's entry is almost just as disruptive, as it sends a signal to the political left that it is "open season"
on anyone that disagrees with their ideology.
Of course, conservatives
are not going to simply sit still and be purged and abused, they are going to strike back, and this sets the stage for a number
of events and outcomes, some of which are completely unpredictable, even for establishment globalists.
First, though, we need to address how Biden and the globalists are going to create chaos so that
they can then demand their own brand of "order".
Read more here:
Company Plans Mass Rollout Of Humanoid Robots To Replace Workers In Healthcare,
A Hong Kong-based robotics company plans to mass produce
humanoid robots to replace workers across industries such as healthcare and education.
Hanson Robotics is set to launch a mass rollout of human-like robots that can compete with human workers, something
the company's founder says is needed to keep people safe in the age of the coronavirus.
"The world of Covid-19 is going to need more and more automation to keep people safe," founder and
chief executive David Hanson claims.
Read more here:
SURRENDER CAUCUS: 17 House RINO Freshmen Pledge Loyalty to President-Imposed Joe
They sent a letter of fealty to Biden.
A group of freshmen RINOs in the U.S. House issued a letter to President-imposed Joe Biden begging him to work with them over the next four years.
"After two impeachments, lengthy inter-branch investigations, and most recently, the horrific attack on our
nation's capital, it is clear that the partisan divide between Democrats and Republicans does not serve a single American,"
the turncoats wrote in their notice of unconditional surrender to Biden.
lawmakers make it abundantly clear that they are willing to sweep massive election fraud under the rug in order to move forward
and paper over their special interest masters.
Read more here:
Mike Lindell Sues Daily Mail After Salacious Hit Piece on Him with Woman in West
Village and Hamptoms - Two Places He's Never Been To (VIDEO)
supporter and "My Pillow" founder Mike Lindell hired Gawker-killing attorney Charles Harder to go after The Daily Mail after a salacious hit piece was written about him having an affair with a woman named Jane Krakowski, someone he's never met.
The Daily Mail described his alleged affair with the woman in the West Village and the Hamptons,
two places he's never been to.
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Joe Biden And Democrats Are Besieged By 'The Monsters Of Their Own Making' As
Hypocrite Democrats Targeting Christians And Conservatives Are Being Devoured By Their Own
According to this story over at the Daily Mail which was their lead for much of the day on Sunday, Joe Biden has a 'Portland problem' after radical, anti-America,
anti-Biden, anti-Ice 'protestors' took their rage to a Federal government owned building, the four-straight day of
radical leftist protests in the city following Biden's inauguration.
even the Washington Post reporting (in this story saved at archive) that the hundreds of far-left and anarchist demonstrators who gathered in protest mere hours after President Biden swore
the oath of office Wednesday signal a fracturing on the left that could become a scourge for the new administration,
as Susan Duclos had warned in this January 20th ANP story, the 'Antifa bootlickers' throughout the Biden administration, mainstream media and the entire Democrat party have
a major problem on their hands in 2021, with their own 'monster' turning against them.
Read more here:
Democratic Party Of Oregon Refuses To Condemn Antifa Terrorists After They Destroy
Party HQ, Try To Blame Republicans Instead
The Democrat Party
Of Oregon has released a statement in response to the inauguration day festivities where the *mostly peaceful* terrorists of antifa targeted their building, smashing out several windows and tagging the place with graffiti. Except they refuse to name Antifa as the culprits, and
instead vaguely try to blame Republicans for the vandalism.
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Gun Control Groups Push Hollywood to Produce Even More Anti-gun Propaganda
Gun control advocates are once again pushing the entertainment industry to produce anti-gun
propaganda with the explicit goal of advancing failed firearm legislation. The renewed overt effort will strike some as superfluous,
given Hollywood's lengthy track record of anti-gun agitprop and left-wing political monoculture.
In early January, entertainment industry magazine Variety published a lengthy interview with former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of the eponymous gun control organization Giffords. The piece outlined
the group's plans to influence Hollywood, noting,
Read more here:
It's Like Magic! Lockdowns Are Ending All Over America Just Days After Biden's
Isn't it amazing how all of the lockdowns can
now be lifted now that Donald Trump is no longer president? It has been less than a week since Joe Biden was inaugurated,
and COVID restrictions are being ended in Michigan, Chicago, California and New York. What an odd coincidence, eh?
Now that Democrats are running everything, it turns out that there is no longer any need for such fear-based control mechanisms.
At this point, we are being told that happy days are here again and that the next four years are going to be just great.
Of course the economic devastation that was caused by all of the lockdowns is going to
be with us for a while. The lockdowns permanently destroyed more than 100,000 small businesses, they plunged us into
the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s, and they sent suicide rates skyrocketing all over the globe.
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Merck Scraps COVID Vaccines; Says It's More Effective To Get The Virus And Recover
Vaccine manufacturer Merck has abandoned development of two coronavirus vaccines,
saying that after extensive research it was concluded that the shots offered less protection than just contracting the virus
itself and developing antibodies.
The company announced that the shots V590 and V591 were ‘well tolerated' by test patients, however they generated an ‘inferior'
immune system response in comparison with natural infection.
more here:
The Global Supply Collapse Continues to Get WORSE: Shortages
of Clothing, Appliances, Food, and Other Essentials
The United
States and the world have been suffering under a slow-burning economic depression for three decades now. Although the US began
inching slowly out of the clutches of depression under the Trump administration's quasi-Americanist tariff policies, COVID mandates, and the government's war on independent businesses, personal finances, and the economy thrust both the United States and the rest of the world straight back into a financial and economic hole.
This time, however, that hole is much deeper than even the most negative predictions could
have foreseen.
While PPE loans, stimulus checks, extended unemployment benefits, and a terrified shut-in population, as well as a mainstream media that peddles nothing but 24/7 propaganda, are hiding the
real effects of what has taken place, there will soon be no way to cover up the economic fallout from the Great Reset.
Read more here:
Prominent Democrat warns terror law targets conservatives
'We don't have to guess about where this goes or how this ends'
The House Democrats' bill on domestic terrorism is aimed at conservatives, warns former
U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii.
Introduced by Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.,
the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021 would the undermine constitutional rights of "almost half of the country,"
she said in an interview Friday with Fox News host Brian Kilmeade.
more here:
Dr. Anthony Fauci: The Highest Paid Employee In The Entire U.S. Federal Government
Dr. Anthony Fauci made $417,608 in 2019, the latest year for which federal salaries are available. That made him not only the highest paid doctor in the federal
government, but the highest paid out of all four million federal employees.
fact, Dr. Fauci even made more than the $400,000 salary of the President of the United States. All salary data was collected
by via Freedom of Information Act requests.
Read more
‘Super Creepy': Lights At Washington Monument Mysteriously Go Out
The Washington Monument suddenly went dark on Sunday night after the lights went out,
prompting officials to investigate.
"The exterior lights of the Washington
Monument are currently out," the National Park Service (NPS) tweeted on Sunday evening. "We are investigating and
will have them restored as soon as possible."
Read more here:
Day of the cyborgs: US Army is developing muscle-bound, Terminator-like war robots
that use LIVING TISSUE in place of actuators
Combining living
tissue with cold metal robots may sound like a plot from the James Cameron film 'Terminator,' but the idea is being developed
for real-world machines at the Army Research Laboratory (ARL).
The US
military group is working on a series of 'biohybrid robotics' that integrates living organisms into mechanical systems that
'produces never-seen-before agility and versatile.'
The team envisions
growing muscle tissue in a lab that would be added to robotic joints in place of traditional actuators - components responsible
for moving and controlling mechanisms.
Makers of Sophia the robot plan mass rollout amid pandemic
HONG KONG (Reuters) - "Social robots like me can take care of the sick or elderly,"
Sophia says as she conducts a tour of her lab in Hong Kong. "I can help communicate, give therapy and provide social
stimulation, even in difficult situations."
Read more here:
US warships conduct exercises in South China Sea
A US aircraft carrier group sailed into the South China Sea on a so-called "freedom of navigation"
exercise, the first routine operation in the region under new President Joe Biden.
Led by the USS Theodore Roosevelt, the carrier strike group entered the area Saturday, the US Indo-Pacific Command
said, the same day Taiwan reported multiple Chinese jets and bombers had flown into its air defense zone.
"It's great to be in the South China Sea again, conducting routine operations, promoting
freedom of the seas, and reassuring allies and partners," said Rear Admiral Doug Verissimo, commander of Carrier Strike
Group Nine.
Read more here:
In a major setback, Merck to stop developing its two Covid-19 vaccines and focus on therapies
Merck said Monday it will stop developing both of the current formulations of the Covid-19
vaccines the company was working on, citing inadequate immune responses to the shots.
Work will continue on at least one of the vaccines, which is being developed in partnership with the International
AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), to see if using a different route of administration would improve how effective it is.
The announcement marks a shocking setback for one of the most storied vaccine makers,
and will raise tensions around readouts expected soon from other companies, including Johnson & Johnson and the upstart NovaVax.
Read more here:
California Has Its Own Coronavirus Variant, Researchers Reveal
The U.S. now has its very own COVID-19 variant and scientists believe the burgeoning strain
is likely linked to the surge in cases in Los Angeles County.
Two independent
research groups discovered the strain in California while seeking the more contagious, possible more deadly, British variant in the state. Although the researchers found the UK strain - B.1.1.7 - in scattered cases in Los Angeles, San Diego and San Bernardino counties, they weren't expecting to discover a homegrown variant.
Read more here:
By Day 5 Biden Killed 70,000+ Jobs, 'Erased' Women, Endangered All Americans
By Ending Wall Construction & Halting Deportation And More
this article we will detail the actions Joe Biden has taken in just the five days since he has been occupying the White House.
His first actions have cost over 70,000 American jobs, brutally stripped at least $2.2
billion in payroll out of workers' pockets, "erased" women, and endangered every single American citizen with his
immigration measures, and a whole host of other actions that brings us much closer to the complete destruction of America
as a Republic.
As we go through point by point on what Biden has already
done to America in just five days, ask yourself how much damage he is planning for the next four years,
if his health allows him occupy the White House that long?
more here:
India, China soldiers brawl again along disputed frontier
SRINAGAR, India (AP) - Indian and Chinese soldiers brawled last week along the countries'
disputed border, Indian officials said Monday, as a monthslong standoff between the nuclear-armed rivals continued.
The clash in the Naku La area of Sikkim came four days before the countries held a ninth
round of talks on Sunday on ending tensions in another disputed border area in the remote Ladakh region.
The Indian army described the clash at Naku La as "a minor face off" and said
it "was resolved by local commanders as per established protocols."
more here:
Decayed Papyrus Hints That More Dead Sea Scrolls Remain To Be Found
The Dead Sea Scrolls may be the most important biblical archaeological discovery of all
time. The 2,000-year-old papyri, mostly fragmentary and incomplete, have provided important insights about the origins of
the Bible and about the people who were its early scribes. The scrolls include some of the oldest surviving texts that became
the Hebrew Bible, plus other extra-biblical manuscripts. Most scholars agree that Qumran housed an Essene community of Jews
who were responsible for the Dead Sea Scrolls, though some believe the scrolls may have been hidden by other Jews to avoid
detection by the invading Romans. Recent research reminds us that the caves of Qumran held more, possibly much more, than
has been recovered... (READ MORE)
Americans Will Have To Make Some Tough Choices On How They'll Go About Surviving
When Basic Necessities Become Nearly Unaffordable
A group
of influential economic experts has discovered what they call a" frightening pattern" that they say will be unlike
anything ever seen. They have presented their findings to the U.N. and a long list of world governments and indicate that this
collapse could happen in 2021: The next 6 months are going to be worse than the 2008 financial crisis.
One member of the team, Chris Martenson, stated, "We found an identical pattern in
our debt, total credit market, and money supply that guarantees they're going to fail. This pattern is nearly the same as
in any pyramid scheme, one that escalates exponentially fast before it collapses. Governments around the globe are chiefly
Read more here:
28 times media and Democrats excused or endorsed violence committed by left-wing
(Natural News) Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted to fit their narrative.
(Article by Tristan Justice republished from
On Wednesday, a mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol building.
It was an astonishing display of anarchic protest that delayed congressional certification of the Electoral College vote formally
handing former Vice President Joe Biden the keys to the White House.
more here:
Governor Newsom to Lift Stay-at-Home Order Less Than a Week After Biden Inauguration
California Governor Gavin Newsom is set to lift the stay-at-home order across
all regions tomorrow based on data that's not publicly available, leading some to accuse him of playing politics.
"Multiple sources tell me Governor Newsom will lift the stay at home order on all
regions in California tomorrow," tweeted journalist Ashley Zavala. "All counties will go back to the tier system,
sources say. Most will return to the purple tier- allowing the reopening of outdoor dining, indoor salons."
Read more here:
Missouri Gun Shop Announces They ‘Don't Have Guns or Ammo for Biden Supporters'
Trigger Firearms and Reloading LLC in Jefferson City, Missouri, has announced
that they do not have guns or ammunition available for Joe Biden supporters.
The gun shop made the hilarious announcement in a Facebook post, which triggered quite a bit of outrage from the
Read more here:
Nancy Pelosi says Pro-lifers Sold ‘the Whole Democracy Down the River'-
Gets Slammed by Her Bishop
Nancy Pelosi's Bishop slammed her
for a series of recent comments against pro-life Christians and advocating for abortion, but stopped short of excommunicating
her or promising to withhold communion, a move which betrays how fundamentally unserious the Roman Catholic Church is about
policing their own.
Pelosi was a guest on Hillary Clinton's "You
and Me Both" podcast and the discussion naturally turned to Trump and the storming of Capitol Hill. Pelosi pointed out
that even though 70 percent of people held Trump responsible for it, tens of millions of people still don't support removing
him from office.
Read more here:
Tulsi Gabbard: Domestic-Terrorism Bill Is "A Targeting Of Almost Half Of
The Country"
Tulsi Gabbard, the former Democratic representative from Hawaii, on Friday expressed concern that a proposed measure to combat
domestic terrorism could be used to undermine civil liberties.
comments came during an appearance on Fox News Primetime when host Brian Kilmeade asked her if she was
"surprised they're pushing forward with this extra surveillance on would-be domestic terror."
Read more here:
Walmart's Alleged Action a ‘Slap in the Face' to Gun Owners
As it prepares to discontinue gun sales at 500 of its stores, Walmart is reportedly turning
over firearms sales records to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), Ammo Land News reports.
Instead of transferring Federal Firearms License (FFL) documents
to one of its stores still selling guns, Ammo Land reports:
more here:
The Police State Is Coming For "Religious Extremists", "Evangelical
Christians", "Pro-Life" Activists & "Libertarians"
If you cherish faith, family and freedom, you might want to keep a low profile for a while. The Domestic Terrorism
Prevention Act of 2021 has been unveiled in Congress, and it has bipartisan support. It is essentially "the Patriot Act on steroids", and we are being told that
it is almost certain that some version of the legislation will make it to Biden's desk for him to sign. Personally,
I am very much against all forms of domestic terrorism, and a law that could help to prevent terror attacks from happening
is going to sound like a good thing to a lot of people. Unfortunately, it appears that this bill is meant to specifically
target certain groups, and as you read this article you may discover that you are a member of one or more of those groups.
Read more here:
Helsinki Committee to declare Pfizer performing unauthorized human experiment
in Israel
Committee in charge of supervising human trials
expected to state vaccine campaign is clinical study and needed pre-approval.
Calcalist reports the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights is expected to announce that Pfizer is conducting
unauthorized human experiments in Israel.
The committee in charge of supervising human trials is expected
to submit an opinion to the Health Ministry stating that the immunization process led by the state with Pfizer is a clinical
study, and therefore needed to be approved in advance.
Read more here:
Vaccine passports make no sense if the Covid jabs don't stop you spreading the
Until we know for sure whether the vaccines stop transmission,
it's best to leave the passport idea to science fiction writers
only a few jabs into a mass vaccination programme and already there's a debate raging over the possibility of "vaccine
passports". The airline Qantas has declared that its passengers will need proof of vaccination to fly and two British
ministers have mooted the idea over the last week....
Read more here:
Trial by Facebook: Zuckerberg hands over user data to help FBI arrest Capitol
Social media companies are cooperating with law enforcement
agencies by handing over data leading to the arrest of the MAGA rioters who stormed the United States Capitol on January 6.
The 'digital dragnet' involves investigators monitoring social media for posts and videos
recorded by the rioters themselves - similar to what investigators did during the George Floyd protests over the summer.
As more indictments are being handed down against
the Capitol rioters, tech companies are reportedly showing their willingness to hand over incriminating data, according to
Huffington Post.
Read more here:
Taiwan Reports Second Day of Incursions by Chinese Warplanes
BEIJING (AP) - The U.S. has reaffirmed its support for Taiwan following China's dispatch
of warplanes near the island in an apparent attempt to intimidate its democratic government and test the resolve of the new
American presidential administration.
The U.S. State Department on Saturday
said it was concerned by China's "pattern of ongoing attempts to intimidate its neighbors, including Taiwan."
"We urge Beijing to cease its military, diplomatic, and economic pressure against
Taiwan and instead engage in meaningful dialogue with Taiwan's democratically elected representatives," Ned Price, a
spokesman for the department, said in the statement.
Read more here:
New documentary film Shackled To Silence nails it - exposes it all: MUST SEE
Filmmaker Shepard Ambellas risks it all in an action-packed investigative expose
The dynamically arranged 1 hour 43-minute feature-length film brilliantly shot in all
50mm and was released in both high-definition and standard-definition to cover both the digital marketplace and the tangible
DVD marketplace that offers that classic sense of nostalgia.
With no
lulls, the amount of creative energy flowing out of the project is immense. Not to mention there are some pretty heavy hitters
starring in the film - some of which are household names.
The film's
stellar lineup includes Shepard Ambellas, Jason Goodman, Dr. Jerome Corsi, Aaron Cole, Jordan Maxwell, Eric Briggs, Dr. Jaysen Q. Rand, Marshall Masters, Dr. Richard
Urso M.D., and Shep's co-host Bethany Adoni.
Read more here:
Pro-life leaders condemn 'devout Catholic' Biden for pro-abortion statement
'His deception is disgusting. The violence of what he proudly supports is horrific'
Pro-life leaders heavily criticized President Joe Biden on Friday, the anniversary of
Roe v. Wade, after the Catholic president vowed to make Roe v. Wade the law of the land.
"Joe Biden repeatedly insists he is a devout Catholic," tweeted Live Action founder and President Lila
Rose. "He used this claim frequently during his campaign. He just released a statement praising Roe v Wade, but wouldn't
even use the word ‘abortion.' His deception is disgusting. The violence of what he proudly supports is horrific."
Read more here:
'No borders! No nations! Abolish deportations!' Violent anti-ICE protests continue
in Portland after Biden inauguration as Seattle police chief vows to get tough on left-wing vandals
Protests outside an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility in Portland turned ugly on Saturday night as federal authorities threatened mass arrests for trespassing.
Dramatic videos posted on Twitter showed the crowd chanting: 'No borders! No nations! Abolish deportations!'
with the Federal Protective Service, a branch within the Department of Homeland Security, declared an unlawful assembly at
about 10pm and ordered protesters to disperse.
Read more here:
***181 Dead in the U.S. During 2 Week Period From Experimental COVID Injections
- How Long Will We Continue to Allow Mass Murder by Lethal Injection? [Very Important to Read - PMB]***
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a U.S. Government funded database [1] that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines.
2011 report by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) stated that fewer
than one percent of all vaccine adverse events are reported to the government:
Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and
1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or
slow the identification of "problem" drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. New surveillance methods for
drug and vaccine adverse effects are needed. (Source [2].)
Read more here:
ALERT: Germany Opens Jails for Those who Refuse to Quarantine (Must Watch)
A statewide coronavirus "forced detention" facility is scheduled to open in
the former East German city of Dresden. A refugee facility will be repurposed into a Corona jail. Repeat quarantine breakers
or resisters will be placed here. There are no indications of any kind of transparency or due process in terms of the incarceration
of those who won't obey. The facility is completely fenced and will be guarded by police.
The building was originally built in 2017 to house some of the hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants that were
invited by Angela Merkel in 2015.
Read more here:
Limbaugh: Couric, AOC really do want to 'deprogram' Trump supporters
Those calls by Katie Couric and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to "deprogram"
and "deradicalize" Trump supporters? Don't take them lightly, warns talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh.
Because they really mean it.
the former NBC News anchor and "Today" host, said in an interview with Bill Maher that "the question is how
are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump." Ocasio Cortez said last
Friday at a virtual event that it's "going to take a very long time to deradicalize these people and a lot of effort."
Read more here:
Californian dies hours after receiving COVID vaccine as investigation into cause
of death gets underway
A California resident who tested positive for COVID-19 in late December died last week several hours after receiving a shot of the vaccine, officials have announced.
The individual, who has not been named, reportedly died in Placer County, in the greater
Sacramento area, on Thursday.
Their death was announced by the Placer
County Sheriff's Office in a Saturday Facebook post, with the department adding that the incident remains under investigation.
Read more here:
Surviving The 'Biden Apocalypse': Biden Picks Up Where Obama
Left Off, Wasting No Time Pushing The Globalists Agenda - A Look At America's Future Should Worst Case Scenarios Unfold
- Starvation, Dehydration And People Savagely Killing Each Other For Basic Necessities
Could Be Biden's Legacy
With Joe Biden wasting no time at all
picking up where Barack Obama left off in the Middle East, sending a US military convoy into Syria after President Trump had tried for four years to end the globalists insane, endless wars, this story over at The Nation reports that Joe Biden's wars will probably drag on just below the threshold of American public awareness.
Yet while Biden's overseas wars might remain 'just below the surface of public awareness',
as Infowars reported in this recent story, with former CIA Director John Brennan recently urging Biden to 'purge his political opposition' here in America,
and that 'political opposition' being largely Christians, Libertarians and Conservatives, Biden's biggest 'wars'
might just be here at home in America, against the media-labeled 'white supremacists' and other so-called 'right
Read more here:
Biden's First 100 Days: Biden's Climate Change Initiatives Will Usher In Eco-Feudalism
In Which Citizens Will Own No Property
This is first installment
of a multipart series which analyzes the changes coming to America, in the first 100 days of the Biden-Harris administration
which has announced following climate change agenda items as part of its plan to fundamentally transform America:
Read more here:
Rights Advocates Alarmed by US Spy Agency's Purchase of Warrantless Phone Location
"Congress must end this lawless practice and require
the government to get a warrant for our location data, regardless of its source."
Digital rights advocates reacted with alarm to a report published Friday detailing how Defense Intelligence Agency
analysts in recent years bought databases of U.S. smartphone location data without first obtaining warrants.
Read more here:
California Refuses To Disclose COVID-19 Data Used To Drive Lockdowns
California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) promised months ago that the state's COVID-19 policy
decisions would be driven by transparent data that would be shared with the public.
Now, his administration is refusing to disclose key information used to determine when lockdown orders are
implemented or rescinded - and has denied a public records request filed with the California Health and Human Services
(CHHS) Agency on May 28 by the Center for American Liberty (CAL) seeking both the data and science behind the state's
lockdown decisions, according to Fox News.
Read more here:
"This Is a Warning to Christians in All Parts of the World": The Persecution
of Christians, December 2020
The following are among the abuses
inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of December, 2020:
The Slaughter of Christians
In a video that appeared on Dec. 29, Islamic terrorists executed five Christians. The footage shows five armed members of the Islamic State (West African province) standing behind five men dressed in orange
suits, and on their knees with their arms tied behind their backs. The terrorists order each of the men to say their names
and the hostages oblige, each adding, "I am a Christian." One of the terrorists then says "This is a warning
to Christians in all parts of the world and those in Nigeria.... Use the heads of these five of your brethren to continue
with your ungodly celebrations," a reference to Christmas. The five Muslims then open fire into the back of the Christians'
heads and kill them.
Read more here:
Robot ‘brain' chip unleashes physical potential of machines
Robomorphic computing could ‘unlock exciting behaviours', says Boston Dynamics
Artificial intelligence researchers are building customized "brains" for robots in an attempt to make them faster, stronger and more aware of their surroundings.
A team from MIT and Harvard University claim that their hyper-specific computer chips will allow robots to realise
their immense physical potential by factoring in the exact physical layout of the machines, much like a brain functions within
a human body.
Read more here:
Home Run King Hank Aaron Dies of ‘Undisclosed Cause' 18 Days After Receiving
Moderna Vaccine
The 86-year-old sports icon received the
first of two doses of Moderna's vaccine on Jan. 5, in an attempt to inspire other Black Americans to step up to the plate
and get the vaccine
Baseball legend Hank Aaron, who received the Moderna COVID vaccine on Jan. 5, has died. According to the New York Times, the Atlanta Braves confirmed the 86-year-old Hall of Famer's death today, but did not provide further details.
CNN reported that Aaron died "peacefully in his sleep," and that no cause of death was disclosed.
Read more here:
The Great Media Suckup To Joe Biden Is In Full Swing As The Democrat Party Propaganda
Arm Nauseatingly Fawns Over Biden While Further Shredding Their Own Credibility
The past few days have been surreal, watching the corrupt propaganda arm of the Democrat party aka the media, cry
in joy over Joe Biden, feel chills watching his plane land, celebrate and basically prove every word conservatives have said
about them over the course of the last five-plus years.
We knew the hostility
and vitriol the media perpetrated against President Trump would be nowhere to be found when they reported on Joe Biden, but
this great media suck up is actually quite nauseating.
That is not hyperbole
or any type of exaggeration, as readers can see for themselves below.
more here:
White House calls for agency-wide effort on domestic terrorism, a 'growing national
security threat'
White House press secretary on Friday said
domestic violent extremism is a "serious and growing national security threat."
The White House on Friday announced an administration-wide effort to uncover domestic terrorism in the United States.
The announcement was made by White House press secretary Jen Psaki about two weeks after the
siege on the U.S. Capitol Building, which has resulted in the arrest of at least 100 people across the country, the FBI said
earlier this week.
Psaki said domestic violent extremism is a "serious
and growing national security threat." She also said President Biden's administration will "confront this threat
with the necessary resources and resolve," according to The Hill Newspaper.
Read more here:
‘Insulting and disappointing': SHOCKED Unions' voter
remorse after Biden reality sinks in
Many of America's leading
unions endorsed candidate Joe Biden, despite the enormous prosperity President Trump brought to their members. Sadly, America's
union leaders do not understand how politics work. It did not occur to them that Joe Biden would be forced to appease the
anti-industry Left, because of the voting power that they represent to the Democrat Party. The blue collar workers that belong
to these unions are going to suffer tremendously because of Joe Biden's far-Left policies.
Read more here:
Joe Biden is president now and everything has happened just as we were warned
Joe Biden is "following the radical left agenda, take away your guns, destroy
your Second Amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God. He's against God."
- Donald Trump, during remarks Aug. 6 in Cleveland
Well, they were right. Joe Biden is the
president and the first thing he did was hurt God, just as they told us he would. He went right up to God and smote God, and now God is crying and Nietzsche has had to clamber back out of Hell to provide
comfort. (The thing between God and Nietzsche is very complicated.) Joe Biden knew from the get-go that hurting God was his
priority, and that is exactly what he has gone and done. He settled into the West Wing and then he rolled up his sleeve and
- pow!
Read more here:
Establishment War Against "We the People"
Former Assistant Treasury Secretary and award winning journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (PCR) says the country has
changed dramatically since the massively fraudulent and rigged 2020 Election that put Joe Biden in the White House.
Dr. PCR says, "First, consider there is now an organized war by the establishment against anyone who takes exception
to their explanation of the election. We see, for example, free speech is now dead. Many of the institutions in
the United States no longer believe in it. You can't protest what you perceive as a stolen election without being called
an enemy of democracy. Well, someone who is protesting what they perceive as a stolen election is defending democracy.
Now, that means they are an enemy because the narrative can't be challenged.
Read more here:
Twenty Reasons Mandatory Face Masks are Unsafe, Ineffective and Immoral
Nine Potential and Proven Dangers to Muzzling Yourself
1. Cavities: New York dentists are reporting that half their patients
are suffering decaying teeth, receding gum lines and seriously sour breath from wearing masks. "We're seeing inflammation
in people's gums that have been healthy forever, and cavities in people who have never had them before," Dr. Rob Ramondi
told FOX News.
2. Facial Deformities: Masking children triggers mouth
breathing which as been shown to cause "long, narrow faces, narrow mouths, high palatal vaults, dental malocclusion,
gummy smiles, and many other unattractive facial features," according to the Journal of General Dentistry.
Read more here:
The Agony Of Deceit
has often been said that "in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act". That quote
is often attributed to George Orwell, but there isn't actually any evidence that he ever said it. But many years from now, people will continue to attribute that quote to Orwell. It certainly
sounds like something he might have said, but it is so important to stick to the facts. Unfortunately, just about our
entire society has become divorced from reality in recent years, and this has been on full display over the past couple of
months. We have witnessed a constant flood of lies from the left, and unfortunately we have also witnessed a constant
flood of lies from the right. As children we were told that "words can never hurt us", but the truth is that
millions upon millions of people have been hurt by all of these lies. If we ever hope to heal our society, we have got
to make a commitment to return to the truth, and that is not going to be easy to do.
Read more here:
Taiwan reports large incursion by Chinese air force
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Eight Chinese bomber planes and four fighter jets entered the southwestern corner
of Taiwan's air defence identification zone on Saturday, and Taiwan's air force deployed missiles to "monitor" the
incursion, the island's defence ministry said.
China, which claims Taiwan
as its own territory, has conducted almost daily flights over the waters between the southern part of Taiwan and the Taiwan-controlled
Pratas Islands in the South China Sea in recent months.
However, they
have generally consisted of just one or two reconnaissance aircraft.
more here:
***72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered "Potential Terrorists"
In Official Government Documents- You can now be considered a "potential terrorist" just because of your religious
or political beliefs. [Read, print, and understand - PMB]***
you a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner? Are you opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal
immigration, the United Nations or the New World Order? Do you believe in conspiracy theories, do you believe that we
are living in the "end times"?
If you answered yes to any of
those questions, you are a "potential terrorist" according to official U.S. government documents.
At one time, the term "terrorist" was used very narrowly. The official definition
of terrorism is "The use, or threat, of force with the intention of achieving a political goal." That makes it pretty
clear what sort of people are covered, and for decades it worked well. The government applied the label "terrorist"
to people like Osama bin Laden and other Islamic jihadists. But the Obama administration removed all references
to Islam from terror training materials, and instead the term "terrorist" was applied to large groups of American
Read more here:
3 Governors Order Their Troops Back From DC
Three governors have ordered their local National Guard troops to return to their respective states following accounts of thousands of them having been "banished" to the
parking garage of the Capitol.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott wrote this morning
on Twitter he had "instructed General Norris to order the return of the Texas National Guard to our state."
Read more here:
White House Announces It Will Codify Federal Abortion Law
The White House announced Friday that the Biden Administration will codify Roe v. Wade,
which would allow for legal abortions even in the event that the Supreme Court overturns the 1973 ruling.
The Biden Administration made the announcement in a press statement put out by the White
House. "The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to codifying Roe v. Wade and appointing judges that respect
foundational precedents like Roe," reads the statement.
Read more here:
YOUTUBE CAUGHT RED-HANDED Removing Dislikes from Biden White House Page - Disables
Comments After Avalanche of Anti-Biden Responses
Big League Politics reports: Joe Biden's White House staff privatized an upload of his inaugural address from the White House YouTube page, after
the video was ratioed with a wave of dislikes.
As of late Wednesday night,
Biden's Inaugural Address has more than 17,000 dislikes, and less than 4,000 likes. Sensing that the public wasn't responding
positively, the Biden administration made the video "unlisted" some time after its initial streaming.
Read more here:
The "war on terror" has gone domestic, and patriots are the new targets
(Natural News) Many of our longtime readers will recall the repeated warnings we issued over the years about the "deep state"
plot to vilify all conservatives and patriots as "terrorists." It started with the "War on Terror" against
foreigners that was launched immediately after 9/11, and is now coming full circle following the Capitol "riot" on Jan. 6 to include Americans.
is now considered an act of "domestic terrorism" for at least half of America to merely protest, a categorization
that simply would not have been possible apart from the "Patriot Act" and all the social engineering that came along
with it. Nearly two decades later, what appears to have been the true intent of this "law" is coming into view:
to destroy those who wish to live in a sovereign republic rather than a globalist democracy.
Read more here:
Democrats changed house rules so they could smear President Trump repeatedly during
impeachment sham as a racist and "White Supremacist-in-Chief"
(Natural News) Missouri freshman Rep. Cori Bush made a big splash on Wednesday by calling President Trump a "white-supremacist-in-chief"
during the slapdash impeachment day.
(Article by Jim Hoft
republished from
This is allowed now in the US House of Representatives.
Democrats threw respect, integrity, wisdom and decorum out the window.
Bush was so proud of her vicious attack she posted it on her Twitter page.
Twitter and Jack Dorsey have NO PROBLEM with this language.
know the deal.
Read more here:
Full-Blown Paranoia: Biden Is Afraid Of His Own Troops
President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. has big plans for disarming Americans.
But there's seems to be a bit of doubt as to how - or rather - who he'll get to carry out those plans.
As we have said before, President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect
Kamala Harris represent a clear and present danger to liberty, freedom, the Constitution, and the values that have made America
the greatest country in the world. Given the results of the Georgia runoff election, anti-rights politicians and bureaucrats
are set to control the Congress, the White House, and the administrative state, including the rogue Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).
Biden and Harris have made it clear that
their dangerous agenda includes incredibly expansive and unconstitutional gun control policies, and that they expect Congress
to pass many new laws restricting rights, conduct, and property. Indeed, since the 117th Congress was sworn in, many statist,
anti-American gun control bills have already been introduced.
more here:
China authorises coast guard to fire on foreign vessels if needed
BEIJING (Reuters) - China passed a law on Friday that for the first time explicitly allows
its coast guard to fire on foreign vessels, a move that could make the contested waters around China more choppy.
China has maritime sovereignty disputes with Japan in the East China Sea and with several
Southeast Asian countries in the South China Sea. It has sent its coast guard to chase away fishing vessels from other countries,
sometimes resulting in the sinking of these vessels.
China's top legislative
body, the National People's Congress standing committee, passed the Coast Guard Law on Friday, according to state media reports.
Read more here:
ABOMINATION! Shocking New Magazine Cover Shows & Praises Biden As 'God'! BEWARE!
The New CULTholicism Is Here!
The cover of Jacobin magazine says
it absolute ABOMINATION! How they portray Biden is disturbing, unsettling and just outright WRONG! Now, we won't
get lost in their ‘satire' label of the image...oh no, this is pure evil. To make sure you understand exactly how evil
we are going to dive into this new religion of CULTholicism and the further attempt to make Government the LITTLE "g"
God they want (and need) you to believe they are!
Watch video here:
President Trump offers his D.C. hotel to National Guard troops who were kicked
out of Capitol Building
President Trump gave thousands of National
Guard troops permission to stay at his Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C. after Capitol Police kicked them out of the Capitol
On Thursday, 5,000 guardsmen and women brought in to protect
Joe Biden's inauguration were forced to take shelter in an underground parking garage after they were told to vacate the building.
The move garnered intense backlash after it was revealed the soldiers were forced to sleep
on the ground in freezing temperatures and had just one bathroom as well as one power outlet to share.
Read more here:
As Establishment Media Tries To Destroy America, Independent Media Has Never Been
So Important To The Republic
With the media already doing a bang-up job of kissing Joe Biden's butt on day one of his occupying the White House, and making it very clear they intend to spend the next four years doing so, we note yet
another polling organization sounding the alarm regarding the lack of trust Americans have for the liberal establishment media,
aka the MSM.
As most already know, different polling organizations often
come up with different percentages, dependent on a variety of factors. The way questions are phrased, the demographic breakdown
of the respondents, and the method of getting responses, (landlines, cell or internet), etc..
That doesn't make polling worthless, because looking at the trends and patterns seen in multiple polls from different
polling groups, can tell us quite a bit.
Read more here:
you're living under a rock, you have seen the news by now that Joseph Robinette Biden has been sworn in as the 46th President
of the United States of America.
January 20, 2021, was a historic
day for Americans. It marked the day that Joseph Robinette Biden was sworn in as President, ridding the planet of orange
man bad once and for all and restoring hope in the land of the free. All problems will be solved, debts are forgiven,
pandemics cured and glorious heaven on Earth will flourish in the wake of the inauguration....or so the mainstream media says, almost verbatim.
In stark contrast to how the media portrayed Donald Trump as a reincarnation of Hitler,
Joe Biden - a career politician, segregationist, police state worshiping warmonger - is receiving a warm embrace by our alleged
non-partisan mainstream media.
Read more here:
Microsoft patent shows plans to revive dead loved ones as chatbots
The patent also mentions using 2D or 3D models of specific people
Microsoft has been granted a patent that would allow the company to make a chatbot using the personal information of deceased people.
The patent describes creating a bot based on the "images, voice data, social media posts, electronic messages", and more personal information.
"The specific person [who the chat bot represents] may correspond to a past or present
entity (or a version thereof), such as a friend, a relative, an acquaintance, a celebrity, a fictional character, a historical
figure, a random entity etc", it goes on to say.
Read more here:
FEMA "Smart" Guillotines Placed in FEMA Internment Camps (video)
A United States Air force C-17 cargo plane arrived at Andrews Air Force
Base loaded with crates of "smart" guillotines, says a White House insider speaking under condition of anonymity.
The technologically advanced guillotines, he said, are being manufactured in Beijing before
being flown exclusively to US airbases. Then, the military distributes the guillotines to FEMA camps nationwide.
He said the smart guillotine project was commissioned in 2011, at the request of former
president Barrack Hussein Obama, who had hoped during his term to declare martial law and use the deadly apparatus against patriots and freedom fighters that challenged his one-world government agenda. The guillotine,
he added, is the ideal method of execution for instilling fear among the masses.
Read more here:
Academic Study Finds Big-Tech Elites Are In Their ‘Own Class', Different To Rest Of Humanity
An academic study carried out by researchers in the US and Germany has concluded
that big-tech elites are completely different to all other people on the planet, and can be placed in their own class.
"Our research contributes to closing a research gap in societies with rising inequalities,"
note the authors of the study from two German universities and the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies in New York.
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'Death Delivered To The Front Door' Being Rolled Out In America
- Globalist Stooge Joe Biden Again Warns Of 'A Dark Winter', Deep State Code Words For A Bio-Warfare Attack Upon America
With Democrats now in control of the national political apparatus of America with Joe Biden in the White House and the left in control of both the House and the Senate, all signs that they'll do practically whatever they choose to do
politically, it's likely NOT just a coincidence that Biden once again brought up the 'deep state code words' for
a biological attack upon America during his Inauguration speech on Wednesday.
As we had reported on ANP back on October 26th in this story titled "Globalists, Including Joe Biden, Keep Pushing This Nightmare Scenario, Bio-Warfare Simulation
'Codeword' - Why? Nearly 20-Year-Old Blueprint To Engineer The Destruction Of America Is Playing Out Before Our Eyes,"
and again on November 17th in this story titled "Expect A Massive Propaganda Blitz In The Coming Days As Globalists Push 'Covid-19 Despotism' And 'The Great
Reset': Americans MUST Stand Up To The Globalists Draconian Agenda", we should all have been keeping our eyes open
for how often the globalists kept on using those words.
Read more here:
Former FDA commissioner says only a third of US population wants to get coronavirus
(Natural News) A former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) believes that only around a third of the population of the United States - around 120 million people - are willing to receive the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.
Dr. Scott Gottlieb served as the commissioner of the FDA from May 2017 to April 2019. In an interview with mainstream media outlet CNBC Tuesday, Jan. 19, he shared his concerns regarding the current rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in the country.
Gottlieb believes that there is a strong possibility many younger people who have strong immune systems will decline to get
Read more here:
The True Face of Covid-19: Fear and ‘Shock Therapy' to Impose a Totalitarian Society? A New World Order
Era....It's Not an Epidemic, It's An Operation
The accumulated
evidence is overwhelming that Covid is an orchestration the purpose of which is to eliminate human autonomy and make the
concept of freedom a dirty word that will bring you Covid illness and death.
As physical currency is one necessity for human autonomy, globalists are working on its replacement with digital money. Paper currency, coins, money orders, and checks pass hand to hand and allegedly carry
possible infection with Covid. In contrast, digital money is virtual. No one touches it. More importantly for the
globalists, It cannot be drawn out of an account in physical form and horded or hidden. You cannot make anonymous
payments with digital money. Privacy leaves your life. You become totally transparent.
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Antifa Bootlickers In The Biden Administration, Establishment Media, And The Whole
Democrat Party Have A Problem: Their Creation Has Already Turned Against Them
What happens when a weapon created to use against enemies is then turned against the creator of said weapon?
The 20th was inauguration day for Joe Biden and even before the day began, Antifa groups
were preparing to show up and cause trouble.
The reports claim that Antifa members planned clashes with Trump supporters that are protesting in DC, but after a look at their flyers, it appears they are also planning to protest Biden as well.
Read more here:
Antifa Riots Across America: 'We Don't Want Biden, We Want REVENGE!'
Federal police clash with violent far-left mobs just hours after Biden sworn in
Federal police clashed with violent far-left mobs of Antifa rioters on Wednesday
night, who took to the streets in cities across America declaring: "We don't want Biden, we want
Just hours after Joe Biden was sworn in on
Inauguration Day, radical activists launched into a spree of destruction, burning U.S. flags, destroying property, and attacking
police officers.
In Portland, Oregon, late on Wednesday night, Federal Protective
Services deployed tear gas in an attempt to disperse rioters who threw rocks and eggs at the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement
(ICE) building, according to authorities.
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Biden's Appointment of Climate Change Czar, John Kerry, Will Usher In the True
Agenda of the Globalists
Everyone is busy and very nervously
trying to decipher the true agenda of the Biden administration. Much of his agenda is still shrouded in mystery, however,
we can clearly state that most important issue of Biden's first day was the announcement of John Kerry being in charge of
climate change.
There is a lot going that dwarfs the COVID lockdowns.
John Kerry, a frequent visitor to the secretive lair of the New World Order at the South Pole and John Kerry should be back
in the news again, but is not. Why! Kerry, although designated to be the Czar (commie term) of climate change, is being all
but ignored in the mainstream media. Of all the first day proclamations by Biden, this is his most important appointment for
reasons that will be all too clear!
Read more here:
Biden Orders Quarantines, Mandatory Masks As Team Teases 50+ 'Action Items' To
Destroy Trump Legacy; Invokes Wartime Powers For COVID Jabs
a full day of inaugural events that ended with fireworks, observed by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris
(and their respective spouses), the Biden Administration is moving ahead with its 10-day sprint of executive orders, kicking
off Thursday with measures requiring masks and quarantines for travelers and plans to utilize the defense production act to
eliminate any further "supply shortages" in critical vaccine materials.
Here's more on that from the FT, which says Biden will sign the DPA order on Thursday.
Read more here:
Satanists herald ‘important win for religious freedoms' as pentagram joins
recognized faith symbols in Aussie hospital
A storm of controversy
is brewing in Australia after lobbying from Satanists got the pentagram listed as a symbol of faith alongside emblems of the
world's major religions.
Satanists in Queensland are toasting a "small
but important win for religious freedom" after the Sunshine Coast University Hospital added Satanism to the list
of recognized religions in its multi-faith center.
The pentagram is now
displayed alongside a host of religious symbols including the Christian cross, Islam's Star and Crescent, Hindu's Om and Buddhism's
dharma wheel.
Read more here:
Biden's Presidency Will Be A Catalyst For Secession - And Perhaps Civil War
Over the past few months I have written a handful of articles which discussed what would
probably happen if Joe Biden actually entered the White House and launched his administration. My initial belief was that
Trump would refuse to concede and that this would be a trigger for national chaos blamed on conservatives, but I have also
noted that Biden's entry is almost just as disruptive, as it sends a signal to the political left that it is "open season"
on anyone that disagrees with their ideology.
Of course, conservatives
are not going to simply sit still and be purged and abused, they are going to strike back, and this sets the stage for a number
of events and outcomes, some of which are completely unpredictable, even for establishment globalists.
First, though, we need to address how Biden and the globalists are going to create chaos so that
they can then demand their own brand of "order".
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How Biden Will Use Technocracy to Destroy What Is Left of America-Patrick Wood and Dave Hodges
Today the nation is passing the torch to Joe Biden. Unfortunately,
we already know that Joe Biden will use this torch to burn America down. His treasonous associations with Communist China
provide ample proof of this statement.
Most Biden-Harris critics believe
that Biden's allegiance to state-sanctioned high taxes, disdain for Constitutional liberties, especially private property
rights and climate change will lead to the burning down of traditional American values that we have come to appreciate.
Biden and his type embody the despotic characteristics of fascism, communism, socialism,
aristocracy and the dangers of rule by the corporations. He is guilty on all accounts as are his liberal colleagues. Communism
and social espouse the worst economic features of wealth redistribution.
more here:
Minuteman III nuclear missile and its mobile launcher have been deployed outside Washington,
DC! It is not known how many of these mobile launchers have been deployed, but the photo shows it is, in fact,
deployed. Now we have proof something is terribly wrong with today, and it must be somehow related to the inauguration
of Joe Biden.
I will not reveal the location of this particular launcher,
for obvious security reasons, but it is DEPLOYED.
Read more here:
This Will Haunt Joe Biden And Democrats Through Their Time In Office: One Out
Of Every Three Americans Believe Biden Will Be An 'Illegitimate President', And The 2020 Election 'Blatant Fraud'
Those Who Hope 'Brute Force' Will Turn Biden 'Resisters' Into 'Supporters' Have
Forgotten History
While the main purpose of this new Daily Mail story was to further malign President Donald Trump and his supporters, the poll it contained also revealed a hidden gem that
will haunt Joe Biden and Democrats throughout Biden's term in office.
that 70% of Republicans actually do not believe that Joe Biden had won the November election 'legitimately',
with 65% of Republicans believing there was strong evidence of election fraud, their story also reported that 32% of the country
overall believes Joe Biden would be an 'illegitimate president' once he gets into office, with those numbers even
likely much higher with that being a Washington Post/ABC News poll. And that poll is another sign that 'the resistance'
to a Biden-presidency will be strong, with at least one out of every three Americans believing any Biden presidency will be
a 'scam'.
Read more here:
The New Domestic War on Terror is Coming
The last two weeks have ushered in a wave of new domestic police powers and rhetoric in the name
of fighting "terrorism" that are carbon copies of many of the worst excesses of the first War on Terror that began
nearly twenty years ago. This trend shows no sign of receding as we move farther from the January 6 Capitol riot. The opposite
is true: it is intensifying.
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CNN: ‘Don't Be Alarmed' If People Start Dying After Taking The Vaccine
In an article on the COVID vaccine rollout, CNN says that Americans shouldn't
be alarmed if people start dying after taking the vaccine because "deaths may occur that won't necessarily have anything
to do with the vaccine."
The advisory appeared in an article
titled ‘Why vaccinate our most frail? Odd vote out shows the dilemma' in which Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director
of the Immunization Action Coalition, cautions that vaccines don't work as well on the frail and elderly compared to healthy
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Under The Cover Of DC WWE Inauguration, This Communist Agenda Moves Forward
While Wednesday's inauguration will make it appear as though a transfer of power is taking
place, it's really just the left boot being put on while the right boot of the tyrants is being taken off. The fact of the
matter is that many of the same agendas continue forward, and one of those is a clear Communist agenda that is the most damaging
to the united States and has been for 4 decades! The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in this episode to discuss this
important topic.
Read more here:
Over 16,000 Christians Want Franklin Graham Fired for 'Helping Incite' Capitol
More than 16,000 Christians have signed a petition calling
for evangelical leader Franklin Graham to be fired as the head of Samaritan's Purse and his father's namesake non-profit Billy
Graham Evangelistic Association after he endorsed President Donald Trump's conspiracy theories that the election was "rigged or stolen."
said in December that he believed Trump when he said that the election was "rigged or stolen." Graham later tweeted
his support for Republican lawmakers planning to object to the certification of President-elect Joe Biden's win in multiple battleground states. The petition argues that Graham's support of Trump's false claims helped to incite
the mob of the president's rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol while Congress convened to count the Electoral Votes on January 6.
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Leftists Call For New "Secret Police" Force to Spy on Trump Supporters
Perhaps channeling the spirit of the Soviet NKVD, leftists are now literally calling
for a new "secret police" unit to be created at the federal level to spy on Trump supporters.
In an article published by the Daily Beast, Jeff Stein argues that existing federal agencies like the FBI are ill-equipped to stop "white terror" because
they missed signs of the the pre-planning of the Capitol building siege.
more here:
I have been writing about Red Dawn and the Chinese
for 15 years. Steve Quayle has been identifying these dangers for much longer. We have been branded nuts by many for these
claims. For those in the know, Steve and myself are no longer being chastised for identifying, what is now, the imminent Chinese
threat of invasion.
People have said to me that they thought my
biggest vulnerability as an analyst was tied to the Chinese threat that was centered south of border. However, there is a
growing awareness that we are about to be invaded by CHICOM forces. Here is a letter of apology I received about a month
Read more here:
America's Demise Is Near At Hand
For years I have been cataloging America's decline into collapse, not merely economic collapse from economic concentration
and the offshoring of jobs and investment, but also the collapse of the belief system that created some unity among a diverse
population. Today not only is the economy done for, but so is the belief system that sustained social and political
America no longer exists. A geographical entity exists
of diverse peoples and interests, but not a country, much less a nation. The United States itself has degenerated
into an empire. It is no longer simply a country with an empire. The 50 states are themselves the Establishment's
empire, and it can only be held together by force.
Earlier in my life
free speech was used by liberals to legalize pornography, homosexual marriage, and abortion, all of which were opposed by
the majority of the population. This did not stop liberals from imposing their agendas on the people.
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Wuhan medics are secretly filmed admitting they were told to LIE and that they
KNEW coronavirus was deadly and spreading between humans before China told the world
Chinese medics have been secretly filmed admitting they knew how dangerous the coronavirus was when it began to wreak havoc in Wuhan - but say they were told to lie about it.
Medical professionals in Wuhan say they knew about virus deaths as early as December 2019, but it was mid-January
before China first informed the WHO of a fatality.
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"Enforcement" Outnumbers Protestors At Capitol Before Inauguration
Cops outnumber protestors at the nation's capitol in advance of the inauguration on Wednesday.
There is also allegedly a big show of force at many of the state's capitols.
State capitols across the United States have been "reinforced"
against a possible wave of pro-Trump armed protests after the FBI warned of "armed groups" preparing to descend on them. However, it's become obvious that the situation on the ground
tells a different story.
Read more here:
It Starts: Seattle Fire Will Go Door To Door To "Adult Family" Homes
Administer COVID-19 Vaccines
The government is about to bring
the vaccine to your door. Seattle Fire Department paramedics will be going door to door starting Thursday to vaccinate "residents
of adult family homes throughout the city." They will start by going to "adult family homes."
The city of Seattle was approved late last week as a distributor of COVID-19 vaccines,
Mayor Jenny Durkan announced. "The City" refers to anyone employed and currently accepting a paycheck from the city
government of Seattle. Durkan framed the new push as the first in what will eventually be a major city effort
to distribute the vaccine from sites spread throughout the city.
more here:
California Teachers Warned: "Do Not Show LIVE Inauguration
is definitely "up" with tomorrow's inauguration of phony and illegitimate Joe Biden as "president" thanks
to his Party stealing the November 3 election.
Teachers in
California are allegedly being told in an email from the Teacher';s Union to NOT SHOW tomorrow's inauguration as it is broadcast
LIVE, but instead to wait to show "a vetted" version of the Inauguration at a later date!
Even more interesting is that teachers are also allegedly being told to ignore any EMERGENCY ALERT
SYSTEM (EAS) broadcasts.
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Broadcast TV Stations Told Prepare for Martial Law - 72 Hour Emergency Alert System
From a TV station employee:
I work at a mid sized TV station. We just had a visit from the FCC along with two people with
badges. I didn't get close enough to see what agency they were with.
We've been told to prepare for all of our programming to be pre-empted from 8 AM Wednesday for up to 72 hours.
They told my boss he can be held criminally liable if he doesn't
allow their feed to air.
He was almost in tears saying "I've
never seen anything like this after 30 years in this business."
more here:
White House Issues "CoG-con" Warning
Key employees in the US federal government received texts and emails this morning around 9:30 AM,
announcing CogCon-2.
The message looked like this:
The Whitehouse has set Continuity of Government
(CoG) Condition (Con) to Two. No Action is required by you at this time. As an Emergency relocation group member you are reminded
that should an order for Continuity of Operations occur you must report to the Alternate Operating Facility within four hours.
REPLY 1. Acknowledged
2. Acknowledged, not
capable of reporting within desired time frame
3. Acknowledged, not able to report to
Alternate Operating Facility
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Pelosi Puts Swalwell Back On Homeland Security Committee Despite Chinese Spy 'Entanglement'
Eric Swalwell - the Democratic Rep. who suggested using nukes on gun-owners, farted on live TV, and was duped by a Chinese honeypot known as 'Fang Fang', is returning to the House Committee on Homeland Security, because why not.
"My committee memberships - along with my experience as a prosecutor and as the son
and brother of law enforcement officers - will give me a unique opportunity to delve into one of America's most serious national
security threats," wrote the California lawmaker, who was duped by a Chinese honeypot spy who he refuses say
whether or not he slept with.
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No stopping AI? Scientists conclude there would be no way to control super-intelligent
BERLIN, Germany - From self-driving
cars to computers that can win game shows, humans have a natural curiosity and interest in artificial intelligence (AI). As
scientists continue making machines smarter and smarter however, some are asking "what happens when computers get too
smart for their own good?" From "The Matrix" to "The Terminator," the entertainment industry has
already started pondering if future robots will one day threaten the human race. Now, a new study concludes there may be no
way to stop the rise of machines. An international team says humans would not be able to prevent super artificial intelligence
from doing whatever it wanted to.
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The "Trump Card" - 14th Amendment, Section 3 - Or Our Entire Way of
Life is Over
The Trump Card is apparently being played. It's
much simpler than you all realize. Some of you have gotten it right. But if not, then our ENTIRE way of life, is over.
Under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution:
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Hillary Clinton Calls For Total War On Trump Supporters
The national campaign to make President Trump toxic and demonize all who voted for him
as white supremacists and domestic terrorists got a major boost from Hillary Clinton.
The embittered sore loser of the 2016 election whose infamous "basket of deplorables" remark cost her dearly
with white voters in the Rust Belt states called for the tracking and censorship of Trump supporters, an ominous signal of
the authoritarianism of the incoming Biden regime.
Read more here:
Chinese Lockdowns Trigger "Chaos And Panic" At Grocery Stores As Prices
Soar 50%
China's battle with increasing coronavirus caseloads
hitting ten-month highs has undoubtedly clouded the economic recovery while officials have lockdown more than 28 million people
across multiple municipalities, reported Reuters.
Hebei officials have put three cities - Shijiazhuang, Xingtai,
and Langfang - into lockdowns last week to mitigate the virus from spreading further. Beijing authorities expanded screening
and prevention measures as cases continue to rise.
Read more here:
An Alarming Look At What's Coming To America In 2021: With
Soaring Food Prices And Another Round Of Shortages Expected, The MSM Is Now Heavily Pushing An 'Eat Worms' Narrative
Cost of food in the United States increased 3.90 percent in December of 2020 over the
same month in the previous year, and while that doesn't sound overly cumbersome per family, families are expected to spend
approximately $695 per year more in groceries in 2021.
That is nearly $58 more each month in 2021 than those same families
spent before the COVID-19 panic hit and food shortages began, and hundreds of thousands saw their jobs in their rear-view
mirrors after states decided to deem certain businesses "non-essential," and forced them to close down.
Read more here:
Situation Update, Jan. 16th, 2021 - Psyop revealed, DC prepares for large-scale
Watch video here:
'Q-Anon' Bears Striking Resemblance to Bolshevik Psy-Op From 1920s Known As 'Operation
"Operation Trust" was a Bolshevik counterintelligence
operation run from 1921 to 1926 aimed at neutralizing opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful group of
military leaders had organized to stop the communists' takeover.
Here's an except on the
"Trust" operation from pages 13-14 of Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn's book, "New Lies for Old":
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Witness - Our Mounting Orwellian Nightmare: It's A Fine
Line Between Federal Prison Here In America And Dachau In Germany, And One Can Transform Into The Other In A Matter Of Weeks.
(The Truth Is That Trump In All Likelihood Won The Election.)
we are to imagine that those who objected to Biden's having stolen the election are responsible for the violence at the Capitol?
And that, going forward, any public official who questions Biden's win should be removed from office, and that any corporate
leader who objects should be fired? All this when the truth is that Trump in all likelihood won the election.
It is the perfect example of Orwellian speech. In his classic essay "Politics and
the English Language," Orwell spoke of the condition where "words and meaning have almost parted company."
If that "almost" is a measure of Orwellian speech, then today's Democrat leaders are beyond Orwellian.
Their words and meaning have parted company entirely.
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'One of the most incompetent and corrupt investigations in FBI
history': Lindsey Graham releases transcripts from Senate review of Trump-Russia probe and slams Comey for 'knowingly
allowing tremendous misdeeds'
Senator Lindsey Graham has released interview transcripts from his inquiry into the FBI's Trump-Russia probe, claiming they show the 'gross incompetence' and corruption behind the effort.
Graham, a South Carolina Republican and chair of the Judiciary Committee, on Thursday released hundreds of pages of transcripts from the committee's inquiry into the origins and aftermath of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation,
as the FBI probe was code-named.
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Military Checking ID's of Anyone Trying to **LEAVE** Cordoned Area of DC
Reports are flooding in saying military checkpoints around the US Capitol are checking
ID's of anyone who wants to *** LEAVE *** the cordoned-off area!
Why would
security be checking ID of people trying to LEAVE . . . unless they're looking for specific people?
Also, people in DC have sent a photo of the Razor Wire atop fencing around the US Capitol.
The wire is on the INSIDE of the fencing; which would prevent anyone INSIDE from climbing the fence to get out.
Read more here:
illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes
too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables
and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." - Frank Zappa
The quote from Frank Zappa has truly come to fruition during the first two weeks of 2021.
We have been living in a Surveillance State since the introduction of the Patriot Act in 2001 (Biden has boasted that he wrote
the bill years before). Until Snowden and Assange revealed the depth and depravity of this un-Constitutional intrusion into
our lives only the Deep State cabal knew the truth.
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More Double Standards: Antifa-BLM Organizer Who Stormed US Capitol Is Released
from Jail Without Bail
Antifa-Insurgence leader John Earl Sullivan
is in custody after being arrested in Utah on Thursday.
As reported previously
Antifa protester John Sullivan was caught on video posing as a Trump supporter during the rioting at the US Capitol last week.
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Americans Are Being Divided As The War On Domestic Terror Expands
Americans appear too divided and distracted to recognize that the architects
of the Patriot Act and the failed War on Terror now have their sights set on the American homeland.
The first week of 2021 kicked off with chaos at the Capitol in Washington D.C. Was
it a protest, a riot or an insurrection? Were there provocateurs, and if so, were they Antifa, the cops, and/or the Feds? As
usual, everyone on the internet thinks they know the answer within ten minutes. Unfortunately, this genuinely leads to the
spreading of unfounded theories - many based on nothing but speculation and emotion. But while the public is debating over
theories and arguing amongst themselves, the newly emboldened Military Industrial Complex is eagerly anticipating the incoming
Biden Administration as an opportunity to expand the War on Domestic Terror.
more here:
John Soloman Asks, "What Did Nancy Pelosi Know?" About
Pre-Planned Capitol Siege: "You can't be the President of the United States, being accused of inciting a spontaneous
attack when it was planned days before"
Although he did
absolutely nothing to incite violence on January 6, the media, Democrats, and faux Republicans have been pushing a false narrative
that somehow, President Trump is to blame for the siege of the Capitol building.
Yesterday, Just The News founder John Soloman, dropped a bombshell during an interview with former Navy Seal Eric
Greitens of Real America's Voice. Soloman warned, that as Democrat lawmakers rush to perform a rushed, or "Drive-by
impeachment," there is much to learn about what really happened at the Capitol building on Jan. 6th.
Read more here:
Antifa Activist Daniel Alan Baker Arrested for Plotting to Murder Trump Supporters
and Police on Inauguration Day
Antifa supporter Daniel
Alan Baker was arrested for plotting to murder Trump supporters and police on Inauguration Day.
He trained in Syria in 2017 with the YPG, was featured on VICE, and in 2020 participated in the
CHAZ insurrection in Seattle, per DOJ documents.
Jack Posobiec broke the
story Friday.
Antifa supporter Daniel Alan Baker posted links to CNN on
his "Call to Arms" to kill Trump supporters and police officers on Inauguration Day
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EXC: Biden Personnel Chief Served At Chinese Intel Org Flagged By FBI For Recruiting Western Spies
Thomas Zimmerman, who will serve as a Special Assistant to the President for Presidential
Personnel under Joe Biden, formerly served as a visiting scholar at what the FBI has called a "front group for Chinese
intelligence collection and overseas spy recruitment," The National Pulse can reveal.
While at New York University's Center on International Cooperation, Zimmerman also served as a fellow at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, flagged by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for its close ties to the Chinese Communist Party's top spy agency, the Ministry
of State Security.
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Law Enforcement Reviewing Photos from US Capitol Riot find . . . . CIA Director
Gina Haspel!
Oh what a tangled web we weave . . . .
As most people are aware, law enforcement is reviewing every photo and video they can
get their hands on, involving the January 6 rallies in Washington, DC, which culminated on Americans "going into"
the US Capitol in a less than gracious manner.
As they were perusing images,
the diligent folks in law enforcement identified one rally participant as . . . . CIA Director, Gina Haspel. The photo
appears above.
Read more here:
Do You Live Near Any Of These FEMA Camps? Christians, Gun Owners, Veterans, Tea
Partiers, Homeschoolers, etc., Are The Targets In The New World Order
This is not panic; this is not fear-mongering this is perspective-it is a perspective that the mainstream will not
give you. Oh, they will later when people start panicking.
The way to
deal with this is simple - Prepare Now. Ask your doctor about contingency plans -ask your government to allow pharmacists to allow you to have a month back up to your medicines.
I don't know if anyone can see that the media isn't inducing panic -
they are reporting confusing things to make you passive.
I am sure that
many people don't want to labeled hoarders - but of course, we hear that term prepper as a pejorative.
You are not a hoarder if you are stocking supplies you would have normally purchased and used anyway over a longer period of time.
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'Side-effects of second dose of vaccine are even worse than from the first dose'
Top coronavirus official warns that second dose of COVID vaccine tends to cause
even worse side-effects than first dose.
The coronavirus vaccines
now being distributed in Israel tend to cause significant side-effects with receipt of the second dose - even more so than
with the first dose, a senior Israeli coronavirus official warned Wednesday.
with Galei Tzahal Wednesday morning, Tomer Lotan, the chief of staff of Magen Yisrael - the Health Ministry program
coordinating efforts to combat the coronavirus - said that Israelis receiving the second dose of the COVID vaccine should
be prepared for significant side-effects, greater than those following the first dose.
"We expected that this would happen," said Lotan.
far, however, Lotan said that there has been no drop in the number of people receiving the second dose of the vaccine.
"Right now, we're not seeing any decline in the number of vaccinations due to this."
Read here:
It would be impossible to pull the plug on a super-intelligent machine that wanted
to control the world and harm humans, scientists warn in paper on the development of AI
The idea of an artificial intelligence (AI) uprising may sound like the plot of a science-fiction
film, but the notion is a topic of a new study that finds it is possible and we would not be able to stop it.
A team of international scientists designed a theoretical containment algorithm that ensures
a super-intelligent system could not harm people under any circumstance, by simulating the AI and blocking it from wrecking
havoc on humanity.
However, the analysis shows current algorithms
do not have the ability to halt AI, because commanding the system to not destroy the world would inadvertently halt the
algorithm's own operations.
Read more here:
'Christians who voted for Biden, this is on your hands'
Leader of famed ministry warns those who voted Democrat
Pro-life "never-Trumpers" must face up to the fact that they voted for the ramped-up
abortion agenda they will witness under Joe Biden's administration, says the president of Focus on the Family, Jim Daly.
In an opinion piece for his organization's Daily Citizen publication, he noted that "elections have consequences."
Read more here:
Democrats launch campaign to change Constitution, abolish Electoral College
'Americans expect and deserve the winner of the popular vote to win office'
Democrats, who long have chafed under the stipulations of the Constitution that make the
United States a constitutional republic rather than a democracy, have introduced a House resolution to abolish the Electoral
College and exchange it with a national popular vote for president and vice president.
The resolution, led by Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., claims that the "development of mass media and the internet
has made information about Presidential candidates easily accessible to United States citizens across the country and around
the world," the Washington Examiner reported.
Read more here:
Biden Inaugural: National Guard Troops Authorized to Use Lethal Force as D.C.
Turns Into Police State
National Guard troops deployed in Washington,
D.C. for the Biden inaugural in the wake of the storming of the Capitol last week have been authorized to use lethal force,
according to a report by U.S. News that cited a Defense Department official. The D.C. National Guard had issued a statement Wednesday that troops under its
command had been authorized to carry weapons.
A reported 20,000 troops
are being deployed in the nation's capital. Checkpoints have been established. Razor wire topped fencing has been erected
around the Capitol and Supreme Court, large swaths of official Washington have been blocked to vehicular traffic. Many Metro
stations in downtown D.C. are completely closed. The Washington Monument is closed and the National Mall is set to be closed.
Airbnb cancelled all reservations in the D.C. area for the period of the inauguration. Hotels are being pressured to do the
same. The message to Americans is stay away from D.C.
Read more here:
You May Want to Rethink the Jab
The Bill Gates Effect: WHO's DTP Vaccine Killed More Children in Africa Than the Diseases it Targeted.
Portuguese health worker, 41, dies two days after getting the Pfizer Covid vaccine as her father says he ‘wants answers'.
Mexican doctor hospitalized after receiving COVID-19 vaccine.
Hundreds of Israelis get infected with Covid-19 after receiving Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.
Wife of ‘perfectly healthy'
Miami doctor, 56, who died of a blood disorder 16 days after getting Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine is certain it was triggered by the jab, as drug giant investigates first death with a suspected link to shot.
75-year-old Israeli man dies 2 hours after getting Covid-19 vaccine.
Read more here:
Mozilla, Firefox planning to censor conservatives at the browser level; deplatforming isn't enough
(Natural News) Banning President Donald Trump from social media while silencing his supporters who dare to object is simply not enough
to stop "violence and hate" from spreading on the internet, according to Mozilla, the company behind the Firefox browser.
In an announcement, Mozilla expressed urgent plans to start filtering out "disinformation" at the browser level before it even has
the chance to show up in an internet search or on a website.
Read more
Thank you for all you do. I spent the morning with a state office
holder whom I have know for years. He said that the state capitol demonstrations are a FBI/CIA trap to arrest and give maximum
sentences to as a way to gut the resistance movement and check against their lists. People arrested this coming weekend will
Found here:
House Impeaches Trump for 2nd Time in Unprecedented Vote Tied to DC Riot
The House of Representatives has voted to impeach Donald Trump on a count of incitement
of insurrection, accusing him of whipping up a crowd of supporters to invade and wreak havoc upon the U.S. Capitol last week
as lawmakers were counting Electoral College votes certifying Joe Biden's win in the Nov. 3 election.
By a 232-197 vote, the divided House voted after two hours of intense debate to impeach Trump
for the second time in his term of office. This, even though his term is due to end with the Jan. 20 inauguration of Biden.
Read more here:
Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney: World War III has started
Today, The Two Mikes again were lucky enough to have another chance to talk with Lt. Gen. Tom McInerny about the China-backed war being waged
against the American republic by the Beijing-suborned Democrat Party, much of the Republican Party, the media, and most of
the Congress.
The General described some new information about the manipulation
of the 2020 election in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Nevada which shows with great precision the voting machines that
were manipulated by the Democrats, their U.S.-citizen allies, and their Chinese and other foreign paymasters. The new information
also shows instances of an exact number of Trump votes being sent from voting machines to China, Pakistan, and other countries,
and then being sent back and placed in Biden's totals.
Read more here:
From Electromagnetic Technologies to Embedded Mind Control Applications In Vaccines,
Humanity Is Being Programmed to Embrace Satanically Inspired Extinction
Can anyone deny that we are undergoing a hive mentality transformation in America with regard to both social media
and the mainstream media. If anyone shows any tendency to believe in truth, fair play and the Constitutional right to express
a contrarian opinion, one is chastised and harassed into silence. Failure to comply, in this post-election theft period of
American history can cause the loss of job, funding, and eventually will produce a hive mentality. Think ahead a moment, my
fellow human beings, if an an off-world intelligence, such as Satan-controlled demons were to want to move the world closer
to a hive mentality for the purpose of creating a "Satanic" New World Order, mind control technology would be at
the top of the list as far as priority development. In this multi-part series, it will be revealed that the coronavirus vaccine
as well as other breakthroughs designed to control human thinking and behavior are well underway. In this part, the evolution
of mind-control technology will be examined by a look at recent historical figures and technology, most of it is patented
right here in the United States.
Read more here:
Conservative Commentator Says AIG Canceled His Insurance Over His Social Media
Conservative commentator and former baseball star
Curt Schilling says that AIG canceled his insurance policy over his "social media profile," a new level of deplatforming
not yet seen.
"We will be just fine, but wanted to let Americans
know that @AIGinsurance canceled our insurance due to my "Social Media profile," tweeted Schilling.
Read more here:
HSBC Says Customers Who Don't Wear Face Masks Could Have Their Accounts Terminated
Banking giant HSBC has told its customers in the UK that if they refuse to wear
face masks when entering a branch, they could have their accounts terminated.
Jackie Uhi, head of branch network, HSBC UK, told the Daily Mirror that those who fail to comply will not only be refused service but have their relationship with the bank severed permanently.
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Watch Out For A Four-Pronged 'Deep State' False Flag To 'Install' Kamala Harris,
End The 2nd Amendment, Complete The Demonization Of Patriots And Usher In The 'New World Order'
We must begin this story by heavily emphasizing that we hope that 'the theory' we lay out
within it is wrong. With America already more divided than at almost any time that we can remember in our lifetime's, some
would say 'falling apart at the seams', the very last thing that America needs right now is even more chaos
and division. But think about it, there are those who want just that for our country.
As the One America News Network reported in this new story, with the FBI announcing 'armed protests' in all 50 US state capitols should Democrats impeach President Trump this
week, as Steve Quayle had warned in an SQnote while linking to that story, a "massive false flag is in the making".
Read more here:
Schaeffer, the State, and Absolutes
The Christian claim that Christ is Lord always puts it at odds with the state and other power structures. Demand
of absolute loyalty to God alone makes the faith something that will threaten rulers who seek to have total control and demand
complete allegiance.
This has always been the case, and was certainly
true when the faith first developed and spread. In this regard a somewhat recent aspect of New Testament studies has arisen,
known as "Empire criticism". It asks how much of NT writing is in fact a political swipe at Roman imperial rule,
especially as found in the book of Revelation.
Read more here:
Situation Update, Jan 11th, 2021 - The final looting of the American empire is
now under way
(Natural News) As the future of the world balances on a knife's edge, Americans wait to see whether President Trump will invoke decisive
action to defend the republic against treasonous criminals who rigged the elections (and censored all Trump supporters).
Today's Situation Update for January 11th covers the most important developing topics:
Read and watch here:
Exposed: Fauci and CDC clash; can't keep their story straight
Once more, dear reader, I venture into the insane world where experts falsely claim they've
proved SARS-CoV-2 exists. Within that world, they contradict themselves. They just can't keep their story straight.
So let's begin with Tony Fauci. We have him on video making the following statement: "...In
all the history of respiratory borne viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks...Even
if there's a rare asymptomatic person that might transmit [the virus], an epidemic is not driven by an asymptomatic carrier."
Read more here:
The vilification and purge is not so much about Trump as it is about you
The left won't stop with the president. They are preparing to come after all of us.
January 11, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - Joe Biden has compared Trump supporters to Nazis. Nancy Pelosi - besides trying to wrestle the nuclear football
from President Trump - has declared those concerned with the election fraud to be racists. And Big Tech has taken
cancel culture to a whole new level. The bottom line is: they are coming after you!
Read more here:
A Nation Imploding: Digital Tyranny, Insurrection and Martial Law
"In this difficult day, in this difficult time for the United States, it is perhaps
well to ask what kind of a nation we are and what direction we want to move in. [Y]ou can be filled with bitterness, with
hatred, and a desire for revenge. We can move in that direction as a country, in great polarization...filled with hatred toward
one another. Or we can make an effort ... to understand and to comprehend, and to replace that violence, that stain of bloodshed
that has spread across our land, with an effort to understand with compassion and love... What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the United States is not hatred; what we need in the United States is not violence or lawlessness; but love
and wisdom, and compassion toward one another, and a feeling of justice toward those who still suffer within our country,
whether they be white or they be black."-Robert F. Kennedy on the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Read more here:
Democrats Launch Their Assault on Red State America
Civil War Heats Up
Craig Roberts
The opening salvo against red state America is the article
of impeachment against President Trump introduced on January 11 by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrat Representatives
David Cicilline, Ted Lieu, and Jamie Raskin. So much for Biden's promise to "unify the country."
What is the intent of this article of impeachment? It cannot possibly be to remove
Trump from office. Trump will have left office before the Senate could vote on impeachment. There is no such thing as
impeaching a person who is not in office. Clearly impeachment has nothing to do with getting Trump out of office.
Read more here:
Trump is probably the luckiest presidential candidate in history to have lost an election. He doesn't realise it yet as he
suffers from a self-inflicted wound in the final moments of his presidency. Nor does Biden yet realise how unlucky he is to
have won. But that will soon change as his presidency goes from crisis to crisis in all areas from monetary to fiscal to social
and political. Very little will go right during his presidency.
The next
four years could easily be four years of hell for Biden (if he stays the course for the whole four years), for the US and
thus for the world.
Read more here:
McConnell is said to be pleased about impeachment, believing it will be easier
to purge Trump from the G.O.P.
Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, has told associates that he believes President Trump committed impeachable offenses and that he is pleased that Democrats are moving to impeach him, believing that it will make it easier to purge him from the party, according to people familiar with his thinking. The
House is voting on Wednesday to formally charge Mr. Trump with inciting violence against the country.
Read more here:
The Blackout War: China, Russia And Iran Building Super-EMP Bombs for ‘Blackout Warfare'
Several nations, including China and Russia, are building powerful nuclear bombs designed
to produce super-electromagnetic pulse (EMP) waves capable of devastating all electronics-from computers to electric grids-for
hundreds of miles, according to a newly-released congressional study.
report by the now-defunct Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from EMP Attack, for the first time reveals
details on how nuclear EMP weapons are integrated into the military doctrines of China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.
Read more here:
Trump Supporters Put On Federal "NO FLY" List
Update: Acting DHS Sec. Chad Wolfe resinged Monday evening, serveral hours after
we broke this story. Not sure if there's a connection, but we are investigating.
The Department of Homeland Security has added over 1,200 outspoken Trump supporters and Qanon adherents to the federal
government's no-fly list, a database often reserved for terrorists. The list, created in response to 9/11 and kept by the
FBI, is believed to have nearly two million names and known aliases, according to the ACLU.
Read more here:
"Antifa Clearly Led the Attack. That Was Utterly Obvious."
- Award Winning Journalist Michael Yon On the Capitol Protest
winning journalist Michael Yon was at the US Capitol on January 6th and he claims the provocateurs at the event were clearly Antifa.
We last saw Yon at the protests in Hong Kong. He forwarded us pictures and a video
of the events there in July 2019. Yon was inside Hong Kong's Legislative Building the night protesters there damaged
the the building.
Read more here:
WATCH: Antifa Forces Portland Bookstore Closure over Journalist's Forthcoming
Antifa demonstrators forced a prominent Portland, Oregon,
bookstore to close for the past two days. Antifa wants the establishment to not sell a forthcoming book by a local conservative
journalist that details "Antifa's radical plans to destroy democracy."
Antifa protesters assembled outside Powell's Books on Monday and demanded the store not sell a book by independent
journalist Andy Ngo - Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy, reported. The demonstration forcing the store's closure continued on Tuesday.
more here:
EXCLUSIVE: 'He appears to be a monster.' Armie Hammer's estranged wife is 'shocked
and sickened' by actor's 'kinks of rape fantasies, BDSM and cannibalism,' as she 'believes' the women stepping forward
Armie Hammer's estranged wife is 'shocked and sickened' by the actor's alleged messages
that discuss rape fantasies, BDSM and cannibalism and 'believes' the women stepping forward, a close friend exclusively told
On Sunday night, Hammer began to trend on Twitter after a series of graphic Instagram DMs that he allegedly penned to a woman were leaked publicly by an anonymous, now-private
account, House of Effie.
The actor is yet to speak publicly on the matter, and multiple requests
for comment sent to his representatives have so far gone unanswered.
more here:
We Are Witnessing The Second American Civil War Turn Hot - Democrats Are Oblivious
To The Dangerous Waters They Are Treading
Make no mistake, democrats,
no longer do I have to say "radical" because they are all extremists now, want conservatives/Republicans dead, purged
from the Internet and society, and they are making no bones about it, they are stating it clearly, and consistently.
Conservatives have finally awoken to that reality, and have started hitting back, as the
protest at the capitol showed, where more than a million people attended to make their voices heard after being ignored for
so long.
Social media giants allow direct threats against conservatives
on their platforms, with claims those threats do not violate their terms, yet ban, suspend, and silence any conservatives
that fight back.
Read more here:
Guinea Pigs United - Is Mass Vaccination Creating New Strains?
Not many countries are brave or reckless enough to execute a vast medical experiment on
their entire population and put vulnerable people at risk. Britain and Israel did.
On December 8, Britain was the first Western country to start "immunising
its population." Two weeks later, just a few days before Christmas, Britain grasped that it was in serious trouble. Covid-19,
the virus that was supposed to disappear from our lives, mutated into something else. On December 19, PM Boris
Johnson admitted that British scientists had identified a new Covid-19 mutant that is ‘70% more transmissible' than
its ancestors. Britain introduced tighter local restrictions, yet despite these, along with the vast vaccination campaign,
the numbers of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths kept rising. They are escalating exponentially on
a daily basis.
Read more here:
FBI: Armed protests planned at all 50 state capitols
The FBI is reportedly monitoring online plans for armed protests across the nation and
Washington D.C. leading up to inauguration day.
According to an internal
FBI bulletin, "armed protests are being planned at all 50 state capitols from the 16 January through at least the 20
January, and at the U.S. Capitol from 17 January to 20 January."
bureau also said some online posts have vowed to use violence if President Trump is removed from office before the inauguration
through impeachment or the 25th Amendment.
Gov. Larry Hogan (R-Md.) addressed
security concerns for his state and D.C. during a briefing on Monday.
more here:
Texas Lawmakers Consider Secession Over Life Under Democrat Marxism - Several
States Interested in Movement (Video)
This is a good move by
the Texas lawmakers before Democrats steal their state like they did the swing states in the 2020 election cycle.
Since Communism is against the US Constitution it may be difficult for a court
to rule against the "Texit" exit.
more here:
Sick Of Communist-Like Censorship? Here's A List Of Popular Uncensored Media Options
With the current media purge of conservative, libertarian, independent, and non-establishment
voices in high gear, we thought it would be beneficial to list some of the alternatives to each globalist media platform.
This does not constitute official endorsements and this list is by no means exhaustive. So please do check back to this
article for additional sources from time to time.
The great news is, there
are many amazing options to stay connected to each other and to the news. They aren't all as evolved as the multi-billion
dollar corporations you are used to, but most are competent technically and already have many users. Also, you may find
that some of the platforms provide better functionality than the legacy media you are leaving.
Read more here:
MUST READ: This Is How Your Life Will Look Like Under The Martial Law
This my fellow reader will happen very soon in the USA as well under the next government.
They will do whatever it takes to force everyone to get the vaccine and a potential martial law on America's soil is very
likely at this point. Here is what you should expect.
The past U.S. Federal
Government under both the Bush and Obama administration has made it perfectly clear that in the event of almost any major disaster scenario, including economic and environmental, they saw the institution of Martial Law as not only viable but inexorable. From legislative
actions like the Patriot Act and the Enemy Belligerents Act to the continuity of government programs such as Rex 84 (formerly
classified) and Presidential Directive PDD 51 (currently classified, even from Congress), all the "legal" precedents
have been put into place to allow the Executive Branch to implement military oversight of civilian affairs, dissolution of
Constitutional liberties, even the end of Miranda Rights and the right to a speedy impartial trial as protected under the
Sixth Amendment. In some cases, government legislation allows for the rendition and torture of American citizens as combatants,
all for the "greater good", of course...
Read more here:
5 steps to survive the Marxist Purge
Exclusive: Scott Lively asserts, 'This is going to get really ugly, really fast'
The movie "The Matrix" has spawned many a political meme on the choice of staying
comfortably asleep in a fantasy world where one enjoys free agency and a meaningful role in shaping the future, or awakening
to the cruel reality of being an expendable slave to the agenda of a machine designed to control one's every thought and action.
In the film, the protagonist, Neo, is rudely awakened to reality by members of a resistance movement who have broken free
from the machine, and, in a meeting with their leader Morpheus, is given the choice to remain free by taking a red pill, or
to return to the fantasy dream state by taking a blue pill. He takes the red pill, and the fight for good (liberty) vs. evil
(slavery) begins.
Read more here:
The left uses Capitol invasion as Nazis used the Reichstag fire
Dennis Prager wonders if Americans will respond differently than did Germans of
In my last column, I described how I have come to better
understand the moral problem of the "'good German,' the term used to describe the average, presumably decent German,
who did nothing to hurt Jews but also did nothing to help them and did nothing to undermine the Nazi regime."
Watching America accept the rationally and morally indefensible physical and economic
lockdown of the country, I concluded: "Apathy in the face of tyranny turns out not to be a German or Russian characteristic.
I just never thought it could happen in America."
Read more here:
Even Angela Merkel backs Trump on Twitter ban
German chancellor calls censorship of president 'problematic'
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is a longtime critic of President Trump, but she called Twitter's
decision last week to permanently ban him from the platform "problematic."
The social-media giant potentially is undermining the "fundamental right" to freedom of speech, she said
through spokesman Steffen Seibert on Monday.
Read more here:
"Unchecked Power": Warning After Trump's Permanent Suspension From Social
The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) is warning the
public of big tech's "unchecked power" in the aftermath of President Donald Trump's permanent suspension from social
Kate Ruane, a senior legislative counsel at the ACLU, said in a statement that Twitter's decision to suspend Trump from social media sets a precedent for tech companies to silence voices. Censorship is running rampant right now and
few seem to notice or even give a damn.
Read more here:
UPDATE: LAWLESS US - Supreme Court REFUSES to Consider GOP Post-Election Fraud
Cases Before Biden Inauguration
This is how democracy
Despite the incredible amount of historic fraud in this year's presidential
election, the US Supreme Court on Monday announced they will not hear any cases until Joe Biden is inaugurated.
The DOJ and FBI refused to move an inch after USPS contract truck drivers
reported trailers full of ballots being sent to Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
more here:
Brazen Takeover Leading Up To Inauguration Day
This was to be an article about the transition team of Joe Biden in the run up to his possible inauguration.
However, the unfolding events over the past few days cast new light on the nature of the presidential election and added credence
to claims that the sitting president has been subject to an attempted coup on many levels. It would be unjournalistic and
naive to echo the fait accompli of the corporate media about who will take the presidential podium on January 20th without
first charting the staggering developments in the corporate media.
has been postulated that the social and political schematics we see on TV "is all a movie". Well, this week on Capitol
Hill the movie plot moved into its third act, and the bi-partisan audience held its breath as an unexpected but inevitable
showdown took place amid the corridors of power.
Read more here:
Wall Street Banks Freeze Political Donations After Capitol Hill
Riots, Threaten Pro-Trump Politicians with Blacklisting
Street is slamming the lid shut on the coffers of its corporate political action committees and threatening pro-Trump politicians
on Capitol Hill with blacklisting.
Following a week in which major social
media companies cut of President Donald Trump and began excluding some of his biggest advocates in the wake of the Capitol
Hill riot, some of the nation's largest financial institutions have announced that they are halting donations to their political
action committees and considering permanently cutting off politicians accused of attempting to "overturn" the 2020
J.P. Morgan Chase, the nation's biggest bank by assets and market
capitalization, said it is halting donations through its PAC for six months. Citigroup, the third-largest U.S. bank by assets,
is reportedly pressing pause on political donations for the first quarter of 2020.
Read more here:
The Only Solution To America's Problems Is Jesus
I have never seen as much anger in the United States as I am seeing right now, and that greatly
saddens me. No matter what happens, we should always love one another. Unfortunately, most Americans on both sides
of the political spectrum are seething with hate right now. Leading up to the election in November, the left and the
right were primarily attacking each other with angry words, but now the level of physical violence that we are witnessing
is extremely alarming. The violence at the U.S. Capitol was just another example of the violence that stretched all
throughout 2020 and that has continued in various parts of the nation this weekend. Most of the time, the left only wants to condemn the violence that the right has committed, and the right only wants
to condemn the violence that the left has committed.
Read more here:
Democrats Would NEVER Have A Moment Of Peace If Americans Took
This 2018 Advice From Dem Rep Maxine Waters - Americans Should NEVER Give Tyrants Our 'Consent To Be Governed'
Absolute Proof That Democrats Are The Biggest Hypocrites In America
We're going to start this story off by emphasizing that while we strongly recommend that
ALL Americans be fully prepared to defend themselves when necessary, with justifiable self-defense and the defense of others not only being fully supported by US law but fully ingrained in the US
Constitution and fully 'justifiable' in the eyes of God, we would NEVER advocate what California Democrat Representative
Maxine Waters advocated back in 2018.
With gun stocks soaring and gun sales now going through the roof in America, (with democrats and 'big tech' becoming some of the 'biggest gun sales people' in America without even knowing
it due to their Communist-style censorship of President Donald Trump), we have to take a look back at this June 25th of 2018 story over at CNN (saved at archive) titled "Maxine Waters encourages supporters to harass Trump administration officials".
Read more here:
Talk-radio owner orders conservative hosts to temper election fraud rhetoric
After months of stoking anger about alleged election fraud, one of America's largest talk-radio
companies has decided on an abrupt change of direction.
Cumulus Media,
which employs some of the most popular right-leaning talk-radio hosts in the United States, has told its on-air personalities
to stop suggesting that the election was stolen from President Donald Trump - or else face termination.
Read more here:
PARLER GOES DARK. In America, if the left doesn't like you,
they can just turn you off. For EVERYONE.
It is now 30 minutes
past midnight, Pacific Time, and per their ultimatum this weekend, Amazon has turned off Parler.
The Big Tech Purge is now at the next level.
They've gone from concept to execution (a fitting
word) on their test case of shutting down speech and banning what they don't like from the internet.
It could take weeks or more for Parler to come back, IF they can come back, as CEO John Matze explained on Sunday.
They're having trouble finding vendors, because the mafia bosses have
declared them unclean.
Read more here:
DELTA Airlines BOOTS Two Women for Private Conversation About President Trump
There is a madness a foot, a terrible evil madness. Does anyone recognize this country?
For those wondering how the Gestapo, the Stasi, KGB etc got so far so fast. Wonder no
more. Your neighbors are willing, enthusiastic enforcers.
I'm amazed when
people and corporations, sports team etc publicly act in a way that destroys their business. Like a political statement from
an actor right before his movie comes out and then no one goes to his movie.
more here:
Pope Francis Condemns ‘Suicidal Denialism' Behind Refusal to Get Coronavirus
ROME - Pope Francis has insisted that receiving the coronavirus
vaccine is a moral imperative, in apparent contradiction of a statement by the Vatican's doctrinal office.
"I think ethically that everyone should take the vaccine," the pope told Italian
journalist Fabio Marchese Ragona in a television interview to be aired Sunday evening. "It should be done."
"It is
not an option - ‘I think so, I don't think so' - it's an ethical choice, because you gamble with your health, you gamble
with your life, and you gamble with other people's lives," the pontiff declared.
"I don't know why some people say, ‘no, the vaccine is dangerous,'" Francis continued. "Doctors
are proposing it as something that can be helpful and as something without special dangers, why wouldn't you take it?"
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Stripe stops processing payments for Trump campaign website
Financial-technology company's move follows last week's riot at the Capitol
Stripe Inc. will no longer process payments for President Trump's campaign website following last week's riot at the Capitol, according to people familiar with the matter.
The financial-technology
company handles card payments for millions of online businesses and e-commerce platforms, including Mr. Trump's campaign website
and online fundraising apparatus. Stripe is cutting off the president's campaign account for violating its policies against
encouraging violence, the people said.
Read more here:
Exposing Those Who Control Our Nation
Countries under Communist control crush corporations and silence their CEOs for criticizing their governments. Currently,
in the US, we are witnessing the inverse of that approach.
In Communist
countries, a state-run media exists. In the US, a media-run state exists.
It's a distinction without a difference, as both models result in a nearly identical crackdown of our freedoms.
CEOs of corporations, specifically those of "big tech" companies, are controlling
the levers of power by silencing "America First" patriots inside and outside of government. Never has it been so
apparent as the "Digital Night of the Long Knives," when these oligarchs conspired to
silence the President of the United States and countless other conservative voices in a wholesale, historical, and dangerous
"purge" of dissenting ideologies.
Read more here:
The Great Purge Of 2021 Will Have Dire Consequences
Nationwide As 'Big Tech' Declares War Upon America By Censoring Our Commander In Chief
Emboldened Censorious Nazis Of Social Media And Big Tech Are
Purging Conservatives
Just two days ago I wrote "Get ready folks, this is it," while describing the signs indicating an imminent full purge was going into effect as Facebook terminated the President
of the United States Facebook account, and Twitter first temporarily suspended President Trump. Then Twitter permanently banned
him. Instagram too.
Parler's app, known as a free speech alternative to Twitter, has been
threatened by one service demanding they start censoring speech like FB and Twitter has, and another services stopped offering the app.
Gab has been threatened countless times.
Twitter also banned top conservatives
voices from their platforms as the rest of conservatives watched their accounts decrease by tens of millions of followers collectively.
Read more here:
The United States Is In A Time Of Great Danger - It Feels
Like A Civil War Is Imminent! Do Nothing And You Will Make Sure Your Wife And Mother And Children Will Be Raped And Potentially Murdered
The fear campaign has served as an instrument of disinformation.
In the course of the last eleven months starting in early January, I have analyzed almost on a daily
basis the timeline and evolution of the Covid crisis. From the very outset in January 2020, people were led to believe
and accept the existence of a rapidly progressing and dangerous epidemic.
lies sustained the image of a killer virus which initially contributed to destabilizing US-China trade
and disrupting air travel. And then in February "V- the Virus" (which incidentally is similar to seasonal influenza)
was held responsible for triggering the most serious financial crisis in World history.
Read more here:
Parler & the Problem of Escaping Internet Censorship
Back when Parler was first taking off, I warned that its app-based dependency meant that
two companies, Apple and Google, can eliminate it anytime they like.
was only a matter of time.
The transition from desktops and laptops to
Android and IOS devices mean that users are operating in a walled garden run by two very lefty companies. Those companies
can do with the garden what they please. Those users who choose to jailbreak their devices have more options, but most don't.
Conservatives can try to distribute the knowledge more widely and encourage that kind of self-empowerment. But the bottom
line is most smartphone, Kindle, Chromebook, etc users want a simple device that just works and runs all the apps in the app
store. Doing anything more complicated would be inconvenient.
Read more
Massive Blackout in Vatican Following Release of Affidavit Revealing Italian Interference in US
As news of an international conspiracy involving the
Italian government to remove President Donald Trump picks up steam, a massive blackout just hit the Vatican.
The timing of this suggests something very big is happening, especially following the
release of a sworn affidavit revealing the Italian government played a huge part in the US presidential election.
Read more here:
Emails Show Navy's 'UFO' Patents Went Through Significant Internal Review, Resulted
In A Demo
The more we learn about the bizarre inventions
Dr. Salvatore Pais patented on behalf of the Navy, the more questions we have.
The War Zone continues to dig into the bizarre U.S. Navy patents authored by enigmatic inventor Dr. Salvatore Pais and the seemingly unusual circumstances of their approval by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
As part of our investigation, we recently obtained a tranche of internal emails from Naval Air Systems Command, or NAVAIR,
which appear to have been sent between Pais and personnel in different NAVAIR offices. While the Navy's exotic energy production
patents remain as mysterious as ever, these emails add to the backstory surrounding the inventions of Salvatore Pais and suggest
that the patents went through a more rigorous internal evaluation process than was previously known. The emails also seem
to indicate that the research program that emanated from the patents did in fact result in an experimental demonstration of
some sort.
Read more here:
These Three Companies Will Build Drones To Carry The Air Force's "Skyborg"
AI Computer Brain
The Skyborg program is seeking to infuse
artificial intelligence-driven autonomy into modular unmanned air combat vehicles.
The Air Force says it has hired Boeing, General Atomics, and Kratos to build prototype "loyal wingman" type drones to carry systems developed under the Skyborg program. Through Skyborg, which you can read more about in The War Zone's previous reporting on this topic, the service is seeking to acquire a suite of artificial intelligence-driven capabilities that will able to control loyal
wingmen, as well as fully-autonomous unmanned combat air vehicles, or UCAVs.
Read more here:
Pope Francis breaks silence on Trump supporter US capitol riots ‘Thank God
this exploded!'
POPE FRANCIS has lashed out against Donald Trump
supporters rioting at the Capitol building in Washington DC, labelling it as an act "against democracy".
Speaking to Canale 5, in an interview that will air Sunday, Pope Francis said he was "amazed"
at the violence on Wednesday as he regards the US as "so disciplined in Democracy."
He said even in "the most mature reality, there is always something that doesn't work, people who take a path
against the community, against democracy and against the common good".
more here:
Food Price Inflation Accelerates For Seventh Consecutive Month
Is it time to worry about food inflation?
Food and Agriculture Organization's Food Price Index rose for a seventh consecutive month in December, led by dairy products and vegetable oils.
The FAO Food Price Index averaged 107.5 points last month versus 105.2 points in November.
The benchmark, which tracks global food prices of cereals, oilseeds, dairy products, meat,
and sugar, averaged 97.9 points for 2020, a three-year high, and a 3.1% rise from 2019 levels.
Read more here:
Rush Limbaugh: Democrats "Recoiling in Fear" and "Quaking in their
Boots" that Donald Trump Will Unleash a Bevy of Damning Classified Documents
Rush Limbaugh told listeners on Friday that Democrats are still petrified of Donald Trump and his ability to reveal
all of their crimes before China Joe is inaugurated in 12 days.
are nervous that President Trump will release the documents that show how Democrats broke the law for years in their attempts
to overturn the 2016 election.
Read more here:
Former CIA Director John Brennan Calls for Mao-Like Public Humiliation Sessions
for Trump Supporters Before They Are Accepted Back into Society
CIA Director John Brennan wants Mao-like public humiliation sessions for Trump supporters before they will be accepted back into society.
Read more here:
Nancy Pelosi tried to arrange a military coup and that's sedition
The reported
a piece of information yesterday that didn't seem to bother them. The rest of the media ignored it. However, it is evidence
that a political leader has committed an act of sedition.
Speaker Pelosi
spoke with General Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, about making certain President Trump couldn't launch
a nuke. She also suggested they remove the President with a military coup.
more here:
More Proof Democrats Want Us All Dead! Can You Imagine The Outrage If A President
Trump Supporter Said THIS!
Prepare To Defend Your
Families And Loved Ones From Leftist Insanity, America!
signs of massive trouble ahead are now everywhere.
With the 2020 election
now having proven to nearly 100 million Americans that Democrats can get away with stealing US elections, and nothing will be done about their crimes upon America, with no judges even hearing cases of voting fraud carried out
by Democrats, many of those millions of Americans are likely 'done with' this 'system of lies' built
up by Democrats for the rest of their lives.
With this election also confirming
the warnings of things to come long ago given by Joseph Stalin, who allegedly said "Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything",
anyone who still believes even a word coming out of the mouths of Democrats or the mainstream media in 2021, when they've
called half of America 'Russian trolls' for the past 4 years, deserves the lies they'll continue to get from them.
Read more here:
WARNING: Top 1% Farmer Voices His Concerns About The Coming Food Crisis
Throughout history, mankind has waged a constant war with starvation. From the time of
the first hunter-gatherers, through the early cultivation of crops and all the way to our modern, industrialized farming techniques,
we humans have been working to ensure that we can survive the next winter, when no crops are growing and animals hide in their
burrows. To our ancestors, this was a great challenge, unlike today. For that reason, the idea of being a "prepper" would seem strange, as they all lived a prepping lifestyle.
more here:
Lindsey Graham begs Joe Biden to order Nancy Pelosi not to impeach Donald Trump
again, warning it 'will destroy the country even further'
Graham has begged Joe Biden to call off a second impeachment, insisting that Donald Trump should be given credit for having
made a 'helpful' statement, and pleading with Biden that impeachment 'will destroy the country even further.'
The South Carolina senator appeared on Sean Hannity's Fox News show on Friday night, hours
after the articles of impeachment were unveiled.
House Democrats are planning
to impeach Trump with a single impeachment article charging him with 'incitement of insurrection'.
Read more here:
A team of researchers in South Korea recently published a paper entitled, "Thermally
Controlled, Active Imperceptible Artificial Skin in Visible-to-Infrared Range." Led by Dr. Seung Hwan Ko out of Seoul
National University, the research centers around a cloaking "skin," which consists of small patches that use heating
and cooling to mimic either thermal characteristics or visible colors of any given environment. With this technology progressing,
it could be implemented in many different industries. But for the military, it could completely change the entire landscape
of modern warfare, and effectively make soldiers invisible... (READ MORE)
The Modern Tuskegee Experiment
I grew up in the city of Pittsburgh Pa. In my old neighborhood
I came up with kids of many backgrounds. In those days I was called a ‘dumb pollock' as a matter of flippant conversation
almost every day until at least the age of eighteen as we kids pursued the best outcomes of football, baseball and street
hockey. Then came the social expectations that we would not use epithets to describe our neighbors and would instead try to
understand and respect the backgrounds of those who were different than us. In the mid-1970's the fruits of the civil rights
movement had made its effect felt in my mostly white section of the City of Champions (I was blessed to go to an integrated
High School in the city-it was great and I got an -excellent- education). Respect for all.
Back then, in America, all people were not treated equally or with the respect they deserved, especially those of
the ‘community'.
Read more here:
44 Emergency Room Workers Sick in Kaiser Staff Outbreak; 1 Is Dead
One person has died after a massive COVID-19 outbreak of emergency room workers at a San
Jose Kaiser Permanente facility in California. Kaiser said some of the staff had been vaccinated for the virus before the
outbreak, but did not say whether the person who died had received the vaccine.
Read more here:
IT BEGINS: Trump Protesters Are Getting Fired From Their Jobs For Attending Jan
6th Protest
More and more, the Democratic Party and its sycophantic
supporters are becoming the UN-Democratic Party replete with group-think authoritarians who despise dissent and seek to punish
anyone who doesn't jump on their bandwagon.
Especially if those folks
are supporters of President Donald Trump.
Read more here:
Situation Update Jan 8th - Trump fighting from secure location, did NOT concede
(Natural News) Intel is coming in today from many sources, and I will likely need to post a separate article to cover it all. Importantly,
Trump has not conceded anything, and if you parse the words of his most recent video statement, there is absolutely no concession
in it and no naming of Joe Biden as president:
A new administration
will be inaugurated on January 20th. ... my priority is to ensure a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power. This
moment calls for healing and reconciliation.
Read more here:
Get Ready Folks, This Is It! Tech And Internet Crackdown On Trump Supporters After
Capitol Protest Brings Home The Fact That They Want Us All Muzzled
and the media are having a field day freaking out about a "mostly peaceful" pro-Trump protest at the U.S. Capitol,
where patriots took over the building, a building that technically is supposed to belong to we the people, yet their
reactions during the past four years over Antifa and BLM rioting was in complete contrast to their meltdowns now.
Here they were before the MAGA rally in regards to violent Antifa and/or BLM protests
that included looting, vandalism, arson, and physical and verbal attacks on bystanders and law enforcement.
Read more here:
VIDEO: Pro-Trump Supporters Intercept Sen. Lindsay Graham; Call him "Traitor"
"Piece of Sh*t" and "Son of a B*tch"
States Senator Lindsay Graham was intercepted at an airport today and voters told him exactly what they think of him
, calling him a "Traitor" and a "Piece of shit" and even called him
a "son of a bitch" for rubber-stamping the Presidential Elector votes obtained through a fraudulent and stolen election
on November 3.
Graham was told in no uncertain terms he can expect this
treatment "for the rest of (his) life" because voters are utterly FURIOUS over the rampant fraud in the election.
Read and watch here:
New disease as contagious as Covid and fatal like Ebola approaching
humanity: Report
The scientist who cautioned the world
about the Ebola virus haswarned that new and potentially fatal viruses are sprouting from African tropical rainforests.
This comes as a woman demonstrated hemorrhagic fever symptoms in a remote town in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo. This has made people apprehensive of new deadly pathogens approaching humanity.
Read more here:
Miami Doctor Dies After Receiving First Dose Of Pfizer Vaccine
As the US sees 4K confirmed COVID-19 deaths in a single day, the CDC is reporting another
shocking potential reaction to the new mRNA-vector COVID-19 vaccines: A doctor in Miami has died two weeks after
receiving his first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech jab.
Neckelmann, the widow of Dr. Gregory Michael, said her husband was vaccinated on Dec. 18, and died 16 days later. He was 56
years old, according to Sputnik. Patients typically receive a second dose of the vaccine 3 weeks after the first. Neckelmann also shared the news in a Facebook
post, cited above.
"In my mind his death was 100 percent
linked to the vaccine. There is no other explanation," she said. "He was in very good health. He
didn't smoke, he drank alcohol once in a while but only socially. He worked out, we had kayaks, he was a deep sea
fisherman," she added.
Read more here:
The 2nd American Revolution Began Long Ago, When Democrat-Backed BLM And Antifa
Terrorists Started Burning Down Police Stations & Businesses In 48 Of America's Largest 50 Cities
The Biggest Hypocrites Ever, Democrats And The MSM Called That Violence 'Peaceful
The Second American Revolution has continued
for many months with massive resistance, rebellions, and riots "in 48 out of the 50 largest cities in the United States."
However, the mass media considered those riots and looting as mere protests. One media personality standing in front of a
burning business said, "The protests have been mainly peaceful." Such hypocrisy would gag a maggot.
Some of those "protests" went on for months with hundreds and thousands of businesses
destroyed, public buildings, including a post office and police station, damaged. Spineless, soft, and stupid mayors and governors
refused to arrest the rioters since they were bedfellows. Law enforcement watched as leftist thugs disrupted, destabilized,
destroyed public and private businesses. The politicians' response was to denounce, defund, and disband police.
Read more here:
Is Trump Preparing to Invoke Executive Order 13848? The
Democrats Rush to Impeach Trump: Russia and Israel wait In the Wings
There are only 12 days to go to Inauguration. It makes no sense that the Democrats are preparing to Impeach Trump.
It makes no sense that Pelosi tried to get Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment. Twelve days! Trump is not even in
Washington DC, therefore, a repeat of the recent DC riot, is not likely! So, what are the Democrats in fear of? Trump
has one more ace up his sleeve and he is attempting to play it.
I interrupt this scheduled series on the misery that will accompany the Biden-Harris regime as they plan to complete their
coup against the President and take office. My report on the chicanery that will soon accompany the vaccine will have to wait
one day. There is a breaking story out of Texas and it begs the question, does the President have nine lives? Does Trump still
have an ace up his sleeve and does he have the evidence on to declare the Insurrection Act? Further, and more importantly,
does Trump have the military support needed to declare the Insurrection Act with the certainty that his orders will be carried
Read more here:
Why Trump Voters Don't Trust People Who Count the Votes-
If the FBI and the Pentagon have already demonstrated their officials are willing to break and bend rules to obstruct Trump,
why believe the administrative class when they insist elections are free and fair and all above board? Many have found little
reason to do so
Perhaps not since the nineteenth century
have so many American voters so fervently doubted the outcome of a national election.
A Slate headline from December 13 reads: "82 Percent of Trump Voters Say Biden's Win
Isn't Legitimate." If even half true, this poll means tens of millions of Americans believe the incoming ruling party
in Washington got its political power by cheating.
Read more here:
TV Show Asks: Should People Be Rewarded For Snitching on Their Neighbors?
Britain's top morning breakfast show asked its viewers if people should be financially
rewarded for snitching on neighbors who violate COVID-19 lockdown rules.
Good Morning Britain host Kate Garraway introduced the segment by asking, "Should people be rewarded for snitching
on their neighbors who break lockdown rules...because we are in such a serious situation, but should we incentivize people
by giving them money?"
Read more here:
Treason: The New Law of the Land (Let's hope integrity has not
gone completely out of fashion. It just might secure Trump's re-election, despite all odds, including Biden's certification
as president.)
Where do we turn today, especially after
Pence's betrayal? Certainly, there are many negative emotions floating around the universe, polluting our hopes and dreams
we would uncover the fraud, have a fair election and resume the incredible expansion Trump began when he took office in 2017.
Read more here:
Dr Eric A Nepute 40,000 adverse vaccine effects
⚜️⚜️100,000 doctors medical professionals oppose COVID-19 vaccine - PDF
Watch video
Focus on the Family sells out to coronavirus cult, says Christians should get
vaccine jabbed
(Natural News) The popular Judeo-Christian ministry Focus on the Family (FotF) has fully succumbed to the cult of vaccination with its recent endorsement of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination, which it says is a "godly" next-step for
believers to show that they "love thy neighbor."
FotF devoted
an entire radio broadcast to pushing China virus vaccines as a "safe and effective" remedy for the plandemic,
citing two doctors, Daniel Hinthorn and Scott James, both of whom claim to be Christians and are fully supportive of the jabs.
Read more here:
FINALLY SOMEONE WITH A SPINE! President of Chicago Police Union Defends Capitol
Protesters: ‘There Was No Arson... Looting...'
President of Chicago's Police Union is standing up for the people who stormed the Capitol on Wednesday.
Finally... someone with a spine!
to Chicago public radio station WBEZ, John Catanzara of the Fraternal Order of Police pointed out that the protest was "a bunch of pissed-off people that
feel an election was stolen, somehow, some way."
"There was
no arson, there was no burning of anything, there was no looting, there was very little destruction of property," Catanzara
Read more here:
Cuomo goes for broke, threatens $100,000 fines on NY hospitals that don't use
all their vaccines in seven days
(Natural News) New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is prepping his broken, dilapidated medical police state for the next round of medical tyranny.
Under Cuomo's new "Use it or Lose it" vaccination distribution plan, hospitals will be fined $100,000 if they do not use up all their coronavirus vaccines in seven days. Any hospital provider that does not meet the government's
quota for "shots in arms" can be disqualified from future distribution and be subject to "more serious sanctions."
Suddenly operating under a dictator, New York hospitals will also be fined if they vaccinate
in an "inequitable" fashion. The state desires that certain groups of people be vaccinated first, and each herd
of people are to be vaccinated in the correct order, or the hospital will be fined. Should a clinic administer the vaccine
to somebody before their turn, they could face a fine of up to $1 million.
Read more here:
A Marine's Guide to SHTF planning. (Part One-Print and Keep)
Six P's
A lot of
battles have been won on paper but lost on the battlefield-just ask Napoleon Bonaparte. Although this seems like a jab against
planning, it's just the opposite. I doubt any major battles have been won without good planning. And, poor execution
of a good plan gives the same crap results. In the Marines, the importance of planning has been enshrined in the "Six
P's " (Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance).
Read more
ABC News Political Director: ‘Getting Rid Of Trump Is The Easy Part. Cleansing
The Movement He Commands ... Something Else.'
On Thursday,
the political director for ABC News based in Washington, D.C., who "oversees the political unit and helps steer the network's
coverage of major news events," according to ABC News, tweeted about "cleansing the movement Trump commands."
Rick Klein wrote on Twitter, "Trump will be an ex-president in 13 days. The fact
is that getting rid of Trump is the easy part. Cleansing the movement he commands is going to be something else."
Read more here:
BREAKING: Rep. Mo Brooks says ‘evidence growing' Antifa ‘orchestrated'
assault on Capitol building
(Natural News) Alabama Republican Rep. Mo Brooks, the first House member to announce he would object to the Electoral College results last
month, announced via Twitter that mounting evidence suggests that Antifa members were behind Wednesday's assault on the U.S.
Capitol Building.
(Article by Jonathan Davis republished from
"Please, don't be like #FakeNewsMedia, don't rush to judgment on
assault on Capitol. Wait for investigation. All may not be (and likely is not) what appears. Evidence growing that fascist
ANTIFA orchestrated Capitol attack with clever mob control tactics," he wrote to begin a short Twitter thread.
Read more here:
After Congressional TREASON, One Small Hope Remaining . . .
From other voices around the net . . .
the cover of night, the treasonous US Congress voted to install CCP puppet Joe Biden into the White House, confirming his
fraudulent slate of electors as accepted. A few hours later, Trump issued a statement about a "transition of power."
Here it is:
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 8, 2021
Read more here:
Dr. Mercola Defamed by Digital 'Anti-Hate' Group
As detailed in "Spy Agencies Threaten to 'Take Out' Mercola," this website has been labeled a national security threat by British and American intelligence agencies that are collaborating
to eliminate "anti-vaccine propaganda" from public discussion using sophisticated cyberwarfare tools.1,2,3
In a December 22, 2020, article,4 The Hill claims the "anti-vaccination
movement sees COVID-19 as an opportunity" to strengthen its position, stating that "As public health officials seek
to reassure Americans on the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine, anti-vaccine efforts could prevent the country from
reaching herd immunity."
Read more here:
Artificial intelligence app will use Alexa to enable people to talk to dead relatives
AN artificial intelligence app will enable people to talk to dead relatives - using
The ghost bot can generate 3D images of a person and mimic their
It uses recordings of them to copy their style, diction,
tone, voice and intent to make what they say appear to be genuine.
from their social media accounts and letters could be mixed in to add to the effect.
App users could keep a loved-one's memory alive with catch-up chats.
is believed the technology could be used to interact with historical figures or dead celebrities.
Read more here:
Pelosi threatens to impeach President for 'sedition' to end 'horror show' after Pence left her
and Schumer ON HOLD for 25 mins when they called to demand he remove 'ranting and raving' Trump with 25th Amendment
The two top Democrats in Congress, Sen. Charles Schumer and Speaker Nancy Pelosi, reached
out directly to Vice President Mike Pence Thursday to try to push him to act immediately to remove President Trump from office,
only to be rebuffed.
The two leaders called Pence hours after he had overseen
a Joint Session of Congress to count the electoral votes to make Joe Biden the next president, despite intense pressure by
President Trump that Pence move against it.
Late Thursday sources told
CNN that Trump's mental state was deteriorating and he was 'ranting' and 'raving' as he watched the 25th Amendment being discussed
on television - with Pelosi and Schumer's demand being played repeatedly.
Read more here:
The Planned CHICOM Depopulation and Occupation of America Just Cleared Its Biggest
The Democrats have successfully stolen an election. And
many Republicans are complicit in the treason being perpetrated by the Democrats. All of America is now on big swamp where
nobody is safe. The CHICOMS have their President, their puppet, their biggest ally in Biden-Harris.
One intelligence source, that monitored the live results of the General Election told
me that Trump received 103 million votes and Biden 37 million votes. Trump won all states, except for New York. The scale
and scope of this fraud was deeply embedded within both political parties as well as international interests as well. This
certainly reflects the crowd size at all rallies that we witnessed during the campaign.
Read more here:
The Totalitarian Roots Of The Democrats 'Unspeakably Evil', Baby-Slaughtering
Government Provide Us More Signs 'A Great Purge' Awaits Us In The Days Ahead Like With All Communist Regimes
It's Way Past Time To Declassify Everything: Let The American People Be The Judge
And Jury
Back when the Washington Post did its job and
reported some 'real news' rather than 'weaponized propaganda', they published this story titled "Lessons from a century of communism" within which they reported Communism has brought the world a record of government 'mass murder and oppression',
with Communist states killing as many as 100 million of their own people.
than all other repressive regimes combined during the same time period, with the biggest toll arising from communist
efforts to collectivize agriculture and eliminate independent property-owning peasants, as their
story reported: Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward led to a man-made famine in which as many as 45 million people
perished - the single biggest episode of mass murder in all of world history.
Read more here:
What About Antifa? Predicted Terrorism Trends For 2021 Ignores Antifa Domestic
Terrorism While Targeting Conspiracy Theorists And 'White Supremacists'
On Wednesday, January 6, 2021, Americans marched to the U.S. Capitol and took over the building as Congress was trying
to complete the process of certifying the electoral votes from the 2020 election.
Images ranged from random groups walking through the halls of congress to a guy kicked back on Speaker of the House
Nancy Pelosi's chair, to rowdy Americans tired of being ignored about their concerns over election irregularities.
As a quick aside, in many images we could see Antifa members, backpack, mask, etc....
just wearing what they thought of as normal "MAGA" clothing.
more here:
Radio Host Called For Police to Shoot Trump Supporters Before Killing of Ashli
A leftist radio host called for police to shoot
Trump supporters less than an hour before Ashli Babbitt was shot dead at point blank range during yesterday's chaos in the
Capitol building.
Four Trump supporters were left dead following
the bedlam that unfolded yesterday, with authorities only revealing that the other three had died from "medical emergencies."
Read more here:
Hidden map on your phone shows everywhere you've been and the photos you took
Google Maps makes navigating unfamiliar cities frustration-free
and straightforward. It has an innovative feature that you're probably not taking full advantage of: Street View. Sure it's
great for looking at your childhood home. But, you can use it for things like creating your own stories and even going indoors.
Street View can be especially handy when you are looking at real estate. The timeline
feature shows you what a home or commercial building looked like last month or many years ago. Tap or click here for this trick, along with 9 more ways to use Street View you never thought of before.
Read more here:
These Communist Have Stolen And Killed America. The Republic is Dead. We Will
Now Have to Fight Our Way Out of Communism.
So many emotions.
I'm not even sure what to say at this point. I'm disappointed, angry, disgusted, sad, and heartbroken. The Republic is Dead.
This country is done. We will now have to fight our way out of communism. If you do not bow down and kiss the feet of this government, you are now
a terrorist and an enemy of the state.
Read more here:
BREAKING REPORT: Former FBI Agent on the Ground at US Capitol Says at Least One
Bus Load of Antifa Thugs Infiltrated Trump Demonstration
to a former FBI agent on the ground at the US Capitol, at least one bus load of Antifa goons infiltrated the Trump rally as
part of a false flag operation.
Chaos erupted at the US Capitol building
on Wednesday after Vice President Mike Pence announced he would not block Biden's electors.
Read more here:
Adverse Vaccine Reactions are Hushed Up: Since the mass media have betrayed us
to Big Pharma, we must rely on anecdotal evidence that taking the COVID vaccines is very risky.
Since the mass media have betrayed us to Big Pharma, we must rely on anecdotal evidence
that taking the COVID vaccines is very risky. Hereare two reports sent by readers.
From a reader who works in a nursing home.
I know personally has a friend who works in a large hospital in a Democrat state in the US. This hospital
employee was convinced by a doctor at the hospital that the vaccine would be safe for people like themselves with no severe
allergies or medical conditions and has scheduled an appointment to be vaccinated the same week.
Read more here:
"Christian Purge" Is Set To Accompany It
vitriol is rising out of the radical Democrat left and is more clearly framing a coming religious war in America that blames
Christians for impeding the "progress" of a dark agenda. The Scientism that underpins Technocracy and Transhumanism
only recognizes scientific truth while specifically excluding Biblical truth as mythical, unfounded and dangerous. There is
no lack of anti-Christian church activity during the Great Panic of 2020 pandemic. Churches are ordered closed or greatly
restricted while casinos, Walmarts and Costcos stay open. Those churches that defied such orders have been blamed for being
"super-spreaders" and charged as "unloving", uncaring, callous and even murderous.
Read more here:
SHOCK: New Footage Emerges Of Capitol Police Shooting Air Force Vet Ashli Babbitt
At Point-Blank
Disturbing new footage has emerged showing a Capitol
police officer shooting unarmed Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt at point-blank range on Wednesday in Washington, DC.
You can see the officer looked right at her before pulling the trigger. Additionally, there were cops
armed with AR-15s right behind her.
Read more here:
"We had No Weapons. We Were Peaceful. They Started Shooting At Us."
Police Attacked Protesters With Pepper Spray, Tear Gas and Clubs.
spoke with the Epic Times this afternoon and claimed their innocence. They said the police got very violent very quickly.
We had no weapons. We were peaceful. They started shooting at us." Protesters at
today's event in DC. Another protester saw the police fire tear gas on the protesters for no reason. They also
beat people with their sticks:
Read more here:
COVID-19 THE LAW OF WAR: It's An Unspoken Crime Against Humanity In A New World
Order Era....It's Not an Epidemic, It's An Operation
accumulated evidence is overwhelming that Covid is an orchestration the purpose of which is to eliminate human autonomy and
make the concept of freedom a dirty word that will bring you Covid illness and death.
As physical currency is one necessity for human autonomy, globalists
are working on its replacement with digital money. Paper currency, coins, money orders, and checks pass hand to hand and allegedly
carry possible infection with Covid. In contrast, digital money is virtual. No one touches it. More importantly
for the globalists, It cannot be drawn out of an account in physical form and horded or hidden. You cannot make
anonymous payments with digital money. Privacy leaves your life. You become totally transparent.
Read more here:
PHOTO: Protesters Erect Gallows Outside Capitol Building in D.C.
Protesters set up a gallows across from the United States Capitol building Wednesday following
the March to Save America.
A photo posted on social media shows what appears to be a noose hanging from the wooden structure as people stand with their
backs to it, facing the Capitol building:
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DETAILED GUIDE! 9 Rules to Survive MARTIAL LAW That Is Being Enacted Right Now!
I came across this article back in 2014 in PDF format that didn't mention any author.
The grammar was pretty bad, so I did my best to clean it up. If you happen to know who made this guide, I would gladly give
him the credits for writing this article. The guide is LONG, so it took me a while to get it in this good a shape. Whoever
wrote it may not have been the best writer, but he or she certainly knows how to be prepared. If you find grammatical errors,
I will probably spot them and have them fixed soon. I did as many as I could as fast as I could for the purposes of getting
the article published ASAP given the events that are happening right now in our country. Make no mistake, martial law has
already been imposed in several cities and could hit your city at any time as well, now more than ever. You saw what happen in DC yesterday over peaceful protests.
Read more
China's 'unrestricted war' on the United States
In 1999 Colonel Qiao Liang and Colonel Wang Xiangsui wrote a book called Unrestricted Warfare.
In this book, these officers, who were both active-duty officers in the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) discussed the
lessons learned from the Gulf War action in 1990. The book was published by the PLA Literature and Arts Publishing House
in Beijing, which suggests official approval by the PLA Command.
more here:
EXCLUSIVE: Evidence Reveals Some Individuals in the Capital Today Weren't Trump
Who were those people inside the Capital today?
It is likely that they weren't all Trump supporters. In fact, some of them may have been there to paint President Trump
and his followers as violent (which they aren't).
We reported
in a prior post that a retired FBI Agent reported that Antifa was at today's event in Washington DC:
Read more here:
Pence Betrayed General Flynn in 2017 and Today He Betrayed President Trump and
Earlier today we said Vice President Mike Pence
would end the day in history branded as a hero or a traitor to his country. We now know that answer.
This afternoon while the President was speaking to a million patriots in the Capital,
VP Pence released his memo explaining why he was overlooking the corruption and election fraud which ended up stealing the
election from President Trump, his boss, and the American people:
more here:
Protesters Flood Statehouses in 17 States
Supporters of President Donald Trump flocked to the capitals of more than a dozen states on Jan.
6 as a group of protesters in Washington broke into the U.S. Capitol.
and mostly peaceful protests challenging the legitimacy of the 2020 election took place outside the statehouses in Arizona, California, Mississipi, Tennessee,
Minnesota, Georgia, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Washington, Ohio, Oregon, Kansas, Hawaii, Wisconsin, and South Carolina.
Signs saying "Stop the steal" and "Four more years" were common throughout
amid the president's ongoing dispute of the election results in seven states. Only a few arrests were reported and scuffles
broke out in states like Ohio and California.
Read more here:
Facebook, Twitter Lock Trump Out of His Account for the First Time
Social platforms remove video of Trump calling on protesters to leave the Capitol in peace
Twitter, followed by Facebook later in the day, disabled the account of President Donald Trump after deleting recent posts made by the president, including a video of him calling on protesters who had gathered on Wednesday
at the U.S. Capitol building in Washington to go home in peace.
a result of the unprecedented and ongoing violent situation in Washington, D.C., we have required the removal of three @realDonaldTrump
Tweets that were posted earlier today for repeated and severe violations of our Civic Integrity policy," a Twitter announcement
Read more here:
With free and fair elections now a thing of the past, America is preparing for
(Natural News) A White House cyber team investigation has determined that the era of peace in America is over. The fraudulent 2020 election was the tipping point that will push us over the edge
into full-blown civil war.
No matter what happens on Jan. 6 and Jan. 20,
one side or the other is going to pop off like an atomic bomb. The Trump side is convinced there was mass voter fraud - which
certainly appears to be the case - while the Biden side says the election was fair and square. However history is made, one
side or the other will not be in agreement.
Read more here:
BREAKING: After the staged "storming" false flag event, Congress to
RE-CONVENE tonight and finish its final act of betrayal against America, under the cloak of darkness
(Natural News) Today's "storming" of the Capitol Building has already been confirmed as a false flag operation run by Antifa / BLM troops and pre-coordinated with Capitol Police as a way to discredit Trump supporters
in the media.
We now know that the people who led the storming of the
building are the very same people who have previously been photographed as active individuals at BLM rallies, matching their
tattoos, facial hair and even worn equipment.
Read more here:
Franklin Graham: U.S. sins 'are a stench in the nostrils of our Creator'
'God's judgment is coming. We are in trouble'
After the election of Joe Biden, who supports the killing of the unborn almost without limit, voters
in Georgia apparently have given two Senate seats to Democrats who are part of a "demonic-driven abortion agenda,"
says evangelist Franklin Graham.
Consequently, he warned Wednesday, "God's
judgment is coming."
"The votes are in, but is the election
over? I have no clue," he wrote on Facebook. "I guess we just have to wait and see. But I do know that we need to
pray for our nation.
"We are in trouble," he said. "I believe
God's judgment is coming, for the sins of our nation are great and they are a stench in the nostrils of our Creator."
Read more here:
BREAKING: Patriot Jovan Pulitzer's Team Is Being Shot At! - After They Were Given Directive to
Identify Fraudulent Ballots in Fulton County
Jovan Pulitzer
and his team have the ability to save America. Now they are being shot at.
Jovan Pulitzer and his team have the ability to determine the validity of millions of ballots in a day. He spoke
last week in Georgia and offered to review the absentee ballots in Fulton county for free. He said he could go through
the 500,000 or so absentee ballots in the Atlanta based county in a couple hours and determine which ones are valid and which
ones are frauds.
Read more here:
Report: White House Planning to Refer Brad Raffensperger to Secret Service for
Investigation Under the Espionage Act
President Trump
held a one-hour long phone call on Saturday with crooked Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and state election officials
on the 2020 election in his state that was wrought with fraud.
not clear if Ruby Freeman or Ralph Jones, Sr. were on the call.
In the one-hour phone call on Saturday, President Trump
insisted he won the state and threatened vague legal consequences. Trump attorneys and Georgia attorneys were on the call.
Read more here:
8 Lessons Learned The Hard Way From 2020 With Consequences For Years To Come
As the last year draws to an end and the new year begins, I always like to look back
over the previous year, seeing what lessons I can learn.
I also like
to look forward, seeing what I need to do, in order to prepare myself for the year to come. While these activities can be
undertaken at any time, the start of a new year seems to be an excellent time to do so.
With 2020 having been such an interesting year, filled with disasters and problems, it seems even more appropriate
to take a moment out to review the year, seeing what we can learn from it and better prepare ourselves for whatever might be coming next.
Read more here:
WATCH THIS: New York Literally Passes Bills To Enact FEMA Camps And Forced Vaccinations- It's No Longer A "Conspiracy"
It's no longer a conspiracy theory. A bill in New York,
SB416, will utilize FEMA camps and forced vaccines to deal with people who "MAY" by contagious or a public health
threat. Who gets to determine who is interned in these camps? The ruling class, of course.
The FEMA camps those "crazy conspiracy theorists" have warned about could very soon be
a reality for those living in New York state.
Read and watch here:
Moderna's mRNA injections are an "operating system" designed to program
humans and hack their biological functions
(Natural News) The experimental injections being rolled out by Moderna and Pfizer are nothing similar to traditional vaccines. These mRNA
platforms are an "operating system" designed to program human beings and turn their cells into efficient drug delivery systems.
Moderna is
now going public with the real intentions behind the mRNA platform. The mRNA technology platform is similar to a computer
operating system, the company admits. Scientists prepare a unique mRNA sequence that codes for a specific protein. Once injected
into humans, this program is carried out in the individual's body, at the cellular level. The mRNA platform is where Big Pharma
merges with Big Tech, enslaving human beings to a controlling system designed to profit from their cellular and biological
functions into the unforeseeable future.
Read more here:
Proposed Bill Bans Body Armor, Makes Possession A Crime & Forces Citizens
To Turn It In Or Face Arrest
Lawmakers in New York have proposed
one of the most tyrannical and utterly worrisome pieces of legislation we've seen. They want to ban citizens from having body
armor to protect themselves from bullets. As no one has ever beaten anyone to death with a bullet proof vest, the intentions
behind this bill are clear and have no other purpose other than making it easier for government to kill citizens and harder
for citizens to protect themselves from bullets.
New York, who has some
of the strictest gun laws in the country, now wants to make it a misdemeanor and potential felony for people to purchase or
possess a passive means of resistance to bullets.
Read more here:
Iran Revolutionary Guards ‘seize South Korean-flagged tanker in Persian
Gulf on route to UAE'
IRAN's Revolutionary Guards have seized
a South Korean-flagged tanker in the Persian Gulf, it has been reported.
MT Hankuk Chemi was reportedly stopped by Iranian authorities over alleged "oil pollution", the Tehran-backed Fars
News agency reports.
Read more here:
VIDEO: ANTIFA Hoodlums Being Bussed-In against MAGA Rally - With POLICE ESCORTS!
We now have the video! If there was ever any doubt about
who it has been arranging for ANTIFA to engage in the RIOTS throughout the country this past year, the ARSON ATTACKS, this
past year, the BEATINGS, SHOOTINGS, and KILLINGS in cities all over the nation - let those doubts be dispelled right now:
It has been GOVERNMENT that has been using ANTIFA the whole time!
got caught providing POLICE ESCORTS to more buses bringing-in loads of ANTIFA to attack a MAGA Rally in Minnesota last month,
and we have the video proof the government has done this!
Read and watch
The first 3 1/2 years of this period may actually seem like "business as usual"
for the earth. The first four seal events will be fulfilled during this time, but those events are not that exceptional.
People have risen to great political prominence (as in the first seal) many times in the past, there have been many
wars and famines (as in the second and third seals), and many people have died of such things (as in the fourth
seal). There have even been multiple peace treaties involving Israel (like the "covenant" mentioned
in Dan 9:27).
Remember all those people in Berlin in 1933, all those
Jews who watched what was coming and decided to ‘ride it out'? Think you will fare any better than they did?
Read more here:
Watch Out For A Massive Wave Of Govt-Sponsored False Flag Terrorism
Hitting America Under Joe Biden In 2021 - The Democrats 'War Upon Truth' Is A Dire Warning To Us All
Another Reason To Prepare To Defend Our Families And Loved Ones
Over the past 4+ years, I've been called a 'Russian bot' or a 'Russian disinfo
agent' at least 100 times by absolutely clueless Democrats, simply for posting an All News Pipeline or pro-Trump, pro-America
story title and link into an online story or video comment section. I'd bet many of you have been called the same thing, or
much worse.
With Democrats and the mainstream media screaming
'Russia, Russia, Russia' for the past 4 years about President Trump and his America-1st agenda, they've quite literally
'dumbed down' at least half the country who've actually believed their lies, not to mention all of the RINO's like Mitt Romney who is blasting Republican Senators who are trying to set the 2020 election record straight.
Read more
Sunday Live: Dems Prepare To Activate Covid Camps If Biden Captures White House
Alex Jones breaks down the New York law proposal calling for the use of COVID
detention camps as Joe Biden prepares the American people to prepare for a "dark winter" ahead. We'll also discuss
the upcoming Rally To Save America on Wednesday and how it represents a last stand against the ChiCom-captured establishment.
Watch here:
The ‘Great Reset' is about
Expanding Government Power & Suppressing Liberty
World Economic
Forum Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab has proposed using the overreaction to coronavirus to launch a worldwide
"Great Reset." This Great Reset is about expanding government power and suppressing liberty worldwide.
Schwab envisions an authoritarian system where big business acts as a partner with government.
Big business would exercise its government-granted monopoly powers to maximize value for "stakeholders," instead
of shareholders. Stakeholders include the government, international organizations, the business itself, and "civil society."
Read more here:
NewsBlog The Police and Military when SHTF - Friend or Armed Foe?
Any police or military forces which were still in operation, would be there as part of whatever government managed to survive!
Preparing to survive in a post-SHTF world is challenging. More than anything, we have
to realize that we're preparing blind. We don't know what sort of disaster we're facing or what the post-disaster world is
going to look like. With those two pieces of information missing, it's hard to know exactly how people will react and what
they will do. Therefore, we must prepare for the worst.
Read more here:
Wild Fireside Chat With Lin Wood Gives The Truth about Justice Roberts and Mike
As many of you know, we've been following attorney Lin
Wood and the wild claims he has been making about many powerful people.
That's what he claims.
In fact, he makes very clear that as one of the most high-profile defamation attorneys in our country, he of all
people knows to NOT make claims like this about someone unless he can prove they are true.
Read and watch here:
Professor Dolores Cahill: Why People Will Start DYING A Few Months After The First
mRNA Vaccination
Watch video here:
Over The Past Week, 5 Republican Lawmakers Have Suddenly Died
Have you noticed that quite a few prominent Republicans have been dropping dead lately?
At a time of the year when most people are at home celebrating the holidays with their families, Republican lawmakers have
been dying one after another. Of course important people die all the time, but to have this many Republican politicians
die so closely to one another is definitely unusual. I believe that 2021 is going to be a very strange year, and it
has definitely gotten off to a very strange start.
As the days move forward,
let's watch and see if the pattern continues and more Republicans suddenly pass away. For now, these are the deaths
that we know about so far...
Read more here:
WHO-sponsored Study Shows Ivermectin Effective Against COVID-19
WHO-sponsored review of Ivermectin trials indicates 83% reduction in Covid mortality.
Dr Andrew Hill of the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Liverpool (UK) is
currently performing a WHO-sponsored review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of Ivermectin against Covid.
His preliminary results, which indicate a highly significant 83% reduction in Covid mortality (95% CI 65%-92%).
This is extremely notable, since it is focused on mortality, while the Covid vaccine trials were focused only on symptom
Read more here:
The US Has Become A Banana Republic
If we continue destroying the U.S. dollar at our current pace, toilet paper will eventually be more valuable than
U.S. dollars. I know that sounds absolutely crazy, but it is true. Once the COVID pandemic hit the United States,
those that control the levers of power in this country decided to go "full Weimar" and they never looked back.
As a result, the size of our money supply is rising at a rate that would have been unimaginable just a few short years ago.
To illustrate what I am talking about, I would like for you to check out this chart that was posted on Twitter by James Turk. As you can see, M1 was up by more than 50 percent in 2020.
Read more here:
DC Metro Police Attempting to BAN "ALL" FIREARMS During Jan. 4-6 Rally;
Cite Law Which Applies SOLELY to "Licensed Pistols" and NOT to Rifles or Shotguns . . .They're afraid !
The corrupt Washington, DC Metro Police Department is trying to pull a fast-one; they're
placing signs on street lamp posts banning "ALL" Firearms from January 4 through 7 when American citizens are coming
to town to confront Congress against adopting fraudulent Electors from the Nov. 3 election, and completing the THEFT of the
Presidency; but the notice cites a local city ordinance that applies ONLY to "Licensed Pistols" and makes no mention
of rifles or shotguns.
Read more here:
New York Introduces COVID Forced-Detention Law for Merely SUSPECTED Exposure or "Contact"
A politician in New York state has introduced a Bill which would
empower the state to forcibly detain for up to 60 days WITHOUT COURT ORDER "anyone reasonably believed to have been exposed
to . . . . or who had contact with" a contagious disease. No Warrant or Due Process necessary!
Assembly Bill A-416, pre-filed for introduction in 2021 by Assemblyman Noah Perry of East
Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY, lays out the forced confinement of -- anyone -- merely because government says so. And
the person being forcibly confined cannot even ASK for a court hearing unless and until he's been deprived of his liberty
for THREE DAYS; and at such time, he can request to be heard (as the court calendar allows) and will need a Court Order to
be free!
Read more here:
DOJ Lawyer: US Can Assassinate Its Own Citizens Without Judicial Review If The
State Says Secrets Are Involved
A U.S. Department of Justice
lawyer argued Monday that the United States can kill its own citizens without judicial review when litigation would reveal
state secrets. The argument drew alarm among judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Courthouse
News Service reports. Judge Patricia Millett characterized the DOJ's argument as giving the government the ability to "unilaterally
decide to kill U.S. citizens," according to coverage of the argument by Courthouse News Service. "Do you appreciate
how extraordinary that proposition is?" (READ MORE)
President Trump Signs Bill Initiating 180-Day Countdown To UFO DISCLOSURE
The Senate Intelligence Committee, chaired by Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said in the comment
it "directs the [director of national intelligence], in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the heads of such
other agencies... to submit a report within 180 days of the date of enactment of the Act, to the congressional intelligence
and armed services committees on unidentified aerial phenomena." The report must address "observed airborne objects
that have not been identified" and should include a "detailed analysis of unidentified phenomena data collected
by: a. geospatial intelligence; b. signals intelligence; c. human intelligence; and d. measurement and signals intelligence,"
the committee said. The report must also contain "[a] detailed analysis of data of the FBI, which was derived from investigations
of intrusions of unidentified aerial phenomena data over restricted United States airspace ... and an assessment of whether
this unidentified aerial phenomena activity may be attributed to one or more foreign adversaries... (READ MORE)
Police Use Armed Antifa/BLM Against Patriots In Oregon
Police Use Armed Antifa / Black Lives Matter Against Patriots In Oregon then Police Attack
And Arrested Patriots January 1
Truth be told .. these BLM characters are cops.
TITLE SHOULD READ: Cops masquerade
as BLM in order to foment unrest
To weird!!! ...
Watch here:
Russia set to test 15,000mph nuke missile that can ‘beat any defence and
destroy Texas'
RUSSIA is poised to test an "unstoppable"
15,000mph nuclear missile it boasts can beat any defense and wipe out Texas.
The RS-28 Sarmat doomsday rocket is now primed to replace the much-feared R-36 - once dubbed the "Satan"
nuke by Nato.
The Kremlin brags it has a range of around 6,200 miles,
can carry 16 warheads and is able to dodge any missile defense system.
huge payload is capable of destroying an area the size of the Lone Star State according to Zvezda, the Russian defence ministry's TV channel.
The introduction
of the long-heralded weapon has been pushed back multiple times amid delays in testing, reports The Times.
Read more here:
My predictions for 2021 are almost fully aligned with James Howard Kunstler: Read
the list here
(Natural News) I was about to put together a list of predictions for 2021, which is of course an extremely dangerous business given the
uncertainties stemming from 2020. But I came across a list of predictions by James Howard Kunstler, one of the best thinkers
and authors of our modern era, although certainly not a fan of Trump. Kunstler is well known as an expert in energy economics,
among other topics.
Once I read Kunstler's predictions, I realized that
if I wrote my own predictions, people would assume I was plagiarizing his. Yes, they're that similar.
Read more here:
The United Nations & the Origins of "The Great Reset"
"Freedom faces a new enemy. The tyranny comes under the disguise of expert
rule and benevolent dictatorship. The new rulers do not justify their right to dominance because of divine providence but
now claim the right to rule the people in the name of universal health and safety based on presumed scientific evidence."
...Under the leadership of Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt, twenty-six
nations agreed in January 1942 to the initiative of establishing a United Nations Organization (UNO), which came into existence
on October 24, 1945.
Since its inception, the United Nations and its branches,
such as the World Bank Group and the World Health Organization (WHO), have prepared the countries of the world...[for] a world
Read more here:
There's A Deadly Plague in America Far Worse Than COVID-19!
Lat's face it, people, as long as hopeless reprobates like McConnell and Pelosi
lead the Congress, this nation will continue its rapidly accelerating downward spiral toward a dystopian, post-apocalyptic
What The Armchair Political Analyst stated
above is entirely true, isn't it? And, the definition of Stockholm Syndrome that follows proves it when the
true plight of the U.S. citizenry is objectively evaluated.
Read more
Google has a financial interest to push the pandemic and the covid-19 vaccine
(Natural News) Google Ventures, the venture-capital arm of Google, is in a position to profit from the Oxford-AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine. The developers of the vaccine, Adrian Hill and Sarah Gilbert, set up a company called Vaccitech to attract outside investors
for their new vaccine projects.
Google co-founder Larry Page and his wife
Lucy have already partnered with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation "to design a flu vaccine that would protect broadly
against the strains of flu that infect people every winter and those in nature that could emerge to trigger a disruptive and
deadly pandemic." Ever since Google invested in Bill Gate's global vaccine programs, the Big Tech dictator has engaged
in vaccine censorship, targeting and removing any scientific information about vaccine injury and the faults of vaccine-augmented
immune responses.
Read more here:
What The Globalist's Have In Mind For America Should President Trump Stay in Office-
Massive, Widespread Social Unrest, Civil War, Another Pandemic
I've got to say, I can't really understand that. It's not like everything is going to be okay, just because the year has ended
and a new year is starting. Disasters don't wait for a convenient time, nor do they pay any attention to the calendar. They
come when they want to and don't care how inconvenient it is.
With that
being the case, there's a good chance that we'll see the disasters of 2020 spilling over into 2021. But even then, we have
seen really bad years followed by better ones in the past. So there's a good chance that 2021 will be better than 2020, but
that doesn't mean that it will start out that way.
Each year tends to
have its own collection of disasters. While 2020 is considered by many to be the "worst year ever," I can remember
other years where people said that. Things tend to look much worse when we're looking at them up close and in person. Then,
after time, they don't quite seem so bad.
Read more here:
Forcing Americans Into FEMA Camps In The Name Of COVID Safety! Look To New
York And Canada To See What Rabid Liberals Are Doing, And Get Ready For Biden To Do The Same
As Canada recently announced some very draconian regulations onto their citizens or people traveling
to that country, we note that America has only been protected from these types of nationally mandated civil liberty violations,
by Donald J. Trump being the President of the United States of America.
and when Joe Biden is inaugurated, all of that changes, most likely as of day one, most definitely within the first 100 days.
First lets detail why Biden, unlike President Trump, will follow in the footsteps
of tyrannical and Nazi-like governors here in the U.S. and other world leaders that are also radical liberals, such as Canada's Justin
Read more here:
GOHMERT: If I Don't Have Standing To Sue Pence, Nobody Does, And Black Lives Matter-Style
Violence Will Be New Normal
After a Trump-appointed judge
dismissed the lawsuit launched by Rep. Louie Gohmert and several Trump electors today, Gohmert appeared on Newsmax to deliver
a stunning rebuke to the absentee American court system, and noted that his legal team is already working to appeal the case
to the 5th Circuit Court.
Gohmert's lawsuit sought to clearly
explain the Constitutional obligations afforded to Vice President Mike Pence during the joint session of Congress on January
6. Some believe that Pence's role is merely ceremonial, while other legal scholars have offered analysis indicating Pence
has the Constitutional duty to ensure only legal electoral college votes are included.
Rather than making a potentially landmark decision, the Trump-appointed judge merely dismissed the case, as both Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked earlier this week.
Read more here:
Forecast 2021 - Chinese Fire Drills with a side of French Fries (Jacobin-style)
and Russian Dressing
As I write, the presidential election is
still not resolved, with dramatic events potentially unfolding in the first days of the New Year. I'm not convinced that Mr.
Trump is in as weak a position as the news media has made him out to be in these post-election months of political fog and
noise. The January 6 meet-up of the Senate and House to confirm the electoral college votes may yet propel matters into a
constitutional Lost World of political monsterdom. The tension is building. This week's public demonstration by one
Jovan Hutton Pulitzer of the easy real-time hackability of Dominion Voting Systems sure threw the Georgia lawmakers for a
loop, and that demo may send reverberations into next Wednesday's DC showdown.
Read more here:
Cattle Rancher Warns About the Meat You're Buying
In the video above, American cattle rancher Shad Sullivan from North Texas is interviewed by host
Patrick Bet-David about the future of the cattle and meat industry. In April 2020, Sullivan posted a YouTube video1
discussing how U.S. farmers are being forced to dump the food supply - plowing under vegetable crops, euthanizing millions
of chickens, aborting sows and burying feeder pigs, and dumping milk by the hundreds of thousands of gallons.
Sullivan says officials from the U.S. Department of Agriculture are also preparing farmers
to depopulate cattle that are ready to harvest due to a "bottleneck created by the effects of COVID and the logistics
therein." Yet, while preparing U.S. cattle ranchers to cull their herds, the U.S. is actively importing beef from other
Read and watch here:
Up to 60% of US health workers are refusing to get COVID-19 vaccines over fears
of side effects
Thousands of health care and frontline workers
across the US are refusing to get COVID-19 vaccines as the rollout of the shots in America continues to sputter.
Up to half of health care workers in on California county and a Texas hospital say they will not get the shot, 60 percent of nursing home staff in Ohio are turning down the
jab and 40 percent of frontline workers in Los Angeles won't get it either, polls reveal.
Respondents to a number of surveys
cite fears of dangerous side effects, health care worker forum posters say they feel they are being used as guinea pigs and
experts blame misinformation.
Read more here:
Pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood suggests Mike Pence 'should be arrested for treason
and face execution by firing squad' for refusing to join lawsuit giving him power to overturn election
A conspiracy theory touting lawyer who has championed Donald Trump's election fraud claims is stirring controversy by suggesting Vice President Mike Pence should 'face execution by firing squad' for 'treason'.
Lin Wood appears to be continuing his campaign against the 2020 election results.
'If Pence is arrested, @SecPompeo will save the election. Pence
will be in jail awaiting trial for treason. He will face execution by firing squad. He is a coward & will sing like a
bird & confess ALL,' he tweeted on Friday.
Read more here:
Biden's Plans to Aggressively Persecute Conservative Christians
Rev Thomas Littleton 12/15/2020
Worldview Weekend's Brannon Howse and guest Trevor Loudon
exposed a new "blueprint" for a call to action from a political PAC encouraging a Biden administration to target
churches and re-educate Christians to eliminate "Trumpism" and the "Religious Right". The plan is discussed
in the December 14th WVW TV program.
"WVW-TV: Democrat Plan to Aggressively Persecute
Conservative Christians Using The Biden Administration!"
Read more
Economist Says ‘Great Reset Will Cause A Crash Worse Than 1930s'
The Great Reset is real, it's happening now and will lead to devastation worse - "much, much worse" - than the Weimar Republic,
a German economist has warned.
Dr Antony Mueller, Professor of
Economics at the Federal University of Sergipe in Brazil, says that the Chinese coronavirus ‘pandemic' is being used
as cover by the globalist elite to destroy small businesses and hasten a new world order based on "expertocracy, climate
green religion, and brutal depopulation".
This globalist elite -
inspired by the World Economic Forum's ‘Build Back Better' campaign for a ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution' and by
the United Nations' Agenda 2030 - are killing Main Street, together with thousands of jobs, by keeping economies across the
Western World in near-permanent lockdown.
Read more here:
US Cities Explode In Violence As 2021 Rushes In, Allowing Democrats To Reap What They've Sown With
'Mob Rule' The 'Rule Of The Day'
- More Signs We Need
To Prepare For Utter Madness In The Year Ahead
If one needed
to get a look at what 2021 was preparing to bring us, all we need do is take a look at this new story over at the Daily Mail and the top-rated comments on the story, a shocking story which paints a very ugly picture of where we're heading as 2021 rings in.
Giving us another reason to prepare to defend our families and loved ones as Democrats hope to take
control of the country on January 20th, we get more proof they can't even control their own cities in this horrifying story out of New York city where we learn the mob ruled the day as a 25-strong gang stopped a random car in Manhattan, attempting to drag a terrified
74-year-old woman and her son from their vehicle being battered by the out-of-control clan of petty thugs.
Read more here:
Situation Update, Jan 1st - Trump vs. the globalist genocide machine
(Natural News) A global extermination agenda is under way, and human beings are scheduled to be eliminated from planet Earth. The genocidal
agenda of the globalists requires absolute obedience by the masses who are being marched to their own demise, which is why
nationalist / populist leaders are also targeted by the globalists.
victory in the 2020 election is not merely a political issue but rather a human survival issue. No human being on
our planet is safe as long as the CCP exists, and the CCP is running the global extermination effort targeting all non-Chinese
around the world. The CCP has infiltrated and now controls most of America, including lawmakers, courts, media and the tech
Read more here:
Japan: Radiation Levels at Fukushima Plant ‘Worse' than Previously Thought
Nuclear regulators in Japan recently revealed the radiation levels found inside the damaged
reactor buildings at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant are "exceedingly high" and worse than previously thought, the
Asahi Shimbun reported Wednesday.
"Radiation levels were estimated at 10 sieverts
per hour, a lethal dose for anyone who spends even an hour in the vicinity," according to the report.
A massive amount of radioactive materials "attached to shield plugs of the containment
vessels in the No. 2 and No. 3 reactors," according to Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA).
Read more here:
Pedophiles, Traitors and Satanists Will Now Determine Your Physical Destiny! Your
Spiritual Fate Is Still Up to You! Robert Griswold and Dave Hodges
would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. However, there is nothing happy about a country that is passively accepting
a stolen election because what will follow this classic Bolshevik Revolution is despotic leadership that will quite predictably
lead where all Bolshevik Revolutions end. The loss of rights, the loss of property and the massive loss of lives in a purge
to rid the regime of the nuisance that dissidents will bring to the table. Tens of millions of you, who can, today, read my
words, will not be here in a few short years to see the final act of the coming tyranny that will emanate from a former Constitutional
Republic, whose for of government will disappear forever!
Read more here:
Caribbean island residents told to evacuate as dormant volcanoes come back to
Officials issue alerts for island chain home to
more than 100,000 people
Residents on several eastern Caribbean islands have been advised to evacuate their homes after volcanoes that have remained quiet for decades rumbled into life.
Officials issued
alerts on the island chain of St Vincent and the Grenadines, home to more than 100,000 people, as scientists rushed to study the renewed activity.
Read more here:
Reaper drones to Taiwan a game changer
The Air Force has been adding new weapons to the MQ-9 Reaper, in part by leveraging an emerging 'universal weapons
The lethal MQ-9 Reaper drone isn't often exported, but Taiwan
wants it - and the Trump administration is all too happy to sell it, along with a formidable upgrade package, Kris Osborn of The National Interest reported.
Thanks to China's sabre rattling over a possible amphibious
assault on Taiwan with drills and combat preparation operations in waters nearby, and Xi Jinping's escalating language about
possible forcible reunification, the diminutive democratic island really didn't have much lobbying to do.
Read more here:
28 Inconvenient Truths As The ‘S' Will Hit The Fan
In the early days of the prepping craze, 2009-2014 or so, TEOTWAWKI was on every prepper's
mind - The End Of The World As We Know It. Wherever it originated, it struck a chord with Americans, in particular, who looked
at the steep decline of their home's value, the loss of their jobs, the devastation to their hopes of retirement and any savings,
and wondered if the end of the world as they knew had become a reality.
new surge in prepping consumes us now as a pandemic and the fear and uncertainty it brings grips our attention. What if the
world as we have always known it has ended, or as one of my readers said, "I knew all along that the end of this will
be the beginning of something different."
Read more here:
Bombshell Interview With Del Bigtree: COVID Vaccine Could Make The Virus Far More
Deadly, Leave Women Infertile
During an epic, Wednesday
broadcast of War Room, film producer Del Bigtree sat down with Owen Shroyer to
detail issues with rapidly manufactured COVID vaccines.
One of
the key factors Bigtree notes is that the FDA admits there is a risk of a "vaccine-enhanced disease."
Reading from an FDA document on the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, Bigtree said, "Available data do not indicate a risk of vaccine-enhanced disease, and
conversely suggest effectiveness against severe disease within the available follow-up period. However, risk of vaccine-enhanced
disease over time, potentially associated with waning immunity, remains unknown and needs to be evaluated further in ongoing
clinical trials and in observational studies that could be conducted following authorization and/or licensure."
Read and watch more here:
Social Engineers Use Weaponized Psychology to Push Unproven Vaccines
In the coming months, more unprecedentedly rushed COVID-19 vaccines will likely be approved
and subsequently introduced to market.
Whereas most vaccines take ten
or more years to develop at a minimum - a necessary precaution to screen for adverse reactions in human test subjects who
receive them - the COVID-19 vaccines currently in development across the globe will likely make it to market in less than
a year from the starting line.
The monkey wrench in the pharmaceutical
machinery, though, may prove to be widespread (and rightful) skepticism on the part of the public regarding the safety and/or efficacy of the eventual vaccine.
That people will be harmed by the COVID-19 vaccine once it is introduced to the public is inevitable. All vaccines,
which re-jigger the immune system to produce antibodies against the targeted pathogen, can cause adverse reactions in a small
percentage of the populations that receive them - even the safest, most thoroughly vetted ones.
Read more here:
Senate Investigation Finds Obama Admin Knowingly Funded al-Qaeda Group
The probe found that World Vision was not aware that ISRA had been sanctioned by the
U.S. since 2004 after funneling roughly $5 million to Maktab al-Khidamat, the predecessor to Al-Qaeda controlled by Osama
Bid Laden.
However, that ignorance was born from insufficient
vetting practices, the report said.
"World Vision works
to help people in need across the world, and that work is admirable," Grassley said in a statement. "Though it may
not have known that ISRA was on the sanctions list or that it was listed because of its affiliation with terrorism, it should
have. Ignorance can't suffice as an excuse. World Vision's changes in vetting practices are a good first step, and I look
forward to its continued progress."
Read more here:
Doctors Around The World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!
Doctors joins together in this powerful video exposing the dangers of taking the mandatory
COVID vaccine.
Eye opening video, watch here:
The year is 2021 - America Is Now Communist
"The year is 2021, and the once great world power the United States of America is no more.
In place of it is the new Socialist Republic of North America (SRNA), with the figurehead leader Joe Biden filling the ceremonial
post of ‘President'. The true power is held by the People's Republic of China, and their chosen representative in the
SRNA, Democrat Communist Party Chairman Barack Hussein Obama.
the private ownership of firearms was now disallowed and a major gun confiscation program was put into place, during the revolution
that overthrew the previous Capitalist system of government many Americans were killed in their homes and on the streets while
commuting from one place to another, by marauding mobs of communist zealots indoctrinated and trained in the former American
Read more here:
Scientists propose putting nanobots in our bodies to create ‘global superbrain'
A team has proposed using nanobots to create the ‘internet of thoughts', where instant
knowledge could be downloaded just by thinking it.
An international team
of scientists led by members of UC Berkeley and the US Institute for Molecular Manufacturing predicts that exponential progress
in nanotechnology, nanomedicine, artificial intelligence (AI) and computation will lead this century to the development of
a human ‘brain-cloud interface' (B-CI).
Read more here:
Reigning U.S. ‘Teacher of the Year' Urges ‘Heroes' to Commit Terror
Attacks Against Republican Lawmakers
He called for Mitch McConnell
to receive the Rand Paul treatment.
Rodney Robinson, a public school
indoctrinator who was named national teacher of the year in 2019, is calling for "heroes" to commit terror attacks
against Republicans.
Robinson made the comment in reference to Sen. Mitch
McConnell (R-KY). He celebrated the cowardly ambush attack against Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) by his own neighbor in 2017 and called
for McConnell's neighbors to accost the senate majority leader.
are Mitch McConnell's neighbors? I'm just saying Rand Paul's did what a true Kentucky hero should do. It's your time to step
up," Robinson wrote in his violent tweet celebrating political violence.
more here:
'Black Lives Matter DC' asks more hotels to close ahead of planned pro-Trump demonstration
WASHINGTON (WJLA) - After it was announced that Hotel Harrington would be closing its doors to guests ahead of a planned demonstration in
support of President Trump in January, the 'Black Lives Matter D.C.' group is calling on other D.C. hotels to follow suit.
Hotel Harrington announced Monday that it will be closed on January 4, 5, and 6 "for the safety of visitors and employees."
Read more here:
As aired on Hal Turner Show Wednesday Night: Catherine Austin Fitts on COVID-19
and Great Reset; All PLANNED Destruction to force us into Global Slave System
Would it surprise you to learn that the so-called "vaccine" for COVID-19 is actually the basics for an
OPERATING SYSTEM to be installed in humans to effectuate Human-Machine Interface? An interface to create a digitized
monetary system?
Would it surprise you to learn that the COVID-19 outbreak
and ensuing shutdowns of business were all PLANNED DESTRUCTION?
it surprise you to learn that the "Riots" and looting over the past year ALL took place in 34 of the 37 cities with
Federal Reserve Bank locations, and that the businesses which were looted and destroyed, are mostly in "Opportunity Zones"
created by law to foster investment by ultra-rich people, so they can avoid Capital Gains taxes?
Read more here:
Imagine Not Being Able To Go To The Grocery Store To Buy Food If You Don't Get
'The Kill Shot': More Sinister Signs They're Planning On Tightening The Screws Down Upon All Of Us In 2021
While the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights may end up preventing government from
mandating vaccines for the American people, every day we get more signs that businesses across the country and the world have
no such intentions, with CBS 4 in Boston reporting a 'Covid-19 vaccine passport' may be required to travel in 2021 just one of the latest stories warning of what awaits
us in the year ahead.
With Spain to keep a registry of 'vaccine refusers', sharing it with other EU countries, another indication of what the 'travel ban' ahead might look like overseas, we learn that
here in America, music venues, sporting events and theaters might soon be 'off limits' to those who don't get the vaccine.
Read more here:
Military bracing for attack on U.S. forces in Iraq on one year anniversary of
strike that killed Iranian top general Qasem Soleimani
One year
after U.S. forces assassinated Iranian revered general Qasem Soleimani, a senior official warned Wednesday that the 'threat'
coming from Iran is the 'most concerning' yet.
'I would tell you that
the threat streams are very real,' the senior official told The Washington Post, warning there is concern of a 'complex attack'.
The official also characterized
the situation as the 'most concerning that I have seen' since Soleimani's killing on January 3, 2020.
Read more here:
Lin Wood accuses John Roberts of illegally adopting two young children from Wales through Jeffrey
Mark this down in the category of "I'm skeptical
but hopeful." Why? Because I really don't like John Roberts.
Justice John Roberts has faced many accusations over the years, particularly in the last few weeks as his weak leadership
of the Supreme Court has seemed to be the primary roadblock to President Trump correcting the fraudulent 2020 election. He's
been accused of working to block the President's reelection, of traveling to Epstein Island, and of a few other things. Most
of the accusations have been debunked.
A new accusation comes from attorney
Lin Wood. The famed lawyer who has filed multiple lawsuits challenging the 2020 election has not been shy about sharing conspiracy
theories, and this one definitely falls into the category.
Read more here:
America's 2020 Election Debacle Was Enough To Enrage Any America
But Anger Is Not Enough, It's Time To Stand Up And Fight Back Against Election Fraud To Stop The Steal
The America-Hating Communists Will Steal Every Election If They Aren't Stopped
America must get back to the basics. Our elections
are so far afield from what our Founders intended that we are now in the midst of a contested election. The lies and misconduct
of the officials in charge are enough to anger most citizens.
media and the progressive socialists in the Democrat party are attempting to tilt the scales in their lust for power. The
judicial branch, up to the Supreme Court, turns away from the proven fraud that is laid bare. Questions are being asked, facts
are ignored, and the media turns a blind eye to the damage that is coming to the legal electorate of our country.
Read more here:
UK Woman Arrested For Filming Inside Empty Hospital
Video contradicts government assertion of overrun wards.
A woman in the UK was arrested by police after she filmed a video inside an almost completely empty hospital
and posted it online.
The clip shows the woman walking through
virtually empty corridors and filming empty wards at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital.
"This is a is so dead...all the people in our country desperately waiting for treatment, cancer
treatment heart disease, honestly this is making me so angry," she states as she films a row of empty waiting chairs.
Read more here:
20 Numbers From 2020 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe
2020 has been a year that none of us will ever forget. We experienced the worst
global pandemic in 100 years, we witnessed the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s, civil unrest
erupted in major cities all over America, and we had one of the wildest presidential elections in our history. Other
than that, it was a pretty quiet year. For a few moments, let's take one more look back at the past 12 months.
The following are 20 numbers from 2020 that are almost too crazy to believe...
Read more here:
The coronavirus is disrupting food supply chains because farmers and laborers cannot work
or travel, transportation delays are causing shortages, and in the United States, for example, meat processing plants have been forced to close.
Not only are these breaks in the supply chain
affecting the availability of food, but also its affordability. Millions who already struggled to support themselves and their
families have been struck by economic hardship caused by lockdowns around the globe.
Read more here:
How Social Engineers Use Weaponized Psychology to Push Unproven Vaccines
In the coming months, a warp-speed, unprecedentedly rushed COVID-19 vaccine will likely
be approved and subsequently introduced to market.
Whereas most vaccines
take ten or more years to develop at a minimum - a necessary precaution to screen for adverse reactions in human test subjects
who receive them - the COVID-19 vaccines currently in development across the globe will likely make it to market in less than
a year from the starting line.
The monkey wrench in the pharmaceutical
machinery, though, may prove to be widespread (and rightful) skepticism on the part of the public regarding the safety and/or efficacy of the eventual vaccine.
Read more here:
Patrick Byrne: China Is Taking Us Out From Within
Patrick Byrne, founder and former CEO of Overstock, said that China is "taking us out from
within" during an interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi on Monday.
"The greatest way to fight a war,
in the Chinese way of thinking, is not to have to fight at all. That's what they've done here," Byrne said.
Byrne studied Chinese history at Beijing Normal University from 1983 to 1984. He has
a Bachelor of Arts in Chinese studies from Dartmouth College.
Read more
US B-52 bombers headed to Mid East amid intel of ‘complex attack planning'
against Americans in Iraq
U.S. Air Force B-52H Stratofortress
bombers made a "deliberate appearance" in the Middle East on Tuesday to deter potential attacks against U.S. troops
amid intelligence showing "complex attack planning" in Iraq.
CENTCOM statement provided to American Military News confirmed the deployment of the two bombers from Minot Air Force Base's
5th Bomb Wing, adding that the deployment "delivers a clear deterrent message to anyone who intends to do harm to Americans
or American interests."
Read more here:
All Major Western Media Outlets Take "Private Dinners",
"Sponsored Trips" From Chinese Communist Propaganda Front
host of corporate media outlets including CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and MSNBC have participated in private
dinners and sponsored trips with the China-United States Exchange Foundation, a Chinese Communist Party-funded group seeking
to garner "favorable coverage" and "disseminate positive messages" regarding China, The National Pulse
can reveal.
Other outlets involved in the propaganda operation include
Forbes, the Financial Times, Newsweek, Bloomberg, Reuters, ABC News, the Economist, the Wall Street Journal, AFP, TIME magazine,
LA Times, The Hill, BBC, and The Atlantic.
Read more here:
Fauci 'lied': Senator rips doctor for 'tricking' Americans on masks, vaccines,
'Has been distorting the level of vaccination needed'
One of the top health advisers who has been setting the agenda for America's fight against
coronavirus has been accused of lying about what is needed.
The reason?
To "trick" Americans into "doing the right thing."
The accusation comes from Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who said, according to a report from
Fox, that Fauci, the top U.S. epidemiologist, "lied about masks in March ... has been distorting the level of vaccination
need for herd immunity."
Read more here:
Arizona Is Role Modeling What America Must Do to Stop the Communist Takeover of
Our Nation
As President Trump is seemingly running out of options
to overturn an election with massive voter fraud. In fact, one of our confidential sources, working for one of the alphabet
soup agencies told me that they tracked the election in real time. Trump received 103 million votes. Biden received 37 million
votes. Trump won all states except for New York. These numbers are bolstered by the pre and post-election rallies. Trump drew
tens of thousands of people to his rallies, Biden drew an average of 10 people to his rallies. There is your exit poll. As
I have stated, I will not submit to the rule of CHICOM agent Biden and his running mate "heels in the air"
Harris. They have stolen our country and they have done so with the help of foreign entities which makes them both enemies
of the state. I will not rest until justice is done.
Read more here:
COVID-19 bill started a 180-day countdown for UFO disclosures
President Trump's signature Sunday on the $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and government funding bill started a 180-day countdown for the Pentagon and spy agencies to say what they know about UFOs.
The provision received very little attention, in part because it wasn't included in the text of
the 5,593-page legislation, but as a "committee comment" attached to the annual intelligence authorization act, which was rolled into the massive bill.
Read more here:
There Is No Cure For Stupidity - $7 Million For Butt Scanners
And Anal Printing, Just One Item In 2020 The 'Festivus Report'
Billion In Wasteful Spending Highlighted By Senator Rand Paul
picture says it all, but after spending hours speechless over the sheer stupidity and utter insanity of spending $6.9 million
on the development of a "smart toilet" that scans a user's butt and identifies a person by their "analprint,"
I finally stopped shaking my head in astonishment and started work.
"smart toilet" is only a symptom of all that is whacked in this world today as tens of millions here in America
are suffering job loss, and food insecurity, due to governor mandated lockdowns closing businesses, many permanently,
and yet, politicians are more than willing to spend nearly $7 million to develop a toilet that takes pictures and videos of
you're a**.
Read more here:
China's XI Makes a SHOCKING Call To Putin, States Unthinkable! What Did He Seriously
Just Admit To!?
A call was just made between China's Xi
Jinping And Russia's Vladimir Putin that will send chills up your spine. These two world leaders exchange a cryptic message
of veiled threats and indirect admissions of the unthinkable! We dug deep to find the appropriate interpretation of every
one of the 1000 or so words to assure not detail was missed!
Read and
watch here:
WW3 Update - new offensive as totalitarians deploy Weapons of Mass Hysteria
The hard-pressed forces of the Fourth Reich have been on the
back foot since their First Wave offensive ran afoul of weak intelligence.
war effort was further weakened by the discovery that their crack divisions (SAGE, NERVTAG, HMG, MOH etc) had been firing
blanks, known technically as "fibs", but they have now mustered their resources and launched a new "Christmas
offensive" more desperate than the previous offensive.
Finding itself
bogged down in a minefield of public incredulity and having shot itself in the foot so many times it barely has a leg to stand
on, the Reich has had to re-arm with new stocks of fibs and fake stats, then re-launch its over-the-top assault on liberty
under a thick smokescreen of press hysteria.
Read more here:
Aligning Ominously With The UN's '2030 Agenda', Vaccine
Creator Warns Covid-19 Will Be Here Until 2030 As Globalists 'Blueprint For The Enslavement Of Humanity' Is Fully Unleashed
Upon Us
According to Ugur Sahin, one of the world's leading vaccine 'minds' and a Turkish-German doctor who is also the top dog with the German
company BioNTech-Pfizer, the biotech firm that 'won' the great Covid-19 vaccine 'race' of 2020, the Covid-19 coronavirus will likely stay with us for about the next 10 years.
Warning in a recent virtual news conference that "we
need a new definition of 'normal'", Sahin's 10-year estimate for how long this virus will stay with us puts us at
2030 or 2031 before this virus finally 'goes away'. Conveniently, that 10-year estimate aligns almost perfectly with
the United Nations 'Agenda 2030', which seeks a 'full-scale transformation' of the world we're living in.
Read more here:
Covid "Mutation" Stories Show That The Lockdowns Are Designed To Last
For many months now I have been warning that the design
behind the pandemic lockdowns is a perpetual one; meaning, the lockdowns are MEANT to last forever. We can see this in the
very commentary of the establishment elites that are pushing for the mandates; their most frequent argument being that the
pandemic restrictions are the "new normal". This assertion is outlined by globalists like Gideon Lichfield of MIT
in his article ‘We're Not Going Back To Normal'. In it he states:
Read more here:
Selco: What an "Average Day" Is REALLY Like When the
Did you ever think about how different your day to
day life would be after an SHTF event? The little things we take for granted now, like making a meal, staying warm, or having
water to drink and bathe in would suddenly become a whole lot more complicated.
Who better to tell us what that is like than Selco? For those who don't know, Selco spent a year in a city in Bosnia
that was blockaded. During that year, he and the other residents lived without our normal amenities like heat, running water,
electricity, and supplies that could be purchased at the stores.
more here:
Once again, authoritarian Dr. Anthony Fauci, who wants the slaves to obey his commands and edicts to their own detriment,
has said that with regards to the hoax academic, "the worst is yet to come." Fauci and other tyrants have been repeating
this like a mantra and trying their best to force it to come true even when the official numbers don't stack up.
Read more here:
Do the robot! Boston Dynamics' droids perform incredible dance to 'Do You Love
Boston Dynamics typically shares videos of its robots climbing
stairs, jumping onto blocks or carrying heavy objects, but the latest clip involves the crew showing off their dance moves.
Set to The Contours ‘Do You Love Me,' the choreographed dance features humanoid
Atlas, Spot the robot dog and box-juggling Handle.
During the two minute
and 53 second clip, the robots can be seen shaking, twisting and even doing the mash potato in sequence to the beat of the
1962 hit single.
Read more here:
Blood-thirsty squirrels are behind New York's latest crime-wave:
Deranged rodents are attacking Queens residents for food -leaving them needing hospital treatment and fearing to step outside
their homes
Wild squirrels have been attacking residents living
in the New York City borough of Queens since late November, leaving many afraid of venturing outside.
The wild attacks have occurred mostly in Rego Park, with the bulk of them happening on
65th Drive near Fitchett Street.
One woman has even had to go to the emergency
room, with others expressing their worry about even going outside.
Read more here:
ER nurse tests positive for COVID-19 eight days AFTER he received Pfizer vaccine
A California nurse has tested positive for COVID-19 eight days after receiving the vaccination.
ER nurse Matthew
W., received the Pfizer vaccine on December 18, according to a post from Instagram.
my Covid vaccine! The 15 minutes afterward sitting around with a bunch of others while health care workers asked us how we
felt made me think of an opium den. I'll report back if I start to grow a third arm,' Matthew wrote.
Read more here:
The War In the Heavens Will Ultimately Decide the Fate of the Earth
For 3 days, some of my closest colleagues, (eg Robert Griswold and Paul Preston) will attest to
the fact that I have been consistently saying that I have strong assertions by insiders that the American public is seeing
in the MSM regarding the Nashville explosion narrative is totally false. Also, the only purpose for the FBI and the ATF on-scene
investigation is to control the narrative and to prevent the truth from coming out. The Nashville event is the culmination
of an old conflict between two forces which are vying for control of the planet.
Read more here:
This Is Going To Get Very Ugly, Very Fast! As A Nation We
Are Woefully Unprepared For What Is Coming In 2021 - This Is Why Millions Are On Edge, Waiting For The Next Shoe To Drop
Never before has the expression "the straw that broke the camel's back" meant
so much.
Talk of World War III.
America divided to the point that even MSM sources are starting to acknowledge the possibility of a hot civil war.
American suicide bombers right here on U.S. soil.
Election fraud ramping up the anger and divisions between Americans - friends, neighbors and family members alike.
A pandemic which has been used by dictatorial governors across the U.S. to lockdown their
citizens, attempting to control what they do, how they do it, where they go, when they are allowed to go, and how many people
can be invited into their own private residences.
Millions forced to food banks in order to survive after being put out of work by the aforementioned dictatorial governors.
Read more here:
Situation Update, Dec. 28th - Orbital weapons platforms reveal Trump is in a WAR
much bigger than any election
(Natural News) It is now increasingly clear that the explosion in Nashville was not caused by an RV bomb, nor a conventional missile but
rather a "Directed Energy Weapon."
The evidence for this includes:
- Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper warning in September that China possessed "killer satellites" and "directed energy weapons" that could threaten the United States.
- The apparent
missile "trail" in the skyline video of Nashville, which is also consistent with a stream of ionized atmosphere
and particular matter suspended in the air. (High-powered lasers can transform molecules into plasma.)
Read more here:
Doctors From Around World Warn: DONT TAKE COVID VACCINE
The doctors below from around the world, are urgently warning the general public: DON'T
These doctors say the vaccine is not safe or effective.
They say the Covid-19 disease is NOT a real pandemic, but is being hyped!
and watch here:
The Banality of Bill Barr.
In June, Attorney General Bill Barr sat for an interview in CNN's Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer and predicted widespread fraud with mail in voting.
He said: "People trying to change the rules to this, to this methodology - which,
as a matter of logic, is very open to fraud and coercion - is reckless and dangerous and people are playing with fire."
At the time, Barr was the nation's top law enforcement officer with an obligation to prevent
election fraud under a bevy of federal statutes.
Read more here:
Experts Warn Turkey's Dreams of Reviving the Ottoman Empire Threaten Mideast Stability
JERUSALEM, Israel - For years, Middle East observers have warned about the expansionist
policies of Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Those ambitions reach throughout the region all the way to Jerusalem.
"I think Turkey is the major emerging threat to the Middle East," Seth Frantzman,
executive director of the Middle East Center for Reporting and Analysis, told CBN News.
Analysts like Frantzman say the world is witnessing a belligerent Turkey on the move.
"It's invaded and ethnically cleansed Afrin of Kurds, Yazidis, and Christians. It
attacked last year in eastern Syria and attacked and ethnically cleansed Christians," Frantzman explained.
Read more here:
2020: The Year We Lost Our Common Sense, Courage and Civil Liberties
Once it became clear to the Western elite that their subjects would readily accept draconian
anti-Covid measures, it encouraged them to usher in a code-red lifestyle where there will be no ‘return to normal' in
the foreseeable future and, possibly, never.
If nothing else, nobody can
say we were not warned about the madness that would descend upon leap year 2020, making it one of the worst 366 days ever
recorded on the Gregorian calendar.
Read more here:
Russia 'is researching how to weaponise deadly Ebola virus as part of a catastrophic
doomsday project', experts fear
Experts fear Russia could weaponise the deadly Ebola virus as part of a catastrophic biological weapons project.
68240 of Moscow's FSB spy agency - linked to the Salisbury Novichok poisonings - is thought to be behind the programme codenamed
It is believed the unit is researching both Ebola and the even-more
deadly Marburg virus.
Read more here:
2020's parting shot: Huge coast-to-coast storm will blanket
the Midwest with two-feet of snow before blasting the Northeast with rain and wind on New Year's Eve and bring chilly temperatures
to Florida
A major winter storm is expected to sweep across the
US in the final days of the year, bringing with it heavy snow, high winds and thunderstorms, potentially covering the East
Coast with snow and rain on New Year's Eve.
The storm
system is predicted to hit the US in two distinct low pressure systems, reported.
The first low pressure system is expected to extend from
Southern California to the Plains and Midwest in the first half of this week.
more here:
"You Have a Rendezvous with Destiny, Mr. Vice President"
- On January 6th Vice President Pence Will Choose the Direction of the World for Years to Come - Like Thomas Jefferson Did
Centuries Ago
VP Mike Pence has the unique opportunity
in world history where he can keep the nation and its people free or he can sentence the world to generations of slavery in
a matter of minutes on January 6th.
Neonrevolt was all over the fraudulent Mueller investigation. He was so effective that Jack at Twitter censored him and kicked
him off his site. But Neonrevolt did not go away. He now has written an excellent piece regarding VP Mike Pence's
duties on January 6th. His efforts can save the country and the world or damn all of us and all future generations into slavery.
Neonrevolt ends his piece on Pence's opportunity with this:
Read more
Nashville, Operation Northwoods And False Flag Terrorism In America:
The 'Nashville Event' Is Another Sign That 2021 Will 'Turn Hot' Before Most Americans Know What Hit Them
'Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes it isn't!'
With all eyes now on Nashville, Tennessee after Christmas morning's terrorism has brought
about a no-fly zone covering a 1-nautical-mile radius of the 'blast site', with those skies declared 'National Defense Airspace' according to this story over at Western Journal, allowing deadly force to be used against aircraft flying above the bombing, almost everything about Nashville has 'false flag' written all over it as we'll explore within this ANP story.
From the bizarre countdown warning played over a loudspeaker coming from an RV that allegedly exploded, warning people to leave the area while also attracting law enforcement into the blast zone, to reports that an AT&T '5G' system was allegedly 'targeted' to some very interesting and alarming questions surrounding one of the viral videos that emerged following the bombing, there have been countless bizarre oddities surrounding this blast.
Read more here:
With all the talk about dark winters from Biden, Harris, Fauci, tyrannical Democrat governors,
pandemic hysteria medical "experts", and the corporate media paid to propagate the vital narrative, my mind was
naturally drawn to the words of J.R.R. Tolkien and his Lord of the Rings trilogy. It is a story of good versus evil, with
a foreboding mood of darkness and doom.
Read more here:
FLASHBACK: Former AG Barr Initiated Spying Program on Americans Back in 1992
AG Bill Barr will now go down in history as a total disgrace. When America
needed someone to address the Deep State DC Swamp, after months of delays Barr finally showed he was a swamp creature himself.
We reported a month ago on the disgrace that Bill Barr had become:
Of course we should have known when AG Barr discounted any evidence that Jeffrey Epstein was murdered
that Barr was not on the side of justice:
Read more here:
Antiparasitic drug Ivermectin kills coronavirus in 48 hours
Around the world, scientists race to develop a vaccine or treatment against the coronavirus
disease (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Now, a team of researchers
has found that a drug already available around the world can kill the coronavirus in a lab setting in just 48 hours.
Read more here:
Twelve Times the Lockdowners Were Wrong
This has been a year of astonishing policy failure. We are surrounded by devastation conceived and cheered by intellectuals
and their political handmaidens. The errors number in the thousands, so please consider the following little more than a first
draft, a mere guide to what will surely be unearthed in the coming months and years. We trusted these people with our lives
and liberties and here is what they did with that trust.
Fauci says lockdowns are not possible in the United States (January 24):
Read more here:
Bill Gates' Savior Complex Spirals
Out of Control, Funds Sun-Dimming Plan To Save the Human Race
Gates is now best known as a philanthropist, not the guy who started Microsoft or was the avatar for everyone's annoyance
with Windows 95.
He's also known for wanting to save us from ourselves.
Now, apparently, he wants to save us from the sun.
Read more here:
Major Covid Vaccine Glitch Emerges: Most Europeans, Including Hospital Staff,
Refuse To Take It
All is not going according to plan in the biggest
global rollout of what is arguably the most important vaccine in a century, and it is not just growing US mistrust in the
covid injection effort that was rolled out in record time: an unexpected spike in allergic reactions to the Pfizer/BioNTech
vaccine (and now, Moderna too) may prove catastrophic to widespread acceptance unless scientists can figure out what is causing it after the FDA's rushed
approval, and is also why as we reported yesterday, scientists are scrambling to identify the potential culprit causing the allergic reactions.
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Family doctor suspended after sharing Christian beliefs online
(Natural News) A family doctor has been suspended from medical practice in Australia after sharing his Christian beliefs online.
(Article by Ben Davis republished from
Dr Jereth Kok was investigated by the Medical Board of Australia last
year after they received two complaints about posts he had shared on social media.
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Situation Update, Dec. 26th - Treasonous Army generals fear Trump's "militia option"
... because the militia option is effective
(Natural News) In addition to the declassification option, the Insurrection Act and the military re-vote options to secure his second term
victory, President Trump has the "militia option" to save the republic.
Militias are specifically mentioned as necessary guardians of our constitutional republic in both the Second Amendment
and the Insurrection Act. Most modern militia groups consist of military veterans, former law enforcement, concealed carry
holders and other law-abiding citizens who are passionate about liberty and defending America against enemies, both foreign
and domestic.
Read and watch here:
Deep State Freaked Out Trump Not Giving Up - Alex Newman
Journalist Alex Newman says don't let all the calls for President Trump to step down fool
you into thinking Trump is a one term President. The Deep State Democrat globalists never imagined Trump would fight
this hard against the massive election fraud that made Biden the pretend president. The Deep State is freaking out,
and this is why so many on both sides are calling for Trump to give up. He's NOT going to simply give into massive fraud.
Newman says, "I think the Deep State is very, very concerned about what President Trump might be thinking. The
President is clearly promising to fight. The media completely ignored it, but the President just put out a video on December
22 that says look, I am going to use every legal and constitutional means at my disposal to make sure that this election is
not won through fraud. . . .
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Governed by Demonic Spirit or Divine Intelligence - Catherine Austin Fitts
Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says
the so-called "reset" is here, and this means the old system has to be destroyed. The number one goal of reset
architects is destroying Jesus and all of his Christian believers. Fitts explains, "You hold up the dollar and
what does it say? ‘In God We Trust.' So, a liquid currency with the breadth of the dollar depends on faith
and faith in a divine intelligence. You know, that there is something bigger.
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'Techno-Cannibalism' Is Here - 'Human Meat Steaks' Made From Human Cheek Cells
And Donated Human Blood Coming To A Town Near You Soon!
science, research and zombie movies we have become inundated with images and themes meant to indoctrinate human beings collectively
into accepting, first the idea, then the reality, of consuming human flesh.
course they do not want us calling it "cannibalism," even though that is what humans consuming human flesh/meats
November 2020 was a busy month, between the presidential election,
the legal battles stemming from massive voting irregularities, among other news dominating the nations attention, a few things
slipped through the cracks, yet this type of news, should never go ignored.
more here:
Nashville "Bombing" - Directed Energy Weapon Caught on Camera BEFORE
Explosion! UPDATED: Now "National Defense Airspace"
6:01 PM EST see bottom -- Security camera video from Nashville, TN shows what appears to be a Directed Energy Weapon coming
down out of the sky and burning the AT&T Data Center location just seconds BEFORE a massive explosion erupted. We
have the video!
Read and watch here:
Widespread outages continue in Tennessee following blast
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Sweeping communications outages continued to plague large swaths of Tennessee on Saturday
as federal investigators combed the site for clues into the explosion of a recreational vehicle that rocked sleepy downtown
Nashville on Christmas.
Police emergency systems in Tennessee, Kentucky
and Alabama, as well as Nashville's COVID-19 community hotline and a handful of hospital systems, remained out of service
due to an AT&T central office being affected by the blast. The building contained a telephone exchange, with network equipment
in it - but the company has declined to say exactly how many people have been impacted.
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This Can't Be Allowed! If Biden Goes This Way And You Dare Disagree
With Him, Straight To Jail You'll Go!
Imagine a
future where you dissent to the ruling authority, you GO TO JAIL, immediately. A plot line for a movie right, not so fast.
This is as real as it gets. Venezuela isn't the only country that utilizes it and American may very well soon be next. The
stage is already set and Biden just has to put the finishing touches on for it to be a full reality! The information is beyond
critical as it foreshadows things to come if a Biden Administration was to be sworn in. I will ground it in fact, I will ground
it in law and I will ground it in current actions. What you are about to see will change you, I promise you that. So as we
begin...SILENCE! The Politics Of Hate Is About To Go Full Orwell: Biden Is Setting Up A Perfect Venezuelan Storm For Political
Dissent Laws!
Read and watch here:
Punishing December Arctic blasts freeze up Russia, Asia, Alaska, Canada and Australia
Record-breaking cold has swept large swathes of the planet of late: from Alaska to the Alps; from India to Iceland; and from Australia to Russia, unprecedented lows have been rewriting the record books.
Currently in
Russia, an immense mass of debilitating cold is gripping 80+ percent of the 17.1 million km² transcontinental nation, cold that is only set to expand and intensify as the holiday season nears.
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Turn Out the Lights the Party Is Over As The Deep State Has Complete Dominion
Over America!!!
I am saddened by the stolen election results.
I am not saddened because Trump was the victim of massive voter fraud as well as the constant propaganda attacks by MSM and
Big Tech as well as their relentless censorship. There is no news media anymore. All news outlets are leftist agents with
an agenda. I am saddened because America is going to have live through the course of this Bolshevik Revolution and the
deadly purges that will accompany this tyranny. History is very clear with regard to what is about to happen to millions of
Americans and Christians, I believe you will be first to suffer. But it is nothing to lose one's head over, or is it?
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The drug that gives 'instant immunity' to coronavirus? UK
trials new antibody therapy that can stop people who have been exposed to COVID becoming ill and it could save MILLIONS of
lives across the globe
A new antibody treatment with the potential
to give people instant immunity after being exposed to Covid-19 and prevent illness is being trialled by scientists in the UK.
drug would offer immediate and long-term protection to patients when it would be too late to offer a vaccine, potentially
saving thousands of lives.
It could be given as an emergency treatment
to hospital inpatients, care home residents and university students to help reduce the spread of the virus.
Read more here:
Sidney Powell says Trump's closest aides have STOPPED her from contacting the
President after their Oval Office meeting where he 'asked her to be White House special counsel' to investigate 'voter fraud'
Sidney Powell says she has been stopped from contacting Donald Trump after attending a
contentious White House meeting where the President's loyalists discussed possible ways to overturn the election.
The conspiracy theorist attorney made the claim in an interview with Zenger News on Thursdays, stating: 'I've been blocked from speaking to or communicating with the president since I left the Oval Office...
by apparently everyone around him.'
Powell was present at the meeting
on Friday, December 18, alongside retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, White House counsel Pat Cipollone, and chief of staff Mark
Meadows. Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, dialed in over the phone and senior members of the Trump administration
floated in and out of the room.
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Airlines Mandating You Receive a Vaccine Before Flying, Sport Stadiums Telling
You That an Immunity Passport Will Be Needed to Attend Events, the Mark of the Beast In
We Are In The Middle Of A Global Experiment Using Injectable Bio-Electronics
That Leads Directly To The Mark Of The Beast
Look around you,
what do you see? Airlines mandating you receive a vaccine before flying, sport stadiums telling you that an Immunity Passport will be needed to attend events, countries like Israel and the nations of Europe using Green, Yellow and Red restricted
All this for a virus with a 99%+ recovery rate.
OK, today the gloves come off, (not that they've ever really been on), and I am going
to make this as clear and as plain as I possibly can.
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Hamas-Linked CAIR Releases 33 Demands For Biden, Including Dismantling Of Counterterror
Consider all these demands in light of the fact that
CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case - so named by the Justice Department. CAIR officials have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related
to jihad terror. CAIR's cofounder and longtime Board chairman, Omar Ahmad, as well as its chief spokesman, Ibrahim "Honest
Ibe" Hooper, have made Islamic supremacist statements about how Islamic law should be imposed in the U.S. (Ahmad denies
this, but the original reporter stands by her story.)
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Government, Not Coronavirus, Is Killing Small Businesses
A video of a confrontation between Ventura County, California health officials and restaurant
owner Anton Van Happen has gone viral. The health officials were ordering Mr. Van Happen to close his business because he
allegedly violated California's ban on outdoor dining. Mr. Van Happen asked the health officials if the government will pay
his employees and his rent while his business is indefinitely closed.
Van Happen is hardly the only small business owner worried about how to pay bills during the lockdowns. Many small businesses
operate on a narrow profit margin, so being forced to "temporarily" shut down or limit the number of customers they
can serve is a virtual death sentence.
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Fraudulent Fauci Apparently Fakes the Vaccination
COVID THEATER: Anthony Fauci Appears To Get Vaccinated On Live Television In His Left Arm But Then
Points To His Right Arm As Injection Site Afterward
In the video
clip below from CBS News, we see Anthony Fauci appearing to be vaccinated in his left arm, but when being interviewed about
it a short time later he points to his right arm as the place where he is experiencing "injection site soreness".
Hmm, if his arm was so sore, you would think he would naturally point to the proper arm, but somehow he does not. All criminals
are liars, and when you tell lies it is hard to remember which ones are which. This is exactly what we see on display here.
So that begs the question that if these vaccine are the 'only way to stop the pandemic' why pretend to get one? If they are
so 'safe', why the dog-and-pony show? I think you know the answer to that one.
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How The Next Great Depression Will Be Different From The First? About 80% Of Population
Will Die
As the economic carnage from the coronavirus pandemic
continues, a long-forbidden word is starting to creep onto people's lips: "depression."
In the 19th and early 20th centuries, there was no commonly accepted word for a slowdown in the
economy. "Panic" was the term typically used for financial crises, while long slumps were commonly called depressions.
The Black Death, or The Black Plague, was one of the most deadly pandemics in human history.
It began in South-western or Central Asia and spread to Europe by the late 1340s. The plague may have reduced the world
population from an estimated 450 million down to 350-375 million in the 14th century. The human population has been
reduced several other times in history due to major epidemics.
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H.G. Wells' Dystopic Vision Comes Alive With the Great Reset Agenda
In the Time Machine, society one million years in the future has evolved into two separate species called Morlocks and Eloi. The Morlocks represent
the ugly dirty producers who by this future age, all live under ground and run the world's manufacturing. The Eloi are the
effect of the inbreeding of the elite, who by this time are simple-minded, Aryan, above-ground dwellers living in idleness
and consuming only what the Morlocks produce. What was the trade off?
Morlocks periodically rise above ground in hunting parties to kidnap and eat unsuspecting Eloi in this symbiotically vicious
circle of life.
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Nashville police chief hails heroic six cops who ran into danger to evacuate residents
before bomb-rigged RV exploded outside Nashville AT&T hub as human remains are found at blast site
The six police officers who rushed to evacuate Nashville residents before a bomb-rigged
RV exploded in the early hours of Christmas morning have been heralded as heroes for potentially saving lives with their quick
They were named by Metro Police Chief John Drake
as Officer Brenna Hosey, Officer James Luellen, Officer Michael Sipos, Officer Amanda Topping, Officer
James Wells and Sergeant Timothy Miller, as he praised them for rushing into danger to save others.
The officers had been responding to reports of shots fired 40 minutes before the explosion
when they found an RV located outside of an AT&T transmission building which was playing an announcement featuring
a woman's voice saying it would explode in 15 minutes.
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Covid-1984 And The Agendas To Come with James Perloff
As we approach the final days of 2020, Spiro is joined by author, journalist and recently retired registered nurse,
James Perloff, to reflect on what is widely considered to be the wildest and worst year perhaps in our lifetimes.
The media and the governments around the world would like us to believe this is all by
chance and we must blindly follow their mandates and restrictions in order to mitigate this crisis.
Spiro and Perloff delve beyond the surface of this crisis to explore potential motives behind what
appears to be a pre-planned agenda attached to the current crisis in order to facilitate the most significant transition in
human history.
Read more here:
ON JULY 18, 2020
The largest newspaper in Tennessee is the "Tennessean"
and today, Sunday, June 21, the paper published a full page advertisement, paid-for by a conservative group, claiming Nashville
will be the target of a nuclear detonation on July 18, 2020, perpetrated by "Islam."
The Tennessean (known until 1972 as The Nashville
Tennessean) is the principal daily newspaper in Nashville, Tennessee. Its circulation area covers 39 counties in Middle Tennessee and eight counties in southern Kentucky.
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PREPARE FOR WAR: After Jan. 6th, expect all hell to break loose across America
(Natural News) For the past month or so, I've been posting daily Situation Update reports based on deep research and insider sources who
help keep me informed. You can listen to all these Situation Update podcasts at this link on
In this article, I'm going to summarize where things stand right now
in terms of the election, civil war, the Insurrection Act, war with China and other topics.
Read more here:
France and China creates Terminator troops, Supersoldier Homo Robocopus
Just two weeks after it was announced China was developing biologically enhanced
super soldiers, France has joined the fray in creating terminator troops that can be "bred to kill" according
to a new report.
Last week, France gave the go-ahead for augmented
soldiers, and some fear the super troopers could be the new norm in the recent future.
The French seek to improve "physical, cognitive, perceptive and psychological capacities,"
and could allow for location tracking or connectivity with weapons systems and other soldiers. Among the ministry's
research were drugs to keep troops awake for long periods of time and combat stress, and even surgery to improve hearing.
Read more here:
in 2020... the Untested, Toxic and Unsafe COVID-19
Vaccine Bioengineered by Big Pharma, the Premier Huckster of the "Super-Vaccination Agenda".
There's a very good reason (actually very BAD reason) why THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC, THE GREAT
RESET and THE GREAT STEALECTION were all carried out by the New World Order globalist cabal in 2020. It's the
very same reason why 2019 saw the military deployment of 5G in key power centers around the globe.
The amount and degree of sheer chaos and confusion, distraction and diversion, which have been generated
by these three "GREATs", has permitted the power elite to both execute the military deployment of 5G worldwide and
roll out a dangerously untested COVID-19 vaccine with very little scrutiny.
more here:
Three Mysterious Explosions Over Past Week Remind Us Of The Far Left Goal Of Destroying
America And Bringing In A Communist World - Expect An 'Explosive' 2021 As Globalists Rush To Bring In Their 'New World Order'
By Hook Or By Crook
Awakening this morning to reports
of possible Christmas terrorism on US soil after a massive explosion in Nashville, Tennessee was claimed by police to have been intentional, we couldn't help but notice just how many 'explosive events' have happened within the last week alone.
With the Baltimore Gas and Electric building in Baltimore, Maryland suffering a massive explosion on Wednesday that injured at least 21 people, and that explosion following by just days an unexplained explosion and fire that destroyed the world's second largest pharmaceutical factory producing precursors for
hydroxychloroquine in Taiwan, those 3 explosions within a week could be looked at as signs we should all be prepared for an 'explosive'
2021 in the year ahead.
Read more here:
Is This the Last Christmas As the Satanists Turn Men Into Monsters With the Vaccine?
Steve Quayle's book, Xenogensis: Changing Men
Into Monsters was filled with information which spelled the end of the human race as we know it.
I call this a Christmas greeting from the Satanic globalists. Is this the last meaningful Christmas? Will the vaccine and
the Great Reset complete the task of destroying God's most precious possession?
Hollywood Prepares the American Public for the Inevitable
Hollywood has made millions on movies like The Terminator, Blade Runner, and RoboCob, just to name
a few. In fact, Robocop has been re-released. Quayle states that cyborgs or man-machines as well as morphed human beings
are the future in a post-human world. Yes, you read that correctly, we could soon find ourselves living in a post-human world.
You may be familiar with the former TV series on FOX called Almost Human where one of the main characters
is a cyborg cop. We could see such an interaction between nonhuman and morphed humans in the near future (i.e. Robocop). This
Christmas, we need to take stock of the fact that we could be looking at the last generation of humanity.
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Covert action: China could push Taiwan into nuclear defense
US pressure halted plutonium production, but Taiwan continued its secret nuclear program
until the 1980s
Xi Xinping's mishandling of the Hong Kong situation was
prime time viewing in Taiwan and around the world.
There it was, for all
to see - China's aggression, its broken promises to the United Kingdom, and its crackdown on human rights and free speech.
Something that was entirely and completely unnecessary - bringing Hong Kong to heel achieved
nothing except tarnish China's image abroad.
Read more here:
How India could tweak China in the South China Sea
India could soon give Vietnam the BrahMos supersonic missile, a weapon that would erode China's
naval advantage in the disputed waters
MUMBAI - When India and Vietnam's
prime ministers held a virtual summit on December 21, the two allied leaders nominally agreed to a joint vision for peace
and prosperity against the backdrop of perceived rising Chinese aggression in the wider Indo-Pacific region.
While Narendra Modi and Nguyen Xuan Phuc agreed broadly to enhance defense cooperation,
marking the latest boost to their "comprehensive strategic partnership" forged in 2016, the question remains if
India will supply Vietnam with the BrahMos missile system, a weapon that could shift the balance of power in the disputed
South China Sea.
Read more here:
Iran moves air defences to nuclear sites and warns Trump strike could trigger
war ‘worse than Iraq'
IRAN is boosting its air defences
around nuclear sites in fear of a possible strike ordered by President Trump.
It comes as Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif today warned that an attack could trigger a conflict in
the region "far worse" than the Iraq War.
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These Governors Freed the Criminals & Killed the Elderly
In March, Governor Cuomo's administration ordered nursing homes to accept infected coronavirus
patients and prohibited even testing incoming patients for the virus. The same month that Cuomo began the process of infecting countless nursing home residents
with the virus, he also began freeing thousands of criminals from prison to protect them from the virus.
Over 3,000 criminals have been freed from New York State prisons to protect them from the virus,
and New York City's Mayor Bill de Blasio freed 1,500 criminals, and they swiftly began committing a variety of crimes, but
despite the media hype claiming that prison was a death sentence and a campaign by woke celebs like John Legend, criminals
were not at risk.
Read more here:
Did Fauci Just Admit He Lied About Herd Immunity To Trick Americans Into Vaccine?
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Democrat-approved 'science' in 'trust the science,' appears to
have just admitted to lying about COVID-19 herd immunity in order to goad more people into taking the vaccine, according to
a new report in the New York Times.
At issue is the percentage of the population which must require
resistance to the coronavirus - through infection or vaccination - in order for the disease to disappear.
Early into the pandemic, Fauci repeatedly claimed '60-70%' herd immunity was required to achieve herd immunity. Beginning around a month ago, however, Fauci's estimate drifted
higher - to "70, 75 percent," and more recently telling CNBC "75, 80, 85 percent" and
"75 to 80-plus percent."
Read more here:
China's genetically modified 'super soldiers' were 'predicted in Biblical prophecy'
China is developing soldiers with ‘biologically enhanced capabilities', researchers
for the Jamestown Foundation say. A bizarre theory claims the idea can be traced back to the Bible
A squadron of Chinese genetically modified "super soldiers" were predicted in a Bible
prophecy, it has been claimed.
Beijing is reported to be developing soldiers
with "biologically enhanced capabilities".
Researchers for the
Jamestown Foundation have claimed the new technology could include brain-machine interfaces for the troops.
They say Chinese scientists are looking at the "potential of biotechnology on the
future battlefield".
One area China is said to be looking at includes
the use of clusters of regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR).
Read more here:
Prophecy, The Year 2025, The Messenger Apophis And The Terrible Gods Coming With
In this special episode Derek Gilbert discusses the link between
Enlil/El/Dagan/Kronos and the abyss as connected to the Titans of Greek mythology and the "sons of God" of Genesis
6 and the Watchers of the Book of 1 Enoch, and how these entities are possibly connected to the year 2025 and the coming of
the asteroid Apophis-THE MESSENGER!
Watch here:
Lauren Boebert: Guns Give Women an ‘Equalizer' Against Attackers
Congresswoman-elect Lauren Boebert (R-CO) spoke with Breitbart News about Second Amendment-related
issues Wednesday, stressing guns provide women with an "equalizer" against a "stronger aggressor."
On January 29, 2014, Breitbart News reported on Rifle, Colorado's Shooters Grill, a restaurant where waitresses and patrons alike carry guns.
Boebert owns Shooters Grill, and in 2014 she said, "We encourage [carrying guns], and the customers
love that they can come here and express their rights. This country was founded on our freedom. People can come in carrying
their gun, and they can pray over their food."
Read more here:
Petition to declare that an insurrection exists to overthrow the will of we the
people and to utilize military tribunals
Regrettably, the Courts
and the Legislatures of the Several States have reached a level of corruption that is only remediable by the measures prescribed
by our Founders in the implementation of the Insurrection Act of 1807 and in all other legal devices available to suppress
It is evident to all objective observers that our election
system has been irredeemably corrupted and also that the cost in human life will be less if the President and the Congress
will take active measures to suppress the coup and insurrection that is presently underway and to apprehend and prosecute
all those who have been a party to fraud and censorship that is illegal based upon aiding and abetting the enemies of the
United States.
Read more here:
2,700 Evangelicals Warn Against Politicizing Coronavirus, Urge Christians to Take Vaccine, a Strong God Sent Delusion Has Caught Hold of These ‘Pretenders', These Pastors Are Christian
in Name Only, Hypocrites, Pharisees They Are Evil...
Christless Christianity is a watered-down version
of Christianity that is quickly replacing doctrinal purity while professing itself to be biblical. Christless Christianity
presents the Bible as if it were a collection of Aesop's fables-a bunch of unrelated stories with a nice moral at the end
of each. Such an approach ignores the grand theme of Scripture-God's redemption of sinful mankind-and the centrality of Christ
in Scripture. Rather than creating self-denying disciples (Matthew 28:19), the message of Christless Christianity creates adherents who are "lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God-having
a form of godliness but denying its power," as 2 Timothy 3:4-5 days.
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Jihad at Christmas: "Coldly Kill Them with Hate and Rage"
This month, Islamic State terrorists released a "religious" song for Christmas,
"Coldly Kill Them With Hate and Rage". Taking the form of Islamic religious chant, the song, according to a report by the Middle East Media Research Institute, exhorts jihadists everywhere to murder non-Muslims, "pagans, atheists and
polytheists", from "West Africa all the way to east Asia... through air, land and sea". Published on Telegram,
the post includes the hashtag #MerryChristmas and a photograph of a Christmas tree with dynamite attached.
Read more here:
Russia, China And North Korea Are Practicing A Revolutionary New
Way Of Warfare, Coordinating All Arms For A 'Cyber, Space And Terrestrial Blitzkrieg'
Washington's impotence will invite future, increasingly aggressive, cyber-attacks
Russia apparently has executed the most sophisticated and potentially most dangerous cyber-attack
in history on the U.S. Government and private sector, penetrating the defenses of even the Cyber and Infrastructure Security
Agency (CISA)-that is supposed to be the chief guardian against such threats to U.S. critical infrastructures.
For at least 9 months, cyber-spies roamed undetected through: the National Nuclear Security
Administration (responsible for U.S. nuclear weapons); the Department of Energy and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (responsible
for protecting national electric grids); defense contractors designing the nation's most advanced weapons; and 18,000 other
government and corporate victims.
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WHO Changes Definition of ‘Herd Immunity', Literally
Re-writing Hundreds of Years of Scientific Understanding, Just to Push Vaccines
The World Health Organization has changed the definition of "herd immunity," eliminating the pre-COVID consensus that it could be achieved by
allowing a virus to spread through a population, and insisting that herd immunity comes solely from vaccines.
The change occurred on a section of the WHO's website entitled ‘Coronavirus disease
(COVID-19): Serology, antibodies and immunity'.
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The Globalist-Conrolled Democrats Announce Their Plans to Persecute Christians
As we celebrate Christmas is it important to remember that you
are practicing a belief that will soon be outlawed. With so many of our leaders controlled by the CHICOMS (eg Pelosi, McConnell,
Feinstein, Kemp, et al), does any pragmatist really think that the CHCHICOMS ever allow Christianity to survive. The evidence
makes it abundantly clear, that Christians are probably a year from being placed on the Endangered Species List.
Read more here:
Chinese scientists say they've achieved a quantum computing breakthrough
Chinese scientists claim to have built a quantum computer that is able to perform certain
computations nearly 100 trillion times faster than the world's most advanced supercomputer, representing the first milestone
in the country's efforts to develop the technology.
The researchers have
built a quantum computer prototype that is able to detect up to 76 photons through Gaussian boson sampling, a standard
simulation algorithm, the state-run Xinhua news agency said, citing research published in Science magazine. That's exponentially faster than existing supercomputers.
Read more here:
For the first time in the history of vaccination,
the so-called last generation mRNA vaccines intervene directly in the genetic material of the patient and therefore alter
the individual genetic material, which represents the genetic manipulation, something that was already forbidden and until
then considered criminal.
This intervention can be compared to genetically
manipulated food, which is also highly controversial. Even if the media and politicians currently trivialize the problem and even stupidly
call for a new type of vaccine to return to normality, this vaccination is problematic in terms of health, morality and ethics,
and also in terms of genetic damage that, unlike the damage caused by previous vaccines, will be irreversible and irreparable.
Read more here:
Lin Wood: "The Chinese Communist Party Has Infiltrated This Country"
The Chinese Communist Party has infiltrated the U.S. government so deeply that
even President Trump is nearly unable to find people to trust in his own administration, claimed firebrand attorney Lin Wood.
Wood explained in a wide-ranging interview on The Epoch Times‘ "Crossroads"
Monday why he believes the Chinese Communist Party has taken control of the U.S. government amid the election fraud chaos
marring the nation.
Read more here:
Unhinged Democrat Admits To Hannity: "We Don't Want
to Unite with You, We Want to Destroy Every Last One of You"
unhinged leftist revealed the quiet truth on Sean Hannity's radio show: Democrats don't actually want "unity" as
Joe Biden claims - they want to "destroy" every conservative American.
A self-described socialist named David told Hannity's guest host "Rose Unplugged" on Monday that Republicans
will never win another election because the left "has the machines and has the courts."
Read more here:
Data Analysis From 50 States Shows Mask Mandates Don't Work
After months of being told that wearing face masks can help guard against COVID-19, an
analysis has finally shown the opposite: Mask mandates do not stop the spread of the virus. Rational Ground, a "clearinghouse
of COVID-19 data trends run by a grassroots group of data analysts, computer scientists, and actuaries," conducted an
analysis on all 50 states, dividing them between those with mask mandates and those without.
Read more here:
NY Times cries ‘Wolf'
In ‘Covid Overload: U.S. Hospitals Are Running Out of
Beds for Patients ‘ ( ) the November 27, 2020 New York Times (NYT) article by Reed Abelson, the author ‘cries wolf' in regard to the virus
situation. Ms. Ableson claims that ‘hospitals are facing a crisis-level shortage of beds and staff to provide adequate
care for patients'. This cry, of course, feeds into the need for the pharma industry to come to the rescue to provide the
country with an untested mRNA vaccine laden with ‘unestablished nanotechnology'
Is this a valid cry for help or is it one designed to garner attention and sell the wares
of the wolf?
Read more here:
BREAKING!! | Lin Wood's Most Important Message of the Year | America Has Been Attacked by Communist
China Twice This Year
Attorney Lin Wood shares NOW is the time
to be prepared, why America has been attacked by communist China twice this year, that Supreme Court Justice John Roberts
is compromised, and 100% irrefutable evidence that industrial-level election fraud occurred. Why now is the time to pledge
your life, liberty, and sacred honor to protect American freedom and the power of President Trump's Executive Order on Imposing
Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.
Read and listen here:
'If one American is killed, I will hold Iran responsible': Trump
threatens Tehran after attack on U.S. embassy in Baghdad and reveals three rockets failed to launch as the anniversary of
Soleimani's killing approaches
President Donald Trump engaged
in some saber-rattling from 30,000 feet, issuing 'health advice' to Iran and tweeting out images of unexploded ordinance following
an attack on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad.
Trump blasted out the tweet
after taking off from Washington for Mar-a-Lago, where he plans to spend the holidays with family including First Lady Melania
Trump and son Barron.
Read more here:
Situation Update, Dec. 23rd - Trump chooses declassification option to expose
Joe Biden and the deep state traitors
(Natural News) Today's Situation Update (for Dec. 23rd) reveals how Trump appears to have chosen the "declassification" option
to expose Joe Biden and the deep state traitors. But with InfoWars now reporting that Trump has been utterly abandoned by
nearly all White House staff, is there anyone remaining to carry out Trump's declassification orders?
Read more here:
Massive explosion at a pharmaceutical company in North Taiwan -
Makes Hydroxychloroquine!
Sunday afternoon, a massive
explosion at Sci Pharmtech Inc. a pharmaceutical company in Taoyuan city in Taiwan injured two workers. A fire then
spread quickly to five nearby factories.
It was reported that the explosion
was heard from the Tamsui District in New Taipei City.
After the explosion,
thick black smoke was seen coming out from Sci Pharmtech Inc.
Read more
OUR TURN!!! Patriots Fighting For Freedom Teaching A Bunch Of Basement
Dwelling Antifa Dweebs How It's Done - A Call To Arms To All Patriots
The liberal media is all freaked out over freedom loving patriots protesting at the Oregon State Capitol during a
special session which lawmakers locked the citizens out refusing to let their voice be heard. Some were armed, others
carrying America flags, one amusingly had a pitchfork, all making it clear they will not tolerate being ignored as others
make life altering decisions for them.
Read more here:
Losing Democratic Candidate Who Is Asking House To Intervene In Election Was On
Chinese Payrolls, Financial Disclosures Show
Losing democratic
candidate for Iowa's 2nd District Rita Hart was on the payroll of two Chinese companies while running for the seat, financial
disclosures show.
Hart received $3,180 from Confucius International Education in 2020 and $2,135.23 from Pangaea International Academy in both 2019 and 2020, according to two financial disclosures.
The records
were first reported by Accuracy in Media.
Read more here:
The Gauntlet is Thrown Down. Oathkeepers to President: "Invoke
the Insurrection Act or We Will Fight a Bloody and Desperate Revolution to Throw-off Biden / Chi-Com Puppet Regime"
From the Oathkeepeers web site:
time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to
have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves
consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them. The fate of unborn millions will now depend,
under God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance,
or the most abject submission. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die." - General George
Washington, Address to the Continental Army Before the Battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776
Read more here:
The Congressional
Whores, the MSM and Their CHICOM Allies Are Coming With Their Version of the J Stamp
The Congress is run by treasonous leaders. Speaker of the House Pelosi was raised in an organized
crime family and she has continued her criminality throughout her political career. As this article points out, she is in
bed with the cartels, who are controlled by the CHICOMS. Her son is alleged to be involved in the same Ukrainian activites
as Joe and Hunter Biden. She is a billionaire living on a public servants salary.
Read more here:
LEAKED: Canadian military ordered to salute Chinese president, alongside North
Resurfaced Chinese state propaganda videos from last year's
Military World Games in Wuhan, China proudly show the Canadian Armed Forces doing something that will make you sick - brace yourselves.
The Canadian contingent at the games, representing Canada and its military, were ordered by superiors to salute the Communist dictator of China, Xi Jinping, as they marched past him. This broke with Canada's traditional allies, including the United States, France and
other NATO nations.
Read and watch here:
Moderna, Pfizer & BioNTech Scramble To Test COVID Vaccines Against New "Mutant"
Over the past few days, health officials across Europe
(but especially in the UK) along with the top executives of Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna etc. have repeatedly assured the public
that the first wave of COVID vaccines will work against the COVID-19 mutation - the press has taken to referring to a "new
variation" presumably to avoid stoking a panic - first discovered in southern England.
Of course, what these companies meant to say is that there's presently no evidence that this mutant strain of COVID
can infect patients who have already been inoculated with the new vaccines. Now, Moderna and Pfizer are reportedly "testing"
their new jabs to determine their efficacy against the main vaccine.
more here:
World Economic Forum Admits Davos 2021 will Reveal "Great Reset Initiative"
The World Economic Forum unveiled a preview for its Davos 2021 Agenda.
The meeting of the world's political
and corporate elites next month will be a digital event due to Covid concerns.
Many on the right were mocked for saying the "Great Reset" was a part of a larger conspiracy to impose
worldwide tyranny.
The globalists are openly admitting they are using
Covid-19 as a vehicle to usher in a Marxist takeover of the world yet conservatives who sound the alarm are mocked as "conspiracy
Read more here:
Dr. Francis Boyle: 'Bioweapon' mRNA Vaccines Violate Nuremburg Ruling Against
Nazi Cruelty
Dr. Francis Boyle joins The Alex Jones Show to expose
how forcing the untested lethal mRNA vaccine on the public violates the Nuremburg Trials ruling against Nazi medical experimentation
Read and watch here:
'Nail from Christ's crucifixion' is found inside box inscribed with 'Jesus is
King' in a hidden chamber of Czech monastery
Priceless Christian
relics have been discovered in a secret chamber of a monastery that allegedly includes a nail used in the crucifixion of Jesus
Archaeologists working in the Milevsko monastery in the Czech
Republic found a six-inch long piece of nail inside a box adorned with a 21-karat gold cross.
The box was built between 260 and 416 AD and is inscribed with the letters 'IR,' which translates to 'Jesus is King.'
Read more here:
Black Pastors Refuse To Push COVID Vaccine, Turn Congregants Into 'Guinea Pigs'
High-ranking Catholics aren't the only members of the clergy sounding the alarm over COVID-19.
A dozen black pastors interviewed by Reuters say they won't push new vaccines for the virus, citing concerns over its rapid development and lack of evidence for or against
potential long-term effects.
Read more here:
Prosecutors Decline to Charge Black Lives Matter Militant Who Ran Over Proud Boy
in Washington
Prosecutors have declined to file charges
against a Vancouver Black Lives Matter militant who followed the Proud Boys to a bar following a memorial for the Patriot
Prayer member who had been murdered by Antifa in Portland - and ran over one of them with his vehicle.
The victim, Shane Moon, as well as other witnesses, say that it was a targeted attack
due to his political beliefs. He was placed in intensive care following the attack, as he was bleeding from his brain, sustained
damaged to his left temporal lobe, has a concussion and could not remember the impact.
Read more here:
Growing List of Assassinations of COVID-19 Researchers
The recent death of the Russian scientist, Alexander ‘Sasha' Kagansky, adds to the growing list of people engaged in coronavirus research dropping dead in mysterious circumstances.
Alexander Kagansky was working on a COVID-19 vaccine before allegedly being stabbed and thrown from the window of his 14th floor flat.
Bellow, I will include five more cases of people who were involved in COVID-19 research or closely related to the
events since the pandemic, and have either been killed or found dead in mysterious circumstances:
Read more here:
Are Globalists Setting The Stage For A Cyber Pandemic?
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) recently published
a document alerting of a significant cyberattack that compromises "U.S. government agencies, critical infrastructure entities,
and private sector organizations."
According to A.P., the hack, which an unnamed official dubbed "the worst hacking case in the history of America,"
was far-reaching, "compromising" Federal agencies and "critical infrastructure".
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) was also reportedly affected. Politico
is reporting "sources directly familiar with the matter" as stating: "The Energy Department and National
Nuclear Security Administration, which maintains the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile, have evidence that hackers accessed their
networks as part of an extensive espionage operation that has affected at least half a dozen federal agencies."
Read more here:
US Navy Patent Describes EM Drive For "Flying Triangle" Craft
There is potential for conspiracy gold in a 2018 patent filed by aerospace engineer Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, who works for the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, a research
organization within the Navy that specializes in electromagnetic drives and superconductors.
The patent (US10144532B2) describes "a craft using an inertial mass reduction device comprises
of an inner resonant cavity wall, an outer resonant cavity, and microwave emitters. The electrically charged outer resonant
cavity wall and the electrically insulated inner resonant cavity wall form a resonant cavity. The microwave emitters create
high-frequency electromagnetic waves throughout the resonant cavity causing the resonant cavity to vibrate in an accelerated
mode and create a local polarized vacuum outside the outer resonant cavity wall."
Read more here:
China Says It "Expelled" A US Navy Destroyer Near Spratly Islands
In Fresh Escalation
On Tuesday the Chinese PLA navy and air forces
warned a US warship to leave China-claimed territorial waters near the disputed Spratly Islands given it "did
not seek permission" to be there.
Citing a PLA statement,
Bloomberg reports, "The military says it opposes the actions of the U.S. which endanger China's sovereignty
and security, as well as peace in the South China Sea," while also saying the Chinese military remains on "high
Read more here:
Russian and Chinese bombers fly joint patrol over Pacific
MOSCOW (AP) - Russian and Chinese bombers flew a joint patrol mission over the Western
Pacific Tuesday in a show of increasingly close military ties between Moscow and Beijing.
The Russian military said that a pair of its Tu-95 strategic bombers and four Chinese H-6K bombers flew over the
Sea of Japan and the East China Sea.
Read more here:
IBM, 3M, PepsiCo Among Leading US Firms That House Chinese Communist Party Units:
Leaked Database
Hundreds of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members are embedded within the Chinese divisions of major U.S. corporations, from IBM to PepsiCo to 3M, a leaked CCP-member database revealed.
The existence of Party units
within foreign companies in China is hardly surprising, given that the regime mandates any organization with at least three
CCP members to form a Party branch. But the 1.95 million CCP member list, which includes names, levels of education, ethnicity,
and the Party branches they belong to, was to date the biggest revelation on the scale of the CCP's influence on international
Read more here:
As American Business Are Cast Into A Coronavirus Death Spiral, 'Preppers' Are
Being Demonized By The Mainstream Media Because Globalists Hate Those Who They Cannot Control
Americans Compared To 'Army Ants', Walking In Circles Until They Die
As I walked into our local grocery store on Monday I was quite surprised to read the sign
greeting me at the entranceway.
While I was used to reading the sign stating
'masks or face coverings required by state law', the last thing I had expected to read was another sign stating 'only
purchase the amount of food and supplies that you need now, DO NOT 'stock up'' in huge bold letters.
And while all of the signs in the entranceway to the store couldn't help but remind me
of the 1971 song 'Signs' by the 'Five Man Electrical Band', "Sign, sign Everywhere a sign... Blockin' out the scenery... Breakin' my mind.... Do this, don't do
that.... Can't you read the sign?", their latest sign warning Americans NOT to 'stock up'
was the latest 'sign' of 'something nasty this way comes'.
Read more here:
Where do we store nuclear waste in the US? And are these
storage sites safe? Here's a terrifying map
I think this is a
debate actually occurring in each country around the world: Where do we want to put our nuclear waste!
There are about 80 nuclear waste storage sites distributed across the US, but actually no permanent
repository. And while a new study has shown that Chernobyl crops are radioactive, do you think your food is safe around those nuclear waste disposal sites in the US?
Read more here:
People laughed at me when I first published
the intentions of the Russians and the Chinese to attack the United States from all sides as this was in 2014. In 2020, when
I again raised the possibility, some people howled. Today, we sit on the edge of this happening.
Steve Quayle once told me that he was seeing unprecedented military movement in Montana. Today,
scarcely a day goes by that I do not get a reported sighting of either Chinese or Russian troops on US soil. These sightings
are common on National Forest Grounds. In fact, what we are we seeing is the mobilization for war. Russia and China
are preparing to invade the United States and they have been for sometime.
more here:
Controlled Dissention In Media: A Brief Explanation Of The Propaganda Model
The following is a small excerpt from chapter seven in my upcoming book, which
I may call, Taken without a shot. It examines the relationship between
behaviorism, critical theory, persuasive communications and how the media carefully constructs a fear message designed
to control our behavior. The title alludes to the famous quote by Nikita Khrushchev where he proudly said America would be
taken without a shot. It is my contention that the meaning behind this quote was based on the knowledge of human behavior
being easily manipulated.
Read more here:
US Navy sends first guided-missile
class submarine to Persian Gulf in eight years as nuclear powered USS Georgia comes within striking distance of Iran with
its 154 Tomahawk missiles and dry dock for SEALs
The United States
announced the arrival of the nuclear-powered submarine USS Georgia in the Persian Gulf on Monday, a notable development in
a region where tension is on the rise.
None of these types of submarines,
which are equipped with Tomahawk missiles, has traveled to the Persian Gulf in eight years, making it a significant ship movement.
Read more here:
NASA scientists achieve long-distance 'quantum teleportation' over 27 miles for
the first time - paving the way for unhackable networks that transfer data faster than the speed of light
Scientists have demonstrated long-distance 'quantum teleportation' - the instant transfer
of units of quantum information known as qubits - for the first time.
qubits were transferred faster than the speed of light over a distance of 27 miles, laying the foundations for a quantum
internet service, which could one day revolutionise computing.
communication systems are faster and more secure than regular networks because they use photons rather than computer code,
which can be hacked.
Read more here:
CDC Report: Over 3,000 Are ‘Unable to Perform Normal Daily Activities' After
Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine
In a December 19, 2020 report
by Thomas Clark, MD, MPH, entitled "Anaphylaxis Following m-RNA COVID-19 Vaccine Receipt", we found a very interesting
According to the CDC, as of December 18, 2020, 3,150 people
who were vaccinated against COVID-19 became "unable to perform normal daily activities".
Read more here:
A new restaurant called "The Chicken"
recently opened near Tel Aviv in Ness Tziona. Adjacent to the Supermeat production plant, it is essentially a test kitchen
for lab-grown meat, or what the chef refers to as "cultured chicken." As such, diners are not required to pay for
their meal but are asked to give feedback. Diners can choose to sit at the bar and watch the chefs at work or they can sit
in the dining room where they can see the factory where the protein for their meal is being produced... (READ MORE)
For The First Time, Scientists Detect Ghostly Signal That Reveals The Engine Of
The Universe
In research published Wednesday in the journal Nature,
scientists reported that they've made the first detection of almost-ethereal particles called neutrinos that can be traced
to carbon-nitrogen-oxygen fusion, known as the CNO cycle, inside the sun. It's a landmark finding that confirms theoretical
predictions from the 1930s, and it's being hailed as one of the greatest discoveries in physics of the new millenium. "It's
really a breakthrough for solar and stellar physics," said Gioacchino Ranucci of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear
Physics (INFN), one of the researchers on the project since it began in 1990... (READ MORE)
All Eyes on Congress as Lawmakers Vow to Oppose Electoral Votes
President Donald Trump's multilayered effort to challenge the results of the election
is expected to culminate on Jan. 6, 2021, when the Electoral College vote count will almost surely be challenged by a group
of Republican lawmakers who vow to block electors from seven states where allegations of voter fraud and misconduct have been
The Republican presidential electors in Pennsylvania, Georgia,
Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico cast procedural votes for Trump on Dec. 14, creating dual slates of electors
in Congress for the first time since 1960. This year, only the Democratic electors' votes in the seven states come affirmed
with certificates of ascertainment signed by state authorities and are on display on the website of the National Archives.
Read more here:
Oregon lawmakers approve extending eviction moratorium into July 2021
SALEM, Ore. - Oregon lawmakers in both the House and Senate passed a much-anticipated
extension to the state's eviction moratorium Monday evening during the state's third special session of this year.
House Bill 4401 looks to extend the current eviction moratorium through the beginning
of July 2021. It will also put $200 million into a rent assistance fund, most of which will be for landlords who can apply
for back-rent owed to them by their tenants.
Read more here:
Pork City: Here Are The Most Ridiculous Pet Projects In $900 Billion Stimulus
As Congress prepares to pass a $900 billion COVID-19 stimulus bill rolled into a consolidated appropriations package - with funding for assistance for households and businesses, along with
vaccine distribution and other pandemic-related measures, the bill also includes a ton of pork per usual.
We already know about the $600 checks for each adult and dependent. This
time, however, 'mixed-status' households where eligible citizens live with illegal immigrants, will not only receive payments
- they can retroactively claim benefits after being left out of the last round.
Read more here:
It's Too Late Now: New COVID Strain In UK Has Already Jumped
Borders - Time To Stand Up Against Dictator Wannabe Governors And Teach Liberals What True Resistance Is
By now I am sure most already know about the new mutated strain of the COVID-19 coronavirus
(Bio warfare?) in the UK. Dozens of nations have banned travel from the UK into their countries in fear of the new strain
Too late.
As Stefan Stanford recently highlighted, the vaccine rollout is already chaotic between people passing out on live TV after having taken the first round of the vaccine,
with reports indicating that in just the first week of the rollout, thousands have already suffered from adverse reactions.
There are more than 20 flights due into the U.S. from the UK on December 21, 2020, but considering the fact that the contagion has already jumped the UK border, the international
community needs to start accepting the reality.
Read more here:
The Disappointment Grows And Reality Needs To Be Faced
A Rally with strong words and catch phrases isn't going to save our Republic. Sending
emails asking for donations and that you need our help isn't going to save our Republic. Calling people liars on Twitter isn't
going to save our Republic. Asking people to vote in a rigged election in hopes that the Republicans can retain the Senate,
isn't going to save our Republic. I could probably continue to list things, but you get the idea.
Is this it? Is this all President Trump has? Saying be there and be WILD, isn't going to stop TPTB
from reading the Electoral College Ballots and anointing Joe Biden the Presidency. Is this all Trump has? So far it looks
as if he has no intention of executing his executive order or invoking the insurrection act. I grow more and more disappointed with each passing day. It should be obvious by now that this will not and cannot be won
in the courts. They won't even hear the cases. It is also very depressing to keep hearing from people, "What can we do?"
Read more here:
Democrats Draft Proposal To Strip Religious Liberty
We are living in a time unlike any in modern times. It's surreal to see our country fall.
Our government is broken. I have never been more disturbed or concerned than I am tonight. I knew and have been loudly warning
about the takeover of not only America but the world by a system that resembles communism, a beast. Our own democrat party
has morphed into communism right before our very eyes. Skimming right over socialism and shift changing to communism. Not
hyperbole or conspiracy it's truth. Unbridled truth.
President Trump worked
very hard to restore our religious freedoms. He involved prayers in the name of Christ, he supported defunding planned parenthood,
he appointed conservative christian judges, he did more for Christians than any other President. He did more for Israel than
any other President. So it shouldn't really be a surprise that the socialist democrat party is already starting to rip our
religious Liberty away. I believe this election was played and stolen for nefarious reasons. Even Franklin Graham says that.
Why? For the New World order.
Read more here:
How Much More Destruction Will The People Tolerate, Satan Soldiers Are
to Blame: Medical Tyranny Has Sent 8 Million Americans Into Poverty Since Summer 2020...
It is a well known and self-evident fact that poverty kills. Thus far, Technocrat policies
relating to COVID have driven well over 8 million Americans into poverty since the pandemic was first declared.
In Q1 2021, as many as 17 million Americans will face household eviction because of failure
to pay rent. The majority of these are in minority communities.
Read more
During the first
half of 2020 we have highlighted the Vatican connection with some of the Jesuit trained Roman Catholics in the US government. These Jesuits have been directing the world response
to the Corona virus. We have clearly shown their modus operandi consisting of
deceit, contradictory science and the use of organs and tissues from murdered children in the development
of their vaccine agenda. All of this in accordance with the Jesuit mantra, "the end justifies the
means". Please read our research on the following government leaders.
Read more here:
More Signs 2021 Will Hit Ludicrous Levels Of Insanity As Chaos Abounds With Vaccine Rollout Nationwide,
With 'No End In Sight' To The Madness Spreading Worldwide Like A Pandemic
'We have now had nearly nine months of being treated like utter imbeciles'
The photographs, videos and 'written content' over at the Covid Loves Canada website are quite surreal.
With the lead gif photo ringing out 'crazy'
as seen in the monstrosity at the top of this page that we've taken a screenshot of from their website, the videos (which
we've embedded at the bottom of this story), as well as the content, are seemingly written for a 2-year-old child, or the
most 'dumbed down' members of society, yet it comes to us from the government in Alberta, Canada.
Introducing the hideous character named 'Covid', who they portray in their videos
and photos as 'the life of the party', they even create dialogue for 'Covid' as we see in the lines taken from their website below.
Read more here:
WARNING: 3,150 Injuries in First Week of Illegal Experimental COVID Vaccines Among American Healthcare Workers! Pregnant Women
The first week of injecting American healthcare workers with
the experimental illegal Pfizer mRNA vaccine has resulted in over 3000 of these healthcare workers reporting that they were
injured to the extent that they could not continue on their jobs and perform normal activities, requiring care from a doctor
or healthcare worker.
This report is directly from the CDC and was published yesterday, December 19, 2020.
If the staffing
issues and overcrowding at hospitals across the U.S. were being over-exaggerated in the Pharma-controlled corporate media in recent weeks to instill fear over COVID to the public, that is all about to change as the next phase of the experimental COVID vaccine
trials is being conducted on the American public, starting with healthcare workers this past week.
Read more here:
SpaceX aims to build a Starlink mega constellation around MARS to provide internet
to the one million people the firm will send to colonize the Red Planet
Elon Musk has an ambitious plan to build a city of one million people on Mars and believes SpaceX's Starlink satellites will play a key role in the mission.
The company's
president and COO Gwynee Shotwell recently shared details with TIMEmagazine about bringing this technology to the Red Planet.
‘Once we take
people to Mars, they are going to need a capability to communicate,' says Shotwell.
Read more here:
East Coast braces for Christmas Eve storm: Nearly 60M from Charlotte to NYC will
be slammed with strong winds and freezing temperatures - one week after huge nor'easter killed seven and dumped up to 44 inches
of snow
A Christmas week storm is looking increasingly likely.
Current forecasts appear to
show storms affecting a large portion of the country before hitting the East Coast on Christmas Eve with a cold front bringing
an Arctic blast for the duration of the holiday.
The storm
could cause numerous hazards as it arrives on the East Coast.
Read more
Apostate Southern Baptist Leader Says There Is an Obligation to Take Covid-19
Vaccine and Andrew Yang Wants to Mark You With a Barcode!
are Hell bent on forcing us to accept the Mark of the Beast System-and the Sad thing is-MOST will Bow to BAAL!
Baptist head Al Mohler manipulates flock, suggests Christians have biblical obligation to take " Mark of the Beast" COVID-19 vaccine
Ethan Huff - A prominent leader within the largest non- Catholic religious denomination in the United States is urging Christians everywhere to get vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) because this is supposedly what Jesus wants them to do in order to "love thy neighbor."
Albert Mohler, head of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., penned a lengthy article for his The Briefing newsletter that compares President Donald Trump's
warp speed COVID-19 vaccines to the moon landing, calling the jabs a "successful" example of mankind's God-ordained
"dominion" over the earth.
Read more here:
Forced Inoculation Is Here
Fox News host Tucker Carlson bravely speaks out against the COVID-19 vaccines as the nationwide rollout begins.
Watch here:
Trump Is Ill-Served by Advisers
Pushing Him to Concede, Former Overstock CEO Says
President Donald
Trump's advisers "want him to lose" the election "and are lying to him," according to Patrick Byrne, the former CEO who says he was part of a lengthy White House meeting on Dec. 18.
"Trump is lied to by his own advisers, who tell staff ‘get the president to concede' while they stall
Trump," Byrne wrote on Twitter on Dec. 20.
Byrne specifically pointed
to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, General Counsel Pat Cipollone, and a pair of attorneys who he referred to by their
first names, Eric and Derek. The White House didn't respond to a request for comment by press time.
Read more here:
Starvation as the Final Imprisonment of Humanity Is Right Around The Corner
Mass starvation has throughout history been miscategorized as a natural phenomenon or
an unfortunate side-effect of conflict and political oppression. The numbers and names of the victims fade into the background,
blurred traces of the horrors of history. The same thing is applied today when starvation is being enforced in the name of
political oppression and hidden by the COVID facade designed for the coming events. The powers that be need the masses under control, they need people to comply and get the vaccine that will eventually lead to many other problems that we will debate in another
Read more here:
Op-Ed: Trump Glorifies New COVID Vaccine: What Else Did You Expect?
Note: In this climate, many people assume that if you say ANYTHING favorable about Trump,
you support him all the way. If you say anything negative about him, you hate everything about him. I've never been in either
camp. Read on.
As the vaccine rolls out in record time, Trump stands there selling it like a new golf course, the greatest gold course ever designed.
Not long ago, in the headline of an article, I called Trump and Biden
I've also explained why Trump is a better fraud for America than
With Trump, we get glints of freedom; with Biden we get the long
dark night.
Biden's people are already forging close relationships with
the fascist governors. These connections include: how to push the vaccine.
more here:
American Family Association Reportedly Banned From Credit Card Processor Over
Religious Views
A conservative Christian group critical
of homosexuality reported Tuesday that they were banned from a credit card processor over their religious views.
The socially-conservative American Family Association (AFA) was recently forced to change
credit card companies after one cut off service apparently over the group's pro-life, pro-family views.
Read more here:
Can America win the next big war?
Every year, China and Russia independently invest hundreds of billions of dollars in pursuit of a single, overriding
objective - attaining the ability to defeat America in a major war.
it is only now that the U.S. national security apparatus has begun to wake up to how successful Beijing's and Moscow's endeavors
have been. Unless the Biden administration allocates continued resources to countering the gains America's adversaries are
making, Beijing and Moscow might soon be able to defeat America in a climactic conflict. This isn't hyperbole.
Read more here:
US Embassy Comes Under Rocket Attack In Baghdad, Anti-Missile Defenses Active
A series of dramatic videos show a Sunday night (local time) rocket attack against
the Green Zone in Baghdad, presumably once again targeting the large US Embassy complex there.
"At least three Katyusha rockets landed in Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone
in an attack targeting the US Embassy, two Iraqi security sources said on Sunday," Reuters reports.
Read more here:
Humanity is in danger of becoming obsolete technology in LX 2048
A fatally ill man tries to secure the future of his family in a near-future world where
the toxicity of the Sun forces people to stay inside during the daytime in LX 2048, starring James D'Arcy (Agent Carter, Homeland). It's a flawed yet thought-provoking surreal science-fiction film,
chock-full of big ideas on our relationship to technology and what it means to be human and anchored by D'Arcy's fantastic
Read more here:
The Perfect Genocide: COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution "Preference" for
The level of viciousness is astounding: The sensitive,
tolerant, inclusive, Left-wing, is adopting "preferences" for minorities so they get the new COVID-19 Vaccine first,
so as to make right the decades of "systemic racism."
how nice. And when it starts KILLING THEM and making them INFERTILE so they can't reproduce . . . oh well . . . at least
it was a nice gesture! To those of us who think, it's almost the perfect genocide.
Every US state has been advised to consider ethnic minorities as a critical and vulnerable group in their vaccine
distribution plans, according to Centers for Disease Control guidance.
more here:
In an exclusive feature for The Debrief, U.S. military and intelligence officials, as well as Pentagon emails, offer
an unprecedented glimpse behind the scenes of what's currently going on with The Pentagon's investigation into UFOs, or as
they term them, "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" (UAP). For the last two years, the Department of Defense's
newly revamped "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force" (or UAPTF) has been busy briefing lawmakers, Intelligence
Community stakeholders, and the highest levels of the U.S. military on encounters with what they say are mysterious airborne
objects that defy conventional explanations. The reports explicitly state that the Task Force is considering the possibility
that these unidentified objects could, as stated by one source from the U.S. Intelligence Community said, be operated by "intelligences
of unknown origin." ... (READ MORE)
LifeSite, Ted Cruz, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. challenge COVID totalitarianism
'The bizarre, lunatic, totalitarian' COVID 'cult' is 'not about vaccines or protecting
people's lives-it is instead profoundly anti-science, and is only focused on absolute [government] control of every aspect
of our lives.'
December 19, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - There has been a massive flood of contradictory and false information being published about the Wuhan virus and the
various vaccines that have recently been approved that allegedly prevent infection. And there has been a massive disinformation campaign against several already available, safe, effective, and very inexpensive preventative and "miracle" treatment medications for Wuhan infection.
Read more here:
Darkness Is Coming Fast: Proposal To Legally Silence Christians
& Conservatives And To Label Christians As White Supremacists, Endorsed And Presented By 14 U.S. Democrat House Representatives
To Biden Transition Team
A 28 page document sent as a proposal
to the Biden transition team by Secular Democrats of America, and endorsed by at least 14 Democrat House of Representatives
members that suggests laws and rules be made to force conservative Christians into silence based on their religious
beliefs, remove 'In God We Trust' from U.S. currency, rescind President Trump's protections of religious liberties, Religious
Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), and much, much more.
The document is embedded
at the bottom of this article and should be shown to every single person that denies there is an outright war against Christians
right here in the united States of America.
This should also be shown
to anyone that thinks censoring conservatives, especially Christian conservatives, is just a right wing talking point.
Read more here:
Chinese Communist Party Used Internet Propaganda 'Army' to Shape COVID Narrative
China used social media trolls to spread online misinformation around the world
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) used an Internet propaganda "army"
to sucessfully shape the narrative regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in America and other key nations, a bombshell report has
The massive propaganda and censorship effort was first
deployed to tackle news about the coronavirus-related death of a Chinese doctor who had warned the public about
the virus during the early stages of the outbreak.
The effort was launched
to help the Chinese government regain control of the narrative inside the country, and beyond, about the rapidly growing crisis,
according to a report jointly produced by ProPublica and the New York Times.
Read more here:
America Stands Alone Against the Impending Invasion by Communist
Forces Both Foreign and Domestic-Steve Quayle and Dave Hodges
I recently interviewed Steve Quayle about the present state of America. It is abundantly clear that America stands
alone. Communist forces are being brought to bear against our country and war could be right around the corner. If it was
not bad enough that America stands alone, many of our elected representatives and key judges have been bribed by the CHICOMS.
If you have been asleep for the past several months, you may want to get a feel for what Steve Quayle and myself discussed
in this interview. Over one-third of the governors in America are on the CCP's payroll as are many in Congress. Where is Joe
McCarthy when you need him.
Steve's presentation is a combination
of summarizing the impending invasion of the United State by Communist forces and the link to key prophecies of the past.
Read more here:
Obscure neo-Nazi Satanist group Order of Nine Angles becomes latest domestic terror
threat: CIA and FBI fear extremely violent group is making inroads among supremacists'
The National Counterterrorism Center has raised the alarm about an obscure neo-Nazi Satanist group
which intelligence officials believe could have a growing influence over violent extremist movements.
A recent internal NCC report obtained by Yahoo News describes the Order of Nine Angles (O9A) as 'a largely decentralized group that advocates a violent extremist interpretation
of Satanism' and promotes white supremacist ideologies.
report warns that O9A could be 'exacerbating' conflicts among racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVEs),
increasing the likelihood of violence by those groups.
Read more
Panama orders men and women to shop on different days to curb coronavirus
PANAMA CITY, Dec 18 (Reuters) - Panama will next week reimpose nationwide curbs on movement
by requiring men and women to carry out festive shopping on different days, the health minister said on Friday, imposing drastic
measures following a surge in coronavirus cases.
The restrictions are
similar to what the Central American nation imposed in worst-hit parts of the country in June.
"As of Monday 21, with the aim of reducing mobility, purchases will be made by gender,"
Luis Sucre, the Minister of Health, said in a televised message.
more here:
CDC Issues New Guidelines, Launches Probe After 1000s Negatively-Affected Following
COVID-19 Vaccination
Thousands of people have been unable
to work or perform daily activities, or required care from a healthcare professional, after getting the new COVID-19 vaccine, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
As of Dec. 18, 3,150 people reported what the agency terms "Health Impact Events"
after getting vaccinated.
The definition of the term is: "unable
to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional."
Read more here:
Breaking: Trump Calls For Americans To March On DC January 6 To Stop Foreign Takeover
President Trump has called on Americans to resist the Deep State election coup
by marching on Washington when Congress moves to recognize Biden as president.
In an early Saturday morning tweet, Trump called on Americans to gather for a "big protest" in Washington
D.C. on January 6th, the day Congress will meet to accept the presidential election results.
Read more here:
The Transhumanist Agenda: Loss of Identity
The Face You Wear Matters
wearing a mask over your face, you conceal your identity. One of the most common forms of human communication is facial expressions.
Infants learn identity using facial expressions. Children learn to self-identify by observing body language without words. The ritual of mask wearing heralds in a loss of identity for a whole generation. Why obliterate individual identity
for a fusion of identities?
Read more here:
If the USA and Russia Go To War, the ONLY Winner will be China - We're being set
A gigantic computer hacking took place over the past few
months, and it is being described as the worst attack against American government and corporate interests EVER.
Government officials in the USA are already calling it a "Digital Pearl Harbor" and are now openly calling
it an "act of war" blaming Russia for the attack.
We are falling
into a carefully laid trap and if war breaks between the US and Russia over this incident, the ONLY winner be: CHINA.
Read more here:
When The Whole World Suffers It Will Blame The U.S. For It And Everyone Will Want
A Piece Of America For Retribution
The next great depression
will be worldwide and it will be deeper and more chaotic than anything ever seen before. When the whole world suffers it will
blame the U.S. for it and everyone will want a piece of America for retribution.
The Nations of Russia, China, and Iran, which will lead the Muslim nations in the Mid East and Africa, will gang
up on America which will be even more devastated financially than most nations. The American forces will succumb to a massive attack
that takes down most of our electronic equipment and destroys our high tech advantage.
The war that follows will become a mostly conventional affair fought on American soil. A massive invasion by millions
of enemy troops will follow who will commit every war crime imaginable on the American people. The invasion will come after
internal conflict, caused by financial devastation, has taken a high death toll among Americans fighting among themselves
over diminishing resources.
Read more here:
SOMETHING'S BREWING! Dan Scavino Posts Series of Tweets
After Raucous Oval Office Meeting - Trump Is Ready to Take Action
Dan Scavino is an American political advisor serving as the White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications and Director of Social
Dan has been President Trump's social media director since
before the 2016 election. He is a trusted and loyal Trump aide.
was much talk today in the news today on President Trump meeting with Attorney Sidney Powell in the Oval Office Friday evening.
President Trump discussed naming Powell as special counsel to investigate massive Democrat voter fraud that took place in
the 2020 election.
Read more here:
Democratic memo declares 'rise of white Christian nationalism is a national security
A Political Action Committee and a group of Democratic
lawmakers want Joe Biden to pursue a 'secular agenda' that pushes back religious liberty gains made under Trump.
he Secular Democrats of America PAC prepared a report for Joe Biden and his transition
team that outlines a roadmap to "boldly restore a vision of constitutional secularism and respect in the land for
religious and intellectual pluralism."
The federal political action
committee "represents secular Democratic individuals and organizations" and advocates for "secular
governance, promote respect and inclusion of nonreligious Americans, and mobilize nonreligious voters."
Read more here:
Is Unestablished Nanotechnology The Real Reason people are having ‘Allergic Reactions' ?
In this article referenced from The Hill ( ) they are reporting that they are looking into the potential role of polyethylene glycol (PEG) as the ingredient that may
be causing the multiple ‘allergic' reactions in the roll out of the vaccine for the virus. Polyethylene Glycol is an
ingredient that can be manufactured to different lengths and geometries for different metabolic purposes ( The beginning of the first sentence in this article ( states that ‘ Polyethylene glycols (PEGs) can improve the diffusivity of nanoparticles (NPs) in biological hydrogels
(italic emphasis added).
Is it possible that it is not the
Polyethylene Glycol that people are reacting to, but the possible (again, I say -possible- as I do not know all of the potential
reactions to the ingredients in the vaccine nor their potential reason for inclusion in the vaccine nor the potential benefits
or side effects) effects of nanoparticles as part of a hydrogel injected into human beings for the first time ‘en masse'?
Apparently, this is not the first time that Polyethylene Glycol has been injected into human beings and previous claims have
been made as to its ‘safety' (
Read more here:
China helped steal U.S. election, concludes hard-hitting Epoch Times documentary
(Natural News) China had a motive and the influence to steal the 2020 U.S. presidential elections, a pro-democracy Chinese-American media
group asserts.
(Article by Dorothy Cummings McLean republished from
The Epoch Times has released a six-part, 1.5-hour-long
investigative documentary called Who's Stealing America? In the fast-paced, jaw-dropping report, journalist
Joshua Philipp investigates allegations of election fraud, media bias, election machine hacking, and the relationship of Dominion
Voting Systems to a China-controlled securities firm. He then looks into claims made by leading Chinese professor that the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been infiltrating the American elite for almost thirty years, delves into the Biden family's
business affairs in China, and highlights the role of pro-CCP operators in November's elections.
Read more here:
WHO (finally) admits PCR tests create false positives Warnings
concerning high CT value of tests are months too why are they appearing now? The potential explanation is
shockingly cynical.
The World Health Organization released a
guidance memo on December 14th, warning that high cycle thresholds on PCR tests will result in false positives.
While this information is accurate, it has also been available for months,
so we must ask: why are they reporting it now? Is it to make it appear the vaccine works?
The "gold standard" Sars-Cov-2 tests are based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR works by taking
nucleotides - tiny fragments of DNA or RNA - and replicating them until they become something large enough to identify. The
replication is done in cycles, with each cycle doubling the amount of genetic material. The number of cycles it takes to produce
something identifiable is known as the "cycle threshold" or "CT value". The higher the CT value, the less
likely you are to be detecting anything significant.
Read more here:
Will we ever learn the truth about China and the pandemic? Two inquiries
are 'cloaked in secrecy', WHO lets Beijing vet investigators and it appoints British scientist with links to Wuhan, writes
Explosive emails from a group of top-level scientists
and Government doctors in the United States reveal one suggested Covid-19 could have originated from human activities rather than arising naturally from animals.
Another asked if it might have been deliberately engineered.
documents also show that a key letter sent early in the pandemic from America's top scientists to the White House had a line deleted that suggested the virus could have been ‘an unintentional release from a laboratory'.
Read more here:
Prepare For A Grid Down False Flag To Ring In 2021 As Globalists Go Back To Their
Old Tricks By Demonizing Russia And 'Telegraphing' Something Huge Ahead
'We May All Have To Pay The Price'
With Democrats
and the 'deep state' once again screaming 'Russia, Russia, Russia' at the top of their lungs following an alleged 9-month-long hack that exposed US government agencies across the board, all we need to do is take a look back at several ANP stories from 2016
while Barack Obama was still president to see the globalists under Joe Biden are starting off again right where they left
While things have been relatively quiet on the World War 3
front for the past 4 years with President Trump in office and he 'keeping the peace' with Vladimir Putin and Russia,
we get a small glimpse of what the next 4 years might look like with the globalists quick to turn Russia into a 'boogeyman'
Read more here:
Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop...
Do you feel like another major crisis could erupt at any moment? If so, you are certainly not alone.
Here in 2020, it has just been one thing after another, and we have come to expect the unexpected. Right now, so many
people that I am hearing from are anticipating that more big trouble is just around the corner, but as we wait for "the
other shoe to drop", economic conditions all over the United States continue to rapidly deteriorate. For example,
on Thursday we learned that the number of initial claims for unemployment benefits last week was the highest in four months...
Read more here:
Tucker Carlson slams states like California that are not prioritizing the elderly
and instead giving vaccine to black communities first, saying 'old people in this country are too white to save'
Tucker Carlson has told his viewers he believes that the coronavirus vaccine is being
distributed based soley on race, claiming that elderly old white people are not receiving the shot first in many places because
they are from a 'disfavored race'.
On his Friday night show, he
said that the government's plan to prioritize non-healthcare essential workers over the eldery is an example of eugenics because
'racial and ethnic minority groups are disproportionately represented in many essential industries'.
'Old people in this country are too white to save. They even put it in writing,' he claimed, while
blasting the vaccine rollout as 'entirely racial'.
Read more here:
Most Shocking Thing I Have Ever Seen - Disgusting And Chilling
Proof That Pro-Abortion Advocates Think Killing Babies Is Fun - This Has Nothing to Do With Healthcare Or 'Reproductive Rights'
In my 50-plus years I have seen a lot, much of which I wish I hadn't, but what we will
be discussing below has got to be the most chilling, shocking and disgusting thing we have seen from pro-abortion feminists
to date, and considering some of we have seen, that is saying something.
off, my apologies in advance. While we will not be adding any images that are overly graphic, the topic and the video of this
will be embedded.
You will be offended, you will be sickened, but you
will see overwhelming proof that to liberals, abortion aka killing unborn babies, is considered entertainment.
Read more here:
Economic collapse = societal collapse. It's deliberate so
that we can have "order out of chaos", as in New World Order, also known as the tyranny of the ruling sociopaths.
Other than the obvious consequences, what might we expect from a partial economic collapse?
A total collapse of the economy would throw the nation into utter chaos. But what if we endure an economic depression, or
a severe and long-lasting downturn? I think that some of the effects are not so obvious.
Read more here:
Pennsylvania: 8,000+ Nursing Home Residents and 49 Criminals Died - Guess Which
Group Democrats Care About
One of the most important and least
discussed coronavirus subjects in this election was the decision by Democrat governors to infect huge numbers of nursing
home residents by forcing nursing homes to accept coronavirus patients.
Wolf in Pennsylvania and his health expert, Richard ‘Rachel' Levine, were one of the worst offenders.
Read more here:
Former Overstock CEO: The Chinese Are Using Covid-19 to Take us Out
Former Overstock CEO Patrick M. Byrne joined The Alex Jones Show on Wednesday
to break down how the Chinese are attempting to overthrow American sovereignty to enact global authoritarianism, using Covid-19
as the fatal blow.
Watch video here:
Seriously? Gunshot Deaths Counted
Among COVID-19 Fatalities in Colorado
A pair of gunshot deaths
that counted among COVID fatalities have earned the ire of a county coroner in Colorado.
Grand County, in the sparsely-populated (but breathtaking) northwestern quarter of the state, is home to fewer than
15,000 people and has been lucky enough to endure only a handful of deaths related to the Wuhan Virus.
Read more here:
Governed by Demonic Spirit or Divine Intelligence - Catherine Austin Fitts
Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says
the so-called "reset" is here, and this means the old system has to be destroyed. The number one goal of reset
architects is destroying Jesus and all of his Christian believers. Fitts explains, "You hold up the dollar and
what does it say? ‘In God We Trust.' So, a liquid currency with the breadth of the dollar depends on faith
and faith in a divine intelligence. You know, that there is something bigger. What do our founding documents say?
They say our freedom comes to us from divine authority. Right? So, to destroy that system, you have to destroy
those things. When you look at the Covid 19 lockdowns, the number one target has been the churches. They have
been trying to bankrupt and destroy the churches. . . . It is clear that there is a war on the churches. . . .
Read more here:
Technocracy and the Great Reset
In the video above, James Delingpole interviews Patrick Wood, an economist, financial analyst and American constitutionalist
who has devoted a lifetime to researching and understanding technocracy - a resource-based economic system created from scratch
that really has no equal in terms of what the average person has any understanding of.
Wood has written two fascinating books on this topic: "Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation"1
and "Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order."2
and watch here:
IMF Proposes Punishing Dissidents by Lowering Their Credit Score if They Go to
Bad Websites
The Orwellian nightmare is taking shape.
A new white paper from the globalist International Monetary Fund (IMF) is calling for
dissidents to have their credit score lowered if they view websites that are arbitrarily deemed to be harmful.
The plan is outlined in a blog written by Arnoud Boot, Peter Hoffmann, Luc Laeven and Lev Ratnovski. They are pitching the Orwellian notion as a breakthrough
in financial technology (Fintech).
Read more here:
Another "Pre-Crime" AI System Claims It Can Predict Who Will Share Disinformation
Before It's Published
We previously have covered the many weighty
claims made by the progenitors of A.I. algorithms who claim that their technology can stop crime before it happens. Similar predictive A.I. is increasingly being used to stop the spread of misinformation, disinformation and general "fake
news" by analyzing trends in behavior and language used across social media.
However, as we've also covered, these systems have more often that not failed quite spectacularly, as many artificial intelligence experts and mathematicians have highlighted. One expert in particular - Uri Gal, Associate Professor in Business Information Systems, at the University of Sydney, Australia
- noted that from what he has seen so far, these systems are "no better at telling the future than a crystal ball."
Read more here:
A database obtained by computer hackers from China
Communist Party computers allegedly reveals the names of more than a DOZEN U.S. State Governors who reportedly shown in
the database as being MEMBERS of China's Communist Party:
The database
was originally leaked on Telegram, the encrypted instant messaging app, and passed in September by a Chinese dissident to
the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, which comprises more than 150 legislators around the world who are concerned by
the influence and activities of the Chinese government. Here is a statement from IPAC about the data:
Read more here:
A Lot of City Folks Who Just Moved to the Country Are in for a Rude Awakening
Since the beginning of the Covid pandemic and subsequent lockdowns,
a lot of folks have decided that city life is no longer for them. There's been a whole new demand for rural homes as people discover it's not so fun to live in a tiny apartment with no yard, 3 children, and two parents all working from
and learning from home.
However, an essay on Medium pointed out that a lot of these former urbanites may not have thought things through. Courtney Maum wrote of a scenario that
many of us who have lived in the boonies can clearly imagine:
Read more
The Maricopa Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 today
defy the state lawmakers and resist complying with legislative subpoenas. Instead of allowing a transparent audit, the board
voted to file a lawsuit against lawmakers in Arizona state court to block the enforcement of the subpoenas.
The Chairman of the Board, Clint Hickman (R), described the subpoenas as unrealistic and
The subpoenas were issued earlier this week by Arizona lawmakers, who sought to force an audit of Dominion voting machines used by Maricopa County.
The first questions being asked by the General Public in response to this news is "What
are they hiding? Election fraud?"
Read more here:
Situation Update, Dec. 18th - Cyber Red Dawn attack on USA is prelude to TOTAL
WAR with China
(Natural News) This is the most important Situation Update we've published so far. It's for Friday, December 18th, and runs 98 minutes.
See the video embed below.
I've altered the format to make sure that elections
information goes first, with vaccine or covid topics at the end. This way, you get the urgent national security / elections
information right up front.
Here are the highlights from today's Situation
- Trump's intelligence and military team members have put
everything in place for an Insurrection Act scenario, but Trump still has to be the one to pull the trigger. Will
- The Republican party is finished. McConnell just committed career suicide and discredited
the entire party by siding with Biden as the "winner" of the obviously fraudulent election.
Read and watch more here:
How 'cyber equivalent of Pearl Harbor' unfolded at the 'perfect
time for a perfect storm': Feds may NEVER know true scale of 9-month-long Russian hack that breached US nuclear agencies,
Pentagon government departments and Fortune 500 companies, experts say
The list of victims from the devastating and long-undetected hack on US government agencies and companies continues
to grow ever since the sprawling cyber-espionage campaign was disclosed - but experts say the true impact may never actually
be known.
Federal authorities are expressing increased alarm over the
suspected Russian hack that breached, among others, US nuclear agencies - with the nation's cyber security agency
already warning of a 'grave threat' to government and private networks as a result.
Read more here:
Gowdy: Pelosi Can't Find a Single Democrat Who Didn't Date a Chinese Spy
Speaker under fire for keeping Eric Swalwell on House Intelligence Committee
Former House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy blasted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi after she kept Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif. on the House Intelligence Committee after reports he was targeted by a Chinese Spy.
"There are 230 [House] Democrats,
and you mean to tell me she cannot find a single one that didn't date a Chinese spy?" Gowdy told Fox News host Martha
Gowdy expressed frustration for Pelosi's handling of the matter
because "we listened to him for years."
Read more here:
As Augmented Prison System Goes Online Worldwide, With Satellite
That Can See Into Individual Rooms Through Building Walls, China's Surveillance State Is A Dire Warning To Us
According to this important story over at Futurism that Steve Quayle had linked to at his website on Thursday, a new satellite that can not only peer inside buildings, but can do so during the day or night and even
through clouds, with resolution so crisp it can see inside individual rooms, was launched into orbit in November.
As the Futurism story reports, the company, called 'Capella Space', has launched
a platform allowing governmental or private customers to request images of anything in the world,
with their capability only to get more powerful in 2021 as they deploy six more satellites into orbit.
Read more here:
Satan Soldier Fauci Wants Christmas Canceled: "Just
One of the Things You're
Going to Have to Accept", Christians
Won't Accept a Jesuit Telling Us Not to Worship on Christ's Birthday - Fauci Can Go to Hell...
Dr. Anthony Fauci declared this week that he believes Christmas celebrations between family members should be canceled, warning that it's "just
one of the things you're going to have to accept as we go through this unprecedented challenging time."
Read more here:
Warnings concerning high CT value of tests are months too
why are they appearing now? The potential explanation is shockingly cynical.
The World Health Organization released a guidance memo on December 14th, warning that high cycle thresholds on PCR tests will result in false positives.
While this information is accurate, it has also been available for months,
so we must ask: why are they reporting it now? Is it to make it appear the vaccine works?
The "gold standard" Sars-Cov-2 tests are based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR works by taking
nucleotides - tiny fragments of DNA or RNA - and replicating them until they become something large enough to identify. The
replication is done in cycles, with each cycle doubling the amount of genetic material. The number of cycles it takes to produce
something identifiable is known as the "cycle threshold" or "CT value". The higher the CT value, the less
likely you are to be detecting anything significant.
Read more here:
New information reveals that wording legally required
to be on California ballots was missing, in direct violation of its own state law. This means the ballots should not have
been cast or counted, yet California certified its ballots, anyway, and thus illegally cast its electoral votes for Joe Biden.
Let's be clear about something: Our nation's founders tried for years to work out their
differences with England's King George. But George was a tyrant, and a war broke out that lasted eight years. After that war,
our founders avoided creating a government that was ruled by a man - they decided to be governed by laws.
Read more here:
THE GATES FAMILY - EUGENICS and Covid 19: We Cannot Fully
Understand Bill Gates Until We Know About His and His Father's Agenda to Depopulate Our World
We have read articles ad nauseam about Covid-19 and the coming vaccines. But we must
understand the man, Bill Gates and his father to fully appreciate what is happening in our world. It will help you to understand
the agenda of these people.
And it will also help you in making a
decision to receive the vaccine or not.
Their agenda is NOT about
helping people with vaccines.
Read more here:
The War on ‘Manly Men'
Amid all the election mayhem and politicized coronavirus hysteria of the past several months, it is easy to lose
sight of the fact that the cultural realm, not the political arena, is where the deeper threat to our freedoms and civilization
lies, because the culture is where hearts and minds are won or lost.
Left has always known this, but the Right tends to obsess over the political and scorn the cultural as trivial and unserious.
If we never grasp how critical it is to engage the Left on that front, we will lose the Long Game. Let's look at a couple
of recent examples of one aspect of the Marxist assault on our culture in which the Left is gaining ground - their agenda
to subvert our traditional norms of masculinity.
Read more here:
COVID-19 Testing Scandal Deepens
Positive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests have been used as the justification for keeping
large portions of the world locked down for the past nine months. Not reliable hospitalization or death rates; just positive
PCR test numbers - a large portion of which are from people who have no symptoms of actual illness - are the triggers behind
the shutdowns.
Experts are now coming forward in growing numbers denouncing
mass PCR testing as foolhardy and nonsensical if not outright criminal. Why? Because we're now finding that PCR tests rarely
tell us anything truly useful, at least not when they're used as they have been so far.
Read more here:
Senator McConnell and Justice Roberts Are Aiding and Abetting Voter Fraud Against
Trump As B of A and the Post Office Prepare for Martial Law
America going to war? Is Trump going to invoke the Insurrection Act? Or, as one of my main deep cover sources has stated,
Trump is going to war with China and then invoke the Insurrection Act.
is the first of a two part series. In Part One of this series, I will be laying foundation for the fact that something dramatic
is coming and one of the above-listed three possibilities is very likely.
can be said with certainty there are a growing number of anomalies that are appearing both in our government, and around the
nation and they are all indicative of the fact that events are already in play that Trump is certainly not viewing himself
as a lame duck President.
Read more here:
Recount Confirms Trump Won Michigan County That Reported Biden Win on Election
A hand recount on Wednesday confirmed that a Michigan county falsely reported on election night a win for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.
The recount in Antrim County found 9,759 votes for President Donald Trump, versus 5,959 for Biden.
On Nov. 3, county officials said Biden received over 3,000 more votes than Trump. Two
days later, they said Trump won by about 2,500 votes. A third change took place on Nov. 21, with Trump being certified the
winner by nearly 4,000 votes.
Read more here:
What If Joe Biden Dies Before Inauguration? Biden To Publicly
Receive COVID Vaccine That Has Caused Severe Reactions In Others - It Would Be Easier For Dems To Insert Harris If Something
Happened To Joe
During the 2020 presidential campaign season,
while on stage, Joe Biden suffered a massive eye bleed, with the white of one eye quite literally turning red, as seen in
the image at the top of this article.
Biden has often looked sickly, which
was the cause of much chatter on the Internet, and his mental health has been questioned due to his own mistakes, misstatements
and missteps, rounding out the belief that his health was questionable at best.
These questions often led to concerns that Biden was being used by Democrats just for the election but he was never
expected to fulfill a whole four year term as president, and maybe not even a first term.
Read more here:
Sen. Johnson: Eric Swalwell & Hunter Biden Were 'Groomed' by Chinese Communist
Republican senator says China infiltrated US government
and former VP Joe Biden's office
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI)
has slammed Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and former Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden, accusing the controversial Democrats
of allowing themselves to be "groomed" by the Chinese Communist Party
Johnson, who is the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security
Committee, made the comments during a Wednesday interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity.
The senator warned that, given how China "groomed" Rep. Swalwell, it's not "farfetched
to think they were grooming Hunter Biden" and his connections to his father.
Read more here:
Hillsong Church Is A Snake Pit Of Open Demonic Activity As It's Revealed Their
NY Pastor Carl Lentz And Staffers Ran It Like The Playboy Mansion
whistleblowers also claimed that Hillsong Church - which has been rocked by recent revelations that its former leader, Carl
Lentz, had multiple tawdry affairs - was "a breeding ground for unchecked abuse." Page Six is told that
in 2018 a group of former "high-level" volunteers - and one who was still a volunteer at the time - sent a letter
to the trendy ministry's leaders warning of "verified, widely circulated stories of inappropriate sexual behavior amongst
With the full blessing of Hillsong
Church leader Brian Houston in Australia, ‘pastor' Carl Lentz opened the New York City branch of the Laodicean megachurch,
and proceeded to run it more like the Playboy Mansion than the Church of God. The focus was on self, wealth, and Hollywood
celebrities who were attracted to the no rules, ‘come as you are and stay as you are' false doctrine
preached from their pulpits. Now the entire, ungodly mess has imploded and is under investigation amid claims of rampant sexual
abuse of its members. No surprise here.
Read more here:
Founder of vaccine safety website, ex-pharma insider found dead
Brandy Vaughan, a former sales executive for the pharmaceutical company Merck and the
founder of, a website dedicated to educating people on the risks associated with vaccines, was apparently
found dead by her nine-year-old son on December 8.
According to Children's Health Defense, Vaughan is reported to have died of "gallbladder complications," although the source
of the report has not been cited, nor has it shared the specific cause of the complications (such as a gallbladder rupture).
Soon after learning of her death, a friend of Vaughn's, Erin Elizabeth, shared screenshots of a Facebook post Vaughan had written in December of 2019, in which she assured readers that she was not suicidal and
did not take any drugs that would cause her to die suddenly.
Read more
Objective Factors for Classifying Weapons with "Stabilizing Braces"
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives ("ATF") is publishing
the objective factors it considers when evaluating firearms with an attached stabilizing brace to determine whether they are
considered firearms under the National Firearms Act ("NFA") and/or the Gun Control Act ("GCA"). ATF publishes
this notice to inform and invite comment from the industry and public on the proposed guidance, Objective Factors for Classifying
Weapons with "Stabilizing Braces," prior to issuing a final document. Upon issuance of final guidance, ATF will
provide additional information to aid persons and companies in complying with Federal laws and regulations.
Read more here:
A force that occupies the nation and systematically reduces the population through a series of
initiatives from bullets to chemical weapons to starvation will help to accomplish the Agenda 21 result
Those that are aware of the machinations unfolding in America today see a potentially
deadly situation beginning to unfold. The talk of detention camps and foreign soldiers being prepositioned. The Stalinist
purge of many top ranking military officers and arming of government agencies to insane levels. The slow deterioration of
our industrial capability and ability of families to feed themselves. The erosion of civil liberties and government attacks on patriotic Americans. The massive spy network established to contain
and control the population.
Read more here:
Society as we know is breaking down and collapses in a five-stage process outlined here. While
it can be accelerated by certain events like war, a natural disaster, pandemic, terrorist attack, or even
a stolen election, history has shown that economic collapse will essentially happen in this five-stage process. To survive
the collapse, it is important to read and interpret the signs and understand what assets are important to the current situation
so you can be prepared for the worst thereby allowing you to survive intact and with as little damage as possible.
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Piri Reis Map - How Could a 16th Century Map Show Antarctica Without Ice?
On October 9, 1929, a German theologian named Gustav Adolf Deissmann was cataloguing items in the Topkapi Palace library in Istanbul when he happened across a curious parchment located among
some disregarded material. On the gazelle skin parchment was a map, now referred to as the Piri Reis map .
The map was drawn and signed by Turkish cartographer Hagji Ahmed Muhiddin Piri , aka Piri Reis, and is dated to 1513 AD. Reis was an admiral in the Turkish navy, an experienced sailor, and a cartographer,
who claimed to have used 20 source maps and charts to construct the map, including 8 Ptolemaic maps, 4 Portuguese maps, an
Arabic map, and a map by Christopher Columbus.
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Scientists found 91 volcanoes under Antarctica. Here's what they might do
Scottish scientists have detected 91 volcanoes under a massive ice sheet in west Antarctica,
potentially revealing one of the largest volcanic regions on Earth.
volcanoes are located in the West Antarctic Rift System, a 2,200-mile valley created by separating tectonic plates. The discovery
brings the total number of volcanoes in the area to 138. The heights of the volcanoes range from 300 feet to 12,600 feet,
with the tallest as high as Mount Fuji in Japan.
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Antarctica rocked by 30,000 tremors in 3 months, Chilean scientists say
SANTIAGO, Dec 16 (Reuters) - More than 30,000 tremors have rocked Antarctica since the
end of August, according to the University of Chile, a spike in seismic activity that has intrigued researchers who study
the remote, snowbound continent.
Scientists with the university's National
Seismological Center said the small quakes - including one stronger shake of magnitude 6 - were detected in the Bransfield
Strait, a 60-mile wide (96-km) ocean channel between the South Shetland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula.
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Russia is 'flexing its muscles' as Vladimir Putin sends 10 warships to British
The head of British Armed Forces has warned Russia is
testing Britain and the NATO allies, and is "flexing its muscles" in a way that has not been seen since the Cold
Russia has been accused of "flexing its muscles" after President Vladimir Putin sent 10 warships into British waters.
In a show of force, the nation
is seemingly "testing" Britain and NATO allies, it has been claimed.
The country is acting in a way not seen since the Cold War says the Chief of the Defence Staff.
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WATCH: Nurse Passes Out on Live Television After Taking Coronavirus Vaccine
A nurse at CHI Memorial Hospital in Tennessee passed out on live television after
receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on Thursday.
Their PR stunt
for the vaccine could not have possibly gone any worse.
Nurse Manager
Tiffany Dover was speaking during a press conference about the vaccines when she told reporters she was feeling a bit dizzy.
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The Real Pandemic Is An Outbreak Of PCR Testing
I keep hammering on the test because it is the main piece of public fakery that holds this
whole pandemic illusion in place.
If it falls, the illusion disappears.
In numerous past articles, I've shown the PCR test is useless and deceptive, from several
Recently, I wrote about a Florida directive, issued by the governor
and his department of public health: it forces labs to reveal the number of cycles at which each PCR test is run. [1]
A cycle is a quantum leap in amplification of the original sample taken from the patient.
Read more here:
‘The Largest Espionage Attack in History': Bush Cyber
Czar Richard Clarke Sounds Alarm on Suspected Russian Attack
Clarke worked under three administrations and served as special advisor to President George W. Bush.
Appearing on The Lead with Jake Tapper Thursday, he offered terrifying insight into reports of a massive cyber-attack
carried out on the U.S. government.
"This is the largest espionage
attack in history," Clarke flatly opened to host Jake Tapper. "This is as though the Russians
got a passkey, a skeleton key for about half the locks in the country. Think about it that way. It's 18,000 companies and
government institutions scattered around the U.S. And the world. This is an espionage attack."
Read more here:
Russian hackers breached Microsoft as part of their campaign that infiltrated the US nuclear weapon
stockpile network, the Los Alamos lab and the Energy Department, officials reveal
Microsoft was breached in the massive suspected Russian campaign that has hit multiple U.S. government agencies,
including those responsible for maintaining America's nuclear weapons stockpile, the company has confirmed.
The sprawling attack, which targeted critical government infrastructure using a Trojan
horse hidden in network management software from SolarWinds Corp, also compromised broad swathes of the private sector, likely
including most of the Fortune 500, it emerged on Thursday.
more here:
World War 3 alert: China carries out practice attack of Taiwan in fearsome military
WORLD WAR 3 fears have been ignited after China
enacted a mock invasion of Taiwan - a move sure to set alarm bells ringing from Washington to Tokyo.
Tensions between Beijing and Taiwan have reached boiling point over the last few months
with China continuing to assert its dominance in the South China Sea region. Taiwan has previously called for "like-minded"
nations to counter against Beijing.
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Italy may go back on ‘Lockdown,' as deaths head for wartime levels, New
virus strain spreading in UK has key mutations
- An adviser to Italy's health ministry has called for coronavirus restrictions to be drastically tightened to avoid a "national
tragedy" after the national statistics bureau ISTAT said deaths this year would be the highest since World War Two.
"We are in a war situation, people don't realize it but the last time we had this
many deaths, bombs were dropping on our cities during the war," public health professor Walter Ricciardi told the television
channel la7 on Tuesday evening. Ricciardi, the adviser to Health Minister Roberto Speranza, said the government, which is
considering tightening restrictions over the Christmas and New Year holidays, should lock down the main cities completely.
Read more here:
Winter Is Coming: 62% Of U.S. Small Business Owners "Fear The Worst Is Still
To Come"
The official start of winter is just a few days
away, and many small business owners are concerned that their businesses won't be able to make it to the start of spring.
This is particularly true for those small businesses that rely on face to face interaction with the general public.
Restaurants, bars, gyms, coffee shops, hairdressers and independent retailers all over the nation were absolutely devastated
by the first round of lockdowns, and now a new round of lockdowns is dealing death blows to countless businesses that had
hoped to find a way to heal and get back on their feet in 2021. Politicians such as California Governor Gavin Newsom
and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo don't seem to care that they are literally destroying millions of hopes and dreams.
If and when this pandemic finally ends, they will get to go on with their normal lives, but vast numbers of their constituents
will not.
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A New Satellite Can Peer Inside Buildings, Day or Night
The resolution is so crisp that you can see inside individual rooms.
A few months ago, a company called Capella Space launched a satellite capable of taking
clear radar images of anywhere in the world, with incredible resolution - even through the walls of some buildings.
And unlike most of the huge array of surveillance and observational satellites orbiting the Earth, its satellite Capella 2 can snap a clear picture during night or day, rain or shine.
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Part Human, Part Machine: Is Apple Planning To Turn Us All Into Cyborgs?
Without us even noticing, Apple has turned us into organisms living symbiotically with
technology: part human, part machine. We now outsource our contact books, calendars and to-do lists to devices. We no longer
need to remember basic facts about the world; we can call them up on demand. But if you think that carrying around a smartphone
- or wearing an Apple Watch that tracks your vitals in real time - isn't enough to turn you into a cyborg, you may feel differently
about what the company has planned next. Recently, the company intensified its focus on "augmented reality" technology
that overlays a virtual world on the real one. It's perhaps... (READ MORE)
Researchers at the
Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Germany and the Central Institute for Experimental Animals in Japan
engineered human brain matter into monkey fetuses and found that the monkeys' brains became more human-like by developing
larger, more advanced neocortexes. The study was published in the journal Science. The researchers observed that the modified
monkey brains nearly doubled in size at around 100 days into gestation, 50 days before the normal birth date. "We found
indeed that the neocortex of the common marmoset brain was enlarged and the brain surface folded," said study author
Michael Heide. But this new study raises even more issues for the Biblically minded. The monkey fetuses were aborted due to
"unforeseeable consequences," according to a press release, but had they been born, the scientists already had a
name for them; "transgenic non-human primates." The new species created in this research was genetically similar
to humans and ending the development of the fetuses may be forbidden. Mixing of species is described in the Bible in a manner
disturbingly similar to the experiment mixing human genetic material with developing monkey fetuses. In Genesis, " divine
beings" and, later, Nephilim interbred with human women. The result was so abhorrent to God that He... (READ MORE)
The Globalists Power Trip Goes Pedal-To-The-Metal As More Evidence Emerges We
Have Been Truly Had
More Signs 'The Final Countdown'
To A New World Order Is On
While Covid-19 has been used
as the globalists excuse to completely lock down America and the world, banning large gatherings because of 'how contagious
this 'virus' is', this recent story over at the Daily Mail lays waste to their key argument, reporting that according to a recent study, the risk of catching coronavirus
from a family member you live with is just 17% and only one in three people pass it on to their spouses.
Blowing the globalists arguments about why its so important to wear face masks and to
social distance from everyone else to kingdom come, as one of the top rated comments pointed out on the story:
Read more here:
Serial Liar: Bill Gates is Now Denying Ever Talking About Digital Vaccine Passports,
But There's Video Proof He Did
Back in the summer, billionaire
eugenicist Bill Gates admitted during a virtual TED Talk that his plan is to require all humans to obtain digital vaccine passports before being allowed to travel again post-COVID.
Since that time, however, Gates and his allies have attempted, but failed, to memory hole
all evidence of this statement.
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Planetary Genetic Overwrite: The Big Picture Behind COVID mRNA Vaccines
The very genetic code of the planet's biosphere, including humans, is being overwritten;
The ultimate goal being the ability to manipulate, patent and program at will the biological processes of
all life.
Tom Knight, professor at MIT's Artificial Intelligence
Lab, said in 2007 that "The genetic code is 3.6 billion years old. It's time for a rewrite."
Now, Knight's synthetic biology company Ginkgo Bioworks is using its synthetic biology tech to develop COVID vaccines.
Read more here:
Fauci Wants Christmas Canceled: "Just One Of The Things You're Going To Have
To Accept"
Declares that "independent spirit in the
United States" is hurting his efforts
Dr. Anthony Fauci declared
this week that he believes Christmas celebrations between family members should be canceled, warning that it's "just
one of the things you're going to have to accept as we go through this unprecedented challenging time."
Fauci made the comments in an interview with the Washington Post, noting that over the holidays "I'm going to be with my wife - period."
"The Christmas holiday is a special holiday for us because Christmas Eve is my birthday. And Christmas Day is
Christmas Day." Fauci said, adding "And [my daughters] are not going to come home ... That's painful."
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The "New Confederacy"? Yes, It's Time For Conservatives To Unite Against
The Globalist Reset
The narrative could not be more transparent
or obvious, but then again, the elites are becoming lazy in their propaganda and the leftists are not all that bright. Essentially,
every time conservatives (or moderates) organize to defend themselves against communist or globalist attack we are called
"Nazis", brownshirts, populists, bullies, etc. Now, I would remind these people that if we were really going the
path of the Sturmabteilung then there would be rampant intimidation and assault on leftists to the point that they
would be afraid to leave their homes or even identify as leftists. Conservatives believe in self defense, not coercion and
terror tactics.
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Anti-Cop Climate Sparks NYPD Exodus
The NYPost has learned the anti-cop climate, underwhelming pay, and out of control violent crime in New York City have resulted in police officers' exodus.
50 NYPD officers left their jobs in Nassau County last Friday. Many of them were on the job for less than five years.
Police Commissioner Dermot Shea said the NYPD needs 900 new police officers.
Uniformed NYPD officers fell to 34,184 this year - down from 36,900 last year, a loss
of more than 2,700.
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Pandemic Leaves More Military Families Seeking Food Assistance
WASHINGTON - Fort Bragg, the largest military base in the United States, has all the trappings
of a small American city: shopping centers, a barber shop and social clubs. In a sign of the times, it also has a food bank.
This spring, the Y.M.C.A. on base - which started a food pantry last year to respond to
the growing food insecurity among military families - saw a 40 percent increase in requests for groceries. During the same
period, grocery requests to AmericaServes, a network that helps military families, jumped to the biggest service request in
the organization's history.
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Money From Facebook's Zuckerberg Used to Undermine Election, Violate Law: Report
Hundreds of millions of dollars from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg were used to violate
election laws, according to a new report.
The Amistad Project of the Thomas More
Society, a national constitutional litigation organization, released the 39-page report, alleging that Zuckerberg's $500 million given to election officials was used to treat voters unequally and to improperly
influence the election for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.
bulk of the funds went to the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), a nonprofit started by former managers and staff at the New Organizing Institute, a progressive nonprofit.
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Attorney Testifies: 42,000 People Voted In Nevada Twice...Nearly 20,000 Voted
Who Don't Even Live In Nevada
‘Our evidence has never been
refuted, only ignored' - Trump attorney Jesse Binell
During the Senate
hearing today about election integrity in the 2020 election, Trump lawyer Jesse Binnell dropped shocking facts about Nevada's
-42k people voted more than once
dead people voted
-19k didn't live in NV
-8k voted
from a non-existent address
-15k registered to a commercial address
-4k non-citizens voted
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New Covid strain has 'striking' amount of mutations: Scientists discover
17 changes on crucial spike protein of evolved virus spreading through London and the South East
The new strain of coronavirus spreading through Britain has a 'striking' amount of mutations, scientists have claimed.
Members of the UK's Covid-19 Genomics UK Consortium (COG-UK), who have been investigating the evolved strain, say
they have uncovered 17 alterations, which they described as 'a lot'.
of the changes have occurred on the virus's spike protein, which it uses to latch onto human cells and cause illness.
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The Globalists Are Attempting to Create "Hell On Earth"
Before Jesus Can Return
This is the final push of the
globalists, This is their end game. They know that they are running out time and they need to fulfill their Satanic agenda
by wiping out all non-compliant life on this planet before Jesus can return and restore order.
Everyone from Mike Adams to Sam Honnold is seemingly telling people "that Dave Hodges was right
about the CHICOMS." If one is willing to admit that the CHICOMS pose and existential threat to every American, then please
pay attention to this warning. Everything that you own, you will lose. The sanctity of your family is in jeopardy. The FEMA
camps, especially the ones run by foreigners will take the lives of millions of innocent Americans that cannot be converted,
or re-educated.
Read more here:
World Economic Forum Wants Government, Central Banks, Big Business to Help ‘Vaccinate
the World'
The World Economic Forum (WEF) believes a management triumvirate
comprising big business, central banks and government can play a "pivitol role" in the global take-up of coronavirus
A WEF report published Tuesday points to the personal records held by big businesses as an asset in identifying those who need the vaccinations,
underwritten by banking institutions and globalist organizations like the U.N.-subsidiary World Health Organization providing
"tracing apps and digital health passports."
norms and employers that encourage pandemic-time discipline, even after the vaccination programs kickoff, will play a pivotal
role in driving continued positive outcomes," the report posits.
more here:
Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trial Shows Alarming Evidence of Pathogenic Priming in Older
The Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory
Committee Briefing Document on the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine contains disturbing indications that might be a safety
signal on pathogenic priming, especially in older adults
In the development of vaccines against coronaviruses like SARS-COV-1 and MERS in the early 2000's, researchers found evidence of a serious problem. Teams of U.S.
and foreign scientists vaccinated animals with the four most promising vaccines. At first, the experiment seemed successful
as all the animals developed a robust antibody response to coronavirus. However, when the scientists exposed the vaccinated
animals to the wild virus, the results were horrifying. Vaccinated animals suffered hyper-immune responses including inflammation throughout their bodies, especially in their lungs.
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2020: The Gossamer Light of Tyranny
It appears that we, as a nation, have lost the security of our elections (thus, the sanctity of our elections), that
we have lost the integrity of the courts to uphold the law of the land, and the two losses together render said law, the Constitution
for the United States, null and void. Without faith in our elections and without faith in our judiciary, for all of our love
of freedom, there is no hope for justice, no hope for the lawful representation of the will of the people. The contract is
breached. Lawlessness has triumphed and corruption, conquered, and in this year of magnificent loss, it is clear that, chief
amongst all others, we have lost our Republic.
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Globalists End Game Dead Ahead As They Complete Their Transformation Of 'The Free
World' Into 'A Prison Planet' - We Were Warned Long Ago: 'Liberty, Once Lost, Is Lost Forever'
With anyone who had hoped that life would soon return somewhat to 'normal' in the year
ahead getting a huge dose of reality in several recent stories that have come out across America over just the past few days,
if we aren't prepared now for what's to come, we've about run out of time to do so.
While US Surgeon General Jerome Adams recently 'popped the bubbles' of people hoping a vaccine could allow them to
'return to normal' by saying people still need to wear masks and socially distance after they've been vaccinated because it doesn't prevent infection,
just severe illness, we're quite certain Democrat politicians in Washington DC will soon be 'bending over' to
satisfy the wishes of global eugenicist Bill Gates who told CNN on Sunday: "lockdowns should be prolonged until 2022...".
more here:
The pandemic is a consequence of war: The future in a world
of Gates and Tech Barons, I see a humanity that is further polarized into large numbers of ‘throw away' people who have
no place in the new Empire
In March 2015, Bill Gates showed
an image of the coronavirus during a TED Talk and told the audience that it was what the greatest catastrophe of our time
would look like. The real threat to life, he said, is ‘not missiles, but microbes.' When the coronavirus pandemic swept over the earth like a tsunami five years later, he revived the war language, describing
the pandemic as ‘a world war'.
‘The coronavirus pandemic pits
all of humanity against the virus,' he said.
In fact, the pandemic is
not a war. The pandemic is a consequence of war. A war against life. The mechanical mind connected to the
money machine of extraction has created the illusion of humans as separate from nature, and nature as dead, inert raw material
to be exploited. But, in fact, we are part of the biome. And we are part of the virome. The biome and the virome are us. When
we wage war on the biodiversity of our forests, our farms, and in our guts, we wage war on ourselves.
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Government's COVID Hoax hangs by a thread as credibility evaporates
The British government's offensive against its own people
ran into deeper trouble today as its credibility continued to evaporate.
Trust in the government as a source of information is a key and indispensable component of any propaganda
war. If the source putting out the propaganda becomes mistrusted, disbelieved or discredited, the propaganda war is lost.
The Johnson regime's problems centre around its continued reliance upon the PCR
test to produce stats that purport to show a "spread" of infection.
It was a bitter blow for the government's psychological warfare operation when the PCR test became exposed a fraudulent.
The setback arose from revelations of gross inaccuracy, its tendency to produce false positives by the thousand and - this
was the utterly damning clincher - the government admitting on one of its own websites that the PCR test actually CANNOT detect
a live infectious virus.
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How Many Times Are the "Facts" About COVID Going to Change?
This year everything changed. Mainstream media says one thing; the people I know in medicine
have various things to say. Some agree with everything on the news, while others disagree. In fact, one day they agree, the
next day they don't. There has been doubt about the numbers from the very beginning.
Chaos reigns. It's hard to make informed decisions because it's hard to know what's going on. Medicine has changed considerably over the
last 20 years, likely contributing to the chaos and confusion.
more here:
Petition to declare that an insurrection exists to overthrow the will of we the
people and to utilize military tribunals
Regrettably, the Courts
and the Legislatures of the Several States have reached a level of corruption that is only remediable by the measures prescribed
by our Founders in the implementation of the Insurrection Act of 1807 and in all other legal devices available to suppress
It is evident to all objective observers that our election
system has been irredeemably corrupted and also that the cost in human life will be less if the President and the Congress
will take active measures to suppress the coup and insurrection that is presently underway and to apprehend and prosecute
all those who have been a party to fraud and censorship that is illegal based upon aiding and abetting the enemies of the
United States.
Read and sign here:
NYC Sees 'Astronomical' Rise In UFO Sightings
Sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) in New York City have increased 31% this year over
2019 - 46, compared with 35.
Compared with 2018 figures (of around
a dozen), 2020 sightings are astronomically higher, so far jumping by more than 283%, according to NYPost, citing data from the National UFO Reporting Center.
Read more here:
France Says Its Developing Bionic Supersoldiers Because "Everyone Else Is
Doing It"
A report published last Tuesday by the French
Military Ethics Committee has indicated that the country has begun to develop technology for bionically enhanced soldiers.
The report discussed conditions in which devices like implants can be used to improve soldier performance on the battlefield.
"Human beings have long sought ways to increase their physical or cognitive abilities
in order to fight wars. Possible advances could ultimately lead to capacity enhancements being introduced into soldiers' bodies,"
the report said, according to the BBC.
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Data Shows Fears Of Overwhelmed Medical System Overblown, Ample Hospital Capacity
According to federal government data reported by Just The News, hospitals nationwide have 'considerable space left to deal with both routine medical issues and COVID-19 patients,"
dispelling fears of overwhelmed medical systems and at-capacity hospitals which have been promoted by the usual media suspects.
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The Biggest Conspiracy Behind COVID-19 Now Proven
November 5, 2020, U.S. Right to Know (USRTK), an investigative public health nonprofit group, filed
a lawsuit1 against the National Institutes of Health after the agency failed to respond to its July 10, 2020, Freedom
of Information Act (FOIA) request.
The USRTK's lawsuit sought access
to nonexempt records of gain-of-function experiments relating to the COVID-19 pandemic from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention,
as well as the EcoHealth Alliance, which partnered with and funded the Wuhan Institute.2
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Maria Bartiromo: Intel Source Says "Trump Did In Fact Win Election"
President Trump won the election, a source in the intel community told Fox Business
host Maria Bartiromo.
Bartiromo made the claim on Monday's broadcast
of Mornings with Maria, ahead of the Electoral College vote.
election results, as we await today's Electoral College decision, an intel source telling me that President Trump did in fact
win the election," Bartiromo said.
Bartiromo's comments, citing an
anonymous source, annoyed leftists to the point they called for her to be kicked off the air and arrested.
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Dreher explained the difference between soft and hard totalitarianism to CBN News Chief
International Correspondent Gary Lane. "The hard version is... George Orwell's 1984, it's the Soviet Union, it's the
infliction of pain and terror on people to get them to conform." however, the soft version is equally as oppressive.
"I don't think that's what we're facing [in America yet]. Rather ours is going to be a more soft version where they use
the infliction of economic pain, marginalization, and shaming to force Christians out of the public square and to compel us
to conform with left-wing ideology. The fact that it's soft does not mean it is any less totalitarian... (READ MORE)
How The Once Elusive Dream Of Laser Weapons Suddenly Became A Reality
After decades of toiling and dead-ends, the dream of operational laser weaponry is about
to become a reality. So, what changed that made what had been bulky systems go from clumsy pipe dreams to hardened, miniaturized,
and reliable weapons that will be able to be deployed even in the harshest of conditions? We recently had an in-depth interview
with Dr. Rob Afzal, Lockheed Martin Senior Fellow, Laser and Sensor Systems, where I pressed him on everything related to
laser weaponry and the emerging military applications that go along with it. In the course of answering my maelstrom of queries,
Dr. Afzal eloquently conveyed how we have suddenly arrived in an era where laser weapons will become widespread across the
battlefield. In this first piece in our two-part series with Lockheed's directed energy guru, I wanted to share his explanation
with you, as it is fascinating in its own right... (READ MORE)
'We won't force vaccine; but here's what we will do'
Health Ministry Director claims vaccines won't be forced, but Dr. Eyal Zimlichman tells Knesset committee
'they'll understand themselves.'
Although Health Ministry Director
Hezy Levy yesterday insisted to reporters that "we won't force people to take a vaccine. Israeli law doesn't allow for it," speaking before the Special Knesset Coronavirus Committee chaired by MK Yifat Shasha-Biton, Sheba Medical Center Chief Medical Officer and Chief Innovation Officer Dr. Eyal Zimlichman listed measures that are being
planned to "maneuver" the population into vaccinating as a way of regaining freedom of movement.
The issue of how to "motivate" vaccine compliance has generated increasing interest,
with commentators such as Mike Cernovich writing: "Government won't force you to take vaccine. Amazon will. Airlines
will. Banks will. You won't be able to buy, sell, or trade without the vaccine."
Read more here:
'Lockdown Fatigue' Is A Thing Now - Fed Up Americans Now Less Likely To Comply
With Dictatorial Decrees By Fascist Governors
There Is A Point Where Americans Say ENOUGH
On Tuesday Stefan Stanford highlighted globalists plans to turn earth into a "prison planet," with massive long-lasting lockdowns aka medical martial law, but those plans may suffer a severe setback as Americans, from
all sides of the aisle, have started suffering from COVID or 'lockdown fatigue,' and are less likely
to take the precautions they thought were so very important when the pandemic first hit.
While the World Health Organization (WHO) labeled this syndrome as "Pandemic Fatigue," others are highlighting that the weariness is not stemming from just the "pandemic," but rather from the
arbitrary rules set by leaders, which they are tired of following just to see no noticeable difference.
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LEAK: Communist Chinese Infiltrated West's Pharma, Defense, Banks - Something
VERY Wicked This Way Comes
A large number of Chinese Communist
Party members have infiltrated Western governments and strategic Western corporations, including many with military roles
and involvement in COVID-19 vaccines, according to news reports on a leaked document identifying almost two million CCP operatives. Mega-banks and aerospace contractors are heavily infiltrated by agents
of the most murderous party in human history as well. The national-security implications for America are enormous.
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Judge Releases Dominion Audit Report: System 'Designed' to 'Create Systemic Fraud'
Court unseals details of audit on machines in Michigan's Antrim County
A Michigan judge has released the bombshell report on the audit of Dominion Voting
Systems, revealing that the machines and their software were "designed"
to "create systemic fraud."
report covers the forensic audit of Dominion's machines in Michigan's Antrim County - which received national attention after
it was discovered that 6,000 votes for President Donald Trump were "flipped" to Democrat
Joe Biden due to an "error."
13th Circuit Court Judge
Kevin Elsenheimer ordered the report's protective order to be lifted on Monday night, allowing the details of the audit to
be unsealed and released to the public.
Read more here:
Bill Gates: Bars and Restaurants Should Be Shut Down For 6 Months, Lockdowns May
Continue Into 2022
Bill Gates expressed support for shutting down bars and restaurants for up to six months and indicated lockdowns may continue all the way into 2022.
The billionaire Microsoft founder made his sobering warning
during an interview with CNN over the weekend.
Read more here:,%202020%20at%2008:56:02%20AM
Polymer80 Refuses California's Subpoena To Turn Over Customer Information ~ VIDEO
U.S.A. --( war on 80% frames continues heating as companies fight back against a rogue federal agency.
As AmmoLand News reported earlier, the ATF raided Polymer 80, seizing computer equipment over its "Buy, Build, Shoot" kits. The agency's goals appear to be to obtain customer's
personal information. It is unknown precisely what information the ATF was able to retrieve since Polymer80 stored most customer
information in the cloud. The company did not hand that access over to the ATF.
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U.S. Homeland Security, thousands of businesses scramble after suspected Russian
LONDON/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Homeland
Security and thousands of businesses scrambled Monday to investigate and respond to a sweeping hacking campaign that officials
suspect was directed by the Russian government.
Emails sent by officials
at DHS, which oversees border security and defense against hacking, were monitored by the hackers as part of the sophisticated
series of breaches, three people familiar with the matter told Reuters Monday.
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Vaccine Passports and Health Passes: Is Showing Your "Papers" the "New
Life cannot return to normal until there is
a vaccine for COVID 19.
At least, that is what governments, corporations,
and their mainstream propaganda media outlets have been incessantly arguing. Interestingly, the development of that vaccine
was "warp speed," allegedly at the behest of the Trump administration.
"Warp speed" also took place in other countries like the UK, where shots have been administered. This information
has caused some to question whether the vaccine was ready long before the announcement was made or, indeed, before the pandemic
ever began.
Read more here:
Breaking: Dominion Voting Systems Uses The Same Company That Was Just Shut Down
After US Agencies Were Hacked in Foreign Cyber Espionage
a coincidence! Dominion Voting Systems uses the same company that was just shut down after US agencies were hacked in foreign
cyber espionage. The pieces are coming together. It's being reported that the hack of US agencies happened last Spring. Fast
forward to the election in November when the director of the CISA Chris Krebs was fired by President Trump (see below) after
Krebs claimed the election was secure. Now we know that the Dominion Voting Systems uses Solar Winds!
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) tweeted out a message today for all
"federal civilian agencies" to "power down" Solar Winds Orion products. Dominion Voting Systems
uses Solar Winds.
Read more here:
2020 Election Investigative Documentary: Who's Stealing America?
The year 2020 has been most unusual.
It started
with an unprecedented global pandemic caused by the CCP virus, and it's concluding with the U.S. presidential election, which has captivated the world.
On election night, on Nov. 3, an assortment of anomalies were observed, followed by a large number of specific allegations
of election fraud. As the integrity of the election continued to be questioned and evidence continued to emerge, most mainstream
media stuck to a one-sided narrative by calling the 2020 election the most secure in American history, and sought to silence opposing voices.
more here:
IT'S WAR: Communist China successfully infiltrated vaccine giants Pfizer, AstraZeneca
and GlaxoSmithKline as part of "unrestricted warfare" to defeat the US military and conquer North America
(Natural News) We now have confirmation from multiple sources that the newly-leaked database of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) loyalists
includes the names and details of 123 individuals who have successfully infiltrated the vaccine industry, attaining employment
at vaccine giants Pfizer, AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline - corporations that are manufacturing coronavirus vaccines for U.S.
civilian and military use.
The Epoch Times, which has strong ties to Chinese dissidents who are able to confirm such information, now reports:
Read more here:
Situation Update, Dec. 14th - Calls grow for Insurrection Act, window of opportunity
Dec. 18th - 24th
(Natural News) Overview of the Dec. 14th Situation Update:
- Increasing calls for
Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act, coming from attorney Lin Wood, The Epoch Times, Gen. McInerney and many others.
- Sidney Powell says clear evidence of foreign interference allows Trump to invoke his 2018 EO and seize all the
assets of corporations and individuals who were complicit in the election rigging.
Read more here:
This explains the election censorship: YouTube has been infiltrated by Chinese
Communist Party-linked engineers
(Natural News) In recent days, YouTube made an alarming announcement that the video platform behemoth would begin censoring any content
questioning the deep state narrative: "Joe Biden won and is now your leader - accept it."
Even while the Trump campaign and others were legally contesting the results for Biden in just enough
swing states to ‘win' - challenges that were accompanied by literally hundreds of witness statements in the form of
sworn affidavits, the platform issued its blanket dictate: ‘There shall be no content allowed questioning Biden's legitimacy.'
Read more here:
Ret. Gen Flynn warns of unelected ‘tyrants,' says ‘time for God-fearing
Americans to fight'
Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn
warned of rule by "tyrants whom no one has elected and who want to have power in order to destroy us" in a new op-ed published by The Western Journal on Saturday.
In his op-ed titled, "We're in
a Battle of Good vs. Evil - It's Time for God-Fearing Americans To Fight" Flynn did not specify who the so-called "tyrants"
were, but said, "They have violated our laws; they have betrayed our nation and their oath to serve our country, their
oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution."
more here:
Bill Barr RESIGNS: AG steps down after he kept Hunter Biden's tax probe secret,
was called a 'big disappointment' by Trump and slapped down the President's voter fraud claims
Bill Barr resigned as attorney general Monday after a face-to-face meeting with Donald Trump who
had raged that the chief law enforcement officer keeping the Hunter Biden probe secret.
Trump announced the departure in a tweet which presented Barr's decision to go as his own.
'Our relationship has been a very good one, he has done an outstanding job!' Trump said, then said
Barr would 'spend the holidays with his family.'
Read more here:
Killing The Internet To Hide The Truth? Prepare For Them To Shut It All Down -
Imagine Awakening To No Internet As Hacks, Censors And 'Convenient' Outages Are Increasing
With a pandemic turning state governors into mini-Hitlers, announced plans by Biden/Harris to mandate
the lockdown of an entire nation, along with a whole host of other events all happening presently, it is easy to allow the
rapid nature of these events to create a tunnel vision of sorts.
The 2020
presidential election, and the results which are being contested in courts all over the nation, with a Michigan judge just ruling to allow the public dissemination of the forensic results into Dominion voting system machines, showing massive irregularities, along with other voting irregularities in a number
of other states, we are noting a tremendous increase in censorship by a variety of big tech companies and social media giants.
Read more here:
The Vatican will be inaugurating the blatantly occult and bizarre Nativity Scene in Saint
Peter's Square. The "Ancient astronauts" (or "ancient aliens") and occult Egyptian symbols that is part
of the set refer to the pseudoscientific idea that intelligent extraterrestrial beings visited Earth and made contact with
humans in antiquity and prehistoric times, definitely not a Catholic or even remotely Christian version of the Nativity. What
are they trying to communicate to us with this strange representation of the birth of our Lord? (Is Dr. Thomas Horn's 2020 FREE Virtual Conference presentation warning that the Vatican is preparing to greet an "Alien
Savior" spot on?) Behind baby Jesus there is a very odd version of the Archangel Gabriel, who appears to Zechariah and the Virgin Mary, foretelling
the births of John the Baptist and Jesus (Luke 1:11-38) as is usually included in the traditional Nativity representations.
However, this year he is clearly on top of a djed, one of the more ancient and commonly found symbols in ancient Egyptian
religion of great importance for the Illuminati and the Egyptian rites of Freemasonry in their secret rituals. It is a pillar-like
symbol in Egyptian hieroglyphs associated with the creator god Ptah, also very dear to the Illuminati, and Osiris, the Egyptian
god of the afterlife, the underworld, and the dead... and is commonly understood to represent the spine of Osiris... something
we find connected to the Osiris myth dear to the Freemasons and the Illuminati, and not the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ,
but here we go with Christmas 2020, another one for the history books of disgrace and Satanism... (READ MORE)
Fauci Says Black People Should Trust COVID Vaccine Because an African-American
Woman Helped Make It
According to the nation's top infectious
disease expert, black Americans should get the newly developed COVID-19 vaccine partly because a member of their race participated
in making it.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases, made the shocking statement Tuesday in a virtual appearance with the National Urban League
livestreamed on Facebook.
The meeting, "Making It Plain: A Conversation with Dr. Fauci,"
focused on the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on African-Americans and other "people of color."
Read more here:
China's ‘honey trap' spy network of ‘beautiful women' feared to be
bedding UK officials to steal secrets
CHINA may be using its
network of "honey trap" spies to lure British officials with sex in bid to steal state secrets, it has been warned.
MPs and experts have revealed it is almost a "certainty" that Chinese agents
are active in the UK.
They have sounded the alarm as it emerged US congressman
Eric Swalwell had a relationship with suspected Chinese spy Christine Fang.
It also comes after top spooks at MI5 identified the Communist regime
as one of the biggest espionage threats to the UK.
Read more here:
Petition to declare that an insurrection exists to overthrow the will of we the
people and to utilize military tribunals
Regrettably, the Courts
and the Legislatures of the Several States have reached a level of corruption that is only remediable by the measures prescribed
by our Founders in the implementation of the Insurrection Act of 1807 and in all other legal devices available to suppress
It is evident to all objective observers that our election
system has been irredeemably corrupted and also that the cost in human life will be less if the President and the Congress
will take active measures to suppress the coup and insurrection that is presently underway and to apprehend and prosecute
all those who have been a party to fraud and censorship that is illegal based upon aiding and abetting the enemies of the
United States.
Read more here:
Google blames 'internal storage' issue for morning meltdown which left hundreds
of millions of users worldwide unable to access GMail, YouTube and Maps for up to an HOUR just days after massive Facebook
Hundreds of millions of people around the world were thrown
into disarray today as the entirety of the Google-owned family of apps crashed worldwide for one hour.
The outage affected all of the Google apps and websites, including Gmail, Google Drive, Google Sheets, Maps and YouTube as well as the main search engine.
Google released a statement saying its authentication system outage was due to an internal storage quota issue.
Read more here:
It's Time To Burn Down The 'House Of Lies' Democrats And Globalists Have Built
Up Over Decades - This Is How YOU Can Help 'Fan The Flames Of Freedom'
- Let's Make Sure The Traitors To America Pay For Their Crimes!
According to author John Hamilton in his book "False Flags, State Secrets, Government Deceptions: A Short History of the Modern Era", by carefully studying events of the past, a wise person can not only begin to connect the dots, but even sometimes
predict the future.
Warning within his book that what the mainstream media
and 'the establishment' call 'conspiracy theories' are quite often 'the truth hidden from the people'
by a government that thinks it can cheat and lie and even kill with impunity, as even the History channel has documented, there have been countless 'false flag events' carried out by government's across the planet, from Nazi Germany
to the Vietnam war. And as most ANP readers know, the 'false flags' upon Americans go well beyond just those.
Read more here:
FDA Shuts Down Natural Pain Relief Options
FDA-approved pain medicines are dangerous, but the government is systematically attacking safer,
non-addictive natural treatments. Action Alert!
A recent study in Switzerland found that acetaminophen poisoning increased by 40% following the approval of 1,000mg doses. This is just
the latest data to indicate the public health problems caused by this commonly used pain drug, which is the active ingredient
in Tylenol.
Despite the dangers of FDA-approved pain drugs, the federal
government aggressively attacks and censors natural pain medicines like homeopathic treatments, CBD, medical foods, and supplements.
This needless suffering must end.
Read more here:
Revealed: Bill Barr directly intervened to keep the Hunter Biden probe secret
before the election by warning against issuing subpoenas and asking prosecutors if their staff could be trusted
Attorney General Bill Barr used the force of his office to instruct prosecutors investigating
Hunter Biden not to take any steps that might cause the probe to be publicly revealed in the run-up to the election.
The directive, reported in the Wall Street Journal, was in keeping with existing Justice Department policy against taking investigatory steps close to an election
that might interfere with it.
Barr and his team took steps to 'insulate'
the investigations, according to the report, even as President Donald Trump repeatedly demanded a probe of his political rival's son.
Read more
Is this the start of World War 3? Should we prepare?
In the above video a patriot claims that his
military family members told him they have been briefed on a possible invasion by China and Russia. Chinese nuclear submarines
are supposedly approaching the United States, and Russian navy and air force are also on the move. In response the U.S. Navy
has gathered their fleet all around the borders of America, to defend our homeland.
Read more here:
Ready for a new nightmare scenario? The highly dangerous Cascadia Subduction Zone
is linked to the overdue San Andreas Fault and both could trigger a Megaquake along the US West Coast
A great earthquake along the Pacific Northwest's offshore Cascadia fault triggers
another great earthquake on the northern San Andreas Fault.
what may be a case where science catches up to the fertile imaginations of Hollywood script writers, attendees at
a major earth science meeting in San Francisco will hear evidence that this cascade of disaster happened many times over the
past couple of millennia.
Read more here:
White House confirms Russian government spies hacked the U.S. Treasury and Commerce
Department and monitored staff emails for months
Hackers backed
by the Russian government have been monitoring internal email traffic at the U.S. Treasury Department and the Department of
Commerce for months, according to reports.
The hack involves the
National Telecommunications and Information Administration's office software, Microsoft's Office 365. Staff emails at the
agency were monitored by the hackers for months, sources told Reuters.
Security Council spokesman John Ullyot said: 'The United States government is aware of these reports and we are taking all
necessary steps to identify and remedy any possible issues related to this situation.'
Read more here:
'Go and sin no more' could land you in jail
Christians warned of criminal charges for criticizing LGBT lifestyle
Christians in the United Kingdom and Canada are being warned that foundational religious
beliefs and practices soon could be criminalized under laws banning the counseling of people seeking help with unwanted sexual
Activists want to ban not only the so-called "conversion
therapy," they also want to prevent people from criticizing their lifestyle.
And that includes a veto on the preaching and the practice of churches regarding sexuality, according to the U.K.'s Christian Institute.
Read more here:
Lockdown Death Toll Tops 100,000, All Killed By Their Own American Governors -
The Blood Of These Deaths Are On The Hands Of Power-Hungry Politicians
Drug use, hunger, suicides deaths, depression, are just some of the causes of more than 100,000 Americans dying due
to the overreaching and unconstitutional lockdowns.
Previously we discussed
NY Governor Andrew Cuomo and the blood on his hands over the highest death rate of elderly in assisted living or retirement
homes, after he dictated that those health care facilities, housing the most vulnerable of U.S. citizens, must accept recovering
COVID patients.
That piece led to further research and some of what I
saw was chilling.
Read more here:
Major leak 'exposes' members and 'lifts the lid' on the Chinese Communist Party
A major leak containing a register with the details of nearly
two million CCP members has occurred - exposing members who are now working all over the world, while also lifting the lid
on how the party operates under Xi Jinping, says Sharri Markson. Ms Markson said the leak is a register with the details of
Communist Party members, including their names, party position, birthday, national ID number and ethnicity.
Read more here:
Greyerz Just Warned The Death Of Money Will Now Accelerate
December 13 (King World News) - Egon von Greyerz: 2021 is likely to be a year of awakening. This is when the world will start to realise that
the $280 trillion global debt has no value and will never be paid back.
even worse than that, of the $280 trillion a staggering $200t has been created in the last 20 years.
Let's say that it took 2,000 years to go from zero to $80t in 2000. It doesn't really matter
where we start counting since most of the $80t debt was created after Nixon closed the gold window in 1971.
Read more here:
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell accuses Fox News of trying to 'overthrow the Trump administration'
and says network staff should go to prison at Stop The Steal rally in DC
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has accused Fox News of trying to overthrow Donald Trump and claimed they were 'in on it' as he repeated the president's claims that the Democrats were trying to 'steal' the election.
Lindell spoke at the 'Stop the Steal' rally attended by thousands of Trump supporters
in Washington D.C. on Saturday.
During his speech, Lindell claimed the
battle over the election was 'a spiritual warfare in our country and in the world.'
Read more here:
Satan Soldiers Push Relentlessly Insisting Their Brand of Utopian New World
Order Will Solve the World's Problems as Millions of Working-Poor Americans Forced to
Turn to Food Banks...
For the first time, millions of Americans waited
in food bank lines this year, unlike anything seen since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
According to AP, as the pandemic rages on, with more than 20 million still claiming unemployment benefits, food banks are dishing out more
meals than ever.
The one place millions of Americans found themselves
this year, as readers may recall, really starting in mid-March, have been food bank lines. We highlighted this phenomenon
sweeping across the country as the pandemic wrecked the working poor as they grappled with food insecurity.
Read more here:
As the 2020 Election Continues In the Courts, The Deadline for President Trump's
Executive Order Regarding Foreign Intervention in US Elections Silently Approaches
Any person or foreign entity that interfered in the 2020 election is on notice.
The 2020 Election was full of fraud and deceit. Numerous actions have been uncovered
by private citizens related to the election. Soon the Director of National Intelligence (DNI John Ratcliffe) is required
to release his report which is to cover an inventory of all known acts of foreign intervention into the 2020 election.
Based on what we know to date, this report should have a litany of observations and evidence.
Read more here:
Biotechnology Research Viewed With Caution Globally, but Most Support Gene Editing
for Babies To Treat Disease
Majorities across global
publics accept evolution; religion factors prominently in belief
publics take a cautious stance toward scientific research on gene editing, according to an international survey from Pew Research
Center. Yet most adult publics (people ages 18 and older) draw distinctions when it comes to specific applications of human
gene editing, including showing wide support for therapeutic uses.
more here:
AWESOME VIDEO: Deafening USA! USA! chant for Trump at Army/Navy game because warriors
This is a great pick-me-up for those of you
feeling a bit down through these months of hardship and strife and last few weeks of intense battling over votes and, frankly,
the future of the country. It's a little reminder that you aren't alone, and even more than that, that your values are shared
by the men and women who are willing to put their lives on the line for this country.
Read and watch here:
Situation Update, Dec. 12th - SCOTUS betrayal allows Trump to invoke military
tribunals and Fourteenth Amendment
(Natural News) Today we've published two Situation Updates worthy of your attention. First, there's the "Emergency" Situation
Update (about 30 min) recorded immediately following the Friday evening SCOTUS decision, which explains that our constitutional
republic has collapsed, with no functioning civil legal authority across the nation.
See this video below.
The second video, also below, covers the
rising calls for secession and why that's not the best option, since Trump won the election and is the rightful President
for 2021 - 2025. We cover China purchasing 130,000 acres of land in Texas near a military base and explore what they might
be staging there.
Read more here:
Gut Check
What does
it mean to be a free man anymore? Am I truly free when the money I pay in taxes goes to support the excesses of a profligate,
overreaching, and immoral government? Am I truly free when the scum that make the rules do not abide by them? Am I not free
then to ignore the rules? Am I truly free when some cowardly dimwit at the grocery store looks askance at me for not
wearing a filthy rag over my face? I know he is having an internal debate about whether he should confront me.
Read more here:
Mike Adams: EMERGENCY Situation Update, Dec. 12th - The betrayal is now complete
Watch video here:
Flynn Speaks at Rally: ‘We
Cannot Accept What We Are Going Through as Right'
General Michael Flynn spoke in front of a large crowd that rallied on Washington on Dec. 12 to protest election fraud, and began with the story of Jericho.
"We are in a crucible
moment in the history of the United States of America," he said at the "Let the Church Roar" rally at the National Mall. "And remember, the courts do not decide who the next president of the United States will be ...
We the people decide."
Read more here:
Everything Will Come Tumbling Down - Rick Ackerman
Analyst, professional trader and financial writer Rick Ackerman says don't expect the trillions
of dollars of borrowed money given away in government stimulus to save the economy. It will not. Ackerman explains, "For
every dollar of debt we create, we only get 33 cents of growth. . . . The stimulus is having less and less of an effect, and
because it has less of an effect, it stimulates the stimulators to do even more stimulating, which essentially means more
borrowing. So, that's what's called a debt trap, and we are very much in it. . . . There is no question you get a shot in
the arm on the consumer spending side and also with asset inflation with the real estate market and stock market. Don't kid
yourself, you are not creating sustainable growth to pay off that borrowing. We are not going to grow our way out of this."
Read more here:
A New Declaration Of Independence
When in the Course of human events which impelled our Founding Fathers to form a new Nation, conceived in Liberty
and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created free and equal and endowed by their Creator with the inalienable
Rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, they determined to declare the reasons which inspired them to such
a noble cause.
Because we hold to these same self-evident truths, we seek
to adhere to these same timeless principles and to conduct our lives in a way which shows ourselves worthy of the precious
legacy which has been handed down to us by such brave and honorable men.
more here:
Loud Arguments in US Supreme Court Chambers over Texas Lawsuit - COURT INTIMIDATED
From a source deep inside the US Supreme Court as they discussed
the pending Texas lawsuit against Pennsylvania et. al. . . .
as you know I am a clerk for one of the Justices on SCOTUS. Today was like nothing we have ever seen. The justices are
arguing loudly behind closed doors.
The Justices met in a closed and sealed room,
as is standard.
Usually it is very calm, however today we could hear screaming
all the way down the hall.
They met in person, because they didn't trust
telephonic meeting as secure.
Chief Justice Roberts was screaming
Read more here:
Get Ready To Fight For Your Freedom: The 'Butcher Of Albany,'
Andrew 'COVID Killer' Cuomo, On Short List For Biden's Attorney General
With the Supreme Court tossing the election lawsuit led by Texas and with 20 other states joining, that is one less
option for Americans that want election integrity restored after massive irregularities were found, reported, and documented,
and we are already beginning to see the deadly path that Joe Biden wants to take us down, even before he takes office.
We already know a number of things regarding what is looking to be a likely Biden presidency.
We already know Biden anti-Second Amendment and a proponent of "gun control."
We also know his party, the Democrats, have been hijacked by self-identified socialists.
(They are already trying to push him over the socialism cliff)
Read more here:
Strong Delusion
A whole lotta "Wow". That's about all I can say at the moment, as well as a huge number of people. I want truth
and only Truth. This Scripture keeps coming to me over and over, the last few weeks: "And with all deceivableness
of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for
this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie", 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11.
Why are they believing a lie? Why strong delusion? Because they reaping what
they sowed; being given over to what's in their heart; continuing on in the "pleasure in unrighteousness" (vs.
12). There is a marked difference here: people who want real truth, verses those who want the truth to be what they think;
or how they believe it should be. That is religion and denominationalism: OUR truth or OUR politics. Folks, there is only
God and Satan; Good or evil; Righteousness or unrighteousness. There is no mediocre half-way good point or purgatory to bake
in awhile till you get good enough. There is God and His Way, or not. Remember, any other way is from the thief who is trying
to steal, kill and destroy, (John 10:10).
Read more here:
Fake Test Numbers, Fake Victims and Fake Doctors Have Led to the Destruction of
the United States
America has been conquered by a greatly exaggerated
virus. The tests are bogus, the lockdowns are irrelevant, but the destruction of our country and the coming dangers are very
Not that one can trust fake news agent, Laura "Just Concede
Trump" Ingraham, but she had an amazing revelation on her show with guest Dr. Scott Atlas stated that the death rate
for the Coronavirus is .2%, which is far less than the flu. And yet, we have destroyed our economy, our mental health and
our Constitution over a greatly exaggerated scamdemic!!! Fake numbers continue to destroy small businesses and the livers
of employees and their children. There is no end in sight. Here is a brief report on the fact that nearly 110,000 eateries
are on the verge of extinction!
Read more here:
A mystic rabbi in
Jerusalem revealed a remarkably precise code hidden in the Torah that warns of an imminent civil war in the US. The code even
marks the precise time of the war: one week before the presidential inauguration. Rabbi Yekutiel Fish, a Torah scholar with
a Hebrew-language blog called Sod HaChashmal (the secret of the ‘electricity'), used special software to find hidden
clues in equidistant letters in the Torah. "I presented this Torah code to other experts and they all agreed they have
never seen one like this for clarity in all of the codes they saw before," Rabbi Fish said in his Hebrew language video.
"It contains a chilling and unmistakable message." The rabbi made a graph with each horizontal line containing 1480
letters. The rabbi later explained that... (READ MORE)
A Recipe For Utter Madness Being Unveiled All Across America As Covid-19 Insanity
Hits New Highs - Americans Should Prepare For Total War As Globalists Position Themselves For 'The Kill'
Just when you thought you'd seen it all as the government responses to Covid-19 hit new
levels of peak insanity across America and the world we get this new story from CNN (saved at archive) which shows we haven't seen anything yet.
As CNN reports, as the coronavirus pandemic rages on, transportation officials around the world have been looking for ways to keep passengers
and crew safe on board planes. So back on November 25, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) released
new guidelines for the country's airline industry which it oversees and within those guidelines they've announced
that China's flight attendants have been advised to wear diapers for Covid protection!
Read more here:
Is Our Second Civil War - Also a ‘Forever War'? The Battles That Made and
Broke a President and Divided America Forever
When the Electoral
College meets Monday, it will almost surely certify former Vice President Joe Biden as the 46th president of the United States.
And he will take the oath of office Jan. 20.
There is, nationally, a growing if grudging realization of that reality.
Yet millions of Americans will refuse to accept the legitimacy of that
election and its outcome and will continue to believe, with President Donald Trump, that it was "rigged."
Read more here:
LISTEN - Mark Levin LIGHTS UP Supreme Court for rejecting TX case: ‘What
the HELL good use are they?'
Mark Levin was on the air when the
Supreme Court rejected the Texas lawsuit on Friday afternoon, and reacted to it live on the air. It was a heckuva reaction, followed by some explanation of exactly
what went down.
Here's the first segment after the news broke. He closes
this by saying "I don't ever want to talk to a Supreme Court Justice again, I want nothing to do with any of them. Period.
Period. Nothing."
Read and watch here:
The betrayal is now complete: SCOTUS dismissal of Texas
lawsuit illuminates final remaining option to save the republic
(Natural News) Tonight the US Supreme Court chose to dismiss the Texas lawsuit for lack of standing.
The court did not hear the merits of the case, nor did it decide on them. It simply declared that Democrat-controlled
states can rig elections, commit ballot fraud, cheat and steal in whatever way they want even if their actions are wildly
unfair to the other states which are impacted by the outcome of federal elections.
As of tonight, December 11, 2020, we no longer live in a functioning constitutional republic.
Read more here:
"Pay Attention!"...Sidney Powell Fights On With Emergency Filings in
the Supreme Court
Who doesn't want a street fighter like Sidney
Powell on their team? Powell tweeted out a message telling Americans to "pay attention" to the emergency filings
she made after the Supreme Court rejected the Texas case last night. She means business...
"We the People will not allow rigged elections." - Sidney Powell.
The bottom line is Sidney Powell knows the truth and is like a dog on a bone to expose
it. She wants to prove that there was "massive fraud" in the 2020 election.
Read more here:
Pandemic pushes homelessness in New York City to record levels with more than
20,000 single adults in shelters and thousands more sleeping on the streets
The numbers of homelessness on the streets of New York City has risen to record levels as a result of the coronavirus pandemic with more than 20,000 single adults spending each night in shelters.
Homelessness in the city has reached levels not seen since the Great Depression with more than 57,000 homeless people
as of October. An all-time record of 20,210 single adults, the highest than at any other time in the history, slept in
shelters; with 15,369 single men and a near record of 4,841 single women.
Read more here:
'The Supreme Court let us down': Trump rages after SCOTUS
rejects Texas AG's bid to overturn Biden's election victory and pardoned Roger Stone joins Proud Boys and hundreds protesting
the outcome in Washington
President Donald Trump blasted the
Supreme Court as having 'no wisdom, no courage' on Friday night after it dismissed a case filed by the attorney general of
Texas which asked them to intervene and overturn the election in four states which Joe Biden won.
The SCOTUS decision to not even hear the case dealt a crippling legal blow to Trump's
legal strategy, adding to the long list of failed lawsuits his campaign has filed in an effort to change the election results
as the president still refuses to concede and continues with unfounded claims of voter fraud.
Read more here:
George Washington's Vision
In the National Tribune, 1880, an article appeared giving an account of the "Vision of Washington" at Valley
Forge. The account was told by a gentleman named Anthony Sherman, who supposedly was at Valley Forge during the winter of
1777-78. The story has been published several times.
Some people will
say that it is substantiated by the fact that a copy of the account is in the Library of Congress. This argument of authenticity
is misleading in and of itself. The Library of Congress has copies of anything published. That does not indicate accuracy
of the content.
Read more here:
In The Midst Of A SHTF Situation, The Severity Will Set The Tone
If you have been prepping for any length of time chances are you've had ample opportunity to come across in print and on the internet doesn't upon dozens of articles offering
various guides, advice, and detailed procedures for dealing with the fabled SHTF event, whatever form it takes.
If this happens, you should do this. If this other thing happens or happens in addition,
you should cancel that first plan and go with this plan or that plan.
is all well and good: rehearsing and pre-planning your response to emergent events is one of the only ways to help
ensure you get a positive outcome during a crisis.
Read more here:
Terror, Supreme Court Justices, and the Existential Threat
U.S.A. --( The Supreme Court is the major bulwark against the destruction of the Second Amendment at the federal level. The independence
of the Court is essential to protect the Second Amendment at the Court.
The Russ Clark Show, a local radio show in Yuma Arizona, an investment guru guest, known only as "Edward", made
a prediction: The Supreme Court justices would not accept the Texas v. Pennsylvania lawsuit contesting the legality of the elections in four states.
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The dehumanising danger of social media
Josephine Bartosch says that far from facilitating an enriching meeting of minds, the online world is producing a
dystopian world that is breaking us apart
The pandemic has been a technologist's
wet dream: forcing people online has accelerated what were already inevitable changes. Social distancing started a long time
before the threat of contagion, sometime around 2005 with the spread of high-speed internet. In the previous decade, technologists
shared a utopian vision of the digital world as a space where, freed from prejudice, mind could meet mind.
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Former Special Forces Officer Warns Of 'Color Revolution Tactics' Used Against
Color revolution tactics that have been used against foreign
leaders are now being used by President Donald Trump's opponents to oust him, a former special forces officer has warned.
color revolution is a tactic to affect regime change," the officer, who asked to remain anonymous, told
The Epoch Times.
"What I see happening is a Marxist insurgency
that's using a color revolution to affect regime change."
more here:
From TMAP to Warp Speed: How Big Pharma Algorithms Fast-Track Unapproved Drugs
and Vaccines
Five of the pharmaceutical companies developing
COVID-19 vaccines through the USA's Operation Warp Speed have paid out a total of nearly $6 billion to settle lawsuits charging them with fraud related to "off-label" marketing
of atypical antipsychotics and antidepressants that were mandated through the Texas Medication Algorithm Project (TMAP), which evolved into President George W. Bush's federal "New Freedom Commission on Mental Health." AstraZeneca,
GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Janssen Pharmaceutical, and Pfizer, which are currently funded with over $7 billion from Operation Warp Speed, financed the nationwide rollout of fraudulent TMAP algorithms in order to bilk Medicaid programs and other public revenues to pay for drugs like Risperdal,
Seroquel, Geodon, Paxil, and Wellbutrin, causing serious side-effects, including death.
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Kamala Harris Named in Hunter Biden Email as Key Contact on China Deal
Vice-presidential nominee among several high-profile Democrats listed for Chinese
Democrat vice-presidential nominee Kamala Harris
is named as a key contact in Hunter Biden's emails during a discussion about a shady foreign business deal with a Chinese
Communist Party-linked energy company.
The email is from a laptop
belonging to former Vice President Joe Biden's son, Hunter, that was leaked before the election.
The leak was first reported in a series of explosive articles from The New York Post which were
subsequently shut down by the establishment media, Facebook, and Twitter as part of a collaborative cover-up operation in
the run-up to the election.
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VIDEO: Election Fraud Witness Ambushed and Shot, Leaving Michigan Condo
A witness to the vile Election Theft on November 3, who filed an Affidavit outlining the
criminal acts she witnessed, has been AMBUSHED and SHOT in Michigan.
are still investigating and the shooter is still at large.
Read and watch
Republicans rage! Texas GOP chairman calls for secession, Diamond and Silk demand
military intervention, and Rudy Giuliani fumes that it's 'censorship' after the Supreme Court refuses to hear a case to throw
out millions of votes
Donald Trump supporters have voiced outrage
after the Supreme Court refused to hear a case to throw out millions of American votes in the election, with Rudy Giuliani
raging that its 'censorship', Diamond and Silk asking for military intervention and the Texas GOP chairman calling for secession.
The Supreme Court on Friday denied a Hail Mary effort by the attorney general of Texas
who had asked the court to intervene and overturn the election in four states that went for Joe Biden, dealing a monumental
blow to Trump's flailing legal strategy.
The president's loyalists instantly hit out at the decision calling for
various forms of drastic action in response.
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If You Thought 2020 Was Bad, Watch What Happens In 2021
In terms of the economy and the American social situation, 2020 is definitely one of the
ugliest years on record, there's really no way around it. That said, I get the impression that many in the public are operating
under the assumption that we are about to cross over the peak of the mountain and it will be all downhill from here on. Unfortunately,
this is not the case.
All eyes have been focused on the pandemic event,
and the thinking is that once the pandemic is "over", the crisis will be over and everything will go back to normal.
But, as the globalists have been telling us since the outbreak began, the world "will never go back to normal again".
It's not because of the pandemic, mind you, it's because THEY won't allow things to go back to normal. The "great reset", as the World Economic Forum calls it, is meant to go on for many years. And, the globalists intend that every aspect of our lives be changed into something almost unrecognizable.
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Monoliths: Why are these strange monuments appearing around the world?
Shiny pillars have been erected without explanation at sites across world
Monoliths have popped up in surprising places over the past few weeks, including an American desert, a British beach and a Belgian
Several of these tall, shiny pillars have now been found
at sites around the globe without warning or explanation since mid-November.
first was discovered in the US, when a helicopter crew flying over a remote part of a Utah desert counting sheep spotted a
strange statue below.
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An Organized Breakup of the Nation, Or a National Genocide Perpetrated
Against Conservatives, Which Path Will America Follow?
the United States headed for a divorce? This has long been suggested. There is no question that America has severe differences
which will prevent America from going forward regardless who is in charge. Is a civil war coming, a division of our once great
Take the case of a well-known and well-respected Russian
professor, Igor Panarin, predicted that America was too fractured to continue as a country.
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Democrats Winning Georgia US Senate Run-Offs Will Complete America's Freefall
Into Oblivion, Landing Us In A Socialist Hell
Senator, Raphael Warnock Twists Bible To Justify His Radical Positions!
Reverend Raphael Warnock, the pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, wants you to vote him into the U.S. Senate
in place of Senator Kelly Loeffler, who has demonstrated she is the staunchest supporter of President Trump. Warnock's record
reveals him to a radical racist using his clerical position to step, not up, but down into national politics.
If the GOP loses its majority status in the Senate, it will give the leftwing Democrats
the power to put America into a freefall, landing us in a Socialist hell. Senator David Perdue's seat is also in jeopardy
being challenged by a lightweight novice Jon Ossoff. Perdue's refusal to debate Ossoff is a huge political mistake. Perdue
is slightly ahead in the polls, and you know the polls.
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The Only Thing Covid-19 Test Kits Are Good for is Illegally Collecting
and Surveilling Human DNA
In 2020, human populations
were thoroughly convinced that they could eradicate viruses from the universe by assuming everyone was sick and by avoiding
human interaction.
Lock downs, business restrictions, mask mandates
and social distancing guidelines promised safety from "the virus." Human populations were taught that collective
avoidance was the most empathetic response, and local and state governments stepped in to enforce this mentality.
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The Top Ten Bible Prophecy Stories Of 2020 Point To Coming Of "THE MESSENGER" AND START
The Decline of America. There is really
no end-time power in the Bible other than a Revived Roman Empire from which the Antichrist will headquarter. Thus, prophecy
watchers have always known America must decline. This year we have watched capitalism come under attack and socialism and
globalism be heralded. Some progressive but deluded political leaders are even hailing Marxism, including many on the Biden
team. 2) The Rise of Lawlessness, Anarchy and Spirit of Antichrist. We see unbridled lawlessness in Matthew 24 and parts of
Revelation, although the context of both is the Tribulation. So once again, we see Tribulation events casting a long shadow
on the Church Age. Here in America, literally "all hell is breaking loose" and our Republic and rule of law are
disintegrating right before our eyes! At the root of this is the spirit of the Antichrist... (READ MORE)
An Organized Breakup of the Nation, Or a National Genocide Perpetrated
Against Conservatives, Which Path Will America Follow?
the United States headed for a divorce? This has long been suggested. There is no question that America has severe differences
which will prevent America from going forward regardless who is in charge. Is a civil war coming, a division of our once great
Take the case of a well-known and well-respected Russian
professor, Igor Panarin, predicted that America was too fractured to continue as a country.
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Revealed: Bill Barr knew for MONTHS that Hunter Biden was the subject of a federal
probe and kept it secret during the run-up to the election as Trump blasts the FBI and DOJ
Bill Barr has known about investigations involving Joe Biden's son Hunter since at least the spring, according to a report, and did his best to stop the information leaking out before
the election.
In news which angered his boss Donald Trump, the attorney general - whose job is already said to be hanging in the balance - acted to stop the investigation being made
public, the Wall Street Journal reported.
Justice Department guidelines advise investigators against
taking overt actions in a run-up to an election so as not to be seen as affecting the outcome.
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If face masks really prevent COVID-19, why don't elites wear them?
In Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy, a remarkably prescient
book completed shortly before his death in 1994, Christopher Lasch identified the anti-nationalist elites as "a new class" of "symbolic analysts" whose livelihoods "rest
not so much on the ownership of property as on the manipulation of information and professional expertise." Members of
this new class are found in a wide variety of occupations, including "brokers, bankers, real estate promoters and developers,
engineers, consultants of all kinds, systems analysts, scientists, doctors, publicists, publishers, editors,
advertising executives, art directors, moviemakers, entertainers, journalists, television producers and directors,
artists, writers, university professors." What Lasch left out of his list are politicians and government
officials, who, as members of the ruling class, surely qualify as elites.
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Minneapolis Democrats Slash $8 Million from Police Funding Amid Violent Crime
Democratic city council passes new budget with
major cuts to MPD
The Democrat-run Minneapolis City
Council has slashed a staggering $8 million from its police department's funding, despite a major violent crime surge in the
Minnesota city.
Leftist council members have been pushing to
defund the police in Minneapolis since the death of George Floyd earlier this year, who died while in the custody
of the MPD.
On Thursday morning, the city council passed a budget that
will cut millions from its police funding and, instead, spend the taxpayer money on mental health and violence prevention
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The Australian Government has scrapped a billion dollar coronavirus vaccine agreement with Australian biotech company CSL Limited to supply 51 million doses of a Covid-19 vaccine being developed by the
University of Queensland after several trial participants returned positive HIV test results.
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China purchases Texas Ranch near US Air Force Base, foreign threat grows: Kyle
Hayman Capital Management founder and CIO Kyle Bass discusses
Goldman Sachs acquiring 100% ownership of their securities joint venture in China and the growing threat of China to the U.S.
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I was only protesting! Rand Paul backs down from threat to shut down the government
and claims he only meant to hold things up for a day (but Congress is STILL gridlocked on COVID relief)
A government shutdown appears to be averted after Republican Senator Rand Paul backed
down from his blockade threat, saying he only planned to hold things up for a day to make a point.
'I think it's a pretty important principle to discuss so we did hold things up for a day on that
but we're not going to on the CR,' Paul told reports on Capitol Hill Friday morning of the continuing resolution to fund the
The federal government was set to shut down at midnight
unless a crisis was resolved on Capitol Hill involving Paul, Senator Bernie Sanders, the annual defense spending bill, and COVID relief legislation.
more here:
FDA lists 22 potential adverse effects of new COVID-19 vaccine and it's not looking
See all 22 adverse effects listed on FDA's COVID-19 Vaccine
Saftey Surveillance bulletin -- it may SHOCK you!
The 22 potential adverse
effects listed on the official Food and Drug Administration website are:
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Stage Set For Epic Battle Between Red & Blue States At Supreme Court
We have never seen anything like Texas v. Pennsylvania in the history of the Supreme Court.
A very large group of red states has lined up behind Texas, and a very large group of blue states is backing the other side.
I cannot recall another Supreme Court case in which so many states have sought to be involved on some level, and so to me,
it would be unthinkable for the Supreme Court to try to slap this suit away as if it was insignificant. The U.S. Constitution
gives the Supreme Court original jurisdiction over controversies between states, and so if the Supreme Court is not willing
to properly deal with the grievances that the red states have there is no other place for them to go.
I believe that the Supreme Court is going to handle this case with the seriousness that it deserves,
and that means that we are about to witness an absolutely epic legal battle between red states and blue states.
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From Gulag to Google: The issue is one of freedom
The domination of the social media giants must be challenged - while it can be.
December 11, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - It is true that Google is not imprisoning dissenters in a vast network of prison camps, similar to what Alexander Solzhenitsyn
described in The Gulag Archipelago. But there is a good reason that retired NYU professor Michael Rectenwald titled
his 2019 book Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom. The reach and power of the social
media giants is frightening. It is with little exaggeration that the owners of Google (which includes YouTube) and Facebook
and Twitter are called "the masters of the universe." Their domination must be challenged - while it can be.
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Pope joins with global companies to promote capitalism in line with UN's pro-abortion
The new partnership aligns the Vatican with the UN, which
supports 'universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services' such as contraception and abortion.
VATICAN CITY, December 10, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - Pope Francis joined forces with major global corporations such as the Rockefeller Foundation and Bank of America to promote
a new "economic system" of capitalism based on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
Launched on December 8, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, the Vatican partnership
with the "Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican" is apparently a response to Pope Francis's desire "to build inclusive and sustainable economies and societies."
The Council describes itself as "a movement of the world's business and public sector leaders who are working to build
a more inclusive, sustainable, and trusted economic system that addresses the needs of our people and the planet."
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Post-SHTF: The Poor Will Be The Majority Of Any "New World,"- Prepare
for them-The laborers will be there. Could you turn them into a resource instead of a threat?
After the Mad Max, kill-or-be-killed, zombie apocalypse phase of SHTF has passed, the survivors
will not emerge equally. There will be the new "rich" (the preppers) and the new "poor" - those who survived
with little or nothing. With the vast "safety nets" of the modern welfare state gone, what do you do with the poor?
in the 1700s and 1800s was a vibrant and growing nation. Yet, amid all the expansion and opportunity, there were still poor
people. In the 1800s, there were no food stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, TANF, CHIP, or Housing Assistance. How did the townsfolk back then deal with the poor people around them?
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Australia Bill to Ban All ‘Conduct' Not LGBTQ-Affirming, Including Private
Conversations, Sermons & PRAYER
Australia's Liberal
Victoria Party (often described as a center- to center-right party) is requesting the state's government to pause progress
on its bill banning so-called "conversion therapy" in order to consult with religious groups over the Victorian
Parliament's summer break.
The controversial Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill 2020 was first introduced to Parliament in late November and has caused great concern among religious conservatives.
The sweeping bill would not only prevent licensed therapists from offering talk therapy
to men and women experiencing unwanted same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria, but would ban all "conduct"
that is not LGBTQ-affirming, including private conversations, sermons and prayer.
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B.C.'s top doctor: Protecting vaccine from 'concerted effort' at sabotage involves
RCMP, military
VANCOUVER -- B.C.'s provincial health officer
has revealed that "credible" security concerns involving the incoming COVID-19 vaccine shipments have prompted responses
from the Department of National Defence and the RCMP.
Dr. Bonnie Henry
first referenced "people who are targeting vaccines" during her Wednesday briefing, and on Thursday was asked to
clarify whether the concerns were around theft or sabotage.
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48% Of U.S. Small Businesses Fear That They May Be Forced To "Shut Down Permanently"
What would the United States look like if we lost half of
our small businesses? The reason I ask that question is because approximately half of all small business owners in the
entire country believe that they may soon be forced to close down for good. Not even during the Great Depression of
the 1930s did we see anything like this. The big corporate giants with extremely deep pockets will be able to easily
weather another round of lockdowns, but for countless small businesses this is literally a matter of life and death.
Every day we are seeing new restrictions being implemented somewhere in the nation, and the politicians that are doing this
are killing the hopes and dreams of countless small business owners. According to a recent Alignable survey, 48 percent of U.S. small business owners fear that they could be forced to "shut down permanently" in the very
near future...
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Now It's Getting Good . . . Pennsylvania Accuses Texas of "Seditious Behavior"
Over Supreme Court Case!
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania accused
the State of Texas of sedition in its filing Thursday at the U.S. Supreme Court, responding to a Texas lawsuit seeking to
invalidate the presidential vote of four other states on constitutional grounds.
Pennsylvania said that Texas was guilty of "seditious abuse of the judicial process." Sedition is
commonly understood as rebellion, and is defined more precisely in federal criminal law as an attempt to overthrow the United States government.
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Pentagon announces plans to withdraw its military support to CIA's international
counterterrorism missions by January
The Pentagon is planning
to cut most of its military support to the Central Intelligence Agency's counterterrorism operations by January 5, according
to reports.
Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller revealed the surprising
decision in a letter to CIA Director Gina Haspel, ABC News reports.
The Pentagon decided to withdraw the support as it reviews
whether the military personnel assigned to CIA counterterrorism operations during conflicts in the Middle East, could be moved
to missions in Russia and China, according to Defense One.
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BREAKING UPDATE: Trudeau admits winter warfare training of Chinese military DID
Yesterday we published a bombshell document: 34 pages of military secrets detailing how the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) have been training with China's People's Liberation
Army (PLA).
You can see for yourself at What's so amazing about these files is that instead of national secrets being blacked out by military censors,
they were just greyed out - so they're completely legible.
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Now monoliths appear in Poland: Two metal towers are found
within hours of each other following other mysterious sightings in US, UK, Germany and Spain
Two mystery monoliths, similar to those that have appeared in the US, Romania and the UK, have now
shown up in Poland.
The first was spotted in the southern city of
Kielce at the site of a former quarry turned into a nature reserve, while the second was found on the banks of the Vistula
river in Warsaw.
They are just the latest to appear in a puzzling international
mystery that has so far reached at least nine countries.
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EXCLUSIVE: What REALLY crashed in Roswell? Man who investigated
the famous 1947 New Mexico wreckage said he found 'indestructible debris that was not made by human hands' in his private
journals which are revealed for the first time
It was the summer
of 1947, the US was in the midst the Cold War, scientists were on the brink of discovering plutonium fission and New York's
Grand Central Station hit a record of 252,288 passengers, but the most memorable event may be the crash in Roswell.
The local paper's front page story reported that the Roswell Army field recovered a flying
saucer on a New Mexico Ranch after metallic-looking, light but strong material was scattered across the land.
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The infamous New Madrid Fault will take out 150 miles of the Midwest and will end up more devastating
than the San Andreas Big One which is also overdue!
Way back
in 1811 and 1812, a series of over 1,000 earthquakes rocked the Mississippi River between St. Louis and Memphis. One was so powerful that it caused the river to run backwards for a few hours.
Today, scientists say that the 150-mile-long New Madrid
Seismic Zone has a terrifying 40% chance to blast in the next few decades, impacting 7 states - Illinois, Indiana, Missouri,
Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi - with 715,000 buildings damaged and 2.6 millions of people left without power.
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Highly Censored News Suggests America Under All-Out Biological Attack: Bio-Warfare
Expert Warns Bioweapon Released Upon Americans While The Mainstream Media Plays Role Of Gatekeeper
With a New York state government member Linda Rosenthal just introducing legislation that
would make Covid-19 vaccinations mandatory as Paul Joseph Watson reports in this new story over at Summit News, citing a "concerning uptick in dangerous anti-science, anti-vaccine rhetoric", we'd like to ask Rosenthal,
is she referring to an October slideshow done by the FDA itself which found that some of the 'side effects' of a vaccine could include: heart attacks, stroke, blood disorders and 'death'?
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Chinese Military Bases in The Caribbean?
China's Communist Party (CCP) seems to be implementing a multidimensional strategy in the Caribbean, reaping economic,
political and potentially military gains a few miles offshore the United States. China's ultimate objective of its Caribbean
strategy may well be to confront the US, not only with its presence near the mainland US, but also with a situation analogous
to America's military presence in the region of the South China Sea. There, China created new islands in the sea, pledged
not to militarize them, then went and militarized them.
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Jobless Claims Jump to 853,000, Far Worse than Expected
New weekly jobless claims jumped 137,000 to 853,000 in the week that ended December 5,
the Department of Labor said Thursday. That is far worse than expected.
Economists had forecast
724,000. The prior week was initially estimated at 712,000, the first decline after two weeks of rising claims, and was revised
up to 716,000. Many economists think that decline was due to the Thanksgiving holiday, when many employers hold back from
laying off workers and some workers do not bother applying for benefits until after the holiday.
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Digital Economy Disruption Possible As "Terminator Event" Suggests Strongest
Sunspot Cycle On Record Imminent
Researchers at the National
Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) are forecasting the Sun is about to wake up, expected to hurl pulses of energy into
space. Earth's implications could be dire as stormy "space weather" could be disastrous for the digital
NCAR's new paper published in Solar Physics and
titled "Overlapping Magnetic Activity Cycles and the Sunspot Number: Forecasting Sunspot Cycle 25 Amplitude," predicts Sunspot Cycle 25 could peak with a maximum sunspot number between 210 and 260. This contradicts the official
forecast by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, who
both expect Sunspot Cycle 25 to be as weak as Sunspot Cycle 24 peaked around 116.
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This is Your Final Wake Up Call; Covid-19 is the Deep State's Great Reset Defining
Your Future
It promises a horrifying future as at least 90% of the surviving population will be eliminated. George Orwell in his in 1948 published book "1984" wrote about in detail.
This is your final wake up call; COVID 19(84) is a
big lie needed to enact big pharma sponsored coup that is now unfolding around us. Governments never act in people's best
interest, while Parliaments or Congress have never been self-governing and have made themselves legally unaccountable. The
Corona virus act is unconstitutional, unlawful and passed without our consent. Your sovereignty has been illegally taken away
and must be reverted back.
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35,000 Soldiers Died from the Experimental Anthrax Vaccine - More Than Those Who
Died in Combat in Afghanistan and Iraq Combined
Vaccine Syndrome
is a film produced by Oscar nominated filmmaker Scott Miller, and provides exclusive interviews with military personnel who
have had experience with the controversial anthrax vaccine.
The film claims
that over 35,000 soldiers have died from the anthrax vaccine, according to a "RAC-GWVI Government Report" published
in 2008.
Compare that to how many soldiers have died in combat in both
Iraq and Afghanistan, which is 6753 at the time of the filming.
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The UK Is Enlisting an "ELITE ARMY UNIT" to Monitor Vaccine "Disinformation"
You can't call "conspiracy theorists" "conspiracy theorists" anymore. At least, you'll need to drop the "theorist" part of the label. After all the ridicule thrown in the direction
of those warning things like mass vaccination, Great Resets, police states, and lockdowns, all of those things have now come to pass.
Now, as the UK prepares to
launch a massive national vaccination program, it is openly enlisting the UK military to crackdown on dissent, not even in
a physical sense, but merely the act of questioning the government's official line regarding the "pandemic" and
COVID-19 vaccine.
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Senate Committee Plans First Federal Hearing on Election ‘Irregularities'
The Senate will hold a hearing next week on irregularities that took place during the 2020 presidential election.
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security
and Governmental Affairs Committee, said in a statement: "I am mindful that many of the issues that have been raised
have been, and will continue to be, appropriately resolved in the courts. But the fact remains that a large percentage
of the American public does not view the 2020 election result as legitimate because of apparent irregularities that have not
been fully examined. That is not a sustainable state of affairs for our country.
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How Changing the Definition of Pandemic Altered Our World
Mid-March 2020 predictions said COVID-19 would kill 2.2 million Americans if allowed to
run its course.1 By the end of March, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, downgraded the projected death toll, saying we were probably looking at 100,000 to 240,000 Americans dying.2
April 8, 2020, a new model referred to as the Murray Model3 downgraded the
threat further, predicting COVID-19 will kill 60,000 in the U.S. by August 20204 - a number that is still 20,000
lower than the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's death toll numbers attributed to the seasonal flu the winter of
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Pentagon Orders B-52 Flights To Deter Iran In 'Show-Of-Force' Mission
The Pentagon ordered two B-52 bombers to conduct a 36-hour 'show-of-force' mission in
the Persian Gulf on Thursday, which military officials told the New York Times was intended to "deter Iran and its proxies from carrying out attacks against United States troops in the Middle East"
amid rising tensions.
The massive warplanes embarked on the 36-hour trip
from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana - and is unusual in that it's the the second such long-range flight by Air Force
bombers near Iranian air space within a month. The US periodically conducts 'show-of-force' flights to the Middle East and
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Dr. Francis Boyle: "Bioweapon" mRNA Vaccines Violate Nuremberg Ruling
Against Nazi Cruelty
Dr. Francis Boyle joins The Alex
Jones Show to expose how forcing the untested lethal mRNA vaccine on the public violates a Nuremberg ruling against Nazi medical
experimentation cruelty.
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FBI warns state, local police
about China targeting people on U.S. soil
The FBI is warning
local law-enforcement agencies to beware of cooperating with a Chinese government campaign to coerce U.S. residents to return
to China to face criminal charges, according to a counterintelligence bulletin obtained by Yahoo News.
The bulletin comes shortly after eight people, including a former New York Police Department officer,
were indicted on charges of acting as illegal agents for Beijing.
more here:
Vaccine Whistleblower Found Dead After Saying She'd Never Commit Suicide
A renowned whistleblower of Big Pharma and vaccines has been found dead roughly
a year after she released a public statement saying she'd never commit suicide.
The body of Brandy Vaughan, former pharmaceutical insider and ex-Merck sales executive, was discovered by her nine-year-old
son earlier this week, according to reports.
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Explosive Documents! Canadian Prime Minister Requested Chinese Troops Be Stationed
In Canada
Owen Shroyer reacts to breaking news from Rebel
News about Justin Trudeau's capitulation to the communist Chinese government.
According to Rebel News, "Justin Trudeau invited China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) to send its troops for cold-weather training
at CFB Petawawa in Ontario - and Trudeau raged at the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) for canceling the training
after China kidnapped Canadian citizens Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig."
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Is The Globalist "Reset" Failing? The Elites May Have Overplayed Their
One aspect of narcopaths (narcissistic sociopaths) that
is important to remember is that they live in their own little world in which their desires and bizarre dysfunctions are normalized.
They believe themselves superior to most people because they are predatory, and don't suffer from annoying hang-ups like empathy
and conscience. They generally tend to believe they have pulled the wool over everyone's eyes the majority of the time. They
think that you are a submissive idiot, and that when they bark an order, you will simply jump to attention because you "believe".
Almost every aspect of the globalists and their behavior indicates they are a club or
cult of narcopaths. Their obsessive need to control as well as to corrupt and destroy in order to get what they want is not
an extension of mere greed, it is a deep-seated aspect of who they are as beings. It is a defining mechanism at the core of
their character. They are real world monsters, like vampires attempting to blend into an unsuspecting population.
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Democrat Linked to China Spy REMOVED from House Intelligence Committee
Democrat U.S. House Rep Eric Swalwell has been removed from House Intel Committee
after revelations he was bedding a Chinese spy!
Most folks will recall
that it was Swalwell who agonizingly pushed the "Russia Collusion" lie against President Trump. Every media
apperance and every public appearance of his was filled with invective about how President Trump was "linked" to
Russia and "Doing Russia's bidding."
Now it turns out that Swalwell
was boffing a Chinese spy. Many are wondering what his pillow talk may have been given the fact that his role on the
House Intel Committee gave him access to America's most secret information.
more here:
SECRET MILITARY DOCUMENTS: Trudeau invited Chinese troops
to train at Canadian military bases
Justin Trudeau invited
China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) to send its troops for cold weather training at CFB Petawawa in Ontario -
and Trudeau raged at the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) for cancelling the training after China kidnapped Canadian citizens Michael
Spavor and Michael Kovrig.
This is only one of many bombshell revelations
in The China Files, a 34-page access to information document released by the Trudeau government to Rebel News,
seen below.
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Media Blackout As Threat Of Violence Called Against 'Trumpers' By Michigan House Democrat Goes
Viral - Message To Liberals: You do not want this civil war to get hotter because you will not win it
Death threats nor threats of violence or war, should never be part of political discourse.
Not from the left or the right side of the aisle.
Throughout the past
few years we have seen Democrat politicians (Mad Max) urge their supports to "crate a crowd" aka mob to harass and
attack Trump supporters, specifically administration officials. We have seen Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi wonder aloud
why there were not more uprisings in the streets. We have seen Rep. Ayanna Pressley encourage violent protesters to continue
to protest, and more. We have seen Biden's VP pick Kamala *HeelsUp* Harris call for continued "protests."
We have seen the media allowing pundits to call Trump supporters rapists, Neo-Nazis,
homophobic, (add all the other names they have been calling Trump supporters here) deplorables, without push back. We have
also seen the media, specifically CNN's Chris *Fredo* Cuomo and Don Lemon, attempt to justify and defend Antifa rioters, vandals
and their domestic terrorism.
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History Expert Warns The Democrats Attempted Election Coup Was As Stinky, Shady
And Spurious As Any Political Corruption We've Seen In Modern Or Ancient Times
- Biden's 45 years at the public trough would make Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Castro stand up and cheer
Niccolò Machiavelli has impacted world politicians since publication of The Prince
in 1513, in which he advised political leaders to consult the past because human events are similar in all ages. He added,
"This arises from the fact that they are produced by men who ever have been, and ever shall be, animated by the same
passions, and thus they necessarily have the same results." Will Durant seemed to agree when he said, man "changes
his habits, but he does not change his instincts." He can't change his instincts.
Men change their behavior depending on many influences, but their basic human nature does not change. All honest
theologians and philosophers would agree. All men are flawed (the Fall), so each will do the least work to get the best results.
Cheating, lying, manipulating, and maneuvering can be justified in warped minds to achieve their desires.
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Bracing For A Very Painful Year: 38% Of Americans Say That They Will Spend 2021
In "Survival Mode"
If nearly 40 percent of the entire
nation anticipates spending the next 12 months in "survival mode", that is not a good sign for what the coming year
will bring. Traditionally, Americans have looked forward to the turn of the year with tremendous optimism, but this
time around things are very, very different. 2020 brought us the COVID pandemic, tremendous violence and civil unrest
in our major cities, and the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Sadly, a large chunk of the country is
anticipating more difficulties in the coming months, because one recent survey found that 38 percent of all Americans plan
to spend 2021 in "survival mode"...
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Breathing fresh air without a mask represents "act of domestic terrorism,"
according to California mayor
(Natural News) Choosing to not wear a face mask in public is no different than flying airplanes into the Twin Towers or bombing a federal
building, according to Lancaster, Calif., Mayor Rex Parris.
In a statement, Parris, who was first elected as mayor of Lancaster in 2008 and reelected four times since, indicated that if it were "up
to [him], anybody not wearing a mask when they are out in public would be arrested."
"That's an act of domestic terrorism and should be treated like one," Parris added.
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CDC Plans Covid Gulag- An Unspecified Number Of Americans Will be Classified As
"High-Risk" For Covid-19 In 2021 And Sent, Willing Or Unwilling, to Internment Camps Until Such Time As The Government
Decides That They Are No longer "High-Risk".
to the Center for Disease Control document of 26 July 2020 - an unspecified number of Americans will be classified as
"high-risk" for Covid-19 in 2021 and sent, willing or unwilling, to internment camps until such time as the government
decides that they are no longer "high-risk".
will be refugees in their own country, that they will be herded like animals into squalid prison-type camps, that armed guards
will watch over them, that living conditions will be primitive, that families will be broken up, that physical and emotional
abuse will be widespread, that the level of psychological stress for many will be intolerable, and that at some point the
‘virus' will enter the camp and kill everyone."
(References are in the section below entitled American
Gulag.)"In the US in 2021, 2022, vaccines will become annual, semi-annual events. Mandatory for all... [Everyone
will be] under the umbrella of the Baal system... [sucked] into the darkness of the Baal system. And the Baal system has no
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Portland descends
into violence as protesters try to set up autonomous zone and reclaim home for black family evicted at gunpoint in September
after remortgaging it to pay legal fees for their teen son jailed in 2002
Protesters on Tuesday tried to reclaim the Portland home of a black family evicted in September after they remortgaged
it to pay legal fees for their jailed teenage son.
hurled rocks at officers, sprayed a fire extinguisher at them and damaged police vehicles outside the property, dubbed the
Red House on Mississippi, in an attempt to set up an autonomous zone there.
The violence came after the removal of the Kinney family, who in 2002 were forced to take out a new mortgage
to pay defense lawyers for their son, William III.
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FDA: Six People Died During Pfizer Covid Vaccine Trial
Six people died during trials testing Pfizer's new Covid vaccine, the US Food
and Drug Administration announced Tuesday.
At the same time,
the FDA insisted the deaths posed no threat to the safety or effectiveness of the vaccine.
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Professor in Texas lawsuit: Odds of Biden winning all four
contested states ‘less than one in a quadrillion to the fourth power'
Joe Biden's "victory" that was manufactured in the early morning hours following Election Day was improbable.
We knew that. But when we put the numbers to the test based on known data and reliable prediction models, it turns from improbable
to outright impossible according to a professor named in the lawsuit filed with the Supreme Court by Texas Attorney General
Ken Paxton.
Rutgers Professor Charles J. Cicchetti, Ph.D., worked out
the numbers based on the lead President Trump had before vote counting was suddenly and inexplicably halted in the late hours
on Election Day, only to be resumed in some cases without observers present. His calculations were based on historical data,
most prevalently voting patterns in the 2016 election, and concluded that it is essentially impossible. According to the lawsuit:
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Cuomo Sees No Place For God In Crisis- Unjust treatment
of churches in lockdowns shows how disordered our priorities are. Now of all times we should turn to God, in community.
Here's the main point, it seems to me, concerning the U. S. Supreme Court's by-now-famous
decision disallowing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's attempt to fight Coronavirus in Brooklyn partly by severely limiting lawful
attendance at places of worship.
Not that the decision made much short-term
difference. The area where Cuomo's order applied was already coming out of the scare that inspired the order. Not that
the decision strikingly, and controversially, affirmed the First Amendment guarantee of free religious exercise. Which it
did. Nor is the point even that the court's conservative majority, by ruling against a religious lockdown pursued to
unreasonable lengths, signaled some newfound judicial moxie it may put to work in church-state cases.
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ANTIFA: Radio host says Georgia legislators fear ‘Atlanta is going to burn'
if they call special session
On today's episode of Steve
Bannon's War Room, syndicated radio host John Fredericks revealed that he has received reports indicating Georgia Republicans
are afraid to use their power to circumvent Governor Brian Kemp and call a special session because they fear harassment from
the left, and they believe Antifa and BLM will riot in the city of Atlanta.
(Natural News) (Article by Tom Pappert republished from
Fredericks, who moved to Georgia and began The Georgia Star News to
confront the mainstream media's presence in the state, said Georgia legislators asked to sign a petition that will allow them
to circumvent Kemp and call a special session to examine election fraud without him are being intimidated by the left.
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Famine Is "Knocking On The Door"
Unless there is some sort of unforeseen miracle, millions of people could literally starve to death in 2021.
We are facing a global food crisis that is unlike anything we have ever seen before in modern times, and 2021 is going to
be the year when it starts to become extremely painful all over the globe. But don't take my word for it. David
Beasley is the head of the UN World Food Program, and so he is in a better position to assess the global hunger crisis than
any of us. According to Beasley, 2021 "is literally going to be catastrophic" and his organization is facing "the worst humanitarian crisis
year since the beginning of the United Nations"...
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"The Case Has Been Made": Trump Sounds the Alarm, Says Big Things Are Coming In the Next Couple
of Days
On Monday while speaking to reporters at the White House,
President Trump sounded the alarm when he stated that "a lot of big things" will be "happening over the next
couple of days."
President Trump said to reporters, "It's
a disgrace to our country. It's like a third world country. These ballots pouring in from everywhere using machinery that
nobody knows ownership, nobody knows anything about. They have glitches that aren't glitches. They got caught sending out
thousands of votes. All against me by the way. You know this was like from a third world nation. And I think the case has
been made and now we find out what we can do about it. But you'll see a lot of big things happening over the next couple of
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Dramatic Video Shows Bomb Attack
On Michigan Trump Supporter's House
A Michigan homeowner says
he was targeted in a middle of the night bomb attack which left a hole in his living room likely because he is
a well-known Trump supporter. He also has multiple pro-Trump signs and banners on his front yard.
Police and media have interviewed the St. Clair Shores resident, just outside of Detroit,
after the bombing was caught on tape. He wishes to remain anonymous for fear of further reprisal as police
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Urgent message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Avoid the Corona vaccine at all costs
This is an urgent message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., son of Robert F. Kennedy and
nephew of former president John F. Kennedy. to all people around the world.
In summary: The Covid vaccine should be avoided at all costs. Learn why below!
"I would like to urgently draw your attention to important questions linked to
the next vaccination against Covid-19.
"For the first time
in the history of vaccination, the so-called mRNA vaccines of the latest generation intervene directly in the genetic material
of the patient and therefore alter his individual genetic material, which represents genetic manipulation, which was already
prohibited and hitherto considered criminal.
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The Table Has Been Set For Some Really Crazy Things To Happen Over The Next Several
Months As MSM Ramps Up Their Use Of Deep State Code Words For A Bioattack Upon America
Back on October 26th and again on November 10th, we published stories on ANP in which we warned that we should be keeping our ears and eyes open for just how often globalists
such as Joe Biden and the mainstream media used the term 'Dark Winter' to describe the ongoing Covid-19 fiasco.
So not at all surprisingly, a google search for 'dark winter' in their 'news category' has turned up hundreds and hundreds of different stories, all published in the past month alone.
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33 million Californians face COVID-19 stay-at-home order that will restrict movements
and business
A new stay-at-home order will be imposed on Southern California and the San Joaquin Valley Sunday night, as the coronavirus crisis spirals out of control with a speed that has exceeded health officials' most dire projections.
Some 33 million Californians will be subject to the new order, representing 84% of the state's population. The state mandated the restrictions in the Southland and Central Valley as capacity
at hospitals' intensive care units hit dangerously low levels. Five Bay Area counties will also begin lockdown restrictions
in the coming days despite not yet reaching the threshold at which such action is mandated by the state.
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Monolith mystery baffles Isle of Wight locals as art collective claiming to be
behind the shiny statues popping up around the world say they are NOT responsible for south coast sculpture
Isle of Wight locals are baffled by the arrival of a seaside monolith as the artist behind
similar shiny statues popping up around the world has denied any involvement with the sculpture.
The three-sided metal object was found by beachgoers at Compton Bay on the island on Sunday.
The Most Famous Artist, also known as Matty Mo, is thought to have been behind some of
the other monoliths that appeared in the US.
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REVEALED: More than half of NYC firefighters say they will NOT take a COVID vaccine when it becomes
available to them
More than half of NYC firefighters say they
will not take a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available to them in the coming weeks.
A survey of 2,053 found that 55 percent said 'no' when asked 'Will you get the COVID-19 Vaccine from Pfizer when the Department makes it available?'
The poll was taken by the Uniformed
Firefighters Association this week, The New York Post reports. New York City is setting up plans to distribute COVID-19 vaccines starting this month, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Thursday.
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Jonathan Turley: Criminalization of private speech coming to U.S.
European-style controls now 'core value in the Democratic Party'
A prominent liberal lawyer who has been involved in some of America's highest-profile
constitutional disputes is warning of an alarming rollback of free speech in Western nations.
The latest is the adoption by Norway of a criminal law that punishes people for "hate speech" toward transgender
people in private conversations, noted Jonathan Turley, a professor of law at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.
more here:
For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called last generation mRNA vaccines
intervene directly in the genetic material of the patient and therefore alter the individual genetic material, which represents
the genetic manipulation, something that was already forbidden and until then considered criminal.
This intervention can be compared to genetically manipulated food, which is also highly controversial.
Even if the media and politicians currently trivialize the problem and even stupidly call for a new type of vaccine to return
to normality, this vaccination is problematic in terms of health, morality and ethics, and also in terms of genetic damage
that, unlike the damage caused by previous vaccines, will be irreversible and irreparable.
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Sidney Powell: We've Collected The Data, They've Been Stealing Congressional Seats
Think the Biden steal was bad?
It was.
But now consider whether they've been
doing this for years....decades even!
The so-called "blue trend"
across the country?
Sidney Powell says it's complete nonsense.
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Trump Taunts Media at Epic Rally: "You Might Not Be So Happy in a Few Weeks"
Make no mistake about it, folks.
Trump is fighting until he is able to claim his rightful victory in the 2020 presidential election!
During his EPIC rally in Valdosta, GA tonight, Trump looked straight into the camera, pointed at
the media, and declared:
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Dominion is owned by communist China, which also runs the tech giants, the left-wing
media and most of the Democrats in Congress
Parent Company Arranges $400 Million Placement 1 Month Before Election: SEC Filing" - The Epoch Times:
A filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
shows that UBS Securities LLC arranged a private placement of $400 million with Staple Street Capital III, L.P. on October
8, 2020.
Staple Street Capital, a private equity firm located
in New York, purchased Dominion Voting systems on July 17, 2018, for an undisclosed amount.
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Facebook Is Interfering In 2020 Election with Millions in Unconstitutional Grants
Before the Election and Censorship of Extensive Fraud Before and After Election
Facebook is interfering in our elections with both grant money used to tamper with the election and censorship
to prevent it's unconstitutional actions to be reported.
team member Phill Klein shared today that private grants were used in Georgia's Fulton County that were illegal because they
went around the state legislature which authorizes election activities in the state:
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Canada Warns Conspiracy Theorists Could Burn 5G Towers, Claiming Link
To Virus
A conspiracy theory linking 5G to the coronavirus has
spread like wildfire this year. In April, numerous 5G towers were set on fire by folks in Britain who believed that radiation
from the towers was contributing to the spread of COVID-19.
Now Canada's intelligence service
has warned in a new confidential report, seen by Global News, that violent extremists could be ready to attack 5G wireless communication towers.
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NY Mayor Bill de Blasio In Church This Morning Told People To Receive COVID-19
Vaccine With Pastor Joking About ‘666' And The ‘Mark Of The Beast'
Mayor Bill de Blasio gave the COVID-19 vaccine endorsement at the New Life Outreach International church this morning
- one day after The Post reported bombshell survey findings that more than half of city firefighters would refuse
the vaccine. "In a matter of days, the first vaccine arrives in New York City," said de Blasio. The mayor seemingly
volunteered himself and Democratic City Councilman Fernando Cabrera - who serves as pastor of the church - to demonstrate
that the vaccine is not harmful. "I know there's some people that are afraid. I want to tell everybody, you're not getting
the 666 in this vaccine, OK?" he said, invoking the biblical number of the beast.
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BREAKING: Judge Gives Trump Lawyers Ability To Perform Forensic Audit On 22 Dominion
Voting Machines In MI..."We'll have results in 48 hours!" [VIDEO]
On November 4, an investigation was launched into the voting results in Antrim County in northern Michigan, where Dominion Voting Machines were used. Dominion Voting
machines were used in most Michigan counties, including the hotly contested Wayne County where an estimated 200+ sworn affidavits
have been filed by poll challengers, a Dominion contract worker, a Wayne County Clerk whistleblower, and GOP lawyers, including
one that was thrown out of the TCF Center by Detroit Police officers.
observers expressed shock early Wednesday when the county transferred numbers to the state showing Biden beating Trump by
about 3,000 votes. Antrim is a Republican stronghold where local GOP officials have mostly run unopposed in recent elections.
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HARD PROOF: Dominion Vote Tabulating Machines ALTER Vote Totals - May VOID Election
in 28 States!
Ware County, Ga has broken the Dominion algorithm:
Using sequestered Dominion Equipment, Ware County ran a equal number of Trump votes and Biden votes through the Tabulator
and the Tabulator reported a 26% lead for Biden.
37 Trump votes used in
the equal sample run had been "Switched" from Trump to Biden.
actual algorithmic terms this means that a vote for Trump was counted as 87% of a vote and a vote for Biden was counted as
113% of a vote.
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Operation Warp Speed is a CCP-engineered conspiracy to cause mass vaccine casualties
across the United States military
(Natural News) Today's Situation Update (for Dec. 5th) lays out stunning details on a grand, wartime conspiracy involving Operation Warp
Speed. This vaccine program to mass vaccinate U.S. military personnel is actually phase two of a CCP-engineered bioweapons
attack on America that began with the release of the SARS-cov-2 coronavirus, and now proceeds to the mass injections of U.S.
troops with a dangerous, largely untested and experimental vaccine that already shows a 100% rate of side effects in high-dose
study subjects.
The new mRNA platform used for these vaccines hijacks
the body's cells, invading ribosomes and causing them to churn out non-human proteins which invade the blood. These proteins
cause the body to attack itself in a "cytokine storm" of inflammation and autoimmune disorders, resulting in neurological
damage, infertility, tissue damage and even death.
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'No Vaccine, No Work' - Employers Discuss Making COVID Immunity Mandatory For
Public opinion polls from the past couple of weeks appear
to show a growing number of Americans are planning to get the coronavirus vaccine, even as Dr. Fauci hinted that the UK's
decision to grant emergency approval to Pfizer's mRNA vaccine might have been somewhat "rushed".
A recent Goldman research note intended for its institutional clients showed as much, citing polling numbers from YouGov.
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Greyerz - Is The World Financial System And Economy About To Fall Into A Devastating
Hannibal Trap?
December 6 (King World News) - Egon von Greyerz: Is the global investment world about to be caught in the Hannibal trap? Hannibal was
considered as one of the greatest military tacticians and generals in history. He was a master of strategy and regularly led
his enemies into excruciating defeats.
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Ex-Pfizer Exec Demands EU Halt COVID-19 Vaccine Studies Over 'Indefinite Infertility'
And Other Health Concerns
Former Pfizer vice president and scientific
director Dr. Michael Yeadon and German lung specialist and parliamentarian Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg have filed an urgent application with the European Medicine Agency calling for the immediate suspension of all SARS-CoV-2 vaccine studies
- particularly the BioNtech/Pfizer study on BNT162b (EudraCT number 2020-002641-42).
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Are We 8 Days Away From a Coup or the Invocation of the Insurrection Act?
In the classic movie, Eight Days In May, starring Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas,
there were eight days when a corrupt group of Generals were going to depose a sitting President and begin a nuclear war. Today,
we have our own version of the movie. Only the protagonists are the Deep State actors and their Democratic Party puppets along
with solid support from the Communist Chinese, Germany, Spain and Venezuela who have all conspired to illegally fix and election
on a massive scale in a plot that we could call Eight Days in December, if this were made into a movie. If I, and
many of my most trusted sources are correct, this whole issue of who will be in the White House in January, will be over by
December 14th.
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As CRAZED LEFTIES LOOM, U.S. Supreme Court CLOSES BUILDING until further notice
. . .
The Supreme Court of the United States always does its
justice openly, in public, for all the world to see. That is being put on "hold."
During many recent cases, CRAZED LEFTISTS / Liberals / Progressives (i.e. good-for-nothing, jealous,
envious, lying, thieving, murderous, Communists) have gone after the Court in ways that make clear the left-wing is mentally
ill, deranged, and violent.
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Gordon Chang spoke
to Fox News about China's initiative to collect foreigners' DNA and how they plan on using it. The Peoples Republic of China
(PRC) has been collecting people's DNA for years, and according to Gordon Chang, author of ‘The Coming Collapse of China,'
the country's sinister motivations should be of great concern to the United States. With over 80 million health profiles,
China has the largest DNA database in the world, and growing. In an interview with Fox News, Chang warned that China plans
to use this information to create bioweapons designed to target specific ethnic groups. "The coronavirus is not the last
pathogen that will be generated from Chinese soil. And so we've got to be concerned that the next disease is more transmissible
and more deadly than the novel coronavirus," said Chang... (READ MORE)
Things Are About To Get Exponentially Worse: The Vaccine
Nazis Would Have Made Hitler Very Proud - Americans Better Unite Now In The Name Of Freedom Or Lose It Forever
Taking a look at what is coming to America, we look to what is happening in Canada, where
threats against their citizens that refuse the COVID-19 vaccine is happening right now.
Summit News headlines with "Chief Medical Officer Says Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won't Have "Freedom to Move Around."
Ontario's Chief Medical Officer says that those who refuse to take
the COVID vaccine won't have "freedom to move around" and will have to continue to wear masks.
Dr. David Williams was asked if he "would make some sort of mandatory
vaccination recommendation."
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Globalist "Great Reset" Author Klaus Schwab Received Chinese Foreign
Honor in 2018
Klaus Schwab recieved the China Reform Friendship
Medal in 2018.
Klaus Schwab, the author of "COVID-19:
The Great Reset" and the executive director of the globalist World Economic Forum, received the China Reform Friendship
Medal for his role in integrating Communist China into the world economy.
is cited as a "promoter of China's international economic exchanges and cooperation" in
a Chinese state media report on his state honor, which was provided to ten leading western globalists for their role in outsourcing jobs to the Communist-mercantilist
nation. Chinese communist leader Xi Jinping personally bestowed the China Reform Friendship Medal to Schwab in a 2018 Beijing
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Lockdowns Destroy Small Businesses - Exempt Hollywood
Before Thanksgiving, Los Angeles imposed a curfew and, in a shocking oversight, asked
Hollywood to follow it. While the entertainment industry isn't as big a part of the local economy as it would like you to
think, its producers, directors, and stars provide a disproportionate share of the capital that the Democrats politicians
who run the place use to get elected to higher office.
After ordering
Hollywood to restrict filming to the same curfew as other businesses, a few hours later the order was withdrawn followed by
a final plea to film shoots to "to voluntarily limit and/or avoid activities likely to invite a negative community response"
which could "jeopardize community confidence in our ability to operate safely."
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Former CBS Healthwatch Reporter Writes Open Letter: Lockdowns Are Based On Fraud
Former CBS Healthwatch reporter and author of The Matrix Revealed Jon Rappoport recently wrote and open letter to people who want freedom in which he exposed that the unlawful lockdowns being
imposes in various states are all based on fraud.
Rappoport wrote:
This article is arranged so you see the fraud in more detail as you read further.
The lockdowns
are based on high levels of COVID cases.
"We have so many
new cases, we have to lock down."
This claim is based on
the diagnostic PCR test.
The more tests you do, the more positive
results come up. A positive result is taken to mean: the person is infected with the virus.
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More Signs Of A Great Purge Ahead With Covid-19 Planned-Demic Used By Governments
Worldwide To Usher In Tyranny
Mass killings under Communist-regimes
give Americans another reason to 'arm up and ammo up' now
to this recent story over at the World Socialist Web Site (saved at archive), the coronavirus 'pandemic' is 'being used' for much more than just 'locking down' America; support
for 'socialism' amongst America's younger generations has jumped nearly 10% as more and more of 'America's largest
voting block of the future' blames the 'failure of capitalism in 2020' for much of their ills.
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Nickelodeon Launches Programme for Transgender Children Pursuing Acting Careers
Nickelodeon is rolling out a new "Trans Youth Acting
Challenge" program with one of its transgender actors, in a bid to attract young children, who "identify" as transgender
or nonbinary, who are interested in pursuing an acting career.
children's cartoon network is working with Michael D. Cohen, who played a character named Schwoz in the show "Henry
In a 2019 interview with Time magazine, Cohen claimed
to have assumed a male identity two decades ago after having been assigned female at birth
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World Food Program Director: 270 Million People Now "Marching
Toward Starvation" In Wake of COVID-19
Beasley expressed
a bleak outlook for 2021 as he believes next year is going to be "catastrophic based on what we're seeing at this stage
of the game."
According to the head of the World Food Program (WFP),
the amount of people around the world now on the brink of starvation has doubled due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting
economic effects of government reactions to the virus.
Director of the
WFP, David Beasley, who previously warned that the "cure" for the COVID-19 pandemic should not be worse than the
disease, told the United Nations General Assembly on Friday that 270 million people are now "marching towards starvation"
in wake of the economic effects of the pandemic.
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[PMB an Extremely Important Read] Interim Operational Considerations
for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings
This document presents considerations from the perspective of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
& Prevention (CDC) for implementing the shielding approach in humanitarian settings as outlined in guidance documents
focused on camps, displaced populations and low-resource settings.1,2 This approach has never been documented and has raised questions and concerns among humanitarian
partners who support response activities in these settings. The purpose of this document is to highlight potential implementation
challenges of the shielding approach from CDC's perspective and guide thinking around implementation in the absence of empirical
data. Considerations are based on current evidence known about the transmission and severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
and may need to be revised as more information becomes available. Please check the CDC website periodically for updates.
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Fire guts historic church home to New York's Liberty Bell
NEW YORK (AP) - A historic church in lower Manhattan that houses New York's Liberty Bell and whose congregation dates
to the city's earliest days was gutted by a massive fire early Saturday that sent flames shooting through the roof.
The Middle Collegiate Church in the East Village burned before dawn after a fire spread
from a five-story vacant building adjacent to the church around 5 a.m. Flames shot from the roof and the church's stately front window glowed from the conflagration inside.
are devastated. We are gutted like our building is gutted; our hearts are crushed like our doors are crushed," said the
Rev. Jacqueline J. Lewis. "But we know how to be the church, and we know that God is God, yesterday, today and tomorrow."
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Trump Will Win in Supreme Court - Gerald Celente
Gerald Celente, a top trends researcher and publisher of The Trends Journal, predicted Trump would
win the November election, and he was well on his way to victory when the massive voter fraud and cheating was enacted by
the Democrats. Celente also predicted in early September here on, "Trump is a fighter. He's not going
to go down, and he will use the power of the Presidency to extend this thing as much as he can proving fraud and not leaving
because of that. . . ." Fighting is exactly what team Trump is doing now.
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Americans Have Been Placed On Death's Ground! We Either Fight or Face Extermination
The first time that I identified the true and existential threat
to America, the notion did not gain traction, at least no the traction that it should have.
The Democratic Party, the NBA, Hollywood and most large American corporations are partnered with
and remain subservient to Communist China!!!
Communist China sent
us a gift in 2020, the China Flu. This manufactured virus, delivered by Hunter Biden on Air Force 2 to the CHICOMS in 2015,
and then used by the CHICOMS, on behalf of the globalists, derailed America's populist revolution and it greatest economic
recovery in history.
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Pentagon Blocks Biden Transition Team
The Pentagon has refused to allow members of Joe Biden's transition team to meet with officials at U.S. intelligence
agencies controlled by the Pentagon, citing voting fraud as calling into question Biden's alleged election.
The officials said the Biden team has not been able to engage with leaders at the National
Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and other military-run spy services with classified budgets and global espionage
One Biden transition team member claimed a Pentagon official
told them "Your boss stole the election and is not legitimate; we won't let you meet anyone."
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Michigan Secretary of State ORDERS Election Data Destroyed!
A memo has been issued from Michigan's Secretary of State to destroy Election data.
The Michigan State Republican Party Friday sounded an alarm about an ethically questionable
memo authorized by Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson that "is pushing for the mass deletion of election data."
Michigan Republican Party Chairman Laura Cox in a statement Friday, said that Benson's
office issued orders to clerks in Michigan counties to "delete Electronic Poll Book software and associated files"
even as calls to audit the election persist.
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Clive Maund - Genocide is their End Game
"In a nutshell, they are to cull a large percentage of the human race and to turn the
survivors into a completely controlled army of slaves who own nothing and are dictated to and tracked, traced and monitored
24 / 7 everywhere, even inside their own homes, which of course they will no longer own."
"It only starts to make sense when you understand that everything that has happened
and is happening is due to a meticulously planned and sinister plot being implemented by the narrow clique of gangsters who
now control our world."
Read more here:
The Elite have
made no secret that they wish to destroy American. They will destroy or remove any and all equipment that allows people
to survive and care for themselves long term
Those that
are aware of the machinations unfolding in America today see a potentially deadly situation beginning to unfold. The talk
of detention camps and foreign soldiers being prepositioned. The Stalinist purge of many top ranking military officers and
arming of government agencies to insane levels. The slow deterioration of our industrial capability and ability of families
to feed themselves. The erosion of civil liberties and government attacks on patriotic Americans. The massive spy network
established to contain and control the population.
Read more here:
'Papers Please': Government Prepares to Issue COVID-19 Vaccination Cards
You knew it was coming, and now it is official. COVID-19 vaccinations could begin distribution
in the next three weeks, according to WSAV in Savannah, Georgia. With the glorious two-step vaccine that is likely to make you feel ill for a few days with each dose, you will
get a COVID vaccination card:
Read more here:
Mexico: López Obrador says pandemic lockdowns are the tactic of dictators
‘The fundamental thing is to guarantee liberty,' says Mexican president when asked
why he almost never wears a mask
Mexicos's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador suggested on Wednesday that politicians who impose lockdowns or curfews to limit Covid-19 are acting like dictators.
The comments came as López Obrador once again fended off questions about why he almost never wears a face mask, saying it was a question of liberty.
Read more here:
Evidence Supports Sidney Powell's Claim About Global Election Fraud
Dominion Voting Systems' proprietary URL, was connected over the internet to Belgrade,
Iran, China - and to "the Indivisible (formerly ACORN) political group for Obama
For the last two weeks, Sidney Powell was telling everyone she could prove that our election was decided abroad
by bad actors. Tuesday's news seemed to confirm those claims. A retired military analyst testified in
Arizona that the U.S. has captured the information that was sent overseas.
Read more here:
Willful FRAUD: Politicians and Hospitals in New York & New Jersey Calling
Flu Deaths "COVID"
The citizens of New York and New
Jersey are being snookered yet again by public officials and health experts, who are labelling persons dying from Influenza,
as being "COVID-19" deaths.
Governor Andrew Cuomo
in New York and Governor Phil Murphy in New Jersey, have been publicly sounding the alarm, claiming that COVID hospitalizations
and deaths are skyrocketing, and ordering various new "shutdowns" to battle the spread of this disease. The mass-media
has been dutifully reporting what the Governor's say, without ever investigating on their own or even verifying the claims.
Read more here:
Chinese scientists say they've achieved a quantum computing breakthrough
can perform certain computations nearly 100 trillion times faster
- Chinese scientists claim to have built a quantum computer that is able to perform certain computations nearly 100 trillion
times faster than the world's most advanced supercomputer, representing the first milestone in the country's efforts to develop
the technology.
The researchers have built a quantum computer prototype
that is able to detect up to 76 photons through Gaussian boson sampling, a standard simulation algorithm, the state-run Xinhua
news agency said, citing research published in Science magazine. That's exponentially faster than existing supercomputers.
Read more here:
EXCLUSIVE: Oregon Gave Antifa Your CARES Act COVID Relief Tax Dollars During the Riots. Wait, It
Gets Worse
That which is rewarded is repeated. Apparently, the
State of Oregon wants more antifa and Black Lives Matter rioting. At at time when violent rioters were setting fires, looting,
and terrorizing the people of Portland, they were rewarded with U.S. CARES Act COVID relief funds.
Read more here:
5 Ways Americans Could Be "Encouraged" to Get a Covid Vaccine
As Pfizer and Moderna both rush a vaccine to market to fight the Covid-19 virus, will
promises of returning to "normal" be enough to persuade people to take the quickly developed injection?
This article isn't about persuading you one way or the other about whether you should
be vaccinated. That is a matter for you, your family, and your physician to discuss. It's about the opinions of Americans,
the legalities of mandating cooperation, what we know about the vaccine, and the tactics that could be used to "encourage"
your cooperation.
Read more here:
Wyoming health official: ‘so-called pandemic' communist plot
CASPER, Wyo. (AP) - A Wyoming Department of Health official involved in the state's response
to the coronavirus questioned the legitimacy of the pandemic and described a forthcoming vaccine as a biological weapon at
a recent event.
The "so-called pandemic" and efforts to develop
a vaccine are plots by Russia and China to spread communism worldwide, department readiness and countermeasures manager Igor
Shepherd said at the Nov. 10 event held by the group Keep Colorado Free and Open.
Read more here:
‘Sold out to Satan': Viganò unloads on coronavirus ‘pseudo-health
The exiled archbishop had harsh words for the 'Great
Reset' and those seeking to implement it.
December 3, 2020 (Inside the Vatican) - "O God, you are awesome from your sanctuary; the God of Israel gives strength and power to his people." -Psalm
On November 19, 2020, the founder of the World Economic Forum,
Klaus Schwab, declared that "Covid is an opportunity for a global reset."
Read more here:
Mayor Garcetti Bans Walking As Latest LA Lockdown Begins
As LA Mayor Eric Garcetti kicks off the most restrictive lockdown in the country in the
City of Angels, it appears even walking and exercise are now banned as California takes a page out of Australia's COVID-19 playbook.
During comments earlier this week, the LA Mayor warned "it's time
to cancel everything", including "unnecessary travel on foot" - also known as 'walking'.
Read more here:
Chief Medical Officer Says Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won't Have "Freedom
to Move Around"
Suggests those who don't take the shot will
have to wear masks.
Ontario's Chief Medical Officer says that
those who refuse to take the COVID vaccine won't have "freedom to move around" and will have to continue to wear
Dr. David Williams was asked if he "would make some
sort of mandatory vaccination recommendation."
Williams acknowledged
that "we can't force someone to take a vaccine," but when on to explain how people who didn't take it would have
their freedom of mobility severely restricted.
Read more here:
Bay Area orders month-long lockdown for 8.5M people at 10pm on Sunday ahead of
California's stay-at-home order as 22,000 daily cases are recorded, 145 people die in 24 hours and hospitalizations hit 10K
Six San Francisco Bay Area regions issued a new stay-at-home order on Friday as the number
of virus cases surge and hospitals fill.
Gavin Newsom, the governor of
California, said on Thursday that the area was exempt from his regional lockdown.
But the local health officials overrode him and decided to pre-emptively enforce a lockdown, to stem what they see
as a tsunami of new cases coming their way.
Read more here:
Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to
Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings [Read, Re-read, and understand! PMB]
This document presents considerations from the perspective of the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control & Prevention (CDC) for implementing the shielding approach in humanitarian settings as outlined in guidance documents
focused on camps, displaced populations and low-resource settings.1,2 This approach has never been documented and has raised questions and concerns among humanitarian
partners who support response activities in these settings. The purpose of this document is to highlight potential implementation
challenges of the shielding approach from CDC's perspective and guide thinking around implementation in the absence of empirical
data. Considerations are based on current evidence known about the transmission and severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
and may need to be revised as more information becomes available. Please check the CDC website periodically for updates.
Read more here:
Nationwide Revolt Against Tyranny Has Begun: 'I'm Not An
A**hole, The Governor Is' - It Is An Open Rebellion And It Is Glorious To Behold
While the left spent the last four years screaming "#Resistance, as Antifa groups ran around
destroying property, terrorizing citizens, burning buildings and cars and vandalizing everything they could, we see a true
grassroots resistance springing up on the right, against the tyranny of over-reaching liberal (includes RINOS) governors and
their plans to shut businesses down again, without the rioting and violence the left has been so fond of lately.
A New York Post piece called it an "open rebellion," and , that is an appropriate description of what we are seeing.
of the hardest hit have been restaurant owners, first forced to close totally, then limitations put on how many people they
could allow to dine in their establishments, then ordered to just serve outdoor diners, and now those same governors want
to do it all over again.
Read more here:
China Pushing Things To "Boiling Point": Admin Says Pentagon Alarmed
Over Taiwan
CNN anchor and the network's chief national security
corresponding issued a surprising and alarming statement on Thursday. Jim Sciutto wrote on Twitter:
As Chinese military activity around Taiwan continues to ramp up, a senior
administration official tells me, "We are watching very closely and would be ready for anything including a grave
miscalculation by the PRC. We're definitely watching them."
more here:
Christine Caine: Churches Have
Replaced Prayer With Smoke Machines, Coolness
Bible teacher Christine
Caine condemned the modern Church for placing its focus on being "cool" instead of holiness and warned that unless
the Body of Christ returns to a focus on "righteousness, joy, and peace," revival will never happen. "We
got a bit embarrassed because in our coolness, in between our skinny jeans and tattoos, beautiful light section and camera,
we thought, ‘prayer is not cool, prayer is embarrassing. A smoke machine will do the job.' And what we've discovered
is smoke machines haven't saved anyone. Look at the mess that the world's in... (READ MORE)
The Covid-19 False Alarm: War Criminals Inoculated Publicly Won't
Increase Public Trust In A Vaccine - Politicians Are The MOST EXPENDABLE And Least Worthwhile Group Of People On Earth
Just when you thought that things couldn't get any more bizarre in 2020 come to us three
stories from the state of 'Commiefornia' which help to illustrate the draconian path we're now being herded down. And the mayor of Lancaster, California is first
in line after Mayor Rex Parris told the L.A. Daily News: "If it were up to me, anybody not wearing a mask when they are out in public would be arrested ... That's
an act of domestic terrorism and should be treated like one".
With Parris's remarks coming soon after a massive Danish study on mask usage found no statistically significant difference in coronavirus infection rates between
mask-wearers and non-mask-wearers, and in fact, according to the data, mask usage may actually increase the likelihood of infection, the 2nd story reports LA Mayor Eric Garcetti has banned all travel effective immediately, including walking, while closing all non-essential
businesses with Garcetti threatening to arrest anyone breaking his new rules.
more here:
The "Great Reset" Turns Man Into Machine to Serve Elite
One area that has not received nearly as much attention is the plan to fuse human
beings with technology under the guise of "improving" mankind. Mankind will be transformed into drones who serve
the one percent.
Under the new world order envisioned by
the proponents of the United Nations-backed "Great Reset," humans will be merged with machines and technology.
Literally. Perhaps most incredibly, the Deep State globalists behind the efforts are coming out of the closet. These days,
they are openly and literally proclaiming their intention to abolish private ownership of property and even fuse microchips
into people's brains that will be able to read and manipulate individuals' thoughts.
Read more here:
Report: 40 States Will File Antitrust Lawsuit Against Facebook
A recent report claims that a group of at least 40 states led by New York is set to file
an antitrust lawsuit against Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook as early as next week.
A recent report from CNBC states that sources believe that a lawsuit could be filed against social media giant Facebook as early as next
week. A group of 40 states led by New York have been investigating Facebook for possible antitrust violations and plans to
file a lawsuit against the company, according to four sources.
Read more
'China Is Biggest Threat To National Security' (And Has Been Conducting 'Super-Soldier'
Experiments) Says Ratcliffe
Director of National Intelligence
John Ratcliffe says that China is the #1 threat to US national security, democracy, and freedom since World
War II, and warns that America faces a "once-in-a-generation challenge" to resist Beijing's effort to reshape the
world "in its own image."
"The intelligence is clear,"
writes Ratcliffe in an Wall Street Journal op-ed. "Beijing intends to dominate the U.S. and the rest of the planet economically, militarily and technologically.
Many of China's major public initiatives and prominent companies offer only a layer of camouflage to the activities of the
Chinese Communist Party."
Read more here:
What a difference a day makes . . . or in this case, what a difference security video
makes! After security camera video from inside State Farm Center in Atlanta caught election workers red-handed inserting Tens-of-thousands
of phony Joe Biden Ballots into the election counting machines, the Governor of Georgia has changed his tune.
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is now telling the Secretary of State there should be a "Signature
Audit" of election ballots.
Read more here:
When Pharmacies/Hospitals Will Be Impossible To Get To, What Meds You Want In
Your Personal SHTF Pharmacy?
As preppers, we stock up on supplies that we think we will need in an emergency. The order of priority for these items is usually tied to what our bodies need to survive. We can only live for 3 days (on
average) without water so we make plans to purchase storage containers and water filtration systems to cover that base. We next need food, so we stock our pantries full of store-bought and freeze-dried food for
a situation where the grocery store is either unreachable or out of food. Security and shelter round out the list of initial
survival concepts you want to take care of but what else is there?
more here:
The Mainstream Press Has Failed America
While President Trump continues to maintain that the presidential election was marred by massive fraud, the mainstream
press continues to maintain that Trump's charges are "false" and "baseless" and that his allegations are
damaging trust in America's democratic electoral system.
Actually, however,
it's the other way around: It's the mainstream press, owing to its extreme deferential attitude toward the Washington, D.C.,
establishment, that has severely damaged trust in America's democratic system.
Read more here:
Mapping The Global Lockdown: Where Air Travel Is Partially Open And Where It's
Fully Closed
In a world gripped by partial (or full) lockdowns,
the map below provides real-time data on the current state of air travel restrictions. It shows that 92 countries are currently
partially open, 72 countries have no travel restrictions (having a list of these will come in handy during the next crisis),
50 countries are completely closed and 6 are reopening soon.
Read more
Bill Clinton 'Couldn't Stay Away' From Jeffrey Epstein, Visited 'Pedo Island'
According To Former Chief Aide
Bill Clinton's former top aide
and Chelsea Clinton nemesis Doug Band has told Vanity Fair that former President Bill Clinton did visit Jeffrey Epstein's infamous "pedo island"
in January 2003, and that he was unable to push Epstein out of Clinton's orbit since they flew to
Africa together in 2002 aboard the the pedophile's (Epstein's) private 727, dubbed the "Lolita Express."
Read more here:
Obama, Biden and Schiff committed treason against America through cyber warfare
election fraud
(Natural News) The "kraken" is finally being released, and it is revealing that big Democrat names like Joe Biden, Adam Schiff and Barack Obama committed treason against the United States by engaging
in cyber warfare against our election process.
Gen. Thomas McInerney,
one of President Donald Trump's allies in the fight for a fair and honest election, told Worldview Weekend‘s
Brannon Howse during an exclusive interview that the election fraud conspiracy runs much deeper than many realize, involving
enemies both foreign and domestic.
Read more here:
Situation Update, Dec. 3rd - Trump invokes foreign interference provision of his
2018 executive order, authorizing military response to cyber warfare, see NSPM 13
(Natural News) Ask yourself this question: What was the purpose of yesterday's White House speech about election fraud and vote rigging?
If you think it was all about Trump communicating to the people, think again. This speech
was really about Trump communicating with Chris Miller and the DoD about foreign interference in the U.S. election while laying
out the key national security justifications that are necessary to invoke what I'm calling the "national security option"
for defending the United States against an attempted cyber warfare coup.
more here:
In loving memory of FREEDOM 1945 to 2019 - Rest in Peace...
Executive Summary: late last year and this year an extremely
dangerous and destructive timeline was initiated that if not derailed will lead to the death of billions either by lethal
injection or mass starvation and very possibly both. Only those sufficient to service the needs of those in control will be
permitted to survive, and most of these will be herded into heavily surveilled box type living quarters in dense city high
rises. This is not science fiction - those in control have already made it clear that this is their objective, and it will
become science fact unless we see a determined commitment to prevent it by a sufficiently large number of people.
Read more here:
Inuit Elders Are
Warning the World and NASA that "Earth has Shifted"
Global Climate
Change: The Earth Has Shifted, Say Inuit Elders. A new warning has come to NASA from the Inuits. They are warning that the
change in climate is not due to global warming but rather, because of the Earth shifting a bit. The Inuits are local people
that live in the Arctic regions of Canada, the United States and Greenland. They are excellent weather forecasters and so
were their ancestors. Presently they are warning NASA that the cause of change in weather, earthquakes etc., are not due to
global warming as the world thinks. They state that the earth has shifted or "wobbled". "Their sky has changed!"
read more here:
ELECTION FRAUD ON VIDEO: Security Video Shows TENS-OF-THOUSANDS of Ballots, Hidden
Beneath Table - Taken Out After "Counting Stopped"
video from a Georgia Election Ballot Counting Facility shows Election supervisors sending all Ballot counters and Election
Observers home because "Counting was being stopped" (water main break) then those supervisors take TENS-OF-THOUSANDS
of Ballots, hidden in cases under a table, and begin counting them after all others departed!
The number of Ballots in this video alone is more than enough to change the alleged Biden election win -- and clearly
it is intentional FRAUD because they did it clandestinely after sending poll watchers home.
Read more here:
Priest who volunteered for COVID vaccine - dies suddenly --- Pregnant Women Spontaneously Abort Babies; become
Fr. John Fields, the Communications and Religious Education
Director for the Archeparchy of Philadelphia, which is part of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, died suddenly after volunteering
to receive the COVID-19 Vaccine.
Announcing his death, the Archeparchy stated that Fr. Fields "has passed away in his home. The cause of death is yet to be determined." Fr. Fields turned
70 this year.
Read more here:
The Difference Between Life And Death: Preparing To Keep
Your Family Alive And Thriving During A Long-Term Joe Biden Lockdown Of America Will Require Taking The Bull By The Horns
Adding to the importance of not only being prepared by way of emergency survival food,
water and other basic supplies, it is likely that we may soon have to contend with an administration that under the guise
of "COVID-19" safety, is prepared to shut the entire nation down, indefinitely.
Note: While I am not counting the lawsuits by the Trump campaign out, I do believe that getting
serious about indoor gardening and survival shouldn't be undertaken at the last possible moment, because indoor gardening
does not automatically offer an immediate supply of fresh foods.
For those
in cold weather climates, Winter is hitting hard and furiously and outdoor gardens are no longer feasible, while in warmer
climates with the changing of seasons come a change in what foods are planted outdoors.
Read more here:
Situation Update, Dec. 2nd - Trump readies martial law option for defending the
(Natural News) Highlights from today's Situation Update. Full podcast player below:
- Joe
Biden now photographed in a "medical boot," while reporters prohibited from observing his arrival at the doctor's
- William Barr's comments twisted by the AP, DOJ issues correction and claims the
DOJ is still investigating lots of things.
Read and watch here:
Snap, Kracken Pop! If a Civil War Is Coming, Let It Happen NOW So That Our Children
May Live In Freedom
Orange man bad.
Orange man is a racist that produced the lowest unemployment record for Blacks in US history.
Orange man is a sexist that produced the lowest unemployment record for women in US history.
Orange man kept the globalists from taking over the US economy and completing
the job of destroying the country through the work of Obama
Executive Order 13603 promoted slave labor and control of all food as a weapon.
The NDAA suspended due process
and all could be snatched off the street without cause.
I will take the
orange man. In fact, I have decided that I will not acquiesce to the illegitimate authority of President Dementia and his
lady of the evening, "Heels in the air" Harris. I refuse to follow one unconstitutional dictate of this unholy alliance
between the Deep State, the Democrats and the satanic cabal which is trying to seize control of the nation as well as the
Read more here:
The Economic Collapse Hits Home: Feeding America Says 1 Out Of 4 U.S. Children
Could Suffer From Hunger By The End Of 2020
There are approximately
74 million children in the United States, and right now millions upon millions of them do not have enough to eat. The
economic collapse that has started in 2020 has been brutal for most of the nation, but it has hit children particularly hard.
If their parents lose their jobs, there is nothing that they can do except hope that government handouts and the kindness
of others will be enough. Unfortunately, way too often they are not enough, and at this point Feeding America is projecting
that one out of every four children in America could suffer from hunger by the end of this calendar year...
Read more here:
Christian Research Group: US ‘Moving Toward Elimination Of Biblical Worldview
As Cornerstone Of Society'
Dr. George Barna and the Cultural
Research Center at Arizona Christian University are urging churches to step up to the plate and work to "rebuild the
biblical worldview" in America as the country is in the midst of a battle that transcends politics but is rather rooted
in the spiritual realm. Barna and the Cultural Research Center believe that the Church has much work to do in restoring the
biblical foundations of society that are increasingly being lost. This begins in the family unit and expands outward to every
aspect of American life... (READ MORE)
Renowned scientist tells Laura Ingraham the COVID-19 vaccine is 'downright dangerous'
and will send you 'to your doom'
On Wednesday, The Ingraham
Angle on the Fox News channel broadcast a mind-boggling live interview with a world-renowned microbiologist who
said the "looming" COVID-19 vaccine is "downright dangerous" and will send you "to your doom." The
expert, Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D., speaking on a Skype video link from his home in Germany, also said this:
Read more here:
Dalio: The US Is At A Tipping Point That Could Lead To Revolution Or Civil War
Zero Hedge: It was almost exactly ten years ago that we first predicted
that the Fed's "moronic" QE which has sparked an unprecedented class, income and wealth divide,
"positions US society one step closer to civil war if not worse."
prompted Time magazine to mock our forecast, although we doubt the author, currently at Bloomberg where pretty much every
financial op-ed writer eventually ends up, is laughing today after an almost identical assessment of the current situation,
if ten years delayed, was published by a far more "respected" by the likes of Time commentator, Ray Dalio.
Read more here:
Budding a Totalitarian State: UK Wants to Use Army to Fight ‘Anti-Vaccine
Propaganda' Online
With the impending rollout of a Covid-19
vaccine, a UK military cyber unit has been tasked to crack down on "online propaganda against vaccines."
Questioning something that will be injected into your body is now deemed radical.
With the anti-lockdown narrative beginning to become more prominent throughout the UK following the arrest of 150 people over the past weekend,
a clampdown on independent thought is looming.
Read more here:
Ret. Gen. Michael Flynn tweets call for Trump to declare martial law, order new
US election
On Tuesday, President Donald Trump's former national
security adviser and retired Army general Michael Flynn retweeted a call for Trump to temporarily suspend constitutional order
and declare martial law to have the military to oversee a new U.S. election.
tweeted, "#WeThePeople @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood @DanScavino @LouDobbs @MariaBartiromo @marklevinshow @lofly727 Freedom
never kneels except for God," along with a link to a statement by an Ohio-based non-profit group called "We The
People Convention."
Read more here:
What's Happening Now In Marxist/Communist South Africa Is A Dire Warning Of What's
Coming To America As Leftists, Liars, Looters And Loonies Run Country Into The Ground
Dr. Christiaan Barnard a South African heart surgeon surprised, shocked, and almost staggered the
world in December 3, 1967 when he performed the first human heart transplant. The rest is history in the world of medicine
and in the world of politics.
What has happened to the once great
nation where heart transplants originated?
The unskilled, uneducated,
unsophisticated, and unprincipled leaders in the South African government have turned a great nation into a nightmare. I don't
mean to be unkind but graphic and to the point: thieves and idiots (or thieving idiots) are running and robbing and ravaging
South Africa.
Read more here:
A New Religious Cult Has Emerged: The Branch Covidians
As the coronavirus tyranny grinds into its ninth month, we are at last witnessing the
emergence of a stiffer resistance as protesters take to the streets en masse, especially in Europe. More people are also awakening
to the big-picture truths of Covid-1984.
Unfortunately, on the other side
of the coin comes a brood that can only be defined as a parallel society. This society worships at a religious alter we can
only characterize as Covid insanity, or "Covidanity."
tyranny may have grown a resistance, but it has also recruited more authoritarian followers. This cult are the Branch Covidians,
a defacto version of Satanism. When there's a void, something else may sneak in: Baal corona.
Read more here:
Deep Stater Bill Barr Sells Out Trump and America
We have a corrupt judiciary, a corrupt Justice Department and a corrupt FBI, and as Trump said when
he was campaigning for the office of President in 2016, "The system is crooked." We have an AG whose inaction
is the definitive action regarding the outcome of the 2020 election.
General Bill Barr has stated, "The U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election." I could list thousands of pieces of evidence, but obviously
there hasn't been any semblance of a Department of Justice investigation. Here is the entire response by the Trump Legal Team.
Read more here:
LIVE: Sidney Powell & Lin Wood Lead Election Fraud Press Conference in Atlanta
All-star attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood are holding a critical press conference
in Atlanta, Georgia on Wednesday to outline the massive evidence of election fraud by Democrats in the state.
Watch here:
Eight Communist-Style Tactics
Used By Left-leaning Socialists
The American democracy and the
Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) totalitarianism used to differ like day and night. After long-term infiltration since the
1910s, however, the CCP's communism ideology has penetrated almost every aspect of the American society, from politics to
education, and from culture to news media.
For those who grew up in communist
China, the chaos of the 2020 U.S. presidential election is all too familiar. The tactics used by the left-leaning socialists
to try to send their candidate to the White House bore a striking resemblance to what the CCP has been doing since it came
to power 71 years ago.
Read more here:
This Is What Will Happen If Trump Does Not Enact the Insurrection Act Within 10 Days
Trump is out of time. If he does not enact the Insurrection Act, America will likely go
through the worst purge in world history resulting in a Deagel predicted 200 million American deaths. This is what you can
expect if Trump waits any longer to employ the Insurrection Act.
the Democrats Take Over
With no legal obstacles, if Trump does
not enact the Insurrection Act, the Democrats will be free to implement whatever they desire. The radical Democrats running
for President are amazingly consistent in what they are calling for. Here is a short list:
Read more here:
Pfizer / Biontech and Bill Gates / China are like two couples of swingers in a
perpetual orgy
The US Pfizer is transferring its medicine
safety business from India to Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei, due to the advantages of talent resources and industry
environment here.
Five years ago, Pfizer established an affiliate at Wuhan
Biolake, a national biological industrial base, and greatly expanded its research and development scale and cooperative sectors
in China. The Pfizer Wuhan R&D Center is an important base supporting Pfizer's global data processing, quality control
and medicine safety.
Read more here:
Citing rise of ‘Christian nationalism,' Secular Democrats unveil sweeping
recommendations for Biden
Authors suggested Biden use
‘E Pluribus Unum' - Latin for ‘out of many, one' - instead of ‘In God We Trust' and repeal the
Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
WASHINGTON (RNS) - A Democratic
group dedicated to representing secular values unveiled a slate of recommendations for President-elect Joe Biden's incoming
administration on Monday (Nov. 30), outlining a sweeping agenda designed to roll back many of President Trump's actions involving
religion and to "restore a vision of constitutional secularism."
28-page document, crafted by the Secular Democrats of America PAC, is being presented to the incoming administration by Democratic Representatives
Jamie Raskin and Jared Huffman - both co-chairs of the Congressional Freethought Caucus.
Read more here:
Time-Tested Three-Pronged Strategy To Bring In 'Dragnet Of Domination And Control'
Now Being Executed Across America
Ignore These Documented
Facts At Your Own Peril!
Before we dive into the 'main
course' of this story, the following excerpt from 'The Jeremiah Project' titled 'Understanding the Hegelian Dialectic' is a 'must-understand' appetizer for what's to come. Though written several years ago, as we'll explore within
this ANP story, its warnings stand as true today as they have throughout history.
To better understand the New World Order strategy behind the crises we experience, it is important
you first understand "Problem-Reaction-Solution" or the "Hegelian Dialectic" from the German philosopher,
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.
Read more here:
UK Minister Warns Brits Could Be Denied Normal Life Without COVID Vaccination
Brits could be denied entry into bars, theaters, and sporting events if they can
not prove they've received vaccination against COVID-19, according to the head of the United Kingdom's vaccine rollout.
Nadhim Zahawi, the newly appointed minister to oversee the UK's COVID-19 vaccine deployment,
says the proof of vaccination could be held on a phone application already used in Britain as part of the government's track
and trace system.
Read more here:
The S**t Just Hit The Fan And The World As We Know It Has Come To An End...Now
Lots of "experts" have covered this subject and
depending on which survival forum you frequent the most, it will result in completely different and sometimes opposite advice.
In my opinion, some of the advice will prove deadly to most preppers. So if the SHTF, the easy answer for what to do
and where to go is.... there is no easy answer and there are too many variables to give you a definite, "hey, go
do this!" What I am going to try to do is to get you thinking and to show you what NOT to do. You will have
to come up with your own game plan for your family depending on where you live. I am also going to address some ideas
for those of you with minimal preparations. Now, remember, every family's situation is different and there is no one
size fits all advice or recommendation.
Read more here:
Yes, This Makes Perfect Sense: Cities All Over America Are
Slashing Police Budgets As Crime Rates Soar
If violent crime
rates are surging, should the police get more funding or less funding? You would think that the answer should be obvious,
but unfortunately major cities all over the nation are choosing to significantly reduce police budgets right now. With
less police on the streets, criminals are going to have even more freedom to terrorize urban communities, and that will likely
accelerate the mass exodus out of our major cities that we have already been witnessing. It is so sad to watch so many of our once great cities degenerate into crime-ridden,
gang-infested war zones, and the fact that our economy is crumbling so rapidly is just going to make things even worse.
Read more here:
California: Governor Gavin Newsom Defies The Law - Seeks
To Impose More Unconstitutional Lockdowns
California Governor
Gavin Newsom is continuing to act unconstitutionally and tyrannically against his people over the scam of the CONvid-19 plandemic.
He's doing it in spite of federal judges who have ruled against unconstitutional lockdown dues to the CONvid, as well as a
judge in his own state. Now, he's getting ready to impose another lockdown, even as he's been caught not following his
own unlawful orders.
Read more here:
PURE EVIL: Democrat Operatives in Michigan and Georgia Tampered
with Military Ballots - Filled Out New Ones 100% MARKED FOR JOE BIDEN
The Michigan Senate Oversight Committee on Tuesday held a hearing in Lansing on election fraud and irregularities.
President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden in Michigan on election night when all of a sudden
they stopped counting votes.
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The Proof Is In: The Election Was Stolen
I have read enough of the fraud reports, affidavits, and statements
from election security and forensic experts to be comfortable in my conclusion that the election was stolen. But
I am not confident that anything will be done about the fradulent election. The American elite no longer believe in democracy.
Consider, for example, the World Economic Forum's Great Reset. It is anti-democratic, as is globalism. Democracy
is in the way of elite agendas. Indeed, the reason the elite despise Trump is that he bases himself in the people.
Judges will not even preserve the vote record so that it can be investigated. In Georgia a federal judge has refused to stop
the Dominion voting machines from being wiped clean and reset UPDATE: Judge overturns his previous order and reinstates ban on wiping and reseting Dominion machines used in Atlanta.
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All Hell Is About to Break Loose As Washington DC Is In a State of Absolute Panic
Will President Trump roll over and die? Will Democrats succeed
in becoming the next Bolshevik society complete with tyrannical government and ultimately a genocidal purge that typifies
such a movement?
The courts are hopelessly corrupt as they will not even
hear one of the President's court cases. Not one shred of evidence has been presented. Summary judgment rules the day. The
judges are either Obama-appointees, corrupt and being bribed or, are afraid of the violence that will ensue if Trump remains
in power and this corrupt Democratic regime takes over.
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Muslim Brotherhood will use Biden Presidency to Advance "Congressional Jihad"
Arutz Sheva: The 2020 American presidential election will be historically
remembered as a unique election. A contested, undecided race is not new, but the media's hype, backing and declaration for
one candidate is unprecedented.
Ultimately, the delay caused by the election
investigation will be to expose the use of comprehensive fraud within the voting procedures of American elections, past and
present, no matter what the final verdict is. Statements by individuals witnessing voting poll crimes in the form of affidavits
are appearing every day.
Read more here:
America's Future Is Liberal Fascism Sporting a Smiley Shirt and Armed With a Syringe
The globalists responsible for engineering a medical tyranny across much of the Western
world have something valuable to teach right-wing nationalists and would-be fascists, and that is you don't sell your damaged
product out of the barrel of a machine gun, but rather dripping from the end of a syringe that promises to end all pain and
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Studies Outline Key Ethical Questions Surrounding BORG Human-Machine Interface
Tech On Horizon
Brain-computer interface (BCI) technologies are
no longer hypothetical, yet there are fundamental aspects of the technology that remain unaddressed by both ethicists and
policy-makers. Two new papers address these issues by outlining the outstanding ethical issues, offering guidance for addressing
those issues, and offering particular insight into the field of BCI tech for cognitive enhancement. "Ultimately,
these two papers get at some of the big questions that we need to address as a society about BCI technologies," Dubljević
says. "The technologies are coming whether we're ready or not. How will we regulate them? Who will have access to them?
How can they be used? We need to start thinking about those questions now." The first paper, "Ethical Aspects of
BCI Technology: What Is the State of the Art?," is published in the journal Philosophies. The second paper, "The
Authenticity of Machine-Augmented Human Intelligence: Therapy, Enhancement, and the Extended Mind," is published in the
journal Neuroethics... (READ MORE)
A rabbi unravels the etymological
roots of the word ‘pandemic' and discovers its dark roots in paganism, linking it to other troubling social symptoms
of the coronavirus including ‘panic' and ‘pandemonium'. Rabbi Michoel Green, director of the Chabad Center
in Westborough, Massachusetts, wrote a Facebook post on Thursday analyzing the etymology of the word pandemic, which is defined
as a disease that is prevalent over a whole country or the world. "In the Classical Age, the Greeks associated Pan's
name with the word pan meaning ‘all'. The word "panic" derives thereof since this deity's presence was believed
to arouse sudden, uncontrollable fear that led people into irrational behavior. There is something deeply disturbing about
the word, pandemic. It invokes ‘pandemonium' (a wild uproar as if ‘all' demons were let loose). And isn't it strange
how ‘demic' (from ‘demos' in Greek, which means people) is oddly similar to ‘demon?' It's almost as if the
concept of a pandemic brings something demonic out of people..." Rabbi Green suggested that the spiritual dark-power
associated with the word was having a real-world effect upon the current crisis... (READ MORE)
How the Communist Democrats Stole the Election and Thanksgiving and Christmas.
What's Next? Your FREEDOM Your LIFE?
The Democrats swore they
would not lose this election no matter what. They knew they did not have a snowballs chance in Hell of winning, so they did what they do best... They lied, stole, coerced, manipulated, forged, and used technology to
manufacture votes.
Sadly, though this can easily be proven, they
are still determined to prevent Trump from serving another four years, even if they have to kill him. Why? Because
he is standing in the way of their plans to implement total control and total surveillance.
Read more here:
Extreme evil is coming, and hell is coming with it, so cowardice in the face of
this evil; refusing to take risks to remain free, guarantees a deserved slavery
In order for tyrants to claim and retain total power, the people must become ignorant of their own history and
roots, and must through propaganda and fear be so terrified as to abandon all logic and responsibility in order to seek a
false safety. In this country today, history and tradition are being destroyed, while the ruling class and government have
stoked immense fear based on a propaganda campaign that was used to create a make-believe threat called Covid-19. Every element
is now in place to transfer all power to the state, and in order for that coup to be successful for the tyrants, all dissent
and disobedience to totalitarian mandates must be squelched. The key element to accomplish this lies in the ability for the
government to instill division and distrust among the people themselves; so much so, that the masses turn on each other to
assure compliance to order to have a false sense of security. This leads to voluntary servitude, which is vital to the evil
governing system, because once force is the only option for the state, chaos, revolution, or violent civil unrest will replace
Read more here:
Sidney Powell's massive "Kraken" election fraud lawsuit in Georgia makes
dozens of stunning claims ... here are the highlights
(Natural News) While the jerks in the ‘mainstream media' have dismissed every claim of vote fraud in the 2020 election, real journalists
have been tracking it now for weeks.
And the person many of us are most
focused on is attorney Sidney Powell.
A former federal prosecutor who
once blew the whistle on Justice Department corruption, Powell has been relentless in pursuing allegations of vote fraud,
outright vote theft and the altering of votes via compromised electronic balloting machines (and you can donate to her effort
by clicking this link).
Read more here:
Watch: CNN Cancels Christmas - "We Just Can't Do It This Year"
Not content with metaphorically canceling Christmas in recent years in an attempt
to be ‘woke', CNN wants to literally cancel the holiday this year, declaring "we just can't do it" because
CNN Newsroom host Boris Sanchez rolled
out "medical analyst" Dr. Jonathan Reiner, setting up the segment by announcing that Reiner had last week called
Thanksgiving "the mother of all super spreader events."
Grinch then decreed that Americans shouldn't even be thinking about gathering or traveling for Christmas.
Read more here:
Retired 3-star General McInerney calls for President Trump to invoke
Insurrection Act, suspend Habeas Corpus, declare martial law and initiate MASS ARRESTS under military authority
(Natural News) Brannon House of has published another bombshell interview with retired 3-star General Thomas McInerney, who is
openly calling on President Trump to recognize severity of the cyber war assault on America by invoking the Insurrection Act,
suspending Habeas Corpus (as Lincoln did) and initiate mass arrests under military authority.
The original, full interview is found at this link from We have posted a six-minute summary of the video highlights below, via
Read more here:
These Images Tell Us That Violent Antifa Groups Are Made Up Of
Incels (Involuntary Celibates) - Anarchists Turn On Each Other As Democrats Lose Control Of Their Rabid Antifa 'Pets'
Terminology: Well be using the term Incel in this piece, which is described as
"Involuntary celibates," which is a term used in place of the statement, people no one wants anything to do with
sexually for one reason or another.
The description of who are Incels
is deliberately misleading, as the media and online definitions come from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which
is a hate group in and of itself, that lists other groups as "hate groups" if they dare vocalize a different ideology
as the SPLC.
Read more here:
WILD RUMORS: CIA Director Said to be "Arrested for Treason"
-- or "Shot dead" or "Suicided" or "Injured in Frankfurt Gun fight"
Absolutely WILD rumors are flying all over the Internet this morning, about CIA Director
Gina Haspel.
The first wild rumor is that Ms. Haspel was SHOT and "arrested
for Treason" flown to to the US Military Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (GITMO) and put on trial for Treason.
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72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered "Potential Terrorists"
In Official Government Documents- You can now be considered a "potential terrorist" just because of your
religious or political beliefs.
Are you a conservative,
a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner? Are you opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the
United Nations or the New World Order? Do you believe in conspiracy theories, do you believe that we are living in the
"end times"?
If you answered yes to any of those questions,
you are a "potential terrorist" according to official U.S. government documents.
At one time, the term "terrorist" was used very narrowly. The official definition of terrorism is "The
use, or threat, of force with the intention of achieving a political goal." That makes it pretty clear what sort of people
are covered, and for decades it worked well. The government applied the label "terrorist" to people like Osama
bin Laden and other Islamic jihadists. But the Obama administration removed all references to Islam from terror
training materials, and instead the term "terrorist" was applied to large groups of American citizens.
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More Confirmation We're Being Led Like Lambs To The Slaughter As America Plunges
Down The Rabbit Hole On A Slippery Slope To Becoming A Communist Hellhole Like China
Prepare To Be Marked, Tracked And Stacked As Globalists Post-COVID World Is Forced Upon America
According to this new story over at the Daily Mail, a 'COVID-passport' for air travelers who have had a 'coronavirus vaccine' is in final stages of being
developed with the 'kicker' to follow: "amid reports airlines will BAN anyone who has refused
the injection".
While numerous government's
across the world have stated they won't make any vaccine 'mandatory' for their populations (and we believe that will
change as the 'boiling frog syndrome' kicks into high gear), we get more evidence that 'big businesses', including the airline industry and private employers, WILL make vaccines mandatory for their employees and customers: "You won't be able to buy, sell, or trade without the vaccine."
Read more here:
A Couple of Ominous Questions Remain. What Kind of Country
are We Going to Leave to Our Children and Grandchildren? What Will You Say When They Ask What You Did to Stop the Tyranny
and Destruction of Our Republic?
I spent the last week off the
grid, no internet, and if I was lucky I could get a text out just to let my wife know I was alive. I had plenty of time to
think about things while I was sitting in the woods alone. Reflecting on all that has gone on and what I fear may be coming,
it wasn't pleasant.
Read more here:
The 5 First Symptoms of SHTF to Know When Your Survival Mode Has to Kick In
There is little probability that everyone will go to sleep one night and wake up the next
day in a post-Apocalyptic America. Fact is, we don't seem to realize that we're already living in the midst of post-Apocalyptic
conditions that are not obvious until of course, another catastrophic event occurs. Global cataclysms aside, this is not necessarily
a condition where something instantaneously occurs after some event, but it begins in the years leading up to it.
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"Dark Winter" Was The Code Name For A Scenario In Which A Biological
Weapon Was Used Against The American Populace
Could it be possible
that the phrase "dark winter" has some sort of deeper meaning that most of us are not meant to understand?
We have heard that phrase over and over again in recent weeks, and usually it has been used in discussions regarding the current
state of the COVID-19 pandemic. But it also turns out that "Dark Winter" was also a code name for a high level
simulation that was conducted back in 2001. That simulation envisioned a scenario in which a widespread smallpox attack
was unleashed inside the United States. As you will see below, the simulation was "designed to spiral out of control",
and the hypothetical consequences were absolutely disastrous.
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The Strangely Unscientific Masking of America
I remember vividly the day, at the tail end of March, when facemasks suddenly became synonymous
with morality: either one cared about the lives of others and donned a mask, or one was selfish and refused to do so. The
shift occurred virtually overnight.
Only a day or two before, I
had associated this attire solely with surgeons and people living in heavily polluted regions. Now, my friends' favorite
pastime during our weekly Zoom sessions was excoriating people for running or socializing without masks in Prospect Park. I
was mystified by their certitude that bits of cloth were the only thing standing between us and mass death, particularly when
mere weeks prior, the message from medical experts contradicted this new doctrine.
Read more here:
Data Shows Link Between COVID Deaths & Flu Shot Rates In Elderly
A recently published study in PeerJ by Christian Wehenkel, a Professor at Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango
in Mexico, has found a positive association between COVID-19 deaths and influenza vaccination rates in elderly people worldwide.
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'Bleak Milestone': More Than 100,000 Nursing Home Residents and Staff Killed by
Forty percent of all Covid-19 deaths in the United States
have occurred in long-term care facilities.
As of the last week
of November, Covid-19 has claimed the lives of more than 100,000 people who live and work in long-term care facilities in
the United States, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation's latest analysis of state-reported data.
following chart depicts the growth in Covid-19 deaths among nursing home residents and staff in the U.S. since April. According
to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), 40% of the nation's Covid-19 deaths have occurred in long-term care facilities.
Read more here:
REPORTS: Truckers Strike Actually BEGINNING
There are as yet UNCONFIRMED reports coming in from several areas around the USA that truckers have
Initial efforts called for a strike to begin
TODAY, 19 November 2020.
Yet according to widely published reports,
the organizers allegedly gave up and called-off their efforts.
it seems the strike is commencing anyway!
Read more here:
US, UK governments to deploy cyber warfare weapons against anyone questioning
the propaganda about covid-19 vaccines
(Natural News) The reason why our founders enshrined "freedom of the press" in our Constitution is because they knew that tyrannical
governments control their populations, in part, by controlling the information relayed to them.
Controlling information is also a way to ensure compliance; after all, if a population only gets
one side of a political argument or if they are prevented from knowing the truth about a certain issue, they are far more
likely to go along with government mandates.
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Food No Longer 'Essential' In New Mexico As Consumers Wait 2-4
Hours Just To Buy Food - A Sneak Preview Into Joe Biden's 'Dark Winter' Is Yet More Proof That Survival Could Depend
On Your Level Of Preparation
The lines being seen outside of
New Mexico stores that sell food products are seeing people waiting up to four hours just to enter the store and buy food for their families, as the New Mexico Governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham, orders the closure
of all grocery stores to which four employees have at some point tested positive for COVID-19 in a 14 day period.
Before quoting the article, lets remember that the testing results are
not entirely accurate as we have seen reports showing that Elon Musk took four tests in one day, two showed positive for COVID-19 and two came up negative.
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Brazil President Says "No" - Won't Take COVID Vaccine -- Neither Should
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro says that he will not
take a coronavirus vaccine. (Neither should you)
During a press
briefing broadcast live over multiple social media platforms, Bolsonaro said that he has already decided to refuse a future coronavirus vaccine.
telling you, I'm not going to take it. It's my right," he said.
right-wing leader has repeatedly stated that Brazilians will not be required to be vaccinated once a Chinese
coronavirus vaccine becomes widely available. Bolsonaro reiterated this at a press briefing, saying that Brazil's Congress
was unlikely to require Brazilians to take a future coronavirus vaccine.
more here:
The Lockdown In Queensland Is a Beta Test for the Beginning of the End of the
United States
A lockdown is the preliminary step for a totalitarian
government to impose its will on a population from a variety of angles. What is Biden's position on this topic? From Newsweek:
Joe Biden has said he will do "everything possible to get COVID-19 under control" in what he describes
as "the worst wave yet in this pandemic," following his first coronavirus briefing this week.
Biden expressed similar sentiments in August, saying he would do "whatever it takes to save
lives," including a national lockdown, if COVID-19 infections surged in January, exacerbated by the flu season. Flu season?
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Maryland's "Compliance Units" Can Fine, Jail COVID-19 Violators
The police state is here, and it's wearing a face mask.
Marylanders are now being subjected to "high-visibility compliance units," combined units of state troopers
and local police officers who have been charged with ensuring that businesses, bars, and restaurants are complying with capacity
levels, mask-wearing, and social distancing.
The compliance unit went
into force this week right in time for Thanksgiving. Violators could be punished and forced to close down.
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Whole Foods CEO Says Socialism is ‘Trickle Up Poverty,' Doomed to Fail
In an unexpected turn of events, the CEO of Whole Foods, long considered a darling
of the Progressive Left, has come out against the idea of institution Socialism in the United States. In fact, he didn't just
come out against it, he tantamount to railed against it.
Mackey, the founder and CEO of Whole Foods, in a livestream interview with the American Enterprise Institute Tuesday, that
Socialism is a failed system that "impoverishes everything."
more here:
Landmark Legal Ruling Finds That Covid Tests Not Fit For Purpose - So What Does
MSM Do? They Ignore It
Four German holidaymakers who
were illegally quarantined in Portugal after one was judged to be positive for Covid-19 have won their case, in a verdict
that condemns the widely-used PCR test as being up to 97-percent unreliable.
Earlier this month, Portuguese judges upheld a decision from a lower court that found the forced quarantine of four
holidaymakers to be unlawful. The case centred on the reliability (or lack thereof) of Covid-19 PCR tests.
Read more here:
NM Public Schools Are Missing 12K Students and They Want Them Back. Is It All
About the Money?
Public schools have had a chance to evaluate
student attendance data and have found "missing students" between the Spring and Fall semesters of this school year.
You might ask why they are concerned about this fact. Is it because they are concerned about students who are not getting
an education? Is it because they feel the need to "protect" those students?
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Did President Trump Spring a Trap on Treasonous Democrats on Election Night?
"I, DONALD J. TRUMP . . ., find that the ability of persons located, in whole or
in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections .
. . constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. ...
I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat."
-President Trump, in his executive order of September 12, 2018, giving the pretext for the blocking of property and money transfers, without
prior notification, belonging to persons who have dealt in foreign interference during the 2020 presidential election
Read more here:
Shades of Venezuela In the Big Apple
Tragic scenes in New York as socially-distanced Thanksgiving dinner lines run for blocks
- with two million expected to go hungry today amid unprecedented demand for food banks
Brethren, when I first viewed these photos, I could not help but see pictures in my mind of people
rummaging through trash cans for any remnants of food.
They also reminded
me of the Great Depression.
But mostly I see another Venezuela
on the horizon and it breaks my heart.
Can you imagine how many people
whose eyes will finally be opened to what has happened, and how they will regret following the Marxist Democrats?
Read more here:
WVW-TV Exclusive: Lt. General Michael Flynn's First Interview Since President
Trump's Pardon
WVW-TV Exclusive: Lt. General Michael Flynn's
First Interview Since President Trump's Pardon Includes His Talking About the Ongoing Coup w/ Guest Lt. General McInerney
and Mary Fanning.
Watch Video here:
Israeli Embassies On 'High Alert' Globally As Iran Vows Revenge For Covert Hit
After Iran's leaders on Friday accused Israeli and United States intelligence agencies
of being behind the killing of top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, Israel has put its embassies and diplomatic
compounds across the globe on 'high alert'.
A series of statements
from Iran had laid clear blame on Israel, which has been known for assassinating Iranian scientists in the past as part of
efforts to curb and derail the Islamic Republic's alleged pursuit of an atomic bomb. "Once again, the evil
hands of global arrogance were stained with the blood of the mercenary usurper Zionist regime," President
Hassan Rouhani said in a statement.
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Johns Hopkins: "No Evidence That COVID-19 Created Any Excess Deaths"
We will discuss an article published by Dr. Briand of Johns Hopkins University that destroys the COVID-19 narrative. The research compares the causes of death for all Americans
year over year, and reveals, the death counts are not any higher this year than any other year. Considering the "COVID-19
Pandemic", the number of deaths should be extremely higher, but they are not.
The research indicates that deaths from all causes in our nation went down in 2020, while COVID-19 filled the gap!
This means, there is no pandemic at all. It means COVID-19 was simply categorized as the cause of death to support this false
narrative, and artificially inflate the death toll making it appear COVID-19 is cause for concern.
Read more here:
Phase Two Lock Down Will Introduce the Kill Shot to America
I do not want to write this article. As I put these words on paper, I realize I am writing
the epitaph of a country, its noble protections of civil liberties, the continuance of the Republic and the tremendous genocide
that has arrived on our door step will go forward unabated.
Some of you
will be shocked by what you read. Some of you will say "Dave, you have covered this in different forms for years."
In 2012, I reported on a personal friend in FEMA who bugged out with like-minded people.
He told me that America was to be destroyed because of the growth of populism. My friend and colleague Doug Hagmann introduced
"Rosebud" to the world with the same message.
Read more here:
Those Misusing, Misinterpreting And Mangling The Bible To Defend Open Borders Won't Tell You, 'Heaven
Has A Wall And Strict Immigration Policies, Hell Has Open Borders!'
Biden's Immigration Plan Would Spell Disaster For Most Americans
Biden said, "I respect no borders!" Well, neither do thieves, thugs, tyrants, and totalitarians. Nor do drug lords,
terrorists, pedophiles, disease carriers, and job seekers. Thinking Americans know that there must be order in everything.
Without borders, there are no nations, but then, that's what leftists want. Protestors chant, "No borders, no walls,
no USA at all!" Their demand for amnesty, sanctuary cities, and open borders is a plan for anarchy.
Amnesty is a program pushed by pathetic progressives, even Evangelical progressives, to
decriminalize millions of illegal aliens giving them citizenship. Many of the migrants are diseased, deranged, and dangerous
as thousands of Americans have discovered. With this vast number of people from other cultures, languages, and religions,
we are seeing a massive shift in American culture not experienced in our history.
Read more here:
Satan Soldiers Are Very Confident About Who's Going to Be Vaccinated First
Last week, Moncef Slaoui, the head of Washington's "Operation Warp Speed", laid
out the ‘official' timeline for vaccinating the American population, culminating in the extremely optimistic projection
that the American population would reach 70% vaccination threshold - supposedly enough to achieve ‘herd immunity' in
May. The first doses, on the other hand, are expected to be administered on Dec. 11 and Dec. 12, Slaoui said.
Now, according to a team of analysts at Goldman Sachs, most major developed-market economies
aren't expecting to make meaningful progress in inoculating their populations until later into the second half of Q2.
Read more here:
Backlash as Brennan Blasts Killing of Iranian Nuclear Scientist: ‘Always
on the Side of our Enemies'
Following Iran's announcement that
the head of its nuclear program, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was assassinated on Friday afternoon, Obama-era CIA Director John Brennan
set off a storm after criticizing the "criminal" killing.
response to the Iranian scientist's death, which was labelled a "major psychological and professional blow for Iran," Brennan was quick to publicize his condemnation.
Read more here:
U.N. Seeks ‘New Social Norms,' Declares Itself a ‘Trusted' COVID News
The United Nations has joined the World Economic
Forum (WEF) to announce a global coronavirus news service, declaring the time has come for "new social norms" that
seek out and correct "wrong" information.
that social media is a mechanism for driving opinion on a host of issues, the two globalist organizations announced Thursday they want to "combat dangerous misinformation."
COVID-19 emerged, it was clear from the outset this was not just a public health emergency, but a communications crisis as
well," Melissa Fleming, chief of global communications for the United Nations, said.
Read more here:
As Food Lines Grow, Government Gives $140 Million In COVID Relief To Child Traffickers,
Murderers & Rapists
When the politicians on taxpayer-funded
salaries sit around and discuss which businesses to keep open and which businesses to shut down, they never consider limiting
their salaries or cutting their funding. They simply force people out of business and offer
nothing in return. In states that do offer some relief to shuddered businesses, the programs fall far short of the mark for
small business owners, enrich already large corporations, or as the following case illustrates, puts millions in the pockets
of murders, rapists, and child traffickers - some of whom are on death row.
more here:
Lockdowns Destroy What Makes Us Human
While GMU economist Tyler Cowen may have dismissed the idea of more pandemic lockdowns as being "a straw man" and saying that the extreme measures
that started in March of this year "are now behind us," it seems that governors and other politicians around
the country have failed to get the message.
More and more
states have begun to once again impose ruinous lockdowns. The media and Twitter are filled with self-righteous scolds shrieking
about the impending doom of families gathering together for Thanksgiving. CNN host Jake Tapper suggested that "Christmas is probably not gonna be possible."
Read more here:
'The Machines Did The Killing': Obama Awkwardly Defends Drone Kill List In New
Former President Barack Obama still can't shake his legacy
as the "drone president" given he still holds the record for number of ordered covert assassination strikes via drones.
"There were ten times more air strikes in the covert war on terror during President
Barack Obama's presidency than under his predecessor, George W. Bush," one prior human rights study found.
"Obama embraced the US drone program, overseeing more strikes in his first year than Bush carried out during his entire presidency. A total of 563 strikes, largely
by drones, targeted Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen during Obama's two terms, compared to 57 strikes under Bush," the study
Read more here:
Video: Trevor Loudon: China Tied to Election Push; the Global Socialist Agenda
As the United States and the world waits for the final results of the 2020 elections,
evidence is demonstrating numerous cases of fraud and irregularities that are calling into question the integrity of the U.S.
Electoral System. Yet beyond this, many of the radical groups that have been involved with activities around the election
have deep ties to the Chinese government. To learn more about this, and the broader agenda behind these groups, we spoke with
author, filmmaker, and Epoch Times contributor Trevor Loudon.
Read and watch here:
What Will It Be Like? The Three Stages of US Martial Law and The Signs to Look
For Before it Happens
America has gone from being annoyed with
their government to the point of resisting their government. In a previous article, I have detailed how state governors, veterans,
truckers, and just average everyday citizens are resisting the tyrannical and egregious abrogations of the United States Constitution.
The police state crackdown mechanisms are in place which is designed to break the back of any resistance to federal authority,
legitimate or not.
The net effect of the establishment of "Police
State America" is that it is designed to subjugate the populace and stamp out any remaining vestiges of Constitutional liberties and create a society where the state is all-powerful. With
America's newfound spirit of civil liberty being expressed through acts of civil disobedience, martial law is being put into
place. When one couple this undeniable fact with the fact that Biden is struggling to get control of the country, these measures
are going to be rolled in a style reminiscent of the Shock and Awe style witnessed in Gulf War I.
Read more here:
Lockdown in Los Angeles: LA County asks its 10 million residents to stay home
for THREE weeks - but churches and protests are exempt
Los Angeles
County announced a new stay-home order Friday as coronavirus cases surged out of control in the nation´s most populous
county, banning most gatherings but stopping short of a full shutdown on retail stores and other non-essential businesses.
The three-week order takes effect Monday and advises residents to stay home 'as much
as possible' and to wear a face covering when they go out.
It bans
people from gathering with others who aren't in their households, whether publicly or privately.
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Iran's Supreme Leader vows 'definitive punishment' for those behind
'Israeli' assassination of top nuclear scientist - as former CIA director brands it 'reckless' amid claims Trump will
strike before leaving office
Iran's Supreme Leader has ordered
'definitive punishment' for those behind the assassination of a prominent nuclear scientist dubbed the 'father' of the rogue
nation's bomb program.
Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi was killed in
an ambush involving an explosion and then machine gun fire on a road between the countryside town of Absard and the capital
of Tehran yesterday.
His death sent tensions in the regions skyrocketing
as Iran accused Israel of trying to provoke a war by killing Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi - who Israeli prime minister Benjamin
Netanyahu once called out in a news conference saying: 'Remember that name'.
Read more here:
In my latest article I dared everyone to find out the identity
of Klaus Schwab's parents (the mastermind behind WEF / The Great Reset). No one has provided so far, the call is still open
for all researchers. But at least I'm now able to prove who his spiritual parent is and how that falls in the grand scheme.
Since the first day I got introduced to Klaus Schwab's Great Reset I've seen Kissinger's
fingerprints all over it, but I had no hard evidence. Now we have it.
Second question that arose upon research was how
did this engineer become the prime-minister of world's shadow government? I've seen much brighter people die in misery. I
see his main financial backing was from Rothschilds / World Bank, is/was his mother a Rothschild maybe? We can only speculate
since he erased his family from Internet records.
Read more here:
SELCO on the Circles of Survival: The Worse It Gets, the Smaller Your Focus Should
Out of the all experiences that I had relating to survival,
when it comes to mindset, the most valuable one is what I call circles. Survival circles or your small and big circle of survival.
Very simplified, it can be put in one sentence, and it is, "Nothing is important
except you and the people around you."
But that is truly oversimplified,
because for example when the SHTF (or before it) if you pay attention only to you and the people in your immediate surroundings,
you will fail to notice something important that is happening let's say in another part of your country which
might influence you and your survival.
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UN Hires 100,000 Info Volunteers to Correct Wrongthink
The United Nations has joined the World Economic Forum (WEF) to announce a global coronavirus news service, declaring
the time has come for "new social norms" that seek out and correct "wrong" information.
Observing that social media is a mechanism for driving opinion on a host of issues, the
two globalist organizations announced Thursday they want to "combat dangerous misinformation."
COVID-19 emerged, it was clear from the outset this was not just a public health emergency, but a communications crisis as
well," Melissa Fleming, chief of global communications for the United Nations, said.
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'We won't force vaccine; but here's what we will do'
Health Ministry Director claims vaccines won't be forced, but Dr. Eyal Zimlichman
tells Knesset committee 'they'll understand themselves.'
Health Ministry Director Hezy Levy yesterday insisted to reporters that "we won't force people to take a vaccine. Israeli law doesn't allow for it," speaking before the Special Knesset Coronavirus Committee chaired by MK Yifat Shasha-Biton, Sheba Medical Center Chief Medical Officer and Chief Innovation Officer Dr. Eyal Zimlichman listed measures that are being
planned to "maneuver" the population into vaccinating as a way of regaining freedom of movement.
The issue of how to "motivate" vaccine compliance has generated increasing interest,
with commentators such as Mike Cernovich writing: "Government won't force you to take vaccine. Amazon will. Airlines
will. Banks will. You won't be able to buy, sell, or trade without the vaccine."
Read more here:
A Free Nation To An Abomination: Mass Civil Disobedience Is The Only Response
To Nazi Wannabe Governors - Tell Them All to 'Go To Hell'
from one end of America to the other seem to think Americans are imbeciles that cannot make choices for themselves as to what
is best for each individual, so these governors are implementing draconian decrees and trying to control everything from where
their citizens can go, who they can see and more recently ahead of Thanksgiving, how to eat their food.
Yes.... that last one shows how fast America went from being a free nation to this abomination of
what once was a free nation.
You see, according to California Governor
Gavin Newsom, those who planned to dine out for Thanksgiving should wear their masks in between bites of food.
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Trump Throws Down a Gauntlet! PATRIOTS: Prepare TO DEFEND Our President
Moments ago, President Donald J. Trump threw down a Gauntlet for all the world to see;
Saying Joe Biden "can only enter the White House if . . ."
throughout the nation must read between the lines, but the message is clear: A cheating, thief, traitor, is not going to enter
the White House!
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This Is Only Going to Get Worse Unless the People Remove These
Ungodly Politicians From Our Lives Permanently...
Millions of People in the U.S. Have Lost Jobs, Their Homes, Cars, and Are Having to Go to the Government for Assistance
to Get Food to Eat, San Antonio Food Bank Doubles Amount of People It Serves, Food Shortages Are Here and Will Become a Major
Problem in the Days Ahead the New World Order Pukes Will Starve the working class in Order to Implement Their Ungodly Anti-
Human System, Massive Lines Form Outside Virginia Food Bank as Demand Hits One Million Meals per Month...
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Give Everyone a Barcode? China Trying to Use COVID Fears to Launch Global Tracking
System for Humans
China's communist leader Xi Jinping is calling
for countries across the world to accept a global COVID-19 tracking system that uses QR codes in an attempt to expedite international
Xi proposed the concept during a virtual G20 leaders' meeting
on Saturday, noting that this "global mechanism" uses an electronic barcode that would help determine a traveler's
health status, according to China's government-run "news" agency.
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United Nations: Mandatory 'Inclusive' Sex-Ed Must Be Taught in School AND at Home
'Comprehensive sexuality education' has anatomical diagrams not labeled as male
or female
The United Nations (UN) is pushing for a controversial
"inclusive" sex education to be taught to children in schools and
while they're at home.
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
has published a guidance document to ensure that the UN's mandatory sex-ed is forced on to kids, wherever they are.
The new document "complements and refers to" the radical technical
guidance on "comprehensive sexuality education" (CSE).
more here:
Democrat Panic!...Just Before Midnight, Thanksgiving Eve...Everything Changed
And Jan. 20th, 2021 May Now Be Decided!
Before the stroke
of midnight Thanksgiving Eve there were things set in motion that will forever re-define U.S. history. A warning!!...once
you hear these critical Constitution crisis events, you can never turn back from the reality that the path of our Republic
has been altered. The spigot of truth has been opened and it pouring out all over America's consciousness and it will forever
leave its stain on the collective understanding of what may be defined as the biggest treason event in U.S. history. I will
provide you the re-cap of what happened, but when I'm done, you will be digging for every last detail!
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A World Most Could Have Never Imagined Awaits Us In 2021 As 'The Perfect Situation'
Has Been 'Created' For The Globalists To Usher In Their 'New World Order'
- 'Do lockdowns prevent Covid spreading? If no, why do we need another one? If yes, why do we need another
Imagine just a moment if you will that towards the end
of 2019 or the very beginning of 2020, you had fallen into a deep coma, only to 'awaken' from your deep slumber at
the end of November 2020.
Awakening to find a fully 'masked population',
an election thrown into utter disarray by Democrat fraud and cheating that has caused half or more of the US population to
no longer trust our electoral system and a rapidly growing 'pandemic enforcement system' straight out of a free nation's
worst nightmares, one could be forgiven if they suddenly believed they'd been cast into something straight out of George Orwell's
Read more here:
Flashback: Reporter Fired After Report That Trump Spent Thanksgiving Tweeting
and Golfing - He Was Actually in Afghanistan Visiting Troops
one year ago, a Newsweek reporter was fired after running a story that President Trump spent his Thanksgiving tweeting and golfing.
In reality, he had made a trip to Afghanistan to spend time with the troops.
"How is Trump spending Thanksgiving? Tweeting, golfing and more," a headline from political journalist
Jessica Kwong proclaimed.
The story began, "As with any other day
of the year, Trump will probably be tweeting, or expressing his opinions in another way."
Read here:,%202020%20at%2008:55:57%20AM
You'd better believe global elites will use COVID crisis to launch radical ‘Great
In other words, world leaders are ready to seize the opportunity
to create a new world order based on principles of socialism.
29, 2020 (American Thinker) - During the Great Recession, Rahm Emanuel said, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean
by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before."
That sounds eerily familiar to several statements from a cadre of global elites who are pushing for a World Economic
Forum-led "Great Reset" in the wake of the coronavirus crisis.
more here:
Why Progressive Christianity Is ‘Another Gospel'
According to a recent survey, nearly a third of self-described evangelicals do not believe
that Jesus Christ is truly God. Arianism, as it turns out, is a heresy that plagues multiple generations of the church, not
just the one of the third century. Well, over and over the church has, in various times and ways, ruled that some beliefs
are not acceptable alternatives within Christianity. Adherents are, in fact, outsiders to the faith. For example, nearly 100
years ago, in a book entitled Christianity and Liberalism, Presbyterian scholar J. Gresham Machen argued, in an extensive
scholarly treatment, that liberal Christianity was not a version of the one, true faith handed down once and for all to the
saints. Liberalism was, he argued, a completely different religion from Christianity. The Liberal Christianity of Machen's
day focused on a social-reform agenda, fueled by feelings and informed by secular thought, barely draped in religious language.
The God it preached was not sovereign over creation and providential over the affairs of men; did not really come in the flesh
in the person of Jesus Christ, who did not really perform miracles or physically rise from the dead. The Bible was not really
the fundamental and decisive revelation of God, nor the final authoritative source for morality, but must be understood according
to our evolving scientific knowledge and political agendas. Today, there is also an effort to update Christianity... (READ MORE)
FORBES: Congress Needs To Decide If Germline Editing Is Permissible For Permanent
Eugenic Alteration Returning Humanity To Days Of Noah "When All Flesh Was Corrupt"
One problem that does not go away by editing the gamete - and that is the potential to create a
problem that is inheritable from one generation to the next. To fully understand this ethical issue in human genetic editing,
you need to understand the difference between somatic and germline editing. Somatic editing targets cells of various parts
of the body - for example, the lungs, the blood, or the kidney - to treat a certain disease. On the other hand, as the name
suggests, germline editing involves editing the germline. This means that any changes made can be passed along to future generations
- good or bad. This would even apply to mistakes in the editing process, which could have long-standing consequences down
the road... (READ MORE)
Read more here:
FOR THE NON-COMPLIANT? Could A COVID-19 Vaccine Quietly Be Administered
Via CHEMTRAILS!? Office Of Research And Economic Development's Rapid Response Program Grants The Development Of An
Aerosol "Bacterial Delivery System For Pandemic"
the world eagerly awaits the debut of a COVID-19 vaccine, many of us imagine that receiving the immunization will be similar
to getting the flu shot: We'll head to the clinic, roll up our sleeve and feel a quick prick to the arm. But Nebraska virologist
Shi-Hua Xiang envisions a different approach, one with the potential to involve a little less pain and anxiety, enhanced immunity
against COVID-19 and a smaller price tag. With support from the Office of Research and Economic Development's COVID-19 Rapid
Response Grant Program, Xiang is in the early stages of developing a bacterial delivery system for a COVID-19 vaccine that
would be delivered directly to the respiratory tract as a nasal spray, prompting an immune response directly at the site where
SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19, likely invades and multiplies... (READ MORE)
Read more here:
Trump Says Big Tech Immunities Must Be Terminated for ‘National Security'
President Trump has called for the immediate
termination of Big Tech's Section 230 liability protections for reasons of "national security."
President Trump posted to Twitter late Thursday evening his call for the "immediate" termination of Section 230 of the Communications and Decency Act, declaring that
the liability protections of Big Tech companies like Facebook and Twitter should be stripped for "purposes of national
For purposes of National Security, Section 230 must be
immediately terminated!!!
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Judge Rules Trump Campaign May Present Evidence That Could Potentially Overturn
Results In Nevada
A judge in Nevada has just ruled that the Trump
campaign may present evidence of fraud in the 2020 election.
This is a
major development and has the potential to overturn the Nevada results.
Washington Examiner reports:
Huge court win lets Trump present ballot evidence, could
overturn Nevada result
In its first court victory, a
Nevada judge has agreed to let the Trump campaign present its evidence that fraud and illegalities plagued the state's election,
enough to reverse Joe Biden's win and set an example for other state challenges.
Read more here:
Not Only Was Dominion
Prone to Attack from China and Iran - It Was Also Connected to Pro-Obama Entity Known as ACORN
On Thanksgiving eve Attorney Sidney Powell filed a 104 Page BOMBSHELL COMPLAINT
on massive voter fraud in the Georgia election this year. Then it was discovered that she simitaneously filed a complaint
in Michigan as well.
The Kraken came down to Georgia on this
Thanksgiving Eve in the form of a 104 pg BOMBSHELL complaint exposing the massive fraud that overwhelmed the 2020 Georgia
Elections. Georgia, you are most certainly on our minds. Link to filing to come, stay tuned!
The Kraken came down to Georgia on this Thanksgiving Eve in the form of a 104 pg BOMBSHELL complaint exposing the
massive fraud that overwhelmed the 2020 Georgia Elections. Georgia, you are most certainly on our minds. Link to filing to
come, stay tuned! @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood
Read more here:
Pentagon Purges Leading Advisors From Defense Policy Board
It's unclear why the Trump administration waited until its final months to shake
up the influential group of outside experts advising top Pentagon leaders.
Several members of the top federal advisory committee to the U.S. Department of Defense have been suddenly pushed
out, multiple U.S. officials told Foreign Policy, in what appears to be the outgoing Trump administration's parting
shot at scions of the foreign-policy establishment.
The directive, which
the Pentagon's White House liaison Joshua Whitehouse sent on Wednesday afternoon, removes 11 high-profile advisors from the
Defense Policy Board, including former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright; retired Adm. Gary Roughead,
who served as chief of naval operations; and a onetime ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, Jane Harman. Rudy
De Leon, a former chief operating officer at the Pentagon once considered by then-Defense Secretary James Mattis for a high-level
policy role, will also be ousted.
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We Haven't Seen This Much Suffering On Thanksgiving Since The Great Depression
Of The 1930s
In my entire lifetime, there has never been a Thanksgiving
like this. 39 million Americans don't have enough to eat right now, more than 70 million claims for unemployment benefits
have been filed so far during this calendar year, and people are waiting in line for hours at food banks all over the nation
just for some Thanksgiving handouts. If you and your family have plenty of turkey to eat, you should be very thankful,
because many Americans can no longer even take Thanksgiving dinner for granted these days. On Tuesday, vehicles were
lined up for hours in New Jersey as people waited to receive prepackaged Thanksgiving meals at a local food bank...
Read more here:
The Last Thanksgiving! Growing Numbers of Dreams and Visions
That Predict CHICOM-UN Genocidal Occupation of the Former United States
Several months ago, I wrote an article about dreams and visions that indicated that the Chinese and the UN will be
engaged in a genocidal persecution of American Christians. The saga continues. I feel compelled to visit this issue again
as I am seeing an explosion of dreams and visions of the same variety.
feel that this is the last Thanksgiving as we have known it. Lord knows how many Democrats are trying to cancel Thanksgiving
and Christmas under an umbrella of fake pandemic numbers.
Read more
Study finds 84% fewer hospitalizations for patients treated with controversial
drug hydroxychloroquine
A peer-reviewed study measuring the effectiveness
of a controversial drug cocktail that includes hydroxychloroquine concluded that the treatment lowered hospitalizations and
mortality rates of coronavirus patients.
The study, set to be published in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents in December, determined that "Low-dose hydroxychloroquine combined
with zinc and azithromycin was an effective therapeutic approach against COVID-19."
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"The Fraud Was Executed By Many Means": Sidney Powell "Releases
Kraken" With Dual Lawsuits In Michigan, Georgia
In Georgia,
Powell claims in a 104-page complaint filed in the US District Court in Atlanta that the purpose of the scheme was "illegally and fraudulently manipulating
the vote count to make certain the election of Joe Biden as president of the United States."
"Old-fashioned ballot-stuffing" has been "amplified and rendered
virtually invisible by computer software created and run by domestic and foreign actors for that very purpose,"
the suit continues, adding that "Mathematical and statistical anomalies rising to the level of impossibilities, as shown
by affidavits of multiple witnesses, documentation, and expert testimony evince this scheme across the state of Georgia."
Read more here:
'No end in sight': hunger surges in America amid a spiraling pandemic
Millions of Americans must rely on charity to put Thanksgiving dinner on the table this year, as hunger surges amid a devastating spiraling of the Covid-19 pandemic which the Trump administration
has failed to get under control.
In what is traditionally a season of
celebration, less than half of US households with children feel "very confident" about having enough money to afford
the food needed over the next month, according to the US Census Bureau's latest pandemic survey. A staggering 5.6m households struggled to put enough food on the table in the past week.
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The Elite's Great Reset Doctrine Is Just An Advance Toward a New Type of Political
Globalism and Fascism
We were told initially that the premise
for lockdown was to ‘flatten the curve' and therefore protect the NHS from being overwhelmed.
It is clear that at no point was the National Health Service (NHS) in any danger of being overwhelmed,
and since May 2020 covid wards have been largely empty; and crucially the death toll from covid has remained extremely low.
Read more here:
THANKSGIVING! Supreme Court Upholds First Amendment Against Cuomo Worship Restrictions
In what could prove to be a landmark decision upholding the First Amendment's guarantee
of religious freedom of assembly and practice, the Supreme Court late Wednesday slapped down New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's
limits on worship assemblies in certain hard-hit areas of New York.
a 5-4 decision, the Court said Cuomo's restriction of religious assemblies in the targeted areas to no more than 25 individuals in some and
no more than 10 in others must address a "compelling" state interest, satisfy "strict scrutiny" and be
"narrowly tailored" to minimally impinge on First Amendment rights.
more here:
The Preponderance of Evidence
Preponderance of evidence-Evidence that persuades a judge or jury to lean to one side as opposed to the other,
during the course of litigation.
"Those who expect to be
both ignorant and free, expect what never was and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson
Americans are so programmed. Their ability to think and analyze thoughts are almost non-existent.
Knowledge is only power if you can apply it. Wisdom is not simply the accumulation of knowledge but the application
of it.
Our educational system has failed us. The infiltration of
socialism into the curricula of America's government schools has brought us to the brink of revolution. As Ronald Reagan
famously said, "It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't
Read more here:
Communist China says all humans should be marked, tracked to prevent spread of Covid-19
(Natural News) Xi Jinping, the communist dictator of China and personal pal of Joe Biden, is absolutely thrilled that his country's latest
coronavirus release was a success in shutting down the world and destroying the global economy. And the next step, he says, is to implement a global QR code system to mark and track all humans, giving authoritarian governments like his own the
ability to restrict travel if a person is deemed to be "infected."
the recent G20 meeting, a who's who of globalist world leaders, Xi openly called for a "global mechanism" to verify
the "health status" of all people on earth. In order to travel, those living in the new world that Xi envisions
will have to get "permission" from the government in order to move about, much like cattle that have to be punched
with ear tags before moving from pen to pasture.
Read more here:
With Americans Being Indoctrinated To Accept 'Socialist Food Lines',
One Day We'll Tell Our Grandchildren, 'It Wasn't Always Like This In America'
It Won't Be Long Before The Masses Welcome 'Cannibalism' As Commonplace
Soon after Susan Duclos had published this story on ANP titled "Outbreak Of Stupidity Round Two - More Exclusive Images Show Zombified Americans More Concerned With Toilet
Paper Than Food - Non-Preppers Once Again Starting To Stockpile Everything But Food", we learned of this Washington Examiner story which shows us the direction America is being herded.
With the
Examiner reporting that the governor of New Mexico is actually shutting down more than a dozen grocery stores, and over 25
so-called 'essential businesses' for at least 2 weeks, after employees there allegedly tested positive for Covid-19,
we see just how quickly they can shut it all down.
Read more here:
Part human, part machine: is Apple turning us all into cyborgs?
At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, Apple engineers embarked on a rare collaboration
with Google. The goal was to build a system that could track individual interactions across an entire population, in an effort to get
a head start on isolating potentially infectious carriers of a disease that, as the world was discovering, could be spread
by asymptomatic patients.
Delivered at breakneck pace, the resulting exposure
notification tool has yet to prove its worth. The NHS Covid-19 app uses it, as do others around the world. But lockdowns make
interactions rare, limiting the tool's usefulness, while in a country with uncontrolled spread, it isn't powerful enough to
keep the R number low. In the Goldilocks zone, when conditions are just right, it could save lives.
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Israeli Military Prepares For Possible Trump Preemptive Attack On Iran: Axios
With just weeks to go to President-Elect Joe Biden's being inaugurated on January 20, Axios reports that Israel is preparing for the possibility that Trump will launch a preemptive attack on Iran.
Axios' Barak Ravid reports from Tel Aviv that "The Israel Defense Forces have in
recent weeks been instructed to prepare for the possibility that the U.S. will conduct a military strike against Iran
before President Trump leaves office, senior Israeli officials tell me."
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US - UK Intel Agencies Declare Cyber War on Independent Media
British and American state intelligence agencies are "weaponizing truth" to
quash vaccine hesitancy as both nations prepare for mass inoculations, in a recently announced "cyber war" to be
commanded by AI-powered arbiters of truth against information sources that challenge official narratives.
In just the past week, the national-security states of the United States and United Kingdom
have discreetly let it be known that the cyber tools and online tactics previously designed for use in the post-9/11 "war
on terror" are now being repurposed for use against information sources promoting "vaccine hesitancy" and information
related to Covid-19 that runs counter to their state narratives.
new cyber offensive was launched on Monday by the UK's signal intelligence agency, Government Communications Headquarters
(GCHQ), which seeks to target websites that publish content deemed to be "propaganda" that raises concerns regarding
state-sponsored Covid-19 vaccine development and the multi-national pharmaceutical corporations involved.
Read more here:
Open letter to patriots everywhere
n the modern secular church of fakers, they tell us anger is wrong, outrage is wrong, acceptance in hypnotic sleep
is what we must aim for.
Always bow to "smooth transitions."
When there is disagreement, swallow your bile, give in, make peace with tyranny. The pain will only last for a little while.
Then you will reach a higher understanding.
The authorities and their
minions of the press have the final word. Our job is to fit ourselves into their scheme of things.
WE must be flexible. THEY can be inflexible.
these rules seem backwards and upside down, that is OUR problem, not THEIRS.
more here:
Pope Francis: New Book, Same Old Globalist Message
On December 1, Simon & Schuster is releasing a new book by Pope Francis, with Austen Ivereigh.
The book, titled Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future, is a series of interview questions given to Pope Francis
by British biographer Austen Ivereigh. The interviews cover a wide range of issues, including the death of George Floyd; clerical
sexual abuse; historical revisionism by toppling statues; protests against government coronavirus restrictions; persecuted
minorities such as Christians, Yazidi, Rohingya, and Uighurs; migrants and refugees; and abortion, according to Crux.
Read more here:
Rachel Maddow: People Who Contest Biden 'Victory' Should ‘Go to Jail'
Far-left host switches narrative for Joe Biden
Far-left MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, who for the last four years has contested President Donald
Trump's presidency as "illegitimate," now believes people who are contesting
Joe Biden's media-projected "victory" should go to jail.
more here:
Antifa Leader Warns Trump: 'We're
Armed - Concede By Sunday or We Retaliate'
Adam Rahuba
issues threat to target 'conservative areas' if demands are not met
Rahuba, who claims to lead a violent mob of Antifa leftists in Pittsburgh, PA, warned President Trump and his supporters that
armed thugs will target "conservative areas" if their demands are not met.
During the September 29 presidential debate, Democrat nominee Joe Biden responded to President Trump's remarks about
Antifa-led violence.
Read more here:
More Signs A Covid-19 Vaccine Is Setting Us Up For The Mark Of
The Beast - Only Fringe Fanatics And Medical Morons Would Assert All Vaccines Or Drugs Are Always Safe
The world is spinning, staggering, and struggling from the Chinese coronavirus now called
COVID-19 to conceal the fact that it came from China. The jury is still out whether it was manmade or natural and whether
it was released accidentally or used by the Chinese Communist Party as germ warfare. As of today, there have been more than
12 million confirmed COVID-19 cases in the U.S. and more than 260,000 deaths.
However, many of the deaths are suspect since gunshot deaths, heart attacks, etc., were classified as COVID-19. Hospitals
are paid much more if deaths are COVID deaths. As always, follow the money. It would be helpful (and honest) if any health
official speaking to the media, be required to inform the public if that official holds any relevant patents or any stock
in any relevant drug or vaccine company.
It is not commonly known
that 56 individual patents were discovered to be owned or shared by one or more members of committees within the Centers for Disease Control. However, I don't think
the CDC sells masks-yet.
Read more here:
Sidney Powell Filing Georgia Lawsuit on Wednesday, Says Attorney Lin Wood
Attorney Sidney Powell, who had worked with President Donald Trump's legal team, will be filing a significant lawsuit in Georgia related to election fraud, according to Atlanta-based attorney and outspoken conservative Lin Wood, who has filed lawsuits
in support of the president.
"I have worked closely with @SidneyPowell1
& others over recent weeks," he wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. "The lawsuit Sidney will be filing tomorrow in GA speaks TRUTH."
Read more here:
Maryland Governor Expands COVID-19 Snitch Line, Says 'No Constitutional Right'
To Go Maskless
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan (R) says Americans
have 'no constitutional right' to refuse wearing a mask during the COVID-19 pandemic, likening it to refusing to wear a seat
belt or follow the speed limit.
"It's sort of like saying
I have a constitutional right to drive drunk, I have a constitutional right to not wear a seat belt, or to yell ‘fire'
in a crowded movie theater, or to not follow the speed limit," said Hogan during a coronavirus press briefing reported
by the Washington Times.
"We're talking about a quarter of a million people dying already
- more than the Korean War, the Gulf War, and the Vietnam War added together," he continued, adding "Which
part don't you understand? You wear the mask. There's no constitutional right to walk around without a mask. We
did it in 1918, I don't know why we can't do it now."
more here:
NYC Will Have Covid Checkpoints at Key Bridges and Crossings
The sheriff's office will conduct spot checks when out-of-state buses drop riders off
at the curb. Test and tracing teams will be on the ground to direct individuals to testing sites and provide education on
quarantine, Fucito said.
The 14-day quarantine mandates that travelers
quarantine or test out. Violations of self-quarantine will be enforced, and may carry fines of $1,000 to $2,000, according
to the mayor's office.
The city will enforce the completion of traveler
forms at airports, Penn Station and the Port Authority Bus Terminal. There will be self-test site teams on site.
Read more here:
How Preppers Can Still Find Community in the Middle of a Pandemic
The need for supportive communities in SHTF situations is something we talk about often. People know they need a support network because, let's face it, in a long-term survival
situation almost none of us can do it alone. However, one of the biggest tragedies to come from the Covid rules has been how
hard it is to meet people and establish any kind of community these days. And many of us have learned things about our circle of people that aren't overly positive during this stressful time.
Read more here:
Nanobots Will Be Flowing Through Your Body by 2030
In 10 years, nanobots in your blood might keep you from getting sick or even transmit your thoughts
to a wireless cloud.
According to some futurists, in the next 10 or so
years, your blood could be streaming with tiny nanorobots to help keep you from getting sick or even transmit your thoughts
to a wireless cloud. They will travel inside of you, on a molecular level, protecting your biological system and ensuring
that you'll have a good and long life. The future is closer than you may think.
Nano as a term is
no longer perceived as special; we got used to small devices and artificial intelligence in our daily life. Tech has developed
significantly and so have potential applications of these microscopic machines.
Futurist and Google director of engineering, Ray Kurzweil, is an avid predictor of future events and
claims to have a fairly high accuracy rate. He is one of the biggest proponents of the notion that nanobots will be streaming
through our blood in the near future. The science surrounding this prediction may not be that far off from modern technology.
Read more here:
Read here:
Outbreak Of Stupidity
Round Two - More Exclusive Images Show Zombified Americans More Concerned With Toilet Paper Than Food
Back in March ANP published a piece titled "Due To An 'Outbreak Of Stupidity' People Will Die Of Starvation Surrounded By Toilet Paper," because when the initial quarantine lockdowns began, clueless Americans were more worried about paper products and
wiping their butts than they were about eating.
The food shortages and
limits on purchases came well after the toilet paper runs on any store that carried the product.
We are now looking at another round of quarantine lockdowns, and readers are once again sending
ANP exclusive images, the majority of which are...Yup.....toilet paper aisles and other paper goods shelves quickly emptying,
while a much smaller percentage of reports and images are showing food aisles, and those are from canned good shelves.
Stores are seeing a double-whammy with Thanksgiving shopping, mixed with panic shopping,
showing that despite all their preparations and "pandemic pallets," once again retailers were caught flat-footed.
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Concern After European ‘Anti-Hate' Group Boss Discussed ‘Necessity'
of Killing White People
Mamadou Ba, head of the Portuguese "anti-hate"
group SOS Racismo, spoke of the need to "kill the white man" at a recent online conference on "hate speech".
Ba, a Portuguese citizen originally from Senegal, attended the conference on Saturday
which was on the topic of "Racism and the Advancement of Hate Speech in the World".
During the conference, which was attended by Portuguese speakers from Portugal and Brazil, Ba stated "it is
necessary to kill the white man, murderer, colonial, and racist" to "prevent the social death of the black political
According to a report from Portuguese daily newspaper Correio da Manhã, the statement was a quote from Algerian far-left anti-colonialist
political philosopher Frantz Fanon, who openly advocated for violence during the French rule of Algeria in his seminal work
The Wretched of the Earth.
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Analyzing The Worst Election Chicanery In US History - With
The 2020 Election A Total Fraud, It's Time For Patriots Nationwide To Become 'Ungovernable'
Conservatives must rise up against the Democrats legacy of corruption
Our general election was a fraud. The methods and manners of election fraud are numerous.
The talking heads and progressive socialists continue to blather that there is no evidence of voter fraud. They expect the
American people to nod and go along with the pronouncements they make. They keep claiming that the lawsuits the President
has filed and will continue to file are without merit. The media has not investigated any of these lawsuits, which were mostly
filed by individual groups of citizens, and were rejected by the respective states' sycophantic justices.
The mainstream media, who spent almost four years on the Russian collusion hoax, see no
reason to contest this election, even though they never conceded to President Trump. The hypocrisy is astounding. The progressive
socialists and Never Trumpers continue to lie about having no evidence of voter fraud. In the next breath, demand that President
Trump's lawyers turn over all evidence without going to court. I am trying to decide if this is because they are unaware that
the evidence will be shown in court shortly or just want the opportunity to spew forth the lies.
Read more here:
Head of WHO Suggests COVID Restrictions Will Continue Even After Vaccine
Welcome to the new normal.
head of the World Health Organization has suggested that coronavirus restrictions will continue even after a vaccine has been
made widely available.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus made the comments
on Twitter after news broke of several new vaccines said to be effective in fighting COVID-19 coming closer to fruition.
"Since the beginning of the #COVID19 pandemic, we knew that a vaccine would be essential
for bringing the pandemic under control. But it's important to emphasise that a vaccine will complement the other tools we
have, not replace them," said Ghebreyesus.
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Nearly one-third of Washington households not getting enough food since start
of pandemic: study
Nearly one-third of Washington households have struggled to get enough to food at some point since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, a new study found.
Of the 30% of households that experienced food insecurity,
59% had children living at home, according to the Washington State Food Security Survey, put together by a team of professors and researchers at Washington State University, the University of Washington and Tacoma
Community College.
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CDC is a Private Organization - Not Government!
Some people have questioned my concern over both the CDC and John Hopkins University is a PRIVATE
organization where the CDC accepts private funding - NOT ONLY GOVERNMENT! The CDC is quasi-government under
the Department of Health and Human Services which strangely has sources of funding that are predicated on
the fact that it also has a private 501(c)(3) public charity, like the Clinton Foundation. The CDC
Foundation receives charitable contributions and philanthropic grants from individuals, foundations, corporations,
universities, NGOs and other organizations to advance the work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is
NOT a government-funded organization. It is not exclusively a government-funded - very curious.
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The Coronavirus Strain Is a Patented by the the Pirbright Institute, Which
Is Partially Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Another Strain, Which Was
Isolated From Humans, Is Owned by the CDC...
A false flag operation is
an action that is carried out in such a way as to make it look like it was done by someone other than the real perpetrator.
Taking its metaphor from naval warfare, where ships would sometimes fly false flags as a ruse du guerre in
order to sneak up on their enemy, its use has been expanded to include military actions, intelligence operations and even
political subterfuge.
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Unknown "Mystery Disease" That Causes Sores On The Skin Has Already
Spread To 700 People In Africa
(Michael Snyder)
- Something is happening in Senegal that we need to watch very closely. Hundreds of fishermen have developed "a
mysterious skin disease" after coming back from the sea, and so far nobody can identify what it is.
But the fact that so many are catching it is causing some experts to become very alarmed.
At first, it was reported that about 100 people were infected, then the number was 200,
and then there were numerous reports that 500 victims had been identified, and now the latest reports indicate that
more than 700 people have been infected. The following comes from an African news source...
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Experts Fear Lab-Grown Organoids, Part-Human Animals And Reviving Dead People's Brains Will Lead
To Inhuman "Sentient Entities"
A thought-provoking
new article poses some hugely important scientific questions: Could brain cells initiated and grown in a lab become sentient?
What would that look like, and how could scientists test for it? And would a sentient, lab-grown brain "organoid"
have some kind of rights? In this ongoing study, which began this past June, a committee is examining all relevant research
in attempts to answer ethical questions associated with brain organoids and human-animal chimeras. These include: How would
researchers define or identify enhanced or human awareness in a part-human "chimeric" animal (modern Nephilim)?
[...] Other thorny parts of research include reviving recently deceased brains... (READ MORE)
Ready Yourself for a Turbulent 2021 and Beyond
The year 2020 will be remembered as an exceptionally turbulent year, marked by multiple worldwide
crises and massive urban protests and riots. It has been a year of significant drama and trauma. I do not
expect that 2021 will mark a "return to normality." If anything, 2021 will be just as jarring to our collective
psyche. Parenthetically, I should mention that I created a meme for that.
In this essay, I'm posting my recommendations for SurvivalBlog readers
on how to ready yourself and your family for any of the following in 2021:
more here:
Soylent Green is people; COVID-19 is old people
I've never been a big fan of depopulation. It doesn't make me sit up and think, this is the way
to go. I assume you aren't in favor of it, either. Most people don't like it.
anarchists can see a plan to wipe out large numbers of people might come around and tap them on the shoulder. Self-absorbed
nihilists with no moral compass whatsoever do retain an urge to survive.
more here:
Lin Wood: Americans Will Be "Shocked at Level of Pedophilia - Satanic Worship"
From Past Admins "Occupying Oval Office For Some Periods of Years"
Georgia attorney Lin Wood warned the American people to brace for revelations that officials in the highest
levels of government participated in "pedophilia" and "Satanic worship."
During an interview on "The Thrive Time" Show on Saturday, Wood claimed that the confluence
of election fraud revelations combined with findings from ongoing litigation into Jeffrey Epstein and Hunter Biden's laptop
will reveal a staggering level of truly evil deeds by past presidential administrations.
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UK Supreme Court Judge Slams ‘Totalitarian' COVID ‘Control Freaks'
In Government
"Coercing the entire population is morally
and constitutionally indefensible in a country which is not yet a totalitarian state, like China"
A British Supreme Court judge has slammed the UK government as ‘control freaks' for
attempting to control people's lives under the guise of COVID, and labeled it "morally and constitutionally indefensible"
to define what freedoms the public should and shouldn't have.
In an op-ed published Sunday, Lord Sumption noted that the "debate about whether to let us have a family Christmas perfectly sums up what is wrong
with this Government's handling" of the crisis.
Sumption wrote
that there are "many different answers to the dilemmas of a Covid Christmas", yet the crux of the matter is "whether
we should be allowed to make the choice for ourselves, instead of having it imposed on us by law."
Read more here:
Globalist Mattis: Biden Should ‘Eliminate America first' Policy
Globalist general James Mattis has called on Joe Biden to ‘eliminate' the
America first policy instituted by President Trump where foreign policy is concerned, claiming that it has ‘damaged'
US national security.
Mattis, who served as Secretary of Defense
under Trump from 2017 until last year, is still annoyed that Trump refused to carry on the endless war policy in the middle
east, instead ordering troop drawdowns.
Read more here:
Global Vaccine Passport Will Be Required for Travel
Forced vaccination is part and parcel of the plan to "reset" the global economic system,
forever altering life as we know it. Now, global vaccine passports are being introduced, and it's only a matter of time before
vaccination status will be a prerequisite for travel
Watch video here:
Armed Baltimore Gangs Target Delivery Drivers In Recent Wave Of Carjackings And
As the coronavirus pandemic drives online holiday shopping
- USPS, FedEx, UPS, and Amazon delivery workers distribute more mail and packages than ever. The increased number of deliveries
has left delivery vans densely packed with a treasure trove of consumer goods and other valuable items, which have become
sitting ducks for armed criminal gangs.
Armed criminal gangs in
Baltimore City have recognized the online shopping boom. They're giving up on robbing brick and mortar stores and have now opted to hijack or rob delivery service vehicles.
Just this week alone, there's been a series of mail and package delivery drivers targeted
in lawless Baltimore City.
Read more here:
Here's a List of Republicans Who Have Turned Their Backs on Trump, Calling for
Him to Concede
Many republicans that hold office today, were
elected solely because of the support from President Donald Trump. Now that they hold office, many of them have completely
turned their backs on the President, even going so far as to publicly call for him to concede the election to Joe Biden before
any audit can occur.
Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia for example owes his
entire election victory to President Trump. Since November 4th, Kemp has done little to help the President in his fight to
overturn an election that most republicans, and a plurality of Americans agree was stolen.
Read more here:
TREASON: GA Gov. Kemp and CA Gov. Newsom bought off by communist China in covid supplies kickback
and money laundering schemes - report
(Natural News) In July of this year, Natural News reported how California Gov. Gavin Newsom was caught wiring half a billion dollars to communist China as part of a "massive face
mask money laundering scheme."
Back in April, even the mainstream
media was questioning what Newsom was up to when it was revealed that he had wired half a billion dollars to an electric car
company in China to supposedly purchase "N-95 masks" for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). This decision was never
voted on or approved by legislators, and when pressed about the details of the deal, Newsom refused to disclose them.
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"Sidney Powell is registered as a MILITARY LAWYER and is the only one who
can prosecute TREASON at a TRIBUNAL!"
So don't let spin
doctors and fake media tell you lies about the woman who is bringing down the giants in the swamp! And there are a great number
of them, more than anyone could have imagined!
Powell stated that the
‘New World Order' has ‘OVERTHROWN The Republican Party' and that the Republican Party sold its soul to the "New
World Order" in return for large cash payments in the form of "enormous bribes." Sidney Powell warned
the GOP risks being "neutered like a bitch" by "the Great Reset" in 2021 if President Trump's
second term is stolen from him by "children of darkness."
more here:
The Great Relocation: Americans Are Relocating By The Millions Because They Can
Feel What Is Coming
This is a really odd time to be having a
"housing boom". We are in the middle of the worst public health crisis in 100 years, endless civil unrest
has been ravaging many of our largest cities, and we are experiencing the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression
of the 1930s. But even though more than 70 million Americans have filed new claims for unemployment benefits this year,
home sales are absolutely rocking. How in the world is this possible?
more here:
Coronacommies: Your Papers Please! USA City Set's Up Police Checkpoints To Cancel
Thanksgiving & To Verify ‘Essential Activity'
the hell is going on in America!?
New Jersey's largest city, Newark has
set up Police checkpoints on the roads coming into the city demanding people show proof of resident and proof they are doing
an "essential activity."
Mayor Ras Baraka is locking his city
down like no other in the country.
"I know you want to have fun,
but now is not the time for fun. We have to stay focused, we have to do what's right," said Mayor Baraka.
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The 'Great Reset' To Bring In A 'Brave New World' Was Launched By A Transhumanist
Whose Ideas Are As Bizarre And Dangerous As They Come
Warns Of 'Crazy, Kooky Stuff' Ahead!
With globalist-run-websites
such as Time recently confirming that 'the conspiracy theorists' were right all along by putting out this 'story' titled "The Great Reset: How To Build A Better World Post-COVID-19", this story over at The Spectator warns this 'great reset' will bring 'technocratic tyranny'.
globalists such as John Kerry recently 'talked great reset' claiming "we're at the dawn of an extremely exciting time", as National File warned within this November 21st story, the World Economic Forum endorsed 'great reset' is "an intrusive and wholesale transformation of the world's
economy and the economic seeks to radically alter the world's economy by: abolishing money in deference
to digital currency, which the government would be able to adjust and control; eliminating all private property, and greatly
reducing the potency of democracy for the sake of a "New World Order."
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Human genes are inserted into MONKEY BRAINS causing them to expand in unnerving
Planet of the Apes-style experiment
Scientists have inserted
a human gene in the brains of monkeys to make them larger and more wrinkled in disconcerting lab experiments.
Experts found the insertion of the gene, called ARHGAP11B, resulted in a larger neocortex
in the foetus of a common marmoset.
The neocortex is the deeply
grooved outer layer of the brain that is involved with reasoning, language, conscious thought and other important functions.
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Californians Defy Gov. Newsom Curfew Order, Flood Streets in 16 Cities
Thousands of people in 16 California cities took to the streets on Saturday to protest
Gov. Gavin Newsom's curfew order requiring people to stay at home after 10 p.m. Carrying Trump/Pence flags and "Open
up California" banners, the crowds began to gather at 10:01 p.m., including in Huntington Beach and San Clemente.
"Governor Newsom's sweeping edicts by moving 95 percent of California to purple tier
and a curfew is an abuse of power," Syndie Ly, who helped organize the protest and was on the ground in San Clemente,
told Breitbart News. "We are all responsible adults so we can make our individual choices."
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"WE WILL NOT COMPLY!" - Americans from Coast to Coast Defy COVID Orders
Yesterday we reported how many law enforcement officials across the nation have stated
that they will not enforce new COVID orders from governors. See:
Law Enforcement Across the U.S. Overwhelmingly REFUSING to Enforce COVID Orders - Will the Public Follow?
The question I posed in the headline was, "Will the public
Early indications are they will! Apparently many people
are fed up with the ongoing unending COVID orders that are literally destroying lives, and they are making it very clear that
they will NOT comply this time!
Read more here:
7 Things That Used to Be "Crazy Conspiracy Theories" Until 2020 Happened
Remember back in the old days of, say, 2019, when anyone who
talked about microchip implants, Americans being forced to show travel papers, and re-education camps was thought to be a
crazy conspiracy theorist? And then 2020 rolled around and voila! It turns out those conspiracy theories weren't so "crazy"
after all.
Read more here:
George Floyd's death under the knee of a Minneapolis policeman ended a two-month period of induced
quietude due to the pandemic, and it marked the resumption of the age of turbulence and revolt. The protests that erupted
after the incident, often attended by violence and destruction, should appear familiar to anyone who has been paying attention
to the world over the last decade. From Paris to Hong Kong, from Mogadishu to Bogotá, an unruly public has been on
the march against governments of every description. The Covid-19 lockdown was a lid placed on this sociopolitical cauldron.
The pressure was released, explosively, the instant the lid was cracked open.
more here:
A very serious military provocation has taken place within the
past two hours between the United States and China.
The United
States, in a planned and deliberate manner, has just militarily and publicly slapped Beijing in the face; daring them to do
something about it.
It is, I am sad to report, "completely expected
China will make a military response . . ."
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BREAKING: Dominion Project Manager Signed $25 Million Contract While Serving As
Mayor Of A Michigan County
Journalist Gavin Mario Wax,
has unearthed interesting details surrounding Lathrup Village Mayor Garrett's position as a former Dominion employee.
Sit down folks, this is going to be an interesting one...
In a clever bit of investigation by Gavin Mario Wax, a lot of really interesting details surrounding one Dominion
employee have been brought to the light.
What makes this specific employee
so important?
According to details unearthed by Wax,this specific employee
was working for Dominion Voting Systems AND a mayor of a Michigan town.
more here:
Nephilim 2.0: First Generation Of Hybrids After The mRNA Vaccine
If the eventual Messenger RNA or mRNA vaccine does in fact systemically change a humans
DNA, will the next generation of offspring be the first of hybrid race since the Nephilim giants?
Genesis 6, verse 4, says, "There were giants in the earth in those days, and also after that,
when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them. The same became mighty men, which
were of old, men of renown."
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There's Never Been A More Crucial Time To Buy Guns And Ammo Than Now As 'A Radical-Leftist
Boot Stomping Upon Conservative Faces Forever' Will Absolutely NOT Be Tolerated In America
'Any gun in the hands of a good man is no threat to anyone, except bad people'
According to this recent story over at Law Enforcement Today that Steve Quayle had linked to on his website on Thursday, American firearm ownership has skyrocketed to an estimated 434 million guns, with data from showing that includes 20 million AR's as well as 150 million mags.
the latest bit of evidence proving "Americans really like guns", as the story reports, "the continued popularity of handguns demonstrates a strong interest by Americans to protect themselves, their
family and homes, as well as to participate in the recreational shooting sports."
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Biogel - Implantable Biochip to be Tracked by 5G Technology- It Isn't a Conspiracy Theory When They Are Openly Telling You
What They Want To Do
Brethren, even though this
article is quite long, believe it or not, I trimmed about 3/4 of it so that you would be getting the most
important information about this insane world in which we are living.
First and foremost, I encourage the reader to watch this short video, in which Dr. Carrie Madej
explains the mRNA Vaccine in terms that we can understand. She is a brave woman to openly expose the dangerous, DNA-changing
Read more here:
LGBT Activist Compares Christians Who Don't Accept Homosexuality to ‘Rapists',
‘Holocaust Deniers'
LGBT activist Jayne Ozanne has compared
biblical Christians to "rapists" and "Holocaust deniers" for failing to preach the morality of homosexual
In a recent article for Pink News, Ozanne, director of the UK-based Ozanne Foundation and General Synod member, blasted the Church of England for upholding Christian teaching on marriage and sexuality in its recent publication of a set of resources titled Living in Love and
Supposedly a British evangelical Anglican, Ozanne works with
religious organisations around the world in an effort to persuade them to update their moral teachings to accommodate LGBT
sexual lifestyles.
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I Told You This Would Happen: White Americans Are
On The Road To Dispossession
Biden has appointed a radical slavery
reparations advocate to his Treasury Department transition team. Mehrsa Baradaran, a UCLA professor, advocates reparations
as the way to correct "white supremacy." As I have reported, scholars have concluded that there are probably
as many and perhaps more white descendants of slaves in the US than black descendants.
Baradaran misuses the word, "reparations." Reparations are what a harmed person is paid by the person
that harmed them. No living white person has ever owned a slave, and no living black American has ever been a slave. So
what Baradaran is advocating is that white Americans be dispossessed so that black Americans can take their assets. In
other words, she is advocating a racist act of theft. Her racism against white Americans has not kept her off
of Biden's Treasury transition team or from being a UCLA professor who brainwashes students. As the Democrats intend to open
the floodgates of nonwhite immigration, every person of color who enters the US will benefit from the dispossession of white
Read more here:
"Miscarriage of Justice" - Mark Levin Goes Off
on Obama Judge That Dismissed Trump Campaign Lawsuit Seeking to Block Pennsylvania From Certifying Its Results
Constitutional law expert Mark Levin went off on Obama Judge Matthew Brann for dismissing
the Trump campaign's lawsuit from seeking to block Pennsylvania from certifying its results.
As reported earlier tonight, US District Judge of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania Matthew Brann on Saturday
dismissed a Trump campaign lawsuit seeking to block Pennsylvania from certifying its election results.
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Iran Directs Military & Allies Be On "High Alert" In Trump's Final Weeks
In Office
Iran's military has issued instructions for all regional
allies to be on "high alert" during these last week's of Trump's presidency, fearing that any provocation
or escalation in tensions whether intentional or not could be used as justification by the White House to attack Iran or partners
in the Middle East.
The Associated Press cited Iraqi officials
who said they were notified that "provoking tensions with the US that could give an outgoing Trump administration cause to launch attacks
in the US president's final weeks in office."
more here:
Has Moscow been
secretly microwaving our spies for years? CIA investigates after the world was shocked by claims Indian troops had
been 'cooked alive' by Chinese electromagnetic pulse weapon
are many hardships facing Indian soldiers posted to the icy Himalayan hilltops along the disputed border with China. But no one expected this.
One moment, they felt healthy and alert,
eyes peeled for signs of their aggressive neighbour's troops. Then, within less than a minute, they began to vomit almost
simultaneously, as if struck down by a violent stomach bug.
The soldiers'
bodies grew weak, with some barely able to stand, and they fled, leaving the hilltops open for units of Chinese soldiers to
move in and occupy. Not a shot had been fired.
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Sidney Powell: 'Biblical' Lawsuit Coming, Accuses Ga. Gov. Kemp of Deal With Dominion
Levying explosive claims of widespread voter fraud specifically tied to Dominion Voting
Systems and potentially a pay-for-play scheme with GOP Gov. Brian Kemp, Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell on Newsmax TV vowed to deliver a "biblical" voter fraud case this week.
got tons of evidence; it's so much, it's hard to pull it all together," Powell told Saturday night's "The Count"
co-hosted by Rob Schmitt and Mark Halperin, teasing the explosive allegation of the Georgia governor in a contested and key
battleground state.
"Hopefully this week we will get it ready to
file, and it will be biblical."
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The Rise of the Anti-Christ world leader will be the author of confusion, the master counterfeiter,
and through his many images he will deceive the nations
Anti-Christ world leader will be the author of confusion, the master counterfeiter, and through his many images he will deceive
the nations. The Antichrist will come on the world stage peaceably, with flatteries, via powerful persuasion and propaganda.
By this means he is able to creep into houses and lead captive the masses.
his many images and idols he shows himself clever, for acceptance of his 666 mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:16-18) will
be the fashion-the logical, the reasonable, the convenient, the safest, the securest, the vital, the norm, that which is accepted
in the eyes of man, both small and great.
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Pope Francis's Ultimate Goal Is A World Church Supporting World Government And
A World Economy - An All-Inclusive Global Church Is Not Going Back To The Bible But Back To Bondage!
The Roman Catholic Church in recent days has been rocked, shocked, and mocked by the irresponsible
comments of Pope Francis. It may be that the impact is as profound as in 1378 when there were two "legitimate" competing
popes, one in Rome and one in Avignon, France. Known as the Western Schism, the split lasted from 1378 to 1417 when two men
claimed to be the true Pope and in 1410, there were three contenders for the title!
Each of the three Popes excommunicated the others.
Church managed to survive that fiasco, the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Reformation, but will it survive the global
sex scandal and the machinations of Pope Francis?
Read more here:
Food bank lines keep growing across the country as National Guard soldiers hand
out turkeys and panic buyers clear shelves before Thanksgiving and amid fears of more COVID lockdowns
Lines are continuing to grow at food banks across the country as the financial devastation
caused by the coronavirus pandemic is laid bare.
Millions of Americans are currently going
hungry, relying on volunteers and non-profit organizations to stay fed as Thanksgiving approaches.
In Arlington, Texas, US Army Soldiers took part in a massive food drive, helping to distribute supplies to 6,000 families in need.
Read more here:
Covid Vaccine, Hazardous to Human Health? Big Pharma's Rush to Cash in on Multibillion
All vaccines are toxic and hazardous to human health.
The great covid vaccines to the rescue scheme risks widespread harm, not protection.
In cahoots with Big Government, Big Pharma prioritizes maximum profits over human health.
Drug companies are rushing to cash in big on a potential bonanza once one or more covid
vaccines are approved for human use.
Toxins in vaccines cause diseases
they're promoted to protect against, along with the risk of illness from other serious diseases.
Adverse reactions from vaxxing causes many deaths and disabling disorders.
Vaccines are an unreliable way to prevent illness and disease.
Read more here:
Buffalo New York Business Owners and Constitutional Patriots Chase Away Erie County
Sheriff's Deputies and Health Department Officials For Trespassing
hundred or so local business owners got together in Orchard Park, New York to strategize where do they go from here with all
the tyranical shutdowns.
Erie County Sheriff's Office escorted the Erie
County Health Department as standard procedure into Athlete's Unleashed, a local fitness center in an attempt harass and breakup
the meeting.
Read more here:
What Is "The Great Reset"?
Internet sure has been buzzing about "the Great Reset" lately. That term has been trending on Facebook and
Twitter, and the New York Times even published an article dismissing it as a "conspiracy theory". But it is definitely no conspiracy theory. I was determined
to get to the bottom of this whole thing, and I am going to share the facts that the New York Times either could not find
or refused to share. It turns out that "the Great Reset" is actually an initiative that was started by the
World Economic Forum that is designed to get "global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct
consequences of the COVID-19 crisis". The following comes directly from the official website of the World Economic Forum...
Read more here:
"Panic Attack" And "Night Terror" Searches Erupt Across US
Amid Second Virus Wave
Public health experts have repeatedly
warned that COVID-19 conditions are set to worsen across the country before they get better.
States and cities are
reimposing strict social distancing measures, along with the increasing threat of lockdowns early next year if a Biden presidency
is seen.
The virus pandemic and strict social distancing rules have
already fueled a mental health crisis among Americans.
Read more
In England, The United States And Around The World, The COVID-1984 Fear Mongers
Are Twisting Statistics To Create A Terrifying But False Narrative
way back when in the start of the plannedemic, how Dr. Birx told us that all people who died of whatever disease but also
had COVID-19 would be classified as a COVID-19 death? So someone with COVID-19 who died of cancer or heart disease would be
listed as dying of COVID-19? That, my friends, is a total scam, it's the old-fashioned shell game, three-card monte, a Ponzi
scheme, take you pick, it's a lie. Yet, somehow, we just meekly accepted it, never pushed back, and allowed ourselves to be
enslaved by a lie. Now that lie has grown to be a giant, and has become the greatest weapon that the enemies of freedom have
ever had to control us.
Read more here:
Rand Paul: Fauci Will ‘Keep Us Masked Until the End of Time'
Appearing Thursday on Newsmax, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) quipped that Dr. Anthony Fauci, a White
House coronavirus task force member, will "keep us masked until the end of time."
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Rental Market Softens While Home Prices Soar: Taking Staying at Home to the End of the World.
What do you get when you mix in a global pandemic, low housing
inventory, a Fed that is juicing the markets, a mortgage payment moratorium, and baby boomers addicted to Facebook? You get
a market that is being pushed up by house humping boomers while many younger Americans are struggling to get by in rentals or are living at home with mom and dad in quarantine. In this article we will look at two divergent
stories - one includes home prices surging on record low inventory while another shows a softening rental market. Let us explore
the numbers.
Home Prices Rise in a Pandemic
You would think that a once in a lifetime global pandemic would soften the rise of home
prices but the opposite has happened. Why is that? Here is a brief summary as to why home prices are up this year:
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More Ancient Underground Lakes Of Liquid Water Discovered On Mars, Raising Possibility
Of Life
Two years ago, astronomers reported findings of a large
lake beneath a thick layer of ice at Mars' south pole. Now, scientists have confirmed that finding and detected three new
underground lakes in the same area - and they believe there could be many more. A new study, published this week in the journal
Nature Astronomy, further confirms the 2018 discovery, extending that finding to three new ponds in the surrounding region.
"The possibility of extended hypersaline water bodies on Mars is particularly exciting because of the potential for the
existence of microbial life," the team said. "Future missions to Mars should target this region to acquire experimental
data in relation to the basal hydrologic system, its chemistry, and traces of astrobiological activity... (READ MORE)
Panic And Desperation Sweep Across America As Fears Of A "Dark Winter"
Continue To Rise
Do you remember earlier this year when consumers
were feverishly hoarding toilet paper and we were seeing colossal lines at food banks all over the nation during the initial
stages of the COVID pandemic? Well, it is happening again. Now that the vote on November 3rd is behind us, the
pandemic has once again become the primary focus of the mainstream media, and a lot of people are completely freaking out.
Just like earlier this year, store shelves across the country are being emptied because Americans don't want to be stuck at
home without enough toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Each new restriction that gets announced adds to the frenzy, and
it has gotten to the point where new restrictions are literally being announced around the nation on a daily basis now.
And if the case numbers that we are being given continue to rise, it is inevitable that this new wave of lockdowns will get
even tighter.
Over the last several months, Joe Biden has repeatedly told
us that we have a "dark winter" ahead. Here is just one example...
Read more here:
Some sheriffs in Oregon say they won't enforce COVID-19 restrictions: 'We are
not the Gestapo'
ALBANY, OR (KPTV) - Several sheriff's departments
in Oregon say they're not going to enforce COVID-19 restrictions or make arrests during the COVID-19 'freeze' that Gov.
Kate Brown put in place this week. This comes after Brown gave police the discretion to enforce these restrictions.
FOX 12 on Friday spoke with people living in Albany and Linn County Sheriff Jim Yon about
the issue. Yon said his department is taking the same approach it did in the spring with a focus on education, not on
criminal enforcement.
Read more here:
Supreme Court Re-Structures Justices for each Circuit . . . .
Let me explain it to you in terms that will make things instantly clear . . .
MI - Brett M. Kavanaugh
WI - Amy Coney
PA - Samuel A. Alito
GA - Clarence Thomas
Get it now?
Incidentally, Alito warned PA to separate the votes on election night so that Ballots received after the STATE
LAW DEADLINE might not be countable depending upon further rulings. They didn't do what Alito Ordered.
He's pissed.
Read more here:
Inside the far-right American ‘militia networks' arming themselves for ‘Civil
War' as Joe Biden becomes president
GUN-TOTING militias are arming
themselves across America as they fear a coming "Civil War" as Joe Biden prepares to become president.
Hundreds of far-right groups have sprung up across the US and are ramping up recruitment
in the fallout from the highly charged election and the coronavirus pandemic.
Read more here:
Obama Tells Jimmy Kimmel: ‘We Can Always Send the Navy SEALS' to Remove
Trump from White House
Former President Barack Obama told ABC's
left-wing late night host Jimmy Kimmel that "we can always send the Navy SEALs" to physically remove President
Donald Trump from the White House.
Obama made the remark during an appearance
Thursday on Jimmy Kimmel Live! to promote his new memoir A Promised Land. When asked by Kimmel if the White
House has any secret spots where "someone could hide" if they don't want to leave, Obama replied: "Well,
I think we can always send the Navy SEALS in there to dig him out."
more here:
Human genes are inserted into MONKEY BRAINS causing them to expand in unnerving
Planet of the Apes-style experiment
Scientists have inserted
a human gene in the brains of monkeys to make them larger and more wrinkled in disconcerting lab experiments.
Experts found the insertion of the gene, called ARHGAP11B, resulted in a larger neocortex
in the foetus of a common marmoset.
The neocortex is the deeply
grooved outer layer of the brain that is involved with reasoning, language, conscious thought and other important functions.
Read more here:
Video has emerged from the state of Georgia showing
a professional Shredding & Recycling Company Truck, outside the offices of the Cobb County, Georgia, Elections Department.
The truck was actively shredding what appeared to be trash-cans-full of Absentee Ballots.
Word from the scene is that the ballots were Trump absentee ballots, mailed-in
by citizens of Cobb County, Georgia, which were thrown in the garbage by Democrat Election Officials instead
of being counted in the vote tally!
Read more here:
Mainstream Media Thinks Parler Is a "Threat to Democracy" Because Libertarians
and Conservatives Get to Post
After years of being censored on
Facebook and Twitter, conservatives, libertarians, and other fans of free speech are making a mass exodus to new platforms.
One that has really taken off since the election is Parler, which has been the most downloaded app in the country over the past two weeks.
Unsurprisingly, the mainstream media and
left-wing extremists are outraged. How dare the people who have been censored, deplatformed, and shut down on their social
media sites move to a site that promises not to treat them like pariahs? (By the way, you can find me on Parler here: @daisyluther ) They go as far as to say it's a "threat to democracy" because libertarians and conservatives get to post.
Read more here:
They are preparing the world to accept the NEW ORDER. SERFDOM/Slavery is the fate of the masses,
that is, those who survive the purge. They know that it is much harder to control the masses by force, so they are applying
a different kind of authority. They have you convinced that they are working for the good of the planet...working to
save humanity. It is so absurd that anyone falls for their lies when they come right out and tell you they are
working to create a POST HUMAN world.
The only way for them
to accomplish their goals is to bring ALL PEOPLE into submission (well all but the elite and the "chosen").
Freedom is out of date. Come to the end of its shelf their book.
Read more here:
Patriots, Prepare For War - Without Multiple Favorable Judgements For President
Trump, Joe Biden Is Going To Be Sworn In And Leftists Want All Conservatives Punished And/Or Dead
While not giving up hope entirely, we all have to acknowledge that without multiple courts
rendering favorable judgements on the myriad of lawsuits and court challenges by the Trump campaign lawyers, Joe Biden is
going to be inaugurated in January.
Conservative patriots have few choices
to fall back on: Complain and whine for four solid years as the Democrats did ad nauseam after Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential
election against Hillary Clinton, or prepare to fight for not just America but for their very lives as liberals across the
board urge "punishment" against Trump supporters.
Read more
More Than 500 Infected With Strange New Disease in Senegal
More than 500 people have now become infected with an unknown disease in Senegal. They
are fishermen and have pimple-like eruptions on their faces, headaches, high fever, dry lips and red eyes.
About 500 fishermen contracted the unknown disease after returning from the sea in Senegal
, Ousmane Gueye, the national director of health information and education, told local media on Thursday .
Read more here:
Biden's Gun Control Plan Targets Everyday Americans with Billions in Taxes
Taxpaying citizens could be hit hardest with a massive $34B tax burden
Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden's proposed gun control plan could cost
everyday Americans tens of billions of dollars in taxes, according to reports.
The proposal would hit gun owners hard with massive taxes for firearms and accessories they already own, The Washington Free Beacon reported.
After pouring over Biden's gun plans in addition to information
on firearms already on the market, the Beacon concludes that owning guns could become very expensive, even if the guns
are perfectly legal, for now.
Biden would need to first win the still-contested
presidential election, however.
Read more here:
Intelligence update: The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening
- the grand battle taking place right now for the future of America and the free world
Jeffrey Prather explains the "Kraken" and describes, "The Great Reset vs.
the Great Awakening"
In another fascinating chapter that's
now emerging in all this, former military insider and present-day analyst Jeffrey Prather ( has released what we consider to be a bombshell video where he sums up the real war taking place behind the scenes: "The
Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening."
As he explains it, the CIA,
FBI and DOJ are all treasonous swamp creatures who are dedicated to bringing down America, stealing the election, and imprisoning
all the real patriots such as Gen. Flynn (and Roger Stone). Meanwhile, certain sectors of special forces operations and now
Chris Miller as Acting Defense Secretary, are all aligned with Trump, the Constitution and defending America against its enemies,
both foreign and domestic.
Read more here:
Pfizer to apply for emergency authorization from the FDA for its COVID-19 vaccine
TODAY so it can be approved for December roll-out
Pfizer Inc
will apply for emergency use authorization of its COVID-19 vaccine with the Food and Drug Administration today - a major
step toward providing protection against the coronavirus for pandemic-weary Americans.
The application to the FDA comes just days after Pfizer and German partner BioNTech SE reported final trial results
that showed the vaccine was 95 percent effective in preventing COVID-19 with no major safety concerns.
Pfizer's shares rose 2% and BioNTech climbed 5% on the news that a vaccine could soon be available,
raising hopes for the end of a pandemic that has claimed more than a quarter of a million American lives.
Read more here:
Leftists Suggest "Re-Education Camps", "Firing Squads", &
Banning Talk Radio To "Deprogram" 75 Million Trump Supporters
"No *do* you deprogram 75 million people? Where do you start? Fox? Facebook?" asked David
Atkins (pronouns in bio), a regional director for California Democrats. "We have to start thinking in terms of post-WWII
Germany or Japan. Or the failures of Reconstruction in the South," he added.
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It's not SCIENCE; it's COMPLIANCE: Fauci says masks, social
distancing will be required even AFTER a COVID-19 vaccine that is supposedly 90 percent effective
(Natural News) It's no wonder the vast majority of Americans don't believe anything they're told about the COVID-19 virus, outside
of what they have personally experienced.
If you've had the virus, you
know how it feels, how it behaves, how it acts. It really is a lot like typical influenza for nine-out-of-10 people
who get it. In fact, many of those same people will tell you about ‘the time I got the flu and it was much worse.'
So yes, COVID-19 is real - it's always been real - but that's about all most
people are willing to admit to. And that's because the "health experts" and the garbage ‘mainstream media'
we've all been subjected to for the past eight months have been contradictory, hypocritical and outright wrong about
what information they provide us.
Read more here:
'Communist Coercive Methods For Eliciting Compliance' Being Used Against Americans
Under The Guise Of Fighting Covid-19
If You Think 2020
Was Crazy, You Haven't Seen Anything Yet! Signs 2021 Will Be Totally Insane
With Democrats/globalists all across America now declaring all-out war upon Christianity, Christmas, Thanksgiving and 'the American way' in the 'name of their perceived safety', story after story have come out over the last several days which prove,
if we think 2020 was bad, we haven't seen anything yet.
While Democrat
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown threatens jail time & fines for anybody who violates COVID-19 Thanksgiving restrictions, in Germany they just passed the benign-sounding 'infection protection law' which have been compared to Adolf Hitler's 'Enabling Act of 1933' which helped usher in his dictatorship.
Read more here:
Leftists Warned Not to Plot Punishment for Trump Supporters
Ronald Reagan biographer Craig Shirley has a message for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
(D-N.Y.) and other progressive activists threatening to punish President Donald Trump's backers for their political views.
"Tortious interference has
been a law since before the Constitution. It is illegal, and has been for years for a third party to interfere with the legal
commerce between one party and another," Shirley told The Epoch Times on Nov. 19.
Read more here:
Bill Gates briefed CIA on how to lobotomize Christian fundamentalists, religious
"fanatics," using vaccine that alters VMAT2 "God" gene?
CIA agent attending briefing: "So are you suggesting that I take a CT scan with me when I'm evaluating people
to determine whether I need to put a bullet in their head?"
and eugenicist Bill Gates appears to have briefed agents with the Central Intelligence Agency giving them details
on how to eliminate what he calls the "fanatic" gene from the brains of Christian fundamentalists and other individuals
that the government deems a threat and wishes to mentally lobotomize and oppress and it was all captured on tape.
If the video is truly authentic, a 49-year-old Gates can be heard telling bureau agents
during a Project FUNVAC briefing back in April of 2005 that the human VMAP2 gene, also known as the "God gene,"
can be altered using a vaccine.
According to the man on the video who
appears to be Gates a project research team was able to map out notate a rather drastic difference in expression between to
sample sets of human test subjects which he referred to as sample sets A and B during the briefing.
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EXCLUSIVE: Jill Biden Chief Of Staff Selling US Citizenship in ‘Fraud-Wracked'
Visa Scheme ‘Abused' by Chinese Communists
Reynoso is currently
listed on the Advisory Board of ‘EB5 Visa Funds‘, where her previous positions of U.S. Ambassador to Uruguay and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Central American,
Caribbean and Cuban Affairs in the Obama administration are prominently displayed.
Reynoso omits her visa work from her bio with her current employer, law firm Winston & Strawn. Her bio does, however, reveal her stint as a Soros Fellow for ‘New Americans' - a program which hands almost $100,000 to a handful of immigrants each year.
more here:
Democrat Governors are Suicidal - or They Don't Believe in Their Own Lockdowns
A week before issuing a statewide mask mandate and a few weeks after trying to ban Thanksgiving,
Governor Newsom attended a dinner party, maskless, for a lobbyist.
The size of the party, a dozen people, contravened,
Newsom's own Thanksgiving crackdown limiting gathering sizes and urging members of different households not to mingle. The
photos also contravened Newsom's 87 to wear a mask at dinner between bites.
"COVID-19 has NOT gone
away. Take the new case rates seriously. We cannot let our guard down," Newsom had urged on Twitter. "Wear a mask,
limit mixing with those you don't live with, and physically distance."
more here:
Brazil's 2018 Trucking Strike PARALYZED the Country: Here's How America Could
Face Similar LONG-TERM Disruptions
When I opened my browser and
read Daisy's article about a truckers' strike threat in U.S., I felt a tightening in the chest. As the article mentions, we went precisely through that in Brazil less than three years
ago. All I could think was, this is serious. And yes: it can be big. And ugly too. I'm here to tell this story.
To give a heads-up about the risks, and maybe help you get prepared.
is the largest country in South America and the 5th in the world. Population 210 million, with ten cities over 1.5 million
people. São Paulo alone (the biggest and richest) is 13 million souls. That is where I live, with its endless buildings,
avenues, malls, parks, restaurants, traffic jams, pollution, and stress. Despite some obvious differences, I suspect someone
from L.A. or N.Y. would feel quite at home here, or in Rio de Janeiro (7 million).
Read more here:
In this 12-minute MAM Chat, Egon von Greyerz and Matthew Piepenburg discuss the current and popular topic of an eventual
"return to normal" once COVID conditions are eventually behind us, ideally upon the attainment of an effective vaccine/treatment
protocol. The irony, of course, is that there was nothing at all "normal" about financial conditions and desperate
monetary policies pre-COVID, and certainly nothing "normal" in these same areas coming through and (out of) COVID
going forward, as Matthew's data points remind us.
Read more here:
We've Got the Box! Astra-Zeneca's COVID-19 "Vaccine" - Frankenstein
in a Bottle
The Hal Turner Radio Show has obtained the actual
packaging in which the Astra-Zeneca Pharmaceutical Company's COVID-19 "Vaccine" will be packaged in. Calling
this "The Mark of the Beast" is an understatement; this "vaccine" will hurt you - likely very badly -
if it doesn't KILL you outright.
On the box, Astra-Zeneca reveals their
new "vaccine" is "ChAdOx1-S" Recombinant DNA also known as AZD1222. That is the single
most prominent ingredient and you'd better sit down as we reveal what, exactly, this is.
Read more here:
Replacing Mark Esper, Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller activates special
operations forces to report directly to him
(Natural News) For those who are reluctant to recognize the actions taking place to defend America against both foreign and domestic enemies,
a massive change was just put in place at the Department of Defense that proves some additional clues about what's going down.
Special Operations forces have now been restructured to report directly to Defense Secretary
Chris Miller, who replaced swamp creature Mark Esper, recently fired by Trump. The term "special operations forces"
usually includes special forces from the Army (Rangers, Delta, etc.) and Navy (SEALs), and likely encompasses many tens of
thousands of highly-trained, elite troops. (The exact count is not public information.)
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The Illuminati behind the Deep State: would continue to plague humankind well into the future,
with the ultimate goal of world domination
The Illuminati
behind the Deep State, a mind-boggling story
The world is
close to the final act with the denouement showing the connection between the Deep State Mafia with the Christian Church and
the Vatican.
The Illuminati is a secret Order, established by Professor
Adam Weishaupt in the year 1771 in the state of Bavaria, in Germany. The Order found itself in deep trouble once Duke Karl
Theodor, the head of the state of Bavaria, acted on various damaging rumours being spread about the Illuminati and the Masonic
anti-clerical and anti-government teachings. He issued his first edict in 1784 banning all secret societies that were not
officially authorised. This total ban included severe penalties for failure to obey his order.
Read more here:
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem explains stance on mask mandate, won't enforce 'to
make people feel good'
Noem's office has declined to
enact statewide guidelines such as those active in New York, Ohio and many other states
Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem stood behind her decision not to enact a statewide mask mandate on Wednesday despite calls from medical experts to do so
amid a surge in COVID-19 cases.
While a number of cities in South Dakota
have enforced local rules requiring masks to be worn in public, Noem's office has declined to enact statewide guidelines such
as those active in New York, Ohio and many other states. However, a rising number of cases in South Dakota this week prompted
renewed calls for action at the state level.
Read more here:
UN Announces Biometric Digital ID Wallet
Recently, the United Nations had some big announcements that went largely unnoticed, including the
rollout of a biometric digital wallet and an announcement that one of its specialized agencies The International Civil Aviation
Organization is one step closer to a internationally recognized digital travel credential.
As reported by Biometric Update, this particular UN biometric digital wallet is intended for UN employees and it
can be used for data related to human resources, medical status, travel, payroll and pensions.
I hope you see where this is going, every aspect of our lives will be centralized digitally using
biometrics and in many cases the blockchain, AI and 5G.
Read more here:
The final stage of neo-Marxism's long-term goal is here
How did the anti-history Cancel Culture movement get so well-established that Marxism
now is on the verge of taking over the United States' political system? How did we get to where a handful of super-rich socialist
big tech billionaires reportedly steer the nation away from the values that founded the Republic, with full propaganda control
over the media?
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China's Stealth JH-XX Fighter-Bomber Is a Giant Mystery
As China's People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) pursues a slew of ambitious fifth-generation
fighter jet projects, a mysterious new bomber looms in the backdrop.
2019 Defense Intelligence Agency report confirmed that the PLAAF is developing two next-generation fighters: the H-20 strategic bomber and a tactical "fighter-bomber."
The former-discussed in a recent profile by The National Interest-is a long-distance, heavy subsonic stealth bomber with the reported capacity to threaten U.S. assets as far as Hawaii. But
the latter, commonly known by the working name "JH-XX," remains mired in mystery.
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Senior doc says Alberta politicians "playing medicine", media driving
Dr. Roger Hodkinson says the virus is no
worse than a "bad flu, that masks are "useless", and that lockdowns are driving suicides.
A top Edmonton doctor in virology says Albertans "are being led down the garden path"
by government health officials in their efforts to stop the COVID-19 virus.
Roger Hodkinson says the virus is no worse than a "bad flu."
is the CEO of Western Medical Assessments, and has been the company's medical director for over 20 years. He received his
general medical degrees from Cambridge University in the U.K., and then became a Royal College certified pathologist in Canada
(FRCPC) following a residency in Vancouver.
Read more here:
OH HELL NO! Only 12 Republican Workers Were Picked Out of 176 Workers in Wisconsin
The Trump campaign announced Wednesday that it has filed for a recount in two Wisconsin counties, Milwaukee and Dane.
The campaign said it paid a three million dollar filing fee for the recount in the two counties, which the state
has acknowledged receiving.
Tonight we heard from a Republican officer
from Dane County Wisconsin.
According to our source the recount
workers will be paid $30 an hour for their work in the two counties. And only 12 out of 176 names submitted by the Republicans
were scheduled as recount workers.
Read more here:
Huge lines form at Miami food
bank just one week from Thanksgiving as COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations increase across Florida
Huge lines have been forming at a Florida food bank ahead of Thanksgiving and as the coronavirus pandemic worsened across the United States.
Hundreds of cars were
spotted queuing for food boxes at Miami's Gwen Cherry Park on Wednesday.
boxes were being distributed by the Miami Marlins Foundation amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that has forced thousands
of Floridians out of work.
Read more here:
Eight California lawmakers spark outrage by flying to Hawaii for a conference
to discuss the pandemic at a five-star resort despite COVID restrictions in latest shame after Gov Newsom's Michelin dinner
A group of California lawmakers have come under fire for flying to Hawaii for a policy
conference despite health officials warning against out-of-state travel amid an alarming spike in coronavirus cases.
At least seven assemblymembers and one state senator from districts around California
are among the 75 people attending this week's conference hosted by the Independent Voter Project (IVP) at the five-star Fairmont
Kea Lani Hotel in Wailea, Maui, according to the Los Angeles Times.
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Parler CEO: Establishment ‘Doesn't Like That People Are Getting Power Again'
The CEO of Parler, the free speech supporting alternative to Twitter, explained
this week why he believes his platform is coming under increasing attack from the establishment, while gaining huge amounts
of users.
"People say crazy things all the time," and
"it's not against the law to have those opinions," John Matze told Tucker Carlson.
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New Strains Of COVID Could Render Vaccines Completely Useless, And 2 Dangerous
New Strains Are Already Spreading
What if all of the assumptions
that people are making about this COVID pandemic are completely wrong? When Pfizer announced that they had developed
a successful vaccine for COVID, the world cheered. And then when Moderna announced that they had developed a successful
vaccine for COVID, the world cheered even more. But COVID has been mutating, and scientists assure us that it will keep
mutating. So what happens if the vaccines that are being developed end up being completely useless against new mutant
strains of the virus? Would that put us all the way back to square one (or even worse)?
To put this problem into perspective, let's talk about the flu for a moment. Every year, health
authorities come up with a flu vaccine that they think will be effective against the variation or variations of the flu that
they believe will be dominant in that particular year. Most people simply assume that a "flu shot" will provide
them with complete protection against "the flu", but that is actually not true at all. In some years the match
between the flu vaccine and the variations of the flu that are running around is pretty good, and some years that is definitely
not the case. The following comes from the official CDC website...
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Parents Sue School District for Transgender Lessons, Bullying Family for Following
Religious Convictions
Parents at Superior Elementary School in
Superior, Colorado, are suing their school district for imposing the transgender ideology on their children, despite
the families' objections based on their religious convictions.
Denver Post reported on Lewis and Brecken Jones, "who say they are Christians," and their lawsuit, which
is based on the Boulder Valley School District's handling of their formal complaint about the transgender program and its
assault on their religious liberty and parental rights.
The story goes
back to 2018 when the Joneses first learned about the lesson plans, according to the Post:
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Top Pathologist Claims Coronavirus is "The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated
on an Unsuspecting Public"
Top pathologist Dr. Roger
Hodkinson told government officials in Alberta during a zoom conference call that the current coronavirus crisis is "the
greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public."
comments were made during a discussion involving the Community and Public Services Committee and the clip was subsequently
uploaded to YouTube.
Read more here:
Montana Law Firm to Sue State for Unconstitutional Mask Mandate, Lockdown
A Montana Law Firm to Sue the State of Montana in a Declarative Judgement seeking
Injunctive Relief from governor's directives. Learn How to Join the Suit Below
In the great state of Montana, a rumbling is taking place. A season of highly focused intensity is emerging where
"We the People" will take back our state from the wiles of such tyrants like Governor Bullock and his figureheads
( the DPHHS, various health officers statewide, and health departments) who want to usurp illegal authority over the innocent
people of our magnificent state.
Read more here:
The shocking reason why Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine requires storage
at -70C ... because it contains experimental nanotech components that have NEVER been used in vaccines before
(Natural News) You're seeing the reports all over the news: Pfizer's new coronavirus vaccine requires storage at -70C (-94F), which is
much colder than the North Pole. If it's not stored at this temperature, its ingredients begin to break down and it fails
to work. Currently Pfizer is claiming, without evidence, that its vaccine is "90% effective." But this claim is
little more than corporate propaganda designed to drive up stock prices through false projections.
But why do these vaccines need to be kept at -70C in the first place?
The answer, it turns out, is because they contain potentially hazardous ingredients that
have never been used in vaccines before.
Read more here:
First 6G satellite launched in space - the next wireless technology seems even
more dangerous than 5G
After 5G comes 6G - the sixth generation
of mobile Internet technology.
But, right now, it's still unclear
what 6G will be, as the telecom industry hasn't yet decided on the specifications for the network.
Predictions say 6G will be rolled out in around 2030 to replace 5G. There is even one university already working on it, although the new technology is only a concept - a 6 and a G.
So, what China's "world's first 6G" satellite in space really means?
So if 6G is just a theory at this point, it's a bit of nonsense to call what China have just launched
"6G." However, the satellite they have just launched is still exciting as it could boost data speeds dramatically.
Read more here:
Exclusive Reader Images And Reports Show Panic Shopping Has Begun Again - Shortages
Of Food And Paper Goods Has Already Started And Is Expected To Get Much Worse
As we have previously detailed, state after state has initiated new sets of lockdowns, mandatory and arbitrary orders about who people can, and cannot,
have over for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, and in some cases, disallowing any Thanksgiving visitors at all (Washington State), with the threat of sending law enforcement to private homes to enforce their mandates. (Oregon)
Governor Kate Brown issued a Statewide two-week "FREEZE"
or another round of COVID lockdowns that includes some interesting new restrictions.
Governor Brown stated this time, law enforcement will be utilized to enforce her edict/restrictions which go
into effect November 18.
Brown stated that she has directed the
Oregon State police (OSP) to begin coordinating with local law enforcement agencies to police the restrictions on in-home
gatherings that violate the six-person limit. She added, potential violators could be subject to arrest or cited.
Read more here:
Girl, 7, hacked to death and organs EATEN by killer's childless uncle and aunt
in occult ritual to ‘make them conceive'
girl was hacked to death and her liver eaten by the childless aunt and uncle of one of her killers in an occult ritual to
help them conceive, say police.
Little Shreya was lured away from her
village in India when she went out to buy firecrackers for Diwali, before being tied up and raped, then brutally stabbed to
death and her organs cut out of her body.
Read more here:
You can now eat human steak, scientists insist it's not cannibalism
If you're feeling a bit peckish, why not have a nibble on meat grown from your own body?
Scientists and designers from the US have created a ‘grow-your-own' steak kit, which uses human cells and blood to pose
a question to the cultured meat industry. The Ouroboros Steak, named after the ancient Egyptian snake that eats itself, can
be grown from cells scraped from the inside of your cheek and fed serum from old donated blood. While the steak is currently
just a prototype, and designed as a thought-provoking piece of art, it is a real piece of meat grown from human cells.
Read more:
destroyer shoots down simulated North Korean ICBM
'This was
an incredible accomplishment and critical milestone for the Aegis BMD SM-3 Block IIA program'
In a test sure to send shock waves around the world to America's military rivals, a US Navy destroyer
shot down an incoming ICBM missile mimicking a North Korean attack, the Department of Defense announced.
The US Missile Defense Agency and the USS John Finn - an Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System-equipped
destroyer - intercepted and destroyed a threat-representative Intercontinental Ballistic Missile target with a Standard Missile-3
Block IIA missile during a flight test demonstration in the ocean northeast of Hawaii, on Nov. 16.
Read more here:
Pfizer and Moderna COVID Vaccine Results NOT based on Peer-Reviewed
Science - ZERO Liability to Companies if Vaccine Kills or Injures due to FDA Fast-track Approval
VAXXED film producer Polly Tomney and attorney Mary Holland of Children's Health Defense discuss the two most recent COVID vaccine press releases from Pfizer and Moderna which both
claimed over "90% effective" and just what this means.
these vaccines are expected to apply for FDA fast-track approval due to the COVID "emergency," they do not go through
the same peer-reviewed process, and if the vaccines end up injuring or killing anyone, they are immune from any legal liability.
Read more here:
North's ICBMs may have re-entry ability, says report
The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has assessed that North Korea's intercontinental
ballistic missile (ICBM) re-entry vehicles are likely to "perform adequately" if flown on a normal trajectory to
mainland United States, according to an American think tank report Tuesday.
Concurrently, the U.S. Navy
intercepted and destroyed an ICBM target using a ship-launched missile over the Pacific Ocean, northeast of Hawaii, announced
the Missile Defense Agency Tuesday, part of the Pentagon's move to build and test a layered missile defense system for
the U.S. mainland.
Read more here:
With US General In Charge Of 'Operation Warp Speed' Warning 'D-Day' Approaches,
Prominent Medical Journal Warns 'Not Even A Military-Enforced Quarantine Can Stop The Virus'
Re-visting Deagel In 2020 And The 'Age Of Coronavirus'
As was reported in this very important new story written by Jeffrey A. Tucker at The American Institute for Economic Research, "Even a Military-Enforced Quarantine Can't Stop the Virus" according to a study recently
done by the New England Journal of Medicine.
With the story over at AIER
also reporting that this study has received very little attention from any mainstream media sources at all, despite being
published in the New England Journal of Medicine a week ago now on November 11, the study also found "the nonparticipants
actually contracted the virus at a slightly lower rate than those who were under an extreme regime. Conversely,
extreme enforcement of NPIs plus more frequent testing and isolation was associated with a greater degree of infection".
Read more here:
For The First Time, Wall Street Admits That "Civil Unrest" Could Crash
Earlier today, we reported that sentiment in the latest Bank of America Fund Manager survey was so bullish, even survey organizer, BofA Chief Investment Officer Michael Hartnett, said it's time to turn bearish for
the near-term and "sell the vaccine" because Wall Street has gone "full bull":
The most bullish Fund Manager Survey (FMS) of 2020 on the back of vaccine, election, macro; Nov
FMS shows a big drop in cash, 20-year high in GDP expectations, big jump in equity, small cap & EM exposure; reopening
rotation can continue in Q4 but we say "sell the vaccine" in coming weeks/months as we think we're close
to "full bull".
Read more here:
UN World Food Program Warns Of
"Famines Of Biblical Proportions In 2021" As Some Americans Wait 12 Hours For Food
The UN World Food Program was the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020, and the head of that
agency is warning of the potential for absolutely devastating famines around the globe in 2021. The COVID-19 lockdowns
that were instituted all over the world this year created tremendous hardship in many wealthy countries, but in poorer nations
the economic devastation has created alarming waves of hunger. There was hope that things would get better when lockdowns
were being lifted, but now a new round of lockdowns is being imposed, and many experts are warning about what this could mean
for those living in deep poverty.
David Beasley was absolutely thrilled
when his agency was given the Nobel Peace Prize, because all of the attention has given him more opportunities to ask for
money. Because without a massive influx of money, he says that we are going to see "famines of biblical proportions in 2021"...
Read more here:
After Election, Facebook Will Now Ban You If You Are ‘Similar Looking' To
Someone They Banned
National File has exclusively obtained
comment from Facebook representatives who say that the platform will now ban conservative groups and pages if they are look
similar to other groups and pages that they have banned for violating their Community Standards.
In the days before the election, National File reported that the once-massive Facebook page, God Emperor Trump, was unceremoniously banned from the platform for the 7th time.
While communicating with Facebook Politics and Government Outreach Associate Danielle Cyr, at the direction of Facebook Public
Policy Director for Global Elections Katie Harbath, National File was informed of this new policy.
Read more here:
Now Is The Time For Americans To Rebel Against Lockdowns, Mask Laws And Forced
With the presidential election highly contested and
the mainstream media hyping the rising infection numbers, the public is now facing important questions regarding the future
of the pandemic response. Some states have decided to unilaterally introduce "executive orders" to restrict citizen
movements, business openings and public activities.
Anthony Fauci is on
the news constantly, calling for families to cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas and telling Americans to just "do what we are told". The media is generally trying to drum up fear in the minds of the populace and paint images of plague and death everywhere.
If Biden does actually end up in the White House, a federalized and national high level lockdown is on the table starting
in January.
Read more here:
D.C. police intentionally routed Trump supporters through violent crowd of BLM,
(Natural News) The so-called "Million MAGA March" that swarmed Washington, D.C., over the weekend is being reported by the alt media as largely a success, despite numerous violent encounters that are said to have occurred between supporters
of President Trump and mobs of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa terrorists.
Footage of Trump supporters being violently assaulted by domestic terrorists abound across social media, but perhaps
the most disturbing of all is video evidence suggesting that D.C. police officers intentionally routed MAGA marchers through
dangerous areas where bloodthirsty BLM and Antifa "protesters" were lying in wait to attack.
Read more here:
Kansas School Stops Collecting Toys for Kids After Atheist Group's Legal Threats
A Kansas middle school ended its participation in a Christmas toy donation program after
an anti-Christian, out-of-state group threatened it with a lawsuit.
Christian Post reported the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), based in Madison, Wisconsin, sent a letter to Tony Helfrich, superintendent
of the Pratt Unified School District 382, demanding it stop participating in a program managed by Samaritan's Purse in which
students collect toys, toiletries, and other items in shoe boxes to be donated to impoverished children.
Liberty Middle School must "cease participation in Operation Christmas Child or taking any
other actions promoting Christianity like including religious references over morning announcements," the FFRF letter
demanded, which cited an anonymous "concerned staff member."
Read more
Have too many people over for Thanksgiving in Oregon go to jail, but no sweat
if you riot
Gov. Kate Brown has enacted new measures
to curb the spread of COVID-19
Some lawmakers are criticizing
Oregon's limits on group activities so close to the Thanksgiving holiday while proponents of the measures stay quiet on the nightly riots in Portland involving hundreds of people.
Gov. Kate Brown, a Democrat, ordered a two-week freeze that includes limiting indoor and outdoor gatherings to no more than six people from no more
than two households in an effort to curb the spread of the coronavirus.
Read more here:
Can you believe this Nazi crap? NYC building inspectors
in Jewish neighborhoods now going around with binoculars looking into the private homes of people...
...trying to catch COVID rule breakers. Don't let socialism come to your city.
This is what you get when you vote for the racists of the Democrat party.
This s**t is real.
NYC building inspectors in Jewish neighborhoods now going around
with binoculars looking into the private homes of people trying to catch COVID rule breakers.
Don't let socialism come to your city.
- Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) November 18, 2020
Read more here:
'Compliance Ambassadors' Now A Thing - Top 10 Tyrannical Mandates By Liberal Governors Across America-
Welcome to Orwell's '1984' Where Freedom Is An Illusion And Constitutional Rights No Longer Exist
While we have seen readers discuss the individual rules and threats of punishments for
not abiding by the tyrannical Governor mandates for their particular state, a look at some of the most egregious, over-the-top
Orwellian orders, along with the news that there are now "Compliance Ambassadors," routinely visiting businesses
in Nevada, and we are seemingly living in George Orwell's novel "1984."
Apparently, Democrats and RINO's (Republican In Name Only), thought "1984"
was an instructional manual, rather than a work of fiction.
Orwell saw
where the world was headed back in 1949 when his book was published. Even earlier since he needed time to write it and get
it published.
Between online speech police, threats of censorship for
wrong-think, actual censorship for ideologies not approve by liberals, rules and regulations that get more strict and stringent
every year, and now Governors using an outbreak of a new coronavirus as a guise to implement even more tyrannical and draconian
rules against their constituents, we are truly living in Orwell's world of "1984."
Read more here:
Here we go again: Panic buyers across U.S. empty shelves of toilet paper, food
and disinfectant as 40 states see record daily increases in cases and 20 states report all-time highs in deaths
Toilet paper, disinfectant and groceries are once again flying off the shelves across
the United States with states forced to impose stricter lockdowns and the number of new COVID-19 cases spiking to 166,000 Monday.
Pictures taken in recent days
show stores in Washington, California, Virginia, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey, New York, Michigan and Missouri have all been affected by the rush. It is the second time this year that shoppers appear to be panic
buying; stores were left scrambling to restock shelves wiped out in response to COVID-19 back in March.
But experts say the run is likely to be less severe this time as stores and shoppers are
more prepared. Subodha Kumar, a supply chain expert at Temple University, told The Daily Beast: 'People have already hoarded a lot of this stuff in their basements.'
more here:
Expect A Massive Propaganda Blitz In The Coming Days As Globalists Push 'Covid-19
Despotism' And 'The Great Reset': Americans MUST Stand Up To The Globalists Draconian Agenda
With #TheGreatReset trending on twitter Monday morning after a September United Nations video conference featuring an interview with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau went viral due to Trudeau admitting the 'coronavirus planned-demic' had provided an excellent "opportunity
for a reset", we should all be asking what that 'great reset' might look like with every indication it
is 'draconian tyranny'.
With Trudeau's interview
coming to light at a time when the Canadian government published a bid request for 'programmable hydraulic guillotines' needed 'in support of Canada's response to COVID-19', as Mike Adams had reported in this new story over at Natural News, this information is also being exposed soon after a Canadian government official asked why 'Covid camps' were being
built in Canada, and was 'silenced' for doing so.
Read more here:
TUCKER: Elites See COVID As Chance To Impose ‘Unprecedented Social Controls'
On Populace
Fox News host Tucker Carlson slammed Canadian
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau the latter's comments in September praising COVID-19 fears as an "opportunity for a reset"
to "accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme
poverty, inequality, and climate change."
"Watch this
video from September, you may not have seen it - it wasn't played much in this country," Carlson said before rolling
the footage. "This is the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau speaking to the United Nations."
"Oh, ‘this is our chance,' says Justin Trudeau," Carlson noted, mockingly.
"Not our chance to save you from a virus with a 99% survival rate, you'll almost certainly be fine, and they're fully
aware of that."
Read more here:
‘Decapitations' At DOD: ‘A Purge,' ‘A Coup' Or Something Else?
(The dismissals have been called ‘nefarious,' a ‘purge,' a ‘dangerous day' and Trump ‘burning down'
the Defense Department.)
Hawks are screeching about a series
of high profile firings and resignations that occurred at the Pentagon last week, seeing in the personnel moves a dark portent
of a possible coup by the Trump administration. The dismissals are "nefarious... decapitations," according to The
Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin; while journalist Mona Charen dubbed the high-profile resignations a "purge."
"The president is burning down the Department of Defense in the midst of a presidential
transition, which in my experience is unprecedented in American history," said Eric Edelman, former under secretary
of defense and ambassador to Turkey.
Read more here:
China 'used secret microwave pulse weapon to cook Indian soldiers alive' and force
them into retreat in Himalayan border battle
Chinese troops used 'microwave' weapons to force Indian soldiers to retreat by making them violently sick during a Himalayan stand-off, a professor has claimed.
The electromagnetic weapons which cook the human tissue of enemy troops 'turned the mountain
tops into a microwave oven' and made the Indian soldiers vomit, international studies expert Jin Canrong told his students
in Beijing.
The microwave weapons heat water molecules in
the same way as the kitchen appliance, targeting water under the skin and causing increasing amounts of pain to the target
from ranges of up to 0.6 miles away.
Read more here:
The Army Is Activating the Iron Dome, Its New Rocket-Killing Weapon
This air defense system started in Israel. Now the U.S. wants a piece of the action.
The U.S. Army has announced the activation of two new air defense batteries that use the Iron Dome interceptor system. The batteries, based at Fort Bliss in Texas,
will help protect systems such as the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-ballistic missile system from attack.
Iron Dome will likely deploy to South Korea, where it would protect THAAD forces there from North Korean rocket attack.
Read more here:
THE CULLING OF THE HUMAN RACE BEGINS: See the Horrifying Ingredients in AstraZeneca's
Covid-19 Vaccine
Packaging of AstraZeneca Covid 19 Vaccine
states that the Vaccine contains the cells of aborted male Caucasian babies: Also
there is an admission that the vaccine may be harmful or even fatal to humans.
Now, can you imagine if the packaging said that the aborted fetal cells were from a "black" male
baby? Need I say more about that? But the fact that any aborted cells from babies are in this vaccine should be an
outrage to anyone with a conscience!!
Read more here:
Chaotic Considerations, an Empty Space, a Thanksgiving Prayer, and the Dreams
of America as Founded
The fate of the United States hangs in
the balance. If the 2020 Presidential Election has proven anything, it has shown America as irreconcilably divided: between
those dreaming of a constitutional republic against others intoxicated with Nietzsche's Will to Power fueled by delusion,
emotionalism, and materialism.
For conservatives, it is Trump or tyranny.
For progressives, it is Biden or oblivion. Of course, these choices are fraught with danger and, even if true, have a "scripted"
appearance to them; as if the divide had manifested on purpose.
Read more
New Normal? These States Want to Micromanage Your "Safe" Thanksgiving
This promises to be a holiday season like no other
in our memory, what with the hotly contested election, a new series of lockdowns and restrictions, and another wave of COVID-19 taking over the mainstream media headlines.
Thanksgiving quickly approaching, the Centers for Disease Control, individual states, and a handful of universities seem to
be competing for the most "thorough" advice on how families and friends should handle the holiday.
Read more here:
WATCH: Sidney Powell reads bombshell evidence from high-ranking military witness
explaining how Smartmatic was created to THROW elections
A couple
of days ago Rudy Giuliani tweeted that the Dominion voting system was really just a front for a company called Smartmatic:
Did you know a foreign company,DOMINION,was counting our vote in Michigan, Arizona and
Georgia and other states.
But it was a front for SMARTMATIC, who was really
doing the computing.
Look up SMARTMATIC and tweet me what you think?
It will all come out.
- Rudy W. Giuliani
(@RudyGiuliani) November 14, 2020
Read more here:
When politicians use the word "reimagine," they are preparing to REAM you
(Natural News) Left-wing nut job AOC wants to "reimagine" the energy economy. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants to
"reimagine" the global financial system. Joe Biden says he wants to "reimagine" America, and mayors of
left-wing cities claim everyone should "reimagine" policing.
are all the most evil people in the world using the term, "reimagine?"
Because they focus grouped it, and the term "reimagine" sounds better than the truth, which is, "We're
going to ream you and take away everything and destroy your life."
more here:
VACCINE DEATH WAVE: UK government posts bid for AI system to process the expected
flood of COVID-19 vaccine injuries and side effects described as a "direct threat to patient life"
(Natural News) While the lying, treasonous mainstream media is telling us all that covid-19 vaccines are perfectly safe and "95% effective"
- and this lie is being repeated by PJ Media, Breitbart and other so-called "conservative" news publishers - the
UK government has posted a bid and an award contract notice, seeking an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system that can process
the expected flood of covid-19 vaccine injuries and side effects.
simply, "Supplies - 506291-2020" and found at this link on Tenders Electronic Daily, this contract award notice we originally posted on October 19th, 2020 and is summed up as follows:
Read more here:
Michigan Legislators Call for Governor Whitmer's Impeachment After New Lockdown
Numerous GOP lawmakers in Michigan are calling
for the impeachment of Governor Gretchen Whitmer after she declared another statewide lockdown in response to coronavirus.
On Sunday, Rep. Matt Maddock (R-44th district) responded to the new lockdown orders affecting
universities, restaurants, bars and other businesses, announcing Whitmer had "crossed the line" and deserved to
be impeached.
Read more here:
***BULLETIN *** It's Starting Again! Food and Supply SHORTAGES at Super Markets
BULLETIN : From Washington State to West Virginia, the
product shortages and empty store shelves we saw last March are starting all over again. People have begun Panic-buying
because our good-for-nothing, lying, politicians, are claiming COVID-19 is back for "Round 2" and lock-downs are
being "ordered" again.
Products like toilet paper, meat,
and pasta are flying off store shelves so fast, and in so many places, it's hard to keep up with all of it.
Read more here:
Left-Wing Monsters Are Loose And Out Of Control - Liberals Weaponize Antifa/BLM
Violence For Post-Election Madness As 'The Battle For America' Rages On
For four straight years Democrats, liberals online and the media (yes, redundant, I know!), have incited, encouraged,
attempted to justify and defended Antifa groups and Black Lives Matter (BLM) violence.
As the media and Democrats scream at the top of their lungs that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election, as
the Trump campaign is challenging multiple states in court for a variety of issues including voter fraud, these Antifa/BLM
groups are showing, very clearly as multiple videos below will show, that they have no intention of ending their violence,
just because Biden supposedly won.
Read more here:
What Do You Want History To Speak Of You During This Great War For Freedom?
So Durham is afraid of a Biden administration and is ready to run and hide. Sydney Powell says that she has the goods and that this election will be overturned. Lin Wood is telling us that soon lots of people will be going to prison. Rudy Giuliani is telling us that there is fraud everywhere and this election will be ruled in favor of Donald Trump. These stories seem to be everywhere
on the internet from this weekend and people are waiting anxiously for results. Meanwhile the Enemy Media are saying that
Trump will concede after the Georgia hand recount and that the Office of the President Elect is a real thing.
Read more here:
The 3 Phases of the Globalist Takeover of America Has Just Completed Phase 1-Americans
Are the Target of Phase 2
I am working on the biggest story
of my journalistic career. Soon, details will be presented which make the information gleaned from Hunter Biden's laptop seem
like child[s play. However, before releasing this information, it is important that present the information to an audience
that is ready to hear it and understand the implications. Therefore, preparatory articles must be prepared in order to erase
as much of the ignorance related to the general population as possible.
mainstream media (msm) is being used as a tool to convince the American people that the election is over, there was no fraud
and even if there was fraud it would not make a difference because the vote totals are too large to overcome. All of these
statements are false. Recently, Trump's legal representative, Rudy Giuliani told Fox News (NY) 5 that the President's claims
had been disproven as hearsay in court. The two Fox News NY 5 anchors are liars. Only allegations have been brought in court,
no discovery or testimony has taken place.
Read more here:
The coronavirus is disrupting
food supply chains because farmers and laborers cannot work or travel, transportation delays are causing shortages, and in
the United States, for example, meat processing plants have been forced to close.
Not only are these breaks in the supply chain affecting the availability of food, but also its affordability. Millions
who already struggled to support themselves and their families have been struck by economic hardship caused by lockdowns
around the globe.
Read more here:
'Orwellian Mainstream Media Echo Chamber' Completely Exposed In Must-Watch Video
Proving The MSM Is Absolutely Lethal To 'Truth' And The Future Of America
The MSM and 'big tech' are part of the most dangerous and pervasive 'echo chambers' in history
According to Wikipedia, "in news media, an echo chamber is a metaphorical description of a situation in which beliefs are amplified
or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a closed system and insulates them from rebuttal.
By visiting an "echo chamber", people are able to seek out information that reinforces their existing views, potentially
as an unconscious exercise of confirmation bias. This may increase social and political polarization and extremism."
As Wikipedia continues, "the term is a metaphor based on the acoustic echo chamber,
where sounds reverberate in a hollow enclosure. Another emerging term for this echoing and homogenizing effect on the Internet
within social communities, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, etc.; is cultural tribalism. Many scholars
note the effects that echo chambers can potentially have on citizen's stance and viewpoints, more specifically what implications
this effect will have on politics."
Read more here:
Justice Alito Warns Of Dangers To Free Speech, Religious Liberty Imperiled By
Government Overreach During The Coronavirus Pandemic
liberty and free speech are among Americans' personal freedoms potentially imperiled along with government overreach during
the coronavirus pandemic, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito warned Thursday. "The question we face is whether
our society will be inclusive enough to tolerate people with unpopular religious beliefs," he added, saying Christians
deserve the same protections as the any of the religious minority groups in cases over which has presided throughout the years.
He also said that houses of worship have been treated unfairly compared to other businesses during the pandemic, like in the
case of casinos in Nevada. "Nevada was unable to provide any justification for treating casinos more favorably than other
houses of worship," he said, referring to a recent Supreme Court case. The court still deferred to the governor who favored
the state's biggest industry, he said. "Religious liberty is in danger of becoming a second-class right,"
he warned, adding concerns about free speech and the Second Amendment. (READ MORE)
Will You Consent To Having Your Mind Controlled By THE LIVING IMAGE OF THE BEAST?
The big idea behind Neuralink is the development of a brain implant that will allow everybody
to control computers with their minds. But more than this, Musk claims it will eventually allow computers to control our minds.
He says the device will be capable of "curing" depression, Alzheimer's and myriad other brain-based conditions.
This would be accomplished through targeted stimulation and interference in what would otherwise be unfettered brain activity.
In other words: we'd be giving a computer administrator-style read/write privileges to our minds. This might sound like science
fiction, but more than three years ago TNW wrote about a team of researchers who were literally using a computer to remotely
control a living dragonfly... (READ MORE)
BARNA POLL: 40% Of Evangelical Christians Have Become Marxist, BLOOD ON THE ALTAR
Pro-Death Pagans
American Christianity is undergoing a "post-Christian
Reformation"-with the nation's major Christian groups rapidly replacing traditional theological beliefs with the culture's
secular values. A new study from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University finds that the nation's four
main Christian groups-evangelicals, Pentecostals and charismatics, mainline Protestants, and Catholics-are creating new worldviews
that are only loosely tied to the biblical teachings that have traditionally defined them.
- 48% believe a person who is good enough or does enough good works can earn eternal salvation
- 44% do not believe that history is the unfolding narrative of God's reality
- 44%
claim the Bible is ambiguous in its teaching about abortion
- 43% maintain that when Jesus
was on earth, He sinned
- 42% seek moral guidance primarily from sources other than the Bible
- 42% do not identify and confess their sins on a daily basis
- 40% accept lying as
morally acceptable if it advances personal interests or protect one's reputation
- 36% prefer
socialism to capitalism
- 34% reject the idea of legitimate marriage as one man and one woman
- 34% argue that abortion is morally acceptable if it spares the mother from financial or emotional discomfort
or hardship... (READ MORE)
Trump COVID Adviser: "The Only Way This Stops Is If People Rise Up"
Dr. Scott Atlas, a leading member of President Trump's coronavirus task force,
announced Sunday that "The only way this stops is if people rise up."
Atlas was responding to the decree of a new lockdown by Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
Read more here:
Dr. Fauci Warns US Likely To Cancel Christmas, Hints That Masks & Social Distancing
Are Here To Stay
Across the US, millions of Americans are planning
on scaled-back Thanksgiving dinners, with only members of their immediate family "bubbles" invited. Mayors of some
of America's large cities, along with the governors of California, Oregon and Washington State, have asked residents to limit
travel over the holidays.
As angst about the spoiled Thanksgiving holiday
simmers, Dr. Anthony Fauci acknowledged Sunday during an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union" that American
families should probably prepare to skip Christmas dinner, too.
Read more
Who Pressed the Great Reset Button?
The globalist technocracy is using the COVID-19 pandemic to bypass democratic accountability, override opposition,
accelerate their agenda and to impose it on the public against our will
video here:
Documents link Democrat billionaires to Southern Baptist ERLC & Russell Moore
Documents show financial ties between ERLC & left-wing George Soros Open Society
Foundations, Pierre Omidyar of the Democracy Fund, and Paul Singer of the American Unity Fund.
A report from Enemies within the Church, printed below, contains documents obtained by
the filmmakers that link grants and funding from leftist billionaires to the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC)
of the Southern Baptist Convention and its head Russell Moore. The documents include grant data showing the Democracy Fund
provided $50,000 to the controversial ERLC's and The Gospel Coalition's MLK50 Conference.
Other documents in the report include Dr. Moore's name in the Podesta emails published in 2016 by Wikileaks.
Read more here:
Mississippi Principle Orders Third Grader to Remove ‘Jesus Loves Me' Mask
A third-grade girl's family has filed a federal lawsuit after their daughter's school
principal ordered her to remove her mask that had the words ‘Jesus Loves Me' printed on it. The 3rd grader, name withheld,
wore the face mask to Simpson Central School in Mississippi on October 13th, 2020.
ADF, Alliance Defending Freedom, a nonprofit litigation firm that advocates for religious liberty and free speech,
filed the lawsuit on behalf of the family. According to WLBT, two days after the principle ordered the 3rd grader remove the
mask; the school district stated the Superintendent;
"Masks cannot
display political, religious, sexual, or any inappropriate symbols, gestures, or statements that may be offensive, disruptive,
or deemed distractive to the school environment.
[Jennifer] immediately
researched the school's policy, finding that it did not prohibit masks' messages. After Jennifer questioned these policies
through social media and spoke with school officials, the school then changed the policy to justify their discrimination against
Lydia's religious expression.
Read more here:
EXPOSED for BETRAYAL: Institutions and corporations that have betrayed humanity
in 2020
(Natural News) All the "truthers" know that the fraudulent election was an "inside job," meaning it was well-planned,
pre-meditated, and carried out by domestic terrorists, meaning our own citizens, politicians and the mass media. The list
of traitors revealed in this article (Democrats and Globalists) and their heavily-funded organizations (terror cells)
are no conspiracy theory cooked up by some right-wing extremists, but rather they are real enemies of the state (the whole
republic and the constitution) who support communism, pedophilia and the worship of Satan. That's why we call them the "Demoncrats."
Read more here:
Trump's Bulldog Attorney Lin Wood: "Soon people will be going to prison.
Lots of people"
You've probably heard the name Lin Wood.
He's the powerhouse bulldog attorney who represents Nick Sandmann and Kyle Rittenhouse,
among others.
And now he's working with President Trump to prove and expose
all the voter fraud.
I feel REALLY good having Lin Wood, Sidney Powell
and Rudy Giuliani on our side!
If there's anything to be found, you can
bet they'll find it all.
And it looks like they already have.
Because look what he tweeted out earlier today:
Read more here:
Sidney Powell: Smartmatic Voting Machine's Chairman of the Board Peter Neffenger
Named to Joe Biden's ‘Transition Team'
Peter Neffenger is a former Coast Guard Commander who served as Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration from July 2015
to January 20, 2017.
Peter Neffenger is currently Chairman
of the Board of Directors of Smartmatic, a multinational company that specializes in building and implementing electronic
voting systems.
Read more here:
On Monday's Hal Turner Radio Show:
I have actual
audio and video of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau admitting they are using the COVID-19 "Pandemic" as "an
You'll hear the Prime Minister's Actual
"This Pandemic has provided an OPPORTUNITY for a
RESET. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-Pandemic efforts to re-imagine economic systems that
actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality, and climate change."
It appears that earlier coverage of this issue, right here on the Hal Turner Radio Show web site (HERE) is now verified!
Read more here:
Canadian government publishes bid request for "Programmable Hydraulic Guillotines"
needed "in support of Canada's response to COVID-19"
(Natural News) The Canadian government, on its official acquisition website ( is requesting bids for "Programmable
Hydraulic Guillotines" as part of, "products and services in support of Canada's response to COVID-19."
The listing number is 45045-190091/A, and it is found at this link:
Additional details on the bid include:
Reference number: PW-$$PD-005-78707
Solicitation number: 45045-190091/A
Region of delivery: National
Capital Region
Notice type: Notice of Proposed Procurement (NPP)
GSIN: N7520: Office Devices and Accessories
Procurement entity: Public Works and Government Services Canada
more here:
The Democrat Voter Fraud Exposed So Far Is Only The Tip Of The Iceberg! This Is
What Democrats And The Mainstream Media Don't Want You To Know
constitutional republic must adhere to the democratic institutions that are the foundations for our liberty. If we do not
adhere to these responsibilities, we can expect to continue to live with the corruption that we are now facing. The political
agenda of the progressive socialist Democrats ignore the will of the American people. Who had the idea to allow the US Postal
Service, who had just endorsed Joe Biden, to bring in the ballots with any trust?
The fix was in from the start. Perhaps that is why Biden felt he did not need to campaign. Why should
Biden and Harris go through the campaign or take questions that they refuse to answer when they already know that the results
that they need will magically appear?
Read more
THE GREAT RE-SET - Are We Really Being Conditioned For Arrival Of ANTICHRIST AND
When 2020 began, who could have imagined
that a virus from China would take us closer to the tribulation? However, COVID-19 has done exactly that. Since the virus
first appeared in the United States, the goal line for easing government restrictions, lockdowns, quarantines, and face masks
has continually changed. They have gone from flattening the curve, which the CDC said would take two to four weeks, to reduced
hospital admissions, to everyone receiving a vaccination, and to Dr. Fauci recently stating that people can return to movie
theaters only after the vaccine has been available for an entire year. But will the arrival of a vaccine mark a return to
normal? According to Tucker Carlson's August 26th report on The Fox News Channel, the goal line has moved yet again. He quoted
the World Health organization (WHO) Director General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus as stating that finding a vaccine for
COVID-19 is not the final goal. No, the ultimate aim is the "reordering of society." He quoted the WHO director
as also saying this, "We will not, we cannot go back to the way things were." Dr. Ghebreyesus of the WHO summed
it up this way, "The COVID-19 pandemic has given new impetus to the need to accelerate efforts to respond to climate
change." Tucker Carlson quoted Bill Gates as saying that the COVID-19 pandemic signifies "that the rest of us will
have to sacrifice even more to save the earth from warming." So, what's the connection between the virus and climate
control? Tucker Carlson nails it with these words, "both are pretexts for mass social control." (READ MORE)
Red Alert! America's Last Chance: The President Must Immediately Declare the Insurrection
Act and Seize Control of All Vote Counting
America has been
invaded by enemies both foreign and domestic. This article is the modern day equivalent to the Thomas Paine's Common Sense
demand to stand up to our invaders and repulse them from our nation.
election results, the cheating results have become the line in the sand in America. There are two positions to consider:
The Left will resume rioting, looting and murder if the recounts begin to turn away from
Biden to Trump. There is nothing the Left will not do to overthrow out Constitutional Republic. They have employed machines
that are in question. By the way, the servers have been seized by the US Military! Republican poll watchers were prevented
from doing their job. Ballots for Biden were accepted after legal deadlines. In Pennsylvania, court orders to toss late,
or unconfirmed ballots are being ignored. Incomplete ballots are still be filled out 10 days after the election. In Arizona,
14,000+ ballots must be tossed because the identity and citizenship of the voters cannot be confirmed. Gov. Ducey, a Democrat
in drag, and the criminal, Maricopa County Recorder, Adrian "Sharpie" Fontes, both refuse to follow the
law. Biden leads in Arizona by only 12,000 votes.
Read more here:
BOMBSHELL: The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared "National
Emergency" that set an Election Day trap for the "unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure"
We have another major bombshell for you here, regarding the 2020 election. Despite the
intense, malicious censorship of Big Tech, we're really becoming known for in-depth analysis and research of current events,
so thank you for your support as we continue to fight for the very survival of America, our constitutional republic. This
story begins with the little-known executive order signed into existence on September 12, 2018, by President Donald J. Trump.
That order, available at, is entitled, "Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States
Election." In that executive order, which almost no one has covered since the day it was signed, President Trump declares
a national emergency. That emergency is still in play to this day, and the 2020 election was conducted under this
state of emergency, which is a crucial point to understand what's coming next.
Read more here:
MUST WATCH: Paul Weston: This Coup D'Etat Could Lead to U.S. Civil War
"Yet here we are, toward the end of 2020 looking at the very real possibility of the breakdown
of democracy in America itself. What would have been unthinkable for so long, over so many generations of Americans, can no
longer be considered unthinkable. If this gross subversion of democracy is not dealt with in a satisfactory manner by the
lawyers then I see no reason, no reason at all why America should not descend into violence and potential civil war in the
worst-case scenario, or simply lose all confidence in any future elections as a best-case scenario - which can only and inexorably
lead to the worst-case scenario again.
Read more here:
When Democrats Tell You They're Going to Establish Truth & Reconciliation
Commissions, Believe Them
Leftists are saying they want you brainwashed
or destroyed, and you should pay attention. They are impossibly mired in lies and hatred, but they have at times been oddly
forthright about their plans, such as when Nancy Pelosi declared that Trump would lead at the end of election night but would not win, and when the New York Times claimed that the media would declare the winner of the presidential election, just as it is doing now. So when so many prominent
Leftists are calling for the reeducation of Trump supporters or else their total ostracism from society, no one would be wise
to dismiss these calls as empty threats.
Read more here:
When Does a ‘Glitch' Become a Coup? It's Time to Regulate America's Fly-by-Night
Voting Machine Monopoly
It's a frightening thing to consider,
but the ultimate success of democracy in the United States largely hinges on the integrity of just three voting machine companies,
which conduct their affairs with almost no government oversight and regulation. Unless that changes, the greatest democracy
will start looking like a banana republic in the eyes of the world.
January 2020, the CEOs of the three companies that produce over 80 percent of voting machines in the U.S. - Election
Systems & Software (ES&S), Dominion Voting Systems and Hart InterCivic - were grilled by members of Congress
over the question of security at the ballot box. Perhaps it would surprise exactly nobody that the 90-minute discussion focused
almost entirely on the possibility of foreign actors, specifically China and Russia, interfering in the U.S. election system.
Within such a predictably narrow frame of reference - Russia! Russia! Russia! - it becomes much easier to eliminate the possibility
that domestic actors may also be tempted to tamper with the vote. At the same time, Russia provides the perfect smokescreen
in the event someone gets caught with their hand in the election cookie jar. But already I digress.
Read more here:
Obey Or Starve On The Streets - We Were Warned Food Would Be Used As A Weapon
To Force Compliance, And Now We See Biden 'Experts' Wanting To 'Bundle' Food Assistance With Vaccines
Independent Media has been warning for years that food could, and most likely would, be
used as a weapon by liberals in America, if they were given the opportunity to force citizens to comply with their mandates
by threatening the food supply.
Apparently that time is here, or will
be if Joe Biden takes office, as a member of Biden's COVID-19 taskforce has previously made recommendations to force people
to take a COVID vaccine, or risk starving as they want to bundle compliance with the ability to continue to receive food stamps
to feed themselves and their families.
Before moving along, a quick note
on food stamp usage.
There has been a lot of documented evidence that
some using food stamps are abusing the system, using funds meant for food and drink, on items that have nothing to do with
survival. One investigation in Massachusetts found people were using their EBT cards at liquor stores, strip clubs, and vacation spots.
Read more here:
NURSE: "COVID" was a Lie, but NOW People are "Throwing blood clots"
all over and dying suddenly
I received an email from a listener
to my radio show who is a nurse. She claims that originally, the entire "COVID-19" was nowhere near
the emergency it was made out to be, but NOW, young people aged 30-50 are coming into hospitals DYING and it's from "throwing
blood clots" all over their bodies: Exactly what happened to ME on October 23 . . . .
New disease? Bio-attack? Cull-the-herd by population control freaks?
Read more here:
Fauci Warns Americans to ‘Do What You Are Told'
Top health official says 'now is the time' to listen to authorities
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S.'s top infectious disease specialist, has warned the
time has now come for Americans to "do what you are told."
Fauci pushed back on accusations that he is promoting "authoritarian" rule with draconian coronavirus measures,
but added that Americans must listen to health authorities.
Fauci issued
the grim statement while speaking at the Washington National Cathedral Thursday, CNBC first reported.
"I was talking with my U.K. colleagues
who are saying the U.K. is similar to where we are now," Fauci said.
Read more here:
Trump Administration Partners with CVS and Walgreens to Provide COVID-19 Vaccine
to Protect Vulnerable Americans in Long-Term Care Facilities Nationwide
To meet the Trump Administration's Operation Warp Speed (OWS) goals, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Department of Defense (DoD
) today announced agreements with CVS and Walgreens to provide and administer COVID-19 vaccines to residents of long-term
care facilities (LTCF) nationwide with no out-of-pocket costs. Protecting especially vulnerable Americans has been a critical
part of the Trump Administration's work to combat COVID-19, and LTCF residents may be part of the prioritized groups for initial
COVID-19 vaccination efforts until there are enough doses available for every American who wishes to be vaccinated.
Read more here:
Extreme evil is coming, and hell is coming with it: THE
"Although tyranny...may successfully rule over foreign peoples, it can stay in power only if it destroys
first of all the national institutions of its own people."
order for tyrants to claim and retain total power, the people must become ignorant of their own history and roots, and must through propaganda and fear be so terrified as to abandon all logic and responsibility in order to seek a false
safety. In this country today, history and tradition are being destroyed, while the ruling class and government have stoked
immense fear based on a propaganda campaign that was used to create a make-believe threat called Covid-19. Every element is
now in place to transfer all power to the state, and in order for that coup to be successful for the tyrants, all dissent
and disobedience to totalitarian mandates must be squelched. The key element to accomplish this lies in the ability for the
government to instill division and distrust among the people themselves; so much so, that the masses turn on each other to
assure compliance to order to have a false sense of security. This leads to voluntary servitude, which is vital to the evil
governing system, because once force is the only option for the state, chaos, revolution, or violent civil unrest will replace
‘read more here:
What to Do When The Lights Go Out: Immediate, Short-Term, and Long-Term Strategies
When the power goes out, it usually happens at the most inopportune
time. Like, when it's dark. And suddenly, you have to look for that flashlight that you put in the drawer in the kitchen.
Or, is it in the hallway closet?
It's important to have
strategies to meet your immediate needs, as well as short-term and long-term strategies.
Read more here:
Bay Area Food Bank Now Serves 500k Working-Poor As Demand "Doubles"
The virus pandemic is threatening another lost decade, similar to the Great Recession
of 2007-2009, or even the Great Depression of the 1930s, for America's working poor.
Widespread permanent job loss and the collapse of small and medium-sized enterprises have become a severe risk to
the broader recovery - as the economic fallout from the virus-induced downturn could linger for years.
Case in point, the San Francisco Bay Area has lost 350,000 jobs this year - leaving many
households with food and housing insecurity problems ahead of the holiday season.
news station KQED offers a sobering reminder of the economic devastation left behind from the virus - and one that will likely continue
to intensify as virus cases explode to new highs, forcing state officials to reimpose new social distancing restrictions.
Read more here:
BLM/Antifa Thugs Attack Trump Supporters, Including Children, After D.C. "Million
MAGA March"
Massive crowds of people converged
at Freedom Plaza in Washington on Saturday, joining other rallies around the country to show support for President Donald
Trump and ask for fairness in the election process.
As The Epoch Times' Allen Zhong reports, the participants marched to the U.S. Supreme Court holding signs that read "Stop the Steal,"
"Make America Fair Again," and "Trump 2020." Before the start of the march, the crowd heard speeches from
prominent Trump supporters including Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) and My Pillow founder Mike Lindell. Several other prominent
figures including Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) and former Trump advisor Sebastian Gorka were also on the speaking list.
Read more here:
"I Concede Nothing": Trump Blasts "Fake News Media" For Saying
He Conceded To Biden
Update: Well,
as we said earlier, "we doubt Trump will agree with the left's characterization of the tweets as a concession",
and sure enough just an hour after tweeting that Biden "won because the Election was Rigged", which most liberal
and Anti-Trump media outlets sprung to defined as an "apparent concession", Trump followed with another tweet -
which has yet to be censored by Twitter - in which he explained how he feels: "He only won in the eyes of the
FAKE NEWS MEDIA. I concede NOTHING! We have a long way to go. This was a RIGGED ELECTION!"
Read more here:
Report: Anti-Trump Dominion Voting Systems Security Chief Was Participating in
Antifa Calls, Posted Antifa Manifesto Letter to Trump Online
2010 Eric Coomer joined Dominion as Vice President of U.S. Engineering. According to his bio, Coomer graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics.
Eric Coomer was later promoted to Voting Systems Officer of Strategy and Security although Coomer
has since been removed from the Dominion page of directors.
Read more here:
USPS Employee Told to Mark All Non-Biden Political Mail as ‘Undeliverable'
US Mail (Video)
A new U.S. Postal Service (USPS) employee
came forward asserting mail carriers were instructed to deliver mail only for Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden and
mark the remainder "undeliverable" after November 9.
a video shared on Twitter by Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe, the whistleblower from Elkins Park, Pa., told O'Keefe
that the instructions meant other political mail was "garbage."
Read more here:
Psychiatrist Blows the Whistle on Pandemic Fearmongering
Dr. Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist, has written more than a dozen bestselling books on psychiatry and the drug industry.
He's frequently referred to as "the conscience of psychiatry" because he was able to successfully reform the psychiatric
profession, abolishing lobotomies and other harmful experimental psychosurgeries.
This past year, he's homed in on COVID-19 and the fears around it, which is the topic of this interview. He also
started researching the history of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been the face of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, learning
more than he bargained for in the process.
Read more here:
Sydney Powell: "Staggering" evidence of vote fraud, Dominion machines
engineered by China, Venezuela, Cuba and DESIGNED to steal elections worldwide... release the Kraken!
(Natural News) In a stunning interview on Fox Business, Sidney Powell explains why states that attempt to certify fraudulent election votes
will be halted by the courts, even retroactively.
"President Trump
won this election in a landslide," she says, adding, "there needs to be a massive criminal investigation [about
the fraud], and it's going to affect millions of voters and elections."
also reveals the bombshell that Dominion Voting Systems was founded for the purpose of stealing votes in countries all around
the world:
Read more here:
VIDEO: Partial Cliff-Collapse - Canary Islands
At significant-sized cliff collapsed off La Gomera, and island of the Canary Islands, off the northwest
coast of Africa, today.
Those volcanic islands are positioned as
such, that when a major collapse finally takes place, it will Tsunami the entire east coast of the USA.
As seen on the map below, La Gomera is the second smallest of the Canary Islands.
Read more here:
I have been reluctant to write this story because the subject matter gets me very upset. It is, nonetheless,
"news" and thus needs reporting. My proposed solution for this, however, cannot be publicly expressed.
It began this afternoon __AFTER__ the Rally for Trump ended and attendees were peacefully
departing to go home. Many of them came under violent physical attack by urban savages. Readers should make explicit
note how these feral, sub-human beasts, ALWAYS attack from behind:
more here:
2020 Election Most Corrupt in American History - Martin Armstrong
Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said his computers
picked up massive fraud coming in the 2020 Election years ago. Armstrong explains, "The computer doesn't ask my
opinion, or anybody else's, it just goes on the numbers from the economic data. It's never been wrong. Besides
2016 (predicted Trump win) and for this one, it said it would be the most corrupt election in American history. I published
this out at least two years ago. People have to understand, this isn't my opinion. This has gone far beyond anything
I would have anticipated. Every election you have had dead people voting. That's pretty standard, and that's not
something new. . . . This is just off the charts. This is the Left, and they are so desperate to take over the United
Read more here:
Trump waves to cheering fans as he drives though huge crowds of supporters at
the 'Million MAGA March' in DC on his the way to the golf course as clashes break out between rival protesters
President Donald Trump's supporters have swarmed the streets of Washington DC for a 'Million MAGA March' to support his longshot legal challenges to overturn President-elect Joe Biden's election victory.
Pro-Trump groups gathered in Freedom Plaza
at noon on Saturday, listening to speeches before marching toward the Supreme Court. Left-wing activists also arrived to counter-protest,
and minor skirmishes of pushing and shoving broke out, but police formed lines to separate the two groups.
Tensions rose as the afternoon wore on, with sporadic but heated screaming matches between
participants in the pro-Trump rally and groups of masked counter-protesters bearing signs supporting Black Lives Matter and
Antifa. Cops were quick to intervene, and there were no immediate reports of major violence.
Read more here:
Why is US Army still training with China's PLA?
Trump administration has bested predecessors in categorizing the PLA as potential foe but the US
Army still doesn't get it
The US Army and the Chinese People's Liberation
Army (PLA) are now holding the 16th running of the Disaster Management Exchange, an annual bilateral training exercise that started in 2005. Yes,
this is the same PLA that the US Army is supposedly getting ready to fight and vice versa. There must be something in
the water at US Army headquarters.
Judging by the recent reports about
this joint - if virtual - humanitarian disaster response training, it looks like US Army leadership still can't decide if
Uighur detention camps, turning the Chinese Gestapo loose on Hong Kong or the PLA getting ready to kill Americans including
US Army servicemen by the thousands are a bad thing.
Read more here:
BOMBSHELL: The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared "National
Emergency" that set an Election Day trap for the "unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure"
(Natural News) We have another major bombshell for you here, regarding the 2020 election. Despite the intense, malicious censorship of
Big Tech, we're really becoming known for in-depth analysis and research of current events, so thank you for your support
as we continue to fight for the very survival of America, our constitutional republic.
This story begins with the little-known executive order signed into existence on September 12, 2018, by President
Donald J. Trump. That order, available at, is entitled, "Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States
Read more here:
The 'Globalist Deep State' Is Preparing To 'Kill' The Internet Ahead Of 'Shot Heard Round The World'
Election Announcement
'Truth' Will Be Silenced Forever
If These Monsters Get Their Way
While an 'internet kill switch' has long been called 'conspiracy theory' by much of the mainstream media, as we'll explore within this story, we
have all the evidence in the world that such a thing exists and we may have just witnessed a 'beta test' of it on
Wednesday when websites all across the world went down as seen in the screenshot of internet outages below from Fing.
With youtube, netflix, facebook, twitter and many more 'big
tech' outlets all going down at once, and many ANP readers quick to point out the outages in the comment sections of
our stories, we see in numerous tech stories over the past several months just how 'real' the 'internet kill
switch' is.
Read more here:
Oregon Democrat Governor Kate Brown Orders New Onerous Lockdown; Will Be Enforced
By Police
Clinging to delusions of serving in a fantasy Biden administration, Oregon governor Kate Brown has announced a new round of COVID lockdowns that are even more onerous than the ones she'd put in place earlier in the year. Brown vows that this time, the police will enforce her edicts.
more here:
Tens-of-Thousands of Cars on-the-move to Trump Rally in DC
Washington, DC is likely going to be completely filled to over-flowing, and quite possible
totally surrounded today, as tens-of-thousands of carloads filled with Trump supporters, head to the nation's Capital over
the fraudulent election which took place on November 3. Video below shows they are heading to DC for a Noon rally -
TODAY (Saturday, Nov. 14) to show support for our President.
Read more
Economic Meltdown: False Currency Units, Standard of Living is Falling, Rigged
Elections, Virus vs. Gold
A few taps on the keyboard, and
suddenly appears an amount more or less equal to the entire annual GDP of New Zealand or Peru. This is the hocus pocus magic
that Central Banks and Governments are pretending will "stimulate" the economy and replace the losses from their
lockdown approach to the C-virus.
In the last six weeks, they have added $2.26 trillion. That's the same
as Britain's GDP. And Goldman Sachs says the U.S. is on track to run deficits of $6 trillion over the next two years. That's
more than the GDPs of Germany or Japan. - Nowhere in the world is there $6 trillion, or even $1 trillion, waiting to fund
the government's big-spending thrift. All of it will have to be financed by the Central Bank, which will mean money-printing
on such a scale that it will blow the roof off the entire world CB-economy.
more here:
Dr. Fauci to Americans: Put Away Your ‘Independent Spirit,' Because ‘Now
is the Time to do What You're Told'
FAUCI: "Well, there
are a number of things we can do. First of all, we've got to think globally. Pandemics are global, so we have to pull together
globally. There's a thing called the Global Health Security Network, or agenda, that was established several years ago. We
need to strengthen that. We need to strengthen our international collaborations. We need to have people speaking to each other
in surveillance. It's got to be open and transparent. When you do that, you can detect it early and respond early. Scientific
approaches, technologies, are going to allow us to do what we did with this outbreak, rapidly make a vaccine. We can do even
better than that, but you can't do science alone. It's got to be public health and classic science."
Read more here:
'It's About To Go Kinetic, Most Likely Within The Next 70 Days':
Expect Insane, Left Wing Radicals To Explode With Rage If Democrat Voting Fraud Hands The Election To President Trump
Massive Voter Fraud Should Never Be Tolerated In A Free America
"It's not over till Fat Lady sings." (A saying, stemming from operas,
meaning the Opera is almost over or is over.)
In a sensing, there
are several fat ladies in this scenario metaphorically speaking.
The US Supreme Court can be considered a metaphorical fat lady. Can order election invalid due to voting fraud.
Do NOT forget.... DOJ Bill Barr and US Senator are holding their own separate investigations
into rampant 2020 election criminal voting fraud.
B. The Electoral College under
rule of law of our Constitution & Bill of Rights has the complete constitutional authority to elect their electors in
that state.; actually the ONLY US Constitutional Authority to elect a United States President.
There is no obligation of the state legislatures to be obligated to vote in terms of a popular vote.
Therefore in their review and their investigations, they are totally within rule of law to elect electors that are conservative
and would vote for POTUS Trump in his re-election.
(While I understand
most snowflakes have barely even heard of The Constitution let alone understand it; this is Constitutional law.)
Read more here:
Pelosi Holds Large Dinner as Democrats Tell Americans to Cancel Thanksgiving Plans
House speaker defends event for incoming members
Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defended holding a large dinner for incoming members,
arguing the event had "enhanced ventilation" and was "very
The news comes as Democrat leaders across
the country urged Americans to cancel their traditional Thanksgiving with family members due to the coronavirus.
"House Dem and GOP leaders are holding respective dinners for new members,"
NBC News correspondent Leigh Ann Caldwell reported.
Pelosi defended the
dinner touting the approval of the Capitol physician.
Read more here:
Interest In Sherman Tank On Popular Auction Site Soars With America Trapped In
When it comes to the virus pandemic in America, and the
resulting socio-economic implosion, millions of folks have been panic buying food, guns, ammo, and gold.
By the day, violent crime is surging across major metros as depressionary unemployment has left
more than ten million without jobs. Demand for armored vehicles indistinguishable from an ordinary Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Range Rover, Cadillac, and or Lincoln have been increasing, but why stop there?
Up for auction this week on Bring A Trailer is a 1943 M4A1 Sherman tank, "one of fewer than 20 known-running M4A1s," according to the listing.
Read more here:
US ambassador Jim Jeffrey lied about number of troops to thwart Pres. Trump's
policy of withdrawing from Syria
No U.S. President had ever been
as lied about by the media, plotted against by the FBI/CIA, unceasingly harassed by the opposition party - the Democrats -
with baseless accusations and impeachment, with those working in the administration not just disobeying but countermanding
his policies and decisions as President Donald John Trump.
Here' the latest,
stunning example.
The State Department is notoriously left-leaning and
a part of the D.C. swamp.
Read more here:
Time To Go All-In The "Big Short 3.0"? 80% Of New York Hotels On Verge
Of Default
Now that hedge funds have finally started piling into
the "Big Short 3.0" trade, which as we first explained back in June is basically shifting the CMBS short from malls to hotels (via the overexposed CMBX Series 9 index whose BBB- tranche is the fulcrum), every incremental development in the sector is closely scrutinized.
Read more here:
Incoming Disaster On The Horizon - Survival Must Be The
Top Priority As We Prepare For A Possible Biden Administration And The Dangerously Radical Liberal Policies That Will Come
With It
There are tens of million of Americans praying that the
election challenges, the voter fraud lawsuits, the recounts, the dumping ballots of dead voters and illegally cast ballots,
and all the other documented election irregularities, will result in a second Trump administration.
That is a hope, and a possibility, albeit a longshot, and no one should accept the MSM's declarations
of a winner and loser in the 2020 presidential election. We all should wait until every legal challenge and recount is complete
before getting ahead of ourselves.
With that said.....conservative Independent
Media readers need to be prepared for an outcome they may not like and should not be encouraged to put all their eggs into
the legal "deplorable" basket, else we risk the same fate as the 2016 liberals suffered by being blindsided should
the resolutions of the lawsuits and challenges not favor president Trump.
more here:
NYC 10pm curfew on bars and restaurants kicks in as restaurateur blasts Cuomo
and De Blasio saying it makes no sense after allowing 1,000-person Biden rallies
A New York City restaurateur criticized Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio for enforcing a 10pm curfew on bars and restaurants, arguing it's mindboggling after thousand-people
rallies for President-elect Joe Biden erupted across the city.
Tyler Hollinger, owner of Festivál
in Midtown East, had pointed words for New York's politicians during an appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News on Friday.
Read more here:
Election Fallout Reveals Battle Between Freedom and Communism
A choice that transcends the political Right and Left
When the founders of our newspaper fled a communist regime to come to America, they never expected that this great
nation would one day become the focal point of the battle between communism and freedom.
Many Americans believe communism is an abstract concept,
something that only affects faraway nations, without realizing that it has already arrived at our doorstep.
Communism has spread in America under names such as socialism, progressivism, liberalism, neo-Marxism, and so on, in a slow process over decades of systematic subversion by first the
Soviet Union, and now the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Read more here:
Show a Statistically Impossible Pattern Behind Biden's Steal! WE CAUGHT THEM!
We caught them!
We caught their
And in this post tonight - OUR FIRST OF MANY - We will
reveal how they stole the battleground states!
The fix is in. The
current results of the Presidential election in Pennsylvania reported to the public are fraudulent because they are nearly
statistically impossible.
Read more here:
S.3571 - Banking for All Act
To require member banks to maintain pass-through digital dollar wallets for certain persons, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America
in Congress assembled,
Read more here:
Corona is a Trojan Horse for ‘The Great Reset'
Sky News host Rowan Dean says the next World Economic Forum in Davos has morphed from
a "jet-setter climate gabfest" into a sinister "anti-democratic enterprise
designed to destroy your job, steal your prosperity and rob your kids of a future."
"It's a hardcore leftist eco-horror show replete with quasi-fascism,"
he said. Mr Dean highlighted what he described as a "disturbing trend among many of the world's left-wing elites
to increasingly conflate COVID-19 with climate change. Many are going so far as to suggest that all the measures
applied to the coronavirus, the lockdowns, the destruction of businesses, the suppression of dissent, curfews, strong-arm
police tactics, should become the ‘new normal' for dealing with climate change."
Read more here:
Why COVID-19 Testing Is a Tragic Waste
From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the clarion call has been to test, test and test some more. However,
right from the start, serious questions arose about the tests being used to diagnose this infection, and questions have only
multiplied since then.
Positive reverse transcription polymerase chain
reaction (RT-PCR) tests have been used as the justification for keeping large portions of the world locked down for the better
part of 2020.
This, despite the fact that PCR tests have proven remarkably
unreliable with high false result rates, and aren't designed to be used as a diagnostic tool in the first place as they cannot
distinguish between inactive viruses and "live" or reproductive ones.
Read more here:
The Second Lockdown Is HERE
half of the United States has again restricted movement and called for measures to slow down the spread of COVID-19. After
a week straight of more than 100,000 cases per day being diagnosed across the country, the second lockdown of America has begun.
It's important to note that it doesn't really
matter whether you personally believe that COVID-19 is risky or not. The issue that all of us face, regardless of our
own belief system, is that another round of lockdowns is coming. And if you think the last lockdowns damaged the United States,
Round #2 has the potential for even more extreme repercussions.
this your early warning to go pick up any last-minute supplies at the store while you still can.
Read more here:
Improper signature verification setting compromised 200,000 Nevada ballots, former
attorney general warns
(Natural News) The next time one of your liberal friends screams baseless! or no evidence! concerning allegations of
election fraud, try showing them what former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt had to say about what went on in his state during the count.
Speaking to Fox
News‘ Shannon Bream, Laxalt confirmed, citing verified court admissions, that the registrar reduced the signature
verification standard to a mere 40 percent. This allowed for hundreds of thousands of ballots with missing signature matches
to be counted.
Read more here:
FEC Chair Drops the Hammer: The Results Are 'Illegitimate'
Trey Trainor reveals major bombshell regarding count
Federal Election Commission (FEC) Chairman Trey Trainor has dropped the hammer
by declaring that the results are "illegitimate."
Trainor has gone on record with a bombshell announcement, following investigations into the election
ballot count in Pennsylvania.
The FEC chair says, based on the info gathered
from PA and elsewhere in the country, this presidential election is illegitimate.
Trainor, the highest-ranking election official in the United States, confirmed that, in his professional opinion,
"there has not been transparency in the election."
more here:
Signed affidavit suggests Biden-Harris campaign orchestrated residency data fraud
during early voting in Nevada
(Natural News) An employee for the Clark County Election Department in Nevada is coming forth with eye-witness testimony of orchestrated
provisional ballot fraud stemming from corrupt democrat election officials and the Biden/Harris campaign. Election officials in Nevada allegedly pushed
out droves of provisional ballots (lacking proper identity verification) so democrat voters could drop them off at Biden/Harris
ballot collection campaign events just outside from where they first received their fraudulent ballot.
Read more here:
TRUMP BOMBSHELL: Dominion software deleted over 2.7 million votes nationwide,
switched over 500,000 from Trump to Biden
(Natural News) As more evidence of Dominion software vote theft continues to emerge, President Trump has tweeted a bombshell news item,
stemming from a data analysis of the raw vote log transaction data:
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VAX THE BLACKS: Joe Biden's Covid-19 taskforce member recommends withholding food
stamps and rent assistance from those who refuse coronavirus vaccines
(Natural News) If you vote for tyrants, you get tyranny. This is what millions of Joe Biden supporters are about to discover if their candidate manages to steal the election and seize control of the White House. A prominent
member of Biden's Covid-19 taskforce, a CIA-linked operative named Luciana Borio, says that people who refuse to be vaccinated
should be deprived of food stamps and rent assistance. And in order to convince Black Americans to take the vaccines, influencers
should be hired to brainwash Blacks with special compliance messages that are scientifically tested in social engineering
focus groups.
In other words, obey or starve. This is
all contained in the report linked in this story, by the way.
Read more
New device puts music in your head - no headphones required
LONDON (AP) - Imagine a world where you move around in your own personal sound bubble.
You listen to your favorite tunes, play loud computer games, watch a movie or get navigation directions in your car - all
without disturbing those around you.
That's the possibility presented
by "sound beaming," a new futuristic audio technology from Noveto Systems, an Israeli company. On Friday it will
debut a desktop device that beams sound directly to a listener without the need for headphones.
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Federal investigators used mind control, hypnosis to psychologically abuse USPS
whistleblower Richard Hopkins
(Natural News) After United States Postal Service (USPS) whistleblower Richard Hopkins came forward with claims that he was instructed
by his superiors to backdate ballots received after election day, The Washington Post wrote a fake news article claiming
that Hopkins later admitted to making the whole thing up. The truth, however, is that Hopkins was hypnotized and psychologically tortured by federal investigators into supposedly believing that his memory of the incident was flawed and likely inaccurate.
In an exclusive interview with Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe, Hopkins,
a Marine combat veteran, revealed that he was subjected to a form of mind control by federal agents who "were grilling
the hell out of me," he stated, adding that he felt "like I just got played."
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Air travellers to Canada now forced to submit COVID info online before entering
Canada mandates travellers give COVID-19 info digitally
or face fine.
OTTAWA, November 11, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - Canada's government is mandating that travellers provide COVID-19 information digitally through the ArriveCAN software
when entering the country or face a fine of up to a $1,000.
The Public
Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) announced earlier this month that effective November 21, "air travellers whose final destination
is Canada will be required to submit their information electronically through ArriveCAN before they board their flight."
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"Allahu Ackbar" - Over 50 beheaded by radical muslims in Africa
BBC - More than 50 people have been beheaded in northern Mozambique by militant Islamists, state media report.
The militants turned a football pitch in a village into an "execution ground",
where they decapitated and chopped bodies, other reports said.
people were also beheaded in another village, state media reported.
more here:
STUDY: CDC Not Testing Refugees for COVID, Flouting Public-Health Requirement
"Thousands of refugees from countries with floundering health care systems ... are
being resettled here without prior testing..."
If President Donald
Trump is reelected, 15,000 refugees could enter the nation in 2021 without being tested, according to a report by the Center for Immigration Studies.
During the pandemic, the Trump administration has sought to restrict
the flow of immigrants-including asylum-seekers-from across the southern US border.
However, activist left-wing judges have, in turn, tried to block those efforts by ordering injunctions to prevent
immigration authorities from implementing the policy changes.
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We Honor Veterans By Preventing Homelessness, Suicide
Two years ago, John Scott Hannon, a decorated veteran of 23 years and a former top-ranked Navy SEAL platoon commander,
died by his own hand as a result of his invisible wounds of war. We wish we could say this was an isolated case, but the fact
is that among those who have served, suicide is more lethal than the battlefield.
In the last 14 years, nearly 18,000 Americans died while on active duty in the military. During that period, 73,000 veterans took their own lives. Moreover, veterans who were homeless at any point in their lives were 75% more likely to die by suicide compared
to other veterans. More than two-thirds of the veterans who took their own lives had no recent contact with the U.S. Department
of Veterans Affairs (the VA). That fraction is certainly much higher for veterans experiencing homelessness.
Read more here:
'Robot soldiers could make up quarter of British army by 2030s'
Investment in robot warfare at heart of UK's planned five-year defence review
Thirty thousand "robot soldiers" could form an integral part of the British
army in the 2030s, working alongside humans in and around the frontline, the head of the armed forces said in a television
interview on Sunday.
Gen Sir Nick Carter said the armed forces needed
"to think about how we measure effects in a different way" - and he called on the government to proceed with the
previously promised five-year integrated defence review.
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WITH GIANTS, GODS & DRAGONS SOON TO RETURN, 62 Percent Of Americans Believe
Jesus Is Coming To ‘Judge' Everyone, Poll Shows
The State
of Theology survey, conducted by LifeWay Research and sponsored by Ligonier Ministries, shows that 66 percent of U.S. adults
say they believe the "biblical accounts of the physical (bodily) resurrection of Jesus are completely accurate"
and that the event "actually occurred." Another 62 percent believe Jesus will return in the future to "judge
all the people who have lived." A large majority (65 percent) believe God is a perfect being and cannot make a mistake,
and 72 percent affirm the biblical doctrine of the Trinity, that "there is one true God in three persons: God the Father,
God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit," according to the survey's wording. But while Americans affirm several major teachings
of historic Christianity, they also deny some of its core doctrines. For example, 55 percent say they believe "Jesus
is the first and greatest being created by God," and 52 percent believe "Jesus was a great teacher, but he was not
God." Both statements conflict with the Bible's affirmation of Christ's deity and eternality as taught in such passages
as John 1:1, John 8:58, Romans 9:5 and Hebrews 1:1-4... (READ MORE)
SOLUTION'S CREEPY SPYING AND CITIZEN DATA-MINING SYSTEMS-From A Prototype Tool That Hacks Into Your Smartwatch To Fitness
Trackers And Home Thermometers That Report Your Activity To Homeland Security
Mitre Corp. runs some of the U.S. government's most hush-hush science and tech labs. The cloak-and-dagger R&D
shop might just be the most important organization you've never heard of. Armed with 8,000 employees and an annual budget
of between $1 billion and $2 billion of taxpayers' money, Mitre Corp., a government-linked Skunk Works, has been making bleeding-edge
breakthroughs for U.S. agencies for more than six decades. With its HQ housed in four towers atop a hill in McLean, Virginia,
Mitre's research centers employ some of the nation's leading computer scientists and engineers to build digital tools for
America's top military, security and intelligence organizations. Among the government's wilder Mitre orders: a prototype tool
that can hack into smartwatches, fitness trackers and home thermometers for the purposes of homeland security; software to
collect human fingerprints from social media websites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for the FBI; support in building
what the FBI calls the biggest database of human anatomy and criminal history in the world; and a study to determine whether
someone's body odor can show they're lying... (READ MORE)
Wormwood Harbingers - Why Are So Many Asteroids Having Close Calls With Earth?
Have you noticed that it seems like stories about asteroids that are approaching the Earth
are constantly in the news this year? It wasn't always this way. In the old days, maybe there would be a story
about an asteroid every once in a while, and those stories were never a big deal. But now asteroids are zipping by our planet
with frightening regularity As I write this article, there are thousands of giant space rocks floating around up there that could cause such a disaster, and NASA is working
to catalog them all as rapidly as they can. What does the Bible have to say about all this? Check out this special
interview with Bible Prophecy expert Tom Horn-author of The Wormwood Prophecy-on the approach of Apophis in 2029:
more here:
De Blasio's Daughter in Verbal
Slip Up, Claims Biden "Was Able to Steal" Election
De Blasio's daughter was caught in an embarrassing on camera verbal slip up when she told an interviewer that Joe Biden "was
able to steal" the election.
There were in fact two major
gaffes, with Chiara de Blasio initially telling the interviewer how happy she was that "now we have the first black Asian
female president in office elected," referring to Kamala Harris.
would of course become Vice President if Biden's win is certified, although many have suggested that she could soon find herself
in the Oval Office given Biden's declining cognitive abilities.
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Election 2020; A Declaration of War
Don't believe a thing you're hearing or seeing from the network
and cable news stations regarding the presidential election. Dismiss totally what liberal newspapers are printing and social
media fact-wreckers posing as checkers are saying. You've been lied to, you're being lied to and will continue to be lied
to by these entities in what amounts to an overwhelming psychological operations campaign. Their goal is to confuse, fatigue
and discourage you into accepting that Joe Biden has defeated President Trump. He hasn't. Biden has won nothing. The false
claims of a Biden victory amidst a backdrop of numerous instances of voter fraud, is to be expected. I and several others
have been warning about this eventuality for months. Now it's here.
ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from
us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly
upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams, US founder, patriot, Christian
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Democrat ‘Enemies List' Threatens Dissenters with Chicom-Inspired Retaliation
U.S.A. - -( "Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future?"
sitting member of Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted threateningly Friday. "I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future."
She was not alone, as a partial compilation posted by The Blaze proves. Included in that story was an idea from former CIA operations officer Evan McMullin, that is, a career feeder
from the public trough and agent of the much-ridiculed (by the left) concept of "the Deep State," who advocates:
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YOUTUBE was Down; Massive "Crash" or Shut Down of Stolen Election Info?
The largest video streaming
service in the world, Youtube, suffered a massive outage Wednesday evening. Hundreds of thousands of reported to DOWNDETECTOR:
Videos won't play.
Outages like this are so rare the number of times they've
happened can be counted on one hand. Yet, it happened.
People are
openly wondering if this is some type of deliberate situation because the veritable Tsunami of U.S. ELECTION FRAUD videos
showing the brazen, widespread and utterly corrupt theft of the US Presidency is simply overwhelming the tech-thought-police
ability to purge them?
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Putin announces nuclear attack-proof command post where he will be able to control
military forces in the event of WWIII
Russia is building a nuclear command post where Vladimir Putin could control the country's doomsday weapons in the event of World War III, he announced today.
Putin said the 'absolutely secure facility' is 'nearing completion' and would keep the Kremlin in
control of its atomic weapons 'even in the event of a nuclear strike'.
Russian president told his defence chiefs to keep upgrading their control systems 'no matter how modern and advanced they
may be today'.
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Cashless World Signals a Global End to Privacy
Countries are moving to digital currencies at lightning speed. This is the future of money. Digital
currencies will replace cash on an ASAP agenda. We are witnessing Europe, Canada, Asia, and even China all moving toward this
new digital world for (1) total control, (2) taxes, (3) to track everyone and every transaction. We have been witnessing world
leaders, including Trudeau, eager to see the fall of Trump because he has stood in opposition to this movement.
Read more here:
CAUGHT! Election data analyzed, producing detailed list of over 500,000 votes
SWITCHED from Trump to Biden via voting machine software theft, with heavy fraud focused on swing states
(Natural News) An analysis of the raw voting data dumps from the 2020 election, carried out by user "Centipede" ("PedeInspector")
at, reveals bombshell news.
It appears that hundreds of thousands of votes
were switched from Trump to Biden via the software control systems of the voting machines. This was done in real time, during
election night, which also explains why election counting was slowed in swing states in order to allow the election theft
to be coordinated and executed.
Read more here:
Lockdowns Coming: 22 States Already Locking Down Again
Anyone who understands that these lockdowns were never about health, but about control,
know that the first lockdowns didn't quite devastate the middle class to the point that the elitists needed them to.
Now, another round of lockdowns is coming in order for the rulers to usher in the New World Order through chaos and poverty.
This is straight up nothing short of economic terrorism and it's being done by the government.
Read more here:
BREAKING: Georgia to Conduct HAND RECOUNT of Presidential Votes
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced a hand-counted audit of the presidential
vote in his state, where President-elect Joe Biden currently leads by more than 14,000 votes. The goal is to have the audit
completed by Nov. 20, the state deadline for certification.
Trump is projected to win Alaska and its three electoral votes, and Republican Sen. Dan Sullivan is projected to hold onto
his seat in the state, according to Edison Research. That means Republicans are ensured 50 seats in the Senate, with the two
runoffs in Georgia determining the majority.
Read more here:
Something Very Strange Is Happening As General Services Administration (GSA) Refuses
To Fund The Biden 'Transition' Team Until 'Winner Is Clear'
number of events are happening right now that lead me to think that we are one step closer to all hell breaking loose in the
The election, the lawsuits, the accusations of election fraud, the
refusal of the GSA (General Services Administration) to approve the transitioning phase because as of yet they feel they "winner"
is not yet "clear," the DOJ telling prosecutors to investigate "credible" allegations of election fraud
and the panic being seen by the media as lawsuits and court filings by Republicans start hitting the courts.
Let us begin!
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COVID Plans Include Family Separation & Involuntary Quarantine in "Camps"
CDC calls for "isolation camps" as part of a "Shielding Plan".
The plan subjects U.S. Citizens and residents who are deemed "high risk" for Covid-19 to be forcibly
removed from their families and homes, and involuntarily isolated in guarded Camps.
- The public first got wind of this impending nightmare on May 4, 2020, when Governor Gavin Newson of California
announced that the "army" - his word - will start with a deployment of 3,000 and grow to the 20,000 mark to chase
down who, what, where, and with whom COVID positive people have had connections: "the tracing component
requires workforce and to identify individuals who tested ID their contacts (with privacy) and maybe quarantine
individuals to stop the spread of the disease."
more here:
BREAKING: Project Veritas Releases Shocking Recordings of Federal Agents Trying
to Intimidate USPS Whistleblower Into Recanting Election Fraud Claim
Veritas has released a video with USPS whistleblower Richard Hopkins asserting that he did not recant his allegations of election
fraud, a lie that was published by the Washington Post.
the organization posted recordings of federal agents attempting to coerce and intimidate Hopkins into recanting.
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83% of Passengers Will Not Return to Old Travel Habits
Flying habits are set to change drastically for the long-term, with eight in ten airline
passengers (83%) not expecting to return to their previous travel routines once the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
Only a third (34%) of passengers surveyed have taken a commercial flight since the pandemic
began, and this appears to have sparked a shift in attitudes to flying. Four in ten passengers (41%) expect to travel less
by any means and a third (31%) plan to fly less. This sentiment is even higher among Asian passengers, with 58 per cent in
India and 55 per cent in South Korea planning to travel less in the future.
Read more here:
Remember When Minneapolis Defunded Its Police? They're Regretting That Now
Minneapolis officials are considering bringing in officers from other jurisdictions to
help the city's Police Department as they face a wave of violent crime and an officer shortage.
If the mayor and City Council approve the plan, officers from the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office
and Metro Transit Police would temporarily work with the city, primarily helping to respond to violent 911 calls.
Read more here:
Flashback: Rep. Jim Jordan Predicted In August Dems Would "Want To Keep Counting"
Weeks After Election Day
Proving to be quite the prediction,
GOP Rep. Jim Jordan (OH) told House Democrats during a congressional hearing with Postmaster General Louis DeJoy in August
that the 2020 election count would be dragged out.
"We all
know what this is about," Jordan told his colleagues. "This is about these guys [Democrats] wanting chaos and confusion,
because I think they know this. They know on election night President Trump's gonna win. They know after the vote count on
Election Day, President Trump's gonna win and they wanna keep counting. Six weeks, four weeks..."
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ODNI: No National Security Info for Biden Until Win Confirmed
Joe Biden is not getting top-level national security information until the General Services
Administration ascertains that he officially defeated President Donald Trump, the office of Director of National Intelligence
John Ratcliffe has confirmed.
"ODNI follows the statutory
direction provided in the Presidential Transition Act, which requires ascertainment of the candidate by the administrator
of GSA prior to supporting a potential presidential transition," Ratcliffe's office said in a statement to NBC News Tuesday. "ODNI would not have contact with any transition team until notified by the GSA administrator."
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Trump Files Emergency Injunction In Michigan Alleging Fraud; Demands Recounts
Over 'Malfunctioning' Dominion Machines
The Trump campaign has
requested an emergency injunction in a federal lawsuit aimed at preventing the State of Michigan from certifying the results of last
week's election until election officials can certify that only legally cast, on time, and legally observed ballots are included
in the count. The campaign is alleging several types of fraud, misconduct, and invalidated ballots based on a number of reasons
- including 'malfunctioning' vote counting machines made by Dominion Voting Systems.
The Tuesday night filing in the US District Court for the Western District of Michigan alleges, among other things,
that officials prevented GOP challengers from observing the count, scanned "batches of the same
ballots multiple times," illegally accepted and pre-dated late ballots, including from unmonitored drop boxes,
and that election workers illegally duplicated ballots," according to a statement from the campaign.
The lawsuit requeusts that the court toss all ballots not observed by a GOP election challenger who has been
"allowed to meaningfully observe the process and the handling and counting of the ballot."
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Eventbrite Falsely Announces Cancellation of ‘March for Trump' to Suppress Outcome for This
Weekend's Historic Rally
The digital platform, Eventbrite has
falsely announced the cancellation of the "March for Trump" while removing the event from their website.
"We encourage our organizers to express their views and gather for a chosen purpose
as long as it's done in a way that doesn't violate our Terms of Service. We do not permit events, content, or creators that
share or promote potentially harmful misinformation," Eventbrite wrote in their notice of cancellation.
"In this instance, we have determined that your event violated our Community Guidelines
and is therefore not permitted on the Eventbrite platform. As a result, your event listing has been removed and any paid orders
have been refunded," they continued.
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SCIENCE FRAUD: Covid-19 vaccines were manufactured and stockpiled by the military
long before they were tested and "approved"
(Natural News) The largest looting operation of the year had to be the federal government's $20+ billion "Operation Warp Speed"
vaccination program, a taxpayer-funded gambit that promised a safe and effective covid-19 vaccine before the 2020 election.
Because the emergency vaccine program did not seek consent from American taxpayers, the final distribution plan will similarly
coerce compliance and ignore any vestige of individual rights that the American people are still clinging onto.
Read more here:
Get Ready For Chaos Regardless Of Who Ends Up In The White House
In July of this year in my article ‘Election 2020: The Worst Case Scenario Is The Most Likely One', after I outlined the strange factors surrounding Biden and Trump, I stated that:
"These factors and more lead me to predict that Election 2020 will be a contested election which ends
with Trump staying in office but accused of usurping the democratic process. This outcome is the worst possible outcome and
also the most advantageous for the globalist establishment."
also noted the predictive programming campaign by the media and members of the Council On Foreign Relations like Max Boot
to acclimated the public to the idea of a contested election while also "wargaming" (planning) that exact outcome.
I stated:
"...Boot is back again, this time writing about
how he thinks Donald Trump will try to "hijack" the presidency in 2020.
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Graham Grills McCabe Over CIA Memo Showing Hillary Clinton Behind Russia Hoax
Disgraced former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe faced many tough questions
by the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday over his actions surrounding the FBI's 2016 counterintelligence probe into Donald
During questioning, Chairman Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)
asked McCabe why the FBI didn't act when former CIA Director John Brennan delivered a memo to the bureau detailing how Hillary Clinton concocted the Russia collusion hoax to politically damage Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election.
more here:
The Time To Stand Is Fast Approaching. It's Why We Were Born!
Everyone in America needs to face the fact that we are at WAR! Most of you who visit here
daily have known that we are in a cold war, but this thing is about to go hot.
It's funny watching the enemy media and how they are just anointing Biden the next President, while continuously
calling President Trump a "Liar" and repeating over and over again that there is absolutely no evidence of voter
fraud. Makes me laugh.
Read more here:
With America In The Midst Of The Biggest PSYOP Of All Time, Joe Biden Once Again
Claiming America Faces A 'Dark Winter' Ahead Is A Hidden Warning To Us All
Back on October 26th, we published a story on ANP titled "Globalists, Including Joe Biden, Keep Pushing This Nightmare Scenario, Bio-Warfare Simulation 'Codeword' - Nearly 20-Year-Old
Blueprint To Engineer The Destruction Of America Is Playing Out Before Our Eyes" within which we pointed out how frequently globalists, including Joe Biden, and the msm had recently been using the
phrase 'dark winter'.
Warning within that story that we
should all be on the lookout whenever the mainstream news media or US politicians used that phrase because the 'deep state' had previously carried out bio-terror exercises called "Operation Dark Winter", as we pointed out in that story, those exercises predicted not only mass deaths from a 'vaccine'
created, but massive threats to civil liberties here in America, including all-out martial law.
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State Bar Passes Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendation
The resolution does contain conditions limiting its scope. Those include that
the state government should only consider making vaccinations mandatory if voluntary COVID-19 vaccinations fall short of producing
needed levels of population immunity; that an assessment of the health threat to various communities be made so that perhaps
the mandate can be targeted; and that a mandate only be considered after there is expert consensus about the vaccine's safety
and efficacy.
The New York State Bar Association on Saturday
passed a resolution urging the state to consider making it mandatory for all New Yorkers to undergo COVID-19 vaccination
when a vaccine becomes available, even if people object to it for "religious, philosophical or personal reasons."
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Tucker Carlson: Biden Victory Ushers In Age Of Oligarchy-Tech Companies, Big Banks,
Beijing And The Billionaire Controlling Class
What remains of
Joe Biden is a projection of sorts, a hologram designed to mimic the behavior of a non-threatening political candidate: "Relax,
Joe Biden's here. He smiles a lot. Everything's fine." That's the message from the vapor candidate. So who's running
the projector here? Well, the first thing you should know is that the people behind Joe Biden aren't liberals. We've often
incorrectly called them that. A liberal believes in the right of all Americans to speak freely, to make a living, to worship
their God, to defend their own families, and to do all of that regardless of what political party they belong to or what race
they happen to be born into or how far from midtown Manhattan they currently live. However, our language has become so politicized
and so distorted that you would never know it. What you do know for certain is that the people behind Joe Biden are not like
that at all. They don't believe in dissent. "You think one thing? I think another. That's OK." No, that's not them
at all. They demand obedience to diversity, which is to say, legitimate differences between people is the last thing they
want. These people seek absolute sameness, total uniformity. You're happy with your corner coffee shop? They want to make
you drink Starbucks every day from now until forever, no matter how it tastes. That's the future. Now, if these seem like
corporate values to you, then you're catching on to what's happening. The Joe Biden for President campaign is a purely corporate
enterprise... (READ MORE)
Antichrist's Autonomous Machines Will Slaughter Those Who Refuse To Take The Mark
Of The Beast (See Rev. 13:15)-Behold The Dangerous Rise Of Military A.I.
The video is stark. Two menacing men stand next to a white van in a field, holding remote controls. They open the
van's back doors, and the whining sound of quadcopter drones crescendos. They flip a switch, and the drones swarm out like
bats from a cave. In a few seconds, we cut to a college classroom. The killer robots flood in through windows and vents. The
students scream in terror, trapped inside, as the drones attack with deadly force. The lesson that the film, Slaughterbots,
is trying to impart is clear: tiny killer robots are either here or a small technological advance away. Terrorists could easily
deploy them. And existing defences are weak or nonexistent. Some military experts argued that Slaughterbots - which was made
by the Future of Life Institute, an organisation researching existential threats to humanity - sensationalised a serious problem,
stoking fear where calm reflection was required. But when it comes to the future of war, the line between science fiction
and industrial fact is increasingly blurry... (READ MORE)
KINGS OF THE EAST Pushing Global Digital Currency To Unseat US Dollar For World
of China's efforts as an insurgency helps explain its tactical approach and overall strategy, and it underscores the substantial
challenges that it continues to face in trying to unseat the dollar as a financial hegemon and safe haven of last resort.
According to the declassified Central Intelligence Agency's Guide to the Analysis of Insurgency, insurgent warfare is "designed
to weaken government control and legitimacy while increasing insurgent control and legitimacy". This characterization
perfectly explains Chinese behavior when it comes to internationalizing its currency. First, China is laying the groundwork
for future control through economic development programs and proactive influence campaigns like getting it included in the
International Monetary Fund's Special Drawing Rights basket. Second, and perhaps most importantly, it has been leading the
charge of central bank digital currencies with the development of its ‘digital yuan', which will shortly become the
first sovereign digital currency issued by a major economy... (READ MORE)
Satan Soldiers, "We Have a List." and It's a Pretty
Blatant Sign of Decline When People Start Keeping ‘Lists' of Political Opponents
They Want to Punish and This Madness Is Just Getting Started...AKA The Tribulations...
The lapdog for the Bush family AG Barr will resign very soon, he cannot hide his bias much longer, he is
actually a enemy of this nation and its people, much like the Bushwhacker's, Obama's and the list is long, the American people
have taken note...
Don't Believe for One Minute the United States
AG Barr Will Do His Job, Because Mr. Barr Is Part of the Bush Clan and Has No Intention of Stopping Forward Progress of the
New World Order...
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Courts To Decide Presidential Election: Trump Will Get His Day
In Court - Remember Al Gore? It Took 37 Days For The Courts To Decide That Gore Lost The 2000 Election
In the year 2000, it took 37 days for the courts to finally issue their judgements regarding
lawsuits filed by Al Gore which contested the election based on such a small percentage difference between him and George
Bush in Florida.
The original count had Bush ahead, the recount had Bush
ahead, yet Gore still received his day in court because candidates are allowed, legally, to contest results.
There is a lesson here for supporters of both sides of the aisle.
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Joe Biden coronavirus adviser Dr. Zeke Emanuel once argued it's not worth living
past 75 - despite president-elect being 77 - and suggested only 'younger people who are yet to live a complete life'
should get a vaccine in a flu pandemic
Dr. Zeke Emanuel, one
of the 10 advisory board members appointed to Joe Biden's coronavirus task force on Monday, once argued in an article that life is not worth living after 75.
The declaration, made in a 2014 Atlantic essay titled 'Why I Hope to Die at 75', could raise some awkward questions, considering the fact the president-elect is 77, and
that Emanuel is now entrusted with protecting the nation's elderly from COVID-19.
The oncologist, 63, wrote at the time that he believed by 75, ‘creativity, originality and productivity are
pretty much gone for the vast, vast majority of us.'
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Watch: ‘Trump Ballots' Found in Trash at Oklahoma Church
Men raise alarm over suspicious find while cleaning up after wedding
A bag full of discarded ‘ballots' marked for President Donald Trump were
found in the trash at a church in Oklahoma, witnesses claim.
a video uploaded to Instagram, user Chase O'Shea asserts that he and a friend were cleaning up after a wedding at the church, which also functions as a
voting location, when they made the suspicious find.
Video shared by a
Twitter user claiming to a friend of the men has gone viral, racking up over 150,000 views at the time of this writing.
Read more here:
The Pope's New Encyclical: A Surrender?
The Pope's Encyclical "Fratelli Tutti" ("Brothers All") sadly seems more a massive and unwieldy
political document than a religious guide to the Catholic faithful. The encyclical's intended audience appears to be secular
world rather than people of faith. The 43,000-word tome contains almost no discussion of Catholic dogmas. Although the Pontiff's
diagnosis of the world's ills seems accurate enough, unfortunately his proposed antidotes -- equality of result rather than
equality of opportunity and individual liberty, the bedrocks of Western democracies -- would seriously threaten freedom.
The Pope, for instance, implies that the twilight of the planet's centuries old diplomatic
nation-state system has arrived, prompting the need for a more globalist political system. Regrettably, that usually brings
with it no transparency, no accountability and no recourse. Think of the United Nations, the UN Human Rights Council, the
International Criminal Court or the European Union.
Read more here:
More Evidence We're Being Set Up For The Kill As Leftists Scheme 'Great Purge'
Of Conservatives And Globalists Prepare Mass Distribution Of 'Covid-19 Kill Shot'
Guns And Ammo Will Always Be A Defense Against Tyranny, Or Being Thrown Into 'Re-Education Camps'
With globalists and democrats now firmly believing that Joe Biden will become America's
next president in January of 2021, we're not the least bit surprised that the msm has announced that 'big pharma terrorist-group funder', Pfizer, has announced a 'Covid-19 breakthrough' that is allegedly 90% effective at preventing people from catching the 'disease'.
with almost every mainstream media outlet, including the Drudge Report as their lead headline, now 'pushing' this
'miraculous' story, we remind you that months ago, President Trump's son Eric warned America that Covid-19 would
somehow just 'disappear' after the election, giving even more credibility to the argument that this 'virus' was 'created' to help hand the election to globalist Joe Biden.
Read more here:
Citizens in Minnesota are URGED to immediately top-off food, fuel and medicine supplies;
inside info from the Office of your Governor alleges a new STATEWIDE LOCK-DOWN ORDER is coming Thursday, and going into effect
The Governor will allegedly blame a sudden spike in COVID-19 as
the reason, but that does not seem to be valid. Something else seems to be afoot. . . .
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HUGE: Trump fires deep state Defense Secretary Mark Esper, indicating a likely
plan for military involvement in a declaration of insurrection
(Natural News) Multiple media outlets are reporting today that President Trump has just fired Mark Esper, the Defense Secretary and a known
deep stater who opposes Trump's authority. He is being replaced by Christopher Miller, Director of the National Counterterrorism
Understand that the election theft was conducted in real time
on Nov. 3rd, using the Dominion software, created by a corporation partially owned by Nancy Pelosi. During the election,
the real-time data were shunted offshore, where calculations were run to produce action lists for stealing the votes in swing
states like Wisconsin and Michigan, and then Hammer and Scorecard (created by the CIA) were used to alter the votes in real
time, in the voting machines.
Read more here:
New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration
Rates Exceeding 100%
(Washington, DC) - Judicial
Watch announced today that a September 2020 study revealed that 353 U.S. counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens. In other words,
the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters. The study found eight states showing state-wide
registration rates exceeding 100%: Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
The September 2020 study collected the most recent registration data posted online by
the states themselves. This data was then compared to the Census Bureau's most recent five-year population estimates, gathered
by the American Community Survey (ACS) from 2014 through 2018. ACS surveys are sent to 3.5 million addresses each month, and
its five-year estimates are considered to be the most reliable estimates outside of the decennial census.
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SINCE WHEN Does The MEDIA Decide Who's President? VOTESCAM: The HISTORY Behind
'The FIX'
'Provocative and profoundly disturbing history
of US election rigging details political corruption reaching the highest levels of the U.S. government'
Looking at the headlines this morning I found it interesting multiple news sources are
announcing "the media" has declared Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 presidential election. Here are two
of many examples:
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Chinese Citizen Score Creates An Orwellian Social Rating System
An episode of the dystopian sci-fi series, Black Mirror, is becoming a reality with the implementation of China's social credit system.
Though still in its nascency, China's citizen score will become mandatory by 2020, affecting citizens' abilities
to get jobs, access the internet, and travel, based on the way the government deems their behavior.
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Sidney Powell: Dems Had Voter Fraud Planned, Audit Is Needed Nationwide
Maria: Welcome back. I'm back with Sidney Powell whose part of President Trump's legal
team and contesting this election. Sidney, we talked about the dominion software. I know that there were voting irregularities.
Tell me about that.
Powell: That's put it mildly. The computer glitches
could not and should not have happened at all. That's where the fraud took place where they were flipping votes in the computer
system or adding votes that did not exist we need an audit of all of the computer systems that played any role in this fraud
whatsoever, and Joe Biden had it right. He said that he had the biggest voter fraud organization ever and he didn't need people's
votes now. He would need people later. They had this all planned, Maria they had the algorithms, they had the paper ballots
waiting to be inserted if and when needed and notably President Trump's vote in the blue states went up enormously. That's
when they had to stop the vote count, and go in and replace votes for Biden and takeaway Trump votes.
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First comes a rolling civil war
Biden is on a double precipice of the worst-ever economic depression coupled with imminent explosions of social rage
The massive psyop is ongoing. Everyone familiar with the Transition Integrity
Project knew how this would imperatively play out. I chose to frame it as a think tank gaming exercise in my Banana Follies column. This is a live exercise. Yet no one knows exactly how it will end.
intel is very much aware of technology that can abet election fraud. That includes NSA software that can interfere with any network, as detailed by Edward Snowden, and manipulate vote counting; the Hammer supercomputer and its Scorecard app that hacks computers at the transfer points of state election computer systems and outside third party election data
vaults; and the Dominion software system, known to have serious security issues since 2000 but still used in 30 states, including every US swing state.
Read more here:
Inside Operation Warp Speed: Coronavirus vaccine rolls off US production lines
ahead of FDA approval as Army General in charge of distribution says he fears public won't take it
The program to vaccinate 300 million Americans against COVID-19 is already well underway, as video from CBS' 60 Minutes shows hundreds of vials of vaccine being stockpiled ahead
of its approval by the FDA
But the four star general tasked by Donald Trump to run Operation Warp Speed said that his biggest fear is people not wanting to take a vaccine.
General Gus Perna was two months away from retirement when the president asked him to run the
program in May.
Read more here:
Biometric smart cards and civic digital identity apps to redefine wallets
The advance of biometric smart cards for digital identity and payments, and their eventual
replacement by apps in the former case, is the top theme of the week's biometrics news. Even in an industry somewhat numbed
to enormous growth forecasts, there are some sizeable numbers being projected in digital ID app use and potential addressable
card fraud. Facial recognition improvement efforts and controversy also made headlines.
A pair of new smart card solutions, one with multi-modal biometrics for access control and payments from CrucialTrak, and a ‘Converged Card' from Idemia
and Mastercard that combines a government ID, like a mobile driver's license, with payment functionality, made up the top
news story of the week on Biometric Update.
Read more here:
A Holocaust Survivor Is Having Flashbacks About Biden's Intention to Lock the Country Down for
At Least a Year
Holocaust Survivor Having Flashbacks About Biden's
Intention to Lock the Country Down for At Least a Year
For millions of
Americans, the loss of Donald Trump as President combined with having to settle for criminal perverts that are communists,
taking over, will prove to be for millions like suffering a death in the family.
One Holocaust survivor has weighed in on Biden-Harris and what it will mean to America.
Her name is Vera and she survived the death camps, she's afraid she will not survive Joe Biden's
coming house arrest of America. She accuses the left of making America like the nations we defeated in WW II in terms of surveillance,
loss of civil liberties, etc.
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A Trucker Strike in November Could Be Another Nail in the Supply Chain Coffin
Rumor has it that a large number of independent truckers are planning multiple strikes
in November during which they'll stop transporting...well, everything. Considering that our supply chain is already in precariously bad shape, imagine the impact if transport also came to a halt.
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No Matter How the Ballots are Counted, the American Police State Will Continue
The American people remain eager to be persuaded that a new
president in the White House can solve the problems that plague us.
no matter who wins this presidential election, you can rest assured that the new boss will be the same as the old boss, and
we-the permanent underclass in America-will continue to be forced to march in lockstep with the police state in all matters,
public and private.
Indeed, it really doesn't matter what you call them-the
Deep State, the 1%, the elite, the controllers, the masterminds, the shadow government, the police state, the surveillance
state, the military industrial complex-so long as you understand that no matter which party occupies the White House in 2021,
the unelected bureaucracy that actually calls the shots will continue to do so.
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Developing: Nancy Pelosi's Chief of Staff Is Chief Executive and Feinstein's Husband
a Major Shareholder at Dominion Ballot Counting Systems
great Sidney Powell was on Mornings with Maria and she unloaded on the monstrous amount of Democrat voter fraud in the 2020
election. But during this discussion Maria Bartiromo dropped a bomb as well.
During her discussion with Sidney Powell, Maria Bartiromo shared the following about the firm that runs the application
used in Michigan where thousands of Trump votes were switched to Joe Biden.
more here:
Iran Unveils New Ballistic Missile 'Magazines' For Rapid Underground
More evidence has emerged from Iran that its ballistic
missile capabilities as well as concealment methods have grown immensely in the past years. In a new report The Drive
details that 'ready-fire' ballistic missiles have been filmed in an underground bunker that are capable of being moved from
various underground locations into succession fire position quickly via large sophisticated missile launch "magazines".
Read more here:
BREAKING: Twitter and Facebook Are SUSPENDING Anyone Who Retweeted Our Tweet on
have heard from many readers who told us once they retweeted this tweet or tried to post it on Facebook their account was
The social media giants are preventing Americans
from posting this mathematical evidence that proves Joe Biden's numbers violate the Benford Law of normal distributions!
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The Fight for The Soul of Our Republic Has Begun
If Joe Biden had run a real campaign and generated genuine enthusiasm, Trump voters would be unhappy
with his victory but would acknowledge he had won. But Biden did not win. This election was stolen. And the fury and bitterness
among Trump's base is real and pervasive. So far, Trump supporters are keeping their powder dry-literally and figuratively.
They are going to give the institutions, particularly the Justice Department, the opportunity to set things right in accordance
with the law. But there is a limit to their patience. I know that Donald Trump understands this point, it remains to be seen
if Attorney General Bill Barr grasps the situation. From what I know of Bill Barr, especially from friends who are close with
Barr, he understands the danger and the implications perhaps even better than President Trump.
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Heads-up: Al Gore was "President-Elect" for 37 Days . . . then he lost
With all the tumult taking place here in the United States over the recent Election, it
is worth pointing out that, in the year 2000, Democrat Al Gore was "called" as "President-Elect" by the
news media. Thirty-seven (37) Days later, that changed.
were all sorts of lawsuits over election irregularities in the year 2000, and those lawsuits made their way all the way to
the US Supreme Court.
That Court settled the election legal issues
and Gore's opponent, George W. Bush, became President.
now, it looks to me like Joe Biden is the next Al Gore.
more here:
China leapfrogs world with first
6G experimental satellite
The technology is expected to be over
100 times faster than 5G, enabling lossless transmission in space
space race is on!
And China has leap-frogged the world in satellite communication.
Not only did China send 13 more satellites into orbit today, it also successfully completed
a world's first, sending up a sixth-generation communications test satellite, Yicai Global reported.
The devices were put into space by a Long March-6 carrier rocket
that blasted off from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, China Central Television (CCTV) reported.
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Iran President Hassan Rouhani Says America Must Now Surrender
Iran President Hassan Rouhani warned that whoever should win the election in America must
prepare to surrender to the Islamic Republic.
"The U.S. government
has no option but to give in to the law, the pressure of public opinion, and the resistance from the great Iranian nation,"
reports the Tasnim News Agency.
"Our nation would not buckle under
the pressures," Rouhani continued. "We can overcome the enemies and force them to resume honoring the law and regulations."
His statements appear to be referencing sanctions imposed by the Trump administration,
something Rouhani said Iran had "withstood."
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Today began with a bang as giant sunspot AR2781 exploded into a C5-class solar
flare causing shortwave radio blackout
The resulting
pulse of radiation caused a 20-minute-long shortwave radio blackout over Australia and the Indian Ocean, reported
by mariners, aviators, and ham radio operators at frequencies below 10 MHz.
stronger eruptions are still possible for the next days and they will all be geoeffective, directly targeting our planet.
The largest sunspot of the new solar cycle is indeed facing Earth and will stay in this
position for a while.
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With Civil War Events On The Rise And Mass Starvation On The Horizon, Surviving
A SHTF Event Should Be A Priority For Everyone
I'm just
going to be very blunt with you. Things have already gotten quite crazy, but they are going to get even crazier. Global
food supplies have already gotten tight, but they are going to get even tighter. When even the UN starts using the word "biblical"
to describe the famine that the world is facing, that is a sign that the hour is very late.
Thankfully, we are not facing famine in the short-term here in the United States, but "temporary shortages"
of certain items have already been popping up, and food prices are aggressively shooting higher.
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Massive Vote Fraud Across U.S. as Trump Decries Attempted Coup
Reports, videos, and other evidence of rampant and brazen voter fraud from all across
the country - especially in jurisdictions controlled by Democrats - continue pouring in faster than the Big Tech giants can
censor it and the fake "fact-checking" industry can dishonestly attempt to discredit it. At this point, virtually
anybody who is not depending on the fake-news media as their only source of information can see it clearly. The outcome of
the election is at stake. And Trump supporters are already rallying nationwide against the "Big Steal."
Read more here:
On Why Diabolical Narcissists in the Deep State WANT To Get Caught, Consciously WANT You to See
Their Egregious Vote Fraud
I was having a conversation with someone
not long ago about a case of a priest (Fr. Thomas Williams) who kept a female concubine/baby mama (Liz Lev) for many years, and how openly and shamelessly Fr. Williams and Liz Lev carried on their sacrilegious fornication. The person I was visiting with then postulated that either Fr. Williams, Liz Lev,
or both of them WANTED to be caught, wanted to be exposed, wanted people to know the truth, even though they both were inveterate,
dead-eyed, facile liars whenever confronted about their brazenly scandalous conduct. I assured him that he was in fact
correct, they DID want "to be caught", but not for the reason he thought. He thought that
they wanted to repent, to have the burden of their guilt lifted from them. Would that it were so. That would indicate
even a flicker of psycho-spiritual normalcy. Sadly, the reality is exactly the opposite, and we see this today all around
us, but most especially in the realm of politics, and the Antichurch.
more here:
Gridlock - Biden May or May Not Win, but Trump Remains ‘President' of Red
One clear outcome of the U.S. election was the collapse of the promised ‘Blue Wave' - an implosion that marks the ‘beginning of the end' to a powerful spell enthralling
the West. It was the delusion which Ron Chernow, the acclaimed U.S. presidential historian, gave credence, as he contemptuously
dismissed America's "topsy-turvy moment" as purely ephemeral, and a "surreal interlude in American life":
No longer can it be said that there is one ‘normal'. Win or lose the White House, Red Trumpism remains as ‘President'
for half America.
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Video: Rep. Paul Gosar Calls for Hand Tally in Arizona to Restore Faith in Election
Several of America's major media outlets have called
the 2020 election for Vice President Biden. But the election hasn't really yet been decided. Recounts have been requested in Georgia and Wisconsin,
and there are pending lawsuits in Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania, with other challenges possible.
In this episode,
we sit down with Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar to get his take on the current state of the election, the role of big tech,
and what he believes is needed to regain the trust of the American people.
more here:
"This Felt Like a Drug Deal!" - Asian-American Ballot Observer in Detroit
Describes Mysterious Van Dropping Off 61 Boxes of Ballots at 4 AM (VIDEO)
On Tuesday night President Trump was leading significantly in several swing states including Georgia,
North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
Trump had a significant lead in Michigan late last night.
all of the sudden Joe Biden jumped up 200,000 votes and has the lead over President Trump.
On Wednesday morning a poll watcher in Detroit sent The
Gateway Pundit this message.
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Fox News Cancels 'Justice With Judge Jeanine' This Weekend Over Trump
For those of you that might have tuned in and did not see Fox News' "Justice" with Judge Jeanine Pirro on Saturday night, sources told Newsmax the show was suspended over a spat on the network's coverage
of President Donald Trump.
Sources close to the network tell Newsmax,
because she made a very staunch defense of President Trump and wanted to expose the vote fraud that took place in the election,
Fox News decided not to air her show. It had extended coverage of Democrat Joe Biden's acceptance speech of a contested election.
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Coup Underway Right Now - Alex Newman
Even though every mainstream media (MSM) outlet has now called this 2020 election for Joe Biden, journalist Alex
Newman says don't buy it. This is a continuing psyop to cover and ignore massive election fraud unlike ever seen before
in the free world. Newman explains, "This is a flagrant effort to steal this election. We actually warned
that this was coming months ago. I said the Deep State was planning a coup d'état, a Color Revolution, and vote
fraud was a central element of that operation. Now, you are seeing the other pieces fall into place. As Donald Trump
challenges this, they are going to send out the mobs. They are going to send out Black Lives Matter and Antifa to go
riot and loot. We are already starting to see a little bit of that in Oregon . . . and New York. It's going to
get a whole lot nastier because Donald Trump is not just going to roll over and say okay, you can just steal the election
and I'm going home."
Read More here:
Democrats Are Using 'The Big Lie' To Attempt To Overthrow America Without Firing
A Single Shot: If These Devils Can 'Steal' The Election From America's President, What Else Will They Do?
Take away your guns? Vaccinate you with a 'Covid-19 kill-shot' against your will?
With this first round of the 2020 US election now in the books and any chance of a 2nd
President Trump term in office almost resting solely upon the Court system we have to ask, if the Democrats/globalists can
'steal' the election from America's own President, Donald Trump, what else can they do? Take away your guns and your
means to protect yourself from criminals and/or tyrants? Put a microchip inside the bodies of you and your family? Vaccinate
you with an unsafe Covid-19 'kill-shot' against your will?
answer is quite clear. If they can 'steal' this election away from President Trump, in their sick minds, these EVIL
GLOBALIST PSYCHOPATHS can do ANYTHING they want now. The mainstream media will simply distort the facts, and 'big tech,'
aka 'social media,' will simply censor all opposing voices and views.
Read More Here:
Attention America: Prepare to Become Ungovernable
Some of my Youtube audience have accused me of giving up on the possibility of Donald Trump retaining
his Presidency by earning a second term. Those that would say that, you do not know what a fierce competitor that I am as
I have a long history as an athlete and a coach that serve as a testament to that trait. I took on the criminal John McCain
as he and his international bankers tried to steal my land without compensation. It took 8y ears, but at the end of the day,
my community won! I fear nobody as I operate under the authority, will and protection of the Lord Jesus Christ. I was dragged
away from two successful careers to do the work I am doing now. I have a mission to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and
the best way to accomplish that goal, in today's world, is to keep the freedoms of the Republic alive and well. Subsequently,
my allegiance is to this purpose and not to Donald Trump, the man.
more here:
If Trump doesn't concede election to Biden, BLM-tied group plans to take over
government buildings
(Natural News) In the event that President Trump refuses to go along with blatant voter fraud that favors a Joe Biden "victory,"
Black Lives Matter (BLM) and an ally group known as "Count Every Vote" (CEV) is planning to assume control over government buildings all across the United States.
has already begun to manufacture "protests" in major cities like Philadelphia and Seattle, during which activists
will storm government buildings and plant proverbial BLM and CEV flags in them to send the message that Trump needs to go.
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PA USPS Official Willing to Testify Under Oath Over Ballot Backdating
"We will be releasing his interview imminently."
James O'Keefe is now reporting that Federal investigators are on the ground in Pennsylvania responding
to allegations of ballot backdating from United States Postal Service whistleblower Richard Hopkins against USPS superiors.
A Pennsylvania United States Postal Service worker says they are willing to testify under
oath over an apparent ballot backdating scheme that has played out at the public mail service, reports Jame's O'Keefe of Project
"One of the USPS officials in Pennsylvania has just agreed
to go on the record and is willing to testify under oath to the backdating of ballots," O'Keefe announced Friday afternoon.
"We will be releasing his interview imminently."
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Tehran Doubles Down On Biden As Preferred Candidate After Trump "Brought Iran To Its
It's no secret that Iran is pinning hopes of its
escaping the dire sanctions predicament that has put the Islamic Republic's very economic survival in question on a Biden
victory. Trump and Pompeo's 'maximum pressure' campaign, which reached a peak when IRGC Quds Force general Qassem Soleimani
was assassinated last January, also seems destined for eventual war should Trump cinch a second term.
Closely watching the vote count and related controversies play out from afar, Iranian
Foreign Minister Javad Zarif doubled on down on prior statements expressing optimism of a Democratic victory in Washington.
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In Just A Few Days Cities Will Unavoidably Become Lawless
Authorities across the US have prepared for more protests after demonstrators took to
the streets on Wednesday night in numerous cities following Donald Trump's call to halt vote-counting in critical swing states
that could determine the outcome of the presidential election.
of varying sizes took place in cities including Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh,
Seattle, and Washington, DC. Some protesters called to stop additional votes from being counted, while others urged authorities
to keep tallying ballots.
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It's Happening Again, Some Grocers Now Limiting Toilet Paper And Disinfecting
Wipe Purchases
- It's a move reminiscent of the springtime COVID-19 shutdown in Texas and across the nation - some grocery store chains are
now re-imposing limits on key items such as toilet paper, paper towels and disinfecting wipes. The companies say their hope
is to keep shelves stocked and prevent shoppers from hoarding as they did earlier in the year.
At Kroger, customers can purchase a maximum of two items when it comes to products like bath tissue,
paper towels, disinfecting wipes and hand soap. A spokesperson said in an email that the limits began earlier this week and
apply in stores and online.
H-E-B in Texas has implemented similar policies
in recent weeks. Some H-E-B stores have instituted limits of two on purchases of disinfecting and antibacterial sprays, while
other stores have limited toilet paper and paper towels to two.
Read more
The Final Straw: What Is America's Tipping Point and What are You Prepared to
Do When it comes?
Have you ever wondered what makes a person
snap? What causes a normal, quiet, everyday citizen, loving mother, or doting father to lose it all and fight like a caged
animal? What can cause a small village to rise up and rebel against an oppressive police force and start killing them?
What is the switch that gets flipped that causes a city to pour two million people into the streets, chanting and demanding
to be heard by their government?
Lately it feels more and more as
though we are on standing on the edge of some yawning precipice peering over the crest into darkness. What is more troubling
to me is that we have been down this path before. The sense of unease is almost palpable to me sometimes; it is more evident
if you are paying attention. If you are able to eliminate the white noise of the world for a minute; hit the pause button
on the playlist of daily life for a while and look around, listen, you may start to recognize that you too are caught up in
events that will soon change all our lives.
Read more here:
What we are witnessing is a coup. The Deep State has played a long term four year
coup. Sadly it looks as if they have won. Now What?
What I witnessed
last night in real time was shocking, infuriating, unreal, and down-right dirty. I was watching NBC nightly news with Lester
Holt. Yes I watch the enemy media, as you should also. About ten minutes into the broadcast they cut away for President Trump
to address the nation. I will see if I can find the clip of it. Trump was about two minutes into his speech addressing the
nation when Lester Holt comes back on the screen and says Ok we are going to have to cut away here because President Trump
is making false claims and it's just not true what he is saying. What??? You just cut away from the President of the United
States and called him a LIAR!!!
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to Create ‘Trump Accountability Project' Hit List to Pay Back Trump Supporters - Update: sitting judges added to the
The Great Purge was a campaign of political repression in the Soviet Union that occurred from 1936 to 1938. It involved a large-scale repression of wealthy peasants (kulaks); genocidal acts against ethnic minorities; a purge of the Communist Party, government officials,
and the Red Army leadership; widespread police surveillance; suspicion of saboteurs; counter-revolutionaries; imprisonment;
and arbitrary executions.
Historians estimate the total number of deaths
due to Stalinist repression in 1937-38 to be between 680,000 and 1,200,000.
more here:
Supreme Court Orders Pennsylvania to Separate Late-Arriving Ballots
Justice Samuel Alito orders that 'all such ballots, if counted, be counted separately'
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito late Friday ordered Pennsylvania election officials to segregate ballots that arrived after Election Day.
granted a request by the state's Republican Party to separate mail-in ballots received between 8 p.m. on Nov. 3 and 5
p.m. on Nov. 6 from those that arrived by 8 p.m. on Nov. 3, in accordance with state guidance.
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BREAKING: Secret Service and DC Fire Investigating Vehicle, Livestreamer Says
There Was an Attempted Attack on White House (VIDEO)
large emergency response is underway near the White House, reportedly due to a suspicious vehicle.
There are multiple firetrucks, ambulances, and police vehicles responding to the scene.
A source tells Gateway Pundit that a suspicious vehicle pulled up to the White House security
checkpoint and the driver got out and wouldn't get back in his car. The car was swept and nothing dangerous was found.
Read more here: A source tells Gateway Pundit that a suspicious vehicle pulled up to the
White House security checkpoint and the driver got out and wouldn't get back in his car. The car was swept and nothing dangerous
was found.
BREAKING: Software company linked to MI voter "glitch" also holds contracts
in battleground states including PA, GA, AZ, NV
The voter software
company linked to the "glitch," which caused roughly 6,000 Trump votes to be credited to Biden in a Michigan county
also services as many as 64 other counties in Michigan. In addition to these counties, the software company also holds the
voter software contracts in many....well all of the contested 2020 Presidental election jurisdictions.
Officials in Antrim County, Michigan, discovered a software "glitch," which caused roughly
6,000 Trump votes to be switched over to Biden. A spokesperson for the Michigan Secretary of State told 6 News, the cause
of the "glitch" was reportedly caused by "county user error" and not a software issue.
Read more here:
2020 breaks annual gun sale records, October sees 60 percent jump from 2019
This year has broken annual gun sale records for the past seven months, according to gun
data analysis released on Monday.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation
(NSSF) released its analysis from FBI data on Monday, showing that October broke the record for the most gun purchases of any previous October included
in the examination.
NSSF reports that more than 1.7 million background
checks were conducted for the sale of a firearm last month, an increase of 60.1 percent compared to last October's more
than 1.1 million.
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Leftists, Never Trumpers Begin Compiling Lists of Trump Supporters
Left-wing Democrats and Never Trump Republicans appealed Friday for assistance in compiling
lists of Trump supporters to they could be held "accountable" for supporting President Donald Trump after the election.
"Democratic socialist" Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) tweeted: "Is
anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent
probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future."
more here:
One Of The Most Censored Stories In The World Will Have Grave Repercussions:
Over 5,000 'Mass Animal Death Events' Since 2011 As Globalists Depopulation Agenda Kicks Into Overdrive
According to this little-read October 16th story at Yahoo News, the nation of Japan has decided the best way to get rid of over 1.23 million metric tons of radioactive nuclear waste from
the horrific April of 2011 earthquake at Fukushima will be to dump it into the Pacific ocean.
While all of the remote-controlled robots sent into the site of the meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant reportedly
'died' due to the incredibly high amount of leaked radioactive materials that completely destroyed their wiring, as the Guardian had reported in this October 23rd story, some scientists have warned that highly contaminated reactor water could damage human DNA if released, with ‘dangerous'
levels of carbon-14 existing in the water that could be released into the Pacific ocean.
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Can the world stop China's surge into biological warfare?
Civilized nations are bound to obey the law of war embodied in the Geneva Conventions.
The Conventions outlaw acts such as the intentional targeting of civilian populations and the creation and stockpiling of
biological weapons. Despite those obligations, China is evidently eager to violate the Conventions because of opportunities presented by the advance of medical science.
At least since the 2002 publication of "Unrestricted Warfare," a book by two
People's Liberation Army (PLA) colonels, Chinese military thinking has extended the concept of a battlefield to every aspect
of military and civilian existence. The unlimited "battlefield" now means that China intends to include biological warfare among the most significant means of fighting a war.
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Election Chaos Coming Very Fast - Get Bullet-Resistant Vest
Developments overnight in the US Election process are such, that it now appears to many
within government and intelligence circles that outright armed conflict is likely to erupt over the ongoing THEFT of the US
Presidential Election by corrupt Democrats. If you do not yet have body armor to protect yourself, and can afford to
get it ($299), you are URGED to do so.
The level of brazen criminality
taking place in Democrat-controlled ballot counting facilities, is now mind-boggling.
Just last night, in Delaware County, PA, security camera video seems to show Ballot-counting workers actually FILLING-OUT
new Ballots, and placing them into the vote-count stream. In the video, below, you can see a young man with
a black sweater, actively marking what appear to be Ballots:
Read more
The Rise of the Anti-Christ world leader will be the author of confusion, the
master counterfeiter, and through his many images he will deceive the nations
This ambiance of panic and fear - outstrips any sense of reality, when the truth doesn't matter. People can't
even think any more about the causes and what may be behind it. Nobody believes you (anymore), the Military Games, the high-security
biological war ... what could have at one point been an eye opener for many, today is sheer conspiracy theory. The power of
propaganda. A destabilizing power - destabilizing countries and people, destroying economies, creating hardship for people
who may lose their jobs, usually the ones who can least afford it.
The Anti-Christ world leader will be the author of confusion, the master counterfeiter, and through his many images he will
deceive the nations. The Antichrist will come on the world stage peaceably, with flatteries, via powerful persuasion and propaganda. By this
means he is able to creep into houses and lead captive the masses.
more here:
Philadelphia Registered Democrat Observer: "This is
Coup Against The President of The United States of America"
have said we needed President Donald Trump in order to expose voter fraud, but the reality is that many of us have been exposing
it for years, and at the forefront of that has been James O'Keefe and Project Veritas. However, a registered Democrat
Observers by the name of Brian McCaffrey claims that he witnessed what he believes to be fraud.
Read more here:
Why Trump Will Triumph in PA Litigation
The State Supreme Court has Violated the US Constitution
If you've been following the mainstream media, you've probably read that Trump intends to file a lawsuit in Pennsylvania
to "stop counting votes." Most likely, this has been presented as an outrageous evil, unjustifiable by any standards
of common decency, and grossly unconstitutional. Is that really the case? Or is it more complex than that?
There will be a lawsuit, no doubt; and it will involve a lot of votes being thrown out.
The plaintiff (Trump and/or the Republicans) will win, because Pennsylvania's highest court has almost certainly violated
the Constitution of the United States. That's why, in the weeks ahead, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) is
going to rule in favor of Trump.
Read more here:
Any More Blood On The Streets Are On The Hands Of The MSM
- The Fat Lady Hasn't Started Singing Yet: AZ Back In Play After Some Media Outlets Attempted To Gaslight America
I am sure many of you (those over 30!) have most likely heard the expression "It
ain't over until the fat lady sings." That is a reference to Operas, where it is said the Opera is not over until that
fat lady sings.
Well, in regards to the state of the 2020 election results,
not only hasn't the fat lady started singing, she isn't even near the stage.
will start with Arizona, where Fox News and the AP, list AZ as having been won by Joe Biden, yet, NYT, NBC, ABC, and others
have not called AZ, with its 11 electoral votes, yet.
Read more here:
Israeli Minister Warns of War in Middle East if Biden Wins
Israeli Settlements Minister Tzachi Hanegbi warns that a Biden presidency could
ignite war in the Middle East, while Egypt fears Biden would aid the resurgence of Islamists in the region.
Hanegbi pointed out that Biden has indicated he will resurrect America's nuclear agreement
with Iran which was cancelled by the Trump administration.
Read more here:
HURRICANE CENTER: South Florida In Cone For Sunday Strike
BOCA RATON, FL ( (UPDATED 3PM FRIDAY, NOV. 6, 2020) - What was once Hurricane
Eta has turned around, started to regenerate, and is likely to strike South Florida on Sunday or Monday as a tropical storm
after trekking through the warm waters of the Caribbean. The path is not certain and the cone is huge, but an overnight change
in the storm's expected turn means the Keys, Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach County are right back in the center of where
Eta could hit.
Here is the latest forecast from the National Hurricane
Center. Bookmark this page - we'll update right here throughout Friday. Expect the next written update to be filed by 4PM
Read more here:
The Hagmann Report Has Been Banned From YouTube
Amid the turbulence of the Communist Left's evolving theft of President Trump's election victory
is their vigorous censorship campaign. Twitter is audaciously censoring messages from our President, Donald J. Trump, at this
most crucial time in US history. On Thursday, Steve Bannon's YouTube live stream was cut-off mid-program as he and his team
discussed the blatant election fraud by the Communist Left. Facebook is actively removing all groups dedicated to exposing
and reporting on election fraud. The fear among the social media monopolies is rampant as they panic that citizens are becoming
increasingly aware of the intricacies of their coup.
On Thursday,
November 5, 2020, YouTube banned The Hagmann Report from posting any additional videos for our 175,118 subscribers,
claiming that we violated their community guidelines. As usual, they provided no details about our alleged violations and
no method of appeal. Over the last 28 days (October 8-November 5, 2020), nearly a million unique viewers in
91 countries watched The Hagmann Report on YouTube. Although many of our videos still exist on YouTube, we
expect it will not be long before our entire channel is deleted.
more here:
EXCLUSIVE: Poll Watcher in Michigan Kicked Out of Detroit Hall But Not Before
They Obtained Evidence of Potential Fraud
A poll watcher
in Michigan was kicked out of the hall where ballots are being counted from the 2020 election. Before leaving the hall
the poll watcher obtained a screen print identifying potential voter fraud.
One poll worker was expelled from the TCF Center where Wayne County/Detroit ballots are being counted, when they
caught this snap:
Read more here:
Police Will Pilot A Program To Live-Stream Amazon Ring Cameras
This is not a drill. Red alert: The police surveillance center in
Jackson, Mississippi, will be conducting a 45-day pilot program to live stream the Amazon Ring cameras of participating residents.
Since Ring first made a splash in the private security camera market, we've been warning of its potential to undermine the civil liberties of its users and their communities. We've been especially concerned
with Ring's 1,000+ partnerships with local police departments, which facilitate bulk footage requests directly from users without oversight or having to acquire a warrant.
Read more here:
"Racist" Trump Won More Minority Votes Than Any GOP Candidate Since
Everyone knows that Donald Trump is a racist. How
do we know? ‘Cause media says so, that's how. Every single statement or off-the-cuff remark by Trump that could
be deliberately misinterpreted or taken out of context, or twisted into meaning something entirely different, has been used
to paint an ugly racist picture of the president.
With black Americans,
it's worked. A poll earlier this year found 83 percent of blacks believing Trump is a racist. How could they not with every
media outlet telling them it's so and many prominent blacks in politics, entertainment, and sports reinforcing the narrative
every chance they get?
Read more here:
Fraud In Pennsylvania: Another USPS Whistleblower Tells Project Veritas He Was
Ordered To Back-Date Ballots
Another United States postal
worker has come forward to Project Veritas on Thursday claiming he's been ordered to illegally back-date election ballots.
The USPS worker from Erie County, Pennsylvania said he first witnessed a postmaster ordering
his supervisor to back-date ballots after initially failing to do so.
more here:
India may one day launch Hornets, ready to sting China
US officials have offered to sell India an advanced version of Boeing-made aircraft along with the unmanned Sea Guardian
It is Beijing's worst nightmare.
The Indian Navy, brandishing brand new, state-of-the-art F/A-18 fighter jets, on their Indo-Pacific doorstep.
You wanted a fight, China? Well, you got one.
A Hornet that can sting.
You might have some good fighter jets
in the PLAAF, but you don't have F/A-18s.
Read more here:
Pallets of BRICKS are being delivered in hundreds of places throughout major cities in
the U.S.A. yesterday and today. Presumably, the same folks who brought us the BRICK ATTACKS during the "Black Lives
Matter" protests, are back for Round 2 with today's ELECTION.
more here:
Luxury Condos Hire Armed Guards With "Submachine Guns" To Protect
Super-Rich On Election Night
Today is the day, Nov. 3, election
day. For the last month, readers have been briefed on retailers, along with federal, state, and local governments, preparing for what could be a night of social unrest across major metro areas following election results.
But what about
the super-rich? How are they're preparing, especially ones with multi-million condos situated in urban centers where, if unrest
were to break out, they would be at the epicenter of the chaos.
from New York City to South Florida, NYPost reports luxury buildings have hired off-duty cops with submachine guns to ex-military snipers to guard against potential
Read more here:
With Democrat Pandemonium And Anarchy Over The Past Year A 'Dress Rehearsal' For
Today's Election And What Follows, Americans Must NEVER 'Stand Down' To Their Tyranny!
Mail-in Voting Is Ripe For Voter Fraud As Democrats Prepare Their Coup
The surety of our elections is in dispute. The chaos that entails this election will throw
our country into disarray. The president has been warning for months of the possibility of voter fraud. Of course, the progressive
socialists in the Democrat party and the media continually claim that there is no proof of voter fraud. They seem to think
that mass mail-in votes, not verifying the voters, no voter identification, and ballot harvesting will work to come to a legitimate
Full transparency is not available with mass ballots
sent to addresses and people who have not been verified. Judicial Watch, who has been trying to get voter fraud to the forefront
for many years, has spent a great deal of effort comparing population information from the U.S. Census to state voter registration
and found numerous disparities that cover a great many, most notably blue states.
Read more here:
Exclusive: How The Bidens Made Off With Millions In Chinese Cash-
New documents show that as regulators closed in, Hunter struck a fresh deal with his Chinese partners
The Senate's report on Hunter Biden's activities released several months ago,
which was spun by the New York Times as having shown "no evidence of wrongdoing," nevertheless had several
important gaps in the business activities of the troubled son of the former vice president.
Draft legal documents and 2017 bank records obtained by The American Conservative show at least $5 million was transferred
to Hunter and Jim Biden from companies associated with the Chinese conglomerate CEFC, with millions coming after the company
had come under legal scrutiny both in the United States and China.
more here:
Americans Better Get Prepared For Rebellion And Revolution Coming
From Our Own Government! Government Employees Plotting 'Mob Rule' Is A Call To Arms For 'Everyday Americans'
We have heard and reported about the plans of certain Antifa anarchist groups planning
to be "in the streets" before the polls even close on election day, planning protests and riots, no matter who wins
the election, but planning to burning the nation down if President Trump is positioned to win.
What many have speculated on, but could not prove... until now, is that these groups include federal
employees that recently conducted a Zoom call, are part of these anarchist groups.
Read more here:
Trump should prepare for possible imminent release of more dangerous COVID-20 or 21
November 2, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - Yes, I realize the U.S. election is on now and that it appears Trump may be re-elected. However, whether or not he
is re-elected, there is a possibility, and only a possibility derived from circumstantial evidence, but evidence that should
still be taken seriously, that another huge coronavirus pandemic might almost imminently begin.
Should this occur, it would wipe out all the gains Trump's COVID-19 recovery policies have
amazingly achieved and put the U.S. and many other nations into an even more devastating crash than anything we have experienced
to date from the COVID-19 infections and the policies to stop it.
more here:
Global Communism Disguised As The Great Reset
"COVID-19" was long pre-planned in documents and simulation exercises emanating from the
eugenicist Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation.
A platform with
200 detailed levels is provided by the World Economic Forum led by Klaus Schwab, a technocrat and promoter of transhumanism,
in order to provide detailed instructions on how the "COVID-19" pandemic is to be used to implement a global monetary
reset and digital currency, technocracy and totalitarian government worldwide under the guise of socialism and environmentalism,
with China as the model, and enslave humanity through a sinister vaccine conspiracy.
Read more here:
Pelosi: House Will Play 'Prominent Role' in Deciding Election Outcome
'We've been ready for a while because we see this irresponsibility of the president'
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared the House of Representatives is prepared to play a "prominent role"
in deciding who wins the presidential election if results are disputed.
The House speaker has reportedly been contemplating what Politico referred to as a "once-in-a-century phenomenon."
According to the New York Times, the "newly seated House of Representatives"
would hold a complicated vote in the event of a tie in the Electoral College.
more here:
Leaked Zoom Calls Reveal Federal Workers Conspiring To Shut Down White House/Disrupt
WASHINGTON, DC, November 1 - Dozens
of leaked internal documents and Zoom call video footage were made public today describing plans by progressive activists and
federal workers to disrupt and destabilize Tuesday's US election outcome, including plans to "shut down the White House."
The documents and footage can be viewed at a new website or and will be regularly updated with additional content during the next 48 hours. All content has been handed
over to law enforcement.
Read more here:
Michigan Governor Whitmer Goes Full Orwell, Demands Full Names, Phone Numbers
For All Restaurant Customers
Effective this week, diners in Michigan
are now going to be required to produce their full name and contact information simply for wanting to eat out at a restaurant
or bar.
Ironically, it's likely more information than citizens are required
to produce in order to vote.
Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer
has moved her state one step closer to a true Orwellian paradise, asking her citizens to surrender their privacy every time
they want a cheeseburger and a coke at their local diner. Whitmer has already been struck down once by the Supreme
Court over trying to unilaterally extend the state's emergency declarations, The Western Journal noted.
Read more here:
Beijing's Biggest US Asset Is on the Ballot
Joe Biden's ‘surrender-to-China' policy would cede American industrial jobs, economic strength,
and strategic leadership to Beijing
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is really trying to get you to vote for Joe Biden. They want you to think that your life depends on it. Actually, to a great extent, the survival of the CCP just might depend
on it.
There are several reasons why.
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Kurt Vonnegut's short story - Harrison Bergeron - was written in 1961, and in Vonnegut's darkly satirical style, portrayed America in 2081 as an disgracefully dystopian
nightmare. Little did Vonnegut know what he considered outrageous and 120 years in the future, would be far closer to our
current dystopian reality just 60 years later. The story was brought to my attention by my wife a week ago when we were talking
about the absurdity of masks, their uselessness in stopping viruses, how they are nothing more than a means to control the
population, being used to spread fear, and as a dehumanizing technique.
more here:
Private Jet Traffic Soars As Elites Panic Exit Cities Amid Virus, Elections
With US new coronavirus cases steadily rising since mid-September, ushering in what some call the second wave of the virus pandemic, private jet traffic has soared
as wealthy folks are leaving metro areas for rural communities, according to CNBC.
Data from Tivoli, an online payments platform for jets, collected
by Private Jet Card Comparisons, showed private jet flights at Francis S. Gabreski Airport in Westhampton, New York, jumped
172% in October. Flights at Aspen Airport in Aspen, Colorado, surged 135%, and Vail flights were up 95% over the month.
Read more here:
Watch: National Guard Troops Arrive In Multiple US Cities Ahead Of Election Night
In preparation for any emergencies, including widespread social unrest following election results on Tuesday night, the National Guard has been deployed in several states.
Fears of election night chaos have gripped state governments for the last month, forcing
Gov. Charlie Baker of Massachusetts on Monday to "activate" 1,000 Massachusetts National Guard members.
And in Oregon, Gov. Kate Brown, for the second time in two months, declared a state of
emergency for the Portland metro area, citing potential social unrest surrounding the election.
Governors have also mobilized Guard forces in Texas, Alabama, and Arizona to major cities in their
respective states in anticipation of violence.
Read more here:
China Is Stealing Border Land From Tiny Nepal To Build Military Bases
China is again being accused of a blatant landgrab along the disputed Himalayan high altitude
border region not far from where Chinese and Indian Army troops previously clashed.
This time it's the country of Nepal that has accused China of stealing over 150 hectares sovereign of its
territory, or about 1.5 square kilometers. Leaders of the tiny country wedged between the major regional powers of
India and China made the explosive charge to the Daily Telegraph early this week.
"Why should China come over into
Nepal, when China is already sixty times the size of our small country?" a lawmaker in the Nepali Congress Party,
Jeevan Bahadur Shahi, said. However, it's believed that thus far neither Kathmandu nor Beijing has officially acknowledged
it because it would harm trade ties - a much more worrisome prospect for the Nepal side.
Read more here:
'High Noon' Arrives In America As Groundwork To Arrive At Democrats Tyrannical Endgame
Is Completed: Leftists Busting Out 'Madame Guillotine' Is A Call To 'Prepare To Defend'
With what will be the most dangerous election in US history now only a day away, and the
very real possibility of 'total war' coming to America no matter who wins on Tuesday with antifa already terrorizing Americans as Susan Duclos pointed out in this November 1st ANP story, according to Betsy Brandner Smith, a retired Police Sergeant who is the spokeswoman for the National Police Association,
those antifa terrorists are structured just like a radical-Islamist terror cell.
And with radical leftists once again calling for the 'targeting of Conservatives' as the Daily Wire reports in this new story, with the far-left group 'Shut Down DC' targeting Conservative organizations as ‘Trump Boosters'
while putting their names, addresses and phone numbers onto another 'online intimidation map', this attempt by 'Shut
Down DC' to 'silence and intimidate' President Trump supporters is just the latest attempt by radical liberals
to terrorize Conservatives as we had also reported in this October 22nd ANP story.
Read more here:
Franklin Graham Warns That a Biden Presidency Will Bring "Attacks" On
Christians, Churches
With the presidential election coming to
its climax this week, Franklin Graham is warning Christians in America that a Joe Biden presidency is sure to bring hostility
toward Christians, their businesses, and their churches.
"I'm afraid
there will be an attack on Christian businesses like we saw during the Obama administration," Graham said on Newsmax TV, pointing to several incidents in which Christian business owners were reprimanded and even shut down for refusing to contradict
their genuine convictions.
Read more here:
INSIDE THE TROJAN HORSE: The Nightmare That America Will
Become If Kamala Harris... Er, We Mean, Joe Biden Is Elected Tuesday
are facing an imminent presidential election more crucial to their freedom and wellbeing than perhaps any election in their
nation's history - and yet which has become a total charade, a farce, a massive pretense. Biden is simply a smiling and soon-to-be-discarded
Trojan horse, inside which impatiently wait the radicals, socialists and Marxist revolutionaries who plan to burst out and
rule America should the Biden ticket prevail. Bottom line, explains Kupelian: "Today's Democratic Party has become possessed
by the dark revolutionary spirit of Marxism, which in reality is based on hatred and rebellion against God, against His commandments,
against His morality, against the very idea of objective truth. Marxists want their own truth, their own laws, their own morality,
their own biology, their own science, their own heaven ... on earth. They want nothing to do with the Judeo-Christian values
that have long served as the moral foundation of America - which they openly hate. "And yet, these are the very people
who believe they're much more intelligent and moral than you, and who, in just a few weeks, fully intend to take over America
forever." Forever? (READ MORE)
Each time a person stands up for an idea, or acts to improve
the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, s/he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from
a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of
oppression and resistance. - Robert F. Kennedy.
"COVID-19" was
long pre-planned in documents and simulation exercises emanating from the eugenicist Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation.
A platform with 200 detailed levels is provided by the World Economic Forum led by Klaus Schwab, a technocrat and promoter
of transhumanism, in order to provide detailed instructions on how the "COVID-19" pandemic is to be used to implement
a global monetary reset and digital currency, technocracy and totalitarian government worldwide under the guise of socialism
and environmentalism, with China as the model, and enslave humanity through a sinister vaccine conspiracy.
Read more here:
Big Tech's Censorship Is Electronic Book Burning In Real Time
The Big Tech censorship by Jack Dorsey's Twitter of the New York Post story on Hunter
Biden and Joe Biden is so egregious that I have to speak up. If there were any doubt, it is now clear that Twitter's censorship
system is set up to survey, capture, control, and manipulate the political narrative within this country.
Make no mistake, the mathematical parameters and algorithms that Dorsey's team developed
and implemented had this goal in mind. Despite what he and his company might have you believe, his frustration and anger are
more likely related to getting caught, and the resulting public outrage, not the wanting of some algorithm.
Read more here:
Oregon Is On The Verge Of Decriminalizing Heroin, Cocaine, And LSD
In a move we are sure won't have any negative repercussions on the
state's quality of life going forward, Oregon looks slated to the be the first state in the U.S. to decriminalize
"hard drugs" like heroin, cocaine and LSD.
The move
could come as part of a ballot measure that voters will decide on during election day.
The initiative, called Measure 110, could "drastically change" the state's justice system, ABC News noted. Those who are caught with hard drugs would now have the option of paying a $100 fine or attending new addition recovery
centers, paid for with taxes from retail marijuana sales.
Read more here:
It's Evolving: Coronavirus Genetic Mutation May Have Made COVID-19 More Contagious
A study involving more than 5,000 COVID-19 patients in Houston
finds that the virus that causes the disease is accumulating genetic mutations, one of which may have made it more contagious.
According to the paper published in the peer-reviewed journal mBIO, that mutation, called D614G, is located in the
spike protein that pries open our cells for viral entry. It's the largest peer-reviewed study of SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences
in one metropolitan region of the U.S. to date.
Read more here:
RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS
voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states
(Natural News) Dave Janda of Operation Freedom ( has unleashed a bombshell story with huge implications for Tuesday's elections. Janda's guest in his latest broadcast is
a former high-level intelligence official (Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney) who warns that the Dems and the CIA have put in place a
mechanism which can alter the voting results of electronic voting machines in key swing states (like Pennsylvania) that will
determine the outcome of the election.
This covert technology is called
Operation Scorecard, and it was built by the CIA to surreptitiously steal elections in targeted countries. Now, that
technology is being turned against the United States of America and is about to be activated on Tuesday to steal the election
for Biden, explains Janda's guest.
Read more here:
Kamala Harris publicly endorses COMMUNISM! ... says all
outcomes must be equal, embraces core demand of authoritarian government
(Natural News) In a shocking statement that's already making waves across the ‘net, Kalama Harris appeared to endorse communism today,
claiming that government should make sure, "we all end up at the same place."
The concept of equal outcomes is a foundational pillar of communism, where an all-powerful government crushes individual
effort, creativity and ingenuity, confiscating all resources and redistributing them to everyone "equally" so that
everyone has the same outcome.
Read more here:
Eating Animal Hearts And Praising 'Chaos Gods,' Happening Now in America As Antifa
Terror Is Escalating: To Them YOU Are The Enemy
Violent groups
like Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) have decided they do not actually have to wait for election night to terrorize people,
as is being organized by a host of anarchist groups, but they rather start before the election.
Aside from the riots by Antifa and BLM under the guise of "protesting" police shootings,
we have been witnessings a major increase in violence and threats towards residents and others in no way involved with law
enforcement, running up to Tuesday's presidential election.
Before detailing
some of the most egregious actions from these groups, with barely any pushback from the liberal leaders of the cities/states
being terrorized, let me explain why I said the riots and the destruction is "under the guise" of protesting.
Read more here:
Mexican Journalist Exposes Joe Biden For Signing Compact That Created Influx Of
Child Trafficking, Immigrant Children In Cages
Remember those
border cages with children that were photographed under the Obama administration? Well, they came as a result of an
United Nations global compact signed by the usurper, Obama, and Biden. The signing of that compact seemed to have led
to a "massive influx" of child trafficking.
following the final presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Mexican journalist Oscar "El Blue"
Ramirez, based out of Tijuana, created a live event to dispel the deadly lies spewed by Biden concerning children in "cages" at America's southern border.
Joining the chorus of the rest of the liberal left, Biden not surprisingly tried to
blame Trump for immigrant children being "separated from their parents" at the border, accusing the current administration
of creating the "border cages" where parentless children are supposedly being housed.
Biden failed to mention, however, is that it was he and Barack Obama who signed the U.N. Global Compact that created those
border cages in the first place, not to mention the tens of thousands of immigrant children that have been trafficked through
America's southern border ever since the Obama administration made it all possible.
Read more here:
Psychiatrist Suggests Middle America May Need To Be 'Leveled' Like Dresden to
Stop Trump
Middle America may need to be "leveled"
like Dresden in order to break what she sees as the Hitler-esque "spell" Trump has on his supporters, Yale psychiatrist
Bandy X Lee appeared to suggest in a post on Twitter.
Lee, who bills herself
as an "expert on global violence prevention," wrote Wednesday on Twitter (Archive):
A reporter whose grandparents were refugees from Nazi Germany related
to me: "I cannot help but remember a conversation I had with my grandfather ... about the firebombing of Dresden, whether
he thought the Allies should be reproached for targeting civilians.
more here:
North Korea Jails, Executes Anyone Who Owns a Bible, Shocking Report Says
A new report by a human rights watchdog details horrific violations of religious
freedom within North Korea, including citizens brutally tortured for converting to Christianity and individuals publicly executed
for owning a Bible.
The 98-page report by the London-based Korea Future Initiative was released this month and based on 117 interviews with survivors, witnesses and perpetrators of the abuses. All total,
273 victims of religious freedom violations were identified, including 215 involving Christians and 56 from followers of shamanism.
The age of the victims ranged from 3 to 80-plus.
The authors said the
report's goal was to provide an accurate account of religious freedom violations for decision-makers within the international
Christianity is illegal in North Korea. Citizens are told to
treat the supreme leader, Kim Jong-un, as a god.
Read more here:
Confronting And Combating Cultural Marxism In 2020: Connecting
The Dots Provides A History Lesson Every American Should Learn
Cultural Marxism, every institution in the West would be subverted through penetration and infiltration
You may have heard the terms "Cultural Marxism," "Critical Theory" or "Frankfurt School" bandied about. And while you might have an intuitive approximation of what these terms mean for America in the 21st century, there's a good chance that you don't know much about the deep theory, where the ideology comes from
and what it has planned for America - and the world.
The underlying theory here is a variant of Marxism, pioneered by early-20th-century
Italian Marxist politician and linguist Antonio Gramsci. Gramscian Marxism is a radical departure from Classical Marxism. One does not need to endorse the Classical Marxism of Marx,
Engels and others to appreciate the significant differences between the two. He is easily the most influential thinker that
you have never heard of.
Read more here:
Health Ranger Designates All Employees Of Big Tech As "Enemies
Of America" - Calls For Arrest & Charges Of Treason, Racketeering & Election Interference
The Health Ranger Mike Adams and owner of penned a scathing piece and called out not just the CEOs of Big Tech corporations, but also their employees as "enemies
to America," noting that now that the federal government was being censored, they are just now taking notice. Adams
called "on federal law enforcement to arrest, charge and prosecute the CEOs, managers and employees of these companies
for treason, racketeering and a conspiracy to defraud the United States of America."
Read more here:
United Health Professionals' Press Release: ‘We Lockdown Animals, Not Human Beings'
We remind readers that Germany, France, UK and Belgium have
once again gone into lockdown for simply no medical reason. The WHO has come out against such a strategy.
And under what we are sure are false flag ‘terrorist' attacks, France is undergoing now multiple ‘Islamic' crimes, having had 5 in 6 weeks, almost all of which have come just hours
prior to curfews and lockdowns beginning.
They've terrorized the
population once over an average virus; now they're ramping up the effect to mask the criminal imposition of a second lockdown.
Read more here:
Indian and PLA tanks only 400 meters apart, report claims
Indian Army's North Command has massed T-72 tanks on high ground, out-manoeuvering Chinese
Did Indian soldiers outsmart their Chinese counterparts?
According to a report by Indian news outlet Swarajya, India has strategically deployed tanks and other equipment on crucial high ground in the Ladakh Valley, giving it a potential
advantage over Chinese forces along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).
The Indian Army's North Command has placed numerous T-72
tanks on some of the heights south of Pangong Tso, catching The People's Republic of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA)
off guard, the report said.
Read more here:
America's way of life threatened by China: Navy official
US Navy Secretary Kenneth Braithwaite says China poses a greater threat to the US than
many Americans realize
The Cold War gauntlet has been dropped. The ultimate
fear scenario, unleashed.
And it's all about China.
It's them, or us, says US Navy Secretary Kenneth Braithwaite.
Speaking at an event at the US Navy Memorial SITREP speaker series in Washington, and freshly back
from a weeklong trip to the Asia-Pacific region, where he met with local leaders in Japan, Singapore, Guam and Palau, along
with sailors and Marines, Braithwaite didn't hold back.
Read more here:
Thoughts on Surviving Civil War II-I Hate To Say It, But America Is Going To Burn
For 3-5 More Months From Riots
It's already started in select
cities and these riots and looting are going to continue to spread out of inner cities and into American Suburbia. We've already
seen it happen a hand full of times and the end result has been less than favorable but still preferable to what is coming.
How can I be so confident?
a great question but an easy one to answer. I KNOW this is coming because Trump upset the apple cart when he was elected and
the radical left lost their minds.
Now that their party has put up another
weakling of a candidate, the fear of Trump winning the 2nd term has them literally crapping their pants and eating each other's
faces. There are so many factions of the Democrat Party and they are at war with each other.
Read more here:
Biden pledges to gut religious freedom protections, saying they give ‘hate' a ‘safe
(Natural News) Joe Biden made no bones about it: If he wins the presidential election, he will gut religious freedom protections that allow
faith-based homeless shelters, charities, and small business owners to act according to their consciences. Specifically, he
will shove LGBT ideology down the throats of religious Americans in the name of fighting "discrimination."
Read more here:
New 'Pandemic Predictive Programming' Movie Suggests They're Setting Us Up To
Be 'Cooked' Like Frogs In A Slowly Boiling Pot Of Water As Deagel's Population Reduction Forecast Accelerates
With 'Songbird', The Globalists Aren't Even Bothering To Hide Their Satanic Agenda
The new story over at NBC News couldn't be any more of
a blunt and in-your-face warning of what may be ahead for America, though as we'll see in the new trailer for a movie to be
released at some point in the future, the NBC News story is just a tiny glimpse of the blatant 'predictive programming'
being thrown in our faces in 2020.
With the NBC News
story titled "Top Trump Health Official Warns Of 'Draconian Measures' If America Doesn't Mask Up", their story reported that according to Brett Giroir, the assistant secretary of health and the Trump administration's
'Covid-19 testing czar' (see how they keep using that tyrannical, Soviet terminology!), it'll be local government's that begin to impose those 'draconian measures', not the federal government (though
all that changes if Joe Biden is elected!)
Read more here:
Science Nazis Demand Obedience To Their Political Agenda
Whether the issue is "Climate Change" or ways of dealing with COVID-19 the Radical
Left ridicules anyone who would dare to question their positions on critical issues. They accuse those who question
them or their claims of not believing in science.
Read more here:
Brace For War
forces aligned against us will never back down if they are appeased. We see their animosity for the Republic, our culture
and our religion. We wait for an election on Tuesday hoping for some resolution as if the election of one man will provide
our Republic's salvation. The government in the above statement is the Deep State. They may or may not know the horrors of
war but they do not care: their goal is power and the elimination of the deplorables.
Read more here:
Black Lives Matter in schools across America: It starts by teaching young children its Marxist-based ideology.
Well-crafted propaganda lessons (including LGBT) designed for various age groups.
Starting in elementary school!
When parents happen to watch their children's Zoom classes and notice an offensive Black Lives Matter assignment
or diatribe by the teacher during an academic class, they might assume it's an isolated situation.
But in fact, the vast national and local Black Lives Matter (BLM) curriculum materials are very
sophisticated and extremely well-planned. Their aim is to transform every child's mind starting as young as possible. The
BLM founders admit to being trained Marxists and LGBT activists - and the BLM ideology now flooding the nation's schools fully
reflects that.
Read more here:
Vatican celebrates China deal despite continued reports of persecuted Chinese
An article published in L'Osservatore Romano that
accompanied the press release cited the appointment of two bishops in the past two years and several processes of appointment
currently underway and expressed 'the hope of progressively achieving other positive goals.'
October 30, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - The Vatican celebrated the extension of the Provisional Agreement on the Appointment of Bishops with the Chinese
Communist Party, issuing a press release announcing the extension describing the agreement as "of great ecclesial and pastoral value" and the first
two years of its implementation "to have been positive."
more here:
Masks and burqas are both dehumanizing and freedom-crushing
Compare a woman at the market in Kabul, dressed head to toe in 'a voluminous, tent-like
full-body outer garment,' to a woman at an American grocery store, wearing very little but obediently hiding her face behind
a hideous blue surgical mask.
In urban areas, the Taliban brutally enforced
a dress code that required women to be covered under a burqa - a voluminous, tent-like full-body outer garment that covers
them from head to toe. One Anglo-Afghan journalist reported that the burqa's veil is so thick that the wearer finds it difficult
to breathe; the small mesh panel permitted for seeing allows such limited vision that even crossing the street safely is difficult.
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The Perfect Storm Is Here And There Will Be Election Day Rioting, Especially In
Liberal Cities Where Elected Officials Let Rioters Burn Everything Down
Barring a massive landslide win for President Trump or the Democrat candidate for president Joe Biden, there is absolutely
no doubt in our minds, nor the minds of state and federal government officials, that there will be chaos and rioting on the
night of November 3rd, or on November 4th as result tallies start trickling out.
A cornucopia of separate issues are about to collide on November 3rd, 2020, election day in America.
Read more here:
Governments Around the Globe Will Start to Suppress the People With Heavy-Handed
Hard Lockdown Tactics...
As was widely expected, Belgian Prime
Minister Alexander De Croo has announced a nationwide coronavirus lockdown that will apply to the entire nation, and last
for at least 6 weeks.
He said he imposed the lockdown to try and avoid
a complete collapse of Belgium's health-care system as more than 6,000 patients are currently occupying the country's COVID-19
Per the lockdown, which will be more restrictive than the ‘lockdown-light'
imposed by France and Germany. Belgium will extend a school holiday until Nov. 15, while ordering hairdressers and all nonessential
retailers to close. Outdoor gatherings will be limited to 4 people (despite researchers repeated claims that outdoor gatherings
are largely safe).
Read more here:
San Francisco curbs virus but once-vibrant downtown is empty
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Before the pandemic, Señor Sisig food trucks were a common sight in downtown San Francisco,
dishing out Filipino fusion tacos and burritos to long lines of workers who spilled out of office towers at lunch.
The trucks now are gone, forced into the suburbs because there's practically no one around
to feed in the city's center.
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New Zealand Votes to Legalize Euthanasia
Will make country "kinder, more compassionate, more humane," official says
New Zealand voted in favor of legalizing euthanasia in a binding referendum, according to results released
on Friday.
Preliminary results showed 65% of voters voted
in favor, and 34% against, with 83% of the vote counted, according to the Electoral Commission.
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Coinbase launches its cryptocurrency Visa debit card in the US
It draws directly from your Coinbase account
Coinbase has announced that US customers can now join the waitlist for its Coinbase Card, a debit Visa card that
allows customers to spend cryptocurrency anywhere Visa cards are accepted. Coinbase claims it's "the easiest, quickest way to spend your crypto worldwide." Previously, the card was only available in Europe.
Read more here:
California threatens to arrest 12 year old for missing three Zoom classes
Are you ready for this week's absurdity? Here's our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous
stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity... and on occasion, inspiring poetic
School Threatens to Arrest 12 Year Old
Over Three Missed Zoom Classes
A California school sent a letter
threatening to arrest and prosecute a 12 year old boy who missed 90 minutes of online virtual classes.
The letter says the middle-schooler is considered truant if he misses more than a half hour of any
given class.
Read more here:
US Seizes "Largest Ever" Haul Of Iranian Missiles & Oil: 'Enough
For A Large Military Force'
On Thursday the United States revealed
it had previously seized a major shipment of Iranian missiles bound for Yemen, and separately that it seized
and later sold 1.1 million barrels of Iranian fuel bound for Venezuela.
describe the seizer was accomplished by two US warships in regional waters that apprehended a total of 171 guided anti-tank missiles, eight surface-to-air missiles, and associated equipment,
according to a statement by Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Demers.
"These actions represent the government's largest-ever forfeitures actions for fuel and weapons shipments
from Iran," the Justice Department said.
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A Society On The Brink Of Complete And Utter Chaos: America
is literally in the process of coming apart at the seams, and there will be a lot more rioting, looting, and civil unrest
in the days ahead.
It is heartbreaking to watch the violence
that is taking place on the streets of Minneapolis. I have quite a few relatives that live in the Twin Cities area,
and I have been there many times. In the old days, it always felt so peaceful, but not anymore.
The tragic death of George Floyd has unleashed a massive wave of anger, and the riots have made
headlines all over the globe. Originally, many had anticipated that Thursday night would not be as violent as Wednesday
night was, but that was not a safe assumption to make. Around 10 o'clock, protesters stormed into the Minneapolis Police
Department's 3rd Precinct building and set it on fire...
Read more
How corporations can delete your existence
Losing a Twitter account for controversial statements is one thing; losing a bank account
is quite another
Let's call her Laura. In September, Laura was
out in Leeds City Centre, buying some bits, when her card was declined. Funny, she thought. She definitely wasn't
in the red. But these things happen, so she left the shop, tinting crimson, and dashed towards the nearest cashpoint.
But her card wouldn't work at the cashpoint either. She tried another one. With the same
Laura opened the banking app on her phone. It said only ‘error',
then automatically closed.
Read more here:
CCP to Blame for COVID-19 Pandemic, Peter Navarro Says
American voters should be made more aware that the global COVID-19 pandemic is the fault
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-a fact that the Democrats are trying to dodge due to their "unspoken alliance"
with the regime, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro said.
"If you think about the Democrat Party and the Chinese Communist
Party, both having the same goal, which is to defeat Donald Trump," Navarro told The Epoch Times' "American Though Leaders." "The tacit collusion comes in the form of
the Democrat Party refusing repeatedly to assign any blame to the Chinese Communist Party for this virus."
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Cybersecurity Expert Authenticates ‘Smoking Gun' Hunter Biden Email
A cybersecurity expert used a cryptographic key to definitively authenticate a key email
recovered from the laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden, the son of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
Robert Graham of Errata Security received the email from The Daily Caller, which received a copy of the Hunter Biden hard drive from Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump's personal attorney.
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Michigan bars, restaurants will require diners' names, phone numbers starting
Diners in Michigan will be required to give their name and phone number to restaurants and bars starting Monday in an effort to contain a recent coronavirus surge, according to reports.
The new rule was put in place by the
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services on Thursday and also includes limiting indoor gatherings without fixed seating
-- like in restaurants -- to 50 people and individual tables to six people, The Detroit News reported.
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Amid Tensions, Russia Is Deploying Thousands Of Soldiers Near China Border
As tensions have dangerously flared-up near China-India and China-Tawan border,
why is Russia also looking to strengthen its border near China?
Russian President Vladimir Putin has begun efforts to increase his homeland's military presence in the Far East along the
border with China, amid growing foreign threats.
According to Defence
Minister Sergei Shoigu, Moscow's decision to send reinforcements comes at the back of rising tensions in the "eastern
strategic direction", an area encompassing Russia's eastern border with China and the wider Asia-Pacific.
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Reality Sets in: Civil War is Upon Us - Businesses Boarding Up
After literally MONTHS of rumors and fears that the US was actually heading into Civil War, reality
began setting-in today in Washington, DC. Stores, office buildings and apartment complexes have begun Boarding up their
This weekend, valuable inventory and equipment in many corporate
offices and large retail stores is scheduled to be moved; with local and nationwide moving companies almost COMPLETELY BOOKED
to evacuate businesses this weekend.
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Chinese Communist Party Connection to Black Lives Matter
BLM leaders are closely tied to the Chinese Communist Party - the main connection is through
Asians 4 Black Lives, which is controlled by the San Francisco based Chinese Progressive Association or CPA. The CPA is the
Communist Party of China's main West Coast support group. The Chinese Communist Party cares about US race relations. Driving
racial division here is an essential part of the CCP's unrestricted warfare against our nation. That should concern all who
care about America.
Choose Freedom.
Read more here with video:
Nolte: Riots in Democrat-run Philadelphia described as a ‘total loss'
(Natural News) Why would any sane person want to live in a Democrat-run city?
by John Nolte republished from
Why live in places like Philadelphia, where two nights of rioting have
resulted in what's now being described as a "total loss"?
Wallace Jr., the man shot and killed by the Philadelphia police three days ago, is not George Floyd. George Floyd was lying
on the ground helpless for eight minutes as a police officer, who's now been charged with third-degree murder, kneeled on
his neck. Walter Wallace Jr. brandished a knife before he was shot.
more here:
OBAMA'S ARMY OF DEATH: Waiting for Orders From Their Commander
Since the election of Donald Trump, the "Shadow Government" troops of
Barack Obama and his minions are out in full force. Did this movement just spontaneously appear on the streets? If
you believe that, then I'm glad that you are reading this article.
BHO's regime, he promised that he would have a domestic army that would be as powerful as our military.
Now I realize that he was not talking about an army in the traditional sense of the word. Remember
- Obama was a Community Organizer before he became president. I rather call that position a Community "Agitator."
He is using the tactics of his hero, Saul Alinsky, who wrote "Rules for Radicals."
Read more here:
Why Mandatory Masks Are A Terrifying, Totalitarian, Psychotic Experiment To See
If Humanity Will Bow To A "Covidian Cult"
to wear a mask, fine. But we have now fallen deep into a Covidian Cult, a totalitarian psychotic narrative that has little
connection to reality or to the facts. Suffice to say, one just needs to type into Google "The Great Barrington Declaration"
or ACU2020, where one can read about the large number of doctors, scientists and lawyers who are opposing multi-governmental
COVID19 restrictions and laws of social distancing, lockdown, mandatory/coerced consent to vaccines, and mandatory face masks,
amongst other things. Their essential argument, contra the multi-government policy on COVID19, is that virus is not the danger
we are being told it is; the data on COVID19 is clear: we do not need to lockdown society, wreck the economy, or frighten
people into death as they are scared to leave home for fear of catching COVID19 or seek medical treatment for non-COVID19
illness, which has happened. Specifically, many doctors and scientists argue that face masks are not protective and could
be very harmful... (READ MORE)
What started as a political scandal rooted in financial corruption involving former vice
president and Senate foreign relations chair Joe Biden and his family has taken an ominous turn with the discovery of what
long-time investigator Chris Mitchell called "the most disgusting, evil and revolting things I have seen in my life."
Mitchell was describing images of children, included in nearly 30,000 images with Hunter Biden and Chinese children, as well
as with the children of his brother who passed away in 2016. The images are so revolting the FBI is investigating. According
to one news source, National File has obtained what a whistleblower has identified as a copy of the complete diary of Ashley
Blazer Biden, 39-year-old daughter of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. In it, she explains what was behind her
widely publicized struggle with drugs and "probably not appropriate showers" as a young girl with her father, Joe
Biden, who has long been plagued with occurrences of inappropriate public interactions with young women. "Was I molested,"
she said. "I can't remember specifics, but I do remember trauma." She lists a series of incidents, one of which
included... (READ MORE)
Lawyers with "The Orders Project" encouraging National Guard to stand
down following election and let leftists destroy American cities
(Natural News) The U.S. military is a solid, professional organization that isn't political and is trained to follow the lawful order of
commanders up and down the chain, from the lowest-ranking NCO to the highest-ranking general, to the commander-in-chief of
all the armed forces, the president of the United States.
It doesn't matter
who the president is. Many of the same enlisted personnel and officers who were serving during President Barack Obama's administration
are still serving under President Donald Trump.
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How the US and India became brothers in arms
India and US have overcome historically rocky relations to forge a key defense pact aimed primarily
at China
The visit of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and US Secretary
of Defense Mark Esper to India for the third India-US 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue coupled with the recent Quad consultations
between the two sides have refocused attention on the ties between two of the world's biggest, and perhaps most consequential,
The signing of a much-awaited key military pact - the Basic
Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (BECA) - amid India's standoff with China in Eastern Ladakh, Washington's trade frictions
with Beijing and China's assertive adventurism in the South China Sea has, if anything, instated China as a stimulus for stronger
US-India defense ties.
Read more here:
TOTAL WAR is coming to America after Biden is DEFEATED on Nov. 3rd; prepare for
every worst case scenario you've ever imagined
(Natural News) What follows is a compilation of the latest intel from several sources.
and most importantly, the Democrats' own internal polling tells them Joe Biden will lose the election next week.
They are well aware of this and have been for some time. The pro-Trump Black vote - which is currently running at an astonishing
31% according to Rasmussen - is the final nail in the coffin (see below).
of the bombshells we've learned from our sources is that several of the large, mainstream polling companies are outright
fabricating polling results. They're not even calling people, in other words. They're just pulling numbers out of
thin air and committing straight up scientific fraud. Thus, the issue with the polls is not that they are "oversampling
Democrats," it's that they are total fiction. The "methodology" doesn't matter when the numbers are all invented
in the first place.
Read more here:
Paramilitary Arm Of Democrat Party AKA Rioters Helping President
Trump Get Re-elected - Philadelphia Rioters Tearing Up Joe Biden Stronghold In Pennsylvania And Alienating Moderate
Riots in PA started with just a week to go before the
presidential elections. The riots are supposedly in protest to the shooting of a knife wielding black man, Walter Wallace
Jr, by police.
Rioters threw bricks and rocks at police officers on
Monday night, and a driver intentionally ran over a 56-year-old sergeant, who suffered a broken leg and other injuries. Meanwhile,
looters targeted several Rite Aid branches as well as clothing and food stores. Officers arrested 91 rioters on Monday.
Note we are not calling these "protests," because legal peaceful protests do
not include looting and leaving stores in local areas in the condition seen in the image above.
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Van full of explosives found in Philadelphia following week of social unrest
Philadelphia is on high alert Thursday after authorities discovered a van filled with
explosives and other suspicious cargo - including propane tanks, torches and possibly sticks of dynamite - on Wednesday night
following two nights of protests and unrest after the shooting death of a Black man by police in West Philadelphia on Monday
Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney announced in a virtual press
conference on Wednesday night that an undetermined number of Pennsylvania National Guard troops will begin arriving in Philadelphia
on Friday to assist police.
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New Canadian Bill Would Criminalize Christian Teaching On Sexuality
Update 10-30-20: Members of Parliament voted 305-7 in favor of Bill C-6. It now moves to the House of Commons.
The government
of Canada is becoming more Communist than Socialist at this point. If a new bill, C-6 becomes law, parents could be subject
to ‘criminal prosecution' for private conversations with their children about sexual orientation.
The government wants control over your life, including your families. They are trying to dictate
to you morality. God already did that, yet, as always, man seeks to try and improve on what God already created and established.
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Macron Orders France Under De Facto House Arrest Following Germany With New Lockdown
The decision for new lockdown measures comes just weeks
after World Health Organization envoy Dr. David Nabarro cautioned the world against using lockdowns as a means of controlling
the virus.
Both French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor
Angela Merkel announced fresh lockdowns of their citizens on Wednesday.
will head into the new lockdown starting Friday under which citizens can only leave home to go to work, to go to school, for
a medical appointment, to give assistance to loved ones, for essential shopping or for physical exercise, as DW reports.
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How The Worst Famine In The US History Killed 3 Out Of 4 People
- Is A Horror Story From The Distant Past, But It Also Contains A Lot Of Lessons For Preppers
For as long as there have been people, there's been famine. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors
developed agriculture because, although most people's diets actually got worse when they started farming, it was easier to
build up the stores needed to survive a future shortage. Famines still happened, though; bad weather, disease or pests could
destroy the crops, and that usually meant starvation would follow. Famines are described in the Bible and the works of Greek
and Roman historians. They regularly devastated Europe through the Middle Ages and as late as the 1840s, when blight ravaged
the whole continent's potato crop (not just Ireland's) and killed over a million people.
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The virus-story: breaking the chains of medical civilization
In the same way the CIA invented foreign enemies which required us to go to war, there
are people who have invented stories of fearful germs that demand medical treatment and prevention. The story tellers know
that among the public, many people WANT the germ, need it, and even love it. Yes, love it, after enough conditioning has helped
them along the path of surrender.
The COVID operation aims to engulf all
of civilization in a preposterous and fake medical nightmare.
The operation
has its roots in "modifying" citizens to accept medical dictates.
more here:
A Biden Presidency Will Mean A Faster US collapse
The election of 2020 is perhaps the most bizarre affair in modern American history; not since the
post Civil War turmoil of reconstruction and the election of 1876 have we seen the nation divided so completely along ideological
lines. Questions of states rights vs. federal power were at the forefront at that time, and the presence of federal troops
in the American south was a primary voting concern. The Democrats were the party of the Confederacy, the Republicans were
the party of the Union. Though they had lost the war, southerners were finding ways to strike back during the elections.
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NOW? UPDATE 1:21 PM -- Cellular calls FAILING in NYC area
of the top tier communications companies are suddenly seeing surges in outages as of about 10:00 AM Wednesday. Verizon,
COmcast, AT&T, Sprint, COX, Suddenlink and others are suddenly seeing huge spikes in reported outages; all with no explanation.
Maps of outage areas showing below:
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COVID-19 Roadmap: 12 Step Plan To Create A Totalitarian "New
World Order" - We're On Number 8, Headed Towards Number 9!
One can step back from all the MK Ultra mind control through the propaganda of the mainstream media and lying politicians
and clearly see that the CON-vid hysteria is the invisible enemy tyrants are using to push forward both the United Nations'
Agenda 21 and advance toward Agenda 2030. Below is ann infographic that provides the 12 step plan of using a virtually
unproven "virus" to bring about the New World Order, and it's right on schedule unless the people stop it.
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UK Police Force Says it Will Break Up Christmas Gatherings to Enforce COVID Rules
"Police will have to intervene."
A police force in the UK has vowed to break up Christmas family gatherings that violate coronavirus ‘social
distancing' restrictions.
The West Midlands Police and Crime
Commissioner David Jamieson said the force wouldn't hesitate to intervene in situations where the rules were being broken.
"If we think there's large groups of people gathering where they shouldn't be, then
police will have to intervene. If, again, there's flagrant breaking of the rules, then the police would have to enforce,"
Jamieson remarked.
Read more here:
It's not COVID-19 that will kill us all its Profit-seeking algorithms.
Algorithms in Decision Making.
We should be warier
of their power. People don't need to understand something to do it. The algorithm does it for them.
They're are increasingly determining our collective future.
We are already halfway towards a world where algorithms run everything.
With the current Pandemic, it is, not who will survive, but how and at what cost, not just to economic systems but to our
hard-earned freedoms.
Times will be rough as society tries to come up with an appropriate balance
between who gets the jab.
Read more here:
Take Your Property From You Without Your Consent (Even If They Are Paying You For It) Then You Don't Really Have A Right To
Own Private Property At All. And You're Truly Not Free.
is no version of eminent domain that coincides with liberty. On the contrary, the two ideas are antithetical to each other.
As a champion of liberty, John Locke stated in his Second Treatise of Civil Government, "For I have truly no Property
in that, which another can by right take from me, when he pleases against my Consent."
In other words, if the government can take your property from you without your consent - even if they are paying
you for it - then you don't really have a right to own private property at all.
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Joe Biden Has Aligned Himself With Thieves, Thugs, Tyrants, Totalitarians
And Terrorists - Democrats Demands For Sanctuary Cities And Open Borders Is A Plan For Anarchy
Joe Biden said, "I respect no borders!" Well, neither do thieves, thugs, tyrants, and totalitarians. Nor do border-crossing drug
lords, terrorists, pedophiles, disease carriers, and job seekers. Thinking Americans know that there must be order in everything.
Without borders, there are no nations, but then, that's what leftists want. Protestors chant, "No borders, no walls,
no USA at all!" Their demand for amnesty, sanctuary cities, and open borders is a plan for anarchy.
I have been accused of being unreasonable, unkind, and even unchristian in my opposition
of amnesty and sanctuary cities; however, the accusation is not based on solid reasoning or the Scripture. Leftist Evangelicals
misrepresent the Bible to make it fit their pathetic, perverted, progressive, and political positions.
Read more here:
CCP takes advantage of Hunter Biden firm to take control over major swaths of
American real estate
(Natural News) While former Vice President Joe Biden was getting cash and equity kickbacks from his son's crooked business deals with foreign
governments, a Chinese company with deep CCP ties was strategically positioning their team to take advantage of Hunter Biden's
firm so they could ultimately take control over major swaths of American real estate.
In 2015, Gemini Investments claimed a large stake in Rosemont Realty, a sister company of Hunter Biden's Rosemont
Seneca firm. The Chinese used their majority stake to take advantage of the U.S. They pledged $3 billion for "commercial office property acquisitions" in the US. This gave the Chinese power over 8 million square feet of American real estate in thirteen states, as Hunter
Biden's firm became a wide-open door for the Chinese to take advantage of the United States.
Read more here:
New Zealand's COVID-19 Quarantine ‘camps' Are the End of Personal Freedom
Pacific island nation has 25 coronavirus deaths out of population of nearly five
Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson
condemned New Zealand‘s institution of coronavirus quarantine "camps" on "The Ingraham Angle" Tuesday.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, of the center-left New
Zealand Labour Party, announced in a video that if people sent to the camp refuse to be tested, they will be required to remain
another two weeks after their initial two-week stay.
Ardern called the
warning a "pretty good incentive" to get tested for COVID-19.
either get your test done and make sure you are cleared, or we will keep you in a facility longer," she said.
Read more here:
5 Deadliest COVID Districts in US Have Dem Reps - Look Who Represents the Worst
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez likes criticizing Republicans,
particularly President Donald Trump, over their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
On Oct. 6, for instance, AOC criticized Trump for advising Republicans to hold off on negotiating a COVID-19 relief
package until after the presidential election given House Leader Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats' radical partisanship
during stimulus negotiations.
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Massive asteroid named after Apophis - the 'God of Chaos'
- gains speed as it travels towards Earth with a potential impact date of 2068 in explosion that would be equivalent to 880
An asteroid named after the God of Chaos
is gaining speed as it travels on a path towards Earth - and could strike our planet in 48 years, experts warn.
Astronomers at the University of Hawai'i confirmed the massive asteroid Apophis has accelerated
on its path due to non-uniform radiation, which acts like a tiny thruster.
to the discovery, the impact was said to impossible, but the new findings suggest the asteroid has a chance of crashing into
Earth on April 12, 2068 - and it could be catastrophic.
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2021 A Year of Mass Bankruptcy - John Rubino
Financial writer John Rubino says, "2021 is going to be a pivotal year" in the debt markets.
Rubino says lots of debt will either be bailed out or defaulted on in some way. Because of CV19, there is no getting
around this. The debt clock has been pushed forward by years. One too huge to hide debt problem are heavily indebted
U.S. states and cities. Rubino says, "You have to call this a scam because years ago, they decided to offer wildly
over generous pensions to public sector unions. In return for that, the public sector unions elected people who would
keep on doing that and keep the gravy train going. . . . Back then, it worked . . . but now they are all retiring, and these
states and cities are heading for some version of bankruptcy at an accelerated rate. It was always going to happen in
the next 10 years, but with the pandemic, the time frame has been moved way up. So, probably 2021 will be a year where
a lot of these guys hit a wall where they have no choice but to default on a lot of their obligations. That's going
to throw the financial system into turmoil."
Read more here:
The winds of war are now blowing around the world. One day we will look back on these days with longing as one would
look back on the gentle breezes of summer as the hurricane blows outside.
winter season of the fourth turning is increasing with intensity as most people are fooled into believing that summer is just
a few days off. When the winds become deadly and the snow begins to pile up, many will not be prepared to care for themselves.
They will find themselves helpless and unprepared for this new weather system. Many will die and many more will suffer as
they are cut off from the supplies and materials they depend on for normal living. They will become immobile and have little
communication to tell them what to do. When the weather has them at their most vulnerable, the wolves will begin to show up
at their door.
Read more here:
Why are the Trafalgar and Rasmussen polls so different from the polls the mainstream
media puts out?
Have you noticed that poll results seem to be
all over the place this election season? The mainstream media is constantly touting polls that show Joe Biden with a
huge national lead and strong leads in most of the critical swing states. But independent pollsters such as Trafalgar,
Rasmussen and others consistently come out with polls that show President Trump doing very well in the swing states.
In fact, if the Trafalgar polls end up being as accurate as they were in 2016, Trump will win the election. But if you
listen to the pundits in the mainstream media, that is almost impossible. In fact, earlier today on The Most Important News I posted one mainstream forecast that is projecting that Joe Biden has a 95 percent chance of winning the election. Someone is definitely very wrong, and soon we will find out who that is.
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The Facts on Halloween
ad 835, Pope Gregory IV designated November 1 as All Saints' Day, or All Hallows' Day (the term hallow refers to
saints). The night before November 1, October 31, was known as All Hallows' Evening. How did we get the term Halloween?
Look at the name "All Hallows' Evening." If we drop the word "all," the "s" on Hallows', and
the "v" and "ing" on evening, the result spells Halloween.
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ready for the biggest collapse in the history of mankind. It will be devastating and reach all parts of society, economic,
financial, political & social.
But wait, it won't happen just yet.
Because before that the world will experience a LIFTOFF in markets of gigantic proportions. This will be the grand finale
of this financial era. It will involve inflationary liquidity injections of proportions never seen before in history and lead
to a massive explosion in many asset markets.
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Fauci knew about HCQ in 2005 -- nobody needed to die
Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose "expert" advice to President Trump has resulted
in the complete shutdown of the greatest economic engine in world history, has known since 2005 that chloroquine is an effective
inhibitor of coronaviruses.
How did he know this? Because of
research done by the National Institutes of Health, of which he is the director. In connection with the SARS outbreak - caused
by a coronavirus dubbed SARS- CoV - the NIH researched chloroquine and concluded that it was effective at stopping the SARS
coronavirus in its tracks. The COVID-19 bug is likewise a coronavirus, labeled SARS-CoV-2. While not exactly the same virus
as SARS-CoV-1, it is genetically related to it, and shares 79% of its genome, as the name SARS-CoV-2 implies. They both use
the same host cell receptor, which is what viruses use to gain entry to the cell and infect the victim.
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Head Of Biden Transition Team Endorses Blowing Up Supreme Court
A radical proposal to enforce 18-year term limits on the Supreme Court was endorsed by former Sen. Ted Kaufman, who is now the leader of Democratic
Nominee Joe Biden's transition team.
As head of the transition team, Kaufman
oversees the staffing of a potential Biden administration, and would play a close role in selecting the White House's most
powerful figures. The former senator is a longtime adviser of Biden's, having spent nearly 20 years as his chief of staff.
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Is that Mask Giving You Lung Cancer? It's Criminal to Force Children to Wear Masks all Day
I happen to know a thing or two about masks and safety.
Why? Because for 25 years I was the editor of an award-winning trade magazine called HazMat
Management that covered such topics as pollution prevention and compliance with health & safety laws.
We routinely published articles on masks, gloves, respirators and other forms of personal
protective equipment (PPE).
Now let me tell you a few things about that
mask you're wearing.
And please note that what I'm about to share was
also stated in the most recent edition of Del Bigtree's program The Highwire when two OSHA mask experts spoke to the fact
that the kinds of masks people are wearing were never (never!) designed to be worn for long periods and doing so is very harmful.
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Vaccines are the problem, not the solution. Vaccination has made murder legal.
Vaccines have always been rife with controversy. They effectively
give you a disease before you catch a disease. We shall start with the most obvious illogic - how can unvaccinated people
be a risk to vaccinated people if vaccination actually works?
The first
smallpox ‘vaccine' was conceptualized in 1796. We shall study the vaccine thoughts of writers, doctors, and scientists
during the last two hundred years. The first thing you shall realize is that vaccines are not ‘proven' science. I present
you with some quotes over the three centuries:
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Second night of looting breaks out in Philadelphia amid BLM protests
over fatal police shooting of Walter Wallace, car rams NYPD officers and mother of black man who died fleeing cops
in Washington DC is maced by officers
Looters ransacked stores
in Philadelphia for a second night on Tuesday as Black Lives Matter protesters took to the streets of the city, as well as
Washington DC and New York, following the deaths of two black men.
Walter Wallace, 27, was killed Monday when Philadelphia police officers fired after he approached them with a knife.
His family had called for an ambulance to get him help with a mental health crisis, not for police intervention, their lawyer
said Tuesday.
And Karon Hylton, 20, died Monday after crashing into
a car while being chased on a Revel scooter by police in DC.
more here:
The MSM's Attempts To 'Save Joe' Backfire As Their Censorship Of
Hunter Biden Scandal Blows Up In Their Faces - Google searches for 'change my vote' spike since laptop scandal broke
As more than 60 million votes have already been cast in the 2020 presidential election,
we see that "Google searches for "change my vote" have spiked over the last several days " as reported by New York Post.
Apparently the scandals involving Joe Biden and his son
Hunter have started to filter down to those that are not online political junkies, despite the attempts by the media and social
media to hide the news from their audiences and users.
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Why the Next Shooting War Could Go Nuclear
Nuclear expert James Acton believes that we are entering into an era of what he calls "nuclear entanglement," one that promises to be different from anything we've seen before. Its main characteristic: an increasingly blurry line between nuclear and conventional weapons.
"During the Cold
War, the nuclear and non-nuclear domains were largely distinct," said Acton in an interview for the podcast, Press The Button. "Most delivery systems were nuclear or they were conventional, but they couldn't accommodate both types of weapons."
The same goes for the threats facing nuclear weapons themselves. The majority of these, he explained, "came from other
nuclear weapons."
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Joe Biden Calls Kamala Harris' Husband ‘Kamala's Wife'
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden referred to Sen. Kamala Harris's (D-CA) husband,
Doug Emhoff, as "Kamala's wife" during an interview on Monday with a local news station.
In an interview with NBC 5 DFW, Biden responded to a question about the type of effort that his
campaign was making in the state during the final week of campaigning.
more here:
Biden Repeats Threats Against Religious Freedom, Calls Conservative Christians
"Dregs Of Society"
The left has grown increasingly
hostile to biblical orthodox Christianity. Even the Democratic nominee Jose Biden represents an insidious threat to the religious
freedom of conservative Christians. He also represents a threat to Roman Catholics, even though he claims to be a practicing
Catholic. How could this be? Biden's rhetoric and policies single out those who adhere to traditional religious beliefs and
moral convictions, aiming to limit their ability to live by their consciences and ostracizing them from polite society. The
Democrat may outwardly campaign on a platform of unity and diversity, but his candidacy truly represents a threat to traditional
religious believers... (READ MORE)
Silverado Fire in Southern California forces up to 60,000 to evacuate - Power cut to 1 million
due to fire danger
A new blaze, the Silverado Fire, prompted
evacuations for about 60,000 residents - also affected about 10 schools - Monday in the Orchard Hills neighborhood of Irvine,
Orange County, California.
The fire, which began Monday morning at 6:47
a.m. PDT, quickly exploded to 500 acres during some of the season's most extreme fire conditions.
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SELCO: Everything Is Fluid When the SHTF - Including the Rules of Survival
In hard and weird times, everything is fluid.
I bet you have heard many times that expression, but what does it actually mean?
In essence, it means if you do not pay attention to that "fluidity" or let s say if you do not keep paying
attention to the timing of everything you are gonna make mistakes, and even more, you may end up dead.
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We Must Fight for Freedom and Defend it at Every Turn. War is Upon Us, Whether
You Like it or Not.
Well we have Seven Days until the election.
What's going to happen?
It should be painfully obvious to everyone now
that the Mainstream Media are just as big of enemies to our country as 99% of the people serving in our government are as
I've had many discussions about all the different scenarios come
election night. Right now I think the only way the crap doesn't hit the fan right away is a Trump landslide. He has to win
the electoral college huge and win the popular vote. I think that may be the only way this country doesn't come flying apart
election night. The left/communist will have to take a hard look at themselves in that instance. But even that is a long shot.
It's just my opinion. Hell some say that scenario is instant war. Either way I don't think there is any way that trouble doesn't
rear it's ugly head. If you aren't ready, you are out of time.
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King Newsom bans indoor gatherings for Thanksgiving and Christmas
California won't allow indoor family gatherings for the holidays, Christmas and Thanksgiving, and outdoor gatherings are limited to three families
for a maximum of two hours.
This is arbitrary and tyrannical.
"Gatherings that include more than 3 households are prohibited. This includes everyone
present, including hosts and guests. Remember, the smaller the number of people, the safer," reads the "Guidance for Private Gatherings," issued by the California Department of Public Health on October 9.
more here:
'You'll Bury Everyone Involved': Bobulinski Recorded Biden Operatives Begging
Him To Stay Quiet, Set To Release Tues
Former Biden insider Tony
Bobulinski allegedly has a recording of Biden family operatives begging him to stay quiet, or he will "bury"
the reputations of everyone involved in Hunter's overseas dealings.
to The Federalist's Sean Davis, Bobulinski will play the tape on Fox News' "Tucker
Carlson Tonight" on Tuesday, when Carlson will devote his show 'entirely' to an interview with the Biden whistleblower.
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Singapore suspends using two flu vaccines after 48 patients die in South Korea
Singapore has temporarily halted the use of two influenza vaccines
as a precaution after some people who received them in South Korea died, becoming among the first countries to publicly announce
a halt of the vaccines' use.
South Korea reported that 48 have died as of Saturday after getting flu shots but said it would carry on with the state-run vaccination programme as they found no direct link between the deaths and the
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Post-election 2020: Two studies say all hell to break loose
Two recent reports, when combined, paint a dark pathway for America in the coming weeks,
a nation set on fire by multiple contentious court battles and widespread daily protests.
The 79 Days Report, by the Claremont Institute and the Texas Policy Foundation, illuminates
possible election legal battles on the horizon and how they might play out in the courts. The bottom line? The
litigation will be time-consuming and combative. There's no fast-forward button to speed up the process.
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CHAOS IN PHILLY: Shops and Police Vehicle Looted During Black Lives Matter Riot
- Fires, Officer Down, Police ‘Lost Control of 52nd Street' (VIDEOS)
A massive violent riot has broken in Philadelphia in response to the police shooting of a black man who ran
at officers with a knife.
At least one officer was hit by a large
truck, a police vehicle was looted, another was lit on fire, and shops are currently being ransacked. The condition of the
officer who was struck by the vehicle is not currently known.
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Kamala Harris: "220 Million Americans Died" From COVID
Kamala Harris has one-upped Joe Biden's numerous coronavirus speaking gaffes after
she claimed that 220 million Americans had died as a result of COVID-19.
"We're looking at over 220 million Americans who just in the last several months died," said the Vice Presidential
Harris obviously meant to say 220 thousand, but her verbal
slip up is a continuation of a trend that has befallen Joe Biden on several occasions.
Biden has wildly exaggerated the death toll of coronavirus at least three separate times.
During a speech honoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg last month, Biden blamed President Trump for the spread
of the virus and stated, "It's estimated that 200 million people have died-probably by the time I-finish this talk."
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Arctic blast brings minus-29 degree cold to Montana as snow and ice plaster central
A blast of frigid Arctic air has descended over the Western
United States, toppling records far and wide as readings plummet to some 40 degrees below average for this time of year. Temperatures
throughout much of the Rockies dipped below zero to start the week, falling as low as minus-29.2 in Potomac, Mont., early
Sunday - the coldest temperature ever observed this early in the season across the Lower 48.
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US ratchets up China overflights: report
China-based research group claims US military flights over the seas near China have spiked in September
While China continues to harangue Taiwan with overflights, forcing the island nation to
scramble its air force, it seems Beijing is getting a taste of its own medicine lately.
According to Chinese state-backed research organization South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Initiative's
website, a reported spike in US military flights over the seas near China reflects Washington's drive to deter Chinese expansion
in contested waters, Voice of America reported.
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The Cult Of The Brave New Normal
In March, it was just a three-week lockdown, to flatten the curve so as not to overwhelm the NHS. The
narrative has quickly evolved. It has progressed from what seemed a reasonable idea of keeping NHS bed space free based on
the completely false Neil Fergusson prediction that hospitals would be overwhelmed by patients suffering from COVID19.
Indeed, the UK government advice from the likes of Chris Whitty and the World Health Organisation
was that face masks were not effective in stopping the spread of COVID19 or in contracting it; science does not change that
quick - anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar.
The result is
that we have now fallen deep into a Covidian Cult, a totalitarian psychotic narrative that has little connection to reality
or to the facts.
The opposition to official government narratives
regarding Covid19 are well known. I will not bother again telling you what is already known or can be readily ascertained.
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Globalists, Including Joe Biden, Keep Pushing This Nightmare Scenario, Bio-Warfare
Simulation 'Codeword' - Why? Nearly 20-Year-Old Blueprint To Engineer The Destruction Of America Is Playing Out Before Our
With the 'winter of 2020/2021' already off to a
cold and snowy start across large parts of America, (and long before winter even officially begins!), and an Arctic blast set to unleash sub-zero temperatures across 'middle-America', remarks made by Joe Biden during the most recent Presidential debate have opened a
lot of eyes, with Biden actually doubling down in his warning, seemingly about Covid-19, as heard in the 1st video at the
bottom of this story: "We are about to go into a Dark Winter. A Dark Winter."
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Twitter Goes Full Orwell, Censors All Topics "Likely To Be Subject To Election
As if a complete and total coverup of the Hunter Biden story by the mainstream media and big tech wasn't far enough; and as if every social media product and
app you use annoyingly reminding you to vote on November 3 wasn't enough, Twitter has now apparently gone "full Orwell"
and, through a spokesperson, basically said they will prompt users with warnings on "topics that are likely to be the
subject of election misinformation".
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A 45 Year Old Movie Tells America What Lies Ahead In the Immediate Future
We are in the midst of the most pivotal time for the United States. In fact, we are in
the most pivotal time for all of humanity.
If one would have explained
that the entertainment industry, through a practice called "predictive programming" could accurately predict our
future, I would have said that was insane. However, as the years passed, I looked at classic movies and books and recognized
a stunning set of predictions that emanated from entertainment with amazing accuracy.
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Watch: Joe Biden Can't Walk Or Speak Right: Biden
Is In No Condition To Be President - He Spends Most His Time 'In The Basement' Which A President Cannot Do!
Joe Bidens has been known for his gaffes for quite a while and anyone that has been watching
him has seen those gaffes turn into an embarrassing amount of total screwups, from telling a black man that if he doesn't
vote for Biden he "ain't black," to his most recent, by accidentally admitting out loud that the Biden campaign
has "the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization in the history of American politics."
To be fair, because we do not wish to be like the establishment media, Biden then went
on to describe a bevy of lawyers to "fight" fraud, yet that does not change his orginal wording, nor the lack of
the "anti" before the "voter fraud."
The point that
we will be making is that Biden's mental degeneration, which has been cringeworthy to watch, is only one side of the coin.
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Joe Biden Forgets Trump's Name Again, Claims He Is Running Against "George
With 8 days left until Election Day, Vice President
Joe Biden is still having trouble remembering exactly who he's running against.
It's definitely not the first time this has happened, but during a critical opportunity to appeal to young voters from the safety of his basement (Joe and Dr.
Jill Biden were making a brief appearance during the "I Will Vote" livestream) Biden stumbled and appeared to forget
President Trump's name, awkwardly referring to him as "my opponent" before stammering out "George Bush".
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Health Expert: Mask Wearing Will Remain Mandatory Even After a COVID Vaccine
A top doctor who served as an expert witness for the U.S. Congress says that even
after a COVID-19 vaccine is available, mask wearing and other social distancing measures will remain mandatory.
"I feel like there is this perception that once we have a #CoronavirusVaccine life
will go back to normal," tweeted Dr.Krutika Kuppalli.
will not be like it was pre-COVID. Even after we have a #vaccine you will still need to use good hand hygiene, maintain physical
distance, avoid crowds and wear masks," she added.
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Trump the Winner in November - Gerald Celente
Gerald Celente, a top trends researcher and Publisher of The Trends Journal, predicted in September that the massive
cheating campaign by Democrats will not work. Celente said, "Trump will use the power of the Presidency to extend this
thing as much as he can, proving fraud and not leaving because of that. Now, Celente has a few new predictions. Celente contends,
"Young people are not going to come out to vote for Joe Biden. . . .You can see this at his campaign rallies because
nobody is showing up. The young just don't have the enthusiasm for Joe."
more here:
U.S. Moving Self-Propelled Artillery To Border with Quebec; Reports
of Uniformed Chinese Troops in Canada
For weeks, stories
have been coming out about large numbers of Chinese troops in Canada, near Vancouver, BC. Now, more information indicates
additional uniformed Chinese troops are mustering elsewhere near the US border in Canada; this time, along the Quebec and
New Brunswick Province borders with Maine, USA. The United States is now moving trainloads of heavy armor to that exact
area. Looks like a fight is coming, right here in the USA.
more here:
Bracing for a ‘DARK WINTER'
After his stumbling performance in Thursday night's debate, and the way in which his campaign seems to be hiding
him from public view, it's hard to imagine how Joe Biden wins the presidency on Nov. 3.
If Biden was seriously trying to win, he would be out on the campaign trail like President Trump, not in his basement.
The way Biden is acting, it's almost as if he's been told not to worry, the outcome is
not going to be decided by vote tallies.
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Finally, CDC Admits Just 9,210 Americans Died From covid19 - CDC Has Lied From
the Beginning...
Just 60 Days Ago the Death Count Was 9,210 per
CDC, Today They are Claiming Us Death Toll 224,058, It's Apparent Any and Every Death Will Be Counted as COVID Death, the
Plandemic Is in Full Swing on Steroids, they now know we know the methodology used was to skew the death rate upwards in an
effort to frighten the American people into submission, Satan Soldiers Bill Gates and big pharmaceutical
is behind this sinister endeavor.
We had suspected governments were manipulating
the death toll numbers from the coronavirus pandemic. But the full extent of the fraud has only now become apparent as the CDC's own data reveals just six percent of officially reported deaths with COVID19 were FROM COVID19.
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Tomorrow, When Microrobots Swim Around In Your Body
Unlike previous microbots that relied on magnetism to move, these are basically miniaturized robots.
Like BigDog, they have mechanical legs that are controlled with silicon-based electronic components. This means that it's
possible to manufacture the bots en masse using decades of nanofabrication experience, similar to how we currently make computer
chips. Because the robots' "brains" are conventional and based on classical electronic circuits, it also means that
they can be more easily integrated with existing logic circuits to engineer even "smarter" next generations that
respond to more complex commands... (READ MORE)
Violent Protests Resulting In 'Deadly Confrontations' Expected In Multiple States
As Law Enforcement Prepare For Election Day And Post-Election Violence Into 2021
Racial tensions
have been high, and Antifa groups, and some BLM members have hijacked even the most "peaceful" of recent protests
to turn them into declared riots.
Tensions over President Trump's
Supreme Court nominees have caused many a temper tantrum by liberals.....and that was before this the latest nomination
of Amy Coney Barret to fill the former SC seat of Ruth Bader-Ginsburg.
you see Democrat politicians having temper tantrums like children who didn't get their way, as they have done during the confirmation process of Coney-Barrett, that translates into those politicians taking to the microphone and inciting their radical liberal supporters to protest,
which of late, have turned into ugly and dangerous riots.
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Forget About Human Rights And Freedom
The story of human freedom is coming to an end. We are in a
great crisis as a species with madmen (public health officials) believing that we humans need to be controlled to control a virus that has killed few. The head honchos of the world are having a field day with the rest of us. They are letting the air out of the bag of freedom
and laughing all the way to the bank.
That is just the beginning of the
story. In France, a teacher is beheaded for showing the Charlie Hebdo cartoons in a freedom of speech seminar. It was a clear warning for the teaching staff
who will have to shut up or perish. In the Muslim order of things, infidels have no rights, no freedom, and they make sure
of that when in power.
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The US Is Running Out of These 9 Foods FAST
Over the past several weeks, I have written numerous articles on the state of the food supply chain and the coming food shortages. From the time I began writing those articles to now, pending food shortage claims have gone from "dangerous conspiracy
theories" to mainstream news topics.
While the government began
the alleged pandemic stating that there were no disruptions to the supply chain (which was patently absurd), it now openly
admits there "may" be shortages of certain foods and supplies over the coming months.
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BofA: Fed Will Use Digital Dollars To Unleash Inflation, Universal Basic Income
And Debt Forgiveness
When we recently described the upcoming
"Unprecedented monetary overhaul" which will come in the form of the Fed sending out digital dollars directly to "each American", we explained
that "absent a massive burst of inflation in the coming years which inflates away the hundreds of trillions in federal
debt, the debt tsunami that is coming would mean the end to the American way of life as we know it. And to do that, the Fed
is now finalizing the last steps of a process that revolutionizes the entire fiat monetary system, launching digital dollars
which effectively remove commercial banks as financial intermediaries, as they will allow the Fed itself to make direct deposits
into Americans' "digital wallets", in the process enabling truly universal basic income,
while also making Congress and the entire Legislative branch redundant, as a handful of technocrats quietly take over the
United States."
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Wales in the grip of communist agenda - dressed up as sustainability goals.
WALES - Drakeford driving radical communist change works for
the UN/WEF cabal sedition is the game.
The future is now: delivering the
sustainable development ...
The First Minister of Wales, Rt Hon Mark Drakeford, will give a keynote
speech. This will reflect on the innovative approach taken in Wales through the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act
2015. The act provides a comprehensive legislative response to the SDGs. (sustainable development goals)
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Radiation 'Sniffer' Helicopter Takes Flight Above Washington, DC
Starting Monday, a helicopter registered to the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear
Security Administration (DOE/NNSA), equipped with specialized sensors, will measure and map radiation levels across downtown
Washington, D.C. and the surrounding metro area, read a government press release.
NNSA's Nuclear Emergency Support Team (NEST) aircraft, a Bell
412 utility helicopter outfitted "with sensitive, state-of-the-art passive radiation sensing technology" will fly
across the region at "150 feet (or higher) above the ground at a speed of approximately 80 mph" to conduct "aerial
surveys" of radiation levels as part of security efforts ahead of the presidential inauguration on Jan. 20.
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‘Selling Fear': Joe Biden Hammered For Going ‘Dark' At Debate, Warning Of ‘Dark Winter'
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden went dark at the start of the second and final
presidential debate on Thursday, warning Americans of an upcoming "dark winter" with no end in sight, and the deaths
of 200,000 more people from the China-originated novel coronavirus.
about to go into a dark winter, a dark winter, and he [President Donald Trump] has no clear plan, and there's no prospect
that there's gonna be a vaccine available for the majority of the American people before the middle of next year," warned
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Big Pharma companies control approval of COVID-19 vaccines by having doctors on
safety boards - report
An investigation by vaccine safety non-profit
Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) revealed that doctors in charge of safety and integrity of COVID-19 vaccine trials
are connected to Big Pharma giants - a clear conflict of interest. This finding prompted ICAN to file a formal demand to ban these doctors from supervising the vaccine tests.
According to the ICAN report, the doctors were part of the data and safety monitoring
boards (DMSBs) for phase 3 trials for multiple COVID-19 vaccine candidates. This places them in a role that's as important
as that of the Food and Drug Administration, the chief regulator for COVID-19 drugs and vaccines.
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A wave of evictions is set to sweep across the country as COVID-19 reprieve expires
(Natural News) As the coronavirus pandemic swept across the country, governors and mayors - on the advice of ‘scientists' - rushed
to enact restrictive lockdowns that included orders to shutter scores of ‘non-essential' businesses.
The closures of those businesses, many now for months, is what led to rampant and historic
unemployment in nearly every sector of society.
Congress moved to provide
some economic relief, while states and cities scrambled to enact additional measures such as a moratorium on evictions from
properties where unemployed Americans suddenly unable to pay their rent live.
more here:
The 2020 Election Script Has Already Been Written, With Two Endings, Both Disruptive,
Destructive And Deadly To Our Republic That Could Leave Blood Running In The Streets
Regardless Who Wins, America Faces The Second American Revolution!
You may not be interested in this revolution, but this revolution is sure interested in you.
The script was written many years ago; the producer is a well-known, foreign-born liberal;
the director has been chosen; the location is set; and the hostile actors are already committed-America will fall. The script
has been written with two endings-both disruptive, destructive, and even deadly to our republic.
The first one is if Biden wins and there is no widespread voter fraud, then Trump will exit the
White House and turn over the house keys to Biden. Joe probably won't last six months until he is asked, threatened, and forced
to enter an assisted living facility, making way for Kamala Harris to settle into the Oval Office. Since there are no limits
to her leftist views, she will take the nation far, far left, but most sincere, sensible, and sane Americans will refuse to
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First DEATH reported in AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine trial, but human experimentation
will continue anyway
The hasty, unethical covid-19 vaccine trials
have produced their first [reported] human casualty. Brazilian authorities confirmed the first death in AstraZeneca's covid-19 vaccine trial. The death was reported to authorities on October 19th - four days after the death actually occurred. The victim was a 28-year-old
man from Rio de Janeiro.
The vaccine maker won't be going to court over
the death, and won't even be required to suspend their vaccine trials. Instead, AstraZeneca and Oxford University will continue
their vaccine experiments unabated, with no formal questioning or investigation into their scientific method and toxic ingredients.
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National Guard is called in to thwart 'North Korean cyberattack' in Louisiana
targeting government offices just weeks before the November election
Louisiana National Guard was called in to stop a series of cyberattacks, which used a remote access trojan tool called 'KimJongRat,'
aimed at small government offices across the state in recent weeks.
incidents, according to two people with knowledge of the events, highlight the cyber threat facing local governments in the
run up to the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
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The United States Is In A Time Of Great Danger-Do Nothing
And You Will Make Sure Your Wife And Mother And Children Will Be Raped And Potentially Murdered
As COVID-19 continues to ravage our nation, the economic toll is racing to outstrip the
toll in lives taken. While there is clearly no way of comparing the two, the millions of people who have lost their jobs due
to the pandemic are the ones who are suffering the brunt of shutting down our country. Many of those people will never get
those jobs back, because the companies who laid them off have gone bankrupt.
We have yet to see the full impact that COVID-19 will have on our country and the world. Even so, it's surprising that we haven't yet entered into a time of economic depression. Many financial gurus are
predicting that it's just around the corner, so we're clearly not out of danger yet. Probably the only way we're going to
see the end of that risk, is by going through the depression and coming out the other side.
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Are YOUR Name & Address On 'The List'? Fascist Leftists
Putting The Names And Addresses Of President Trump Supporters Onto Online 'Intimidation Map' Never Learned From History
- Expect Radical Leftists To Terrorize Patriotic Americans Because Of This Map
On October 19th, we published this story on ANP titled "'Satan's Communists And Anarchists' Brutally Attack Peaceful Conservatives - Another Warning To Arm Up To Defend Our
Families Now, While We Still Can, With Leftists Pushing To Repeat History!" within which we reported upon numerous recent unlawful attacks by antifa/leftist terrorists upon law-abiding President
Trump supporters while encouraging Americans to keep buying lots of guns and ammo to protect our families from this leftist
While the mainstream media and 'big tech' have
continued to 'blur' the costs and destruction of the violence carried out by antifa and blm in US cities across America
as was reported in this Washington Times story, as Susan Duclos had warned in this October 21st ANP story, more and more evidence keeps emerging "They Want Us Dead If Trump Wins, And To Punish Conservatives If Biden Wins",
with liberals threatening President Trump supporters with violence no matter who wins the election.
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The Global Takeover Is Underway
Pandemics Are a Tool of Social Control
For decades,
war and the threat of war has enriched the technocratic elite and kept the population going along with their agenda. War and
physical attacks have been repeatedly used to foist ever more draconian restrictions upon us and remove our liberties. The
Patriot Act, rammed through in the aftermath of 9/11, is just one egregious example.
Today, pandemics and the threat of infectious outbreaks are the new tools of war and social control. For years, Gates
has prepared the global psyche for a new enemy: deadly, invisible viruses that can crop up at any time.1,2 And
the only way to protect ourselves is by giving up old-fashioned notions of privacy, liberty and personal decision-making.
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Former Google CEO Calls Social Networks ‘Amplifiers for Idiots'
(Bloomberg) -- Former Google Chief Executive Officer Eric Schmidt said the "excesses"
of social media are likely to result in greater regulation of internet platforms in the coming years.
Schmidt, who left the board of Google's parent Alphabet Inc. in 2019 but is still one of its largest
shareholders, said the antitrust lawsuit the U.S. government filed against the company on Tuesday was misplaced, but that
more regulation may be in order for social networks in general.
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Crisis fermenting as cabbage shortage hits South Korea's kimchi culture
South Koreans are facing a shortage of a beloved dietary staple after a summer of extreme
weather destroyed crops of cabbages - the main ingredient of kimchi.
what is being described a full-blown crisis, fields of Napa, or Chinese cabbages were wiped out in August and September, when
the Korean peninsula was struck by typhoons, floods and landslides, sparking a sudden spike in the vegetable's price.
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Blockbuster Report Reveals How Biden Family Was Compromised By China
In a day when half the US population remained transfixed by the ongoing revelations about
the contents of Hunter Biden's "laptop from hell" and the other half was doing everything in its power to ignore
the news which the socials have conveniently been desperate to censor, a far less noticed but perhaps just as important investigative report authored by the unknown Typhoon Investigations, was released by Christopher Balding, Associate Professor at Peking
University HSBC School of Business Shenzhen, China and also Bloomberg contributor (which is odd considering the clear anti-Trump bias of the Bloomberg media empire) exposing Biden activities in China which
"the press has simply refused to cover", and which reveals "how Biden was compromised by the Communist
Party of China."
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Colorado Fire Grows By Over 100,000
Acres In 1 Day, Hits Rocky Mountain National Park
Already battling
the largest fire in state history, Colorado is now dealing with another blaze that grew by more than 100,000 acres in a day.
The flames traveled east, fueled by beetle-eaten pine trees and dry winds. Hundreds evacuated. The fire jumped the Continental Divide. Conditions forced the closing of Rocky Mountain National Park.
The fire, called East Troublesome after a nearby creek, has spread to more than 125,000 acres. Smoke plumes stretched 40,000 feet in the air. The nearby town of Grand Lake was forced to evacuate.
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Facebook hires Chinese communists with H-1B visas to build "hate speech"
algorithms to censor Americans
(Natural News) To ensure that only deep state-approved "news" shows up on News Feed, Facebook actively hires foreign nationals from communist China to police content using artificial intelligence (AI) and so-called "Hate-Speech Engineering."
Writing for the New York Post, which has been widely censored ever since it published its Hunter Biden laptop bombshell, Sohrab Ahmari explains that at least half a dozen Chinese nationals
currently work at Facebook in its censorship division, which is thriving like never before.
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The Man Who Could Become America's Next President Has A Harvey Weinstein Level
History Of Debauchery, Totally Covered Up By The MSM And Big Tech
have served as U.S. President almost since our beginning. Our present leader is an admitted adulterer; however, he's all we
have. And he has kept his promises and has had unusual success in domestic and foreign affairs, the economy, COVID-19, and
there is no reason to think he would stop keeping his word. As to any sexual affairs in the present, no one knows.
Nothing would shock me.
I am weary of reading about Joe Biden's decency and his faith. If Joe-longtime swamp critter-is so decent and true to his
faith, why does he stand opposite to what his Roman Catholic Church teaches? He has supported the slaughter of innocent unborn
babies all his political life and now even supports killing the kids up to the time of birth! The church also stands against
fornication and adultery, but that hasn't changed Biden's personal morality.
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Catholic Bishop to Voters: 'Abortion' is the 'Sacrifice of Innocent Life' to the
'Demon Deity Molech'
(CNS News) -- In a letter
to the Catholics of Knoxville, Tenn., about the upcoming election, Bishop Richard F. Stika explains how abortion is the "pre-eminent
moral issue of our time," that it mirrors the moral depravity of slavery, genocide, the Holocaust, and the "idolatrous"
sacrifice of children to the "demon deity Molech," as described in the Old Testament.
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They Want Us Dead If Trump Wins, And To Punish Conservatives If Biden Wins - Liberals
Threatening Trump Supporters No Matter Who Wins The Election
or lose, liberals are planning to make Trump supporters pay.
If Joe Biden wins the
2020 presidential election, then liberals feel Trump supporters should be penalized, "re-educated," "removed
from society," and Trump media supporters should be forced to face a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission,"
to re-program those that do not follow the radical liberal ideology.
President Trump wins, they want blood in the streets, civil war and to burn down the nation.
Anyone that thinks those statements are hyperbolic, need only to listen to their screeds, threats, assertions and actions.
Below we will see a few examples of just how insane this has all gotten.
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Biometric payment cards from Mastercard and Idemia to be trialed in Q4
Mastercard and Idemia have partnered to launch their first joint pilot of a biometric payment card in Asia for fingerprint-enabled in-store
purchases, along with Singapore-based fintech MatchMove.
The card will
be offered under the product name F.CODE Easy, after Idemia's payment card solution. The companies believe the F.CODE Easy will provide the seamless and intuitive authentication experience people are used
to from smartphones to the smart card form factor. It also eliminates the need for people to provide a PIN or signature, thereby
reducing public touch points.
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World leaders are planning new lock downs to introduce "The World Debt Reset
Program" which includes universal basic income & vaccination requirements
Well, this is an excellent way to enslave the population, appeal to man's fear and his baser nature at once, allow
him to engage in the ultimate hedonism while indebting him to the beast system. I'm sure there are many who think
this is just fine. After all, the government cares so much for our health and safety, right?
Lance D. Johnson reports at Natural News:
World leaders are preparing for a second and third wave of covid-19
cases and are fine-tuning their lock down strategies which will be implemented late in 2020 and into 2021. Their planning involves the development of a new world economy, one that introduces medical fascism as a permanent way of
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SAS Legend Gives Preppers Food For Thought
We live in a world where people wait in line for what is already theirs - food, water, and shelter.
When the European immigrants landed on the shores of the American continent in the first
wave of settlement in the 1600s, they quickly cast off the burdens of feudalism and adopted the symbiotic lifestyle of the
Native inhabitants. It wasn't long though until the concept of store credit reared its head among the cash-poor but time-rich
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FedEx Readies Plan To Distribute COVID-19 Vaccines
FedEx has readied a plan that will assist the government in the distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine
to consumers. The world's largest shipping company has over 5,000 facilities, 80,000 vehicles, 670 aircraft, and half a million
team members around the globe ready and some new technology in place to "help out."
Richard Smith, the President of the Americas Region for FedEx Express and Executive VP of Global Support said that
the company has been ready since the H1N1 outbreak nearly a decade ago. At that time, FedEx worked closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to distribute
the vaccine for the H1N1 outbreak. After H1N1 was made into such a big deal, the company redoubled efforts to invest
more in cold-chain infrastructure and "unique monitoring and intervention capabilities," Smith explained.
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Melinda Gates: ‘Life will change forever... we will build back in a better way'
The co-chair of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation spoke about innovation, livelihoods,
and how coronavirus disease will change the world
Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation (BMGF) launched three innovations around emerging technologies at the Grand Challenges Annual Meeting earlier
this week. These include integrating tradition and technology for fermented foods for maternal nutrition, new approaches to
integrating molecular surveillance into malaria control, and smart farming for small-scale crop and livestock producers.
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Tucker Carlson: America's most powerful people want you to shut up about Hunter
In the mad scramble to defeat Donald Trump, our
core institutions are being destroyed
What happened to Joe Biden? Remember him? Longtime senator, Obama's VP, now running for president and on the ballot in two weeks? He was last seen a
couple of days ago buying milkshakes in North Carolina. Given Biden's present condition, that is worrisome. If you see him wandering in a park or lost in the
crafts aisle at Wal-Mart, be sure to alert authorities.
Biden's campaign
team assures us there is no cause for concern. The final presidential debate is on Thursday, and he's just preparing for that. That's what they're telling us, and maybe it's true. Maybe Joe Biden really
does need a week to prepare for a 90-minute debate moderated by an MSNBC correspondent.
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Holocaust Survivor: Don't Let Authorities Use Fear to Turn You Into a ‘Robot'
Holocaust survivor and activist Vera Sharav has some strong words for adults who value
their health and individual freedom: Start "rebelling against things that are wrong," and stand up against attacks
on medical and individual freedom, launched by corporations and governments, under the guise of keeping us "safe"
from COVID-19.
"It's a very dangerous thing to do to just follow,"
Sharav said in an interview with Stand for Health Freedom.
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Donated to Trump? Left-Wing Creates Web Site With MAPS, Names & Addresses
of Trump Donors for Violent Retribution
The lefties have truly
gone nuts over this election season and they have, now, pulled out ALL the stops. The left has created a searchable
database of Trump Donors WITH MAPS, names and addresses, so left-wingers can take action against Trump supporters! I
searched my neighborhood, and MY NAME and address is shown!
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Pope Francis calls for civil union laws for same-sex couples
ROME - Pope Francis has called in a new documentary for the creation of civil union laws,
giving his clearest support to date for the rights of same-sex couples while breaking from the official teaching of the Roman
Catholic Church.
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Kamala Harris Failed to Prosecute Illegal MS-13 Gang Member Months Before He Murdered
Bologna Family
A known MS-13 Gang member, living illegally in
the United States, was arrested but went unprosecuted by then-San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris' office months
before he murdered a California family.
On June 22, 2008, 48-year-old
Tony Bologna and his three sons - 20-year-old Michael, 18-year-old Andrew, and 16-year-old Matthew - were driving home from
a family barbeque in San Francisco, California, when illegal alien MS-13 gang member Edwin Ramos, driving alongside them,
randomly opened fire.
Ramos killed Anthony, Michael, and Matthew in the
shooting. Prosecutors said Ramos shot the Bolognas because he misidentified them as rival gang members who were involved in a gang murder that
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Just get your damn vaccine? 9 dead after flu shots in South Korea spark vaccine
Nine people have died after getting flu shots in South
Korea in the past week, raising concerns over the vaccine's safety just as the seasonal inoculation programme is expanded
to head off potential COVID-19 complications.
Five new deaths were reported
on Wednesday (Oct 21) alone, but authorities had no plans to suspend the vaccination programme, unless investigations,
including post mortems, revealed a link, which preliminary findings had not.
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What Is Wrong With These People???? Disgustingly Naked Celebrities
Treat Americans Like Idiots While CNN Media Personality Whips 'It' Out Live On Zoom Video Conference Call
There are times when we look through the news, or run across things while researching
for an article on a different topic, that we stop and think "What is wrong with these people???"
I'll admit that almost 100 percent of the time that question runs through my head regarding
stories involving liberals.
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"Plan for the worst": Law enforcement authorities all over America are
bracing for massive election riots
The fact that law enforcement
officials across the nation are expecting widespread violence following the election should chill every American to the core.
As I keep repeating over and over, violence is not going to solve anything, but much of the population is not listening to
voices such as mine anymore. As you will see below, authorities have decided to "plan for the worst" because
everyone can see what is potentially coming. But if we can't hold a presidential election without violence at this point,
how much longer can our system possibly last? No matter who ends up winning, I think that the election of 2020 will
tell us a lot about how far America has already fallen.
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BOMBSHELL: Covid-19 isn't a pandemic plan, it's an EXTERMINATION plan for humanity
(Natural News) About a year ago, I gave a live presentation in Branson, Missouri, that is only now being made fully public. The presentation,
shown below via, reveals that the real master plan which led to COVID is actually an extermination plan
for humanity.
Population reduction has been the goal all along. But where the globalists have shown their true evil genius is in their choice of creating a
biological weapon with high transmission rather than high fatality rates. The virus was never very deadly
to people under the age of 50, but it was always highly contagious to people of all ages. And that contagiousness, it turns
out, was enough to advance their nefarious plan against humanity.
more here:
Remembering Hunter's First Big Scandal- Long before Burisma,
there was Paradigm Global-a fund of funds with more than its fair share of malpractice. Its CEO: Hunter Biden.
Well, it came a little later than most people expected, but Hunter Biden's colorful resume
has turned into a campaign issue after all. The New York Post‘s bombshell report last week-evidence that
Hunter, as was long suspected, had capitalized on access to his VP father while serving on the board of a Ukrainian energy
company-is likely to hurt Quid Pro Joe's campaign in these final, crucial stages. What's more, major online platforms' blatant
attempts to censor that reporting are sure to spark backlash among voters next month.
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There Is A Solution To Big Tech Censorship - But No Politician Will Touch it
The issue of censorship by major tech companies is a precarious one, and I'm becoming
increasingly suspicious of the nature of the debate. There are some complexities, but it can all be boiled down to this:
Big tech social media conglomerates argue that their websites are like any other private
business and that they are protected from overt government interference by the US constitution. In other words, they have
a right to platform or deplatform anyone they choose. Of course, this is the exact OPPOSITE of what most leftist groups have
argued in the past when it comes to private businesses refusing to cooperate with people they disagree with on basic principle,
such as LGBT activists, but let's set that hypocrisy aside for now.
more here:
WW3 fears explode as US, India, Japan and Australia unite against China in military
FEARS of open conflict in east Asia have surged
after Australia agreed joined the US, Japan and India to join naval drills that experts claim are aimed at China.
On Monday India invited Australia to its upcoming Malabar naval exercises that will also
feature forces from the US and Japan.
Previously India, which has historically
been unaligned, rejected Australian involvement for fear of offending Beijing.
However relations between New Delhi and China have dramatically worsened this year with a number of armed clashes
along their disputed border.
The annual Malabar naval exercise began in
1992 between the United States and India, with Japan becoming a permanent participant in 2015.
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Walmart's Redesigned Airport-style Stores Will Track Everyone
What have corporations learned from the post 9/11 era? Apparently a lot.
Since 9/11, airports in the U.S. and across the globe have been redesigned to make people
feel safer and make it easier for authorities to ID and track airline passengers.
A Fast Company story reveals how Walmart is taking a cue from airport terminals by bringing the airport experience to every store.
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First Tests Of New "Immunity Passports" Will Take Place Wednesday
Back in April, when the coronavirus was still new and scary, with cities from New York,
to London to Paris in its grip, the professional commentariat was abuzz with speculation about what our not-too-distant post-COVID-19
future might look like. At one point, the mayor of the French city of Nice and Bill Gates were among the most prominent voices discussing health passports, and the WHO was apparently treating the topic with extreme caution.
Since then, discussion has faded somewhat, due in part to the relentless
messaging from President Trump and others about the coming vaccines. But as the leading western vaccine projects prepare to
apply for emergency use from the FDA as soon as November or December, the World Economic Forum, the same supranational organization
that organizes the annual forum in Davos, is taking the lead in testing a global standard to communicate that an individual
hasn't been infected with COVID-19.
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The Rise Of The Corporate Censors: How America Is Drifting Toward The Chinese
Model Of Media
Below is my column in The Hill newspaper on the
censorship of the Hunter Biden controversy by Facebook and Twitter. The response of the Biden campaign and figures like
Rep. Adam Schiff has been to dismiss the story as the likely product of Russian intelligence. Notably however they do not address the underlying emails.
As many of us have written, there is ample reason to suspect foreign intelligence and the FBI is reportedly investigating
that possibility. However, that does not mean that the emails are not authentic. Hillary Clinton was hacked
by Russia but the emails were still real. It is possible to investigate both those responsible for the laptop's disclosure
and what has been disclosed on the laptop. The censorship by these companies however has magnified concerns in the
controversy, particularly with the disclosure of close connections between some company officials and the Biden campaign.
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Video: Antifa members conduct occult ritual in Boston streets, eats bloody heart
symbolic of Trump
AntiFa radicals conducted what can only be
described as an occult-style ritual on the streets of Boston, Massachusetts this weekend as members of the group burned American
flags and ate a bloody heart symbolic of President Trump while countering a protest against left-wing political violence also
held in the city.
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China Orders Millions Along Coastline Near Taiwan, To Make Certain They have "emergency
China has formally instructed its people in coastal
cities near Taiwan, to make certain they have 72 categories of Emergency Preps. Even Chinese are now asking if war with
the United States over Taiwan is soon? Americans near Pacific Ocean PORT CITIES should prepare for Chinese bombing as well.
The General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping inspected Chaozhou, a
city on the front line of Taiwan, and called out to the Marines stationed there. After he left, Shenzhen issued the "Shenzhen
Family Emergency Material Reserve List" to guide the public in dealing with "disasters." These two
incidents occurred almost at the same time, causing local people to think about whether it was related to the tension in the
Taiwan Strait. There are questions on the Internet, is there something going on in Fujian and war in Xiamen?
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Pandemic worsens NYC's food crisis
NEW YORK - The lines are long and the need is enormous. More than 1 million New Yorkers can't afford
food, and standing on long lines at food banks is now too common amid the pandemic.
"We have done disasters before but nothing is even close to what
we are doing now," Alexander Rapaport, the executive director of Masbia soup kitchen network, told FOX 5 NY.
Masbia soup kitchen network opened 15 years ago. It has
locations in Borough Park and Flatbush in Brooklyn and in Forest Hills in Queens. Rapaport said he has seen a 500% increase in demand.
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NSA announces Chinese hackers are targeting US defense industry in warning to
the American public
The National Security Agency issued a new
public warning Tuesday identifying 25 common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) Chinese state-sponsored hackers are currently
exploiting in the U.S. defense industry.
The NSA advisory said Chinese hackers are actively using the 25 hacking vulnerabilities it identified but did not say whether any specific
U.S. firms had been breached by these hacking efforts. It noted the cyber vulnerabilities are already publicly known, but
warned "all National Security Systems (NSS), U.S. Defense Industrial Base (DIB), and Department of Defense (DoD) system
owners," to verify their networks are safe from the hacking vulnerabilities identified.
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A Major Terror Plot Targeting Trump Supporters Has Been Uncovered
A funny thing happened on the way to writing about the CHICOM inspired and emerging civil
war In Mexico which is a prelude to a Red Dawn invasion of the United States. I have been warning about an impending TET Offensive
that will visit our country courtesy of leftist subversive forces. This prediction is gaining momentum courtesy of several
communications that have crossed my path in the past few days.
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"We're out of Corn" - MSM blames COVID, Science reveals Diminishing
Solar Activity is the cause
Corn is the latest grocery
item to reportedly suffer from a "coronavirus-related shortage" - and
serving as anecdotal evidence of the bare supermarket shelves, a number of chains in both Portugal and the UK haven't had
any stocked for months.
The MSM is blaming COVID-19 (the current king of the scapegoats) for today's corn shortages with the official party li(n)e
stating: "retailers burned through their inventories in the spring as the pandemic led to consumers stockpiling large
amounts of shelf-stable goods". We're told, according to the reports, that "big canning companies tried to get farmers to plant more corn, but growers had already made their plans for the
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As Hunter Biden Scandal Gets Ready To Explode In Their Faces, Big Tech, The MSM
And The Democrat Party Are Committing Mass Suicide By Attempting To 'Rig' The Election For Joe Biden
While Adam Schiff and many Democrats continue to babble on about Hunter Biden's laptop being some new kind of a 'Russian disinformation campaign', and twitter, facebook, 'big tech' and the mainstream media in general continue to censor any efforts to get the story out to America, Piers Morgan over at the Daily Mail recently published a new story in which he 'lays to waste' Biden's attempt to 'dodge' this scandal that should be the final hole in his
sinking ship.
Titled "Despite the best, biased efforts of Facebook, Twitter and the overwhelmingly Trump-hating media to kill the story, Biden
now has serious questions to answer about Hunter's dodgy deals and he can't duck them forever", Morgan also slays 'big tech' and their attempts to censor this story.
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Archbishop Vigano: The "Deep State" Has Teamed Up With The Harlot "Deep
Church" To Overthrow Trump, Usher In ANTICHRIST AND THE FINAL SOLUTION
The ideological closeness of the Society of Jesus to left-wing revolutionary movements dates back to the first symptoms
of 1968, which Vatican II laid the ideological foundations for and which found their greatest expression in the theology of
liberation, after having removed the condemnation of communism from the preparatory documents of the Council. It is significant
that many of the protagonists of that unfortunate season in Latin America, after the indulgence and moderate sanctions imposed
by the Holy See in recent decades, have been rehabilitated and promoted by an Argentine Jesuit... (READ MORE)
It happened almost overnight.
Rešad Trbonja was an ordinary teenager growing up in a thriving, modern city, one which only a few years earlier had
hosted the Winter Olympics. Then on 5 April 1992, the place he had called home was suddenly cut off from the outside world.
What he - along with almost 400,000 other inhabitants trapped inside Sarajevo by the Bosnian
Serb Army - could not guess was that it was the start of a nightmare that would last nearly four years. In the Siege of Sarajevo,
ordinary residents trapped inside the city would go about their lives to a daily thump of artillery and crack of sniper rifles.
Even simply crossing the street or queuing for bread would become a life-threatening experience as the soldiers on the hills
surrounding the city took pot-shots at the local populace.
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Technological Armageddon: A Wake-Up Call - HOW
we think about the future our horizons are constrained by present day ideologies and social systems.
For instance Democracy encourages us to believe in a democratic future with globalised capitalism.
If we think in months we focus on immediate problems such as the present day wars, the
Covid crisis, the Donald Trumps, the economy, if we think in decades, the climate, the growing inequality, the loss of jobs
to automation.
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Another Warning: Brace For Major Seismic Event Along West Coast
While most Americans remain completely fixated on the upcoming presidential election,
large earthquakes continue to rattle the Ring of Fire at an alarming rate. On Monday, a magnitude 7.5 quake struck near
the little town of Sand Point, Alaska, and it was felt over a very large area. In fact, it is being reported that shaking
could be felt "as far away as Chugiak, Anchorage and Bethel". Following the initial earthquake, there was a series of very large aftershocks. As I write this article, there
have already been 19 aftershocks of at least magnitude 4.0 in the region. By the time most of you read this article, that number will almost certainly
be higher. Sadly, even though we have been witnessing a lot of shaking along the southern coast of Alaska and the west
coast of the continental United States in recent months, very few experts seem concerned about the possibility that a very
large seismic event could be coming.
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The Crazed Will Burn It All Down After A Trump Re-election:
Liberals Threatening Violence If Trump Is Reelected - It Is Prudent To Take The Threats Seriously And Prepare Accordingly
While ANP has documented the violence of the group Antifa, as well as violent members
of BLM, with Stefan Stanford recently detailing the real dangers of the groups and the damage they are already causing here in America, we are noting that liberals not part
of those groups (while still supportive of them) are also becoming more out of control.
With some apparently suffering some type of collective meltdown, and we take a look at what these people will do
should Trump be reelected.
The people I am talking about here are liberals
across social media, and offline at home, not activists, they don't join protests (yet!). Generally they have been mouthing
off at Republicans online, harassing and attacking Trump supporters, basically talking big.
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‘Unnecessary': Canadian province moves to repeal sweeping COVID powers law
In a statement, Alberta's health minister said it is 'clear' that the overwhelming government
powers granted by Bill 10 are no longer needed.
EDMONTON, Alberta, October
19, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - One of Canada's largest provinces is set to scrap a controversial bill originally put forth to combat COVID-19. The bill
has been called a "betrayal of the electorate and of the rule of law."
Last Thursday, Alberta's health minister, Tyler Shandro, announced that the United Conservative Government under Premier Jason Kenney will repeal Bill 10, the Alberta Public Health (Emergency Powers) Amendment Act, 2020.
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Goldman Sachs: Dump Dollars, Buy Silver
response to the economic shutdowns imposed by governments to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, the Federal Reserve is printing money to infinity and beyond. On top of that, it has shifted its inflation targeting to allow inflation to run hot meaning there is no end in sight to the currency debasement. This is bearish for the dollar
and an article published by Reuters last month quoted a number of mainstream analysts talking about "dollar woes."
Goldman Sachs has jumped on that bandwagon, saying in a recent
report that "the risks are skewed toward dollar weakness." Analysts see an increasing likelihood of a Biden victory
in the upcoming election.
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NYPD Commissioner: Personally Reviewed Hunter Biden Computer Files: "Bidens
Belong in Handcuffs"
Bernard B. Kerik, 40th Police Commissioner
of the New York City Police Department, has declared that Joe Biden and his family "belong in handcuffs" after
revealing that he has "personally" reviewed the contents of Hunter Biden's hard drive.
Kerick says he's seen the "images, emails, and other documents [that] were
on Hunter's cell phone and computer" - most of which has yet to be made public - and is now calling on the
Department of Justice to arrest "Hunter, James[Joe's brother], and Joe Biden."
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Food Shortages Hit China: There Is "not...enough fresh food to go around"
Over the past few weeks, I have been writing articles regarding a coming food shortage. I've been pointing out that the food shortage is going to hit the United States hard but that it is also going to hit the
rest of the world.
A worldwide fit of hysteria over COVID, resulting in
the shutdown of the world's economy, interruption of the supply chain, and the destruction of food products, as well as international trade wars and natural disasters, are going to collide with
one another and make this winter one of the toughest on record.
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Remember: It Is Your Fault that We Attacked
The above warning was sent from a homeowner in Massachusetts. This is a great example of why our
founding fathers did not want a Democracy to replace the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union. The Republic that
they gave us was made to protect the rights of the people, even if they were a minority.
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'The city will be on fire': New Yorkers prep to flee homes to avoid post-election
New Yorkers are purportedly making plans to escape the
city ahead of potential election day violence and protests, according to the New York Post.
Paulo Wei, 25, is planning on avoiding unrest by leaving his luxury building on the Upper West Side for his family's
60-acre farm two hours north of the city, the Post reported Saturday.
"I felt trapped in the apartment - the protests were overwhelming,"
Wei said, the Post reported. "It could happen again and I don't want to be caught up in that. No matter who wins, someone
is going to get upset."
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Store Shelves Are Emptying Again As Second Wave Of Panic Shopping Has Begun -
Lack Of Variety And Product Is Just The Beginning Of What Is Expected
With some establishment media finally joining the party, and catching up and reporting on different types of shortages
still being seen randomly throughout America, we note new shortages expected will be on items that generally weren't a problem
the last time around.
One of the main points people seem to ignore or
forget is that grocery stores and other places to purchase food are still not recovered from the initial rounds of panic shopping
when the COVID-19 lockdowns first began.
Recent reports show stores are
trying to get their stocks replenished, while at the same time trying to prepare for another round of panic shopping, which
according to some reports, has already begun.
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Marked by the symbols of the pagan
Earth Mother and the emblem of Pope Francis, the planet Earth is featured on the new silver coin from the Vatican as a symbolic womb defended and looked upon by the earth mother. This is an ancient, pagan concept, and,
as I have written elsewhere, the end-times celebration of a spirit the Bible calls "demonic" heralds arrival of
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Why Real Christianity Is-And Will Be-Viewed As A Major Threat To The Marxist-Democrat
and atheism are compatible, bosom buddies. Christians and their faith in God, on the other hand, are perceived as threats
to the Marxist vision. It is, therefore, not surprising that the old Soviet Union, Castro's Cuba, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Mao's
China and other modern Marxist states have all persecuted people of faith. In Marxism/socialism the state is deified. The
God of the Bible is replaced by the god of the state. People no longer need to look to God for help with life's problems;
they can now look to the government to solve every problem and meet every need. In Marxism/socialism, the God of the Bible
is viewed as a competitor-an enemy of the state. This is why, during the 20th century, millions of Christians were imprisoned
and put to death in Marxist/socialist regimes. The god of Marxism is a jealous god who will tolerate no rivals... (READ MORE)
Senate Homeland Committee Demands Answers From FBI Over Hunter Biden Laptop
According to the letter, after Johnson released his a report on Hunter Biden's activities
abroad which raised "counterintelligence and extortion concerns," Johnson's committee was contacted by a whistleblower - ostensibly Delaware computer shop owner John
Paul Mac Issac - who "informed my staff that he had possession of a laptop left in his business by Hunter Biden."
Issac told Johnson that "he provided its contents to the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) in response to a December 9, 2019 grand jury subpoena," to which the FBI responded that they "would
not confirm or deny any information identified by the committee." In other words, Wray's
FBI stonewalled when confronted with direct questions by the Senate Homeland Security Committee.
Read more here:
As pointed
out by Dr. Thomas Horn and "Into the Multiverse" host Josh Peck in the internationally-acclaimed books On The Path Of The Immortals (FREE IN OFFER HERE) and Abaddon Ascending, when the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) first started up on September 10, 2008, director for research and scientific computing
at CERN, Sergio Bertolucci, provoked a whirlwind of speculation with his enigmatic remark that the LHC might open a door to
another dimension. During a regular briefing at CERN headquarters, he told reporters, "Out of this door might come something,
or we might send something through it."[i] The notion of higher dimensional beings traversing such doorways conjures up the denizens of legend, orcs, ogres, elves,
fairies, dwarves, and giants.
Read more here:
Your Next Coronavirus Stimulus May Come In Digital Dollars
We see plenty of reports on whether or not there will be a second stimulus package and
what it might include. However, not many are talking about how you may get your next stimulus payment if it gets
approved. After delivery issues with the first stimulus payment, many expect the next coronavirus stimulus check
to arrive through FedAccounts and digital dollars.
Read more here:
The Coronavirus Experts Were Wrong, Now They Need Scapegoats
- It's not about fighting the virus, but punishing political & cultural enemies.
The problem isn't just the China Virus. It's that we adopted the China Model to fight it.
Public health experts adopted China's draconian lockdowns without knowing how well they really worked
and in a country that, fortunately, lacks the power to truly enforce them.
deceptiveness and lack of transparency meant that we did not know how well anything that the Communist dictatorship did to
battle the virus that it spawned actually worked. Despite that, our public health experts, and those of most free countries,
adopted the China Model.
Read more here:
COVID Caliphate? NYC Gatherings of Christians and Jews, but NOT Muslims, Are Condemned
It's not enough that New York politicians had given Black Lives Matter protests a de facto
dispensation from COVID-19 restrictions while limiting religious gatherings, prompting a June rebuke by a judge. Now it appears
that while Governor Andrew Cuomo has just fined a number of synagogues $15,000 for violating his virus-oriented prohibitions,
large Muslim gatherings are escaping mainstream media and politician scrutiny.
There was, for example, the Arbaeen procession earlier this month. This is a yearly fall event in which Shiite Muslims
in Flushing, Queens, honor Mohammed's grandson, "whose death at the hands of a Sunni caliph marked the pivotal break
between Shiites and Sunnis," informed FrontPage Mag's Daniel Greenfield Tuesday.
Read more here:
Eight MILLION Americans have slipped into poverty since May as pandemic wreaks
havoc on livelihoods in the US with more than 55 million now earning less than $26,500 a year
Some eight million Americans have fallen below the poverty level since May after federal stimulus
money dried up and Congress did not follow up with more relief legislation, according to a new study.
Meanwhile, the economic recovery has slowed down as more than 55 million Americans are now earning
less than $26,200 a year - which is what the federal government considers the poverty line.
Read more here:
Biden: Muslims Will Serve ‘At Every Level' of His Administration
The sparse attendance and conspicuous lack of enthusiasm at Joe Biden's rallies seems to have led old Joe's handlers, despite his 10,000-point lead in the polls, to decide that another round of Islamopandering
might be just the shot in the arm their campaign needs. After all, hard-Leftists such as Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Linda
Sarsour are all Muslims, and all were firmly in the Bernie Sanders camp before the Democratic National Committee shivved their
man yet again. Their support for Biden has been decidedly tepid. And so it was time to send them some love.
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***URGENT*** BULLETIN**** Inbound Gamma Ray Bursts Could Cause EMP, Earthquakes,
Tsunamis, Magnetic Field "Torquing" of polar areas and Possibly . . . E.L.E.
Want the REAL reason governments want us locked-down at home? It isn't COVID. TWO
YEARS AGO, they became aware of inbound Gamma Ray Bursts heading on a collision course with earth.
On Saturday, October 17, 2020, there was a SWARM of very large and long-duration Gamma Ray
Bursts detected and reported. In fact, over the past six (6) days, there have also been four (4) back-to-back, large,
Gamma Ray Bursts detected, bringing our count no EIGHT GAMMA RAY BURSTS, inbound toward Earth.
Read more here:
Bill Gates' ‘Web of Power' Threatens Life on Earth, New Report Shows
Philanthrocapitalism - epitomized by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - has emerged over the last 30 years as a major force with the potential to "push the future of our planet towards extinction
and ecological collapse," according to a report launched Wednesday by Navdanya International.
"Gates to a Global Empire" sheds light on how philanthrocapitalism accelerates the corporate
takeover of our seed, agriculture, food, knowledge and global health systems, and how it manipulates information and erodes
democracies - all in the name of corporate profits.
Read more here:
Japan to release Fukushima's contaminated water into sea - reports
TOKYO, Oct 16 (Reuters) - Nearly a decade after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Japan's
government has decided to release over one million tonnes of contaminated water into the sea, media reports said on Friday,
with a formal announcement expected to be made later this month.
The decision
is expected to rankle neighbouring countries like South Korea, which has already stepped up radiation tests of food from Japan,
and further devastate the fishing industry in Fukushima that has battled against such a move for years.
The disposal of contaminated water at the Fukushima Daiichi plant has been a longstanding problem
for Japan as it proceeds with an decades-long decommissioning project. Nearly 1.2 million tonnes of contaminated water are
currently stored in huge tanks at the facility.
Read more here:
Arrest of former Mexican defense minister shakes military
MEXICO CITY (AP) - The arrest of Mexico's former defense minister in the United States
on charges that he protected a drug cartel in exchange for bribes is a blow to Mexico's military, one of the few institutions
that had maintained the confidence of the people.
Until Thursday's arrest
of retired Gen. Salvador Cienfuegos at Los Angeles International Airport, the military was still respected by virtue of appearing
to be largely above the corruption commonly seen in other pieces of Mexico's security apparatus, despite documented human
rights abuses.
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CANADA GOING TYRANNICAL! 2nd "Total" Lockdown; ISOLATION CAMPS for "Refusers"
I received this from an elected member of the Canadian government who is aghast at the
Prime Minister's Office (PMO) plans for our neighbors to the north . . .This is a nightmare unfolding!
"I want to provide you some very important information. I'm a committee member within the
Liberal Party of Canada. I sit within several committee groups but the information I am providing is originating from the
Strategic Planning committee (which is steered by the PMO).
need to start off by saying that I'm not happy doing this but I have to. As a Canadian and more importantly as a parent who
wants a better future not only for my children but for other children as well.
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Emails Reveal Bidens are Treasonous - Kevin Shipp
Former CIA Officer and counter-terrorism expert Kevin Shipp says new emails released about the business
dealings of Hunter Biden show Vice President Joe Biden was personally involved in his son's business dealings in China and
Ukraine. For many months, Joe Biden said he does not know anything about Hunter's business, but newly released emails say
that is a lie and treasonous. Shipp explains, "They dealt with a Chinese espionage firm, and, yes, it is treasonous,
I agree 100%. . . . It has implicated that the Vice President of the United States was aware his son was meeting with top
China communist officials both in the banks and in this private firm that was known for espionage. The Vice President was
aware of his son's business dealings with these companies. That is treasonous."
Read more here:
Why Is The FBI's Top Child Porn Lawyer Involved In Hunter Biden Laptop Case?
According to the Post, a laptop was dropped off at a Delaware computer repair
shop by a man believed by the owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, to be Hunter Biden. The shop owner made
a copy of the hard drive before turning it over to the FBI, which includes incriminating emails detailing
alleged Biden family corruption in Ukraine and China, as well as a 'raunchy, 12-minute video that appears to show
Hunter smoking crack while engaged in a sex act with an unidentified woman,' as well as 'numerous other sexually explicit
Read more here:
SHTF Scenario Question: Would You Help Liberal Family Or Friends That Are Completely
Unable To Help You Survive The Aftermath Of Disaster?
the serious SHTF, will you allow in/help family members who have unrepentantly championed the Liberal side?" - OneNationUnderGod comment, October 14, 2020.
The headline question came from a reader in the comment section, but
I could not get it out of my head because there are so many different ways to look at the situation as well as many different
ways to explain any answer given.
Many would look at that question and
think it is harsh, because as human beings, wouldn't we want to help others less prepared they would ask, but there is far
more nuance to this issue.
Read more here:
Give to Gaia what is Gaia's? Vatican issues ‘Mother Earth' Coin
When in November of 2014, the head of the Vatican's so-called Pontifical Council
for Culture, "Cardinal" Gianfranco Ravasi, participated in a public worship ceremony of the Pagan earth goddess Gaia, also called Pachamama, no one batted an eye. But when on July 19, 2015, a televised "Catholic Mass" of the
Canadian Archdiocese of Toronto concluded with a hymn to "beautiful Gaia", written by a Unitarian Universalist feminist, it did create some outrage. At the same time, Antipope Francis had just
released his eco-encyclical Laudato Si' only a few weeks before, and the trajectory he was putting his Modernist sect on was clear: "Mother Earth" was
to become part of the Christian consciousness, and to that end he shrewdly but diabolically hijacked St. Francis of Assisi
(see Laudato Si', nn. 1, 92). Whereas conversion to Catholicism was still optional, conversion to an "integral ecology" was now imperative.
more here:
VIDEO: Prisoners of War MACHINE-GUNNED to Death by Muslim Azerbaijan
About a week ago, the Hal Turner Radio Show audience heard the horrifying report that
in the ongoing Armenia-Azerbaijan war, neither side had Prisoners of War (POW's); they're killing everyone. Now, we
have video proof.
Below are two Christian Armenian soldiers taken captive
by Muslim Azerbaijan. The unarmed, helpless, men are MACHINE-GUNNED to death on video.
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With Even The Mainstream Media Now Warning Of Food Shortages And Panic Buying
Ahead Of The Election, America's Countdown To Chaos Is In Full Swing
1906 Warning Applies Today As Much As Ever: 'There Are Only 9 Meals Between Mankind And Anarchy'
While this recent story by Robert Wheeler over at the Organic Prepper reports the 'shocking news' that a simulation run by 'Big Ag' corporation Cargill had predicted a 400% increase
in the price of food by the year 2030, anybody who thinks most of America will even 'last' until 2030 may be gravely
Warning within the story that the 'predicted'
food crisis will begin in the year 2020, and that the decade between 2020 and 2030 would see two major food crises, quite
interesting is the fact that this simulation was run in the year 2015, several years before the arrival of covid-19 and the
'food shortages' that have come along with it.
Read more here:
Trump's COVID advisor: Lockdown architects ‘should be held accountable'
‘History will record the faces of the public health expertise as some of the most
sinful, egregious, epic failures in the history of public policy,' said Dr. Scott Atlas.
WASHINGTON, D.C., October 15, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - Dr. Scott Atlas, a recently appointed advisor to President Trump's Coronavirus Task Force, said the architects of the
COVID-19 lockdowns "should be held accountable for what they did."
a Fox News interview yesterday, Atlas outlined the enormous detriments to public health that result from lockdowns. He criticized those who were
advocating for more lockdowns to help prevent the spread of the virus, saying they were "simply out of touch with average
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Here is why.
Because according to the Institute of International Finance global
debt, including borrowing by households, governments and companies have jumped to more than three times the size of the global economy.
Because consumption has been subsidized w/debt
Because preparedness for Pandemic is low.
Because in an increasingly fractured world where nationalism is
often prized over cooperation.
Read more here:
Goodbye Middle Class: Half Of All American Workers Made Less Than $34,248.45 Last Year
If you are making less than $3,000 a month, you have plenty of company, because about
half of the country is in the exact same boat. The Social Security Administration just released new wage statistics for 2019, and they are pretty startling. To me, the most alarming thing in the entire report is the fact that the median yearly
wage was just $34,248.45 last year. In other words, half of all American workers made less than $34,248.45 in 2019,
and half of all American workers made more than $34,248.45. That isn't a whole lot of money. In fact, when you
divide $34,248.45 by 12 you get just $2,854.05. Needless to say, it is not easy to survive in America today on
just $2,854.05 a month, and this may help to explain why we have been seeing so many people fall out of the middle class in
recent years.
Read more here:
The FBI, Militias, Truth and Comey's Legacy
In the past few days, news reports have alerted us to an FBI claim that a militia group was planning
to kidnap the governor of Michigan. The Detroit Free Press wrote:
members of an anti-government group bent on igniting a civil war are charged in a plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who the group targeted in a possible commando raid on the state capitol, according to newly unsealed court records.
"Authorities said Thursday that the Wolverine Watchmen group planned on storming
either the capitol or Whitmer's vacation home as part of a broader mission to instigate a civil war."
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‘Machines set loose to slaughter': the dangerous rise of military AI
Autonomous machines capable of deadly force are increasingly prevalent in modern warfare,
despite numerous ethical concerns. Is there anything we can do to halt the advance of the killer robots?
The video is stark. Two menacing men stand next to a white van in a field, holding remote controls.
They open the van's back doors, and the whining sound of quadcopter drones crescendos. They flip a switch, and the drones
swarm out like bats from a cave. In a few seconds, we cut to a college classroom. The killer robots flood in through windows
and vents. The students scream in terror, trapped inside, as the drones attack with deadly force. The lesson that the film,
Slaughterbots, is trying to impart is clear: tiny killer robots are either here or a small technological advance away. Terrorists
could easily deploy them. And existing defences are weak or nonexistent.
more here:
FemiNazis Hate Amy Coney Barrett Because She Represents Everything Original Feminists
Fought For, While Offering A True Choice For Pro-Life Young Women
For Killing The Unborn Should Not Be Mandatory To Be A True Feminist
With the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court we have not only seen how far Democrat politicians
will go in attacking this career woman who is also a mother to seven, two of which were adopted, but we also are witnessing
the extreme hypocrisy of so-called "feminists," aka Feminazis.
empowerment and equality is something feminists claim they are fighting for, yet time after time we have noted and in some
cases documented the extreme hypocrisy of that claim, as feminists have made it very clear that the only women they are prepared
to support, are those that walk in lock-step with them and their ideology.
more here:
Witchcraft, Elections, and Royale High
The founder of the Church of Satan Anton LaVey is reputed to once have said of Halloween, "I'm
glad Christians let their kids worship the Devil at least one night out of the year." This year's Halloween comes at
an unprecedented time in our nation's history. Lockdowns implemented from March to June prevented the majority of churches
across the nation from physically gathering during that time, and many aspects of church life such as Bible study, youth groups,
church retreats, and other means of congregating crucial to Christian life have been curtailed or even shut down indefinitely
since the pandemic's onset in March.
Read more here:
IMF Seizes on Pandemic to Pave Way for Privatization in 81 Countries
76 of the 91 loans the IMF has negotiated since the beginning
of the coronavirus pandemic come attached with demands for deep cuts to public services and policies that benefit corporations
over people.
The enormous economic dislocation caused by the COVID-19
pandemic offers a unique opportunity to fundamentally alter the structure of society, and the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) if using the crisis to implement near-permanent austerity measures across the world.
76 of the 91 loans it has negotiated with 81 nations since the beginning of the worldwide pandemic in March
have come attached with demands that countries adopt measures such as deep cuts to public services and pensions - measures
that will undoubtedly entail privatization, wage freezes or cuts, or the firing of public sector workers like doctors, nurses,
teachers and firefighters.
Read more here:
Facebook Bans Anti-Vaccine Ads Ahead Of COVID Vaccine Rollout
Facebook announced on Tuesday that the social media giant will ban all ads encouraging
people to avoid vaccination. Facebook is now censoring factual information on the adverse health and side effects of getting
Anyone paying attention knows that there will be a COVID-19
vaccine, and it will, for all intents and purposes, be mandated for all and distributed by the military. This is not news
to most, however, the propaganda campaign has begun, and Facebook will assist the tyrants with censorship.
Read more here:
Philippines to Roll Out National ID as Surveillance State Spreads Across the World
The COVID-19 crisis and worldwide lockdowns have afforded governments
across the planet the opportunity to implement measures of population control that were unimaginable only a few years ago
and relegated to Hollywood's most dystopian productions.
The Philippine
Statistics Authority (PSA), the central organism tasked with collecting, compiling, and analyzing data in the southeast Asian nation, has begun a large-scale,
house-to-house canvassing operation to preregister 9 million heads of households and other adults in the country's lowest
income brackets.
Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the flagship program will initially be carried out in regions where COVID cases are low, and only on a voluntary basis. Despite reportedly
widespread support for the new system (upwards of 70 percent), concerns over privacy have dogged the identification system
since it was mandated by the Philippine Identification System Act and signed into law by President Rodrigo Duterte in 2018.
Read more
WTH? CDC Admits "At No Time Has CDC Guidance Suggested that Masks Were Intended
to Protect the Wearers" (VIDEO)
On Tuesday Tucker
Carlson opened his show by questioning the CDC rules and data on mask wearing and the COVID-19.
Earlier this week the CDC confirmed that mask wearing was ineffective and over 50% of US
coronavirus cases were patients who were habitual mask wearers.
more here:
When the whole world suffers
it will blame the U.S. for it and everyone will want a piece of America for retribution
The next great depression will be worldwide and it will be deeper and more chaotic than anything
ever seen before. When the whole world suffers it will blame the U.S. for it and everyone will want a piece of America for
The Nations of Russia, China, and Iran, which will lead the
Muslim nations in the Mid East and Africa, will gang up on America which will be even more devastated financially than most
nations. The American forces will succumb to a massive attack that takes down most of our electronic equipment and
destroys our high tech advantage.
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Researchers At Large Hadron Collider Are Confident To Make Contact With Parallel Universe In Days
If successful a very new universe is going to be exposed
- modifying completely not only the physics books but the philosophy books too.
It is even probable that gravity from our own universe may "transfer" into this parallel universe, researchers
at the LHC say. The experiment is assured to accentuate alarmist critics of the LHC, many of whom initially warned the high
energy particle collider would start the top of our universe with the making a part of its own. But up to now Geneva stays
intact and securely outside the event horizon.
Read more here:
Fmr NYPD Commissioner: Dems 'Surrendered America's Cities to Domestic Terrorists'
Howard Safir blasts violent far-left groups for destroying cities
Former New York City police commissioner and fire commissioner, Howard Safir,
has accused Democrat mayors and city councils of handing over America's cities to "domestic terrorists."
Safir remarks came during an appearance on SiriusXM's Breitbart News Daily.
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Over 30,000 Health Experts Sign Declaration Against COVID-19 Lockdowns
Declaration by 3 epidemiologists from Harvard, Oxford, and Stanford elicits support and
More than 32,000 medical doctors and health scientists from
around the world have signed a petition against lockdowns put in place to curb the spread of COVID-19, saying the measures are causing "irreparable damage."
As of
Oct. 13, over 23,000 of the signatories were medical practitioners and 9,000 were medical and public health scientists. They have
joined more than 400,000 members of the general public in signing the petition.
Read more here:
Wearable tattoo: Scientists print sensors directly onto skin without heat
Oct. 12 (UPI) -- Engineers have developed a way to print biometric sensors onto skin,
like a non-permanent tattoo, without the use of heat.
In addition to being
more comfortable and less intrusive than today's wearable devices, the technology -- described Monday in the journal ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces -- can also collect more precise biometric measurements.
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HMMMM: DoD Conducts "Test Alert" for "Incoming" -- tells recipients
to "Seek Shelter . . ."
Something very strange is
taking place today, 13 October 2020. The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) conducted a telephone "TEST ALERT"
to all DoD contractors and key civilian employees. The telephone TEST told them this:
"Exercise, exercise, exercise,incoming, incoming, incoming, seek shelter, tune in to local news..."
This is **NOT** something done routinely. In fact, I cannot find __any__ other DoD
personnel who recall ever receiving such a test.
more here:
More Evidence Emerges They're Getting Ready To 'Drop The Bomb' On The American
People With Everything Gearing Up For The Worst Winter Imaginable
'Deeply, Deeply Sinister Agenda' Is Part Of The 'Leftist Horror Show' America Has Been Cast Into
Sometimes, though far less frequently than we'd like to see, we get a report that brings
us so much truth, we think there really might be 'hope' that America can somehow miraculously emerge from this 'leftist
horror show' that our country has been cast into. And with 2020 as 'Orwellian' a year as any that we can remember,
the video we've embedded directly below drops a massive amount of truth upon Americans and free people around the world that
we need to hear, though as Sky News host Rowan Dean clearly points out, if the far-left globalists get their
way, government's and big tech will bring in something 'deeply, deeply sinister' called 'the great reset' and they're using
Covid-19 to help usher in this 'deeply sinister' agenda.
Read more here:
Big Pharma Is Policing the Approval of Its Own Vaccines
The boards overseeing the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials are supposed to be independent
of pharmaceutical companies. ICAN's intensive investigation into these boards has revealed conflicts of interest with
pharmaceutical companies that are shocking to the conscience. ICAN, through its attorneys, has therefore filed a formal demand to remove these individuals from these boards.
The boards overseeing the COVID-19 vaccine trials are known as Data
and Safety Monitoring Boards (DSMBs). As explained by pro-vaccine bioethicist, Art Caplan, regarding these DSMBs: "They're very powerful. They're key guardians of science
and safety and are as important if not more important than the FDA."
more here:
United Nations Creating a Global Network to Slaughter Children as a Human Right
Geoffrey Grider | NTEB - The U.N. made the announcement on September 29 to commemorate so-called International Safe Abortion Day, with the stated goal of addressing "unsafe abortion" in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The partnership, headed by the WHO Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health
and Research, will bring together U.N. entities with the world's largest abortion providers, including the International Planned Parenthood Federation, Ipas, and Marie Stopes International, to promote "comprehensive
abortion care," including access to self-administered telemedicine abortion, as an essential service and a "human right."
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In Latest Teleblooper, Biden Calls For $15,000,000 Minimum Wage
If one is to believe the most recent polls, Joe Biden is on his way to the White House to become
the 46th President of the United States. Except, according to Biden himself - the man whose finger would be on the button
- he's "running as a proud Democrat for the Senate."
Read more here:
Radical left-wing group posts BATTLE PLANS to unleash mass CHAOS and shoot Trump
supporters in the streets if Trump wins the election
(Natural News) A radical left-wing group that claims it is working to stop the "violent white supremacist machine that is the Trump
administration and its supporters" has posted a Google document containing detailed battle plans to take down the U.S.
infrastructure and bring the nation to its knees following another Trump victory.
The battle plans are posted in a document entitled, "Stopping the Coup" which was distributed by a group called ShutDownDC. Breitbart News explains the contents of the document:
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AGRICULTURAL TERROR: New Zealand Blocks Farmworkers, Leaves Crops to Rot
Attacks on our food supply continue at all levels: New Zealand has blocked farmworkers
from entering, leaving crops to rot. Biden advocates mandatory COVID19 testing for farms, processing plants, and grocery stores,
ensuring more shutdown of the food supply. Vandals hang bolts from corn, ruining thousands of acres of silage and potentially
killing thousands of cattle in a "willful, specific act to harm livestock." A massive - and full - grain elevator
in Marengo has burned to the ground.
Christian breaks down the latest
sabotage on our food supply chain.
Video can be found here:
China threatens to take over Taiwan by conducting live-fire military drill of
'soldiers seizing an island' as political tensions spike to new high
China has threatened to take over self-ruled Taiwan by releasing footage of its soldiers 'seizing an island' during a live-fire
In the video released by state broadcaster CCTV on Saturday, troops
from the People's Liberation Army (PLA) are seen simulating an attack on an unidentified island during the large-scale
military exercise.
The footage comes as political tensions between China
and Taiwan have spiked to a new high after Beijing aired a purported confession from a Taiwanese businessman who is held captive
by Chinese authorities on spying charges.
Read more here:
The Signs Are Clear And Disturbing That God Did Not Abandon America,
But America Abandoned God - Things Are Getting Much Worse And Will Continue To Do So
Political tensions across American have been high for years now, but with other events added on
top of the powder keg already waiting for a spark to set it off, one has to wonder exactly how many straws have to be added,
or thrown on the pile, before this camel's back aka America, simply breaks.
It is very hard to put a time stamp on the issues we face today and so many things seem to be interconnected, but
some key events in the past most definitely brought us where we are today.
more here:
OUTRAGE: Australian family fined $10,000 for buying vitamins, take-away meals
I had so much fun visiting Joshua and Ailes Deen, and their
beautiful children, that I almost forgot the ugly reason why I was there: the family has been smashed by an outrageous $10,000
pandemic fine from police.
It makes no sense. None of this does.
They were simply driving to get some food and vitamins. They apparently crossed some imaginary
line on the map - that's what police say - and so they each received a $5,000 fine. Each - both mom and dad got the
same huge fine. I'm only surprised that they didn't fine each of the children $5,000, also.
Read more here:
Ten Times The World Health Organization Erred: Why Is WHO Still Credible &
Not Disbanded?
When medical professionals deal with the health
of the public, the information relied upon has to be accurate, meet the standards of the scientific method, and meet the gold
standard of the medical profession. Those on the frontlines have relied on various agencies and associations to obtain their
information, such as the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the National Institute of
Health (NIH), the American Medical Association (AMA), and a host of others. But, what happens when one of these sources becomes unreliable, committing serious errors that jeopardize the health and well-being of the public?
The public gets half-hearted apologies.
Read more here:
Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan Closing Permanently; and all it took to Wreck this Almost 100 Year
Old Icon was Two Communist Scumbag Politicians
An iconic fixture
in the landscape of Midtown Manhattan, The Roosevelt Hotel, will soon join the growing list of New York City businesses to
shutter amid the ongoing (overblown) coronavirus pandemic.
A spokesperson
for the hotel confirmed its impending closure Saturday citing low occupancy since the start of the pandemic in March. Its last
day of operation is scheduled for Oct. 31.
Read more here:
Trump gives Barr ultimatum: Arrest Obama, Biden and Clinton or find yourself in
a ‘sad situation'
(Natural News) President Donald Trump issued Bill Barr an ultimatum during a live phone-in Thursday on Fox Business - either
the attorney general indicts Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton for "the greatest political crime in the
history of our country" or he will find himself in a "sad situation."
(Article by Baxter Dmitry republished from
"Unless Bill Barr indicts these people for crimes,"
declared the president, "the greatest political crime in the history of our country, then we're gonna get little
satisfaction unless I win. Because I won't forget it. But these people should be indicted, this was the greatest political
crime in the history of our country. And that includes Obama, and that includes Biden; these are people that spied on my campaign,
and we have everything."
Read more here:
Sen. Ted Cruz: Big Tech censorship "greatest threat to free speech and democracy"
(Natural News) Senator Ted Cruz described Big Tech's political censorship as "the single greatest threat to free speech and democracy" in America. The Texas Republican noted that "a
handful of Silicon Valley billionaires" are "shamelessly silencing and censoring conservatives."
Cruz made these statements during an Oct. 7 interview with Breitbart News Daily host
Alex Marlow. Here, he warned that these "brazen" Big Tech billionaires have "amassed more power than
ever seen before over information, over the public square, over discourse."
Read more here:
Breaking News: Texas trucking company closes its doors, sources say
Trinity Logistics Group had 102 drivers and 150 power units
Texas-based trucking company Trinity Logistics Group is ceasing operations due to "lack
of work" in an abrupt closure that left some drivers blindsided, sources close to the company told FreightWaves.
Drivers were told of the closure in a Sept. 28 conference call, sources told FreightWaves
on Saturday. Dallas-based Trinity Logistics Group is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Trinity Industries, Inc. (NYSE: TRN.)
All of the equipment had been slated to be returned to the company's
headquarters on Friday.
Read more here:
'Adjustment Day' Looms As America's Headed For Violent Civil War
On October 1st, with little fanfare, Politico published an extraordinary opinion piece that may be the most important thing I've read all year. Titled "Americans Increasingly Believe Violence
is Justified if the Other Side Wins," the essay was penned by three "senior fellows" at the Hoover
Institution, New America, and the Hudson Institute, as well as a professor of "political communication" at
Louisiana State University and a professor of government at the University of Maryland (that's five authors, in case you lost
Read more here:
The Countdown Has Started: Liberal Insanity Levels Over The Next Ten Days Will
Reach A Fevered Pitch As The Senate Confirms Amy Coney Barrett For The Supreme Court
FLASHBACK: For anyone on the internet, or that reads the news, or watches their local news on television,
it is impossible to forget the spectacle of the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation to the Supreme Court hearings.
The interruptions, screaming, complaining, whining, constant demands to delay the hearing.....
and that was all just from Democrat Senators.
Things got much
worse when the hearings actually began, as liberal protesters gathered outside the building, chanting, wearing those God-awful
red and white "Handmaiden's Tale" outfits, with claims that having Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court would strip
the rights from women, turning them into nothing more than slaves.
Two years later, women
still have their rights.
Read more here:
Hillsong Pastor Carl Lentz: 'Churches Might Be One of the Biggest Propagators of Racist Ideology'
Carl Lentz, lead pastor of Hillsong East Coast, said recently he believes the Christian church may be "one of the biggest propagators of racist ideology in our country."
"There's a difference between your principle and your practical," explained
Lentz during the latest episode of his podcast Uncomfortable Conversations With a Black Man. "So if my principle
at Hillsong, New York City, is 'we value all people,' practically speaking, you should be able to see that."
Read more here:
VIDEO: In Her Own Words-The Tyrannical Anti-Child Vision Of Kamala Harris
As reported by, the pro-life Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released a new video today, explaining how Democratic vice presidential candidate
Kamala Harris, as California Attorney General, colluded with Planned Parenthood to weaponize California's laws... to punish
CMP's undercover reporting on Planned Parenthood's fetal tissue harvesting and research programs. Less than two weeks before
the April 5, 2016 raid on Daleiden's home to seize the videos, Kamala Harris met in person with several Planned Parenthood
executives, including the lead abortionist at Planned Parenthood Orange & San Bernardino Counties (PPOSBC), whose fetal
tissue program was then under investigation by law enforcement. PPOSBC's business partners, DaVinci Biosciences, admitted
guilt for illegally selling body parts from Planned Parenthood and were shut down in a $7.8 million settlement. The Orange
County District Attorney credited CMP's undercover reporting with prompting the successful case.
Watch video here:
There were so many birds falling out of the sky that we didn't know what was going
on in Philadelphia!
Stephen Maciejewski dropped to a knee on
a Center City sidewalk Wednesday morning and gently scooped up a yellow-billed cuckoo that had smashed into a skyscraper and
died on its way to Central America or the West Indies.
probably happened yesterday," said Maciejewski, a 71-year-old retired social worker and volunteer for Audubon Pennsylvania.
He labeled a plastic bag with the time, date, and location, tucked the slim migrator into it, and continued his rounds.
Maciejewski gets emotional when he speaks about all the birds he finds, but nothing, he
says, prepared him for what happened Friday.
Read more here:
Maoist MSM Talking Head Has Chilling Words For Patriotic Americans While Giving
President Trump Supporters Another Reason To Buy LOTS AND LOTS Of Guns And Ammo
'Keith Olbermann Should Be Careful What He Wishes For'
As if law-abiding, Patriotic Americans needed any more reason to buy lots and lots of guns and ammo in the days ahead
to defend our families and loved ones from Democrat insanity that will surely follow the election no matter who wins, we recently
got it from 'msm talking head' Keith Olbermann as heard in the important video we've embedded directly below from
Dinesh D'Souza.
With Olbermann using the kind of language
that Americans haven't heard since Adolf Hitler's Germany in the 1930's, as the Gateway Pundit reports in this new story about Olbermann's remarks, at least he's not calling for the mass executions of President Trump and his supporters....yet.
Read more here:
The Covid-19 Numbers Game: The "Second Wave" is Based on Fake Statistics
"Red zones", travel bans, quarantines, "red lists". A "Second
Wave" has been announced.
The fear campaign
has gone into overdrive. Millions of people are lining up for Covid-19 testing.
Drastic state measures are contemplated, including restrictions on social gatherings, marriages,
funerals, the closing down of restaurants and bars, the outright paralysis of civil society.
Coming to the rescue of our citizens. What is the justification?
Read more here:
Police checkpoints to start Friday in Quebec to limit travel as COVID-19 cases
MONTREAL -- Quebec provincial police will begin manning
checkpoints in Quebec to curb the spread of COVID-19, as new cases and hospitalizations surge in the province.
The Surete du Quebec (SQ) is calling the stops "awareness points" and won't
be handing out tickets.
Rather, they are meant to educate the population
and remind commuters that they should only be getting in their cars and driving between zones if absolutely necessary.
Read more here:
Democrat Calls For Trump Supporting "Maggots" To be REMOVED From Society
As Civil War Fears Escalate
Democrat Calls For Trump Supporting
"Maggots" To be REMOVED From Society As Civil War Fears Escalate. Ex-MSNBC Host Keith Olbermann made the unhinged
comments on his new youtube show after leaving ESPN. Perhaps this is just the ravings of a madman but Olbermann's comments
are some of the most extreme rhetoric I have seen from a high profile commentator. Olbermann ran a show called "The Resistance"
and ended it thinking trump would be removed from office, but of course that was insane. Now as tensions escalate and high
profile leftists like Olbermann, Spike Lee, and Robert Reich, make shocking and unhinged comments fears of civil war are picking
Article and Video here:
Which Is Worse: King George III's Stamp Act or Bill Gates III's Digital Certificates?
The tyranny being imposed by the ultra-wealthy who are not even elected by the people
by using those that are elected against the people to their own ends seems to know no bounds these days. The latest
enemy of the people next to George Soros is Microsoft founder turned vaccine pimp, Bill Gates. In a recent video put
out by Truthstream Media, comparisons are made between what our founding fathers faced from King George III in his Stamp Act and Bill Gates digital
certificates of vaccination.
Perhaps the most significant part of the
American Revolution was the shift in how people viewed themselves in relation to the world around them. But this isn't how
it is often portrayed.
Read more here:
Why Do Government Officials Want to Ban Ham Radio? (HAM
Radio is the single most reliable and effective means of communication in any emergency and has been for over 100 years.)
HAM Radio has been around since the very beginning of radio, back in the 1890s. A loose-knit,
but globe-spanning group, they are brought together by their common love for what they do. They are not a club, but comprise
many clubs together. While mostly ignored and left to their devices, HAM Radio operators provide several essential services,
such as providing military personnel in hazardous duty postings overseas a means of talking to their families. When other
communications fail, it is the HAM Radio operators who provide emergency communications to the nations.
Read more here:
Shooter Identified: Leftist DEMOCRAT Kills Trump Supporter at "Back the Blue" Rally
Yesterday in Denver, there was a fatal shooting at a "Back-the-Blue" pro-police rally.
One Trump supporter was shot in the face and killed at point blank range. Media outlets quickly reported the shooter
was a "Security Guard" -- that was a LIE.
The Shooter has been
identified at Matt Dolloff, a radical Communistic, registered Democrat, and "Bernie" supporter
who, for years, marched with the "Occupy" movement. He wasn't a "Security Guard" he was yet ANOTHER
leftist shooting-dead yet ANOTHER Trump supporter.
Read more here:
Visualizing the State of 5G Networks Worldwide
By 2025, the world will reach 1.8 billion 5G connections-led by Developed Asia and North America,
two regions that could each see nearly half of mobile connections operating on 5G networks.
This sweeping rollout relies on infrastructure capacities, and many operators are buying in big to usher in 5G adoption.
This infographic from Raconteur covers where we are on the roadmap towards 5G becoming mainstream, and which regions are leading the way in connectivity.
Read more here:
44 Percent of American Christians Believe the Bible Is 'Ambiguous' on Abortion
The eleventh report of the annual American Worldview Inventory 2020 by the Cultural Research Center of Arizona Christian University found that over four in ten American Christians hold to the
belief that the Bible is ‘ambiguous' on the hot button topic of abortion.
According to The Christian Post, the new study noted that Christians in America are experiencing a "post-Christian Reformation," as believers are
embracing secularism instead of a traditional biblical worldview.
more here:
Antifa Cheers in the Streets After Someone Shoots and Kills a Trump Supporter
in Denver (VIDEO)
An antifa militant was caught on camera
cheering in the streets after someone shot and killed a Trump supporter in Denver on Saturday.
The deadly shooting took place during a clash at a pro-Trump rally and a counter "protest"
by the militant leftists. The incident is being investigated as a homicide and two people have been taken into custody.
Read more here:
Pope Francis says New World Order needs to happen now with United Nations in charge
(Natural News) In his latest Fratelli Tutti (Brothers All) encyclical letter, Pope Francis issues a plea for the nations of the world to hand their reins of power over to the United Nations, which Francis says will lead us all
into the New World Order.
Since globalism has already succeeded at weakening
the power of individual nation states through the trans-nationalization of their respective economic and financial sectors,
the time is ripe to cement into place a system of global governance that can never be undone, Francis contends.
Read more here:
Complete Breakdown Of Civilization Has Already Begun And Total Anarchy Will Follow
The Upcoming 'Meal Shortages' That 'Feed America' Is Warning Us About
When civilization breaks down, a number of other events follow, like dominoes falling one by one.
Rioting, looting, arson becomes something seen so often it appears almost daily on local news stations. Lawlessness in some areas goes unchecked because law enforcement officers have become the targets of violently lawless gangs rather than the enforcers of law. Innocent citizens just trying to go about their lives become targets of gangs and thugs.
All of that has already occurred in the last few months, so we are already
on our way to utter and complete lawlessness in America.
Read more here:
Global Food Prices Rise As Famine Threat Emerges
Food prices continue rising during the coronavirus pandemic, jeopardizing food security
for tens of millions worldwide.
On Thursday, the Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) of the United Nations said world food prices rose for the fourth consecutive month in September, led by
surging prices for cereals and vegetable oils, reported Reuters.
FAO's food price index, which tracks the international prices
of the top traded food commodities (cereals, oilseeds, dairy products, meat, and sugar), averaged 97.9 in September versus
a downwardly revised 95.9 in August.
Read more here:
Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator
Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she
became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should
force them into other dietary habits.
Read more here:
Monsanto charity partner says nationwide "meal shortages" are coming
to America
Feeding America, the nation's second largest charity
and a "leadership partner" of Monsanto, has issued a dire warning that serious food shortages are on the way for millions of Americans.
22.3 million people in America - this is up from 18 million back in March, according to the U.S. Census Bureau's Household
Pulse Survey - now relying on food banks to survive, Feeding America is expecting to see a massive shortfall in available
meals over the next 12 months.
Read more here:
CDC document bombshell reveals list of all vaccine excipients, including "African Green Monkey Kidney Cells" and
fibroblast cells from aborted human fetuses ... see the complete list
Almost no one has any real idea what's found in vaccines. When
they allow themselves to be injected with vaccines, they're oblivious to the fact that they are being injected with aborted
human fetus cell lines or African Green Monkey kidney pus cells harvested from infected, disease primates. (See
proof from the CDC, below.)
Yet, astonishingly, the CDC openly admits
to all this (and more). In a PDF posted on the CDC website entitled "Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary," the CDC lists all the excipients currently used in vaccines being injected into adults and children across the United
States. The CDC's list, current as of January 6, 2017, was "extracted from manufacturers' package inserts," according
to the CDC.
Read more here:
The Circle Is Complete: Bank of Japan Joins Fed And ECB In Preparing Rollout Of
Digital Currency
First it was the Fed, then the ECB, and now the BOJ: the world's central banks are quietly preparing to unleash digital currencies on an unsuspecting population
in one final last-ditch attempt to spark inflation and do away with the current monetary orthodoxy which has failed to push
living conditions for the masses higher (but most importantly, has failed to inflate away a growing mountain of insurmountable
global debt).
On Friday, the Bank of Japan joined the Fed and ECB when
it said it would begin experimenting on how to operate its own digital currency, rather than confining itself to conceptual research as it has to date.
Read more here:
Gov. Cuomo: ‘I Don't Care' About Your Religion - ‘You Have to Follow
the Rules of the State'
Friday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D)
responded to religious groups filing separate federal lawsuits against him over his new restrictions limiting attendance at
religious gatherings amid a spike in cases in some New York City neighborhoods.
Cuomo told "CNN Newsroom" acknowledged that it is a "complicated" situation because of different
cultural aspects, but said that everyone has to "follow the rules," no matter their religion.
"They are not following the rules. We know what happens when you don't follow the rules: the
infection rate goes up," Cuomo advised. "And it just proves our point from the get-go. We know how to control the
virus, but you have to control the virus. You have to be disciplined. And when you don't follow the rules, it goes up. And
that's what's happening in these very small clusters. Now, these are religious groups, it tends to get more complicated, frankly,
because of some cultural aspects. But that's what we're seeing in New York."
Read more here:
Chinese military demands US 'stop provocative actions' and 'restrict' naval operations in the South
China Sea after USS John McCain enters waters in disputed area without permission
China has demanded the US 'control and restrict' its naval operations in the South China Sea after a US guided missile destroyer
entered waters around the disputed Paracel Islands without permission.
spokesperson for the Chinese People's Liberation Army accused the US of flexing its military muscle after the USS John McCain
was spotted sailing into China's territorial waters on Friday.
is a naked navigational hegemony and military provocation,' Colonel Zhang Nandong said in a statement.
Read more here:
Politician raises alarm over Trudeau Govt's plan to build COVID ‘Quarantine/Isolation'
The camps will be built across Canada.
OTTAWA, Ontario, October 9, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - An Ontario politician is raising alarm over the Trudeau Liberal government's plan to expand COVID isolation/quarantine
facilities coast to coast.
Randy Hillier, Independent Ontario MPP
for Lanark, Frontenac & Kingston, expressed concern over the "Federal Quarantine/Isolation sites" in the provincial question period late this week.
Read more here:
An October 15th Drill Has Been Set For This 'Worst Case Scenario' That Could Rip
America In Two With Unimaginable Earth Changes Now Underway
the year of 2020 already having cemented itself into the record books as one of the wildest and craziest years in US history
on many different fronts, numerous new warning signs have been coming out over the last several days that, if they come to
pass, could kick the absolute necessity of Americans to 'prepare' into 'overdrive'.
As we hear in the 1st video at the bottom of this story from 'earthquake/earth-changes
watcher' Dutchsinse, he's recently been witnessing thousands of sudden bursts of heat all around the New Madrid fault
zone, as well as numerous oil + gas wells 'flaring off'.
more here:
The US Mint Is Hiking SILVER Prices, Will Charge $67 For Each 1-Ounce Uncirculated
American Silver Eagle Coin STARTING Tuesday, October 13!
for products containing silver will change EFFECTIVE October 13, silver prices is necessary"...
(by Half Dollar) No inflation, huh?
The US Mint even says below, to "cover rising
Regardless, here's a little dandy that the US Mint would
probably like to keep as much under wraps as possible.
Read more here:
Since Most Americans Haven't Learned From History, It's About To
Be Repeated! The Democrats War Upon God, Christianity And America Proves The Barbarians Are Already Within The Gates
In past plagues, officials, thinking they were doing good, passed laws that often did
short-term good and long-term damage. They passed laws that fixed prices and wages (and always failed); forbade a man to change
jobs; forced a son to follow in his father's job; required people to do unpleasant and dangerous jobs; forced people to stay
indoors; prohibited people from moving to a different town; and on and on. With the Chinese coronavirus racing around the
globe, people are panicking as they fight for food (and toilet paper); purposely trying to infect others; committing suicide,
and insisting on close contact with friends and strangers.
more here:
Round Up Those Who Oppose Getting Covid Vaccine? Deputize
Religious Leaders To Help Persuade The Weak & Impressionable? Bill Gates Tells US Officials They'll Need Enforcement Propaganda
To Cause All, Both Small And Great To Comply
Billionaire software
tycoon Bill Gates has urged the US to prepare for a Covid-19 vaccine rollout by deputizing trusted community leaders to "reduce
vaccine hesitancy." The Microsoft founder-turned-vaccine-evangelist painted a mostly rosy picture of a vaccine rollout
getting "rich countries" back to normal by the end of 2021 in an interview during the Wall Street Journal's CEO
Council on Tuesday. However, with less than half of Americans saying they'd get a Covid jab - even if paid $100 for it - in
a recent survey, Gates then focused his talk on enlisting the nation's "trust network" to overcome the skeptics.
Lamenting that "vaccine hesitancy is in all countries and predates the pandemic," Gates suggested American health
officials start "thinking about which voices will help reduce the hesitancy, so we can get a level of vaccination that
really has a chance... (READ MORE)
China joins WHO-backed 'global coronavirus vaccine alliance' rejected by Donald
Trump to ensure 'equitable distribution' of COVID-19 inoculations to poorer countries
China has joined an international COVID-19 vaccine scheme led by the World Health Organization (WHO) and shunned by US President Donald Trump.
The alliance, called COVAX, aims to ensure the fair distribution of
future coronavirus inoculations, especially to emerging countries.
More than 170 global
economies - including Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and 27 EU member states - are now engaged in the programme. Neither the United States nor Russia is a
Read more here:
Rabo: "We Live More And More In A World In Which Facts No Longer Matter"
Day by day, we live more and more in a world in which facts no longer matter.
Social media, a bitterly-bipartisan mainstream media, and socio-economic and cultural polarization all mean we can
inhabit the world of facts we find most comfortable and convenient. Indeed, as the economy becomes more Dickensian in terms
of income and wealth equality it also becomes more *literally* Dickensian:
more here:
Trump Says "China Will Pay A Big Price For What It Did To The World And To
Us" In Latest Video Message
In a video message ostensibly
directed "to my favorite people in the world" - America's senior citizens, a voting bloc Trump must marshal to the
polls in November if he wants to clinch a second term - President Trump bashed China, claiming the country that unleashed
the coronavirus upon the world "will pay a big price" for the unprecedented havoc wrought by the virus on modern
Reiterating comments from earlier, Trump said the US will make
the medications he received during his course of treatment available "immediately" to Americans - especially for
America's "vulnerable" seniors.
Read more here:
DoubleLine: The Pandora's Box Of Fed's Digital Currency Will Ignite An "Inflationary
We most recently described the Fed's stealthy
plan to deposit digital dollars to "each American" during the next crisis as a unprecedented monetary overhaul,
but more importantly, a truly stealthy one: to be sure, there has barely been any media coverage of what may soon be a money
transfer by the Fed - a direct stimulus to any and all Americans - in an attempt to spark inflation after years of losing
the war with deflation.
Read more here:
COVID-19 Is 'Unrestricted Bioweapon': Whistleblower Releases Second Paper Alleging
'Large-Scale, Organized Scientific Fraud'
Li-Meng Yan, A Chinese
virologist (MD, PhD) who worked in a WHO reference lab and fled her position at the University of Hong Kong, has published
a second co-authored report, alleging that SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, was not only created in a Wuhan lab, it's an "unrestricted
bioweapon" which was intentionally released.
Read more here:
Doomsday Camps Set To "Activate" Due To Risk Of Election Violence
As the country inches closer to the Nov. 03 presidential election, federal agencies, city
governments, and local police forces are preparing for political and social instabilities, no matter the election outcome.
Concerns are mounting that mass protests, violent confrontations between extremist groups,
and widespread property damage could be seen on election day and days after. If the outcome of the election is undecided,
chaos could linger for weeks, if not months.
The prospects of civil
unrest around election day have prompted a chain of US survival communities to "activate" - opening their doors
for members to hunker down in bomb shelters, with an abundance of weapons and ammo, and years worth of food.
Read more here:
Results of covid tests and vaccination status in 'health passports': a contact
tracing app in Ireland, where next?
On August 28, 2020, Ireland
began a national trial of their new Health Passport Ireland initiative.1 "Protecting Society and Economy," their
website reads, Ireland's health passports are actually nothing more than a way to track and display results of COVID-19 testing
- and facilitate increased COVID-19 testing for businesses and the public, plus display COVID-19 vaccination status, when
one becomes available.
Read more here:
Deal with the devil: Monsanto PAID Google to CENSOR search results, discredit
(Natural News) If you've ever wondered why there isn't more outrage over the dangers of pesticides and herbicides, even as environmental
consciousness seems to be rising, the answer is simple: Manufacturers like Monsanto have entire departments devoted to discrediting
journalists who expose their corrupt ways and paying off Google to censor search results.
Read more here:
RIGGED: More than 2,000 voters in Los Angeles receive "faulty" mail-in
ballots that make it impossible to vote for Trump
(Natural News) About 2,100 voters in the Woodland Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, received "faulty" absentee ballots that did not have a section to vote for the next president of the United States. The error was confirmed by the Los Angeles
County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk's office on Monday, Oct. 5.
Sanchez, a spokesman for the county clerk's office, immediately put out a statement apologizing for the mistake. "While this has impacted a very small number of Los Angeles County voters ... we nevertheless apologize to those affected,"
he said.
Read more here:
Wisconsin Town Invaded by BLM Rioters Smashing the Windows of Residential Homes
Another not so peaceful riot in America happened last night after the Milwaukee County
District Attorney announced that there would be no charges for police officer Joseph Mensah in the fatal shooting of Alvin
Someone needs to alert Michelle Obama, who recently said the riots
are mostly peaceful. Looting and breaking windows of homes isn't considered peaceful by any means.
Read more here:
Navarro: Chinese Communist Party Has ‘Endorsed' Biden-Harris, Dems and C.C.P
‘Making Common Cause' to Beat Trump
On Thursday's broadcast
of the Fox News Channel's "The Story," White House Trade Adviser Peter Navarro reacted to TV feeds in China reportedly
cutting away from a portion of the vice presidential debate where Vice President Mike Pence criticized China by stating that
the Democratic Party and the Chinese Communist Party are "effectively making common cause in the defeat of Donald J.
Trump." And that the C.C.P has "endorsed" the Biden-Harris ticket.
Read more here:
Physicists prove time travel is theoretically ‘possible,' but changing the
past is not
Researchers at the University of Queensland, Australia,
claim to have proven that time travel is theoretically possible according to the laws of physics.
(TMU) - Researchers at the University of Queensland, Australia, claim to have proven that time travel is theoretically
possible according to the laws of physics.
However, we needn't fear that
time-travelers would somehow travel to the past and alter the present-day, as is the case in myriad science fiction scenarios
- instead, the future would remain the same, according to the researchers' calculations.
Read more here:
400 Facial Recognition Gates In A Single Airport: The Terrifying Future of Air Travel
A recent IFSEC Global study gave the world a glimpse into a dystopian COVID-19/Big Brother marriage.
The Heathrow Airport in the United Kingdom is installing biometric gates at each and every access
"With numerous access and entrance control points across
its five terminals for customers to contend with, Simon Wilcox, Heathrow Passenger Automation Program Lead, recognized
the need to handle passenger flow in the most efficient way possible - without compromising on security."
Heathrow airports' biometric gates will scan passengers faces throughout the entire airport.
No one will be safe from Big Brother's gaze, not you or your family.
more here:
FALLING AWAY: 4 in 10 American Christians say Bible is left to "self-interpretation"
on abortion
Another stunning poll has just been released from
the Christian Post regarding the current condition of the Church today. According to a new poll, Approximately four out of 10 American Christians
say they believe the Bible is "ambiguous" on abortion.
more here:
Arm Yourselves and Prepare; China Massing "Tens-of-Thousands" of Troops
in Prince Rupert and Vancouver Canada. Invade USA?
Under a Treaty
signed in late 2019 with Canada, the People's Liberation Army of China has been quietly massing military troops in Canada
since the beginning of 2020 and those troops are believed to be readying for an actual military invasion of the United States.
While it has long been rumored that China began massing troops and armor in southern Mexico
for a similar invasion goal, word of such troops appearing in Canada only began this year. Those rumors were pretty much laughed
off until video emerged this week of Chinese troops on a back road of Salt Spring Island, near Vancouver, British
Read more here:
The CHICOMS Attack Upon the American Economy Is a Prelude to Direct Military Invasion
In what will prove to be the most bold proclamation in the history
of the CSS, it can be stated, without hesitation, that Canada is serving as a base of operations for hostile CHICOM military
and economic operations. One day, the CHICOM troops that are being housed in British Colombia will come streaming across
of our border as Chinese invasion of America will emanate on both our northern and southern borders. This is a story about
the insecurity of America's northern border.
Two of the most popular ways
to "take over" a country is to militarily invade and/or to dominate the economy of one's advesary.
Today, the CHICOM influence in Canada is a direct attack upon the economy of the United
Read more here:
Satan Soldiers Have a Huge Foot Print: the British Will Be the First
to Implement the Ungodly New World Order, It's About to Get Ugly...
There is no epidemic. There is a "casedemic". it is a Plandemic, we are now counting "positive
tests" as "cases" even though the person is not ill, doesn't get ill and may even have recovered months ago.
Put simply, the "second wave" is made up almost exclusively of positive tests of healthy people, whereas the first
wave was made up mostly of positive tests of very ill people. The difference is obvious when you plot both the death rate
per million and the positive test per million on the same timescale[1]. In other analyses[2], it is obvious that viral spread
is completely unaffected by social distancing and masks.
Read more here:
It Begins: COVID Passport Trials On United Airlines In UK
Coronavirus passport trials are taking place at Heathrow this week to test technology
to let people travel the globe without risk of being quarantined.
on United Airlines and Cathay Pacific are trying out an app called the CommonPass.
The phone software is a digital health pass which can hold a certified COVID-19 test status or show someone has been
vaccinated in future in a way designed to satisfy various governments' different regulations.
Read more here:
72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered "Potential Terrorists"
In Official Government Documents- You can now be considered a "potential terrorist" just because of your
religious or political beliefs.
Are you a conservative,
a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner? Are you opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the
United Nations or the New World Order? Do you believe in conspiracy theories, do you believe that we are living in the
"end times"?
If you answered yes to any of those questions,
you are a "potential terrorist" according to official U.S. government documents.
Read more here:
Tens Of Millions Of Americans Now Planning For A 'Post-Election
Day Political Apocalypse Scenario': 'America Will See An Increase In Violence As A Result Of The Election' As Majority
Of Democrats, Republicans And Independents Agree
readers know, we do not put much stock in the actual numbers coming from pollsters, but use polling to document patterns and
trends and we are seeing one specific pattern that is very disturbing.
Recently we reported that 61% of Americans seeing the possibility of civil war happening after the 2020 presidential election, while 52%
actively stockpiling necessities in "anticipation of disruptions." 58% of those stockpiling say they are doing so
in case of a resurgence of COVID-19, while 42% think racial concerns and political unrest as to being the cause.
Read more here:
Communist China CENSORED Mike Pence, but not Kamala!
Communist China actually censored Mike Pence when answering about China by killing the
signal, according to the Globe and Mail Beijing correspondent.
But when
it was Kamala's turn to answer on China, the signal came back:
Read more
Herr De Blasio and Herr Cuomo Threaten to Shut Down Synagogues and Churches -
"A small number of religious
communities, specific churches and specific synagogues are unfortunately not paying attention to this guidance even though
it's so widespread," the Democrat mayor said at a news conference on the coronavirus crisis.
And although the corona-count hit the 1,000 mark in NYC on Sunday, city officials continue to work
hard to control the spread of the pandemic.
"I want to say to all
those who are preparing for the potential of religious services this weekend: If you go to your synagogue, if you go to your
church and attempt to hold services after having been told so often not to, our enforcement agents will have no choice but
to shut down those services," he added.
Read more here:
It is being projected that there could be an "eight billion meal shortage"
at America's food banks over the next 12 months
In 2020, we are
witnessing an explosion of hunger in the United States that is unlike anything that we have seen since the Great Depression
of the 1930s. Tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs since the start of this pandemic, and money is running
low for a whole lot of people. In fact, I just wrote an article about a survey that found that one out of every five Americans will be out of cash by Election Day. More Americans
are slipping into poverty with each passing month, and this has created an unprecedented surge of demand at food banks across
the nation. Meanwhile, our growing economic problems are also causing donations to dry up, and so many food banks are
facing a major crunch as we head into 2021. In fact, Feeding America is warning that their network of food banks is
potentially facing an "eight billion meal shortage" over the next 12 months...
Read more here:
It Begins: Canada's First Arrest Under THE QUARANTINE ACT Sets The Stage For Aussie
Like Tyranny
And so it begins...The Canadian government is marching
down the road towards tyranny with the first arrest being made under the federal Quarantine Act! Chris Saccoccia, aka Chris
Sky, and his wife were recently arrested in Toronto under the act for failing to comply with the Canadian government's 14-day
quarantine rule!
In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with
Chris Sky about his arrest, the charges he is now facing, why he's doing this and, most importantly, what you can do if you
would like to be involved in the fight against tyranny and oppression.
and video found here:
Does The Coronavirus Make Our Constitutional Freedom Of Assembly Obsolete?
Over the past couple of weeks a trend has become apparent in the state of Idaho, specifically
in Moscow, Idaho in Latah County. The city council of Moscow has issued a mandatory mask order, and they are using police to enforce it. Bizarrely, the city had ZERO deaths from Covid at the time the mask order was instituted,
meaning their action was in response to...nothing.
Idaho has had a total
of 500 deaths from Covid since the beginning of the outbreak. To put this in perspective, the state also has around 400 deaths from diabetes every year, and 250 deaths from the flu/pneumonia
according to the CDC. Perhaps they should ban sugar, and make masks mandatory for the flu as well, just to be safe...
Read more here:
De Blasio sends NYPD to round up Jews - outside in masks
Communist Mayor Bill de Blasio, née Warren Wilhelm, doesn't want to use the police to halt rioting and looting
by his favored groups, Black Lives Matter and Antifa. However, he has found a use for the NYPD, one of the finest police forces
in the world.
He has them rounding up Jews again who were outside, many
with masks, celebrating Sukkot. Should they start wearing the Star of David on their clothes too Big Bird?
It's not just de Blasio, it's Governor Andrew Cuomo, the Emperor of New York.
Read more here:
As Trump orders the complete declassification of all "Russia Hoax" documents,
here's a list of TRAITORS who should be arrested and tried for TREASON
(Natural News) In the latest bombshell news that threatens to expose deep state traitors across America, President Trump has ordered the
"total declassification" of "all documents" related to the Russia hoax as well as Hillary Clinton's email
Trump tweeted:
have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME
in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions!"
Read more here:
Covid-19 has been a boon for the gun industry, which is seeing record sales
Fresh data released by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and the Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shows that Americans have been purchasing firearms and ammunition in record numbers ever since the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) was declared to be a "pandemic."
While many other industries are suffering due to continued lockdowns and other economic restrictions, the gun industry
is booming with both new and repeat customers scrambling to stock up on whatever they can in anticipation of the unknown.
Read more here:
OBEY OR ELSE: New England Journal of Medicine says people
refusing MANDATORY coronavirus vaccines should be severely punished, locked in their homes and fired from their jobs
Welcome to the new medical fascism of 2020. The New England Journal of Medicine,
the same fake science rag that committed total fraud to dishonestly smear hydroxychloroquine and protect the interests of vaccine companies, is now saying that all human beings must be forced to take mandatory vaccines.
Those who refuse should face severe punishment, the NEJM insists, and insidious measures should be pursued to make sure no
one can challenge the punishments in a court of law.
Read more here:
Celente - GET READY: Expect More Food Shortages And Higher Prices, But The Crisis
Will Be Far Worse Than You Realize
October 7 (King World News) - Gerald Celente: Evidence of supply chain disruptions are everywhere consumers look... except the mainstream
news. The unprecedented "shelter-in-place" rules imposed by governments to fight the COVID War have not only crippled
the livelihoods of hundreds of millions across the globe and destroyed the businesses of countless millions, they also have
crushed many sectors of the economy.
The international lockdown restrictions
have disrupted the flow of raw materials, component parts, and finished goods. The widespread shortages, coupled with the
creation of trillions of dollars of devalued digital cash backed by nothing and printed on nothing will lead to higher prices...
Read more here:
China Threatens War Over New
Taiwan Independence Proposal: State Media
New fiery rhetoric
from Beijing at a proposal by Taiwan's opposition party comes amid an ongoing and provocative trip to the region by Secretary
of State Mike Pompeo.
China on Wednesday levied new threats
at Taiwan and appears poised to escalate its military efforts to bring to heel what it considers a renegade province, following
an attempt by the island nation's opposition party to bring it into closer cooperation with the U.S.
Red more here:
The ‘Elites' Are Using The COVID-19 Pandemic to Serving Their
Agendas by Creating Hoaxes Around The Virus. If The Public Doesn't Catch on, America is Doomed
I reported that Vitamin C and D3 together with zinc and NAC strengthened the immune system
against the virus.
I reported that the masks people are wearing are not
N95 masks and thereby do not prevent inhalation and exhalation of the virus. Some medical professionals have concluded
that the masks do harm and no good.
As more information became available,
I reported that the virus attacked in a different way than assumed and that ventilators rather than the virus itself were
killing people.
Read more here:
Round up the ‘anti-vaxxers'? Enlist religious leaders?
Bill Gates warns US needs to brainstorm ways to reduce ‘vaccine hesitancy'
Billionaire software tycoon Bill Gates has urged the US to prepare for a Covid-19 vaccine rollout by deputizing trusted
community leaders to "reduce vaccine hesitancy," bemoaning the rapid spread of "conspiracy theories" online.
The Microsoft founder-turned-vaccine-evangelist painted a mostly rosy
picture of a vaccine rollout getting "rich countries" back to normal by the end of 2021 in an interview
during the Wall Street Journal's CEO Council on Tuesday.
However, with
less than half of Americans saying they'd get a Covid jab - even if paid $100 for it - in a recent survey, Gates then focused
his talk on enlisting the nation's "trust network" to overcome the skeptics.
Read more here:
Feds Grant Foreign Oil Company Right to Seize Land From American Property Owners
For Pipeline
When people like President Donald Trump and Attorney
General Bill Barr have promoted imminent domain, I find it very troubling. The entire idea behind eminent domain being
in "the public interest" can be, and often is, so distorted as to force compliance of Americans to give up their
private property so that often a corporation or government can gain control of the land for profit. Such seems to be
the case for Oregon cattle rancher Bill Gow, a man who voted for President Trump thinking it would be good for him and America.
Now, he's seeing things a lot differently.
Read more here:
Top US Food Bank Warns Of Nationwide "Meal Shortages" In Next 12 Months
The Plandemic Has Been Designed to Make Society Suffer, They Know If They Crush That Part of Society They Will Be Able to Implement the New World Order, the Alternative Would Be
FEMA Lines, Satan Soldiers Billionaire Financier George Soros in Full Stride...
The virus pandemic and resulting recession, crushing
millions of households, has produced a new era of hunger nationwide. After seven months of the coronavirus chaos, triggering
widespread unemployment and the collapse of small businesses, millions of Americans are going hungry for the first time in
their lives ahead of the holiday season.
Read more here:
Student Of History Has Brutal History Lesson For Anti-America Democrats:
Some American Indian Tribes Kept Human Slaves, And ATE THEM During Difficult Times!
Christopher Columbus haters should leave his statues alone, get a job, take lunch to a sick neighbor or volunteer
at a soup kitchen
It's getting that time of the year when people
who wish to be perceived as modish, maybe even elegant, start taking shots at Christopher Columbus. It shows they are woke.
(That's the first time I've used that word incorrectly, and I feel, well, silly.)
The Indians in North America were sleeping peacefully in their hogans, wigwams, and longhouses during the early hours
of October 12, 1492. They were dreaming as their ancestors had for centuries, of flashing salmon, thundering herds of bison,
the thump of an arrow striking a deer, and the sound of corn rustling in the evening breeze, with no idea of the events that
would happen when Europeans stepped out of a small boat into the pounding surf.
Read more here:
Over 6000 Scientists, Doctors Sign Anti-lockdown Petition
Calls for only ‘focused protection' of vulnerable people from COVID so everyone
else can build herd immunity
Over six thousand scientists and
doctors have signed a petition against coronavirus lockdown measures, urging that those not in the at risk category should
be able to get on with their lives as normal, and that lockdown rules in both the US and UK are causing ‘irreparable
Those who have signed include professors from the world's
leading universities. Oxford University professor Dr Sunetra Gupta was one of the authors of the open letter that was sent
with the petition, along with Harvard University's Dr Martin Kulldorff and Stanford's Dr Jay Bhattacharya.
It declares that social distancing and mask mandates are causing ‘damaging physical
and mental health impacts.'
Read more here:
Flu Shots Are Killing Senior Citizens in Record Numbers, Study Warns
Researchers have found that senior citizens are being killed by flu vaccines in record
numbers, and the death rate is rising at an alarming rate. A study conducted by JAMA discovered that flu shots may be killing
a significant number of senior citizens.
According to data collected by
the study, 60 percent of people over 65-years-old are at risk. A former investigative journalist for CBS, Sharyl Attkisson,
states that the study highlights the worrying rise in mortality rates among elderly citizens who are vaccinated for protection
against influenza.
According to Attkisson, not only do the findings prove
that the flu shots do nothing to improve death rates, but they may actually be contributing to the increase in ill health
and fatality.
Inquisitr reports: The study "got little attention,"
she says, "because the science came down on the wrong side."
more here:
The Average American Is RECORDED 238 Times a Week
Do you have a cell phone? Unless it's an old antiquated flip phone, there's a camera. Public parks,
roadways, the parking garage at your favorite shopping center, police officers wearing body cameras, school...they are everywhere.
There was a time when Americans viewed the presence of security cameras in a private business
as a creepy Orwellian intrusion into their private lives. They didn't want to be recorded and watched as they did their shopping
or when they went into the bank to cash their paychecks. Those days came and went and Americans accepted and adapted those
Read more here:
Spy Operations in US Are ‘Off the Scale,' Analyst Says
Chinese regime's espionage operations around the world have been accelerating over the past decade and are now "off the scale," an analyst
His comment comes at a time when U.S. federal prosecutors announce
a new China-related case almost every week.
In the past two months, a New York City police officer was arrested and accused of spying on the Tibetan community for the Chinese Consulate; five Chinese nationals were charged with allegedly hacking more than 100 companies and entities worldwide; a Chinese researcher at UCLA (University of California Los Angeles) was charged with destroying evidence (a hard drive) to hamper an investigation
into whether he had transferred sensitive software to China; a NASA researcher was arrested and accused of hiding his funding from China; and a former CIA officer was arrested for allegedly spying for China for a decade.
Read more here:
Obama knew! Bombshell new evidence implicates former president in "Russian collusion"
hoax to depose duly elected Trump
(Natural News) Never has a case of such obvious sedition been ignored by so many people who ought to be concerned about it: Ranking federal
law enforcement officials; the media; and members of Congress.
But because
it happened to President Donald Trump, the traditional order of society and the application of our laws don't apply, apparently.
Read more here:
KaBOOM! House and Senate Investigators Ask FBI to Open CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION
into Joe Biden . . .
BREAKING: House investigators have now
joined the Senate in requesting the FBI open a criminal investigation into possible foreign influence-peddling &
embezzlement involving Joe Biden and his younger brother, and son based on suspicious financial activities flagged
by US Treasury
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Full moon glows Blood Red as it rises into California's inferno
There was no eclipse on September 30, 2020. But still, as the full moon rose on that day,
California's wildfire-smoke-infused skies caused it to glow a vibrant red over Mount Shasta.
And that's really an eerie sight to see in California... Yes, wildfires in the state have given the moon a blood-red
Read more here:
The Cashless Society: It's All About to Go Digital
The Cashless Society is here folks and the frogs are about to be boiled alive!
So if all the cash is gone, how are you going to pay for stuff! Most all sales and now
done by debit or credit card now. All they have to do is make it mandatory and implement their draconian rules.
Read more here:
Can AI Detect Disinformation? A New Special Operations Program May Find Out
Air Force, U.S. Special Operations Command fund year-long effort to train a neural
net to rank credibility and sort news from misinformation.
all the U.S. military's technical advantages over adversaries, it still struggles to counter disinformation. A new software
tool to be developed for the U.S. Air Force and Special Operations Command, or SOCOM, may help change that.
"If you don't compete in the information space, regardless of how good your operations
are, your activities are, you will probably eat a shit sandwich of disinformation or false reporting later on," Raymond
"Tony" Thomas, a former SOCOM chief, said in an interview. "We certainly experienced that at
the tactical level. That was the epiphany where we would have good raids, good strikes, etc. and the bad guys would spin it
so fast that we would be eating collateral damage claims, etc. So the information space in that very tactical space is key.
Read more here:
'With The Genie Out Of The Bottle, Time Is Not On Our Side':
Was A Chinese Bioweapon Used By Globalists To Attack 'America-First'?
'I wouldn't be surprised if we find out this was an arrow in someone's quiver and a doozy of an October surprise'
Warning within his email that according to his last contact with 'insiders',
the most extreme security measures and precautions have been instituted to protect and sequester President Trump and Vice
President Pence against possible 'assassination teams' and a deteriorating World War 3 scenario ahead, we have
to go ahead and ask a question that is apparently on the minds of many: "Who targeted President Trump?"
Read more here:
Up To 50% Of Evangelicals Reject Bible's Teaching On Gender: Report
A new study has revealed that 22% of U.S. evangelicals appear to reject the Bible's teaching
that the gender of a person as male or female is given by God, the Creator, and instead believe in "gender fluidity."
The survey, sponsored by Orlando-based Ligonier Ministries, and conducted by surveying more than 3,000 Americans in March,
also showed that Americans with evangelical beliefs (73%) are more likely to disagree that "gender identity is a matter
of choice" than those without evangelical beliefs (47%).The survey found that Americans in the Northeast are the most
likely to agree with gender fluidity, at 44%, and so are those in the age group of 18 to 34, at 50%... (READ MORE)
What's Really Behind New Polls Showing A Majority Of Respondents Support Human-Animal
Chimeric Research?
Unless you are living in a cave you most likely
have seen numerous disturbing headlines over the last week stating that a "Majority of Respondents Support Chimeric Animal Research: Survey." Later this month I am scheduled to go on the largest Christian network in the world to explain why a strong majority of Americans
and global respondents now support the creation of human-animal chimeras as well as other unnatural entities with a full 92%
of those polled saying they are also very anxious for Days of Noah "Human Augmentation."
Read more here:
This Is What Will Happen to America with a Jezebel President In Full Control
As previously published in the past, CSS researcher, Alexandra Daily and myself uncovered
Kamala Harris' role in protecting the child sex trafficking that had penetrated the Catholic church. Harris refused media
inquiries under the Freedom of Information Act. She blocked several intended prosecutions of pedophiles.
Read more here:
The Truth is Being Obliterated. The Global Elite's Campaign Against Humanity
The COVID-19 virus. Does it exist? Is it a novel virus? Is there a Pandemic?
If you ask any doctor or scientist in the world to show you a scientifically-verified
proof, they will not be able to show you one.
Given that it has not
been scientifically established that the COVID-19 novel virus exists, it is therefore clear that everything being done supposedly
in the effort to tackle the ‘virus' is being done for another purpose and COVID-19 is being used to conceal this fact.
Read more here:
How To Deal With Neighbors And Friends That Come Begging For Food At Your Door
In A Crisis
The late afternoon light is shining through
your window and the scene outside is quiet, just the way you like it. You are about a month into a serious collapse and thus
far your preps have held up. Power has been out for 2 weeks; you don't plan on ever having power again. You prepared for that.
As the sun sinks closer to the horizon you hear one of the most terrifying sounds
of all: A knock on the door!
Your family finds their places and
weapons, you leave from the backdoor and flank whoever might be on your porch. To your surprise it is your cousin! You haven't
seen him in years, but he is here. He looks rough and he has his disheveled family of three along with him. He
also doesn't seem to have any food or supplies with him.
more here:
Our society is in the process of breaking down all around us
Have you noticed that people don't treat one another with the same level of respect and
civility that they once did? Everywhere I look, people are treating one another badly, and this should greatly alarm
all of us. Perhaps we can blame some of this on the pandemic, because the restrictions that authorities have implemented
around the nation have definitely put people in a bad mood. And of course the fact that this is an election year is
certainly not helping things. But I am seeing people that are supposedly on the same side treating each other with extreme
contempt. Conservatives are fighting with conservatives, liberals are fighting with liberals, Christians are fighting
with Christians, and over the past year I have been seeing families break up all over the place. Hearts are growing
so cold, and all of the strife and discord that we are witnessing makes me wonder what things will be like when economic conditions
in this nation really start falling apart.
Read more here:
Epic scale of California wildfires continues to grow
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The staggering scale of California's wildfires reached another milestone
Monday: A single fire surpassed 1 million acres.
The new mark for the
August Complex in the Coast Range between San Francisco and the Oregon border came a day after the total area of land burned
by California wildfires this year passed 4 million acres, more than double the previous record.
Read more here:
Pope Francis Rails Against Building ‘Walls' in New Teaching Letter
ROME - Pope Francis has called on Christians to break down walls and embrace a love without
borders in a new encyclical letter released on Sunday.
"We achieve
fulfilment when we break down walls," wrote the pope, who ironically rules the world's only completely walled-in sovereign territory, the Vatican City State.
The pope referred to walls a remarkable 14 times in his letter titled Fratelli Tutti
(Brothers All), insisting that the Church wants "to build bridges, to break down walls, to sow seeds of reconciliation."
Read more here:
China Arrests Mother of Dissident Virologist Who Blamed Beijing for Virus Coverup
Chinese authorities recently arrested the mother of a Chinese virologist who has accused
the regime in Beijing of a coverup of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Yan Limeng
confirmed her mother's arrest to The Epoch Times on Oct. 5, but declined to provide further details.
Read more here:
Trump Orders Declassification of Long-Withheld Spy Records
President Donald Trump has directed White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to begin the
process of declassifying more documents tied to the Obama administration's investigation and spying on the Trump 2016 presidential
"He's already tasked me with getting some declassification
rolling, in a follow up to some of the requests that Devin Nunes and others have made," Meadows told "Fox and Friends"
on Oct. 5, referring to House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes (R-Calif.)
Read more here:
'Unfathomable' California wildfires shatter new record after burning through more than 4 million
acres this year - more than double the previous high in 2018
wildfires in California have burned more than four million acres this year, setting a new record for the number of acres burned in a single year.
Officials announced the grim record on Sunday, saying the 2020 wildfires have now scorched
a record of four million acres - in a fire season that is far from over.
The unprecedented figure - an area larger than the state of Connecticut - is more than double the previous record
for the most land burned in a single year in the Golden State.
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Chinese fighter jet taken down by bird
Chinese warplane meets its match in feathered foe
(Taiwan News) - After many weeks of constant intrusions into Taiwan's air defense identification zone (ADIZ) by People's Liberation
Army Air Force (PLAAF) warplanes, Chinese state-run media announced that one of the nation's fighter jets was taken down by
a bird.
According to Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense (MND), PLAAF
aircraft violated Taiwan's ADIZ on 10 out of 18 days between Sept. 16 to Oct. 3, in a total of 50 sorties. However, the PLAAF's
self-cultivated image of invincibility took a hit in recent days when one of its jets crashed after meeting its match in an
avian adversary.
Read more here:
Pope Francis Calls for Giving United Nations Organization ‘Real Teeth'
ROME - Pope Francis makes his best case for multilateralism in a new teaching letter,
calling for more authority for supranational organizations like the United Nations.
"The twenty-first century is witnessing a weakening of the power of nation states, chiefly because the economic
and financial sectors, being transnational, tend to prevail over the political," the pope writes in the encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti (Brothers All), released on Sunday.
this situation, it is essential to devise stronger and more efficiently organized international institutions, with functionaries
who are appointed fairly by agreement among national governments, and empowered to impose sanctions," the pope advises
in the 43,000-word text.
Read more here:
McCabe Delays Senate Committee Testimony, Citing COVID-19 Concern
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe won't be appearing before a Senate committee this week after two members of the panel tested positive for the CCP (Chinese
Communist Party) virus, his lawyer said on Oct. 3.
McCabe was scheduled
to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Oct. 6 to testify about the FBI's handling of the probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, which later morphed
into an investigation of President Donald Trump's campaign.
Read more
Ammunition Makers Facing Massive Order Backlog, Shortage May Last Until 2021
Ammunition makers are reporting a massive backlog, and in some cases, the shortage is
so severe that gun owners may not be able to purchase ammunition off the shelves until next year.
Bearing Arms reports that at least one Arizona ammunition manufacturer, the Scottsdale, Arizona, based Ammo Incorporated, is "facing
an $80.1 million backlog amid record demand for ammunition."
more here:
India Test-Fires Nuclear-Capable Hypersonic Missile As Border Tensions Rise
For decades, India has feared a multi-front war with China and Pakistan. By modernizing
its military, along with investments in nuclear weapons and hypersonic missiles, New Delhi could be on a pathway to deter
or manage conflict with either one of its nuclear-armed neighbors.
what appears to be the second hypersonic missile test in weeks, India successfully test-fired its indigenously developed nuclear-capable
hypersonic missile dubbed "Shaurya," defense sources told Hindustan Times.
Read more here:
Hawaii Food Bank Sees "Stunning" Increase In Meals Served
Hawaii is facing an economic cliff as federal stimulus money for small businesses and
unemployed workers have dried up (read: here). This past summer, there was some optimism in restarting Hawaii's tourism industry, but the resurgence in COVID-19 cases in July and August changed all that.
High unemployment and
a collapsed tourism industry continue to plague the island. Carl Bonham, executive director of the University of Hawaii Economic
Research Organization, told Honolulu Civil Beat that the island's economic situation "is, to some extent, worse than we anticipated."
Read more here:
China wants 'to kill millions of Americans,' analyst warns
Beijing risking 'incident' that would 'justify taking lives'
China has been sending fighter aircraft and bombers into Taiwan's airspace this month
while the ruling Communist Party is issuing threats.
"The U.S. and
Taiwan must not misjudge the situation, or believe the exercise is a bluff. Should they continue to make provocations, a war
will inevitably break out," the Communist Party's Global Times newspaper said in a Sept. 18 editorial.
Read more here:
Millions of locusts devastate fields, crops and pastures in Chile
Inhabitants and small farmers of Agua Amarilla and the Huacho in Combarbalá, Chile
are facing the invasion of millions of locusts, devastating crops, trees and pastures.
Heavy damage has already been reported in both communities, with people starting to worry for their livelihoods and
asking officials to eradicate the insect plague.
The flying insects move
westward within the region of Combarbalá a trail of devastation behind them.
Read more here:
Yes, China Will Likely Push The Price Of Gold Above $20,000, But This Is What
Is Really Stunning
October 4 (King World News) - Dr. Stephen Leeb: For obvious reasons, the next several months are likely to be very volatile,
even more so than the first part of the year. So it's worth realizing that something that was true during the first 20 years
of this century is almost certainly a prelude to the next 20 years and beyond.
Which is to say: Jump on the likely short-term volatility to grab those investments
that will resume their role as the leaders in coming decades...
more here:
Many who study the Third
Temple believe its planning and construction must be begun well in advance of the Tribulation era. Its completion, they believe,
will take quite some time. Others hold that the Jews are even now considering building a tent-like structure similar to Moses'
Tabernacle. They believe that worship, with sacrifices reinstituted, could be going on in such a place while the more grandiose
Temple is constructed around the temporary structure.
Read more here:
Covid-19: The Lies And The Reality - Covid-19 Is A False Flag Pandemic Designed
For Political Purposes - The Creation Of A Global Dictatorship With A Sanitary Excuse
'Without the Mainstream Media running cover 24-7 for them, this criminal conspiracy attack
would have ended by now'
It is time for the immediate end to
COVID mandates and the total restoration of unrestricted civil liberties NOW!
A virus did not do this. No virus did this to planet earth and mankind. To worldwide civilian populations. Extended
lockdowns and restricted travel? No virus did this to international freedoms, national freedoms or local freedoms.
No virus forced mandatory mask-wearing on little children and the elderly. No virus caused
isolation or social distancing. It wasn't a virus that forced all these things on our worldwide economic community of nations.
No virus did all of this. There has been something else going on. This has not been a real worldwide "pandemic"
threat. This has been "a colossal Biggest Medical Scam Ever" control measure attack on world civilizations.
Committed by a vast consortium of corrupt people with extreme ill will and intent by multiple forms of attack to sell their
product: "Fear."
Read more here:
Hundreds of members of black militia raise their guns while holding an armed rally
in Louisiana weeks after police fatally shot an African American man, 31, who 'had a knife while entering a convenience store'
Some 400 members of an armed black militia brandished semi-automatic weapons in a show
of force in Louisiana on Saturday as they protested a recent fatal shooting of a black man by local police.
The NFAC, or ‘Not F****** Around Coalition,' is an Atlanta-based militia made up
primarily of former military veterans.
The organization has frequently
staged processions and marches in several cities that have been flashpoints of racial tension these past few months.
Read more here:
Pope says coronavirus pandemic has proven that ‘magic theories' of market
capitalism have failed and world needs a new type of politics
Pope Francis says the coronavirus pandemic has proven that the 'magic theories' of market capitalism have failed and that the world needs a new type of politics
that promotes dialogue and solidarity.
Francis on Sunday laid out his
vision for a post-COVID world by uniting the core elements of his social teachings into a new encyclical, 'Fratelli Tutti'
(Brothers All), which was released on the feast day of his namesake, the peace-loving St. Francis of Assisi.
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The Fake News Industry and Trump's COVID-19 Diagnosis
When Donald Trump campaigned for the presidency in 2016, he earned the ire and eternal
enmity of the mainstream news industry by calling their product "fake news." He has been made to pay for using that all-too-accurate term ever since his election.
However, the "fake" part of fake news has never been so obvious as in what the mainstream news industry
has been peddling since it was announced that President Trump and his wife, Melania, had tested positive for the CCP virus.
Read more here:
There has never been a time when prepping for an emergency was on the mind of so many Americans.
In fact, you could argue that the collective minds of the world are all thinking "We did mock the preppers for so many
years but they were well prepared for the bad events 2020 had in store for us".
Places like India are facing incredible infection rates, restrictions, and potential economic issues. That is an
example of many. While it might seem like rioting is happening only in your town or city, riots are happening all over the
Read more here:
Former Pfizer Executive Refutes Fauci & Lying Media On COVID
Propaganda: "It's Over," "Curve Flattened Months Ago," "No Second Wave"
This is coming from a former executive with a Big Pharma company! If that isn't telling,
I don't know what is. Still, we know the propaganda will continue and my guess is that what went on with President Trump and
First Lady Melania is nothing more than COVID propaganda too. Quite possibly it's to ramp up for the vaccines that the Trump
administration unconstitutionally spent billions of the American people's money for that most people do not want in the first
place and that is a public health threat all by itself. Still, a former Pfizer executive has destroyed the lying media and
politicians' narrative and told the American people the truth.
Read more
President Trump to Appoint Tom Fitton to Court Oversight Which Has Power to Remove
Certain Judges For Misconduct
President Trump plans to name Judicial
Watch president Tom Fitton to a court oversight agency which has the power to remove certain judges for misconduct.
The White House on Friday announced Trump's intention to name Tom Fitton to the D.C. Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure.
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Just Over 4 Weeks Away From An Election That Could Result In The Radical Transformation
Of America, 'The Wise' Kick Up Their Prepping With A Potential Nightmare Scenario Ahead
While a shocking new poll finds that 61% of Americans feel that our country could be on the verge of another civil war, with 52% so convinced 'it is just around the corner' that the 'prepper movement' has exploded across the country, ANP is incredibly thankful to people like Steve Quayle, Michael Snyder at the Economic Collapse Blog, Mac Slavo over at SHTFPlan, SELCO over at the Organic Prepper and a few others who've been warning us and the country for many years to 'prepare', putting many independent
news readers years ahead of the rest of the country in 'preparing'.
Read more here:
Covid-19 infection of President Trump instantly ends the "hoax" narrative
that's been pushed by alt-right indy media since March of this year
(Natural News) In early March of this year, alt-right indy media outlets and conservative pundits started claiming the coronavirus was
a "hoax." They insisted it was, "No worse than the flu" and claimed no one was really dying from covid.
Some publishers and platforms still claim there's no such thing as a coronavirus and that all the supposed sickness is caused
solely by cell towers.
Read more here:
Report On Rising Far-Left Extremism Raises Concerns Of Possible ‘Mass-Casualty
A new academic paper studying the rise of violent, far-left
extremist networks warns of the possibility of "attacks on vital infrastructure" and even a potential "mass-casualty
The Network Contagion Research Institute's report warns that militant anarcho-socialist networks are instigating violence in ways that parallel Islamist terrorists and white supremacist
The NCRI's alerts have proved prescient in the past: the institute
released a report warning of spikes in anti-Semitic extremism shortly before the October 2018 Tree of Life Synagogue mass shooting that left 11 people dead.
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Jim Caviezel: Christian way of living will soon be gone, prepare for massive persecutions
‘We're at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind.'
October 2, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - Actor Jim Caviezel stated in a recent interview that Christians should be at war with secular extremists, declaring that
this is "a war that needs to be fought and must be won."
one has ever rode to victory on the back of fake moral platitudes. We have to speak the truth boldly," Caviezel told
My Faith Votes' Megan West.
Caviezel asserted that slavery and suffering
have been the lot of God's people throughout much of history and said we don't fully appreciate how blessed we have been to
live in a society where religious liberty has prevailed, though it now hangs precariously in the balance.
"You'll wish that you never even knew what democracy was. This Christian way of living
will soon be gone," said Caviezel. "We're talking about massive, massive persecutions."
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Is Chris Wallace a White Supremacist?
After four months of looting, arson, window breaking, vandalism, intimidation, physical assaults, stabbings and shootings
by Black Lives Matter and antifa, the first thing on the media's mind is ... getting Trump to condemn "white supremacists"!
It would be as if, on the morning after Pearl Harbor, the League of Nations demanded that
FDR condemn American aggression in the Pacific.
Why on earth was Trump
being badgered by both debate moderator Chris Wallace and Democratic nominee Joe Biden to denounce "white supremacy"?
And why wasn't Biden ever asked to condemn the nonstop violence by antifa that actually has been consuming the country for
more than 100 nights now?
Read more here:
Are the COVID Tests a Way to Surreptitiously Infect or Implant People?
The very long cotton swab used for some of these COVID tests
is very unusual, prompting speculation as to why such a long cotton swab is necessary.
I asked a retired medical doctor at that time who is known to Health Impact News about what Makia
was saying in the article regarding the need for long cotton swabs penetrating so far into the body, and this doctor replied:
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Australian State Law Empowers Officials to Forcibly Remove Underwear to Administer Vaccine
In 2016, the state of Western Australia's Public Health Act
added regulations authorizing officers to restrain individuals and, if necessary, forcibly "remove anything (including
underwear) that the relevant person is wearing." The powers are only enforceable under a public health state of emergency,
as was declared in Western Australia in March 2020 in response to fear of a COVID-19 pandemic. An Australian law professor
says the government should have declared the emergency over months ago, "but of course they will not now relinquish these
newfound powers." Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison made an agreement with a vaccine manufacturer and announced
that the vaccine will be be made "as mandatory as you can possibly make it" before quickly walking back the comments
somewhat and saying the vaccine "is not going to be compulsory" and that "we can't hold someone down and make
them take it." [Oh yes they can - and they intend to do exactly that.]_GEG
Read more here:
The World Is Becoming Ripe for a One World Currency, Which
Will Aid With Enforcing the Mark and Stop Those Who Refuse the Mark From "Buying and
Selling" (Rev.13)...
Are we living in perilous times? There is no doubt about
that. Let's just take one example of what is happening today. There are uprisings all around the world, with people protesting
and rioting and governments toppling. The people are starting to see the power they have if they get together. And this is
a very dangerous situation and one that will lead to the image of the beast being formed, which will bring on the enforcement
of the beast's mark. And with the economy melting all around the world, with countries nearing bankruptcy, the world is becoming ripe for a one
world currency, which will aid with enforcing the mark and stop those who refuse the mark from "buying and selling" (Rev.13).
Read more here:
Woman Surprises Server with $800 Tip: ‘God Has Been Covering Me'
A woman in New Orleans, Louisiana, paid it forward in a big way when she tipped her server
$800 after dining at an unidentified restaurant on Monday.
Keyondra New
is the owner of an Instagram account called TipaServer, where she solicits donations to "give back to the servers struggling during this pandemic," according to the account.
This week, New surprised a server named Ashley with an $800 tip on her meal.
Read more here:
700 Christian pastors tell UK govt ‘categorically' not to ‘suspend
Christian worship again'
‘The public worship of the Christian
church is particularly essential for our nation's wellbeing,' they state in a letter addressed to U.K. prime minister Boris
Johnson along with the nation's first ministers.
29, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - A group of 700 Christian ministers from across the United Kingdom have written an open letter demanding that their governments
do not ask them to "suspend Christian worship again."
The letter
is addressed to the U.K. prime minister, Boris Johnson, and the first ministers of Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.
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Turkey Ramps Up Its Involvement In Armenian-Azerbaijani War
Azerbaijan has given Turkey control over the air segment of its military campaign to capture the
Nagorno-Karabakh region, the Armenian Defense Ministry reported on September 30. According to Artsrun Hovhannisyan, Turkish
and Azerbaijani aviation is being coordinated by the E7-T aircraft of the Turkish Air Force, which is an air command post.
The military plane was spotted near the Turkish cities of Erzurum and Kars.
is possible that the leadership of the Turkish Air Force is on board this plane," Hovhannisyan added.
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Wall Street Is Bracing For A "Nightmare Scenario" To Unfold On November
Did you watch the presidential debate? All over
America people are still buzzing about it, because it was definitely unlike any presidential debate that we have ever seen
before. But despite all the chaos, the debate gave us tremendous clarity on one very important issue. Unless there
is a blowout of historic proportions, it is exceedingly unlikely that either side will be willing to concede on the night
of the election or any time shortly thereafter. In other words, the winner of the election may not be known until a
long time after November 3rd, and this is being called "the nightmare scenario Wall Street wants to avoid"...
Read more here:
Police Department Lieutenant: Big Cities Will Collapse Even Sooner Than We Fear
Whenever you stop a second to think about the world we live in today, do you feel uneasy,
you fear for the lives of your loved ones?
When you see violent protests,
public assaults, riots, or arson attacks on the nightly news, do you wonder if your community is next?
If you do, you are one of the millions of Americans that realize how vulnerable
they really are - and how fragile our entire social and economic system really is.
Read more here:
How important is America's destruction to Satan? So important that hell has dispatched
a most powerful deceiver-a lying spirit, like that one mentioned in 1 Kings 22, in the mouths of those who should be preaching
truth. This spirit deceives and takes the best intentions of preachers and twists them until they wake up supporting the very
opposite of their first love.
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'Doomsday Planes' Activated After
Pres. Trump Tests Positive For Coronavirus
Multiple "Doomsday
planes" were tracked flying over America's east and west coast just half an hour before President Trump revealed on Twitter
that he and First Lady Melania Trump had tested positive for the coronavirus.
Tim Hogan
noticed an E-6B Mercury flying off the east coast shortly after 12 am EST.
more here:
Elon Musk put a computer interface in a pig's brain. Could future AI turn animals
against us?
It's been a month since Elon Musk and Neuralink trotted
out a cyborg pig to show off the company's progress toward a brain computer interface (BCI). I still see Gertrude in my nightmares.
The big idea behind Neuralink is the development of a brain implant that will allow everybody
to control computers with their minds. But more than this, Musk claims it will eventually allow computers to control our minds.
He says the device will be capable of "curing" depression, Alzheimer's and myriad other brain-based conditions. This would
be accomplished through targeted stimulation and interference in what would otherwise be unfettered brain activity.
Read more here:
President Trump, First Lady Test Positive For COVID-19
Update (0100ET): President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have tested
positive for COVID-19, according to a Thursday night tweet. "We will begin our quarantine and recovery process
immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he added.
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Medical Journal Calls For Mandatory Covid Vaccine: ‘Noncompliance Should
Incur A Penalty'
Suggests that "employment suspension
or stay-at-home orders" should be used to force people to get a jab
A paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine has called for mandating a coronavirus vaccine,
and outlined strategies for how Americans could be FORCED to take it.
The paper warns that an immediate mandate for the vaccine would spark too much resistance and backlash, so the writers suggest that
at first it should be voluntary.
However, it suggests that if not enough
people are willing to get the vaccine within the first few weeks of it's availability, it should be transformed into an obligation,
with penalties put into place for refusal.
Read more here:
Poll: Half of America is prepping for 'civil war'
'This is the single most frightening poll result I've ever been associated with'
Poll results that one survey organizer describes as "frightening" show that
3 of 5 respondents say the United States is on the "verge" of civil war and more than half already are preparing
for it.
The poll was documented by Paul Bedard in his Washington Secrets column.
Read more here:
Millions of Americans risk losing power and water as massive, unpaid utility bills
pile up
More than 179 million people may be at risk for
shut-offs as many state protections end.
This Tuesday marked
67 days of darkness for Kenneth Parson. He fell behind on his utility bills in the spring - and his lights went off, and stayed
off, starting at the end of July.
No power meant no refrigerator, so Parson,
a 62-year-old with diabetes in Griffin, Ga., had no choice but to store his temperature-sensitive insulin on ice in a small
cooler. He didn't have an easy way to cook at home, either, so his wife, Cheryl, took to preparing some meals for him in a
neighbor's kitchen.
Read more here:
More Than One Million New Jerseyans To Become "Food Insecure" By Year-End
The virus-induced economic downturn has triggered another kind of emergency that
is unleashing food insecurity for millions of Americans. Food banks across the country have reported skyrocketing demand this year as widespread unemployment has crushed low-income households.
According to a new report published by the Community FoodBank of New Jersey (CFBNJ), titled "COVID-19's Impact on Food Insecurity in
New Jersey," statistical projections from Feeding America were used to anticipate more than one million New
Jerseyans could suffer food insecurity this year.
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Gallup Annual Survey On Media Confidence Proves The MSM Is Just The Propaganda
Arm Of The Democrat Party - Americans Dwindling Trust In Media Directly Correlates With Leftward Socialist
There is a pandemic happening right now, one
far more dangerous to America itself than the COVID-19 the MSM/Democrats continue to preach about, and that is an pandemic
of fake, misleading propaganda by the liberal establishment media with straight up liberal activists posing as "journalists."
Independent media readers are well aware of the last four-five years of fake news, misleading
reports, retracted stories, and completely fabricated "anonymous" sources quoted, just to have all of it proven
as outright lies just weeks later, after liberals were already convinced the news was true.
Read more here:
Coronavirus vaccine trial subjects report extreme exhaustion, shortness of breath,
day-long headaches and shaking so violently that one of them cracked a tooth
(Natural News) Get ready for the depopulation kill shots that cause severe neurological damage and lobotomize anyone stupid enough to take
them. Even mainstream media outlet is now reporting that vaccine trials conducted by Moderna and Pfizer are producing
extreme side effects in trial subjects.
"High fever, body aches,
headaches and exhaustion are some of the symptoms participants in Moderna and Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine trials say they
felt after receiving the shots," reports CNBC:
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Biden Says Arabic Word Frequently Used by Muslims During Debate
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden used the Arabic word "inshallah" during
a discussion on President Donald Trump's tax returns at the first presidential debate Tuesday night.
Moderator Chris Wallace had asked Trump about a recent article from The New York Times that said the Republican president paid only $750 in federal income taxes per year in 2016 and 2017.
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Twitter goes down for more than an hour leaving thousands of users worldwide unable
to access the website and app version of the social media platform
than 50,000 Twitter users were unable to access the website and app versions of the social media platform Thursday morning
due to a worldwide outage.
Down Detector showed the outage started around
9:30am ET and was plaguing parts of the US, Europe and Asia.
Many users
were met with an 'error message' when logging in, along with a blank news feed that only reads 'try again' and disabled features
- all of which hindered their ability to share tweets.
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Virginia Forces Christian Ministries to Adopt 'Government Ideology' or Pay $100K
Three Christian schools and a Christian network of pregnancy centers are suing Attorney
General Mark Herring (D-Va.) in order to prevent Virginia from implementing two pro-LGBT laws that force "people of faith
to adopt a particular government ideology under threat of punishment." The two laws purport to prevent "discrimination"
against LGBT people but, in reality, they force Christian ministries to choose between violating their sincerely held religious
beliefs or paying hefty fines, as much as $100,000 per offense.
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America Is On The Road To Revolution- We have more in common with pre-Nazi Germany and pre-Soviet
Russia than we think.
In 1951, six years after the end of
World War II, the political philosopher Hannah Arendt published The Origins of Totalitarianism, in an attempt
to understand how such radical ideologies of both left and right had seized the minds of so many in the 20th century. Arendt's
book used to be a staple in college history and political theory courses. With the end of the Cold War 30 years behind us,
who today talks about totalitarianism? Almost no one-and if they do, it's about Nazism, not communism.
Unsurprisingly, young Americans suffer from profound ignorance of what communism was, and is. The
Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, a nonprofit educational and research organization established by the U.S. Congress,
carries out an annual survey of Americans to determine their attitudes toward communism, socialism, and Marxism in general.
In 2019, the survey found that a startling number of Americans of the post-Cold War generations have favorable views of left-wing
radicalism, and only 57 percent of Millennials believe that the Declaration of Independence offers a better guarantee of "freedom
and equality" than The Communist Manifesto.
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The Occult Spirituality Of Black Lives Matter And The Practice Of Summoning Demons
For Political Influence
Black lives do matter. Period. My first
step-father was a racist and an abuser. He constantly used the "n"-word and denigrating language for all who were
non-white. He also beat my mother and fired a gun inside our home. I never embraced racism in any form-my stepfather's character
made that easy. During my youth, by God's providence, I stumbled across a book entitled Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin,
and found in it a deep and decisive affirmation of my instinct that no one should be mistreated on the basis of the color
of his skin. Even so, what if you discovered that a group ostensibly dedicated to combating racism-a group with which you
have aligned yourself-achieved their ends by conjuring demons to aid them? (READ MORE)
New York Times Pushing Inhuman ‘Poly-Parent' Children Created Using Next-Generation
The New York Times is pushing what essentially amounts to
the next level of in vitro fertilization (IVF) in a lengthy op-ed released last week. Technology currently in development
could enable any human being, independent of their sex, "to manufacture an egg or sperm cell from a tiny sliver of their
own skin" and thus create a new baby... (READ MORE)
FOR THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST? First-Of-A-Kind Electronic Skin Mimics Human Pain
Electronic skins that perform the same sensory functions
as human skin could mean big things for the fields of robotics and medical devices, and scientists are not solely focused
on just the pleasant ones. Researchers in Australia have succeeded in developing an artificial skin that responds to painful
stimuli in the same way real skin does, which they see as an important step towards intelligent machines and prosthetics...
Venezuela's Food Chain Is Breaking, and Millions Go Hungry
A report found 13% of children under 5 are stunted; oil-rich nation is ‘on
the edge of an irreversible catastrophe'
Ana Nuñez, a
62-year-old retired municipal worker in western Venezuela, says her meals often consist of just a few corn-flour pancakes,
known as arepas.
Even when she has money to buy groceries in the city
of Maracaibo's teeming flea market, she said that "instead of quality food they sell garbage, like animal hides and rotten
Read more here:
Is The Pussification Of America's Youth Scientifically Engineered?
There's been a lot of debate lately on what generation of Americans is the most to blame
for the current failures of the US as a society. Baby Boomers blame millennials for being weak, lazy and entitled; millennials
blame boomers for ruining the system before they were ever born while enjoying the fruits of a more prosperous economy. The
real answer is that it's partially the fault of BOTH generations, but not for the reasons often argued.
The boomer vs. snowflake conflict is a controlled narrative that deliberately avoids the greater
issues at hand. Yes, the newest generations of Americans have been utterly pussified, but I believe this is part of a larger
agenda, and baby boomer parents unwittingly and stupidly played a supporting role.
Read more here:
Government investments in digital identity and biometrics programs progress around
the world
Systems aim to improve service access, birth registration,
voting, financial inclusion
Progress and plans for national digital identity
systems and biometric e-government solutions have been announced around the world, including a $250 million investment by
Australia's government. Saudi government services, financial inclusion in the Philippines, a remote birth registration system
in Pakistan, a public sector payroll clean-up in Kurdistan, and biometric voter verification in Kyrgyzstan are in the news.
Australia is planning to spend $250 million to upgrade its online services with biometric
facial recognition for user authentication to access a range of services, Tech Times reports.
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This Is How Quickly They Could Shut It All Down: 911 Emergency Outages Just The Latest Sign Of
Something Sinister Ahead
Back on August 18th after the state
of 'Commiefornia' announced 'rolling blackouts' for potentially millions of residents of the state to deal with an intense heatwave that had struck, we published this story on ANP titled "'Commiefornia's Rolling Blackouts' Show Us How Quickly The Globalists Could Shut Down America Completely & A 'Long-Term
Grid Down Death Toll' Would Absolutely Dwarf That Of Covid-19" within which we warned that due largely to nearly EVERYTHING in America being connected to 'big tech' and the
electrical grid, 'enemies of America' could 'shut us down' in no time flat.
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Fahrenheit 451 Predicted People Would Demand Tyranny
Even if it has been a while since you read Fahrenheit 451, you might remember Ray Bradbury's classic for its portrayal of a dystopian future in which an authoritarian government burns
Read Fahrenheit 451 again to discover why people wanted
their tyrannical government to burn books. Bradbury wrote Fahrenheit 451 in 1953, yet the parallels to today's social
climate for censorship are haunting.
Read more here:
Medical doctors declare that the pandemic was planned
This large group of medical experts publishes a medical newspaper on
500,000 copies every week, to inform the public about the massive misinformation in the mainstream media.
They also organize mass protests in Europe, like the one on August 29, 2020 where 12 million people signed up
and several millions actually showed up.
Why do these 500+ medical
doctors say the pandemic is a global crime? What do they know, that we don't?
Read more here:
BOMBSHELL: Joe Biden was clearly WIRED during the debate... see images from video
(Natural News) Video capture shots from last night's debate between Trump and Biden clearly show Joe Biden wearing wired electronic devices,
in violation of debate rules. The appearance of a wire under his jacket was abundantly obvious for a few seconds, as he tried
to tuck the wire back into a hidden location (see video shots below).
use of electronics confirms that Joe Biden's performance was dishonestly augmented by off-camera controllers who were likely
speaking to him through a hidden earpiece.
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Oklahoma Authorities Charge Alleged Rioters With Terrorism: ‘This Is Not Seattle.'
Authorities in Oklahoma announced late last week that they were charging alleged rioters
with terrorism and assault, saying that they would not put up with "this lawlessness here."
Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater reportedly made the decision to get tough on the
rioters in an effort to curb any future potential riots.
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EARTHQUAKE WATCH ISSUED: San Andreas South End Quakes Indicate Tidal Flexing; Prepare The Region For
The Near Term Stronger Quakes
Southern California Weather Force has issued an Earthquake Watch
spanning all of California, Nevada, and Northern Baja Mexico as a 4.4 magnitude quake hit the Southern San Andreas with numerous
aftershock slips this evening (Wednesday). This coincides with the forecast from Project Destini and Caifornia Fault
Stress model of 3s and 4s and MAYBE a 5. We will now see a larger one in the short term so read on for details what
the image means ...
First before you read the upper left image is the
quake that proves what I said below... the lower left is the California Fault Stress Model showing a ‘breathing effect',
and the right is the official Earthquake Watch area.
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Congress Hides Red Flag Gun Confiscation In Latest 2021 NDAA
It looks as if a red flag law could be imposed upon members of the US military and their
dependents if HR 6395 is part of a compromise between the criminals in Congress and the White House. The latest version of the National Defense
Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2021 contains a provision to target the rights of our veterans and their families.
Read more here:
Civil War Two
has a new manufactured crisis, ElectionGate, as if all the other troubles piling up like tropical depressions marching across
the September seas were not enough.
America needs a constitutional crisis
like a hole in the head, and that's exactly what's being engineered for the holiday season by the clever folks in the Democratic
Party's Lawfare auxiliary.
Here's how it works: the complicit newspapers
and cable news channels publish polls showing Joe Biden leading in several swing states, even if it's not true. Facebook and
Twitter amplify expectations of a Biden victory. This sets the stage for a furor when it turns out that he loses on election
Read more here:
Air Force patch depicting MQ-9 Reaper drone over China stirs anger in Beijing
There may be no patching things up for the United States and China after the latest dust-up
between the two rivals.
The most recent incident hurting the countries'
deteriorating ties came after U.S. airmen publicly showed off a special uniform featuring a patch of an MQ-9 Reaper drone
superimposed over a red silhouette of China. The badge was worn during a simulated island assault exercise that wrapped up
Tuesday in California.
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BREAKING NEWS: Corporation admits in court they "BRIBED U.S. VICE-PRESIDENT, JOSEPH BIDEN"
In an utterly stunning development for US politics, Burisma
Gas Holdings Corp of Ukraine admitted in court today they BRIBED U.S. Vice-President Joseph Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.
The only issue left is how much the bribes were. At present, Burisma disputes
a claim that the Bribe amounted to $900,000. There are indications the amount may be far greater!
The ongoing case of Ukrainian gas holding company Burisma against People's Deputy of Ukraine Andriy
Derkach has revealed that Burisma did, in fact, bribe Joe and Hunter Biden with large cash payments. The only question is how
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This DC-Area Lawyer Set the Internet Ablaze With Her Essay About Joining the Satanic
Jamie Smith's HuffPost opinion piece caused a
frenzy on the right. So we got her on the phone.
Jamie Smith's
article for HuffPost Thursday had the kind of headline that was more or less guaranteed to make anyone who ran across it drop
everything and click: "The Death Of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Pushed Me To Join The Satanic Temple."
"Satanic Temple" trended on Twitter, and for a bunch
of MAGA influencers, it was if every one of their Christmases came at once-the Federalist even ran a piece titled "The Satanic Temple Is In Fact Emblematic Of The Leftist Worldview." Washingtonian got Smith, an attorney who lives in the greater Washington area, on the phone to ask about
why she wrote the piece and what kinds of reactions she got.
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It's worst than a volcanic eruption! Massive chunks of ash fall from the sky across
Santa Rosa, California as ‘wildfire' attacks the area
ash fell yesterday across Santa Rosa, California as a result of the ongoing raging wildfire that's growing and threatening
the area!
The GlassFire has burned more than 42,000 acres with nearly
70,000 residents being forced to evacuate. Currently 0% contained. The pictures were captured by Morgan Balaei.
Read more here:
The Global Elite Is Conducting a Coup That is Designed to Destroy All of The Key
Elements of Human Society
The global elite is conducting
a coup that is designed to destroy all of the key elements of human society. It is doing this by destroying the essence of
what it means to be human, by destroying the nature of existing human relationships, and by destroying the political, economic
and social institutions of nation states.
Read more here:
New org appealing for scientists, lawyers to help ‘combat the growing totalitarian
health tyranny'
Originating from a public appeal issued by Archbishop
Carlo Maria Viganò to 'Save the Church and the World,' the professional association is constituted upon the three pillars
of science, ethics, and law.
September 29, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - An Italian non-profit association is appealing for scientists and lawyers to help it develop a worldwide networked-campaign
to combat the growing totalitarian health tyranny which serves the interests of globalist oligarchs.
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We Are Living In Extraordinary Times With America In The Gravest
Danger Since Our Founding! We're In A Position Like Our Founders Who Pledged Their Lives, Fortunes & Sacred Honor
To Declare America's Independence From An Oppressive Government
I was asked to speak at a rally sponsored by a group called, Keep Colorado Free and Open. The topic requested was, "What
it means to be an American."
That's a tall order and a
bit of a paradox. If America is based on individual freedom, then who am I to tell others what it means to be an American?
Of course, dealing primarily in opinion, and having a love for persuasion rather than force, I jumped at the chance to take
a crack at it.
Read more here:
Twitter suspends Hungarian government's account 'without warning':
PM spokesman warns 'The new world has finally arrived.. tech giants are silencing those with different opinions'
Twitter today suspended the Hungarian government's Twitter account without warning prompting
Viktor Orban's spokesman to ridicule the 'beautiful new world of tech giants silencing opinions.'
The account @AboutHungary, which tweets on behalf of the nationalist prime minister's cabinet office,
was inaccessible earlier but has since been restored.
It comes after Twitter
waded into political rows in the United States earlier this year by flagging President Donald Trump's tweets for 'misinformation'.
Read more here:
Your Family Survival Will Depend On A Long Term Plan Not On A Government Rescue-Tips
for Long-Term Survival
There are many people in the U.S.
planning for hard times these days because of the hole COVID-19 situation, but even those numbers are just a small percentage of the entire population.
Most people still believe the government line that everything is getting better. They want to believe life will go on as always
because the alternative is too much for them to think about.
Those that
are preparing have made the mental leap required to prepare themselves for a future that is less than normal. They have reduced
their spending on normal consumer items and reallocated those resources to items that will help their families cope with disruptions
in the future. They are preparing for the uncertain times ahead.
more here:
McDonald's and it's Role in the Coming Global Coup
The two most popular personalities, globally, during world government will be Ronald McDonald and
the Antichrist. This holds true for (samesex "marriage" supporting) McDonald's restaurants in WalMart stores
One of the shareholders and directors of McDonald's, including WalMart, is Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton's campaign finance records show the wealthy Walmart heiress, Alice Walton, donated $353,400 to Clinton's
"Victory Fund." Alice Walton also contributed $25,000 to the Ready for Hillary political action committee.
One of the heads of the Kansas Militia confided to Vigileaks their discovery of a WalMart
truck's contents: "We opened the WalMart semi to discover over a hundred thousand body bags with lime, headed for storage
in southern Kansas City. The lime is to speed up the decomposition of corpses." Add to this WalMart insiders speak
about tunnels underneath leading to FEMA death camps and an interesting situation develops.
Read here:
Across Mediterranean Gog-Magog Powers Jockey For Position In Upcoming Biblical
The Mediterranean - an on-again, off-again geopolitical hot
spot since before the pyramids were built - is emerging anew as a sea of division and instability, with powers including Russia,
China, Turkey and Israel jostling aggressively for influence, natural resources and military advantage. Moscow is eyeing a
possible military base along the oil-rich shores of Libya. China is seeking investment deals across the region. Turkey is
clashing with NATO partner Greece over drilling rights and militarized islands. Newly discovered offshore natural gas deposits
have nations scrambling to stake their claims. Even the Trump administration on Wednesday partially lifted an arms embargo
with Cyprus in what was widely interpreted as a shot across Turkey's bow... (READ MORE)
Axios-Ipsos poll: Americans won't take Trump's word on vaccine
For each of the following scenarios, how likely would you be to take a first generation
COVID-19 vaccine? Barely two in 10 Americans
would take a first-generation coronavirus vaccine if President Trump told them it was safe - one of several new measures of
his sinking credibility in the latest wave of the Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus Index.
Details: Given eight scenarios and asked how likely
they were to try the vaccine in each case, respondents said they'd be most inclined if their doctor vouched for its safety
(62%), followed by insurance covering the full cost (56%) or the FDA saying it's safe (54%).
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Manhattan Offices Are Nearly Empty, Threatening New York City's Recovery
About 1 in 10 office workers have returned since Covid-19 hit, far fewer than
elsewhere, hurting local businesses
Manhattan office employees
are returning to work at a much slower pace than those in most other major U.S. cities, raising the risk that New York faces
a more protracted and painful recovery from the coronavirus pandemic than much of the rest of the country.
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Charles Nenner - We Are in a Very Dangerous Period
Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner called this market just 2% from
the top in January. What does he think now? He likes gold and says he "made more money in gold than in stocks"
in the past few months. Nenner says, "We are playing the long term gold market. We went out at $2,100 (per
ounce), and the price target was $1,850 (on the downside). We hit $1,850 a couple of days ago, so we bought back in.
We get in and out for a couple of hundred points, and it's worthwhile. So, the gold cycle is up for much longer.
$2,500 is the first target, and it could be we get higher targets. I do not believe in the stock market, most of the
markets we do nicely in are the gold market, silver market, crude oil market, bond market and the dollar. It's all very
simple and normal, and the stock market is not going to end very well."
more here:
INTERVIEW: Dr. Jerome Corsi details deep state plans to take out Trump before
Jan. 20th, and how Trump can defeat the traitors and save America
(Natural News) We've published a powerful new interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi of, a high-IQ analyst, historian and investigator who has written many books and reports about politics and the intelligence
In this latest Brighteon Conversations interview.
Dr. Corsi explains the plans of the deep state and how communist-linked traitors put in place by Barack Obama are rolling
out their last-ditch plan to overthrow the United States, remove President Trump from power and seize permanent control of
the bureaucracy.
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Director of National Intelligence: "Russia Collusion"
was Hoax Personally Ordered by Hillary Clinton - CIA & FBI Knew it was Fraudulent - ran with it anyway
According to material declassified by the United States Director of National Intelligence,
John Ratcliff, the claim that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia to steal the US Presidential Election in 2016, was an
intentional fabrication by a foreign policy advisor on the staff of the Hillary Clinton campaign.
Stunningly, the evidence shows the plan to smear Trump as a traitor was PERSONALLY APPROVED by Hillary
Clinton for the purpose of diverting public attention from Hillary's private email server scandal. She KNEW the whole
Russia thing was false, and did it anyway.
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"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary
depends upon his not understanding it!" - Upton Sinclair
Upton Sinclair was describing willful ignorance based upon who butters your bread. The rampant corruption of our
society, as power has been consolidated into fewer and fewer hands, has resulted in our political, financial, cultural and
economic systems being captured by a billionaire class who use their wealth to dictate the path we are forced to follow -
or lose everything.
Read more here:
**BREAKING: Major Investigative Report by Association of French Reserve Army Officers
Finds COVID-19 "Pandemic" to Have a Hidden Agenda for Global Totalitarianism, Nanotech Chipping of All, 5G Irradiation,
& Genocide**
The French Army Reserve officers who stand
as author of this document ran a 50-day investigation of all matters COVID and concluded there is a larger sinister agenda
behind the lies and misrepresentations of truth which have marked COVID coverage, and that agenda includes the rollout of
global totalitarianism, the "chipping" of all humanity with nanotech-infused RNA vaccines with the dual function
of transhumanizing or synthetically altering the human body and brain with nanobiosensors and nanomachines while essentially
implanting GPS trackers or nanotech RFIDs, preparing humans for a lifetime of complete cellular and neuro monitoring, control,
and modification, as well as hooking up brains to a central hive mind or brain internet: 1984 on steroids, beyond Orwell's
projections of sci-tech human takeover.
The opening preface includes a
note from the head of the investigative group stating that they have found "the identification of obvious corruption
and an agenda contrary to public welfare, culminating in criminal and genocidal intent, and the implementation of a totalitarian
state, which are reported in our conclusions."
more here:
Growing Coalition Questions Vatican Silence on China's Human Rights Abuses
ROME - A growing number of human rights advocates and observers are vocally expressing
their bewilderment at the Vatican's silence over the egregious human rights abuses perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party
Pope Francis and other key Vatican figures have avoided criticizing
ongoing violations of religious liberty in China, despite the Holy See's constant appeals to end such abuses elsewhere.
During his annual Christmas message last December, for instance, Pope Francis offered up prayers for troubled regions around the world, remembering all those
who suffer persecution, and yet conspicuous by its absence in the nearly exhaustive list was any mention of the persecution
of religious believers in China or the ongoing Hong Kong pro-democracy protests.
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China Says Killing Americans over Taiwan is 'Morally Justified'
China, violating previous understandings, has been sending large numbers of fighter aircraft
and bombers into Taiwan's airspace this month.
At the same time, China's
ruling Communist Party is issuing threats. The flights of military aircraft are not warnings, the Communist Party's Global
Times newspaper stated in an editorial on September 18. "They are rehearsals on taking over Taiwan. What is needed
is a political reason that can turn them into real battle to smash Taiwan independence forces."
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New CDC Estimates: Fatality Rate For COVID-19 Drops Again And May Surprise You
What's are the real chances of dying if you are infected with COVID-19? You'll probably
be surprised how low they are according to new numbers from the Center for Disease Control. We'll state those numbers simply for those of you who aren't crazy about math.
The CDC's new estimate, for the first time, is broken down by age groups. Here is what
the CDC calls its "current best estimate" of chances of dying from the virus if you get infected:
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Jim Caviezel: "Shake off... Destructive Tolerance of Evil, Only Faith in
Christ Can Save Us, But It Requires Warriors Ready to Stand For Truth"
Alongside uncompromising words from Denzel Washington, the unapologetic resilience of Candace Cameron-Bure, Patricia
Heaton, Kevin Sorbo, and even Mark Wahlberg, it's comforting to know that not all of Hollywood is lost in a sea of ideological
serfdom, sensuality, greed and opportunism.
Here's a brief transcript
of an excerpt from Jim Caviezel's speech given to The Fellowship of Catholic University Students (F.O.C.U.S), on January 5, 2018.
Caviezel's speeches are usually deep. He's well prepared and speaks with conviction. His talk here
is no different:
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China Initiates 5 Simultaneous Military Drills 'Directed At Taiwan'
Following a two-month period which already saw a very noticeable uptick in Chinese PLA
military drills in the regions of the Yellow, South China, and East China Seas, Beijing has announced the start of five simultaneous
military drills which it says are "directed at Taiwan".
It's only the second
time in recent months that this many exercises have been triggered all at once in four seas.
Reuters describes that "Two of the exercises are being held near the Paracel Islands in the disputed South China Sea, one in the East
China Sea, and one in further north in the Bohai Sea, the Maritime Safety Administration said in notices on its website."
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911 lines go down across the US sparking panic as callers can't get through to
emergency services
POLICE departments across the country Monday
night reported their 911 systems nonoperational - and it's reportedly due to a Microsoft Office 360 outage.
"As of 5 p.m., City phones and emails are experiencing intermittent
outages related to a larger Microsoft 365 outage," the City of Redmond, Washington tweeted. "We are hoping the issue is resolved shortly. Sorry for any inconvenience."
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Question ‘The Science'? Go To Gulag!
In the Soviet Union it was forbidden to dispute the wisdom of the "party line."
That's because Marxian communism was viewed as the scientifically inevitable progression of mankind. For Marx and Lenin, the
"science was settled." Therefore anyone speaking out against "the science" of the Soviet system must be
acting with malice; must actually want destruction; must want people to die.
voicing opposition to the "settled science" of Marxism-Leninism soon found their voice silenced. Oftentimes permanently.
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America's Eviction Crisis Has Arrived As Globalists Push America Closer And Closer
To The Breaking Point - Millions Of Americans Will Needlessly Die If The Bloodthirsty Monsters Get Their Way
While Susan Duclos reported Sunday upon the massive 'bug-out' going on right now by many Conservatives who were stuck in 'liberal cities/states',
in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, Mike Adams warns us that millions of Americans may soon be living in tents with
the US now facing the biggest eviction crisis in history and Covid-19 job losses still hitting states like New York very hard with warnings of 'a long road to economic recovery' ahead.
As NPR recently reported, despite a recent moratorium by the CDC attempting to halt evictions, landlords across America have filed tens of thousands
of eviction notices for those who have fallen behind on their rent payments, with many families facing eviction even if they
have fallen ill to Covid-19 or are otherwise 'vulnerable'.
more here:
Warfare Intensifies between Armenia - Azerbaijan; Other Nations
Jumping in!
Overnight, warfare between Armenia and Azerbaijan
intensified beyond belief.
Both sides have brought heavy armor,
multiple Launch Rocket Systems, aircraft and thousands of additional troops into the fight. Worse, outside nations,
Israel, Turkey, Russia, and Iran, are sending convoys of military gear to both sides indicating the fight is broadening
very fast.
Israel and Turkey are supplying the aggressor, Azerbaijan,
while Russia and Iran are supplying the victim, Armenia.
to information from the Armenian side, the AZERBAIJANI GENERAL Mais Barkhudarov was captured.
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Kamala Harris praises BLM, says ongoing protests are 'essential' for change in
Peaceful protests against racial injustice are critical for the nation's progress and help to keep law enforcement in check, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., said Friday.
"Nothing that we have achieved that has been about
progress, in particular around civil rights, has come without a fight, and so I always am going to interpret these protests
as an essential component of evolution in our country -- as an essential component or mark of a real democracy,"
the vice presidential nominee said during the NAACP's national convention.
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The battle for the soul of America: Too many in the US are losing touch with the
idealism, and the spirit of freedom and democracy, that inspired the founding of a new world
Historically, US presidential elections were dominated by competing views on economic
and social issues. No longer. This approaching election has increasingly been consumed by a cultural conflict, at the heart
of which is a war over American history. But this is no mere disagreement over the precise details of what happened three
or four centuries ago. It is a battle for the very soul of the United States.
The principal battle is being fought over the founding of the US. As
we will see, this is best captured, by, on one side, the New York Times' 1619 Project, which contends America
was founded when African slaves first arrived in Jamestown; and, on the other, President Donald Trump's mooted 1776 Commission, which reasserts the traditional, would-be inspiring narrative of revolution and independence as America's
founding moment.
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The Perversion of Science to Clear the Way for the Imposition of Compulsory Vaccines
The quest to claim the prestige of science is one of the major themes accompanying
the rush of the rich and powerful to seize more wealth and political clout during the so-called "great reset" presently
underway. Much controversy has surrounded the use of hydroxychloroquine as a cheap and readily available remedy for COVID-19.
Hydroxychloroquine is a well-known medicine used to treat many ailments.
When properly administered along with zinc, hydroxychloroquine represents a threat to the agendas being pushed forward by
Bill Gates and Big Pharma. Many powerful interests have a significant stake in imposing a compulsory vaccine on humanity as
the universalized remedy for the much-exaggerated incursions of COVID-19.
Some of those plotting to advance the vaccine agenda sought to sideline the adoption of hydroxychloroquine as the
main remedy for COVID-19. They resorted to a well-organized crime that seemed to fly the banner of science while actually
defying its evidence-based requirements.
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An Anonymous Nurse Speaks Out: The RT-PCR Test is Totally
Unreliable, It Does not Detect the Virus.
I work in the healthcare
field. Here's the problem, we are testing people for any strain of a Coronavirus. Not specifically for COVID-19. There are
no reliable tests for a specific COVID-19 virus. There are no reliable agencies or media outlets for reporting numbers of
actual COVID-19 virus cases. This needs to be addressed first and foremost. Every action and reaction to COVID-19 is based
on totally flawed data and we simply cannot make accurate assessments.
is why you're hearing that most people with COVID-19 are showing nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. That's because
most Coronavirus strains are nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms.
few actual novel Coronavirus cases do have some worse respiratory responses, but still have a very promising recovery rate,
especially for those without prior issues.
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Will the Planned Coronavirus Second Wave Take Root With the Election Chaos and Nationwide Riots as Distractions?
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for
the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral
busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment
us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."
~ C. S. Lewis, Article - "The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment". (1949)
What in the world lies ahead? We are in the midst of the most incredible attempt by the
powerful to take over humanity that has ever happened on earth. These times will determine our fate, as the controllers and
enforcers are on a mission to complete the task of total population control without delay. This is always the desire of tyrants,
but nothing of this scale or magnitude has ever been attempted, but now this Covid false flag event has caused the possibility
of world domination by the few to be dangerously close to being attained. This is our dilemma, and there is little time to
reverse this course we are on today. What will the people decide?
more here:
James Corbett: This Is The Battle For Humanity! The Technocratic Enslavement End
Josh Sigurdson recently spoke with James Corbett of The
Corbett Report about the heightened level of tyranny throughout the world creating a prison planet over the course of 2020.
With the excuse of an illness, the governments of the world have managed to use a crisis to their extreme benefit and to the
absolute enslavement of the public.
Was this COVID-19 thing created in
a lab? At this point, it honestly doesn't even matter. Regardless of whether it was or was not, how's it being used
against the public? What is the ultimate end game? James digs deep into the technocratic global government being created,
influenced heavily by China, and utilizing the crisis to install social credit tied to bank accounts.
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Biden Family Treason Inc.
Bombshell Senate report on Hunter Biden and Ukraine finds conflicts of interest, national security dangers,
pay-to-play extortion, and alleged sex trafficking involvement
Joe isn't very happy with the recent Senate report detailing his family's involvement in a myriad of conflicts of interest
endangering national security, pay to play extortion, and alleged sex trafficking involvement.
Of course, Joe Biden follows the same playbook as Hillary Clinton and the rest of the corrupt establishment
class: Deny everything until the world forgets. But Biden's pursuit of the highest office on the globe also makes him a prime
target. And Biden has a lot of skeletons, demons actually, in his closet.
more here:
Raised by radicals in Chicago, he's about to become San Francisco's new top prosecutor
After his parents went to prison for murder, Chesa Boudin was raised in Hyde Park by former
Weather Underground leaders Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.
Chesa Boudin's
life story sounds like something out of a right-winger's nightmares.
The son of two left-wing radicals convicted for their roles as getaway drivers in an infamous 1981 armored-car robbery,
he was raised in Chicago by adoptive parents Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, former leaders of the Weather Underground, a
militant offshoot of the group Students for a Democratic Society.
During graduate school, Boudin headed to Venezuela to explore that nation's revolutionary upheaval.
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Archbishop Vigano: Trump faces 'biblical challenge' against 'demonic forces of
... New World Order'
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò said
the 2020 presidential election presents Americans with a "biblical" challenge "against the demonic forces of
the deep state and against the New World Order."
The Catholic Church's
former Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S. once again warned voters that warring principalities unseen to the human eye will clash
on Election Day. The archbishop previously framed the political landscape to a battle between "the children of light
and the children of darkness" in June.
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Innocent Until Proven Trump Supporter
During a BLM "peaceful protest" in Omaha, Nebraska, on May 30 (over George Floyd's dying of a heart attack
while in police custody in Minneapolis), James Scurlock was peacefully protesting by breaking into an architecture firm -
hoisting an office chair and hurling it into two computer monitors, then ripping a phone from a desk and throwing it against the wall, as his friend shattered another monitor - all of which
was captured on video.
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Dems' 'disgraceful' attacks on Amy Coney Barrett show what they think about women,
Christians: Sarah Sanders
Sanders says Dems 'are already
viciously attacking this conservative woman for her pro-life stance' and her religion
Democrats are already going down a "disgraceful" path against Judge Amy Coney Barrett, who sources say is the potential frontrunner to fill the vacant Supreme Court seat left following the death of the late
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, former White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said on Tuesday.
Sanders, a Fox News contributor, made the comment on
"Fox & Friends" one day after President Trump reportedly met with Judge Barrett.
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‘Spiritual Wickedness': Podcaster Warns Christians About BLM's Practice
of Conjuring Up Spirits of the Dead
"When the apostle Paul
said that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness, this is what he was talking about," said
Abraham Hamilton II during his Aug. 19 "Hamilton Corner" broadcast entitled "The BLM Connection to Witchcraft."
He played segments of a Zoom discussion between BLM co-founder Patrisse
Cullors and Los Angeles chapter co-founder Melina Abdullah to provide evidence of the group's communication with the dead
in their very own words.
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No Banks, No Public Facilities, No Food And Rampaging Gangs of Desperate People-The
Last Days Before The Financial Collapse
"Flattening the
curve." This popular phrase has been one of many new additions COVID-19 has made to our cultural vocabulary. Hopefully,
it's something we're all actively doing and not just talking about. But this curve flattening language is really just a new
way to talk about an old practice - preppers have been flattening all kinds of curves, from food to water to electricity,
for decades.
As our society moves more in the direction of just-in-time
inventory and dwindling on-site storage (e.g. hospitals only have three days worth of PPE at any given time), it makes our
critical systems that much more vulnerable to sudden spikes in demand. And that's why preppers (because we tend to stock up before the
spike hits) are the original curve flatteners.
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Not a myth after all: Farm animals may be key to forecasting earthquakes
Study aiming to solve age-old mystery shows that animals exhibit strange behavior
up to 20 hours before a quake hits.
- According to anecdotal accounts, farm animals and pets often behave abnormally in the hours leading up to earthquakes.
However, these findings have not been supported by scientific evidence. At least not until now.
A new study by German scientists provides scientific evidence to support claims of odd animal behavior
prior to earthquakes. The research suggests that animals may indeed provide valuable clues to when and where earthquakes will
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5G wireless radiation ‘leakage' may lead to incorrect weather forecasts,
study warns
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. - High-tech 5G
networks are here and will likely be the new standard in wireless communications in the near future. For people who love to
check the weather on their smartphone however, that new signal may actually be a problem. A new study finds radiation "leakage"
from 5G networks may throw off weather satellites, giving you a bad forecast.
study - the first of its kind that quantifies the effect of 5G on weather prediction error - suggests that there is an impact
on the accuracy of weather forecasts," says senior author Narayan B. Mandayam of Rutgers University in a media release.
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The making of Britain's Covid catastrophe
A witches' brew of weak leadership, scientific groupthink and the precautionary principle has caused
our current crisis.
The way in which the British government decided to
announce the latest set of restrictions on social life was something of a back-to-the-future moment. The chief medical officer
and chief scientific officer were wheeled out to make dire predictions, paving the way for the prime minister to emerge from
his bunker to tell us what we must do, based on the science, for our own safety.
The first time around, back in March, the tone felt
about right. There was a lot we did not know about the virus, there were worrying pictures of what might be about to happen,
and the idea of a short intense shutdown to prevent the NHS from being overwhelmed by a surge of serious cases seemed reasonable.
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Coronavirus mutation emerges that may outmaneuver mask-wearing and hand-washing
Scientists in Houston analyzed more than 5,000 genetic sequences of the coronavirus.
A new preliminary study involving more than 5,000 genetic sequences of the coronavirus
suggests one of the virus's many mutations may be more contagious than the others, according to a report from The Washington Post.
The study, which has not been peer-reviewed, conducted by researchers
from Houston Methodist Hospital, found the strain known as the D614G mutation was responsible for close to every coronavirus
infection in Houston this summer, during Texas's second wave of infections.
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UK supermarkets Tesco and Morrisons are rationing toilet paper and hand sanitizer
as fears of panic buying return. One worker said their store was 'worse than a bad Christmas.'
British grocery chains Tesco and Morrisons have started rationing essential items over fears that
stricter lockdown measures will send shoppers into a panic.
limited sales of certain goods earlier in the pandemic, and Morrisons became the first major grocer to reintroduce these measures
when it said on Thursday that customers could only buy three of certain products. These included pasta, soup, hand wash, and
hand sanitizer, as well as multipacks of toilet paper and kitchen roll.
more here:
Gene-editing, Moderna, and transhumanism
As gene-based mRNA vaccines from Moderna are being designed and tested at warp speeds to fight Covid-19, this is also bringing the debate over
transhumanism into the forefront.
Transhumanism is a type of futurist philosophy aimed at transforming the human species by means of biotechnologies. Transhumanists see disease, aging and death as undesirable and unnecessary, and aim to transform human beings into
post-human species with greater capacities than those of present human beings.
more here:
Shocking computer animation shows how Antarctica could emerge from the ice if
global warming continues unabated causing the frozen continent to melt and sea levels to rise
Scientists have released a shocking computer animation showing Antarctica emerging from under its
ice sheet due to melting linked to rising temperatures.
from the Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research say the warmer it gets, the faster the ice will melt and could lead
to a significant rise in sea levels.
The team haven't put a time scale
on their predictions, but some experts suggest the entire continent will be ice-free within 150,000 years if nothing changes.
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Pope Francis Attacks Personal Possession of Firearms in Message to United Nations
‘We need to dismantle the perverse logic that links personal and national
security to the possession of weaponry'
Pope Francis
assailed the personal possession of firearms in a statement to the United Nations on the organization's 75th anniversary.
In a statement published Friday lauding the agenda of the unelected global government, Francis bashed the "perverse logic" he
claims links "possession of weaponry" to security.
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SHOCK: Melbourne to start arresting COVID-19 "conspiracy theorists"
and throwing them in concentration camps
(Natural News) A new proposal by Daniel Andrews, the 48th incumbent Premier of Victoria in Australia, would make it so that residents of the state who
violate its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions - or even just spread what the government deems to be "conspiracy
theories" about the plandemic - can be locked up or thrown in concentration camps by any "public servant."
The power-crazed politician of the far-left Australian state has already made global headlines
for sanctioning breaking into people's homes and smashing their car windows upon suspicion that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions are being flouted. Now he wants to start arresting and detaining
people without any evidence of a crime being committed, all to keep people "safe" from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
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Up, Don't Sing: Idaho Nazi Brownshirt Cops Arrest Christians While Singing Hymns For Violation Of Unconstitutional Mask Order
Each of the criminal cops that executed the unconstitutional order to arrest Christians
who were singing hymns in the parking lot of city hall in Moscow, Idaho should be arrested themselves, charged and removed
from any capacity of public service. Yet, does anyone think that's going to happen? Nope, not a chance unless
Christians start taking a stand against the tyranny and bringing the law to bear against tyrants and their agents of the state.
The Church is pastored by author Douglas Wilson
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Are the Leaders of New Zealand, Australia, UK and Canada Handing Over Their Countries
to Communist China?
Please take note of the following four nations:
Australia, New Zealand, UK and Canada. They have a combined Facebook page called CANZUK. There is discussion that the 4 nations
would like to become on political system, economic entitiy and combine their militaries for mutual defense. However, the proposal
is only being embraced by small party opposition to the dominant political parties which are opposed to this practice. At
this time, I think CANZUK is a distraction for coming CHICOM takeover of these 4 nations. Later, under China, this proposed
region will be united. Why do I think this is true? The next several articles are going to make the case and very little interpretation
will be required.
All four nations have strong and intimate
ties to China. All four nations are engaged in brutalizing their enforcement of the almost impotent virus, Covid-19. All of
these dots will be connected.
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Interfaces Will Bypass Language And Integrate Other's-Including Those Who Are Possessed And Mad-With Your Conscious / Subconscious
The difference with current concepts of brain-to-brain interfaces
couldn't be greater. A transcranial magnetic pulse leaves no room for doubt, but none for deliberation either. Its effect
is as immediate as it is involuntary. We can admire the sheer efficiency of this form of interaction, but we also have to
admit that something is lost. A sense of agency and autonomy; and along with that, perhaps even a sense of self. Nor does
this problem go away merely by upgrading bandwidth, as is Musk's ambition for Neuralink, his implantable brain-computer interface.
The very possibility of social (as opposed to merely symbiotic) life depends on there being some separation of private worlds,
along with powers to interact on our own terms. In other words, we need something like language in order to be human... (READ MORE)
All Hell Is Breaking Loose - Ammunition Shortages Just The
Latest Evidence Of Conservatives Preparing To Survive Through The Liberal Lunacy Of Riots, Looting & Food Shortages
If there was any doubt that second amendment supporters are actively preparing to survive,
protect themselves and their families and be ready for any of the rioters that have decided they can just walk in to residential neighborhoods and harass innocent residents while they try to sleep or eat, simply look at the sale of ammunition, which is reportedly up by 139%, in the first six months of 2020 compared to the first six months of 2019.
is not a typo, and multiple reports indicate that ammunition is getting harder to come by because of "panic buying"
of weapons and ammunition due to the massive civil unrest we are witnessing with increased frequency.
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The Seeds Have Been Planted For The Next American Civil War. I Don't Think Anything
Stops It Now.
The United States is in a Civil War. You can call
it a cold war, a luke warm war, a one event from all out shooting war, but it hasn't gone full blown hot, yet. The outrage
from the communist Democrats every day is not due to Donald Trump, no it's aimed at us, the common man, the Deplorable, the
Dreg of Society. They hate us and everything we stand for. They despise that we won't bow down and let them rule over us.
The mask have been off of the Democrats, the Deep State, and the never Trump Republicans
for some time now. They hate America and what we stand for. They hate you for not obeying them and thinking for yourselves.
They hate that they have lost power and cannot rule over you. They hate that you put an outsider into the Whitehouse who cannot
be controlled. Bottom line is they hate you.
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'Shields, we got shields!' Video emerges of 'riot supplies'
being unloaded from U-Haul truck in Louisville hours before two cops are shot during violent protests
Footage showing a U-Haul truck full of 'riot supplies' being unloaded ahead of protests
in Louisville has raised questions about the organizers behind the demonstrations, which turned violent after nightfall, with
two cops there shot and wounded.
The rented box truck was spotted
at 2pm on Wednesday, as Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron was still speaking at a press conference about the grand
jury findings in the Breonna Taylor case.
The grand jury's decision not to charge Louisville officers directly
in Taylor's March 13 shooting death during the execution of a search warrant outraged protesters, who from the onset were
equipped with shields and masks delivered in the mysterious truck.
more here:
As the World Gets Ready for a Hard Lockdown the United States
Will Probably Go in the Direction of Martial Law This Year "Tribulation"...
This dreary picture is echoed in the New Testament. Jesus said it will be a time of tribulation "such
as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall" (Matthew 24:21). In fact, Jesus said it will be so terrible that if it were not stopped at the end of seven years, it would result in the
destruction of all life (Matthew 24:22). The Apostle John states that the chaos will be so great that the leaders of the world will crawl into caves and cry out
for the rocks of the mountains to fall upon them (Revelation 6:15-16).
Germany on Wednsday evening announced it would add 11 regions across
Europe to its list of "coronavirus risk zones", according to a statement from Germany's Robert Koch Institute, the
agency in charge of Germany's COVID-19 response.
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"Let Me Explain What Happens Next..." - A Reader Sums It All Up Very
I've just woken up after reading ZeroHedge late into
the night. I awoke with the conviction that Covid is being used to roll out a police state:
They know it's not deadly, it's no longer spreading and Lockdown is killing off the few small businesses
which remain viable. Yet Boris now insists upon banning the assembly of more than 6 people. He has recalled some
petty bureaucrats to act as street enforcers and requested people become snitches who report on their neighbours for any breaches
of these guidelines. This automatically means we must now all fear our neighbours, or strangers who take our car number. How
better to destroy the mutual trust upon which society is built?
more here:
Breaking: Police Identify Larynzo Johnson as Shooter of Two Police Officers During
Black Lives Matter Riots in Louisville (VIDEO)
Last night Black
Lives Matter protester attempted to assissinate Louisville Police Officers.
Two police officers were injured.
The suspect was arrested.
And now there are video and photos of the shooter.
Read more here:
More than 200 retired generals, admirals endorse Biden, including some who served
under Trump
WASHINGTON - More than 200 retired generals and admirals
endorsed Joe Biden for president in a letter published Thursday, saying he had the character and judgment to serve as commander-in-chief
instead of President Donald Trump, who has failed "to meet challenges large or small."
Some of
the officers who signed the letter supporting Biden had retired only in the past few years, including Air Force Gen. Paul
Selva, who served as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Trump before he retired in August 2019; Vice Adm. Gardner
Howe, a Navy SEAL leader who also retired last year; and retired Adm. Paul Zukunft, who oversaw the Coast Guard until 2018.
Read more here:
'Civility' during confirmation process? Don't be fooled
When it rains, it pours, I suppose. As if we didn't have enough quasi-prophetic plagues
descending upon us to start with, the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg late last week has provided yet
more opportunity for deep contention in the political realm. Unfortunately, "deep contention" these days more resembles
a nascent civil war than raised voices on the floor of the House or Senate.
those on the political left, I don't favor engaging in public revelry when a high-profile member of the opposition passes.
Justice Ginsburg suffered from cancer for a protracted period of time, and no one should wish such suffering on anybody. While
her passing has provided Ginsburg a final release from that suffering, her friends and loved ones are still left to grieve,
and should be able to do so in peace.
Read more here:
When protection becomes repression: Mandatory quarantines under COVID-19 in the
Americas: Authorities convert state-run quarantines
into form of repression
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic
in March, authorities in Venezuela, El Salvador and Paraguay have held tens of thousands of people in inadequate state-run
quarantine centres without sufficient safeguards against human rights violations, in what could amount to ill-treatment and
risk the detentions becoming arbitrary, Amnesty International said in a new report published today.
Read more here:
Pompeo threatens to light the fuse in Persian Gulf
The US Fifth Fleet announced last Friday that a carrier strike group led by USS Nimitz passed through the Strait of Hormuz with the guided-missile cruisers USS Princeton and USS Philippine Sea and guided-missile destroyer USS
After a gap of some 10 months, a US aircraft carrier
is being deployed to the Persian Gulf.
This news will
fuel speculation that a military flare-up involving Iran is in the making. In an article on September 16, Trita Parsi, a well-known
expert on Iran who heads the Washington-based think-tank Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, wrote that a "first
direct clash [with Iran] may take place as early as this coming Monday," September 21.
Read more here:
System Going Up
With the coronavirus changing the way many companies
do businesses, PopID pointed to the system as a way for customers to make purchases without needing contact with employees.
Whether or not you have a million-dollar smile, your face might be able to help you spend some cash. Tech company PopID says
that it has helped dozens of retailers and restaurants in Pasadena, Calif., establish "the nation's first dense ‘face-pay'
network." The company's PopPay facial recognition devices can allow contactless, hands-free payment at a kiosk, a drive-thru,
a screen at a counter or tableside with a hand-held device. Once PopID's system recognizes the customer's face, it draws funds
from their account and sends a text message to confirm payment... (READ MORE)
Biochip "That Allows Remote Biological Manipulation Of Our Entire Existence" To Hit Markets In The Next Few Months
Once firmly implanted inside the body, human cells are at the mercy of any mRNA program
delivered via this substrate, unleashing a nightmare of possibilities. It is, perhaps, the first true step towards full-on
transhumanism; a "philosophy" that is in vogue with many powerful and influential people, such as Google's Ray Kurzweil
and Eric Schmidt and whose proponents see the fusion of technology and biology as an inevitable consequence of human progress.
The private company created to market this technology, that allows for biological processes to be controlled remotely and
opens the door to the potential manipulation of our biological responses and, ultimately, our entire existence, is called
Profusa Inc and its operations are funded with millions from NIH and DARPA. In March, the company was quietly inserted into
the crowded COVID-19 bazaar in March 2020, when it announced an injectable biochip for the detection of viral respiratory
diseases, including COVID-19... (READ MORE)
'It smells bad, it tastes bad': how Americans stopped trusting their water
Florene Reed always makes sure there's enough bottled water for her teenaged grandson,
even if that means making do with tap water that causes a burning sensation in her stomach.
Reed, 63, grew up drinking the crystalline water from wells and local springs dotted throughout the Appalachian mountains
in Martin county, but switched to bottled while raising her own family amid safety fears linked to coal mining and mismanagement
at the utility.
Read more here:
Empty Shelves: Ammunition Sales Surge 139%
National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) indicates that ammunition sales were up 139 percent in
the first six months 2020 as compared to sales during the first six months of 2019.
NSSF president and CEO Joe Bartozzi spoke at the 2020 Gun Rights Policy Conference over the weekend where he delivered the news on the surge in ammunition sales. He
also noted that gun sales were 95 percent higher in the first six months of 2020 than they were during the same time period
in 2019.
Read more here:
New Lockdowns Could Lead Europe to Economic Depression
The rise in Covid-19 cases in countries like France and Spain has increased the risk of
lockdowns. Governments should understand by now that shutting down the economy is highly
inefficient and devastating
for jobs and business solvency. However, as we have seen in Spain, many governments simply decide to start new lockdowns in
order to show that they are taking aggressive measures, even knowing that these generate more negative effects and have no
real impact on preserving health. Instead of looking at the examples of South Korea, Taiwan, Sweden or Austria, where simple
but effective measures have resulted in better management of the health crisis, some European governments are ignoring the
economic and social long-term disaster that closing down the economy has created and seem prepared to repeat the past mistakes.
Read more here:
China is Spying on Millions of People: And They Aren't in China
After years of constant media fear-mongering, a sizeable number of Americans continue
to believe in the disproven "Russiagate" conspiracy theory.
the story goes, owns Donald Trump and engaged in a massive propaganda campaign via social media, hacking elections, and other
collusion forms to ensure that Trump was elected. Now, Putin sits like Cobra Commander in the Kremlin, directed Trump's actions,
and Trump does what he is told.
Read more here:
End of the world: These are 'dangerous times' claims preacher in Bible prophecy
END OF THE WORLD prophecies are unfolding in these
"dangerous times", according to a prominent TV evangelist in the US.
The Bible speaks of a time when wars and rumours of war will precede the Second Coming of Christ. And although scripture does not state
when the End Times will strike, many Christians believe the hour is nigh. Doomsday prophets and conspiracy theorists, in particular, look to recent diplomatic developments in the Middle East and natural cataclysms in the US to claim links
to Biblical prophecy.
Read more here:
FBI Agent Who Uncovered Weiner Laptop with Hillary's Emails says FBI Leadership
Told Him to Erase All of His Findings
John Robertson,
was an FBI Agent who investigated crimes against children. This is how he stumbled upon Hillary Clinton's emails.
We first reported on Robertson in August of 2018 when the mainstream media was focused on the Trump Russia Mueller sham investigation.
John was assigned to the Anthony Weiner case, a top Democrat married to Hillary Clinton adviser Huma Abedin. During
his investigation of Weiner's computer John discovered thousands of Hillary Clinton emails and blew the whistle on the Comey-McCabe
and Strzok cover-up of evidence.
Read more here:
Louisville, KY Declares State of Emergency. All Federal Courts CLOSED for
this week. National Guard being called-up; Fair Grounds Converted to Temp. JAIL - Breonna Taylor Grand Jury Decision to be
The city of Louisville, KY has declared a "state
of Emergency" in advance of the release of a Grand Jury result in the police=shooting-death of Breonna Taylor.
The Chief federal judge in Louisville last week, ORDERED all federal courts in that city to be SHUT DOWN for this entire week.
The National Guard is now being called-up. The Kentucky State Fair Grounds are being converted into a temporary JAIL.
Read more here:
Leftists explode following Ginsburg's death, threaten to
"burn down" country and leave bodies in the street if Trump and GOP try to replace her
(Natural News) Proving once again why the Democratic Party, home to the American Left, should never, ever be given the reins of power again
because their Stalinists and Leninists, "blue checks" on Twitter threatened to burn up the country and leave bodies in the streets "literally" if President Trump and the Republican Senate name a successor
to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg following her Friday death from pancreatic cancer.
"If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire f**king thing
down," Reza Aslan, an Iranian-American and former CNN contributor who claims to be a ‘religious scholar' tweeted.
Read more here:
Biting Off More Than They Can Chew: All Bets Are Off Now
As Media Personalities, Democrat Politicians and Hollywood Names Lead The Violent Charge Against Conservatives
On Saturday we discussed the preliminary, early reactions to the death of Supreme Court
Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg and predicted things were about to get a lot more insane.
It appears that was an understatement of major proportions, as it is
not just two days later, and we see media personalities, Hollywood "celebrities," liberals across the internet and
Democrat politicians all using rhetoric and threats in a manner that is seriously inciting crazed liberals across the country
into open talk of violence.
Read more here:
Bill Barr's Justice Department brands New York, Portland and Seattle as 'anarchist jurisdictions'
and face losing billions for failing to maintain law and order
Justice Department declared New York City, Portland and Seattle as 'anarchist jurisdictions that can have federal funding ripped away for failing to clamp down on violence according
to its criteria.
It listed the three cities as among those 'that
have permitted violence and destruction of property to persist and have refused to undertake reasonable measures to counteract
criminal activity.'
Read more here:
America A Failed State, That's The First Stage Of Collapse
What's happening to America? It's a question that Americans - and people around the world
- are asking, horrified and bewildered.
The answer to that question goes
like this. America was a failed state. And now it's becoming an authoritarian one. America is now 60 days from the final stage
of social collapse - the terminal stage, the point of no return, at which a society goes full-blown authoritarian, permanently - and it's looking
increasingly likely to us survivors and scholars of authoritarianism that that final, terminal stage is
going to happen. America is dying.
Read more here:
America Has Been Cast Into A Dystopian Horror Movie And If Democrats Have Their
Way, The Worst Is Yet To Come
Western Nations Across
The Planet Are Falling To 'Coronavirus Tyranny'
While Covid-19
has largely fallen out of the front page main headlines of many mainstream media outlets with the buildup to November 3rd
here and the fight for the next US Supreme Court Justice gobbling up much of their top billing, we absolutely have to keep
our eyes on this so-called 'planned-demic' with one so-called 'Western nation' after another seeing their
'liberties' falling to 'coronavirus tyranny'.
With a supercomputer now deciding the politics of Australians, where the wealth and liberties of millions are being plundered, while a new pre-crime law would give Australian authorities the power to arrest 'Covid-19 conspiracy theorists' who go against what the country dictates if police there merely THINK
that a person MIGHT commit a crime (such as not wearing a mask) in the future, Zero Hedge reports:
more here:
China, India fire fueled by Pakistan Belt and Road
PESHAWAR - Pakistan's army and Chinese companies are in big business lockstep in the China-Pakistan
Economic Corridor (CPEC), a US$87 billion plan to build ports, roads, railways and power plants to facilitate trade, spur
growth and consolidate power over geopolitically contested lands.
scheme, designed to span Pakistan's length and breadth, has been reinvigorated since the Covid-19 pandemic as Beijing doubles
down in pursuit of strategic alternatives for its trade and energy flows amid rising tensions with the United States and its
Read more here:
China, Indonesia sea dispute hot and getting hotter
Jakarta issues diplomatic protest amid rising signs Beijing seeks to lay nine-dash line
claim to parts of the North Natuna Sea
JAKARTA - Chinese Coast Guard
(CCG) cutter 5204 has become such a familiar sight inside and on the fringes of Indonesia's 200-nautical-mile Economic Exclusion
Zone (EEZ) that it is now suspected of trying to stake out the limits of Beijing's nine-dotted line of historically claimed
sovereignty over the South China Sea.
Read more here:
Japan's new defense minister a blast from the past
Japan's new prime minister, Yoshihide Suga, has selected Nobuo Kishi as his minister of defense.
Kishi is former prime minister Shinzo Abe's younger brother, adopted by the Kishi family to maintain the line.
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US Christians Increasingly Departing From Biblical Worldview, See No Need Of Jesus,
Survey Finds
A new survey shows that the majority of Americans
no longer believe that Jesus is the path to salvation and instead believe that being a good person is sufficient. As part
of the ongoing release of the Arizona Christian University-based Cultural Research Center's American Worldview Inventory,
the latest findings - exploring perceptions of sin and salvation - from George Barna, the group's director, show that nearly
two-thirds of Americans believe that having some kind of faith is more important than the particular faith with which someone
aligns... (READ MORE)
Is another famine looming in China? The Red Dragon struggles to meet basic food
China, which embarked on the mission of becoming a superpower
by showing its economic and military might to the world, now may be brought to its knees over a shortage of food.
Reduction in overall domestic food production; a recent deluge in the Yangtze River basin,
the rice bowl of China; and a slash in imports, mostly aggravated by deteriorating diplomatic relations, has caused
Beijing to hit the panic button.
Read more here:
Sedition Is The New Normal
far gone is this Republic?
Attorney General Bill Barr
told federal prosecutors to consider charging rioters and others who had committed violent crimes at protests in recent months
with sedition.
Sedition, which is the act of inciting revolt
or violence against a lawful authority with the goal of destroying or overthrowing it, is serious felony punishable by fines
and up to 20 years in prison. It's exactly what has happened at police stations and courthouses across the Country for months.
Read more here:
DOJ: "Anarchist Jurisdictions = New York City, Seattle, & Portland"
New York City was among three cities labeled "anarchist
jurisdictions" by the Justice Department on Sunday and targeted to lose federal money for failing to control protesters
and defunding police.
Portland, Ore., and Seattle, Wash., were the other
two cities on the list, which was approved by US Attorney General William Barr.
Read more here:
BREAKING: Omaha Bar Owner Charged For Killing Rioter Who Attacked Him and His
Business Has Committed Suicide
A Nebraska bar owner that
killed a rioter who was attacking him and his business has committed suicide, a friend of Jake Gardner has confirmed to The
Gateway Pundit.
The bar owner, Jake Gardner, was indicted
by a grand jury on counts of manslaughter, use of a firearm in the commission of a felony, attempted first-degree assault
and making terrorist threats after intense political pressure was placed on the city. The district attorney had originally ruled it was self defense.
more here:
CAN'T MAKE THIS UP: Twitter Locks TV Host Steve Malzberg's Account After Linking
to Video of Groper Biden for "Violation of Child Sexual Exploitation Policy"
You can't make this up - Twitter freezes RT Host Steve Malzberg from platform for sharing
video of Joe Biden touching children by claiming it is a "Violation of Child Sexual Exploitation Policy".
Steve Malzberg reported on RT TV that he was banned by Twitter. The reason is shocking.
Read more here:
China air force video appears to show simulated attack on U.S. base on Guam
BEIJING (Reuters) - China's air force has released a video showing nuclear-capable H-6
bombers carrying out a simulated attack on what appears to be Andersen Air Force Base on the U.S. Pacific island of Guam,
as regional tensions rise.
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"They've Killed God; I Can't Feel God; My Soul Is Dead" AstraZeneca
Halts COVID-19 Vaccine Trials after Second Volunteer "Develops Neurological problems"
AstraZeneca revealed details of its large coronavirus vaccine trials on Saturday, the third in a wave
of rare disclosures by drug companies under pressure to be more transparent about how they are testing products that
are the world's best hope for ending the pandemic.
The release comes after
a second vaccine test volunteer "Developed neurological problems." According to sources who claim to be familiar
with the vaccine trials, the second volunteer suddenly started saying "They've killed God; I can't feel God anymore
- my Soul is dead" after the vaccine.
Read more here:
Likely TIMELINE of events to take place from Sep. 20 to Jan. 20, covering vaccines,
SCOTUS, Election Day, markets, terrorism and insurrection
(Natural News) What follows is a likely timeline of events to take place between now (Sep. 20, 2020) and Jan 20, 2021. Due to the extreme
volatility of current events, almost no one dare make predictions these days, but this timeline is based on interviews with
top law enforcement who have ties to federal agencies, with additional sources from the militia community as well as individuals
close to the Trump administration.
Read more here:
Protesters gather outside Mitch McConnell's Kentucky home to demand he stop pushing
forward with SCOTUS pick following death of RBG
Protesters gathered
outside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's home on Saturday to demand he stop pushing forward with a new SCOTUS pick
following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
McConnell vowed on
Friday night, hours after the death of Ginsburg, also known as RBG, to call a vote for whomever President Donald Trump nominated as her replacement. RBG died at the age of 87 Friday after a battle with pancreatic cancer.
The next day, a few dozen protesters arrived at his home to demonstrate against a SCOTUS
pick before the November 3 presidential election.
Read more here:
As The Clock Ticks Down, This Nuclear Election Script Has Been Written And Is
About To Be Unleashed Upon America, With Nothing Less 'Total Chaos' The Democrat End-Game If They Don't Win
While this important new story over at Zero Hedge titled "Nuclear Scenario For Markets Emerges In 'Jaw-Dropping' SCOTUS/Election Plot-Twist" focused largely upon what might happen to the stock market in the coming months should the 'nuclear election scenario'
they warn of unfold, we have to look at it from a socio-political perspective considering the 'political nuclear bomb'
that was just unleashed across America with the death of Ruth Ginsberg so close to the election.
Read more here:
Vaccine Globalism: One (666) Shot To Rule Them All
A narrative is being rolled out. Dr. Fauci is now denouncing President Trump's vaccine plan, commenting
that, "We would hope that nothing interferes with the full demonstration that a vaccine is safe and effective".
Trump's rushed coronavirus vaccine has been called "dangerous" by multiple MSM outlets while the World Health Organization
is denouncing "vaccine nationalism". What does this mean? The WHO - along with Bill Gates GAVI Alliance - wants
to be the sole provider and distributor of the "proven" Covid-19 vaccine to the entire world... (READ MORE)
Pelosi Stonewalls Bill That Would Crack Down on Chinese Influence in U.S.
House Dems block bill to crack down on regime-sponsored Confucius Institutes
House Democrats are blocking a bill that will curtail the influence of the Chinese-government-funded
Confucius Institute, stymying bipartisan legislation that unanimously passed in the Senate.
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If We Thought Things Were Insane Before, We Haven't Seen Anything Yet! Supreme
Court Riots Of 2020 Being Planned Promising 'More, Bigger Riots' And A 'Whole New Level Of Crazy'
With another highly controversial Supreme Court confirmation fight, just weeks away from
the Presidential election, does everyone remember the total and complete insanity during the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation
in the Senate after he was nominated by the president as his second Supreme Court nominee?
People interrupting the Senate confirmation process, yelling in the midst of the proceedings, having massive temper
tantrums, constantly challenging every single step taken to confirm him.... and that was just from the actual liberal Senators.
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Survey: 30% of Self-Described Evangelicals Don't Believe Jesus is God
Nearly one-third of American evangelicals surveyed in March rejected the deity
of Christ and nearly a quarter of evangelicals said "gender identity is a matter of choice."
Survey responses of 3,002 people were released Sept. 8 and detailed in the LifeWay Research
"2020 State of American Theology Study" sponsored by Orlando, Florida-based Ligonier Ministries.
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Former CBS Reporter Exposes Global Cartels Controlling Military, Money, Energy,
Government, Medical, Corporate, Media & Education
CBS Healthwatch reporter Jon Rappoport often shares great insight into how things in our world are manipulated with those
in power and with lots of money. In a recent email, he borrowed from his The Matrix Revealed series to provide a taste of what he refers to as global cartels who are influencing anything from the militaries of the
world to education. Among those he interviewed were two insiders named Ellis Medavoy and Richard Bell.
Read more here:
Open, Public
Threat To Assassinate President Trump; Iran Supreme Leader's Spokesman Says IRGC will Kill US President
A Representative of Iran regime's Supreme Leader today claims IRGC will kill President
Trumpl whether he is still President or not.
Hossein Shariatmadari, a
confirmed representative of Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, told a newspaper in Iran "As the killer of our
martyred General Qassam Soleimani, Mr. Trump should be assured that for the rest of his dirty and shameful life, he will be
a key target of the Revolutionary Guards in their efforts to get revenge from the perpetrators of the martyrdom of our beloved
general. It makes no difference whether he remains President or not. He himself admitted that he is the murderer of
the martyred general, and he knows the IRGC will never give up in getting revenge for the blood of the martyr Soleimani."
Read more here:
Celebrities demand justice amid fight to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Supreme Court
seat: 'This is war'
Many took aim at Senate Majority
Leader Mitch McConnell's 'hypocrisy.'
A number of Hollywood stars are speaking out in defense of late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's reported last wish to not be replaced until after the 2020 presidential election.
Ginsburg died Friday at the age of 87 from complications surrounding metastatic cancer of the pancreas.
most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed," Ginsburg told her granddaughter
just days before her death, according to NPR.
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Dumb & Dumber on Economy Killing Lockdowns - Martin Armstrong
Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says parts of the global economy
have been permanently destroyed, and nowhere is that more apparent than job losses. Armstrong explains, "You have such
a collapse in the infrastructure of the world economy. You have effectively 300 million people who have lost their jobs. On
top of that, you have these negative interest rates where nobody is buying European bonds where the European Central bank
has been buying them all. They can't raise interest rates because their own portfolios blow up. So, they are grasping at straws,
at this point, to try to appear to be doing something. Although the Fed printing a $120 billion a month sounds like a lot
of money, it's still not going to produce inflation. We have such a contraction in the global economy, the losses are amazing.
. . . Driving down the streets in Hollywood the streets are full of people in tents. The homeless have skyrocketed dramatically,
and mainstream media (MSM) won't talk about this. It definitely seems this has all really been just political. There is just
no justification for lockdowns. . . .We have such a massive contraction with 60% of small businesses that will not reopen
in America, and we are not through this yet."
Read more here:
Two GOP Campaign Team Members Shot, One Fatally
Two campaign team members for Republican Lacy Johnson, who is challenging Rep. Ilhan Omar
(D), were shot Monday afternoon in Minneapolis, one fatally.
Public Radio reports that one 17-year-old and another team member were shot after being "approached on foot." CBS 4 reports that the
two were standing outside Super USA convenience store at the time, and that a gunman, or gunmen, fled the scene before they
could be apprehended.
The 17-year-old succumbed to his wounds and the
other campaign team member was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries.
Read more here:
Princeton Study: Black Lives Matter Responsible For 91% of Riots Over Last 3 Months
America experienced 637 riots between May 26 and September 12.
A new study by Princeton University's US Crisis Monitor shows that the U.S. experienced
637 riots between May 26 and Sept. 12, and 91% of those riots were linked to the Black Lives Matter movement.
In other words, BLM was responsible for 9 out of 10 riots across the country.
Riots are defined by the project as "demonstrations in which any demonstrators engage
in violently disruptive or destructive acts (e.g. violence, looting, vandalism, etc.), as well as mob violence in which violent
mobs target other individuals, property, businesses, or other groups."
more here:
A package addressed to the White House containing ricin has been intercepted by law enforcement. The package was
addressed to President Trump.
Ricin is a poison
that can be made from the waste left over from processing castor beans. Castor beans are used to make castor oil. Ricin can
potentially be used as a biological weapon. It can be turned into an aerosol and inhaled. It can also be
ingested from poisoned food or a contaminated water supply or injected.
as little as 4 micrograms can be fatal to an average sized adult.
is a TOXIN; it causes red blood cells to burst on contact.
more here:
Machines may permanently take over human jobs amid coronavirus pandemic
A study by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia released Sept. 14 has found
that machines may take over human jobs due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The study comes after companies laid off a portion of their workforce as part of
cost-cutting measures due to the effects of COVID-19.
According to the study by economists Lei Ding and Julieth Saenz Molina, industries that can be automated have higher mass layoff numbers - increasing
the risk that these jobs will be obsolete. Furthermore, they mentioned that COVID-19 sped up automation in industries badly
affected or did not allow a remote work setup. The economists warned that any job losses brought about by automation could
become permanent - if the pandemic evolves into a prolonged economic crisis "similar to what happened during the recovery from the Great Recession."
Read more here:
Satan Soldiers are Rallying Around the Biochip that can Detect COVID-19, Could
Hit Markets By 2021 Once firmly implanted inside the body, human cells are at the mercy
of any mRNA program by early 2021 and, more than likely, used to deploy a coronavirus vaccine with the capacity to literally
change our DNA...
The most significant scientific discovery since
gravity has been hiding in plain sight for nearly a decade and its destructive potential to humanity is so enormous
that the biggest war machine on the planet immediately deployed its vast resources to possess and control it, financing its
research and development through agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) and HHS' BARDA.
Read more here:
The Pathway to the End Days Has Been Established: The 5
Globalist Goals Related to the Introduction of COVID-19
has published a list, until now, which states, "These are the goals of the contrived, so-called pandemic." However,
the goals can be ascertained through observation and the sequencing of data and that is what this article will address.
Have you wondered out loud how we can call this a pandemic? Where are the bodies in the
street? What does it say about the general health of America, except for the people with serious underlying health conditions,
about the veracity of the claim that we must lockdown in the face of the alleged pandemic, yet, it takes a test to determine
If one has even contracted or been exposed to this "pandemic". If only all of our pandemics were so obscure.
Read more here:
BE WARNED, Brothers and Sisters. Anyone who stands for TRUTH and believes in the WORD of GOD, will be declared
insane and a threat to society. Persecution is at the door in America. It has been the word of the day for Christians
around the world for some time. We have been blessed to have held it at bay for so long. Do not FEAR! This
is the reason you were born in this time. You have the opportunity to STAND, against all odds, against all tyranny,
against all persecution! You will see the power of GOD move, like it has never been seen before. These are the
days that were promised. When His followers will do greater works even than He did while HE was here on this soil.
Not in our strength, not by Magick, but by the POWER OF GOD! For HIS NAME'S SAKE.
Read more here:
How The Obamas And Their Netflix Board Member Pal Susan Rice Are
Part Of The "SILENT CRY" Problem. Note They Remain Curiously Silent Amid ‘Cuties' Sexualization Of
Neither Barack
and Michelle Obama nor their former National Security Adviser Susan Rice have uttered a single word on the firestorm surrounding
Cuties, a French coming-of-age drama that is the subject of widespread criticism for its blatant sexualization of pre-pubescent
children. Both the Obamas and Rice are closely connected to the company, with the former president and first lady currently
in the middle of a "multi-year agreement" signed back in May 2018 to help produce films and series for the platform.
Rice, meanwhile, was appointed to the Netflix board that same year... (READ MORE)
Pew: 77 Percent of Catholic Democrats Support Legal Abortion
More than three-quarters of Catholic Democrats support legal abortion, the Pew Research
Center revealed this week.
In a series of recent articles and discussions, prominent progressive Catholics have insisted that it is okay for Catholics to vote for a pro-abortion candidate such as
Joe Biden because Catholics should not be single-issue voters, and their own opposition to abortion is taken for granted.
It turns out, however, that a full 77 percent of "Democratic and Democratic-leaning
Catholic adults say they think abortion should be legal in all or most cases," Pew noted on September 15.
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FLASHBACK: Democrats Block 19 Times Vote on Bill Protecting Babies Who Survive
A shocking reality on Democrats stance on abortion
House Democrats have blocked a vote on a bill that would
protect babies who survive an abortion, nineteen times.
Mike Johnson, R-La., chairman of the Republican Study Committee said last year:
"It is a shocking reality that the majority party in the people's House refuses to allow a vote to protect
the lives of newborn babies."
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Leftists Threaten to "Burn Down the Country" after
Mitch McConnell: President Trump's Nominee to Replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Will Receive Senate Vote
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced Friday night that the Senate would vote
to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court after her death.
Trump's nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate," McConnell wrote in a statement sent to
McConnell announced his decision after Senate Minority Leader
Chuck Schumer argued that Trump should not replace her until after the election.
American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice, "Schumer wrote on Twitter.
"Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president."
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With 'Deep State' Pushing China & Russia Having 'Killer Satellites' In Space,
The Stage Has Been Set For An Election False Flag Event - Is A Massive Blackout In November Ahead?
In the only video at the bottom of this story, videographer 'Leak Project' starts
off his video title by asking a great question: "Blackout in November?" Interviewing Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, a member of the Congressional EMP Commission and the Executive Director of Task Force on National and Homeland Security, within the video we're given numerous warning
signs of something dangerous to come.
With reports just released
from US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper that Beijing and Moscow have weaponized space through the development of killer satellites capable of unleashing directed energy weapons to exploit vulnerabilities of
the US military, this new story over at the US Department of Defense's website underscores Esper's warnings.
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CCP announces plan to take control of China's private sector
President issues 'important instructions' to all regions to boost party control
over private enterprise and rejuvenate the nation; all firms will need employees from the party to boost law abidance and
moral standards
(ATF) Chinese President Xi Jinping
and the Communist Party's Central Committee have laid out a plan for a ‘new era' in which the party has better control
over private business in China.
The plan was detailed in a 5,000-word statement - and all regions and departments in the country have been told to follow the new
This was the top story on Wednesday's CCTV Evening News -
how the president had issued "important instructions".
It had
a long-winded title: "Opinion on Strengthening the United Front Work of the Private Economy in the New Era".
Read more here:
Mark Zuckerberg mulling over "brain-controlling and implantable"
tech, because controlling online speech isn't Orwellian enough by itself
(Natural News) Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently raised a lot of eyebrows when he revealed that his company would like to develop a
wearable device that is capable of reading people's brains.
In Facebook's ongoing discussion series, Zuckerberg mentioned the concept
of technology translating brain signals into information that could be useful to machines.
"The goal is to eventually make it so that you can think something and control something in virtual or augmented
reality," he said.
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Governments Will Impose New Lockdowns If They Think They Can Get Away with It
This year's stay-at-home orders and lockdowns imposed by governments on their populations
represent a watershed moment in the history of the modern state.
March 2020, it is unlikely that many politicians-let alone many ordinary people-thought it would be feasible or likely for
government officials to force hundreds of millions of human beings to "self-isolate."
But it turns out governments were indeed able to force a sizable portion of the population
to abandon jobs, religious practices, extended families, and community life in the name of "flattening the curve."
Read more here:
Mitt Romney Caught Taking Big Money Donations from George Soros Org
Republican Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) has been caught taking large donations from globalist
billionaire George Soros' organization, Soros Fund Management, financial records have revealed.
Political figures who have received money from Soros include Democrat powerhouses such as former
President Barack Obama, Sen. Chuck Schumer, former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and others.
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Reza Aslan warns "If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire f-ing
thing down"
In a provocative tweet that is causing a stir
on Twitter, Reza Aslan who worked on the CNN documentary series "Believer" wrote "If they even TRY to replace
RBG we burn the entire f*cking thing down."
This comes at a time
where cities including Portland, Seattle, and NYC are already struggling with unrest, looting and riots.
Read more here:
India building tunnel in Himalayas to get soldiers to Chinese border in 10 minutes
India has stepped up an infrastructure program on the disputed Himalayan region
to bring to an end the construction of a tunnel that will provide an all-weather route for its troops to get to the border
with China in only ten minutes.
The $400-million tunnel in Himachal
Pradesh state will enable the Indian military to get to the Chinese border without using a 50-kilometer trudge through mountain
passes that are snow-bound in winter and subject to frequent landslides.
tunnel, constructed at an altitude of more than 3,000 meters, will reportedly reduce the present four-hour journey through
high-altitude crossings to a 10-minute distance through the mountains.
more here:
Black Lives Matter co-founder teams up with pro-Chinese Communist Party group
A "trained Marxist" founder of Black Lives Matter has teamed up on a new venture
with a pro-Chinese Communist Party organization.
Alicia Garza is now behind
the advocacy group Black Futures Lab, which is backed by the Chinese Progressive Association, according to the website.
The group says it "gathers information about the ways that policy
affects black communities" to educate and challenge lawmakers.
more here:
How the Government Uses Fear to Control
August 28, 2020, the Children's Health Defense, led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., launched a European branch of the organization.
In a press conference1 announcing the new branch, Kennedy discussed how governments are using fear to control and
manipulate the population.
Acting as quasi-government agencies, public
health organizations such as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization are pushing
vaccines using the same fear tactics, while simultaneously removing the regulatory oversight that used to ensure vaccines
are properly safety-tested.
Read more here:
The Dark Side of 5G: Military Use
The September 12 demonstration "Stop 5G" in Rome rightly focuses on the possible electromagnetic consequences
for health and environment, in particular on the decree that prevents mayors from regulating the installation of 5G antennas
in the municipal area.
However, the Italian public continues to ignore
a fundamental aspect of this technology: its military use. We have already warned about it in the manifesto (10 December
2019) but with poor results. The subsequent programs launched by the Pentagon, officially documented, confirm what we wrote
nine months ago.
Read more here:
Chicago Logs Whopping 52% Jump In Homicides From 2019: 'Five Times Any Prior Year'
A new disturbing investigation by USA Today this week found that Cook
County in Chicago has seen homicides spike by a whopping 52% compared to the same time frame last year.
What's more is that this second largest county in the country has seen more homicides
already this year than in all of 2019, and still with months to go. Alarmingly this includes dozens of children under 10 who
were gunned down, often in gang-related cross fire incidents, according to police records.
USA Today wrote that among the jump in 2020 homicides, the majority, as much as "95% - were people of color, the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office announced this week."
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NASA To Spark "Lunar Gold Rush" In Move To Break China's Monopoly On
Rare Earth Metals
NASA wants to spark a "lunar gold
rush" by paying companies to extract rare earth metals (REM) from the moon.
NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine recently tweeted that the space agency "is buying lunar soil from a commercial provider! It's time to establish the regulatory
certainty to extract and trade space resources."
Read more here:
2,700 evangelicals urge Christians to stop politicizing pandemic and take coronavirus
(ETH) - More than 2,700 high-profile
evangelicals have signed onto a statement billed "A Christian Statement on Science for Pandemic Times," warning against the politicization of the new coronavirus and actually urges Christians to take appropriate action
against it, which includes taking a vaccine when it is available.
more here:
Drone footage reveals the trail of devastation left by Hurricane
Sally as it tore through Florida, Alabama and Georgia, killing two people - as new depression forms in the Gulf and
sets sights on Texas
Hurricane Sally has left widespread devastation
in its wake after battering southern Alabama and the Florida panhandle with 105mph winds, a surge of seawater and more than 2 feet of rain, killing at least three people and leaving
more than a half-million homes and businesses in the dark.
Dramatic drone
footage has emerged showing the scale of the damage caused by Sally in multiple states, including the Gulf Coast of Alabama,
the Florida panhandle and coastal Georgia.
Read more here:
Taiwan scrambles jets as China military overshadows US visit
Taiwan scrambled fighter jets Friday as the Chinese military conducted exercises near
the Taiwan Strait during a rare visit by a high-ranking US diplomat to the self-ruled island.
According to Taipei's defence ministry, 18 Chinese aircraft -- including bombers and fighters --
entered Taiwan's southwest air defence identification zone (ADIZ) and also crossed the so-called median line that divides
the Taiwan Strait.
Taiwan's military "scrambled fighters, and deployed
its air defence missile system to monitor the activities", the ministry said.
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Water shortages in US West likelier and spreading faster than previously thought
There's a chance water levels in the two largest man-made reservoirs in the United States
could dip to critically low levels by 2025, jeopardizing the steady flow of Colorado River water that more than 40 million
people rely on in the American West.
After a relatively dry summer, the
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation released models on Tuesday suggesting looming shortages in Lake Powell and Lake Mead -
the reservoirs where Colorado River water is stored - are more likely than previously projected.
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The future is cyborg: Two-thirds of Western Europeans would
consider 'upgrading' their bodies with technology - but Brits are less keen than the Spanish and Portuguese
Two-thirds of Western Europeans would consider augmenting their bodies with technology
if it improved their lives - and especially their health - a study found.
Commissioned by Moscow-based cybersecurity firm Kaspersky, a survey found that 63 per cent of people on average
would be interested in getting an 'upgrade' or two.
However, results varied
from country-to-country, with only 25 percent of Britons interested in augmentation compared to 60 per cent in Portugal
and Spain.
Read more here:
The Soros Cover-Up
have been watching a truly curious phenomenon over the past few days.
seems there is suddenly a movement in media to silence anyone who speaks out against George Soros-and, specifically, his funding
of radical prosecutors seeking to change the criminal justice system by simply ignoring certain crimes.
This happened to me personally this week while I was being interviewed on Fox's Outnumbered. When I brought up Soros's plan to get pro-criminal, anti-police
prosecutors elected across the country, two of the show's participants interrupted me and forcefully asserted that Soros was
not involved.
Read more here:
China Sends Warning to Taiwan and U.S. With Big Show of Air Power
China sent 18 fighter jets and bombers into the Taiwan Strait on Friday in a robust show
of force that a military official in Beijing said was a warning to Taiwan and the United States about their increasing political
and military cooperation.
"Those who play with fire are bound to
get burned," Senior Col. Ren Guoqiang, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of National Defense, said at a briefing in
Beijing, warning the United States and Taiwan against what he called "collusion."
Read more here:
Governments Will Impose New Lockdowns if They Think They Can Get Away with It
This year's stay-at-home orders and lockdowns imposed by governments on their populations
represent a watershed moment in the history of the modern state.
March 2020, it is unlikely that many politicians-let alone many ordinary people-thought it would be feasible or likely for
government officials to force hundreds of millions of human beings to "self-isolate."
But it turns out governments were indeed able to force a sizable portion of the population
to abandon jobs, religious practices, extended families, and community life in the name of "flattening the curve."
Read more here:
New Report: Hunger and Food Insecurity Are Ravaging America
A new study by Northwestern University found that 29 million Americans, 11%, sometimes or often cannot afford to eat. This is a
drastic rise from 2018, where only 8 million reported hunger.
The culprits
cited are the high unemployment rate, COVID-19 school lock downs that prevent children from getting their subsidized means,
and the inadequacy of the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP).
increase in food insecurity has been hit the lower middle class the hardest. 12% of families in the $35,000-$50,000 income
range year are now reporting that they do not have enough to eat.
more here:
Pre-Crime: New Law Would Give Australian Authorities Power to Arrest COVID "Conspiracy
Who police think might commit a crime.
A draconian new coronavirus law could give Australian authorities the power to
arrest coronavirus "conspiracy theorists" if it's thought they may commit a crime in the future.
Yes, really.
The new COVID-19 Omnibus
(Emergency Measures) bill, which is being debated in the Victoria State Parliament this week, will give local authorities
the power to detain people who refuse to self-isolate as well as "conspiracy theorists" and anyone deemed to be
at risk of spreading COVID-19 negligently.
Read more here:
AG Barr Drops Massive Truth Bombs: Wants 'Violent' Rioters
Charged With Sedition - Liberals Freaking Out Over Barr's Comments On Lockdowns, Riots, Prosecutors And Media
For those who have been hearing mysterious "bangs" and "booms," no
worries, that is just the sounds of tens of thousands liberal heads exploding, as Attorney General William Barr drops truth
bomb after truth bomb and Democrats, liberals, and the media ( all the same at this point), just can't deal.
From telling prosecutors that violent rioters can be charged
with "sedition," to taking aim at some in the DOJ, to calling the lockdowns by governors across the nation, "The
greatest intrusion of civil liberties" in history aside from slavery, while taking on the Black Lives Matter movement,
stating "They're not interested in black lives," Barr has been on a truth bombing run.
Read more here:
2021: The Year of the Deadliest Vaccine
In this country, the mass vaccination of children at voluminous
levels is nothing short of unmitigated child abuse or worse. In addition, vaccinating the old by introducing toxic viruses
through vaccines that also contain poisonous and dangerous brain-altering adjuvants, is certainly criminal, but also borders
on the concept of premeditated murder. This is the essence of the vaccine industry that is controlled by world health organizations,
eugenic based foundations, and pharmaceutical giants; all tied to government for funding and promotion through propaganda
the false efficacy of mass vaccination. This is nothing more that a multi-billion dollar profit generating effort by very
unscrupulous and evil corporate and government partnerships that seek to gain power at every turn.
Read more here:
Tucker Slams Facebook Censorship Of Chinese Virologist: "It's Turning Us
Into The Soviet Union"
Facebook and other tech giants have engaged in a troubling pattern of censoring speech surrounding major issues in the coronavirus debate, Fox News host Tucker Carlson argued during his Wednesday night monologue.
Carlson's comments came after Facebook slapped a warning label on video of his Tuesday interview
with Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who claimed to have evidence showing China "intentionally" released COVID-19 onto the general population.
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DoD Admits Directed Energy Weapons Are In Use - Eludes To War
The Department of Defense has admitted that directed energy weapons are in use.
Defense Secretary Dr. Mark T. Esper said at the Air Force Association's Virtual Air, Space & Cyber Conference that America's
air, space, and cyber warriors "will be at the forefront of tomorrow's high-end fight."
Tomorrow's high-end fight? Is there a war coming we don't know about? But that's not the
only thing he admitted. The Pentagon is going to ramp up their efforts to use whatever means necessary as weapons, using the
largest defense budget in history to do it.
Read more here:
India and China are taking new risks along their border. It will be hard to restore
Last week, the India-China border standoff came the closest it has yet to war. As Taylor Fravel explained, the long-standing border dispute dates from the 1962 Sino-Indian War. The dispute came to a boil in May when a large force of Chinese soldiers crossed the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the disputed
border between the two countries since 1962. A deadly skirmish in June temporarily raised tensions, but it was the result of tragic happenstance rather than large and risky military maneuvers.
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Soros-Backed Coalition Preparing for Post-Election Day Chaos - ‘We're Going
to Fight Like Hell'
Under the guise of seeking to "prevent
a constitutional crisis," a massive network of well funded left-wing activists and progressive groups are training, organizing,
and planning to mobilize millions of Americans should President Trump "contest the election results," refuse to
concede, or claim an early victory.
More than 80 advocacy groups and grassroots
organizations have joined in a broad coalition calling itself "Protect the Results" and proclaiming that "we cannot ignore the threat that Trump poses to our democracy and a peaceful transition
of power."
The coalition is a joint project of Indivisible
and Stand Up America, two left-wing groups founded in response to President Trump's 2016 election and whose goals are "to organize and resist Trump's dangerous agenda" and "to defeat Trump and his enablers."
Seeking to "protect" election results by use of its millions of members, the
coalition calls to "take coordinated action" and "prepare for a potential post-election crisis."
"Be prepared," warns a video on its homepage.
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In episode one of the SPECIAL FOUR WEEK INVESTIGATION into child sex-trafficking, an enigmatic
group with top secret ties to US government agencies known as The Finders is examined.
Watch Here:
Joseph Mercola Shows That A Global Uprising Against Medical Dictatorship Is Underway
After six months of intermittent or in some cases near-continuous lockdowns, many have
reached their limit and uprisings are finally emerging around the world. The last week of August 2020 saw gatherings of tens
of thousands of individuals in Berlin,1 London2 and Dublin,3 protesting stay-at-home
orders, business closures, mask and vaccine mandates and Bill Gates' dictatorial grip on public health matters.
In the U.S., a protest took place August 30, 2020, in Boston, Massachusetts,
against a new student flu vaccination mandate,4 and in Virginia, protesters gathered September 2 in opposition
of unconstitutional COVID-19 mandates.5
read more here:
For months, this web site has warned readers that Sleeper Cells from hostile nations were
already in our country, ready to attack infra-structure upon command. That has now begun!
On September 16, a large fire erupted that could be seen from miles away in Piedmont, OK.
One day and 240 miles later, another gas line exploded outside Ft. Smith, AR.
sources are now saying BOTH pipelines were intentionally sabotaged to cause the explosions, and ANTIFA/BLM are allegedly suspects,
one of which is now OPENLY aligned with a Communist Chinese Funding Source!
more here:
COVID CRIMINALS: Nashville officials buried numbers showing very low infections
in order to gaslight the public over need to keep bars and restaurants shut down
(Natural News) Today we are calling for the arrest and prosecution of top government officials in Nashville, TN, who have now been caught
red-handed covering up the very low numbers of infections at restaurants and bars in order to gaslight the public and justify
draconian business closures and lockdowns.
A bombshell investigation by
Fox 17, WZTV in Nashville, has uncovered once-secret emails that reveal a shocking conspiracy to deliberately deceive the
public by withholding covid-19 infections statistics that would have shown that bars and restaurants are not spreading
Read more here:
Claiming Voter Suppression Over Mail-In Ballots, Kamala Harris
Will Lead a Mass Exodus of At Least 19 Democratic Run States From the Union
The country is well aware of the directives given to Joe Biden by Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi in which they
both communicated the message that he was not to concede the election under any circumstances. Further, as reported on the
CSS, Pelosi also stated, while in an obvious alcoholic stupor that "Donald Trump is leaving the White House the day after
the election whether he knows it or not....we must fumigate the White House".
Simultaneous to the events listed in the abovementioned paragraph, the CALEXIT movement has once again reared its
ugly head. A brief review is necessary, however, for the novice who is newly introduced to this struggle, a more detailed
analysis can be obtained through a literary search using the search engine of The Common Sense Show.
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Portland Protester Jailed For Injuring Officer With 'High-Powered Laser' Capable
Of Burning Clothes
A Portland man has been indicted by a grand jury for an attack on a police officer using a high powered laser during protests last month.
36-year old Bryan Kelley allegedly pointed a laser into an officer's eyes that so powerful it can cause permanent
blindness, and possibly strong enough to burn through clothing and protective equipment.
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Fox News Panel Melts Down After Gingrich Exposes George Soros As Financier Of
BLM/Antifa Riots
So-called conservative channel not interested
in discussing who is funding the violence across America
Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich was silenced during an interview on Fox News Wednesday, where he called out billionaire
George Soros' deep involvement with the Black Lives Matter/Antifa riots engulfing the nation.
In the awkward interview, Gingrich was explaining how Soros-backed officials were facilitating the
far-left riots inflicted upon America's businesses and communities.
number one problem in almost all these cities is George Soros-elected left-wing anti-police pro-criminal district attorneys
who refuse to keep people locked up," Gingrich said.
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AG William Barr: Coronavirus Lockdowns ‘Greatest Intrusion on Civil Liberties'
Since Slavery
Attorney General William Barr said Wednesday evening
"other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint," coronavirus lockdowns were the "greatest intrusion
on civil liberties in American history."
Barr's comments came during a Constitution Day celebration at Hillsdale College, commemorating the date in 1789 when the Constitution was
signed by the Framers in Philadelphia.
Throughout the coronavirus pandemic,
Barr has expressed alarm at the restrictions imposed by state authorities on First Amendment rights, particularly the freedom
of religion.
Read more here:
Constitutional Attorney Asks Court to Guard Against Future COVID-19 Restrictions
That Discriminate Against Churches but Favor Bars, Big Box Stores, Restaurants, et al.
WILMINGTON, Del. - Seeking to ensure that Delaware does not reinstitute strident COVID-19 restrictions
imposed at the outset of the pandemic, The Rutherford Institute is asking a federal court to reject the governor's motion
to dismiss a First Amendment lawsuit safeguarding churches from being unfairly discriminated against in their efforts to worship
in accordance with their religious beliefs. In a brief filed with the U.S. District Court for Delaware, Rutherford Institute
attorneys argue that Gov. John Carney's decision to rescind unconstitutional rules in response to the lawsuit should not end
the lawsuit because rules restricting gatherings and other religious practices could be reimposed by the governor. The
lawsuit, Rev. Dr. Christopher Allen Bullock v. Gov. John C. Carney, was filed on behalf of Rev. Bullock, the founder and pastor for Canaan Baptist Church near New Castle, Del., who believed the state's restrictions were too intrusive, overstepping the wall of separation
between church and state.
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Americans Are Constantly Bombarded With Propaganda
It's been often said that people were shocked as they watched Nazi Germany descend into complete
fascism without anyone putting up a fight, and now, we are watching Americans do the same thing. It has a lot to do with the
constant brainwashing and propaganda bein shoved on people all day, every day, manipulating them into being compliant with
anything government commands.
Since the fear-mongering of COVID-19 started,
there has been non-stop "beast mode" propaganda everywhere. There are media puppets actively pushing Big Pharma's
drugs and trying to convince everyone to take the coronavirus vaccine. This goes for all media outlets. It is becoming too
obvious to ignore unless you're willfully trying.
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Party affiliation of the mayors of the 100 largest cities
In most of the nation's largest cities, mayoral elections are officially nonpartisan. However, many officeholders are affiliated with political parties. Ballotpedia
uses one or more of the following sources to identify each officeholder's partisan affiliation: (1) direct communication from
the officeholder, (2) current or previous candidacy for partisan office, or (3) identification of partisan affiliation by
multiple media outlets.
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Absolutely Alarming Implications Of A Joe Biden Presidency Upon The 2nd Amendment:
Understanding Biden's 2020 Platform And How His Policies Will Affect Gun Ownership In America
"You don't need an AR-15. It's harder to aim, it's harder to use, and in fact,
you don't need 30 rounds to protect yourself." Joe Biden
The one-two punch of the Wuhan Coronavirus explosion, and the
civil unrest of early 2020, led to an unprecedented growth in firearms ownership in America. All told, there were about two million firearms sold in the month of March 2020 alone. Between March and July, an additional three million were sold, with about half of those happening in the month of June.
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South China Sea dispute SPREADS to Mekong river amid fears US will dominate territory
US officials announced a $150 million investment into a partnership with countries along the Mekong River, the longest river
in Southeast Asia and stretching across multiple borders including China's. Beijing experts have reacted furiously to the announcement, and accused the US of attempting to politicise water resources
to curb China's influence in the region. It is the latest flashpoint of tension between Washington and Beijing, who have clashed
over territories such as the South China Sea and Hong Kong.
Read more here:
China outbreak: Thousands infected with bacterial disease after bio factory leak
So far 3,245 people have tested positive for brucellosis, while a further 1,401 people
are suspected to have the disease. Symptoms of the disease, also known as Malta fever or Mediterranean fever, include fever,
headaches, muscle pain, and fatigue.
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Netflix's 'Cuties': It's Not The First Attempt By Hollywood To Normalize Pedophilia
After studying and exposing the agendas of establishment elites for the past 14 years,
I can say with some authority that by watching these people you quickly begin to understand the reality of evil. Anyone who
dismisses the concept of evil as nothing more than a "social construct" or a matter of "perception" is
suffering from either naivety or bias.
They have either been lucky enough
to have avoided a run-in with the resident psychopaths in their town, or, they have certain secret tendencies they will not
reveal. One thing that I have found most disturbing is the habit of evil people to quickly come to the defense of other
evil people they don't even know. That is to say, I was initially shocked to discover the extreme level of fraternity
predatory people feel and display when other predatory people are being exposed. It is as if they are an unspoken brotherhood,
and they don't like it when their kinsmen are being punished for their crimes.
Read more here:
China's Ears in Your House
The New American: One of the biggest cyber snoopers on the planet has strong ties to the Chinese
government. That company is Alphonso Inc. According to its advertising:
is a TV data and measurement company, and the market leader in providing brands and agencies with real-time TV ad campaign
measurement, closed-loop attribution for TV ads, and TV audience extension across digital devices. Alphonso TV Data Cloud
services are used by hundreds of Fortune 500 brands and agencies in the US.
more here:
In The End, The Rioters Are Obama's Army
"We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded
[as the military]." - Barack Obama, 2008
If Hillary Clinton
had been elected as our president in 2016 and was seeking reelection in November, George Floyd would probably still have met
his unfortunate end on May 25 in Minneapolis after a police officer kneeled on his neck during his arrest. Video footage of
the incident would still have elicited outrage and touched off demonstrations - but that's where the similarity to actual
events would have ended.
Read more here:
Nashville Officials Concealed Low COVID-19 Numbers Coming From Bars And Restaurants:
Leaked Emails
Leaked emails between the senior adviser to Nashville's
Mayor and a health department official reveal a disturbing effort to conceal extremely low coronavirus cases emanating
from bars and restaurants, while the lion's share of infections occurred in nursing homes and construction
workers, according to WZTV Nashville.
Four weeks later, Tennessean reporter Nate Rau asked the health department:
"the figure you gave of "more than 80" does lead to a natural question: If there have been over 20,000
positive cases of COVID-19 in Davidson and only 80 or so are traced to restaurants and bars, doesn't that mean restaurants
and bars aren't a very big problem?"
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WAKE UP, AMERICA: China and Russia Are Plotting to Destroy Us
In an excerpt from his shocking new book, THE END OF DEMOCRACY?, leading campaign strategist Douglas Schoen exposes the China-Russia Cold War against America - and how it could incite
the downfall of the free world.
It seems clear now that Covid-19
will take a place in world history, a seismic event of the twenty-first century whose effects will only be fully understood
over many years, even decades. What also seems clear is that the United States-China relationship will change - indeed, must
change. The question is how, and along what lines.
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Top HHS official takes leave of absence after Facebook rant about CDC conspiracies
The move came days after an HHS spokesman, Michael Caputo, warned of a CDC plot against
the president and urged Trump supporters to "buy ammunition."
top spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services is taking a leave of absence, the agency announced Wednesday,
days after he promoted dangerous conspiracy theories during a Facebook Live video.
In the video, first reported by The New York Times, Michael Caputo, HHS' assistant secretary for public affairs, charged that scientists at the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention "don't want America to get well." He also urged supporters of President Donald Trump to load up on
ammunition in preparation for a violent left-wing rebellion if the president wins re-election.
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Once the Honest Hard-Working People Learn the Truth About COVID 19, There Will
Be Hell to Pay for the Politicians, Dr. Fauci, the Who Organization , Bill Gates and All
of His Associates That Mastermind the Releasing of the Coronavirus...
after her unceremonious Twitter ban for, we assume, presenting evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a Wuhan lab, Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan appeared on "Tucker Carlson Tonight,"
where she told the Fox News host that the virus is a "Frankenstein" which was designed
to target humans which was intentionally released.
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With Reports Emerging Globalist Vaccine Triggers A 'Kill Switch' Inside Human
Cells, 'Forcing' COVID-19 Vaccinations On Everyone Will Be Divisive, Dangerous And Deadly!
World scientists are working feverishly to develop a vaccine for the Chinese coronavirus,
and they are suggesting that it might be available before the end of this year. I don't mean to be critical, but they haven't
found a vaccine for AIDS after throwing billions of dollars at it for more than 30 years.
And there is no vaccine even for the common cold that's been around for millennia.
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Self-censorship in the US
A recent survey of 2,000 Americans by Cato Institute/YouGov found that 62% of Americans say "the political climate these days prevents
them from saying things they believe because others might find them offensive". This is up from 2017, when 58% agreed with this statement. "Majorities of Democrats (52%), independents (59%) and Republicans (77%) all agree
they have political opinions they are afraid to share".
Read more
President Trump official warns left-wing hit squads are being trained across the
country as globalists maneuver to complete their worldwide take-down
(Natural News) Just when I was about to publish this story on Monday, an absolutely startling story broke that not only proved the point
of this story but implored me to add another important segment to it as a top Health and Human Services official working for
President Trump has warned of ‘left wing hit squads' being trained across America to carry out an armed insurrection should President Trump win the election.
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After Terrorizing Churches, BLM Witchcraft Exposed
There is now proof that there are very dark forces behind Black Lives Matter, and it's not just
the blatant Marxism of its founders and leaders. The darkness literally includes summoning dead spirits and allowing them
to work through BLM leaders. Sound crazy? BLM bosses admit it.
Clues about
the true nature of BLM have been available for quite some time. Last month, Black Lives Matter activists terrorized church attendees in Troy, New York, while chanting "hail Satan." They even shrieked at black families and young mothers trying to
get in the building. Just this week in Kenosha, Wisconsin, a church with a "Black Lives Matter" sign on it was torched by BLM activists. In a video that went viral this week, a mob of white BLM activists shout at a couple at a D.C. restaurant for refusing to raise their
fists, with one activist asking the confused victims, "Are you a Christian?"
Read more here:
Poof! The Portland Riots Just Stopped. Why?
Have Portland's Professional ProtestersTM been smoked out? Since May 29th, Portland has
been the back drop of more than 100 nights of antifa, anarchist and Black Lives Matter, IncTM terroristic riots.
They set fires, looted, and intimidated people by threatening to burn them alive in their homes.
But after the millions of dollars of destruction, criminality and thuggery it stopped last week.
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Man-Made Weather Engineering Killing Us All - Dane Wigington
West Coast wildfires, wild temperature swings and hurricanes in the Gulf are all part
of the consequences of man-made weather modification called Geoengineering. Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington
says, "People need to unite in the fight against climate engineering because it's killing us all. . . . If we look at
this mathematically, climate engineering and all of its ramifications are the greatest threat we collectively face short of
nuclear annihilation. The ramifications are beyond grave. There can be no legitimate discussion about the climate,
or the the state of the climate from any perspective, without addressing this issue first."
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Report: Chinese Company Harvests Data of Prominent Americans and Military for Intelligence Purposes
A recent report from the Washington Post claims that a Chinese data
firm has been collecting the "digital crumbs" of data of prominent Americans and military members for some time.
The company gathered data on 2 million people including 50,000 Americans with the "stated purpose of providing intelligence
to Chinese military, government and commercial clients."
The Washington
Post reports that a Chinese company named Shenzhen Zhenhua Data Technology has been collecting the private information of prominent American
citizens and military figures for the purpose of providing intelligence to the Chinese military. This was discovered by an
Australian cybersecurity consultancy firm that found a copy of the Chinese database left unsecured on the internet. The data
appears to combine many sources together into one complete record on each individual, which the database claims will be used
to provide "intelligence to Chinese military, government and commercial clients."
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Oregon Homeowners Warn Looters Amid Wildfire: ‘You Loot, We Shoot'
Oregon homeowners have issued warnings for those who seek to loot and damage property
amid wildfire evacuations, posting signs that state they will shoot and kill those who do so.
"You loot, we shoot," read one handpainted sign outside of a home, which was captured by KPTV journalist Devin Eskew as he covered the destruction. "We won't call your family. Your body will never be found!!
Bang bang," another sign stated.
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Rutherford Institute Defends Right of Firearms Training Facility to Re-Open, Warns
Against Attempts to Use Pandemic to Curtail Gun Rights
Nev. - The Rutherford Institute has come to the defense of a Nevada firearms training facility threatened with fines because
of its plans for reopening.
In a letter to officials with Nye County,
Nevada, on behalf of Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, Rutherford Institute attorneys warned local officials against
abusing government authority during the pandemic to curtail Second Amendment rights. Pushing back against claims by Nye County
officials that Front Sight faces fines and other penalties due to its plan to allow more than 50 persons in its training facility,
Institute attorneys point out that firearms training, designated as "essential infrastructure," is exempt from the
governor's emergency restrictions. Moreover, attorneys assert that Front Sight Firearms Training Institute is exempt from
gathering restrictions and mask requirements imposed by Nevada's governor because state law forbids the use of emergency powers
to prohibit activities at the core of the constitutional right to bear arms, including training in the safe use of firearms.
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Fauci Spills The Beans: A Vaccine Won't End COVID-19 Restrictions
Dr. Anthony Fauci just spilled the beans: contrary to the implicit
promise numerous politicians made that COVID-19 restrictions would only last "until there's an effective vaccine,"
Fauci says the arrival of a vaccine won't mean life will return to normal, perhaps for more than a year.
"If you're talking about getting back to a degree of normality which resembles where we were
prior to COVID, it's going to be well into 2021, maybe even towards the end of 2021," said the director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases on Friday.
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Straight Outta Marxism: BLM Protesters Take Over Grocery Store to Protest Lack
of 'Access' to Grocery Stores
That "capitalism" line
is straight from Marxism. BLM founders do admit to being "trained Marxists." Their training is trickling down.
Socialism and communism exploit
the working class and everyone else under their bootheel. Free speech, free press, and freedom of religion tend to die under
socialism and communism. Gulags and concentration camps for punishing wrongthink replace them.
Socialism and communism are forms of slavery, though they have seldom been called that.
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Why ANTICHRIST AND THE FINAL SOLUTION Cronies Reject Biblical Roots Of Capitalism
Once again, politicians are bemoaning our system of capitalism, claiming that the solution
to economic woes is further expansion of a government-driven social welfare system. "Our collective strength is exercised
through government. It is, in effect, our immune system," said Gov. Andrew Cuomo in his remarks at the 2020 Democratic
National Convention. "Government matters, and leadership matters. It determines whether we thrive and grow or whether
we live or die." History has yet to record a successful instance of government programs and bailouts creating wealth
for its citizens or bringing people more freedom. The proponents of this approach have identified the right problem - people
desperately need help right now - but they're selling the wrong solution. And speaking of history ... (READ MORE)
Something So Wrong With What We Are Witnessing - At The
Rate We Are Going We May Not Have A Civilized Nation By The End Of The Year
From coast to coast law enforcement officers are under attack, not just by Democrat politicians that first supported the "Defund the Police" movement, but by criminals quite literally ambushing them for nothing more than being police officers, as rioters around the nation attack them with firebombs, rocks, bats, and a whole cornucopia of other items.
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Donald Trump-appointed HHS spokesman says 'buy ammunition' as he
claims Democrats are planning armed insurrection after election - and accuses CDC of 'sedition' against president in
Facebook live rant
The top communications official at the Health
and Human Services Department warned in a bizarre Facebook Live session that political opponents 'are going to have to kill
me' and claimed Democrats are plotting an armed insurrection.
Caputo, a former Trump campaing official, issued the warnings after publication of a Politico story Friday that indicated
Caputo and other political appointees were pressuring Centers for Disease Control officials to alter weekly coronavirus reports.
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You now have 49 days to get your rifles ready for self-defense, and they're probably
sighted in at the WRONG range... see this important ballistics video from the Health Ranger
(Natural News) There are now 49 days until the election, which means the violent left-wing attempt to overthrow the nation and mass murder
all Christians and conservatives is probably around 50 days away.
Do you
have a rifle ready for your self-defense against this onslaught of violence and lunacy? Remember: These Leftists are now shooting
cops in broad daylight, and then surrounding the hospital that's treating those cops, chanting, "Kill the police!"
and "Death to America!"
Read more here:
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf's closing of non-life-sustaining businesses (i.e. non-essential)
and restrictions on gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic have been ruled as unconstitutional by a federal judge.
The ruling by U.S. District Judge William Stickman IV was made in a case in which Butler,
Greene, Fayette and Washington counties in Pennsylvania, are listed as plaintiffs. The counties had filed suit, claiming the
shutdown orders were unconstitutional.
Read more here:
'It's the Hellifornia wildfire': 'Firenado' is captured swirling in California during blazes that
have razed at least 3 million acres of the West Coast and killed 35 people
A 'firenado' has been captured on camera in California as wildfires tear through large swathes of the west coast,
killing at least 35 people.
Footage showing a wildfire meeting a
column of air to create a tornado-like effect was posted on TikTok on Thursday went viral over the weekend.
Social media users nicknamed the state 'Hellifornia', with one writing: "2020 said
'Hey, y'all know what's missing? A firenado! That would be so awesome! I got the perfect place, too. Here me out...."'
one person wrote.
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If They Will Loot Homes During These Wildfires, What Will They Do To You And Your
Family When They Have No More Food?
When disaster strikes, the
first instinct that some people have is to go out and loot homes that have been evacuated. I wish that this wasn't the
case, but it seems to happen every time that we see a huge natural disaster. You have to be quite sick to want to take
advantage of people that have left their homes during a great tragedy, but we have seen it happen over and over the last several
years. Twisted individuals that have had their consciences completely seared think that undefended homes are an easy
target, and a lot of times they get away with it. Fortunately, authorities were able to catch two degenerates that were
just looting evacuated homes in Oregon, but only after they led the police on a high speed chase...
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Police: Man arrested for starting several small fires next to I-205 in Portland
PORTLAND, OR (KPTV) - A 45-year-old man was arrested Sunday
evening and then again Monday morning after Portland police say he lit several fires along Interstate 205.
The Portland Police Bureau said officers responded to assist Portland Fire & Rescue
at 4:35 p.m. Sunday to a reported brush fire in the 9600 block of East Burnside Street.
At the scene, officers found a section of grass along the I-205 freeway that was burning. Firefighters extinguished
the fire. Police said no one was injured and no structures were damaged in the fire.
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Coronavirus can break your heart - literally - says new study
(Natural News) Getting COVID-19 is heartbreaking news for anyone. But a new study reveals that the disease is heartbreaking in more
ways than one, especially since it's been found to tear heart muscles to shreds - at least in vitro.
The ability of SARS-CoV-2 - the virus behind the
deadly pandemic - to invade the heart muscle and effectively "dice" it is already scary enough. However, the authors
of the study warned that a similar process could be happening in the hearts of COVID-19 patients.
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ANTIFA admit to "igniting fires" all over the country to draw attention
to ‘Climate Change'
Seattle Police: Protesters
Setting Arson Fires (Antifa - Black Lives Matter Riots)
Gateway Pundit By Kristinn Taylor; Published July 25, 2020 at 6:31pm
Seattle police are reporting
that several arson fires have been set by protesters Saturday afternoon local time. A construction trailer at the site of
a juvenile detention center was torched. There is also a report of businesses set on fire. (Update: Starbucks).
Read more here:
URGENT: Railroads have PULLED all their Equipment off the US West Coast; Refusing
Freight to/from CA
A Northern California logistics consultant
was unable to book containers on the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) or Union Pacific (UP) railroads for the entire first
week of September going to and from U.S. West Coast ports and Midwest destinations.
The consultant said, "I have been working in the industry for thirty years and I have never seen anything like
this. It's weird."
Read more here:
The Clark County Washington Board of Commissioners meeting was
stunned as law enforcement reported "ANTIFA is staging FULL gas cans" around Clark County to start more fires and
they are "armed with chainsaws" to fall utility poles to start more fires while blocking rescue vehicles!
A Deputy of the Clark County Sheriff, explicitly told the County Commissioners they have
multiple sightings of these efforts. The information came from a Sergeant on the street, but the Deputy did not know that
Sergeant's source.
Read more here:
Chinese Government Combines "Track & Trace" COVID-System With Social
Credit Score
The Communist government of China has combined
its coronavirus ‘track and trace' system with the country's notorious social credit score.
The new system ranks each citizen via a "civilization score" and then places
them in a category which determines whether they get priority access to services or are punished and restricted.
The new system represents an expansion of the social credit score and is being initially
rolled out in the city of Suzhou and will apply to everyone over the age of 18.
Read more here:
FDA Nears Approval of Injectable Biochip Implants for COVID Detection, Linked
to Computers
The Department of Defense, and the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation, have partnered with a Silicon Valley company, Profusa, to implement a technology which could control our minds and bodies. What may seem like science fiction, is in fact happening
in real-time.
A permanent chip made of an advanced material called hydrogel
irreversibly ties humans to the Internet "cloud." The chip, about the size of a grain of rice, provides feedback
to a database on changes in body chemistry and other biometrics. The company says technology will be used to detect COVID
in the general population, before symptoms show.
Read more here:
U.S. military begins testing flying surveillance balloons across the country to
TRACK people's movements
(Natural News) Have you spotted an unusual balloon hovering overhead recently and wondered why it was there? If you live in the central
part of the U.S., it may have been spying on you.
The U.S. military has
been testing balloons that can spy on people and track their movement. According to documents filed with the FCC, the balloons can hover at 65,000
feet. Last year, they were tested in states like Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota and South Dakota.
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BREAKING: Clackamas County Sheriff's Deputy placed on Administrative leave after
telling the truth.
A Clackamas County Sheriff's Deputy was placed
on Administrative leave following the release of a video confirming Antifa's presence in the county during the ongoing wildfires.
According to the release from the Sheriff's office, they were made aware of the officer's
comments late Friday evening while he was on duty and in uniform. In the video, the deputy was speaking to a local cop-watch
streamer who was asking the officer about the presence of Antifa and any other bad actors in the area who might be responsible
for some of the fires and the looting that has been widely reported on social media.
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'Color Revolutions' And 'Grey Terror' Are More Proof Globalists Are Bull-Rushing
America Towards 'The Final Act' As Country Is Forced Down A Path Blazed By Authoritarian Regimes
In this recent story by Michael Snyder over at the Economic Collapse Blog titled "If You Feel Like Something Really, Really Bad Is About To Happen, You Are Definitely Not Alone", Snyder warns us there are countless Americans who 'feel' that something quite ominous is ahead and are waiting
(and hopefully preparing!) for "the other shoe to drop". And we'll agree completely as Snyder warns us: "I
believe that it could literally happen at any time".
Read more
If You Feel Like Something Really, Really Bad Is About To Happen, You Are Definitely
Not Alone
If this is "the recovery", what are things
going to look like once economic conditions start to deteriorate again? As you will see below, more than half of all
households in some of our largest cities "are facing serious financial problems", and Americans continue to file
for unemployment benefits at a rate that the United States had never seen before prior to 2020. When 695,000 workers
filed for unemployment benefits during a single week in 1982, it established a record which stood for nearly 38 years.
But now we have been way above that old record for 25 weeks in a row. On Thursday, we learned that another 884,000 Americans filed new claims for unemployment benefits last week...
Read more here:
Paul Craig Roberts: The US & Its Constitution Have 2 Months Left
Bob Woodward writes that Trump's Secretary of Defense, General James Mattis, and Trump's
Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, spoke together about taking "collective action" to remove President Trump from office. General Mattis said Trump is "dangerous. He's unfit."
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Antichrist And Babel Revisited
make the mystery of the paradox more understandable when we reconsider these fascinating facts. God, who is perfect in all
His ways, created humankind perfectly, actually making us in His own image. Once again, we realize that He gifted us with
a powerful imagination so that whatever we could imagine, we could eventually do. However, when we began to use that imagination
in building a tower that would reach into Heaven, God was displeased and stopped the project by confounding the language of
the builders, then scattering them abroad. We again consider the question: If a perfect God created a perfect person, why
did God act in such a seemingly harsh manner when the creature used God-given talent as recounted in the story of Babel?
Read more here:
Turkey Starts 'Live-Fire' Drills In Contested East Med As Macron Says EU
Sanctions "Ready"
The UK's Sky News Arabia
reports that Turkey's defense ministry has announced the start of 'live fire' naval exercises in contested East Mediterranean
waters which will run through the weekend.
Crucially it
comes just after French President Emmanual Macron said the EU stands ready to impose sanctions on Turkey, following a key summit of six European countries, including
Read more here:
Large Number Of Russian Warships Seen Deployed Between Syria & Cyprus
A large number of Russian warships were recently tracked off the coasts of Syria and Cyprus
in the eastern Mediterranean region, the Russian publication Avia.Pro reported Thursday.
According to the online publication, "experts
are seriously concerned about the presence of at least 15 Russian warships and submarines off the coast of Syria.
This is the first time such a large military formation has been seen here, which raises suspicions about whether Russia plans
to engage in a military special operation against jihadists using the navy.
more here:
The 'Prissy Prostitutes Of The Press' Are Promoting Racism, Rebellion And Revolution
- The Democratic Party, Mainstream Media, Antifa And BLM Are An 'Extortion Ring Crime Syndicate'
It seems the only standard now used by the media is a double standard. I remember when
reporters (in all media) took pride in their independent, balanced, and accurate reporting. You know, the hard-hitting reporter
who could not be bought, and was often underpaid, but one you could trust. His agenda was truth. He or she would never report
an untruth and would never refuse to reveal the truth.
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Ex-Terrorist Bill Ayers (and Obama Pal) Says Civil War Has Already Started
Ayers should be rotting in prison. Instead the left has made him a god.
Mr. Ayers and his cohorts bombed the Pentagon, and he has never expressed regret for his
actions. Barack Obama's first run for the Illinois State Senate was launched at a 1995 gathering at Mr. Ayers's home.
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Dr. Fauci outs himself, sharing Atlantic Festival platform with Hillary, Pelosi,
Stacey Abrams, and a Marxist BLM co-founder
Yesterday, Jeffrey
Goldberg, the infamous editor of The Atlantic, whose latest fake news article one week ago alleged that President Trump had cruelly disparaged members of the U.S. military, sent an email announcing
the lineup of speakers for this year's annual Atlantic Festival of esteemed progressive thought leaders. The
two top highlighted speakers at the event, which this year will be streamed virtually online and free to access, are Hillary
Clinton and Dr. Anthony Fauci.
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Famine, a severe shortage of food affecting a large number of people, can be the result of either man-made or natural causes. Natural causes include droughts, plant disease, insect plagues,
floods, and earthquakes. The human causes include poverty, war, deliberate crop destruction, the inefficient distribution
of food, and why not, an engineered COVID virus that will crash the entire economic system.
Read more here:
One Million Fire Refugees In Oregon Forming "ARMY" To forcibly Overthrow
State Government and "Take Back" the State
The population
in entire southern half of Oregon have been displaced by fires, many of which were intentionally set by ANTIFA, who boasts
about it on their web sites.
Upwards of ONE MILLION Oregon residents
have had to evacuate as fires burned everything they had. These people fled with the clothes on their backs, a backpack
for survival, and . . . their rifles.
Trad more here:
American Freedom And Prosperity Are Both Obliterated: From 9/11 To The COVID-19
Two days ago was the 19th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on
the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. America never recovered politically from those attacks, and government responses
to the Covid pandemic are repeating many of the same follies of the War on Terror.
Three days after the World Trade Center towers tumbled down, President George W. Bush promised
to "rid the world of evil." After making an outlandish promise that should have earned him derision in perpetuity, the media and the political elite
rallied around Bush to give him unlimited power to purportedly achieve that goal. The fact that the 9/11 attacks were preceded
by the biggest intelligence failures since Pearl Harbor became irrelevant.
more here:
U.N. Chooses Teen Prostitution Advocate for Top Human Rights Post
The U.N. has tapped a former abortionist and advocate for teen prostitution to its top
post of expert on health and human rights.
According to a report at international
human rights watchdog organization C-Fam, South African Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng has risen quickly at the U.N., from "sexual health and rights advocate" to the top post of Special Rapporteur on the Right
to Health, a role that will give her a global platform to urge the decriminalization of the sex trade.
"Mofokeng's reports advancing sexual rights, including the legalizing of prostitution, will
likely be cited as authoritative interpretations of human rights law by U.N. agencies and like-minded Member States,"
C-Fam observed.
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L.A. Protesters Try to Break Into Hospital Where Two Officers Are in Critical
Condition After 'A Cowardly' Shooting
Two Los Angeles County
sheriff's deputies are fighting for their lives after they were shot multiple times at point-blank range in an ambush, authorities
Crowds of protesters blocked the entrance to St. Francis Medical
Center in Lynwood, where the wounded officers were in a critical condition, police said. Some protesters chanted "we
hope they die," the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office said on Twitter. A witness told ABC7 that some had tried to break
into the hospital's emergency room.
Read more here:
Trump slams the shooting ambush of two LA sheriff's at Compton train station as
the work of 'Animals that must be hit hard!' - as both officers fight for their lives - and the FBI join the manhunt
President Donald Trump called the man who opened fire on two Los Angeles deputies an 'animal'
who needed to be 'hit hard' as the FBI was called in to help investigate the Saturday shooting.
Two Los Angeles sheriff's deputies were shot in an ambush at a train station by a male suspect who
then fled the scene, local outlets report.
The two deputies, a male
and female officer with the Transit Services Bureau, were shot at the Metro Blue Line station at Willowbrook Avenue and Oak
Street in Compton.
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Liberals Plan Violent Temper Tantrums If President Trump Is Reelected, President Trump And Conservatives Should Prepare To
'Drop The Hammer' And 'Fight Fire With Fire'
Anyone that claims
100% certainty about their prediction of an election result is either a liar or just pushing a wishful narrative, all we have
to do to prove that assertion is go back to the entire 2016 presidential campaign cycle where all pollsters, major MSM papers,
which are more like tabloids these days, and all liberals across the board insisted that Donald Trump did not have a chance
against the shoe-in candidate Hillary Clinton.
They asserted that right up until the moment
Donald Trump was announced the winner.
With that said, for the purpose of preparing for
what Democrats are already planning for, we are jumping to after the 2020 election, when the final votes have been counted,
and working under the assumption that Trump wins reelection.
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Judge rules Los Angeles can ban religious worship
Attorneys from the Thomas More Society said the judge refused to consider their important separation
of powers arguments 'in any meaningful fashion' and essentially 'ducked the issue.'
LOS ANGELES, September 11, 2020 (Thomas More Society) - The Los Angeles Superior Court issued a preliminary injunction on September 10, 2020, against Grace Community Church
and Pastor John MacArthur, refusing to follow the U.S. and California State constitutional protections for churches. The ruling
fails to apply the appropriate constitutional standard of review. The order prohibits the church from "conducting, participating
in, or attending any indoor worship services" and also bans outdoor worship unless onerous restrictions are followed
in a heavy-handed move against the internationally known preacher and his congregation. MacArthur and Grace Community Church's
attorneys from the Thomas More Society said the judge refused to consider their important separation of powers arguments "in
any meaningful fashion" and essentially "ducked the issue."
more here:
The Term "Conspiracy Theory" Was Invented by the CIA In Order To Prevent
Disbelief of Official Government Stories
The Term "Conspiracy
Theory" Was Invented by the CIA In Order To Prevent Disbelief of Official Government Stories
Ron Unz reports on the cold shoulder given to an extensively researched book that concludes that
World War II hero General George Patton was murdered by the CIA because he became a powerful critic of Washington.
The book was ignored because the US media and public have been programmed
to regard the US government as a truth-teller and those who expose government crimes as "conspiracy theorists."
Read more here:
Watch! Ten Gov't Technologies That Would Destroy A Citizen Rebellion Overnight
How do citizens stand up to an all-powerful government?
Many believe the Declaration of Independence says that citizens have a duty to
alter or abolish any government that does not secure our unalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Easier said than done at a time when the technical and military advantage clearly lies with the government itself.
One of the key second amendment arguments for having access to AR-15 rifles is the ability
to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government. Many of you may remember, during the militia movement following Ruby Ridge
and Waco, President Clinton halted the sale of any military surplus equipment to civilians. If you wanted anything in that
category you had to buy surplus equipment from other nations.
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China bubonic plague: Black death fears SOAR as cases reach highest in decades
CHINA's fears are escalating over the possible spread of the bubonic plague as
an expert warns of the "thoroughly unpleasant disease"
month, a 38-year-old man died from the bubonic plague in Mongolia's Zavkhan province after eating marmot meat.
In August, China's Inner Mongolia region reported two deaths to the deadly disease.
The fatalities prompted authorities to enforce partial lockdowns and quarantine local
In total, Mongolia has recorded 18 suspected cases of the bubonic
plague this year.
Read more here:
Half of wildfires in Oregon could burn into the winter, fire officials said
PORTLAND, Ore - Officials said there are 16 wildfires burning in Oregon right now, and
eight of those fires may continue to burn into the winter. More than one million acres of land has burned so far, Oregon Governor
Kate Brown said.
The governor was joined by fire officials in giving an
update on the wildfires burning throughout the state. on Friday, she added that 40,000 Oregonians have been evacuated, and
500,000 are in evacuation zones.
Read more here:
People, the globalists are literally burning down the entire Left Coast.
Soon, California, Oregon and
Washington states will be toast.
The once Golden
State - California - has already been transformed into the
Charcoal State.
The New World Order globalist cabal would like to wage war - that is, armed conflict -
against the America Republic in the worst way.
However, waging an all-out
war on the American people is virtually impossible because, as the Japanese admiral accurately pointed out, "there
would be a rifle behind every blade of grass". Therefore, what the U.S. citizenry is now witnessing
and/or experiencing is a very stealthy type of asymmetric warfare.
more here:
Oregon governor says she is preparing for a 'mass fatality event' with dozens
missing as hundreds of firefighters battle two huge wildfires and 500,000 are evacuated - while death toll on the West Coast
exceeds 25
Hundreds of firefighters battled two large wildfires
Friday that threatened to merge near the most populated part of Oregon, including the suburbs of Portland, and the governor
said dozens of people are missing in other parts of the state as the death toll is expected to climb significantly.
Authorities in Oregon, California, and Washington State reported at least 25 dead on Friday.
Oregon's emergency management director, Andrew Phelps, said officials are 'preparing
for a mass fatality event' and that thousands of structures have been destroyed.
Read more here:
Former CIA Officer: "Violence Will Explode" if Trump Wins Re-Election
Unrest will continue even if Biden wins because mob will try to take full control
of his administration.
A former CIA ops officer who spent
decades undercover in the Middle East and South Asia warns that "violence will explode" if Trump wins re-election
and will probably continue anyway even if Biden wins.
In an op-ed
for Revolver News, Sam Faddis characterizes the recent riots, described as "mostly peaceful" by the media, as nothing less than an
Faddis says that the rioters are not merely
unorganized mobs, but a "manifestation of years of preparation, organization, and sponsorship from a vast network of
foundations and front organizations," including George Soros's Open Society.
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Grey terror: Has it started in the USA?
During the last months of peace before a war, grey terror can be applied to weaken the enemy's morale, create an
atmosphere of general suspicion, fear and uncertainty, and divert the attention of the enemy's armies and police forces to
a huge number of different targets, each of which may be the object of the next attack. Is grey terror being applied by enemy
forces of the USA? Read this and decide for yourself.
Terror as
a Result of Disobedience
In Leviticus 26:14,16, God says, "But
if you will not listen to me, and will not do all these commandments ... I also will do this to you: I will appoint terror
over you, even consumption and fever, that shall consume the eyes, and make the soul to pine away; and you will sow your seed
in vain, for your enemies will eat it."
Read more here:
Welcome to the apocalypse: Los Angeles is compared to Blade
Runner after smoke from wildfires turns skies bright orange as blazes sweep across the West Coast leaving at least 23 dead
and forcing 10% of Oregon's population to flee
California residents
are comparing the Bay Area's apocalyptic orange skies to scenes from Blade Runner 2049 while Los Angeles is suffering the
worst smog in 26 years and its air quality has plummeted to the poorest in the world as wildfires continue to rip through
the West Coast leaving at least 23 dead.
Almost 100 major fires
continue to rage across 12 states, devastating almost 4.4 million acres and wiping out thousands of homes in their paths.
Read more here:
Man arrested, charged with arson in connection with southern Oregon fire
A Southern Oregon man is accused of arson in connection with a fire that has caused major
damage to several towns in Jackson County.
Jarrod Bakkela, 41, has arrested on two counts of arson, 15 counts of criminal mischief and 14 counts of reckless endangerment.
The fire Bakkela set is considered to be one of two origins
of the Almeda fire, said Oregon State Fire Marshal's office spokesman Rich Tyler. The two fires quickly merged, Tyler said.
Read more here:
Arson investigation underway where human remains found at Almeda fire in Ashland,
chief says
Authorities are investigating the Almeda fire as an arson after discovering human remains in Ashland, the city police chief said.
The Jackson County's Major Assault/Death Investigation Unit is investigating
the nature of the death of the person found, according to Ashland Police Chief Tighe O'Meara.
The unit draws detectives from Ashland Police, Medford, Central Point, Oregon
State Police, the Jackson County Sheriff's Office and the Jackson County District Attorney's Office.
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Urgent threat: ISIS tells U.S. followers to burn America to the ground
It's a massive threat that could threaten to completely level parts of our country. And
it's coming from ISIS extremists.
According to the Free Beacon, radicals have been using an extremist-controlled media outlets to send a message to their followers across Europe and the
United States, urging them to begin setting forest fires and burning countries to the ground.
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'Subversion Factor' Warnings of Past Kicking into High Gear
The world has gone mad. Communist mobs occupy sectors in major American cities and receive
support from local and national Democrat politicians. The media (and former President Barack Obama) characterize racist mobs
rioting, looting, burning and extorting as "peaceful demonstrators."
The Democratic candidate for president, Joe Biden, and his running mate, Kamala Harris, are threatening to eviscerate
the principles of federalism and the Bill of Rights, with special emphasis on gutting the Second Amendment. There's a good chance they will win the popular vote, and current polls show them on track to dominate key battleground
states for an electoral win. (2016 Polls showed Hillary on top, too, but Trump is inarguably more besieged from all sides
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WW3: India and Japan sign military alliance against China as world braces for
INDIA and Japan have agreed a new military pact as
both countries struggle to contain the threat of China, sparking fears of open conflict.
On June 20 Indian soldiers were killed in a clash with their Chinese counterparts along the two
countries' contested border.
The agreement was signed by Indian defence
secretary Ajay Kumar and Suzuki Satoshi, the Japanese ambassador.
two sides agreed to provide "reciprocal provision of supplies and services" between their militaries.
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Woman accused of intentionally starting fires on Highway 101 arrested
UPDATE 9/11/2020 2:20 p.m. The Monterey County District Attorney's Office tells KION that
they have no information or evidence suggesting that a woman accused of intentionally starting fires on Highway 101 has any
connection to Antifa.
The DA said there is no evidence of that sort of
activity in the area.
PREVIOUS STORY: The California Highway Patrol confirms
that a woman has been arrested after being accused of intentionally starting fires.
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Man arrested, suspected of lighting fires in Marin County
NOVATO (BCN) - A 55-year-old transient was arrested Monday evening on suspicion
of multiple counts of arson, Novato police said.
Officers joined the Novato
Fire Protection District in responding to a report of a tree on fire in the 1500 block of Novato Boulevard. Another fire was
discovered in the area of Diablo Avenue and
Novato Boulevard, which officers attended to using fire extinguishers from
their vehicles, police officials said.
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ISIS Video Urges Arson as ‘Five-Star' Terror Tactic, Shows California Burning
A new video from the Islamic State's media wing tells followers that arson is the highest-rated
of the low-skill terror tactics and encourages fire attacks with the devastation and death toll of the 2018 Camp Fire in California
highlighted as an example.
The 4-minute video "Incite the Believers"
issued by Al-Hayat Media Center, released in both English and Arabic, shows items such as a power drill and a handgun
while noting that would-be jihadists may "look around yourself and you do not find a weapon that you can use to subdue
the enemy of Allah."
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Economic War With China Is The Final Step Before The "Great Reset"
With the pandemic dominating the news cycle, the general public has been completely distracted
from a much more important crisis; namely, the economic crisis. To be sure, economic decay is not as swift or exciting, but
I doubt that's why the mainstream media mostly ignores the issue. From my experience, the media tends to omit coverage of
the things they don't want the population to notice or think about.
now, the only word spoken on the economy is "recovery". Of course, if you've been reading my recent articles, you
know that the recovery narrative is nonsense. With the small business sector on the verge of collapse, the U.S. economy has
no means to recover unless we see a sudden resurgence in industrial production and domestic factories built, and with corporate
debt at historic highs, there's simply no money for that right now. Good luck trying to bankroll a manufacturing renaissance
in the middle of a stagflationary environment.
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Evidence Democrats/Globalists Are Using Illegal Immigrants And Germ Warfare Upon
'The Masses' In The Streets Of The Western World To Bring In Their 'Orwellian Hellscape'
'Operation Moonshot' And The Implementation Of The 'Global Police State' Are Now Fully Underway
While all of the evidence indicates that Democrats/globalists are working to unveil a 'global police state' with Covid-19 the 'vector' for its unveiling as Brandon Smith warns in this important new story over at, the more than 390 million guns owned by law-abiding Americans, (with more guns in America than people!), hint why it'll probably get very ugly in America before they can accomplish their tyrannical goals of completely transforming
our nation into just another 'cog' in their 'wheel of tyranny'.
With the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution created by America's Founding Fathers, not for hunting but as an insurance
for the American people against our nation fallen completely into tyranny, the fact that most other Western nations are
now falling to 'medical tyranny' is of great concern, especially considering the implications.
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The American People Are Under Attack,The Country Is Under attack - Burn the Cities,
Infect the People: the Evil Plan to Remake America
The American people are under attack, the country is under attack, and democracy is under attack. At present, the enemy is conducting a three-pronged assault on the presidency the objective of which is to remove the existing
administration and install their own sock-puppet replacement. This has been the goal from the very beginning although the
great swirl of events has confused many as to the true nature of what is actually taking place. What we are seeing is a dirty
tricks campaign (Russiagate) inflated into a full-blown, scorched earth, winner-take-all assault on the presidency.
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The Ohio
Governor has endorsed a program of isolating, in secret locations, facilities to house Covid-19 patients and SUSPECTED people
who MAY have been exposed to COVID-19. This is called FEMA MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW CAMPS that Celeste Solom and myself have exposed
to the public through a series of documents as presented in previous radio interviews.
Ohio is frequently serves as a beta test site for "new" programs in order to test the public's acceptance.
Presently, the CDC and the Governor of Ohio are JOINTLY endorsing the program known as "PROTECTING YOUR IS CHILD IS AS EASY AS ABC" as developed by the CDC:
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There is something very wrong with some in the top ranks of America's military
With Bob Woodward's anti-Trump book about to be published, the media is focusing entirely
on the easily debunked claim that Trump mishandled the Wuhan virus by "lying" to the American people. What the media
is ignoring, however, is a much more serious claim, which is that former Secretary of Defense General James Mattis plotted
to overthrow Trump and his administration. This fact, if true, supports my long-time fear about the damage Obama
inflicted on the upper echelons of the Pentagon.
In a move right out of George Orwell's 1984, New Zealand has announced it would put all COVID-19 patients into mandatory
quarantine camps. The Prime Minister of New Zealand has said that your each and every activity will be monitored in these
camps and those that refuse to be tested would be forced to stay in the camps for a longer duration. New Zealand's Director-General
of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield announced at a press conference that the use of quarantine facilities marks a major departure
from how positive cases were managed by health officials when New Zealand was last at level 3, as cases earlier in the year
were told to simply self-isolate in their homes. Dr Bloomfield says the mandatory quarantine will apply to both new cases
and, if necessary, close family members who might be at risk... (READ MORE)
Are Directed Energy Weapons Starting Fires In California & Oregon?
A Directed Energy Weapon was caught on a live stream going right into a fire in California.
Then there was another shown igniting a fire in Oregon. Now, there's a black censorship line through the beam. What
is going on?!
YouTuber Dutchsinse has discovered something unbelievable
while looking at the fires in the Western United States and studying the earthquakes occurring around the world. When it's
first noticed, Dutchsinse called it "some kind of ray or beam of some kind."
Read more here:
The Global Police State Is Swiftly Rising
There is always an excuse for the enforcement of totalitarian restrictions on the public. There
is always a reason. And, often these reasons are engineered to sound logical and practical at the time.
In Germany after WWI and into the early 1930s Bolshevik activists and the German Communist
Party (KPD) engaged in aggressive economic sabotage, street violence and even assassinations. This along with the Great Depression
led to German middle class support for the National Socialist Party and the Third Reich (fascism). Much of history's
focus is on the horrors of the Nazis, but many people are unaware of the extreme threat of communist revolution in Europe
during this era, a threat which was used by the Nazis as a perfect rationale for constructing a police state. Arguably, without
the existence of hardline communism, the fascists never would have had the public support needed to rise to power.
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Anxiety, Depression and Suicide Are at All-Time Highs
Indeed, statistics show rates of depression, anxiety and suicide are currently at an all-time
high.1,2The Kaiser Family Foundation has conducted polls at regular intervals since the beginning of the pandemic.
Here's a quick summary of findings over time:
- In the early-April
poll,3 45% of respondents said the pandemic had disrupted their lives "a lot," with women (49%) being
more disproportionally affected than men (40%). At the time, 52% worried they would lose their job, and 85% worried local
businesses would have to permanently close due to loss of revenue.
more here:
Hurricane-force winds blow over dozens of semi-trucks in Utah
UTAH - Dozens of semi-trucks were blown over by hurricane-strength winds
on Tuesday during one of Utah's most destructive windstorms on record.
to local reports, the windstorm blew over at least 45 semi-trucks, injuring at least four drivers.Utah Highway Patrol trooper
Nick Street captured video of one of the rollovers. The video showed one semi-truck already tipped, while another semi tipped
over on Interstate 15.
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Serious Development On India-China Border; Massive Troop Deployments Taking Place
There is now taking place a MAJOR deployment of army troops on the India-China Border,
after clashes between the armies of India and China. In fact, the deployment is beyond "major" and actually
constitutes a "massive" deployment.
The video below shows convoys
of Indian army troops and armor being deployed to the region along the Srinagar-Ladakh highway.
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Democrats Prepping For 'Doomsday Scenarios' In Secret Meetings - Radical Liberal
Organizations Preparing For Election Loss With 'Mass Public Unrest'
In watching elections in my 50+ years, and writing about politics for more than a decade, never have I seen even
the most radical leftists publications twist themselves into such pretzels in trying to convince their readers that the violence
we will witness after the 2020 elections will come from "right wingers," rather than the people that are burning
down cities now.
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Nationwide Ammo Shortage as Americans Stock up amid Civil Unrest
An ammo shortage is being witnessed nationwide as Americans react to civil unrest by buying
up firearms and the ammunition needed to use them for self-defense.
store shelves in Arizona, long covered with box upon box of ammunition for sale, now host but a smattering of ammunition,
and at a much higher price because of the product's scarcity.
The Minneapolis
Star Tribune reports the same shortage is evident throughout Minnesota.
Oakdale gun store
owner David Bean said, "Manufacturers can't keep up with the demand anymore. The industry's never been hit this hard
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It is Time for Us to Quit Carrying the Chains that Bind Us. It is Time for
Us to Quit Supporting the System Which is Enslaving Us. It is Time to Water the Tree of Liberty With the Blood of Patriots
and Tyrants.
Someone asked me, "What if Biden wins in November
because we didn't vote for Trump?"
My answer to that is, history
proves and human nature holds true that the only time people are motivated to change is when the turmoil and pain of change
is better than the current state of affairs. Right now I don't think many people are happy with how our country is at this
point in time.
As long as we continue to vote for the lesser of two evils
the best we can ever hope for is the status quo. But evil and the power hungry will never settle for status quo, they will
always want even more power. We are losing ground by continuing to play their game, on their terms.
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Civil War II Is Going Hot and Threatens to Expand to Outer Space! Continuity of
Government Has Been Invoked
By now, most readers are familiar
with the fact that a corridor running south of I-70 through Richfield to Camp Williams, the backup site for NSA headquarters
located in Pinebluff, are actively receiving large numbers of people.
story is filled with communities that are small but with very large runways receiving high volume jet and helicopter traffic
and this activity now appears to be mostly complete. The CSS has had it confirmed that we are under Continuity of Government.
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Erdogan Warns Greece, France of War: ‘Bring it on!'
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said in a speech last month that no country
could stand in Turkey's way in the eastern Mediterranean, where it is currently involved in a dispute over energy resources.
In an Aug. 30 speech in Ankara that was uploaded to his official YouTube channel, Erdoğan
said, "The real question is this: Can those who oppose us in the Mediterranean Sea and around it accept the risk of the
same sacrifices? Do the people of Greece accept what will happen to them because of their greedy and incompetent leaders?
Do the people of France accept the price they will pay because of their greedy and incompetent leaders? Are the brotherly
peoples of some North African and countries in the Gulf content with their futures growing darker as a result of their greedy
and incompetent leaders? The citizens of countries that are tens of thousands of kilometers away and are eyeing Turkey's democracy,
constitutional state and regional interests-do they realize that this process will turn around and harm them?"
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COVID Dystopia Comes To Melbourne
t was the image that shocked Australia and soon went global. A pregnant woman, handcuffed in her own kitchen, in
front of her children, as police officers seized every computer, tablet and cell phone in the house before frog-marching her
off to the station.
It's the treatment that Australians are used to seeing
meted out to drug traffickers, suspected terrorists and child pornography rings. But in Zoe Lee Buhler's case, her ‘crime'
was a Facebook post.
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Ex-FreeMason Details What's Coming: If He's Right, Things Are About To Get Brutal
An ex-free mason has come forward in the past in spite of threats to warn the public what's
being planned against them. "Jeremy" goes into detail about the brutal remainder of 2020 and if he's being truthful,
we have a rough road up ahead.
First, take anything a freemason says with
a grain of salt. They are not above lying to push an agenda. However, that is not the overall tone of this audio. While listening
to this ex-free mason, who has been threatened and harassed for coming forward in the past to warn us of things such as the
manufactured riots, he sounds like he has a genuine concern for humanity. Please use your own discernment and employ critical
thinking skills.
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The Persecution Of Christians Is Escalating Dramatically All Over The World
All over the globe, thousands upon thousands of Christians are being ruthlessly killed
simply because of what they believe. But if you only rely on corporate-controlled media sources for your news, you literally
never hear about this relentless persecution. In fact, in this article I don't link to a single mainstream news source.
I had to go to Christian news websites to document what I am about to share with you, because the mainstream media avoids
stories such as these like the plague. Of course if innocent people were being systematically butchered for a reason
that aligned with the various agendas that they are constantly pushing, the mainstream media would be all over this.
It greatly upsets me that the deaths of Christians are treated as if they don't really matter, and we continue to see the
global persecution of Christians escalate year after year.
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MKULTRA and the CIA's War on the Human Mind
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has a fearsome reputation. The author and executor of countless
coups and political assassinations, the CIA is notorious for waterboarding, "extraordinary rendition," regime change,
kidnapping, narcotics smuggling, financing of guerrilla wars, and many other unsavory activities around the world, including
against Americans, even inside the United States.
But "fearsome" does not mean "flawless." The
CIA has failed at least as often as it has succeeded, and sometimes the failures are so flagrant-such as sending thousands
of anticommunist guerrilla fighters behind enemy lines in Korea, Eastern Europe, China, and Southeast Asia during the Cold
War, where nearly all of them died-that CIA insiders wryly refer to their organization as "Clowns In Action."
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The Left Preps for Civil War: 'The Potential for Violent Conflict Is High'
When you think about it, the American Civil War didn't have to happen. President Lincoln
had no intention whatsoever of interfering in the institution of slavery. But many Southerners saw in Lincoln the potential
for Northern abolitionists to use him to end slavery. They believed there were latent dictatorial impulses in Lincoln and
were terrified he would somehow be able to free their slaves.
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Pioneer Foods We'll Be Eating A Lot After SHTF- If society
collapses, you can bet that the foods the pioneers ate will become dietary staples
Once upon a time, heading on down to the grocery store to fill the pantry whenever you needed to
was not an option. Pioneers who traveled west in pursuit of religious freedom and a better life in the early days of U.S.
settlement aimed to settle in areas where chances to buy supplies were few and far between.
This meant that they had to be self-sufficient, which required bringing along and preparing food that would last
a long time, tending animals and hunting as needed, and eating what the land provided them.
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Multi-Billionaire Hugo Salinas Price - We Will See A "Coup"
In The U.S. As America Approaches Its "Weimar Moment"
September 9 (King World News) - Multi-billionaire Hugo Salinas Price: I have relied on no particular source of information in the process
of forming an opinion regarding the causes and the promoters of the present disturbances in the US, and their objectives.
I browse the Internet like anyone else. My opinion regarding events in the US is the result of my personality: my opinions
are what they are, because I am the way I am.
I cannot regard events
in the US as spontaneous expressions of anger and dissatisfaction regarding present social conditions. Disorderly events of
this duration and magnitude cannot possibly be - in my opinion - spontaneous expressions of popular discontent.
Revolutions always have interested parties at work, and I regard what is going on in the
US as the beginning of a Revolution, aided and abetted by a foreign power and its representatives within the US...
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The Guardian Published an Editorial Written Entirely by AI:
"I know that I will not be able to avoid destroying humankind."
The UK Guardian published an editorial written entirely by an AI language generator called GPT-3. The assignment? To convince humans they have nothing to fear from
the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence technology. In other articles about this essay, they seem to have buried the lead, which you can find in bold in the quote below.
The AI explained that it had no interest in wiping out humankind and would resist any efforts to
make it do so. GPT-3 failed in a spectacularly chilling fashion.
more here:
Gates Foundation is Also Destabilizing Africa's Food Economy.
The Restructuring of Global Food Production
The same Gates
Foundation which is behind every aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic from financing much of the WHO budget, to investing in favored
vaccine-makers like Moderna, is engaged in a major project in Africa which is destroying traditional
small farmer production of essential food crops in favor of monoculture crops and introduction of expensive
chemical fertilizers and GMO seeds that are bankrupting small farmers. The project, the Alliance for
a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), is directly connected with key global institutions
behind the World Economic Forum's Great Reset.
more here:
CDC advises parents to prepare for "sudden sleepover" for school children
The Center for Disease Control recently updated their website advising parents to prepare
for a "sudden sleepover" for their children in the case of a disaster, which could include COVID-19.
Coincidentally or not, a few days later on Aug. 31, a new order was issued by Ohio Department
of Health Interim Director Lance Himes creating FEMA COVID-19 shelters and legalizing their use.
The FEMA shelters are to be used to "isolate those diagnosed with or showing symptoms of COVID-19."
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‘This Investigation is a Sham': Judicial Watch President Slams John Durham
for Going Easy on the Deep State
Trump supporters are waiting
with baited breath for U.S. Attorney John Durham to come out with his explosive findings in regards to his investigation into
the origins of the Russian collusion probe against President Trump.
more here:
Is the UN Preparing for the "Second Covid Lockdown"?
Oppressive Measures Worldwide, Obedience and Acceptance...
fearmongering. It fits an agenda, a huge sinister agenda
by WHO, the Geneva UN Medical Directors (UNMD) group has just issued a CONSENSUS STATEMENT for UN staff in Geneva that is
essentially warning UN staff of stricter measures to be taken, such as mask wearing in the office when 2-meter distances could
not be respected, as well as increased working from home again, when as recently as in June these conditions were relaxed.
Working from home means separating colleagues from each other, connecting them by Zoom, but NO HUMAN CONTACT. That's the name
of the game.
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Mile Markers of Tyranny: Losing Our Freedoms on the Road from 9/11 to COVID-19
"No one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a
means; it is an end."-George Orwell
You can map the nearly 20-year
journey from the 9/11 attacks to the COVID-19 pandemic by the freedoms we've lost along the way.
The road we have been traveling has been littered with the wreckage of our once-vaunted liberties,
especially those enshrined in the Fourth Amendment.
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In the Footsteps of Rome: Maybe It No Longer Matters Who's Emperor
Quick history quiz: who was the second-to-the-last Emperor
of the Western Roman Empire? How about the third-to-the-last? Answers: Glycerius, 473-74 A.D. and Julius
Nepos, 474-475 A.D. The last emperor was the grandly titled Romulus Augustus, who reigned less than a year until the whole
shebang disintegrated in 476 A.D.
You get the point: when
the momentum of collapse crosses the Event Horizon, it no longer matters who claims the title of Head Snake; the
collapse is beyond the control of any individual or agency.
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Black Lives Matter Mob Takes Drug Trafficker From FBI Custody By Force
At a Black Lives Matter protest at the San Diego County jail,
protesters remove by force an accused felony drug trafficker from the custody of two undercover FBI agents. This occurred
on 9/5/2020.
The stress of the confrontation with the mob caused the woman
to have a seizure. The agents backed off when she started having a seizure, so a medic could help her. The protesters surrounded
her and prevented the agents from taking custody again.
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The Air Force Just Tested "Robot Dogs" For Use In Base Security
They look like they were cast straight from an episode of Black Mirror, and eventually, their mission could be similar in some ways, but for now, robot dogs are stretching their legs in the big
test exercise environment for the United States Air Force.
more here:
Trump Will Defeat Massive Voter Fraud and Win - Gerald Celente
President Trump announced in a Labor Day speech that 80 million mail-in ballots have already
been sent out for the November election. Mail-in voting of this magnitude has never been tried in America. Mail-in
voting is a long proven fraud. Gerald Celente, a top trends researcher and Publisher of The Trends Journal, says the
massive cheating campaign by Democrats will not work. Celente explains, "Will the mail-in voting work for Democrats?
It may. Will Trump accept it? No. . . . You hit these other guys, and they go down. Trump doesn't go down.
People don't understand that. . . . Trump is a fighter. He's not going to go down, and he will use the power of the
Presidency to extend this thing as much as he can proving fraud and not leaving because of that. . . ."
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California weaponized fires burn an apocalyptic record of 2 million of acres and
it's not finished yet
Wildfires have burned a record
2 million acres in California this year, and the danger for more destruction is so high the U.S. Forest Service on
Monday said it was closing all eight national forests in the southern half of the state.
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SHOTS FIRED! India and China Troops Exchange Gunfire on Border
Despite lengthy efforts to maintain peace along the border between China and India, troops
from both sides exchanged gunfire for the past few days, and things are getting very much worse.
This Press Statement was issued by the Indian Army:
more here:
Massive Amounts of Military Have Been Deployed to Kingman to Guard the Underground
Continuity of Government Tunnel System-Has Continuity of Government Been Declared?
The unusual activity south of 1-70 In Utah continues with large amounts of planes entering into small town airports
that are on the tunnel system. The impacted area seems to run between Richfield to Camp Williams which is a mirror site for
the NSA's main site in Bluffdale.
There is a clearly a Continuity of
Government (COG) exercise underway. The original question centered around the notion that this was only a drill. As this article
progresses, it will become apparent that this is a live activity. So, what is the emergency?
Read more here:
USA Today Story Reports On Covid-19 Vaccine: 'The Devil Is In The
Details' - The World Bank's Covid-19 Program Ends In 2025, Aligning With Deagel's Forecast 'Depopulation End Game'
With a 'DOE insider' recently warning of a sinister plan to force vaccinations upon Americans, several new stories out across the internet hint at just how close that 'sinister jab' might be with USA Today recently reporting that while we don't know EXACTLY when a vaccine will be 'released', an incredibly complex distribution supply chain
will follow it's 'approval' and then the clincher: 'the devil is in the details'.
While both President Trump and 'big pharma investors' are betting everything
on a fast-tracked coronavirus vaccine, as Mike Adams reports in this new story over at Natural News, doing so could be unleashing a 'medical time bomb' upon America, especially with one leading immunologist having warned a successful vaccine may NEVER be developed due to "trying to immunize against coronavirus was like trying to immunize against the common cold - difficult to
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San Andreas Fault tremors are triggered by SUPERHEATED rocks deep below the surface
that are melted at 650 degrees by gliding plates creating friction, study reveals
Deep below California's San Andreas Fault lurks rock-melting forces that are driving tremors underneath a segment 800 mile stretch of the sliding
boundary, reveals a new study from the University of Southern California.
investigate how earthquakes happen, the team looked more than 43 miles below the surface and discovered rocks, friction and
fluids play key roles in ruptures.
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Colorado prepares for SNOW with temperatures plummeting up to 70F
in 24 hours - the biggest single-day drop in 150 years - after 100F weekend that sparked raging wildfires across the
Denver is set to experience the biggest temperature drop
for nearly 150 years as raging wildfires turn to snow overnight in Colorado.
is expected on Tuesday in Fort Collins, the Denver metro area and along the Interstate 25 corridor.
The National Weather service says Denver's temperature is set to drop up to 70 degrees within one
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One hiker dies, at least 15 are trapped and 35 are rescued as wildfires
torch a record two million acres in California, decimate a town in Washington, burn through Utah and Colorado and cause
100,000 to lose power in Oregon
At least 35 people have been
airlifted to safety after being trapped by one of the two dozen wildfires that have torched a record two million acres in
Firefighters and the National Guard used helicopters
equipped with night vision on a dangerous mission to rescue dozens of people stranded in the Sierra National Forest by the
Creek Fire on Tuesday morning, hours after their first attempt was thwarted by heavy smoke and towering flames.
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Psychoactive ‘Morality Pills' May Be Best Shot At ‘Correcting' The Thinking Of Those Who Oppose Mandatory Vaccines...
OR The Mark Of The Beast?
Naomi Schalit writes, "When someone
chooses not to follow public health guidelines around the coronavirus, they're defecting from the public good. My research
in bioethics focuses on questions like how to induce those who are noncooperative to get on board with doing what's best for
the public good. To me, it seems the problem of coronavirus defectors could be solved by moral enhancement: like receiving
a vaccine to beef up your immune system, people could take a substance to boost their cooperative, pro-social behavior. Could
a psychoactive pill be the solution to the pandemic? (READ MORE)
US/NATO Preparing for War on Russia?
by hot and other means are all about Washington's main strategy to advance its imperium - seeking dominance over other nations,
their resources and populations by brute force if other methods don't achieve its objectives.
From inception, the US has been addicted to war, glorifying it deceptively in the name of peace.
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India Test Fires 'NextGen Hypersonic Weapon' As Border Tensions With China Surge
With a military standoff between India and China intensifying, the Indian military has decided to increase geopolitical instabilities in the region, on Monday, as it test-fired a new
class of ultra-modern weapons that can travel at hypersonic speeds.
The Defence
Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), an agency under the Indian Ministry of Defence, tasked with weapon development,
released a statement Monday announcing it "successfully flight tested" a domestic hypersonic technology
demonstrator vehicle (HSTDV) for the first-time.
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At about 5:00 PM eastern US time today, there were about
forty-eight (48) F-16 fighter jets, over various parts of Belgium! The jets were accompanied by literally dozens
of military helicopters, from troop transports, to attack gunships.
put this in perspective, the entire country of Belgium is about 11,000 square miles, slightly larger than the US state of
Massachusetts, which is 10,000 sq. mi.
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Gordon Chang warns China 'configuring its military to kill Americans'
The United States shouldn't be enriching "a hostile regime" that is "configuring its
military to kill Americans," China analyst Gordon Chang said Monday.
In an interview on Fox News, Chang expressed support
for President Trump's consideration of completely decoupling the U.S. economy from China, calling the move "absolutely a good idea."
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Federal Judge: ‘There Is NO Pandemic Exception To The Constitution'
- Then Why Are Americans Going Along With It?
Where is it that
those who are to represent the people in this country receive delegated authority to implement that which is unconstitutional?
The Constitution is the supreme law of the land (Article 6, Section 2). They have reversed their roles in taking on the
position of being the employer rather than the employee (John 15:20).
speaking of the US Constitution, do remember that those who are to serve the people in this country are to "support the
Constitution," not tear it down in an attempt to recreate it in the image of a country that is foreign to our
own. Yet, that is, in fact, what is taking place today in America (Isaiah 42:21; Hebrews 10:7; Article 6,
Section 6 US Constitution).
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10 Witnesses Go On Record: Atlantic 'Troops' Report is an Anti-Trump Hoax
Ten witnesses have now come forward to confirm, on the record, that The Atlantic's
recent anonymously-sourced report, claiming the president blasted dead soldiers, is nothing more than an anti-Trump hoax.
Four more witnesses have now stepped up to dispute the story, claiming President Donald
Trump called fallen troops "losers" and "suckers," bringing the total to 10.
Former acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney slammed The Atlantic fro fabricating
the report.
Read more here:
Bill Clinton Was the Real Threat to America's National Security, NOT President
Throughout the Democrats' impeachment campaign
against Donald Trump, of the recurring themes from Dems behind the farce was that the presdient is a "threat
to our national security" and "must be removed from office, NOW!"
That particular anti-Trump sentiment was peddled by Democratic impeachment "manager" Jerry Nadler (D-NY).
Read more here:
'Bubonic Plague Warning' Issued In Lake Tahoe After Fleas Test Positive
After new cases of the bubonic plague were found in Los Angeles, Colorado, and in Mongolia near the Russian border this summer, it appears the infamous plague strain responsible for killing tens of millions
of Europeans during the 14th Century continues to surface, this time, in South Lake Tahoe, California.
The US Forest Service, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, issued a "plague warning" on Thur. (Sept. 3) ahead of Labor Day weekend, informing the public that fleas in the area tested positive
for the bubonic plague.
Read more here:
'COVID-19 FEMA Camps' Popping Up From Sea To Shining Sea As 'Forced Isolation
Facilities' Become 'The New Norm' In America
'This is
the battle we have been waiting for; the battle is not of flesh and blood'
While researching this new story over at the Tennessee Star titled "Ohio FEMA Camps - Still More Questions Than Answers", I was absolutely stunned to find out just
how many 'forced isolation camps/facilities' tied to COVID-19 are now popping up in states, cities and counties all
across America.
Read more here:
Surveillance Camera Captures 'Huge Pile Of Mail' Dumped In California Parking
Several bags of mail were dumped in two Glendale, California
parking lots, with one dumping caught by a surveillance camera, according to KTLA.
"It happened early in the morning, 5:40, and it was
a Budget rental, big truck, that backed up to the parking lot. And they're like, slowly, one by one, they're dropping
the packages," said Lilia Serobian, one of the owners of the spa, adding that the "huge pile" contained
various sizes of packages, and all of it was US mail.
more here:
Common-Sense Regulation Becomes "There Is No Right To Bear Arms- A Comprehensive
Plan to Abolish the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Control Master Plan
March for Our Lives, the gun-control group
founded after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., has issued what it has termed a "peace
plan." A better description might be, "A Comprehensive Plan to Abolish the Right to Keep and Bear Arms."
At its core, the program seeks to transmute gun ownership from a liberty that can be asserted
against the government into a privilege that Americans can enjoy only with the permission of the state. Or, to put it another
way, the program aims to repeal the Second Amendment without going through all that unpleasant "written-amendment" stuff.
Read more here:
65% Of U.S. Voters Would Be Skeptical Of A Covid-19 Vaccine This Year
Most United States voters would worry that a Covid-19 vaccine made available this year
was rushed through rather than a scientific achievement, according to a September YouGov poll published by CBS News on Sunday, illustrating the skepticism around the increasingly political process of developing a coronavirus vaccine.
Read more here:
Covid-19 tests may be detecting traces of DEAD virus, giving ‘false positives'
and EXAGGERATING pandemic - research
New research has discovered
that coronavirus tests may be finding dead traces from weeks-old infections, resulting in false positives that inflate the
scale of the pandemic.
The study was carried out by experts from the
University of Oxford's Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine and the University of the West of England. It found there was a
risk of "false positives" because of how Covid-19 testing is being conducted.
The scientists discovered that, despite people with Covid-19 being infectious for only around a
week, one test used to detect the disease can still give a positive reading weeks after the patient has recovered.
Read more here:
‘Urgent' request sent to states in push for coronavirus vaccine delivery
by Nov. 1
Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, sent a letter last week to the nation's governors with an urgent request. The Trump administration
wanted them to do everything in their power to eliminate hurdles for vaccine distribution sites to be fully operational by
Nov. 1.
The Aug. 27 letter, obtained by McClatchy, asked governors to
fast-track permits and licenses for new distribution sites. "The normal time required to obtain these permits presents
a significant barrier to the success of this urgent public health program," Redfield wrote.
"CDC urgently requests your assistance in expediting applications for these distribution facilities,"
he continued, "and, if necessary, asks that you consider waiving requirements that would prevent these facilities from
becoming fully operational by November 1, 2020."
Read more
H.R.6666 - COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities
to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID-19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and,
as necessary, at individuals' residences, and for other purposes.
more here:
A Rogue Institution and a Clear and Present Danger to Liberty in America
We have never heard more gibberish, double talk, and lies from one podium than we have
from Fed Chairman Powell.
There is no other way to say it: The Fed has
become a dangerous rogue institution that has usurped plenary power over the financial system.
This is all based on implicit theories that eventually lead to a massive speculative blow-off, even
as it sucks the vitality out of the Main Street economy in the interim.
more here:
BREAKING NEWS: Explosion Rips Through Power Plant Near Atlanta
DEVELOPING STORY: There are reports of massive explosions rocking a power
plant in Cobb County, Georgia - near Atlanta. Photos on social media show a large plume of smoke and fire.
Read more here:
Ohio Governor Calls Out Fauci Lies, Lifts HCQ Ban
Among our most fundamental and sacred rights is the right to medical freedom. But in the curious
case of hydroxychloroquine, it seems that the government, media, and pharmaceutical industry have been fighting tooth and
nail to make the drug unavailable - despite overwhelming evidence that it can prevent and treat COVID-19.
In Ohio, however, a ban on hydroxychloroquine is being reversed. Thanks to the strong
leadership of governor Mike DeWine, the State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy has reversed a rule that would prohibit the sale of
hydroxychloroquine for the treatment or prevention of coronavirus.
could mean the difference between life and death for high-risk patients.
more here:
Is China On The 'Brink' Of A Major Food Shortage?
China recently launched the "Clean Plate Campaign," which targets people wasting
food, as speculation of a worldwide food shortage mounts.
President Xi
Jinping has pushed new measures to curb food waste following the virus pandemic, calling those who live stream their
eating experiences on social media as "shocking and distressing."
Read more here:
Outrageous moment BLM protesters scream 'white silence is violence'
and harass elderly outdoor diners by downing their drinks, smashing their tables and demanding they raise their fists in solidarity
Black Lives Matter protesters screamed in the face of white elderly outdoor diners during
protests in Pittsburgh on Saturday, disturbing new video shows.
footage shows the crowd taking over the outdoor dining space with one person even approaching the older couple's table before
drinking their beer in front of them; another smashed a table's glasses on the ground.
The demonstrations are in response to several black Americans who have died in police custody, with the recently
shared footage of the death of Daniel Prude in Rochester, New York in March, sparking the new wave of outrage.
Read more here:
Nurse Whistleblower: Hospitals Vaccinating Patients by Force Without Their Knowledge
The momentum, consciousness and continual discussion around truth and education related
to vaccine injury has never been greater. Parents and communities have taken the initiative to find answers for their sons
and daughters who've suffered severe adverse events from immunization.
fast are the days of dead end solutions and pharmaceutical answers provided by mainstream medicine's limited toolbox. Like
an untamable ripple effect, this awakening has also encompassed the discussion around mandatory vaccination, lack of informed
consent, pharmaceutical control of American healthcare and an overall lack of health freedom currently resting on a slippery
Read more here:
Los Angeles Emergency Management Tweets "Keep Cash On Hand, ATM's & Credit
Card Readers Won't always be available"
Things seem to be
getting VERY weird here in the United States of late.
Earlier, the US
Department of Homeland Security issued a statement warning Americans of an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) attack -- their SECOND
WARNING in two months! (Story Here) Now, the Los Angeles City Emergency Management Office is tweeting about making sure you have CASH . . .
because "ATM's and credit card readers won't always be available."
Read more here:
The mandatory vaccine mafia
70% of elderly people had FLU SHOTS in December 2019... Today, just a few months later, 70% of CoronaVirus
deaths are people aged 70 or over...
who got the 2019-2020 winter flu shot all developed Covid19 symptoms and many are now dead...
...But that was just the FIRST WAVE...
The Mainstream
Media are now predicting ‘COVID WAVE 2' and sending millions of letters to parents urging them to stick SWABS down their
child's throats...
Problem is... Those swabs ARE ALREADY CONTAMINATED...
And the mainstream media have told you NOTHING about it...
more here:
Turkey Escalates With Tanks & Armored Troop Carriers Deployed To Greek Border
Amid soaring Turkey-Greece tensions related to the eastern Mediterranean gas exploration
spat, which has already resulted in rival fighter jets patrolling airspace off Cyprus, the Associated Press reports Ankara
has deployed some 40 tanks and armored vehicles to the border with Greece.
Read more here:
Experts warn China-India standoff risks unintentional war
SRINAGAR, India (AP) - As a monthslong military standoff between India and China along
their disputed mountain border protracts, experts warn that the nuclear-armed countries - which already have engaged in their
bloodiest clash in decades - could unintentionally slide into war.
45 years, a series of agreements, written and unwritten, maintained an uneasy truce along the border on the eastern edge of
the Himalayan region of Kashmir. But moves and clashes over the past few months have made the situation unpredictable, raising
the risk that a miscalculation from either side could have serious consequences that resonate beyond the cold-desert region.
Read more here:
Mysterious Giant Mounds In Jerusalem Tied To Rephaim, Baffle Archaeologists
For more than 2,500 years, giant human-made mounds of earth and stone, some as high as
a six-story building, have stood in the southwestern suburbs of Jerusalem. Their purpose: unknown. Their origins: unclear.
Their builders: hotly debated. In late July, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced the results of a much more thorough
excavation conducted on one of these mysterious mounds. Under this one, archaeologists uncovered remains of a 2,700-year-old
building and dozens of stamped jar handles, indicating the site was likely connected to the administration of the Kingdom
of Judah in the First Temple period. But while the findings are fascinating and bountiful, they raise more questions than
they answer. Why was an administrative center from biblical times buried under a humungous heap of stones and soil? And were
similar coverups the reason why the other mounds nearby were built? Most are clustered in a fairly small area of a few square
kilometers, mainly on the ridge overlooking the biblical Valley of Rephaim - a proximity that has led archaeologists to read
them as a unified phenomenon, whatever its significance may be... (READ MORE)
Petrus Romanus Warns That GAIA ‘Is Groaning' And Humanity
Must Immediately Bow Down And Beg Her Forgiveness, ‘Listen To The Land' And Assume Your ‘Correct Place
In The Web Of Life' Orders Head Of Rome
In his message for the
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, the pontiff has called for repentance, insisting we have "broken the bonds
of our relationship with creation." "Our constant demand for growth and an endless cycle of production and consumption
are exhausting the natural world," the pope laments. "Forests are leached, topsoil erodes, fields fail, deserts
advance, seas acidify and storms intensify." "Creation is groaning!" he concludes. The solution to these problems
is learning to "listen to the land," he states, and to occupy our correct place in the "web of life."
World Bank Records Covid-19 Test Kits Exported in 2017, 2018
The World Bank
website has an active record for "COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Instruments and apparatus (902780) exports by country in 2018" even though the World
Health Organization did not name Coronavirus "COVID-19" until February 2020 amid this year's outbreak. There is
also a record for COVID-19 tests exported in 2017. At this time, we await a clear explanation from officials as to why this
record exists, and will update accordingly.
Read more here:
BREAKING NEWS: Ohio Health Dept. Issues ORDER for "Non-Congregate Shelter" of "Asymptomatic"
People in CAMPS - over COVID-19
In a stunning display of arrogance
and tyranny, Lance D. Himes, the Interim Director of the Ohio Department of Health, quietly issued an ORDER on August 31 which
deals with putting people in camps if they "have tested positive for COVID-19" even if they are "asymptomatic."
Read more here:
Raging Campus Outbreaks Send Students Home Across the U.S.
(Bloomberg) -- The State University at Oneonta in central New York on Thursday said it's
sending students home amid rising Covid-19 rates. The same day, Temple University in Philadelphia called it quits. So did
Colorado College earlier in the week.
Read more here:
CDC Declares Itself Landlord of All Rental Property in America
In response to the economic suffering brought about in large measure by its own actions
taken in response to the COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has now claimed for itself the power to prevent landlords
from controlling their own rental properties.
As first reported by, the CDC announced Tuesday that it was suspending most evictions from rental property at least through the end of 2020.
The zerohedge story reports that in a phone call with the media, CDC officials "said
the order will apply to Americans who qualified for direct payments under the CARES Act."
Read more here:
Danger! Danger! The Last Months Of 2020 Will Be A Slow-Motion Train Wreck For
America With Election Chaos Spilling From The 'Urban Prisons' Onto 'Main Street America'
Rioting, Looting And Food Shortages Only The Warmup As America Enters Unknown Territory
One of the most important new stories out this week comes to us from Michael Snyder over
at End of the American Dream and absolutely confirms for us Susan Duclos' recent warning on why we should all be getting prepared for absolute mayhem, food shortages and possibly even civil war in the days
Titled "Why We Are Facing The Biggest Election Nightmare In Modern American History No Matter Who Ends Up Winning", as Snyder warns, one way or the other, a hundred million+ Americans are going to be gravely disappointed following
the November election no matter which candidate wins.
Read more
The Hierarchal List of the Co-Conspirators Who Are Paving the Way for the Anti-Christ
and the Complete Destruction of America
In the last three parts
of this series, CHICOM invovlement in the downfall of this country has been exposed through a series of reports. Before
going any further with this devastating globalist plot against America and all of humanity, it is important that
we are going to look at the co-conspirators, and their goals,as a means to better understand the nature of humanity's
This article will serve the purpose of outlining the hierarchy
of the various factions that seek to destroy America and establish a Satanic-serving empire on this planet. The groups
are presented in ascending order.
Read more here:
War is Coming to America on Many Levels And it Cannot be Stopped-THOSE
The winds of war are now blowing around the world. One day we will look back on these days with longing
as one would look back on the gentle breezes of summer as the hurricane blows outside.
The winter season of the fourth turning is increasing with intensity as most people are fooled into believing that
summer is just a few days off. When the winds become deadly and the snow begins to pile up, many will not be prepared to care
for themselves. They will find themselves helpless and unprepared for this new weather system. Many will die and many more
will suffer as they are cut off from the supplies and materials they depend on for normal living. They will become immobile
and have little communication to tell them what to do. When the weather has them at their most vulnerable, the wolves will
begin to show up at their door.
Read more here:
Judicial Watch Files Suit after Secret Service Admits to Destroying Records Related
to Alleged Biden Altercation with Secret Service Agent
DC) - Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department
of Homeland Security for records that the Secret Service claims to have destroyed related to a reported physical altercation
between a Secret Service Agent and Joe Biden at a photo op in 2009 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:20-cv-02457)).
The lawsuit was filed after the Secret Service
failed to respond to a July 14, 2020 administrative appeal challenging its claim that all files related to the 2009 altercation,
"ha[d] been destroyed," due to "retention standards."
more here:
13 Australian doctors tell govt to end lockdowns: ‘They're causing unprecedented
'Ordinary sensible people if properly informed
should inevitably conclude that the current government policy is ill focused, heavy-handed, and unjustifiable ... '
MELBOURNE, Australia, September 3, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - Thirteen top doctors in the Australian state of Victoria urged Premier Dan Andrews earlier this week to end what they
denounced as an "unjustifiable" state of emergency.
In an open
letter sent Monday to the Labour leader, the doctors blasted the state's coronavirus lockdown as causing "unprecedented
negative economic and social outcomes and negative health outcomes," the U.K. Daily Mail reported.
Read more here:
"Blessed is the one
who always trembles before God, but whoever hardens their heart falls into trouble." (Proverbs 28:14)
‘Blessed is the one who always trembles before Covid19, but whoever fails to put
a facemask falls into trouble.' (CDC 2020)
For two decades,
we, the people who happen to dwell on this planet, have been subjected to repeated apocalyptic hysteria. Following 9/11 we
were taken into a world war against Islam as the ‘Islamists,' we were told by our Neocon masters, were ‘intending to eradicate our civilization.' Shortly after, the economic bubble collapsed. We were prepared for global poverty. Even as we recovered from the economic
turmoil, global warming was threatening to grill us alive or maybe flush us into the ocean. In between all of those catastrophic scenarios, Isis was also a global existential threat and then came Covid-19.
more here:
Something Terrible Is Going to Happen, 'It Can't Be Stopped,' 'Be Ready...
Immense UGLY' Is At Hand - One Day Closer To Doomsday
excellent observations from readers on Stefan Stanford's latest piece, explaining the planned 50-day siege of the White House, as people are noting the destruction and devastation, and the feeling that everything is coming to a head, heating up across
the nation, figuratively and literally.
American flags burning on the streets all across
the nation by Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters and rioters, who hate the very country they live in.
Read more here:
UN Forced to Admit Gates-funded Vaccine is Causing Polio Outbreak in Africa
This really should be one of the biggest public health scandals of the decade,
but instead it's given little attention - mainly because of the high-profile nature of the people and organisations involved.
The United Nations has been forced to admit that a major international vaccine initiative is actually causing a deadly outbreak of the very disease it was supposed to
Read more here:
‘He's gone full black supremacist': Nick Cannon blasted
for saying white people are a ‘little less' and ‘closer to animals'
TV host Nick Cannon is facing accusations of antisemitism and racism following a bizarre and now-viral interview
in which he claims white people are "a little less" and black people are who Jewish people "want to be."
During the discussion with former Public Enemy member Richard Griffin
(who left the group after saying the "Jews are wicked" in a 1989 interview), Cannon, who hosts the ‘Masked
Singer,' claimed it is impossible for him to be antisemitic.
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Antifa Gunman Shot Dead by Cops Said His Killing of Trump Supporter Felt Like
Start of "Civil War"
Michael Forest Reinoehl,
the Antifa shooter who was killed by police last night after he pulled a weapon on officers, said in an interview before his
death that his murder of a Trump supporter in Portland felt like the start of a "civil war."
48-year-old Reinoehl was seen exiting an apartment and entering a vehicle in Olympia.
As officers tried to arrest him, Reinoehl pulled a gun and was shot multiple times.
In an interview with VICE that was broadcast hours before his death, Reinoehl admitting to killing Patriot Prayer conservative and Trump supporter
Aaron "Jay" Danielson, but ludicrously claimed he had acted in self-defense.
Read more here:
United Airlines To Slash 16,370 Jobs As Air Travel Sinks
United Airlines joined American Airlines in the latest round of massive job cuts as the virus pandemic continues to batter the travel and tourism industry.
United said, in an internal memo, seen by Fox Business, that it will furlough 16,370 workers on Oct. 1. This includes 2,850 pilots, 6,920 flight attendants, and
2,010 technicians.
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China Rapidly Expanding its Space Warfare Capabilities:
Pentagon Report
Despite China's overt stance against
the militarization of space, a new report from the U.S. Department of Defense highlights that the People's Republic of China
(PRC) continues the development and acquisition of offensive space technologies designed to restrict/destroy the enemy's space-based
assets, i.e. satellites.
According to reports, the PLA continues to acquire and develop technologies including kinetic-kill missiles, ground-based lasers, and orbiting
space robots, as well as expanding surveillance capabilities that can monitor objects in space within their field of view
and enable actions.
Read more here:
Has Taiwan Shot-Down Chinese SU-35 Fighter Jet For Violating Its Airspace?
Taiwan has reportedly shot-down a Chinese Air Force, Russian-origin Su-35 aircraft
that supposedly violated its airspace. Multiple videos circulating on social media show a jet, believed to be a Chinese People's
Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) Su-35, immersed in smoke.
to another unconfirmed and trending social media reports, the SU-35 jet crashed in Guangxi, an autonomous coastal region in
southern China, bordering Vietnam, after intruding into the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea.
Read more here:
Turkey Demolishes Iconic Christian Church, the ‘Hagia Sophia of Bursa'
Turkish authorities razed to the ground the historic St. Georgios Christian church late
Wednesday, an iconic structure known as the "Hagia Sophia of Bursa."
The Greek Orthodox Church of St. Georgios had been restored and transformed into a cultural center by the Nilüfer Municipality in Bursa. The municipality took over the church in
2006 and invested some 2 million Turkish lira in restorations, reopening it as the Özlüce Cultural House.
Read more here:
When Violence Is Justified To Defend Civil Society- The
Kyle Rittenhouse shootings aren't about property versus lives, but about protecting norms that the left is trying to tear down
Teenager Kyle Rittenhouse's shooting of three men in Kenosha, Wisconsin, has sharpened
the debate between left and right over whether rioting can be justly met with violence. Opinions about Rittenhouse's attempt
to interpose himself and his AR-15 between rioters and buildings in Kenosha have become entangled with beliefs about the relative
value of property versus people, a juxtaposition dishonestly advanced by the left.
Read more here:
Vaccine-derived polio spreads in Africa after defeat of wild virus
A new polio outbreak in Sudan has been linked to the oral polio vaccine that uses a weakened form of the virus.
News of the outbreak comes a week after the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that wild polio had been eradicated in Africa.
The WHO linked the cases to a strain of the virus that had been noted circulating in Chad last year and warned that the risk of spread to other parts
of the Horn of Africa was high.
Read more here:
US Court Vindicates Snowden Leaks - Rules NSA Mass Surveillance
"Illegal" & Officials Lied
Though we doubt
the broader public needed convincing, this is a significant milestone nonetheless, also after last month Trump shocked reporters
by suggesting he could take a look at pardoning Edward Snowden:
Read more here:
World Food Prices Rise For Third Consecutive Month In August
As global central banks continue to flood the system with money, insisting inflation
is non-existent, as such, the Federal Reserve last week announced a new approach to inflation would let it run over the 2% target, food price inflation is rising this summer, according to a new report via the United
Nations food agency.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations said world food prices rose for the third consecutive month in August, led by increases in coarse
grains, vegetable oils, and sugar.
Read more here:
Black Lives Matter Terrorist Charged with 19 felonies
Denzel Draughn was arrested in San Diego on August 29th at a
Black Lives Matter protest and booked on 19 felonies. The charges are nine counts of obstruction/ resisting arrest, nine counts
of use of tear gas against an officer and one count of possession of a tear gas projectile weapon.
Apparently, since they terrorized the police chief's own neighborhood the other night and attacked one of his neighbors, it's no more "Mr. Nice Guy" with the SDPD for the Black Lives
Matter terrorists. If you pepper spray an entire crowd of cops, you could be in serious trouble.
Read more here:
Police Use Facial Recognition Smart Helmets To Conduct Indiscriminate Surveillance At Airports
When news broke about the Flint Bishop airport police becoming
the first police department in the country to start using facial recognition police helmets, I thought, this must be an episode
from the Twilight Zone.
But alas, it is reality, and once again DHS/TSA have taken government surveillance to
a frightening new level. As WXYZ 7 Detroit revealed.
Read more here:
WEAPONIZED 5G Test Caught LIVE outside Mexico City . . .
It appears the rumors surrounding the new "5G" cellular
system , that they can be turned into actual deadly weapons simply by turning the power way up, may be true.
Yesterday, I was given a heads-up by some of my former colleagues within the Intel Community,
to pay very close attention to weather radar in Mexico, just outside of Mexico City. It was an extremely ODD thing for
them to tell me. I did as they suggested.
Read more here:
Leftist Terrorists Planning 50-Day 'Siege of The White House'
Another Warning For Americans To Lock And Load
2020 Election Goals Are Crystal Clear: Social Chaos And Burning America To The Ground
With America heating up to a fever pitch as we approach November and the election now just two months
away as of today, we continue to get more and more signs of the madness about to unfold with Bill Clinton's announcement that "President Trump will be stacking sandbags" to stay in the White House 'after his defeat'. Another hint of where America is going, especially with leftist terrorists now vowing a siege of the White House that they promise "could get very ugly".
Read more here:
Battlefield America-The elite have made no secret that they
wish to destroy American hegemony at all costs. America will likely be exposed to an attack so fierce that nothing will remain
to rebuild
Those that are aware of the machinations unfolding
in America today see a potentially deadly situation beginning to unfold. The talk of detention camps and foreign soldiers
being prepositioned. The Stalinist purge of many top ranking military officers and arming of government agencies to insane
levels. The slow deterioration of our industrial capability and ability of families to feed themselves. The erosion of civil liberties and government attacks on patriotic Americans. The massive spy network established to contain and control the population.
those who think that a financial collapse causing the loss of their savings and livelihood are the worst that could happen,
they might want to consider this possibility.
Read more here:
The 'Leftist Revolution' Was Not Spontaneous, Everything
Has Fallen Into Place As Planned With Useful Idiots Used By Unprincipled Tyrants
BLM really means 'burn, loot and murder' as leftist terrorists burn American cities to the ground
All principled people want everyone to have an equal opportunity for a good life, a safe
life, and a productive life, whatever his or her race, religion, or region. That reasonable, humane, and kind attitude is
the reason for a quick acceptance of the proclamation, "black lives matter." That was the right attitude,
even a Christian perspective to have. All good and decent people would agree.
Of course, we all thought black lives mattered, and most of us added, but then all lives matter. What we didn't know
when we first heard those words is that not all those people were concerned about black lives; they wanted to produce rage,
resistance, revolution, and reparations.
Read more here:
It Is Being Projected That More Than 50 Million Americans Will Be Fighting Hunger
By The End Of This Year
Has there ever been a time in your life
when you haven't had enough food to make it through the week? If you have never experienced this, you are extremely
fortunate. Even during the best of times, millions of Americans struggle with hunger, and these definitely are not the
best of times. Because of all the crazy things that have happened so far in 2020, large numbers of people have been
forced into dramatic lifestyle changes. Many Americans have deeply cut their food budgets due to a lack of income, others
are now only eating one or two meals a day, and we are seeing more demand at food banks around the country than we ever have
before. It is quite obvious that massive numbers of people are really hurting, and Bloomberg is reporting that it is being projected that the number of Americans that are "fighting hunger" will rise to "more
than 50 million" by the end of this calendar year...
Read more here:
Jezebelic: BLM leaders call on the spirits of the dead
Is it true that leaders of the BLM movement, including one of the cofounders, are calling
on the spirits of the dead? That they claim to receive spiritual power from the deceased? That they talk with these spirits
and even give them names? The answer to all these questions is yes. This is now an open secret.
Lest you think that this type of "spirituality" is exceedingly rare, I remind you that
in October 2019, the New York Times ran a story titled, "When Did Everybody Become a Witch?" The article claimed that, "We have reached peak witch,"
noting, "Real witches are roaming among us, and they're seemingly everywhere."
Read more here:
Transition team prepares Biden campaign for COG, declares "sensitive information"
on way
"A portion of our work is dedicated to ensuring continuity
of government across all federal agencies, including the handling of sensitive information which may require socially distant
Federal transition team officials briefed Biden
campaign higher-ups earlier this week informing staffers to prepare for a future announcement regarding Continuity of Government
operations that may contain "sensitive information.".
more here:
"The Smell
Of Rotten Meat": Garbage Is Piling Up Across Major US Cities As COVID Hits Sanitation Workers
Forget about the supply chain of drugs from overseas; we have bigger domestic problems
right now.
For example, trash appears to be piling up on streets of several
major U.S. cities, as the coronavirus pandemic has more people working from home and as many sanitation workers quarantined
due to getting Covid-19, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Two of the hardest hit cities are Baltimore and Philadelphia,
but pile-ups are also starting to occur in places like Atlanta and Nashville. In Virginia Beach, garbage men demanding
hazard pay went on strike for a day, setting the city back several days. In New York City, trash is also adding up in some
commercial corridors due to budget cuts, the article notes.
more here:
How to Explain to Your Kids Why Social Justice Warriors Hate Christians So Much
Black Lives Matter activists cornered a woman at a restaurant in Washington D.C. this
week because she wouldn't raise her fist in solidarity with their chants that "white silence is violence." If you watch the clip of this happening, at about the 28 second mark you can hear the protester in front accusingly ask, "Are
you a Christian?"
If you haven't studied much of what's going on ideologically behind
recent protests, this question might seem strangely out of place. What does being a Christian have to do with whether this
woman agreed to raise her fist or not? Why would these protesters single out Christianity as a potential cause of
someone refusing to give in to what they see as a fight for social justice? After all, they didn't ask, "Are you a Muslim?"
or "Are you a Hindu?" They also didn't ask any questions that weren't religious in nature, such as, "Are you
a racist?" (a question that would have seemingly been more relevant given the nature of the situation-not that they should
have been harassing her in the first place).
Read more here:
Apple, Google build virus-tracing tech directly into phones
Apple and Google are trying to get more U.S. states to adopt their phone-based approach
for tracing and curbing the spread of the coronavirus by building more of the necessary technology directly into phone software.
That could make it much easier for people to get the tool on their phone even if their
local public health agency hasn't built its own compatible app.
The tech
giants on Tuesday launched the second phase of their "exposure notification" system, designed to automatically alert
people if they might have been exposed to the coronavirus.
Read more here:
Woman Who May Be Portland's Next Mayor Says "I Am Antifa"
Portland's current Mayor Ted Wheeler has done next-to-nothing as rioters have ravaged
his city for over three months now. He's even publicly declared that he's rejected federal assistance every single time President Donald Trump has offered it, as if this was something to
be proud of, not a damning admission.
Despite this, Wheeler faces daily
calls to resign from the very rioters he appears to support. Rioters have set fires in the lobby of his apartment complex,
and protested outside of it for days to the point where Wheeler is now moving in an attempt to avoid it.
Wheeler could very well lose his position
as Mayor in the election this year, and his replacement could actually be worse.
Read more here:
Cuomo threatens the president: Governor slams Trump's 'maniacal'
warning to defund 'lawless cities' including New York and says that the commander-in-chief 'better have an army to protect
him' if he steps foot in NYC
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has
rebuked President Donald Trump over his threat to pull federal funding from 'lawless' U.S. cities, and issued a chilling warning
that the president would need 'an army' to set foot in New York City.
can't have enough bodyguards to walk through New York City,' Cuomo said at an emergency press conference on Wednesday night.
'Forget bodyguards, he better have an army if he thinks he's going to walk down the streets in New York.'
'He is persona non grata in New York City, and I think he knows that, and he'll never
come back to New York, because New Yorkers will never forget how gratuitously mean he has been,' Cuomo said.
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Officials take heat for ignoring coronavirus guidelines: From Pelosi's salon visit
to cross-border dining
Democratic leaders have been pushing to
maintain strict precautions as the coronavirus pandemic extends into late summer, but frustrations from the public have grown after seeing some of those same officials
not abiding by those same standards.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Monday trip to a San Francisco hair salon for indoor service - normally taboo due to local ordinances - is just the latest
example of an incident that has drawn accusations of hypocrisy.
Read more
Your Neighbors Could Be Your Worst Nightmare in an Emergency:What is important to know is that
when the needs of the neighbors are not able to be met, those needs will be attempted to be filled at your expense if you
are the one with the supplies
This piece summarizes one
of the episodes of "The Twilight Zone" entitled "The Shelter" that
bears mention for all who have neighbors, especially those they are "unsure" of. In this (two minutes
to midnight) preparatory lifestyle, it's always important to know about those who live around you.
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Does "Evangelical Christian" Even Mean Anything Anymore?
Every four years, there is a tremendous amount of discussion about "evangelical voters"
and the influence that they will have on the outcome of the presidential election. Most of the pundits on CNN, MSNBC
and Fox News speak of evangelicals as if they were this monolithic group that all generally vote the same way and generally
believe the same basic things. Perhaps that was somewhat true at one time, but now things have dramatically changed.
As you will see below, surveys have found that large numbers of evangelicals are abandoning core evangelical beliefs at a
rate that is staggering. In fact, it has gotten to a point where I am not even sure what an "evangelical Christian"
is anymore.
Read more here:
Foundational Evidence for Mark of Beast of Prey
Etching and Imprinting the Mark of the Beast using Nano Technology
May I humbly present to you the biblical, historical, legendary, and scientific evidence
that the Mark of the Beast of Prey is here with imminent deployment.
Why does this matter to you today, right now? Because your eternal destiny
is on the line! Currently, evil forces have begun the process of the marking technology that catapult the forces of
the Book of Revelation and End Time prophecy into your life. You need to understand this technology is real and a reality
now, to say NO. You need to take ownership of your own destiny. Let us begin this final journey together.
Are you ready?
Read more here:
China's big banks face fallout as pandemic forebearance expires
BEIJING/SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China's largest state-owned banks are readied for rising
bad debt and increased margin pressure in the months ahead as forbearance policies designed to give borrowers breathing space
during the coronavirus crisis expire.
All five banks, which have been
raising provisions to counter expected losses due to rising soured loans, have reported their biggest profit falls in at least
a decade.
"The external challenges in the second half are unprecedented,"
Bank of China Ltd (BoC) President Wang Jiang said on Monday.
Read more
Clackamas County And Washington County Sheriffs Say They Won't Send Officers To Help End Violence
In Portland Per Governor Brown's Plan
Portland, Ore. - On Sunday
Governor Kate Brown announced a new plan to end the nightly violence in Downtown Portland. Part of that plan includes having deputies and officers from nearby counties and cities come to Portland to assist with
ending the violence. Today the Sheriffs from both Clackamas and Washington counties released statements saying they are not
going to do that.
Read more from The Clackamas County Sheriff's Office:
The Clackamas County Sheriff's Office will not be sending our staff into the City of Portland.
We will assist the Oregon State Police with their calls for service in Clackamas County as needed while their resources are
deployed in Portland. - Statement from Sheriff Roberts
more here:
CDC: 94% of COVID-19 deaths had underlying medical conditions
ATLANTA, Ga. (NBC25/WKRC) - The Centers for Disease Control released information showing how many people who died from COVID-19 had underlying
medical conditions that contributed to their death.
Click here to read the entire report from the CDC.
The CDC said:
3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus
disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes
in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.
Read more here:
'Shoot On-Site': Chicago Gangs Form Pact To Execute Cops Who Draw Weapons On Suspects,
Says FBI
The FBI has warned Chicago-area law enforcement that
nearly three-dozen street gangs "have formed a pact to 'shoot on-site any cop that has a weapon drawn on any subject
in public'," reports ABC7.
According to an August 26 'situation information report' from Chicago-based
FBI officials, "members of these gang factions have been actively searching for, and filming, police officers
in performance of their official duties. The purpose of which is to catch on film an officer drawing his/her weapon
on any subject and the subsequent 'shoot on-site' of said officer, in order to garner national media attention."
Read more here:
Tennessee government seeks to interrogate every child monthly, preferably without
parents present
(Natural News) In August, the Tennessee Department of Education unveiled an invasive new plan to check up on every child in the state. The invasive new plan sends government bureaucrats to each home to conduct monthly interviews with each child. These "child
wellbeing checks" enlist community stakeholders to interrogate each child in the community, preferably without parents
present, to make sure that parents are properly caring for their children.
we know many children have experienced adversity due to the pandemic, child wellbeing checks are a deliberate way all stakeholders
in the community can help ensure the needs of our children are met," said Penny Schwinn, the commissioner of the invasive
new plan.
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Marxist Leader Admits: BLM Riots Are ‘Rehearsals for USA Revolution'
Prominent Marxist activist Angela Davis has declared that the recent Black Lives
Matter riots are merely "rehearsals for revolution" in the very near future.
Davis made the admission while speaking with filmmaker Ava DuVernay in an interview with Vanity Fair.
In the interview Davis warns that the violent
BLM and Antifa protests across the country are the early stages of a larger far-left "revolution."
Davis claims the civil unrest is needed to bring about lasting radical social and economic
Read more here:
As US Warship Again Transits Taiwan Strait, Taipei & Beijing
Warn Each Other: 'Risk Of Accidental Conflict Likely'
the second time in two weeks, the US Navy has sent a warship through the Taiwan Strait in what the Pentagon dubbed a "routine
Taiwan Strait transit".
It happened Sunday, also confirmed by Taiwan's
Defense Ministry, just over a week following a reported Chinese PLA military build-up and war games in the area, especially
on the mainland coast.
The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer
USS Halsey sailed through without incident, though however "routine" the US might want to frame the mission, the
potential for an unintended incident or clash with Chinese forces remains high, especially given the recent U-2 spy plane
incident, which Beijing said breached a 'no fly zone' over PLA live fire drills.
Read more here:
In the "Two Towers" movie, which was the best of the three Lord of the Rings movies, in
my opinion, there is a scene between Aragorn and Theoden, King of Rohan, where they are arguing about what to do as
the forces of Sauron mass for an invasion of Gondor. Aragorn says, "Open war is upon you, whether you like it or not."
And so I say to you all, my loyal blog readers, open Civil War is now upon the USA, and ESPECIALLY DOWNTOWN PORTLAND WHERE
I LIVE. You may have whatever illusions you wish to, where you live, and whatever you plan to do in these dark times. Still,
the Rubicon has now been crossed with the brazen murder of that incredibly naive Trumpster. I mean, what did those naive,
MAGA hat wearing yahoos think was going to happen when they came sauntering into downtown Portland, my turf, an area OWNED
BY BLM AND ANTIFA. Did they seriously think these Marxist SCUM WOULDN'T WASTE THEM. Seriously? The only reason I have lived
through the last three months is a mixture of cunning, situational awareness, and the ability to unleash deadly, lethal force
if I need to. It also helps that I haven't been outside my apartment after 6pm since March. If you do stupid things, with
stupid people, in stupid places, you will regret it. The place where he was murdered was about 4 blocks away from where I
live now. In fact, I have stood on the exact same spot where he was shot as recently as a week ago. You take antifa, blm seriously,
Read more here:
New 'un-civil' war is putting bull's-eye on Christians
Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Americans united. Al-Qaeda terrorists attacked the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Americans united. Democrats and Republicans in Congress sang patriotic songs
from the capitol steps. George Floyd dies beneath Derek Chauvin's knee. Again, Americans unite in universal disgust.
But then Saint Hypocrisy arrived. The media, political class, and educators had correctly
championed the belief that we cannot hold all Muslims responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Now, these same elites want us to justify
hurling epithets, spit, and bricks at completely innocent police because of "systemic police racism."
Life in America did not use to be like this. What happened?
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Kyle Rittenhouse Being Railroaded Into Prison Is A Warning To Us All As Democrats
Attempt To Gut The 2nd Amendment & The Right To Defend Ourselves Against Leftist Violence
What we're seeing on the street today is the full grown product of the first generation
of parents in thousands of years who refused to discipline their children. A bunch of brats toppling statues and looting stores
rather than facing the horror of life in their 'beautiful bubble of bullsh*t' being popped by the realities of life.
They're a gang of idiots, being used by the communists to attack any reminder of American history or culture by branding it
"racist, sexist, homophobic, white supremacist", or whatever.
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What are the two most hated countries in the world?
America and Israel. Who hates both America and Israel? The left (and Islamists). And why is that? In 1983, in "Why the
Jews: The Reason for Antisemitism," a book I co-authored with Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, we compared hatred of America with
hatred of Jews. This is what we wrote. It explains precisely what is happening in America today [...] "Americans generally
attribute this success to the values of America's founding generations (such as individual liberty, religious tolerance, Judeo-Christian
morality and secular government), to a work ethic, and to the subsequent waves of immigrants who embraced these values. Enemies
of America attribute it to the country's natural resources, just as many people attribute Jewish success to their natural
resource, alleged greater innate intelligence. Others claim that through capitalist exploitation, America cheated poorer countries,
paralleling charges that Jewish success has been attained through economic ‘bloodsucking.' Still others develop an imperialist
version of America's past and present, similar to the anti-Jewish charge of a world Jewish conspiracy. But the United States
is hardly the only society with great natural resources, and it has been the least imperialistic of the world's powers...
Soros-Obama-Dem Supported Anarchists Attack Evangelicals With ‘Threats Of Violence And Blasphemous Slogans' As They
Try To Peacefully Exit White House Following Trump's RNC Speech
than 100 prominent evangelical leaders attended the fourth night of the Republican National Convention where President Donald
Trump accepted the party's nomination for a second term. While leaving the White House grounds, however, attendees - including
older adults and those with disabilities - were attacked by rioters who threatened violence. Johnnie Moore, a prominent religious
freedom advocate and founder of the KAIROS Company who also attended the speech, told The Christian Post that he experienced
the riots firsthand. "Violent provocateurs waited for us outside the White House gates in the city's jurisdiction, at
nearly midnight," Moore recalled. "Rather than succeeding at intimidating us with their vicious threats of violence,
expletives, blasphemous slogans, hatred and intolerance they simply proved the very points the president made in his speech."
God Is Calling His People To Unite Against The Gates Of Hell
"The gates of Hell shall not prevail over my church"
Christ gave us our call to arms. Now that we see the gates of hell spreading its filth it's time
for all to unite. What is our armor? We are armed with the armor of God.
Christian leaders are falling prey to the filth from the gates of hell.
were my very first thoughts as I read this article this morning. In tears and shock my spirit cried out to God.
Read more here:
When Terrorists Tell You They Will Kill You....Believe Them And
Act Accordingly: 'Death To America' Chanted By Antifa/BLM In Oakland Another Alarm To Prepare For Bedlam
The signs being held up by Antifa back in 2017, while they were just causing massive chaos
on collage campuses, rioting and destroying everything in sight just to prevent a conservative speaker from giving a lecture
after being invited by campus conservatives.
What people need to understand is that those
signs accurately described and they openly admit their endgame is to be "ungovernable." They declared war on normal
Americans that disagree with their ideology and politics.
Fast forward to 2020 and now
that war has gone national, that same chaos and destruction, arson, vandalism and death is being seen in cities across America.
Read more here:
LA County Loses Court Battle with Grace Community Church
- So County Sends Eviction Notice to the Church on Sunday
August 12th Los Angeles County filed charges prohibiting Grace Community Church from holding religious services. But a local
judge decided in favor of Grace Community Church to allow religious service if congregants wore face coverings and practiced social distancing.
Pastor John MacArthur said at the time that the church was meeting indoors
because it was their constitutional right and that it was commanded by God for his people to come together in worship.
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The NYC exodus: Fleet of moving trucks arrive in the Upper
West Side and dozens wait in line to hire U-Hauls as residents reeling from lockdown and the surge in homeless people call
it quits
U-Haul trucks and other moving vehicles were seen out
in abundance on Manhattan's troubled Upper West Side across the weekend.
seeming exodus comes just days after it was revealed residents in the area are planning to sue the city after thousands of
homeless people were put up in luxury hotels in the neighborhood in a controversial attempt to stem the spread of COVID-19 amid the ongoing pandemic.
Natives of the typically up-scale neighborhood
say the moving in of the homeless people has caused an increase in crime, random violence, drug use, public urination and open prostitution. Some locals claim sex offenders have also moved into
the streets.
Read more here:
Official Legal Defense Fund For Kyle Rittenhouse Launched by Attnys L. Lin Wood
And John Pierce
Kyle Rittenhouse faces life in prison
for defending himself from violent sex offender and other criminal assailants during Kenosha riots
Nick Sandmann's attorney L Lin Wood has teamed up with John Pierce and the law firm Pierce
Bainbridge, which has represented President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and former Trump adviser Carter Page,
to provide 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse with a top notch defense team.
Rittenhouse was
officially charged on Thursday with first-degree intentional homicide, first-degree reckless homicide, two counts of first-degree
recklessly endangering safety, attempted first-degree intentional homicide and possession of a dangerous weapon by a person
under 18 and is facing life in prison.
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Martial Law Becoming Increasingly Acceptable As Cities Fall Under Social Unrest
Martial law is becoming a reality for many Americans. As we continue to be bombarded by
psychological operations and inorganic scenarios designed to divide us further, people are playing into the hands of the elites
and increasingly accepting martial law.
This is not a good sign for the
United States going forward. The Minnesota governor has called in the National Guard now, as looters and rioters continue
to destroy Minneapolis in response to the police shooting of Jacob Blake. Now, before everyone gets triggered, as they
always do and put themselves on one side or the other completing the division necessary by the elites to divide and conquer
us, just remember:
Read more here:
Much Worse Is Coming
has been heartbreaking to watch what has been transpiring on the streets of America in recent months. Our founders intended
for us to be united by a common set of values, but now our differences are literally tearing our nation to pieces. Americans
are fighting other Americans in the streets, and that should make all of us incredibly sad. Does anyone out there actually
believe that all of this violence will be resolved by the upcoming election? If anything, rising political tensions
are likely to make the violence even worse, and if the result of the presidential election is contested by either side that
could easily take things to an even higher level. We have entered such a dangerous chapter in American history, and
I am extremely concerned about the months ahead.
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A Dogfight Renews Concerns About AI's Lethal Potential
Alphabet's DeepMind pioneered reinforcement learning. A Maryland company used it to create
an algorithm that defeated an F-16 pilot in a simulation.
In July 2015,
two founders of DeepMind, a division of Alphabet with a reputation for pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence, were among the first to sign an open letter urging the world's governments to ban work on lethal AI weapons. Notable signatories included Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk,
and Jack Dorsey.
Last week, a technique popularized by DeepMind was adapted to control an autonomous F-16 fighter plane in a Pentagon-funded contest to show off the capabilities
of AI systems. In the final stage of the event, a similar algorithm went head-to-head with a real F-16 pilot using a VR headset and simulator controls. The AI pilot won, 5-0.
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The Political Virus: The unspoken truth is that the novel
coronavirus provides a pretext and justification to powerful financial interests and corrupt politicians to destroy millions
of jobs and small businesses
The national economies
of 193 countries, member states of the United Nations were ordered to close down on March 11, 2020. The order came from above,
from Wall Street, the World Economic Forum, the billionaire foundations. And corrupt politicians throughout the world have
enforced these so-called guidelines with a view to resolving a public health crisis.
Millions of people have lost their jobs, and their lifelong savings. In developing countries, poverty and despair prevail. We are told the it is V the Virus which is responsible for
the wave of bankruptcies and unemployment.
The unspoken
truth is that the novel coronavirus provides a pretext and justification to powerful financial interests and corrupt
politicians to precipitate the entire World into a spiral of mass unemployment, bankruptcy and extreme poverty.
Read more here:
Hawaii rolling out mandatory COVID-19 testing checkpoints on major Oahu highway... with mandatory
vaccines and quarantine camps soon to follow
The State of Hawaii
is turning the H-3 freeway on Oahu into a mandatory COVID-19 road block checkpoint, blocking traffic in both directions and
subjecting travelers to mandatory testing, reports Hawaii News Now. It means that Hawaii is being rapidly transformed into a medical police state which will soon morph into mandatory quarantine
camps like we've already seen rolled out in Australia and New Zealand.
more here:
'Shots fired' at a pro-Trump car caravan in LA: SWAT team
swarms apartment to find 'gunman' less than 24 hours after a MAGA supporter was killed in Portland as the president's fans
rally across the country
SWAT teams reportedly swarmed on an
LA apartment complex on Sunday afternoon, following reports of possible shots fired on a street where a large caravan of Trump
supporters was passing through.
A woman driving past the caravan in Woodland
Hills said she heard what sounded like gunshots around 11:30am local time and then noticed her tire was flat after being damaged
by a projectile, possibly a bullet, LAPD said.
Another witness told
police that they had seen a person with a firearm stood on the balcony of a nearby apartment building in the 20600 block
of Ventura Boulevard.
Read more here:
The pictures of devastation in riot-torn Kenosha that Trump hopes will make the
perfect backdrop for law and order campaign message when he visits on Tuesday
Disturbing images show the wide swaths of Kenosha, Wisconsin, that have been ripped apart and burned to the ground
during riots over the police shooting of Jacob Blake.
The city of 100,000 on the shore of Lake Michigan has been
roiled by unrest in the week since 29-year-old Blake, a black man, was left paralyzed from the waist down after he was
shot multiple times in the back by police officers in front of his children on August 23.
Protests devolving into violence have left countless buildings charred, businesses looted and destroyed,
and streets littered with debris as Kenosha emerged as the latest flashpoint in a summer of US demonstrations against police
brutality and racism.
Read more here:
CDC Quietly "Revises" COVID-19 Numbers; ONLY SIX PERCENT (6%) of 153,504
Deaths were actually FROM COVID ! ! ! !
This week the CDC quietly
updated the COVID-19 number to admit that only 6% of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid-19. That's
9,210 deaths nationwide; nowhere near the 153,504 claimed for months!
other 94% had 2-3 other serious illnesses & the overwhelming majority were of very advanced age.
Read it for yourselves from the CDC web site, HERE.
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Tales from America's COVID college campuses
America's college students are returning to campus for the Fall semester, and many are finding themselves
in an environment that no longer resembles an academic institution, but something closer to a correctional facility for young
adults. It's not just a handful of schools that are pursuing extreme restrictions and punitive measures in the name of "stopping
the spread" of the coronavirus, but something that has become a nationwide norm. College campuses have transformed into
some of the most restrictive environments in America.
Read more
Over 100 Million Law-Abiding Americans Owning More Than 300 Million
Guns And Trillions Of Rounds Of Ammo Will Become The 'New Law And Order' In America If Democrats Defund The Police
While the rallying cry of the day for Democrats as they attempt to 'fire up'
their base ahead of November to try to keep President Trump from winning re-election are 'kill the f*cking police' and 'death to America', over 4 years ago now, comedian Chris Rock put out a 4-minute segment titled "How NOT To Get Your
*ss Kicked By The Police" that should be required viewing for every member of BLM and Antifa in 2020.
Read more here:
Internet users across the world report problems with accessing websites in major
global outage
Internet users across the world have reported connection
problems in what seems to be a major global outage.
Website Down
Detector, which tracks the status of websites, reveals a spike in outages across several sites and online services - including
eBay, Twitter, Xbox Live and PlayStation Network.
Read more here:
Judgment is Coming for America - Michael Snyder
Journalist and book author Michael Snyder predicts, "Judgment is coming for America."
Snyder lays out his case in his new book called "Lost Prophecies of the Future of America." Snyder says, "You
look in the Bible and see ancient Israel, and God called on the people of Israel to repent. You have gone into evil
and repent and come back to me. If you don't come back to me, bad things are going to happen. . . . In our time, America
has gone off into great, great evil. What does a nation that has killed 60 million children (by abortion) deserve?
That is just one element of where we have gone horribly wrong. In our day and time, God has sent men and women of God,
and in my book . . . I have prophecies from the 1920's, 1930's, 1940's, 1950's and every decade up to today.
Read more here:
Man 'in a Patriot Prayer hat' is shot dead in Portland during
violent clashes between Trump supporters and BLM: Chaos on the 95th night of unrest after caravan of 600 cars waving MAGA
flags drove into the city and confronted protesters
One person
was shot dead in Portland on Saturday night as tensions between pro-Trump supporters and Black Lives Matter counter-protesters
boiled over.
The victim was pictured lying on the ground wearing a Patriot
Prayer baseball cap, appearing to show support for the far-Right group which is frequently present during Portland protests.
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The NWO AKA Satan Soldiers in New Zealand State Has Already Decided
to Remove People From Their Homes and Place Them in Quarantine Facilities (Detention Centers
Controlled by the Military) TRIBULATION...
As Time Goes on There Will
Be a Lot of Politicians, Police Officers, Judges That Will Take Cover in Other Words They Are Going to Remain Neutral Out
for Fear for Their Lives. You Are on Your Own, Prepare for the Worst, Pray for the Best -Tribulations Will Be Very
Read more here:
FDA Nears Approval of Injectable Biochip Implants for COVID Detection, Linked to Computers [PMB
must read!!]
The Department of Defense, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
have partnered with a Silicon Valley company, Profusa, to implement a technology which could control our minds and bodies. What may seem like science fiction, is in fact happening
in real-time.
A permanent chip made of an advanced material called hydrogel
irreversibly ties humans to the Internet "cloud." The chip, about the size of a grain of rice, provides feedback
to a database on changes in body chemistry and other biometrics. The company says technology will be used to detect COVID
in the general population, before symptoms show.
Read more here:
American Pravda: Our Coronavirus Catastrophe as Biowarfare Blowback?
More than 30,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus during the last two weeks, and
by some estimates this is a substantial under-count, while the death-toll continues to rapidly mount. Meanwhile, measures
to control the spread of this deadly infection have already cost 22 million Americans their jobs, an unprecedented economic
collapse that has pushed our unemployment rates to Great Depression levels. Our country is facing a crisis as grave as almost any in our national history.
Read more here:
These People Want to Convince Everyone That Looting Is A-Okay
As an American, most of us strongly support the concept of peaceful protests. However,
when things turn violent, when property gets destroyed, when buildings and cars are set on fire, and when businesses are looted,
rational people can agree that this is wrong.
Unfortunately, a whole bunch
of irrational people are being given microphones and they're trying to tell us all why looting is not just okay, but actually
Read more here:
Charlotte Black Lives Matter Rioters March Down the Street
Chanting ‘F-ck Your Jesus,' Cover Street Preacher With Silly String (VIDEOS)
Black Lives Matter rioters in Charlotte marched down the street chanting "f-ck your Jesus" on Monday
The chant originally began as "cops killed Jesus,"
but quickly took an anti-Christian turn.
The Queen City Nerve, a local
paper covering the riot, tweeted that "Protesters chanting ‘Cops killed Jesus' then ‘Fuck your Jesus' to
drown out the chants of Sam, who's been walking alongside protesters yelling over them with ‘Jesus Saves' as he's done
all four nights. He just got covered with silly string after this video."
Read more here:
Texas mandates vaccines for all kids in public school, even if learning online
Children taking all their classes online and not entering school premises at all are nonetheless
required to receive all the vaccines the state demands.
TEXAS, August
25, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - Despite the fact that many children will be "in" school only virtually, receiving instruction via computer in
their homes, the Texas Department of State Health Services has chosen not to relax its student vaccine requirements for the
upcoming school year.
To be at a school or simply to be part of the education
curriculum online, proof of immunization will be required.
Read more here:
Americans Sense Something Is Wrong: Gun Sales Up 72%
"Nearly 5 million Americans purchased a firearm for the very first time in 2020″
Gun sales were up 72% compared to this time last year, with first-time buyers
leading the pack.
Americans are likely sensing that
something is horribly wrong with the rigged system we are forced to live under.
According to a report by the Washington Post, the National Sports Shooting Foundation says that first-time gun buyers played a heavy role in the increase. Women and black Americans have also shown
interest in arming themselves this year.
Read more here:
Here come the Covid Detention Centers
New York State bill A99 which is now under consideration in
the NY State legislature. It allows the state to take an individual "suspected" of being infected or contaminated
to a detention center and there compel her or him to receive any medical treatment deemed necessary - including forced vaccination.
- See page 4 line 26 of bill below..
This bill could become the
model for other similar bills to be passed into law in other states. Virgina and Massachusetts are already signaling mandatory
Read more here:
‘The Great Reset': A Breakdown Of The Global Elite's Master Plan
The World Economic Forum has defined and is leading the global stampede into "The
Great Reset" that would kill Capitalism and Free Enterprise, while establishing Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.
The WEF is arguably steeped in Sustainable Development. In September, it will host the
Sustainable Development Impact Summit in Switzerland. It's website clearly links "The Great Reset" to Sustainable Development:
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Halting Our Descent into Tyranny: Defeating the Global Elite's Covid-19 Coup
As many authors have documented, the global elite is conducting a coup to take complete
control of our lives. It is doing this by using a non-existent ‘virus' to terrorize the human population into believing
that we will ‘catch' Covid-19 if we do not submit to draconian restrictions on our rights and freedoms.
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Would you put Elon Musk's chip in your brain? Tesla boss
unveils his Neuralink implant - which could allow humans to control computers with their minds - then demonstrates it on pigs
and appeals for HUMAN volunteers
Elon Musk took to the
stage Friday to show the world his Neuralink brain chip progress - following a more than 30 minute delay that left some 100,000
people waiting on the edge of their seats.
Musk said last month
in a tweet that on August 28, Neuralink 'will show neurons firing in real-time' - and the CEO kept his promise.
The three little pig's demo, as he called it, showed an animal named Gertrude with the
brain implant. While she snuffed around in a pen, viewers saw her brain activity on a large screen.
Read more here:
California chicken plant is forced to shut down after EIGHT employees die from
COVID-19 and at least 350 more test positive for the virus
California chicken plant has been ordered to shut down after eight employees died from COVID-10 and another 350 tested positive for
the virus.
Foster Farms, located in Livingston, southwest of San
Francisco, has 48 hours to close its doors, following an order from the Merced County Health Department issued on Thursday.
'In view of increasing deaths and uncontrolled COVID-19 cases, the decision was made to order Foster Farms Livingston Complex closed until acceptable safety measures are in place,' Merced
County health officer, Dr. Salvador Sandoval, stated.
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"They Would Have Killed Us" - Rand Paul Describes Attack By "Unhinged"
During his first live interview since being confronted and
assaulted outside the White House last night, Rand Paul, the senator who back in June introduced a bill that would end the
kind of "no-knock" warrants that contributed to the murder of Breonna Taylor, described the "horrific"
experience of being attacked alongside his wife.
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Sandia Labs Goes Nuclear On Employee Who Sparked Internal Revolt Over Critical
Race Theory
Sandia Labs - America's premiere government-funded
nuclear weapons design lab, has taken aggressive action against an employee, Casey Peterson, who produced
a viral video "pushing back on the narrative of modern systemic racism and white privilege."
Here's the long and short of it via Christopher Rufo - director of the Discovery Institute's Center on Wealth & Poverty, who has directed four documentaries
for PBS, Netflix and international television - and has declared 'war' on critical race theory.
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There's almost no chance a vaccine for COVID-19 will work at all, warns scientist
The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is not some freak of nature virus that evolutionarily
gained the ability to transfer from bats to humans all on its own. According to Professor Giuseppe Tritto, an internationally known expert in biotechnology and nanotechnology, this only could have happened with some kind of genetic
Read more here:
The Monetary System is Behind the Power Curve. That's
Not Good.
Lately, it's been hard to ignore the feeling that the
monetary system could potentially collapse. To me, it's not just a feeling. It's a certainty.
To explain, I'd like to borrow an analogy from the world of aviation. The "backside of the power curve"
means that you have overextended the ability of the airplane to fly, and no amount of power can rectify the situation.
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Why is the ‘anti-vaxxer' movement growing during a pandemic?
Greer McVay insists she is "not an anti-vaxxer - not at all". She is up to date
with her own immunisations and had her son vaccinated when he was a child. But she fears the development of a vaccine for
coronavirus is being dangerously rushed, in part to improve Donald Trump's prospects ahead of the presidential election in
Read more here:
Protesters Construct Guillotine Outside Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos's Home
A video posted to Twitter today by The Washington Examiner shows protesters constructing
a guillotine outside the Washington, D.C. home of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.
more here:
Iowa's farmers double blast: First the derecho, now a dramatic drought
A derecho's hurricane-force winds slammed through about half of Chad West's 4,500
acres of corn and soybeans Aug. 10.
Now, the drought
is burning up the rest of his crop, the central Iowa farmer said.
49, spent part of this week disking under 300 acres of corn that's considered a complete loss.
"You put so much time, money and effort into a crop, to give up and say,
‘We're not going to harvest this' ... it's really disheartening," he said, adding that he anticipates
he will need to disk under another 400 flattened acres of corn, too.
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Eerie ‘Jesus AI' that was trained using the Bible starts writing DOOMSDAY
prophecies - and warns of a global plague
intelligent algorithm that has been trained in biblical scripture has been coming up with its own 'prophecies'.
The creation is called AI Jesus and it's already spoken about a "plague" and
"the end of days".
The algorithm was created by engineer and
quantum researcher George Davila Durendal.
He explained in a blogpost: "I present to you A.I. Jesus. An artificial intelligence of my invention created from the King James Bible and nothing
Read more here:
Credit card companies are slashing people's credit limits without telling them
ATLANTA, GA - Channel 2 consumer advisor Clark Howard warns that the
next time you go to use your credit card it may be declined.
Channel 2
anchor Jorge Estevez and Howard talked about a scary new credit card company trend.
The credit card companies are getting strict because the banks are worried people won't pay.
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China Has Weaponized The Smartphone: Here's Why You Should Be Concerned
"File sharing has never been simpler," claim the developers behind the viral mobile app Zapya. "You can share files from device to device for free-Zapya allows you
to seamlessly transfer massive files across multiple platforms." It's a compelling pitch-DewMobile, the app's Shanghai-based
developers, claim 450 million downloads since its 2012 launch. Somewhat awkwardly, though, it now appears that the authorities
in Xinjiang have been "targeting" Zapya users among the minority Uighur population. If the app is found on a device,
it's reason enough for an investigation. And depending on what files have been shared, that investigation could lead to internment.
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Heavily armed protesters square off with armored police truck in Kenosha
A group of heavily armed protesters in Kenosha were filmed getting tear-gassed during
a tense standoff with law enforcement officers in an armored police truck.
clip, filmed by a reporter at the scene, shows several men carrying semi-automatic weapons joining others to square off with the officers in the vehicle,
taunting them during a night of chaotic rioting over the police shooting of Jacob Blake.
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Biblical village of Bethsaida where Jesus fed the 5,000, walked on water and helped
a blind man to see is finally identified by archaeologists after 32 years of excavations
A Biblical village where Jesus is said to have performed some of his most famous miracles really
existed, and today lies in ruins only a mile from the Sea of Galilee, archaeologists believe.
In the Bible, Bethsaida was home to disciples Peter, Andrew and Philip, and was where Jesus purportedly fed the 5,000,
walked on water and helped a blind man to see.
have been working for 32 years to find the lost city, which was eventually cursed to destruction by Jesus because residents
failed to repent in spite of his miracles.
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Hurricane Laura becomes a 115mph Category 3 as it churns toward Louisiana and
Texas and threatens to smash homes and sink entire communities as more than half a million people flee
Hurricane Laura has become a devastating Category 3 bringing with it 115mph winds and
13-foot storm surges that threatens to smash homes and sink entire communities in Louisiana and Texas as more than half a
million people flee both states.
Forecasters even expect Laura to rapidly
power up into a 'catastrophic' Category 4 hurricane. Satellite images show Laura has become 'a formidable hurricane' in recent
hours, threatening to smash homes and sink entire communities.
Laura is about 280 miles southeast of Galveston, Texas, with maximum sustained winds of 115mph. A Category 4 hurricane can
pack winds of up to 156mph.
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Do 'Not Concede Under Any Circumstances,' Hillary Clinton
Advises Joe Biden - She Wants America Punished For Casting Her Aside In 2016
It is no surprise to.... well, just about everyone, that Hillary Clinton did not take her 2016 loss to Donald Trump
very well.
Ok, so that is a massive understatement, since she spent months on end on
"blame this" tours opining over and over again about everything from the DNC to former FBI Director James Comey
to Wikileaks to women voters to..... well, I think everyone gets the point here.
In her
fantasy everyone but Hillary was to blame for her resounding electoral defeat.
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Pelosi declares Republicans to be "enemies of the state" and launches
plan to seize the White House by force... the season of TREASON is here
(Natural News) Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (Demon-Calif.) has just declared Republicans to be "enemies of the state" and
"domestic enemies," further admitting her plan to seize the White House by force, followed by mass arrests of all
GOP members and Trump supporters.
During an MSNBC interview yesterday,
she claimed, "the domestic enemies to our voting system and honoring our Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania
Avenue with their allies in the Congress of the United States." She then went on to call them, "Enemies of the state."
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Global famine looms due to pandemic, warns WFP chief
(Natural News) The world is at risk of a hunger pandemic, and it could reach biblical proportions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, said David Beasley, executive director of the World
Food Programme (WFP) of the United Nations.
Various countries
have already been suffering from famine before the coronavirus escalated. But the arrival of the pandemic and the subsequent
disruption of many livelihoods worsened the situation. Latin American nations, as well as eastern and central Asia, are particularly
in danger of a hunger crisis.
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Elon Musk (Who Says He Is "Summoning The Demon" With A.I.) To Unveil
Neuralink Progress With Real-Time Neuron Demonstration This Week, Hopes To Have "Voices" In Your Head Soon
Elon Musk's brain-machine interface company, Neuralink, has an event scheduled for later
this week to update the public on its progress since last year's presentation. While the agenda is speculative for the most
part, one expectation is a live demonstration of neuron activity. "Will show neurons firing in real-time on August 28th.
The matrix in the matrix," Musk tweeted at the end of July. He also revealed a few other clues about the early fall announcement
at the beginning of the year. "Wait until you see the next version vs what was presented last year. It's *awesome*,"
he wrote in February. "The profound impact of high bandwidth, high precision neural interfaces is underappreciated. Neuralink
may have this in a human as soon as this year... (READ MORE)
Police Requests To Access Your Smart Speaker Are Up 72% Since 2016
Amazon said it had received more than 3,000 requests for smart speaker user data
from police earlier this year, according to a new article from Wired. Even more stunning, Amazon complied with the police's requests on more than 2,000 occasions, forking over recordings and
data that give law enforcement an ear into someone's household.
number marks a 72% increase in these types of requests from the same period in 2016 - the first time Amazon disclosed
the data. The number of requests are up 24% year over year.
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Shutdowns Spur Mental Health Crisis in US, Experts Say
A basket of worries-spurred by anxieties related to job security, financial instability,
grief from death, or loneliness-are plaguing an increasing number of Americans living amid the COVID-19 pandemic and its shutdown
Among 5,412 Americans surveyed at the end of June, 41 percent
reported at least one adverse mental or behavioral health condition, according to an Aug. 14 Morbidity and Mortality report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The number is higher among younger adults
between the ages of 18 and 24, with 75 percent of respondents reporting experiencing at least one condition.
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Kushner's Transactional Middle East Strategy Is Already Showing
Strain- News that Trump's son-in-law baked a sale of U.S weaponry into the UAE deal has been called a ‘betrayal'
by Israelis.
On the heels of the historic normalization
of relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, news leaked of a secret clause engineered by President
Donald Trump's senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner to sell billions of dollars worth of advanced U.S. weaponry, including
drones and F-35 stealth fighter jets, to the United Arab Emirates. Israel has longed opposed sales of strategic weapons systems
to other countries in the Middle East.
State Department officials
and aides from relevant congressional committees told CNN they had not been notified of such a deal, and Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu denounced the rumored sale as "fake news."
more here:
China Leaves Russian Meddling In The Dust- We have been
warned for years that Beijing has been actively interfering in our politics but it's all but ignored by the left.
At least Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and their surrogates in the Mainstream Media got one
point right regarding foreign interference in U.S. politics: that it is totally bogus to compare the records of Russia and
China in election meddling and in other aspects of American public life, and their abilities to do so.
Trouble is, the House Speaker, the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, and other Never Trumpers
are wildly off-base about who the main culprit has been and will be for years to come. It's not Russia, it's China- and by
orders of magnitude.
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Columbia Journalism Review Explains How The Gates Foundation Manipulates The Media
Most of the feature stories published by the Columbia
Journalism Review, a mostly-digital biannual "magazine" published and edited by the Columbia School of Journalism
and its staff, is sanctimonious media naval-gazing filtered through a lens of cryptomarxist propaganda, written by a seemingly endless procession of washed-up magazine writers.
But every once in a while, just like the NYT, Washington Post and CNN,
even CJR gets it (mostly) right. And fortunately for us, one of those days arrived earlier this month, when the website published
this insightful piece outlining the influence of the Gates Foundation on the media that covers it.
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Permanent Economic Damage - Danielle DiMartino Booth
By Greg Hunter's
Former Fed insider Danielle DiMartino Booth is not a fan
of the Federal Reserve, especially now, with its massive money printing campaign. DiMartino Booth thinks "the
damage to the economy is permanent" and that's not the only thing here to stay. DiMartino explains, "We are
seeing permanent inflation increasing, and we have seen another uptick in initial jobless claims. This is not the data
you want to see if companies want to have pricing power. . . . We do have inflation where it is not measured, and that is
in asset prices and housing prices."
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China Blasts US 'Naked Provocation' After U-2 Spy Plane "Entered No-Fly Zone"
During PLA Drills
In the latest tit-for-tat South China Sea saga,
China has denounced the United States, lodging "stern representations" with the US embassy, over Pentagon attempts
to spy on live-fire military drills over what Beijing claims is its sovereign airspace.
Specifically, according to Reuters, the US is charged with "sending a U.S. U-2 reconnaissance plane into a no-fly zone over Chinese live-fire
military drills on Tuesday, further ratcheting up tensions between Beijing and Washington."
Read more here:
We Should Mourn For What Is Happening To America
This week it was Kenosha, Wisconsin and next week it will probably be somewhere else. Yet
another senseless police shooting was followed by more rioting, looting and violence. Of course rioting, looting and
violence have basically become a nightly occurrence in America at this point anyway. The protests never seem to end
in some cities, and crime rates are absolutely skyrocketing all over the country. Much of what is written about all
of this chaos is focused on trying to pin the blame on someone, but even if we correctly identify who is to blame, will that
actually stop the violence? I don't believe that it would. In fact, I don't think that anything is going to stop
the violence any time soon.
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Portland BLM 'Revolutionaries' Bring Guillotine Into Suburbs Where They Burn American Flags, Fling
Poo And Demand Shelter
Then, protesters took to the streets with
a bullhorn, with one woman shouting to residents "What are you doing to protect your neighbors, people in their houses?,"
while a man shouted "Get in the fucking streets!"
The woman then made a convincing argument
that homeowners should open their doors to the protesters, shouting over the bullhorn: "We
protect you every night by being out here. Please come and protect us. Make sure you are offering us refuge. We are tired
and yet we are still out here. We are simply asking for one night, one hour." Read more here:
Here's How a Cashless Society Would Affect Day to Day Life
Have you ever thought about the ramifications of a cashless society? I'm talking about
the real, first-person effects, not some ephemeral conspiracy theory or possible biblical prophecy. This is bad news for a
lot of reasons, not the least of which are the ways it would affect day-to-day life.
Here's my definition of a cashless society, so we're all singing from the same songbook:
Cash would no longer be legal tender, therefore you could not make purchases with it, pay bills
with it, or spend it in any way. You would not be able to deposit cash into your bank account so you wouldn't be able
to accept cash for an exchange of goods or services.
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The 2020 Ammo Shortage and How You Should Prepare in the Future
They say that history repeats itself. But we've had four ammo shortages in the last dozen years and that's a bit much. Even worse, two of the shortages lasted close to two years. As I write this,
there is a world-wide coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that created what will likely be known as the 2020 ammo shortage.
Ammo demand is so high that stores are limiting the amount customers can buy. Dealers
aren't happy about rationing. While they realize that customers who go home empty-handed might never come back, they also
know it's hard to sell guns when you can't provide ammo for them.
more here:
Even With a Strong Crop This Year, U.S. Farmers Are Suffering
Following a growing season last year filled with battering rainfall and bitter trade wars,
U.S. farmers hoped 2020 would provide them an opportunity to make up some ground. Instead, the situation has grown worse for
many as prices remain depressed.
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'Vampire' spits on police officer, threatens to drink his blood
OKLAHOMA CITY (KOKH) - Oklahoma City police were called to a 7-Eleven convenience store in response to a man who was threatening staff and customers
Thursday night.
The man, later identified as James Pettijohn, was allegedly
asking people "if they were ready to die today."
Police say
when they arrived, he ran to a median on NW Expressway in front of On Cue.
tried to make contact with Pettijohn, but he took his shirt off, kicked off his sandals and took a "fighting stance."
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2013 Medical Study Showed The Quickest Way They Could Find To Completely Dismantle
America: Study Warned Authoritarian Governments Emerge From 'Parasite Prevalent' Societies
The WHO Warning The World Can NEVER Go Back To Normal Is Another Sign Of Tyranny Ahead
While we've written numerous stories on ANP about how Covid-19 is being used by many politicians, and even crazed individuals on US streets, to institute 'authoritarianism' and 'medical tyranny', the mainstream media would call such reports 'fake
news' or 'conspiracy theories'. That despite a damning medical paper published in the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health back on May 1st of 2013 titled "Pathogens and Politics: Further Evidence That Parasite Prevalence Predicts Authoritarianism".
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We are Entering into a War Period - Catherine Austin Fitts
By Greg Hunters (Saturday Night Post)
Investment advisor and former Assistant
Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says big change is ahead of the world, and "nothing will ever be the same."
Fitts lays out the so-called "reset" you've been hearing about for the past few years and says, "We are in
the process that I would recall is a global reset. The entire financial system is being reset. There are two aspects of this:
One is extending the old system, and the other is bringing in the new system. It's very much being done on the fly by trial
and error, but the new system is 100% digital."
Read more here:
A Mad Max Reality Almost Unavoidable If States Shut Down For A Second Time Over COVID-19 Pandemic
A Second Round Of Food Shortages Will Deplete Whatever Is Left From Round One
As talk continues to increase about a "second wave" of the COVID-19 pandemic
and some states are also highlighting their intent for more lockdowns, as still other states have suspended their "reopening"
of business as usual, we note the country hasn't even recovered from the first round of lockdowns and food shortages.
Some stores are still limiting the sales of certain products, meats, cleaning supplies and other items,
which makes it clear that another round of lockdowns, will leave even more people hungry and in food lines, more panic shopping
wll occur, showing empty shelves, only this time these shelves may not get restocked in a timely manner, if at all for certain
food products.
When people are hungry, and desperate to feed their families, civilization
itself starts to breakdown.
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Virginia Plans Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations For All Residents
As Friday's hospitalization numbers across the Sun Belt appear to confirm CDC head Dr.
Robert Redfield's assertion that the American COVID-19 outbreak has peaked and is starting to fade, the State of Virginia
is setting a new precedent by seriously discussing forcing Virginians to be vaccinated with whatever rushed-to-marked candidate
the FDA approves first.
During an interview that aired on Friday, the
state's health commissioner said he planned to invoke state law to make vaccinations mandatory - once a western product is
available, presumably.
Read more here:
The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is "Agenda ID2020"
What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including
UN agencies and civil society. It's an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity.
With foresight, this article by Peter Koenig was first written on March 12, 2020
It seems, the more there is written about the causes of the Coronavirus - the more
the written analyses are overshadowed by a propaganda and fear-mongering hype. Questions for the truth and arguments for where
to look for the origins and how the virus may have spread and how to combat it, are lost in the noise of wanton chaos. But
isn't that what the "Powerful financial elites" behind this intended pandemic want - chaos, panic, hopelessness,
leading to human vulnerability - a people becoming easy prey for manipulation?
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The next step in the culture war is the assault on the traditional family
After the leftist progressives have tackled police and government, they will come for
the family. The idea is that having family, growing up with two parents, is privileged, and that this creates inequity. Any
inequity must be crushed.
Bethany Letiecq, professor in the Human Development
and Family Science program at George Mason University called for the abolishing of family, and this concept has been increasingly growing in academic circles. There have been several recent articles calling for abolishing of the family, including in Open Democracy, Outline, and even The Nation. Letiecq, the author of a paper "Surfacing Family Privilege and Supremacy in Family Science: Toward Justice for All," coined the concept of Family
privilege. These arguments are all rhetorically similar and are couched in ideas of "justice."
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"We sick of yo' White Ass!" Minnesota Dem candidate threatens small-town
Americans during BLM protest
(Natural News) John Thompson, who recently won the Democratic primary for the Minnesota House of Representatives District 67A, was filmed
threatening a group of white teenage girls during an unhinged rant at a Black Lives Matter protest on Saturday in a suburb
of Hugo, Minneapolis.
(Article by Chris Menahan republished from
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Professor Suggests Adding "Psychoactive" Drugs To Water To Keep People
One professor has suggested that the water supply be laced
with psilocybin to make sure people are drugged into compliance with the lockdowns measures. Because Americans aren't being
good little sheep and complying with the New World Order's insistence of enslavement, Parker Crutchfield thinks we should
all be drugged.
Apparently, the fluoride they already put in the water
supply isn't doing a good enough job of churning out obedient little order followers.
Read more here:
‘Flames of war' - China relations at breaking point with Taiwan in the South
China Sea
CHINA has been warned any further aggression in the
South China Sea could provoke a war with Taiwan, in a bold statement from the country's defence ministry.
China has looked to increase its territory in the region and has stated Taiwan will eventually be reclaimed by Beijing. In light of China's aggressive stance in the region, Taiwan has warned Beijing not
to underestimate its military strength. To show its military arsenal, Taiwan's defence ministry filmed a video showcasing
a live-fire drill.
Read more here:
As COVID-1984 Accelerates, Bill Gates Blames "Freedom" For Spread of
the Virus
Recently, Bill Gates gave an interview to the Rothschild
partially owned Economist.
Gates proceeded to directly blame
the poor response on lack of preparation, but also freedom. Yes, Bill Gates blamed our freedoms for the spread of the virus.
Bill Gates then went on to praise China's authoritarian response and said, despite the
fact that people's rights were violated, China's response was really amazing!
is right out of the 2010 Rockefeller Lock Step document that laid out a scenario for a world of tighter top-down government
control and more authoritarian leadership.
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Invisible Ink "Tattoos" Could Be Used to ID Vaccinated Kids
They're only visible using a special smartphone camera app and filter.
For the people overseeing nationwide vaccination initiatives in developing countries,
keeping track of who had which vaccination and when can be a tough task.
researchers from MIT might have a solution: they've created an ink that can be safely embedded in the skin alongside the vaccine
itself, and it's only visible using a special smartphone camera app and filter.
Read more here:
And here:
Plandemic II: inDOCTORnation film released - here are the most damning outtakes that expose the
criminal fraud of Fauci, the WHO and the CDC
(Natural News) The bombshell new film, "Plandemic II: inDOCTORnation" was released yesterday, and this film unleashes bombshell
after bombshell about Dr. Fauci, the CDC, the WHO, the corrupt vaccine industry, the NIH under Obama, and the whole pandemic
scam that was deliberately engineered using a real virus to enslave humanity and earn billions in profits for Big
Read more here:
SCAMDEMIC SCIENCE: Coronavirus "cases" are medically meaningless, yet
being used to justify weaponized lockdowns to destroy humanity
(Natural News) Notice how the mainstream media has stopped talking about coronavirus "deaths" and shifted to coronavirus "cases?"
That's because the term "cases" is a misnomer. Any person who tests positive for the coronavirus is now considered
a "case." So as more testing is being conducted, more "cases" are emerging.
But I've got news for the corrupt medical establishment: Testing positive for a virus does
not create a "case" of illness.
Read more here:
Fusion Centers: National Spying Operation On Citizens
What has the public learned about Fusion Centers since the recent BlueLeaks hack was released
over a month ago? Not a lot.
The Feds have done a great job of keeping
the public from finding out what DHS Fusion/Intelligence Centers are really doing. In a country founded on freedom, we find
federal and local law enforcement scrambling to keep the true function of Fusion Centers hidden from the public.
Read more here:
Government demands $20,000 fine against church that held worship
L.A. County moves against John MacArthur's Grace Community
Los Angeles County is moving to hold John MacArthur's Grace Community Church in contempt
of court and be fined a total of $20,000 for holding a worship service Sunday in defiance of a court order.
The church, like many across the nation, argues government officials are violating the
First Amendment by restricting religious meetings while allowing similar gatherings, such as protests of the death of George
Read more here:
Pasadena Threatens Church Members with 1 Year of Jail for Attending Indoor Worship
The city of Pasadena, Calif., is threatening a local
church with fines, jail and even closure for violating government restrictions prohibiting indoor worship services.
The congregation, Harvest Church, filed a lawsuit in July against the state of California
over the restrictions and has continued to meet indoors. The suit said the attendees are required to wear masks and that seats
are configured so people are socially distanced. Temperatures also are taken when individuals enter the building, according
to the suit.
Read more here:
Wiping out the middle class. All part of the plan.
All part of the COVID plan. Spiro Skouras gives the details
of The Great Reset. Part of Agenda 2030. The World Economic Forum gives clues as to what to expect, what's called
‘Stakeholder Capitalism'.
‘Urgency and Emergency' as regards
the climate situation. It's part of a fifty year old plan.
shows the current system is broken, and not fit any more, they claim.
more here:
MEDICAL FASCISM: Australian Prime Minister says everyone will have to get vaccinated
for coronavirus, whether they like it or not
(Natural News) Scott Morrison, the obese, vaccine-loving prime minister of Australia, has decided that all Australians will need to be vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) once one becomes available, save for
those with medical exemptions.
Citing the few hundred deaths total
throughout Australia that were supposedly linked to Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infections, Morrison says it is critical
that all Aussies be forced to line up and get jabbed for the safety of the general public.
"I would expect it to be as mandatory as you could possibly make it," Morrison told Melbourne radio station
3AW, as reported by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation earlier in the week.
Read more here:
China's Post-Virus Plan to Destroy America's Economy
The virus that originated in Wuhan, China poses a double threat to America.
The first is to our health as the virus spreads through the U.S. population. The second
is to our economy as more businesses, schools, and events shut down to slow the spread of the contagion.
We must not underestimate the economic threat because the Chinese Communist Party is using the pandemic
to achieve its goal of supplanting the United States as the world's leading economic, diplomatic, and military power.
Read more here:
Australia Prime Minister Puts Citizens On Notice: All Will Likely Undergo Mandatory
COVID-19 Vaccinations
For those fearing that all the prior state-enforced
social distancing and lockdown protocol which hit a peak in early summer - from arresting surfers on empty beaches, to telling people they can't even jog, to police detaining moms for merely letting their children play on taxpayer bought public playgrounds - would only too easily and hastily transition to a forced vaccination regimen the moment one is
rushed out despite safety or the various potential long-term side effect 'unknowns'... well,it's happening:
Read more here:
Banned, Suspended And Terminated - The Media Will Lie, Social Giants Will Cheat, And Liberals Will
Steal To Win The Election
Censorship Kicks Into Overdrive
Ahead of The 2020 Presidential Election
In late July, President
Trump signed an executive order regarding censorship, since Congress continues to berate social media and big tech for censorship,
but they never get around to actually doing anything about it.
Via the White House statement on July 29, 2020, titled "Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding the Implementation of President Trump's Executive
Order on Preventing Online Censorship"
Read more here:
Australia: Authorities Give Themselves Power to Remove Children From Parents to
Ensure COVID Compliance
Corona rules becoming more draconian.
Authorities in Australia have given themselves the power to have police remove
children from the custody of their parents in order to ensure compliance with coronavirus rules.
Schedule 2 of the COVID-19 Emergency Response Act 2020 amends the Emergency Response Act
2004 to create new powers during "declared emergencies."
25 of the act states the following;
-Removal of children
(1) Without
derogating from section 25, an authorised officer may, for the purpose of ensuring compliance with any direction under that
section, remove a child from any premises, place, vehicle or vessel to a place of residence of the child or to a hospital
or quarantine facility, as the authorised officer thinks fit (and may, in doing so, use such force as is reasonably necessary).
A child is defined as anyone under the age of 18.
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The Purpose of the Mask Is to Demonstrate That
the Iron Will of the State Prevails a Symbol of Compliance a Symbol of Conformity, a Symbol of Submission, a Negation of Individual
Personality, Since People Can't See Your Face...
World's Top Epidemiologists
- Masks Don't Work! And Neither Do Politicians, Discard Both of Them They are Dead Weight ‘Useless‘...
Denmark boasts one of the lowest COVID-19
death rates in the world. As of August 4, the Danes have suffered 616 COVID-19 deaths, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.
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Censorship Claims Another Victim: Honest-Journalism Giant, Del Bigtree's "The
On July 29, YouTube terminated Del Bigtree's "The Highwire" account after he posted a video of Del and me discussing my debate with Alan Dershowitz on vaccine mandates. YouTube also purged hundreds of other truthful videos on vaccines.
YouTube's owner, Google, is effectively a vaccine company. Two subsidiaries of Google's parent company, Alphabet, market and manufacture vaccines: Calico and Verily. Arthur Levinson, Genentech's former CEO, runs Calico, an anti-aging drug company while Verily teams with Pharma to conduct drug and vaccine clinical trials.
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Real-Life Cyborgs? Groundbreaking Material Can Merge AI with the Human Brain
Terminator is one step closer to reality thanks to a new bio-synthetic material unveiled recently at the American Chemical Society Fall 2020 virtual expo. According to a team of researchers at the University
of Delaware, the new material merges artificial intelligence with the human brain. It's a significant step in the development
of part human, part robotic beings that science fiction lovingly calls cyborgs.
The researchers looked high and low for a material that would connect to human tissue without leaving scars. Electronics
typically use silicon, gold, and steel, which produce scarring in the host's body. Scar tissue damages the person's muscle
or, in this case, brain tissue. It also interrupts the electrical activity of the device being installed.
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Welcome to THE GLOBAL GULAG...
case you haven't noticed, we now live under tyranny, and over the next several years, thanks to the unquestioning zombielike
submission of the masses, it is set to get a whole lot worse.
When this
whole bizarre virus plandemic, or scamdemic, started to gather momentum I instinctively knew that something wasn't right,
that the official explanations didn't add up, and that society at large was "being played" by those in power with
an agenda. To anyone with even a modicum of real intelligence, the whole thing stinks of an elaborate plot.
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World War 3 MAPPED: The SIX places where WW3 could break out in 2020
WORLD WAR 3 fears were ignited across the globe just a few days into 2020 and
now they have been sparked again. But which five places around the globe are the most likely to be the starting point for
World War 3 concerns were triggered around the globe following the death of Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani in a US airstrike
in January. Now as a killer infection spreads across the globe and riots over police brutality have sparked across the world,
leading to World War 3 concerns again. Given the tense relations between countries around the world, has compiled
a guide for the flashpoints where World War 3 is most likely to erupt in 2020.
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**Luciferase Chain Reaction to ID2020** [PMB, Read and understand!]
Put down the mask. The mask is a tool of conditioning, a temporary distraction from the
new technology.
Biometric bioluminescence.
Bioluminescence is a "cold light" that derives from a chemical reaction within a living
organism. Cold light means less than 20% of the light generates thermal radiation, or heat. Most bioluminescent organisms are found in the ocean; fish, bacteria, and jellies. Some bioluminescent organisms, including fireflies and fungi, are found on land. There
are almost no bioluminescent organisms native to freshwater habitats.
Luciferase Chain Reaction to ID2020
Scientists say humans can utilize bioluminescence through a chemical enzyme called Luciferase. Enzymes
catalyze biochemical chain reactions in the body to make things happen. The root word lucifer - means lightbringer. Lucifer
also happens to be the name of the Vatican's binocular telescope, atop Mt. Graham in southeastern Arizona, as well as the name of an infamous fallen angel.
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WW3: Satellite images catch THOUSANDS of Chinese troops stockpiling weapons across
FEARS of open conflict between China and India
have surged after satellite images appeared to show a stockpile of weapons and a dramatic Chinese troop build-up along part
of the contested border.
Back in May 20 Indian soldiers were
killed in border clashes with their Chinese counterparts which were fought with metal bars, rocks and clubs. An unconfirmed
number of Chinese troops are also believed to have died in the hand-to-hand fighting.
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WW3 warning: China plotting to 'teach India a lesson' as border tensions explode
WORLD WAR 3 fears could be realised if China provokes India further to "teach
the country a lesson", according to an expert.
WW3 could be sparked by further border disputes between China and India. Deputy director at The Asia Program, Michael Kugelman warned China wants to teach India a lesson in the border disputes.
During an interview with, Mr Kugelman said things could escalate between the two nations if heavier weaponry
is used that results in fatalities.
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Michigan College Will Digitally Track Students' Movements At All Times
Mandatory mobile app will save location data, medical records
A Michigan college is requiring students to download a phone application that tracks their
location and private health data at all times in an attempt to protect them from the coronavirus.
Albion College, located in Albion, Mich., is one of the first schools in the country to tackle
contact tracing. The school is working to create a "COVID-bubble" on campus, and asking students stay within
the school's 4.5-mile perimeter for the entire semester; if a student leaves campus, the app will notify the administration,
and the student could be temporarily suspended.
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Lockdown warning: 'Our families are starving,' they'll become 'revolutionary citizens
real soon'
'It's not going to be peaceful for much longer'
A military veteran business owner in Northern California lit into his county's leaders
at a board of supervisors meeting, warning that restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic are threatening the lives of
his family and many others.
"This is a warning for what's coming;
it's not going to be peaceful for much longer," Carlos Zapata told the Shasta County board in Redding, California, on
Aug. 11.
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Six Scenarios for Military Intervention After January 20
We have to be able to talk about the military's political influence.
A heated debate is unfolding over a possible role to be played by the U.S. military in safeguarding
the democratic transfer of presidential power on January 20, 2021. Two retired U.S. Army officers, John Nagl and Paul Yingling,
began the furor with an open letter to Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, encouraging him to take an active role in ensuring the Constitutionally-mandated
democratic transition occurs in January, should it become necessary. But the debate is itself symptomatic of a deeper problem
in the political discourse, a disorder that opens the United States to six scenarios where an authoritarian coup is made more
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Coronavirus vaccines are loaded with ingredients made from aborted baby body parts
(Natural News) As drug companies ramp up efforts to fast-track their "Operation Warp Speed" vaccine candidates for the Wuhan
coronavirus (COVID-19), many unsuspecting Christians and conservatives are unaware of the fact that these jabs are slated
to contain toxic ingredients derived from aborted human babies.
Like many other childhood vaccines such as those for measles, smallpox,
and polio, the new Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines currently under development contain additives that were long ago
spliced into existence using the remains of tiny babies murdered in the womb.
more here:
Soros-backed "bioethicist" says people who refuse coronavirus vaccines
should lose their jobs or be imprisoned
(Natural News) Dov Fox, a Soros fellow who currently works as director of the Center for Health Law Policy and Bioethics at the, has come out to claim that people who refuse vaccination for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) could lose their jobs or even be sent to
According to Fox, who is said to be a bioethics "expert,"
it is completely legal and constitutional for state governments to fine, imprison, or deny employment to people who say no
to the jabs, no matter the reason.
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India to launch mandatory digital health card built on concept developed by globalist vaccine pimp
Bill Gates
(Natural News) Being one of the richest men in the world has given Microsoft founder Bill Gates far too much time on his hands and, in
many ways, far too much power and influence.
As reported by Great Game India, the Indian government is set to implement a mandatory health card program that is modeled after a concept developed by Gates,
a one-world globalist and vaccine pusher who literally has the power to control messaging, access to information, and other necessities a free people require in order to remain free.
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Yes, once again, dear reader, we
buckle up and venture into the mad, mad world where no one proved a new and unique coronavirus exists, but where all leaders
assume it does.
Brief background: once a person accepts the notion that
a new virus is exploding in epic fashion across the world, he is committed to a few inescapable propositions that flow from
this assumption. The most important one: nothing will stop the virus except the acquisition of natural immunity by the population.
And how would this natural immunity be gained? Through mass exposure to the germ. In other
words, living life is the answer.
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Hitler's "Final Solution" Was A Frail Mirror Of What's Coming
Terror against Jews became the all-consuming drive of Hitler's plan to eradicate the House
of Israel from Germany and the planet. Hitler held the Jewish bankers and others of the race responsible for Germany's defeat
and humiliation in World War I.
He wrote in his book, Mein Kampf,
that the Jews were at the heart of most all of the problems in the world-and, particularly, in Germany. They were, he
said, a subhuman and inferior race, and must be eliminated. This must be done, along with the subjection of all other inferior
peoples, so that the Aryan race could dominate Germany and eventually the world.
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New York City is ‘dead forever,' according to this proud New Yorker
Will the city that never sleeps ever wake up?
Not according to James Altucher, a best-selling author and former hedge-fund manager (and a former MarketWatch columnist), who says that New York City is "dead forever" as its residents come to grips with the reality of the coronavirus
pandemic and what it means for the fate of the Big Apple.
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Alabama launches statewide coronavirus tracking app
A smart phone app that alerts users to coronavirus exposure has been released for general use in
Alabama and experts said it could become a powerful tool to curb spread of the virus.
The GuideSafe Exposure Notification App is free to download and available to all Alabama residents with iPhone and Android devices. It communicates confidentially with other app users to track contacts who have spent 15 minutes within 6 feet of
each other, which is the length of exposure public health officials use in contact tracing.
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Doctors Lay Out Plan to ‘Punish' People Who Refuse Coronavirus Vaccine:
‘There Is No Alternative'
A coronavirus vaccine should
be mandatory, and tax penalties, higher insurance premiums, and denial of many government and private services ought to be
considered for those refusing the shot, two doctors and an attorney argued in USA Today on Thursday.
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20 Questions the Woke Can't Answer ... Because Thinking Makes Their Brains Hurt
A few weeks ago I posed 33 questions - one for each year of Our Lord's earthly life - to pose to befuddled, Woke folks whom you encounter. People seemed to find
them helpful. And events keep spinning out of any rational control, as the left continues to escalate its violence, and demand
more raw power on America's city streets.
Each outrage, each morally blinkered
or factually challenged assertion by these elites, raises new questions. Let me formulate mine for you. See if they come in
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Most Prestigious Peer-Reviewed Medical Journal (New England Journal Of Medicine) Advocates
That "No Man Might Buy Or Sell, Save He That Hath The (Covid-19 Vaccination) Mark" - See REV. 13:17
A new paper published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) attempts
to make the case that people who refuse a future vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) should no longer be allowed
to work and make a living. In order to enforce compliance with potential vaccine mandates, the paper, entitled, "Ensuring
Uptake of Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2," states that "substantive penalties" need to be imposed, including loss
of employment... (READ MORE)
Mutation That's "10 Times More Infectious" Than The Original Discovered In Malaysia
The English-language press is generally no fan of Philippines' pseudo-'Strongman' Rodrigo Duterte
(half of the Americans who know who he is probably mistakenly believe him to be an autocrat due to the general tone of the
coverage, although he was Democratically elected). Nonetheless, they've begrudgingly given him credit for his military-imposed
lockdowns, and for reimposing the restrictive measures in and around Manila. Still, none of this has stopped Southeast Asia's
biggest outbreak from clearly still has a long way to go to bring COVID-19 to heel.
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China unveils terrifying new 1000lb hybrid missile that scatters smaller bombs to destroy
a 64,000sq ft area
CHINA has unveiled a terrifying new hybrid
missile it's claimed can take out an entire airfield with a single shot.
1000lb weapon has the ability to destroy an area of 64,000 square feet by releasing hundreds of bomblets, a report on state
television has said.
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BIO UPGRADABLE Meet the super-rich
‘biohackers' turning into cyborgs with in-built armour and injecting teenagers' BLOOD to stay young
From daily sessions in sub-zero cryo-chambers to stem cell injection and transfusions
of teenagers' BLOOD, their bizarre attempts to become superhuman have fuelled a multi-million dollar industry.
It may sound like something out of a sci-fi novel, but there's a growing band of Silicon
Valley billionaires who believe they can achieve eternal life through "biohacking" - the process of making alterations
to your body to keep it younger.
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Their Worm Never Dies, We Do Not Live in a Free America Anymore One-World Global Government
The Left, a broad term for Liberal Socialist Democrats that can only be explained fully
by using the Bible explanation of the human race is as follows. A servant of Satan, because you are either saved or lost.
This election has brought out the true nature of who you serve. Simply put, it's Donald Trump, Conservatives, and Christians
against the rest of the world. The Left's Love applies only to those who believe as they do. They Love evil and commit Anarchy
against those who love good. They are governed by lies and never tell the truth. On this Friday, Inaugural Day for the swearing-in
of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States the Left wants to commit widespread Anarchy to shut down the swearing-in
ceremony. Their goal of transforming America, which was founded in Judea Christian values into a Pagan Nation is almost complete.
Their goal has always been the total removal of God from American society and the downfall of America. Donald Trump says he
is a Presbyterian, but he left off the USA, an apostate church.
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Let These Liberal Cities Burn: Antifa, BLM Calls Black Conservatives 'Coons' As
Liberals Leaders Refuse To Prosecute Rioters, Arsonists And Terrorists
With Antifa and black Lives Matter (BLM) in the news so frequently these days, one would think that by watching the
BLM/Antifa failures over the past months, some of them would learn that Americans have had just about enough of their antics.
Obviously we gave them too much credit for having a working brain cell left.
We have run across multiple examples, via video footage of these rioters alienating black Americans,
calling black Trump supporters "coons," attacking police and getting their butts handed to them, women hysterically laughing at the stupidity of trying to interrupt a Back the Blue Rally Seattle rally.
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Human organs could soon merge with computers as scientists create 'cyborg technology'
to monitor health and track tumours
A new 'cyborg-like'
technology has been developed to safely merge electronic devices with human tissue to better monitor health and track tumours.
Scientists from the University of Delaware found a way to attach devices inside a human
body by connecting it to tissue using a coating that is more energy efficient.
Connecting electronics to tissue is a 'huge challenge', researchers say as materials used in technology like gold
and silicon cause scarring that can interrupt data flow.
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North Koreans are ordered to hand over 'decadent and bourgeois' pet dogs for 'restaurant
meat' as the country is rocked by food shortages
Kim Jong-un has declared that pet dogs are a symbol of capitalist 'decadence' and ordered that dogs in Pyongyang be rounded up - and
owners are fearful that their beloved pets are being used to solve the nation's food shortages.
Dictator Kim announced in July that owning a pet is now against the law, denouncing having a dog
at home as 'a tainted trend of bourgeois ideology'.
'Authorities have
identified households with pet dogs and are forcing them to give them up or forcefully confiscating them and putting them
down', a source told South Korea's Chosun Ilbo newspaper.
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Disney "Makes History" By Introducing Its First Bisexual Cartoon Character
Disney's series, "The Owl House", is now the first official animated
show to feature a bisexual main character. Both Variety and the Daily Mail described the introduction of the character as "making history".
The show's 14 year old main character, Luz Noceda, is portrayed as a normal teenager who goes to
another world to become a witch. On the show, she has shown both attraction to male characters and recently with a
recurring female character named Amity.
It is revealed
that Luz had intentions of asking the other female character to a prom-style event and the series shows the two of them sharing
a dance together in an episode.
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Millie Weaver faces her first court hearing this morning after being arrested
and jailed last Friday
New media reporter Millie Weaver is scheduled
to have her first court hearing this morning after a weekend in jail following her arrest last Friday. Weaver's arrest came
on the eve of the release of her 82-minute documentary Shadow Gate that is an exposé of the Deep State with
the assistance of two individuals identified as whistleblowers. Her arrest and incarceration in the Portage County Jail in Ravenna, Ohio immediately raised suspicions that she was being subjected to a scary new level
of intimidation and censorship.
Millennial Millie, as Weaver is known,
is a conservative rising star on the new and alternative media landscape, having worked as a reporter and contributor for
Infowars since 2012 and lately on her own, as well. She has developed a loyal following and there is widespread interest in
the outcome of the legal case against her.
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New Zealand To Put COVID-19 Patients Into Mandatory Quarantine Camps
In a move right out of George Orwell's 1984, New Zealand has announced it would put all COVID-19 patients into mandatory quarantine camps. The Prime Minister of New Zealand has said that your each and every activity will be monitored in these camps and those
that refuse to be tested would be forced to stay in the camps for a longer duration.
New Zealand's Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield announced at a press conference that the use of quarantine facilities marks a major departure from how positive cases were managed
by health officials when New Zealand was last at level 3, as cases earlier in the year were told to simply self-isolate in
their homes.
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And A New ‘Planetary Quarantine' Report Echoes His WORMWOOD PROPHECY Warnings Over Risks Of A Near-Future ALIEN CONTAGION
[As pointed out in Dr. Thomas Horn's new THE WORMWOOD PROPHECY-GET IT FREE WITH OFFER HERE], in Michael Crichton's 1969 novel The Andromeda Strain, a deadly alien microbe hitches a ride to Earth aboard a downed military
satellite and scientists must race to contain it. While fictional, the plot explores a very real and longstanding concern
shared by NASA and world governments: that spacefaring humans... may unwittingly contaminate Earth with extraterrestrial life...
It's an old fear that's taken on a new relevance in the era of COVID-19, said Scott Hubbard, an adjunct professor of aeronautics
and astronautics at Stanford University. Hubbard is a co-author of a new report published last month by the National Academies
of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine that reviews recent findings and recommendations related to "planetary protection"
or "planetary quarantine" - the safeguarding of Earth and other worlds from biological cross-contamination... (READ MORE)
CONSIDER THIS: Biden's VP Pick Kamala Harris' Pagan Name Invokes "The Destroyer Of Worlds," "Illusion,"
"Demonic Warfare"
Joe Biden has chosen Senator Kamala
Harris to join him on the ticket this November. Harris' unique name - Kamala Devi - and that of her sister, Maya, were bestowed
names that are drawn from pagan mythology. Kamala itself is a name of a well-known Hindu goddess, who is probably better known
as Lakshmi. Devi is a Hindu goddess as well. It is a Sanskrit word that means "goddess," but it is also the name
of the Hindu mother goddess. Devi has a fierce side, and is involved in not only creating worlds, but destroying them as well.
Her sister's middle name matches Kamala's - Maya's middle name is Lakshmi. Maya is also a Sanskrit name meaning "illusion,"
and is another name of Durga, a Hindu goddess of war... (READ MORE)
Using Threat Of House-Arrest And Legal Punishment Against Those Who Refuse To
Comply, Biden-Supporting Doctors Lay Out Plan To "Cause All, Both Small And Great, To Receive A Vaccine"
SKYWATCH NOTE: The new book ANTICHRIST AND THE FINAL SOLUTION picks up where Dr. Thomas Horn left off in 2018-2019 with his bestselling works Blood on the Altar, Shadowland, and The Milieu, in which he speculated that the ‘Mark' (Greek charagma, "to stamp on or to inject something beneath
the skin") of the Beast could be initiated by a pandemic that results in mandatory vaccination. Within a few months after
Shadowland was published, Covid-19 was here. Now a team of Biden supporting doctors argue in USA Today that a coronavirus vaccine should
be mandatory, and tax penalties, higher insurance premiums, denial of government and private services [and possibly even prison]
ought to be considered for those refusing the shot. "[W]hile the measures that will be necessary to defeat the coronavirus
will seem draconian, even anti-American to some, we believe that there is no alternative. Simply put, getting vaccinated is
going to be our patriotic duty," wrote Drs. Michael Lederman, Maxwell J. Mehlman, and Stuart Youngner. There is no "alternative
to vaccine-induced herd immunity in a pandemic," they argued. "Broad induction of immunity in the population by
immunization will be necessary... (READ MORE)
Lockdowns, Coronavirus, and Banks: "Following the Money". Devastating Economic and Social Impacts
It usually makes sense to follow the money when seeking understanding of almost any
major change. The strategy of following the money in our current convergence of crises in late summer of 2020 leads us directly
to the lockdowns. The lockdowns were first imposed on people in the Wuhan area of China. Then other populations throughout
the world were told to "shelter in place," all in the name of combating the COVID-19 virus.
of the enormous impact of the lockdowns is still developing. The lockdowns are proving to pack a far more devastating punch
than any other aspect of the strange sequence of events that is making 2020 a year like no other. Even when the issues are
narrowed to those of human health, the lockdowns have had, and will continue to have, far more wide-ranging and devastating
impacts than the celebrity virus.
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East German government
Stasi, official name Ministerium für Staatsicherheit (German:
"Ministry for State Security"), secret police agency of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). The Stasi was one of the most hated and feared institutions of the East German communist government.
The Stasi developed out of the internal security and police apparatus established in the
Soviet zone of occupation in Germany after World War II. The law establishing the ministry, whose forerunner was the Kommissariat 5 (modeled along the lines of the Soviet KGB), was passed by the East German legislature on February 8, 1950, four months after the establishment of the German Democratic
Republic. The Stasi, whose formal role was not defined in the legislation, was responsible for both domestic political surveillance
and foreign espionage, and it was overseen by the ruling Socialist Unity Party. Its staff was at first quite small, and its chief responsibilities were counterintelligence against Western agents and the
suppression of the last vestiges of Nazism. Soon, however, the Stasi became known for kidnapping former East German officials
who had fled the country; many of those who were forcibly returned were executed.
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Several universities in the US have set up systems so students can report on each other if they
see anyone breaking the Covid ‘rules'.
Campus Reform notes that universities in Miami, Texas, and New Orleans have all encouraged students to play campus stasi when it comes to the Covid guidelines.
Yale has also got in on the act with a hotline, along with The University of North Georgia, whose plea for students to police each other prompted the Southeastern Legal Foundation to pen a letter warning
that the system may violate students' privacy and freedom of speech.
more here:
The most revealing poll of all: gun sales
For decades, the Democratic party has wanted to abrogate the Second Amendment, to ban the sale of
guns of any and all calibers, sizes, shapes and potential uses. They have long sought to limit the amount of ammo
per gun and were just foiled again on that score.
The left has yet to realize the obvious, that criminals
do not obey laws of any kind, least of all gun laws. So deluded are the gun-banning Democrats, they do not believe
that Americans have the right to defend themselves against said criminals. These Democrats who want to run our
lives all have armed security themselves, but we peons are, in their warped view, are to be forever denied the rights they
bestow upon themselves.
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Air Force Uses Reconnaissance Microrobots For Base Security Missions
The Air Force has added throwable reconnaissance microrobots to their
arsenal for base security missions, read a military press release.
Airman of the 96th Security Forces Squadron (96th SFS), at Eglin
Air Force Base, located in western Florida, were supplied with Throwbots, a football-sized robot that remotely
transmits video and audio to the operator, to help them clear buildings, locate and identify suspects, and confirm the layout
of a room during hostage situations. The robot will also be used for vehicle inspections at base checkpoints and random anti-terrorism
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The Democrats' coming Nov. 4 riots
The Democratic playbook for November is now set in stone. And it turns out that the cocktail of calamity in COVID-19
and George Floyd's demise has proven to be too sumptuous for the party to resist.
Democrats are doing what they always do, which is to never let a good crisis go to waste. And true to form for the
contemporary brand of Democrat, instead of doing whatever it takes to destroy our nation's threats, today's Democrats are
once again threatening to do whatever it takes to destroy our nation.
more here:
Over 40 people shot across New York City in 48 hours: NYPD
More than 40 people have been injured in over two dozen shootings since Friday, New York
City police said Sunday morning.
In the 48-hour period from midnight Friday
morning to midnight Sunday morning, there were 32 shootings that injured 43 people, according to NYPD data.
Several people were killed, including an off-duty correction officer who was
shot in the head and torso in Queens early Saturday morning, officials said.
more here:
Fields of human cages discovered in Caruthers California: Video
In what can only be considered a completely communistic and diabolical plan to
enslave the American people, a vast field containing what appears to be human cages outfitted with toilets was discovered
in the California town of Caruthers.
Human holding cells appear
to be packed into a desert field in somewhat of an organized fashion.
number of rows and tiers of cells can be seen along with hundreds of mobile, truck outfitted, human holding tanks.
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Harbingers Of Full-Scale Medical Tyranny Ahead: Govt Prepares
To Deliberately Infect Americans With Man-Made Coronavirus Then Force Family Members To Be Removed From Homes Of Infected
A Recipe For Tyranny Has Been Brewed Up By Democrats In America
Several stories linked to on the top of globalist outlet Drudge Report for well over 24
hours over the weekend are harbingers of the full-scale medical tyranny about to be unveiled in America should we continue
upon the path we're on. With this story over at MSN dropping the bombshell that we had warned about on ANP all the way back on March 21st of this year, that 'enforced isolations' of those testing positive for covid-19 might be next, the signs of what America may
look like in 2021 and into the future are everywhere.
more here:
Conservative Journalist Arrested & Jailed Ahead Of 'ShadowGate' Documentary Release
As Peter Bary Chowka detailed earlier at, Millie Weaver, widely known as Millennial Millie, a 29-year old conservative new media video and print journalist with a large following online, was arrested at her home
in Ohio on Friday morning. Police officers apparently from a local SWAT team took Weaver to the Portage County Jail
in Ravenna, Ohio where she is being held without bail until at least Monday for a "tentative status hearing."
A short video captured on her cell phone as she was being taken away was posted online.
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The Ignored Genocide of Christians in Nigeria
The mass slaughter of Christians in Nigeria, which some international observers have classified as genocide, is reaching unprecedented levels.
to an August 4 report, at least 171 Christians were slaughtered by Muslim Fulani herdsmen in the space roughly three weeks:
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Perishing For Lack of Knowledge
Are you aware of what's been going on in the world lately? How well do you follow current world events?
I assume, since you're either listening to this by radio or reading this in print, that you are already well informed, much
more so than the average person. But I'd like to begin today with some news briefs regarding things that have taken
place just recently, and just see if you've heard of these things.
as a reference point, as I prepare this message we're nearing the middle of August, 2020. Let's start with
Los Angeles, where the mayor there, Eric Garcetti announced on August 6th that he ordered the LA Department of Water
and Power to cut off the water and electricity to any homes, venues or businesses in violation of COVID-19 "safety measures."
This will potentially put thousands of people in serious danger. We're no longer just talking about a fine for not wearing
a mask; now, if you disobey the mayor's edict, you'll find yourself with no water for drinking, cooking and sanitation purposes
and no electricity to run home appliances or medical devices.
Read more
The Future of Technology and International Development: the trigger for the imposition
of police-state controls on movement, economy, and other areas of society
The epidemic playing out in China and two dozen other countries, including the US, is unfolding in line with a decade-old simulation titled "Lock Step" devised by the Rockefeller Foundation in conjunction with the Global Business Network. The scenario,
one of four included in a publication called "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development"
in 2010, describes a coronavirus-like pandemic that becomes the trigger for the imposition of police-state controls on movement,
economy, and other areas of society.
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Can the American Military Prevent a Second Civil War? Divided loyalties within
the armed forces could put the answer in doubt
What would America
look like if its military split into hostile factions? What would happen if thousands of American troops refused to carry
out the orders of their commander in chief-or even took up arms against him? Nothing like this has happened in the United
States since the Civil War. But today, more and more former defense officials are publicly accusing President Donald Trump
of betraying his oath of office.
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Shocking Dystopian Video Of NYC Shows An Abandoned And Boarded Up 5th Avenue
De Blasio's New York has finally hit an all-time low: the once bustling city is
now on the verge of looking like a demilitarized zone. Between the pandemic and the riots in the city, iconic 5th Avenue now
looks more like a dystopian nightmare in a recently shot video posted to Twitter.
The video follows a car driving down a deserted 5th Avenue, with almost all of the area's high end stores boarded
up and shut down. There are few people seen on what is usually a busy street.
at everything. Everything's boarded up. Even the hotel. Boarded up," the video's narrator, who is obviously
fed up with how the city looks, says.
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Protests spark battles across the US: Antifa and Proud Boys
brawl in Michigan, cops clash with BLM marchers in Chicago and pro-police demonstrators fire gunshots in Portland as rallies
turn violent
Brawls between Antifa and far-right Proud Boys broke
out on the streets of a Michigan city on Saturday, as protests turned violent across the United States this weekend.
From Portland in the west to Miami in the east, via Michigan, Salt Lake City, Minneapolis
and Chicago, Americans took to the streets on Saturday to demand change.
In Michigan, a rally by the far-right group Proud Boys turned violent in downtown Kalamazoo, with demonstrators
clashing with anti-racism protesters at a vigil organized by the First Congregational Church.
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American Passports Are Useless Now
a United States citizen was meaningful to me for a great number of reasons. German by birth, I had come to feel at home in
America, and to love it. For all the deep injustices that shape this country, I remained convinced that the United States
was more likely than just about any other place in the world to build a thriving, diverse democracy. And when I wrote about
the danger that right-wing populists like Donald Trump pose to the American republic, I cherished being able to speak about
his assault on our, as opposed to your, values and institutions.
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Vatican Issues New Pontifical Academy Directive Blaming Humans For Covid-19, Say MOTHER EARTH Was Forced
To Attack Us With Virus Because Of Our Sins Against Her
the lengthy directive from the Vatican fails to mention God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus or any other tenant of traditional Christianity,
it squarely takes on members of the body of Christ and humanity in general as reaping what we have sown by our abusing of
all-mighty GAIA with our actions. For example, this excerpt: "The Covid-19 epidemic has much to do with our depredation
of the earth and the despoiling of its intrinsic value. It is a symptom of our earth's malaise and our failure to care; more,
a sign of our own spiritual malaise (Laudato Si', n. 119). Will we be able to remedy the fracture that has separated us from
our natural world, too often turning our assertive subjectivities into a menace to creation, a menace to one another? Consider
the chain of connections that link the following phenomena: increasing deforestation pushes wild animals in the proximity
of human habitat. Viruses hosted by animals, then, are passed on to humans, thus exacerbating the reality of zoonosis, a phenomenon
well known to scientists as a vehicle of many diseases. The exaggerated demand for meat in first world countries gives rise
to enormous industrial complexes of animal farming and exploitation. It is easy to see how these interactions might ultimately
occasion the spread of a virus through international transportation, mass mobility of people, business travelling, tourism,
etc... (READ MORE)
Horowitz: Exposing The MASKerade: The Questions Every American Should Be Asking
About Indefinite Mandates
The trope of "just shut up and
wear a mask" is not science, ordered liberty, or constitutional governance. It's what they do in North Korea. We need
real debate on the effectiveness of masks, the type of masks, the situations in which they are worn, the duration of time,
the benchmarks that need to be met to measure effectiveness, and the process for promulgating these rules. We are no longer
24 hours into an emergency. We are four months into this virus, and it's time to function like the representative republic
that we are. There are numerous political and scientific questions any thinking person should be asking at this point... (READ MORE)
BREAKING: Millie Weaver wasn't arrested; she was ABDUCTED by the deep state and
is being held for possible interrogation
(Natural News) We are now living in an era characterized by the total collapse of the rule of law. The deep state is run by lawless, treasonous
criminals who will do anything to silence critics and whistleblowers, and when Millie Weaver ("Millennial Millie")
began releasing a new documentary film today called "Shadow Gate," the deep state went into action.
According to deep background sources, Millie Weaver was abducted by deep state
operators today and is being held under the false authority of deep state operatives. She was not arrested by any
lawful process, and there was no legitimate "grand jury" indictment.
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An Exercise in Obedience: People Are Being Conditioned to Take the Mark of the Beast
Doctors lay out plan to ‘punish' people who refuse coronavirus vaccine:
‘There is no alternative'
‘Simply put, getting vaccinated is going to be our patriotic duty,' and America
should consider making it difficult for the unvaccinated to participate in society,
Now, allow me to reword the above quote as coming from the Globalist Press during Tribulation:
"Globalists lay out plan to ‘punish' people who refuse the mark of
the beast: ‘There is no alternative'
‘Simply put, getting the mark is going to be our Globalist duty,' and
the World should consider making it ‘impossible' for the un-marked to participate in society."
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With 4th Generation Psychological Warfare Being Waged Upon Americans, The 'Confluence
Of Destabilizing Crises' Striking America Are Nothing Less Than Calculated Treachery
Americans Bugging Out Of The Cities As Globalists Wage Secret War Upon The American People
This recent story over at the NY Post merely underscores what much of the independent media has been warning about over the past several years. Titled "A
Mad Rush For The Exits As New York City Goes Down The Tubes", moving companies across the city have testified to
the 'escape from New York' we're now witnessing as long-time residents move out in droves, the 'canaries in the
coal mine' getting out of Dodge before the real tyranny starts with covid-19 restrictions just a test to see just how much tyranny Americans will take.
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Are bread riots coming to America?
Over the
last week, just under 1 million people filed for ordinary unemployment benefits, plus another half-million under the special pandemic unemployment program for people
who don't ordinarily qualify, a substantial decline from some of the numbers seen since the beginning of the pandemic. At
this rate, by mid-September or so, new unemployment claims will be merely as bad as they were during the worst of the Great
Those unemployment benefits, however, because this country
has systematically stripped and sabotaged its safety net, are extremely meager and often nearly impossible to actually get.
Hundreds of thousands of private citizens who have lost their jobs are flocking to Reddit for help and advice, as state unemployment bureaucracies are so janky and swamped they often can't deal with the flood of
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Trump announces 'Historic Peace Agreement' between Israel, UAE
President Trump on Thursday announced what he called a "Historic Peace Agreement" between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, saying they agreed to "full normalization of relations."
breakthrough today! Historic Peace Agreement between our two GREAT friends, Israel and the United Arab Emirates!" Trump
tweeted Thursday morning.
The president, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu and Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed
released a joint statement Thursday, after the three spoke "and agreed to the full normalization of relations between
Israel and the United Arab Emirates." The statement said that the "diplomatic breakthrough" was at "the
request of President Trump," and that Israel will "suspend declaring sovereignty over areas outlined in the President's
Vision for Peace and focus its efforts now on expanding ties with other countries in the Arab and Muslim world."
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Australian police go FULL NAZI, smashing in windows of civilian cars just because passengers wouldn't give
details about where they were going
(Natural News) The Australian police have gone full Nazi combining their fascist-looking uniforms with violent tactics for obtaining private
information from citizens who haven't broken the law. These power-crazed, hot-headed maniacs are functioning as if Hitler
gave them direct orders to get everyone's "papers" at all costs. Dressed in black from top to bottom, the S.S. police
of Australia have a new style for running their regime, and it's all fueled and propagandized by the biological weapon and contagion you may know as coronavirus.
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How Would You Feel About A Nationwide Mask Mandate That Forced You To Wear A Mask In Public At All Times?
I think that this headline is going to upset a lot of people, and it should. Personally,
I believe that if you want to wear a mask you should be able to wear a mask, but if you don't want to wear a mask you should
not be forced to wear one. And I also believe that we should be respectful of the choices that others have made.
I have seen so many instances where a crazed individual has viciously gone after someone else for either wearing or not wearing
a mask, and that should not be happening. Why don't we all just chill out and let people deal with this pandemic however
they want to deal with it? To me, that makes a whole lot of sense. Unfortunately, many of our control freak politicians
want to micromanage our behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic, and that includes the Democratic candidate for president.
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100,000 Pasta Boxes And Enough Peanut Butter To Make Nearly 3 Million Sandwiches
If everything is going to be just fine, why are officials spending millions of dollars
to stockpile giant mountains of food? What has just been revealed about the "new food warehouse" in Washington
state should be a major red flag for all of us. Most Americans seem to believe that the COVID-19 pandemic, the enormous economic problems that have erupted and the nightmarish civil unrest that has been raging in our major cities are all just temporary phenomenons
and that life will eventually get back to normal. Meanwhile, authorities in Washington state are acting as if what we
have experienced so far is just the beginning. According to the Seattle Times, stockpiles of food are being stacked all the way to the roof in "Washington state's new food warehouse"...
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A human F-16 pilot will fight against AI in an upcoming contest
WASHINGTON - An artificial intelligence algorithm will face off against a human F-16 fighter pilot in an aerial combat simulation in late August, the U.S. Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency announced Aug. 7.
The simulation - the
third and final competition in DARPA's AlphaDogfight Trials - will take place Aug. 20. The event will be virtual due to the
ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
The AlphaDogfight Trials was created to
demonstrate advanced AI systems' ability in air warfare. Eight teams were selected last year to participate in the final competition that runs from Aug. 18-20. The competition is
also part of DARPA's Air Combat Evolution, or ACE, program, which was started in 2019, and seeks to automate air-to-air combat
as well as improve human trust in AI systems to bolster human-machine teaming.
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Artificial intelligence: Removing the human from mission command
Disruptive technologies drive doctrinal and operational changes for modern militaries. Particularly in the last 120
years, industrial and technological advancements have revolutionized warfare. In the last century, the United States military
has developed a military machine that is centered on a guiding command-and-control principle: centralized control, decentralized
execution. However, the next decade will bring significant advancements in autonomous decision-making and artificial intelligence,
chauffeuring in resilient, distributed command and control and dislodging the human operator from mission command.
Red more here:
Mainstream media "scientists" threaten punishment for refusers of coronavirus vaccines, regardless
of their safety
(Natural News) A handful of mainstream "scientists," writing for fake news outlet USA Today, has published a new op-ed that calls for everyone in America to either take a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine or else be punished by the state.
Michael Lederman, Maxwell J. Mehlman, and Stuart Youngner, in a piece entitled, "Defeat
COVID-19 by requiring vaccination for all. It's not un-American, it's patriotic," contend that the only way to overcome
the plandemic is to force everyone to be vaccinated - no exceptions.
"To win the war against the novel coronavirus that has killed nearly 163,000 people in this country, the only
answer is compulsory vaccination - for all of us," they write.
more here:
German parents face jail if they don't confine COVID-suspected children in their own rooms
August 13, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - Local government authorities in Germany have threatened parents whose children are suspected of having contracted the
coronavirus with fines and jail time when they don't isolate their children in their own rooms.
According to a report released by German newspaper Die Welt, some local government agencies even ordered the children not to eat with other family members.
"Your child must avoid contact with other household members in the household by ensuring that
there is a separation in time and space," one letter read. "No meals together. Your child should preferably be alone
in a room separate from other household members."
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Artificial Intelligence: Are we ready to cease control?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a prevalent theme of science fiction for decades
now. The idea that machines can exhibit same level of intelligence as humans has kept writers and audience in the firm grip
in all sorts of art, from top selling novels to blockbuster movies. But artists and futurists have a certain habit of romanticizing
the subject. Like frequent inclusion of robots similar to humans. And I get it, that is an easier method than expecting your
audience to show empathy with long lines of code. But this artistic image of AI is wrong. Portraying AI as humanoid robot
is analogous to creating chassis of car; even before invention of combustion engine.
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Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda. Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls for an Investigation
For over twenty years Bill Gates and his Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
(BMGF) have been vaccinating foremost children by the millions in remote areas of poor countries, mostly Africa and Asia.
Most of their vaccination program had disastrous results, causing the very illness (polio, for example in India) and sterilizing young women . Many of the children died. Many of the programs were carried out
with the backing of the WHO and - yes - the UN Agency responsible for the Protection of Children, UNICEF.
Most of these vaccination campaigns were implemented without the informed-consent of the
children, parents, guardians or teachers, nor with the informed-consent, or with forged consent, of the respective government
authorities. In the aftermath, The Gates Foundation was sued by governments around the world, Kenya, India, the Philippines
- and more.
Read more here:
Fed partnering with MIT to develop "hypothetical digital currency"
The Fed is investigating whether a central bank digital currency (CBDC) would
be safe and efficient for widespread use
The Federal Reserve
Bank of Boston is partnering with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to develop, test, and research a hypothetical digital currency over a two to three year period.
Federal Reserve Board Governor Lael
Brainard said that the Fed is investigating whether a central bank digital currency (CBDC) would be safe and efficient for widespread use.
"Given the dollar's important role, it is essential that the Federal Reserve remain
on the frontier of research and policy development regarding CBDCs," Brainard said at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco's Innovation Office Hours. "As part of this research, central banks are
exploring the potential of innovative technologies to offer a digital equivalent of cash. Like other central banks, we are
continuing to assess the opportunities and challenges of, as well as the use cases for, a CBDC, as a complement to cash and
other payments options.
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The Second Rush of Groceries Hoarding (And What You Can Do About It)
Everyone agrees that 2020 has been a strange year, with disaster after disaster that we've
had to deal with. More than anything, it has been known as the year of COVID-19. But if I were to pick out a second thing
for this year to be known for, I would call it the year of shortages. Never in my life have I seen shortages in the grocery
stores, like what I've seen this year. They're still happening now, after all these months.
While some of the shortages made sense, like those for disinfectants, gloves and masks, others have been clearly
panic buying. People who weren't prepared started buying up food when the threat of lockdowns was first mentioned.
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Chinese Virologist Claims CCP-Created Wuhan Virus A "Chimera" - Fauci
& WHO Covering For China
Dr. Yan fled China to expose
one of the biggest scandals the world has ever seen
virologist named Li-Meng Yan, who was a researcher at the University of Hong Kong's School of Public Health, recently claimed
the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) was created by the Chinese Communist Party and that the World Health Organization (WHO) and
Dr. Anthony Fauci are covering up for China.
In an interview
with YouTube channel G-Translators last week, Dr. Yan explained that she's been living "under the control of the CCP
government for over 30 years," making it easy for her to understand how the communists control the voices of local "authorities."
Li-Meng arrived in The United States in April after she fled China to become a whistleblower whose goal is to expose the origin of COVID-19.
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Scorching temperatures in Death Valley will shatter records in West, Southwest
You know it's hot when Death Valley, California, breaks high temperature records.
A long-duration, dangerous heat event is setting up for parts of the West that will begin
Friday and last into next week.
More than 34 million people are under
excessive heat watches and warnings across California and the Southwest. Most of the heat alerts go into effect on Friday
and will stay in effect through early next week. During this time, dozens of record highs could be set in the coming days
for cities like Las Vegas, Phoenix, Tucson and Salt Lake City.
Red more
BREAKING: Oregon State Police abandon Portland after local left-wing D.A. refuses
to pursue criminal charges against rioters who attack law enforcement
BREAKING: Portland, Oregon now stands on the verge of collapse into total lawlessness and anarchy, all by design,
as Oregon State Police are pulling out of the city following the decision of the local district attorney to drop nearly all charges against rioters who violently assault law enforcement officials.
again, a radical left-wing D.A. is deliberately plunging their own city into chaos, abandoning their duty to uphold the rule
of law for the protection of the innocent residents of that city.
In essence,
Portland is now being plunged into the kind of lawless, left-wing violence that characterized the CHAZ / CHOP zone in Seattle,
which was openly allowed to be taken over by criminal terrorists with the blessing of the Mayor of Seattle and the Governor
of Washington (both of whom must face arrest and prosecution for treason).
more here:
Growing List Of Shortages In The U.S. Shows A Serious Supply Chain Deficiency
That Is Going To Get Much Worse
When the COVID-19 pandemic first
hit, while Independent Media was telling readers/followers to stock up on food, medical supplies, gloves, masks and sanitizers,
the media was screaming about a shortage in toilet paper, and the more they screamed it, the more Americans emptied the shelves,
while ignoring the fact that no one would need toilet paper if they couldn't eat.
the food shortages started, with many stores putting some of the same limits on meats and other products as they did for toilet
With politics dominating the news at every turn because 2020 is a presidential election
year, the MSM has started largely ignoring the food and other product shortages, in favor of the latest gaffe, comment, action
or campaign blunder.
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AG William Barr says lawless Antifa engaging in "urban guerrilla warfare"
the same way Lenin's "Bolsheviks" operated in Russia
continue to believe that William Barr was President Donald Trump's best appointment, as evidenced by his dedication to helping
clean up the deep state mess left by Barack Obama and his Left-wing sycophants.
In an interview with Fox News' Mark Levin on Sunday, Barr decried the treatment and disrespect of police officers in Democrat-run cities around the country following
the George Floyd incident in May, mostly at the hands of anarchist groups like Antifa as well as Marxist mayors and city council
members who want to "defund" departments.
He also labeled Antifa
as terrorists who are engaging in a new form of "urban guerrilla warfare" with the ultimate goal of toppling our
capitalist system and our republican form of government in the way Russian Communist leader Vladimir Lenin's Bolsheviks did
in post-World War I Russia.
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Why America Is in Real Danger
Without a vaccination, what replaced Christianity in Europe
may well do the same in America.
mericans have long been proud of the
fact that, unlike European countries, America never went the route of totalitarianism as embodied in communism, fascism and
This achievement may be coming to an end.
In order to understand why, it is first necessary to understand why European countries embraced-or
fell victim to-totalitarian doctrines.
Until World War I, the primary
beliefs that gave life meaning, both on a national and personal level, were Judeo-Christian religions and patriotism (love
of one's nation). What gave people moral guidance were Judeo-Christian values.
For most Europeans of the younger generation, World War I, with its seemingly senseless slaughter of millions, ended
belief in Christianity and, in many cases, ended the people's faith in their nations. God was deemed absent; religion was
deemed unnecessary; and national identity was widely seen as a cause of the war.
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San Francisco Sen. Scott Wiener Introduces Bill to Decriminalize Men Having Sex
With Boys
This is what the left calls "progress"
San Francisco state Senator Scott Wiener has introduced a new bill to decriminalize
adult men having sex with boys and he and his allies in the media are smearing all opposition as "homophobic" and
From The Federalist, "No California Shouldn't Decriminalize Adult Sex With 14-Year-Olds":
LGBT activists have pushed reasonable notions of equality to its limits
with obscene perversions. State Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco - the same lawmaker who co-sponsored a bill in 2017 to
remove the felony penalty for knowingly exposing another person to HIV - has introduced a bill, Senate Bill 145 to give judges
more flexibility in sentencing gay men who abuse minors.
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Planned Parenthood Gets More Than 600 Million Dollars A Year From The Federal
The amount of funding that Planned Parenthood receives
from the federal government continues to explode. When Barack Obama's second term ended, Planned Parenthood was getting
about 500 million dollars from the federal government each year, but now that number has risen to more than 600 million dollars
each year. As a candidate for president in 2016, Donald Trump said that he would defund Planned Parenthood, but that has not happened. In fact, it is not even an issue that is being debated on the national stage in 2020.
So Planned Parenthood will continue to be showered with money from the federal government no matter who wins the election
in November, and hardly anyone in America is still talking about how deeply wrong this is.
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Flashback: Kamala Harris Laughs About Murdering Trump
Biden's VP pick also compared ICE to KKK
While many unsavoury claims about Kamala Harris are being dredged up in the wake of Biden tapping her for
his running mate, one that cannot be denied is a video from two years ago when Harris "joked" and manically laughed
on national TV about killing President Trump and VP Mike Pence.
video comes from an appearance on the Ellen DeGeneres show in 2018, before Harris had announced her own doomed Presidential
The host asked "If you had to be stuck in an elevator with
either President Trump, Mike Pence, or Jeff Sessions, who would it be?"
replied "Does one of us have to come out alive?" and then couldn't stop laughing.
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10 Ways the Communist Manifesto has Infiltrated the USA
If you can't handle one little arbitrary political abduction at the hands of secret government
police, socialism may not be for you.
Socialists protesting in Portland
are learning that "The worst thing that can happen to a socialist is to have his country ruled by socialists who are
not his friends." -Ludwig von Mises
See, you might not realize it,
but the USA is already heavily influenced by the socialist/ communist philosophy of Karl Marx.
Socialism is more of an umbrella term, meaning centralized control of the means of production- like
factories and farming- in the hands of the state.
Communism is more extreme,
with complete abolishment of private property, and a dictatorial government that allegedly attempts to distribute wealth "to
each according to his need," and extract labor "from each according to his ability."
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This Is Amerika: Where Fascism, Totalitarianism and Militarism Go Hand In Hand
"In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem, government
IS the problem."-Ronald Reagan
There's a pattern emerging if you
pay close enough attention.
Civil discontent leads to civil unrest, which
leads to protests and counterprotests.
Without fail, what should be an
exercise in how to peacefully disagree turns ugly the moment looting, vandalism, violence, intimidation tactics and rioting are introduced into the equation. Instead of restoring order, local police stand down.
Tensions rise, violence escalates, and federal armies move in.
I think not.
This was the blueprint used three years ago in Charlottesville,
Va., in 2017, when the city regularly cited as being one of the happiest places in America, became ground zero for a heated war of words-and actions-over racism, "sanitizing history," extremism (both right and left), political correctness, hate speech, partisan politics, and a growing fear that violent words will end in violent actions.
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Instagram is hit with $500BILLION class action lawsuit accusing the Facebook-owned
platform of illegally harvesting up to 100 million users' biometric data
A new class-action lawsuit has accused Facebook of illegally harvesting biometric data on its subsidiary platform
Instagram with a photo-tagging tool that allegedly stores facial recognition data.
The lawsuit, filed on Monday in state court in Redwood City, California, accuses the company of collecting, storing and profiting from the biometric data of more than 100 million Instagram
users, without their knowledge or consent.
In a statement to,
a Facebook spokesperson said that the claims are false, and that Instagram does not use the face recognition services that
are offered on Facebook.
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Latrell Allen: Meet The 20-Yr-Old Gangbanger Whose 'Shootout With Police' Triggered
Mass Looting In Chicago
The gangbanger whose alleged shootout
with police in Englewood triggered mass looting in Chicago on Sunday night has been identified as 20-year-old Latrell Allen, who was charged on Monday for attempted murder of police.
"Allen had previous arrests for child endangerment, domestic battery and burglary,"
WGNTV reports.
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Report: U.S. Nuclear Research Lab Hosted Reeducation Camp For 'White Males'
The white men tasked with developing parts for nuclear weapons at one of our nation's
top nuclear weapons labs were sent to a 3-day reeducation camp to be harangued about their "white privilege" and
told to write letters apologizing to PoCs for existing.
Christopher F. Rufo reported on the disturbing brainwashing effort in a long thread Tuesday on Twitter, which I've embedded via ThreadReader for easier reading below:
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Lockdown Restrictions Are A Test To See How Much Tyranny Americans Will Accept
The pandemic lockdowns are a complicated issue, and that is
absolutely deliberate. The point of 4th Generation psychological warfare is to present the target individual or
population with a hard choice - a no-win scenario. You are damned if you do and damned if you don't. I often equate this to
the key moves in a difficult chess game; your primary goal is to create a dual threat and force your opponent to sacrifice
one piece over another in order to escape with the least amount of damage. Do this a few times and you have won the long game.
There are multiple aspects to the global pandemic which seem engineered to push our society
to make "sacrificial decisions". We can choose to sacrifice the lives of those that are susceptible to the virus,
sacrifice our economy, or sacrifice many of our freedoms with the promise that the economy and lives will be protected. The
easiest choice is always to give away a little more freedom. We'll get it all back eventually...right?
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There has been a collision
between a Turkish Oil Exploration Vessel and the Greek Navy Frigate LIMNOS (F-451) in the waters of the Aegean Sea.
The Turk vessel slammed into the Greek vessel when the Greeks moved to block the Turks from entering Greek waters.
The Turkish Drilling Ship YAVUZ, shown below is reported to have suffered serious damage,
including possibly a broken drive shaft, during the collision.
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The George Soros 'Color Revolution' In America Is In Progress - Antifa And BLM Are Nothing More
Than Soros Minions Trying to Destabilize America
A recent unscientific
poll by Poll King, which emails one political question a day to tens of thousands of subscribers, addresses the question of "Is George
Soros behind the recent protests and riots?"
While we rarely take stock in exact numbers
and use polling to find trends and patterns, the results of this one were just too astounding to go unreported.
So far, just hours into the polling, 78.3% of respondents said yes, while 21.7% said no.
The most interesting part of the poll, the pattern, is the breakdown between political
affiliation where even 89.5% of Republicans answered yes, while a whopping 76.5% of Independents agreed that George Soros
is behind these riots, and even 37.9% of Democrats see Soros' hand behind the strings controlling groups like Antifa and a
certain violent faction of Black Lives Matter.
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Letters From Melbourne, a ‘Ghost Town Police State' Under Brutal Covid Lockdown
The citizens of Australia's second most populous city are suffering under the harshest
lockdown conditions of all Western democracies. Their voices need to be heard.
In the last several weeks, Melbourne has introduced shockingly draconian anti-Covid measures, imposed on the metropolis
of some 5 million souls. What tragedy was responsible for spurring officials to leap into action? To blame was a fractional
uptick in the number of coronavirus deaths - seven to be exact, and all involving citizens above the age of 70 years old.
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It Looks Like The (NWO Pukes) are Going to Push This Plandemic Right
Into the Emergency Stage. Right Into FEMA Food Stations as the Economy Falls off Fiscal
Cliff-Hell on Earth...
Going through tribulation, even when it is appointed
by God, is not contrary to Biblical teaching. See especially 1 Peter 4:17; 2 Thessalonians 1:3-10; Hebrews 12:3-11. But even so, Revelation 9:4 suggests that the saints will be in some measure protected in the time of distress by the seal of God.
The latest economic data suggest the US recovery stalled. One look at the Citi
US econ surprise index, as of this week, shows the recovery ran out of steam last month. A fiscal cliff is already underway, set to enter the second week on Friday (Aug. 14) as tens of millions of Americans are unemployed
and have yet to receive their stimulus checks.
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New York City Police Use Pandemic To Create COVID-19 Checkpoints
It's completely unconstitutional and a violation of the Fourth Amendment, as well as possibly
the Fifth Amendment. Yet, New York is doing it. They have set up COVID-19 checkpoints! That's right,
just like the illegal detaining that takes place in DUI checkpoints across the country, New York is doing it with the COVID-19
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Towards a US-China War? The Creation of a Global Totalitarian System, A "One
World Government"?
If we step back from the details
of daily headlines around the world and try to make sense of larger patterns, the dominant dynamic defining world geopolitics
in the past three years or more is the appearance of a genuine irregular conflict between the two most formidable powers on
the planet-The Peoples' Republic of China and the United States of America. Increasingly it's beginning to look as if some
very dark global networks are orchestrating what looks to be an updated rerun of their 1939-1945 World War. Only this time
the stakes are total, and aim at creation a universal global totalitarian system, what David Rockefeller
once called a "one world government." The powers that be periodically use war to gain major policy
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"We're Heading To Complete Financial, Moral, & Political Collapse"
Quite frankly, the Fed's balance sheet chart, and the extreme dollar debasement that it
illustrates, is a disgrace. The fact that the Fed had to add this flagrantly false note as preface to its disgraceful
chart is an insult. Read More ...
Opinion: It began in 1971 when the Nixon administration
enacted a plan that ended dollar convertibility to gold, creating fiat
money, meaning it has no intrinsic value. Sound as a dollar is no more.
‘cleanest shirt in the dirty laundry bag‘ analogy says it best: the rest of the world economies are a
bigger mess than the US.
The Federal Reserve began quantitative easing
in 2009. Fiat money was printed to bail out banks that held tens of billions of toxic mortgage bonds created by the Federal
government after they pressured banks to lend to very high risk borrowers to buy houses.
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Three Israeli tanks cross border fence to enter Lebanese territory
Three Israeli battle tanks have encroached upon a technical fence that separates Lebanon from the occupied
territories amid tensions between the Tel Aviv regime and Hezbollah resistance movement, whose member was killed in an Israeli
airstrike in Syria last month.
Two tanks crossed the so-called
Blue Line - the UN-recognized boundary between the Israeli-occupied territories and Lebanon - near Meiss Ej Jabal village
in the Marjeyoun district on Tuesday, and were deployed in an area of the southern Lebanese neighborhood of Kroum
al-Sharqi, the Arabic-language An-Nahar daily newspaper reported.
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A number of telescopes, government agencies, shut down amid increased asteroid threat
Defying all logic, a number of telescopes and observatories around the world remain closed
amid the coronavirus pandemic while the impact risk of near-earth Earthbound objects remains at an all-time high.
Over 100 telescopes have been reported to have been shut down in a move that virtually
makes no sense and now one of the world's largest radio telescopes named the Arecibo Observatory has been rendered inoperable
after sustaining damage after cable unexpectedly snapped creating about a 100-foot long gash in the dish itself, furthering
fueling the problem.
"We have a team of experts assessing the situation,"
said Arecibo Observatory director Francisco Cordovain. We wish to restore "the facility to full operations as soon
as possible."
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U.S. Deploys THREE B-2 Stealth Bombers To Diego Garcia . . . . China?
Three U.S. Air Force B-2 stealth bombers launched from Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri, early this morning (11 Aug 20), heading for the remote island of Diego
Garcia in the Indian Ocean.
The three bombers flew west from their home
base and out over the Pacific Ocean, passing Hawaii and then onward for a planned run across northern Australia
before continuing west to the secluded island air base.
The aircraft used
radio callsigns Reaper 11, Reaper 12, and Reaper 13, and follows the deployment of six USAF B-52s earlier this year to the
remote base. That deployment was a response to a spike in tensions with Iran.
more here:
Fed Will Not Fight Coming Inflation - Craig Hemke
Financial writer and precious metals expert Craig Hemke predicted in July that silver was about
to start a dramatic move higher. He was right. After Tuesday's smash-down of the metal, Hemke says precious metals
investors have nothing to worry about. Hemke explains, "The important thing to understand is the fundamental stuff
that has driven gold and silver higher, especially in the last couple of weeks, none of that has changed. . . . You get these
speculative excesses. They traded on the COMEX futures exchange (Tuesday 8/11/20) 1.5 billion ounces of pretend
fake digital silver. In a normal non-Covid world, the entire globe mines about 850 million ounces of silver. So,
in one day's trading of the phony baloney plastic silver, they traded two times global mine supply. . . . The picture has
not changed fundamentally. They can trade two times global mine supply and you get these speculative excesses that get
wrung out, but that just sets you up for the next move higher."
more here:
Killer robots are now ‘urgent threat to humanity' and should be BANNED, shock report warns
KILLER robots pose an "urgent threat" to humanity and the world must come together
to stop their development, a grim report warns.
Human rights experts say
the deadly technology, which can lock onto and kill targets without human oversight, should be banned before it's too late.
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Dr. Andrew Wakefield warns about coronavirus vaccines and outrageous legal immunity
for vaccine makers in must-see interview
(Natural News) Dr. Andrew Wakefield, creator of the bombshell new film "1986: The Act," unloads on the deep corruption of the criminal vaccine industry in a new Brighteon Conversations interview
As he explains in the interview, the 1986 decision by the U.S.
Congress to grant total legal immunity to vaccine manufacturers has resulted in decades of malicious fraud, faulty product
manufacturing and millions of children being harmed by unsafe vaccines.
today, as we're facing the imminent release of fast-tracked coronavirus vaccines - which are being rushed through the approval
process with complete abandonment of any principles of safety or efficacy - the aggressive media push for mandatory immunizations
of billions of human beings raises the specter of seeing millions of people harmed or killed by coronavirus vaccines.
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America Does Not Understand the True Goals of the Lockdowns-EXPOSING THE AGENDA!!!
As Celeste Solum and myself have been warning, medical martial
law is very near.
America is failing to grasp the gravity of the threat
posed by the lockdowns. The contact tracing apps and personnel will one day be used to separate you from your family. This
will be covered in my next article.
We are currently undergoing
the "cancel culture". All traditions, both patriotic and Christian are forcibly being abandoned. However, destruction
of statues is not the real goal of the Left. The Left is after the building block of society. Do you have any idea what that
Read more here:
12 Weeks Away From The Most Chaotic Election In US History, The Democrats Communist
Agenda Is In Focus As They 'War Game For A Contended Election That Leads To Civil War'
The lead story over at the Daily Mail for most of the day on Monday reported that according to Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot, "we are coming for you" in a warning to looters who had
ransacked Chicago in a night of 'straight up criminality' though as we'll explore within this story, with the top prosecutor in Chicago having dismissed more than 25,000 felony criminal cases, Chicago's mayor is doing nothing but blowing hot air out of her mouth in her warning which no one in Chicago is heeding.
With black lives matter now claiming that 'looting is reparations' and anything stolen from businesses by the blm/antifa rioters 'is ok' because 'businesses have insurance',
Steve Quayle recently warned while linking to this story over at the Daily Mail reporting that Seattle's police chief has resigned after the City Council voted to defund
the police that all of the Democrat madness we see unfolding in all these democrat-run cities is part of a much bigger agenda: "As
these Democrat controlled cities become war zones, these cities will call for UN troops".
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The loneliness of social isolation can affect your brain and raise dementia risk
in older adults
Physical pain is unpleasant, yet it's vital
for survival because it's a warning that your body is in danger. It tells you to take your hand off a hot burner or to see
a doctor about discomfort in your chest. Pain reminds us all that we need to take care of ourselves.
Feeling lonely is the social equivalent to feeling physical pain. It even triggers the same pathways
in the brain that are involved in processing emotional responses to physical pain.
Just like feeling physical pain, feeling lonely and disconnected from
others is also a signal that we need to take care of ourselves by seeking the safety and comfort of companionship. But what
happens when we are unable to find companionship and the loneliness persists?
more here:
"Financially Devastated" - 83% Of NYC Restaurants Unable To Pay July
The state of the New York City restaurant industry is in
dire straits. July proved to be another disastrous month for restaurants, bars, and nightlife establishments across the
city with a majority unable to pay rent in July, a new survey found.
Hospitality Alliance surveyed about 500 owners and operators of eateries in the city, with 83% of respondents indicating they couldn't pay the entire
rent in July while 37% paid no rent at all.
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China Faces Food Shortage As Droughts, Flooding, And Pests Ruin Harvest
Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua recently asked the governors of each province in China to make sure the sown areas of agricultural crops would not shrink and crop yield won't be reduced this year. At a food security
meeting held in Beijing on July 27, he warned that governors would be punished if they failed to uphold the promise, including
with dismissals.
And when Chinese leader Xi Jinping visited northeastern
Jilin Province on July 22, he told the local government to treat grain production as a priority task. The top officials' emphasis on food supplies raised
questions about whether China is facing a severe food shortage this year.
In early July, the government organ China National
Grain and Oils Information Center released its estimates that the corn supply gap in the 2020-2021 fiscal year would be 25 million metric tons-more than double the previous estimated 12 million
metric tons.
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This Global Depression Will Be Brutal - Tens Of Millions Of Americans Can't Pay Their Bills And Are In Danger
Of Eviction
Most of us have never experienced anything like this
in our entire lifetimes. Fear of COVID-19, endless civil unrest in major U.S. cities and a whole host of other factors have combined to plunge us into the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression
of the 1930s. On Friday, the Labor Department announced that the unemployment rate in the U.S. fell to just 10.2 percent last month, and if that number was actually accurate that would be pretty good news. Unfortunately, it simply does
not square with all of the other numbers that we have been seeing. According to John Williams of, if
honest numbers were being used the unemployment rate would actually be 30 percent right now, and I believe that figure is much closer to the reality that we are facing. In February, 152 million Americans
were working, and since that time more than 55 million have filed new claims for unemployment benefits. Unless tens of millions of those people have been filing fraudulent
claims, there is no way in the world that the unemployment rate should be about 10 percent right now.
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REVEALED: Top Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx's office has dismissed more than 25,000
felony cases - including murders, shootings, sexual assaults and Jussie Smollett's 'hoax' attack
Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx has dismissed more than 25,000 felony cases - including
many involving charges of murder and other serious crimes - in her first three years on the job, a new report shows.
Foxx gained notoriety last year when she dropped felony charges against Jussie Smollett,
the Empire actor accused of staging a racist, homophobic attack on himself in January 2019.
The Chicago Tribune on Monday published an analysis of Foxx's overall record on dropping charges, revealing that she has done so at a rate that's
35 percent higher than her predecessor.
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Russia 'creates first coronavirus vaccine' and Vladimir Putin's given it to daughter
And President Vladimir Putin is so confident he said he has already given the vaccine to his daughter, television channel Dozhd reports.
Russia's health ministry has given regulatory approval for the Covid-19 vaccine, developed
by Moscow's Gamaleya Institute, after less than two months of human testing, President Putin said on Tuesday.
If legitimate, the move paves the way for mass inoculation even as the final stages of
clinical trials to test safety and efficacy continue.
Speaking at the
announcement, President Putin said he now hopes Russia will start mass production of the vaccine.
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Seattle's first black female police chief RESIGNS in protest hours after city
council voted to defund their police and cut 100 cops from the force
chief of police has announced her resignation just hours after the City Council approved proposals on Monday that would reduce
the police department by as many as 100 officers.
The action
called for by BLM protesters has been strongly opposed by Mayor Jenny Durkan and Police Chief Carmen Best, who quit in protest.
In a statement shared on social media late Monday night, Best, who is the city's first
black female police chief, wrote that she will officially step down from her post on September 2.
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Explosives expert claims Beirut explosion that killed 160 was caused by burning
military missiles - not ammonium nitrate - because the blast cloud was orange not yellow
An explosives expert has claimed the Beirut blast was caused by burning military missiles - not ammonium nitrate.
Coppe, 56 and from Parmesan in Italy, is one of the country's leading explosive experts.
He believes the August 4 blast, which killed 160 people, wounded 6,000 and destroyed 300,000
homes, was not caused by ammonium nitrate because the colour of the cloud was orange.
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Prescient 2018 Warning Envisioned 2020 America: As We Enter One Of The Most Tumultuous Times In
US History, Americans Better Brace For Impact With Perilous Times Ahead
Back in 2018 at the end of the True Legends Conference, Steve Quayle warned the live audience in Branson, Missouri and the livestream viewers that the way America and the world were heading, the
word "normal" would never be used nor apply again. And while at the time, not everybody understood Steve's
warning, just look now at what has come to pass since then and where America is now - could you have imagined the 'new
reality' of 'locked down', 'masked' and 'burning' America in 2020 back in 2018?
With 2020 now unfolding at lightning-fast speed as we rush towards the most important
election of our lifetimes, Steve Quayle and some of the top names in independent news will once again be holding a critical livestreaming broadcast on October 16th and 17th called "Final Warning: Brace For Impact", just weeks before the election as one of the most tumultuous times in American history unfolds.
Read more here:
It is Brother vs Brother, Parents vs Their Kids and Neighbor vs Neighbor-The Civil
War Has Come to Main Street America
Unfortunately, everything
I have been saying since 2012 is beginning to manifest on the streets of America. We are in a contrived civil war. The average
America has no idea about what is ready to hit them.
At the root
of the civil are the mega-corporations seeking to run the country as they tried to do in the TPP agreement that Trump ended
as soon as he became President. However, the lining of the sides for the coming civil war that could kill millions, has been
completed. Even down to the micro-level we see that America is completely polarized. We don't need blue and gray uniforms
for this civil war. The participants already know who they are and who is on their side. They really don't need uniforms.
What you will be seeing in these 2 recent videos is that there are clearly 2 sides at work in the present civil. There are
those that want a communist regime change and there are those America, mostly older, that seek defend the Republic. The communist
revolutionaries are winning and most Americans don't even realize this is a civil war that will eventually kill millions of
people. These videos will make it clear that we now have a case of brother vs brother, parents vs their kids and neighbor
vs neighbor.
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Vatican Drops Word 'God' from COVID Documents to Reach 'Widest Possible Audience'
The Vatican has triggered outrage among Christians after publishing official documents
on the COVID-19 pandemic that scrub words such as "God," "Jesus Christ," "prayer,"
and even "charity" from the text.
The Catholic
Church has defended the recently released documents, arguing that they didn't mention Christianity-linked words in an effort
to reach "the widest possible audience."
Published by the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAL) on July 22, the first 8-page document is titled: "Humana Communitas
in the Age of Pandemic: Untimely Meditations on Life's Rebirth."
more here:
Delingpole: Australian State Goes Full Coronafascist
"We had to smash car windows and pull people out because they wouldn't give us details...
they wouldn't tell us where they're going", declares a senior Australian policeman dressed from head to toe in black.
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Americans Must Fight Back Against The Deadly Virus Of Communism & The Cult Of Liberalism With Democrats
Trying To 'Normalize' The 'Politics Of Death And Destruction' In America
The "Fear Quotient" (FQ) of most people these days is off the scale. It has been like that since
oh.... March of this year.
That's when we entered the Twilight Zone
of the Chinese, Wuhan, COVID-19, Coronavirus with its multiple names. Since then, America has been upended and everyone has
an opinion about why.
Contributing to the fear and not unrelated
have been the riots, looting and burning of our cities by anarchists who appear to be immune from fear of the coronavirus
but instead, are determined to instill as much fear as they can in us.
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The Freedom to Move From One Area to Another Is Gone and
Never Be Restored, You Will Need Permission to Move From
One State to Another State in the Near Future...
Not many people realize
the freedoms we took for granted are gone for forever, compliments of the New World Order, our politicians and the United
States Supreme Court. The tribulations will be horrible for most people, there are no rules, there will be no sympathy, hell
on earth will be the norm
This plandemic continues to evolve, whether
you think it is-hyped or not, it is impossible to deny its effects have altered society for the worst. It has twisted so many
lives, businesses, the global economy, and more into a bizarre image of what existed before. It is difficult
to believe but the freedom to move from one area to another is gone and will never be restored. Below are a
few examples of its effects or what has become a covid-19 world.
more here:
Dr. Robert Jeffress: The Radical Democrat Party has become the ‘Godless
Last Friday, Pastor Robert Jeffress on "Lou
Dobbs Tonight" was asked by host David Asman about the growing hostility toward Christianity by rioters and the
silence by Democrats.
"The democrat party has become
a godless party and so that's why you find such animosity against conservative Christians and against the Bible," Dr.
Jeffress explained. "They hate God and I think the President knows that."
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UK government empowers local councils to DESTROY buildings they suspect of harboring
(Natural News) It's a stunning power grab for a country that purports to be all in for American-style freedom.
The British government has recently empowered local city and town councils throughout the country
with the authority to deem buildings ‘coronavirus epicenters' and order them destroyed.
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Martenson: It's Time To Position For The Endgame
Like there's another heavy shoe to drop? Perhaps an entire closet's worth?
Certainly there's entirely too much confusion surrounding SARS-CoV-2 and how to deal with it. Should
people wear masks? Will schools re-open? Should they? Why isn't Covid-19 being treated consistently across
medical centers? Are there things we could and should be doing to minimize the impacts before people
catch it?
I believe there are good common-sense answers, even if complicated,
to these and many other related questions But common sense is in short supply these days, especially amongst our "leaders"
in the US (who actually act like bad managers).
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The COVID-19 Vaccine. The Imposition of Compulsory Vaccination with a Biometric
Health Passport?
The COVID-19 vaccine...
Is this THE final goal of this crisis, to impose a compulsory vaccination on everyone,
with a biometric health passport and without it, the impossibility to move, to buy, to eat?
The near future will tell.
time, the accumulation of side effects, the testimonies of more and more doctors, vaccination has become a subject of controversy,
often passionate, sometimes violent.
This is not just a question
of being for or against vaccination in general.
Read more here:
BREAKING: Antifa terrorists in Austin, Portland just received a large cache of weapons in
preparation for coordinated multi-city "TET offensive" against America
(Natural News) BREAKING late Sunday - We've just learned that Antifa terrorist groups in Austin, Texas and Portland, Oregon have received
a large cache of weapons that are being handed to them in preparation for a coordinated, multi-city uprising. Dubbed the "TET
Offensive" by Dave Hodges (The Commonsense Show), this planned multi-city attack looks likely to take place before
the coming election, as anti-American forces now realize Joe Biden cannot win. So their new goal is to unleash so much chaos across America that elections must be suspended, allowing the Marxist media
to roll out its "Trump is a dictator" narrative.
Read more here:
Rioting and looting broke out in Chicago last night and it is still ongoing as I write
this AT 6:47 AM EDT.
Michigan Avenue, State Street, and other famous shopping
areas are hard hit.
Dozens more businesses looted, undermanned cops unable to stop it.
Several calls of shots fired with injuries.
Chicago is a war zone.
Antifa will probably descend when it gets light out to finish the job.
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Protesters pelt Portland Police with rocks and concrete and shine lasers to try and blind cops
on the 72nd night of violent clashes after Trump called the demonstrators 'lawless rioters'
Police in Portland said on Friday night that they were attacked with rocks and chunks of concrete,
after the 72nd-straight night of protest descended in to violence once again.
said that some of the protesters were attempting to blind officers by shining lights in to their eyes.
Amidst the chaos, the police tweeted their apologies to the local residents for the disruption and
noise, with officers using a sound truck to blast warning to protesters to leave the scene, which they declared an unlawful
assembly at 9.45pm.
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Skyrocketing gun sales trigger US ammo shortage
and more Americans are buying firearms for the first time this year. Loading them is a different story.
of the frustration we've frankly heard from some of the new users is that they bought a firearm, they can't find any ammunition,
because it's in short supply," Vista Outdoor Inc. CEO Christopher Metz said on the company's quarterly earnings call
on Thursday.
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Exclusive from Gen. Flynn: This Is My Letter to America
We are witnessing a vicious assault by enemies of all that is good, and our president is having to act in ways unprecedented
in decades, maybe centuries.
The biblical nature of good versus evil cannot
be discounted as we examine what is happening on the streets of America.
Marxism in the form of antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement versus our very capable and very underappreciated law enforcement professionals, the vast majority of whom are fighting
to provide us safe and secure homes, streets and communities.
Read more
Donald Trump to Suspend Payroll Tax Until End of 2020
President Trump said Friday he would defer the payroll tax until the end of the year, using an executive order.
The tax would continue to be deferred until the end of 2020, the president said, and would
likely be retroactive from July 1.
He said that by the end of 2020 the
payroll tax break could be extended.
"Hopefully I'll be here to do
the job," Trump said, hinting at the results of Election Day.
president also said he would extend unemployment benefits, defer student loan payments and interest, and extend the eviction
moratorium as well as an order requiring health insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions.
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The 1958 ‘Psychological Warfare' Plan Playing Out Before Us
I recently wrote about an old 1984 interview with former communist Yuri Bezmenov, who described the "ideological subversion" which could eventually take down America. It sounds like
the stuff of conspiracy theories - until one realizes that his predictions of "demoralization," "destabilization,"
and "crisis" are all unfolding before our eyes.
Pondering his
prophetic words, I hunted up an old book a friend mentioned to me years ago: The Naked Communist. The title, I admit, is chuckle-worthy, but the words inside are no laughing matter, particularly when one reads
the section titled "Importance of the Psychological War."
more here:
Need To Nullify The Second Amendment And Initiate Nationwide Gun Confiscation To Disarm Citizens. Therefore, The New York
AG Seeks To Set Precedent By Dissolving NRA In New Lawsuit (For Doing What Establishment Politicians In Congress Do All The
New York Attorney General Letitia James announced Thursday
that her office has filed a lawsuit against the National Rifle Association and its leadership, including Executive Vice President
Wayne LaPierre, looking to dissolve the organization. James accused the organization of having "a culture of self-dealing,"
taking millions of dollars for personal use and granting contracts that benefited leaders' family and associates [like Democratic members of Congress do every day]... (READ MORE)
The Evil Plan to Remake America: Infect the People, Crash the Economy, Burn the Cities
Ostensibly, the target of the attack is Donald Trump, the brash New York real estate tycoon
who was swept into office in November 2016. The real target, however, is the office itself, the universally-recognized "seat
of power" which the enemy believes should remain under the control of the people who own the country. These are the ruthless
oligarchs whose octopus-like tentacles are wrapped around Wall Street, the MSM, the courts, the Congress, the Democratic Party,
and powerful elements within the National Security State. They own it all and they have no intention of putting it up for
grabs by honoring the results of an arbitrary and scattershot election that failed to produce the outcome they sought.
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Rape Suspect Freed from Jail Over Coronavirus Concerns Kills Accuser
Police have revealed that Ibrahm Elkahlil Bouaichi, was released from a Virginia jail due to concerns
over the pandemic and then did the unthinkable - killing the woman who accused him, Karla Elizabeth Dominguez Gonzalez.
Bouaichi shot and killed the woman in late July, after having been released in April.
Reacting to the news Cameron Gray commented "Are you freaking kidding me, this is
an absolute horror show here in #AlexandriaVA"
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Europe's Top Health Officials Say Masks Aren't Helpful in Beating COVID-19
Denmark boasts one of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in the world. As of August 4, the Danes have
suffered 616 COVID-19 deaths, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.
That's less than one-third of the number of Danes who die from pneumonia or influenza in a given year.
Despite this success, Danish leaders recently found
themselves on the defensive. The reason is that Danes aren't wearing face masks, and local authorities for the most part aren't
even recommending them.
Read more here:
TIME'S UP! Health Ranger warns we've reached the "tipping point into a collapse spiral" that cannot
be halted
(Natural News) This is it, folks: We've triggered a tipping point that's now plunging America into a self-reinforcing collapse spiral that
cannot be halted. The weaponized lockdowns were maliciously extended month after month in a deliberate effort to crush the
U.S. economy, cause widespread business failures and reckless levels of unemployment. This was all carried out by Democrat
mayors and governors as a deliberate assault on Donald Trump's America.
are plenty of fools who think this can all be undone after the election, but that's a tragic miscalculation. The destruction
of business infrastructure, food supply lines and economic opportunity was carried out on such a grand scale that it has now
reached a "snowball effect" tipping point of self-reinforcing economic destruction.
We are beyond the point of no return.
Read more here:
China and Russia ditch dollar in move toward 'financial alliance'
MOSCOW -- Russia and China are partnering to reduce their dependence on the dollar -- a development some experts
say could lead to a "financial alliance" between them.
In the
first quarter of 2020, the dollar's share of trade between Russia and China fell below 50% for the first time on record, according
to recent data from Russia's Central Bank and Federal Customs Service.
greenback was used for only 46% of settlements between the two countries. At the same time, the euro made up an all-time high
of 30%, while their national currencies accounted for 24%, also a new high.
more here:
Who Really Controls the Church?
This is not
your Grandpa's America. The idea of an all-caring benevolent partnership between the Church and the State no longer exists.
With the appearance of the latest national crisis it is becoming painfully obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that
the Church /Government relationship is irrevocably broken.
What happens
when the marriage reaches irreconcilable differences? What happens when the Government violates the standards of the
Read more here:
The Dollar's Fall From Grace Will Soon Catapult Precious Metals To Even Greater Heights
I have been telling readers to put savings into gold and silver for well over 14 years,
and in that time, precious metals have had spectacular rallies as well as intense corrections. Weak hands have been selling
and strong hands have been buying and holding for some time now. We have done this with the expectation of something far more
than just a parabolic event; some of us have been predicting an economic crisis the likes of which have not been seen in almost
a century.
Specifically, in 2018, I warned that there was a dramatic shift
in Federal Reserve policy that would puncture the massive debt bubble they had been building since 2008. The crash of the
"Everything Bubble" would inevitably lead to a spike in metals prices.
Read more here:
Something Weird is Going On: White House Staff Gathers to Watch President Depart
Something weird is going on and it is starting to trouble many people . . .
Yesterday, at the conference with Whirlpool Corporate Employees, President Trump said
something strange, the he has a lot of very rich enemies and then said "you may not see me for awhile."
May not see him for awhile?
Today, as President Trump boarded
his helicopter to travel to Ohio, almost the entire White House Staff gathered outside the White House to watch him leave
! ! ! ! !
Article is found here:
**Doctor warns that COVID-19 vaccine could alter your DNA** [PMB Read and understand, very important!!]
(Natural News) The current push underway to develop a vaccine against COVID-19 in record time has many medical professionals concerned,
even those who are normally in favor of vaccines. One of the big areas of worry related to the effort is DNA damage.
Internal medicine specialist Dr. Carrie Madej posted a video online recently in which
she outlined her concerns about a vaccine. She explained that human DNA is not fixed. People's genes can be reprogrammed and turned off and on to bring about changes
in the body that can improve their health - or compromise it. Stress, diet and toxins can reprogram our genes, as can the
lab-created genetically modified cell lines that are used in developing vaccines.
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The 'Boiling Frogs Syndrome' Is Now Fully At Play As The State Of New York Attacks The NRA, Another Sign
Of America's Full Descent Into Communism
The story written by General Michael Flynn over at the Western Journal on Wednesday should be a must-read for every US citizen in 2020. With General Flynn confirming what we've long been reporting
on ANP, that Communists are attempting to overthrow the United States and the entire world is now in danger and threatened by 'creeping tyranny', many might argue that Democrats/globalists in 2020 ARE the 'tyrants' that America's
Founding Fathers warned us about when they drafted the US Constitution and all of those beautiful 'Amendments'.
Read more here:
The Voluntary End of America Due to a Coronavirus Hoax
Unemployment has surged to levels never before seen in this
country, but not one politician has lost his job due to any lockdown. There were over 40 million job losses by the end of
May due to government mandates, and this deliberately structured second phase plot will see that number continue to increase
dramatically. Not only will many more lose their jobs, but also millions of those jobs will be lost permanently. How is it
that those that created and implemented this fake pandemic, from the banking and corporate heads, the tax exempt foundations,
the ‘health' organizations and pharmaceutical companies, and the politicians that serve their interests, have been unaffected
by this insanity? Why is it that the top tier of so-called elites and all the politicians are still employed and gaining great
wealth while the rest of Americans are suffering and dying? What on earth is essential about a politician, and why are they
living in the lap of luxury while this country is driven to hell?
more here:
Kissinger: Failure to establish post-COVID new world order ‘could set the world on fire'
NEW YORK, April 6, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - A Nobel-winning American foreign policy expert has warned that the United States will have to join a global program to
overcome the damage wrought by the coronavirus pandemic.
Henry Kissinger,
96, was the national security adviser and secretary of state for Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. For the rest of
his long career, he has served as an adviser to political and business leaders. The Wall Street Journal published
the iconic political thinker's response to the international health emergency on Friday, April 6.
Kissinger stated
that "the world will never be the same after the coronavirus" and that the United States government will have to
sustain "the public trust."
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You Are About to be Hit with Seductive COVID Messaging, How Will You Respond?
A quiver of messages are being prepared and their arrows will fly in all directions to coerce you
into vaccination for the "pathogen". Clinical trials are not only underway for testing and vaccination but how to
persuade the public to change their behavior and concede to global governance demands that we submit to regular testing and
vaccination. Brain-stem response messaging was developed by DHS and FEMA after the tragic events of September 11, 2001.
Sophisticated arrow-like messaging is design by algorithm to pierce through your human and God-given barriers. The messaging
algorithm to vaccinate should be governed by:
= P(prevention)P(illness)U+(remain healthy) + P(side effect)U-(side effect).
The expected utility of vaccinating can be increased by either decreasing estimates of
the probability of negative side effects (the second term in the equation above) or increasing estimates of positive effects
of vaccines (the first term in the equation).
You need to steel your mind
and prepare your rebuttal to these mind control arrows. We also need to have our defenses up because we all have blind spots
and weaknesses in our armor that the enemy can exploit. While this clinical trials looked at vaccination messaging is also being developed for testing for COVID.
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Moderna's CEO, CMO both sell shares as final coronavirus vaccine trials begin... what do they know that we
(Natural News) The executive leadership over at Moderna is abandoning ship in terms of what the future holds for its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.
Both Stéphane Bancel, its CEO, and Tal Zaks, its CMO (chief medical officer) have cashed out their company
shares as the company's plandemic jab is right on the verge of entering late-stage trials.
According to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings, Zaks recently offloaded nearly all
of his shares, while Bancel has tossed many of his over the past several months. Zaks, however, still holds tens of thousands
of dollars' worth of options in the company.
If Moderna's vaccine for
the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) was on a solid track, both of these guys probably would have kept their shares, and possibly
purchased even more of them. The fact that they cashed out, however, bodes ominous, especially for other shareholders still
holding the bag.
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The Truth is Being Obliterated. The Global Elite's Campaign Against Humanity
The COVID-19 virus. Does it exist? Is it a novel virus? Is there a Pandemic?
If you ask any doctor or scientist in the world to show you a scientifically-verified
proof, they will not be able to show you one.
Given that it has not
been scientifically established that the COVID-19 novel virus exists, it is therefore clear that everything being done supposedly
in the effort to tackle the ‘virus' is being done for another purpose and COVID-19 is being used to conceal this fact.
However, with the elite-driven narrative being endlessly promoted by the World Health
Organisation, governments, the medical and pharmaceutical industries, along with the corporate media, the truth
is being obliterated.
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Chinese Drones Now Deployed In Balkans After Serbia Deal - NATO On Edge
China has delivered six military drones to Serbia after the Balkan country
moved to purchase them in a controversial deal a year ago which has put NATO on edge.
Though Serbia has an official policy
of military neutrality vis-a-vis NATO, there's been increased cooperation over the past few years. However, both the Chinese
drone acquirement and Present's Aleksandar Vucic recently signaling he'd like to acquire the S-400 anti-air defense system
from Russia has caused Washington to threaten sanctions.
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Total Blackout: How To Tell If An EMP Has Happened- Government And Scientific Leaders Have Been Warning The
Public About For Decades.
Think about this scenario: suddenly,
all electric devices stop working, and your first thought is that the power grid is down due to a temporary malfunction. You
think that everything is going to turn back to normal in minutes, but six hours later you're still in the dark. Is this just
a simple blackout? Or the feared EMP has happened?
There is at least one
way to get an easy answer. All you need to determine whether you are experiencing a regular power outage or an EMP are only
three transistor AM/FM/ Shortwave radios.
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Comey Went Rogue, Trump Censored, Dem Cities Failing
Former Deputy Attorney General in the Obama Administration threw former FBI Director James Comey under the bus when
Sally Yates testified on Capitol Hill this week. Comey went "rogue" when sending FBI agents to the White
House to entrap General Michael Flynn in the first few days of the Trump Administration, according Yates. This is a
stunning admission in what appears to be an attempt by Yates to distance herself from the massive multi-faceted coup plot
to remove President Donald Trump from Office. Yates admitted she would not have signed a FISA warrant to spy on the
Trump Administration if she knew it was based on a phony dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton. It was her duty to understand
what the evidence was before she signed it, and ignorance is not much of a defense. The major news outlets ignored this
earth shaking testimony or massively downplayed it.
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Veritas Founder James O'Keefe Sues FBI
O'Keefe attempted to purchase
firearms at several New York gun stores, only to be told he couldn't complete the transactions. In a lawsuit filed on Thursday,
O'Keefe argues that the FBI "has illegally placed Mr. O'Keefe on a federal watch list designed to preclude convicted
felons from purchasing firearms by falsely claiming Mr. O'Keefe has in fact been convicted of a felony. "
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EXCLUSIVE - Epstein Partner Reveals: U.S. State & Justice Dept. Officials Licensed Epstein's LAUNDERING of BILLIONS for
Middle-East Terrorists - Here's Why
The elusive question of how pedophile Jeffrey Epstein made his
illicit millions is finally beginning to take shape per shocking revelations on the Thomas Paine Podcast from Epstein's longtime mentor and business partner who spilled the beans detailing how Epstein a co-conspirator
Ghislaine Maxwell banked untold millions of dollars. Listen Above.
Hoffenberg reveals how Epstein made his money. The real story on how he made his money. Not the boring media narrative. Laundering
billions for terrorists to start. Trafficking weapons and arms to foreign factions/government. And the list goes on an on.
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State-sponsored COVID TERRORISM: Los Angeles threatens to cut off electricity and
water of private homes that refuse to comply with authoritarian lockdown rules
(Natural News) In the latest escalation of state-sponsored covid-19 terrorism against innocent citizens, Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti
is now threatening to shut off the water and electricity to private homes and businesses that don't comply with his increasingly
draconian lockdown rules.
This threat is, of course, a form of state-sponsored
terrorism against citizens. Cutting off electricity from a private home in the middle of a Southern California heat wave is
the equivalent of condemning the targeted family to death via heat exhaustion. Cutting off electricity also causes refrigerators
and freezers to fail, destroying the home food supply of that same family. Lack of air conditioning also results in the near-instant
growth of black mold, an indoor chemical contaminant that leads to severe fatigue and even death. This destroys the value
of the home and makes it nearly impossible to sell.
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President Trump Makes Cryptic Remark at Ohio Speech: "I Have a Lot of Enemies...This May Be the Last
Time You'll See Me for a While"
President Trump spoke to
workers at a Whirlpool factory in Clyde, Ohio Thursday to tout his efforts to restore America's manufacturing base. During
the speech Trump also spoke about his working to reform prescription drug pricing by the pharmaceutical industry.
While speaking about reducing drug prices by cutting out the middlemen, Trump said he
had made a lot of enemies, rich enemies, and that "This might be the last time you'll see me for awhile."
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Missile Strike? Smoking Gun Video Raises Questions About Devastating Beirut Blast
Shocking video of Tuesday's blast that leveled several city blocks in Beirut, Lebanon,
may be the smoking gun that proves the explosion was caused by a missile, and not an accident as authorities claimed.
As Washington Sentinel reported on Tuesday, the massive explosion destroyed several city blocks of the port area of Beirut killing dozens. The explosion
shattered windows for several miles in the city and could be felt as far as Cyprus, hundreds of miles away.
As far as the authorities are concerned, the whole thing was just an unfortunate accident.
Lebanon's Prime Minister, Hassan Diab, insisted that 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate that had been stored for six years near the waterfront accidentally ignited causing the
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Flynn Cleared and U.S. Outraged, Deep State Freaking Out
Deep State and its minions are freaking out over the exoneration of General Micheal Flynn (shown), who briefly served as President
Donald Trump's National Security Advisor before being set up by establishment operatives from the Obama administration's FBI.
Transcripts confirming that the phony "Russiagate" scandal was a fraud are reportedly set to be released, too.
With Trump and top conservative and GOP leaders demanding accountability for those involved
in the take-down of General Flynn and what many analysts have referred to as an attempted coup, the Deep State's operatives
may have good reason to panic right now. Whether justice will be served, however, remains to be seen.
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Continues As Bankruptcies Rise 8%
The American Farm
Bureau Federation (AFBF) released a new report Tuesday (Aug. 4) showing farm bankruptcies continue to increase.
AFBF found bankruptcies rose 8% over the last 12 months (from June 2019 to June 2020), with
580 filings. The Midwest, Northwest, and Southeast recorded the most bankruptcies, representing 80% of all filings
across the US. Wisconsin was the epicenter for filings, followed by Nebraska, Georgia, and Minnesota.
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DNA from an unknown ancient ancestor of humans that once bred with Denisovans still exists among people today,
study reveals
DNA from an unknown ancient ancestor of humans
that once bred with Denisovans still exists among the genomes of people today, a study has revealed.
The different branches of the human family tree have interbred and swapped genes - a processes
known as 'introgression' - on numerous occasions.
DNA sequencing of Neanderthals
and Denisovans have provided insights into the nature of the interbreeding events and the moment of ancient humans.
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'It's crystal clear Hezbollah are in charge of the port and warehouse':
Leading Lebanese politician blames terrorist group and 'corrupt' government for catastrophic explosion - as aerial images
reveal blast even sank a cruise ship
A leading Lebanese opposition
figure has blamed Hezbollah, along with the country's 'corrupt' government, for the devastating explosion in Beirut which
capsized a cruise ship and has so far claimed 137 lives.
Bahaa Hariri,
whose father, Prime Minister Rafiq, was assassinated in 2005, said last night everyone in the city knew Hezbollah controlled
Beirut's port and airport and it was inconceivable that the authorities did not know the deadly ammonium nitrate was stored
in a warehouse there.
Speaking for the first time Mr Hariri, 54, said:
'The question we have to ask is how come for six years this combustible material was allowed to remain in the middle of this
city of two million people?'
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Trucking Company Owner: Cities That Defund Police Are in for a Big Surprise
Cities that decide to cut their police funding could be cutting their own supply lines,
That was the message a trucking executive carried to "Fox &
Friends First" on Wednesday, and it's something urban politicians - in the thrall of Black Lives Matter rioters and antifa anarchists - should be seriously considering unless they think citizens can start growing their own food.
Because if it's not safe for truckers to carry goods - they just might not do it. And trucking companies
won't be willing to risk the business.
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Satanic Temple Claims Killing Babies in Abortions is a ‘Protected' Religious Ceremony
The Satanic Temple admitted proudly Wednesday that, in their belief system, killing
an unborn baby in an abortion is a religious ritual similar to communion or baptism for Christians.
"The Satanic Temple is proud to announce its Religious Abortion Ritual, a ceremony
rooted in our deeply-held beliefs," the group said in a video announcement on YouTube. "Thyself is thy master. Hail Satan!"
The disturbing announcement
is part of the cult's new plan to overturn pro-life laws using a religious freedom argument.
"Many states have laws that interfere with our members' ability to practice their religious beliefs," said
Satanic Temple spokesperson Jane Essex. "No Christian would accept a mandatory waiting period before they can partake
in communion. No Christian would tolerate a law that insists state counseling is necessary before someone can be baptized.
Our members are justly entitled to religious liberty in order to practice our rituals as well."
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Government conducting clinical trials to learn how best to manipulate Americans to take covid-19 shots
(Natural News) The percentage of Americans who plan to get the new covid-19 vaccine continues to fall. Yahoo News and YouGov
polled Americans in early May and only 55 percent said they would get the new vaccines. The number shrank to 50 percent later that month and fell to 46
percent in early July. By the end of July, the number had fallen to a mere 42 percent.
In order to manipulate Americans to take upcoming rushed covid-19 shots, the federal government got together with
Yale researchers to conduct clinical trials to learn how best to manipulate the public.
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US ‘frontline' doctors' website exposes ‘criminal' campaign by tech giants, govt agencies to
block COVID cure
August 5, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - Last week's explosively successful conference by America's Frontline Doctors' group, that exposed a "massive disinformation campaign" against the life-saving ability of Hydroxychloroquine
to cure the Chinese coronavirus, was totally shut off the Internet by the tech giants. The group was in D.C. July 27 for its "White Coat Summit" event, which was organized and sponsored
by the Tea Party Patriots and Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.). It kicked off with a full-day agenda and finished up the next day with a second press conference and congressional lobbying.
A Facebook representative gave as a vague excuse that the event was taken down for allegedly "sharing false information about cures and treatments for COVID-19."
As usual, Facebook refused to give any specifics. In reality, the tech companies themselves may be guilty of a "crime
against humanity" and "criminal" spreading of false information that could have resulted in numerous deaths
because infected patients and their physicians were denied crucial life-saving information provided during that event.
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Sensible Prepper, Are We Responsible for the Unprepared?
It's probably the most dreaded phrase any sensible prepper can hear: "If the bleep
hits the fan, I'll just come live with you." This encapsulates one of the thorniest issues facing preppers: what
to do with those who won't prepare? In this article, I explore the many different opinions as to whether the "sensible
prepper" is ultimately responsible for the unprepared.
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Food Prices Rise To Dangerous Levels As "A Second Wave Of Layoffs" Hits
The U.S. Economy
You may have noticed that food prices have started
to go up very aggressively. I repeatedly warned my readers that this is precisely what would happen, and more price
increases are on the way. Fear of COVID-19 has sparked a tremendous amount of extra demand as Americans have feverishly
stocked up their pantries, and at the same time the virus has made it very difficult for the major food companies to keep
up. Over the past several months we have seen a large number of food production facilities close down temporarily, food
supply chains have been thrown into a state of chaos, and grocery stores have found it increasingly difficult to keep their
shelves full. Many years ago I remember sitting in an Econ 101 class as a very young college student, and one of the
things that I learned was that prices are going to rise when supply goes down and demand goes up. So it was inevitable
that grocery store prices would become more painful, and the latest numbers that have been released by the BEA are definitely quite alarming...
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Then they burned the Bibles
It's no surprise that rioters in Portland burned Bibles this past weekend. As we've said for weeks now, the spirit behind the riots is the spirit of lawlessness. It is anti-God and anti-Christ, and that's why synagogues and churches also have been targets.
When it comes to the Bible, for some, it is the ultimate symbol of oppression. Of religious tyranny.
Of abusive authority.
It is the evil book on which America was founded,
and it should be burned, along with the American flag. It is racist, homophobic and misogynist. It supports genocide and apartheid,
and it's the divinely sanctioned manual for slave owners. To the flames!
more here:
CDC director agrees hospitals have monetary incentive to inflate COVID-19 data
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield acknowledged
during a House hearing Friday that COVID-19 data could be inflated because hospitals receive a monetary gain by reporting COVID-19 cases.
Republican Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer of Missouri questioned Redfield during a House Oversight
and Reform subcommittee hearing on coronavirus containment. He asked about the "perverse incentive" for hospitals
to classify deaths as being coronavirus related when the virus didn't cause the death.
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Did The "Mushroom Cloud" Explosion In Beirut Just Push The Middle East Closer To A Major
2020 just keeps getting weirder. On Tuesday, an absolutely
massive explosion caused a red mushroom cloud to rise high over the city of Beirut, Lebanon. It is being called "Beirut's Hiroshima",
and the blast was heard as far away as Cyprus. You can watch a two minute compilation that contains video clips of the
explosion from several different angles right here. It appears that the shockwave did even more damage than the initial explosion did, and at this hour a large portion
of the city of Beirut lies in ruins. Dozens are dead, thousands are injured, and the entire city is now in a state of complete chaos...
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Communist China Runs the UN | Behind the Deep State
In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes the fact that the dictatorship
in Communist China essentially runs the United Nations. It will also play a star role in the New World Order. Alex goes through
a recent U.S. government report highlighting the many Communist Chinese agents running key UN agencies and programs including
UNESCO, UNIDO, ICAO, FAO, and many more. And unlike people from other nations, Communist Chinese must obey the party's orders
while serving in international organizations. The Deep State is falsely trying to blame Trump for this disaster, but in reality,
it began long before Trump was even running, and Trump has been the first to seriously try to oppose these developments.
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The Bigger Covid-19 Picture Has Come Into Sharp, Clear Focus And It Is Horrifying
- More Signs Emerge Of Where Democrats Are Trying To 'Herd' America In 2021 And Into The Future
While Professor Steven Ferry recently laid out a stunning series of facts within 5 stories on ANP that absolutely destroy the democrats/globalists 'covid-19 narrative', the 'bigger picture' of this 'planned-demic' is coming into sharp, clear focus in a number of recent stories emerging from America and around the world which help
illustrate where we're now heading if we stay upon the path we are on with America now entering a 'financial extinction event' and no end to the madness in sight.
As Professor Ferry had proven within this linked ANP story, most Americans are missing the ties between Bill Gates, a Covid 19 vaccine and the globalists long-held push for digital
ID's and the Covid-19 deception has offered the globalists the perfect opportunity to bring about the full implementation of their 'Global
Control Grid' as we're now seeing rolled out in various locations across the world.
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Inside Beirut's ground zero: Astonishing images reveal the scale of devastation
in Lebanese capital after mega-explosion ripped through city and left 300,000 homeless
- The industrial port that provides Lebanon with crucial trade routes was virtually
flattened by the blast
- Sobering scenes showed citizens in despair as
their homes were damaged, with walls blown through
- Vital infrastructure
such as hospitals sustained damage as did the airport despite its location six miles away
These astonishing images show the scale of the destruction in Beirut after an explosion
tore through the port killing more than 100 people, leaving thousands injured and 300,000 people now homeless.
Rescuers worked throughout the night and into Wednesday morning scouring ground zero for
survivors after the cataclysmic blast that has wrecked entire neighbourhoods in the Lebanese capital.
The scale of the destruction was such that the capital resembled the scene of an earthquake, with
thousands of people left homeless as smoke rose from fires still burning this morning.
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Christophobic attacks grow in America
With violence
in the streets of many of our most prominent cities, there is an underlying sub-theme that is also troubling. Christophobia,
which attacks anything Christian, is surely on the march.
Perhaps the
latest example is the burning of Bibles in recent Portland protests.
Aug. 2, the Washington Examiner noted, "Portland protesters were filmed burning Bibles and the American flag as protests
continue in the city for more than two months. Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz responded to a Friday video of people burning
what was described as a 'stack of Bibles' on Twitter Saturday, saying, 'This is who they are.'"
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Understanding the gravity of the Russia Hoax
By Andrea Widburg
One of the claims Democrats love to tout about the Obama administration
is that it was "scandal free." For those who paid attention to the IRS targeting, Benghazi, Fast & Furious,
and the cash smuggled to Iran, to name just a few illegal and/or immoral activities, that was always a peculiar boast. The
Obama administration was up to its eyeballs in scandals. It was Obama who finally said what had really happened, which was
that "We didn't have a scandal that embarrassed us."
other words, the issue wasn't that the administration was scandal-free. The issue was that the media protected the administration
from voters' wrath should they learn about those scandals.
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ALERT: Ground Beef Recall Affects 38,000 Pounds Of Meat
JBS Food Canada ULC, a Brooks, Alberta, Canada establishment, is recalling approximately
38,406 pounds of boneless beef head meat products that were not presented for import re-inspection into the United States.
The raw, frozen, boneless beef head meat items were imported on July 13, 2020 and were
further processed by another company into ground beef products. The following products are subject to recall: [View Labels]
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COVID-19 outbreaks in agricultural communities raise harvest fears
BREWSTER, Wash. - In the summer months, this tiny community on the shores of the Columbia
River becomes the heart of America's apple industry, ripe fruit weighing down branches in the surrounding orchards before
they're loaded onto trains and shipped around the world.
Hundreds of migrants
flock to the sunny high desert each summer, where they live in riverside dormitories and camps as they harvest apples, peaches,
cherries and grapes for Gebbers Farms, one of the biggest fruit growers in the Pacific Northwest.
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America at War with Godless Marxists - Alex Newman
Journalist Alex Newman says the so-called protests around the country are really well funded riots
and attacks on the foundation of America. It's as much about thought shaping as doing damage and wreaking havoc.
Newman says, "What we are seeing here is a well-orchestrated and engineered psyop. . . . It's a psyop of massive proportions.
. . . Obviously, Soros is big into funding these things. He's been funding Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM).
We have documents that were hacked from Soros' Open Society Foundation back in 2015 where they were pouring hundreds of thousands
of dollars into this movement for black lives before there was even a Black Lives Matter organization. They said they
were going to create a national movement that was going to try to undermine local police. They were going to redistribute
wealth, and this is from their own documents. . . . CNN and MSNBC have this crazy psyop going, and everything they want to
tear down, Christian civilization, America, liberty and our Constitution, are all white supremacists, and if you defend those
things, you are a defender of white supremacy. It's an obvious lie, but if you are not thinking straight and you've
been brainwashed in the public school system, maybe you will fall for it. . . . I think what we need to understand here is
that we are in a war, and most everyday Americans have not figured it out. We are definitely going to lose if we don't
figure this out, but the other side is waging a war on us, and they are playing for all the marbles."
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Rioters Assault Officers in Portland During Another Night of Unrest
After a night of peace, a riot broke out in Portland overnight, extending the chain of nearly unabated unrest since late May.
march that started at Laurelhurst Park ended up at the Penumbra Kelly building, which houses a Multonomah County Sheriff's
Office and a Portland Police office. The group blocked traffic, forcing firefighters responding to a nearby house fire to
Some rioters began late Monday to throw objects at officers and
flash strobe lights, bright flashlights, and laser pointers in their eyes. When members of the crowd entered Kelly building
property, officers made one arrest. The man was later identified as Zachary Perry, 23, of Portland. While they were making
the arrest, police had numerous items thrown at them, according to the Portland Police Bureau's incident summary.
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Cops Can Secretly Track Your Phone
Since May, as protesters
around the country have marched against police brutality and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, activists have
spotted a recurring presence in the skies: mysterious planes and helicopters hovering overhead, apparently conducting surveillance on protesters. A press release from the Justice Department
at the end of May revealed that the Drug Enforcement Agency and U.S. Marshals Service were asked by the Justice Department
to provide unspecified support to law enforcement during protests. A few days later, a memo obtained by BuzzFeed News offered a little more insight on the matter; it revealed that shortly after protests began in various
cities, the DEA had sought special authority from the Justice Department to covertly spy on Black Lives Matter protesters
on behalf of law enforcement.
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Dr. Fauci warns against dining out, playing sports, going to school and church but refuses to condemn
protestors' violent mass gatherings
(Natural News) The head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NSAID) and the former face of the federal coronavirus
task force, Dr. Anthony Fauci has not only become a media darling, posing for magazines and interviews of self-congratulation,
but he has also made some detailed suggestions that have convinced people to live in perpetual fear and paranoia, succumbing
to hypochondriac living and germaphobia. But when it comes to thousands of people gathering in protest for left-wing causes-
rioting, looting, and mass destructive demonstrations - Dr. Fauci won't comment. In fact, when Fauci was asked about the millions who gather for destructive left-wing causes, Fauci refused to condemn the
mass gatherings, dodging the most important question of all.
No church,
dining, handshakes, sports, school, but it's okay to gather by the millions and tear down police stations and small businesses
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The coronavirus response is pure state terrorism based on propaganda
So who are the real terrorists today? They are those that seek to gain total power and
control over all of us, and they are called the State. Politically speaking, the use of terrorism is a mighty weapon because
it instills much fear into the hearts of man, and fear can drive the masses into panic and hiding, leaving the door open to
tyranny. The ruling class fully understands this concept, and uses it as a psychological tool to control the people, and by
doing so the terroristic state claims to be our protector and savior instead of our aggressor. Only a system controlled by
psychopaths would use such a strategy.
Do not mistake anything about what
is going on today, and do not underestimate the sinister aspect of this long planned and purposely-manufactured false pandemic.
This is an act of terror that has been created for the purpose of spreading fear in order to gain more power and complete
control over the world population. This is not only state sponsored terrorism, but is an active terroristic plot being accomplished
by the state itself. The difference this time is that it is not cloaked in mystery or secrecy, there is no threat of bombs,
and no group is claiming responsibility for this attack on humanity. It is terror by stealth alone, as this new claimed killer
of the innocent is said to be a virus that has never even been properly or scientifically isolated or identified. No shot
had to be fired in order to panic the masses, and all that was needed was a lie that could be easily sold to a population
of pathetic brainwashed sheep awaiting their own slaughter.
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The coronavirus vaccine is the "final solution" depopulation weapon
against humanity; globalists hope to convince BILLIONS of people to commit "suicide-via-vaccine"
(Natural News) Now we come to the real mission in the "plandemic," the censorship, the banning of hydroxychloroquine and the
silencing of America's Frontline Doctors: It's all about global depopulation via a new vaccine that's designed to
mass murder billions of human beings and sharply reduce the population of the human race on planet Earth.
Why else do you think they're making it mandatory while granting the vaccine companies complete legal immunity from all liability? It's because the vaccine is designed to kill human beings, not save them.
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Many Americans Are Not Prepared To Deal With Depression Level Living: The lack
of planning by society will make this a reality if it is allowed. What will you do when everything you have worked a lifetime
for is suddenly taken away?
The forces are mounting that
will eventually overwhelm most Americans and send their standard of living to unknown depths. Americans that have only known
the post WWII prosperity are ill equipped and educated to deal with depression level living. Easy credit and instant gratification
have created a nation of whining, self absorbed, entitlement minded people with no moral or mental toughness.
Doug Casey believes we are headed for what he calls a super depression created by the
ending of a debt super cycle. The bigger the debt cycle the bigger the depression that follows. That's how reality works and
most people are not prepared for reality.
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ATF: Majority of Guns Recovered in Illinois Are from - Illinois
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives' (ATF) 2018 figures show Illinois
as the top source state for guns recovered in the state of Illinois.
ATF numbers show 5,337 guns recovered in Illinois were traced and sourced as coming from Illinois.
Fourteen other states accounted for a total of 4,375 guns recovered in Illinois and traced to their source. Those
states were Indiana, Missouri, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Texas, Ohio, Georgia, Iowa, Alabama, Florida,
Arkansas, and Michigan.
A total of 792 other guns were recovered and sourced
among a group of 34 other states.
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CIVIL WAR ANALYSIS: Black Lives Matter terror cells will carry out "armed flash mob"
killing sprees on White communities while corporate America provides funding for illegal weapons
(Natural News) Civil war is now inevitable in America as left-wing terrorism groups such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter grow ever more
confident thanks to 269 corporations funneling hundreds of millions of dollars into their hands, some of which is being used to purchase automatic weapons parts smuggled into the United States by China.
Update: The China weapons smuggling ring has now expanded into Louisville, Kentucky as well as Detroit, both hubs of Black Lives Matter terrorist recruitment, as well as the NFAC black militant groups who are already marching
in formation, wielding weapons and threatening White occupants of vehicles.
more here:
Portland Protesters Burn Bibles, American Flags in the Streets
Breakdown of law and order ensues as police ordered to stand down.
Protesters flocked to the Justice Center and the federal courthouse in Portland
again on Friday night, lighting fires and burning American flags and Bibles in the streets.
According to the Portland Police, which did not engage with demonstrators, the crowd lit several fires, including a large bonfire in the middle of the street in front of the federal courthouse. One video shows
protesters feeding a small fire with Bibles, which were engulfed in flames:
more here:
tell Christians they cannot believe in God
Police are telling
Christians in China they are not allowed to believe in God.
The report comes from Bitter Winter, an online magazine that focuses on religious liberty and human rights in China.
Raids and pressure on house churches by police and government officials across China have intensified in the past
few months, the magazine noted.
On June 28, four law enforcement officials
were led by the deputy secretary of Leiyang in Hunan province in the raid of a house church.
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Is No Proven Effectiveness" - Netherlands Refuses To Mandate Mask Wearing In Public
American public health experts, led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, have struggled over the past couple of
months to push a specific narrative on the public: Wearing a mask doesn't so much protect you from being infected with SARS-CoV-2,
but if you are infected, wearing a mask could stop you from passing the virus to someone else.
The mainstream media has backed up these assertions with vague references to "science"
and "research", while a coalition of celebrities and progressive activists have tried to tar anybody who doubts
this narrative - or, worse, refuses to wear a mask at all times outside their home - as a "denier"
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Elon Musk's Mysterious Neuralink Chip Could Make You Hear Things That Were Impossible
to Hear Before
The mysterious Neuralink chip was previously in
the headlines when the founder of the company, Elon Musk, said that the chip will be able to stream music straight into the wearer's brain--and now, the tech CEO has revealed more details about it.
In a report by Independent, Musk revealed that the chip will allow the wearer to hear things that
they weren't able to hear before as it was out of a human's hearing range, meaning the Neuralink chip can be used to "extend
range of hearing beyond normal frequencies and amplitudes."
more here:
The Coronavirus Response Is Pure State Terrorism Based on Propaganda
So who are the real terrorists today? They are those that seek
to gain total power and control over all of us, and they are called the State. Politically speaking, the use of terrorism
is a mighty weapon because it instills much fear into the hearts of man, and fear can drive the masses into panic and hiding,
leaving the door open to tyranny. The ruling class fully understands this concept, and uses it as a psychological tool to
control the people, and by doing so the terroristic state claims to be our protector and savior instead of our aggressor.
Only a system controlled by psychopaths would use such a strategy.
more here:
**Dr. Judy Mikovits Says That It's Likely That Most Who Take The Vaccine Will
Die...50 Million** [PMB, This is a must read!]
may be one of the most important articles I've ever written. With all the fear mongering about the corona virus plague it
has obviously been known this was intentional as its been advertised by Bill Gates it would come at this time and it
was funded. No need to add all the volume of videos and emails you can google but here's one for reference 2020/04/18/dr-rashid-buttar- exposes-bill-gates-dr-fauci- and-falsified-pandemic- numbers/
I'm concerned that every single person who tested the vaccine, 100%, had reactions
and now Dr. Judy Mikovits says in this video probably all who take the vaccine, especially if mandated, 50 million people,
will die. You may remember in developing this virus she was asked to make it more dangerous where it would kill faster
and when she refused to sign manipulated data was thrown in jail. When released she was told she would be
returned if she told anyone. Instead she wrote the book and set up an organization to educate physicians. They tried
to silence her by trying to discredit her. She is a brave woman, a virologist, and simply came out stronger making a documentary,
"Plandemic" and constantly being interviewed. Here is the video about the vaccine.
Read more here:
Bubble indemnity: Big Pharma firms will NOT be held accountable for side effects
of Covid vaccine
A senior executive for pharmaceutical giant
AstraZeneca has confirmed that his company cannot face legal action for any potential side effects caused by its Covid vaccine.
Those affected will have no legal recourse.
AstraZeneca is one of 25
pharmaceutical companies worldwide already testing their Covid vaccines on humans, in preparation for injecting hundreds of
millions of people. These are flush times for Britain's largest pharmaceutical company, worth something in the order of £70
million. They have just reported bumper profits of $12.6 billion in the last six months alone.
Read more
CDC Chief Agrees There's ‘Perverse' Economic ‘Incentive' for Hospitals
to Inflate Coronavirus Deaths
United States hospitals have a
"perverse" monetary "incentive" to increase their count of coronavirus fatalities, U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC)'s director Robert Redfield indicated under questioning from a Republican lawmaker during a House
panel hearing on Friday.
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US Printed More Money in One Month Than in Two Centuries
In a letter to investors released on July 29, Pantera Capital CEO Dan Morehead noted that the United States has printed a shocking amount of money to combat
the pandemic-induced financial crisis.
"The United States printed
more money in June than in the first two centuries after its founding," Morehead wrote. "Last month the U.S. budget
deficit - $864 billion - was larger than the total debt incurred from 1776 through the end of 1979."
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Police Confiscate Man's
Firearm After Anonymous "Antifa" Members Accuse Him of Being a "Racist"
A California man had his registered firearm seized by local police after "antifa" members
on social media accused him of being racist on the internet - the first case of its kind.
On July 7th/8th, left-wing extremist twitter user @anonymouscommie doxed a Sacramento resident named Andrew Casarez. The anonymous account accused him of being a "neo-Nazi troll."
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Online virtual classes are now requiring immunizations for students to attend
Rebellious parents are not taking their children to get vaccinated, states continue to
push shots
(INTELLIHUB) - Online virtual classrooms in
the State of Virginia are now requiring students who attend to be immunized against various illnesses despite the fact that
the pupils will be taking classes from the comfort of their own home in what can only be considered a blatant push to inject
poisonous toxins and metals into to bodies of schoolkids.
The unconstitutional
order comes after a high number of parents have refused to take their children to get their standard yearly cocktail dose
of vaccines which during a non-COVID school year would allow students to attend school physically.
Read more here:
One Election Stands Between 'Freedom' And America Fully Transformed Into A Leftist
Banana Republic Worse Than Venezuela As Country Is Pushed Full Speed Ahead Into The Danger Zone
Over the past several weeks while taking a much-needed medical hiatus, I've still been closely watching
the unfolding American freak show working overtime to take down our nation and as this recent important story over at The American Thinker clearly points out, we're quickly coming to 'now or never time' in America as we rush full speed ahead into a 'danger
zone' that we haven't seen in this nation in over 100 years.
With their story titled
"In 100 Days, Communists Could Be Set To Run The White House", if we delve even more deeply into the 'new reality' that such an 'America' would bring, as their
story quickly points out in their introduction, the blunt reality of a Joe Biden puppet presidency in 2021 looks absolutely
terrifying to those accustomed to 'law and order' and the US Constitution while bringing the chaos and mayhem in
America's inner cities now out into the suburbs and beyond.
more here:
The World Economic Forum (WEF) Knows Best - The Post-Covid "Great Global Reset"
The WEF was Instrumental in Closing Down the World Economy and Now They Want
to Revamp It
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has just made a grandiose
discovery and declared (21 July 2020) under the alarming title "This is now the world's greatest threat - and it's not
coronavirus". The superb discovery is listed as "Affluence is the biggest threat to our world, according to a new
scientific report." (See this).
This "shocking and revealing news" is the "main
conclusions of a team of scientists from Australia, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, who have warned that tackling overconsumption
has to become a priority. Their report, titled Scientists' Warning on Affluence, explains that "affluence is the driver
of environmental and social impacts, and therefore, true sustainability calls for significant lifestyle changes, rather
than hoping that more efficient use of resources will be enough."
as to better understand the context of the WEF statement, lets backtrack a bit. On June 3, 2020, WEF founder and executive
chairman, Klaus Schwab, presented what the WEF and all the elites and oligarchs behind it call The Great Reset:
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Martial Law Is Unacceptable Regardless Of The Circumstances
Back in 2014, hundreds if not thousands of conservatives and liberty movement activists
converged on a farm in rural Clark County, Nevada. The purpose was to protest the incursion of federal government agents onto
the property of the Bundy family, who had defied pressure from the Bureau of Land Management to stop allowing their cattle
to feed on "federal land" in a form of free ranging. It was a practice that had been going on for decades and one
that was required for the Bundy farm to survive, ended abruptly by environmental laws protecting a tortoise.
The Bundy family had been improving on the area with aquifers and other measures for generations
without interference. The claim by the BLM and other agencies was that the farmers were destroying wildlife habitat with their
cattle, yet the Bundy's land improvements had actually allowed wildlife to THRIVE in areas where animals would find life difficult
or impossible otherwise.
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Murders Continue to Surge in Democrat-Controlled Cities
Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson tweeted a collection of reports on July 27, which included snippets from media outlets, police departments, and city governments.
The message communicated was clear-murder is surging in Houston, Denver, Atlanta, and St. Louis.
Berenson noted that murders are also up in Los Angeles, Boston, and Miami.
The violence is raging in Chicago and New York City as well. Breitbart News reported nearly 60 shot and 3 killed over the weekend in Chicago.
The Chicago
Tribune reported that 373 people were shot to death in Chicago between January 1 and July 11. That figure represents 97 more people than were
killed in Chicago during the same period in 2019.
Thirty-four people were
shot and 10 killed over the weekend in NYC. The Minneapolis Start Tribune reported that more people have been killed in Minneapolis at this point in 2020 than were killed in all of 2019.
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Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Remove Video of Doctors Who Support Hydroxychloroquine
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube removed videos of a press conference on July 27 held by a group of doctors, citing violation of their policies. Members of
the group, called "America's Frontline Doctors," had spoken in support of the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine in treating and preventing COVID-19, and alleged that there's widespread misinformation about the drug.
the press conference in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, the group also called for a "sustainable approach"
to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic, urging for an opening up of schools and businesses.
more here:
Violence and Anarchy Reign in Portland
No end
in sight as rioters call for ‘revolution' and feds struggle to contain violence
PORTLAND, Ore.-Each night, as the last scatters of sunlight fade away, hundreds, sometimes thousands, of protesters
and rioters begin to emerge. Their target: the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse located in downtown Portland, Oregon.
What awaits them inside the courthouse is a mix of agents
from the Federal Protective Service, the U.S. Marshals Service, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection. They were sent to
the city as reinforcements to protect federal buildings.
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GATES Partnered with MODERNA For a Vaccine in JANUARY: Moderna Only Produces Messenger RNA Vaccines Which
Change the DNA in Every Cell in the Body
Brethren, this
definitely does NOT pass the smell test. Gates issues the first installment of $10 million to Moderna in JANUARY for them
to develop the mRNA (or Messenger RNA) Vaccine that will change the DNA in every cell of every person to whom this is administered.
The entire project with Moderna will cost $100 million for the finished product.
It is so obvious to me and I'm sure to the readers that this whole series of events was staged. They counted on all of
us to be clueless.
Read more here:
STUNNING: UK State Media Pushing Forced Inoculation & Microchipping of Humans
BBC confirms Bill Gates' agenda for all travelers to be inoculated and microchipped
to travel, work or leave home
State-run BBC News is claiming
that vaccine passports via Bill Gates-funded digital tattoos will be a necessary part of travel in the post-COVID world.
In the article, Will Travel Be Safer By 2022?, the BBC explains how COVID-19 will permanently alter the way people travel, namely, that they will need to present
their vaccination record via a "digital tattoo" backed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
"Travellers would present the customs officers with an entrance visa and a vaccination
record. That could be a paper card - or a tiny tattoo on their arm, invisible to the naked eye but readable by an infrared
scanner," the BBC reported last week.
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No jab, no job? NEJM says everyone needs to be vaccinated for coronavirus in order to go to work
(Natural News) A new paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) attempts to make the case that people who refuse a future
vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) should no longer be allowed to work and make a living.
In order to enforce compliance with potential vaccine mandates, the paper, entitled, "Ensuring
Uptake of Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2," states that "substantive penalties" need to be imposed, including loss
of employment.
As opposed to fines or criminal penalties, suspension of
employment is supposedly a "less coercive" way of achieving compliance, the paper contends, adding that "state
mandates should not be structured as compulsory vaccination (absolute requirements): instead, noncompliance should incur a
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Clinical trials reveal that more people might get symptoms and be hospitalized from Moderna's mRNA covid-19
vaccine than from a theoretical infection
(Natural News) The clinical results for the new mRNA covid-19 vaccine are in. According to US President Donald Trump, the results are promising and "looking really really good!" Let's take
a closer look at these promising results, published on July 14, 2020 by the New England Journal of Medicine. The
research group irresponsibly concluded that "no trial-limiting safety concerns were identified. These findings support
further development of this vaccine."
Covid-19 vaccine efficacy
depends on one-sided measurement of immune augmentation, and it doesn't even look good
Vaccine efficacy is dependent upon one measurement of the human immune system - the development
of B cell antibodies. Vaccine science focuses solely on the augmentation of B cell antibodies, even though coronavirus invades
human cells (where B cells do not travel), requiring also a robust T-cell response within the cells. Preliminary efficacy
studies show that the vaccine is only effective for 2 to 3 months at stimulating antibodies alone. The augmentation of this one-sided immune system approach will require up to four or five shots of mRNA covid-19 vaccine
each year. This does not account for any mutations that occur in the process, which could require new developments in the
vaccines and further experimentation on humans.
Moderna's mRNA
vaccine causes all human recipients to experience symptoms after second 100 mcg dose
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Lightfoot ripped after blaming Chicago violence on "being inundated with
guns from states that have virtually no gun control"
on CNN, Mayor Lori Lightfoot blamed rising Chicago violence on "being inundated with guns from states that have virtually
no gun control"
Lightfoot said "We are being inundated with
guns from states that have virtually no gun control, no background checks, no ban on assault weapons - that is hurting cities
like Chicago."
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Incredible footage shows the moment a 60-foot robot takes first step off its docking station at the Gundam
Factory anime-inspired attraction in Japan
A 60ft-tall (18m)
robot inspired by the popular Japanese anime series Mobile Suit Gundam has taken its first steps.
The giant machine is a humanoid robot which resembles those seen in blockbuster films like Pacific
Rim and Transformers.
The robot is being built as part of a new
attraction at Yamashita Pier by engineers at Gundam Factory in the Port of Yokohama.
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In The Midst Of A SHTF Situation, The Severity Will Set The Tone
If you have been prepping for any length of time chances are you've had ample opportunity to come across in print and on the internet doesn't upon dozens of articles offering
various guides, advice, and detailed procedures for dealing with the fabled SHTF event, whatever form it takes.
If this happens, you should do this. If this other thing happens or happens in addition,
you should cancel that first plan and go with this plan or that plan.
is all well and good: rehearsing and pre-planning your response to emergent events is one of the only ways to help
ensure you get a positive outcome during a crisis.
But one thing I noticed
conspicuously is that articles of this nature tend to omit is what everyone else will be doing during the same period of time.
Nothing happens in a vacuum.
Read more here:
SHADOWLAND Emperor Barack Hussein Obama Actively Running For A Third Term With A Biden Puppet
Candidate Joe Biden, a shell of a man with no coherent ideas of his own, is the vessel
for our domestic enemies with foreign ties to take control of the federal government and reduce the once-great United States
to warring factions unable to stop Red China's worldwide advance. Biden is promising peace and harmony, but he is only a front
man for the same forces behind Barack Hussein Obama's movement for the "fundamental transformation" of America...
GIVING LIFE TO THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST: World's Religions Embracing A.I. ‘God Robots
Capable Of Performing Miracles'
A growing number of places of
worship around the world are employing robotic priests, who can recite prayers and even comfort worshippers experiencing spiritual
crises. Christianity is also exploring what AI can do, with the German Protestant Church creating a robot named BlessU-2 which
performed preprogrammed blessings for more than 10,000 worshippers in celebration of the Protestant Reformation's 500th anniversary...
The growing prevalence of so-called "God robots" is concerning some who believe that humans will have to grapple
with whether AI machines have a soul themselves. Others worry that robots themselves will become an object of worship. Way
of the Future is the first church of AI, set up in 2017 and dedicated to "the realisation, acceptance, and worship of
a Godhead based on artificial intelligence (AI) developed through computer hardware and software"... (READ MORE)
Dispatches from the War: COVID Trauma-based Mind Control
A nation asleep. A world asleep.
we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws
of nature, such as self preservation?" (CIA interdepartmental memo, Project ARTICHOKE, January 1952)
The covert operation called COVID, which has been planned for years, is all about trauma-based
mind control.
The trauma combines fear of a germ with the sudden psychic
shock of the lockdowns, the masks, the social distancing, the economic destruction.
For many people, this trauma is paralyzing on a subconscious level.
more here:
Portland: The Pentagon Should Step-Up Or Pipe-Down
secretary and the chairman retreated across the Potomac faster than General Robert E. Lee after the Battle of Antietam. Secretary Mark Esper distanced himself from the photo-op and the president's suggestion the military be used to restore order under the authority of
the Insurrection Act. The Chairman, Gen. Mark Milley, also apologized, and said he hoped to learn from the situation, as he and the secretary were apparently alarmed that the American people
may have glimpsed a camouflage military uniform in the nation's capital even as rioters were poised to attack federal buildings.
Since then, the Border Patrol deployed its Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC),
similar to a SWAT team, to protect the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse in Portland, Ore., from rioters. The BORTAC
officers wear a camouflage uniform, known as Operational Camouflage Pattern, similar to that worn by the U.S. armed forces.
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Nolte: Violent Crime Explosion Forces Minneapolis Residents to Form Militias
"Minneapolis residents in some areas still recovering from rioting and unrest are forming community
watch and security groups, some bearing firearms, to fight a surge of crime," reports the Wall Street Journal.
While no one can blame the residents
- in fact they should be applauded for doing what it takes to protect their own - this is, in ways I'll explain below, not
good. It is, however, a sign of things to come in countless Democrat-run cities:
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Google working on smart tattoos that turn skin into living touchpad
Google is working on smart tattoos that, when applied to skin, will transform the human body into a living touchpad via embedded
Part of Google Research, the wearable project is called "SkinMarks" that uses rub-on tattoos.
The project is an effort to create the next generation of wearable technology devices, the CNET reported citing white
papers and demo videos,
Here's how the technology works.
The sensor-driven tattoos are applied to a part of the body.
The sensors can then be triggered by traditional touch or swipe gestures, like we perform on smartphones.
There are a few gestures that are more specific to working on the skin's surface.
"You could squeeze the area around the tattoo or bend your fingers or limbs to activate
the sensors".
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In On $2,000, Silver Hits $26
The melt-up in the gold and silver
markets is continuing in Asian trading. Gold has surged another $32 closing in on $2,000 and silver hit $26 as the short squeeze
is intensifying in trading in Australia and Japan's TOCOM.
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Biometric digital health credentials for NHL and London theatre, Privacy International warns of risks
As biometrics and other digital identity technologies are deployed to enable big league
sports to resume operations, National Hockey League players and staff will use Clear's Health Pass to protect against the spread of COVID-19, Vox reports.
Health Pass was launched in May, and provides health status attestation, temperature scans, and potentially links to test results, underpinned
with biometric identity verification.
The partnership with the NHL means
Health Pass will be used to check the roughly 3,000 players, coaches, and support staff who are involved in the 24-team playoffs,
which will be held in Edmonton and Toronto, Canada. In each of the cities, Health Pass will be deployed on kiosks with temperature
scanners to roughly 30 physical access points to create what Vox describes as a "closed mini-ecosystem" of safe
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Chinese doctor who diagnosed early coronavirus cases in Wuhan says local officials covered up the scale of
the initial outbreak
A leading Chinese disease-control expert
has confirmed that Wuhan's officials did cover up the scale of the initial outbreak.
Professor Yuen Kwok-yung, who visited the former coronavirus epicentre in January to help diagnose cases, told BBC that local authorities destroyed physical evidence and provided 'slow' response to clinical findings.
'I do suspect that they have been doing some cover-up locally at Wuhan,' he said. 'The
local officials who are supposed to immediately relay the information has not allowed this to be done as readily as it should.'
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Federal agents wearing gas masks arrest two female BLM Portland protesters - leaving
one with a bloody nose - and cops discover bag filled with loaded rifle magazines and Molotov cocktails during the city's
60th night of unrest
Footage exclusively recorded by
shows the moment federal agents arrested demonstrators outside Portland's courthouse during the 60th night of protests in
the city as police discovered a bag of loaded rifle magazines and Molotov cocktails at a park nearby.
A crowd of less than 500 gathered in downtown Portland outside the federal building late
Sunday for another night of protests. What started out as a calm night after a very hot day where the temperature reached
100 degrees slowly turned into a night of violence for both sides.
more here:
Sun Belt States See Promising Drop In New Cases As Belgium Plans "Total Lockdown": Live Updates
According to a joint statement, the later-stage trial for their top coronavirus vaccine candidate
will begin imminently, with a goal of submitting it for regulatory review as soon as October. The drugmakers said Monday that
a lead vaccine candidate had been selected from within a broader development program and will proceed with a late-stage safety
and efficacy trial of the experimental shot using a two-dose administration regimen.
In other news, California is planning to spend $52 million to ramp up testing, treatment and infected-person isolation
in eight counties of the Central Valley, Gov Newsom said Monday.
The GOP,
as we reported earlier, has laid out their proposal for $1 trillion in additional fiscal aid via the HEALS Act.
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The Global Elite's Coup Against Humanity. Fear and "Submissive Obedience"
Any serious study of the relevant scholarly literature reveals at least four possible
paths to "human extinction": nuclear war, the climate catastrophe, the deployment of 5G and biodiversity collapse.
Moreover, as I have documented previously, under cover of a virus labeled COVID-19,
the global elite is conducting a coup against humanity.
is, by bombarding us with fear-mongering propaganda to focus our attention on the ‘virus', the capacity of virtually
all people, including activists, to devote attention to the coup, and to resist it, has been effectively eliminated.
Unfortunately, it has also meant that, despite documented evidence of the threat
to human survival, it is even more difficult than usual to get people to focus on this point.
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Church Will Fight Ventura County Threat to Shut it Down
Calvary Chapel Godspeak (CCTO- Newbury Park) Senior Pastor Rob McCoy does not shy away from controversy in the name
of what he believes right. With no regrets, he watched congregants peel away when he took controversial and politically incorrect
positions of principle on multiple social and political issues over the years. But this also attracted new supporters to the
congregation and allies such as Sen Rand Paul, Senator Shannon Grove, Charlie Kirk (Turning Point). He turned down a prestigious
university deanship to stay and minister to his flock. He attracted supporters who poured millions of dollars into Calvary
Chapel to turn the YMCA into a new church.
He was Thousand Oaks Mayor
and a Councilman. When he and church elders decided to reopen the church in defiance of government orders, he first resigned
his Council office. The church was reopened with strict precautions- stricter than stores open. Around the same time, the
county permitted reopening again. When the County recently ordered churches closed again, Calvary T.O. did not comply.
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Washington, D.C., mandates face masks for the public, but exempts all lawmakers and government
(Natural News) Muriel Bowser, the mayor of Washington, D.C., has decreed that everyone present in the federal territory must wear a face mask, including three-year-olds, to supposedly help stop
the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). But exempt from the order are all lawmakers and government employees, because they are apparently
a different breed that is incapable of catching or spreading invisible germs.
mandate, which was not legally passed as a law, orders everyone over the age of two in D.C. to wear a face mask both indoors
and outdoors, or else face fines of up to $1,000. All non-politicians two-years-and-one-day-old and above will be aggressively
policed for compliance, even as Bowser and her ilk push to defund and abolish the police.
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Europe Panics as Worst Swarm of Locusts for 70 Years Invades Sardinia, Italy
In a situation reminiscent of a biblical plague, voracious locusts have stripped
large areas of the island's agricultural regions of crops, in what the World Bank has already been branded the most
serious such invasion the world has faced in 70 years.
The epicentre
is formed by the municipalities of Orani, Ottana and Bolotana in the Tirso valley, with insects having arrived
from the Middle East and Africa, where 23 countries have experienced similar problems.
Farmers have limited options when it comes to mitigating the damage caused by the vast numbers of
locusts, other than burning fields to destroy the pests.
more here:
Bill Gates pushing for 7 billion mandatory experimental RNA injections that re-program human cells to produce
coronavirus spike proteins
(Natural News) Operation Warp Speed is underway in the United States as the federal government moves forward with approximately $2 billion
in contracts with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to produce and deliver up to 300 million experimental vaccine doses by January 2021.
In the meantime, state governments and health departments
are coercing people into indefinite mask wearing, contact tracing, restrictions on personal liberty, and continued shutdowns
and restrictions on certain activities, until new experimental vaccines are consumed en masse.
US President Donald Trump, seeking stock market growth for reelection, is caught up in a conflict
of interest as he becomes Big Pharma's greatest spokesperson to advance new biologics and RNA injections.
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Some coronavirus vaccines will contain a GMO version of the virus; are you ready to be injected with GMOs?
(Natural News) It was recently announced that the British government has ordered nearly 200 million doses of experimental vaccines for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19),
at least one of which is set to contain a genetically engineered (GMO) variety of the novel virus.
U.K. officials say that 100 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by the University of Oxford will soon be arriving to England, replete with GMO viral fragments that will be injected directly into patients.
Two other varieties of the experimental vaccine will contain other components of the virus, including one with part of its genetic code and another with an inactive version of the virus.
The Oxford one, however, will be full-on GMO.
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China Is Harvesting DNA From Millions of People. Is This the Future of Policing?
For several years now, the police and other authorities in China have been collecting
across the country DNA samples from millions of men and boys who aren't suspected of having committed any crime.
In a report published by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute last month, we exposed the extent of the Chinese government's program of genetic surveillance: It no longer is limited to
Xinjiang, Tibet and other areas mostly populated by ethnic minorities the government represses; DNA collection - serving no
apparent immediate need - has spread across the entire country. We estimate that the authorities' goal is to gather the DNA
samples of 35 million to 70 million Chinese males.
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College Student Forced into ‘Political Reeducation' For Photo with AR-15
A college student at Fordham University in New York was punished and forced to undergo "political
reeducation" this summer for two Instagram posts - one of which depicted the student holding an AR-15.
Austin Tong is a rising senior at Fordham University's Gabelli School of Business, and
he accused the school of "Soviet-style interrogation and punishment."
"I am no longer permitted on campus, with public safety coming to my home at midnight to question me on the
day of the post, and face forced political reeducation through mandatory courses and to write an apology letter, or will face
full suspension or expulsion - is this happening in America, or is this a Soviet nightmare?" he asked in a letter to the school.
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Same adjuvant in swine flu vaccine that caused narcolepsy also being used in coronavirus vaccine
(Natural News) Numerous drug giants, including GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Sanofi, are busily working to develop new vaccines for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). And we have learned that an adjuvant created by GSK that was
linked to causing narcolepsy during the 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic is also slated to be used in these upcoming Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines.
Known as ASO3,
this adjuvant is part of a proprietary prophylactic technology developed by GSK in partnership with the Coalition for Epidemic
Preparedness Innovations, or CEPI, that helps to make it easier for vaccine companies to roll out new vaccines in response
to pandemics like the one currently said to be responsible for widespread lockdowns.
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UK and US say Russia fired a satellite weapon in space
The US and UK have accused Russia of testing a weapon-like projectile in space that could be used to target satellites
in orbit.
The US State Department described the recent use of "what
would appear to be actual in-orbit anti-satellite weaponry" as concerning.
Russia's defence ministry earlier said it was using new technology to perform checks on Russian space equipment.
The US has previously raised concerns about new Russian satellite activity.
But it is the first time the UK has made accusations about Russian test-firing
in space. They come just days after an inquiry said the UK government "badly underestimated" the threat posed by Russia.
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Black Lives Matter Ridicule, Renounce, And Reject Western Civilization And Plan To Rescind It! As America
Falls Some Will Have No Concept Of The Loss Until It Is Gone
radical revolutionaries in the BLM movement are a greater threat to freedom than the Communist threat of the Cold War. That
is true because they may not have missiles, but they do have committed youth with a perceived cause (racial injustice) and
the financial support of old, Marxist, almost dead white men.
Thinking people know that
revolutionaries are fanatics that only have a revolution in mind. Too enlist compatriots, revolutionaries will use any cause
that will be accepted by people too lazy to work and too bombed to think.
Plus, they have
the advantage of the U.S. having been softened up over the previous 50 years by socialist termites in the mainline churches,
the public school system, higher education, and the media.
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Nurses at Texas hospital allege abhorrent conditions in make-shift COVID-19 unit where 'ants crawl over patients
and in their mouths, and corpses are kept in non-air conditioned rooms'
Nurses at a Texas hospital have blown the whistle on what they say are abhorrent conditions in a make-shift COVID-19 unit where they claim corpses are left in non-air-conditioned rooms with ants crawling over them.
The unit was set up at at the Doctors Hospital Renaissance in Edinburg, Texas, earlier this year
to treat COVID-19 patients.
Texas is currently experiencing its
peak in the crisis. On Wednesday, the state recorded 194 deaths, a new record, and there were more than 9,000 new cases.
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How COVID-19 Foreshadows The Apocalypse
of almost unbelievable, unique calamity are on the horizon. Nothing in all of world history will compare to what is coming
in the end of days. Jesus said it plainly. "For then will be great tribulation, such as has not happened since the beginning
of the world until now, no, nor ever shall be" (Matt. 24:21). Jesus didn't pull any punches. No one can accuse Him of
sugarcoating what lies ahead. Deception, wars and natural disasters will increase exponentially in the end of days, telegraphing
the return of Christ. Jesus called these the "beginning of birth pains" (Matt. 24:8b, NIV). In other words, these
are the initial signs that the end is near, the beginning of the end. Many people today believe the outbreak of the coronavirus
is one of these beginning contractions Jesus predicted... (READ MORE)
Americans Gearing-up for Civil War; Gun Sales UP 95%, Ammo Sales UP 139%
The gun industry has never seen anything like 2020, and the explosion in sales driven by the concerns
over rising crime, protests, the coronavirus crisis, and the presidential election are expected to continue. It's that
last itme that matters - Americans are actually now TALKING about "Civil War."
"Bottom line is that there has never been a sustained surge in firearm sales quite like what we are in the midst
of," the National Shooting Sports Foundation, an industry trade group, said in a report.
New sales and customer
data collected from gun stores are even more shocking than the latest historic level of FBI background checks for purchases,
security clearances, and concealed carry permits.
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Fauci himself 15 years ago said chloroquine was effective at treating coronavirus
(Natural News) If it were up to Anthony Fauci, nobody would be allowed to take hydroxychloroquine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
And this is strange considering the fact that the guy pushed hydroxychloroquine 15 years ago as a general treatment for all types of coronaviruses, including the one that causes the common cold.
Unbelievably, Fauci has known since at least 2005 that hydroxychloroquine is an effective remedy
against coronaviruses. But he very recently changed his tune on the matter after President Donald Trump made an announcement about its effectiveness, sending the medical deep state into a tailspin.
more here:
Dr. Warns New COVID-19 Vaccine Is Untested And Will Alter Your DNA
Big Pharma wants to patent human beings
Madej graduated from Kansas City University Of Medicine Bioscience College Of Osteopathic Medicine medical school in 2001.
In this video, she speaks about the agenda to inject an experimental vaccine into everybody
on the planet.
The gene-altering vaccination would tweak human DNA into
a cell line major corporations could patent, hypothetically owning the people with altered DNA.
This recombinant DNA technology is being spearheaded by companies like Inovio, GlaxoSmithKline,
Sanofi and Moderna.
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Bill Gates warns that multiple doses of any coronavirus vaccine may be necessary, schools could be closed
until fall 2021 and says 'serious mistakes were made' by the US with the handling of COVID-19
Bill Gates has warned that any vaccine against coronavirus could take several doses to be effective, as he described 'serious mistakes' made by the Trump administration and said some
schools may not be back to normal until the fall of 2021.
The Microsoft
founder, who now directs much of his time and energy to his global health foundation, said that the closure of schools was,
after deaths, the 'biggest cost' of the pandemic.
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China fightback: India and Australia team up as World War 3 fears erupt
Now India is retaliating against the Communist nation by inviting Australia to take part in the
Malabar naval exercises, also referred to as Exercise Malabar.
The trilateral
military event has been running since 1992 and includes the US and Japan.
would mark the first time since 2007 Australia has taken part in the military exercise.
India withdrew their invitation after Beijing was angered Australian warships attended the Bay of Bengal exercise.
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EXCLUSIVE: California apartment building locked down under mandatory quarantine of all residents, with MANDATORY
COVID-19 testing; all key cards deactivated, security guards posted at entrances during "lockdown"
Natural News has acquired a letter that was sent by the property manager to all 78 residents
of the 7-story apartment building, which is located at 137 S. Palm Street in the City of Ventura, California. The building
caters to seniors and disabled residents and is government-subsidized housing. We have confirmed the authenticity of this
letter, which is shown below, with certain redactions to protect the names of the property managers who are being subjected
to threats.
The letter warns that all residents of the building are ordered
to appear at the "Palms Community Room" to participate in mandatory testing for covid-19 on July 17, 2020 (last
Friday). It states, "All residents residing at 137 S. Palm MUST be tested for the Covid-19 virus. After testing has been
completed, all residents MUST QUARANTINE in their unit until test results are received."
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‘Forced to Take Countermeasures:' Beijing Practices Airstrikes on Ships as US Carriers Drill
While two US Navy carrier strike groups drilled in the
South China Sea last week, Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) jets practiced anti-ship attacks nearby.
For weeks, several US aircraft carriers have carried out drills in waters near China, including in the Philippine Sea and South China Sea. However, last week, Chinese forces decided to stage their own drills,
holding live-fire exercises in which PLAAF jets rehearsed how they would carry out strikes against enemy warships in the region.
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Virginia Pastor Stabbed During Bible Study at Church Led by Redskins Chaplain
On Saturday, an assailant stabbed a pastor and wounded two parishioners in a violent knife attack
during a Bible study in Chantilly, Virginia. Fairfax County Police Chief Ed Roessler attended the Bible study and helped restrain
the assailant along with another church member. Brett Fuller, the senior pastor of Grace Covenant Church (the site of the stabbing), also serves as the chaplain for the Washington Redskins.
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Andrew Wakefield releases "1986: The Act" film all about Big Pharma's immunity from vaccine liability
(Natural News) The much-anticipated 1986: The Act film by Andrew Wakefield has finally been released, revealing the truth about the infamous 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) and its detrimental impact on
the lives of innocent children.
Now available for online streaming as
of July 8, the film is described as a "forensic examination" of the NCVIA, which for nearly 35 years has unjustly
shielded the vaccine industry from all liability associated with vaccine-induced injuries and deaths.
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THEY DON'T CARE if it's safe: UK govt. just signed deal for 90 million coronavirus
vaccine doses even BEFORE safety testing has been completed
(Natural News) Some 90 million doses of two different experimental Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines currently under development by
multiple drug giants have been purchased by the British government for mass distribution. This is despite the fact that nobody knows for sure whether or not the jabs
will even work because they have yet to be tested.
Proving once again
that this whole thing is a scam, the United Kingdom (UK) is simply assuming that the drugs will work and has ordered them
accordingly, with 30 million doses coming from the Pfizer and BioNtech partnership, and another 60 million coming from Valneva.
This is on top of the 100 million doses of another vaccine variety that were already ordered from the University of Oxford.
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Biden To Muslim Voters: I Wish We Taught Islamic Faith In Our Schools
Democrat Joe Biden, speaking at a summit of Muslim voters on Monday, said he wished schools in America
taught their students more about Islam.
"I wish we taught more in
our schools about the Islamic faith," he yearned. "I wish we talked about all the great confessional faiths. It's
one of the great confessional faiths."
The presidential candidate
made the comments at the "Million Muslim Votes" summit hosted by Emgage Action, the country's largest Muslim American
The group had previously endorsed Bernie Sanders in the Democrat
primary but endorsed Biden in April.
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Catholic Joe Biden wants MORE of Islam taught in America's Schools
July 21, 2020 by Jon Watkins
This is no surprise as Catholicism is MERGING with Islam into what I call CatholIslam. They are beckoning others to become the One World Religion with the false prophet and the anti-Christ running it!
Joe Biden is a
Luciferian just like all the rest of the filthy Communist Terrorist Democrats! He uses the Pagan Religion as a Facade just
like millions do.
Very Stupid people are swallowing this Luciferian
Agenda HOOK, LINE, and SINKER! This is also why Communists Ilhan Omar (1/4 of the Coven) Kieth Ellison, as well as other Muslims, have endorsed Jackass Joe Biden!
Is he really that stupid wanting Islam, the greatest oppressor of Women
on the planet, to be taught to boys and girls, teaching them to be like those in Muslim countries? Or, is he just pandering
to the Muslims to get their vote just like they do to get the Black vote? BOTH Stupid and Pandering!
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What does one TRILLION dollars look like?
this talk about "stimulus packages" and "bailouts"...
billion dollars...
A hundred billion dollars...
Eight hundred billion dollars...
TRILLION dollars...
What does that look like? I mean, these various
numbers are tossed around like so many doggie treats, so I thought I'd take Google Sketchup out for a test drive and try to get a sense of what exactly a trillion dollars looks like.
We'll start with a $100 dollar bill. Currently the largest U.S. denomination in general circulation.
Most everyone has seen them, slighty fewer have owned them. Guaranteed to make friends wherever they go.
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Nearly 50 Years Ago, Club Of Rome SHADOWLANDERS Predicted When Civilization Would Come To An End. They Pinpointed
The Year 2020 For When Their Final Countdown Would Begin
In 1973,
a MIT model predicted when and how human civilization would end. Hint: it's soon. In fact, 2020 is the first milestone envisioned
by World One. That's when the quality of life is supposed to drop dramatically. The broadcaster presented this scenario that
will lead to the demise of large numbers of people: "At around 2020, the condition of the planet becomes highly critical.
If we do nothing about it, the quality of life goes down to zero. Pollution becomes so seriously it will start to kill people,
which in turn will cause the population to diminish, lower than it was in the 1900. At this stage, around 2040 to 2050, civilised
life as we know it on this planet will cease to exist." Alexander King, the then-leader of the Club of Rome, evaluated
the program's results to also mean that nation-states will lose their sovereignty, forecasting a New World Order with corporations
managing everything. "Sovereignty of nations is no longer absolute," King told ABC. "There is a gradual diminishing
of sovereignty, little bit by little bit. Even in the big nations, this will happen... (READ MORE)
Least 65 Shot, 10 Fatally, over Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago
At least 65 people were shot, 10 fatally, over the weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's (D) Chicago.
On July 19, 2020, Breitbart News reported 50 had been shot, at least six killed, between Friday evening and Sunday morning alone. Those numbers only rose as
the rest of Sunday played out.
NBC 5 reports the shootings began Friday at 5:30 p.m. "in the 8200 block of South Drexel." Three individuals were standing
on the sidewalk when someone opened fired from inside a vehicle. A "14-year-old boy was hit in the face, a 21-year-old
man was hit in the arm and a 27-year-old woman was hit in the buttocks."
more here:
Altering Human Genetics Through Vaccination, and Bill Gates as the Crazy
"NIAID Vaccine Research Center scientists have initiated Phase 1/2 studies of a universal
flu vaccine strategy that includes an investigational DNA-based vaccine (called a DNA ‘prime')..."
This is quite troubling, if you know what the phrase "DNA vaccine" means. It
refers to what the experts are touting as the next generation of immunizations.
Instead of injecting a piece of a virus into a person, in order to stimulate the immune system, synthesized genes
would be shot into the body. This isn't traditional vaccination anymore. It's gene therapy.
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In Newsom's California, Even In-Home Church Gatherings Are Now Banned Due to Coronavirus
Among the most fundamental tenets of the Christian life as we eagerly await the return
of our Savior is the gathering of brothers and sisters together to hear God's Word preached, partaking in the sacraments in
remembrance of Him, and fellowship with one another.
In California, however,
Christians are largely prohibited from participating in any of these aspects of church life as the state continues to lob
restriction after restriction on all places where its citizens may congregate-churches not excepted. Even in-home gatherings
for fellowship are banned under the state's coronavirus guidelines, effectively giving the government power to dictate what
Californians can and cannot do in their own homes.
In an editorial last week, Mat Staver, chairman of religious freedom law firm Liberty Counsel, denounced California Governor Gavin Newsom's
oppressive limits on churches and Christians during the pandemic.
more here:
Stamp - Bill Gates Funded Program That Will Create Your Digital Identity Based On Your Vaccination History
Trust Stamp is a vaccination based digital identity program funded by Bill Gates and implemented by Mastercard and GAVI, that will soon link your biometric digital identity to your vaccination records.
The program said to "evolve as you evolve" is part of the Global War on Cash and has the potential dual use for
the purposes of surveillance and "predictive policing" based on your vaccination history. Those who may not wish
to be vaccinated may be locked out of the system based on their trust score.
more here:
The Terrifying Truth About The Elites Master Plan To Control Humanity: Will it
Create a New Species and Destroy an Old One?
Vaccines" and "Genetically Modified Humans"
the following video, Dr. Carrie Madaj questions what "it is to be human". Why? Because
the so-called "COVID" vaccines deploy recombinant DNA/RNA technology that "rewrites" the genetic code
much as Monsanto, for example, rewrites the genetic code of numerous seeds (including tomatoes, corn, etc) not to mention
the application of genetic bio-technology to animals:
"Biotechnology can be classified as the cloning of animals with identical genetic composition or genetic engineering (via recombinant DNA technology and gene editing) to produce
genetically modified animals or microorganisms. Cloning helps to conserve species and breeds, particularly those with excellent
biological and economical traits. Recombinant DNA technology combines genetic materials from multiple sources into single
cells to generate proteins. (Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology)
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UPDATE: House Passes Bill To ‘Voluntarily' Begin Placing Human Implantable Microchips Into The Bodies Of All State Government
The bill will be introduced to the State Senate where,
if it passes, Governor Gretchen Whitmer will be able to sign the legislation into Michigan law. The Michigan House passed
a bill making implanted company microchips voluntary for employees, according to a local ABC News report. We told you this
was coming, welcome to the first wave of ‘voluntary' microchip implantations. The second wave will be less voluntary,
the third wave will be under Antichrist himself... (READ MORE)
Bank Of England Governor Signals Central Bank Digital Currency Is Coming
As confirmed by several economic outlets, including Bloomberg, Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey took part in a VTALK with students this past Monday for Speakers for Schools. When
the subject of digital currency came up, Bailey said:
We are looking
at the question of, should we create a Bank of England digital currency. We'll go on looking at it, as it does have huge implications
on the nature of payments and society. I think in a few years time, we will be heading toward some sort of digital currency.
The digital currency issue will be a very big issue. I hope it is, because
that means Covid will be behind us.
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CIVIL WAR ANALYSIS: Black Lives Matter terror cells will carry out "armed
flash mob" killing sprees on White communities while corporate America provides funding for illegal weapons
(Natural News) Civil war is now inevitable in America as left-wing terrorism groups such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter grow ever more
confident thanks to 269 corporations funneling hundreds of millions of dollars into their hands, some of which is being used to purchase automatic weapons parts smuggled into the United States by China.
Update: The China weapons smuggling ring has now expanded into Louisville, Kentucky as well as Detroit, both hubs of Black Lives Matter terrorist recruitment, as well as the NFAC black militant groups who are already marching
in formation, wielding weapons and threatening White occupants of vehicles.
more here:
Arizona Gov Is Granted the Right to Forcibly Vaccinate and Indefintely Confine
Indiviudals With Absolutely No Legal Oversight
Recently, Arkansas,
alleged CV-19 victims, were transported what I would call a FEMA medical martial law facility. This is not an isolated incident.
Arizona has granted governor, Doug Ducey, the authority to create, operate and maintain concentration camps. The camps
are allegedly for a deadly pathogen from which quarantine is determined to needed. Yet, it is the governor that makes that
determination, not a health board nor the State Legislature. This is the create of a medical martial law dictatorship. It
follows the HHS guidelines for ESF#8-14. Celeste Solum and myself have done an interview on this precise issue.
Presently in Airzona and I presume in your state, as well, the state can imprison
you for "suspected" symptoms and they can forcibly vaccinate force other treatment upon a person or persons. In
short, governors are granting themselves the authority to have complete control over your freedom, your body and even your
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Billionaire Dalio Warns US-China Tensions "Could Evolve Into Shooting War", Sees Parallels
To '30s Lead Up To World War II
In an 8,000-word-plus tome, Ray
Dalio, billionaire founder of Bridgewater - the world's largest hedge fund, took to LinkedIn to expand on his previous discussions about what happens next geostrategically, fearing economic tensions between
the US and China escalating into armed conflict, drawing parallels between the current situation and the years before World
War I and World War II.
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Black lives in Africa to become human guinea pigs once again with new mark of the beast "trust stamp"
(Natural News) A public-private partnership between the Bill Gates-backed GAVI vaccine alliance, Mastercard and the AI-powered "identity
authentication" company Trust Stamp is set to unleash a new biometric digital identity platform on the masses that reportedly "evolves just as you evolve."
This mark of the beast-type system is of course first being tested on poor black lives
living in "low-income, remote communities" in West Africa, as is typically the case. Once they pass muster on the
unsuspecting poor with darker skin, novel technologies like this are then ushered into mainstream society for full implementation.
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SD Gov. Noem Says No New Outbreak After She "Gave People Their Freedom"
Speaking with host Steve Doocy of Fox & Friends
on Friday, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem explained that coronavirus cases in her state are continuing to drop even after
hosting Donald Trump's 4th of July speech at Mount Rushmore.
how she dealt with the virus, Noem said, "I think what we did here in South Dakota is really remarkable because we gave
people their freedom."
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Mayor of Portland to Trump: Get your troops out of the city
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - The mayor of Portland demanded Friday that President Donald Trump
remove militarized federal agents he deployed to the city after some detained people on streets far from federal property
they were sent to protect.
"Keep your troops in your own buildings,
or have them leave our city," Mayor Ted Wheeler said at a news conference.
Democratic Gov. Kate Brown said Trump is looking for a confrontation in the hopes of winning political points elsewhere.
It also serves as a distraction from the coronavirus pandemic, which is causing spiking numbers of infections in Oregon and
the nation.
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Papa John founder says CEOs are ‘scared' of the Left
Alex Nitzberg and Carrue Sheffield report for Just the News (JTN), July 16, 2020, that in an interview with JTN, John Schnatter, founder of the Papa John pizza chain, said CEOs are
"scared" of the "woke" Left because they fear being "persecuted".
Schnatter was responding to the Left's current hate-campaign to boycott Goya Foods,
a Hispanic food company, because Goya CEO Bob Unanue made a positive comment about President Trump at
a July 9 White House event related to a Hispanic Prosperity Initiative.
whose grandfather founded Goya Foods in 1936, said: "We're all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President
Trump who is a builder. And that's what my grandfather did, he came to this country to build, to grow, to prosper. And so
we have an incredible builder, and we pray, we pray for our leadership, our president, and we pray for our country that we
will continue to prosper and to grow."
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Large protest erupts at Christopher Columbus statue in Grant Park
CHICAGO - A large protest erupted at the Christopher Columbus statue in Grant Park on
Friday night.
Officers were hit by fireworks and other items as they guarded
the statue. Chicago police said 18 officers were injured and 12 protesters have been taken into custody.
The protest started near Buckingham Fountain and marched south.
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Moderna coronavirus vaccine causes side effects in over 50% of patients; antibodies disappear in
2-3 months, rendering the vaccine pointless
(Natural News) The widely-hyped Moderna coronavirus vaccine caused adverse events (side effects) in over 50% of clinical trial participants,
including, "fatigue, chills, headache, myalgia, and pain at the injection site." While it generates antibodies in
the short term, new studies indicate those antibodies fade very quickly, rendering the vaccine pointless in the face of the
coronavirus pandemic.
The side effects of the Moderna mRNA vaccine are
documented in a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, a discredited, pro-pharma junk science rag
that lies in favor of Big Pharma in every way possible. As published on, the NEJM was recently caught up with The Lancet in a junk science scheme that sought to discredit hydroxychloroquine
through the use of fabricated data that was published in both journals (then was later retracted).
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Georgia governor overrides all local mask orders in the state
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) is prohibiting local municipalities across the state from mandating that masks be worn in public
to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.
Kemp's executive order issued Wednesday prevents local governments from enforcing mandatory face-covering orders that are more restrictive than
the current statewide order. The move effectively voided orders issued by at least 15 local governments across the
state, according to The Associated Press.
Rather than imposing a mandatory requirement, Kemp's order states that
residents and visitors in the state are "strongly encouraged to wear face coverings as practicable" when in public
except when eating, drinking or exercising outdoors.
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China Rocked By "Unprecedented"
Surge In Bank Runs
At first, it was an unthinkable taboo - after
all with a banking system that's twice as large as that of the US, the last thing Beijing wanted (or could afford) was doubts
that the people's trillions in savings were safe as the alternative was not just a collapse of the financial sector but a
breach of China's capital controls firewall as tens of millions scrambled to move their savings abroad, in the process obliterating
the yuan. Then, starting in early 2019 after several banks quietly failed or were not so quietly nationalized...
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US authorities uncover massive, nationwide weapons trafficking ring run by communist
China to arm Black Lives Matter terrorists with powerful weapons of war
(Natural News) On July 3rd of this year, Natural News reported that communist China was trafficking full-auto weapons parts into Florida as a way to arm Black Lives Matter terrorists in
advance of a planned armed uprising / revolution. US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) had interdicted and seized a shipment
of over 10,000 full-auto upgrade parts that convert semi-auto rifles into full-auto weapons of war.
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California Governor Newsom Bans ALL In-Home Bible Fellowship, Church Services,
Meetings, Singing, and Church Gatherings
As of July 13th, 2020
ALL indoor Church services have been banned in at least 30 counties, even in-home Bible studies, and fellowship. In other
counties, fellowship may be limited to 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is less. Also, singing, chanting, praise, and
worship have been banned. However, the exact same order also allows protests.
Under Governor Newsom's latest directive, residents of California can engage in protests and riots, but cannot house
a Bible Study with a friend or neighbor.
Liberty Counsel will be filing
suit against Gov. Newsom on behalf of Pastor Samuel Rodriguez, who is president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership
Conference (NHCLC). The NHCLC represents 42,000 churches nationwide. Sam is also the senior pastor of churches in Sacramento
and Los Angeles. The suit will also include many other churches in California.
Read more here:
Trust Stamp integrating biometric
hash solution with Mastercard on children's vaccine record system
identity capabilities from Trust Stamp are now being integrated with Mastercard's Wellness Pass solution, which it will launch in cooperation with Gavi in
West Africa. Proving identity without revealing any information about it is the idea behind Trust Stamp's zero knowledge approach
to online identity verification, according to a profile by Mastercard.
Gareth Genner, Trust Stamp co-founder and CEO, explains in an interview
how the company's Evergreen Hash technology uses biometrics without taking on the risk of spoofing or a data breach that he
says come with standard biometric implementations.
Read more here:
Philadelphia bans large events in public spaces, but NOT protests and demonstrations
(Natural News) The city of Philadelphia has announced a six-month moratorium on large events in public property, likely as a way to curb the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). However, the ban does not cover large demonstrations, such as those organized by Antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement, claiming that banning protests would violate
people's First Amendment rights.
Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney announced
the six-month freeze at a press conference on Tuesday, July 14, stating that it will remain in effect until February
28, 2021. As part of the announcement, Kenney confirmed that the prohibition covered gatherings of more than 50
people that are held on public property. This includes festivals, parades, carnivals, fairs, concerts and even flea markets.
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Chicago to churches: Comply with coronavirus mandates or have your facilities bulldozed
(Natural News) Two churches in Chicago are reporting that city officials have threatened to bulldoze their churches if they do not comply with the city's Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mandates, which currently restrict their ability to hold
in-person worship services.
Mat Staver, the founder and chairman of Liberty
Counsel and legal representative of the churches, said that the city has classified his clients as "public nuisances" due to their refusal to follow some of the city's coronavirus protocols on religious grounds.
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In historic move, North Carolina city approves reparations for Black residents
ASHEVILLE, N.C. - In an extraordinary move, the Asheville City Council has apologized for the North Carolina city's historic role in slavery, discrimination and denial
of basic liberties to Black residents and voted to provide reparations to them and their descendants.
The 7-0 vote came the night of July 14.
of years of Black blood spilled that basically fills the cup we drink from today," said Councilman Keith Young, one of
two African American members of the body and the measure's chief proponent.
is simply not enough to remove statutes. Black people in this country are dealing with issues that are systemic in nature."
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California's Indoor
Religious Worship Suspended Indefinitely, State Health Department Says
The California Department of Health clarified Tuesday to the Daily Caller News Foundation that indoor religious services
in the state have been suspended with no definite end date.
Over four
months after California initially instituted a lockdown on March 19, the state issued a new coronavirus order Monday that rolled back reopening plans. The order mandates that restaurants, bars, churches, fitness centers, hair salons, and barber shops must be closed in 30 of the hardest
hit counties in California.
"We're going back into modification mode
of our original stay at home order," Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom said, according to The New York Times. "This continues to be a deadly disease."
The DCNF pressed both the governor's office and the California Department of Health on when Californians may attend
indoor religious services again, and what punishments Californians face if they do attempt to attend these banned services.
Newsom's office referred the DCNF to the California Department of Health (CDPH).
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Fertility rate: 'Jaw-dropping' global crash in children being born
The world is ill-prepared for the global crash in children being born which is set to
have a "jaw-dropping" impact on societies, say researchers.
fertility rates mean nearly every country could have shrinking populations by the end of the century.
And 23 nations - including Spain and Japan - are expected to see their populations halve by 2100.
Countries will also age dramatically, with as many people turning 80 as there are being
What is going on?
The fertility rate - the average number of children a woman gives birth to - is falling.
If the number falls below approximately 2.1, then the size of the population starts to fall.
In 1950, women were having an average of 4.7 children in their lifetime.
Researchers at the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
showed the global fertility rate nearly halved to 2.4 in 2017 - and their study, published in the Lancet, projects it will fall below 1.7 by 2100.
Read more here:
There Are Nationwide Shortages Of Aluminum Cans, Soda, Flour, Canned Soup, Pasta
And Rice
I had no idea that things had gotten so bad. Earlier
today, my wife spoke with the manager of a local grocery store because she wanted to place a large order for some canned goods.
What she was told surprised her, and it certainly surprised me. The manager of this local grocery store told her that
there are numerous nationwide shortages going on at this moment, and he indicated that there are lots of products that he
simply cannot get right now. When my wife told me what he had said, I decided that I had to look into this, because
I hadn't heard that canned goods were in short supply. Well, it turns out that the manager that my wife spoke with was
right on target, and that should deeply alarm all of us.
One thing that
my wife was specifically told was that there is a nationwide shortage of aluminum cans, and this is having a tremendous impact
on the soda industry.
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Dollar Destroyed by Year End - Alasdair Macleod
Finance and economic expert Alasdair Macleod says the gold market is "extremely dangerous as
far as the bullion banks, swaps and trading desks" that, at some point soon, are going to have to deliver physical gold
they do not have. Macleod explains, "I find it difficult to see how they can close it. . . . The possibility of
a default and the possibility of a ‘force majeure' is increasing all the time in this current situation. This
is a difficult thing to predict, but unless someone can show me there is a way out of this . . . I can't see how these banks
can be rescued."
So, the only way the banks can be saved is if they
can deliver tons of physical gold they likely don't have? Macleod says, "Which they don't have, not likely have,
they don't have."
Macleod thinks failure to deliver gold is coming
soon where the contract will be settled in cash and not physical metal. How many times can the gold market do this?
Macleod says, "I think it will be the end of the futures market because nobody would trust it as a means of delivering
gold. I mean it would have demonstrably failed. So, why would you play with it again? Of course, the failure
of COMEX contracts is a very, very serious issue."
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BLM Supporters Celebrate Death of Mother Shot Dead For Saying "All Lives Matter"
BLM supporters flooded a Facebook page belonging to Jessica Doty Whitaker, the
young mother who was shot dead for saying "all lives matter," to celebrate her death.
Yes, really.
Whitaker was killed after she encountered
a group of Black Lives Matter supporters while walking along a canal in Indianapolis after a Fourth of July celebration with
her fiance and two friends.
During the confrontation, Whitaker said "all
lives matter," prompting the BLM supporters to draw weapons, after which Whitaker's fiance also drew his weapon.
Although it initially appeared that the confrontation had been de-escalated, the murderers
subsequently shot Whitaker several times before fleeing the scene.
more here:
Elected Officials Openly Call
For Socialism to Replace Capitalism, "Dismantling" The United States Political System and the Economy
Joining Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Bernie Sanders, more and more
Elected Officials, are publicly requesting replacing Capitalism with Socialism. Furthermore, some are demanding the "dismantling"
of both the political systems and the economy in the United States.
current political atmosphere is dark.
According to Seattle Councilwoman
Kshama Sawant, she wishes to "dismantle" Capitalism and replace it with "a socialist world."
Sawant referred to Capitalism as racist and sexist as well as "deeply oppressive,"
she vowed to go after Amazon founder and President Jeff Bezos if he attempts to get in their way.
Read more here:
Bill Gates Warning: "We'll
Have a Deadlier Pandemic"
Straight from the mouth of the person who is all in for depopulation and stands to make billions of dollars rolling out a vaccine, Bill Gates, comes a warning. He's letting us know the plans
for the future: "We'll have a deadlier pandemic."
founder Bill Gates on Saturday said that Covid-19 medication and future vaccines should be distributed to people who need
them the most and not to "the highest bidder." That means he's suggesting the vaccine be given to those who cannot
afford to buy it. And you should trust Gates, after all, he's been funding depopulation for decades. "We need leaders
to make these hard decisions about distributing based on equity, not just on market-driven factors," Gates said during
a remote Covid-19 conference hosted by the International AIDS Society, according to a report by CNBC.
Read more here:
China on highest flood alert as 38m people evacuated
SHANGHAI -- Despite reassurances by the government, residents along China's rivers are increasingly worried that
the mitigation capabilities of the Three Gorges Dam might fail after heavy rains lashed parts of the country.
Some 141 people are already missing or dead, and nearly 38 million people have been evacuated
since alerts were triggered in June about the flooding of 433 rivers nationwide, the country's flood control authorities said
on Monday.
President Xi Jinping is making the "greatest effort"
in rescue and prevention directives, Xinhua state news agency reported Sunday. Xi was particularly concerned that the Yangtze
River and Poyang Lake -- the country's longest river and biggest lake -- had risen above warning levels.
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Deranged SJW Yells To Airline Passengers: ‘I Will Kill Everybody On This
Plane Unless You Accept Jesus Was A Black Man'
A brainwashed
social justice warrior went berserk on an Alaska airlines flight over the weekend, threatening to murder everybody on board
if they didn't "accept" that "Jesus was a black man."
The bizarre incident was captured on video, showing a man in a face mask yelling at surrounding passengers from the
"I will kill everybody on this plane unless you accept Jesus
was a black man!" the man shouted.
Read more here:
Judge turns prosecutor as he insists on keeping Flynn case alive
A federal judge who turned himself into a prosecutor in the Michael Flynn case has asked for a rehearing
by a full appeals court after a three-judge panel ordered him to accept the Justice Department's motion to dismiss the case.
A lawyer for Judge Emmet Sullivan said it's his client's job to "to consider and
rule on pending motions."
Read more here:
California now less than 90 days away from financial collapse... ANARCHY to follow
(Natural News) The State of California is now less than 90 days away from a financial collapse that can only be averted by acquiring new
sources of loans or dramatically slashing government-funded services in health care, pensions, welfare and education. The
cracks of financial insolvency are starting to show, and Newsom has no plan that doesn't lead California into anarchy and
In a desperate effort to delay the financial collapse, Newsom
has ordered the state's EDD to delay unemployment checks for as many months as it takes to preserve the state's rapidly-dwindling
funds. The Mercury News reports that nearly 2 million Californians have yet to receive unemployment checks covering the first three months of the coronavirus
lockdowns, which began in mid-March:
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Texas doctor discusses what has cured his COV patients
During an interview on ACWT, a Texas doctor described a cure he had used successfully on every COVID patient. It is the same as the cures they are using
in Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan.
Texas doctor Richard Bartlett has used
a combination of medications that have worked on all his COVID-19 patients and he has treated many. It's a type of medication
that was used in Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan. Taiwan is a country of 24 million people, all stacked on top of one another,
but only 7 people have died to date. In Japan, with a population of 121 million people, less than 1000 people have died. He
is using the same treatment they used with the same success. Only 12 people died in Singapore.
Read more here:
China Bails out Iran Turning Islamic Republic into Chinese Colony
An 18-page document written up by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled the ‘Iran-China 25-year Comprehensive Partnership Document'
was leaked to IranWire last week. In the agreement, China has agreed to invest $400-600 billion in Iranian infrastructure in exchange for dominion over Iran's natural resources for
a 25 year period.
Read more here:
Massachusetts: Parents Seek Reparations After Special Needs Students Punished By Government Funded Electric
Bristol County, MA - As TFTP reported, in 2018, Family Court Judge Katherine Field denied a motion to stop the use of electric shock on disabled students, a form of
punishment that has been controversial for years after news of the practice first reached the public in 2013 when video surfaced
of an 18-year-old student receiving dozens of shocks for refusing to take off his jacket.
"(The state) failed to demonstrate that there is now a professional consensus that the Level III aversive treatment
used at JRC does not conform to the accepted standard of care for treating individuals with intellectual and developmental
disabilities," Judge Field wrote in her decision.
Read more
The Final Straw: What Is America's Tipping Point and What are You Prepared to Do When it comes?
Have you ever wondered what makes a person snap? What causes a normal, quiet, everyday
citizen, loving mother, or doting father to lose it all and fight like a caged animal? What can cause a small village to rise
up and rebel against an oppressive police force and start killing them? What is the switch that gets flipped that causes
a city to pour two million people into the streets, chanting and demanding to be heard by their government?
Lately it feels more and more as though we are on standing on the edge of some yawning
precipice peering over the crest into darkness. What is more troubling to me is that we have been down this path before. The
sense of unease is almost palpable to me sometimes; it is more evident if you are paying attention. If you are able to eliminate
the white noise of the world for a minute; hit the pause button on the playlist of daily life for a while and look around,
listen, you may start to recognize that you too are caught up in events that will soon change all our lives.
Read more here:
Sheriff Calls Gov. Inslee An
"Idiot," Declares "No crisis should ever violate a citizen's liberty or God-given rights"
Sheriff Songer's Statement Regarding Governor Inslee's Proclamation
Governor Inslee's orders pertaining to public gatherings or businesses operating in violation of
his orders in my opinion is a violation of our citizens' constitutional rights under the First Amendment, Second Amendment,
and other Amendments of the US Constitution and Washington State Constitution.
Not allowing citizens to attend church or firearm dealers to conduct business is a violation of the First Amendment
and the Second Amendment, but the Governor has no problem allowing marijuana shops to stay open for business.
As Sheriff I will uphold our citizens' constitutional rights and liberties and will NOT
ENFORCE Governor Inslee's COVID-19 Proclamation Orders on public gatherings and non-essential businesses.
No crisis should ever violate a citizen's liberty or God-given rights under our US Constitution
or Washington State Constitution.
Read more here:
Africa to Become Testing Ground for "Trust Stamp" Vaccine Record and Payment System
A new biometric identity platform partnered with the
Gates-funded GAVI vaccine alliance and Mastercard will launch in West Africa and combine COVID-19 vaccinations, cashless payments,
and potential law enforcement applications.
A biometric digital
identity platform that "evolves just as you evolve" is set to be introduced in "low-income, remote communities" in West Africa thanks to a public-private partnership between the Bill
Gates-backed GAVI vaccine alliance, Mastercard and the AI-powered "identity authentication" company, Trust Stamp.
The program, which was first launched in late 2018, will see Trust Stamp's digital identity platform integrated into the GAVI-Mastercard "Wellness Pass,"
a digital vaccination record and identity system that is also linked to Mastercard's click-to-play system that powered by its AI and machine learning technology called NuData. Mastercard, in addition to professing its commitment to promoting "centralized record keeping of childhood immunization"
also describes itself as a leader toward a "World Beyond Cash," and its partnership with GAVI marks a novel approach towards linking
a biometric digital identity system, vaccination records, and a payment system into a single cohesive platform. The effort,
since its launch nearly two years ago, has been funded via $3.8 million in GAVI donor funds in addition to a matched donation of the same amount by the Bill and Melinda Gates
Read more here:
Mass-Tracking COVI-PASS Immunity Passports Slated to Roll Out in 15 Countries
COVI-PASS will determine whether you can go to a restaurant,
if you need a medical test, or are due for a talking-to by authorities in a post-COVID world. Consent is voluntary, but enforcement
will be compulsory.
Through the magic of Internet meme culture,
most Millennials will be familiar with the famous opening scene of the 1942 film, "Casablanca," where two policemen stop a civilian in the "old Moorish section"
of Nazi-occupied French Morocco and ask him for his "papers." The subject is taken away at once after failing to
produce the required documents. The cinematic exchange has been used ever since as a popular reference to the ever-encroaching
hand of the state, which is now on the verge of attaining a level of control over people's movements that puts the crude Nazi
methods to shame.
A British cybersecurity company, in partnership with
several tech firms, is rolling out the COVI-PASS in 15 countries across the world; a "digital health passport" that will contain your COVID-19 test history
and other "relevant health information." According to the company website, the passport's objective is "to safely return to work" and resume "social
interactions" by providing authorities with "up-to-date and authenticated health information."
Read more here:
Will Your Friends And Neighbors Be After The Collapse? Do They Fit Any Of These Profiles?
Dr. William Stockton celebrates yet another birthday surrounded by family and friends in the midst
of a grand suburban paradise. The party is warm, and the evening is filled with joy and merriment. These people singing his
praises, laughing and imbibing generous amounts of spirits, are neighbors he's known for over 20 years. He understands them
well, or at least, he thinks he does...
The good doctor, as his neighbors
often point out with a jabbing chuckle, is a prepper; a brand of survivalist who participates in the day to day routine of
mundane American life while using his spare time to safeguard against unforeseen disaster. His friends view this behavior
as an amusing curiosity, an eccentric hobby, but none take it nearly as seriously as William does. It's not that he is paranoid;
far from it. In fact, William Stockton is a professional, a man of sense, and a man of family. He merely lives in an era of
great potential danger, where nuclear war and societal collapse are anything but fantasy. Stockton takes these issues into
account as an individual and acts according to the severity of his environment. Much more than his neighbors, he represents
legitimate rationality.
Read more here:
Black Lives Matter leader declares war on police: ‘We pattern ourselves
after the Nation of Islam"
Followers of the racist Jew-hater
Louis Farrakhan and the assassins of Malcolm X (who was murdered because he left the Nation of Islam).
BLM is a terrorist group.
The claim they are
defending the Black community is fallacious and absurd. 14 unarmed Blacks are shot and killed by police a year. But hundreds,
thousands of Black people have been killed in the very violent crimes the police work to protect them from. But now the police
cannot do their jobs. That's why over 600 people have been shot since the BLM insurrection.
Read more here:
Man crashes vehicle into Ocala church and sets it on fire with parishioners inside
A man is behind bars in the Marion County Jail after crashing his vehicle through the
front doors of Queen of Peace Catholic Church in Ocala and setting it on fire while parishioners were inside.
Marion County sheriff's deputies and crews from Marion County Fire Rescue were called
to the church, located at 6455 State Road 200, at 7:35 a.m. after a 911 caller reported the vehicle crash and fire in the
lobby area of the building.
Article can be found here:
Stuff Going On: Are you Ready For The 'Mark Of The Beast?' Americans Should Not Comply To Living Under Tyrannical Rule
Mandatory business closures. Mandatory state lock-downs. Mandatory school shut downs.
Mandatory beach closures. Mandatory rules limiting the number of guests you may host, even in your own home. Mandatory limits
on religious worship. Mandatory face masks having to be worn within businesses and in public in some states. Mandatory limits
on how close people can stand together in lines. Mandatory rules on how one can pay for items in business establishments,
i.e. exact change, no cash payments, no cash back, etc....
Key word in all of that, and more, is "mandatory."
There is a lot of strane stuff going on when all of the aforementioned "mandates"
have come within the last 6 months with barely a peep from half the country.
It is not the pandemic that is stripping rights, it is the state leaders' handling of the pandemic.
Don't let them tell you anything different.
Read more here:
STREET JOURNAL ECHOES REVELATION 9:6 - With Human Biological Fragility More Obvious Than Ever, Many People Are Ready To Embrace
Eternal Life through advanced technology seems like a pipe dream for a society that, until recently, had trouble
manufacturing enough masks to save doctors' and nurses' lives. Yet Covid-19 may turn out to be just the kind of crisis needed
to turbocharge efforts to create what its advocates call a "transhuman" future. With our biological fragility more
obvious than ever, many people will be ready to embrace the message of the Transhumanist Declaration, an eight-point program
first issued in 1998: "We envision the possibility of broadening human potential by overcoming aging, cognitive shortcomings,
involuntary suffering and our confinement to planet Earth." (READ MORE)
Christianity, And Atheistic Transhumanism
SpaceX's stated goal
is to make off-world travel more affordable, but Musk has deeper, more science-fiction-like ambitions, including seeding the
human species on other planets. In addition to SpaceX and (of course) Tesla, he founded a company called Neuralink to "develop
ultra-high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers." At the press conference announcing the
launch of Neuralink, Musk restated that in plain English. He wants to help humans "achieve a symbiosis with artificial
intelligence," creating technologies that would enable humans to "merge with AI." In other words, the worldview
at work behind most of Musk's projects is an atheistic transhumanism that seeks to control the evolutionary process toward
the end of preserving and expanding human consciousness and capability... (READ MORE)
Day Events Hint America Already Lost The War And The Globalists Are Divvying Up The Spoils
- Globalists Are Steam-rolling Their 'New World Order' Down Our Throats Whether We Like
It Or Not
Two stories over at USA Today and CNBC published on
Thursday help to illustrate a somewhat controversial theory that we'll be presenting within this story in a way that hits
straight to home.
As USA Today reported Thursday, following one of the latest US Supreme Court decisions showing exactly where America is headed under 'globalism'
and the alleged 'righting of historical wrongs' in the eyes of Democrats in 2020 America, the Supreme Court has ruled that the Eastern half of the state of Oklahoma is Native American land, and remains Native American territory despite Oklahoma officially joining the Union and becoming a US state on November 16th of 1907.
With the case springing from the conviction of a Creek tribe member by the name
of Jimcy McGirt who had been convicted in an Oklahoma court of raping a 4-year-old child on land whose ownership was in dispute
in the case, the Supreme Court sided with child-rapist McGirt, a decision the state of Oklahoma warned could create "civil, criminal and regulatory turmoil."
Read more here:
Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda. Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls for an Investigation
For over twenty years Bill Gates and his Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
(BMGF) have been vaccinating foremost children by the millions in remote areas of poor countries, mostly Africa and Asia.
Most of their vaccination program had disastrous results, causing the very illness and sterilizing young women . Many of the
children died. Many of the programs were carried out with the backing of the WHO and - yes - the UN Agency responsible for
the Protection of Children, UNICEF.
Most of these vaccination
campaigns were implemented without the informed-consent of the children, parents, guardians or teachers, nor with the informed-consent,
or with forged consent, of the respective government authorities. In the aftermath, The Gates Foundation was sued by
governments around the world, Kenya, India, the Philippines - and more.
more here:
Musk about to reveal huge news on AI brain chips that makes you a GENIUS - and let you mind control gadgets
ELON Musk has announced he'll be making a statement about his human brain implants
next month.
The billionaire has previously said his Neuralink
firm will have a device ready "in less than a year".
The aim
is to create a full brain interface within 25 years.
This would mean that
humans could connect to devices with just their minds.
Musk wants his
brain implants to stop humans being outpaced by artificial intelligence.
more here:
Forced Vaccination Plan Unveiled
Our health overlords propose a dangerous infectious disease
control plan that mandates indiscriminate immunization for all Americans, a plan that is far more dangerous than the COVID-19
coronavirus epidemic itself.
Writing in the prestigious New England Journal
of Medicine, Stanford Law School and Health Policy departments propose priority vaccination for high-risk groups that comprise the population that are least likely to benefit and most likely to experience side effects and hospitalization from COVID-19
coronavirus immunization, or from any vaccine for that matter.
voluntary then mandated
Read more here:
Blasio to ban all large gatherings in NYC except Black Lives Matter protests
De Blasio claims Black Lives Matter protests are important because it's about calling for ‘historic change'
so he's not going to stop them, no matter whether people get sick or not.
Sexton wrote "So these outdoor events that bring together the community and let people enjoy their lives are banned
- but De Blasio thinks thousands of shrieking protestors screaming in each others faces for hours is awesome and we need more
of it. Seems fair."
Read more here:
Secret NeuroWeapon Torture Exposed
Electromagnetic harassment
with torturous patterns (electromagnetic torture, cybernetic torture or cybertorture): "the crime that people complain
most about on the internet/social media"
to neuroweapons as well as "Health Attacks" or "Health Incidents" of U.S. and Canada diplomats
Dynamics conducive to corruption and torture: Neuroweapons having top secret status similarly
to "weapons of mass destruction "are expected to be subject to limited or non-existent parliamentary/congressional
Read more here:
DAYS OF NOAH FRANKENSTEIN MONSTERS: China's Scientists Playing God By Creating ‘Monstrous' Cloned Apes
And Part-Human Entities With Human Organs
CHINESE scientists
have been accused of being real-life Dr Frankensteins who play God by cloning apes and editing the genes of babies. Some of
their work has been dubbed "monstrous" while other cutting edge research could lead to cures for Parkinson's and
Alzheimer's. It's important to note [AS EXPOSED IN "THE MILIEU"] that the US and the UK are not immune from conducting tests on animals and in fact carry out THOUSANDS of experiments on
primates every year. Heaping praise on the research, the Chinese Academy of Sciences said: "The achievement heralds a
new era in which China can produce batches of standardised monkey clones, which will serve as animal models in the research
of the brain's cognitive functions... and China hasn't stopped some of its scientists "playing God" with unborn
children... (READ MORE)
The Social Fabric Of America Becomes "Undone" The Death Angel Makes Her Rounds
Our Nation Has a Progression of Ungodly Leaders and Now The Death Angel will Visit Them-It's Just The Beginning ...
Millions of Americans have
just lost their jobs in the last several weeks due to the COVID-19 outbreak shutting down large swaths of the US economy. Households are coming under severe financial
stress, with no savings, insurmountable debts, and job loss. Many are waiting for President Trump's stimulus check to arrive
in the mail, some have skipped out on their rent or mortgage payments on April 1, and others have called their credit card companies to defer debt servicing payments as incomes for tens of millions of people
have gone to zero.
The panic buying of food and supplies over the
last month shows just how many people were unprepared for a national health crisis, nevertheless, now developing into an economic
crash, and soon could be followed by a period of social unrest.
Read more
Locust Plagues Are Currently Ravaging Crops and Threatening Livelihoods on 4 Continents and the Worst Is to Come in Southwest
The unprecedented Desert Locust threat to food security
and livelihoods persists in the Horn of Africa and is increasing in southwest Asia.
Trillions of voracious locusts are stretching over thousands of miles.
Read more here:
admits COVID-19 ‘positive result' just means you've previously contracted the "common cold"
In what can only be considered a pre-orchestrated top-down worldwide pyramid scheme also
involving The Executive Office of the President of the United States, President Donald Trump, Dr. Anthony Fauci,
Bill Gates, and others who've defrauded the American people yet once again after it has been revealed by the Center for
Disease Control and Prevention that a positive COVID-19 test result merely shows that the testee was once infected with
the common cold and nothing more.
Read more here:
It is time to make a choice. Mandatory
Vaccinations are not far away. They haven't listened to us so far. Time to change your plan of action.
I am including in this post, multiple contacts you can reach out to in order to join the fight.
Check them out, pray and let GOD lead you to the place He wants you to go. If you don't find
anything here that feels like your spot, then look until you find one. But don't take too long.
Read more here:
Impacts of the Draconian Lockdowns: 1.1 Billion People At Risk of Starvation
In an interview with Greek Reporter, the Greek American scientist warns, however, that the draconian
lockdowns imposed in many countries may have the opposite effect of what was intended. "Globally, the lockdown measures
have increased the number of people at risk of starvation to 1.1 billion, and they are putting at risk millions of lives,"
he says.
Read more here:
Crime Is Surging Dramatically In Major Cities All Over America
we are witnessing all over the country right now is incredibly sad. In the aftermath of the tragic death of George Floyd,
it would have been wonderful to see the entire nation unite behind an effort to make our society less violent, more just and
more peaceful. But instead, we have seen a tremendous explosion of violence and lawlessness that doesn't seem likely
to end any time soon. Violent crime rates are surging in major city after major city, and the 4th of July weekend was
particularly bad. At least 41 people were hit by gunfire in New York City during the holiday weekend, and this continues a trend that we have seen throughout
the first half of 2020. Just check out these numbers...
Read more here:
Francis Dangerous Call For Interfaith Prayer, Each To His Own God
you imagine an Apostle Paul who, at the Areopagus in Athens (Acts 17), invites his listeners (followers of various philosophical
schools and ancient cults) to unite in prayer, each to his own god/ideal as a sign of fraternity?
Can you imagine an Apostle Peter who,
in writing to Christians at the four corners of the Roman Empire (1 Peter 1:1), recommends that they raise petitions together
with the faithful of the Eastern, Greek and Roman religions, to invoke the end of a pandemic?
Read more here:
Trump Tweets Author's Warning That Behind The (Soros-Obama-Antifa) Street Anarchists ‘Is A War Against Christianity'
On July 2, only hours after Dr. Taylor Marshall had given an interview to the U.S. cable
network One America News (OAN) about the current crisis in America, President Donald Trump sent out a tweet highlighting the
author's warning. "Dr. Taylor Marshall, author. ‘There Is A War On Christianity'. @OANN," Trump tweeted. Marshall
had pointed out that the current attacks on symbols and statues are finally not only about a presidential candidate, but about
attacking our Christian civilization. Marshall told Jack Posobiec of OAN that, "with these riots and these hate groups"
it is not just about George Washington and other political figures, but "they are now attacking Christian symbols, signs,
crosses, statues. We are really in a war over the heart of civilization," the Thomist scholar and author of multiple
books continued, and that civilization emerged "from Christianity." (READ MORE)
How to Prepare For the Coming Food Crisis- There Are Countries And Regions Which Are Going through
One Right Now
Opposed to what people think food crisis are
very common. In fact there are countries and regions which are going through one right now. The United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization estimates that nearly 870 million people, or one in eight, were suffering from chronic undernourishment in 2010-2012.
Almost all the hungry people, 852 million, live in developing countries. But there are 16 million people undernourished in
developed countries including US.
Read more here:
Portland police declare ‘riot' again - as city sees 38th straight day of unrest
Police in Portland, Ore., declared a riot around 11 p.m. local time Saturday as Independence Day marked the 38th consecutive day of civil unrest in the city.
Later, around 1 a.m. Sunday local time, a large crowd was
seen marching near the the Multnomah County Justice Center, the federal courthouse where rioters and protesters frequently
Other videos showed graffiti painted on downtown buildings and showed
a fire burning as a crowd gathered.
Journalist Andy Ngo, writing on Twitter,
claimed the rioters were burning American flags "while shouting BLM and antifa slogans."
Read more here:
Putin mocks U.S. embassy for flying rainbow flag
MOSCOW, July 3 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin on Friday mocked the U.S. embassy in Moscow for flying a rainbow
flag to celebrate LGBT rights, suggesting it reflected the sexual orientation of its staff.
His comments followed a nationwide vote on constitutional reforms that included an amendment enshrining the definition
of marriage specifically as a union between a man and a woman.
Putin said
the U.S. embassy's move to raise the LGBT pride flag "revealed something about the people that work there".
"It's no big deal though. We have spoken about this many times, and our position
is clear," said Putin, who has sought to distance Russia from liberal Western values and aligned himself with the Russian
Orthodox Church.
"Yes, we passed a law banning the propaganda of
homosexuality among minors. So what? Let people grow up, become adults and then decide their own destinies."
Read more here:
New Intel: Communist China providing automatic weapons to Antifa, Black Lives Matter... some stored
in democrat-run government buildings including East End Complex Capitol building in Sacramento - Block 174
(Natural News) We have bombshell new intel to share with you today that connects some recent dots on the emerging violence (and civil war
attempt) from Black Lives Matter, the militant terrorism wing of the Democrat party.
Summary of what you'll find in this article:
- Communist China
is supplying full auto AR-15 "mods" to Black Lives Matter militants in America, and a shipment was recently
interdicted by Customer and Border Protection (CBP).
- California Gov. Newsom is involved
in a trillion-dollar money laundering operation with communist China to keep him in power. He's funneling taxpayer
money to China, and they are laundering it and funneling money back to him. (See Los Angeles Times link below.)
- Using the laundered money, Gov. Newsom is stockpiling automatic weapons, ammunition and gold in the underground
storage complex at 1616 Capitol Ave. in Sacramento, the East End Complex building - block 174. (Sourced from a former
employee who worked there.)
- Gov. Newsom is plotting with China to have communist troops
invade America (via California and other states) and to overrun and occupy the United States, turning it over to communist
Chinese rule.
- China's EMP weapons, developed using technology stolen from the USA, are
planned to be the first wave "Pearl Harbor" event that sets it all off. (Official report to the White House,
see link below, or visit ).
- Obama helped set up a civilian military force using Operation Fast and Furious gun
smuggling to arm the narcos. (Full timeline link below.)
- Those same narcos are now trained
by communist Chinese military instructors and are prepared to invade America with the aid of heavy weapons. (DHS
sources via Hodges, link below.)
- The civil war America is facing won't be lightly-armed
"soy boys," but rather heavily armed, full-auto wielding Black Lives Matter militants, Mexican narco gangs
and communist Chinese troops operating under the protection of Gov. Newsom.
- Hundreds of
companies across corporate America are now directly funding or overtly supporting Black Lives Matter terrorists as
part of this civil war effort to destroy America. See the full list of 269 companies here.
Full article here:
Chinese-Style Social Credit Is Here: Gab Founder Says He's Blocked From Using Visa Over Vague 'Hate
Speech' Charge
"Build your own platforms," they said.
So Gab did. Now they're banned too.
If you thought that the social credit
system in China, where dissidents can't travel or buy things, would never come here, you're wrong. It's already here and the
founder of Gab, a free-speech platform, is one of its first victims. Andrew Torba wrote an editorial about his experience and the discrimination he is facing for owning a completely legal free speech platform.
Read more here:
Cuba-geddon? Amid COVID Crisis, Havana Tells Citizens To "Grow Your Own Food" Or Starve
Cuba, facing one of the worst food shortages in years, is now telling its citizens to
grow their own food, or literally starve.
The pandemic has exposed
the fragility of the Caribbean island's food supply chain as produce, poultry and other basic item shortages
The topic of food security has been a hot subject with the communist
party. Several state media broadcasters aired televised roundtable discussions about the issue, reported Reuters.
Read more here:
Chicago violence erupts during holiday weekend, at least 67 shot and 13 killed
Chicago's bloody gun violence continued through the holiday weekend as more than 67 people were shot and at least 13 killed, including a 7-year-old girl and a 14-year-old boy.
of the victims were minors, with only the two fatalities so far, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.
The girl, identified by her family as Natalie Wallace, was outside her
grandmother's home at a Fourth of July party in the city's Austin neighborhood around 7 p.m. when a vehicle pulled up and
three men got out and started shooting indiscriminately.
Read more here:
Michigan Passes Controversial Bill To Microchip Humans Voluntarily To Protect Their Privacy
The Michigan House of Representatives has passed a controversial bill to microchip humans voluntarily in the state under the guise of protecting their privacy. The Microchip Protection Act would allow Michigan employers
to use microchipping of their workers with their consent. However, research has shown that RFID transponders causes cancer.
Read more here:
Navy bans troops from indoor religious services while allowing protests, house parties
'The U.S. Navy has threatened to court-martial service members if they go to church.'
WASHINGTON, D.C., June 30, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - The U.S. Navy is facing backlash after issuing a directive banning personnel from attending off-base religious services due to a recent uptick in COVID-19 cases while greenlighting
participation in protests and parties.
"In open defiance of the Commander
in Chief, who recently declared churches as essential to America, the U.S. Navy has threatened to court-martial service members if they go to church,"
said Mike Berry, First Liberty Institute general counsel.
Read more
Let's Get Real Before Real Gets Us
number one question in the U.S. right now is who is going to stop all this lawlessness from coast to coast? This is a multipronged
approach at destabilizing our country to take it over. And whereas there are definitely some well overdue changes needed in
this country, lighting a path for its destruction is not one of them. It's time to get real before real gets us.
If it's not already crystal clear that what is being orchestrated on a global scale is
an attempt for the UN to carry out their one world governance plan, then you've missed the writing on the wall. Recently, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres tweeted, "as we mark the 75th anniversary of the UN Charter, we must reimagine the way nations cooperate. We
need an effective multilateralism with scale, ambition and teeth." As Breitbart reported, Guterres claimed in the 21st century, governments are no longer the only political and power reality, adding
"we need an effective multilateralism that can function as an instrument of global governance where
it is needed." The UN also has a dedicated page for their response to COVID-19, which includes, "coming out of this crisis will require a whole-of-society, whole-of-government
and whole-of-the-world approach driven by compassion and solidarity."
more here:
Technocrats Will Thus Be Able To Build A Global Society And Control Its Every Facet, But In Order
To Achieve These Lofty Goals, They Need To Re-Program Humans
say they want to wipe out poverty, war, and inequality. But in order to achieve these lofty goals (or pretend to), they need
to re-program humans
Technocracy is the basic agenda
and plan for ruling global society from above, so we need to understand it from several angles.
Read more here:
BREAKING: Black Lives Matter upgrades Rules of Engagement (ROE) to "shoot people in vehicles"
- protester shoots unarmed elderly man in a vehicle; CHAZ "security" opens fire on black teens in Seattle
(Natural News) We have breaking news from sources in Seattle who tell us that Black Lives Matter terrorists have upgraded their Rules of
Engagement (ROE) to actively shooting people in vehicles, and as a result of this new ROE, at least two shootings have now
taken place over the last two days.
In Utah earlier today, a Black Lives
Matter protester pulled a gun and opened fire on a 60-year-old man who was slowly driving a white SUV through a public intersection.
The gunfire, clearly caught on video (and audio), managed to injure the driver but not kill him.
Read more here:
India Sends Tanks Along Border To Prevent China "Redefining" Line Of Actual Control
Last week satellite imaging analysts based in the West observed a significant build-up of Chinese PLA forces along the India-Chinese border Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Galwan Valley. This included the expansion of what
appeared permanent or semi-permanent bases, as well as tanks and artillery units, after the deadly June 15 Galwan
Valley clash which left 20 Indian troops dead and an untold number of PLA casualties.
The Indian Army responded by sending its quick reaction surface-to-air missile systems known as Akash to the disputed border region, reported widely in Indian media Saturday. New Delhi is also
now said to be seeking rapid S-400 acquirement from Russia.
India has
further apparently answered China's tank build-up with its own in a continuing tit-for-tat deployment of additional forces.
Read more here:
China Caught Smuggling 10,800 Assault Weapons Parts Into Louisville By US Customs
China has been caught smuggling 10,800 Assault Weapons parts into Louisville by US Customs and Border Protection officers. The shipment arriving from Shenzhen, China, and destined for a residence
in Melbourne, Florida was seized on May 22. The parcel was manifested as containing 100 Steel Pin Samples - a common practice
used by smugglers for contraband trafficking.
At the Express Consignment
Operations hubs in Louisville U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers seized a shipment from China that contained
over 10,000 Assault Weapons parts being smuggled into the country. As per the CBP press release:
Read more here:
Without Blinking an Eye, California Passes Bill to Fund Sterilizing Kids
SACRAMENTO - Without hesitation or debate, the California Assembly
voted overwhelmingly today to set up a fund using tax-payer dollars to give minors and adults cross-sex hormones and surgeries
that will permanently destroy their reproductive systems.
According to
author Assemblyman Miguel Santiago (D) Los Angeles, AB 2218 establishes an "LGBT Transgender Wellness Fund," to provide grants to nonprofits, hospitals, health care clinics
(like Planned Parenthood), and other medical providers that supply puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for minors, as
well as cross-sex hormones and "sex-change" operations for adults. Originally the bill asked for $15 million to
start the fund, but that amount was recently removed from the bill text. Now the exact amount added to the fund will be decided
by the legislature at a later date.
Read more here:
BLM Leader: "Give Us What We Want" or Else "We Will Burn Down This System"
On Wednesday during an interview with Fox News host Martha MacCallum, radical Black Lives
Matter leader for New York, Hawk Newsome, made some alarming comments and demands relating to his far-left agenda.
The interview started with MacCallum noting how Newsome supports violence to further his
political goals.
"Obviously people watch what you say in that video,
that you now want to shove legislation down people's throats now that you have everyone's attention, and you also have said
that violence is sometimes necessary in these situations," said MacCallum. "What exactly is it that you hope to
achieve through violence?"
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Minneapolis City Council approves measure to abolish police force
The Minneapolis City Council on Friday unanimously approved a measure to abolish the city's police
department - a radical proposal amid nationwide efforts by activists to defund local law enforcement agencies.
The 12-0 vote will not automatically dismantle the department, but is a first step in
a long legislative process that will ultimately need popular support by city residents in a November election.
The proposal gained popularity among city council members amid widespread protests and
riots in the city following the killing of George Floyd by a city police officer last month.
Read more here:
Christian Church Forced to Move from California Town for ‘Not Fitting In'
The city of Salinas to force out church for not attracting tourists
An evangelical Christian church in the city of Salinas, California, is being forced
to sell its property because it doesn't fit in the new look of the town.
The New Harvest Christian Fellowship purchased the building in 2018 due to its growing congregation.
But a new city ordinance prohibits houses of worship from occupying the first floor of
downtown buildings, according to The Christian Post.
A lawsuit was filed by the Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) on behalf
of the church, arguing the denial of New Harvest's proposed use "treat New Harvest on less than equal terms with
nonreligious assemblies and substantially burden religious exercise, in violation of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized
Persons Act (RLUIPA)."
But the city of Salinas, won the case
after a northern California U.S. District Court ruled in their favor.
more here:
Virginia's Department of Health website encourages residents to snitch on people who violate coronavirus
restrictions on public gatherings
(Natural News) As Virginia slowly reopens the state after a long period of lockdown, the state's Department of Public Health is urging
residents to report public gatherings and other related activities that violate Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam's coronavirus restrictions.
of June 23, Virginia has over 58,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 1,645 deaths. In mid-May, Virginia began
the long road to finally reopening the state. Northam had a "phased plan" that allowed some economic activities to resume under each phase. However, many
of the restrictions put in place at the beginning of the pandemic were still there.
One of these restrictions was placed on religious institutions such as churches, mosques and synagogues. Under the
reopening plan, they will be allowed to hold services if they only operate at no more than 50 percent indoor capacity,
and that individuals who attend services practice social distancing regulations by keeping six feet apart from each other
when seated.
Read more here:
All COVID-19 vaccines to be made with aborted human fetal cells
(Natural News) If you or someone you know is anxiously waiting for a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine to hit the market, just know
that all of the top contenders are being formulated with ingredients made from aborted human fetal cells.
While the vaccines
themselves will likely not contain any actual aborted fetal tissue, the additives they contain come from cell lines harvested
from human babies that were murdered while still in the womb.
and other religious people who value human life will probably want to think twice before getting these jabs, in other words,
especially if they are to remain consistent in supporting the dignity of the unborn.
The nonprofit group Liberty Counsel is currently in the process of raising awareness about the use of aborted human
fetal tissue in vaccine production, specifically as it relates to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
"As an American citizen who loves my country, my Constitution, and my right to refuse forced
vaccinations, I urge you to end all consideration of mandatory vaccinations," the Liberty Counsel campaign against forced
vaccinations states.
Read more here:
A Call for Kristallnacht Against Christians
Murals and stained glass windows of Jesus are a "gross form of white supremacy" and "should all come
down," says non-black leftist Shaun King.
"All murals and stained
glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down. They are a gross form
of white supremacy. Created as tools of oppression. Racist propaganda. They should all come down."
That was a June 22 tweet from Shaun King, and the "far-left activist," wasn't done.
"Yes I think the statues of the white European
they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been," King tweeted. "In
the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Demark. Tear them down."
The casual reader might wonder about this man Shaun King, so eager for a Christian Kristallnacht.
As Fox News noted, King was "a surrogate for Sen. Bernie Sanders," and introduced the Vermont socialist at a rally
for his presidential bid. Bernie Sanders is big fan of Denmark, so King's anti-Jesus tweets may be a form of socialist distancing.
For their part, other groups on the left have been distancing themselves from Shaun King.
Read more here:
EXCLUSIVE: Contact tracing whistleblower warns of door-to-door forced vaccinations and FEMA kidnapping
(Natural News) In a Natural News exclusive, a California-based whistleblower is stepping forward and sounding the alarm on door-to-door
"contact tracing" campaigns which are under way right now, justified by the coronavirus pandemic government response.
These campaigns will be escalated to forced vaccinations and FEMA kidnappings of "dissenters" who
refuse vaccines, we've learned.
This video features a whistleblower we're
referring to as "contact traced," who is filmed in goggles and a hoodie, hiding in a dark closet to conceal their
identity. This person believes they have already been added to a "dissenter" red list in California, flagged for
possible FEMA kidnapping and forced relocation to a FEMA camp where those who resist vaccines will be processed and then exterminated.
This person's voice has been dramatically altered to protect their identity.
government hiring people to go door-to-door, building "red flag" lists of dissenters
Right now, California is hiring people to go door-to-door, creating "red flag" lists of
vaccine dissenters, flagging them to be forced vaccinated, medically kidnapped or executed by California government authorities
in the near future.
Read more here:
Cashless System Is Here, Get Prepared-The New World Order Money Will Be in Play This Year
Central banks around the world are examining the use of digital currencies.
As of recent, central banks of the U.K., Sweden, Thailand,
China, and the US are studying whether there are advantages of the digital form of their fiat money.
And the answer is
yes, the government and banking elites will seize even more power from the people.
Called central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), this "digital fiat" - digital money can
be directly sent to people's bank accounts. It eliminates physical cash - which is the end game for banking
Read more here:
COVID-Crunch? Fed Begins Rationing Coins As Americans Horde Cash
Having closed the US Mint and halted production (blaming COVID-19) after a surge in demand for gold and silver coins, and warned of the danger of using bills (once again blaming the pandemic and choosing to "quarantine" cash for the sake of Americans' health), Fed Chair
Powell quietly admitted to lawmakers this week that The Fed will be rationing coins as the circulation of coins across
the US economy ground to a halt due to the pandemic.
happened is that with the partial closure of the economy, the flow of coins through the economy ... it's kind of stopped,"
Powell told lawmakers.
He said the shortage was due to the mass
business closures that prevented people from spending their coins, as well as a lack of places that are open where
people can trade coins for paper bills.
"We've been aware of
it, we're working with the Mint to increase supply, we're working with the reserve banks to get the supply to where it needs
to be," Powell said, adding he expected the problem to be temporary.
Of course, Powell
added that the problem would only be temporary, given the economy was reopening and establishments that traditionally
deposit their cash into banks were beginning to restart operations. Read more here:
ANTIFA To Desecrate Gettysburg National Cemetery on July 4 - Then MURDER & BURN White Suburbs
under cover of "Fireworks"
ANTIFA is planning to desecrate
the Gettysburg National Cemetery by burning flags there on July 4; just before they begin MURDERING White people and BURNING
DOWN Suburbs the same day.
Announcements are already appearing on the
Internet about the desecration of 3500 Union Solder graves at the Hallowed ground where Abraham Lincoln gave his Gettysburg
The real eye-opener is from a Controlled Unclassified Law
Enforcement Bulletin issued as "Law Enforcement Sensitive - For Official Use Only" to Police and Fire Departments
about ANTIFA already using fireworks to acclimate suburbia with sounds of explosions, so they can use those to cover
for gun fire when they attack white, suburban, neighborhoods the same day.
According to Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) in a Bulletin issued to Police and Fire Departments,
ANTIFA has been taking deliveries of very large shipments of professional-grade fireworks. They have been sending teams
out to various areas throughout America to detonate those fireworks for the past two weeks, to achieve Three (3) specific
Read more here:
Netflix Kids Cartoon ‘Stretch Armstrong' Shows People Lining Up To Take ‘Implantable
Digital ID'
Netflix's "Stretch Armstrong & The Flex
Fighters" shows characters lining up to happily receive something called a ‘smartmark', basically a mobile app
that is implanted inside your body. That's how close we are, brothers and sisters, and this is how close the New World Order
is to rolling it out. Everything related to COVID-19, the global lockdowns, the crashing of the world's economies, the digital
Immunity Passports, and now the race riots are all connected and will bring the entire world to the doorstep of Antichrist
and the Mark of the Beast... (READ MORE)
The largest newspaper in Tennessee is the "Tennessean" and today, Sunday, June
21, the paper published a full page advertisement, paid-for by a conservative group, claiming Nashville will be the target
of a nuclear detonation on July 18, 2020, perpetrated by "Islam."
Tennessean (known until 1972 as The Nashville Tennessean) is the principal
daily newspaper in Nashville, Tennessee. Its circulation area covers 39 counties in Middle Tennessee and eight counties in southern Kentucky.
The full page ad which ran in all editions this morning, begins with
a simple statement: "We are under conviction to not only tell you but provide evidence that on July 18,
2020, Islam is going to detonate a nuclear device in Nashville, Tennessee."
Read more here:
United Nations sides with Antifa terrorists, setting stage for UN invasion of America when Antifa
backlash begins
(Natural News) In a statement opposing President Trump's recent designation of Antifa as a terrorist organization, the United Nations made a declaration that Antifa's right to "peaceful assembly" is now under attack by the administration.
A cohort of UN "experts" reportedly decided to post the flag of Antifa on the international
body's Twitter page along with a plea of "profound concern over a recent statement by the U.S. Attorney-General describing
Antifa and other anti-fascist activists as domestic terrorists."
the UN's view, Antifa is just like any other protest group that gathers peacefully to air grievances. And President Trump
is getting in the way of this peaceful expression of Antifa's First Amendment rights by classifying violent and destructive
behavior as terrorism.
"International human rights law protects the
right to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly," says Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, the UN's
Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism.
"(It is) regrettable that the United States has chosen to respond to the protests
in a manner that undermines these fundamental rights."
Read more
Does Today-Sunday, June 21, 2020-Mark The REAL Beginning Of The End? Pope Petrus Romanus' Apocalyptic
Vision Frames "End Of World Fears"
END OF THE WORLD fears have surged following sensational claims that there was a discrepancy in the Mayan calendar's 2012 doomsday prediction,
with new calculations suggesting Sunday, June 21, 2020, for the new date - and amid growing fears footage of the Pope's apocalyptic
vision has resurfaced. The new, even more bizarre hypothesis claims that the Julian calendar - used up until the 1500s, would
place Earth in 2012 today, not 2020. Amid the growing concerns, footage of Pope Francis' vision for the End Times has also
surfaced, from an address to St Peter's Square in 2016. He said: "The Lord tells us what will happen in the End Times...
Read more here:
End of the world: Is the Great Tribulation Jesus Christ and the Bible warned of unfolding?
TRIBULATION and strife will ravage the world before the return of Jesus Christ,
the Bible has foretold - but are we already living through the Great Tribulation?
Scores of devout Christians and doomsday prophets have now suggested the Tribulation could already be unfolding.
One Twitter user said: "Is 2020 the preview of the Tribulation?"
Another person asked: "Could we be living through the Tribulation now?"
A third person tweeted: "Welcome to the Tribulation. Buckle your seatbelts.
"There is more 'interesting rides' to follow. 2020 is just the beginning."
Read more here:
'Kill Whitey': Rioters Topple Statues Of George Washington, Saint Junipero Serra, Francis Scott
Key, Ulysses S. Grant And Albert Pike
The Red Brigade is carrying
out a Cultural Revolution in the streets while the deep state is carrying out a Color Revolution to oust our democratically
elected president.
And protesters just toppled the Albert Pike statue
in DC
- Perry Stein (@PerryStein) June 20, 2020
Tonight Antifa
and Black Live Matter protesters managed to pull down the statue of Albert Pike, an Officer in the Confederate Army. It was
D.C,'s only Confederate statue.
Footage shot by @JonFarinaPhoto for me @N2Sreports. Contact me for licensing.
- Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) June 20, 2020
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The Occult Symbolism Found on the Bank of America Murals
Prominently displayed in the lobby of the Bank of America's Corporate Center are "creepy" frescoes,
filled with occult symbols. Even more unsettling is the fact that those images seem to predict events of a radical world change
in the not-so-distant future. Are those murals predicting the coming of an occult New World Order? We will look at the occult
meaning of the symbols found on the Bank of America frescoes.
reader sent me pictures of some very odd murals displayed at the Bank of America Corporate Center in Charlotte, NC. Needless
to say, they immediately caught my attention, as I was flabbergasted by their symbolism and their message. I also couldn't
help relating them to the ominous murals of the Denver International Airport.
Read more here:
The Choice is Freedom or Slavery - Catherine Austin Fitts
By Greg Hunter's (Early Sunday Release)
Investment advisor and former Assistant
Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says you are going to have just two choices in the future. Fitts explains,
"Unfortunately, you have a lot of people who say ‘oh dear God, if I am just good, they will leave me alone.'
The reality is, and many people don't understand, the middle of the road is going away. . . . You have two choices:
One is freedom, one is slavery, and everybody is going to have to choose. There is no kind of navigating
around it. One subscriber asked me, should I do real estate or precious metals? I said if you don't have an army,
it doesn't matter where your assets are. You are going to lose them."
Fitts goes on to say, "They want to go to a new currency system. They want to go to a new system where
7 billion people around the planet are literally integrated into the cloud and can operate with an all-digital system that
is the equivalent to a credit on the company store. It's a control system, and if you look at what they are talking
about putting into these injections or doing with them, you are basically talking about a slavery system. You are talking
about integrating this into your body. I always tell people Bill Gates put an operating system on your computer that
gave somebody a back door and made you update it constantly, and the excuse was there's a new virus. Well, they are
going to play the same game with your body. . . . You are talking about an all-digital system where they can turn your money
off and on. You know what this is called if you are a Christian. It's called ‘Mark of the Beast.'
That's what they are trying to do here. They are trying to extend the life of the dollar . . . and hook everybody up
into the cloud."
Read more here:
IN ONE HOUR EVERYTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE- The prophet Isaiah warns us that in the last days God
is going to "turn the world upside down."
prophet Isaiah warns us that in the last days God is going to "turn the world upside down." He declares, "Behold,
the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down" (Isaiah 24:1).
According to this prophecy, sudden judgment is coming upon the earth, and it will change everything
in a single hour. Within that short span, the whole world will witness fast-falling destruction upon a city and a nation,
and the world will never be the same.
If you are attached to material
things - if you love this world and the things of it - you won't want to hear what Isaiah has prophesied. In fact, even to
the most righteous of God's people, what Isaiah says might seem unthinkable. Many would surely ask, "How can an entire
world be stricken in one hour?"
Read more here:
BREAKING: Antifa mob planning to take over more Seattle neighbourhoods
Following the surrender of the East Precinct of the Seattle Police Department to an Antifa
mob and the occupation of Seattle City Hall, a source on the ground in Seattle says that other police precincts around the
city are preparing to be the next targets.
CHAZ = "Capitol Hill
Autonomous Zone" #Seattle #antifa
- Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 10, 2020
Regarding the autonomous zone established by the Antifa-led mob, the
source-whose anonymity we are protecting-says, "They bar media from entering and screen people coming in. They are walking
around fully armed. Talking about making their own currency and making their own flag. SPD is talking about abandoning the
west precinct now.
Read more here:
Engineering A Race War: Will This Be The American Police State's Reichstag Fire?
Don't fall for it.
The Deep
State, the powers-that-be, want us to turn this into a race war, but this is about so much more than systemic racism. This
is the oldest con game in the books, the magician's sleight of hand that keeps you focused on the shell game in front
of you while your wallet is being picked clean by ruffians in your midst.
the Reichstag Fire all over again.
It was February 1933, a month before national
elections in Germany, and the Nazis weren't expected to win. So they engineered a way to win: they began by infiltrating
the police and granting police powers to their allies; then Hitler brought in stormtroopers to act as auxiliary police; by
the time an arsonist (who claimed to be working for the Communists in the hopes of starting an armed revolt) set fire to the
Reichstag, the German parliamentary building, the people were eager for a return to law and order.
That was all it took: Hitler used the attempted "coup" as an excuse to declare martial law and seize absolute power in Germany, establishing himself as a dictator with the support of the German people.
Fast forward to the present day, and what do we have? The nation in turmoil after months of pandemic fear-mongering
and regional lockdowns, a national election looming, a president with falling poll numbers, and a police state that wants
to stay in power at all costs.
Read more here:
America Is Quickly Becoming An Occupied Nation
America watched in horror as a Mr. Floyd was murdered by a rogue cop. The cops involved deserve prison. However,
this event is the catalyst for the take down of America and its institutions. In the last few months we have allowed our nation
to be dismantled with barely a whimper from the people.
is in a civil war. Americans who support the Constitution and its civil liberties are losing. America is becoming an occupied
nation. And nowhere was this more visible than in Seattle and this is only the beginning.
Antifa has committed an unmistakable act of war against the United States when its armed members
took over 6 square blocks in a major American city. They have asked for certain concessions, with no promise of withdrawing
from their aggressive, criminal activities including assault, murder, looting, fire-bombing and targeting police officers
across the country. These demands include the forsaking of meat, the release of all inmates (presumably so they can grow their
ranks, rent controls and the disbanding of ALL police departments across the country. Antifa is also asking for armed anarchists
to join them in defending Seattle. In the process of the takeover, Antifa forced the police to abandon one of their precincts.
This is all being performed in the name of saving black people from being murdered from the authorities. Even Captain Obvious
could point out that Antifa's paid anarchists actions has absolutely nothing to do with racial equality. Yet, the media is
perpetuating this façade and the estimated ignorant people living in America are buying this false line of reasoning
hook, line and sinker!
Read more here:
New York State Barr Association proposes mandatory COVID-19 vaccine, in violation of Nuremburg
code, medical ethics, informed consent
(Natural News) A chilling new report from the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) demands that all United States residents be inoculated with upcoming coronavirus vaccinations. The May 13 report,
published by more than 24,000 lawyers, demands: "When the efficacy of a COVID-19 vaccine has been confirmed, enact legislation
requiring vaccination of each person unless the person's physician deems vaccination for his or her patient to be clinically
The NYSBA committee believes that "for the sake
of public health, mandatory vaccinations for COVID-19 should be required in the United States as soon as it is available."
Their stated goal is "to shape the development of law."
make call to suspend human rights for wide-scale medical experimentation
NYSBA believes that a majority of Americans will want the vaccine, even though polls show Americans are very distrustful of a potential coronavirus vaccination. The group understands that "some Americans may push back on the COVID-19 vaccination for religious, philosophical or
personal reasons," but believe that all individual freedom, body autonomy, parental rights, religious beliefs, and personal
objections to scientific experiments should be suspended for the sake of "public health."
Read more here:
No, The U.S. Economy Will Definitely Not Be Returning To "Normal". In Fact, Things Will
Soon Get Even Worse.
2020 has been quite a year so far.
It has been one nightmare after another, and yet the economic optimists continue to insist that economic activity will soon
snap back to normal levels somehow. So the economic optimists aren't really alarmed by the fact that the core areas
of our major cities have been torched, gutted and looted by rioters, because they assume that all of this violence is just a temporary phenomenon and that any damage that has been done can
be repaired. And they aren't really alarmed by the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic is starting to escalate again.
In fact, over the last seven days we have seen the number of newly confirmed cases around the globe hit levels that we have never seen before. They just assume that "the worst is behind us" and that the vast majority of the businesses and jobs that
have been lost during this pandemic will be quickly recovered.
it be wonderful if they were actually correct?
Sadly, the truth is that
economic conditions will not be returning to normal. Yes, some of the jobs that were lost will be recovered as states
start to "reopen" their economies. But more than 100,000 businesses have already permanently closed during this new economic downturn, and all of those jobs are lost forever.
And yes, the level of economic activity will rise as states end their lockdowns, but it
will still be much lower than it was before COVID-19 started spreading like wildfire in the United States.
At this point, even the perpetually optimistic OECD is admitting that global economic
activity as a whole will be way down in 2020...
Read more here:
Malkin: The Monumental Campaign to #CancelAmerica
Across our looted plain, statues are under siege. Smashed. Spray-painted. Shrouded. Expunged. In the name of
social justice, we are witnessing the systematic eradication of history. Edifice vigilantes will not rest until all monuments
of Western civilization fall.
Across our looted plain, statues are
under siege. Smashed. Spray-painted. Shrouded. Expunged. In the name of social justice, we are witnessing the systematic eradication
of history. Edifice vigilantes will not rest until all monuments of Western civilization fall.
It matters not whether the targets were guilty of the tired old charges of patriarchal oppression
and institutional racism. It only matters that marble and granite tributes to dead white men be replaced with garish "Black
Lives Matter" street murals and St. George Floyd altars.
of tax dollars have been spent on America's War on Poverty. We've had four decades of affirmative action. A black president
held the White House for eight years, with a black First Lady, black attorney general, black homeland security secretary,
black transportation secretary, black education secretary, black U.N. ambassador, top black senior advisers, and more than
400 black presidential appointees. It's never enough.
The current president
has forked over criminal justice reform, expanded the "Opportunity Zones" money pit, increased funding for historically
black colleges and universities and obsesses endlessly about the "black unemployment rate." At the urging of his
pandering son-in-law, Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump is now promising to deliver left-wing "police reforms"
first-instead of protecting law enforcement officers and their families in the crosshairs of violent antifa and Black Lives
Matter extremists.
Read more here:
Oregon Governor Praises Protesters While Taking Churches To Court Over Covid Orders
Oregon governor Kate Brown is going out of her way to voice her support for the Black
Lives Matter protests, which seem to violate her own Covid 19 orders. At the same time, she's continuing to challenge a rural
county court order in which a judge ruled that churches can reopen.
right, she's dragging churches to court but giving a pass to the protesting mobs.
Read more here:
FBI Pledge Allegiance to Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Nation of Islam and New Black Panthers Protesters...
In a display of public unity with ‘The Movement' writ
large, FBI officials took a knee to declare their woke allegiance with the protesting mobs. With that visible display
we now have a better understanding of the motives behind a history of FBI failures.
Setting aside the optic that some members of the FBI looking more like ‘meal-team-6', there was always a suspicion
the FBI were more concerned about political correctness than actually doing the work of a federal investigative agency.
Historically the FBI has failed miserably to stop domestic terror threats; and when the investigative failures are researched
there's usually a prior connection between the attackers and the FBI.
father of the Orlando Pulse nightclub terrorist, Omar Mateen, was a guy named Seddique Mateen (you might remember seeing him at the Hillary Clinton rally). After Omar killed 49 people it was discovered that Seddique had been an FBI informant
for over eleven years (2005 to 2016).
Read more here:
How Did the Obama Foundation Tweet a George Floyd Poster on May 17, when he wasn't Killed until
May 25?
George Floyd was killed by Minneapolis, MN Police on
May 25.
So how does the Obama Foundation have a George Floyd Poster in
a tweet they posted on May 17?
George Floyd was killed.
Here is a screen shot of the Obama Foundation
tweet from May 17:
Mandatory Vaccines: Complete Control Over Your Physical Body
If there is a tight-knit group of Big Pharma organizations working together toward a global monopoly
over health care, then Bill Gates and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are the titular heads.
The playbook is Technocracy and the actors are Technocrats, that is, scientists and engineers who
think it is their role to control all of nature, resources, manufacturing, consumption and management of the ‘herd'
of humans on earth that all this is spent on in the end. (Note, not all scientists and engineers are Technocrats!)
To a Technocrat, whatever the problem is, science has the answer. Nobody else could possibly
have an answer if it isn't science-driven.
Read more here:
Protesters Showed Up In Coeur d'Alene, Idaho But The Locals Made Sure That There Would Be No Riots...
When word started spreading that the same protesters that had just broken windows and
looted stores in Spokane were going to come to Coeur d'Alene, hundreds of citizens mobilized to protect their community.
So when the protesters did show up on Monday night, they quickly discovered that a very heavily armed "welcoming committee"
was waiting for them. Just like most Americans all over the country, most residents of north Idaho were absolutely horrified
by the death of George Floyd, and there seems to be an overwhelming consensus that the police officer that killed him needs
to be brought to justice. But most residents of north Idaho have also been absolutely horrified by the violent riots
that have erupted in cities from coast to coast, and they sure don't want the same thing to happen in their neck of the woods.
Read more here:
Idaho Town Taken Over By Armed 'Patriot' Patrols Amid Rumors Antifa Headed There
Amid rumors of mass protests and riots in the northwest Idaho city of Coeur d'Alene,
some locals weren't having it, and armed themselves to patrol city streets lined with small businesses.
It's a trend giving rise to fears that violent armed clashes between different American
factions are imminent. Already videos from cities across the nation have depicted counter-demonstrators taking matters into
their own hands as police retreat.
and rumors that groups bent on rioting and violence in Coeur d'Alene brought out men and women with guns on Monday determined
to stop them if they arrive," local Idaho media reported.
Read more here:
Are you ready to live in a medical police state - your body monitored, your movement tracked, and
your family forced into home arrest and isolation?
The greatest
threats to liberty are yet to come, as the medical establishment and Big Pharma rapidly merge with Big Tech, state governments,
and the National Guard, to track people's whereabouts, trace the level of contact people have with one another, and force
people to isolate in their homes, undergo medical testing and bodily requirements. Almost every state now has a plan for contact tracing.
Welcome to the new medical police state
Contact tracing is a system of monitoring human movement and interaction to impose individual
quarantines, medical testing, and home arrest for anyone reported or suspected of coming into contact with someone with a
targeted illness - in this case COVID-19. Anyone, regardless of the amount of contact they have with sick people, regardless
of infection status, can have their liberties suspended, their lives put on hold - forced into home arrest and isolation.
In the state of Washington, Governor Jay Inslee said people who do not cooperate with
contact tracers won't be allowed to leave their homes or go to the grocery store.
Read more here:
Communist terrorist organization Antifa plans PURGE of American suburbs and family homes starting
(Natural News) Consider yourself "warned" America. It's not just a home invasion "thriller" movie anymore; it's the
beginning of the litmus test for Socialist "Democrat" tyranny. How much will YOU tolerate? On Twitter, the paid-to-destroy
people and property organization and extreme Left wing of George Soros, Antifa announced that they would be moving into the
residential areas tonight, because they're already bored with the mega-city demolition and mayhem they've caused.
"F-the City" they decry, as groups in Portland announced gathering locations right in the middle of middle-class suburbia-style
residential "hoods," nowhere near downtown, to "take what's ours" - whatever that means (probably your
money, all your belongings, and your wife and kids to sell on the slave trade dark web).
Read more here:
Immunity Passports Are Real And Being Deployed
Unfortunately, the manufactured COVID-19 crisis continues to
unfold. As with any crisis, the people always lose more rights, all in the name of safety. Trump's Dr. Facui promoted the
idea of immunity passports last month and now they are pressing forward.
Suddenly companies have
blossomed out of nowhere to provide this invasive and illegal service. Covi-Pass is one such company, and reading through there website is quite disturbing.
more here:
SUSPECTS - Weapons Being Shipped-in By CHINA
The following
is COVERT INTELLIGENCE for Subscribers only -- Those of you with "Bug-Out" plans to evacuate urban areas, should
activate those plans TODAY. Be out of the cities before this coming weekend. Martial Law may be just
a day or two away, and once it comes down, movement will be impossible. BUG-OUT to your back-up location immediately.
Today. Take food, guns, ammunition, some clothing and make your evac.
The United States of America is in the early stages of an actual Insurrection.
Riots and looting taking place in many major US cities are NOT a spontaneous, grass-roots, outpouring of anger over
the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis Police, but rather a carefully scripted, race-based incitement, to attack
our Constitutional Republic.
Read more here:
During the tribulation period, the world will be ruled by a godless man presiding over an evil
governmental system. The Bible associates this end-times ruler with a terrible beast in Revelation and in Daniel, The day
is here- get ready...
Mr. Trump will win re-election giving the American
people another four years, the world will have endured about five years of the seven years tribulation event, the remaining
two years will be like no other known to mankind, know where you stand with the creator. HELL ON EARTH
God has sent them ( The Un-godly ) a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so
that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness" (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). Simply put, God sends a strong delusion to those who chose not to believe the gospel of Christ. Those who take delight
in mocking and rejecting Him, He will condemn.
Read more here:
Shocking Evidence That Indicates That Somebody Is Trying To Orchestrate An Internal Uprising Inside
The United States
Violence has erupted in major cities all over
America yet again today, and we are being told to brace ourselves for more rioting, looting and civil unrest in the days ahead.
The death of George Floyd was a great tragedy, and the vast majority of Americans agree that we do not want to see that sort
of police brutality in our nation, and so this should actually be a moment that brings our country together. But instead,
America is being torn apart. The protests against police brutality have been hijacked by sinister forces, and they are
attempting to channel the outrage over George Floyd's death in a very violent direction. As you will see below, law
enforcement authorities all over the U.S. are telling us that they have identified a highly organized effort to orchestrate
violence, and this appears to be happening on a nationwide basis.
more here:
The CHICOMS cannot hide their intent to commit genocide: The "kill shot" bioweapon release
is next
(Natural News) The reason that the United States remains today is that it has never seen war on its mainland. Once its enemies
aim at the mainland, the enemies would have already reached Washington before its congress finishes debating and authorizes
the president to declare war. But for us, we don't waste time on these trivial things.
(Article by Dave Hodges republished from
From Leaked Address to the CCP by the Chinese Defense Minister
Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fengh
my interview with Steve Quayle, it is clear that a clear state of war exists between China and the US. Please note that the
Chinese will be taking no prisoners. America has just experienced a first attack, an artillery bombardment if you will, a
softening up. The worst is yet to come!
The next bioweapon released on
the United States, by China, will likely be the proverbial kill shot. It will be genocidal and it will be the prelude to actual
military invasion.
Read more here:
PURE EVIL: Police Chief Breaks Down After Describing How Richmond Leftist Rioters Torched Home
with Children inside Then Blocked Fire Department
chief of the Richmond, Virginia, police department told reporters Sunday that Black Lives Matter and antifa rioters set fire
to a multi-family home with children inside and then blocking access for firefighters to get through to save the children.
Richmond Police Chief William Smith broke down while speaking about the horrible night of chaos after an occupied building was torched by rioters.
Read more here:
Sheriff Warns Rioters Planning To Raid Neighborhoods: ‘I'm Highly Recommending' Residents
Shoot You Dead
‘People of Polk County like guns,
they have guns, I encourage them to own guns - and they're going to be in their homes tonight with their guns loaded'
A Florida sheriff has a stark warning for rioters tonight: if you fan out to the
suburbs to loot, you will likely be shot by residents.
The Lakeland
Police Department Sheriff Grady Judd issued a statement on the heels of Polk County declaring a local state of emergency on Monday, warning rioters to stay away from the neighborhoods
because residents value the Second Amendment.
"We have received information
that some of these criminals were going to take their criminal conduct into the neighborhoods," Judd said. "I would
tell them, if you value your life, they probably shouldn't do that in Polk County."
Read more here:
The Antichrist Spirit Has Begun to Move, the Rule of Law Has Collapsed
The AntiChrist Will Make His Appearance Soon, The World Stage Has Made Preparations...
He will be strong-willed and reckless in his determination to have his
way. He will show contempt for human traditions and will, of course, change even the calendar so that it will no longer be
related to the birth of Jesus (Daniel 7:25).
The Word of God Is Quick and Powerful, Sharper Than Any Two-Edged
Sword, the Word of God Has Been Subject to Almost Continuous Attack by Its Enemies, (the Un-goldy ) but they have not been
able to censor or destroy it.
"The Word of God is quick, and powerful,
and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow,
and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."-Heb. 4:12
The Word of God has been subject to almost continuous attack by its enemies,
(the Un-goldy ) but they have not been able to censor (Big Tech ) or destroy it, even as the wicked king of Judah was not
able to destroy the message contained in the scroll dictated by Jeremiah. He destroyed the original scroll, but in the Lord's
providence there appeared a larger and more complete version.
Read more
When the World Comes After America, The War Will Last For Years And Most Large Cities Will Be Destroyed
The next great depression will be worldwide and it will be deeper and more chaotic than
anything ever seen before. When the whole world suffers it will blame the U.S. for it and everyone will want a piece of America
for retribution.
The Nations of Russia, China, and Iran, which will lead
the Muslim nations in the Mid East and Africa, will gang up on America which will be even more devastated financially than
most nations. The American forces will succumb to a massive attack that takes down most of our electronic equipment and
destroys our high tech advantage.
The war that follows will become a mostly
conventional affair fought on American soil. A massive invasion by millions of enemy troops will follow who will commit every
war crime imaginable on the American people. The invasion will come after internal conflict, caused by financial devastation,
has taken a high death toll among Americans fighting among themselves over diminishing resources.
The invading nations will see this as their best opportunity to destroy America permanently and
gain valuable natural resources at the same time. This is why it will be mostly conventional after a possible limited nuclear
strike to disable our military resources and infrastructure. To make matters worse, these invaders will be aided by elements
within the U.S. government who will cooperate with these ground forces.
more here:
MRNA Moderna using unethical and untested animal and human genes in vaccine - social media bans
(Natural News) Moderna (MRNA) stock jumped as they announced a ‘vaccine' for COVERT-19. Of course, the big pharma appointee
who is overseeing ‘Operation Warp Speed' owned $10 Million USD worth of the stock, and has had to divest it to avoid potential conflicts of interest:
(Article by globalintelhub republished from
Moncef Slaoui, a former venture capitalist and executive at GlaxoSmithCline,
resigned from his position as a member of Moderna's board of directors just last week to take the government job. However,
according to Securities and Exchanges Commission filings, Slaoui still held over 156,000 stock options in the company. At the time of his appointment to lead "Operation Warp
Speed," the shares were worth about $10 million. The announcement comes as Moderna's stock soared almost 20 percent
on Monday, following promising early results from its phase one vaccine trial.
Corruption is not the concern
here, the system is built on corruption. Capitalism corrupts, absolute corruption corrupts absolutely.
The issue is the bigger agenda, the global genetic modification of the human race, including
but not limited to the foods we eat, the medicine we receive, and the way we interact with each other. Google seems
to be spearheading the counterintelligence operation for the cult, which is both 1) disinformation by spreading Gates sponsored
‘trials' and ‘news' from makeshift ‘think tanks' and ‘science research centers' which are all controlled
by the same organization, and 2) banning via direct algorithmic censorship any alternative to that narrative.
Read more here:
Bill Gates running deadly global "vaccine empire" that can only exist through extreme
censorship of real science and intelligent questions about vaccine safety
(Natural News) The reason why Microsoft co-founder and billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is being given so much airtime amid the Wuhan
coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis is because Gates is currently the world's largest manufacturer of vaccines, as well as the money behind the mass vaccination agenda.
Gates is also the single-largest donor to both the World Health Organization (WHO), which is currently
under investigation by the United States for its handling of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and the CDC Foundation,
both of which act as marketing arms for his global vaccine empire.
is no doubt that Gates lives to vaccinate, his number-one goal being to jab every single person on the planet with his many
vaccines. Gates actually stated about a year-and-a-half ago that "vaccine hesitancy" is a top "global health
threat" that must be dealt with if the world is going to "progress" in the direction he wants.
Read more here:
Survey finds that Americans are growing increasingly distrustful toward "warp speed"
coronavirus vaccine development
(Natural News) A growing number of Americans have become skeptical of an up-and-coming, rushed coronavirus vaccine that is set to be distributed
by the military. A new Reuter's survey of 4400 Americans conducted between May 13 and May 19 finds that 25 percent of respondents are "not very interested in" or "not
at all interested in" the prospect of a vaccine for COVID-19. Approximately 40 percent believe the "warp speed"
vaccine will be more risky than the infection itself, and over a third of respondents would be less willing to take the vaccine(s)
if President Donald Trump claimed they were safe. Another 11 percent are unsure about it altogether. Most survey respondents
are concerned about the current speed of vaccine development and the force by which these experimental injections are being
pushed into existence.
"With all the attention on COVID-19, I would
have expected more people to be interested in getting a vaccine - somewhere around 75 percent," said Dr. William Schaffner,
vaccine expert at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville.
more here:
Australian researchers see virus design manipulation
A forthcoming Australian scientific study concludes that the coronavirus causing the global pandemic contains unique
properties suggesting it was manipulated in a Chinese laboratory and was not the result of a natural occurrence.
Five scientists who conducted the study discovered an unusual ability of the SARS-CoV-2
virus, as the pathogen behind COVID-19 is called, to easily infect humans.
scientists said there is no sign so far that the virus can be found in other animals, including bats or the exotic wildlife
sold for fresh meat at a market in the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the virus was first identified and where China maintains a major laboratory studying such viruses.
Read more here:
Washington gov: Those who don't cooperate with ‘contact tracers' and tests not allowed to
leave home
OLYMPIA, Washington, May 14, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - Washington Governor Jay Inslee indicated that people who refuse to cooperate with contact tracers or refuse
coronavirus testing won't be allowed to leave their homes even to go to the grocery store or pharmacy.
"When it comes to contact tracing, how are you guys going to handle people or families who
want to refuse to test or to self isolate? If they want to leave their home to get groceries I know you've said they can't
do that; how will you make sure they don't?" a reporter asked him.
more here:
GOP Alaska legislator compares coronavirus screening sticker to Nazi Germany's Star of David
A Republican state lawmaker in Alaska is facing backlash from Jewish legislators after
he compared coronavirus safety measures at the statehouse to the Nazi treatment of Jewish people.
Alaska state Rep. Ben Carpenter (R) complained about the new health screening required for lawmakers
returning to the Capitol building this week, Anchorage Daily News reported Friday.
In an email copied to all 40 members of the Alaska House, Carpenter
reportedly ranted about legislators being asked to wear a sticker proving they've passed the screening.
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We Are Being Told To Prepare "To See High Prices At Grocery Stores" And "It's Likely
That Shortages May Only Get Worse"
If you have been to a
grocery store lately, then you already know that prices are higher than usual and that there are shortages of certain items.
Many Americans have been assuming that as COVID-19 restrictions are slowly rolled back that these shortages will eventually
disappear, but now even the Washington Post is admitting that "shortages may get worse" in the weeks and months ahead. Of course there will still be
plenty of food available in the grocery stores, but you may have to do without some of your favorite products for a while.
And you should also brace yourself for significantly higher prices for many of the products that do remain available.
As WBTV has noted, this will especially be true for basic meat staples such as ground beef and chicken...
Americans looking to get outside this holiday weekend, maybe fire up the grill, should be prepared to see
high prices at grocery stores, especially cookout staples like ground beef and chicken.
The meat at the store is a little bit more expensive because of plants that are shutting down and
causing a logjam in the food supply chain.
All over the country, COVID-19
is playing havoc with food distribution systems, and nobody has been hit harder than meat processing facilities. The
virus has spread like wildfire in such facilities, and this has resulted in many of them being forced to shut down for an
extended period of time.
Read more here:
United Nations New World Order Economic Paradigm Project Creates ‘International Day Of Happiness'
Calls For ‘Global Citizens' To Celebrate
2020 and the United Nations #InternationalDayOfHappiness campaign theme is a call on all 7.8 billion members of the global
human family, and all 206 nations and territories of planet earth, to unite in solidarity, and steadfast resolve, in fighting
back against the COVID 19 Coronavirus, by taking the #TenStepsToGlobalHappiness challenge to celebrate the 2020 #InternationalDayOfHappiness,
and ultimately defeating the COVID 19 global pandemic, and threat to all life. UNIDOHappiness is the official home of the
United Nations International Day of Happiness, and part of the UN New World Order Project.
Read more here:
Coronavirus Monitoring Bracelets Flood the Market, Ready to Snitch on People Who Don't Distance
Surveillance firms around the world are licking their lips at a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to cash in on the coronavirus by repositioning one of their most invasive products: the tracking bracelet.
Body monitors are associated with criminality and guilt in the popular imagination, the
accessories of Wall Street crooks under house arrest and menace-to-society parolees. Unlike smartphones, de facto tracking
devices in their own right, strapped-on trackers are expressly designed to be attached to the body and exist solely to report
the user's whereabouts and interactions to one or more third parties; they don't play podcasts or tell you how many steps
you took that day to sweeten the surveillance.
But a climate of perpetual
bio-anxiety has paved the way for broader acceptance of carceral technologies, with a wave of companies trying to sell tracking accessories to business owners eager to reopen under the aegis of responsible social distancing and
to governments hoping to keep a closer eye on people under quarantine.
more here:
Your "Immunity Passport" Future Begins To Materialize As Airlines Call For Digital ID
Tracking Systems
The world's largest airline trade group
has called for immunity passports, thermal screening, masks, and physical distancing to be a part of the industry's strategy
for returning to "normal" operations.
The International
Air Transport Association (IATA), which represents 299 airlines, recently issued their publication, Biosecurity for Air Transport A Roadmap for Restarting Aviation, which outlines their strategy to open up air travel as governments begin to lift travel restrictions.
Under a section titled, "The passenger experience" and "Temporary biosecurity measures,"
the IATA describes their vision of post-COVID-19 flights. The organization calls for contact tracing, a controversial method of tracking the civilian population to track the spread of COVID-19.
Read more here:
Mastercard joins ID2020 Alliance
Mastercard today announced that it will join the ID2020 Alliance, a global multi-stakeholder partnership dedicated to enabling
everyone to have access to a viable and trusted form of legal identity.
the recent implementation of social distancing around the world, our digital dependency has become even greater. Individuals
are signing up and logging in to a range of digital services - social media, entertainment streaming, telemedicine and remote
learning, to name just a few. What is critical in each of these interactions is the role that identity plays in enabling trust
and the need to prove who we are safely and conveniently, wherever we are.
share the belief with ID2020 that digital identity is a fundamental human right that each individual has control over; that
digital identity is a crucial step towards financial inclusion and to building a world where technology empowers, enables
and protects everyone," said Ajay Bhalla, president, Cyber & Intelligence, Mastercard.
"We must work together to establish consistency and common standards across the globe that
can make this a reality, addressing real challenges faced by people every day and sparking continued innovation." Read More ...
Tech for Contact Tracing Will Be Included in Latest iPhone Update-Whether You Like It or Not
If you thought you were going to be able to avoid putting technology for contact tracing
on your iPhone, Apple has made that decision for you and the answer is, you will. The next update for iOS is 13.5 and it comes
already loaded with contact-tracing technology.
Read more here:
Corona Crisis Control - Digital Identification Für Alle
A digital identity for every citizen on the globe has been identified by the World Bank
and World Economic Forum as an important part in the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals. The right to a legal
identity is a part of Global Goal 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions). An effort to achieve this is the ID2020
Alliance. A Public-Private Partnership between United Nations agencies, World Economic Forum, Foundations and Big Tech-corporations.
Their grand goal do however raise some concerns about loss of privacy, mass surveillance and population control. It comes
with a price that might have severe implications for the freedom of man.
ID2020 was founded in New York 2014 by John Edge, an expert on how Public-Private Partnerships can solve the sustainability
goals with the help from blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies.
organisation, that was supported by law firm Kaye Scholer, technology conglomerate Red Rose Corporation and the merchant bank Broadhaven, held their first meeting in September 2015. Their stated mission was to give a digital identity to everyone through "leveraging
start-up models" and in the end create a system that would span the globe, including the 1 billion people that currently
have no proper identification.
Read more here:
Analysis From J.P. Morgan Shows Lockdowns Don't Help
It's now settled fact, based on reams of data from nearly every
Western country, that lockdowns do not work. In fact, given that most countries implemented them long after peak transmission
of the virus, they likely created mini breeding grounds by locking down more family members together indoors for an extended
period of time. Now J.P. Morgan researchers have released data analysis that demonstrates what we have seen in Georgia, Florida,
and so many other states: states that ended the lockdown earlier fared better.
Yesterday, CNBC reporter Carl Quintanilla posted diagrams prepared by J.P. Morgan plotting the rate of infection
by state for those that eased restrictions. Contrary to predictions by the media, who seem to have a religious faith in lockdowns,
the numbers have actually gone down in nearly all those states.
Read more
After State Killed 275k Jobs Over COVID-19, Sheriff Now Evicting Residents Who Can't Pay
Oklahoma City, OK - Since March, unemployment across the country has reached
record and potentially catastrophic numbers. In the entire country, a record 38.6 million Americans have filed for unemployment
during the pandemic. That corresponds to nearly 25% of the entire United States labor force. While many of these folks are
receiving unemployment from state and federal government, many others are not.
Millions of Americans - who watched states close non-essential businesses, subsequently crushing their careers -
cannot even access unemployment benefits, according to the Economic Policy Institute. While some of these problems have been remedied, for others, collecting unemployment insurance
was never an option.
Read more here:
"It's Time For A Rewrite": Genetic Code of The Planet Under Attack
An arrogant scientific elite has divorced themselves from common sense, natural
law, and the rest of the human species in their quest for full spectrum domination.
The very genetic code of the planet's biosphere is being overwritten; The ultimate goal being the ability to
manipulate, patent and program at will the biological processes of all life.
Tom Knight, professor at MIT's Artificial Intelligence Lab, said in 2007 that "The genetic code is 3.6 billion years old. It's
time for a rewrite."
Read more here:
China's scientists accused of ‘playing God' by creating ‘monstrous' cloned apes and
primates with human organs
Mark Hodge
CHINESE scientists have been accused of being real-life Dr Frankensteins
who play God by cloning apes and editing the genes of babies.
Some of
their work has been dubbed "monstrous" while other cutting edge research could lead to cures for Parkinson's and
It's important to note that the US and the UK are not immune
from conducting tests on animals and in fact carry out THOUSANDS of experiments on primates every year.
However, China has become the capital of research on apes and monkeys believing that our closest
relatives hold the key to understanding brain disorders that destroy lives.
the Institute of Neuroscience (ION) in Shanghai, cloned five infant monkeys last year from an adult macaque who had been genetically-edited.
Read more here:
Coronavirus and the Constitution: Entering the Not-So-Brave New World
Two months have passed since the lockdown began, and statistics indicate that the
coronavirus death toll hasn't risen as high as we might have supposed. Yet already we hear rhetoric of a "post-COVID
world," hauntingly reminiscent of the "post-9/11 world." However, unlike the tangible event of 9/11, COVID
is a threat of an entirely different nature, an "invisible enemy."
The enemy isn't "out there" to defeat in the old-fashioned way, with bombs and machine guns.
But all the same, its pervasiveness renders us into a constant state of paranoia. Even our loved ones become potential threats;
we all pose a risk to those around us, therefore perpetrating the omnipresent danger.
To use the post-9/11 term, we are all terrorists. That's why we must stay under house arrest until
a treatment is produced to save us from ourselves. The alphabet agencies even gave us a script: we're supposed to play the
part of Sleeping Beauty as we await Prince Charming's cure for our mysterious ailment.
But the problem with fairytales is they fall apart under scrutiny; we struggle to believe in the knight in shining
armor because experience has taught us again and again that he doesn't exist.
more here:
This Mammoth Hailstone Was so Large That it Literally Went Through the Roof of a House During an
Extreme Storm in Texas
A hailstone was so large (bigger
than softballs) that it literally went through the roof in Burkburnett, Texas.
That's gotta be close to a record.
hailstone makes ahole in a roof in Burkburnett, Texas. Picture via Facebook
is no megacryometeor! Nope! This is a mammoth hailstone that dropped from the sky, making a hole in the roof of a home in Burkburnett,Texas.
This mammoth hail fell on Burk, Texas on May 22, 2020. Close to new record, no? Picture:
Facebook / Angie Hume and Phillip Downing
And here look at the hole in the roof when the ice ‘cannon ball'
dropped full speed from the sky.
Roof and ceiling completely obliterated
by a gigantic hailstone in Burkburnett, Texas. Picture via Facebook / Angie Hume and Phillip Downing
As shown in the link below, some melon-sized hail hit Mexico a few days ago:
Well, I do believe the mammoth hail that made this hole in a roof of
Burk, Texas is even bigger and could be a new size record.
Left-Wing Columnist: "I Would Vote for Joe Biden if he Boiled Babies and Ate Them"
Weird flex, but okay.
columnist Katha Pollitt has penned an article for The Nation in which she states she would vote for Joe Biden even "if
he boiled babies and ate them."
In the article, Pollitt dispenses with the "believe women" mantra to cast doubt on Tara Reade's sexual assault allegation against
Biden before declaring, "I would vote for Joe Biden if he boiled babies and ate them. He wasn't my candidate, but taking
back the White House is that important."
After questioning the veracity
of Reade's claim that Biden pushed her up against a wall in a hallway in the Capitol complex and forcibly penetrated her with
his fingers, Pollitt made clear that it didn't matter if Biden had sexually assaulted her or not.
Read more here:
Wash.-based Coast Guard crew quarantined after arresting infected smuggler
SAN DIEGO, Calif. - The entire crew of the Port Angeles, Wash.-based Coast Guard cutter
Active is quarantined on board the vessel in San Diego after they captured three suspected cocaine smugglers at sea who were
infected with coronavirus, officials said.
Coast Guard Petty Officer Steve
Strohmaier said the crew of the Active was on a counter-narcotics operations in the Eastern Pacific off Central America on
May 12 when they apprehended a boat at sea loaded with over 2,000 pounds of cocaine worth an estimated $37 million.
The cocaine was confiscated and three suspected smugglers on the boat were brought on
board the Active.
One of the three detainees had mild illness symptoms,
including a fever and sore throat, so he was treated by the cutter's doctor. All three suspects were then isolated on board
the cutter in case they were infected with coronavirus, Strohmaier said.
more here:
Universities try to block Congress from accessing documents detailing their ties to China
Memo exclusively obtained by The College Fix shows
schools applying pressure to keep files secret
for universities under investigation by the U.S. Department of Education are trying to block Congress from obtaining records
that detail the schools' ties with China, according to a May 19 letter exclusively obtained by The College Fix.
The letter, written by the Education Department's General Counsel Reed Rubinstein, tells
lawmakers who requested the documents that the universities' lawyers "claimed Freedom of Information Act exemptions and
legal privileges to block record production to Congress."
wrote that some schools may be overly aggressive in marking some documents "confidential" or "privileged."
Nevertheless, he added, staff will contact each school under investigation and let them
know which records will be provided to Congress. To block a document being handed over, an objecting school "must provide
written specification of the records designated for withholding and specific supporting legal grounds," the letter states.
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Arsonist Burns Down Lockdown Defying Church - "Bet You Stay Home Now You Hypokrits"
Criminal defies ‘stay-at-home' order to blow up a house of God
A Mississippi church that defied the state's lockdown orders and filed a lawsuit
challenging the city of Holly Springs' coronavirus restrictions has been burned down by what appears to be a left-wing arsonist.
"Bet you stay home now you hypokrits," were the words spraypainted in the parking
lot of The First Pentecostal Church of Holly Springs.
Investigators say
an explosion blew out the front of the church, according to Fox 13.
The church's pastor Jerry Waldrop filed a lawsuit against the city last
month after police broke up their Easter service and gave the church a citation because parishioners were not social distancing.
The lawsuit said parishioners only went inside the building after rain ruined their outdoor
As tension over face masks, opening or closing businesses, vaccinations
and other divisive topics continues to escalate, we can expect more hostility between Americans.
Bill Gates admits that 700,000 people will be harmed or killed by his coronavirus vaccines
Sunday, May 17, 2020 by: Ethan Huff
(Natural News) In his rush to develop one, two, or even seven different vaccines for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), billionaire software tycoon Bill Gates openly admitted that upwards of 700,000 people could become injured or die from these jabs.
Microsoft co-founder and prominent eugenicist has been more outspoken in recent days than perhaps ever before about his desire
to vaccinate the entire world, in this case as soon as possible for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). And the reality is that
many more will die from the vaccine than from the virus itself.
Read more
DOD awards $138 million contract to ApiJect to develop vaccines for coronavirus with RFID chips
and GPS tracking
Saturday, May 16, 2020 by: Ethan Huff
(Natural News) The Department of Defense's (DOD) Joint Acquisition Task Force in partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services
(HHS) has awarded ApiJect Systems America a lucrative $138 million contract to produce hundreds of millions of "smart" syringes for
administering Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines to the masses.
to the Pentagon, ApiJect subsidiary RAPID USA Inc. will immediately initiate Project Jumpstart, a program to develop a high-speed
supply chain for prefilled syringes using blow fill-seal (BFS) plastics manufacturing technology. This will enable the "warp
speed" development of hundreds of millions of medical-grade injection devices to be ready by October 2020.
Read more here:
San Antonio passes resolution declaring references to coronavirus being from China as "racist
hate speech"
Saturday, May 16, 2020 by: Ethan Huff
(Natural News) It certainly took no time all for leftist politicians to turn the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic into yet another
soapbox for pushing their political correctness doctrines.
One of the
latest examples comes out of San Antonio, Texas, where the City Council voted unanimously to dub certain references linking the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) to China as "racist." At one point, the mainstream
media was claiming that wearing a mask is also "racist."
Calling it the "Chinese
Virus" or the "Kung Fu Virus" is now considered to be "hate speech" in San Antonio, which is openly
condemning such language and urging area locals to stop using this type of verbiage.
"This coronavirus has held no regard for race, religion, creed, or political boundary," wrote Mayor Ron
Nirenberg in a petition to the City Council before its vote. "As such, our efforts must meet the indiscriminate nature
of COVID-19 with empathy and compassion for all our neighbors."
more here:
More Proof Covid-19 Was Designed To Trample The US Constitution As Broward County Health Administrator
Discusses Forcefully Removing Sick People From Their Own Homes
Attorney' Claims Americans Have NO RIGHT NOT TO Be 'Vaxxed'!
If Americans needed any more proof that SOME in government are using this 'covid-19 crisis' to unveil more
tyranny across America, we get it today from numerous different sources including the 1st video at the bottom of this story
in which we hear Broward County Administrator Bertha Henry discussing how the government there may have to FORCEFULLY REMOVE sick people from their own
homes to quarantine them due to coronavirus.
Read more here:
One Third Of Jail Inmates Nationwide Set Free in Unprecedented Coronavirus Jailbreak
An unprecedented jailbreak.
A new
study reveals that almost a third of county jail inmates have been set free from the facilities during the coronavirus pandemic.
The Prison Policy Initiative study has determined that 32% of inmates at county jails
have been set free.
"In the last two months, local governments
across the U.S. have drastically reduced their jail populations to slow the spread of the coronavirus. The typical jail has
reduced its population by more than 30%."
Read more here:
Top CDC Official: ‘We'll Just Get Rid of All Whites in the United States' Who Refuse Vaccines
Chair of Advisory Committee on Immunizations floats racially-based depopulation
A top Center for Disease Control official was caught
on tape in 2016 saying that society should "get rid of of all the whites in the United States" to reduce the number
of people who refuse vaccines.
Dr. Carol Baker made the alarming
remarks during the "Achieving Childhood Vaccine Success in the U.S." panel discussion sponsored by the National
Meningitis Association in New York City on May 9, 2016.
"So I have
the solution. Every study published in the last five years, when you look at vaccine refusers," Baker told the panel.
"I'm not talking about...hesitance, most of them we can talk into coming to terms. But refusers. We'll just get rid of
all the whites in the United States...Guess who wants to get vaccinated the most? Immigrants."
Read more here:
City demands churches turn over names, addresses, phone numbers!
Governors and mayors across the nation have claimed that their emergency powers allow them to ban
large groups during the coronavirus pandemic. They don't want groups gathering in malls, movie theaters or even churches,
despite the constitutional protection of religious rights.
Now one official
is moving into extreme territory, demanding churches provide him with the names, addresses and telephone numbers of anyone
who shows up to worship.
The move by Quinton Lucas, the mayor of Kansas City, Missouri, already is attracting the attention of Liberty Counsel, which has been defending churches amid the coronavirus lockdowns.
Counsel founder Mat Staver noted Kansas City is requiring that churches "submit list of members and attendees along with
their names, addresses and telephone numbers to city officials for tracking and surveillance purposes."
Read more here:
Amid COVID-19, Deep State Moves in for the Kill Against Churches
Written by Alex Newman
With churches across much of America being shutdown by government decree
as "non-essential," they are facing enormous and potentially existential threats. On one hand, churches are being
terrorized by state and local governments, with pastors and congregations literally being fined or even arrested for simply
attending a service. Then, when the churches try to stream online, Deep State-run Big Tech firms are censoring them or even
shutting them down. At the same time, many churches across America are lining up to receive government bailout money - cash
that comes with dangerous strings attached, including LGBT mandates. This represents a profound threat to religious liberty
and the continued independence of the church in America. It could be a perfect storm.
Even on Resurrection Sunday, perhaps the most important date on the Christian calendar, state and local governments
came down hard on churches. Before that, at churches in Mississippi, congregants were given $500 fines for attending - even
though they remained in their cars for the entire service. Meanwhile, drive-thru restaurants in the area remained open for
business. In Kentucky, far-left Governor Andy Beshear ordered police to go take down church attendees' license plate numbers.
In Virginia, Pastor Kevin Wilson of Lighthouse Fellowship Church was charged with violating executive decrees by the governor purporting to shut down churches, and may face up to a year in jail. Prominent Florida pastor Rev. Rodney Howard-Browne,
arguing that church is essential, was arrested for holding services. Similar abuses have been perpetrated by the murderous dictatorship enslaving Communist China.
Read more here:
WOW, they are escalating things so fast everyone's head is spinning. This virus is the ENDGAME, I am convinced,
whether this is the final "Pandemic" or not. I have been telling people for years the HEALTHCARE is the vehicle
they will use to CONTROL the Population. When I started working in the field of Health Information Technology I knew
immediately this was the plan. The ICD10 WHO International Classification of Diseases was a real EYEOPENER! It
clearly was developed to implement death by Guillotine. Obamacare was set in place to get everyone locked into healthcare,
making it MANDATORY for everyone. Now, whatever the Medical Industry declares as MANDATORY will be forced upon the general
public. If you do not comply you lose your medical coverage, your income, your ability to buy and sell. Your medical
record will contain EVERYTHING about you, and will be the determining factor in your ability to work, bank, shop, eat, as
well as you access to water and energy. Now they even control the seed, so even if you are off grid and have a
place to grow food, you cannot access seed.
I know this is
hard for most people to believe or even to wrap their minds around. Most people just don't even want to here it, and
brush it off as the ravings of a conspiracy theorist. Please believe me, this information is to important to your future
to avoid! Listen Up! Your life and the lives of your children and loved ones is at stake!
Read more here:
Appeals Court Chills First Amendment Activity by Allowing Cops to Retaliate Against Nonviolent
WASHINGTON, DC - The Rutherford Institute is
pushing back against an effort by police to chill constitutionally-protected civil rights protests through the use of retaliatory
lawsuits. In filing an amicus curiae brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in Mckesson v. Doe,
Rutherford Institute attorneys are challenging a ruling by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals that allows law enforcement
officials to hold protest organizers financially liable when officers get hurt (accidental or otherwise) while carrying out
their duties at a constitutionally-protected demonstration, even when the organizers themselves did nothing to cause the injury.
Incredibly, the lower court reasoned that organizers of a protest should be held responsible
for engaging in activity that merely has the potential to involve police or require their presence, thereby
exposing them to possible injuries.
The case arose after a police officer,
positioned near a group that was protesting police brutality in front of police headquarters, was hit by a projectile thrown
by an unknown, unidentified individual.
The injured officer sued one of
the event organizers, DeRay Mckesson, for more than $75,000, despite the fact that Mckesson engaged in no acts of violence
and did not incite or condone violence by others.
Attorneys Erin Glenn
Busby, Lisa R. Eskow, and Michael F. Sturley of the University of Texas School of Law Supreme Court Clinic assisted in advancing
the legal arguments in Mckesson.
"Police have mastered
the art of the double standard: they don't want to be held accountable for their own misconduct or that of their fellow officers,
but they want to throw the book at anyone who peacefully engages in constitutionally protected activities if that person is
nearby when a cop gets hurt on the job," said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford
Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People
. "This is yet another Machiavellian attempt by the government to prevent Americans from exercising their First
Amendment right to peacefully speak truth to power."
Read more here:
Gates Foundation Says We'll Need to Work Together to Vaccinate 7 Billion People
18 APRIL 2020
The wealthy Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation called Wednesday for global cooperation
to ready COVID-19 vaccines for 7 billion people, while offering an additional US$150 million toward developing therapeutics and treatments for the virus.
While it
is likely to take as many as 18 months to develop and fully test a safe coronavirus vaccine, global authorities and businesses need to start now on plans to manufacture it, said foundation chief executive Mark Suzman.
"It's normal to have, at maximum, hundreds of millions of doses manufactured,"
he said.
"When you are dealing with a novel pathogen like COVID-19,
as and when we get to identifying a successful vaccine, we are going to need billions of doses."
"There are 7 billion people on the planet," he said. "We are going to need to vaccinate
nearly every one. There is no manufacturing capacity to do that."
announced the foundation, started and controlled by mega-billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates and his wife Melinda Gates,
is adding US$150 million to the $100 million it announced in February to help in international efforts to battle the coronavirus
Much of the money is to support the development of COVID-19
diagnostic tests, therapeutic treatments and vaccines, and to make them globally available, he said.
Some is also for helping the poorest countries in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, which lack
supplies, equipment and infrastructure to counter the new epidemic.
more here:
POPE PETRUS ROMANUS: Coronavirus Is GAIA's Revenge On Humans For Not Worshipping Her Via Climate
Change Agenda
Pope Francis said he believes the Chinese coronavirus
pandemic is "certainly nature's response" to humanity's failure to address the "partial catastrophes"
wrought by human-induced climate change. Asked by British journalist Austen Ivereigh whether the COVID-19 crisis is an opportunity
for an "ecological conversion," the pontiff reasserted his belief that humanity has provoked nature by not responding
adequately to the climate crisis... (READ MORE)
Christianophobia is on the Rise
have a name, a Phobia, for everything! What in the world is Christianophobia
means "fear of Christians" but I don't think that is the problem. It is really a fear of the Truth. The truth being
those who hate and persecute Christians have a fear of Jesus Christ because, deep down, they KNOW he is King of kings and
Lord of lords. They Know they are headed to Hell and that is what they are afraid of!
Watch the great preaching at the
end of this article. The Accelerating Persecution of Christianity is NOW Underway!
Read more here:
AG Barr ‘very concerned' about ‘personal liberty' after Gates proposes digital vaccine
'Eventually we will have some digital certificates
to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it,' Bill Gates said.
WASHINGTON, D.C., April 9, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) - Following Bill Gates' proposal for "digital certificates" proving a person has been vaccinated against
the coronavirus, Attorney General William Barr said he was "very concerned about the slippery slope in terms of continuing
encroachments on personal liberty."
"Eventually we will have
some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it,"
the Microsoft founder had speculated.
Barr added he was concerned about "the tracking of people and so
forth, generally, especially going forward over a long period of time." However, "appropriate, reasonable steps
are fine," he said.
Reuters said that Bill Gates did not suggest launching "human-implantable capsules that have ‘digital certificates' which
can show who has been tested for the coronavirus and who has been vaccinated against it."
"Gates did mention the possibility of having a ‘digital certificate' for health records
‘eventually,' but he did not say these certificates would be ‘microchip implants,'" Reuters reported.
Read more here:
It's Just a Matter of Time Before All Hell Breaks Loose in the Land of the Free
Force is now the only rule remaining in deep state-controlled America. Everything else
has collapsed. There is no free speech, no fair trial, no system of justice, no reasonable expectation of human rights anywhere,
no fair elections, no honest news, no honest Wall Street operations, no real public education, no clean food, and threats
from the elitist, the power structure that is hell-bent on bringing the New World order into the reality of the sleeping masses,
get woke or get yoked, the choice still lives in the people's hands. Next, the AntiChrist will appear with many empty promises,
peace, and security, in reality, it's the yoking of mankind, We are on the Doorstep of the Great Tribulations...
Read more here:
The Biggest Lie In History Of Lies: 'That Can't Happen Here' As We Watch American State Officials
Display China-Like Tyranny
Tyranny: "arbitrary or unrestrained
exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority." -
Regular ANP readers know that from the beginning of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic,
we encouraged healthy individuals to self-quarantine if at all possible, while taking preventative or protective measures,
via face masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer, when forced to go out, in order to keep their good health and limit exposure
to anyone that could be infected or be a carrier.
Our suggestions and recommendations were
for people to voluntarily take steps to protect themselves and for businesses to allow people to
work from home if at all possible because a number of people refused to take the danger seriously. They ended up catching
the virus and spreading it around, so we believed the healthy should just take preemptive measures to stay that way.
I repeat, those suggested steps, as well as pre-prepping for the spread of COVID-19 here in America
were encouraged for people to do voluntarily.
Doing something
voluntarily and having federal, state or local officials mandate the behavior of Americans are two very different things.
One is common sense and smart protective and preventative measures, and the other violates
the constitutional rights of Americans.
Read more
Coronavirus Has Infected the Rule of Law
American states have imposed "stay at home" orders, permitting people to leave their homes only for specific, government-approved
purposes. Here in the United Kingdom, we're in a similar situation.
desire to stop the spread of a deadly disease is understandable. The trouble is, many of these lockdowns are unconstitutional
and illegal.
The laws are different across the various countries and states.
But consider them all, and a clear pattern emerges. Coronavirus is leading to an outbreak of lawlessness at the highest levels.
First, take the United States. The Fifth Amendment states that no person shall "be
deprived of life, liberty or property, without due process of law."
have interpreted this amendment to mean that those with an infectious disease can be forcibly quarantined-but there must be
some form of due process, where they are proved to be contagious.
government-ordered quarantine of all persons in a city block or a postal zip code or a telephone area code would
be an egregious violation of due process, both substantive and procedural," explained Judge Andrew Napolitano. "Substantively, no government in America has the lawful power to curtail natural rights by decree.
Read more here:
Vaccines For Bill Gates Are A Strategic Philanthropy That Gives Him Dictatorial Control Over Global
Health Policy
This text was taken from the Instagram account
of Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., an American environmental attorney, author, and opponent of vaccination... And of course a
son of Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of former president John F. Kennedy.
for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft's ambition
to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy-the spear tip of corporate
Gates' obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic
conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of
lesser humans.
Read more here:
Tyrant: Democrat Governor Orders 14-Day Quarantine Of Easter Sunday Churchgoers
Kentucky's Democrat Governor Andy Beshear has issued a draconian mandate ordering
authorities to record the license plates of Easter Sunday church goers and then quarantine them for two weeks.
"Those who attend these gatherings can expect public health officials to show up
at their doors with mandates that they self-quarantine for 14 days," Beshear said Friday.
"If you're going to expose yourself to this virus, it's not fair to everybody else out there
that you might spread it to. Understand, this is the only way we can ensure your decision doesn't kill somebody else."
Republican lawmakers slammed the decision, arguing that the authoritarian move clearly
violates the First Amendment.
Read more here:
China Virus Hype Caused Biggest Economic Crisis in US History - Kevin Shipp
Former CIA Officer and counter-terrorism expert Kevin Shipp says it was not the illness
caused by the coronavirus from China, but the hype about how bad it was going to be. The projected death in the US alone was
to be in the millions, and that did not happen. Shipp explains, "Remember, the World Health Organization (WHO) also said
3.4% of the population was going to get it and probably die, and they were over-inflated. The problem and the serious part
of what this did is cause a panic in our economy. This was bolstered by the news media and drove us into maybe the biggest
economic crisis in US history because they over-inflated these statistics. It is no small thing. Our economy has been damaged
so badly we will never return to normal. We might get close over a few years, but the damage has been almost insurmountable
because they overstated these statistics badly."
Read more here:
Americans Would NEVER See Freedom Again If The Globalists Get Their Way - Signs 'Covid-19' Is
A 'Higher Form Of Killing' Designed By The Deep State To Complete Their Take-Down Of America
With the Bill Gates Foundation wasting no time to turn this coronavirus crisis into a money-grabbing
opportunity while exposing even more Americans to potential danger with a coronavirus vaccine trial already underway in America, a bunch of recent news that has just come to light must be explored to get a better understanding of what may be going on
right now and as we had argued in this April 9th ANP story, something very nasty is dead ahead for America if we keep on going the direction we are going.
With Dr. Anthony Fauci recently making remarks that former Prosecutor Robert Kirk called 'absurd' in this April 10th ANP story, that the shut-down cannot end until there are "0" new Covid-19 cases hinting at another 6 months to 2 years of this 'lockdown', Kurt Schlichter over at TownHall recently published this story titled "Beware The Creeps Who Enjoy Their New Pandemic Power" which helps explain the major power grab now underway by people who definitely don't have 'freedom' and 'liberty's'
best interests in mind.
As Mike Adams argues in this new story over at Natural News, we may now be witnessing the globalists "END GAME" of not only forced coronavirus vaccines ahead but
full-scale depopulation playing out this very moment on the global stage. And with the World Health Organization proving itself
to be nothing but a Communist 'front' group for China, the World Health Organization's director Tedros Adhanom a communist terrorist from Ethiopia and now, one World Health Organization official actually talking about busting into people's homes and stealing away their
unvaccinated children (showing the insane direction we are being herded!), we'll totally agree with President Trump and many
Republicans that America should drop all funding of the WHO immediately and into the future.
Read more here:
Canada: Police to Make Home Visits to Check Quarantine Compliance
Police in Canada will visit the homes of people under coronavirus quarantine to check they
are in compliance, with those who flout the law facing a fine of up to $1 million dollars and three years in jail.
Under the law, Canadians who have returned from abroad or are at risk of having been infected
with COVID-19 are mandated to remain at home for 14 days.
Police say they
will visit the homes of those under quarantine and advise them of the "potential consequences of non-compliance,"
adding that violators could face "significant penalties, including fines and imprisonment."
"The maximum fine for failing to comply with the quarantine is $750,000 and up to six months
in prison, but those who put others at risk through could face harsher penalties: up to a $1-million levy and three years
imprisonment," reports Global
Read more here:
How a Police State is Born
By Steve McCann
The United States and much of the western world, by utilizing the most
draconian of tactics, is plunging many nations into potential economic and societal chaos as they attempt to stem the tide
of the Chinese Coronavirus. Relying on dubious and error-prone projections, politicians and bureaucrats constitutionally or statutorily limited in their power, are now exercising near-dictatorial
authority in their edicts, which are effectively suspending or terminating numerous freedoms under the guise of protecting
their respective nations.
All Americans, not be just those with first-hand
experience dealing with World War II and its aftermath or living in Eastern Europe under iron boot of the Soviet Union or
escaping the Communist/socialist hellholes of Cuba, Southeast Asia or Venezuela, should view these actions with considerable
When societies lose their freedom, it is not ordinarily because
autocrats or tyrants have forcibly taken it away. It is usually the result of the population willingly surrendering
their freedom in return for protection against an external threat. While the threat is oftentimes real, it is invariably
Read more:
COVID-19 crisis emphasizes importance of a passwordless future, WEF says
Dependency on the internet, digital infrastructures and remote work amid the coronavirus
outbreak have created a perfect opportunity for online criminal activity to increase, warns the World Economic Forum (WEF). As criminals have been successfully manipulating COVID-19-related information to launch attacks, the organization
points out there is no better time like the present to get rid of passwords and go passwordless with technologies like biometrics
to verify user identity.
Read more here:
5G Apocalypse: Stop This Insane Experiment On Society
Scientists, environmental groups, doctors and citizens around the world are appealing to all governments to halt
telecommunications companies' deployment of 5G wireless networks.
5G is
an untested application of a technology that we know is harmful. We know from science that wireless radiation can cause DNA
damage, neuropsychiatric effects and other health problems. In academics this is called human subjects research.
And such experiments on humanity and the environment is defined as a crime under international
Read more here:
Signs The Globalists Will Use Covid-19 To Usher In The 'End Times One World Government' Warned
Of In The Bible With 'America' & 'Freedom' Being 'Indoctrinated' Out Of Existence
- If War Is Ahead, The Center Will Not Hold
By, M.C. Enginn for All News Pipeline
We read in the news yesterday morning that a war might be imminent.
Our normalcy bias keeps most of us from truly observing the world and its clues
around us. So, what are the usual reasons for war? We have history to teach us. There are many reasons for war, but they boil
down to: ideological change (dissatisfaction with the status quo and dreams of a better system of government), diversity (disunity
of culture, race, religion, and language leading to a desire for independence and separation), resources (to supply the needs
of a population which has exceeded its limits), and as a adjunct to that last one, territory (desire of the elites for a larger
power base to control and administer).
Are any of these causes present today, either in
America or globally?
Read More Here:
America's Response to Coronavirus Adds Disaster to Catastrophe
Why America's Response to Coronavirus Adds Disaster to Catastrophe
America's response to Coronavirus has been, in a word, disastrous. It adds disaster to the catastrophe of a new global
pandemic. If you've thought something like the above, you're exactly right. And yet because the media is doing a fairly poor
job of explaining just why, let me.
America's stimulus program gives a
one-off payment of $1200 to people - and even that's conditional on income. Good enough, right? Wrong.
Every other rich country by now has guaranteed incomes, in some form or other. Sweden,
to 90%. Denmark subsidizing 75% of incomes. Take the other most capitalist society in the world, Britain Even there, incomes
have been guaranteed: Britain, to 80% of income. In Europe, most nations have gone even further, making not just emergency
payments to workers for as long as the crisis will last, but mortgages have already been suspended, which is another way to
guarantee incomes.
By this measure, America's paltry $1200 one-off payment
looks inadequate - because it is. Deeply and profoundly so.
Read more
COVID-19: Distancing is no solution to a spiritual problem
By Herbert W. Titus and William J. Olson
As the great Titanic continued to sink in the frigid waters of the North
Atlantic, bringing certain death to the men remaining on board, some safety boat survivors remembered hearing the big ship's
string quartet playing the hymn Nearer My God to Thee. In that last dark hour, there was no one left to turn to.
Read more:
ID2020 announces its first two Certification Mark digital identity solutions: Kiva Protocol and
As the world economies are teetering
on the edge of near-certain implosion from the man-made coronavirus panic, ID2020 has finished work on something they call their Certification Mark, a name bursting at the seams with prophetical
irony. NTEB, of course, is on their mailing list, and they were more than happy to send us an end times update today, and
we are thrilled to share it with you, our awesome NTEB family.
he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is
wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six
hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:16-18 (KJB)
CATHOLIC THEOLOGIAN: Petrus Romanus (Pope Francis) Is Wayward Shepherd Steering The Church Toward
Antichrist Dictatorship
Francis genuinely esteemed Fidel Castro
and told reporters after his visit to Cuba in 2015 that he saw in Castro a strongly committed ecologist. He remained silent
publicly and privately about the sufferings and persecution of his coreligionists in Cuba under Communism. Castro's hideous
despotism and draconian restrictions on the Roman Catholic Church did not influence the pope's judgment of the man or the
regime. In Venezuela, the bishops repeatedly pleaded with the Latin American pope to speak out against the emerging anti-Christian
leftist despotism in Caracas; the best the pope could do was call for "dialogue" between an oppressed and mutilated
civil society and a regime whose "socialism" he still seemed to esteem [...] Political correctness - and hostility
to the West as the West - pervades a good deal of what this papacy says and does [...] A preference for left-wing dictatorships
is not simply evidence of change in a change-obsessed papacy but a sign of foul moral corruption, part Machiavellian and part
ideological, in the upper echelons of the Church. Let us uphold true Catholicism and not a mawkish substitute that owes more
to the religion of humanity than to the faith of the martyrs. Let us hope that Pope Francis comes to see the need to uphold
authentic continuity in the Church... (READ MORE)
Stores including Kroger and Costco ration water, rice and hand sanitizer as shoppers stock up
on their 'pandemic pantries' amid fears malls will become ghost towns due to coronavirus outbreak
- Kroger Co., the nation's biggest independent grocer, is placing limits
on 'sanitization, cold and flu products'
- Costco told customers in NYC
there would be a limit to amount of water and rice they could buy Thursday
- Shoppers
have been pictured lining up with carts overflowing with toilet paper, water and tinned food
- There have also been long line outside supermarkets across the country long before they open
- And with the virus spreading, there are real fears it could deal a major blow to the country's over
1,000 malls
- Big malls like American Dream and Mall of America and
mall owner Taubman Centers Inc. say they're adding hand sanitizer stations, and they've also stepped up disinfecting
high-touch areas like doors and handrails
- The US death toll from coronavirus
has now risen to 11 with more than 200 confirmed cases
have begun to ration water, rice and hand sanitizer as shelves across the United States are cleared by shoppers stocking up
amid the coronavirus outbreak.
Kroger Co., the nation's biggest independent grocer with
more than 2,700 stores, is placing limits on the number of certain products that customers buy as its shelves are cleared
by people doing heavy stocking in preparation for any spread of the virus.
'Due to high demand and to support all customers, we will be limiting the number of sanitization, cold and flu related
products to 5 each per order. Your order may be modified at time of pickup or delivery,' the company said on its website.
Costco in Brooklyn told customers there would be a limit to amount of water and rice they
could buy Thursday. Amazon is also warning same-day grocery customers that delivery may be limited.
Read more here:
Concessions vendor at XFL game attended by 22,000 people and Homeland Security employee are latest
to test positive for coronavirus in Seattle as Washington death toll hits 11 and millions are told to work from home
- Health officials in King County confirmed Thursday that an employee
who worked at the February 22 Seattle Dragons XFL game at CenturyLink Field has now tested positive for the virus
- The employee was working as a concessions vendor at the stadium which was filled with 22,000 spectators
- Comes after a woman in her 90s became Washington's 11th fatal coronavirus casualty Tuesday, with
one other death recorded in California, and a total of more than 200 cases across the US
- Number of cases in Washington alone jumped to 70 on Thursday where health officials have bought a $4million
motel for use as a coronavirus quarantine site
- The death in California
has been linked to a cruise ship that is currently being held 400 miles off the coast on San Francisco amid fears
of a suspected outbreak
- The US Coast Guard on Thursday delivered a series of
coronavirus test kits to Grand Princess cruise ship after 20 people onboard fell ill
- The global number of infections has soared to nearly 100,000, including 3,383 deaths - mostly in China
A Department of Homeland Security employee and a worker at CenturyLink Field are the latest
confirmed cases of coronavirus in Seattle.
Health officials in King County, Washington confirmed on
Thursday that an employee who worked at the February 22 Seattle Dragons XFL game at CenturyLink Field has now tested positive
for the virus.
The employee was working as a concessions vendor at the
game attended by 22,000, according to the Seattle Times, which cited knowledgeable sources.
It comes after it was yesterday
revealed a woman in her 90s had died earlier this week, bringing Washington's death toll up to 11, with one other death recorded
in California, and a total of more than 200 cases across the US.
more here:
California declares state of emergency as Coast Guard delivers coronavirus testing kits to THOUSANDS
of Grand Princess cruise ship passengers off the coast of San Francisco where two people tested positive
- The Grand Princess cruise ship has been banned from returning to San
Francisco following a trip to Hawaii amid a suspected coronavirus outbreak onboard
- The
state has recorded 53 cases, with San Francisco recording its first two positive tests on Thursday
- A woman in her 40s tested positive, as well as a man in his 90s who has underlying health conditions
- On the Grand Princess, two passengers who traveled on the same ship on a previous voyage last month
between San Francisco and Mexico later fell ill and tested positive for the coronavirus
- The first was a 71-year-old man who died on Wednesday and became the state's first coronavirus death,
while the second remains in hospital and is 'gravely ill'
- Eleven
passengers and 10 crew members who are currently on the same ship have now reported symptoms that could turn out to be
the coronavirus
- Sixty two passengers who were on the previous Mexican
cruise where the two cases were detected remained on the ship for the Hawaii voyage as well and may have had contact
with the two infected passengers
- The predicament of the Grand Princess
cruise liner was reminiscent of the Diamond Princess vessel that was quarantined off the coast of Japan in February
- The death toll in the US now sits at 12 with more than 200 confirmed cases across the country
- An increase in testing countrywide has seen a jump in confirmed cases in Washington state, California
and New York with Tennessee and Nevada each reporting their first cases in the last 24 hours
The US Coast Guard has delivered coronavirus test kits to a cruise ship that is being
held 400 miles off the California coast amid fears of a suspected outbreak as the number of cases across the country soared
to more than 200 in 19 states.
Thousands of passengers remained
on the Grand Princess cruise ship on Thursday after it was banned from returning to its home port of San Francisco following
a voyage to Hawaii after at least 20 people onboard fell ill.
of the Coast Guard were spotted lowering test kits onto the 951-foot cruise ship.
It comes after two passengers who traveled on the same ship on a previous voyage last month between San Francisco
and Mexico tested positive for the coronavirus and one later died - becoming California's first fatality from the disease.
Read more here:
ALERT: Pandemic projection model shows 2.16 million deaths in USA by July 4th if nothing done
to halt nearly all domestic travel (air, rail and roads)
(Natural News) Today I finished tweaking the first draft of a pandemic projection model that simulates the spread of the coronavirus in
the United States. The assumptions of the model are explained here, and you will find they are extremely conservative (using
R0 value of just 1.82, for example).
The model's predictions are nothing
short of apocalyptic if the virus is allowed to spread without restraint across the United States. According to the model,
there will be 2.16 million dead Americans by July 4th if domestic travel is not aggressively halted very
soon (see the full projections below). This is not a prediction, since I believe that state governments and the federal government
will intervene long before July 4th to declare, essentially, medical martial law.
Read more here:
Pastor David Wilkerson claimed that he was not a prophet
but a watchman on the wall.
I am not a prophet, and I refuse to allow anyone to put that tag on me. But I
am a watchman. Just one of many in this nation who now warn Americans to get ready for persecution and judgment. --Racing
Toward Judgment, 1976
According to biblical prophets, one of the most significant flash points of judgment
is "when your men become as women." It seems we now have multitudes who say, "Don't call me male or female,
call me person." Tragically, this emphasis on personhood has created a generation of neurotics with no respect for God-ordained
roles. --Racing Toward Judgment, 1976
American Psychological Association Demands Using Plural Pronouns For Nonbinary Individuals
California Legislature Passes Bill To Put Trans Men In Women's Prisons, Even Rapists
Chanel hires first ‘transgender' model for makeup campaign; apparently believes men want to see men in makeup
Elizabeth Warren: Transgender Border Crossers ‘Must' Be Released into U.S.
INSANITY: ACLU Calls for Tampons in Men's Rooms Because 'Menstrual Equity' or Something
Landmark court case could hinge on who is a 'he'
Man claiming to be transgendered to female files complaint with Human Rights Tribunal because two women wouldn't wax his male
Marvel film chief teases first ‘trans' character in upcoming superhero movie
Medical Associations Embrace Propaganda, Not Science
‘Menstrual equality': Pro-LGBT college students demand tampons for men's bathrooms
Mom trying to ‘transition' son to girl: It all began when he picked a girls' McDonald's toy
New Spiderman movie includes Marvel Studio's first ‘transgender' actor
Queerly Elementary: CA training program insists teachers promote LGBT and transgender ideology
SPLC claims those who oppose Drag Queen story hour at public libraries are "white nationalists"
Transgender Person Gives Birth, Wants to Be Named as 'Father' on Birth Certificate
‘Trans Women' Now Entitled to ‘Womb Implants' from Organ Donors So They Can Experience Childbirth
Victoria's Secret Hires Its First Transgender Model
Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted,
and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. --Matthew 24:9
. . . and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. --Matthew 24:9
China Just Escalated Their Brutal Persecution Of Christians To An Entirely New Level
Chinese Officials Warn: Christianity Causes ‘Enormous Harm' to Society
Communist China Edits Pastor's Sermon, Deletes 'God Made Heaven and Earth'
China Update - A Message from the Church in China
China: Schoolchildren taught to 'hate God,' Christianity an 'evil cult'
S. Korean families booted from China for 'being missionaries'
China removes 'Bible,' 'God,' 'Christ' from children's classics like 'Robinson Crusoe'
China sentences ‘unauthorized' Christian pastor to 9 years in prison
North Korea:
North Korean defector says cousin's entire family executed for sharing Gospel
official of Iran backed militia blamed for the US embassy attack killed in ‘Retaliatory raid‘ at Baghdad
Airport. The group had just previously landed at the airport, from Tehran, they were hit by US Hellfire missiles 15 minutes
later as they were leaving the airport grounds.
Reza Al-Jabri who was killed outside Baghdad Airport tonight, was walking next to leader of Iran-backed Hezbollah militia
Abu Mahdi Muhandis during Hashd al-Shaabi attack on US Embassy on Wednesday.
(Hal Turner Radio) (Fair Use)
Situation with Iran is about to Explode considering Sources having Revealed ‘Iran Received 5 Nuclear Bombs' from North
Korea," as well, "The above Official Incident of the U.S. Military Targeting the Iranian Senior
Folks Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
has stated for Years on Public Record, "Israel would Attack Iran to Stop Iranians from ever possessing Nuclear
Weapons." Worse, "Israelis Know Jerusalem, Haifa and Tel Aviv have been Targeted by Iran
with 250 Kiloton Nuclear Missile Warheads." Israel never Bluffs... Think about it...
Thus, "We have all of the ingredients required," to ignite, "World
War 3."
Additionally, "The United States
Military has Ordered Deployed 4,750 from the 82nd Airborne Division's Alert Brigade to the Middle East." (Only
Deployed when Real Military Action is about to Happen)...
Is The United Nations Preparing To Confiscate Guns In America? If Not, Then Why'd They Just Do
For years, secretly and behind closed doors, the United
Nations has been gearing up for gun confiscation by hiring "disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration" officers
who will be trained to seize guns from the civilian population. Not only that, but laws are being shoved through Congress
that specifically restrict certain firearms, armor, ammo and the like. Currently, in Virginia, they will be attempting literal
gun confiscation of the masses who refuse to comply with their new ‘dictates and demands.' The Obama administration
made it clear that their agenda was to disarm American patriots, just like Hitler, Stalin, Pot, and Mao did. We are headed
for disaster:
"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would
be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry
arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs
is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty."- Adolf Hitler
conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens." - Adolf Hitler
political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever
be used to command the party."- Mao Tse Tung
Watchman's Warning-Jesus Christ Is Not A Palestinian Martyr
There is a huge movement this year by Islam in Palestine to claim Christmas as their very own holiday. Even claiming Christians are their people. They say Jesus
was the first Islamic Martyr. Hypocrisy and blasphemy at the highest level.
me be perfectly clear. Jesus Christ was not and is not a Palestinian martyr, He was not and is not a Palestinian period. His
name is not Issa it is Yeshua, The Son Of God. And Christians who acknowledge this false Christ are acknowledging demonic
doctrine which Paul warned of, John warned of and Christ said "many will come in my name claiming to be me. "
Read more here:
50 Numbers From 2019 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe
One of the best ways to determine where things are heading is to look back at how much has changed
over the past 12 months. 2019 has been one of the most memorable years in our history, and it has certainly set the
stage for the critical events of the decade to come. However, not everyone views this moment in our history the same
way. For example, one "expert" that is being heavily quoted by the mainstream media is claiming that 2019
was the culmination of "the best decade in human history". His main argument seems to be that since "the ecological footprint of human activity" appears to be shrinking,
the world must be a better place than it was before as a result. And certainly there are many other voices out there
that are boldly proclaiming that we have entered a golden new era of peace and prosperity and that the best is yet to come.
You can buy that argument if you want, but there are other voices that believe that everything that is wrong with our society
is reaching a very dangerous crescendo. For those with that perspective, it appears that we are very close to a societal
tipping point and that the years ahead are when we will finally pay the price for decades of exceedingly bad decisions.
Read More Here:
Vaccine FAIL: "Whooping Cough Outbreak Closes Texas School Despite 100-Percent Vaccination
Rate: Officials"
Memorial Park, Texas: Fox News reported
earlier this month that St. Theresa Catholic School closed down for Christmas Break early because there was an outbreak of
pertussis, also called whooping cough. The school reported that all St. Theresa students were 100% vaccinated, which led Children's
Health Defense (CHD) to conclude that the pertussis vaccine is a failure. CHD further reports that the triple purtussis vaccine,
Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus (DTaP), may be actually driving increased risk for whooping cough. The DTap vaccine has been
linked to over 30 adverse health effects.
Despite a 100% vaccination
rate, a Texas school closes early for winter break due to a whooping cough outbreak. Clearly the vaccine is failing to work
as advertised.
If ever there was convincing proof
that vaccination does not equate to bona fide immunity, it is at St. Theresa Catholic School in Texas...
Read more here:
THE FINAL POPE'S One-World ‘Abrahamic Family House' To Combine Church, Mosque And Synagogue
(Preparation For Whore Of Babylon?)
Plans were revealed for the
construction of an interfaith complex that will house a church, synagogue, and mosque in the United Arab Emirates as part
of an effort to promote religious harmony and bridge adherents of the three Abrahamic religions. The complex, known as the
Abrahamic Family House, will be located on Saadiyat Island near Abu Dhabi. The project is a result of Roman Catholic Pope
Francis' papal visit to Abu Dhabi in February when the pontiff and the Grand Imam of al-Azhar in Egypt signed a declaration
establishing the interfaith Higher Committee of Human Fraternity. (READ MORE)
Future Of Genetically Modified People May Be In GOG-MAGOG'S Hands
Six weeks after Nature's call to action, some of Russia's top geneticists convened a secret
meeting with health officials at a facility in southern Moscow that included a special guest with unusual access to the Kremlin
[...] Putin, 66, has made it increasingly clear in recent years that he expects genetic engineering's eventual impact on society
to be as great as or even greater than artificial intelligence-in ways both good and bad. In 2017, he predicted "people"
would start editing pre-birth human DNA "very soon," a development with possible military applications... (READ MORE)
'I'm not dying, I'm transforming': Doctor diagnosed with terminal motor neurone disease hopes
to become the world's first true cyborg
- Dr Peter
Scott-Morgan, 61, diagnosed with motor neurone disease two years ago
- He
decided to challenge what it meant to be human by becoming fully robotic
- The
Dr has an avatar of his face to show expressions if he loses muscle control
A scientist who is dying from a muscle wasting disease is taking drastic steps in his bid to
become the world's first true cyborg.
Dr Peter Scott-Morgan, 61, from
Torquay, Devon, was diagnosed with motor neurone disease two years ago and told it would only take until this year to kill
But instead of accepting his fate he decided to challenge what it
meant to be human and now hopes to create Peter 2.0.
Against Trump Nationalism, Calls For Globalist ‘Supranational' Authority That Would Rule World And Enforce UN Authority
Over Nations (Is Pope Francis, As Many Catholics Believe, The False Prophet From Revelation 19-20?)
Pope Francis made a strong new push for globalism on Thursday, calling for a supranational,
legally constituted body to enforce United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals and Gaia policies. Speaking to members of
the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences in the Vatican's Apostolic Palace, the Pope said: "When a supranational common
good is clearly identified, there is need for a special legally constituted authority capable of facilitating its implementation."
The thrust of the Pope's remarks focused on growing trends toward nationalism (i.e. Donald Trump and those who support him)
which he said threatens migrants, the "universal common good" and the power of the United Nations and other transnational
bodies to implement the Sustainable Development Goal agenda... (READ MORE)
The Pope proudly says that the Koran is a book of peace because Islam is not a violent religion
Maybe he has a different version than the rest of the world...
Pope Francis has said it was wrong to identify Islam with violence and that social injustice and
idolatry of money were among the prime causes of terrorism.
"I think
it is not right to identity Islam with violence," he told reporters aboard the plane taking him back to Rome after a
five-day trip to Poland. "This is not right and this is not true."
Guardian view on Pope Francis in Kraków: what religions are really about
Read more:
The Catholic-Muslim Interfaith Council Created By Pope Francis Announces New Chrislam Headquarters
Opening In 2022 That Combines A Mosque And Church According To Signed Covenant
The United Arab Emirates will build a new synagogue as part of an Chrislam interfaith compound that will
also house a mosque and church and is reportedly set to open in 2022.
As far as advancing the end times timeline goes, 2019 has been a banner year for Pope Francis and
the coming One World Religion. We told you back in February that the pope has travelled to Abu Dhabi where he met with Sunni
Muslim leader Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb. There the two men signed a global peace covenant called the Document On Human Fraternity For World Peace.
Pope Francis Invites Political Leaders To Sign ‘Global Pact'
"Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance"
Further signaling his acceptance of globalism during an age of increased nationalism,
Pope Francis has now invited leaders to sign a "Global Pact" to create a "new humanism."
"The global event, set to take place at the Vatican on May 14, 2020, is themed 'Reinventing
the Global Educational Alliance,'" reports LifeSiteNews. "The Pope is inviting representatives of the main religions, international organizations and various humanitarian institutions,
as well as key figures from the world of politics, economics and academia, and prominent athletes, scientists and sociologists
to sign a 'Global Pact on Education' so as to 'hand on to younger generations a united and fraternal common home.'"
On September 12, the Holy Father said in a video message that "universal solidarity"
can only be achieved by way of a "global education pact."
can be found here:
Trump Administration Considering Social Credit Score System to Determine Who Can Buy a Gun
Would partner with Big Tech to use spy data from Amazon, Google and Apple.
The Trump administration is considering launching a social credit score-style
system in coordination with Big Tech that would use spy data collected from Amazon, Google and Apple devices to determine
whether or not an individual can own a gun.
"The proposal
is part of an initiative to create a Health Advanced Research Projects Agency (HARPA), which would be located inside the Health
and Human Services Department," reports the Daily Caller. "The new agency would have a separate budget and the president would be responsible for appointing its director."
HARPA would employ "breakthrough technologies with high specificity and sensitivity
for early diagnosis of neuropsychiatric violence," including Apple Watches, Amazon Echo and Google Home.
In other words, data collected from devices that spy on private conversations and closely
monitor user behavior would be used to strip Americans of their fundamental rights.
Read more here:
Swedish Behavioral Scientist Suggests Eating Humans to ‘Save the Planet'
The "food of the future" may be dead bodies.
A Swedish behavioral scientist has suggested that it may be necessary to turn
to cannibalism and start eating humans in order to save the planet.
on Swedish television to talk about an event based around the "food of the future," Magnus Söderlund said he
would be holding seminars on the necessity of consuming human flesh in order to stop climate change.
Environmentalists blame the meat and farming industry for a large part of what they claim is the
warming of the earth.
Read more here:
Major American Magazine Suggests That Cannibalism Is Fine Because Animals Do It
Animals do many things that are similar to humans. There is always the joke about how
chimpanzees are so similar in actions and expressions to human beings.
there are major differences between human beings and chimpanzees. For examples, aside from the obvious fact such as that the
two are different species regardless of how closely related by "genetics" the two may be, chimps are much stronger,
and tend to engage in highly socially deviant behavior. This can include fighting, murder, eating feces, and cannibalism.
Chimps are interesting, but they are also scary, because in the actions of the chimp one
can often times see mirrored the worst- the most animal-like -of man's actions.
A chimp may murder and eat another chimp. However, does this mean that a human should do this? Certainly not, for
to equivocate a human being with a chimp is to lower man to the level of an animal as well as, in the hands of a skilled propagandist,
to being the process of relegating certain individuals and groups to this status for usually a political or economic purpose
which ends in part with the death of the one being called an "animal". Likewise, animals can provide interesting
ideas or inspirations for men to follow, but one does NOT have to follow them, because man, being created in the image and
likeness of God, can make choices.
However, a recent story from Newsweek
magazine has declared that cannibalism may not be a bad thing because animals do it too:
Read more her:
A community college professor in Iowa has told local media that he is a member of Antifa amid
an investigation into his social media posts which reportedly express support for attacking President Trump and killing Evangelical
Complaints have been mounting against Jeff Klinzman,
an adjunct English professor at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, prompting a local news team to dig deeper into his activity.
"On the Facebook page for ‘Iowa Antifa,'
one can find a litany of far-left statements and conversations," KCRG reports. "One of them features a tweet from
President Donald Trump where he calls the group, ‘Radical Left Wack Jobs who go around hitting... people over the heads
with baseball bats.' Professor Klinzman wrote in response, ‘Yeah, I know who I'd clock with a bat...'"
Secret Service confirmed to KCRG that they are aware of Klinzman's post, but did not say
whether it was being investigated as a legitimate threat against the president.
Klinzman also reportedly posted about his hatred for Evangelical Christians, sharing a poem that contains a line
reading, "Kill them all and bury them deep in the ground."
not pretty, and I'm not proud, but seeing what evangelical Christians are doing to this county and its people fills me with
rage, and a desire to exact revenge," Klinzman said.
Article can
be found here:
"There Is No Christian Anymore in This Town": Persecution of Christians, June 2019
by Raymond Ibrahim
August 25, 2019 at 5:00 am
- Three men and one woman
robbed, beat, and poisoned Sagheer Masih, a 35-year-old Christian auto-rickshaw driver. "He was well-mannered,
polite and very friendly. Knowing he had the responsibility of taking care of three younger siblings... he ensured that
he always got to work early and left late in order to gather as much money as he could to care for them.... Instead
of killing him in on the spot, they forced him to drink poison and acid and left him there to die...." - International
Christian Concern, June 20, 2019, Pakistan.
- "Their tactic is to befriend someone
when they come in [to prison]. If they don't convert, they will then start spreading rumours about them, that the
person is a snitch, so that they will be ostracised. Then the beatings follow." - An inmate, according to a
Ministry of Justice report; The Times, June 7, 2019, United Kingdom.
- "We
cannot allow the Christians... to allege that Jesus is the Son of God," explained one mosque leader; "this
[is] a serious blasphemy to Muslims." - Morning Star News, June 3, 2019, Uganda.
Read more here:
Multi-faith committee set up to spread Pope Francis' claim that God wills ‘diversity of
August 22, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) - A multi-faith "higher committee" was announced this week to implement the "Human Fraternity" document
signed by Pope Francis and a Grand Imam in February that stated, among other things, that a "pluralism and diversity"
of religions is "willed by God."
Prominent members of
the committee that has been set up in Abu Dhabi include Pope Francis' personal secretary Monsignor Yoannis Lahzi Gaid, Bishop
Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, and Judge Mohamed Mahmoud
Abdel Salam, Advisor to the Grand Imam.
News of the committee's formation
was announced by Emirates News Agency, the state news agency, on Monday and confirmed by Vatican News, the Holy See's news website, the following day.
Read more here:
Newsweek: Time to Rethink Taboo on Cannibalism?
[Steve Quayle stated 24 years ago: "when cannibalism fills the headlines of the
day, know Tribulation has started!"]
cannibalism is found throughout the animal kingdom and therefore is something natural, perhaps it is time for humans to rethink
the "ultimate taboo" against eating human flesh, Newsweek proposes in an article Wednesday.
There is nothing necessarily unethical or unreasonable about eating human flesh, declare psychologists Jared Piazza and Neil McLatchie of Lancaster University, but careful reasoning over the merits of cannibalism
is often "overridden by our feelings of repulsion and disgust."
not going so far as to recommend cannibalism, saying "there is no need to overcome our repulsion for the foreseeable
future," the two authors suggest that humans could master their aversion for human flesh if they needed to.
"Many people develop disgust for all kinds of meat, while morticians and surgeons
quickly adapt to the initially difficult experience of handling dead bodies," they note. "Our ongoing research with
butchers in England suggests that they easily adapt to working with animal parts that the average consumer finds quite disgusting."
Read more here:
Scientists Attempt Controversial Experiment To Edit DNA In Human Sperm Using CRISPR
(NPR) - First, it was human embryos. Now scientists are trying
to develop another way to modify human DNA that can be passed on to future generations, NPR has learned. Reproductive biologists
at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City are attempting to use the powerful gene-editing technique called CRISPR to alter
genes in human sperm. NPR got exclusive access to watch the controversial experiments underway. The research is aimed at finding
new ways to prevent disorders caused by genetic mutations that are passed down from men - including some forms of male infertility.
The team is starting with a gene that can increase the risk for breast, ovarian, prostate
and other cancers. The experiments are just starting and have not yet been successful. But the research raises many of the
same hopes - and fears - as editing the DNA of human embryos. Nevertheless, the researchers defend the work. "I think
it's important from the scientific point of view to investigate in an ethical manner to be able to learn if it's possible,"
says Gianpiero Palermo, a professor of embryology in obstetrics and gynecology at Weill Cornell Medicine, who runs the lab
where the work is being conducted.
Read more here:
REMEMBER ‘COMMON CORE' that was forced on American public schools by Barack Hussein Obama
and funded by the nation of Qatar?
Gateway Pundit The Thomas More Law Center, a national nonprofit public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, uncovered a
massive Islamic propaganda campaign which is being forced onto teachers in public school systems in Michigan and many other
TMLC was concerned after hearing about a two-day MANDATORY Islamic
training course for teachers taught by a Muslim consultant who was hired by Michigan's Novi Community Schools District, according
to TMLC.
The Thomas More Law Center filed a FOIA request for documents
related to this two-day Islamic training workshop and discovered that the teachers were being told lies about Islamic terrorism,
jihad and Sharia law.
Furthermore, the teachers were also being told by
the Muslim consultant, an Arab, hijab-clad woman named Huda Essa, that white males are more dangerous than Islamic terrorists.
Read more here:
The Widespread Muslim Desecration of Christian Graves
Although the Islamic persecution of actual, living Christians is certainly more deplorable, Islamic attacks on inanimate
Christian symbols are often more indicative of the existential hate borne for the other.
Consider, for instance, the phenomenon of Muslims desecrating and destroying Christian cemeteries and their crosses.
While the act itself is largely "symbolic"-in that no living person gets hurt-it is also reflective of a committed,
viral hatred that transcends subjective circumstances. In other words, whereas the persecution of this or that Christian
can be motivated by particular contexts-personal conflicts, sexual attraction, convenience, gain, etc.-attacks on inanimate
Christian symbols reflect an objective, transcendent hatred for Christianity and its followers, one that needs no "reason"
and gains nothing.
From one end of the Islamic world to the other-in Arab,
African, and Asian nations, and increasingly in the West-this sort of hate is becoming a regular occurrence. A brief
list follows; it is ordered by desecrations committed by formal terrorists ("ISIS," etc.), informal terrorists (Muslim
mobs), and Muslim governments/regimes.
Read more here:
Pope Francis appoints promoter of "Islamo-Christian dialogue" as Archbishop of Marseille
Has this "Islamo-Christian dialogue" led to one Christian being saved from Muslim
persecution? No. Has it saved one church from being destroyed by jihadists? No. All it has led to is the Qur'an being treated
by some Christians as if it were a holy text, as you can see below. Has this been reciprocated by Muslims? Is the New Testament
read in mosques? Of course not. The "dialogue" is all dawah on one side and Useful Idiots, eager to be deceived,
on the other.
Read more here:
So how come none of the mainstream media reported that the Philadelphia gunman who shot 6 cops
is a Muslim?
Maurice Hill, the criminal who wounded six police
officers in a shootout in Philadelphia and was arrested after a seven-hour standoff, attended a radical mosque.
The mosque, called Masjid Ahlil Hadith Wal Athar, is known for preaching the Islamist
ideology promoted by Saudi Arabia referred to as "Wahhabism."
Intelligence Network has been aware through its sources that the area where the shootings took place is known for trafficking
in guns, drugs and counterfeit items. This criminal market has a strong Islamist element that includes extremist gangs.
Read more here:
LEAVING CHRISTIANITY: The Unthinkable is Happening
I'm sure that many of you know about Joshua Harris, the former pastor of Covenant Life Church in Maryland,
has not only walked away from his ministry - but he has LEFT Christianity AND his wife of 21 years.
Joshua is now marching with LGBTQ parades. This is shocking, brethren. But this is a
Sign of the End Times.
The Maryland-based megachurch that I Kissed
Dating Goodbye author Joshua Harris once led responded to the news of him leaving his faith and his wife, stating that
it "hits home personally."
Read more here:
We know by now that various governmental institutions have spilled the beans regarding
the existence of UFOs, but the Chinese want to break the ice and expose it all.
Because of the constant pressure posed by the people willing to know the truth of what's really happening on
this planet, they had no choice other than declassify decades of thorough investigations of unidentified flying objects. The CIA,
the FBI, the Navy, military officials, retired astronauts, ex-personnel of area 51, plus many other governments
from which we remind Brazil and their famous Colares incident, Russia and recently China, all of these
admitting in part or in full that some really messed up things are happening around us, with the cause probably being otherworldly.
Although this data has been known for quite some time by those actively investigating
the UFO phenomenon, there are others who are just waking up to this reality and who deserve to know the truth.
In a recent gathering of the non-profit organization known as Citizen Hearing, Shi-Li
Sun, an esteemed researcher and president of the Chinese UFO Federation has stepped forward denouncing this concealed reality
of UFOs.
According to him, the UFO phenomenon not only is authentic, but
it stretches back tens of thousands of years, to a time when ancient China was barely shaping its culture and traits. In his
acceptance, otherworldly visitors might had impacted our entire society, and for an unknown period of time contributed to
the foundation of humanity before vanishing into outer space, probably to return at a later date to check on Earth's well-being.
In Chinese culture, all these otherworldly beings personified as deities were converted into a single great cosmic
beast - the Dragon.
break this short, here is what he had to say on behalf of himself, and all the prominent figures involved in the Chinese UFO
The Coming AI Metamorphosis
16 July 2019
Humanity is at the edge of a revolution
driven by artificial intelligence. This revolution is unstoppable. Attempts to halt it would cede the future to that element
of humanity more courageous in facing the implications of its own inventiveness. Instead, we should accept that AI is bound
to become increasingly sophisticated and ubiquitous, and ask ourselves: How will its evolution affect human perception, cognition,
and interaction? What will be its impact on our culture and, in the end, our history?
Humanity is at the edge of a revolution driven by artificial intelligence. It has the potential to be one of the
most significant and far-reaching revolutions in history, yet it has developed out of disparate efforts to solve specific
practical problems rather than a comprehensive plan. Ironically, the ultimate effect of this case-by-case problem solving
may be the transformation of human reasoning and decision making.
more here:
Banned in Boston - the Christian Flag
by Steve Byas
At one time, the phrase "banned in Boston" was a popular American
phrase, which conjured up memories of the city's strict Puritan heritage, and generally referred to a movie, play, or even
a written work that had been banned in the city. At one time, Boston officials often banned works which they found to have
sexual content or foul language. Eventually, the phrase came to be almost a synonym for anything considered naughty.
With its move to the Left over the decades, it is apparently now the Christian flag that
has been "banned in Boston."
Read more here:
Why I'm turning my son into a cyborg
Vivienne MingJuly 15, 2019
Imagine if everyone spoke a language you don't understand.
People have been speaking it around you since the day you were born, but while everyone else picks it up immediately, for
you it means nothing. Others become frustrated with you. Friendships and jobs are difficult. Just being "normal"
becomes a battle.
For many with autism, this is the language of emotion.
For those on the spectrum, fluency in facial expressions doesn't come for free as it does for "neurotypicals." To
them, reading facial expressions seems like a superpower.
So when my son
was diagnosed, I reacted not just as a mom. I reacted as a mad scientist and built him a superpower.
This isn't the first time I've played mad scientist with my son's biology. When he was diagnosed
with type 1 diabetes, I hacked his insulin pump and built an AI that learned to match his insulin to his emotions and activities. I've also explored neurotechnologies to
augment human sight, hearing, memory, creativity, and emotions. Tiger moms might obsess over the "right" prep schools
and extracurriculars for their child, but I say why leave their intellect up to chance?
I've chosen to turn my son into a cyborg and change the definition of what it means to be human. But do my son's
engineered superpowers make him more human, or less?
Read more here:
Christian University Kneels at the Rainbow Flag
by Diane Gaskins · Published July 6, 2019 · Updated July 6, 2019
Pacific University is quickly becoming Apostasy U.
Last week Dr. Kevin Mannoia, Azusa Pacific University (APU) chaplain and the former head of the National Association of Evangelicals, disgraced his calling
with his political pandering to the LGBTQ lobbyists in California.
the California State Assembly passed ACR 99, a resolution calling for religious leaders to accept homosexuality and "transgenderism."
ACR 99 particularly condemns Christian efforts to help those with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion as "ineffective,
unethical and harmful."
More can be found here:
'It just really ethically scares me': Caution urged as scientists look to create human-monkey
Some Alzheimer's researchers are proposing the
creation of human-monkey chimeras - part-human beings with entire portions of the brain entirely human derived
The monkeys in Douglas Munoz's Kingston lab look like other monkeys.
They socialize and move around and eat and drink in the same way. They don't fall over or stagger
around. In fact, the only thing separating the macaques from their unaltered lab mates is the elevated level of a specific
human protein implanted inside their brains - proteins that accumulate in the brains of humans with Alzheimer's disease.
The monkeys have been injected with beta-amyloid, a molecule that, in high-enough amounts,
is toxic to human brain tissue.
Munoz and collaborators are studying the
earliest changes in those monkey cerebrums. Normally it takes several decades for Alzheimer's to unfold in human brains. The
researchers don't have that kind of time. The injections speed things up.
left alone, eventually the monkeys will start to show signs of Alzheimer's. They make more mistakes on memory tasks and their
reaction time slows.
Alzheimer's research relies heavily on rodents. Munoz
is trying to develop a monkey model of Alzheimer's, because one of the biggest reasons for the staggering string of flops
in the search for an effective treatment for the brain-ravaging disease is the species gap. The rat brain is a long way away
from the human brain. Not so much a monkey's.
Vermont Poised to Let Kids, Not Parents, Make Gender Decisions
Most schools can't give a child an aspirin without getting a parent's OK. But in Vermont, kids are
about to get a whole lot more than Tylenol. Under a new rule, they'll be able to get entirely new bodies-in some cases, without
ever calling home.
If you thought the war on parents' rights was bad now,
just wait. The Green Mountain State just dropped a massive bombshell in the transgender fight.
According to local media, Vermont's health insurance regulators are about to overhaul the state's
Medicaid rules, forcing taxpayers to cover the cost of everything from genital surgery to a mastectomy for minors.
If the new guidelines go into effect, kids under the age of 18 would be able to undergo
radical procedures-paid for by Vermonters.
And that's not the worst of
it. With a simple judge's note, they can bypass mom and dad altogether.
more here:
We are slowly approaching the times when concepts which we might have regarded as Science
Fiction years ago are turning into ideas that actually have changes to go from daydream to execution. One of these concepts,
according to a paper recently published in the Journal of Neural Engineering, is something called a ‘prosthetic memory'.
The device in question was created by Michael Kahana, professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, in collaboration
with medical technology company Medtronic Plc. and was partially funded by DARPA (the U.S Defense Advancement Research Projects
Agency)... (READ MORE)
DRUMBEATS OF EZEKIEL 38 - Is The Ancient Spirit Behind The Prince Of Persia (IRAN) Dragging The
Middle East Toward Armageddon?
In recent weeks, Iran and its
proxies have begun operating under a new directive best described as a policy of controlled escalation. Still, the potential
for miscalculation and region-wide conflict has grown considerably. Responding to the chokehold of U.S. sanctions put in place
by the Trump administration, Tehran, together with its non-state militias and terrorist entities, initiated a series of aggressive
acts throughout the Middle East. These include the targeting of oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman with mines by a naval Islamic
Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) squad, and last month, the targeting of oil tankers docked at a United Arab Emirates' port
in the Strait of Hormuz. Such attacks are a clear threat... (READ MORE)
The British Government Orders Christian Woman To Have A Forced Abortion Because She Is Deemed
‘Unfit' To Give Birth. Get Ready For The New World Of Eugenics
Theodore Shoebat
The British government just recently ordered
a Christian woman to have a forced abortion because she is deemed as ‘unfit' to give birth. This is a sign that Europe
is ripe for the new coming face of Nazism. As we read in a report from CNA:
A British judge has authorized doctors to perform an abortion on a pregnant
Catholic woman with developmental disabilities and a mood disorder, despite the objections of the woman's mother and the woman
herself. The woman is 22 weeks pregnant.
"I am acutely conscious
of the fact that for the State to order a woman to have a termination where it appears that she doesn't want it is an immense
intrusion," said Justice Nathalie Lieven in her ruling in the Court of Protection, June 21.
"I have to operate in [her] best interests, not on society's views of termination," Lieven
explained, arguing that her decision is in the best interest of the woman.
more here:
CHRISLAM UPDATE: Pope Francis Calls For Major Theological Reforms In Catholic Schools In Order
To Promote ‘Common Mission' With Islam And Muslims
Pope is pushing for Catholic students to be taught the lie that normative Islam is a religion of peace and so, it follows
that anyone who disagrees with this lie would be deemed "intolerant", opposed to dialogue and pluralism. It
is Islam that is intolerant, supremacist and resistant to diversity. If the Pope is genuine about dialogue, then he should
be mutually calling for Islamic States and Islamic schools (beginning with Al Azhar University in Cairo) to establish and
preach equal status to all disbelievers, for women, gays etc., and promote dialogues with unbelievers like Christians,
Jews, Hindus, Buddhists etc.
Pope Francis has issued a Chrislam
call for reform within "the way theology is taught in Catholic schools, saying students must learn about dialogue with
Judaism and Islam" and establish "the relationship between Catholics and Muslims as brothers, with a common mission
to promote peace."
We have been showing
you for years now how Pope Francis has been working double overtime to bring Islam and the muslims in under the umbrella of
Vatican City and the Catholic Church. We showed you how back in February the pope signed a "universal declaration of brotherhood" with the grand imam Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb that didn't include even a single mention of the name of Jesus Christ.
We have been showing you over, and over and over again how this pope is forming an end times alliance with Islam. This article today, however, takes this effort to a whole new level.
Alt-Left Insanity: Marriage Troubles? Sexbots to the Rescue!
By Matt Philbin | August 19, 2018 6:30 PM EDT
This column explores the funhouse
of progressivism. Ride at your own risk.
When the higher education
bubble bursts (and won't that be a mess -- Gender Studies PHDs and Postcolonial Queer Poetry majors splattered everywhere!),
you can still point your offspring down a sound career path. Pull Junior aside, look him purposefully in the eye and say,
"Two words: sexbot repair."
Welcome to the depraved new world
of getting it on with home appliances. Just yesterday came the news that a Chinese company is planning to sell 50 percent
of its "artificially intelligent android with full body movement." (As a free-marketer, I'm no fan of tariffs, but
if anyone in the Trump administration should notice the effort to flood the U.S. market with cheap sexbots, I could get on
the economic nationalism train.)
Article can be found here:
Man Charged with Hate Crime for Burning Pride Flag in Iowa - While Protester Awarded $225,000
for Burning US Flag in Cleveland
by Jim Hoft
30-year-old Adolfo Martinez stole a gay flag from a church in Ames, Iowa and set
it on fire in front of a gay bar a few blocks away while shouting threats. Martinez was originally charged with disorderly
conduct and reckless use of fire.
But Story County attorney
Jessica Reynolds announced after reviewing the evidence she was charing Martinez with a hate crime.
Via Jack Posobiec:
Pride flag burning charged as hate crime in Iowa
- Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) June 19, 2019
Meanwhile in Cleveland, the city is paying $225,000 to a well-known protester who was arrested for burning a US flag at the 2016 Republican National Convention.
Weapons" By Finding Ways To "Read Soldiers' Minds"
Mac Slavo
DARPA is perhaps the most disturbing
entity in existence today. The Department of Defense's research arm is paying scientists to invent ways to instantly
read soldiers' minds using tools like genetic engineering and the end goal is "thought-controlled weapons."
The government is absolutely taking mind control very seriously, and this should make
every human alive take pause. Back in May, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) announced that six teams will receive funding under the Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology (N3) program. Participants
are tasked with developing technology that will provide a two-way channel for rapid and seamless communication between the
human brain and machines without requiring surgery.
Read More Here:
The Normalization of Satanism and Witchcraft is now Nearly Complete
by Jon Watkins
The Goal Of Hollywood And The Entire Entertainment Industry Is To Normalize
Satanism And That Mission Is Now Nearly Complete
People, we are losing
this battle, and maybe from a Biblical point of view these things cannot be stopped. But what can be stopped is you and I
being a part of it. After you watch these videos, you will see how pervasive Satanism in America truly is, and shockingly,
you will see how perhaps you have been a part of it because it is just so deeply ingrained in our culture by this point.
Article can be found here:
666 UPDATE: NYC Mayor De Blasio Tells Citizens "We Own Your Bodies" And We Can Force
All, Both Small And Great, Rich And Poor TO BE INJECTED WITH ANYTHING We Want Anytime We Want
June 2, 2019 by SkyWatch Editor
NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio has declared that residents
do not own their own bodies. The city of New York can demand that all citizens be injected with literally anything the government
declares to be a "vaccine," even when those vaccines contain aborted human fetal tissue cells, toxic aluminum metals,
inflammatory adjuvants and other dangerous, deadly chemicals. This is the latest attempt by authorities in New York to obliterate
human rights and roll out a medical dictatorship where citizens have zero rights to defend their own bodies against risky
medial interventions that are demanded at gunpoint. (READ MORE)
Chinese Government Offers a $1,500 Bounty to Informants Who Identify Leaders of Christian House
The Guangzhou Department of Ethnic and Religious Affairs
is offering $1,500, equal to an average two-month's income, to neighbors who turn in leaders of illegal house churches. Chinese
President Xi Jinping, who is going after Muslims and Christians with great zeal, views religion as a threat from foreign countries
to infiltrate and undermine the government's power. [He is wrong about foreign powers but right in that religion does, in
fact, undermine government power, because it allows people to turn to spiritual leaders and to each other for guidance and
help. Totalitarian governments cannot allow that to happen.] -GEG
How Petrus Romanus Could Influence "Giving Life To The Image Of The Beast"
It might not be the first place you imagine when you think about robots. But in the Renaissance
splendour of the Vatican, thousands of miles from Silicon Valley, scientists, ethicists and theologians gather to discuss
the future of robotics. The ideas go to the heart of what it means to be human and could define future generations on the
planet. (READ MORE)
Is America becoming Godless? The number of people who have no religion has risen 266 per cent
- one third of the population - in three decades
- People
with no religion accounted for 23.1% of the U.S. population in 2018
- By
comparison, Catholics make up 23% and Evangelicals account for 22.5%
- The
three are now statistically tied as the largest religious groups in America
- Meanwhile,
mainline Protestant Christianity has seen a 62.5% decline in believers since 1982, to now account for just 10.8% of
the U.S. population
By Valerie Bauman Social Affairs Reporter For
Published: 10:45 EDT, 4 April 2019 | Updated: 17:25 EDT, 4 April 2019
The number of Americans who identify as having no religion has risen
266 percent since 1991, to now tie statistically with the number of Catholics and Evangelicals, according to a new survey.
People with no religion - known as 'nones' among statisticians - account for 23.1 percent
of the U.S. population, while Catholics make up 23 percent and Evangelicals account for 22.5 percent, according to the General Social Survey.
Those three groups now represent the largest the religious groups in
The survey has tracked a broad swath of American trends
since 1972, offering comprehensive insight into the evolving face of religion over more than four decades.
Read More Here:
This Is Craziness!! Media Tries To Define 'Lock Her Up' As Hate Speech, House Dems
Want Oversight Of Fox News And Internet Trolls Dictate What Is And Isn't Racist
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
In the two weeks since special counsel Robert Mueller submitted his report to
Attorney General William Barr, concluding that there was no conspiring or coordination between the Trump 2016 campaign and
Russia to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, democrats and the liberal media have lost their ever loving minds.
Below we see we have entered another week of what has become an insane nation.
Read More Here:
Moral decline: Satanic symbols now appearing at government buildings all across America
Tuesday, April 02, 2019 by: Ethan Huff
(Natural News) Despite its strong Christian origins, the United States of America is rapidly descending into total amorality and godlessness,
with statues openly honoring Satan now appearing on government property all across the country.
More information can be found here:
Medical Martial Law Rollout
March 27, 2019 0:35
Health Freedom Alert: Medical martial law has been
rolled out in Rockland County, New York, where unvaccinated citizens are now barred from all public places - including schools,
sidewalks, malls, churches and public transportation - all under the absurd quack science fraud that claims measles is only
spread by unvaccinated people. In truth, the measles vaccine spreads the measles through "viral shedding"
and improperly weakened viral strains. If the measles vaccine really worked, why would vaccinated people have anything to
fear from the unvaccinated, anyway?
"Effective at the stroke of midnight,
Wednesday, anyone who is under 18 years of age and unvaccinated against the measles will be barred from public places until
this declaration expires in 30 days or until they receive the MMR vaccination," reports NBC New York. County officials told NBC New York that they would "not chase people down," yet are threatening six months of
jail for anyone found to be in violation of the tyrannical declaration.
declaration of medical martial law would ban unvaccinated people from public transit and voting locations.
With Democrats now pushing to lower the voting age to 16, this medical police state declaration would bar unvaccinated youth
from being able to vote unless they are vaccinated. They are also being denied access to public education, public transit
and entering all government buildings.
Notably, the government can mandate
new vaccines at any time, then claim those new vaccines must also be injected into everyone at gunpoint, then banning those
who don't comply from leaving their own homes. Effectively, this new mandate makes people prisoners in their own homes unless
they obey the government's insane, anti-science vaccination mandates rooted in Big Pharma corruption and the routine bribery
of doctors and public health officials.
Measles hysteria is the "Russia collusion hoax" of
the vaccine industry
With this declaration of medical martial
law in New York, measles has become the latest mass hysteria media fraud, following in the footsteps of the now-imploding
Russia collusion hoax. As always, the media is lying to everyone, and government bureaucrats are going along
with the lie to terrorize their own citizens into compliance.
compliance will now be enforced essentially at gunpoint in Rockland County, with those who violate the medical
martial law being subject to arrest and six months in prison. No doubt the government there will soon announce
"snitch rewards" for citizens who call the police on unvaccinated residents, turning them in for food stamps or
whatever else the government is giving away to those who service as the "vaccine secret police" snitch brigade.
It's also clear that citizens will soon be required to carry "vaccine ID cards"
to prove their compliance with ever-expanding government mandates that now threaten the health and safety of tens of millions
of children in the USA alone. "Show me your vaccine papers" is the new mantra, and this pilot program in Rockland
will be rolled out across the entire country unless there is strong push back against it.
You are now a prisoner in your own home, thanks to the medical police state
In effect, the new vaccine martial law decree makes non-vaccinated people prisoners in their own
home, denying them access to all the public services their own tax dollars have helped fund, including roads, sidewalks, public
transportation, sports stadiums and even government offices.
Taking a
cue from Adolf Hitler's Third Reich, non-vaccinated citizens are now being "un-personed" in Rockland County, essentially
labeled as non-persons who have no access to society. This is the medical police state at work, denying citizens the right
to exist if they do not agree to be injected with every toxic substance the misinformed bureaucracy demands be injected into
children and adults alike.
If you thought the Russia collusion hoax was
a massive fraud, what you're seeing now with collusion between the vaccine deep state and government regulators puts all that
to shame. These are serious tyrants who respect no liberty, no life and no individual rights whatsoever. They will declare
any emergency that's required to place their own citizens under the thumb of a tyrannical government regime that demands you
be injected at gunpoint with a toxic cocktail of dangerous chemicals.
you've ever wondered why New York, Connecticut, Maryland, California, Colorado, Illinois and other liberal-run states are
desperately trying to take away your guns, it's because they don't want you to fight back when they come for your
Remember: Vaccines are a form of medical violence
against children. And this violence is wielded by scientifically illiterate government officials who literally know
nothing at all about vaccine ingredients, vaccine risks, or the statistics that are published by Health and Human Services which describe the thousands of children who are harmed, maimed and killed by FDA-approved vaccines.
Learn why vaccines are biological weapons against humanity:
Read more about medical tyranny at
See the Vaxxed vaccine video channel on
See the "Vaccines and Vaccination" video channel on
Ribāt: The Original Muslim Enclaves and ‘No-Go' Zones
PJ Media
"The operation to take Islamic State's last enclave in eastern
Syria looked close to an end," Reuters recently reported, "as U.S.-backed fighters said they were combing the area for hidden jihadists.... Its enclave at Baghouz
was the last part of the massive territory it suddenly seized in 2014, straddling swathes of Iraq and Syria, where its leader
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared a new caliphate."
While this is welcome
news, it also prompts one to wonder: what of all those other Islamic enclaves, those unassimilated ticking time bombs
that proliferate throughout the West, which are packed with ISIS-sympathizers, not to mention ISIS members, and which the West largely fails to recognize as such? I am referring to those many so-called "No-Go Zones": Western cities and regions that have effectively become Islamic ghettoes. There, Sharia is the de
facto law; Muslims are openly radicalized to hate infidels; non-Muslims, even police, are afraid to enter lest they get mugged, raped, or killed.
short, the ISIS worldview dominates-not in some distant theater of war, but right smack in the West itself (an internet search
for terms such as "no-go zones" and "Muslim enclaves" demonstrates the prevalence of this phenomenon).
Although these enclaves are unique to the modern era, they have precedents
in history and even a nomenclature within the Islamic consciousness.
the jihad was stopped, there, on the border with their infidel neighbors, jihadis formed strongholds, hotbeds of jihadi activities.
These became known as the ribāt (رباط), an Arabic word etymologically rooted to the
idea of a tight fastening or joining and found in Koran 3:200: "O you who have believed, persevere and endure and remain
stationed [رابطوا] and fear Allah that you may be successful." In Islamic history,
the ribāt referred to the chains of jihadi fortresses erected along and dedicated to raiding the borders of non-Muslims.
Read more here:
MEGAMIND ‘Google brain' implants could mean end of school as anyone will be able to learn
anything instantly
An expert believes that within the next 20
years, our heads will be boosted with special implants so 'you won't need to memorise anything'
By Debbie White
"GOOGLE brain"
implants could mean the end of school - as anyone will be able to learn anything instantly, says an artificial intelligence
Nikolas Kairinos, founder and CEO of, says that technology
could improve our lives, and completely change how we learn.
In an interview
with the Daily Star, he explained that he has been working on a revolutionary AI to "personalise education" to enable "anyone
can learn almost anything, using AI".
And he believes that within
the next two decades, our heads will be boosted with special implants, so "you won't need to memorise anything".
He told the Daily Star that people won't have to bother typing any questions, as any queries
will be answered immediately from "an AI implant", which will result in the end of "parrot fashion" learning
at schools.
The expert, who has racked up more than 20 years of working
with start-ups, adds: "Google will be in your head, and that's not far-fetched. It'll be like having a really smart assistant
that will almost think like you."
Kairinos believes that by using
such AI, anyone between the ages of eight and 80 will be able to learn "almost anything" at their own pace.
said that it would be personalised, and improve over time, so the more the tech "gets to know you, the more it adapts
its teaching style, its voice, the time of day it speaks to you - all to optimise learning."
Troubling signs New Zealand shooting is being used to turn my country into Islamic State
March 21, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) - I live in New Zealand. I've become alarmed at developments in my country since the shootings last Friday. What I see unfolding
seems so disproportionate to the magnitude of the crime. It seems like I've woken up and all of a sudden live in an Islamic
Here are some highlights of what's unfolding:
- The thought police are out in full force and people are being scrutinized for
"hate speech". Green ribbons are being worn as a symbol against hate.
- Mosques
and many of the prayer rooms continue to be protected by armed police (police aren't usually armed in my country).
- Vigils are being held all over the place in solidarity with the victims. These seem to have morphed into what
amounts to support for the Islamic religion. Catholic Bishop Dunn held one last Sunday afternoon in the Ponsonby
church. After prayers there, they processed over to the mosque, which is on the opposite side of the road and prayed
and met there.
- Whitcoulls, one of our book stores, probably the oldest,
has removed Jordan Peterson's book "12 Rules for Life" from its shelves because he was photographed with a
member of the public wearing an anti-Islamic t-shirt while he was in New Zealand recently. Apparently, that's
being construed as him having something to do with the madman's agenda.
- On Tuesday
a Muslim prayer was said in Parliament. Just recently all Christian prayer in Parliament was removed.
- On Friday March 22 at 1:30pm New Zealand will be called to prayer...Islamic prayer that is. And we will be expected to keep 2 minutes silence after they read the Muslim prayer
acknowledging Allah as "great" and Muhammad as his "prophet." The call to prayer will be
broadcasted on national radio stations and TV as well.
- Cardinal Dew will go to
the local mosque (Kilbirnie) as well on Friday to stand outside during their prayers as an act of solidarity. The
Catholic bishops here have been very sympathetic and playing out their "inter-faith role" with great enthusiasm.
- Catholic school students have been praying inside mosques.
It seems like we're living in a different
world all of a sudden. It seems that showing our great respect for those who were killed has somehow been manipulated into
showing affirmation of the Islamic religion.
New Zealand is now
putty in the Islamists' hands.
The shooting on Friday was terrible.
But what has now unfolded is something else entirely and may just be the beginning of something very terrible for New Zealand.
Certainly, on a spiritual level, our crisis has become even deeper.
Please keep New Zealand in your prayers.
Do You Really Understand Why We're Losing Our Country?
Mar 21, 2019 Read More Articles by Dave Daubenmire
"Do you really understand?"
I find myself saying that a lot lately. It is amazing to me how many people have their head stuck in the sand.
I'm not sure whether it is deliberate, or if they really don't get it.
is bliss, or so they say. But it really isn't. Ignorance is dangerous. The Bible tells us that ignorance is one of the main
reasons that people perish.
But some folks really have no excuse and I
really don't understand it. How can so many seemingly-bright people be so far off base?
Better yet, how can so many Christians be so deceived? How can so many Christians not understand? How
can the one group of people who are supposedly enlightened by the Holy Spirit be walking in such deception?
Read more here:
Scientists develop Terminator-style stretchable liquid metal in breakthrough that could revolutionize
soft robotics
- The liquid metal is being compared
to a popular villain from 'The Terminator'
- It can bend and mold, making
its applicable for future endeavors in soft robotics
- Unlike other liquid
metals it is viable outside of water and can bend vertically
A new host of liquid metals that have applications towards soft robotics are making movies like 'The Terminator'
transcend make-believe.
According to researchers, experimental
liquid metals like gallium and other alloys, when supplemented with nickel or iron, are able to flex and mold into shapes
with the use of magnets, much like the iconic movie villain, T-1000 from 'The Terminator 2: Judgement Day.'
While other such metals have been developed, they contended with two major drawbacks.
Read more here:
A.I. will be ‘billions of times' smarter than humans and man needs to merge with it, expert
Artificial intelligence could be "billions of times
smarter" than humans and people may need to merge with computers to survive, a futurist told CNBC on Tuesday.
Speaking on a panel hosted by CNBC at the World Government Summit in Dubai, Futurizon's
Ian Pearson's comments mirrored ideas put forward by Tesla CEO Elon Musk.
"The fact is that AI can go further than humans, it could be billions
of times smarter than humans at this point," Pearson said. "So we really do need to make sure that we have some
means of keeping up.
The way to protect against that is to link that AI
to your brain so you have the same IQ... as the computer. I don't actually think it's safe, just like Elon Musk... to develop
these superhuman computers until we have a direct link to the human brain... and then don't get way ahead. "
At the World Government Summit in 2017, Musk, who has warned about the power of AI in
the future, said humans and machines must merge to still be relevant with the advent of more powerful technology.
time, I think we will probably see a closer merger of biological intelligence and digital intelligence," Musk said in
February 2017.
"It's mostly about the bandwidth, the speed of the
connection between your brain and the digital version of yourself, particularly output."
Musk has founded a start-up called Neuralink that is aimed at just that.
Pearson said Tuesday that some jobs that don't require humans will disappear. AI and the impact on jobs has been
a big theme at the World Government Summit this year.
On Monday, Sebastian
Thrun, the CEO of education start-up Udacity, and one of the pioneers of Google's driverless car project, told CNBC that AI will turn us into "superhuman workers."
Transhumanists Believe If You're Under 50-Years Old, An ARTIFICIAL ENTITY Is Going To Grant
You Eternal Life
During a panel discussion on transhumanism at
this year's MWC, one expert predicted AI could figure out how to make a human live forever. ‘If You're Under 50, You'll
Live Forever: Hello Transhumanism' was the name of the session and featured Alex Rodriguez Vitello of the World Economic Forum
and Stephen Dunne of Telefonica-owned innovation facility Alpha. Transhumanism is the idea that humans can evolve beyond their
current physical and mental limitations using technological advancements. In some ways, this is already happening... (READ MORE)
Trans Agenda Paving Road to AI Hell
By Daniel Taylor
Trans-genderism is being pushed as Trans-genic
and Trans-human tech pushes boundaries of acceptable norms.
barriers of biology are being blurred. The natural order of things is seemingly crumbling around us.
Gay marriage. Post birth abortion. Men becoming women and women becoming men. Human-animal chimeras.
Genetic modification. Ectogenesis bypasses natural pregnancy.
Beyond the
boundaries of the current debate, this agenda is about redefining what a human is as radical technology takes hold of mankind.
We are being prepared for a transgenic and transhuman future. The idea of the "personhood"
of artificial intelligence or other genetically modified creatures is here.
humans the SJW's of the future?
This idea has made some headway
into pop culture in a trailer for the video game Deus ex: Mankind Divided. The video portrays technologically "augmented"
humans as the downtrodden, outcast group of the future.
Read more here:
Northwestern Neuroscientist Researching Brain Chips To Make People Superintelligent
CHICAGO (CBS) - What if you could make money, or type something, just
by thinking about it? It sounds like science fiction, but it might be close to reality.
In as little as five years, super smart people could be walking down the street; men and women who've paid to increase
their intelligence.
Northwestern University neuroscientist and business
professor Dr. Moran Cerf made that prediction, because he's working on a smart chip for the brain.
"Make it so that it has an internet connection, and goes to Wikipedia, and when I think this
particular thought, it gives me the answer," he said.
Cerf is collaborating
with Silicon Valley big wigs he'd rather not name.
Facebook also has been
working on building a brain-computer interface, and SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk is backing a brain-computer interface called
"Everyone is spending a lot of time right now trying to
find ways to get things into the brain without drilling a hole in your skull," Cerf said. "Can you eat something
that will actually get to your brain? Can you eat things in parts that will assemble inside your head?"
More can be read here:
Brain Chip Tech To Create "Gods"
On Earth Who Keep Normal Humans As Pets
The Alex Jones Show
Published on Mar 04, 2019
The elite seek to create technology that can give them super human abilities such as an unnaturally high IQ. Alex
breaks down how these plans have been in the works for decades because they actually want to keep the tech for themselves
so they can rule over the population.
Read More Here:
How Can A Christian Be A Democrat After Infanticide Declarations?
Yesterday the party of death shot down and blocked the Infant born alive act. All democrats
but 3 voted against it. This is very serious.
The Bill in part says this:
Congress finds the following:
(1) If an abortion results in the live birth of an infant, the infant is a legal person for all purposes
under the laws of the United States, and entitled to all the protections of such laws.
(2) Any infant born alive after an abortion or within a hospital, clinic, or other facility
has the same claim to the protection of the law that would arise for any newborn, or for any person who comes to a hospital,
clinic, or other facility for screening and treatment or otherwise becomes a patient within its care.
So again I ask How can a Christian be a Democrat? This is the biggest question the Churches
in America should be crying from every pulpit. We have watched as states pass abortion up to and after birth. We have watched
states trying to prevent this attacked and silenced. But what have we seen from the church?
Every single Christian in America who is a democrat should be in a race to their respective election headquarters
to change their party affiliation. There are other alternatives such as independent. God is calling on His people
to take a stand.
Read More Here:
IN THE NAME OF ALLAH: The End Times ‘Universal Peace Document' Pope Francis Signed With
Islamic Leader Makes No Reference Of Any Kind To Jesus Christ Or The Bible
The pope and the grand imam of al-Azhar have signed a historic declaration of fraternity, calling for peace between
nations, religions and races, in front of a global audience of religious leaders from Christianity, Islam, Judaism and
other faiths.Pope Francis, the leader of the world's Catholics, and Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, the head of Sunni Islam's most
prestigious seat of learning, arrived at the ceremony in Abu Dhabi hand-in-hand in a symbol of interfaith brotherhood.
‘This Document, in accordance with previous International Documents that
have emphasized the importance of the role of religions in the construction of world peace'
Back in 2015, when Pope Francis addressed the United Nations, he said a very unusual
thing. Speaking to the General Assembly, the Catholic leader said that he had come ‘in my own name‘ to speak with them. Huh?? I thought that the "holy father" was the ‘Vicar of Christ‘, and was the representative of Jesus Christ on the earth? The Bible tells us, of course, that the pope is
no such thing, but the Catholic Church says that he is, right? So why on Earth did he not say that he had
come ‘in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth'?
"But I know you, that
ye have not the love of God in you. I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in
his own name, him ye will receive." John 5:42,43 (KJV)
Flash-forward to February 2019, and the same pope is signing a ‘peace covenant‘ with the leader of Sunni Islam, Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb. Not only does this document make multiple references
to assembling all the world's religions, it references God in only a generic sense. There are no Bible verses quoted or referred
to, no connection between the word ‘god' and Abraham, Moses, or any of the other Bible patriarchs. Why would the Catholic
Church, which claims to be the ‘true church' only refer to God generically? Simple. Because the document does not invoke
or refer to the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob found in the Holy Bible, it refers to the generic ‘god' of Islam, otherwise known as Allah. Which is to say no God at all.
More Here:
After Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth, New York Wants to Shut Down Christian Adoption Agency
Alliance Defending Freedom Feb 18, 2019 | 8:30PM Albany,
New York
Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing a faith-based
adoption provider will be available for media interviews after a federal court hearing Tuesday in New Hope Family Services'
lawsuit against the state of New York. New Hope asked the court in December to stop the state from targeting it for its religious beliefs and to preserve its ability to continue placing
children in adoptive homes while the lawsuit moves forward.
The New York
State Office of Children and Family Services has singled out the religious nonprofit for its policy prioritizing the placement
of children it serves in homes with a married mother and father and has threatened to force New Hope to immediately phase
out its adoption program.
"Every child deserves a permanent home
with loving parents," said ADF Legal Counsel Jeana Hallock. "For over 50 years, New Hope has served children
and families throughout the state of New York by offering a comprehensive, ‘arm-around-the-shoulder' ministry and walking
with both birth parents and adoptive parents to place children in forever homes. Protecting this religious nonprofit does
nothing to interfere with other adoption providers. Banishing New Hope as a faith-based adoption provider, however, means
fewer kids will find permanent homes, fewer adoptive parents will ever welcome their new child, and fewer birth parents will
enjoy the exceptional support that New Hope has offered for decades. In short, everyone loses if the government forces New
Hope to shut down."
Read more here:
Brutal Warning to America From Egyptian Woman: Wake Up or Be Wiped Out
If you listen to the cries of the Copts of Egypt, the Christians of Syria, Iraq, Sudan,
Pakistan and all the other Muslim countries, you will hear the descriptions of the horrors of Islam.
An Egyptian woman under the pen name Magda Borham wrote a letter to Western countries, warning
them of their immediate danger from Islamic invasion via "immigration." And she has a brutal message for Americans.
Having lived in Egypt for more than 30 years, she states:
"Nobody else in the world knows Islam and the mentality of Muslims more than those who have suffered by having
Islam as a part of their life.
"If you listen to the cries of the
Copts of Egypt, the Christians of Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Pakistan and all the other Muslim countries, you will hear the descriptions
of the horrors of Islam.
"See and feel the tears of the minorities
in every Islamic society. These tears will tell you the true stories of Islam. Hear the blood of the ex-Muslims pounding.
It's their blood that is shouting out every single second, asking the rest of the world to ‘Wake up!'"
She clarifies what few Americans understand: Islam is not a religion. Islam is a totalitarian
political ideology that rejects the basic principles of freedom and liberty protected by the U.S. Constitution. In fact, Islam
is the clearest and most present danger to America's existence.
Read more
Hillsong Church Affirms Full Pro-LGBTQ Position As They Hold Their One World Religion Alpha Conference
Featuring A Roman Catholic Mass
This year, the Phoenix campus
of Hillsong church hosted the apostate Alpha Conference - an ecumenical, emergent conference that seeks to unify all the various
faiths under one umbrella - and it isn't Biblical truth. According to the conference website, the event being hosted
at Hillsong is featuring Mike Schmitz is a Catholic priest, author, and speaker in the Diocese of Duluth, MN who is " the
author of the Belonging study program and is the primary personality in Ascension Presents, weekly YouTube videos offering
Catholic perspectives of cultural and societal issues."
Church is a hotbed for heresy-a celebrity-minded prosperity gospel Sunday morning entertainment venue where you can go to
have your week's fill of self-adulation with - by any discernible standard - no Biblical teaching or exhortation.
Hillsong Church has millions of followers who have made their Laodicean
church corporation wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. Over the past few years, Hillsong has gone from a mildly worldly group
that won Grammy awards, to a full-blown snakepit of apostasy and heretical teachings.
"Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded
them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit
of their heart." Jeremiah 14:14 (KJV)
was quite the month for Hillsong Church. In the space of just two short weeks, they issued a formal statement affirming
the LGBTQ, sponsored their ecumenical Alpha conference promoting a One World Religion, and had a priest hold a Roman Catholic
mass. People attending this event were told that this false doctrine was "advancing the kingdom". Think about that
the next time you plunk down your hard earned dollars downloading their music. Your support of this Laodicean mess makes their
"ministry" possible.
Read more here:
Government permission to travel: "Authority to Transport"
A white paper on the use of PNR and API data (airline reservations), published by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
(OSCE) in January 2019, lays out more starkly than ever before the goal of governments around the world: a permission-based
system of government control and prior restraint in which a common carrier must receive "Authority to Carry" (authority to transport) with respect to each passenger, before allowing them to board any flight.
We've talked about this sort of permission-based travel control before, including in this 2013 overview of the system of US government surveillance and control of travel. (See our slides from that presentation). But we've rarely seen governments spell out so explicitly their intent to convert travel from
a right to a privilege which can be exercise only by permission of the police:
An iAPI system allows for a two-way communication in near real-time. The airlines transmit the API message on a per-person
basis to the requesting authorities at the time of check-in, while law enforcement agencies have the opportunity to decide
whether a certain person is allowed or not to board a plane by issuing a board/no-board message.
The OSCE document, brought to our attention by Statewatch and NoPNR, is the latest revision of a white paper on "the use of Advance Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record
(PNR)" data, revised following an OSCE seminar on "Passenger Data Exchange" with governments held in November 2018.
Read more here:
Homosexuals Persecuting Christians in America - Do You Feel The Walls Closing In?
"Pastors will be arrested, and imprisoned, and taken out of your churches. Your children
will be taken out of your home by force. If you just put your head down, and cave in, and decide that you're not going to
complain about it, then by force the government will teach your little ones - your children and your grandchildren - about
the ways of the demons, about the ways of the gays."
Note: In 2015, the homosexual movement achieved a major milestone in the United States of America. The Supreme Court
ruled that homosexual "marriages" must be performed in all 50 states.
Some Christians shrugged and said, "This won't affect me."
Other Christians researched the history of the LGBT movement in other countries, finding that legalization is always followed
by the government-sponsored persecution of Christians. Consider Fr. Josiah Trenham's masterpiece: A Black Day - Supreme Folly From The Supremes.
Shortly after the Supreme Court announced their decision to mandate
the support of sodomy in America, Fr. Joseph Gleason preached a homily at a small Orthodox church in southern Illinois, warning
American Christians of what to expect as a result. To help protect Christian families from future persecution in America,
he started the Moving to Russia group, which has now grown to over 1,100 members, and he encouraged the Russian Faith website to publish articles
about people around the world who are Moving to Russia.
As predicted, for those in America who support traditional marriage,
it is becoming increasingly difficult for Christians to keep a job, it is getting harder for Christians to adopt children, and the stage is being set for increased persecution of conservative Christians.
Read more here:
Unprecedented Gun Confiscation Hits US as Thousands Of Guns Seized from Innocent Citizens
As politicians and anti-gun rights activists continuously chant, "we don't want to
take your guns," behind the scenes - in only the year - politicians have been working overtime to limit your right to
bear arms. These laws are all a reaction to the tragic shooting in Parkland, Florida and, like most politicians always do,
they are not letting this tragedy go to waste.
Since the tragic shooting
in Florida last February, the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence has recorded a whopping 55 new gun control measures
in 26 states-in just the first six months of the year.
Some of these laws
being passed are ‘Red Flag' laws which are used to disarm individuals who are reported as a threat by a family member
or friend. Many believe that these red flag laws are dangerous as they can prompt police action with little to no due process.
Read more here:
Washington state sheriffs in a dozen counties refuse to enforce sweeping new gun laws approved
by voters
- Washington voters approved raising the
minimum age for buying semi-automatic rifles among other extensive law changes in November
- Sheriffs in rural, conservative counties and the police chief of a small town say they will not enforce
the new rules pending a court decision
- The National Rifle Association
and the Second Amendment Foundation filed a lawsuit challenging the new regulations as being unconstitutional
Sheriffs in a dozen Washington counties say they won't enforce the state's sweeping new
restrictions on semi-automatic rifles until the courts decide whether they are constitutional.
A statewide initiative approved by voters in November raised the minimum age for buying semi-automatic
rifles from 18 to 21, required buyers to first pass a firearms safety course and added expanded background checks and gun
storage requirements, among other things.
It was among the most
comprehensive of a string of state-level gun-control measures enacted in the U.S. after last year's shooting at a Florida
high school.
The National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment Foundation
have filed a lawsuit in federal court alleging the initiative is unconstitutional.
Read more here:
Pentagon Researching Bioelectric Implants To Help Troops Heal From Catastrophic Wounds
One of the Pentagon's new research programs could see biosensors, actuators and
even artificial intelligence implanted in soldiers to speed up the body's healing processes.
The Defense Department's research wing has created a new program office to develop bioelectronic
implants that stimulate tissue recovery in complex wounds, such as those suffered by troops in battle.
The Bioelectronics for Tissue Regeneration program, which the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency announced Tuesday, is looking for advancements in biosensors, actuators and artificial intelligence that could "dramatically improve"
tissue regeneration.
DARPA will host a proposers day on March 1 in Arlington, Virginia to provide more information to interested researchers.
The Pentagon is exploring bioelectronics as a means to improve military readiness. According to the Defense Department, 23 percent of blast injuries sustained by soldiers will not fully close, and nearly two-thirds of military trauma patients suffer a
condition known as heterotopic ossification, "a painful experience that can greatly limit future mobility."
Under traditional "passive" approaches to treatment, catastrophic damage to
bones, skin and nerves take months to years to heal and often patients don't fully recover. DARPA's BETR program wants to
connect technology to human tissue to monitor, accelerate and improve the body's recovery process.
Read more here:
The Pope And Islam's Most Important Imam Just Signed A Covenant That Pushes Us Much Closer To
A One World Religion
A historic interfaith covenant was signed
in the Middle East on Monday, and the mainstream media in the United States has been almost entirely silent about it.
Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb is considered to be the most important imam in Sunni Islam, and he arrived at the signing ceremony in
Abu Dhabi with Pope Francis "hand-in-hand in a symbol of interfaith brotherhood". But this wasn't just a ceremony for Catholics and Muslims. According to a British news source, the signing of this covenant was done "in front of a global audience of religious leaders from Christianity, Islam,
Judaism and other faiths"...
The pope and the grand imam of
al-Azhar have signed a historic declaration of fraternity, calling for peace between nations, religions and races, in front
of a global audience of religious leaders from Christianity, Islam, Judaism and other faiths.
Pope Francis, the leader of the world's Catholics, and Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, the head of Sunni Islam's most prestigious seat of learning,
arrived at the ceremony in Abu Dhabi hand-in-hand in a symbol of interfaith brotherhood.
In other words, there was a concerted effort to make sure that all of the religions of the world were represented
at this gathering.
Read Here:
New Mexico Passes Law to Execute Babies at Birth
The New Mexico House approved a radical pro-abortion bill Wednesday that would keep abortions legal through all nine
months of pregnancy even if Roe v. Wade is overturned.
The Santa Fe New Mexican reports state House Bill 51 passed in a 40-29 vote after more than three hours of debate. Six Democrats joined Republicans to oppose the legislation.
Sponsored by state Rep. Joanne Ferrary, the bill would repeal a statute from the 1960s that prohibits abortions except in cases of rape, incest or threats to the mother's life. The statute is not in effect because of Roe
v. Wade, but if the Supreme Court overturns the case, it would go into effect again.
Article found here:
‘John of God' cult leader allegedly ran child sex slave farm
A cult leader known as "John of God" has been accused
of running a sex slave farm and selling babies to the highest bidder on the black market.
Joao Teixeira de Faria was arrested a week after over 600 allegations were made against him in what prosecutors say
could be the worst serial crimes case in Brazil's history.
The 77-year-old's
renowned spiritual world crumbled in December after he was accused of sexually abusing a Dutch woman on live TV.
The woman's claims prompted over 600 similar allegations to arise from around the world
from countless women - all of which Faria has denied.
Brazilian activist
Sabrina Bittencourt has now sensationally claimed the celebrity medium ran a baby trafficking operation, in which children
were "farmed" in Brazil before being sold to childless couples around the world.
Read more here:
And here:
Video here:
God: Liberals Try To Legalize Murder Of Infants Just About To Be Born, Remove God From Oath & Teaching Kindergartners
There Are '15 Genders' Without Parental Approval
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine "And thou, Solomon my son, know thou
the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind: for the Lord searcheth all hearts,
and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts: if thou seek him, he will be found of thee; but if thou
forsake him, he will cast thee off for ever." - 1 Chronicles 28:9 King James Version (KJV) Are there any more moderate Democrats? Those we, as conservatives,
disagree with ideologically and politically, but that do not subscribe to the radical left mentality? If so, they may
want to consider creating a new party, because liberal politicians have quite literally decided to forsake God, and
they are not even being subtle about it anymore. Democrats that now control the
House of Representatives are making rule changes, and one of those changes includes removing the term "so help me God" from the oath given to witnesses that testify before the House Committee on Natural Resources. | |
Read more
Texas Bills Threaten To Ban Christianity And Biblical Teachings ANYWHERE Outside A Church Building
Some conservatives are worried that the liberal Left and some upcoming
Texas state bills may try "to ban Christianity in Texas." Erick Erickson, a conservative blogger and radio host,
writes in The Resurgent, that some half a dozen bills will ban Christianity "in all but name." This continues a
long line of thought first advocated by the Obama Administration, which sought to restrict the ‘free exercise' clause
of the First Amendment to a ‘freedom of worship' standard. In other words, be a Christian in church on Sunday, but nowhere
else," he says... (READ MORE)
During a government shutdown that furloughed hundreds of thousands of workers, the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) continued operating and quietly received a $400,000,000 budget increase to further its insidious agenda to enslave
or eradicate a majority of the population. At an agency meeting last Tuesday, FEMA Director Brock Long told regional subordinates
that citizens who question the agency's mission are "nothing more than cattle" and must be treated as hostile combatants.
Read More here:
Exterminating Whitey
end game of identity politics.
In case anyone still needs confirmation,
the rage and frenzy surrounding the supposed standoff caught on video last week between Covington Catholic High School students
and an anti-Catholic, Native American activist demonstrates as nothing else has lately that the political left's primary aim,
the end game of identity politics, is the demonization of white Christian men.
Covington student Nicholas Sandmann was the unfortunate epicenter of this tempest-in-a-teapot concocted entirely
by the activist media, in which he and his classmates were falsely portrayed as racist bullies surrounding and taunting a
frail Native American "elder," Nathan Phillips. The truth - that it was the schoolboys who were verbally assaulted
by Black Hebrew Israelite activists, and that Sandmann did and said nothing but stand his ground and smile in the face of
Phillips' provocation - swiftly came to light, but not before the entire country had squared off over the lie.
Read More Here:
Extinction Level Geo-Engineering Experiment Begins in January
You think you have seen geo-engineering? With a Mini-Ice creeping over the globe geo-engineers are
coming out of the closet to simulate volcanic activity in our atmosphere to cool our planet. We are already seeing the
impact of global cooling due to the sun cycle but this will exponentially change the climate. The goal is to dim the
planet to cool it off simulating volcanic activity.
This experiment
will dim our planet already more than it has been dimmed. Since 1970 our planet has dimmed more than 30 percent.
This bodes ill health for all life on earth.
While the official
line is that this experiment will begin in January there is some evidence that it may have already begun. I have a source
who was viewing some satellite data and became alarmed when the whole earth was enveloped by a cloud-like layer this week
that had never been seen before.
They will be spraying, at first calcium
carbonate, but that will change over time. Side effects of calcium carbonate include:
- Taste Problems
- Constipation
- Feel Like Throwing Up
- Intense Abdominal Pain
- High Amount Of Calcium In The Blood
- Impacted Stool
- Kidney Stone
- Loss Of Appetite
- Swollen Ankles Or Feet
- Swelling Of The Abdomen
- Alkalosis
You can expect your food prices
to increase and experience unavailability of certain foods at certain times.. For the past decade or so I have been
experimenting with growing foods from hostile climates such as Siberia and even growing those I have been noticing a steady
decline in production and the size of the plants. This is before this experiment even begins. From what I can
determine, there are several components other than just the geo-engineering at work, such as nanotechnology and atmospheric
And by the way there will be a global tax that you must
pay because they successfully cooled the planet even though it as from natural causes.
One needs to begin thinking scientists and governance dictators knew this solar cycle was going to happen and perfectly
timed things to align various projects such as transhumanism, synthetic life, and the huge focus on adapting humanity to hostile
environments by engineering them.
This will prove to be a chilly
affair. Prepare to stay warm.
Article can be found here:
Canadian government says anyone giving birth to live humans is a threat to the planet... promotes abortion
and infertility
Wednesday, December 12, 2018 by: Ethan Huff
(Natural News) The Canadian equivalent of CNN has shamelessly published a climate "infographic" that suggests the number one thing everyday people can do to help "mitigate"
climate change is to stop having children.
Pointing to a study published
in the journal Environmental Research Letters, CBC News says there's actually nothing more effective at
combating climate change than for families to have at least one fewer child.
so-called "emissions savings" of having one less child is ranked in the "High Impact" category at 58.6,
while the next closest thing, living without a car, trails second at a mere 2.4. Down the list are other factors including
avoiding air travel, buying "green" energy, and driving a hybrid- rather than gasoline-powered vehicle.
"According to the brain trust over at Canada's taxpayer-funded media giant, quoting researchers at
the University of British Columbia, having one fewer child will reduce your annual C02 emissions by 58.6 tonnes," writes Candice Malcolm for The Post Millennial.
"That's a CO2 reduction twenty-five times greater than living ‘car
free,' thirty-six times more than avoiding air travel and thirty-seven times better than buying green energy," she adds.
Just admit it, Leftists: You hate the existence of human beings
Article can be found here:
Black South African politician urges followers to 'kill whites', saying: 'We will kill their children
and their women'
- Andile Mngxitama says for every
one black person killed we will kill five whites
- The BLF President even
claimed cats and dogs owned by whites should die
- He claimed the taxi industry
was 'killing' black people before a cheering crowd
- He defended his remarks
which were in response to billionaire Johann Rupert
Ross Ibbetson For Mailonline
Published: 04:55 EST, 13 December 2018 | Updated: 07:24 EST, 13 December
The leader of a South African political party has called for the
killing of white women and children in a row over the taxi industry.
Andile Mngxitama,
president of Black First Land First (BLF), was speaking at a rally on the weekend in Potchefstroom near Johannesburg when
he made the violent comments.
He tells the cheering crowd: 'For each one
person that is being killed by the taxi industry, we will kill five white people.
'For every one black person we will kill five white people.
can be found here:
Chrislam Founder Rick Warren Partnering With Mosques To Teach That God And Allah Are The Same
Defying some of his fellow conservative Christian critics, one of the most prominent religious
leaders in the country told several thousand American Muslims on Saturday that "the two largest faiths on the planet"
must work together to combat stereotypes and solve global problems.
plan's first step calls for Muslims and Christians to recognize they worship the same God. Interfaith reconciliation has been
proceeding for years between Muslims and more liberal-leaning mainline Protestant denominations.
Over the years that NTEB has been reporting on Rick Warren and Islam,
people will write in and tell us "but Pastor Warren denies that any of this is true". To which we say, "of course he does". And to a slight degree he is correct. Most of the work that he has
done to create Islam has been through parachurch groups like Kings Way that he is not "officially" involved with,
but finances and nurtures.
"Can two walk together, except they
be agreed?" Amos 3:3 (KJV)
Article can be found
Gene-altering scientist says he would modify his own kids
He Jiankui told Hong Kong seminar that parents agreed to participate, but the contract they
signed revealed a hefty payment
The Chinese biologist who altered
the genes of human embryos in an ethically flawed experiment that led to the birth of twin girls reportedly immune to the
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was grilled by his peers and media at a seminar in Hong Kong on Wednesday.
He Jiankui, an associate professor at the Shenzhen-based Southern University of Science
and Technology, apologized to his peers for the controversy as he spoke at the second International Summit on Human Genome
Editing in Hong Kong.
He quickly moved to defend what he did with the
twin girls. "I feel proud," He told a packed auditorium at the University of Hong Kong, whose skeptical
listeners included scores of reporters as well as David Baltimore, chairman of the summit's organizing committee and
the 1975 Nobel laureate in Physiology or Medicine.
Article can be found
DNC Chair Tom Perez Complains Voters Are Influenced by the ‘Pulpit on Sunday'
Wednesday at Demand Justice's "The Court In Crisis," Summit in Washington, D.C.,
Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez said Democrats have to adopta a "broader communication strategy"
because they are not reaching voters who are influenced by the "pulpit on Sunday."
Perez said "And we all have to make sure that we're affluent in what's happening across our ecosystem so that
we can come to each other's defense, because we need to build a bigger orchestra. They've had a big orchestra for some time
and they've got a megaphone to amplify, whether it's Sinclair at a local level, Fox at a national level. I've learned this
from the outreach we've done at the DNC. Why are we penetrating, they ask. And I had someone in northwestern Wisconsin tell
me, ‘You know what? For most of the people I know, their principal sources of information are Fox News, their NRA newsletter
and the pulpit on Sunday."
Article can be found here:
6, 2018 by SkyWatch Editor
We're just beginning an era in which new technologies
are about to pose unbridled opportunity to disrupt our lives, and not necessarily in a good way. Artificial intelligence is
advancing much faster than most people realize. So, too, is human gene editing, which took a terrifying leap forward this
month when Chinese scientists revealed that they had used CRISPR, a powerful gene-editing tool, to create disease-resistant
embryos. On Monday, the lead scientist, He Jiankui, announced that his laboratory had produced two baby girls-something that
is prohibited in Europe and the United States, for now. Of course, both A.I. and gene editing promise to change human society
for the better. But researchers I've spoken with warn that either technology could precipitate the end of life as we know
German Government Accused of Funding Brochure That Encourages Kids to Spy on Their "Right-Wing"
Natural gender roles portrayed as being a right-wing
Paul Joseph Watson | - December 5, 2018
The Federal Ministry for Family
Affairs in Germany has been accused of funding a brochure for kindergarten teachers that encourages children to spy on their
"right-wing" parents.
The 60-page manual was produced
by the Berlin-based Amadeu Antonio Foundation (AAS), an watchdog organization that tackles racism and hate speech. It was
co-funded by the Family Ministry, which is a cabinet-level ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The document offers teachers advice on situations such as, "How to deal with it when teachers
or parents make anti-refugee or racist statements in front of children, or directly attack refugee children or parents?"
Germany's biggest newspaper BILD said the manual was a training guide for recruiting children
as potential "informants" against their own parents, while right-wing party AfD said the NGO was employing "Stasi
methods" to turn kids into snoopers.
This article can be found here:
Biometric Scanning Has Rolled Out in Atlanta International Airport: "One Look And You're
By Meadow Clark
Atlanta airport's Terminal F has become the "first biometric terminal" in
the United States.
And Detroit is next...
As of December 1, Delta Airlines rolled out biometric scanning for air travel at the Hartsfield-Jackson
Atlanta International Airport (ATL), Terminal F.
International passengers
will be able to use facial recognition scans from "curb to gate" to get through every facet of their air travel.
While the face scans are lauded as a great way to save time, they really aren't as you'll
see below.
I'm sure any travel-weary person can think of many ways that
air travel could become more convenient and efficient. I mean, one of the strangest paradoxes of our technologically advanced
world is that it's 2018 and air travel is the most miserable experience. It becomes more miserable every year and no one even
wants to hear comedians talk about it anymore because miserable air travel is such a foregone conclusion.
The rest of the article can be found here:
JOHN NAISH: China's modern-day Frankenstein babies - and a new genetic experiment that could wipe out
- Chinese scientist said he's
changedfundamental genetic code of human babies
- CRISPR editing was invented
six years ago and banned in unborn children in UK
- Uses an enzyme to snip out
defective genes and insert ‘healthy' genetic material
By John Naish for the Daily Mail
Published: 19:02 EST, 26 November 2018 | Updated: 05:49 EST, 27 November
This is the Frankenstein breakthrough that the medical world has
long been dreading. A Chinese scientist yesterday declared that he has changed the fundamental genetic code of human babies,
using methods that are banned in most of the world.
The potential consequences
are as alarming as they are unpredictable. No less an authority than Professor Stephen Hawking feared such experiments would
one day create a race of ‘super-humans', ending mankind as we know it.
have already discovered that gene editing may cause a host of cancers as a result of interfering in a genetic code so complex
we will perhaps never be capable of understanding it fully.
The worst
news of all? The technique used by the Chinese scientist is so cheap and simple, it could augur a world in which any would-be
mad professor can rewrite the very blueprint of life, with no respect for the risks.
Of course the scientist in question, He Jiankui, an associate professor of biology at China's Southern University
of Science and Technology, does not describe it like this.
He claims he
is responsible for a medical breakthrough that can render newborns immune to infection by the HIV virus. He did it, he said,
using a cutting-edge technique called CRISPR (or Crispr-Cas9 to give it its full name) to change the babies' DNA before they
were born.
Article can be found here:
DARPA Insider Warns: The 'Voice Of God Weapon' Is Real: Can 'Talk' To You From Nearly A Mile Away,
Blind You, Or Melt Your Skin Off
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
People laughed years ago when former Minnesota governor Jesse
Ventura hosted Dr. Robert Duncan on his 'Conspiracy Theory' TV show and Dr. Duncan discussed what he called the 'Voice
Of God' weapon, technology he helped to develop. Allegedly used during the Iraq war via supposedly beaming Allah's voices
into the heads of Iraqi soldiers, telling them to 'drop their weapons', Dr. Duncan tells us they reportedly followed 'Allah's'
commands, not knowing they were coming from the United States military.
we've discussed voice to skull technology (V2K) in numerous stories on ANP, with at least one reader sure to tell us to 'put
your tinfoil hats' on, this new story over at the Daily Mail reports that the US Marines have revealed their plans for a plasma crowd control weapon that can "SHOUT"
at people from 3,000 feet away, then be turned up to temporarily blind them, or even turned up full blast to quite literally
melt people's skin off of them, causing nearly instant death.
With that story giving
us even more proof of Steve Quayle's warnings that the technologies we're officially being shown now are at least 10 years, and sometimes 20 or more years, behind
the technologies that have been already developed, can anyone now say that V2K tech is a 'conspiracy theory' when
we've now got mainstream news outlets such as Discover and Newsweek announcing it? Well if we look hard enough we find we were told long ago.
more here:
With 100 Sharia courts and 423 new mosques London is more Islamic than many Muslim countries
By Ronoc R. 11 October 2018
Mosques are popping up all over Britain, especially in it's capital city of London. Sharia courts are in full function in London; handing out actual decisions to London's ever growing Muslim population.
"London is more Islamic than many Muslim countries put together," Islamic preacher
Maulana Syed Raza Rizvi told local media
Churches still outnumber mosques in Britain, but there are
many mosques that are becoming overcrowded. Five years ago the Daily Mail published photos of churches and mosques in London. The difference was astonishing.
St Mary's Church had only 12 people attending mass. While nearby at the Brune Street Estate mosque there were over 100
Muslims, full to capacity.
Since 2001, 500 London churches of all denominations
have been turned into private homes. While this was going on, mosques have been popping up all over London. From 2012 to 2014
the number of Brits who identified as Muslim has grown by over one million.
information here:
Walmart just made an announcement that may make you never want to shop there again
Betsy Mikel
Oct 9th 2018 4:43PM
Walmart has plenty of haters. But for many consumers, Walmart's prices just can't be beat.
You can't afford to be choosey when you're on a tight budget.
If price
is not so much of a concern for you, what if you discovered that Walmart wants your personal data? And not just data about
your shopping behavior, which we already give hand-over-fist to Amazon in the name of fast shipping.
Walmart is interested in what's going on in your body while you shop.
The want to collect this data is a particularly creepy way: through the handles of their shopping
carts. The company recently submitted a patent to the U.S. Patent and Trademark office called System And Method For A Biometric Feedback Cart Handle, CBInsights reports.
These innovative shopping cart
handles would collect your biometric data, meaning your stress level, your body temperature, and heart rate -- all while you're
strolling through the aisles of your local store, filling your cart with Walmart's everyday low-priced items.
More information here:
Should Elites "Protect The World" BY SECRETLY BIO-ENHANCING MANKIND (Spiking Water Supplies,
Vaccinations)? - These Scientists Say YES, And Sooner The Better
the world through moral bioenhancement
by Michael Cook | 2 Sep 2018
The co-existence of large numbers of Very Bad Hombres and
readily available means of mass destruction is seen by a number of bioethicists as a grave threat to the future of humanity.
About a decade ago, some of them began to speculate about whether it might be possible to create a world of order, peace and
virtue through what they termed "moral enhancement" or "moral bioenhancement". The idea was to make people
altruistic and pacific by spiking the water supply, vaccinating them or adding agents to air conditioning systems
in public buildings. The latest contribution to the swelling volume of literature on the topic comes in an article
in Bioethics by Parker Crutchfield, of Western Michigan University medical school. He asks, should moral enhancement be compulsory?
And if it were to be compulsory, should it be kept secret from the population? He
answers Yes to both questions... (READ MORE)
***Important, Please Read ***
Satanism in America: Demon statue in Arkansas state capitol; satanic highway cleanup in Indiana
Posted on August 11, 2018 by Dr. Eowyn | 4 Comments
The Oxford Dictionaries defines "norm" as something that is usual, typical, or standard. To "normalize" some deviant thing or behavior,
therefore, is to make that object or behavior a "norm" - that is, making it acceptable by having the public
perceive it as usual, typical, standard, and humdrum ordinary.
has already surrendered to sodomy and "transgenderism" (a biological impossibility). What is underway now
is the normalization of evil - of deviant predilection and behaviors like pedophilia, bestiality, cannibalism, and
satanism. See:
This post is about the continuing efforts to normalize satanism
and satanists via:
- The installation of a satanic statue in the state
capitol of Arkansas.
- A satanic group adopting a stretch of highway in Indiana.
(1) Statue of Satan in Arkansas State Capitol
America already has public satanic statues and monuments in Detroit, Michigan, in a veterans park in Belle Plaine, MN, and in a park in Boca Raton, Florida, installed by a public school teacher no less.
Now, a long planned-for
statue of Satan will be installed right next to a Ten Commandments monument on the capitol grounds of Little Rock, Arkansas.
Last year, tens of thousands of people signed a petition asking the Arkansas state government to reject an application by the Satanic Temple to install a statue of Satan in the state capitol - to no avail.
Now comes news that the demon statue is set to be unveiled next Thursday, August 16, 2018.
There's a petition asking the Arkansas state government to reject the statue. The petition
will be hand delivered to:
- Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson
- his Secretary of State Mark Martin
- and Arkansas' Capitol Arts & Grounds Commission
As of this morning, there were 25,018 signatures; 40,000
signatures are needed. To sign the petition, go here.
(2) Highway Cleanup by Satanic Temple of Indiana
Another way to normalize satanism is for satanic groups to present themselves as just
another "ordinary" civic group.
To that end, the Satanic Temple
of Indiana has adopted a stretch of U.S. 421 for cleanup.
Fox 59 reports, July 9, 2018, that the Satanic Temple Indiana has completed their first highway cleanup project as part of its "Inverted
Crossroads" campaign.
Note: "Inverted crossroads"
is really an inverted, upside-down cross.
The satanists adopted a stretch
of US 421 and they are required to complete at least four cleanings throughout the year. Their portion of US 421 begins at
US 32 and runs south for two miles. As part of the highway cleanup program, a sign will go up promoting the Satanic
Damien Blackmoor, the co-head of Satanic Temple's chapter
in Indiana, said: "The cleaning initiative is a great way to get our chapter members involved while giving back to the
state. We're all very excited for this campaign."
John Horvat, Vice-President
of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), reminds us that this highway cleanup by Satanic Temple of Indiana is part of a continuing effort by Satanists "to break down
the barriers of horror towards the EVIL ONE. This is the last thing that our nation needs. Satanism brings God's anger
on our country. And making the public insensitive to it and even accepting it as normal only increases the problem."
There's a petition telling Indiana's Department of Transportation (DOT) to stop promoting
Satanism by allowing satanists to participate in the state's "Adopt a Highway" program as if they were just another
civic group. Sign the petition here.